Effect of Different Dust Flow Velocities On Combined Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities In..

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Effect of different dust flow velocities on

combined Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-
Taylor instabilities in...

Article in Physics of Plasmas · November 2016

DOI: 10.1063/1.4967869


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3 authors, including:

Bivash Dolai R. P. Prajapati

Guru Ghasidas University Guru Ghasidas University


Available from: Bivash Dolai

Retrieved on: 25 November 2016
Effect of different dust flow velocities on combined Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-
Taylor instabilities in magnetized incompressible dusty fluids
Bivash Dolai, R. P. Prajapati, and R. K. Chhajlani

Citation: Physics of Plasmas 23, 113704 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4967869

View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967869
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PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 23, 113704 (2016)

Effect of different dust flow velocities on combined Kelvin-Helmholtz and

Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities in magnetized incompressible dusty fluids
Bivash Dolai,1 R. P. Prajapati,1,a) and R. K. Chhajlani2
Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Guru Ghasidas Central University, Bilaspur 495009, Chhattisgarh,
School of Studies in Physics, Vikram University, Ujjain 456010, Madhya Pradesh, India
(Received 30 July 2016; accepted 1 November 2016; published online 22 November 2016)
We investigate the effect of different dust flow velocities and two dimensional magnetic fields on
the combined Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) and Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) of two
superimposed incompressible dusty fluids. A single fluid reduced dusty magnetohydrodynamic
model is obtained for the three component magnetized incompressible dusty plasma, and it is
assumed that a plane interface of infinite boundaries separates heavy and light dusty fluids at z ¼ 0.
The general dispersion relations for RT and KH configurations are obtained using appropriate
boundary conditions and discussed in the case of equal and different dust fluid flow velocities. In
the case of the stable RT configuration, we find that the condition of RTI depends upon both longi-
tudinal and transverse magnetic field components and relative dust flow velocity. In the case of the
KH configuration, the effect of magnetic field and relative dust flow velocity is observed and it is
shown that dust flow velocity must be larger than a particular value of Alfven speed in order to
excite KHI. Numerical calculations have been performed to illustrate the linear growth rates of RTI
and KHI in both magnetized and unmagnetized dusty plasmas. We observe that the magnetic field
has stabilizing whereas the dust Atwood number has destabilizing influence on the growth rate of
RTI. The different dust flow velocities have destabilizing whereas magnetic field has stabilizing
influence on the growth rate of KHI in dusty plasmas. The dust Mach number yields a stabilizing
influence on the linear growth rate of KHI. Published by AIP Publishing.

I. INTRODUCTION magneto-pause stability.9,10 For the stability analysis, the

single fluid magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model, which
The hydrodynamic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI)
incorporates the momentum transfer equation, mass transfer
and Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) arise due to velocity
equation, and Maxwell equations of multicomponent dusty
shear flow and density gradients, respectively, and play a
plasma, is often used by many researchers. In the case of the
crucial role in laboratory dusty plasma experiments and in
dusty plasma, it is consistent when the rate of momentum
astrophysical dusty plasmas. The problems of KHI and RTI
are investigated in astrophysical jets, solar corona, planetary transfer due to dust-dust interaction dominates over other
rings, supernova remnants, and in earth’s mesosphere.1–4 interactions, and thus it can be used to analyze the hydrody-
The micron sized charged dust particles naturally occur in namical instabilities.11
their environments and play a significant role in the collec- In past few years, the KHI and RTI have been investigated
tive response of plasmas. The dust induced waves and insta- by many authors looking to their importance in astrophysical
bilities are studied theoretically as well as in laboratory jets, molecular clouds, and in earth’s magnetosphere.12–14 A
experiments such as tokamak edge plasma, high b plasma, linear analysis of the hybrid KHI and RTI in an electrostatic
and in dc and rf discharges. Structure formations, bubbles/ magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling system is carried out by
spikes, and vortices formations in dusty plasmas are also Yamamoto.15 Lovelace et al.16 have investigated the KHI of
studied by analyzing RTI and KHI.5–8 The KHI arises at the the magnetopause of disc-accerting stars. Luo et al.17 have
plane interface between two superposed fluids flowing one experimentally studied the effect of negatively charged dust on
over the other with a relative horizontal flow velocity or due the KHI in the magnetized Cesium plasma and found that dust
to sheared flows. On the other hand, if two fluids have differ- has a stabilizing effect on the instability. The linear KHI at the
ent densities in which the heavy fluid is supported by the interface between partially ionized dusty plasmas is investi-
lighter one ðq2 < q1 Þ under the influence of gravitational gated by Shadmehri and Downes18 and found that unstable
acceleration, then at the interface RTI is developed. The KHI modes are independent of dust charge polarity and stabilize the
is widely studied for explanation of many phenomena viz., growth rate. D’Angelo and Song19 have investigated KHI in
shear dust flows, vortex formation, magnetic reconnection the magnetized dusty plasma for both positively and negatively
process in solar and magnetosphere dynamics, auroras and charged dust and computed the critical shear. Baty and
Keppens20 have studied KHI and current driven instability in a
cylindrical jet using three dimensional compressible MHD
Electronic mail: prajapati_iter@yahoo.co.in simulation. Wang et al.21 have studied the destabilizing effect

1070-664X/2016/23(11)/113704/9/$30.00 23, 113704-1 Published by AIP Publishing.

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113704-2 Dolai, Prajapati, and Chhajlani Phys. Plasmas 23, 113704 (2016)

of density gradient on KHI and found that the density gradient is investigated and linear growth rates against dust number
enforces KHI by increasing its linear growth rate in the direc- density are plotted.
tion normal to the perturbed interface. Along with this, the Therefore, in the present problem, we investigate com-
KHI and RTI have been investigated in the strongly coupled bined KHI and RTI in the magnetized dusty plasma with dif-
dusty plasma (SCDP).22,23 ferent dust flow velocities. The approach of different dust
Recently, Hamlin and Newman24 have studied KHI in flow velocities has been applied earlier in our work,
astrophysical jets using analytical and numerical methods in Prajapati and Chhajlani,36 where we have discussed the
the relativistic magnetized plasma. Karimi and Girimaji25 effects of different flow velocities on the KHI of anisotropic
have studied suppression mechanism of KHI in compressible pressure plasma using generalized polytrope laws. The RTI
fluid flows. The KHI in the magnetosphere boundary layer and KHI play central roles in the structures of astrophysical
region is discussed and many important results were jets, vicinity of the Saturn ring, supernova remnants, and in
obtained. Recently, Watson et al.26 have investigated the many space plasma phenomena. The present work is applica-
KHI due to shear flow in a weakly ionized medium. Tiwari ble to understand the development of RT and KH structures
et al.27 have studied the compressibility and dispersive in the astrophysical dusty plasma and in laboratory experi-
effects on the KHI of the weakly coupled dusty plasma ments. The stability analysis of multilayer dusty fluids flow-
(WCDP). Thus, the problem of KHI that arises due to veloc- ing with different dust flow velocities is also carried out in
ity shear or two different flow velocities in dusty plasma has the present problem. The remaining part of the paper is orga-
been studied extensively for different configurations. nized as follows. In Sec. II, the mathematical model is for-
Moreover, the gravitational acceleration induced internal
mulated using basic equations for electron, ion, and dusty
waves and RTI have been discussed in the dense quantum
fluids. The analytical dispersion relations of KHI and RTI
plasma.28 It has large relevance in supernova remnants,
are derived using appropriate boundary conditions in Sec.
white dwarfs, inertial confinement fusion (ICF), and in Z-
III. The stable and unstable configurations are discussed with
pinch. The suppression of RTI in SCDP is studied by Das
astrophysical applications in Sec. IV. Finally, the results of
and Kaw.29 More recently, Prajapati23 has investigated the
the present problem are summarized in Sec. V.
RTI in the non-uniform magnetized strongly coupled visco-
elastic fluid and found that magnetic field, rotation, and vis-
coelastic effects have a stabilizing influence on the linear II. FORMULATIONS OF THE PROBLEM
growth rate of RTI. To predict the behavior of the considered system, we
In addition to this, the combined RTI and KHI of two assume the three component magnetized dusty plasma con-
superimposed magnetized fluids in the presence of sus- sisting of ions, electrons, and dust particles coupled via elec-
pended dust particles has been investigated by Prajapati tric field, gravitational acceleration field, and collision forces
et al.30 In this work, an incompressible MHD fluid is consid- between the charged species. The dusty fluid plasma is
ered and RTI and KHI are analyzed in the presence of two streaming in the x direction in the presence of two dimen-
dimensional magnetic field and suspended dust particle. sional external magnetic field HðHx ; Hy ; 0Þ and downward
Wang et al.31 have discussed the combined KHI and RTI gravitational acceleration gð0; 0; gÞ. We write the momen-
with continuous velocity and density profiles and depicted tum transfer and continuity equations for these charged spe-
the linear growth rates. It is found that the density gradient cies and construct a reduced dusty MHD fluid model under
suppresses the linear growth rate of RTI for the short pertur- some assumptions discussed below.
bation wavenumber, whereas the linear growth rate of KHI In order to construct basic equations for the considered
increases due to the density gradient effect but decreases due
system, we use the model as proposed in Ref. 33. The contri-
to the velocity gradient effect. El-Sayed32 has investigated
bution of J  H force is considered and the relevant equa-
the hydrodynamic KHI of two incompressible fluids consid-
tions of motion for inertialess electrons, single charged ions,
ering the effects of suspended dust particles and finite
and negatively charged dust particles are written as
Larmor radius (FLR) corrections.
Recently, many authors have derived the single fluid 0 ¼ ene ðE þ ve  HÞ  rpe ; (1)
dusty MHD model for magnetized and unmagnetized dusty
plasmas to investigate RTI and KHI. Avinash and Sen33 dvi
mi ni ¼ eni ðE þ vi  HÞ  rpi þ mi ni g þ Fi ; (2)
have discussed the RTI in both SCDP and WCDP. They dt
have derived reduced dusty fluid equations in the three com- dvd
ponent (e, i, and d) unmagnetized dusty plasma. In the case md n d ¼ eZd nd ðE þ vd  HÞ  rpd þ md nd g þ Fd ;
of WCDP, they have analyzed the linear RTI and calculated (3)
the growth under experimental conditions. The single fluid
dusty MHD model for three component magnetized plasma where vj ; mj ; nj ; pj is the velocity, mass, number density, and
is also proposed by Tsintsadze et al.34 and stability of the pressure of the jthðe; i; dÞ species and Zd be the number of
magnetoradiative dusty plasma is investigated. Ershkovich electrons residing on dust particle. Fi;d be the collisional fric-
and Israelevich35 have derived a reduced single fluid MHD tional force on the ions and dust particles.
model considering the five component (positive ions, neutral In order to study the combined RTI and KHI, we obtain
particles, electrons, and positively and negatively charged the equation of motion for the single fluid dusty MHD
dust) fluid plasma. In that work, the KHI in the dusty plasma plasma by adding Eqs. (1)–(3), thus we obtain

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113704-3 Dolai, Prajapati, and Chhajlani Phys. Plasmas 23, 113704 (2016)

dU @dqd
q ¼ J  H  rp þ qg; (4) þ ðUd  rÞdqd þ ðdud  rÞqd ¼ 0; (14)
dt @t
where p ¼ pe þ pi þ pd ; q ¼ mi ni þ md nd ; U ¼ ðmi ni vi @dh
þ ðUd  rÞdh ¼ ðH  rÞdud ; (15)
þ md nd vd Þ= q; Fi þ Fd ¼ 0. The total current density J is @t
obtained as J ¼ ðeni vi  ene ve  eZd nd vd Þ, and it is related r  dud ¼ 0; (16)
to magnetic field strength H through Ampere’s law as r  H
¼ 4pJ. The resultant electric force vanishes due to the quasi- r  dh ¼ 0: (17)
neutrality condition ni ¼ Zd nd þ ne . These assumptions have
been considered by Avinash and Sen33 for investigating RTI Eqs. (13)–(17) are the required governing perturbation
in the unmagnetized dusty plasma. In the present case, we equations of the considered system for analyzing flow veloc-
have the total current density J due to the Jth species which ity and density gradient induced KHI and RTI, respectively.
contributes to J  H force in the equation of motion of nega- In Sec. III, we derive analytical dispersion relations of KHI
tively charged dust grains. and RTI using the appropriate boundary conditions.
The mass conservation equations for dust and ions are
@nd Analyzing the perturbations into normal modes, we seek
þ r  ðnd vd Þ ¼ 0; (5)
@t solution whose dependence on x, y, z, and t is given by
þ r  ðni vi Þ ¼ 0: (6) f ðx; y; z; tÞ ¼ f ðzÞ expðikx x þ iky y þ ntÞ;
Adding Eqs. (5) and (6), we obtain where kx and ky are the horizontal wavenumbers and related
as k2 ¼ kx2 þ ky2 and n is the temporal growth rate of the
þ r  ðqUÞ ¼ 0: (7) perturbations.
@t On employing above perturbations into Eqs. (13)–(17),
Since dust particles are heavier than ions and electrons, we obtain set of Eqs. (A1)–(A7) mentioned in the Appendix.
they do not contribute significantly in the momentum trans- Eliminating dpd from Eqs. (A1)–(A3) and using Eqs.
fer and continuity equations; therefore, we can assume q (A4)–(A7), we obtain a second order differential equation
 md nd  qd and dust fluid velocity U  Ud .33 Taking into which shows the discontinuity across the interface as follows:
account of incompressibility condition (r  U ¼ 0) and  
induction equations, the basic governing equations for the d 2
ðq DwÞ  k qd w ðn þ ikx Ud Þ
dusty magnetized fluid can be written as dz d
@Ud 1   2 d
þ ðUd  rÞUd ¼ rpd þ qd g þ ðr  HÞ  H; gk q
qd 1 ðk x H x þ k y H y Þ2 d 2 2 dz d
@t 4p þ  k w þ w ¼ 0:
(8) 4p ðn þ ikx Ud Þ dz2 ðn þ ikx Ud Þ
@qd (18)
þ r  ðqd Ud Þ ¼ 0; (9)
@t Equation (18) is a second order differential equation in terms
@H of velocity component w which shows the effect of dust flow
¼ ðH  rÞUd  ðUd  rÞH; (10)
@t velocity, two dimensional magnetic field and density gradi-
r  Ud ¼ 0; (11) ent dqd =dz. Let us consider two homogeneous infinite mag-
netized dusty plasma streams separated by a plane interface
r  H ¼ 0: (12) at z ¼ 0. The two dusty fluids in the regions z < 0 and z > 0
The above basic equations are linearized assuming that are, respectively, denoted by the subscripts “1” and “2.” The
each quantity is represented by the sum of their equilibrium schematic diagram of the considered configuration is shown
and perturbed parts, i.e., Ud ¼ Ud0 þ dud ; pd ¼ pd0 þ dpd ; in Fig. 1. The configurations of RTI and KHI can be repre-
H ¼ H0 þ dh, and qd ¼ qd0 þ dqd . The quantities with sub- sented in the flowing density and velocity profiles
scripts “0” indicate equilibrium part and we neglect it later  
from subscript for simplicity. The perturbation components qd1 if z < 0 Ud1 if z < 0
qd ¼ Ud ¼
of dust flow velocity and magnetic field are dud ðu; v; wÞ and qd2 if z > 0; Ud2 if z > 0:
dhðhx ; hy ; hz Þ, respectively, and Ud0 ðUd0 ; 0; 0Þ is the equilib-
rium dust flow velocity of the dusty magnetized fluid. For the dust streaming velocities Ud1 ðUd1 ; 0; 0Þ and
Thus, considering the above assumption, the linearized Ud2 ðUd2 ; 0; 0Þ with constant qd ; Eq. (18) becomes
perturbation equations of the system are
  ðD2  k2 Þw ¼ 0: (19)
qd þ ðUd  rÞdud ¼ rdpd þ dqd g
The general solution of Eq. (19) is
þ ðr  dhÞ  H; (13)
4p w ¼ A expðkzÞ þ A expðkzÞ;

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113704-4 Dolai, Prajapati, and Chhajlani Phys. Plasmas 23, 113704 (2016)


Equation (22) represents the influence of dust flow
velocity, dust Atwood number, and magnetic field on the
combined KHI and RTI of two superposed weakly coupled
dusty fluids. This analytical dispersion relation is a quadratic
equation from which roots can be calculated for both the
KHI ðUd1 6¼ Ud2 ; g ¼ 0Þ and RTI ðUd1 ¼ Ud2 ; g 6¼ 0Þ con-
figurations. If we ignore the influence of transverse magnetic
field ðVB ¼ 0Þ and treating dusty fluid as an ordinary fluid
(qd ¼ q), then Eq. (22) reduces to the dispersion relation of
Chandrasekhar37 and Eq. (42) of El-Sayed,32 neglecting the
viscosity effect in that case. Thus, the presence of two
dimensional magnetic field modifies the present dispersion
relation of combined KHI and RTI in WCDP.
The roots of Eq. (22) can be written as

n ¼ ikx ðqd1 Ud1 þ qd2 Ud2 Þ
ð d1 qd2 Þ
FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of the configuration.  qd1 qd2
6 kx2 ðUd1  Ud2 Þ2
ðqd1 þ qd2 Þ2

where A is a constant. Since w must be bounded both when q  qd2 1=2
z ! 1 and z ! 1, the appropriate solutions of Eq. (19) 2ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2  kg d1 : (23)
ðqd1 þ qd2 Þ
can be written as
) For the unmagnetized dusty plasma (VA ¼ VB ¼ 0) and
w1 ¼ Aðn þ ikx Ud1 Þ expðkzÞ; ðz < 0Þ
: (20) considering dust fluid as an ordinary fluid (Ud1;2 ¼ U1;2 and
w2 ¼ Aðn þ ikx Ud2 Þ expðkzÞ:ðz > 0Þ qd1;2 ¼ q1;2 ), the above roots are identical to Eq. (20) of
Wang et al.21 This relation with n ¼ ix is also similar to
The flowing boundary conditions must be satisfied across the Eq. (2.17) of Ershkovich and Israelevich35 taking k:V1;2
interface of two fluids.37 ¼ kV1;2 and k:B1;2 ¼ kB1;2 . In that work, the five component
1. The normal component of velocity is continuous, i.e., dusty plasma is considered and dispersion relation is derived
w1 w2 using single fluid dusty MHD equations. Using Eq. (23), we
ðnþikx Ud1 Þ ¼ ðnþikx Ud2 Þ :
explore the RTI and KHI in the magnetized dusty plasma
2. The total pressure should be continuous. This condition
considering the effects of different dust flow velocities,
can be obtained by integrating Eq. (18) across the inter-
which play a crucial role in tangential discontinuity in space
face z ¼ 0.
and astrophysical dusty plasma.
3. The normal component of the magnetic field is continuous.
For the unmagnetized plasma (VA ¼ VB ¼ 0), with
In order to satisfy condition (2) integrating Eq. (18) above conditions Eq. (23) reduces to Eq. (7) of Avinash and
across the interface z ¼ 0 to obtain Sen.33 In that work, authors have derived the dispersion rela-
  1 ðk x H x þ k y H y Þ2 tion for the unmagnetized dusty plasma and analyzed RTI in
D0 qd ðn þ ikx Ud ÞDw þ D0 ð DwÞ WCDP and SCDP. Thus, Eq. (23) represents the modified
4p ðn þ ikx Ud Þ dispersion relation for the magnetized dusty plasma, which
gk2 w will affect the conditions of stability/instability and growth
þ D0 ðqd Þ ¼ 0; (21)
ðn þ ikx Ud Þ rates that are discussed later.
For the stable KH configuration with b1 > b2 , the condi-
where D0 ðf Þ is the jump that a quantity f experiences at the tion of KH stability will be
interface z ¼ 0. Now we write the dispersion relation in
accordance with our assumed configuration of dust flow kx2 b1 b2 ðUd1  Ud2 Þ2  ½2ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2 þ kgðb1  b2 Þ:
velocities Ud1 ðUd1 ; 0; 0Þ and Ud2 ðUd2 ; 0; 0Þ. On substituting
the values of w1 and w2 from Eq. (20) in Eq. (21), we obtain Under this condition, Eq. (22) will restrict to provide
the following dispersion relation: imaginary roots and there will not be any positive real roots
of n showing the KH stability of the configuration. The con-
n2 þ 2inkx ðb1 Ud1 þ b2 Ud2 Þ  kx2 ðb1 Ud1
2 2
þ b2 Ud2 Þ dition of KHI for the considered system is
þ 2ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2  kgðb2  b1 Þ ¼ 0; (22)
kx2 b1 b2 ðUd1  Ud2 Þ2 > ½2ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2 þ kgðb1  b2 Þ:
where b1 ¼ ðq qþqd1
; b2 ¼ ðq qþq
d2 2
, and VA;B 1
¼ 4p x;y
ðqd1 þqd2 Þ. The system will be KH unstable if it satisfies the above
d1 d2 Þ d1 d2 Þ
The term b2  b1 ¼ ðqd2  qd1 Þ=ðqd2 þ qd1 Þ ¼ ATd is called condition. We find that the condition of KH stability and
dust Atwood number. instability depends upon relative dust flow velocity, magnetic

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113704-5 Dolai, Prajapati, and Chhajlani Phys. Plasmas 23, 113704 (2016)

field, and dust Atwood number. Hence for all the critical the RT configuration is more useful in the case when dusty
wavenumber kc, system will be stable when k < kc and it is fluid streaming under the influence of gravitational
unstable if k > kc where acceleration.

gðb1  b2 Þ 1. Stable case (b1 >b2 )

kc ¼ h i;
2 2
b1 b2 ðUd1  Ud2 Þ  2ðVA cos h þ VB cos hÞ If b1 > b2 , then the effect of magnetic field is to sup-
press the instability if
where kx ¼ k cos h and ky ¼ k sin h.
The general dispersion relation (22) is reduced for spe- kx2 b1 b2 Ud2 ð1 þ cÞ2  2ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2 þ kgðb1  b2 Þ: (27)
cial cases of dust flow velocities. (i) When both dusty fluids
are moving relatively with the same dust flow velocity in If a dusty plasma satisfies the above condition, then Eq.
opposite directions to each other, i.e., Ud1 ¼ Ud and (26) will represent a stable system. In this case, there will be
Ud2 ¼ Ud , then we obtain two imaginary roots and no real roots; thus, the RT configura-
tion is stable. On the other hand, instability will take place if
n2 þ 2inkx Ud ðb1  b2 Þ  kx2 Ud2 ðb1 þ b2 Þ
þ 2ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2 þ kgðb1  b2 Þ ¼ 0: (24) kx2 b1 b2 Ud2 ð1 þ cÞ2 > 2ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2 þ kgðb1  b2 Þ: (28)

Under this condition, Eq. (26) provides two complex

(ii) When both dusty fluids are moving in the opposite direc-
roots whose positive real part will provide instability of the
tion to each other with velocity of the upper dusty fluid two
system. It is clear that the criterion of RTI is modified owing
times greater than the velocity of the lower dusty fluid, i.e.,
to the inclusion of relative dust flow velocity, magnetic field,
Ud1 ¼ Ud and Ud2 ¼ 2Ud , then we obtain
and dust Atwood number.
n2 þ 2inkx Ud ðb1  2b2 Þ  kx2 Ud2 ðb1 þ 4b2 Þ It is obvious from conditions (27) and (28) that the sta-
bility/instability of the above RT configuration is determined
þ 2ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2 þ kgðb1  b2 Þ ¼ 0: (25) for all wavenumber k9kc1 , where critical wave number kc1
is given by
Thus, we make a general consensus for multilayer dusty
plasma streams having different dust flow velocities. This gðb1  b2 Þ
type of situation is common in astrophysical jets and in the kc1 ¼ 2
fcos2 hUd2 b1 b2 ð1 þ cÞ2  2ðVA cos h þ VB sin hÞ g
vicinity of the Saturn ring where dusty plasma streams flow
with different velocities and develop KHI. The dust com- (29)
monly occurs in the astrophysical plasma, and hence it is From expression (29), it is clear that dust flow velocity has a
interesting to analyze the results of the present problem in destabilizing influence on the growth rate of RTI.
context of dust outflows in astrophysical objects.
Now, we extend analytical discussions of the present 2. Unstable case (b1 <b2 )
problem for multilayer dusty plasma streams with different
flow velocities. In the dispersion relation (22), we have the If qd1 < qd2 , then the effect of magnetic field will sup-
terms showing the effects of magnetic field and dust flow press instability if
velocity. The role of different dust flow velocities and two
dimensional magnetic fields can be studied calculating the 2ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2  kx2 b1 b2 Ud2 ð1 þ cÞ2  kgðb1  b2 Þ: (30)
roots of Eq. (22). Let us consider that both dusty fluids are On the other hand if
moving relatively with different flow velocities, i.e., Ud1 ¼ Ud
and Ud2 ¼ cUd (where c ¼ 1; 2; 3; :::). The integral multi- 2ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2 < kx2 b1 b2 Ud2 ð1 þ cÞ2  kgðb1  b2 Þ; (31)
ple c shows here the effect of different dust flow velocities.
The roots of Eq. (22) becomes then one of the roots of the dispersion relation (26) will be
complex whose positive real part will provide instability and
n ¼ ikx Ud ðb1  cb2 Þ6fkx2 b1 b2 Ud2 ð1 þ cÞ2 thus the dusty plasma arrangement will be unstable. We find
 2ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2  kgðb1  b2 Þg1=2 : (26) that the conditions of stability and instability depend upon
the magnetic field and dust flow velocity factor c. It is clear
The stability of the system can be discussed with the help of that for the unmagnetized dusty plasma with no streaming
the above roots. We examine the RTI and KHI configuration motion (i.e., Ud ¼ VA ¼ VB ¼ 0), Eq. (22) reduces to the
separately in Subsections IV A and IV B, respectively. classical expression of RTI of Chandrasekhar assuming dust
density as ordinary fluid density qd1;d2 ¼ q1;2 .37 In the case
A. Rayleigh-Taylor configuration in dusty plasma of magnetized non-streaming dusty plasma, Eq. (22) yields
In the RT configuration, we discuss two cases of stable n2 þ 2k2 ðVA cos h þ VB sin hÞ2  kgðb2  b1 Þ ¼ 0: (32)
(b1 > b2 ) and unstable (b2 > b1 ) arrangements. Note that
the non-streaming dusty plasma can be discussed putting The medium will be potentially unstable (b1 < b2 ) for
dust flow velocity Ud ¼ 0. However, the inclusion of Ud in all the wave number k < kc2 such that

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113704-6 Dolai, Prajapati, and Chhajlani Phys. Plasmas 23, 113704 (2016)

gðb2  b1 Þ case of density stratification, we assume that the lower dusty

kc2 ¼ 2
: (33)
2ðVA cos h þ VB sin hÞ fluid has a constant density and upper dusty fluid has variable
density in the vertically upward direction, which causes an
We find that magnetic field suppresses the growth rate increase in the dust Atwood number. Hence, the growth rate
of instability in dusty fluids. The growth rate of classical RTI
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi of density dependent RTI is strongly affected by the dust
is expressed as AT kg. In the present case, the growth rate Atwood number and showing the destabilizing effect. At the
of RTI depends upon Alfven speed (magnetic field) in both same time, the magnetic field suppresses the growth rate of
transverse and longitudinal directions as shown in the above RTI in the dusty plasma. The region of growth rate is larger
dispersion relation. in the unmagnetized dusty plasma as compared to the mag-
We now numerically calculate the growth rate of RTI in netized dusty plasma.
dusty plasma, which has significance in laboratory dusty The Alfven stabilization of the growth rate of RTI is
plasma experiments and in space dusty plasma. In the vicin- shown in Fig. 3. The normalized growth rate is plotted
ity of the Saturn ring, dusty RT structures are developed against normalized wavenumber for different values of nor-
under the influence of gravitational acceleration. The mag- malized Alfven velocities V^ ¼ 0.0, 0.2, and 0.4 with a con-
netic field in the Saturn ring38 is H ¼ 0.21 G and dust density stant value of ATd ¼ 0.429. The curve that corresponds to
qd ¼ 4  1015 g cm3; thus, the estimated Alfven speed is V^ ¼ 0 represents the growth of RTI in the unmagnetized
of the order of VA;B ’ 9:36 km s 1 . In Ref. 39 work, he dusty plasma. It is clear from the curves that growth of RTI
found that Alfven velocity in flux tube that corresponds to in the dusty plasma is suppressed due to the presence of the
magnetic field 6.32 G is 467 km s1. Thus, the magnetic field magnetic field. We again observe a larger growth rate for the
is capable to suppress the growth rate of RTI in dusty plasma. unmagnetized dusty plasma. This result in dusty plasma is
In order to see the effect of dust Atwood number(ATd) and identical to the Alfven stabilization of growth of RTI in clas-
magnetic field (H), we write Eq. (32) in normalized form con- sical hydromagnetic fluids.
sidering VA ¼ VB ¼ V and h ¼ 90 . Thus, we obtain
B. Kelvin-Helmholtz configuration in dusty plasma
^ V^2  ATd Þ ¼ 0;
n^2 þ 2kð (34)
Let us now consider the purely streaming configuration
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
where n^ ¼ n L=g; k^ ¼ kL, and V^ ¼ k=gV are the nor- (g ¼ 0) then Eq. (22) becomes
malized parameters with L be the characteristic length.
In Fig. 2, we have plotted the normalized growth rate of n2 þ 2inkx ðb1 Ud1 þ b2 Ud2 Þ  kx2 ðb1 Ud1
2 2
þ b2 Ud2 Þ
RTI Re (^ n ) versus normalized wavenumber (k) ^ of the pertur- þ 2ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2 ¼ 0: (35)
bations for different values of dust Atwood number
(ATd ¼ 0.20, 0.333, and 0.429). The growth rates are depicted Equation (35) represents the dispersion relation for the
for both magnetized (V^ ¼ 0.20, dashed curve) and unmagne- case of streaming non-gravitating dusty fluids. The develop-
tized (V^ ¼ 0.20, solid curve) dusty plasmas. It is clear from ment of the KH structure and linear phase can be discussed
the curves that the linear growth rate of RTI increases with and applied in the astrophysical dust outflows. In order to see
an increase in perturbation wavenumbers for all the values of the effect of different dust flow velocities on the condition of
dust Atwood number. As ATd increases, the growth rate also KHI, we assume that both dusty fluids are of the same densi-
increases, hence showing the destabilizing effects. In this ties and moving relatively with different flow velocities, i.e.,

FIG. 2. Normalized growth rate of RTI (Re n^) versus normalized wavenum- FIG. 3. Normalized growth rate of RTI (Re n^) versus normalized wavenum-
^ for different values of dust Atwood number (ATd ¼ 0.20, 0.333, 0.429)
ber (k) ^ for different values of normalized Alfven speed (V^ ¼ 0.0, 0.2, 0.4)
ber (k)
with normalized Alfven speed V^ ¼ 0.0 (solid line) and V^ ¼ 0.2 (dashed line). with dust Atwood number ATd ¼ 0.429.

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113704-7 Dolai, Prajapati, and Chhajlani Phys. Plasmas 23, 113704 (2016)

b1 ¼ b2 ¼ 1=2; Ud1 ¼ Ud , and Ud2 ¼ cUd . Then, Eq. (35) From Eq. (38), it is clear that the roots of the dispersion
becomes relation (36) depend upon flow velocity factor c and Alfven
speed. Thus, it plays an important role in determining the
kx2 Ud2
n2 þ inkx Ud ð1  cÞ  1 þ c2 þ 2ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2 ¼ 0: growth rate of the system and condition of KHI. It is well
2 known that a uniform magnetic field transverse to the direc-
(36) tion of streaming does not contribute to excite KHI. Here, in
The dispersion relation (36) represents the effects of rel- the present case, magnetic field longitudinal to dust stream-
ative dust flow velocity and Alfven speed on the considered ing suppresses the growth of KHI.
KH configuration. If we put c ¼ 1 with unlike dust flow From Eq. (38), we find that the effect of magnetic field
velocity Ud1 6¼ Ud2 and VA ¼ VB ¼ 0, then Eq. (36) is identi- is to suppress the KHI if
cal to Eq. (58) of El-Sayed neglecting FLR correction in that
case. In that work, author has considered two ordinary fluids kx2 Ud2 ð1 þ cÞ2  8ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2 : (39)
moving relatively with equal flow velocity. In astrophysical
situation, the dust layers move with different flow velocities. We find that the condition of KHI depends upon mag-
The dust flow velocity in the Saturn ring is supposed to netic field and relative flow velocity factor. If a system satis-
increase in the outward flows. The dust stream in the out- fies condition (39), then Eq. (38) will not allow any real
ward zone moves faster as compared to the dust streams near positive root of n, which shows stability of the system. Thus,
the surface of the Saturn ring. Thus, the above consideration we find that the considered KH configuration is stable for all
of different dust flow velocities will be applicable to under- the values of dust flow velocity determined from the condi-
stand the KHI in the vicinity of the Saturn ring as well as in tion (39). Thus, dust flow velocity plays a key role in deter-
the experiment of dusty plasma. mining the linear growth of KHI.
We obtain the condition of KHI from Eq. (36) as The dispersion relation (36) is applicable to many astro-
physical systems consisting of multilayer dust flows. We
4ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2 restrict our solutions for calculating the growth rate of KHI
Ud2 > : (37)
kx2 ð1 þ c2 Þ in dusty outflows with micron sized charged dust particles.
For the generalized calculations of growth rate, we write Eq.
Thus, we find that the system represented by Eq. (36) will (36) in normalized form and plot the growth rates Re (n
be unstable for all the values of dust flow velocity greater than against normalized wavenumber (k
). Thus, the normalized
the value given by the condition (37). We find that the condi- form of Eq. (36) can be written as
tion of KHI depends upon flow velocity, relative flow velocity
factor, and magnetic field. If we consider the perturbations  


sensitive only along the direction of dust flow, i.e., kx ¼ k and n þ in k Ud
ð1  cÞ  2k
2 2
1þc 1 ; (40)
4V 2 4
ky ¼ 0 then we obtain Ud2 > ð1þcA2 Þ. Thus, in order to excite the
KHI at the interface between two dusty fluid of equal veloci- where n
¼ nL=VA ; k
¼ kL; Ud
¼ Ud =VA are normalize
ties ðc ¼ 1Þ, the dust flow velocity should be Ud > 2VA . parameters.
Hence the critical value of dust flow velocity must be larger In Fig. 4, we depict the normalized growth rate of KHI
than Alfven velocity for development of KHI. It is evident (Real part of complex root) versus normalized wavenumber
that the magnetic field in the direction of dust streaming has a for various values of the dust flow velocity factor. The
stabilizing effect on the KHI. The condition of stability for growth rates are plotted for both the unmagnetized (solid
configuration of two fluids of equal densities is VA  U=2.37 line) and magnetized (dashed line) dusty plasmas. In order to
Thus, our present condition of KH stability has been modified illustrate the normalized growth rate, we consider that lower
due to the presence of flow velocity factor c. dust stream is moving with uniform normalized dust flow
In order to realize this condition in real astrophysical sys- velocity Ud
¼ 2.0. The upper dust fluid has cUd velocity,
tem, e.g., in the vicinity of the Saturn ring with Alfven speed which causes increase in relative flow velocities between
9.37 km s1 the estimated dust flow velocity for exciting KHI two dust fluid streams. The dust flow velocity factor c is
is 13.2 km s1. This order of critical value of dust flow velocity taken as 1, 2, and 3, i.e., the relative dust flow velocity
is consistence with relative flow velocity 20 km s1 in astro- becomes 2Ud ; 3Ud , and 4Ud . From the curves, it is obvious
physical systems for exciting KHI.18 In the work of Lau and that the growth rate of KHI increases with an increase in
Liu, 40 they have pointed out that the presence of magnetic wavenumber. Also as c increases the growth rate becomes
field parallel to shear flow has a stabilizing effect if the shear unstable and the system destabilizes; hence, it has a destabi-
velocity jump is smaller than Alfven speed. In the present lizing effect on the growth rate of KHI in the dusty plasma.
case, we consider the relative dust flow velocity and getting The effect of dust flow velocity is separately studied in
the condition of critical dust flow velocity for exciting KHI. Fig. 5 taking dust flow velocity factor c ¼ 2 and normalized
The roots of Eq. (36) can be written as dust flow velocity of the lower stream Ud ¼ 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0
which also shows its destabilizing effect on the growth rate
ikx Ud 1n o1=2
of KHI in the dusty plasma. From Figs. 4 and 5, it is evident
n¼ ð1  cÞ6 kx2 Ud2 ð1 þ cÞ2  8ðkx VA þ ky VB Þ2 :
2 2 that magnetic field has a stabilizing effect on the growth rate
(38) of KHI. Therefore, the different dust flow velocities have a

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113704-8 Dolai, Prajapati, and Chhajlani Phys. Plasmas 23, 113704 (2016)

Mach number has a stabilizing influence on the growth rate

of KHI. In this case, we also observe the destabilizing effect
of dust flow velocity factor on the growth rate of KHI in the
dusty plasma. A similar stabilization behavior due to magne-
tosheath sonic Mach numbers Ms ¼ V0 =Cs on the growth
rate of KHI has been observed by Miura41 in the magneto-
sheath region. Thus, the dust Mach number plays a signifi-
cant role in the suppression of linear growth rate of KHI in
the dusty plasma.

In this paper, we have studied the effects of different
dust flow velocities on the combined RTI and KHI of the
two superimposed incompressible magnetized dusty plasma.
We have formulated the single fluid dusty MHD model using
momentum transfer, mass transfer, and magnetic field equa-
tions of the three component (e, i, and d) plasma. The general
FIG. 4. Normalized growth rate of KHI (Real part of complex n
) versus
normalized wavenumber (k
) for different values of dust flow velocity factor dispersion relation is obtained using the normal mode tech-
(c ¼ 1, 2, 3) with normalized dust flow velocity of lower stream Ud
¼ 2.0 nique and appropriate boundary conditions. In the RT config-
where dashed (solid) lines are for magnetized (unmagnetized) dusty plasma. urations, both stable (b1 > b2 ) and unstable (b2 > b1 ) cases
are discussed, and modified dispersion relations with condi-
destabilizing effect while magnetic field has a stabilizing tion of RT stability/instability are obtained. It is found that
effect on the growth of KHI in the dusty plasma. long wavelength perturbations of RTI may be expected in
The consequences of the KHI depend upon dust Mach the space dusty plasma. The two dimensional magnetic field
number Md ¼ VA =Ud . In order to see the effect of dust Mach and dust flow suppress the growth rate of RTI. The numerical
number along with dust flow velocity factor (c) on the growth calculation has been performed to estimate the linear growth
rate of KHI we write Eq. (36) in dimensionless form in terms rate of RTI in magnetized and unmagnetized dusty plasmas.
of ðkUd Þ assuming kx ¼ k and ky ¼ 0. Thus, we obtain We find that the dust Atwood number has destabilizing while
1 magnetic field has stabilizing effect on the growth rate of
X2 þ iXð1  cÞ  1 þ c2 þ 2Md2 ¼ 0: (41) RTI in the dusty plasma.
In the dust streaming KH configuration, we have derived
In Fig. 6, the linear growth rate (X) is plotted for dust the modified dispersion relation due to the presence of relative
Mach number Md ¼ 0  1, using constant values of flow dust flow velocity and two dimensional magnetic field. It is
velocity factor c ¼ 1 and 2. It is obvious that the normalized found that the dust flow velocity must be larger than a particu-
linear growth rate decreases as we increase dust Mach num- lar value of Alfven speed in order to excite KHI. The develop-
ber owing to the increase in Alfven velocity. Hence, the dust ment of KH structures and growth rates of KHI are discussed
in dust outflows in the astrophysical dusty plasma. It is found
that different dust flow velocities enhance the growth rate of

FIG. 5. Normalized growth rate of KHI (Real part of complex n

) versus
normalized wavenumber (k
) for different values of normalized dust flow
velocity (Ud
¼ 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) with dust flow velocity factor (c ¼ 2) where FIG. 6. Normalized growth rate of KHI (real part of complex X) versus dust
dashed (solid) lines are for magnetized (unmagnetized) dusty plasma. Mach number (Md) for dust flow velocity factor c ¼ 1 and 2.

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113704-9 Dolai, Prajapati, and Chhajlani Phys. Plasmas 23, 113704 (2016)

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