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Buenos dias a todos (Good Day Everyone!

I’m Matthew Dagman and I am here to tell you about the
narratives of Miguel De Loarca in the island of Lucon and
now called as Luzon.

In this chapter, Loarca claims that Lucon is the most

important island of the whole group that has been
discovered. Why? Because It is thickly populated and
well-provided with rice and gold-mines, which have
yielded much gold especially in the Ylocos.

The island is divided into 3 provinces, Manila being

the chief city and capital of the kingdom (of Spain) and
settlement of the governor. In Manila, there are more
Spaniards found than in other islands. The port of Cavite
is where ships of Nueva Espana anchor and where ships
from China enter to carry out their trading. In Manila, the
king has a fortress there, with its governor, 3 royal
officers, 1 major, and 1 royal standard-bearer(leads an
organization) (all of them appointed by the King). There
are also 2 alguacils-mayor( the sheriff of a municipality)
(1 of court and 1 of the city), 1 government secretary, 1
notary for the cabildo, and 4 notaries-public.
In Manila resides the cathedral church and its own
bishop. There are 7 regidors in the city, 3 of them being
proprietary magistrates (* official entrusted to
administration of laws*) and appointed by the King
namely, Captain Juan de Moron, Don Luis Enriquez, and
Pedro de Herrera. The other 4 namely, Captain Graviel de
Ribera, Captain Joan Maldonado, Captain Bergara, and
Captain Rodrigo Alvarez, were appointed by the

There is also a convent of Augustinian monks, one of

the discalced friars ( belonging to one of several strict
orders of Catholic friars or nuns who go barefoot or wear
only sandals.), and one house of the Company (of Jesus).
After this, he then goes to describe a little bit of the
geography of Lucon in which he mentioned that Manila
has a shore of a large bay, about twenty leagues in
circumference. The region all about this bay is fertile, and
well-provisioned. The inhabitants are Moros, instructed
in that faith by those of Burney. The river has a fresh-
water lake, about five leagues above this city; it is more
than twenty leagues in circumference.
The district is rich in rice and cotton. The people possess
much gold in the way of trinkets, but there are no mines
in this region. This same race of Moros have made
settlements as far as the villages of the Batangas; and its
inhabitants (he compared them to the inhabitants or
Pintados or Visayas). He also talks about the
encomenderos, census of each municipality, salary of
every encomenderos

To discuss about the life condition of the native. People

in the Luzon are Moros and Pintados. Pintados are
people who fully tattoed their own body for their culture
and they are the opposite of Moros which has no interest
in designing their bodies. Rice is their primary food. On
the other hand the first Census on the island of lucon by
loarca is that the population of all men in the villages of
the entire region was 25,210. As described in the
selection, there was no woman described of the total

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