SPE Professional: Person Id Surname Title Given Names Teach Period Unit Code Team ID

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SPE Professional

The Self and Peer Evaluation Professional is a tool used in team based units to allow students to self
assess and also to assess their teammates (peers). An additional functionality is to poll students on
issues, questions surveys etc.

In ICT302 students are asked to complete two SPE during the teaching period and these assessment
have a value of 2.5% each. Currently the hundreds on numbers needed to be entered are the
responsibility of the unit coordinator. This is very timely and challenging health wise (RSI).

Also, several other units require the ability to ask students questions and at the moment there is no
efficient way of bring this dimensionality in. Although this project will focus on ICT302 this semester,
your solution should be designed and built in such a way as to be extensible to other project units.

Your project this teaching period is to create an online portal which will allow students to update their
SPE and for their scores to be stored. At the end of the teaching period the unit coordinator should
download an excel spreadsheet with all the SPE marks calculated. Additionally, the system will allow for
the uploading of weekly work activity sheets for each team in the system and also the declarations of
student teams deliverables. A Dashboard showing the activity in the teams in a unit would be very
beneficial. Also during the teaching period if there are any incidences that may cause concern the
students should be able to alert the Unit Coordinator of potential trouble in the team.

This will help unit coordinators to be able to view all aspects of a team’s dynamics throughout the
teaching period.

Therefore, Each survey will have a (unique?) title,

 A list of students to whom it will be sent to,

 5 questions to ask (MINIMUM 1 question to be asked etc. will also be valid) and
 Students need to be able to enter textural comments on their self and their peer evaluations as
per the current form design,
 have a block of text that introduces the survey tool.

The system will return the scores for each question and the score if required to be calculated.

At the beginning of the teaching period the UC will upload a file containing the details of all the students
enrolled in the unit including the team ID that each individual student is a member of.

The format for the student file is as follows:-

Person Id Surname Title Given Names Teach Period Unit Code ID
Ferknacklebackl FT09
123456 e Mr Fred S1 2015 ICT333

The UC will enter the dates that the students are required to complete the SPE by. Seven days prior to
the SPE completion date each student will receive and email with a unique link in the text which when
clicked will take them into the system at their personal SPE. Each student will then enter the score for
their self evaluation followed by their peer evaluations for their team mates. If a student has not
completed their SPE 24 hours prior to the closing date and time a warning email should be sent to the
student telling them to get it done before the close. After the closing time has passed the system should
update the output file with the final scores. Please note that if a student does not complete their SPE
then they receive 0 for that particular SPE.

The questions for the SPE can also be defined by the user (UC) therefore SPESys should be usable for
many different units.

The system should output on demand by the UC an excel spreadsheet in the same format as above with
two additional fields SPE1 and SPE2 each with a score between 0-2.5.

The spreadsheet which shows the calculation of the SPE scores out of 5 is also to be sent to you.

Please note that the portal should be able to be used from a mobile phone, tablet or PC.

You should use the current university website colour scheme where possible.

Additionally, the system will allow for the uploading of weekly work activity sheets for each team in the
system and also the declarations of student teams deliverables.

This will help unit coordinators to be able to view all aspects of a team’s dynamics throughout the
teaching period.

Client Peter Cole


WhatsApp +61 417 097 914

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