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Unit 7 test

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___________

1 Complete these sentences with the words in the box.

banana board hoist rope ladder (x2) slide sheet

1 Use the ____________ to lift heavy patients out of bed.

2 Use the ____________ to lift your buttocks off the bed.
3 Use the ____________ to help roll over the patient.
4 Use the ____________ to pull yourself up into a sitting position.
5 Use the ____________ to slide the patient onto the toilet seat.

2 Complete these sentences with the correct form of will or be going to.
6 Just one moment, I ____________ bring you a wheelchair.
7 First, we ____________ roll you over onto your right side.
8 Andy ____________ help you out of bed, Mrs Takahashi.
9 ____________ (you) see Mr N’Diaye in room 14, Sylvie?
10 Hold my arm, Mr Wilson, and I ____________ pull you up.

3 Put these words in the correct order to make telephone expressions.

11 is / hello, / in Rose Ward / Staff Nurse Tate / this
12 a porter / I’m calling / to ask for / to Radiology / my patient / to transfer
13 me to / would you / for you / spell that / like / ?
14 accompany / who / the patient / will / , please /?
15 very much / you / for / help / thank / your

4 Match 16–21 to a–f to make word partnerships for surgical supplies.

16 catheter a) tube
17 surgical b) gown
18 hospital c) set
19 specimen d) cup
20 IV e) tape
21 sterile f) bag

5 Complete these sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
22 I ____________ (order) twelve new sharps boxes for the Operating Room.
23 The hospital safety officer ____________ (write) a new sharps safety policy for our hospital.
24 Before the new policy we ____________ (use) special trays in the OR.
25 We ____________ (report) 200 sharps injuries last year.

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6 Choose the correct words in italics.
26 Do we have enough / many tape?
27 I don’t think we have any / much hospital gowns left.
28 How any / many boxes of bandages do we need for next week?
29 I can’t find any / much clean sheets. Do you know where I can find some?
30 Is there enough / many disinfectant?

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