Dicionário Bilíngue de Palavras Encontradas Na Bíblia

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Bilingual Dictionary of Bible Words – English/Portuguese

Word Meaning Example

Accompanied adj. [əˈkʌmpənid] Acompanhado. He was accompanied by Nicodemus.
Account for p. v. Prestar conta. He could account for every penny he had spent.
Accredit v. Ascribe (atribuir) an achievement to: atribuir, Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you
imputar, designar; award credits to: atribuir,
aprovar; certify, authorize: atestar, certificar. by miracles, wonders and signs.
Alight adj. On fire, ablaze: aceso, incendiado. The house was fully alight by the time we reached it.
Alight v. Get out of a vehicle (person): apear; …the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting
land (bird): pousar. on him.
Aloes n. [æləʊz] fragrant flowering plant: aloé, áloe, Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes,
babosa. about seventy-five pounds.
Anguish n. [æŋgwɪʃ/] Angústia. The athlete fell to his knees in the anguish of defeat.
Ankle n. Tornozelo. She twisted her ankle during the race on Sunday.
Ashore adj. To or onto shore: em direção da costa. Peter climbed back into the boat and dragged the net
Assure v. Garantir, assegurar. Therefore, let all Israel be assured of this: God has
made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and
Astonished adj. Amazed, surprised: surpreso, When his parents saw him, they were astonished.
impressionado, estupefato, atônito.
At a loss adj. Unable to understand: atrapalhado. The disciples were at a loss to know (ficaram sem saber/sem
Losing money: liquidação. entender) which one me meant; they must be selling it at a
At once adv. Immediately: imediatamente, na mesma hora; When Beth saw how ill her son was, she called the health center at once; can't
simultaneously: ao mesmo tempo; all at once: clean the house and take care of the children at once; all at once, I heard a
de repente, subitamente, todos de uma vez. noise in the kitchen.
Attend v. Be present at: comparecer; look Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended
after, guard: escoltar; go regularly: him.
Awe n. Feeling of wonder: Fascínio, deslumbramento, The children stared at the beautiful scenery with awe (fascínio); he felt
reverência. ; overwhelming fear: espanto, paralyzed with awe (pavor) at the terrible sight.
Backdrop n. Pano de fundo, cortina de fundo He used the festival as a backdrop for revealing his
(backcloth), contexto. authority, identity and mission.
Baffle v. Desconcertar, confundir. Yet Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in
Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Messiah.
Bandage n. [ˈbændɪʤ] Gaze, ligadura, atadura. As an accident-prone (com tendência a acidades) child, his
knees were always covered with bandages.
Bandage v. [ˈbændɪʤ] Enfaixar (cobrir com atadura). He went to him and bandaged his wounds.
Bank n. Banco, margem (rio), ribanceira, They rushed down the steep bank into the lake.
massa (de núvens), painel.
Basin [ˈbeɪsən] Bacia; pia (de cozinha, de lavar as He poured water into a basin and began to wash his
mãos, de banheiro). disciples’ feet.
Be mindful of adj. + prep. To be aware of: Estar atento a. For He has been mindful of the humble state of his
Beat sb’s breasts expr. show regret or anger about something When all the people who had gathered to witness this sight
that has happened: bater no peito. saw what took place, they beat their breasts and went away.
Behead v. Decapitar. King Herod beheaded John the Baptist.
Bethphage n. Betfagé. City in Israel where Jesus sent his disciples to get the
Bewilderment n. Perplexidade, espanto. They looked around in bewilderment.
Billow n. Cloudlike mass: vagalhão, vaga. I will show you wonders in the heaven above and signs
on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of
Bohemian adj. Unconventional (lifestyle): boêmio, He planned his Son’s introduction using a scruffy bohemian
hippie, inconvencional. prophet called John the Baptist.
Breathe out p. v. Expirar, exalar. Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous
threats against the Lord disciples.
Brew v. Fermentar, produzir (cerveja); Trouble is brewing (está se formando) in Jerusalem.
formar-se, armar-se.
Bridegroom n. Noivo. Then he called the bridegroom aside…
Briefly adv. Brevemente. The Jews briefly regain their independence.
Brim n. Of a hat: aba; Of a container, of a cliff: “Fill the jars with water”; so, they filled them to the
borda; Brim with: transbordar. brim.
Broil v. Grelhar, ferver. They gave him a piece of broiled fish.
Broker n. Agent: agente. Power brokers set their agendas…
Brow n. [braʊ] Testa. A pain that went far beyond the nails in his feet and
wrists, the labored breathing or the “crown” of thorns
puncturing his brow.
Buffet v. [ˈbʌfət] Bater, golpear. The boat was buffeted by the waves.
Bustling adj. With many people: agitado, cheio. Power brokers set their agendas in this bustling town.
Cache n. [kæʃ] Secure box for money, hidden store of, The is a cache of money buried somewhere; the police discovered a cache of
store of weapon: esconderijo, depósito, illegal drugs In the woods; He did not gather a cache of weapons (armazenou
cofre; computer memory: cache. armas) or train a commando platoon for toppling Roman rule.

Caesar n. [ˈsizər) César. Title: Roman emperor.

Cannot help expr. Não conseguir para de, não I cannot help wondering if she really knows what she's
conseguir evitar. doing.

Captor n. Captor, capturador. He felt sympathy (compaixão) for his captors.

Cast lots expr. Tirar na sorte, sorteio. They divided up their clothes by casting lots.
Cave in p. v. Collapse inward: desmoronar; give in, The building caved in; after a prolonged strike, the government finally caved in
change your mind: ceder, submeter-se. and agreed to all of the union’s demands (exigências do sindicato).
Cleanse v. [klɛnz] Limpar. …those who have leprosy are cleansed.
Cloak n. Capa, manto. She came up behind him in the crowd and touched his
Cloth n. [klɔθ/klɑθ] Material, fabric: pano, tecido; rag: trapo, The queen’s gown is made from cloth of the highest quality; the
pano; made of cloch: de pano; the cloth maid (empregada) wiped the window with a cloth; cloth handbags
(figurative clergy): clero. (bolsas femininas) are inexpensive; he doveted his life to the cloth.
Clothe v. [kloʊð] Put sb into clothes: vestir; Provide She always clothes [kloʊðz/kloʊz] her twins identically; who will
clothing for: vestir. clothe the poor if the charity closes?
Clothes n. [kloʊðz/kloʊz] Garments, clothing: roupas, roupa. Her clothes/clothing (roupa) were wet.
Club n. Porrete, clava. The caveman hit the animal with a club.
Club v. Bater, golpear (com um objeto The caveman clubbed the animal.
Clutches n. Poder, garras. The angel rescued him from Herod’s clutches.
Coal n. [koʊl] For fire: carvão; after fire (coals): Locomotives used to be powered by coal; Samuel poured water over
brasa. the coals before going to sleep in his tent.
Colt n. Young male horse, pony, donkey Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there,
with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me; a filly (égua) and her
or mule (a foal): potro. foal (potro) frolicked (brincavam) across the meadow (campo [ˈmɛdəʊ]); the
mare (égua) was foaling (parindo) in the stable (estábulo).
Common-folk n. Cidadão comum. In the midst of growing Jewish opposition and common-folk popularity
(popularidade entre os cidadãos comuns).
Compunction n. Guilty conscience (often used in He had no compunction about offending Jewish leaders by placing
symbols of pagan [ˈpeɪgən] Roman worship in Jerusalem.
negative sentences): remorso.
Conceal v. Ocultar, esconder. …and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought
into the open.
Confer on/upon p. v. Give, bestow: conferir. And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father
conferred one on me.
Consent v. Agree to: Consentir. Judas consented and watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over.
Cool off p.v. Become less hot: esfriar; Become He sat in the shade to cool off; we won’t solve
less angry: acalmar-se. anything until you cool off.
Corps n. [kɔr] Body of people, organization: The apostles chose a small corps of servers, considered to be the
corpo. first deacons. Among them was Stephen.
Coupled with sth prep. In combination: junto com, combinado The bad weather, coupled with increased fuel prices, was
com. devastating to farmers.
Courtyard n. Outdoor space: pátio. When some there had kindled a fire in the middle of
the courtyard and had sat down together…
Crop n. Safra, colheita; chicote; raspado This year’s corn crop was poor.
Crop v. Aparar, podar (plantas); raspar, He cropped his hair.
cortar, aparar (cabelo); cortar
(uma fotografia).
Crow v. Sound of rooster: cacarejar. This very night, before the rooster crows, you will
disown me three times.
Cry out for p. v. Call aloud: chamar a gritos; need: pedir a The house was in poor condition and crying out for
gritos, clamar por. repair.
Cry out p. v. Shout, yell: guitar, berrar. He cried out: Yes, you know me and know where I am from.
Cushion n. Almofada. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion.
Custom n. Costume, tradição, hábito. He will destroy this place and change the customs
Moses handed down to us.
Customary adj. Tradicional, usual, normal, habitual. She bought her customary cup of coffee.
Daybreak n. Dawn, sunrise: aurora, alva, alvorada, Marlow was awake before daybreak to go jogging.
romper do dia.
Deacons n. [ˈdikən] Diácono. The apostles chose a small corps of servers, considered to be the
first deacons. Among them was Stephen.
Deceit n. Deception: enganação, mentira, engano. Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.
Defraud v. Defraudar, enganar (tirar Every year, thousands of elderly people are defrauded.
dinheiro), espoliar.
Deliberate adj. On purpose: deliberado, premeditado. God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge.
Den n. Animal’s lair: toca; place of vice (vício): My house will be called a house of players; but you are making it a
antro, covil; escritório (US). den of robbers (covil de ladrões); the TV is in the den (escritório).
Denarius n. Denário. A denarius was the daily wage of a day laborer. The next day, he took out two
denarii and gave them to the innkeeper.
Despise v. Desprezar. He despised his wife.
Deterrent adj. Dissuasivo (desencorajador). This deterrent policy is supposed to dissuade people from claiming
the benefits they are entitled to (a que têm direito).
Deterrent n. Meio de impedir, impedimento. Seeing the horrors of crucifixion was an effective
deterrent for wrong-does.
Devout adj. [dɪˈvaʊ] Devoto, religioso, piedoso. He was born into a family of devout Catholics.
Disclose v. Reveal (secret; legal): revelar, expor. For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed…
Disown v. Renegar, repudiar. Peter disowned Jesus.
Distinctly adv. Distintamente (claramente, The narrator pronounced each word distinctly.
Distressed adj. Chateado, aborrecido, miserável. The king was very distressed.
Disturbed adj. Perturbado, transtornado. When King Herod heard this, he was disturbed.
Doorway n. Entrada, portal. They went and found a colt outside in the street, tied
at a doorway.
Downcast adj. Abatido, para baixo. They stood still, with their faces downcast.
Earnestly adv. Seriamente, sinceramente. If you ask earnestly, he’ll be happy to help.
Endue/endow sb with sth Dotar alguém com algo. The Holy Spirit appeared like flames over the disciples’
expr. head and endued them with the Holy Spirit’s power.
Engross v. [ɪnˈgroʊs] To absorb the attention (often One time, Jesus became so engrossed in learning and
passive): absorver, prender, envolver. questioning that He lost track of time.
Eventful adj. Agitado. Francine's life has been very eventful lately.
Excruciation v. Sofrimento. When very severe pains torment one, it is called
Eye of a needle exp. Buraco/olho de uma agulha. Again, I tell you: it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a
needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
Fall away p. v. To withdraw support or This very night your will fall away (me abandonarão) on
allegiance: Abandonar, sumir; account of me.
diminish: diminuir.
Famine n. [ˈfæmən] Fome (escassez de alimento). There was a severe famine in that whole country.
Far and wide adv. Em toda parte. They spread the good news far and wide.
Fateful adj. Bringing disaster or death: fatal; ominous, When he woke up that morning, little did George know that a fateful chain of
prophetic: fatal, profético, fatídico; momentous: events had already been set in motion; we heard the fateful ( fatídico) toll
histórico, memorável. (soar) of the church bells as we climbed the hill; I still remember that fateful
day (dia memorável).
Feast v. [fist] Banquete. Let’s have a feast and celebrate.
Flock s. Rebanho; revoada/bando; For sheep, goats, congregation, church; for birds; for
multidão/bando. people.
Flog v. Açoitar, chicotear, chicotar. Jesus was flogged.
For sb’s sake loc. prep. Pelo bem de. He did it for the sake of the people.
Foreknowledge n. Foresight: presciência, previsão. God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge.
Foreshadow v. Prenunciar, anunciar (presságio). He foreshadowed what was going to happen.
Forfeit v. [ˈfɔrfɪt] Lose legally: perder; give up: desistir. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world,
yet forfeit their soul?
Forsake v. Abandonar, desamparar. “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”.
Four-footed adj. Quadrúpede. It contained all kinds of four-footed animals.
Frankincense n. Incenso. They presented the baby Jesus with gifts of god,
frankincense and myrrh.
Furnish v. Fornecer, provisionar, The defense furnished (fornceceu, apresentou) evidence that
apresentar. confirmed the defendant’s alibi (álibi do réu).
Furnished adj. Mobilhado, equipado (with He will show you a large room upstairs, furnished and
furniture – móveis). ready.
Garment v. Clothing: peça de roupa, vestuário. He wrapped his outer garment (roupa externa) around him.
Get down to sth p. v. Start (informal): ir direto ao que interessa, ir It’s the week of Passover – one of the holiest dates of
direto ao assunto; get down to business:
botar a mão na massa, mandar ver.
the Jewish calendar – when the religious leaders get
down to their unholy business.
Gnash v. [næʃ] Grind (teeth): ranger. His teeth gnashed with the effort it took to hold the door closed.
Go up to sb/sth v. expr. Approach, accost (approach Don’t be shy! Just go up to him and say hi! I want some
boldly): abordar alguém, boots (botas) that go up to my knees.
aproximar-se de, dirigir-se a;
reach as high as: subir até.
Godliness n. Religioius devotion: piedade. Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or
godliness we had made this man walk?
Gown n. [gaʊn] Festa de formatura: beca; roupa (formal) para He showed up for graduation in his cap (chapéu usado em formaturas) and
festa: vestido; vestido de noiva; camisola gown; she wore a beautiful gown the ball; Jane’s wedding gown was
hospitalar (usada pelo paciente); jaleco (usado breathtaking; the doctor asked the patient to put on a gown; the surgeon
pelo médico). wore a gown, mask and gloves.
Grant v. Conceder, outorgar. The judge granted the plaintiff (demandante/plaiteante) the
right to see the documents.
Greed n. For food (gluttony [ˈglʌtəni]): gula, voracidade; Just a touch of greed (apenas um toque de ganância) was all the
for wealth (avarice): cobiça, ganância. power needed to accelerate the plot.
Groaning n. Gemido. The victim’s groaning became a morning’s
entertainment for the onlookers.
Hail interj. Roman greeting: Ave, Salve! Hail Caesar! (Ave, César!); Hail, King of the Jews! (Salve, Rei dos
Hail n. Hailstone: granizo. We always get a lot of hail when it gets windy in the spring.
Hail v. Hailstones (fall): chover granizo; taxi: chamar Suddenly it started hailing out of the blue sky; I hailed a taxi to get home; She
um taxi; hail from (be native of): ser de; hails from Canada; The farms hailed news of coming rain with delight
acknowledge positively: saudar, aclamar; (saudaram com alegria as notícias de chuva); this new technology is being
aknowlege as: ver como, considerar. hailed as the answer to our problems.
Hallowed adj. [ˈhæloʊd] Santificado. Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Hand down p. v. Pass on to a successor: passar por He will destroy this place and change the customs
herança. Moses handed down to us.
Hatch v. Chovar (ovo); hachurar; make a plot: planejar, The religious leaders are fed up, so they hatch (tramam) a
tramar; Down the hatch interj. (drink toast): Um
brinde! Tim tim! plan to have Jesus killed.
Haul v. Pull: puxar, arrastar; transport: They were unable to haul the net because of the large
transportar, rebocar. number of fish.
Havoc n. [hævək] Caos, destruição, devastação; raise/weak The tornado caused havoc in the small fishing village; isn’t he the man who
havoc: causar estragos, causar uma raised havoc in Jerusalem among those who call on this name?
Head-to-head adj. Contest (between two people): cabeça a He goes head-to-head with demons.
cabeça, competitivo.
Heinous Hateful, evil: abominável, atroz, hediondo. For Jesus, this henous death was undeserved.
Heir v. [ɛr] Heir, heiress (f.), inheritor: herdeiro. We are his heir.
Herd n. Rebanho, manada, multidão, Group of wild animals/farm animals; group of people.
Herd v. Agrupar. They herded together according to their teams.
Herodians n. Herodianos. Uma seita Judaica. The Pharisees went out and began to plot (tramar)
with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus.
High Priest n. Sumo Sacerdote. The high priest himself conducted the ritual sacrifice at the altar.
Hinder v. [ˈhɪndər] Slow progress: impedir, obstruir, The manager’s incompetence hindered the progress of the project;
atrapalhar; slow physically: atrapalhar, the handcuffs hindered the escaping prisoner and he was caught
impedir, deter. quickly.
Hold back p.v. Conter, segurar, guardar, Jesus instructed his followers to hold back, to not tell
reprimir. who he was.
Hold on to p. v. Segurar, aguarrar, apegar (fig.). Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to
the Father.
Hosanna interj. Hosana, aleluia. A Hebrew expression meaning Save! It became an exclamation of praise.

How odd! interj. Que estranho! How odd, then, that Jesus seemed indifferent to
regime change.
Hurry off p.v. To leave quickly: escapar, fugir. They hurried off and found Mary and Joseph.
Indignant adj. Indignado (ofendido). He gave me an indignant look when I mentioned his mother.
Inherit v. Herdar. What must I do to inherit eternal life?
Inmost adj. Íntimo, secreto. He has scattered those who are proud in their inmost
Intently adv. Atentamente. David concentrated intently as he tried to solve the problem.
Issue v. Emitir, decretar, publicar. Caesar Augustus issued a decree.
It is finished! Interj. Está consumado. Jesus said: “It’s finished!”.
Kernel n. Miolo (semente), grão, semente; ...then the full kernel is the head.
essência (figurado).
Kindle v. Start a fire: acender; fire (start to burn): When some there had kindled a fire in the middle of the
acender; rouse, stir up (fig.): atiçar, atear, courtyard and had sat down together, Peter sat down with
acender. them.
Labored breathing expr. Heavy or difficult respiration: … the labored breathing or the “crown” of thorns
respiração ofegante, difícil. puncturing his brow.
Languish v. Suffer: definhar, enlanguescer. …he had been languishing in prison…
Leather v. adj. [ˈlɛðər] Couro, de couro. John had a leather belt around his waist.
Leaven v. [lɛvən] Fermentar, levedar. Yeast (fermento para food, dough and beer) helps leaven bread; you
have to add leaven (fermento) to the dough (massa) to make it rise.
Linen n. [ˈlɪnən] Bad and bath: roupa de cama; fabric Tom changed the linen of his bad; linen sheets are
type, flex fiber thread: linho, de linho. heavier than cotton ones.
Little did they know expr. Mal eles sabiam. Little did they know what was about to happen.
Little Wonder/No wonder idm. Não é de admirar. Little wonder that most people imagined the new king
would be the greatest warrior.
Locust v. [ˈloʊkəst] Grasshopper: Gafanhoto. His food was locusts and wild honey.
Lynch v. Kill without trial: linchar. He was lynched on his way home.
Magi n. [ˈmæʤaɪ] The wise men: magos. Then Herod called the Magi secretly…
Mat n. Rug: Tapete; hair, stuff: emaranhado, nó; …lowered the mat (tapete/cama) the man was lying on; the cat
protection under plates, glasses: had a few bad mats (nós) in her fur (pelo); Richard put the pot
jogo americano. (panela) on a mat (jogo americano) on the table.
Mat v. Dar nó, emaranhar-se; colocar When matting a photo, it is best to use a plain white mat
um fundo numa foto. (fundo); Sarah's hair matted (deu nó) because she didn't comb it
for a week.
Meek adj. Humilde, manso, tímido. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Meet with approval expr. Be endorsed, supported: receber, This suggestion met with approval among the Jews.
Misleading adj. Not entirely true: enganso, enganador; Some Pharisees considered him a teacher of
leading the wrong way: desorientador,
dangerous and misleading philosophy.
Mob n. Crowd of people: multidão, turba, The crowd turned into a lynch mob (turba/multidão de
bando, aglomeração, linchamento).
Mock v. Zombar, ridicularizar. She mocked her friend’s attitude.
Motion to/at p. v. Gesticular, fazer gesto, fazer sinal. He motioned with his hand and said…
Mounting adj. Increasing (debt, pressure, etc.): God performed many miracles through them, adding
crescente. to the mounting excitement among the populace.
Mourn v. Lamentar a morte de; enlutar, Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be
chorar, estar de luto por. comforted [ˈkʌmfərtɪd].
Mutter v. Murmurar, resmungar. But the Pharisees and the teachers of law muttered:
“This man welcomes sinners and eat with them.”.
Myrrh n. [mɜr] Mirra. They presented him with… and myrrh.
Now that adv. Agora que. Now that you're finally back home, you can finish your
chores (afazeres domésticos).
Nurse v. Tratar, cuidar de., amamentar, Herodias nursed a grudge (alimentou um rancor) against
nutrir. John.
Odor n. [ˈoʊdər] Fedor. There was an awful (horrível) odor coming from the sink.
On account of expr. Por causa de. This very night your will fall away (me abandonarão)
on account of me.
Onlooker v. Espectador, curisoso (observador The victim’s groaning became a morning’s
casual). entertainment for the onlookers.
Ordain v. Decretar. Jesus’ birth was a miraculous beginning ordained by
God’s power.
Out of sb’s means idm. Com seus próprios recursos. These women ware helping to support them out of
their own means.
Outer adj. Externo, exterior, mais distante. He took off his outer clothing and wrapped a towel
around his waist.
Outwit v. To be cleverer than: enganar, passar a When king Herod realized that he had been outwitted
perna. by the Magi, he was furious.
Oversee v. Superviosonar, inspecionar. They oversaw the temple administration.
Overturn v. Turn over: virar, capotar; anular uma He overturned the tables of the money changers; the car skidded (derrapou)
decisão (por julgamento); overthrow and overturned (capotou); the judge overtuned (anulou) the conviction
(fig.): derrubar. (condenação); the revolutionaries overturned (derrubaram) the government.

Overwhelm v. Overpower emotionally: tomar conta; Sorrow overwhelmed him and he broke down in tears; She is
overburden (often passive): sobrecarregar; overwhelmed with work; the army overwhelmed the enemy’s bases.
overpower: dominar, sobrepujar.
Overwhelmed adj. Having too much: cumulado, The crash put even more pressure on and overwhelmed
sobrecarregado; feeling defeated: emergency department; I felt overwhelmed in my first week
esmagado, esgotado. as a new parent.
Overwhelming adj. Overpawering: desanimador; very great, The army fought on in the face of (lutou diante de)
huge: imenso, esmagador; feeling overwhelming odds (chances desanimadoras); they claimed and
(irresistible): irresistível, extraordinário. overwhelming victory; they had an overwhelming desire to
Perceive v. Perceber, discernir. They may be ever seeing but never perceiving (Mark
Perch n. Poleiro (para aves). The budgie (periquito) is sitting on his perch.
Perch v. Empoleirar-se, pousar, ...with such big branches that the birds can perch in its
acomodar-se. shade.
Pharisees n. [ˈfærəˌsiz] Fariseus. The most powerful group of religious authorities within Judaism. The Pharisees
were highly focused on their interpretation of the law given by God, and they
often challenged Jesus regarding these precepts (preceitos).
Pilate n. [ˈpaɪlət] Pilatos. Roman procurator/governor of Judea; the final authority concerned
in the condemnation and execution of Jesus Christ.
Plainly adv. Clearly, evidently: claramente; in an I’m plainly confused by your question; she dressed
unadorned way: simplesmente; plainly for her job interview; don’t be afraid to tell him
honestly, directly: simplesmente. plainly what you think.
Platoon n. [pləˈtun] Subdivisão militar: pelotão. …train a commando platoon (treinar um pelotão de commando) for toppling
Roman rule.
Play out p. v. Proceed to the end: acabar, God’s bigger story of salvation was being played out
desenrolar-se. through Jesus’ life and death.
Plead v. [plid] Ask earnestly: pleitar, implorar; Legal (to He pleaded for his life.
court): pleitear, advogar; declarar, alegar.
Plead with p.v. Beg, beseech: implorar, suplicar, rogar. The older brother became angry and did not go in. So, his
father went out and pleaded with him.
Pledged adj. [plɛʤd] Prometida. She was pledged to be married to him.
Pod n. Vagem, casca (vegetal); módulo, He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the
cápsula (objeto que pode ser removido). pigs were eating.
Pod v. Produzir vagem. My pea plant (ervilheiro) is starting to pod.
Portray v. Retratar, representar (no teatro). If Pilate refused to condemn Jesus, Jewish accusers
would portray him as no friend of Caesar.
Prompt adv. Punctuality (informal): pontualmente, Be there at twelve noon, prompt.
em ponto.
Prompt n. Cue (theater): dica; Cue to elict Mary forgot her line and needed a prompt; the teacher used
prompts to encourage the students to use the new vocabulary they
response: lembrete, dicas.
had learned.
Prompt v. To give a cue to: soprar; refresh When Ian forgot his line, the stage manager prompted
sb’s memory: fazer lembrar; him; when he couldn’t remember the word, the
encourage: instigar, provocar. teacher prompted him; the devil had already
prompted (instigado) Judas;
Pushover adj. Fracote, frouxo, banana. But Jesus is no pushover.
Put sth up/Put up sth p.v. Armar, erguer, construir. Rabbi, it is good for us to be there. Let us put up three
Puzzled adj. Perplexo, intrigado, confuso. When Herod heard John, he was very puzzled.
Quarrel v. Discutir, discordar. Luke is always quarrelling with his brother.
Quench v. Thirst: saciar, matar a sede; fire the rich man orders Abraham to send Lazarus with water to
(extinguish): apagar; surpress: quench his thirst; neither shall their fire be quenched; a bad
acabar com; teacher quenched Hilary's interest in creative writing.
Rabbi n. [ˈræˌbaɪ] Rabino, professor, mestre. Jesus is my rabbi.
Rabble-houser n. Encrenqueiro, agitador. Jesus didn’t come off as a rabble-houser.
Raid Sudden attack: atacar. …violent people have been raiding it.
Rally v. Gather to support: reunir-se, juntar-se; About four hundred men rallied to him (se uniram a ele).
rally n.: manifestação, comício, reunião.
Redeem v. Salvar, redimir, remir. He is going to redeem Israel.
Reed n. Bambu, cana. A reed swayed by the wind?
Regime n. [rəˈʒim] Government system: regime; Diet: The people are very unhappy and want to overthrow (derrubar) the
regime. regime; I’m trying a new regime to lose weight.
Reimburse v. Reembolsar. I’ll reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.
Retort v. Reply sharply: replicar. “What is the truth?” retorted Pilate.
Riot v. Amotinar-se, insurgir-se, rebelar- People may riot (se insurgirem); tensions built up (as tensões foram
crescendo) and, finally, the unrest (agitação) erupted (explodiu) into a riot
se. (rebelião).
Ripe adj. Maduro (fruta, idade); pronto (para As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it.
comer); sazonado (cheiro forte);
oportuno (tempo).
Rock v. Sacudir, balançar. When the Holy Spirit arrived, the house rocked.
Rooster n. Galo. This very night, before the rooster crows, you will
disown me three times.
Rough-hewn adj. [rʌf-hjun] Crudely shaped, lacking Imagine skilled religious lawyers questioning this
refinement: grosseiro, rústico. rough-hewn eccentric (John the Baptist).
Run the errands expr. Go out to do chores: Fazer tarefas. I've been running errands all morning, and still haven't
finished everything I need to do.
Sabbath n. [ˈsæbəθ] Dia de descanço e adoração. Christian day The Sabbath is the day of worship and rest.
of rest: Sunday (domingo); Jews and some
Christians: Saturday (sábado).
Sadducees [ˈsæʤyəˌsiz] Saduceus. An upper-class group of Jewish leaders who oversaw
the temple administration.
Sanhedrin n. [ˌsænˈhidrɪn] Sinédrio. Jewish assembly. The supreme judicial, ecclesiastical, and administrative
council of the Jews in New Testament times, having 71 members.
Scale n. Weighing device: balança; system of measure: Something like scales fell from Saul's eyes.
escala; scales (plural) of fish, snake, etc.:
Scheme v. Plot, plan: conspirar, maquinar: The chief priests and the teachers of the law were
scheming to arrest Jesus.
Scorch v. Burn: Queimar; criticize, scold: criticar; But when the sum came up, the plants were scorched.
drive very fast: voar.
Scruffy adj. Untidy: maltrapilho, desleixado, He planned his Son’s introduction using a scruffy bohemian
desarrumado. prophet called John the Baptist.
Seize the day! Interj. Carpe diem: Aproveite o dia! My dad was always telling me: Seize the day! – you won’t be young forever.

Seize v. Grab: agarrar, pegar; take by force: At this, they tried to seize him, but no one laid a hand on
tomar, apoderar-se; understand (fig.): him; Judas was seized with remorse and returned the thirty
captar, entender; be seized with: ser pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders.
tomado por, ser acometido de.
Sentry n. Guard, watchman: guarda, vigia, The sentries stood silently at the gate.
Set out p.v. Start a journey, leave for, go to: partir para, ir They set out for London; She set out (colocou) the cutlery (talheres) for dinner;
para; lay out, arrange: colocar, planejar; each member set out (apresentou) their ideas.
present: apresentar.
Shriek v. [ʃrik] Scream: grito agudo. The impure spirit…came out of him with a shriek.
Shriveled adj. Withered, shrunken: Murcho, … a man with a shriveled hand.
Sickle n. Foice. As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it.
Sickle v. Ceifar. A man sickled the tall grass.
Skull n. Caveira, crânio, cabeça; Place where Jesus was When they came to a place called the Skull (a Caveira, Calvário),
crucified (Calvary, Golgotha): calvário, gólgota. they crucified him there.
Slip away p. v. Leave discreetly: sair à francesa, escapulir-se; I hate saying goodbye, so I just slip away; time was just slipping away; the
time (pass): passar depressa; slowly disappear: image of the ghost slipped away before our eyes; three hours after her stroke,
esvair-se; die (euphemism): falecer. she slipped away.

Sneer at p. v. Desdenhar de, desprezar, Sneer: The people stood watching, and the rulers even
sorrir desdenhosamente. sneered at him.
Sorrowful adj. [ˈsorəfəl] Pesaroso, triste. William is a sorrowful person who has few friends.
Spear n. [spɪr] Weapon: lança; part of a plant: The tribe use spears to hunt animals. One of the
haste. soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear.
Spice n. Food flavouring (tempero): The two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in strips
especiaria, condimento. of linen.
Spit v. Cuspir. They will hand him over to Gentiles, who will mock him, spin on his face…;
they spat on his face.
Sponge n. Esponja. Immediately on of them ran and got a sponge.
Spring n. Primavera, mola, elasticidade, A spring (mola) popped out of the watch; the
salto, nascente/fonte. waistband (cós) has lost its spring (elasticidade); a
spring (fonte) of water.
Spring up p.v. Start to grow: brotar, germinar; arise It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.
suddenly: brotar, aparecer.
Spring v. Be released: saltar; emerge: brotar; have He springs (descende) from one of the oldest families in Israel;
lineage/originate: descender, originar-se; the mouse sprang (acionou) the trap; he sprang (revelou) the
disclose: revelar; activate a trap: acionar, new on us; he sprang (rachou) the handle (cabo) of the broom;
armar. Split/Crack: rachar, fender.
the runners sprang (saltaram) the hurdles (obstáculos).
Squad n. Esquadrão. He was guarded by four squads of four soldiers each.
Squall n. Sudden wind: rajada de vento; A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over
rainstorm: tempestade. the boat, so that it was nearly swamped.
Squander v. Desperdiçar, malgastar, esbanjar The younger son got together all he had, set off for a
(dinheiro). distant country and there squandered his wealth in
wild living.
Staff n. Walking stick: bastão, cajado, bengala; rod (stick He filled the sponge with wine vinegar, put it on a staff,
of metal or wood): vara; shepherd’s crook:
bastão; music: partitura; equipe administrativa. and offered it to Jesus to drink.
Stalk n. Stem (plant): haste (da planta). All by itself the soil produces grain – first the stalk,
then the head…
Stand still p. v. Ficar parado, ficar imóvel. They stood still, with their faces downcast.
Start out p. v. Begin carreer: começar; begin: The next day, Peter started out with them, and some
começar. Set out on a journey: partir. of the believers from Joppa went along.
Startle v. Assutar, alarmar. They were startled and frightened.
Startling adj. Surprising, frightening: This was startling news to the religious elite.
surpreendente, assustador.
Steep adj. Sharply sloped: íngreme. They rushed down the steep bank into the lake.
Stephen n. [ˈstivən] Estevão. The apostles chose a small corps of servers, considered to be the
first deacons. Among them was Stephen.
Stern adj. Severe, serius: duro, rígido, severo. He was a stern man.
Stern n. Rear (section in back) of a boat: Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion.
fundo, popa.
Sternly adv. Strictly: severamente, duramente. “Be quiet!”, Said Jesus sternly.
Stiff-necked adj. [ˈstɪfˈnɛkt] Cabeça-dura, arrogante. You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still
Stir n. disturbance: alvoroço, confusão, rebuliço; It caused a stir in the city; at his words, a stir ( centelha) of home rose inside of
centelha (figurado); jail: xadrez, cadeia; me; on the day he got out of stir (cadeia), he promised to reform (se
Stir up p.v. Provocar, causar, incitar. He stirs up hatred.
Stir v. Mix: mexer; provocar, comover, mexer, Stir all the ingredients; the boys stirred the sleeping dog by yelling; the music
estimular, incitar. stirs our emotions; the whole city was stirred (agitada).
Strap n. Strip (often leather): correia, tira, alça. He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose
sandals I am not worthy to untie.
Subdue v. Conter, controlar, subjugar. No one was strong enough to subdue him.
Surpass v. Superar, ultrapassar. A man who comes after me has surpassed me because
He was before me.
Swamped adj. Alagado, inundado (swamp – pântano). … so that it was nearly swamped.
Sway v. Balançar. A reed swayed by the wind?
Tabernacle n. [ˈtæbərˌnækəl] Tabernáculo (templo). The Festival of Tabernacles.
Take heart expr. Encorajar-se (sentir-se You can take heart in the improvements we see in the
encorajado). economy.
Take issue with p.v. Disagree with: discordar. She took issue with his claim of innocence.
Tampering n. Manipulação, adulteração. A guard was posted to prevent any tampering with the
Tanner n. Somebody who manufactures Simon the tanner.
leather: curtidor.
Tend v. Tomar conta de, cuidar. Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the
town and countryside.
The breaking of bread expr. O partir do pão. Jesus is revealed through the breaking of bread and
the Lord’s Supper (da Ceia do Senhor).
The ends of the earth expr. Os confins da terra. Then you will be my witnesses to testify about me in Jerusalem,
throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Thorn n. Espinho (numa planta). Other seed fell among thorns.
Timely adv. Oportuna, conveniente. His message was timely.
Topple v. Things stacked (empilhadas): tombar; Be careful that you don’t topple that stack of dishes (pilha de louça); …for
Overturn, overthrow (government): toppling the Roman rule (derrubar o domínio romano).
Tow v. Pull behind: rebocar. The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the
net of fish.
Trample v. Esmagar (com o pé), pisar (com But if the salt loses its saltiness, it is no good for anything,
força). except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
Treasure up p.v. To collect or store up sth. of Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them
value: guardar. in her heart.
Troubled adj. Preocupado, apreensivo, The king was troubled for what was happing; their
problemático, conturbado. building project has been troubled from the word go.
Twist together p. v. Twine: tocer, enroscar. The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and
put it on his head.
Unleavened adj. [ʌnˈlɛvənd] Baked without raising agent: ázimo, Unleavened bread is eaten during the Jewish festival of
não fermentado. Passover.
Unmerited adj. Imerecido Grace is the unmerited favor and blessing of the Lord.
Uprising n. Political revolt: inssureição, revolta. They shouted back, “No, not him! Give us Barabbas!”. Now
Barabbas had taken part in an uprising.
Urge n. Desejo. He feels an urge to help them.
Urge v. Encorajar. He urged her to apply for the job. They urged him on
with shouts of encouragement.
Utterly adv. Completamente, totalmente. We were utterly unprepared for the number of
applications we received.
Wage n. Salário, pagamento. A denarius was the daily wage of a day laborer.
Wail v. Lamentar. People were wailing loudly.
Waist n. Cintura. John had a leather belt around his waist.
Watch for p.v. Be vigilant for, careful of: tomar Judas consented and watched for (aguardou por) an opportunity to hand Jesus
over; the park ranger (guarda-florestal) was always on the watch (à procura,
cuidado, aguardar por, estar atento a.
alerta) for poachers (caçadores ilegais) and forest fires (incêndios florestais).
Well up p.v. Spring forth (liquid): Brotar. The water I give them will become in them a spring of
water welling up to eternal life.
What is more adv. Além disso, também, além do The food served in that restaurant is not very good
mais. and, what is more, it's overpriced.
What is that to me/us? Expr. Que me/nos importa? What is that to us? That’s your responsibility.
Wheat n. Trigo. There are fields of wheat.
Whiter v. Shrivel, shrink: murchar. The plants withered because they had no root.
Wilderness v. Uninhabited area: deserto. …preaching in the wilderness of Judea.
Wine Vinegar n. Vinagre de vinho. They offered him wine vinegar.
Wipe out p. v. Eradicate, eliminate: aniquilar, eliminar, With this new weapon we'll be able to wipe out our enemies; he was a rich
erradicar; ruin financially: arruinar, destruir. man until the stock market crash of 1929 wiped him out.
Wipe v. Clean: esfregar com pano; erase: apagar; He wiped the table; the teacher wiped the board; she
forget: esquecer, apagar. is trying to wipe this terrible event form her memory.
Wrestle v. Lutar, brigar; wrestle with: brigar com, lutar Peter’s normal reaction to trouble was to wrestle it to
com; wrestle sth/sb to the ground: tomar
controle (da situação), enfrentar, derrubar. the ground, no to rum from it.
Wrong-doers malfeitor, meliante. Seeing the horrors of crucifixion was an effective
deterrent for wrong-does.
Zealot n. Zelote, fanático. Some zealots protested against him.

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