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Idea in Brief

Typical wind turbines are of infrastructural scale of hundreds meters high. No household or
small scale wind energy harvesting is possible conventionally. Our idea is an innovative design
that facilitates small scale wind energy harvester that can be placed on rooftops or so.

The Context

Wind energy has largest potential out of the renewable energy sources. As wind power is
directly proportional to square of turbine radius, typical wind turbines are too big. In spite of
reasonable winds, the energy cannot be harvested on smaller scale. It is further desirable if
orientation of wind turbine with wind flow isn't needed.

Currently, installation of solar panels on rooftops or on the relatively smaller land piece is only
option. Solar energy has limitation of specific energy source as well as of the the conversion
efficiency. At many localities the wind flow is much energetic over the Solar insolation.

Intended Customers

Customers of the Funnelup are those who:

1. Want an off-grid power supply/backup at their premises (landpiece, rooftop etc.).

2. Want auxiliary power at smaller (household or industrial) scale.

3. Want to produce electricity on their premises for grid export.

For the last group of customers we can produce a special turnkey design. For household for
individual customers we will produce two or three designs those can be installed on typical

For the turnkey or large scale projects, we can approach wind energy producing companies as
our design generate more electricity than conventional wind turbines. Hence there is a B2B
market segment targeting the renewable energy producers.


There is no direct competitor. Indirect competitors are as follow

1. A bunch of players in sector of rooftop solar installations

2. Vertical wind turbine companies such as Hi VAWT, Arbowind, McCamley UK, Ropatec
3. Invelox (for turnkey projects)

Revenue Model

The anticipated business model is manufacturing of the compact wind energy harvesters.
Revenue will be generated by selling of the individual wind energy harvesters (2-3 models). For
large scale wind energy farms, revenue can be raised from services of special designs and

Initially we target the domestic rooftop market.

Our product would be one of the highest output energy harvester. It will harvest much higher
electricity per installation area, compared to solar photovoltaics or vertical axis wind turbine
technologies. It has technological advancements of wind funnelling (to increase wind velocity at
turbine) and ducted turbine. The doctored turbines are more efficient than open turbines, and
the electricity generation where is directly with cube of wind velocity



Prabhat Borse

Gaurav Biraris

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