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ENGL 211


I. Read the passage below. Then answer questions about errors in the passage.

Jaime 1) been applying for full-time jobs for several months. 2) The last week he received a call
from the Human Resources director at a computer software 3) company the HR director asked
Jaime 4) could he fly to Chicago for a job interview. The company offered to pay for Jaime’s
plane ticket to Chicago, so that he will not have to pay for himself. Jaime agreed to come for the

Since then, Jaime has been busy collecting 5) information about the company. He also went
shopping for a new 6) suite. Jaime and his wife have been rehearsing answers to possible
interview questions, so that Jaime will be 7) good and ready his best. Jaime is nervous about the
interview, but 8) his looking forward to working at a new place.

1. 5.
a. have been applying a. informates
b. has been applying b. information
c. have applying c. informations
d. has applied d. Correct as is
2. 6.
a. Last week a. suit.
b. On last week b. siut.
c. The week last c. suet.
d. Both A and C are correct. d. sewt.
3. 7.
a. company, The a. good.
b. company – the b. smart and ready.
c. company. The c. prepared.
d. company! The d. Correct as is
4. 8.
a. if he could fly a. he’s
b. if could he fly b. he is
c. whether he could fly c. he will be
d. Both A and C are correct d. Both A and B are correct

II. Read the paragraph below and identify the sentence that does not fit.


(a) Science is systematic because of the attention it gives to organizing knowledge and making
it readily accessible to all who wish to build on its foundation. (b) If the results support the
hypothesis, the scientist may use them to generate related hypothesis. (c) In this way science is
both a personal and a social endeavor. (d) In other words, it is beneficial both to the individual
and to society at large. (e) Therefore, science contributes a great deal to the improvement and
the quality of human life.

(a) Many Romantic writers in Europe were preoccupied with the fact and idea of revolution. (b)
For instance, in the early period of French Revolution, all the leading English Romantic writers
were in sympathy with it. (c) In fact, they were among its most fervent adherents. (d) Through
the greater part of the eighteenth century, man had been viewed as a limited being in strictly
ordered and essentially unchanging world. (e) Later, even after the first enthusiastic expectations
had been disappointed by the events in France, the younger writers felt that its example still
constituted humanity’s best hope.

III. Proofread and revise the following sentences.

1. Gillian lived in Portland she lived in New York.

2. Laura likes to rap, nap, and eating snacks.
3. Is it true that your going to move to Ann Arbor to go to the college?
4. Neither the students nor the teacher know the way to the auditorium.
5. To learn more, the school offers night classes.
6. I found a bag in the ditch full of rare coins.
7. The windshield wipers did not work good.
8. The problem is between she and I.
9. He was ordered to move by his superior.
10. I plan to go to Canada this summer to watch the Calgary stampede.
11. Have the paychecks arrived yet!
12. After the accident happened in front of the school

Answer key

1. b
2. a
3. c
4. d
5. b
6. a
7. c
8. d
1. b
2. d


1. Gillian lived in Portland, and she lived in New York. Run-on

2. Laura likes to rap, nap, and snack. Faulty Parallelism
3. Is it true that you are going to move to Ann Arbor to go to the college?
4. Neither the students nor the teacher knows the way to the auditorium. Subject-Verb
Agreement/ Singular Indefinite Pronouns
5. For students to learn more, the school offers night classes. Dangling Modifiers
6. I found a bag full of rare coins in the ditch. Misplaced Phrase Modifier
7. The windshield wipers did not work well. Adjective or Adverb
8. The problem is between her and me.
9. His superior ordered him to move. Passive Voice
10. I plan to go to Canada this summer to watch the Calgary Stampede. Capitalization
11. Have the paychecks arrived yet? Punctuation
12. After the accident happened in front of the school, ……… (independent clause)
…………………… Fragment

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