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-How to get high without drugs-

-In just 5 minutes-

Everybody wants to be high. In fact, it's a desire everyone has to a certain

amount. Already since primeval times, people get high on drugs: fermented
drinks (alcohol), Mescal Beans (a very dangerous hallucinogen), Opium, Coca
leaves and Tobacco were used back then to have some fun. There is a strong
natural urge in all of us to get high once in a while. It's one of our
fundamental right to get high. Sadly the government sees this otherwise: Even
Marijuana is banned, a in comparison harmless drug, which can also be used
in medicine. You will be treated like an dangerous criminal if you are in a
country where Marijuana is banned and if they catch you while you smoke. We
all know, marijuana consuments are not dangerous criminals, they only want
to have a good time once in a while. And people who need it as a medicine
(but who aren't allowed to get medical Marijuana) aren't criminials either –
they are people that need relief.

I never tried an illegal drug in my entire life. I only had experience with
alcohol – my only experience with a state of intoxication. But it got boring
after some time. In fact, being drunk is a state of mind i don't enjoy. I wanted
to experience more – but i didn't want to feel myself as an criminal. I didn't
want to get on the streets and get busted while getting (maybe contaminated)
stuff. And i also didn't want to harm my health – many illegal drugs are not as
dangerous as alcohol, but every body reacts differently and i didn't want to
take a risk there.

Someday i accidentally found a forum. A user explained how he can get high
everytime without drugs. This is where my journey started. For almost one
year i searched the internet and countless books for ways to get high without
drugs – and let me tell you, i found very powerful methods. And guess what: I
wrote them down in this ebook. :)

Before we start, one little information: All methods described in this ebook are
perfectly harmless. The human body has a self-preservation drive: Like you
cannot suffocate from holding your breath, you just cannot get harmed by
these methods. And in contrast to real drugs, the experience will only last as
long as you want!

Disclaimer: I expect, that you won't practice any methods while doing
dangerous activities, f.e. Driving, handling heavy machines etc. I cannot be
held responsible for damages and informations contained in this ebook.
Everything in this book is practiced on your own risk. You only paid for this
ebook, not for the video files contained in this ebook! They are a free bonus!
You are not allowed to leak this ebook or the text contained in this ebook! You
are not allowed to resell this ebook!

We start with light methods and slowly progress to methods were you will
have very strong experiences. I suggest that you try these light methods
before you go to the stronger ones. Of course you can skip them and start with
„2. The real deal“.

Now, before we start, please download

the video material here:!KZ4UHagB!f0FHXPx5wTeUTkzdu4MGGQ

1.Methods for beginners

1.1 Digital Open Eye Visuals

1.Open one of the videos in the „Digital Open Eye Visuals“ folder.
2. Just stare in the center.
3. Once the video stops or says that you have to look away from the screen,
well, look away from the screen.
4. Everything in your room moves. It looks like the walls are breathing. This
effect will last for a few seconds.

Explaination: When you stare on the spiral, your brain want to compensate
these movements. It does this so well, that you will see these compensations
in form of distortions once you suddenly look on a static object.

1.2 Pressure induced Closed Eye Visuals

1. Close your eyes

2. Now press your fingers with a mild pressure on your closed eyes. You can
also try to rub them.
3. After a few seconds, you should see lights, colors and patterns which should
grow in intensity.
4. If you continue this method, these lights, colors and patterns can grow
overwhelmingly strong so you will have to stop.
Info: If you open your eyes, your vision will be blurry and you will be light-
sensitive for a few seconds to 1 minute. This is perfectly normal.

Explaination: The pressure stimulates the cells of the retina, so they will
send informations of light to your brain which isn't even there. These lights,
color and patterns are called „pressure phosphenes“.

1.3 Simulated temporary color-blindness

1. For this method you need a strong flashlight.

Attention: Never look directly into the flashlight!!!

2. Close you eyes very tight and shine with the flashlight into your closed(!)
right eye for about 60 seconds. You should see a red surface. Don't move your
flashlight and hold a steady distance to your eye.
3. Now open your left eye – everything looks normal, right? And now open
your right eye – Instand color-blindness
Info: This effect will last for about 1 minute.

Explaination: With this method we overstimulate the red receptors in our

eye. This way they don't send informations of the color to our brain anymore
for a few seconds until the stimulus reached a normal level.

1.4 ASMR

Attention: This technique won't work for everyone at the first try!
Some people need train their capability to get ASMR.

1. Go to Youtube and search for „ASMR“.

2. Watch one of the countless videos.
3. If you are prone to ASMR, you should feel overwhelming tingling sensations
all over your scalp and back.

Explaination: ASMR stands for „autonomous sensory meridian response“.

Whispering and some other sounds can trigger this response. Scalp massages
are a very reliable way to trigger ASMR for people who don't respond to
ASMR videos. Scientists aren't entirely sure what ASMR is, but they assume
that it`s a response of the pleasure center in the brain.

(1.5) Music
I guess, this one doesn't really count as a method. ;) I only want to remind
you, that good music can be a great drug. Endorphins, Serotonine and
Dopamine will be released which give us a state of pure bliss and ecstasy. It
also gives us a phenomenon named „frisson“: a brief sensation usually
reported as pleasurable and often expressed as an overwhelming emotional
response to stimuli.

(1.6) Humor

This also doesn't count as a method, but i think it's good to know, that a good
laughter is a great natural high. Countless endorphins and serotonine and
dopamine will be released. So have a good laughter with your buddies once in
a while. :)

(1.7) Sex

Well, do i have to describe this? ;)

2.The real deal
2.1 Idoser

Attention: This method won't work at the first try for the majority of users.
Idoser require some practice and the right conditions:

-High quality headphones (no earbuds)

-Youtube videos won`t work because the compression algorithm of youtube
destroys required wavelenghts, you will archive the best results with files
in .wav format
-No noise or lights – the best conditions are a completely dark and noiseless

1. Download the free doses and the Idoser player from: http://i- If you like the free doses, you can buy hundreds of
other ones in their store: They are the best
binaural beats you can find on the entire internet yet and they are very
reasonable priced. But i recommend that you practice with the free ones until
you get the hang of it.
2. Now make yourself comfortable. Sit on your couch or lie on your bed and
make sure, that your room is noiseless and dark.
3. Start the desired dose and put your headphones on.
4. Now close your eyes and listen to the entire Dose. It's very important that
you listen to the entire Dose, otherwise it won't work. If you are disturbed
and/or pause the Dose, you have to listen again from the very beginning!
5. Don't focus directly on the tones, but drift away! Don't get anxious or let
your mind wander!
6. If you have any natural urges (f.e. the urge to itch), try to ignore them. It's
very important that you lay still.
7. If you done everything right, you will feel the described effects of the Dose
in the middle or the last part of the Dose. If you're good, you will feel the
effects already in the first minutes.

Explaination: Idoser sounds (or binaural beats) are modifying our brain
waves. Brain waves are fluctuations of the electrical current (brain cells are
working with small electrical signals) of our brain. Our brain is working with
Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta waves:

-Alpha: increased learning ability, increased ability to remember things;

bridge between consciousness and subconsciousness
-Beta: they occur in situations of stress and anxiety
-Theta: they enable the access to unconscious thoughts, they increase
creativity and vivid memories
-Delta: they regulate glands and hormones, cell regeneration. Delta waves are
producing experiences which some people would connect to a „sixth sense“

Idoser are producing different sounds of different wave lenghts for both ears.
These both sounds interfere in the brain and generae the desired frequencies.

2.2 Hypnosis

Attention: This method doesn't work for everyone at the first try. Some
people need some practice to fall in trance. Keep in mind, hypnosis is
NOT dangerous! You are not vulnerable in hypnosis: If a suggestion is
against your will, it simply won't happen. You also can stop the
hypnosis at any time, you have full control over your body!

1. Make sure that you are in a noisefree environment and that nobody will
disturb you!
2. Make yourself comfortable on your couch or bed.
3. Open the „Hypnosis“ folder and start one of the videos.
4. Now listen to the entire hypnosis. It's very important, that you won't focus
on the words. You don't have to understand what the hypnotist is telling you,
your subconsciousness are listening anyway. Only listen to sound of the voice,
don't try to understand what he's telling you!

Explaination: With Hypnosis the hypnotist get the access to your

subconsciousness and is able to manipulate body functions and reactions.
2.3 The Ganzfeld Procedure

What we need for this method:

-Ping Pong Ball


1. Cut the Ping Pong Ball in half.

2. Now darken your room. It should be very dark in there! It's also very
important that you are in a noisefree environment!
2. Open the video in the „Ganzfeld“ folder, start it in fullscreen mode and put
on your headphones
3. Tape the Ping Pong Ball halves to your eyes and „look“ in the direction
where your computer screen is. You should sit very close but comfortable
behind your computer screen. You should only see a smooth red surface and
hear white noise
4. After some exposure (which can take up to 30 minutes!), you should have
very vivid auditory and visual hallucinations (which could be anything:
conversations, music, Faces, landscapes, animals etc.)

Explaination: This method is some sort of sensory deprivation. Because your

brain don't get a new stimulus for a long time, it simply starts to create new
sensory input.
2.4 Holotropic Breathwork

Attention: 1. Sit or lie down! This is very important, otherwise you

could fall and get hurt!
2. Now breathe very deeply and fast! Try to hyperventilate!
3. After some time you should get a very lightheaded feeling, you should feel
pure bliss and a pleasant tingling sensation in your whole body. The effect is
almost as you are high on „nitrous oxide“. If you are a beginner you should
stop here, otherwise you can continue to perform the breathing rhythm
4. After some time your limbs can start to hurt, this is perfectly normal. If you
have the urge to move or make sounds i highly encourage you to do it!
5. After some time you are in heaven on earth :). The effects are similar to
high dose LSD.
6. If you want to stop then slowly normalize your breathing rhythm.
7. After some minutes the effect of this method should be gone.

Explaination: With this method the carbon dioxide level in your body
decreases. This way the blood flow in your brain changes and turns off the
Thalamus filter. LSD turns off the Thalamus filter too, so the Holotropic
Breathwork works similar to LSD. Scientists also believe that high amounts of
DMT (which are produced in the lungs) are released during holotropic

2.5 Meditation
Meditation, if done right, is much more mindblowing than any drug you can
find. There are countless ways to meditate, but i found a very good tutorial on

„Sit down, relax, get comfortable. In a chair? Great. Sitting on the floor, on a
pillow, cross legged, whatever? Great. Can you sit that way for about 20
minutes to an hour? Awesome.
1.Close your eyes and your mouth. Rest your hands in your lap, one hand
resting in the other, and have your thumbs touching, held up a bit. This can
actually help keep you awake.
2.Breath through your nose with no real concern about controlling it. Just
observe it without judgement. When your mind wanders, just bring it back to
the breath without judging the content of your mind, or reacting strongly to
this in any way. Repeat this as your meditation, every time you bring your
attention gently back to your breath, you cause your mind to lift weights.“

You see, meditation is easy to explain but it's hard to master. I highly
recommend that you practice meditation, it can produce very powerful
experiences. I can take some time, but it's worth it!

2.6 Amygdala Clicking

Attention:This method doesn't work for everyone at the first try. Some
people need some practice to use this method properly!

To use the method properly, we have to find our Amygdalae. Right, we

have two of these little emotion centers (they play a huge role for
pleasure and anxiety) in our brain. :)
1. Lying between the outer corner of your eye and the front middle area of
your ear is a soft area – commonly referred to as your „temple“.
2. At this point about an inch (=2,5cm) within your skull is a small organ
shaped like an almond - your amygdala. And guess what, you have one on the
other site too. :)
How to tickle your Amygdalae:
1.Imagine your Amygdalae in your mind's eye – two litte almond sized organs,
embedded an inch within each temple on both sides of your head.
2. Now imagine, that you have two big soft feathers. Imagine that you stick
them through your eyes and tickle these Amygdalae.
3. If you do it right you will feel a awesome feeling and love in your body. If
you mastered this method, you are able to get „head orgasms“, orgasms solely
located in your head

Simple as that. :) You tickled your Amgdalae solely with the power of your

Explaination: I have to dissapoint you. There is no real explaination for this

phenomenon. The only thing we know is, that its existence is scientifically

(2.7) The Joy Touch

Sadly i can't describe this method in this ebook since it's copyrighted by its
developer named „Pete Sanders“ urheberrechtlich geschützt ist. Nonetheless i
will briefly address that method by reason of completeness. In the method
named „The Joy Touch“ you are stimulating the „Septum Pellucidum“. The
Septum Pellucidum acts as a remote control for the „Hypothalamus“: The
brains Joy Center.

The „Joy Touch“ and „Amygdala Clicking“ method are highly similar (except
that the „Joy Touch“ is easier to use), so i would recommend you to use the
„Amygdala Clicking“ method instead.
If you want to learn this method anyway, i can highly recommend you the
official Joy Touch book:

Well, now we are at the end of this little ebook. I really hope you enjoyed it
and that i could teach you something new. Please leave a honest review. If you
have any questions, you can contact me anytime at this email address: or on skype: thewolf162

I'm here to help!

See you next time! :)

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