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Unit 1:

Q1: what is mode of production? What is productive power of society? What is production
relation? How is capitalist production relation different from feudal production relation? What
factors affect the transition from feudal to capitalist mode of production in agriculture? Discuss
in brief. (2+2+2+3+5)

Q2: “Agriculture is characterised by specific features. In comparison to other sectors of

economy, it produces and provides a unique commodity of food and uses the largest amount
of land. It is often the net provider of unlimited supply of labour. No sector of the economy is
as heavily dependent on temperature, weather conditions and seasons as agriculture in the
process of production. Agriculture is a huge domestic market for manufacturing and service
sector goods”. Elaborate the statements with arguments and information in detail. (14)

Unit 2

3. Explain the basic challenges of resource allocation on farm in a backward agrarian economy
and compare it with those faced in a developed economy. Do you think that a agricultural input
subsidy will ease the challenge? Explain in the light of Indian agricultural policies. (8+6)

4. “There is an important literature addressing differences in agricultural labor productivity

across countries. Within this literature, there is a recent emphasis on factor misallocation
steaming from imperfect land markets as a major obstacle limiting agricultural productivity in
poor countries.” Elaborate with justification. (14)

Unit 3

5. Explain the genesis of sharecropping? Do you think that sharecropping is inefficient

compared to owner cultivation? Elaborate using a suitable diagram.
4+ 10=14

6. Explain the structure of agricultural credit markets? How agricultural credit is linked to rural
indebtedness? Explain elaborately. 6+8=14

Unit 4

7. Write a brief note on the marketable surplus function in agricultural production. (6)
Also elaborate with the help of a diagram the relevance of the Cobweb Model in agricultural
pricing and explain the possible equilibrium outcomes. (8)

8. State the basic components of an Agricultural Market Structure. Also explain the role of
market structure on the development of an economy. Explain the Conduct and Performance
paradigm in this respect, focusing on the policy implications of the same on economic
development. (4+4+6)

Unit 5
9. Identify the basic features of a Backward Agrarian Economy. Elaborate the impact of
Globalization on different economies and elaborate the differential growth experiences across
countries based on their agricultural trade experiences post globalization. (6+8)

10. Explain briefly the main criticisms against Globalization as put forward by Utsa Patnaik.
Relate the above to the Indian experience with appropriate justification. (10+4)

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