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MATH November 2021

Problem Set 1 Bronosa

ˆ Write your solutions and answers clearly and legibly on any type of paper. Do not use pencil.
ˆ You have to do and finish your work handwritten.
ˆ Upload/submit the PDF file of your handwritten work at the Red Canvas.

(1) Determine what comes next in the given pattern and provide solution/explanation: [10 pts.]

−7, 2, 11, 20, ,

(2) Determine what comes next in the given pattern and provide solution/explanation: [10 pts.]

12, 5, 24, 10, 48, 15, 96, 20, ,

(3) Draw the missing figure on the sequence below and provide solution/explanation: [10 pts.]

(4) Draw the missing figure on the sequence below and provide solution/explanation: [10 pts.]

(5) Suppose the population of a certain bacteria in a laboratory sample is 100. If it doubles in population
every 6 hours, how many bacteria will there be in two days (after 48 hours)? [10 pts.]
(6) In our discussion about Fibonacci sequence, we said that Fibonacci numbers occur in the species of
flowers in relation to their number of petals. Please identify some species having 13, 21, 34, and 55
petals. [10 pts.]
(7) In the video about applications of math assigned to you (See Red Canvas - Module 1 - Problem Set 1),
identify the business, industry, or organization presented in the video and identify all the math tools
being used. Please state the purpose and identify some benefits of using these tools. In case the video
assigned to you does not provide much detail about its purpose and/or benefit, you can search for
more online resources to get additional information. Also, from the business, industry, or organization
presented in the video, identify some benefits from the products and services they offer or produce that
people get. Write your answer in 8-10 sentences. [40 pts.]

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