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LIMINA Subclasses

While no two LIMINA personnel are the same, the Go Postal

Department of Human Resources and Biometrics has 3rd-level Path of the Postal Worker feature
identified a number of traits common among certain
agencies. We strongly encourage our couriers and support Disrespect for the noble courier fills you with righteous fury.
staff to employ whatever skills and abilities you have at your After entering a rage, you gain a number of violence dice
disposal, but if you choose to embrace one of the archetypal equal to your proficiency bonus. These violence dice are d6s
roles we have identified, that is acceptable. and last for the duration of your rage. At level 14, these dice
Below, you will find top secret dossiers outlining certain become d8s.
prototypical skill sets amongst our field agents. Whenever you roll damage, you can expend one die, roll it,
and add the result to the damage dealt.
Barbarian Alternatively, you can roll a violence die as a reaction
whenever you take damage from a creature within 5 feet of
At 3rd level, a barbarian gains the Primal Path feature. Here you. If you roll a 5 or higher on this roll, the attacker takes 20
is an option for that feature that is specific to LIMINA force damage as violent energy bursts from your furious core.
personnel: the Path of the Postal Worker. Otherwise, the reaction has no effect.
Path of the Postal Worker
Life for a courier is hard, and in many instances infuriating.
Incorrect postage, scheduling mishaps, and the general
stress of bureaucracy can take its toll on our fine postal
workers. We do not offer therapy, and in fact we do not
recommend it! Instead, we suggest that you channel this
anger. Carrying parcels throughout the multiverse is no easy
feat, and you'll be better served by focusing your anger rather
than succumbing to despair.
While we here at LIMINA would of course do anything to
protect you, it's important for you to remember that you are
easily replaced. Our limitless resources are infinite, and it
would be imprudent to put all of our stock in a courier who
ultimately may wind up getting themselves killed. With that in
mind, why not—instead of dying—make a considered effort to
stay alive through sheer force of will?
While there are certainly more... refined ways to tackle
your postal responsibilities, LIMINA has no objection to
brute forcing your way through the multiverse. Plenty of
couriers plan meticulously and still fall prey to interplanar
threats. Don't plan. Don't prepare. Get angry, stay alive, stand
and deliver.
Neither Snow Nor Rain
3rd-level Path of the Postal Worker feature
Nothing will keep you from making a delivery. You are
unaffected by most extreme weather and environments,
including but not limited to: extreme heat, extreme cold,
strong winds, heavy precipitation, and high altitude. You can
operate at peak performance regardless of conditions.
Whenever you roll a saving throw to resist the effects of other
forms of climate extremes, you may roll with advantage.
Additionally, whenever you stop raging while suffering
from at least one level of exhaustion, roll a d20. On a roll of
15 or higher, you can let off some steam, and your level of
exhaustion is reduced by 1.

Priority Postage Also, when such a creature subjects you to an effect that
6th-level Path of the Postal Worker feature allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half
damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the
LIMINA stamps help packages reach their intended target. saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Any throwing weapon that you wield gets stamped with Return to Sender
arcane glyphs that grant the weapons priority mail status.
Whenever you throw a weapon, your attacks can gain all of 14th-level Path of the Postal Worker feature
the benefits normally granted to melee attacks from your Whenever you take damage from a ranged weapon or spell
Rage and Reckless Attack features. attack, you can use your reaction to teleport directly adjacent
Additionally, you can cast the sending spell without to whomever just struck you, regardless of how far away they
material components once per long rest. are. You must be able to see the attacker to do so.
Beware of Dog If you expend a violence die when doing so, you can also
10th-level Path of the Postal Worker feature immediately make one melee attack against them.
Cave canem: throughout time and space, vicious quadrupeds
have been the bane of couriers of all varieties. You've learned
to avoid their bark and their bite. You gain a +2 bonus to AC At 3rd level, a rogue gains the Roguish Archetype feature.
against attacks from creatures that are on all fours (e.g. dogs, Here is an option for that feature that is specific to LIMINA
spiders, dragons). If a creature has more than four legs, you personnel: the Logician.
still gain this bonus.
While many new LIMINA couriers assume that the agency
primarily consists of deliverymen, this is numerically untrue.
There are more LIMINA agents working in logistics than in
any other field. These specialists are dealmakers, tacticians,
and masters of bureaucracy.
While Logicians excel at backroom operations, they are
equally adept at fieldwork. Whenever LIMINA needs to
recruit new couriers, create new partnerships with the
unincorporated planes, or secure a reliable supply of
[REDACTED], a Logician will be dispatched.
Logicians are rarely effective on their own, but when
partnering with hardier individuals, they are a crucial
linchpin in the LIMINA arsenal. They take advantage of the
skills of those around them to become masters of the
battlefield and the boardroom.
Leverage Best Practices
3rd-level Logician feature
It's important for LIMINA agents to learn from the best.
When an ally that you can see hits an enemy with a weapon
attack, or if that enemy fails a saving throw, you can use your
reaction to learn about this enemy's strengths and
weaknesses. For the next minute, you gain a cumulative +1
bonus to hit this creature. You can take advantage of this
feature an unlimited number of times, but the total bonus to
hit any given creature cannot exceed your Intelligence
modifier (minimum 1).
As a bonus action, you can also share the intel you've
accumulated concerning one enemy with one of your allies.
They gain a bonus to their next attack roll on this creature
equal to the bonus you've amassed. You can bestow your
bonus to an ally once per short rest.
Outsource and Delegate
9th-level Logician feature
Logicians are masters of tactics, repositioning, and field
support. As a bonus action, you can grant one ally with 60
feet of you the use of your Cunning Action. They may use
their bonus action on their next turn to either Dash,
Disengage, or Hide.
Additionally, when you are forced to make a saving throw, you While some LIMINA agents rely on futuristic technologies
can ask a willing creature within 30 feet of you to roll in your for their cartographic needs, others turn to a more
stead. They use their relevant saving throw modifier, but their unorthodox source of navigational wisdom: an extraplanar
success or failure determines whether you pass the saving being that some call the Wayfinder. Alternatively known as
throw. You can use the feature in this way a number of times the patron saint of navigators, the God of geometry and
equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). geography, or the non-Euclidean devil, the Wayfinder has
aided and cursed various LIMINA employees since time
Synergize Networks immemorial.
13th-level Logician feature Those who receive the Wayfinder's gifts are able not only to
map out their surroundings, but also to master the terrain
After successfully befriending, aiding, or otherwise gaining and bend space to their will.
the trust of a powerful associate, you can attempt to convince
them to agree to a tactical covenant. When you do so, you Wayfinder Expanded Spells
exchange business cards and apply a personalized stamp to 1st-level Wayfinder feature
So long as you hold onto their business card, you can The Wayfinder lets you choose from an expanded list of
communicate with them as though using the sending spell spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells
once per long rest. You may also amplify their voice when are added to the warlock spell list for you.
doing so, allowing others to conference in on your call.
You may activate synergies with a number of associates Wayfinder Expanded Spells
equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). At any point in Spell Level Spells
the future, you may use a free action to tear up one such
business card. Doing so will summon the associate to a space 1st guiding bolt, longstrider
within 5 feet of you, regardless of your location. The 2nd locate object, pass without trace
confidant is magically and legally obligated to help you by all
means necessary for the next 60 seconds. They act 3rd haste, phantom steed
immediately after you in initiative. After 60 seconds, the 4th arcane eye, freedom of movement
associate is teleported back to their previous location.
Of course, your associate can also summon you in their 5th legend lore, teleportation circle
time of need, and your covenant remains binding until both
parties have invoked the contract. Once both business cards This Way
have been torn apart, your deal has been concluded. 1st-level Wayfinder feature
Reallocate Resources The Wayfinder bestows you with otherworldly agility. Your
17th-level Logician feature speed increases by 10 feet.
If you spend 1 minute beseeching the Wayfinder for
Whenever an ally that you can see receives healing in excess assistance, you can also grant one of your allies an equivalent
of their maximum HP, you can use your reaction to bequeath speed increase for the next hour. You can beseech the
the excess healing to anyone within 30 feet of you that you Wayfinder in this manner once per long rest.
can see. Additionally, when a creature that you can see begins their
Alternatively, whenever an ally takes damage in excess of turn, you can use your reaction to reduce their speed by 10
their current HP, you can use your reaction to inflict the feet for the rest of their turn. You can do this a number of
excess damage to anyone within 30 feet of you that you can times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
see. The damage is of the same type as that which was
initially inflicted, and therefore may be mitigated by That Way
resistances or immunities. You can use this feature in this 1st-level Wayfinder feature
way a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum 1). Only the weak require maps. As an action, you can ask the
Wayfinder one yes-or-no question relating to navigation or
Warlock exploration. You will receive the answer, but you immediately
lose 1d6 hit points from mental strain. You can use this
At 1st level, a warlock gains the Otherworldly Patron feature. feature once per short rest.
Here is an option for that feature that is specific to LIMINA
personnel: the Wayfinder. Which Way
6th-level Wayfinder feature
The Wayfinder The Wayfinder giveth and the Wayfinder taketh away. As an
One of the seemingly insurmountable logistical challenges action you can attempt to disorient one creature that you can
facing LIMINA is that of mapping out the multiverse and see within 60 feet of you. Make a Charisma (Deception)
optimizing delivery routes. It's difficult enough to acquire, check contested by the creature's Wisdom (Insight). If you
archive, and categorize the various maps of known locations, succeed, the creature immediately becomes confused by their
and quite another feat entirely to create reliable charts for surroundings for 1 minute. While confused in this way, they
unexplored territories. suffer the following effects:

They have disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) and Additionally, you cannot become lost, and whenever you roll a
Intelligence (Investigation) checks that rely on sight. Wisdom (Survival) check, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or
They forget the location of any landmarks that they cannot lower as a 10.
currently see.
They have disadvantage to hit any creature that has My Way
moved more than 5 feet since the end of its last turn. 14th-level Wayfinder feature
The creature can reroll their Wisdom (Insight) check at the You learn the spells locate animals or plants, locate creature,
end of each of their turns, ending the effect if they roll higher and locate object if you don't already know them. You can
than your initial Charisma (Deception) check. You can use cast each spell at will, without using a spell slot.
this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency
bonus. All uses of the feature recharge after a long rest.
No Way
10th-level Wayfinder feature
As an action you can demarcate a 10 foot cube you can see.
This cube becomes a forbidden zone to any creatures you
designate. These creatures must pass a DC 25 Wisdom
saving throw if they wish to move into the forbidden zone. If
they attempt to do so and fail, they take damage equal to 3
times the amount by which they failed. A creature that passes
is immune to the effect of the forbidden zone as well as any
similar effects for the next 24 hours. The zone lasts for 1
minute, and you cannot create another forbidden zone until
you take a short rest.

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