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Algal growth potential and oxidative

stress in Ankistrodesmus falcatus
exposed to waters from Xochimilco Lake
system, México
a a b c
O. Abeja-Pineda , E. López-López , L. Favari & J. E. Sedeño-Díaz
Lab. de Bioconservación y Manejo, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias
Biológicas, I.P.N., Prol. de Carpio y Plan de Ayala s/n, 11340 México
City, D.F., México
Departamento de Farmacología, Centro de Investigación y de
Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Apdo. Postal
Click for updates 14-740, 07300 México City, México
Coordinación Politécnica para la sustentabilidad IPN. Edif. De la
Biblioteca Nacional, 3er Piso, Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional s/
n, Esq. Wilfrido Massieu, Col. Zacatenco, 07738, México City, D.F.,
Accepted author version posted online: 23 Apr 2015.

To cite this article: O. Abeja-Pineda, E. López-López, L. Favari & J. E. Sedeño-Díaz (2015) Algal
growth potential and oxidative stress in Ankistrodesmus falcatus exposed to waters from Xochimilco
Lake system, México, Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 18:2, 221-231

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Algal growth potential and oxidative stress in
Ankistrodesmus falcatus exposed to waters from
Xochimilco Lake system, Mexico
O. Abeja-Pineda,1 E. L opez,1,* L. Favari,2 and J. E. Sede~no-Dıaz3
Lab. de Bioconservaci on y Manejo, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biol ogicas, I.P.N., Prol. de Carpio y Plan de
Ayala s/n, 11340 M exico City, D.F., M
Departamento de Farmacologıa, Centro de Investigaci on y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politecnico
Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:51 24 July 2015

Nacional, Apdo. Postal 14-740, 07300 M exico City, Mexico

Coordinacion Polit
ecnica para la sustentabilidad IPN. Edif. De la Biblioteca Nacional, 3er Piso, Av. Instituto
ecnico Nacional s/n, Esq. Wilfrido Massieu, Col. Zacatenco, 07738, M exico City, D.F., M
*Corresponding author:

The aim of this study was to assess the toxic effect of the water of Xochimilco Lake on a native
microalgae species of the first trophic level, Ankistrodesmus falcatus. We evaluated oxidative stress
(lipid peroxidation, and antioxidant activity of the enzymes: superoxide dismutase, catalase and
glutathione peroxidase), and algal growth of A. falcatus, when exposed in bioassays to waters from
three zones of Xochimilco Lake (urban, tourist, and agricultural), in four study periods; the responses
were compared with those of a batch control. Water quality shows serious deterioration in the
Xochimilco Lake system. Biomonitoring with biomarker responses provided information about the
spatio-temporal impact of pollution on A. falcatus. Water samples of the three study zones of Xochimilco
Lake induced oxidative stress in A. falcatus, and impaired its antioxidant enzymes and algal growth
responses. Alteration detected in algal growth and oxidative stress of A. falcatus when exposed to
waters from all sites and study periods make evident the toxic effect of the water from the Xochimilco
Lake system.

Keywords: algal growth impairment, biomonitoring, wetland, urban lake, algae bioassay, bio-
markers, lipid peroxidation, algae inhibition/stimulation

Introduction deterioration (Ochoa and Gonzalez, 2008), and

can cause imbalances in the different metabolic
Pollution of inland waters by industrial and processes of aquatic biota (Sherry, 2003). Xochi-
domestic wastewaters, without adequate treatment, milco Lake system (XLS), located at the Mexico
generates complex mixtures of organic and inor- City, has had an extensive historical and cultural
ganic xenobiotics provoking water quality tradition. In 1987, the UNESCO designated

Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at

Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 18(2):221–231, 2015. Copyright Ó 2015 AEHMS. ISSN: 1463-4988 print / 1539-4077 online
DOI: 10.1080/14634988.2015.1040709
222 Abeja-Pineda et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 18 (2015) 221–231

Xochimilco as a “world historical and cultural analyzed with an Integrated Biomarker Response
heritage.” Biodiversity of XLS is valuable, since it (IBR) and related to water quality parameters.
is one of the last vestiges of the lakes of the Basin
of Mexico City (Ezcurra, 1990), some of its native
species have significant biological and commercial
Material and methods
importance; furthermore many migratory birds Study area
temporarily increase its diversity contributing to
its ecological uniqueness (Martınez-Cruz et al., Xochimilco Lake has an approximate area of
2006). In 2004, XLS was added to the Ramsar 423 km2 at an altitude of 2240 masl, the zone has
List of Wetlands of International Importance a dry season from November to April and a rainy
(RCW, 2008). Nowadays, XLS faces various prob- season from May to October. The study sites were
lems: urban sprawl, overexploitation of aquifers, located in the three zones that are distinguished in
drying of springs, and discharge of wastewater the XLS by the land use (Figure 1): The urban
from two treatment plants that replaced the origi- zone (UZ 19 16.337´N-99 06.038´W) character-
Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:51 24 July 2015

nal springs that supplied the lake. Additional water ized by irregular settlements and domestic waste-
inputs include domestic wastewater from untreated water discharges, the tourist zone (TZ 19 17.055´
irregular human settlements; wastes from livestock N-99 06.022´W), where tours are offered in boats
barns, from tourism activities, and pesticide resi- “trajineras,” and the agricultural zone or
dues (Bojorquez and Amaro, 2003). Some xenobi- “chinampas” (AZ 19 16.631´N-99 05.620´W)
otics promote oxidative stress in organisms, when with cultivation of vegetables, ornamental plants,
they undergo oxidation-reduction transformation and also with activities of cattle farms.
into reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as the Four sampling periods were analyzed: the rainy
superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide, or hydroxyl season (May and August 2009) and the dry season
radical (Atli and Canli, 2010). These ROS can (November 2009 and February 2010). At each
cause deleterious effects at different levels of bio- study site, several parameters were recorded in situ,
logical organization (e.g. molecular, biochemical, using a multiparameter probe Quanta: dissolved
and physiological), that can be detected with early oxygen (DO mg l¡1), conductivity (mS cm¡1),
warning biomarkers that identify changes at either pH and temperature ( C). For each site and period
biochemical or cellular levels (Sherry, 2003). of study, water samples of 500 ml for water quality
Lipid peroxidation (LPO) is one of the main analysis were collected in duplicate. Also, water
effects of ROS, and has been shown to occur from samples for bioassays were collected.
the toxic action of environmental pollutants, lead-
ing to loss of cellular function (Storey, 1996). In
healthy cells, ROS are detoxified by antioxidant Water quality analysis
defense systems such as antioxidant enzymes: Variables determined for water quality were:
superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and nitrites (NO2 mg l¡1), nitrate (NO3 mg l¡1),
glutathione peroxidase (GPx), that inhibit the for- ammonia (NH3 mg l¡1), total nitrogen (NT
mation of pro-oxidant agents, therefore, these mg l¡1), orthophosphates (PO4 mg l¡1), total phos-
enzymes may be used to detect sensitive signals phorus (PT mg l¡1), sulfate (SO4 mg l¡1) and color
for deleterious effects of environmental pollution (Pt-Co units) using the techniques of DLR/2500
(Van der Oost et al., 2003).
The aim of this study is to assess the toxic
effect of the water of Xochimilco Lake in the
microalgae Ankistrodesmus falcatus (a native spe-
cies of XLS). The algal growth potential and oxi-
dative stress was assessed from exposure of A.
falcatus to three contrasting conditions from
Xochimilco Lake in four periods of study. Bio-
markers analyzed were: LPO, SOD, CAT and
GPx, and the growth inhibition or stimulation of
the exposed microalgae were tested and contrasted Figure 1. Location of study sites in the Xochimilco Lake
to a batch control. Marker responses were system.
Abeja-Pineda et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 18 (2015) 221–231 223

HACH spectrophotometer. Hardness (CaCO3 mg bioassay (72 h), using a Hach spectrophotometer
l¡1), chloride (Cl mg l¡1), alkalinity (mg l¡1), bio- DRL 2500 at a wavelength of 620 nm. A similar
chemical oxygen demand (BOD5, mg l¡1), were set of bioassays were set up (n D 6 replicates),
analyzed following American Public Health Asso- according to the procedure outlined above for bio-
ciation (APHA) (2005). Total and fecal coliforms chemical assays. At the end of the bioassay (72 h)
were analyzed by the most probable number algae were centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 15 min,
method (MPN) according to APHA (2005). Con- the supernatant was decanted and the cell packs
centration of metals: Pb (mg l¡1), Cd (mg l¡1), Zn were immersed in ice to prepare homogenates
(mg l¡1) and the metalloid As (mg l¡1) in water using an electric homogenizer (Biospecific prod-
from each study sites and sampling periods were uct, Inc. Model 398). Three replicates of each bio-
analyzed after an acid digestion by the method of assay were used to prepare 10% homogenates of
flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (GBC the cell packs of A. falcatus with 0.1 M potassium
Avanta Version 2.01), as indicated by the Mexican phosphate buffer (pH D 7.4) to assess LPO and
guidelines NMX-AA-051-SCFI-2001. CAT activity. The remaining three replicates of
Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:51 24 July 2015

each bioassay were used to prepare 10% homoge-

nates of the cell pack of A. falcatus with 50 mM
Bioassays with Ankistrodesmus falcatus potassium phosphate buffer (pH D 7.4) to assess
for algal growth potential and for SOD and GPx activities.
biochemical tests
The strain of A. falcatus was provided by Cen- Inhibition/stimulation of algal
tre for Research and Advanced Studies of Instituto growth potential
Politecnico Nacional (Lab. 16). The algae were
grown in medium BG-11 which contains: NaNO3 The daily growth rate (mday¡1) was calculated
(17.6 mM l¡1), K2HPO4 (mM l¡1), MgSO4 according to NAERP and EPA (1971): m D Ln (F2/
(0.03 mM l¡1), CaCl2 (0.24 mM l¡1), citric acid F1)/t2-t1, where t1 is the start time and t2 is the time at
(0.031 mM l¡1), ferric ammonium (0.021 mM the end of the bioassay (72 h), F1 and F2 is the absor-
l¡1), Na2 EDTA (0.0027 mM l¡1), Na2CO3 bance at t1 and t2, respectively. The inhibition/stimu-
(0.19 mM l¡1), algae were previously rinsed with lation of algal growth potential was calculated based
NaHCO3 to remove the culture medium according on the specific algal growth rate (m) of the test sam-
to the procedure of APHA (2005). For the bioas- ple and control, following the equation proposed in
say, inoculates of 50 ml of previously rinsed algae ISO 8692 (2004): Imi D ((mc-mi)/mc)*100, where:
containing 19,600 cells ml¡1 (§784) were spiked Imi is the percentage inhibition for the test study site
in glass tubes with 10 ml of water from the study i; mi is the average growth rate for the study site i; mc
sites (UZ, TZ and AZ) each assay with 6 replicates is the average growth rate for the batch control. A
(n D 6), water samples were previously filtered negative value of Imi means growth stimulation; a
through a 0.40 mm membrane and sterilized in an positive value means growth inhibition.
autoclave (15 psi, 121 C, for 15 min) (L opez-
Lopez and Davalos-Lind, 1998). Cultures were Biochemical tests
maintained at room temperature 21 § 0.5 C,
12:12 h light:darkness for 96 h, illuminated by All biochemical assays were evaluated in dupli-
fluorescent lamps: cold light with light intensity of cate and readings were done with a Spectronic
1000 lux §10%, the cultures were stirred before 20D spectrophotometer. All biomarkers were
reading the absorbance. Due that the XLS is a determined in aliquots of the A. falcatus homoge-
very impacted environment by different anthropo- nates at 10%. The LPO was determined following
genic activities there is not possible to use a refer- Buege and Aust (1978). For CAT activity, H2O2
ence site, in consequence we use a laboratory consumption was measured at 480 nm (Cohen
control. Similarly bioassays were mounted in a et al., 1970). CAT activity was calculated as the
control batch (n D 6 replicates) with 10 ml of cul- first-order reaction rate constant of the H2O2
ture medium BG-11. Absorbance readings were decomposition. SOD activity was determined fol-
taken (for each of the replicates) from the start of lowing Sun et al. (1988). The GPx activity was
the assay and every 24 h until the end of the assessed following Lawrence and Burk (1976)
224 Abeja-Pineda et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 18 (2015) 221–231

with cumene hydroperoxide as substrate. The higher values (mean values 662 to 920 mS cm¡1),
enzyme activity was quantified by measuring the the water is highly alkaline (137 to 288 mg l¡1),
oxidation of NADPH at 1 min. intervals for rich in CaCO3 (69 to 120 mg l¡1) and SO4 (38 to
4 min., and the enzyme activity was calculated as 67.5 mg l¡1). DO showed the lowest values during
nmol NADPH oxidized min¡1mg¡1 of protein. May and August, and the higher were in TZ
The protein content in all the samples was esti- throughout the sampling period. Higher BOD5,
mated by the method of Bradford (1976) using were observed in AZ and UZ in May and Febru-
bovine serum albumin as standard. ary. The highest alkalinity, CaCO3, Cl and con-
ductivity were recorded in November and
February (p < 0.05), and pH ranged from 7.9 to
Statistical analyses 9.5. NO3 and NO2 were higher in the UZ in
August, November and February (p < 0.05), and
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with each NH3 showed the highest concentrations in May at
group of variables: water quality, were performed all study sites (p < 0.05). Orthophosphates were
to determine significant differences between sites higher in the UZ and AZ (p < 0.05). Total and
Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:51 24 July 2015

according to the parameters analyzed, a posteriori fecal coliforms were greater in UZ and TZ (p <
Tukey tests were performed when necessary to 0.05). Pb was detected at all sites and periods of
distinguish significant differences between sites, study. Cd was detected in almost all the sites and
the significance was considered at p < 0.05. For periods of study except in AZ and UZ in Novem-
algal growth assays mean values (n D 6) of the% ber, higher values were detected in all the study
inhibition/stimulation was assessed for each site sites in May, in UZ and TZ in August, and the TZ
and study period, significant differences among in November and February. Zn showed higher
control and exposure cultures for each site and concentrations in the AZ in all the study periods,
study period were evaluated by one-way ANOVA in UZ during May, and in TZ in August. As was
and Tukey test (p < 0.05). detected in the three study sites during November,
Water quality variables, biomarkers and inhibi- in February As was detected in the TZ and AZ
tion/stimulation of algal growth potential were (Table 1).
analyzed by a redundancy analysis (RDA), which
identified those variables that are related to the
responses of A. falcatus. Two matrices were used:
Inhibition/stimulation of algal
one with water quality parameters and metals and
the second with biomarker responses and inhibi- growth potential
tion/stimulation algal growth by site and sampling Bioassays in the three study sites showed algal
periods. These variables were previously trans- growth inhibition (AGI) in at least one period of
formed (Y D log (xC1)). Statistical tests were per- study: in UZ and TZ in August (rainy season), the
formed using the software XLSTAT-Pro 2010. inhibition by site was ordered as follows: UZ >
The IBR was assessed with values of the bio- TZ (Figure 2). In November (cold dry period)
markers which were normalized and standardized AGI occurred in the TZ and AZ sites (Figure 2).
by the method proposed by Beliaeff and Burgeot In May (rainy season) and February (dry season)
(2007), which allows analysis of multiple bio- algal growth stimulation was detected in the three
marker data by using star graphs. The magnitude study sites (Figure 2).
of the response of each biomarker is represented
as a vector in the star graph and joining the ends of
the vectors the enclosed area represents a numeri- Redundancy analysis and integrated
cal value of the IBR.
biomarker response
The RDA showed segregation of the sites and
Results periods of study and their relationship with the
Water quality environmental variables and biomarkers assessed
in A. falcatus. The first two components reached
Water characteristics reflect XLS is highly min- 94.50% of the explained variance. In the right
eralized, and fertilized; conductivity showed quadrants of Figure 2a, sites UZ, TZ and AZ of
Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:51 24 July 2015

Table 1. Physical and chemical parameters of Xochimilco Lake system water quality in the three study sites over an annual cycle.

Urban zone Tourist zone Agricultural zone

2009-2010 2009-2010 2009-2010

May August November February May August November February May August November February

Conductivity (mS cm ) 786 713 903 852 785 662 910 860 810 710 920 872
Chlorides (mg l¡1) 56.98 §2.82ab 55.78 §0.28c 76.17 §0.84a 78.57 §0.28b 63.98 §1.4 57.58 §0.56a 72.97 §2.5 83.77 §1.97 59.18 57.38 §0.28a 77.37 §0.28 79.77 §0.28
SS (mg l¡1) 33 22 19.5 48.5 102.5 49 37.5 34.5 196 29 36 64
Color (Pt-Co units) 61 56 79 52.5 110 49 85 32.5 127 59 81.5 50.5
Hardness (mg l¡1) 69 §0.014c 80 §0.028b 120 §0.28a 105 §0.07a 64 §0 70 §0 93 §0.04b 111 §0.01a 76.5 §0.04a 76 §0a 97 §0.01b 99 §0.01b
Sulfates (mg l¡1) 53.5 59 49 53.5 56 65.5 38 § 1.41a 60 60 63.5 57.5a 67.5
pH 8.5 8.5 5.6 7.9 8.4 8.7 7.9 9.5 8.6 8.6 8 9.2
Alkalinity (mg l¡1) 184.4 §0c 137.6 §0b 255.6 §0.04a 260.4 §0.14a 188 §0a 184 §0.05a 278 §0.042b 255.2 §0c 212 §0.14d 172.8 §0.14c 288.4 §0.14a 261.2 §0.042b
Nitrites (mg l¡1) 0.314 0.124 0.159 0.236 0.077 0.051 0.12 0.109 0.049 0.066 0.056 0.052
Nitrates (mg l¡1) 2.95 §0.07a 4.15 §0.07 4.05 §0.07 3.95 §0.07 1.5 §0.14a 1.7 §0.28a 3.9 §0c 2.4 §0b 1.8 §0 3.65 §0.07a 2.05 §0.07 1.75 §0.07
Ammonia (mg l¡1) 2.36 1.11 0.99 0.72 1.51 0.905 0.79 0.92 2.01 0.62 0.78 0.83
Orthophosphates 6.16 5.93 5.71 6.22 5.16 3.11 6.65 6.04 5.6 5.48 6.44 6.42
(mg l¡1)
Total Coliforms 1600 500 1600 1600 1600 280 1600 1600 1600 280 1600 350
(MPN 100 ml¡1)
Fecal Coliforms 350 34 280 33 23 9 2 14 4 7 2 11
(MPN 100 ml¡1)
DO (mg l¡1) 3.5 2.81 7.63 9.69 8.53 8.49 10 9.23 5.42 8.37 11.82 7.51
BOD5 (mg l¡1) 26.56 18.73 11.24 22.82 24.52 22.82 14.98 8.85 24.18 10.21 21.45 49.87
NT (mg l¡1) 13.4 §0.42b 32.5 §4.94a 13.1 §0.42b 37 §1.41a 9.45 §0.49 25 §1.41b 9.7 §0.14 33 §1.41a 14.7 §0.84c 28.5 §0.70b 8 §1.41d 55 §7.07a
PT (mg l¡1) 8.44 §0.11b 7.19 §0.57 6.77 §0.09 10.02 §0.02a 8.31 §0.26 4.17 §0.01a 8.38 §0.36 8.2 §0.19 8.51 §0.57b 7.47 §0.07c 9.51 §.04ab 10.36 §0.19a
Temperature ( C) 22.52 21.55 16.41 19.58 23.08 22.11 16.8 18.12 20.72 22.01 15.59 17.52
Pb (mg l¡1) 0.4 0.31 0.4 0.4 0.36 0.31 0.38 0.33 0.32 0.33 0.38 0.43
Cd (mg l¡1) 1.16 1.61 0.09 — 1.14 0.05 2.4 1.55 1.07 1.16 — 0.38
Zn (mg l¡1) 9.4 — — — — 4.8 — — 4.6 4.4 4.2 2.6
As (mg l¡1) — — 0.06 — — — 0.09 0.62 — — 0.08 1.37

-: Non detectable. Different letters (a, b, c, d) denote significant differences between periods of study for the same study site (p < 0.05).

226 Abeja-Pineda et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 18 (2015) 221–231
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Figure 2. Percentage inhibition/stimulation of algal growth (A. falcatus) at 72 h. (a) May, (b) August, (c) November 2009 and (d)
February 2010. UZ: Urban zone, TZ: touristic zone and AZ: agriculture zone. Bars show error standard. *Significant differences (p
< 0.05) compared to control.

May (rainy season), TZ of August (wet season), and AZ in February and AZ in November that are
and TZ of November (cold dry season), are associ- highly related with the highest Pb and Zn concen-
ated with the highest values of pluvial precipita- tration in water and the lowest growth rate of A.
tion, NO3, NO2, NH3 and high color scores (Pt- falcatus (Figure 3b).
Co). In the upper left quadrant of the biplot, the The IBR of A. falcatus by study site, showed
UZ in August, November and February, are asso- that in May the UZ reached the highest value
ciated with the highest concentration of total coli- (IBR D 10.06) in concurrence with higher GPx
forms, suspended solids and BOD5. In the left and CAT. In August the highest IBR was in the
lower quadrant of the biplot, the TZ of February AZ, when LPO, GPx and CAT had the major con-
and AZ of February and November are highly tribution to this response, while SOD decreased.
related with the highest values of DO, pH, SO4, In the UZ and TZ of August the SOD was highly
total dissolved solids, orthophosphates, Cl, alka- depleted. The IBR in November was higher in the
linity, CaCO3, Total N, Total P and conductivity UZ, all biomarkers contributed to IBR. In Novem-
(Figure 3a). ber LPO decreased in UZ, when compared to
The RDA showed A. falcatus exposed to waters May, but the antioxidant enzymes were increased.
of XLS exhibited the higher LPO levels in the AZ Likewise, in the AZ, SOD activity decreased, but
in August (wet season) and the UZ in May, sites the greater antioxidant enzyme response was by
with the highest concentration of As. A higher GPx and CAT, however, there was an increase in
enzymatic activity of GPx and CAT was detected LPO. In February, the highest IBR was in the UZ,
in the AZ, TZ and UZ in May; particularly a high all biomarkers contributed to the IBR. In the TZ,
CAT activity was detected in AZ, and TZ of the IBR was determined by GPx, CAT and LPO
August and TZ in November (Figure 3b). The while SOD was depleted. The AZ displayed a
high activity of GPx was related to the highest decreased GPx; however, CAT and LPO increased
concentration of Cd in water of the study sites. (Figure 4). The IBR analyzed by sampling periods
Furthermore, it was observed a higher growth rate (which considers the summary of the IBRs in all
of A. falcatus in TZ in November (Figure 3b). the study sites for each study period), showed the
Finally, in the lower left quadrant are located TZ following order: November > February > May >
Abeja-Pineda et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 18 (2015) 221–231 227
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Figure 3. Biplots of the redundancy analysis showing: (a) relationships between study sites and environmental factors. Labels are
as follows: Solid squares (&) represent study sites in different periods of study: urban zone (UZ), touristic zone (TZ), agriculture
zone (AZ), the letter after the study site represents the month: May (M), August (A), November (N), February (F); and the vectors
ending with solid circles () represent environmental variables: color (Pt-Co), nitrate (NO3), nitrite (NO2), ammonia (NH3), alkalin-
ity (ALK), hardness (CaCO3), chloride (Cl), conductivity (COND), Temperature (T), precipitation (pp), orthophosphates (PO4),
total coliforms (Col-T), (pH), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved oxygen (DO). (b) Relationship between study sites
and responses of A. falcatus in bioassays. Labels are as follows: Solid squares (&) represent study sites in different periods of study
as in (a); the vectors ending with solid circles () represent the heavy metals and metalloids: cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn),
arsenic (As); and the solid triangles (~) represent responses in A. falcatus: growth rate (m), level of lipid peroxidation (LPO),
superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx).

August, whereas the IBR by study sites (which PO4 are all high in XLS, it is evident their highly
consider the summary of the IBRs in all study peri- eutrophication process. Coliforms were present
ods for each study site) showed the following at all periods and study sites. The highest coli-
order UZ > AZ > TZ (Figure 4). forms densities were present in the UZ and TZ
that are strongly impacted by domestic dis-
charges. Fecal coliform (MPN) in XLS does not
Discussion exceed NOM-003-ECOL (1997) guidelines for
the reuse of wastewaters treated for public serv-
Physicochemical parameters of XLS reflect ices, however, coliforms are indicators of patho-
poor water quality. Conductivity, alkalinity, Cl genic pollution representing a sanitary risk in
and CaCO3 showed higher values. These condi- Xochimilco Lake.
tions likely resulted from: water treatment facility The DO was at acceptable levels (mean
discharge, which is the main source of water to 7.76 mg l¡1), capable of supporting resident
XLS; and untreated wastewater discharges from aquatic biota (Radwan et al., 2003); however, UZ
the UZ. The high concentrations of N and P are had the lowest values, 2.8 and 3.5 mg l¡1 in
likely caused by land use that primarily consists August (rainy) and May (rainy season) respec-
of agriculture, cattle raising, housing, flower nurs- tively, which are likely related to the organic mat-
eries, and recreation. Higher values of NO3, NO2 ter that increased in those periods.
and NH3 were detected in the UZ particularly Among the metals assessed Pb and Zn and the
during the rainy season, where discharge of metalloid As in all periods and study sites did not
domestic wastewater is more frequent. Surface exceed the Mexican guidelines by the NOM-001-
water inflow is often the major input of nutrients ECOL-1996. Contrary, Cd concentrations in all
in several wetlands, with higher inputs during study in May, UZ and AZ in August and TZ
rainy seasons (Sutula et al., 2001). Given that in November and February exceeded those
concentrations of NT, PT, NO3, NO2, NH3, and guidelines.
228 Abeja-Pineda et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 18 (2015) 221–231
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Figure 4. Integrated biomarker response (IBR) in A. falcatus for study sites; urban zone (UZ), touristic zone (TZ), agriculture zone
(AZ); and periods of study: May, August, November, February. Level of lipid peroxidation (LPO) catalase (CAT), superoxide dis-
mutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx). IBR CONT: Control of IBR in A. falcatus.
Although we detected high nutrient concentra- effects on algal growth in August and TZ in
tions in XLS, algal growth inhibition was observed November. Previous studies in XLS identified the
in the UZ in August and in AZ in November (Fig- presence of some heavy metals, such as Cr, Hg,
ures 1b and c), showing that UZ exerts negative Cd, Pb, Zn, and the metalloid As (Bojorquez and
Abeja-Pineda et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 18 (2015) 221–231 229

Amaro, 2003), in this study we assessed Cd, Pb, damage. Atli and Canli (2010) found excessive
Zn, and As. Cd can induce a wide spectrum of production of superoxide radicals causes oxidation
toxic effects on the enzymatic activities of plants: of cysteine, which deactivates SOD. We detected
it can either bind to functional groups (e.g. sulfhy- that stimulation in algal growth was also related
dryl, carboxyl, imidazole) or replace essential ele- with the periods and sites with highest decreases
ments that participate at the active sites of in SOD (UZ and TZ in August and TZ and AZ in
enzymes, both resulting in inhibition of photosyn- November) (Figure 3). An increase in CAT activ-
thesis, respiration, biosynthesis of photosynthetic ity in A. falcatus is related to its antioxidant
pigments, and cell growth (Aravind and Prasad, defense against increased LPO, which is generated
2004). Metals such as Cu and Zn, are essential to from superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. Atli and
photosynthetic organisms, but not at high concen- Canli (2010) found this enzyme compensated for a
trations that impair photosynthesis (Li et al., decrease in antioxidant enzymes, such as SOD and
2006). Prasad and Prasad (1981) found that Pb at GPx. Similarly, Pinto et al. (2003) found GPx to
higher concentrations provoked lethality in A. fal- be one of the most important components in cellu-
Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:51 24 July 2015

catus. However, a combination Cd-Pb provokes lar antioxidant defense systems, as it reduces
antagonistic effects: toxicity is lower in assays hydrogen peroxide to water and alcohol. In this
with combined Cd-Pb when compared to their study, the increased activity of GPx in A. falcatus
individual effects. For As, Pawlik-Skowronska was likely due to the presence of hydrogen perox-
et al. (2004) found that accumulation and toxicity ides that increased LPO in the algae, reflecting the
in algae was related to pH. In XLS algal growth protective function of algae in the detoxification
stimulation was detected in UZ and TZ in August and excretion of free radicals. In addition,
and in the TZ and AZ in November (during the although CAT and GPx increased, presumably to
rainy and post- rainy seasons). Stimulation of help algal cells eliminate ROS and protect them-
algae growth has been detected in the presence of selves, the damage to active oxygen scavengers,
vegetable tannin water extracts, hormones, and like SOD, disabled proper elimination of excessive
some fungicides and pesticides, all which exert active oxygen, causing damage to other cell func-
induction at low doses and inhibition at high doses tions rather than provoking inhibition in algal
(i.e. hormetic effect) (De Nicola et al., 2007; Ceder- growth. In contrast, the high availability of
green and Streibig, 2007). However, higher concen- nutrients, particularly nitrogen, increases both the
trations of the same organic pollutants will ability of algae to accumulate toxic metals and the
irreversibly damage algal cells, and growth is production of ROS that oxidize proteins, lipids,
completely inhibited (Gong et al., 2009). These pol- and nucleic acids, all causing changes in cell struc-
lutants, at high concentration, can also produce large ture by oxidative stress (Pokora and Tukaj, 2010).
amounts of ROS in algal cells and, thereby, lead to
membrane lipid peroxidation, cell damage, and inhi-
bition of cell growth (Kamaya et al., 2006). In XLS
high nutrient concentrations and some organic com- In our assays, we found higher LPO as com-
pounds could be entering in the rainy season provok- pared to the batch control, which is an indicator of
ing the stimulation of algal growth. toxicity of the XLS. The IBR assessment showed
Enzymatic antioxidants can scavenge free radi- the integration of oxidative stress biomarkers dis-
cals, catalyzing defense reactions that inhibit the playing that UZ, TZ, and AZ had IBR peaks in
oxidative damage caused by ROS (Elbaz et al., May, November, and August, respectively. How-
2010). Some researchers (De Nicola et al., 2007; ever, during the whole sampling period, the pattern
Cedergreen and Streibig, 2007), have considered was similar: increased LPO provoked increased
that hormesis may be related to oxidative stress activity of GPx and CAT, but, in all cases, the
and ROS (hydrogen peroxide, superoxide anions, decrease in SOD was evident, suggesting damage
and hydroxyl radicals). To prevent damage to cel- in this antioxidant enzymatic system.
lular lipids, proteins, and DNA, the antioxidant
system is activated to defend and repair unfavor- Acknowledgements
able conditions (Sureda et al., 2008). A decrease
in SOD can cause excessive production of ROS in Authors thank Ma. Teresa Garcıa for technical
algal cells, resulting in membrane LPO and cell assistance.
230 Abeja-Pineda et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 18 (2015) 221–231

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