SJ 410 Partscat

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=e STA4IO Prerace SHAE hen St becomes necessary to replace parts on SUZUKI VERICLES, always use SUDKI GENUINE PARTS which have passed a strict inspeetLon which guarantees quality and perforsance. ‘This parts catalogue covers the List of all service parts for SUZKE ‘SO810/S34109/53410M/S3A10V/SI410K/S9610°. INSTRUCTIONS FOR GUOTING THE CATALOGUE onenstous ‘Otmonsions oF the parts in this catalogue are indented in unit aillineters. 2. ABeREVTATIONS ‘obreviations used in this catalogue ane as follows: aR As requixed lunber of teeth ASSY + Assanbly OPT + Optional E.No. + Engine number os Over size Fillo. + Frame ranber st: Standard ‘ Dianeter of material T + Thickness 1D: Inside claneter us Under size o Outsice dtaneter ” woth L + Length UD Lert hand drive We tafe and sie PAD: Right hand dzive Re Right. hand sige ~S040-125456 + Up to F.No.S240-123456 ~F10A-S00002: Up to €.No.FLOR=Son00L S040-123456~ + From F.No.$340-123456 FLOA~SOO00L- + From E.No.FLMAASnOD0L pegs eo ome im pentane papas mo Bante mein 1D © Tor Wt) S3A10-3 ER - 1912545-56701 (Parts No z Andleates that the parts nurber was Ganged ts 12345-5781 ane the new parts are interchangeable with Gfe'forser ones Out the former ones are not interchangeable with e1y545-5670) (Parte aE eiaSetie + indleates that tno former and new with each other and’ both are Usable. The number of letter shown below arty Gity indicate the MODEL NE as ‘how eight side. 5.7) NNER PARTS OF ASSEMBLY } parts number that nave a period (.) mark in Front of the part description santo —] soma —| svany— on a text page are separately serviced parts of the assenbly. 4. MOOIETCATTON NOTICE [A parts bulletin will be sent to you on all occasions when changes in parts occur, including interchangeeble modifications between new pasts and old sa. ‘there are sone different. parte from those of production TOURS Sony spate pants for the aaninistzetive reasons end’ Connon use af then with other models. . 52. tn respect of rubber hoses and vinyl tubes, please be sure to use them by eutting off according to tne length fpentioneg an parts catalogue or what Is actually required fon the vehicle. 33. Note that the eravings on the 1lustratlon page are For [eady reference of spare parts runber, not to be used as an sonbly manual. hon assembling, use “SULIT SERVICE MANUAL®. ‘6. SPEOTELOHTTON cane This catalogue contains the parts for the model designed for the foltowing spec.5 spec. code : EL, E2, €6, 8, &9, £10, E12, E13, E14, E15, E26, E17, E28, £19, £20, £22, £25, €27, 50, EBL, EM, E35, £39, EAL, E42, EAB, Eta, E45, E46, EAT, E49, E54, 58, €59, EBL, €93, E94, £95, £98, ve ra. 12 am9-3 €1 SERIAL, FRME NER ‘ype 3 + EL (For General Mazket) "Soaio’ (Half Stool door type) 534109 (Steel door type). ‘$2410H (Long-sody type) SM1OV (Van tyBe) SMLGK (Decked type) SMIOP (Deckless type) ‘type 4 + EL (for General Market) ‘SO410\ Galt Steel door type) Salog (Steer coor type) S240 (Long-Body type) SULOY (van tyPe) Shade (Deeked type) SUELOP (Deckless type) type 5 + EL (for General Market) 2'Shaio’ (lal? Steel door type) 26109 (Steel, door, type) ‘SQaibit (Long-soey tye) shalov (an type) ‘Spel0k (Dacked type) ‘53410? (Deckless type) ‘type 3 + E2sE15,E16, 17,618,619 622,625,654, Eds; eke eS8 690. Cron elronban sazkét) susio (ait steel’ door type) s34l0g (Steel. door type) S2alow (Lang-Body type) SUlOV (Van tyP0) 3410 (Dacked t3pe) type 4 2 €2,£15,€16,617,E18,619,€22,€25,654, £59,654 690 For European’ Market) 2410. (ait steel door type) 24109 (Ste0l. door type) Suiiow ¢Long-Body type) Shulov (van type) ‘Suni0k (Decked type) type 5 + E24E15,€16,617,£18,629,£22,€25,£54, E9,c46 654 288 (For European’ varket) 2410 aif steel Soor type) Soat0g (Steel. door type) ss240-170001~ 940-1 70001- Soa)-l10001~ 334072 70001~ ‘sauor-120001- ‘SQuoT-120001- ‘soup-2e0001~ Porta spel-115001~ Sou0-1e0001- SSaar-1z5001~ 9407=125001~ s240-190002~ 3e0-1s0001~ Sae1-L2000 $240-130001~ 3401 -130001~ Shior-t3o0cl- _3en0sg4900058s001~- ‘Sennsdsoo00585001— $sa0s301000505001~ ‘SaNsoA0¥00585001~ [SAIS960700505001~ s$a05340000605001~ ‘3aa5340000605001~ ‘3tcs3e1000506001~ ‘Srcseovooensoas- ‘Sencs9aoTo0s06001- 35a0940000620001~ ‘Snosadooou62o00 S94]0¥ (Long-2o¢y type) ‘3$n05981000507001- ‘Susioy (Van type) Ssnosovousz0001~ S3410K (Decksd type) “SSaasoaoro0si0001- \ r ‘ \ 2) 2545-S5E78L (HO de pions) + indique que le nunéro des plbves @ ! ae . aid henge en W2sis-Se761 et que Les nouvelles pitces sont interchange- | ables avec les anclenes, mals que celles-cine sont pas sntezchangeables | avec Les nouvelles. 41 oevient nécessarie de xemplecer des pices sur SUKI VENICUES 12345-50181 (00 de pidoss) + sndique que les anciemes et eee mn a : nouvelles pieces Sont interchangeables les unes avec Les autres et toujours utiliser les PIECES O'ORICDNE SUZKT qui ont été sounises & ces contrbles ceareitiitesbles ehacune. de qualite stvares leur garantiseant qualité et perfornance inpeccables. | te cotalogue oo pioces aitacnes cove 1a Liste de toutes les pibes de | SeetesrocseasnastesnuanuanpniS Oven ce orange pout SUZMT S040/338200/S#10N/9610V/S910/SHN0P, | umn rete a Cesta tov ob blank tele | sux | Exam Stine She Sis Ser fa DISTRUCTIONS FOKR UTILISER LE CATALOBE 3. PIEDES_WTERES pe Lasse A, 1. omesi088 tes runroe de plbes qu comartnt un goin (.) avant ta désigution oe |” Ui cimntions ov pices dans co atalone sot tnlguées on ants oe ee ee eens Scan en aorta stuisretres. 2 ABEIATIOSS : avs wogetcarod tes abrévistions WMLI56es ders ce catalogue sont les suvantes i tr bulletin de pices céechées vous stra ervoyb A tout nnent epportin mm Comme requis NT Nonore de dents t quand des changenents de pibces ont Leu, y compris Les modifications de Assv: + Asenbage or pibces intearangedbles etre Les nouvelles et arciennes ples. vo. 5 Mindte soeur ‘s Fao, + Maize onesie 7 ean T+ Dtantze tncrieue is Sovs-chnensions ba. 1 exastecortaines pitces ctfrésontes ce exits ge eat pee eccie Beeeeeee eae Esigscr NSTaRG rosactan tu ue sateone 2 eivied'ec at 'usepe est coun aes tees haere tio ate 8 get eerie ce te th ce suse 2 tandlte eel a eer 52. Cconcemant les eurstes en cacutcnoue et les tuyaux en fe ote alt Sapeemant tes stare. les comes $ aston lenge Comme indique dane le catalogue des pltees détachées ou ~S140-125456:305qU"S F.NO.SI4O-123456. -FIOR-125456:Jusqu’a E.NO.FLORR123456, conme Anche cer ele pour as vinicvle affects. S940-1Z5656-:Depuis F.No.SIM0-125456 FOR-125456~:DepUts E.NO.FLOALZ3056 5. Noter que les dessins & 1a page 4° LLlustration sexvent & titre de référence pour Les nunéros de pitces aétachées, ot fon pas come reference pour LrassenbLage. Pour cette Geralere oséretion, se reporter au “WAMUEL D'ENTRETIEN Los chiffoes done 18 eolemne & aa ‘esargues nontzent es disensions. sons et a a i : BP esthiogoe content logis content les indications de pidces pour Le nadble congu suivant es Spéstti Mong suivants? Coce de spécifications : EL, E2, F6, £8, €9, E10, E12, E13, E14, E15, £16, E17, 228, €19, £20, 2b, €45, 27, €50, EDL, E34, £95, E39, Ea, EZ, E43, Fad, E45, Ea6, EAT, E49, £54, £58, E59, EBL, £93, 654, E96, Es NERO OE SERIE OU CRORE, ra. type 3 : 1 (Pour des marches Général) Sos10' (Bechée avec des doni-portes en wétal) 94109 (Bachée avec des portes en nétal) SUt0M (Type Longue carrosserie) SMIDY (Corrossée) S2610K (vec plateau) Sualoe (Sans plateav) ‘type, 4 + EL (Pour des marchés Général) S3ulo. (Bachée avec des ceni-portes en métal) Selo fouchée avec des portcs en meted) ‘SuAlOW (Type Longue carrosserie) ‘SBAlov (catrossée) SB8L0K (Avee plateau) ‘Sanloe (Sans plateau) type 5 : EL (Pour des narchés Général) ‘$2410. (Gachée avec des deni-portes en aétal) 534100 (Bsenée aver des portes en métal) S3410W (ype longue carrosserie) SUALOV (Carrossée) ‘SUul0K (ives plateau) ‘Spaioe (Sans plateau) type 3 + £2,€15,€16,€17,£18,619,£22, £25,534, é s340-170001~ ‘s40-170001- s34)-110001- 340170001 040T=120001- $3e0T=120001— 3t0-180001- suelcuisool- $340-180001- Shaor-125001- suoT-125001- '3340-190001~ ‘$o10-190001- ‘Soat-La0001— s340-190001~ swuoT-130001- ‘Soaor=130001- 35, £08, £54,698 (Pour dos barchés Européannes) $2810 (Gatngs' ave’ ces doml-portes en nétal) Suel0g (Gachée avec Ges portes en eétal) S2410H (Type Longue carrossetie) SUELOV (Carrossée) SUAIKK (Aver plateau) type & + E2sE15,£16,€17,€18,E19,£22,£25,634, "3s05340000585001- ‘aospt0000565001~ ‘Senosdszo00505003~ ‘Senosasovoasesool~ ‘Sgnosduoro0ses002~ £33, £46, £54,698 (Pour des narchés Européannes) ‘$240 (Bathée'aved des deni-portes en sétel) 04109 (Bache avec des portes en métal) SOLON (Type longue carrosserie) SMIOV (Carrossée) S2410K (Aver platesu) type 5 + E2sE15,€26,€17 £18, €19,€22,625,£34, ‘AdsJ40000605001~ $5n0s340000605001- ‘snospa1000506001- ‘sagspaovo0s03001~ ‘Ssaaso40toososoo1 55,E6,554,698 (Pour des marchés Eurcpéannes) ‘susio (Gnenée'aved des deni-portes en nétal) '$24109 (Bachée avec des portes en métal) ‘SQe1OH (Type longue carrosserie) ‘Sue10V (Carrossée) SomoK (Avee plateau) ‘saas.J40000520001~ ‘3a05940000620001~ 5a05961000507001~ 5a0s94avo020001~ Seaasd4or00510001~ e Etnlottung Zum Auswechseln eines Tells der Fahrzeugen stets nur Original Suzuki Exsatztelle vervenden, da diese Tele unter strengsten Bedingungen geprirt werden, un die Qualitat und Leistung 2u gowdhrleisten. Dieser ET-Katalog unfatt alle sunis Ersatztetle, aie fOr Reparaturnen bendtigt werden ‘S2U1O/S94100/S4L0N/S3410¥/S3RLOK/SIALOP. ‘rwelsung zur Verwendung des ET Kataloges Ma angaben [ALLE Matargeey in oiesen Katalog sind in aw Etnhotton. Abedrzungen Die folgenden Abkirzungen warden in diesen Katalog verwendet: AR t Wie bendtiot NT Anzahl dor Zhe Assy + Baugruppe Kanpl. or Zusatzeusstattong Esto. + Motorunnmer 0s Obernaa Fito, + FahrgestelInumer sto Standard ‘a Ourchesser des T + Stacke Materials 1D + Trmendurchnesser us: Unterms o wSendurchnesser " + Brelte L Loge v0 Links gestevert. ui Links PHD: Rechts gesteuert RA: Rechts =S940-125456:615 zur F.NO.S940-123456 -FLOAW123456:8is zuF E.No.FIOA-125456 |53H0=123456-:A der F.No.SI40-125456 FLOR-125456~:Ad der E.No.FIOR-125456 i # x aa ssove-laga tte In der Beschelbingsepae 1 0 Tor WL) Se10-3 £1, -7- 17345-5676) (Exsatztelle Wr.) : beduetet da8 Ersatziette Numer £54 gewichselt 20, 12545-56781 und dle neve Ersatzteile sind Auswechsel~ basket mit aan Letzten aber dle Uskehrang Ist unedglicn 212305.56781 (Evestzzetle tx.) 2 beduetet eB dle Letzte und neve efsatataile sind AuswocnseLbarkelt miteinancer. Die anzant. der Quchstsben unter arty O'ty(henge) ist oie Hegel bezsicmun. Yue eee Teme ou, am Sees Taal Der Purkt (.) vor cer ET-Beschrelbung bedentet, daB diese Teile aus dex Baugcuppe separat: Lieferbar sind. A. Umschiieselung eines Exsatztetls Unschiisselungen und Ausnechselberkeit werden Ihnen soweit erforderlich laurch etn Auto aitgeteilt. 5. Tut Geacntana + Sah. Es ktmen sich Ersatztele von den in dex serie eingsbauten Serie elngebauten Teiion unterschetden 52. Alle Senlauche (Gummi order vinyl), die im Katalog vermendst werden, mussen enteprechend der Lange ugescnnitten wezden. 53. Alle Zeicnnungen im Katalog sind zur Exkennung des Ersatztells 24 verwenden und nicht als Service Vandbuch. 6. Speziftieation code Dieser Katalog unfast dle Ersatzteile fOr dte Modelle mit den folgenden Spezifikationen: Spezitikation Code EL, £2, F5, EB, E9, E10, €12, E13, ELA, €15, Els, £17, E18, E19, £20, 22, £25, £27, E30, ESL, E34, E35, €39, EAL, 42, £45, An, £4, EA6, EAT, £49, E58, £58, E59, EBL, E93, £94, €96, £98. 0-5 EL 7. FohegesteLJowmr type 3 + EL (FOr ALigeneinen Market) Badu’ Gialb sent tosensuefoneung) —— S340-17000)~ hudog (sean. tarenavetancung) Soe0-1"o001= Sha0n cLange karossorle typ) Soet-11t001- SRUDV CGangstant eusrOncung) Sheo-1 Tago Suei0x cAusfonrung mit stoftverdeck) —$9407-120001- Shei0® (Offene AnsfUncung) SSaor-1a000t- ‘ype 4 + G1 (For Allgpeeinen Haxket) Zheto’ (Hal stant torenaustohewg) ——S340-160001~ Shilog (Seah torensusranzung) sas0-La0001- S3aion (Lange karonserie typ) SDalcisooL- ‘Sov (Sanestant aus"thaute) Sou0-100001— Sale (RieFEnnung'mit stoffverdecky S3aor-125001~ S510 (0FFene AnsfOnouna) Shot-125001 + EL (FOr ALLoeneinen axket) Gfalb stan tiveneustareeng) —_$940-190001- {Stam tdranaustanzurg) Si10-150001- (ete Kerouserie tp3 Soar" daooot (anzstan) austOngune) S310-190001- faustonrung nis stoffverceck) — S040"~130001~ {GtFene araFEncurg) SSaarcasoont 12. + £2,615 616,17 £18, £19,622, 625,634, ESI Ead,o54,e08 (rl Europhischen Parket) G@iaib stan tavenausfineung) asAN940000585001~ {Stahl erenausroneere) ‘3soso40000585001~ {Eatge tezossorte tyr) Boosderovosoo00L- ¢éangstonteus"araune) “enos uov00s@500L- {husronaung’ alt stoffverescky —SSADSNAOTEOSOS001~ £2,615 £16,617 £8,619,622,625,054, £99; £ad,e54,690 (For Eurondischen Masks) Gib steht’ tazesausfukrune) JsA08940000605001~ {Stan torenausfonzura) Stes cone Scone 3) Borasoetooososo0L- (Ganeseaha astunoune) Bnosseovoneosoot- Gausfonrung mlz stotfvercock) Sends a4oTO0SOE001- = 2/15,€16 £17 £18,£19,622,025 636, £3}, E4b 654,698 (Fur Earophischen Maxwet) jab stant tavenausroneena) hdsaaocons20001- {Stan tOrenausrancung) nosauoooosa0000~ Lange karoaserte typ) ‘Brosaero00s700L- (Ganesan aust) ‘nosveov00e20001- ResFéhtung mit stoFfvecceck) SSADSAOTODSIOD01~ sano-s 1 <9 PreFACIO uarde se hace necesario reerplazar las piezas en VEHIONOS de SUZUKI, siravase usar sienpre las PEIZAS GENJINAS OE SUZLKI que han pasado una estricta Anspecetén de calidad y zendiniento. Este catdlogo contiene todas las plezae sveltas pore ‘S3410/S94100/S2410H/S34L0V/S3410K/S 24100 TRSTRUCCIONES SOBRE EL. cATALOGO 1. menstones [Em este catélono, las dinanelonen de Ine niLinetzes. texas €9 Indioan on unided ¢e 2 aenansas Lar strate dens ete entan sn com sae fa er ance TOs hie cesses ev Scone or bart fio, 1 Kia el tess er Foo. heme de acti so sta © otamte ot mteist oT yearns litre interes Satan © Olin etere wt ae Et Uo uate x ta tet ‘ete Be ive «ts ere RH Lado derecho ane ~Smsd~1284S6:Hasta F.No.SI40-123656 Soadm125456~:Desde F.No.SI40-193456 ~Flak-123456:Hasta E.No.FLOA-123056 FlOn-123456~:0esde E.No,FLOA-123456 xx 56 Los ndmeros en 1a columna de {1 ‘Observer lones” suestren 186 dinenstones bob tor. Biese co slave. 2 w jeza) : indica que el ninero de pieza fue veciflcage 0 fs-S0781 eum ls quevesplezas son intercarbbles Con las anterieres, pero no vicevers $17545-56781_ Oo ze) ; indica que las plezas anticuadas y rievas son intercembiables indistintanente. £1 nimera de 12 sostrado en “Cantidad” mniestra pL NOMERE’ DE MODELO con ‘Se indica al lado derecho. song soa svalon— 3. PIEZAS INTERNAS EL cONIITO 1 némero de pieza que cuenta con una marca de perioco (.) antes del nonbre ¢2 pleza inclea pleza con relacién al conjunto. 4. MOTICTA ¢ vooTEN Renitizenos un boletin de pleza en acastones de moditicactén de plezas, Ancluyende nodifiesctones de intercanblabilidad entre les nuevas y vieJes plezas. 5. NOTA, s1. hey ctortas plezas diferentes de aquelias de modelos de procucelin entre Ios plozas de Tepvesto por razones SGninisteatives y uso comin de atlas con los otros modelos. 52, en evant a las mangueras ce gona y tubes de vinilo, Slivase usarlas corvando.segdn ia Longltud menctonsda en ol Ealdlogo de piezos © sogin 1a Longltud realmente Tequerida pot el voniculs. 53. bebe observance que los dibujos dados en la pigine de {ilusteacion son pare 1a répica referencia del ninero do pleze de Tepuesto, y no para usatse cono un sanual oe ‘rmaco, En el axmado, use el "MPNUAL DE SERVICIO DE sume". 6. COMDIGO OE ESPECIEICACION Este catélogo contiene las piezas para el modelo diseiinéo para las sigulentes especlficacién; Céndigo de especificacién + EL, €2, €6, £8, €9, E1G, E12, £13, E14, E15, E16, E17, €18, E19, 20, E22, €25, E27, €50, EBL, E34, £5, 59, Eh, E42, E45, Fak, EAS, a6, EAT, E49, E54, £58, 659, EBL, £93, E94, £36, E58. S005 -n- r 7. MNERO OE SERIE DEL cusnro ToL. type 3 + €1 (Para norcaco caneral) ‘S3dl0" (Tipo media puerta’ de ac2r0) type & + £2sE154E16,€27,€18,619,€22,€25,534,059, £46, £54,€98 (Para eroado Europeo) $24]0_ (Tio madia puerta ce acer) type 5 + £2€15,€16,E17,£18,F19,£22,£25,650,659, 46,54,€90 (Para nezcaco Eureoeo) sao, (Tigo media puerta’ de ecero) kgs 8 tar 596109 (Tipo puerta: de acero) ‘S3410W (Tipo earroceria) SMIOV (Ti9o eueres eure) SMLOK (Ti90 "Plk-up") S«IGP (Tipo chasis con cabina) type 4 - (Para mercado General) ‘$9410. (Tipo nedia puerta de cero) Sulaog {Tipo puerta’ de acers) Sualow (Tipo esrrocerta) S3810v (Tipo cuerpo duro) ‘SUAI0K (Tipo "Pick-uo") SUA1OP (Tipo chasis con eabina) type 5 + EL (Para nercado General) ‘S3u10_ (Tipo media puerta: ce acaro) S30 (Tien punt’ op aeero> S3iloW (Tipe Carrocezta) SaMov (Tipo cuerpo duro) SBNDK Tipo *Pick-uph) S1s10P (Tipo chasis Gon cabina) type 3 + £2,F15,616,617 £18,£19,£22,£25,£54,639, ag 654,96 (Para texcido Eurobeo) 2810 (Tipo nedia puerta de acero) $34109 (Tipo pusrta’ ce. ace $34l0M (Tipo Earroceria) S3610¥ ¢Tipo cuerpo duro) S3420K (Tipo "Plck=us") =) 594109 (Tipo puerta de acero) §94104 (Tipo carrocerta) S9410V (Tipo cuezpo. duro) ‘S3el0k (Tipo *Ptck-upr) S3a10a (Tipe puerta: de acero) Se10W Tipo earroceria) S3E1OV (Tipo cuerpo curo) S344K (Tipo "Pick-up") a1. ‘sau0-170001- 9a-170001— S34]-110001~- ‘3310-27000 ‘S9a0T-220001- ‘S440T-120001- $3e0-e0001~ ‘Sa0-280001- ‘saei-115001- ‘s340-180001— Shao7=125001- SM0T-125001- s340-190001~ ‘S2e0-190001— Shak-La00= 'S3t0-130001— ‘soioT-130001~ Sunt-130001- -33n05940000565001~ 3 405340000565001- ‘Brasdelooasesp0n~ ‘aos aovonsesoon~ SsagsunTOnscsoo1- -3saasauoo00605001- ‘5a05.40000605001~ $35a0s3e1000505001~ Bags 3eove0s0s001~ 3aas340700506001~ _asansgeogons20001~ 3a0s3¢0000820001~ $38a05301000507001~ 35a0s3c0vo0g20001~ ‘35a052407O010001- color Chart ‘Tablead des couleurs Guacre de colores Faroenbelle calor to. | Golor dosoristion Calor so. | Color deseripeion 1° de covleur| Deseription de couleur |R0'ce eouteur| Deeeription ce coutour Yosde calor’ | Descripcian de colar” |ovce calor | Uecerspstan de color Farbeage | Ferbbesehreibung Farscode | Farbbeschretbucg oe [pteck ai |Shareoad Gray oF [Sunday Orange (Tape) we __[beige ey 6s [pure wits “Gr __| Soke Beige o7e__[Fantany Brack L__|Grayish Seige ore [pure Rea (Tap8) aor [erayish beige ort [Yetiow i | Charcoal oray = [ost Javisson Yettow eR_|Lighe Gray GR Teetard Biue RetaTive “S| Graroat Gray 1S [Snow vite 2x__|erayien Seige 13 [Ghrone YetVow (Tape) 4eq__[érayish Beige 162__[Brack ‘sor [Grayian Beige Talim aur foray [Gray Cape) ai__| Furrew Gray Ted [Crystal Silver Wetat Ne aut [Red 9H Eerald Green ‘ad Sper ray ZA [pote | oray 716 [orange ‘on Betee Tit [Pervetet Red aro [Beige 1 ZO [Pate Gray wiley 1 Ze [pare oray as [aeeive we | ZER [fool Pole Gray Core 00 [adventare Black] Zar quatre Blue ih [Back | HE [toot Pate bray Cape) aa ray 7 [aia Tare Gray (Tape) Black 776 |Senea Turauwise ievéral Gray Zel__ [Black on. [etack 251 flack seni-Gioss Pearl white ark Brue (Tape) Pearl white Light Gray (Tape) are | cearcoal oray Black 283 _[Seow slack Fy 5410-3 1 aa K bors: 8 MILLIMETER + INCH CONVERSION CiaRT Color chart Taeveau fon Oe MLL > {ata te caters ERBRO Oe CONVERSION A UNIDAD BE MILMET AOS PLLGADA fade | MILLIMETER 5 ZOLL UNRECHNUNGSTABELLE o 1 z 3 4 e 6 7 & 9 olor to. | tater description Cotor No. | Gator description NO de covleur| Description de couleur |N° de couleur) Description de couleur = 000 | 030 | 079 vig} 57] 197 | 236] 276 | sis 354 fo.ds cater | Deseripctan de color” | calor | Descripcién de color fe Farbcode Farbbeschreibung Farbcode Farbbeschreibung w3et | a5s 472 | 52 | -35) 391 [630 | 669 | 709 748 eerlegania Sarr laisee0 ¢ ® 20 | wer | .ae7| 806 | 906 | 945 | 90 | 1.024] 1.063 | 1.102 | 1ie2 Se leer Sou [sass 30 [ania | vo [zee [1269 | sie | come | ne | ces? | ras | 18 Ht 55 [Excellent White 76D ‘O5F+019+076 40 | 1.575 | 1.614 | 1-654 | 1.693] 1.7 iia 1 | 5 [exeet Tent Tack Tal s0595 ere lpael pon ZS i pees Eta etree Sst [esean Jap | saeeee -s68 | 2.008 | 2.007 | 2.007 | 2-126 | 2.165 | a.a0s | eae | aes | 2.005 see oe © | 2.302 | 2.am2 | 2.001 | 2.460] 2.520 | 2.950 | see | 26m fer | 2.717 Ser [Charcoal ory wP _factens 7 | 2.76 | 2.795 | 2.0% | ae a: t sor owent Say ares miles el ee ea Sis as [ems [oo onl ao er |Charcoat Gray ae [aeoeauTealy 2 | 3306 | 5.306 | s.aas | 5.408 | 3.500 le ao eet 90 | 5.545 | 5.505 | 3.022 | 5.601 | 5.701 | 3.790 | a.700] a.019 | 3.050 | see 362 [Snore Beige ae [aero =i [ero we __[aaseaeeu soi (Beige ae [acne Node de Tecture 5 [Beige an [aes Mocs de teen say [brew Bx [ase risitung 390 [Beive ar wseane tots] 356 [beige an |Tree7esrame TH [Beige up |Te76seaen ql Brom anaes au Brown Soa |avivaas Tie Ree Cape) sro [avieaa eS joark Siue (fase) ig sara 23 ailtimetars equal 0.908 inch 07 [Peart white se eareais B milingtes Sealer 9.908 rouce ES a 28 millinetor entspricnt 0.906 zo Gonbiration oer [sas | i : eS Se aT Contents are subject to change without notice or abligation. Fa [sas 7 Tne Ss partens tes sont scenes tre modes sas oravis eatin = Seus5eH Et contenido esté suje mesit ee e514 sujewo @ mocificacones sin previo aviso. 7on__| 589-50 Hinderungen vorbehalten. somno-3 £1 ~1e- i 2610-3 £1 15+ 1 soeioea £1 0 FG.19 FIG. 20 Tee sumo-3 £1” sotio-2 £1 oe : 3 8 ay Zé ee se : & . ta 3 a/ ae EL @ FG. 73 AG. 74 AG. 75 gf a i , 4 “f : Set e@ 7 3410-3 £1 Te fe FIG. (-B 2) ENGINE GABE Ser \ | en } seen, PART na,__pestmreTao4 aver vk genes a | SP tnsto-abals GASKET SET, engine Tat 1léoo-e0sre 2 LXOT"BORTR GASKET SET, cyLinder heas 2 1 1 etoc-soat 3 MM75102 «BASKET, cy/Linder hea 2d quays 4 me9-79000 OAKEY, liner tad cover 211 5 AYS-rI001 SHED, tnvather plate raid 6 69-73002 LL eAOKET, striutor case LY 7 HUV-TIOOL ABET, Intake manifold = 222 @——usocra000 “lease, exaust manifold = 1d 9229-73000 GASKET, cylinder block plate 1 2 2 yo 1452-73001 “oASKET, ofl pan rid 1 App-79OI—LOAGET, thntng belt cover, = LT 12 Hp-7300@LOAGET, ofl cea reusing = 22 T 13 ste5-e0000—_OASET, carburetor 222 1 Y6tI9-73002OASKET, el pnw cose rad 15 7eBI-7300L —“OASET, water pump rad 16 datel-ao000 “eka, earaust. pipe era 17 \4esp-7300) SET, muffler Jotnt rid 18 ssI9-73001 LAST, fuel pump eae 17569-00000 “GABKET, thermostat oop ead 20 7599-73000 “GASKET, vatar Snlet pipe == 1d somos €1 saeio-3 1 r | FIG. \ \ 2 i FIG.2 (1-8 3) CYLINDER HEAD, } aw | ART NO. __besta1eTION yamm v 6ie __ReRURKS 1 n0-2000) HED, eylinaer 12 2 eimio-e0000 2A. AT11573030-001 OE, Snot valve aa ith 2-2 U1N15-€2000-001 .ONDE, int valve 66 8 suas. ile} $ens000087292 Hi -35n0S941000505004~ i /J5A0S340¥00587298~ teshiroosese03- Het 3-1 11126-75000-001 CDE, exaust valve eae il 3-2 M115-02000-001 ODE, exaust velve a4 8 Spams HI ‘S34,-110415~ i Stuor-100777~ i Sonos000867292~ Ramet | Serosna0v0007298- | $aosnanv0080005- ' 4 owamn-30002 AU s35 lt S$ linze001 “uh, oth verturt Rad 6 aes-75102 GAS, cylinder teal Dot anmaso, Ht 7 o9g0s-13001 RROD PEN 222 ill 8 onorione ett cans?) yo 0 0 i 9 onigo-Lonse MASHER (10.5:2212.3) wo 6 10 | ww LLI7L-75000 «COVER, cylinder head ae } LL ueri000— PUNE, breather Lia 12 NLY73001— SE, oreather plate haa: bosoms emt aes Le ies-73000 GAS, head cover tate i 15 Ms0-7eIoL GRO, heed cover 44 4 anse-7o00 Hn 6 1517-06603 «BOLT aa Th 17 un7e-75000 PIF, breather aa l t= —nuiacremo HES, breather 11 1 Leases i 19 opuol-esoa cua 222 | zo eazo-onnn2-— ca, ol fiber 1k 1 stesz0-0001 Hh | i somos e1 l Y susia.a e1 samo-3 £1 PAT NO. opae2-00175 09462-00151 0982-00377 9es2-0067 82-0155 942-0299 mute1-£0000 11168-75002 4221-06129 optos-oase 09103-00155 11952-75101 1952-75111 11962-63020 11362-83010, 1s62-e0010 9810-3 EL FIG.2 (1B 4) CYLIBOER HEAD DESCRIPTION PLUG, spark (HLEEX-U, NO} PLUG, spark (BPSES,NGX) PLUG, spark (N9YE,CHPION) PLUG, sparc (RISER, 10) PLUG, spark (BPRIES, NOK) ‘SPARK PLUG (BPREES NOK) Ase, distributer GasKeT, case ioc #8 aur, naa (x23) LT, No.2 ¢ex83) BOLT, No.3 (8x0) GLEN, spark plug BALEN, spark plug LROEL, inFoxnat ion Lage, Anformation LeseL, Anformation Y ova y iP aaa aaa 446 aaa hat aie 222 aio rid pid ria hid raid hae ROR €2,66,615,£16,E17, ele:w/catalyzer type 3 type 3 EQEG,E15,€16 617.618, 15 ,£22,€25 638,655,639 Ene E50 65 type ary tye 475, eife,615,c16,607, £18, 15,622,625 630,36, E5659, £46 630,698 Elaenfeatalyzer 1 1 FIG.3 { ‘ sa oe eo eu Fisiiet ifsc ee y a ‘opaui-20002 PLUG, No.3 (00:20) 222 ? 5 06206-05003 PLUG, oil gallery hud 4 6 ‘9206-06002 PLUG, of] gallexy 222 stl toe fect noes ETT he sees ae ute a Piet eel alice Bieta cea dane aa Bie eet eee ete ey Bietees lias fit ee eH cette Un testes eerie ee FIG. (1-B- 6) OTL Pa op2i-2106s WK MISHER on : AG.4 Re PART NO. DESCRIPTION O/QiN_¥_K/P__RERARKS hi 11510-80002 PAM, of 1 2 2 #itsio-soco. Lis-701 GAGE, ol pan bad : 09100-06119 BOLT ws le 18 Ke pua-0c00s LK WHER wie Hel | 09247-12101 PLUG, oil drain Aa ae Ht | oo16e-12007 eI aay yi 16920-20001 STRAINER, oil pump 2 1 1 16520-80000 fH oraw-1ecas ORG had i ounces malt fern WS A ouo7-0s16s sour 222 i . ee aa w | ) | \ | | suas €L g 3410-3 £1 FUG.S (Be 7) ENGINE MOUNTING ( FIG.S 1 ary 4 RERNO. PART DESCRIPTION yn REMARKS { 1 112610:80020 MOUNTING, engine front. 202 2 «1i610-so0.0 3} momawn tale 4 muo-g0010 OEY, Front Mea i . 11650-80010 BRACKET, front LH Pee ta i 7 08321-21083 LOK WASHER aaa j 8 ouu07-08203 BOLT Beet ae @ > wma om wser 222 o teeeas man pao | n 11661-80001 BRACKET, body side RH pi. Pett ner gett ener eat AE | omomo ext aaa 1 “ LOCK WASHER aa & |B item er ansana. ealbe ett lee imate: cee eet an ota 2 cuneate bad 3 wane won tia 2 wm geet mareetig | 2. cuoT-06i63 LT 2p 2 econ: no MORK a Sloman Uso wen ae | \ | 4 1 i s3e10-3 £1. we i | j | soma-3 e FIG.6 (1-8: 8) CAAMSHRET ay REFNO, PART ND DESCRIeTION vg _v Kye RENRRKS LL 1aiLL-75107 PISTON (STO) aa 2-2 12111-75107-025 PISTON (05:0.25) ae 1-3 12LLL-75107-080 ersTaN (0520.5) aaa 2 Lalates1i1 ING SET, piston (STO) aaa 2-2 inuadhysutiozs are SEY, pisten (OS:0.25) 4 23 1214075111050 RING SET, piston (0S:0.5) aus 5 51-28001 PI, piston au 4 opsbie16001cIRCLIP ese 3 12160-75001 Ra ASSY, connecting aa e 6 0159-08033 ese Tel 12181-82051-080 SEARING, connecting 8 8 8 sm ais STS sio20-0n0 7-2 \aal-#1081-025 SEARING, connecting 8 8 8 w8:0.25 (7:1.625) sianéi-af0s0-023 7-3 ni81-81051-050 BEARING, connecting 8 8 8 ws et.75) #12181-81086-050 8 Lra1-75105 coasts Lo 1 etzza-r5i02 9-1 12300-73811-040 BEARING SET, crankshart 22 a sto cr2.0) 9-2 LIBOO-TSBLL-025 BEARING SET, cranksnatt Lp te Sinn cram 93. R7300-73811-090 BEARING SET, crarkshart af us:0.5 ¢r:2.25) 30-1 22500-73050 SEARING SET, crank thrust ao 1 10-2 12300-73950-012 SEARING SET, crank thrust 22 2. os:0.125 (122.369) 0-5 12500-75980-025 BEARING SET, crank thrust Lo 1 6520.25 (122.625) TL 06265-32025 OIL SEAL, Front. ry a 12 12635-78400 GUIDE, Lining belt tora 13 12631-79000 PULLEY, timing bedt aoa 1 opsei-si0s9 KEY hod Lye 2611€0501 PULLEY, crank LoL 2 etacn-e0s00 15-2 2611-77100. PULLEY, crank LoL el6yEL7 e493 Ye op1g3-17002, aaLT (120) Rid 17 05283-0005 LL SEAL, rear Riad 18341-73000” HOUSING, oL1 seal ria 19134973002 GASKET rid 20 O1s17-06205 BOLT, Ne-t eae 2. 1817-06253 DLT, No.2 222 22° ouatt-gplo9 KWOK PIN 222 ssaai0-3 EL ssami0-3 €1 i FIG.7 4 oe 59410-3 wea 8 18 wa v2 1» FIG.7 (18-10) O84 SHAFT AND VALVE ND. PART No. vznio-sc002 araL-73000 aavs1-73001 09293-57022 127487300. ai22-08128 12060-73008 caiz2.06i6? a-73002 12691-73001 17888-73010 5139-07002 Ciara 12915-73003 “Hsar-r3002 12591-73011 12991-82000 2932-45010 12932-82000, 12933-73000 9288-07005 pescRrerrot CAM SHIFT ASSY Genk, distributer drive (ou, fuel pune * an. seat Lave, cam snaft thrust screw SHAE, valve rocker screw DFM, valve rocker SPRING, rocker arm SOREN, valve adjusting nur vauve, sniet. aye, edaust SPRING, valve RETAINER, valve spring RETAINER, valve spring COTTER, valve OTTER, valve SEAT, valve spring OL SER. an ova ¥_ KP x 16 6 2992 _ Y¥eo? soaie-s 2 a $5008 1 6 1 6 6 RENARKS. ‘si2720-3000 wre st291-78100 sazes-73002 -s\z9c0-s2810 ‘san0-172793 SaeL-110512- So40r-120630~ SBansaconoosea7es- ‘enasaun000s03000— ‘Brosuovonsas76s— ‘nos acroosas013— syo-t72783 SMar=tiosi2 ‘yaoT=120830~ $35n0s040000588769~ ‘srosnei000sa3000— ‘snosquavonses76>- ‘snognuoToosa301>- FIG.8 as tesceun ew eT ee ie ots eee eco oma EEC Ht pe 2 umm toes ean etic oa SEU iser atetdHltser ete ue Pata aecttteotia stata 3 opariom GONE Net toate ite careless ta Piieeaeeeaees ttle tae ta 2 mace? ease 6c 2) ae > oimacoe sweat ast tomes teers or Peep ereeriaen inten ee eet ase oie fa Peeeeeeseetcttaee tects eet irdeto fn esteem tence sae Ieee nen eat al ea tugeen gone, ratan ee 2 omrxes Oe a TeCeet Io erect ey, i a ea ether etie ee Bono onr ea Blame Woe 12.90008.5 oa Better mae lle ea ey 3 Maco rocioet, Unig wit tt BOO : Peeeconiacen eed x oumoers eT (.2060.0 eer Pion yaa (mee) eed See erent ej eee Pa foe ouaeamre any ees eee Stott tas et ea n mmaoe user o.5am0.6) ec 1 i @ | sane i 89810-3. ET i ta. (1-812) INTAKE MANIFOLD en vegp, mr ster iam we tonne omen fet neni cera teeta copes eee ee an 1 Bimaoos oct, cmbrtr fe 3 ores sum fee 2 Gms tao nen Blais 3 tues ue fate Se econ reesei soeetor teat e $, Sumac tamu, nse rere wae pa ues, ike Lo amen. "3 Bune tour, inte ttt mewn "2 ewe wr, rome tik eueeo 7% ison muon, tea til Mines a omnes Sat ao (IEE Gimnonme Sea, ee face a usb 08321-21085 LOCK WASHER ae [TE Saas bi, ees et i 2a oesio-in0ss NUT 777 j 2 Se ee tn 4 15 18560-00010 MISTER ria ew e uw 9520-12011 GROMET 222 u ty copie0-08092 SPACER (8.2x12x6) 2 2 2 Es (2 Bite wen ecaaen.o abaliae Fe camanes oar tan |) scones ose, conser temmitele 1 1 Ee AnmsOoT a 19 o94a8-ooczs LIP Di. BB won cuenta) om a 3410-3 £1 pee - a 16.9 (2-B-13) INTAKE WANTFOLD ow i | geesp, pagr ma pester cvgn_y we REM i 20 18118-80010 VALVE, PCY 1 1 1 €2)66,£15,E16,€17,£18, i Eisatess. cose, ~ Spee 8 | Sa vo 1 secon mas, row Lok Bites eger7 ei, Sn wertae oe 22 2 entesis,e1ec17,018, £15,£22,€3,650,638, ESS ,630)e66 5,698 23367-18003 AY, PO LoL 1 62,86,e15,816,617,518, £15 €22,083,€50,654, 55,699,606, 654,699" soober aoa i Gn se +o distributor ‘ be ah 12181-79200 HOSE, breather (L:szSela0) 16 E1S £16, 617, £18, £15, €22, 655,650,634, 55,659), £58 | xca isis ons, orate C625) 1 (BY Aina tase) oreater eso) Lae amano vee, boner sass =e 4 6 09401-18504 cua 4 4 & €2,66,€15,E16,617,E18, iBieaes ene Ben nein ee i soa #1 i | 410-3 1 Sa es FIG.10 (18-14) INTAKE MANIFOLD CELB:W/CATALYER) on RENO. PART ND. DESCRIPTION 8 REARS 1512i-80000-‘TASMATER, carburetor Ts12s-eon00 GASKET, carburetor ‘ioe-08t6s STUD mL foes2i-21086 LOOK WASHER to distibutor 2 3 4 5 oepl0-12086 NT 6 7 e 8 to air cleaner rpne-ecéco — MAWIFOLD, Antake Y5LL9-75001 GASKET, Antake mandfold ‘o92e6-05001 PLUG 1 ouLi-oga0s smu e0tt 9-2 oNeni0820s STUD B0LT, earth WoL 08521-21083 LOOK WASHER 30-2 08321-21086 LOIX WASHER, earth uel oepio-iz0e3 aT hia ofsin-anee NUT, earth 0 ” . 12 e11B-€0010 VALVE, POV 13 ung3-90000 HOSE, POY he sapL-L3ace cL 15 08367-14003 3 WAY, POY x 2191-79700 HOSE, breather (1:625%100) 17 11979200 HOSE, breather (\:625»260) 18 osuol-8304 CLA 19 06345403101 MISE, distributor vecuum sasio-s £2 sust0-3 FIG.LL (1-213) EXESSION COMROL PART NO pescererioN yein9-20100 VALVE, ninture control (MOY) yei58-s0600 CLA, NEV 1 (02142-06123 SORE 1 seaie-g0401 BRACKET, NEV 1 o1si7-0a1es BAT L 19125-80400 VALVE, vacuum euiteh (VS) 10127-20800 VALVE, air bleed CONT (RRL) 1 18510-75030 YALNE, transetting (TV) 1 18133-90400 FILTER ASSY, VI 1 as4o-80000 ES, choke opener 1 o9se7-4002 3 WAY, vacuum hose 1 19473-20400 HOSE, HEY to intake 1 o95a3-05068 HOSE, 3 way to HOV 1 09343-05004 HOSE, 3 vay to BVSY 1 (09345-05083 MISE, BYSV to Intake 2 9543-05090 HOSE, SET 0 3 way 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 a 2 2 2 2 1 9343-25020 HOSE, choke opener to JET 09343-05091 HOSE, ABOY to CARD slow (09383-05083 HOSE, ABCY to CARS main (O9M3-07117 MISE, ABCY to sir cleaner (09545-02099 HOSE, positioner to VTY ‘opuoe-conss CLIP, vacuum hose ane-0034 CLEP, vacuum hose 7590-71500 SWITCH, choce thermo 19560-80010 CANISTER 9320-12001 oROMFET 9180-00092 SPACER (8. (9160-00075 WASHER (8.225416) ouor-oa1es 801 (09343-05055 MISE, canister to manifold aasos370 SUBSRBPURESCESRGEGRE BS eevaurune soins € 5u410-3 7 j | | FIG.A2 (1-C~ 2) CARBURETOR on eNO, _ PART sescererign ovarn ¥ Kip REMARKS Tel 15200-00521 CARBURETOR ASSY tid 2-2 15200-80300 CARBRRETOR ASSY LoL 1 egstis,e1s.e19, £23,623, €50,658,655, ESjE03, E40 258 1-3 15200-60510 CARBLRETOR ASS roll ev,ee Lat 13200-60552 CARBLETOR ASS Li - se 2 szrag0n00 —.0T, union rid 3 15272-€0000 UNION, nipple Rid 13292-80000 GASKET 222 5 13370-20000 VALVE ASSY, neose aad & = 13250-e0u00 FLOAT rid 7 zzie7i00 PN, Float LoL 2 et3asa-eod00 ge st-e0000 caster ria Yo cauuz-0szs —_.scnew x3 19 08521-21057 LOCK WASHER 333 1 2s2-20000 —_.cAsMET ria 12 ations screw 333 18521-71087 Loe aster 333 ve s272e8000 SOREN, ate adjuster LoL t ea32ss-a0040 15 weri-eooo0 sere ria Vel O5491-21015 37, main (108) ria 16-2 09491-25018 «ET, main (113) LoL 1 €2,e6,€15,€15,617, 18, €19,€22,£25,£20, E3aE33, 699,805,266, sates a? zs9-ez200—cASMET 2b 2 a3391-7a030 1 tsase-e0000 PLL ria 19 sz49€0000 GASKET ar. 2 13573-80000 SPRING, throttle back rid Die gpasz-46o2 —-2ET, slow (46) aid Bind 09492-45017 DET, slow (45) LoL od eatereis.er6,e17, £18,615, €27,835, 640, 34,535,699, 649,606, 54008 22 32e-p0000 PLUG, slow jet aid % 3610-80000 VALVE Aid 24 + selL-b0000 Aske aad 0416-3 €2 Note + ELa(Weatalyzer) see next Fig, seams 1 1 1 an (ines Re¥-No.4/0/12/17/19/24/26/27/26/29/30/31 and 32) Ee y ee p22: oa bad B gee eee Ae EPery 16133-20400 13699-80020 CaF, 2 |geee2222888 £28 APL Fg.23 (L-C- 4) CARBURETOR (ELB:W/CATALYZER) on ENO. PART oescere7 oN ogy ENA 1 13200-80100 CRRGURETOR ASSY pany 2 rs27e-ec009 «904, unton ro 5 13272-60000 ANTON, ntpple 1a &—ae280n00- .cASET 22 5 15370-90000 VALVE ASSY, needle 1a 6 13250-80000 «FLOAT ro 7 wsaaL-ezi00 PIN, float 21 23254-80000 8 13251-c0000—.caSKET ria 9 o7ii2-0sa08 sore a3 10 08321-21057 LOOK WASHER 33 nt 2280000 ASKET aa 12 auiz-08108 —«SOREW 33 15 Oas21-21088 LOOK WASHER 33 na 13620-80400 -POSITTONER ASSY ro 1S OpepL-260n7 ET, man ro xe 13259-82100 CASKET 11 13391-74030 v7 1328-80000 PLUS aa 18 1525-40000 GASKET a. 19 ss7s.eodco SPRING, throttle back a. mo 8492-5001 ET, slow pany ZL 15246-0000 PLUG, slow Jot ra 2 3e1n-80u00WALYE ra 2 well-8o0no «CASKET ro 2h 13612-80400. SAITON, throttle 1a 2S aei5e040d —SWTTOA, thnottle ras 2% 13495-90000 ASKET 22 27 ue1-s0000_OTAPYRAGH ASSY ra 7 15484-20000. SFRING Ba 2) 13456-60000 DOVER ASSY Ra sa. 13487-80000 .820T ra 31 13486-80000 «SRE 3 ” asker set yo Cine Re? No.4/0/11/16/20/23/26/27 and 28) 35 pesp-gono PLUG, Ade Bini 1 sans EL 0410-3 £1 FIG.14 i 10.16 (Lc 3) AIR CLEMER ew : fart va,_eseerso4 my ees aio CAS A887, F Sle eee ci Gpoveton, GNSS aig ewer 21) Mem it TS canon GAS ASY, alr lease Lol 2 eiswestanr 7 Sree eer ara 3 amos “We, ate See ee t oenmianee MI GEE 3 beevsm ake ae t Brmromo FILTER, ake wor So casz1-21083 LOOK WASHER 222 errr pane eS eee gee coe 10 ‘osao2-6a306 © CLM, air cleaner eae Tr gwozsesee cu, exturtor ca ee eee ee ee t Gposainn Sane ee ” 15870-80030 HOSE, cool six wait 3 beer ame faa ie sios pad tr omaas sen faa eo j eo 7 / 4 /S940-3 £1 2810-3 €1 “gy a f

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