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Education and Philosophy

Education is an important human activity. It was born with the birth of the human
race and shall continue to function as long as the human races live. The
importance of education may be summed up as an essential human virtue, a
necessity for society, important for integration of separate entities, gives
significance to life, sign of freedom, a controlling grace and the basis of a good life.
There are two different Latin roots of English word Education that are "educare,"
which means to train or to mold, and "educere," meaning to lead out.
According to Aristotle, education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body.
It develops a humans’ faculty especially the mind so that it may be able to enjoy
the contemplation of supreme truth, goodness, and beauty of which perfect
happiness essentially consists.
According to John Dewey, education is a process of development of all those
capacities in the individual which enables to control his environment and fulfill his
Philosophy is the earliest and the most original discipline. Philosophy is a
systematic and thorough attempt to relate the universe and human life to each
other in a meaningful way. Philosophy is an attempt to answer all the questions of
life. This is so because the human mind is moved by intellectual curiosity and by
the desire for order.
The term philosophy has been derived from the two Greek words “philos” which
means love of and “sophia” which means wisdom.
Aristotle defines philosophy as a science which investigates the nature of being, as
it is in itself.
According to Plato, philosophy aims at knowledge of the eternal nature of things.
Philosophy and education are closely inter-related. A sound philosophy of
education is based on an adequate philosophy of life. Philosophy and education
are reconstructive; they give to and take from each other in ebb and flow of thought
and action; they are means to one another, and ends; they are process and product.
Focus: Philosophy focuses on the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and
existence. Education focuses on the transmission of knowledge to the younger
Method of Functioning: Philosophers question the varied phenomena of the world
in order to understand reality. However, education does not engage in such a
procedure. Instead, it transmits knowledge and develops individual personalities.
Philosophy and Education: Philosophy attempts to value the objectives, goals,
issues and conceptual frameworks of education in a specific branch referred to as
the philosophy of education.
Tomando en cuenta el texto anterior, realiza lo siguiente:
1. Hacer un cuadro donde señales las diferencias y semejanzas entre filosofía y
educación en Español.

DIFERENCIAS Los filósofos cuestionan La educación no se
los diversos fenómenos involucra en tal
del mundo para procedimiento. En
comprender la realidad. cambio, transmite
conocimientos y
La filosofía se centra en desarrolla
la naturaleza personalidades
fundamental del individuales.
conocimiento, la realidad La educación se centra
y la existencia. en la transmisión de
conocimientos a las
generaciones más
SEMEJANZAS El filósofo se vale de la El educador se vale de la
educación para transmitir filosofía para poder
sus preceptos y sin esta organizar sus conceptos
sería imposible lograrlo. y así transmitirlos de una
manera lógica y acertada
a su estudiantado.

2. Escribe cinco (5) oraciones en Inglés con su significado en Español, usando los
siguientes conectivos: between, among, unless, moreover, therefore. (Una oración
con cada uno de ellos).
 The soup is between hot and cold. (La sopa esta entre caliente y fría).
 The dog is among all the plants in the garden .(El perro está entre todas las
plantas del jardín).
 Don´t use the pone unless absolutely necessary. (No utilices el teléfono a
menos que sea absolutamente necesario).
 The teachers work very hard; moreover, they do a very good job. (Los
profesores trabajan muy duro; además hacen un buen trabajo).
 My existence is, therefore, a miracle of God. (Mi existencia es, por tanto, un
milagro de Dios).
3. Identifica 2 oraciones en presente simple y una (1) oración en presente perfecto,
tradúcelas al español.
Presente Simple:
 [SUJETO] + [VERBO] (en infinitivo sin to) 
 However, education does not engage in such a procedure. (Sin embargo, la
educación no participa en tal procedimiento).
 Philosophy focuses on the fundamental nature of knowledge. (La filosofía se
centra en la naturaleza fundamental del conocimiento).
Presente perfecto:

Sujeto + have/has + past participle del verbo + past participle.

 The term philosophy has been derived from the two Greek words “philos”. (El
término filosofía se ha derivado de las dos palabras griegas "philos")

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