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GEC 03 Mathematics in the Modern World Chapter IV: Logic

Chapter 4 Logic

In this module, you will learn about several facets of logic. After completing this module, you should
be able to:
1. analyze information and the relationship between statements;
2. determine the validity of arguments;
3. determine valid conclusions based on given assumptions;
4. use logic to justify statements and to create proofs; and
5. apply logic in solving real life problems

LESSON 3 Conditional, Biconditional, and Related Statements

Conditional Statements
Conditional statements can be written in if p, then q form or in if p, q form. For instance, all
of the following are conditional statements.
If we order pizza, then we can have it delivered.
If you go to the movie, you will not be able to meet us for dinner.
If n is a prime number greater than 2, then n is an odd number.
In any conditional statement represented by “If p, then q” or by “If p, q,” the p statement is
called the antecedent and the q statement is called the consequent.
Example 1: Identify the antecedent and consequent in the following statements.
a. If we follow health protocols, then we can avoid the spread of the virus.
b. If you study well your previous lessons, then you have more chance to pass the exam.
c. If n is an even number, then it is divisible by 2.


a. Antecedent: we follow health protocols

Consequent: we can avoid the spread of the virus
b. Antecedent: you study well your previous lessons
Consequent: you have more chance to pass the exam
c. Antecedent: n is an even number
Consequent: it is divisible by 2

ARROW NOTATION. The conditional statement, “If p, then q,” can be written using the arrow
notation p → q. The arrow notation p → q is read as “if p, then q” or as “p implies q.”

The Truth Table for the Conditional p → q

To determine the truth table for p → q, consider the advertising slogan for a web authoring
software product that states, “If you can use a word processor, you can create a webpage.” This
slogan is a conditional statement. The antecedent is p, “you can use a word processor,” and the
consequent is q, “you can create a webpage.” Now consider the truth value of p → q for each of the
following four possibilities.

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GEC 03 Mathematics in the Modern World Chapter IV: Logic

Antecedent Consequent p→q

p: you can use a word processor q: you can create a webpage
T T ?
T F ?
F T ?
F F ?

Row 1: Antecedent T, Consequent T. You can use a word processor, and you can create a
webpage. In this case the truth value of the advertisement is true. To complete table, we place a T
in place of the question mark in row 1.
Row 2: Antecedent T, Consequent F. You can use a word processor, but you cannot create a
webpage. In this case the advertisement is false. We put an F in place of the question mark in row
2 of table.
Row 3: Antecedent F, Consequent T. You cannot use a word processor, but you can create a
webpage. Because the advertisement does not make any statement about what you might or might
not be able to do if you cannot use a word processor, we cannot state that the advertisement is
false, and we are compelled to place a T in place of the question mark in row 3 of table.
Row 4: Antecedent F, Consequent F. You cannot use a word processor, and you cannot create a
webpage. Once again, we must consider the truth value in this case to be true because the
advertisement does not make any statement about what you might or might not be able to do if you
cannot use a word processor. We place a T in place of the question mark in row 4 of table.
The truth table for the conditional p → q is given in table below.

TRUTH VALUE OF THE CONDITIONAL p → q. The conditional p → q is false if p is true and q

is false. It is true in all other cases.

Truth Table for p → q

p q p→q

Example 2. Determine the truth value of each of the following.

a. If 2 is an integer, then 2 is a rational number.
b. If 3 is a negative number, then 5 > 7.
c. If 5 > 3, then 2 + 7 = 4.

a. Because the consequent is true, this is a true statement.
b. Because the antecedent is false, this is a true statement.
c. Because the antecedent is true and the consequent is false, this is a false statement.

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Example 3. Construct a truth table for [ p ∧ (q ∨ ∼p)] → ∼p.

p Q ∼p q ∨ ∼p p ∧ (q ∨ ∼p) [ p ∧ (q ∨ ∼p)] → ∼p

An Equivalent Form of the Conditional

The truth table for ∼p ∨ q is shown below. The truth values in this table are identical to the truth
values of p → q. Hence, the conditional p → q is equivalent to the disjunction ∼p ∨ q.

Truth Table for ∼p ∨ q Truth Table for p → q

p Q ∼p ∼p ∨ q p q p→q

identical truth values

Example 3. Write each of the following in its equivalent disjunctive form.

a. If I could play the guitar, I would join the band.
b. If David Beckham cannot play, then his team will lose.

Solution. In each case we write the disjunction of the negation of the antecedent and the
Statement Equivalent Disjunctive Form
p I could play the guitar ∼p I cannot play the guitar
∨ or
q I would join the band q I would join the band
If I could play the guitar, I would join the I cannot play the guitar or I would join the
band. band.

Statement Equivalent Disjunctive Form
p David Beckham cannot play ∼p David Beckham can play
∨ or
q his team will lose q his team will lose
If David Beckham cannot play, then his team David Beckham can play or his team will
will lose. lose.

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The Negation of the Conditional

Since p → q ≡ ∼p ∨ q, an equivalent form of ∼ (p → q) is given by ∼(∼p ∨ q), which can be expressed
as the conjunction p ∧ ∼q.

THE NEGATION OF p → q. ∼ (p → q) ≡ p ∧ ∼q

Example 5. Write the negation of each conditional statement.

a. If they pay me the money, I will sign the contract.
b. If the lines are parallel, then they do not intersect.

Solution. In each case, we write the conjunction of the antecedent and the negation of the
Statement Equivalent Disjunctive Form
p they pay me the money p they paid me the money
∧ and
q I will sign the contract ∼q I did not sign the contract
If they pay me the money, I will sign the They paid me the money and I did not sign
contract the contract.
Statement Equivalent Disjunctive Form
p the lines are parallel p the lines are parallel
∧ and
q they do not intersect ∼q they intersect
If the lines are parallel, then they do not
The lines are parallel and they intersect.

The Biconditional
The statement (p → q) ∧ (q → p) is called a biconditional and is denoted by p ↔ q, which is
read as “p if and only if q.”

THE BICONDITIONAL p → q. p ↔ q ≡ [(p → q) ∧ (q → p)]

The table below shows that p ↔ q is true only when p and q have the same truth value.

Truth Table for p ↔ q

P q p↔q

Example 6. State whether each biconditional is true or false.

a. x + 4 = 7 if and only if x = 3.
b. x2 = 36 if and only if x = 6.

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a. Both equations are true when x = 3, and both are false when x ≠ 3. Both equations have the
same truth value for any value of x, so this is a true statement.
b. If x = -6, the first equation is true and the second equation is false. Thus, this is a false

Equivalent Forms of the Conditional

Every conditional statement can be stated in many equivalent forms. It is not even necessary to
state the antecedent before the consequent. For instance, the conditional “If I live in Isabela, then I
am a Isabelino.” can also be stated as

I am a Isabelino, if I live in Isabela.

The table below lists some of the various forms that may be used to write a conditional statement.

Every conditional statement p → q can be written in the
following equivalent forms.
If p, then q. Every p is a q.
If p, q. q, if p.
p only if q. q provided that p.
p implies q. q is a necessary condition for
Not p or q. p is a sufficient condition for q.

Example 7: Write each of the following in “If p, then q” form.

a. The number is an even number provided that it is divisible by 2.
b. Today is Friday, only if yesterday was Thursday.

a. The statement, “The number is an even number provided that it is divisible by 2,” is in “q provided
that p” form. The antecedent is “it is divisible by 2,” and the consequent is “the number is an even
number.” Thus its “If p, then q” form is
If it is divisible by 2, then the number is an even number.
b. The statement, “Today is Friday, only if yesterday was Thursday,” is in “p only if q” form. The
antecedent is “today is Friday.” The consequent is “yesterday was Thursday.” Its “If p, then q” form
If today is Friday, then yesterday was Thursday.

The Converse, the Inverse, and the Contrapositive

Every conditional statement has three related statements. They are called the converse, the
inverse, and the contrapositive.


The converse of p → q is q → p.
The inverse of p → q is ∼ p → ∼ q.
The contrapositive of p → q is ∼ q → ∼ p.

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The above definitions show the following:

• The converse of p → q is formed by interchanging the antecedent p with the consequent q.
• The inverse of p → q is formed by negating the antecedent p and negating the consequent
• The contrapositive of p → q is formed by negating both the antecedent p and the consequent
q and interchanging these negated statements.

Example 7. Write the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of

If I get the job, then I will rent the apartment.
Converse: If I rent the apartment, then I get the job.
Inverse: If I do not get the job, then I will not rent the apartment.
Contrapositive: If I do not rent the apartment, then I did not get the job.


• Synchronous – Video Conferencing
• Asynchronous – Modular, Messenger, Sedi LMS, Youtube

A. Identify the antecedent and the consequent of each conditional statement.
1. If I had the money, I would buy the painting.
2. If I change my major, I must reapply for admission.
3. If your blood type is type O-, then you are classified as a universal blood donor.

B. Determine the truth value of the given statement.

1. If x is an even integer, then x2 is an even integer.
2. If x is a prime number, then x + 2 is a prime number.
3. If 4 < 3, then 7 = 8.
4. If x < 2, then x + 5 < 7.

C. Write each conditional statement in its equivalent disjunctive form.

1. If he does not get frustrated, he will be able to complete the job.
2. If x is an irrational number, then x is not a terminating decimal.
3. If the fog does not lift, our flight will be cancelled.

D. Write the negation of each conditional statement in its equivalent conjunctive form.
1. If they offer me the contract, I will accept.
2. If I paint the house, I will get the money.
3. If we had a telescope, we could see that comet.

E. State whether the given biconditional is true or false. Assume that x and y are real
1. x2 = 9 if and only if x = 3.
2. x is a positive number if and only if x > 0.

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3. A number is a rational number if and only if the number can be written as a

terminating decimal.
4. 4 = 7 if and only if 2 = 3.
5. x is an even number if and only if x is not an odd number.

F. Write each statement in “If p, then q” form.

1. We will be in good shape for the ski trip provided that we take the aerobics class.
2. We can get a dog only if we install a fence around the backyard.
3. Every odd prime number is greater than 2.
4. The triangle is a 30°-60°-90° triangle, if the length of the hypotenuse is twice the
length of the shorter leg.
5. I will be able to prepare for the test only if I have the textbook.
G. Write the a. converse, b. inverse, and c. contrapositive of the given statement.
1. If I were rich, I would quit this job.
2. If she does not return soon, we will not be able to attend the party.
3. Every parallelogram is a quadrilateral.

Aufmann, R.N., Lockwood, J.S., Nation, R.D., & Clegg, D.K. (2013). Mathematical Excursions
(3rd ed.). Australia: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

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