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Unit 6 test

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___________

1 Complete these words. They are all forms of medication.

1 ca_ _ _le
2 oi_ _ _ent
3 su_ _ _sitory
4 inje_ _ _on
5 in_ _ _er
6 dr_ _ s

2 Choose the correct words in italics. Then match the forms of medication in 1 to the
correct route. You can match some forms of medication to more than one route.
7 into / up the ear (13) ____________
8 by / on mouth (14) ____________, ____________, ____________
9 by / on the skin (15) ____________
10 on / into the muscle (16) ____________
11 under / above the tongue (17) ____________
12 into / on the rectum (18) ____________

3 Write these calculations in words.

19 150 mg + 25 mg = 175 mg
20 60 ml – 45ml = 15 ml
21 30 mg ÷ 2.5 mg = 12 mg
22 5 ml x 10.5 ml = 52.5ml

4 Complete these sentences with the expressions in the box. Use the information in brackets
to help you.
every four hours every three hours once a day twice a day

23 The correct dosage is 50 mg __________________ . (07.00, 10.00, 13.00, 16.00)

24 Dr Parker prescribed 1 tablet __________________ . (breakfast, bedtime)
25 We administer her morphine injection __________________ . (06.00, 10.00, 14.00)
26 I take my iron tablets __________________ . (breakfast)

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5 Write sentences to warn patients about possible side effects. Use may or might and the
verbs in brackets.
27 you / slightly nauseous (feel)
28 some patients / night sweats (experience)
29 my husband / any side effects from this drug (not get)
30 it / a few days to heal (take)

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