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St andrew’s hall

Home of the saints

Handbook 2021

St Andrew’s Hall
1 Sorby Adams Drive
Singapore 357689
Tel: 6285 8820 Fax: 6285 8082

Updated : 26 Jan 2021

St Andrew’s Hall

Section Content Page

1 Greetings from Principal 5

2 Greetings from Hall Master 6

3 Vision, Mission and Values 7

4 St Andrew’s Hall 8

5 Organisational Structure 9
5.1 Management of St Andrew’s Hall
5.2 Residential Care Team
5.3 Resident Mentors
5.4 Communities of Saints
5.5 St Andrew’s Hall Student Council

6 Facilities
6.1 Facilities per Floor
6.2 Facilities per Cluster
6.3 Facilities for All
6.4 Transport to School
6.5 Collection of Mail
6.6 Room Provisions
6.7 Dining Provisions
6.8 Laundry Provisions

Section Content Page

7 Safety and Security

7.1 Biometric Fingerprint Requirement 14
7.2 Access Cards
7.3 Locks
7.4 Visitors
7.5 Out-of-Bounds Areas
7.6 Expensive Items or Large Amount of Cash
7.7 Fire Safety
7.8 Fire Drill / Emergency Evacuation
- Evacuation Route of St Andrew’s Hall
7.9 Haze Situation
7.10 Lock Down

8 Schedules 18
8.1 Typical Days
8.2 Curfew Hours
8.3 Self-Study Time
8.4 Private Tuition
8.5 Roll Call
8.6 Lights-Out
8.7 Restricted Hours
8.8 Chapel

9 Health and Hygiene 22

9.1 Consumption of Food
9.2 Cleanliness of Rooms
9.3 Cleanliness of Common Areas

10 Medical Assistance 24
10.1 General Sickness
10.2 Minor Accidents
10.3 Infectious Sickness
10.4 Designated Quarantine Room

Section Content Page

10.5 Emergencies
10.6 Medical Insurance

11 Administrative Processes 25
11.1 Long Leave Application
11.2 Year-end Check-out Procedures / Withdrawal of Boarding
11.3 Communication with Saints

12 Finance Matters 26

13 Conduct and Decorum 27

13.1 Rules and Regulations
13.2 Serious Offences
13.3 Disciplinary Actions
13.4 Rewards and Recognition

14 Programmes in St Andrew’s Hall 29

15 Potong Pasir Neighbourhood Guide 30

15.1 Medical Clinics (nearby GEL Panel clinics)
15.2 Supermarket and Provision Shops
15.3 Bank / ATM
15.4 Post Office
15.5 Other Amenities

Appendix 1 General Floor Plan 33

Appendix 2 Helpful Contact Information 34

Appendix 3 Hall Disciplinary System 35

Appendix 4 Words of Encouragement 38

Appendix 5 Hall Hymn 41

Appendix 6 Hall Cheer 42

Appendix 7 Note Pages 43

1 Greetings from Principal

Welcome to St Andrew’s Hall (SA Hall)!

St Andrew’s School holds a long tradition of caring for its students beyond the walls of the classroom
and providing them with a place called home. The earliest beginnings of this can be traced to the St
Andrew’s Boarding House located at the current site of the Junior School, which is still being used today
to look after young students after school.

Likewise, the aim of SA Hall is to provide students who have come here with a home away from home,
regardless of whether they study at any of the St Andrew’s schools.

What is home? Some define it simply as the place where we live, especially with our family. But to most
of us, the significance of home goes far deeper. Besides being a sanctuary where we rest and nourish
ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, it is a place where we connect with others
after a long day and let our thoughts be heard. It is a place where we find a sense of belonging.

Everyone has a part to play to make SA Hall truly home. Living in SA Hall may be the first time that we
are away from our families. Therefore, I encourage you to learn independence and personal
responsibility as you live in a large shared space. As countries across the world continue to battle the
COVID-19 pandemic, do your part in helping to maintain the cleanliness of both your rooms and the
common facilities at SA Hall. Abide by the rules that have been set out to keep everyone safe.

In order to make SA Hall home, do all you can to make it a welcoming place for everyone. As SA Hall
brings together students of diverse backgrounds, use this wonderful opportunity to make friends and
learn about each other’s cultures. Celebrate with each other in moments of triumphs, support one
another in times of difficulties and build friendships that will last a lifetime. SA Hall will be conducting
various activities for you throughout the year to help nurture these closely-knit relationships.

We have a wonderful team at SA Hall to help you adjust to the new environment and guide you
throughout your time here. We are thankful for the Hall staff, Residential Mentors and Chaplaincy team
who will be helping to look after the different aspects of your well-being.

In St Andrew’s, we subscribe to the belief that ‘No one is here by chance.’ Indeed, you are not here by
chance. We are glad that you have joined SAH and look forward to journeying with you in the years

Mr Tham Kine Thong

St Andrew's Hall

2 Greetings from Hall Master

Welcome to St Andrew’s Hall – Home of the Saints!

At St Andrew’s Hall (SA Hall), we believe that you will become independent learner. Regardless of
nationalities, schools or cultures, you will learn to care, share and live harmoniously with one another.
You will meet many Saints of diverse backgrounds and forge strong friendships thereafter.

Consistent with the vision of St Andrew’s Village, SA Hall is also the home of servant leaders who bring
life to the nations. Saints will embrace and live out the philosophy of servant leadership. Opportunities
are given to serve and lead at SA Hall, such as being a hall student councillor, floor representative,
participant to community service programme etc. Every contribution is important to make SA Hall a
vibrant and enjoyable communal living environment for all. So come forward, take ownership to serve
and lead so that SA Hall can be a truly Home away from Home for all.

I am sure you will find your residential experience at St Andrew’s Hall a meaningful and enriching one.

It is indeed a privilege to be part of the St Andrew’s family.

Up and On!

Mr Shaun Ang
Hall Master
St Andrew's Hall

3 Vision, Mission and Values


Making Lives and Waking Hearts to serve the coming days



Home of Servant Leaders who bring life to the Nations


Saints are principled servant-leaders, upholding the WISE and TRUE values

that define who we are and how we act when we stand together as a village.

Exemplary Character (Leading Self) - WISE

Saints pursue wisdom through a passion for learning, having a healthy sense of
wonderment about the world, and active reflection of God-centred values. (Proverbs 2:10-12)
Wonder: Integrity:
A Saint is curious about the world, he wants to A Saint does right wherever he is,
learn. A Saint asks questions. whomever he is with and whatever he is
doing. He does right when no one is
Self-discipline: Excellence:
A Saint wants to be known for his self-control. A Saint relentlessly strives to exceed
He perseveres because he wants to personal best, celebrating high endeavour as
finish well. its own reward.
Exemplary Character (Serving Others) - TRUE
Saints seek truth by addressing claim and its soundness, walking the talk and be a role
model. (John 1:4)
Thanksgiving: Resilience:
A Saint is not a self-made man. He A Saint does not give up even when life is
acknowledges that others constantly give tough. A Saint does not quit. A Saint
effort and time for his benefit. He uses overcomes evil with good.
words and deeds to express gratitude.
Unity: Empathy:
A Saint respects others especially those A Saint puts himself in the other person’s
whom God has made differently from shoes. A Saint speaks up and acts for
him. A Saint is humble. those who are down.

4 St Andrew’s Hall

The 12-storey St Andrew’s Hall (SA Hall) was officially opened on 25th August 2012. It is a co-
educational residence housing up to 600 students, also known as Saints. The Hall is under the
management of the Board of Governors of St Andrew’s Junior College (SAJC) and is also a member of
the Anglican Diocese of Singapore.

Appointed by the Board of Governors, the Principal of SAJC, the Chaplaincy Team and the Hall
Advisory Council work collaboratively to create a total experience for all Saints. Collectively, SA Hall
provides many rich opportunities for young people from different countries to learn, live and work
together meaningfully in developing leadership skills and in establishing quality relationships with one

The vision of SA Hall is to be the home that nurtures 21st century servant leaders. SA Hall seeks to
provide a nurturing environment that supports a well-rounded residential leadership education to develop
Saints to be:
* persons with strength of character;
* excellent in their academic pursuits and outstanding in social and community-building skills;
* critical, creative and caring thinkers for solving problems;
* active citizens committed to contributing to the local and global communities.

SA Hall is proud to be the new addition to St Andrew's Village with its rich culture and heritage that
goes back to more than 150 years ago. All Saints of SA Hall will endeavour to keep the flag of St
Andrew's soaring high both here and in every corner of the world!

5 Organisational Structure

5.1 Management of St Andrew’s Hall

SA Hall is under the management of SAJC Board of Governors. The Board of Governors appoints
the Principal of the Hall and the Chaplaincy Team to provide the leadership and directions in
achieving the vision and desired outcomes for the Hall. Together with the Hall Master,
Administration Manager, Matron, Resident Mentors, and administrative staff, the Team develops
programmes and opportunities to enhance the quality of residential education and leadership
development of Saints. The Team comprises:

Board of Governors  Mr Tan Soo Kiang (Chairman)  Mr Malcolm Lim

 Mr Lawrence Teo (Treasurer)  Mr David Ng
 Mr Tham Kine Thong (Secretary)  Rev Dr Peter Poon
 Mrs Chan Siew Cheng  Mr Eric Tan
 Rev David Lee  Mr Alfred Wong

Hall Advisory Council  Mr Tan Soo Kiang (Ex-Officio)  Mr Chak Kong Soon
 Mr Tham Kine Thong  Mr Peter Leong
(Ex-Officio)  Dr Loh Kok Chi
 Mr Ronnie Chen (Chairman)  Mr Michael Tan
 Mr Victor Wee (Deputy  Rev David Lee
Chairman)  Rev Michael Teh

Principal Mr Tham Kine Thong

Chaplaincy Team  Vicar (Chapel of The Holy Spirit):

Rev Michael Teh (Lead Chaplain of SA Hall)

 Vicar (Chapel of the Resurrection):

Rev David Lee

 Vicar (Church of the Ascension):

Rev Dr Joel Leow

Hall Master Mr Shaun Ang

Administration Mdm Coleen Lee


Matron Mdm Ng Xiao Ping

Mgm’t Support Officer  Mr Alex Tan (Adjunct Operations Executive)

Resident Mentors  Mr Ian Chew (Resident Chaplain)  Mdm Doris Tan

 Mr Samuel Byju (Chaplain Asst)  Mr Aaron Chen
 Mr Gabriel Tang  Mr Qian Zhao
 Mdm Cherry Guo  Mr Peh Bock Kiat
 Ms Cheng Huaru  Mrs Roy Sriparna
 Mr Caleb Chan  Mdm Zhang Li
 Mrs Georgina Lee  Mdm Zhu Lili
 Mdm Li Xiujuan  Mdm Ma Yuexia
 Mdm Farn Hsing Chieh

5.2 Residential Care Team

The Residential Care Team (RCT) comprises of the Principal of SAJC, Head of Chaplaincy Team,
Hall Master, Administration Manager, Matron and Resident Mentors who set directions, plan and
implement social and leadership programmes, and provide pastoral support for the total well-being
of Saints.

5.3 Resident Mentors

The Hall has two towers designated as the Boys’ Tower (Tower A) and Girls’ Tower (Tower B).
On each floor, there are at least two Resident Mentors (RMs) who interact with Saints on a daily
basis and oversee their education, growth and welfare. RMs are also the liaison persons among the
Hall, parents and the schools Saints are attending.

5.4 Communities of Saints

Saints are placed in communities in which RCT can better look after their needs and also provide
opportunities for them to interact with one another beyond their natural cliques.

In each Tower, there are two Clusters - Upper Cluster and Lower Cluster - where Saints in
respective clusters share designated communal facilities for entertainment, social interaction and

Saints in the Lower Cluster will use common facilities found between Levels 3 to 7, and those in
the Upper Cluster the facilities between Levels 8 to 12. Saints can also enjoy the facilities on
Levels 1 and 2 which house the study room, seminar rooms, function room, computer room, music
room, gym, dance studio, laundry room, dining hall and multi-purpose hall.

Each Saint in the Hall will belong to one of five St Andrew’s Houses - Venn, Loy Fatt, Gomes,
Hose and Romanis. Activities will be organised for the Houses to promote greater student
interaction with their peers beyond the floor that they live.

5.5 St Andrew’s Hall Student Council

There will be 15 SA Hall Student Councillors nominated by RCT and / or student body.

SA Hall Student Council will be under the guidance of the Hall Management (which comprises of
the Hall Master and Administration Manager) and RMs in planning and organising programmes to
build Hall spirit, in promoting care and concern for one another in the Hall, and in representing
student body in bringing up issues to RCT to improve Hall experience.

The term of office for SA Hall Student Council is one year. Saints who take on leadership
responsibilities or contribute actively in Hall activities will be given priority in residing in a 2-
bedder student unit. Recognition in the form of certificate will be presented to these student
leaders at the end of their service term.

6 Facilities

SA Hall consists of two 12-storey towers providing accommodation for a total of 600 students and
24 units for RMs and their families. The Hall is also equipped with the following facilities:

6.1 Facilities per Floor

On every floor in each Tower, there are:

 Common shower and toilet facilities for students staying in 4-bedder units and attached
shower / toilet facility in 2-bedder units;
 Hot and cold water dispenser;
 Vacuum cleaner;
 Outdoor areas with furniture for light snacks in between meal times, study purposes, and as
social gathering areas;
 Wireless Internet Access (not available from 0000 – 0500hrs)

6.2 Facilities per Cluster

Saints in the Lower Cluster (LC) will use common facilities found between Levels 3 to 7, and
those in the Upper Cluster (UC) between Levels 8 to 12. The common facilities and amenities of
LC and UC are designated as follows:

 Lounge – LC (Level 3) and UC (Level 8)

Accessible by Saints staying on Level 3 and 8 only. Other Saints, who wish to access
respective Lounges, may be invited by Saints staying on Level 3 or 8 Saints or proceed to Cozy
 Launderette – LC (Level 4) and UC (Level 9) (which are equipped with Washing Machines,
Dryers, Drying Yard, Ironing Boards and Iron (which can be loaned from the General Office
or Guardhouse)

6.3 Facilities for All

Saints can also enjoy the facilities on Levels 1 and 2 which house the following:

 Recreational Garden, Dining Hall, Mail Room and Multi-purpose Hall - Level 1
 Cozy Corner (located inside Dining Hall) is open to all Saints at designated time. Saints can
“chill out” and interact with one another - Level 1
 Computer Room, Dance Studio, Gymnasium, Laundry Room, Music Room, Study Room,
Function Room, Outdoor Study Area - Level 2
 Seminar Rooms (through bookings with General Office only) - Level 2.

6.4 Transport to School

Transport will be provided from SA Hall to selected MOE schools in the mornings if there are at
least 10 Saints signing up for the transport service per location. A highly subsidised fee will be
charged to the Saints by the term. The Hall reserves the rights not to supply buses as deemed fit.

6.5 Collection of Mail

Mails will be sorted out by the tower and floor for collection by Saints from the Mail Room beside
the General Office.

Mailing address should include name of Saint, tower, floor and room number.
Lim Pey Ling
St Andrew's Hall
Girls Tower #B05-06
1 Sorby Adams Drive, Singapore 357689

However, Saints need to arrange to self-collect parcels and registered mail items only when he /
she is present in the Hall to receive.

6.6 Room Provisions

Every room has at least one ceiling fan and curtains are provided. Every Saint is provided with:

* Pillow, pillow case, bedsheet and blanket;

* Mattress, mattress protector and bed with storage;
* Study desk with chair and built-in lamp;
* Wardrobe, cabinet and drawer with locks.
(As bedsheet and pillow case are not standard provision, Saints can also provide their own.)

Every Saint is responsible in taking care of the assets assigned to them.

6.7 Dining Provisions

All meals are prepared in SA Hall’s in-house kitchen. Breakfast and dinner are provided on
weekdays. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served on weekends, public holidays and gazetted MOE
school holidays. Saints with other dietary needs and additional meals request can inform the
General Office for special arrangements to be made, subject to approval.

Meals are available during designated times at the Dining Hall (refer to the schedule in Section
8.1). All food must be consumed in the Dining Hall. Packed dinner can be arranged for those who
return after dining hours due to valid school activities on weekdays, provided Saints inform the
kitchen during breakfast time (or by 5.00pm). Due to government regulation on quality of food and
hygiene, there is a specified period of time within which the food must be consumed.

Dining etiquette is important. Saints are required to be dressed in presentable clothing. Night
clothing, scanty clothing or soiled attire are not permitted. After every meal, Saints are reminded
to always clear up any mess, return cutlery and push in the chairs, so that the next user will have a
clean and tidy dining area to enjoy his / her meal.

6.8 Laundry Provisions

Three (03) rounds of professional laundry services are provided weekly. Saints may send up to
nine (09) pieces of clothing each round. If the quantity sent exceeds nine pieces, vendor will return
the whole bag of unwashed laundry to affected Saints. Saints are not allowed to send small items,
i.e. undergarments, socks, handkerchiefs, etc. The washing and pressing of linen is included in the
laundry services.

Saints need to mark their clothes with laundry numbers (allocated by the General Office during
admission) before sending them for washing. Each bag of laundry should be clearly labelled with
name, contact number, room number, laundry number and quantity, using laundry chits provided
by the vendor.

Laundry drop-off and collection cycle is provided as below:

 Saints are to proceed to the laundry room at level 2.

 Fill up the carbonized laundry chits and send the soiled laundry according to the
requirement of the laundry vendor.
 Collection cut-off-time is scheduled at 8.00 pm on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
 Cleaned laundry will be returned and placed in individually labelled laundry pigeon hole
in the laundry room in the next laundry returning day. For example, if Saint sends before
cut-off-time on Monday, he should receive the clean laundry on Wednesday evening.
 Saints should report to the General Office if their laundry is lost, torn or when there are
any discrepancies during collection.
 Uncollected pieces that are left in the laundry room by the end of each semester will be

Other self-service laundry facilities such as washing and drying machines are available in the communal
Launderette which are located on Levels 4 and 9. Each wash and dry is chargeable at $2 and $1

7 Safety and Security

Saints living in SA Hall is identified through individually issued access card which must be worn
at all times in the premises. Access to the Hall, lift lobby and Towers requires the cards to be
swiped at readers located at the entrances of these areas. Rooms are provided with special keys to
the doors (complete with key tags) which must not be duplicated. In addition, Saints need to
fingerprint to gain access to the Hall compound via the main turnstile gate. This is important for
emergency evacuation accountability.

SA Hall maintain a 24-hour security check for all Saints and Hall properties. However, Saints are
still required to take good care of their belongings. SA Hall will not be responsible for the loss and
damage to Saints’ personal belongings.

For everyone’s safety, Saints are reminded to be vigilant in reporting any suspicious or
unauthorised personnel sighted in SA Hall premises, especially at the residential area. When in
doubt, please clarify with the General Office or respective RM.

7.1 Biometric Fingerprint Requirement

Every Saint’s fingerprint will be captured and used for access at the various turnstile gates, as well
as for each meal collection.

During normal school days, every Saint must fingerprint at the designated readers in the Dining
Hall for morning roll-call.

7.2 Access cards

All Saints are issued with an access card for identification, door access and meal collection (for
selected few). Each access card is personalised with a photograph and includes particulars of the
Saints. These cards are not transferable to anyone. Saints who are caught using a friend’s access
card may face serious disciplinary consequences including expulsion from SA Hall.

In the event of loss / damage to the access cards, Saints must report to the General Office
immediately. A fee is charged to replace every loss of card.

7.3 Locks

A set of lock is provided for a cabinet in the room. Saints are to keep their valuables inside the
locked cabinet. Saints can also ask for special permission to keep large amount of money with the
General Office temporarily should there be a need. Large amount of money should be banked into
the Saints' bank accounts.

Before leaving the rooms for school or outing, Saints are strongly encouraged to lock their doors
with room keys that are allotted to them. A fee is charged to replace every loss of room key and its

7.4 Visitors

Visitors are not allowed into SA Hall, with the exception of parents, guardians and school teachers.
Saints must still get a pink clearance form from the General Office and get it approved by the Hall
Management at least 3 working days before their parents, guardians and school teachers’

intended date of visit. Visitors are required to wear the Visitors Pass as issued by the security
guard at all times.

Enrichment course providers might be allowed to use the Seminar Rooms on Level 2 through
special arrangements made by respective school teachers with the General Office in the Hall.

7.5 Out-of-Bounds Areas

The following areas are considered as ‘Out-of-Bounds’ for Saints:

 No female Saint should enter the Boys’ Tower, and vice-versa. Saints who are found in the
tower of the opposite gender will be expelled from the Hall;
 Saints should not be found in another Saint’s room after Lights-Out;
 Saints are not allowed to stay overnight in another Saint’s room.

7.6 Expensive Items or Large Amount of Cash

All Saints are responsible for looking after their own valuables. These items should be kept under
lock and key in their rooms.

Saints are discouraged from bringing expensive items, such as jewelleries, to the Hall. If they have
large amount of money with them, they should arrange for it to be kept in the safe of the General
Office until it is deposited in a bank.

7.7 Fire Safety

To keep Saints safe, the following activities are not allowed in the rooms or on SA Hall premises:

 Lighting of candles, incense or other flammable materials;

 Keeping or using fireworks and firecrackers (it is unlawful in Singapore to possess
 Using electrical appliances except table lamps, standing fans and computer-related gadgets.

In case of fire, raise the alarm, call for help and inform the General Office or Floor RMs. For small
fires, put it out by using the fire extinguishers located in the common areas of each floor.

7.8 Fire Drill / Emergency Evacuation

Fire Drill is held at least once a year to heighten the level of preparedness in the event of an
emergency. Please see the evacuation route as shown in Diagram 1 (Page 16).

The procedure for evacuation is as follows:

 Upon hearing the alarm bell and the evacuation message, switch off all electrical appliances
near you and evacuate by the nearest staircase including the emergency staircase within each
tower and main staircase located at the lift lobby. Walk briskly to Level 1 and exit the building
as soon as possible.
 Designated Assembly Area (AA) is SAJC netball court, which is located next to the Chapel of
the Holy Spirit. Saints must assemble according to their floor and room number.
 If the alarm is activated at night, wake your roommates who might be asleep. Leave the room
as soon as possible. Knock on the doors of the rooms along the corridor as you move towards
the staircase.
 RMs will ensure that everyone has left the room and all lights and fans are switched off.

 Attendance will be taken at the AA. The respective Floor Representative / RM will report the
attendance to the AA in-charge, who will then report to the Hall Master.
 Hall Master will debrief and dismiss the student body once every person living and working in
the Hall is accounted for.

7.9 Haze Situation

When there is haze situation in Singapore, SA Hall will monitor the air quality according to the
hourly updates of PSI reading by the National Environment Agency (NEA).

If the air quality deteriorates to hazardous level, at the discretion of the Hall Management, all
Saints must be relocated to these venues or rooms temporarily at night:

Tower Venues / Rooms Remarks

Male Saints from Multi-Purpose Hall  Giant Fan will be turned on

Tower A (MPH)  Adequate air-purifiers will be

Female Saints from All common rooms in  All rooms are air-conditioned
Tower B Level 2

During the temporary relocation at night, Saints need to bring along only the sleeping bag (if he or
she has one), mattress protector, pillow and blanket.

Saints, who are medically certified with respiratory condition, must report to the Hall Management,
and will be relocated to designated air-conditioned rooms complete with air-purifiers.

Announcement will be made by the Hall Master by 10.00pm of the day should the above
procedure is activated. Saints will be relocated by 11.00pm and only allowed to return to their
respective rooms at 5.30am the next day.

7.10 Lock Down

Lock Down exercise is held at least once annually to familiarise all residents the procedure in the
event of an emergency.

The procedure for lock down is as follows:

 Upon hearing the message announcement (Code Words) through the PA system, all Saints
must immediately hide and lock themselves in the nearest room they can find.
 Saints must ensure that once they are in the room, they must wedge door handle, close all
windows, draw curtains, switch off all lights and maintain COMPLETE silence.
 While ensuring mobile phones are in silent mode, Saints will maintain communication channel
to receive instructions through Whatsapp or SMS. Therefore, it is critical that all Saints are
part of an existing group chat with their RM.
 For Saints who are outside SA Hall premises, they will remain outside and do not attempt to
return to SA Hall, until further notice.
 Respective RM will account for floor attendance and send attendance report to Operation
Rooms Operator, who will then report to the Hall Master.
 Hall Master will debrief and dismiss the student body once every person living and working in
SA Hall is accounted for and Lock Down exercise is lifted.

Diagram 1

Full information on fire exits and assembly area can be found at the Emergency Exit Door and
Notice Boards at each lift lobby.

8 Schedules

8.1 Typical Days

Mondays to Thursdays
Breakfast: 5.45am - 7.45am
Morning Roll-Call: Before 8.30am (Saints are to fingerprint in Dining Hall)
Dinner: 5.45pm - 7.45pm
Curfew: 8.00pm (Secondary 1 - 4, Grade 7 - 10) / 9.50pm (JC 1 - 2, Grade 11 - 12)
Self-Directed Learning Session (SDLS): 8.15pm - 9.30pm
Evening Roll-Call and Thought of the Day (TOTD): 10.00pm
Lights-Out : 11.00pm
Restricted Hour: 11.30pm (12mid-night, between September to December) - 5.30am

Breakfast: 5.45am - 7.45am
Morning Roll-Call: Before 8.30am (Saints are to fingerprint in Dining Hall)
Dinner: 5.45pm - 7.45pm
Curfew: 10.20pm (all Saints)
SDLS: Not Applicable
Evening Roll-Call: 10.30pm (no TOTD)
Lights-Out: 11.30pm
Restricted Hour: 11.30pm (12mid-night, between September to December) - 5.30am

Saturdays / Eve of Public Holidays

Breakfast: 6.30am - 8.30am
Lunch: 11.30am - 1.30pm (also during gazetted MOE School Holidays)
Dinner: 5.45pm - 7.45pm
Curfew: 10.20pm (all Saints)
SDLS: Not Applicable
Evening Roll-Call: 10.30pm (no TOTD)
Lights-Out: 11.30pm
Restricted Hour: 11.30pm (12mid-night, between September to December) - 5.30am

Breakfast: 6.30am - 8.30am
Lunch: 11.30am - 1.30pm (also during gazetted MOE School Holidays)
Dinner: 5.45pm - 7.45pm
Curfew: 8.00pm (Secondary 1 - 4, Grade 7 - 10) / 9.50pm (JC 1 - 2, Grade 11 - 12)
SDLS: 8.15pm - 9.30pm
Evening Roll-Call: 10.00pm (no TOTD)
Lights-Out: 11.00pm
Restricted Hour: 11.30pm (12mid-night, between September to December) - 5.30am

(Note: From September to December, Restricted Hour will be adjusted to 12 midnight - 5.30am to
facilitate longer study time for major examinations.)

8.2 Curfew Hours

Saints should return to the Hall by these curfew hours:

For Saints from Secondary schools (Secondary 1 - 4) and Grade 7 - 10

* 8.00pm from Sundays to Thursdays; and
* 10.20pm on Fridays, Saturdays, Eve of Public Holidays

For Saints from Junior Colleges (JC 1 and 2) and Grade 11 and 12
* 9.50pm from Sundays to Thursdays; and
* 10.20pm on Fridays, Saturdays, Eve of Public Holidays

Saints who wish to return after curfew hours must apply for Short Leave through St Andrew’s
Hall Boarding Management System (SAHBMS) at least 3 days in advance, and get it approved by
their respective RMs. This Short Leave is valid until Lights-Out only. Saints who need to come
back after Lights-Out, stay out of the Hall for the night, or leaving Singapore, must apply for
Long Leave. More information on Long Leave Application can be found in Section 11.1.

After the curfew hours, Saints are not allowed to leave the Hall for any purpose unless prior leave
application is approved by their RMs.

8.3 Self-Study Time

Academic excellence is an important aspect of the holistic education of all Saints. As such, there
will be supervised study sessions on every evening which precedes a school day as part of the
Hall’s academic excellence programme, especially for students from Secondary 1 - 3 and Grade 7
- 9. The time that is set aside for studies is known as Self-Directed Learning Session (SDLS).

Secondary 1 - 3 and Grade 7 - 9 Saints have to attend a centralised SDLS at the Dining Hall to
inculcate good study discipline. They will be supervised by the RM on duty. Saints with valid
reasons to be excused from SDLS must inform his / her floor RM at least 15 minutes prior to the
beginning of the SDLS.

Secondary 4, Grade 10 - 12 and Junior College Saints are to observe independent study time in
their own rooms, open study areas or in the Study Room / Study Corner at the Computer Room on
Level 2. Movements should be kept to a minimum. For Saints who are not performing well in
school, they will be required to attend SDLS with supervised support from the RM on duty.

Saints should remove all personal belongings / books, etc in the common study areas after use.
They are to ensure that lights / air-conditioners in the study rooms are switched off when not in use.

Respective schools might have special English Language lessons conducted by their own teachers
or external service providers for their students residing at SA Hall. These external tutors are not
permitted into Hall premises, unless permission has been granted in advance by the Hall

8.4 Private Tuition

Saints can arrange for own private tuition to be held within Hall premises. However, Saints need to
get tuition clearance form from the General Office, and get it approved by the Hall Management at
least 3 days before commencement of tuition. Parent’s letter is required before the approval is

8.5 Roll Call

Saints are to be self-disciplined in ensuring that they follow the timing and procedures of the Hall
faithfully. Saints must fingerprint in the biometric readers in the Dining Hall before leaving the
Hall. This is known as the Morning Roll Call. If they are not feeling well and are unable to go to
school on a particular day, they have to report to the General Office by 9.30am.

All Saints are to meet their RMs for Evening Roll Call at fixed time (refer to Section 8.1) for
attendance taking and a short interaction time together. Mass Roll Call will be conducted for all
Saints who are still present during school holidays.

All RMs and Saints are to observe silence when the “Thought of the Day” (TOTD) is shared.
After which, Saints can continue with their studies or have some social and recreational time

8.6 Lights-Out

At Lights-Out, the room ceiling lights will be automatically switched off. Saints may turn it on
again the next morning at 5.30am. Saints are encouraged to have a good night’s rest so that they
will be fresh the next day for lessons in school. Should Saints wish to study beyond Lights-Out,
they need to use their table lamps (subject to roommates are not sensitive to lights), or study at the
common tables on the floor. Saints are to have minimum movement and must always observe
silence after Lights-Out. Please refer to Section 8.1 for the Lights-Out timings.

From time to time, RMs on duty will go around checking that Lights-Out instructions are being
followed. This is to maintain a considerate and conducive environment for Saints to study and
have adequate rest.

8.7 Restricted Hours

As per Lights-Out segment, Saints are encouraged to have a good night’s rest and have good time
management. Strictly, Saints are not allowed to have any movement outside their floor of
residence from 11.30pm - 5.30am daily, which is also termed as Restricted Hours (RH). Saints
will not be able to access their floor access card reader during RH. Saints who need to return to
their rooms should approach the security guard for assistance during such situation.

Saints who are found outside their floor during RH or Saints opening the floor of residence
entrance door from inside for other Saints to enter after RH shall face disciplinary actions from the
Hall Disciplinary Committee.

8.8 Chapel

All staff and Saints are welcome to join the Chapel conducted by the Chaplaincy Team. They can
also approach the Chaplaincy Team when they need advice or prayers. The contact details and
operating hours of the chapels are listed below:

Chapel of the Holy Spirit (CHS)

3 Sorby Adams Drive
Singapore 357690
Tel: 6289 6313
Vicar: Rev Michael Teh (Lead Chaplain of SA Hall)
10.30am: Sunday Worship Service

Chapel of the Resurrection (CoR)

1 Francis Thomas Drive
#02-17 Singapore 359340
Tel: 6289 7611
Vicar: Rev David Lee
4.30pm: Saturday Praise Service
10.00am: Sunday Worship Service
10.00am: Sunday Youth Service

Church of the Ascension (CoA)

13 Francis Thomas Drive
Singapore 359339
Tel: 6283 3988
Vicar: Rev Dr Joel Leow
8.00am: Sunday Contemplative Service
10.00am: Sunday Contemporary Service
10.00am: Sunday Youth Service and Mandarin Service (Every 2nd and 4th Sunday only)

9 Health and Hygiene

Every Saint must take responsibility for the cleanliness of his / her own room and be involved in
the general cleanliness and hygiene of all areas on each floor within SA Hall’s vicinity. Roster
duty will be planned by the RMs for Saints to keep the place neat and clean through proper usage
of the common facilities, such as the Pantry and common toilets, bearing in mind that they need to
be considerate to the next user.

9.1 Consumption of Food

Food can only be consumed in the Dining Hall and the Pantry. Eating is NOT allowed in the
rooms and common facilities.

All unconsumed food should be kept in air-tight containers in the cupboards or in the refrigerator
in the Pantry. These containers should bear the owners’ names and expiry date of food must be
clearly labelled. On a roster basis, Saints will clean the refrigerators every Saturday evening. For
ease of cleaning, Saints are advised to clear all their storage before cleaning of refrigerators

9.2 Cleanliness of Rooms

Saints are responsible in maintaining a clean environment at all times:

 Bed - Blanket is to be folded neatly. Mattress protector must be placed over the mattress at all
times and covered by a bed sheet. Pillow should be protected by a pillow case and be arranged
properly. Both the bed sheet and pillow case must be washed fortnightly or at least once a
 Bookshelf and desk - Books and files are to be arranged neatly.
 Chair - It is to be pushed in under the desk.
 Clothes - They are to be hung / folded properly and kept in the wardrobe. Wet clothings are to
be dried at the laundry area.
 Floor - It is to be kept clean and free of dirt / hair / stains. Sweep / Clean the floor at least once
a week.
 Shoes and slippers - These should be placed neatly in the black shoe rack provided for all
Saints. All footwear must not be left lying on the floor along the corridor at all times. Saints
may place additional shoe racks outside their rooms, if necessary.
 Wardrobe - Clothes are to be arranged neatly.
 Windows - Windows are to be closed when leaving the room to prevent rain from coming in.
 Wall - Please note that only removable tapes or hooks which leave no markings on the wall
can be used.

Brooms, dustpans and mops are available on each floor for Saints to do some light cleaning. They
are to be returned to the designated storage areas after use. Vacuum cleaners are located near the
Pantry and Saints have to ensure its maintenance and report to the General Office if it is not in
working condition.

The corridors are to be kept obstruction-free at all times. The cleaning equipment must either be
kept in the room or at the designated toilet cubicle only. Similarly, the individual clothes racks

must be “parked” at the designated area (the yellow box) near the pantry or in the room only.
Saints must ensure such clothes are properly hanged and racks are properly maintained at all times.

To ensure a harmonious relationship amongst room-mates, internal rules on the use of their shared
room are encouraged.

Adherence to the above instructions of Section 9.2 will be monitored through room inspections by

SA Hall reserves the rights to impose a fine and / or corrective action on Saints who fail the
monthly hygiene room checks by RMs or Matron.

9.3 Cleanliness of Common Areas

Saints are to keep common areas neat and clean after use so that the next user will have a pleasant
experience using the facilities.

 Study Room, Music Room, Computer Room, Function and Seminar Rooms are to be kept
clean and tidy. No personal belongings or unwanted materials should be left behind. No food
and drinks are allowed. All chairs are to be pushed back after use and furniture to be put back
in their original location.
 Gymnasium is to be kept clean and tidy. Saints are to be properly attired and always use a
towel when working out in the gymnasium. All Saints must sit through the Gym Accreditation
video at least once before he / she is allowed to use the gymnasium.
 Toilets are to be kept clean, dry and tidy. Flush the toilets after each use and ensure that the
conditions of the toilets are not unpleasant for the next user. Girls should not throw used
sanitary pads into the toilet bowls. Instead, sanitary pads should be thrown into sanitary bins
 TV Lounges - No food is allowed. Sofas, coffee tables and all study furniture are to be
arranged neatly.
 Reception Area (Located outside General Office) - Magazines and newspapers are to be
returned to their original places after reading.
 Respective Floor should be free from all litter.
 Corridor should be cluttered free. Clothes should not be hung on the parapet wall. Footwear
placed outside the rooms should be neatly arranged on the racks provided.
 Pantry and equipment are to be used in an appropriate manner and cleaned after use. NO food
should be left in the open in the pantry.
 Emergency Staircases within the towers are meant to be used during emergencies ONLY.
They are to be kept closed at all times.
 Common Staircase located at lift lobby area should not have gathering of any sort at all times.

10 Medical Assistance

10.1 General Sickness

Saints who are unwell and unable to attend school must inform their RM before seeking medical
attention. Saints should report (in person, if possible, or via SMS / WhatsApp / phone call) to the
General Office by 9.30am, during normal school days. The Matron may accompany these Saints to
seek medical attention. They must present their Medical Certificate to the General Office for
record purposes.

MOE scholars need to follow the instructions on the provision of medical care and in the
processing of claims, if applicable. Scholars must consult doctors at the panel clinics which are
specified by the appointed insurance company of MOE. The list of nearby panel clinics can be
found in Section 15.1.

10.2 Minor Accidents

In case of minor accidents such as small cuts or scratches, a first-aid kit is available at the General
Office (during opening hours) or at the Fire Command Centre. Saints may also seek help from the
RM on duty or Matron after office hours.

10.3 Infectious Sickness

Saints who have contracted an infectious illness will be quarantined in special designated rooms.
They will return to their own room only after they have recovered fully and certified fit by the
medical doctor.

10.4 Designated Quarantine Room

When the conditions of Saints who are unwell need to be monitored, they will rest in the
designated quarantine room during office hours. Saints who are waiting for the ambulance to bring
them to the hospital will stay in these rooms until the ambulance arrives.

10.5 Emergencies

In the event of emergencies in the Hall, please inform the office staff immediately, if it is during
the opening hours of the General Office. After office hours, Saints should seek help from their
respective RM. Alternatively Saints can approach the security guard (Tel: 6285 8820) who will
then activate the RM on duty to assist Saints who are in need of assistance.

10.6 Medical Insurance

Saints who are scholars are covered under MOE designated insurance company. They must bring
the issued medical card whenever they visit panel clinics. Self-pay Saints are encouraged to
arrange for their own medical coverage.

11 Administrative Processes

11.1 Long Leave Application

Saints who wish to return after Lights-Out, stay out overnight or leave Singapore must adhere to
the Long Leave application procedure. Prior to seeking Long Leave approval from the RMs, Saints
are to ensure that approving letter from their schools (for scholars) or parents (for self-paying
students) are emailed to their RM (and copied to General Office at at least
three (03) days before commencement of their long leave date.

Absence without Official Leave (AWOL) is a serious offence and will warrant disciplinary action
which may include expulsion from SA Hall.

11.2 Year-end Check-out Procedures / Withdrawal of Boarding

Saints who intend to leave SA Hall during the year-end school holidays must take into
consideration the schedule of their own school’s programmes. Scholars are to ensure that
applications for leave are approved by MOE and School Principal / Teacher Mentors. Non-
scholars must submit a letter from their parents for leave purposes.

For Saints who are leaving SA Hall, please observe the following:

 Saints to seek approval from School Principal / Teacher Mentors for period of year-end leave
at least seven (07) working days before Hall check-out date.
 Saints to get ready the air-tickets, input travelling details into SAHBMS and submit a hard
copy to the respective RM, who will collate from all Saints and in turn submit to General
Office for record purposes.
 Pack all belongings in specified boxes and store them in the designated storage area (to be
advised by General Office) if Saints are returning for the next semester. Those not returning
must remove all their personal items from the Hall premises.
 All personal items must be removed from the room. Bed sheets, pillow cases, blanket and
mattress protector must be sent for laundry or brought home.
 Unconsumed food in the pantry and refrigerators must be thrown away.
 Make appointment with respective RM to check the room at least three (03) days in advance.
 Passports should be drawn out of General Office during office hours. Saints must sign out for
their passports at the General Office and return the access card and room key upon checking-

Saints who are returning to the Hall after the school holidays are to:

 Proceed to the General Office for check-in (if check-in time is during office hours).
 Proceed to Guard House to collect room key and access card (if check-in time is after office
hours). Personal belongings should also be retrieved from the designated storage area at the
designated retrieval time.
 Immediately surrender the passport to the General Office by dropping it into the “Submission
Box” located in the Mail Room.

11.3 Communication with Saints

For effective communication between Residential Care Team and Saints, besides notices on
noticeboards, mobile communication, emails and SMS / WhatsApp, Saints must also participate
and be involved in the official communication channel of SA Hall, such as the closed-shared group
in Facebook: “Saint Andrew’s Hall - Singapore”. Saints are reminded to exercise online etiquette
and decorum when making comments on this communication channel.

12 Finance Matters

All self-paying Saints are required to put up a month’s refundable Security Deposit by cheque /
bank draft (made payable to ‘St Andrew’s Junior College’) upon admission. This deposit will be
forfeited if a Saint withdraws from SA Hall without giving a month’s written notice of his / her
withdrawal. The deposit will also be forfeited if a Saint withdraws from SA Hall without staying at
least 6 months at the hostel. The deposit may also be used to pay for items damaged by the Saint or
for cleaning services to restore the Saint’s area to acceptable condition at the end of the stay.

For self-paying Saints, fees are collected every quarter in January, April, July and October of the
year. 3 months’ hostel fees are due by the third working day of the collection month.

If a Saint intends to continue his stay for the following year, he is to check with the General Office
by mid-October of the current year to reserve a place. Saint is required to complete an extension
request, accompanied with a Parent’s letter.

13 Conduct and Decorum

To ensure that all Saints have a conducive, safe and fruitful stay in SA Hall, appropriate guidelines
for community living have been put in place. SA Hall will work closely and in collaboration with
parents / guardians / school / MOE in the pastoral care of Saints.

13.1 Rules and Regulations

Saints are expected to follow procedures in living and studying in SA Hall as spelt out in this
Student Handbook. In addition, Saints are reminded that the following regulations are for strict

* Saints must be appropriately attired at all times.

* Windows must be shut (or ajar) when no one is in the room to prevent rain from getting in and
damaging books and furniture.
* Electrical appliances must be switched off when not in use. These include lights, fans, bathroom
heaters and air-conditioners in special rooms. Cooking is NOT allowed in all areas.
* Any damage to the room, building and equipment must be reported to the General Office
immediately. Rectification works / repairs might be carried out in the rooms during office hours
in the absence of the Saints. Therefore, Saints are to ensure that all valuables are kept in locked
cabinets in their rooms or with the General Office at all times.

13.2 Serious Offences

The following are examples of serious offences. Saints who commit such offences will be dealt
with accordingly.

* Entry into the tower of the opposite gender

* Trespassing into restricted areas (e.g. entering SAJC without prior permission)
* Defiance and disrespectful towards SA Hall staff / RMs, Security Guards, Dining Hall staff and
cleaning service providers
* Misuse of mobile phone / access card / internet services
* Disorderly conduct
* Unauthorised absence (AWOL)
* Destruction / Misappropriation of property
* Bullying / Fighting
* Vandalism
* Theft
* Cheating
* Smoking / Consumption of alcohol
* Gambling
* Illegal activities
* Breaching of any safety and security procedures
* Undesired hair grooming – unnatural coloured hairs
* Inappropriate attire (Eg. wear pyjamas outside floor of residence)
* Public display of affection (PDA)
* Loitering and Sitting at the Common Staircase
* Loitering outside stipulated timings (Eg. Restricted Hour)

13.3 Disciplinary Actions

Violation of offences will result in serious consequences which could include one or more of the
following (refer to Appendix 3):

 Verbal warning
 Demerit Points
 Counselling
 Community Service Duties
 Weekend detention
 Restriction of Privileges
 Warning Letters
 Expulsion

13.4 Rewards and Recognition

When Saints show exemplary conduct, merit points and / or recognition in the form of certificates
and privileges will be accorded to them. Priority to stay in a two-bedder unit will be given to
Saints who had contributed significantly in making the Hall a home and a conducive place for
living and learning. The Hall Management has the final say in the room allocation.

Two times each year, the top two (Champion and Runner-up) “Best Hygiene-check” floor of
Tower A and B will be recognised.

Every Saint’s contribution will be reflected in each year end progress report.

14 Programmes in St Andrew’s Hall

SA Hall believes in providing a good balance for Saints to study hard and play hard with
opportunities for rest and recreation after a busy week in school. The RCT, together with student
leaders, will plan various activities in the course of the year to bond Saints together and add
vibrancy to life in SA Hall. Saints are also encouraged to suggest to the RMs and Hall
Management programmes that interest them.

The programmes at SA Hall include:

* Special dinners
* Local festive and cultural celebrations
* Inter-house Sports Day
* Singapore National Day and Hall Anniversary
* Floor bonding activities
* Workshops and talks on leadership, life skills and personal development
* Community service and environmental awareness activities **

** In line with the broad direction of MOE-Pastoral Section (PS), Saints at SA Hall are
encouraged to take part in community service programme entitled “SPARKS: Hall-Based Values
in Action (VIA) Programme”. This programme aims to engage Saints in meaningful Hall-based
community service activities. This programme is part of SA Hall’s collaborative efforts to develop
Saints holistically as well as help them integrate and contribute back to the local community.

15 Potong Pasir Neighbourhood Guide

SA Hall is situated in St Andrew’s Village in Woodsville and the Potong Pasir neighbourhood.
Saints are expected to be neighbourly and are advised to conduct themselves well and be
considerate when using the facilities and amenities.

Following are some of the essential facilities and amenities Saints should know:

15.1 Medical Clinics (nearby GEL Panel Clinics)

* Goh Medical Clinic Operating Hours:

136 Potong Pasir Ave 3 #01-164 Mon - Tue : 8.30am - 12.00pm;
Singapore 350136 2.00pm - 4.30pm; 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Tel No: 6282 7886 Wed - Sat : 8.30am - 12.30pm; 2.00pm - 4.30pm
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

* DA Clinic at Potong Pasir Operating Hours:

51 Upp Serangoon Rd, #01-53, Mon – Fri : 8.30am - 4.00pm; 6.00pm - 9.00pm
The POIZ Centre Sat : 8.30am - 12.00pm;
Singapore 347697 Sun / PH : 8.30am - 12.00pm; 6.00pm - 9.00pm
Tel No: 69541012

* Toa Payoh Polyclinic # Operating Hours:

2003 Lorong 8 Toa Payoh Mon – Fri : 8.00am - 1.00pm; 2.00pm - 4.30pm
Singapore 319260 Sat : 8.00am - 12.30pm
Tel No: 6355 3000 Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

# Saints to pay first then submit for insurance claim

* UniHealth 24-HR Clinic Operating Hours:

178 Toa Payoh Central #01-218 24 hours
Singapore 310178
Tel No: 6203 1639

* Potong Pasir Medical Clinic Operating Hours:

148 Potong Pasir Avenue 1 #01-55 Mon – Fri : 8.30am - 12.30pm;
Singapore 350148 2.00pm - 4.30pm;
Tel No: 62824384 6.00pm - 9.00pm
Sat / Sun : 8.30am - 12.30pm
Closed Public Holidays

15.2 Supermarket and Provision Shops

Hao Mart (24 hours)

120 Potong Pasir Ave 1, Singapore 350120

NTUC FairPrice
51 Upper Serangoon Rd, #01-30 The Poiz Centre, Singapore 347697

Sheng Siong Supermarket

6 Potong Pasir Ave 2, #01-01, Potong Pasir Community Club, Singapore 358361

Ang Mo Supermarket
Blk 146 Potong Pasir Avenue 1, Singapore 350146

There are also many other provision shops that are conveniently situated within the vicinity.

15.3 Bank / ATM

DBS Bank
Blk 101 Towner Road #01-238 / 240 / 242, Singapore 322101
Operating Hours:
8.30am - 4.30pm (Monday to Friday)
8.30am - 1.00pm (Saturday)

480 Toa Payoh Lorong 6 #01-09 HDB Hub, Singapore 310480
Operating Hours:
8.30am - 4.30pm (Monday to Friday)
8.30am - 1.00pm (Saturday)


Blk 147 Potong Pasir Ave 1 #01-85, Singapore 350147
6 Potong Pasir Ave 2 #01-02, Potong Pasir Community Club, Singapore 358361

Blk 148 Potong Pasir Ave 1, Singapore 350148 (Located outside McDonald’s Restaurant)

15.4 Post Office


6 Potong Pasir Ave 2 #02-01, Potong Pasir Community Club, Singapore 358361
Operating Hours:
9.30am - 6.00pm (Monday to Friday)
9.30am - 2.00pm (Saturday)

15.5 Other Amenities

- Potong Pasir Community Club

- Dental Clinic
- Hair Saloons
- Eating Places
- Street Soccer Court
- Basketball Court
- Neighbourhood Police Post
- MRT Station (Potong Pasir)

Appendix 1

 General Floor Plan 

Appendix 2

 Helpful Contact Information 

General Office:

Main Line: 6285 8820 Fax Line: 6285 8802

Email: (for leave application purposes only)

SA Hall Boarders Management System (SAHBMS):

Hall Staff
Mr Shaun Ang Email:
Hall Master
Mdm Coleen Lee Email:
Administration Manager
Mdm Ng Xiao Ping Email:

Resident Mentors

Floor Boys Tower Girls Tower

Mr Samuel Byju Mdm Cherry Guo


Mr Peh Bock Kiat Mdm Zhang Li


Mr Aaron Chen Ms Cheng Huaru


Mrs Roy Sriparna Mrs Georgina Lee


Mr Caleb Chan Mdm Farn Hsing Chieh


Mr Gabriel Tang Mdm Ma Yuexia


6 Reserved
Mdm Doris Tan Mdm Li Xiujuan

4 Reserved
Mr Qian Zhao Mdm Zhu Lili

Rev. Ian Chew

Others Mr Alex Tan (Adjunct Operations Executive)

Appendix 3

All Saints are required to uphold a high level of self-discipline at all times. The Hall Disciplinary System
is designed to encourage the growth of self-discipline in Saints and to foster a conducive residential
environment for communal living. Saints found not adhering to SA Hall’s Rules and Code of Conduct is
liable for corrective actions. Demerit Points and / or Corrective Works may be imposed on errant Saints.
Following are the details of the Hall Disciplinary System:

Hall Disciplinary System

List of Offences with Corresponding Demerit Points in St Andrew’s Hall

No. Offences Demerit Points

1 Did not shut (at least half-shut) the window in the morning before going to 1
school during normal school days.
2 Not keeping the corridor obstruction-free, neat and tidy
a. Did not keep foot-wears in the racks or in the room; 1
b. Did not keep clothes rack in the designated area or in the room; 1
c. Did not keep cleaning equipment in the designated cubicle or in the 1
d. Did not keep personal items resulting in untidiness and obstructing the 1
3 Did not switch off electrical appliances when not in use, including lights, 1
fans and bathroom heaters.
4 Self-directed Learning Session
a. Late for Self-directed Learning Session (SDLS) without approval. 1
b. Did not observe SDLS (E.g. loitering, playing games, using phone, 1
using computer unrelated to studying).
c. Absent for SDLS without approval. 2
5 Unauthorised Absence
a. Did not apply and / or obtain short leave permission for returning after 1
b. Did not apply and / or obtain long leave permission for returning after 2
c. Did not apply and / or obtain overseas leave permission when leaving 9
6 Lights-Out
a. Did not observe silence after Lights-Out; 1
b. Found outside the Floor of Residence after Lights-Out without valid 1
c. Found opening the glass doors from inside for late comers to enter 1
7 Cleanliness
a. Did not keep the common facilities (E.g. Pantry) tidy; 1
b. Did not keep the room tidy; 1
c. Did not clean the bathroom (2-bedder); 1
d. Evidence of food traces in the room. 1

8 Did not return the cutlery or crockery after meals in the Dining Hall. 1
9 Did not report for morning roll-call during normal school days. 1
10 Moved common properties (such as room furniture) of the Hall without 1
11 Keep pets in Hall premises without permission. 2
12 Cook in Hall premises without permission. 2
13 Use personal electrical appliances without permission. Only electrical fan, 2
table lamp, vacuum cleaner and computer appliances which are certified
with SAFETY mark of Spring Singapore are allowed.
14 Forget to sign out passport 4
15 Littering
a. Did not dispose garbage into the proper bin; 1
b. High-rise littering. 9
16 Defiance and disrespectful towards SA Hall Staff / Mentors, including 6
Security Guards, Dining Hall Staff, Cleaning Service Providers
17 Trespassing (including helping intruders into the Hall) 9
18 Entry into the tower of the opposite gender 9
19 Bullying / Fighting 9
20 Vandalism 9
21 Theft / Cheating 9
22 Smoking / Consumption of alcohol 9
23 Gambling 9
24 Breached any safety and security procedures, such as force open the lobby 9
door, tampering with fire alarms, climbing over the perimeter fence, etc.
25 All other offences listed under Clause 13.2 To be
determined by
Hall Discipline


(A) For these common offences:

(a) returning after curfew without permission

(b) forget to fingerprint during morning roll call
(c) offences related to SDLS

the following consequences will apply for every semester (6 months):

No. of accumulated common
offences in one semester
1 and 2 Verbal Warning
3 To carry out 1 corrective work
4 and above To receive 1 Demerit Point for each occasion of offence

(B) General Consequences for all offences

Category Possible Disciplinary Action

1. Verbal warning
2. Counselling
3. At least 1 Corrective Works
DP = 0 – 2

1. At least 2 Corrective Works

2. No approval for short leave application for one (01) weekend
(Saturday and Sunday)
3. Specified hourly report at Security Guard for 8 hours each day on
Saturday and Sunday
DP = 3 – 6
4. Restriction of privileges (such as having to move from a 2-bedder to 4-

1. Warning Letters (including informing MOE, School Principal and

2. At least 3 Corrective Works
C 3. No approval for short leave application for two (02) weekends
(Saturday and Sunday)
DP = 7 – 12 4. Specified hourly report at Security Guard for 8 hours each day
on Saturdays and Sundays
5. Restriction of privileges (such as having to move from a 2-
bedder to 4-bedder)

1. Warning Letters (including informing MOE, School Principal and

2. At least 4 Corrective Works
3. No approval for short leave application for three (03) weekends
(Saturday and Sunday)
D 4. Specified hourly report at Security Guard for 8 hours each day
on Saturdays and Sundays
DP = 13 and above 5. Restriction of privileges (such as having to move from a 2-
bedder to 4-bedder)
6. Expulsion for serious offences
7. Any other consequences as decided by the Hall Disciplinary
Committee and endorsed by the Principal.

1. For an offence that is communal by nature, such as dirty pantry, every Saint on the floor will be
given demerit points accordingly.
2. The demerit points are accumulative during the period of stay and will only be reset when Saints
are promoted to junior college level.
3. The demerit points will be administered and tracked by the Hall Disciplinary Committee.
4. The Hall Disciplinary Committee reserves the right to amend the above system from time to time.

Appendix 4

 Words of Encouragement 

 Staying Closer To God

2 Timothy 2:15
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and
who correctly handles the word of truth.

Proverbs 3:5, 6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

Deuteronomy 30:20
and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is
your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob.

Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,

 Dealing With The Secular World & Temptation

1 John 2:15 - 17
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father [a] is not
in them. 16 For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—
comes not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does
the will of God lives forever.

Romans 13:13, 14
Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality
and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ,
and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh

I Thessalonians 5:22 - 23
reject every kind of evil. 23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.
May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 Stress of Student Life

Psalm 86:7
When I am in distress, I call to you,
because you answer me.

Philippians 4:13
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Psalm 121:1, 2
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

2 Timothy 1:7
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you
and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my
yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

 A Christian Witness

Colossians 4:6
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer

I Timothy 4:12
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young,
but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

 Our Future Plans

Isaiah 55:8, 9
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Proverbs 16:1
To humans belong the plans of the heart,
but from the LORD comes the proper answer of the tongue.

Proverbs 16:9
In their hearts humans plan their course,
but the LORD establishes their steps.

Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me,
and I will listen to you.
You will seek me and find me when
you seek me with all your heart.

A Student's Prayer

Creator of all things, true source of Light and Wisdom, lofty source of all Being, graciously let a ray of
Your Brilliance penetrate into the darkness of my understanding and take from me the double darkness in
which I have been born, sin and ignorance.

Give me a sharp sense of understanding, a retentive memory, and the ability to grasp things correctly and

Grant me the talent of being exact in my explanations, and the ability to express myself with
thoroughness and charm.

Point out the beginning, direct the progress, help in the completion.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen

By St. Thomas Aquinas

Appendix 5

Hall Hymn
Our Father by whose servants
Our school was built of old
Whose Hand hath crowned Thy children
With blessings manifold

For Thy unfailing mercies

Far strewn along our way
With all who passed before us
We praise Thy Name today

They reap not where they laboured

We reap what they hath sown
Our harvest may be garnered
By ages yet unknown

The days of old hath dowered us

With gifts beyond all praise
Our Father make us faithful
To serve the coming days

Before us and beside us

Still holden by Thy Hand
A cloud of unseen witness
Our elder comrades stand

One family unbroken

We join with one acclaim
One heart, one voice uplifting
To glorify Thy Name.

Appendix 6

(Stomp, clap, stomp, stomp, clap!)
(Stomp, clap, stomp, stomp, clap!)
North, South, East, West
We are the Best
(Cheer & Clap)

1 2 3 4 let me hear you stomp the floor
5 6 7 8 SA Hall we dominate
Hey hey, it’s time to fight
Up and On, we’re blue and white
SA Hall, we’ll stand up tall
SA Hall, we’ll give our all

Appendix 7

 Note Pages 


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