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Section 7: Interrupting is Engagement!

In the next 48 hours, interrupt/engage (from Level 2 of course!) with at least two
people! Could be from your Top Five group or at a party or in a meeting—anywhere,
anytime. This is an important habit to get into as it breaks that trance of “waiting for your
turn.” You can do it!

Below are listed some starter phrases for you, to use in conversation. Pick one that
feels more natural for you to use. Even write it down and have a cheat sheet if that will
give you confidence! Then, after you’ve paused the conversation you can reflect back
what you’ve heard so far. Please take note of what happened when you tried it out!

Starter phrases:

• “If we could pause for a moment, I’d like to check in here…”

• “This sounds important so I want to be sure I’m getting it…”
• “Let me see if I’m understanding you so far…”
• “I want to be sure I’m following—you’re saying…”

Person #1 1. How did you feel when you interrupted/engaged? Nervous?

Empowered? Calm?

2. What happened in the conversation afterward? How useful was



Person #2 1. How did you feel when you interrupted/engaged? Nervous?
Empowered? Calm?

2. What happened in the conversation afterward? How useful was



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