Higher Aspirations: Feature

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Article courtesy of Ecolibrium magazine, an AIRAH publication.

Higher aspirations
In recognising the need to tackle climate change, universities have become
bastions of intelligent and environmentally sensitive design, writes Matthew Dillon.

Think about university buildings and That’s the old model. The new model That’s one of the reasons why universities
the image that probably comes to mind of university building such as the Bond are frequently near the forefront of
is the traditional one: large, classically University Mirvac School of Sustainable sustainable design: they want the
imposing buildings characterised by ivy- buildings in which their students learn to
Development (MSSD) on the Gold Coast reflect those same values.
strewn walls, concrete quadrangles and
reflects how universities see themselves
steadfast columns. They are structures Also, because universities like to see
that evoke qualities we associate with today: intelligent, forward-thinking,
themselves as trendsetters and leaders,
our established tertiary institutions: responsive, socially and environmentally they are often enthusiastic about building
imposing and unalterable knowledge, and conscious, ethical, and committed to exemplar projects and championing
the culture of authority. community. sustainability.

32 E co l i b r i u m   •  D E C E MB E R 2 0 0 8
Article courtesy of Ecolibrium magazine, an AIRAH publication.


Bond University’s Mirvac School of Sustainable Development is the first to achieve six-star status.

“It definitely makes it more exciting,” accepting a slightly higher risk on The School of
says Brian Schmidt from Lincolne Scott, outcome,” he says. “I rarely go onto a
who was mechanical engineer on the university campus without being excited Art, Design and
Queensland University of Technology’s about a building or two.” Media at Nanyang
Institute of Health and Biomedical
Innovation. “From my experience, Professor Paul Thomas, vice-chancellor Technological
tertiary institutions have a good mix of the University of the Sunshine University in Singapore
of exemplar projects and very ordinary Coast, has noticed the trend toward
The School of Art, Design and Media at
buildings, depending on where they more sustainable buildings – both at
Nanyang Technological University in
find themselves in the funding cycle. universities and in the commercial sector.
Singapore set out to create a building
The design of an ‘ordinary’ university “It’s remarkable, even in the last five that symbolises what an art, design and
building is sometimes subject to very years, how many people have started media school stands for: uniqueness and
severe cost pressure and I think it to talk about environmentally sensitive creativity. And that is exactly what the
reasonable to state that most engineers buildings,” he says. University achieved: a building that is
prefer working on exemplar projects.” iconic and one that epitomises originality.
“Recognition of climate change and the
The way Schmidt sees it, universities
imposition of carbon taxes are forcing Perhaps the highlight of the building is its
should be in the group of front runners
people to behave more responsibly. curving green roof, which sets it apart from
when it comes to sustainable design.
And in many ways universities see their the other structures on campus, but blurs
“This is where they should be in terms of legitimacy defined in their response to the line between landscape and building,
showing the way and even, if necessary, climate-change issues.” and blends with the ground contour.

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Article courtesy of Ecolibrium magazine, an AIRAH publication.


The green roof at Nanyang Technological University insulates the building.

The green roof offers considerable Bond University “This is a significant project that
benefits. Apart from its striking visual showcases leading sustainability design
impact, the turfed roofscape is an easily Mirvac School and technology. The award of six-star
accessible functional space that allows of Sustainable green rating means the building design
it to be an informal outdoor communal Development has achieved world-class excellence.”
space. The roof insulates the building,
If there was ever a university building When planning and design of the
cools the surrounding air and harvests
you’d expect to embrace energy building began in April 2006 there was
rainwater for landscaping irrigation.
efficiency, it would be in a school no rating tool available to guide the quest
The glass facade provides a high- dedicated to the teaching of those to achieve world’s best practice. One
performance building envelope that principles. And that’s certainly the case advantage the design team did have was
reduces solar gain and heat load. At with the Bond University Mirvac School that the MSSD facility manager was an
the same time, it permits natural views of Sustainable Development (MSSD) integral part of the process.
and daylight into creative spaces. In the building on the Gold Coast, which is “With Bond University we had the
evening, the building glows like a lantern. the first Australian university to attain person who was going to be overseeing
The interiors of the building are lit and six-star “World Leadership” status from the building helping to drive design from
the activities within are fully exposed the Green Building Council of Australia day one, which ensured that the high-
to view. (GBCA). It is now regarded as one of the performing building would be designed
greenest education buildings in the world. to perform exactly as the university
“As this is an art school, we decided to
give it a very raw feel,” says the school’s Arup sustainability consultant Henry wished,” Anning says.
architecture and building consultants Anning was part of the team that The end result is an impressive
Singapore CPG Corporation. “The designed the building. He says the achievement.
designers deliberately left a lot of surfaces, design, construction and operation of
both indoors and outdoors, unfinished. the new three-storey building reduces There are several components to the
These unfinished surfaces as empty energy consumption and greenhouse gas sustainable HVAC&R features of the
canvasses suggest possibilities, where emissions by 82 per cent compared to a building. A weather station on the roof
the art students can use them as giant conventional building. is connected to the building’s building
billboards to express their youthful management system. When temperature
“The building also generates around
creativities.” or humidity reach certain points, the
40 per cent of its peak power through
BMS turns off the air conditioning.
Raw it may be, but the building proves solar heating and other initiatives such
that sustainable design can be as stunning as energy-saving controls on installed All systems within the building are
as it is effective. lighting and wind turbines,” he says. integrated into the BMS, which itself is

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Article courtesy of Ecolibrium magazine,
an AIRAH publication.


integrated into the campus-wide BMS.

“There is a multi-split VRF air-cooled air
conditioning systems to take advantage
of the wide-load diversity within the
building, estimated by Bond University
as 80 per cent of offices vacant 80 per cent
of the time,” Anning says. “The building
makes use of mixed-mode with ceiling
fans to encourage natural ventilation and
extend the comfort range without air
The corridors and common areas in
the building are naturally ventilated
all year around. “As movement spaces,
it was decided that natural ventilation
was the way to go. What that means is
the students have to be made aware that
a couple of days a year they may feel a
little cool or a little warm, depending on
Other sustainable features in the building
include: occupancy and daylight-
controlled high-efficiency lighting (T5),
with task lighting in offices; regenerative
lift technology, which generates electricity
as the lift descends; solar hot water with
gas boost; and grey water collection, to
name a few.
A comprehensive water recycling design
means that the entire water requirement
for landscape irrigation is sourced from
rainwater and recycled water collected
on site.
“It has been a wonderful opportunity
to create a building that sets a new Form meets function in the outdoor room at Bond University’s MSSD.
environmental standard for universities
throughout the world,” Anning says. in dress code and more willing and able “Overall building height is 1.2m less than
to modify this if environmental outcomes would have been required from ducted air
are real.” conditioning. This provided both capital
The Institute of The IHBI presented particular challenges
cost savings and a reduction in recurrent
expenditure and maintenance.
Health and Biomedical for Schmidt.
Innovation (IHBI) QUT wanted a commercially viable “Less space needed to be allocated to air
handling and/or risers, because only fresh
at the Queensland research laboratory, but one that was
air is being pumped. Annual operating
flexible, innovative and sustainable.
University of It therefore boasts a range of key costs are predicted to be 30 per cent
Technology sustainability features including natural lower. Absenteeism is predicted to drop
light, 100 per cent fresh air, lowered because only outside air is used.”
“All forms of educational building
present interesting challenges for building height (1.2m), recirculatory Two separate chilled water systems were
engineering services designers,” says fume hoods, heat reclaim and rainwater used. One provides 18°C water to beams
Lincolne Scott’s Brian Schmidt. “Open collection/storage. and the other 6°C water for outside
space requirements and future usage The building was designed to incorporate dehumidification.
flexibility are but two of these. It can the first commercial application of passive
also be assumed that users are possibly “Ceiling style, indeed its very existence,
chilled beams in Queensland to meet the
more discerning than usual, keener to was much debated,” says Schmidt.
ESD and functional requirements of a
participate in appropriate environmental “Beams work best exposed. They do
very aspirational brief.
outcomes, and that property management not need a ceiling. If this is found
will be highly tuned. It is also generally “Chilled beam cooling has provided IHBI aesthetically unacceptable, the ceiling
the case that occupants are more flexible with significant benefits,” Schmidt says. needs to be at least 50 per cent perforate.”

36 E co l i b r i u m   •  D E C E MB E R 2 0 0 8
Article courtesy of Ecolibrium magazine, an AIRAH publication.


Environmentally sustainable design principles are central to the Chancellery building at the University of the Sunshine Coast.

So as an engineer, is it frustrating when spaces,” says Professor Paul Thomas AM, “The ESD principles of the university are
architects push for form over function? the university’s vice-chancellor. central to the design,” Architectus says.
“Offices and tutorial rooms are mixed-
“Yes, sometimes,” he admits. “However, “This has been a strategy that has not
mode. That is, they operate without air
I also see little of lasting merit in a been without some problems, but
conditioning for the majority of the year.
building that is totally functional. I we established that we wanted to be
However, each room has an individual air
believe best outcomes derive from team a university that was committed to
conditioning unit to maintain comfort
members who like working together, being an architectural laboratory for
during temperature extremes. Separate
understand the needs of each other and sustainable sub-tropical design, and have
switching for each space eliminates
have well-established design procedures.” received many accolades, awards and
the unnecessary use of energy. All
international recognition in journals,
corridor spaces are external and non air
books and magazines for our work.”
conditioned, and the theatre is cooled by
The University of Today the university is committed to a displacement air system.”
the Sunshine Coast sustainable design more than ever, but
The Chancellery’s north-south
accepts that climatic vagaries demand
When the University of the Sunshine orientation allows the building to
occasional intervention from heating and
Coast, one of Australia’s newest tertiary maximise light and breezes, and helps
cooling systems.
institutions, was being established in 1994, minimise energy consumption.
it did so with a theme of sustainable design. The centrepiece of the campus is the new
Steel-bladed eyelids above windows help
Chancellery building designed by Kerry
“We wanted to ensure that we developed reduce solar gain throughout the year.  ❚
and Lindsay Clare of Architectus.
a building program that was as sensitive
to our sub-tropical climate as possible The building houses academic offices,
and relied as little as possible on artificial tutorial rooms, student services, a theatre
means of heating and cooling internal and a café.

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