Alambatin, Shan Cai 11-Apollo EAPP Q1 W2-3

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Name:Shan Cai E. Alambatin Grade & Section: 11 Apollo Date: Oct.

1, 2021

WEEK 2-3

Topic: Basics of Summarizing


Activity 1. Basics of Summarizing. Instructions: Write S if the statement describes good summarizing and N if

N 1. Sean copied everything from the textbook.

S 2. Tomas extracted the key ideas in the text.

S 3. Red concentrated on the important details.

S 4. Anita looked for every key word and phrase.

S 5. Sen simplified ideas.

N 6. Kai revised the main idea.

N 7. To add more information, Alexa added her analysis and comment to the ideas of the author.

S 8. Maria wrote down the general and specific ideas of the text.

N 9. Sean added some of his related research to the information presented in the text.

N 10. Lalaine extended the message of the text and included some of her interpretations.

Activity 2. Select and underline the key ideas and phrases while reading the following text.

Deliberation and Development: Rethinking the Role of Voice and Collective Action in Unequal
Heller; Patrick; Rao, Vijayendra
Deliberation is the process by which a group of people, each with equal voice, can - via a process of
discussion and debate - reach an agreement. Deliberation and Development attempts to do two things. First,
it rethinks the role of deliberation in development and shows that it has potential well beyond a narrow focus
on participatory projects. Deliberation, if properly instituted, has the potential to have a transformative effect
on many if not all aspects of development, and especially in addressing problems of collective action,
coordination, and entrenched inequality. This has broad implications both at the global and local level.
Second, the book demonstrates that taking deliberation seriously calls for a different approach to both
research and policy design and requires a much greater emphasis on the processes by which decisions are
made, rather than an exclusive focus on the outcomes. Deliberation and Development contributes to a broader
literature to understand the role of communicative processes in development.
Source: Hellen, P. & Rao, V. (2015). Deliberation and development: Rethinking the role of voice and
collective action in unequal societies. World Bank.
Activity 3. Underline the main idea in the following texts and restate them in your own words in one or two
sentences. Use appropriate reporting verbs. Cite your source properly.

The world of 2030 will be radically transformed from our world today. By 2030, no country—
whether the US, China, or any other large country—will be a hegemonic power. The empowerment of
individuals and diffusion of power among states and from states to informal networks will have a dramatic
impact, largely reversing the historic rise of the West since 1750, restoring Asia’s weight in the global
economy, and ushering in a new era of “democratization” at the international and domestic level. In addition
to individual empowerment and the diffusion of state power, we believe that two other megatrends will shape
our world out to 2030: demographic patterns, especially rapid aging; and growing resource demands which,
in the cases of food and water, might lead to scarcities. These trends, which are virtually certain, exist today,
but during the next 15-20 years they will gain much greater momentum. Underpinning the megatrends are
tectonic shifts—critical changes to key features of our global environment that will affect how the world

Extrapolations of the megatrends would alone point to a changed world by 2030—but the world could
be transformed in radically different ways. We believe that six key game-changers— questions regarding the
global economy, governance, conflict, regional instability, technology, and the role of the United States—
will largely determine what kind of transformed world we will inhabit in 2030. Several potential Black
Swans—discrete events—would cause large-scale disruption (see page xi). All but two of these—the
possibility of a democratic China or a reformed Iran—would have negative repercussions.

Based upon what we know about the megatrends and the possible interactions between the
megatrends and the game-changers, we have delineated four archetypal futures that represent distinct
pathways for the world out to 2030. None of these alternative worlds is inevitable. In reality, the future
probably will consist of elements from all the scenarios.
Reference: National Intelligence Council (2012). Global trends 2030: Alternative worlds. USA.


By 2030, no country will be a hegemonic power. The empowerment of individuals and diffusion of power

among states will have a dramatic impact. Megatrends such as demographic patterns, especially rapid aging,

and growing resource demands will shape our world out to 2030.
HE’s INTO HER is not-the-usual romantic story found in Wattpad. You’ll not figure out easily what’s happening
next – puzzled, indeed. It’s like you’re Blues Clues without paw prints or Dora the Explorer without Map. You’ll
get lost. You’ll be surprised. You’ll feel great satisfaction in every author’s update. It’s a package of twist, turn,
spin, and add-ons! Started in a TYPICAL SCHOOL SETTING; shows UNDYING LOVE AND LOYALTY TO
THE FAMILY- its beliefs, ideals, culture, and identity; CHALLENGES; ACTIONS – bloody and perfectly
plotted action scenes; TRUE and SOLID friendship; CLOSE TO PERFECTION LOVE STORY that may awake
your sweet and kilig bones; SAD FACTS and SCENES that may hurt you, might make you weary, and abuse
your tear ducts; MYSTERY as to some of the characters’ identity; and the HAMBOG side and perceived-as-
GAYISH-ACT of the main characters. This masterpiece is not very typical. It is not about a damsel-in-distress
and a knight-in-shining-armor. It is not about a clumsy or ugly girl that accidentally bumps into a super gorgeous
demi-God owner of some famous corporation or well- known personality. It is not about a poor girl who sold
herself to a billionaire and will eventually fell in love with each other. THIS IS NO FAIRY TALE. No fairy
godmother, no knights, no princes and princesses, just TAGURO and SENSUI. You will meet two characters
that’ll leave a mark on your pretty little head, that will surely get in to our nerves, and casts that’ll certainly play
with our emotions – Taguro and Sensui, two of the best names in Ghost Fighter. I found it very perky and funny.
HAHA. One of a hell unique endearment for a lover. Taguro for Max given that she’s chubby and a vixen and
Sensui for Deib since he’s quite skinny but tall. It seems so childish but cool!

The author is really a genius and creative thinker! Thinking of names is not an easy job, especially producing
unique, perfect names. Okay! Let us meet the cast. We have Maxpein Zin del Valle who has this very strong
personality and Deib Lohr Enrile. HER family: the doctor Maxwell Laurent del Valle and soon-to-be lawyer
Maxrill Won del Valle– Max’s siblings, Heurt– Max’s mother, Maze– her step-mom, Chairman Moon and More
– her dad. HIS family: Lacey and Lohrton Enrile – his parents, Chairman Enrile, Dein Leigh Enrile – Deib’s sister
and girlfriend of Randall Echavez who happened to be Max’s ex-boyfriend, Rhumzell Echavez – Randall’s
younger brother, Lee Roi Gozon and Yakiro Tobi Yanai – Deib’s bestfriends, Zarnaih Marchessa – Max’s friend,
Kimeniah Sirvey Gozon – Deib’s love interest before Max, Keziah Sirvey Gozon – Kim’s sister, Michiko
Tarranza, Gavin Migz Agripa, Buenvenito Jose Talucod, Max and Naih’s circle of friends, Melissa Baylon, Abby
and Aimee, the bullies. We also have Choco, Sir Chiufan and others. You must meet them too “I wanted to know
if I loved enough the people God gave me. Because I am afraid He will need them back one day, just like today.”
This was quoted from the recent update of the story, specifically at Season 3 of the book. On the part of Naih’s
Point of View wherein she’s looking at Deib, who’s suffering from agonizing pain. I felt so weak, so helpless. I
can’t stop my glands on producing those tears. The past few chapters really did affect me. No other stories made
me feel like this as what this story did. I never really planned on writing this blog post about Book Review until I
read He’s Into Her’s update yesterday. This line suddenly hit me, the chapter actually. I AM SO BROKEN

HE'S INTO HER is a unique romance story that can be found on Wattpad. It's a collection of twists, turns,
spins, and extras. Started in a classroom and it demonstrates understanding love and loyalty to the family.
Davao’s Chicken Joy challenge amidst pandemic draws jeers and cheers
May 30, 2020 Davao Today

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – The distribution of Chicken Joy meals by Mayor Sara Duterte to reward
district clusters with the least cases of Covid-19 drew discussions from netizens. On May 29, the mayor made
good her promise made a month ago by distributing 10,000 packs of Jollibee Chicken Joy meals to the five
winning districts Baguio, Calinan, Marilog, Toril, and Tugbok. The event, posted on local news online, drew
the casual cheers from local netizens. Some netizens raised concerns, such as one who said in Bisaya: “This
should be given instead to those patrolling the streets or the front-liners as a way of thanking them for their
Another post said: “Instead of rewarding the people for getting the least (Covid-19) cases, these gatherings
would risk an increase of cases.” Davao Today columnist and University of the Philippines Mindanao
professor Malaya Ragragio took the issue of this approach to instill discipline. On her Facebook post, she
said “One of the worse things about this is that it reinforces the idea that discipline is a matter of vulgarly
dispensing rewards and punishments.” But on Sunday afternoon, the City Government issued a statement
clarifying that the contest was not initiated by the city. “The game was a spin-off from the Cluster Wars of
social media and a personal move by Mayor Inday Sara to join the social media discussion. It was not a
government project,” the statement said.

The cluster wars online came after the city government declared limited movement of Davao citizens in their
district clusters. The mayor explained in radio interviews that the Chicken Joy challenge is meant to
encourage people to stay at home during the quarantine.

“Notions of and ways of inculcating discipline should instead be moored in ideas of collective good, and
fairness and justice. Making sure that Sinas, Pimentel, and Uson got their due would have made a much
bigger impact in inculcating discipline than all the Chicken joy inthe universe. Also, ensuring basic needs
(food, health, housing) for everyone. That is the job of the state, at hindi magpa-contest (not holding


Mayor Sara Duterte's handout of Chicken Joy meals to reward district clusters with the fewest instances of
Covid-19 sparked online debate. The tournament was a spin-off from social media's Cluster Wars and a
personal act by Mayor Inday Sara, according to the city government.

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