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BATTLET sans ~ FIELD MANUAL ay Pe LL) Oe as ‘CRUSADER GLANS We Pott cs atte CONTENTS ‘THE CALL OF GLORY 4 [Alpha Galaxy: The Blooding Epsilon Galaxy INTRODUCTION 5 ‘Omega Galery: The Stonewall Brigade WARRIORS OF THE RIGHTEOUS 6 ‘The Sanguine Reavers 2 Zeta Galaxy: Wrath From Heaven Kerensky's Vision 6 ‘Omicron Provisional Galaxy 3 Eta Galaxy: The Shadow Risers The Crusade 6 Sigma Provisional Galaxy 3 ‘Theta Galaxy: Hell's Stormtroopers Call to Arms 6 Tau Provisional Galaxy 38 {ota Galaxy: Ninth Ring of Hell ‘Cian Blood Spt 7 Upsilon Provisional Galaxy 35 CLANICE HELLION (Gan Fre Mancrit 7 CLAN FIRE MANDRILL a “The Tale ofthe Quick (Can Hels Horses 7 ‘ANarrative onthe Fire Mandrils 37 Forged i lee ane Snow Can ee Hetion 7 ‘The The Fist Femies 37 Tal by Fre Cian Jade Flacon 7 ‘The Pentagon Crucble a7 Busing te Cian Cian Star Adoer 7 Evoluton of he Kinda 3 Fal rom Grace Cian wot 7 Strking rom Soituce 3 Golden Rebitn Martial Assets 7 Death of a Kingeaa 3 Secret Tal Wartors 8 Frustations of Factonalem 40 Heion's Fury Mech Assets 8 Tales of Glory. Ashes of Defeat 41 Cam ater the Storm ‘erospace Assets 8 Feemergence ofthe Fie Mancils 41 ‘Bream Destroyed ‘Armor Assts Miltary Practices and Customs. 42 Wolt Trap Intaniry Assets 3 Fire Mandril Kindraa 2 More Threats rgantzatonal Dectine ° Kinerga Sainze 2 Hellion’s Claws. Raw Senge 0 kinoraa Foraday-Tanaga “6 (Chain of Gommana Martial Aesthetics 10 kingraa Payne “6 Unit Designations Ranks and insignia 10 Kinda Matta-Carol 2 Battle Prlosophy Unions 2 Kinga Bey-Grant 3 Regarding Freevoms Decorations and Awards 2 kindraa Kline “4 ‘Schooling the Wheips Formal tls 2 Kindraa Mick Kroese (Goulet) 44 Regarding Stkos Mantl Practices 2 Force Strength “4 Tals of Postion Biasing 2 ‘Naval Assets “4 Muna Aeset Tra 3 Colors, Insignia and Rita “4 ‘Mech Asset ‘Tactics 15 ‘Standares “4 Aerospace Assets CADETS IN REVIEW 6 Unifoos and Insignia Infantry Aesete ‘sibkoe 6 lua, Decorations, and Awards Naval Assets ing 6 Clan Leadership and Ristars Unitorme ‘Training Facies 7 nan Amanda Caro! Feld Untorms Prmary cites 7 Sakhan Garret Sanzo Dress Untorms Secondary Facites v7 Fistar Daryl of he Paynes Ceremonal STRENGTH OF THE CLANS % kindraa Sainze Honors CLAN BLOOD SPIRIT 19 Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga emembrance Bar "The True Path: Kindraa Payne Cages Clasp History of Clan Blood Spirit 1° Kindraa Matila-Carrot Notable Warriore Tnoeption 9 Kindraa Bey-Grant khan Asa Taney ‘awakening a Kindraa Kine SSaknan Salen Cage Feots Gols 2 Kindraa Mick-Kreese Star Capiain Connor Roos Fe trom Heaven 24 CLANHELU'S HORSES Alpha Galaxy: The Blinding Keshik Enter the Raven 2 ‘The Long Trail: History of the Horses. 53 Beta Galaxy! The Lithe Kil AFatelu Error ‘The Pentagon Campaign 53 Delta Galaxy: Dauntless Hunters Future Pians Golden Century 54 ‘Zeta Galaxy: Guardians of the Lair ays ofthe Spirit Ho's Fury 54 Zeta Prime Galaxy ‘Uni stuctue ‘The Horse and he Boar 56 Freebome Fanaticism c Command Structure Hearing te Crusaders Call §7 Theta Galaxy: Caste Saviors 39 itary Practices Curent Evers 57 CLAN JADE FALCON 50 Training Hels Horsemen 50 Falcon’s Sight Unitorms and insignia ‘Organizational Doctrine 58 History of Clan Jade Falcon 20 ald Untorm Insignia and Uniforms 60 Hatcning Years 50 Dress Uniform Rank Insignia 60 Cleaning the Nest 3 Ceremonial Unit Unorms 60 Taking Wing 82 Inegnia ‘Awards 61 ‘Stooping on the Wott 3 Decorations Fistars of Hel's Horses 63 Sharpening the Talons 3 Notable Warriors ‘Khan Matava Fletcher 69 omer Games 83 Khan Karina Schmit 2 Sakhan Tanya DeLautel 63 Falcon ising 3 Sakhan Troy Boques 2 Star Colonel James Cobb 63 itary Practices and Customs 34 Lormaster Bayle Campbot 28 Holts Keshiks 64 ‘Unt Structure o Fe Mandi ich Jas Keller 29 Alpha Galaxy: Stampede of Steel 65 Command Structure 95 ‘Snow Raven ih Bu MeFadsen 29 Beta Galaxy’ The Apocalypse 6s Battoils Pracices % Blood Guard Keshik ‘Gamma Galaxy: The Bloodriders 67 Training * ‘and the Naval Reserve 20 Delta Galaxy: The Lightning Riders 68 Unitorme and insignia 96 ‘Comba Dress rs Field Unitorm 97 Dress Uniform 97 Rank insignias 97 Decorations 98 Notable Warro 8 ‘Senior Khan Marthe Pryde 98. Sakhan Samantha Claes ry Loremaster Kael Pershaw 8 ‘Turkina Keshik 99 Gamma Galaxy: Jade Falcon Galaxy 100 Delta Galaxy: Gyrtalcon Galaxy 101 102 103 104 Epsiion Galaxy 105, Mu Galaxy 108, Lambda Galaxy 107 Sigma Galaxy: Turkina's Eyes 108 Zeta Galaxy: Turkina's Beak 109 CLAN STAR ADDER no History of the Star Adder 410 Early Etlorts m Growing Up m Inte the Golden Century 12 Change in the Wind na ‘The Invasion Years na Outlook for the Future ns “The Adder’s Den 15 (Chain of Commane nS ‘The Warnor’s Way n7 ‘The Fighting Arm 18 Unfors and insignia no Lenders of Clan Star Adder 120 Khan Cassius N'Buta, 120 SSakhan Tabitha Pak 420 Loremaster Dagmar Lahid 121 ‘Adder Keeper Stanisiov 421 ‘Clan Star Adder Command 12 Alpha Galaxy: Old Blood and Guts 123, ny: Blood Feud 124 Delta Galaxy: Thunderstrike 125 Epsiion Galaxy: Night Terrors 128, Kappa Provisional Galaxy 7 ‘Mu Provisional Galaxy 128 Xi Provisional Galaxy’ 129 Omicron Provisional Galaxy 130 Rho Provisional Galaxy 131 Sigma Provisional Galaxy mw ‘Tau Provisional Galaxy 13 CLAN WOLF. 134 Historical Data 134 “Te Founding 134 ‘The Goiden Contry 135 “The Call to invade 196 ‘The invasion 196 ‘The Fetusal War 136 ‘The New Breed 17 Unikely Alles and New Enemies 137 Force Strength 138 Naval Assets 139 ‘Strategies, Tactics, and Ultary Practices 140 Color insignia, and Ftuals 140, (Clan Wolf Leadership and Ristars 141 khan Viagimir Ward 1a ‘SaKhan Marialle Radick 141 Lovemaster Katya Kerensky 141 ig olay he won exes Beta Galaxy: The Shadow Wolves 143. CREDITS Ceeet Soup reewenineces 1 vnang 1S Mm Franca kSrenpteonace tag tn meccerGomerheomer” bo wren Com a aateny Domes ti GenBond So aoscur can nN Cracira tenure 18 cunl oe ene oo Same Cobre 1S can OR von terion ee Eee sey Pore Coreen ee un oem ie On te eT som Tc eti Patina nares re occar teem craters Th can at me tO aman ee ere Pret Detopment radvariages wean nye eee 12 pevebnon aetoance Ses tees 1 onmepoet ma Seon eet ia lan Blood Spt ieee ort Sele eres 177 eatoech ine elope eee amore eas cee 3 cnn Soe sence ee es 5 at ccctnae sce ee a nae eine mae sean ieee s tate crussoemecincwurran noe. 1% poets See ae eens eee crmguenm ystcoentin ove eon intel in the USA. “Groowy’ Fred Hooper Piel eel Imustations Color Section Published by FASA Corporation oat Blake Fred Hooper 1100 W. Cermak Road * Suite B305 Scott James vet! Laubenstien Chicago, IL 60608 Lewis Larosa, ei Accra Nanne=@4OL COM, bul ple, no itor server subscriptions, Tanks! {ohn Bridegroom Visi our World Wide Web site at htp:// ‘Special Thanks “To he authors ofthe origin! Clan soureabooks: Grek Cater, Evan Jameson, Sam Lewis, Blaine Parco, chao! Police, Boy F Peterson J. lane Pron-Golman, Sharon Tumor Mal te Adventure Areitocts “Ine Batach developer woud lo ne fo hank the auhors ois bok or lhe extra work hey put no ‘making each of he Clans ft ogeter nicely wih the others Althe eae paid of, guy! (Over 400 messages fscountng THE CALL OF GLORY Electric white-blue discharges from particle projection can. rnons lanced across the battlefield, lighting up the night in false twilight. The coruscating beams and staccato pulses of laser fire—ruby, emerald, sapphire—ionized the air and added color to ‘a world of grays. Almost invisible but just as deadly were the mis- siles, backlit for a few seconds by their own exhaust, and the Gauss and autocannon slugs that tore into each side’s machines without warning, ‘Star Commander Valerie Sender of the Wolf Clan Fourth ‘Striker Cluster broke from her Trinary's formation and walked her Warhawk forward into the no-man's-land that separated the forces of Clan Wolf and Clan Goliath Scorpion, alternating the fir- ing of her PPCs and large pulse lasers. The Wolves enjoyed an ‘advantage in this Harvest Trial fielding superior machines and elite warriors. They were meant to win, accepting the “tribute” of Clan Goliath Scorpion, which had bid possession of its Trinary to the victor. The honor came in being selected by Khan Ward to bring in the new warriors, thereby increasing the strength of the Wolf Clan, But for Valerie, that was no longer enough. After seven years of constraint under the Truce of Tukayyia, Valerie's Crusader blood boiled for action against the Inner Sphere. Not even the Refusal War, though it had come close to destroying the Wolves, had quelled her desire. She knew it was vital to rebuild Clan Wolf, but she also wanted personal honor and glory. Such desires were bred into her; they would not be siiled. When the invasion began again, she would face it with her own command or die in the attempt to gain it, To her, there were no other options. ‘She advanced on the Goliath Scorpion line. Her opponent, in @ Gargoyle, stepped forward as he became aware of her attack. His mistake. Sporting missiles and a single Gauss rifle, the Gargoyle was ill-configured for such close-range fighting [And in moving forward, the other MechWarrior had abandoned the grove of trees that had offered slight protection. Valerie ‘Sender thrust both of her 'Mech’s arms forward and triggered all Of the massive machine's weapons, targeting the Gargoyle’s already-damaged torso. Her PPCs flayed away the last of the Gargoyle's armor and carved fissures in its internal structure. ‘The scarlet pulses of the Warhawk’s large lasers ate away at the ‘est, destroying the gyro required to hold the eighty tons of metal upright. The Gargoyle fell backward into the trees, crippled and ‘out of the battle, Howling a wott-call in victory, Valerie Sender realized that she stood unopposed in the middle of the Goliath Scorpion line. Calling her Star forward into the breach she had created, the Star ‘Commander flung her ’Mech’s arms wide and sighted down both sides. To the left, the silhouette of an enemy Summoner appeared under her targeting reticule. She unleashed a barrage ‘of PPC fire that cored into its side. Then, scanning quickly to the right, she located the Scorpion Trinary commander's Dire Wolf land fired both large pulse lasers at it. Her targeting computer showed the Summoner fallen, but stil active. She left the ‘Summoner and the Scorpions’ right flank to her Starmates while she rounded on the Dire Wolf. Too late, the Scorpions spotted the Wolf among them, Valerie Sender drove forward to pointblank range, targeting the Dire Wott. \gnoring her ‘Mech’s dangerous heat levels, she trig- gered her entite weapons array for the third time, relying on her targeting computer to strike the Dire Wolt's right leg. Three of the large energy weapons hit, bollng away armor and laying bare the leg's intemal skeleton. The Dire Wolfs backlash of missiles and lasers shook Valerie's Warhawk and nearly threw ito the ground, but she managed to keep her machine upright and slapped the ‘override a split second before losing her engine to a heat- induced shutdown. As the Scorpion commander attempted to back away from the ferocious onslaught, the Wolf Star ‘Commander held her place and took advantage of her enemy's delay, fring large pulse lasers at the Dire Wolfs vulnerable right leg. The leg snapped in two places where the lasers burned through it, sending the huge machine crashing to the ground, ‘As swiftly as that, the battle was over. Sender's Star had bro- ken the right flank of the Goliath Scorpion line and the Star Captain of her Trinary, sensing the shift in battle, had pressed for- ward against the Scorpion left flank unti it, oo, gave way. Star Commander Sender accepted the Star Captain's praise gra ciously, then claimed the downed Dire Wolf as her isoria, With the adrenaline rush of combat still surging through her veins and the ‘cockpits residual heat flushing her skin, Valerie felt nearly invin- ible. Soon she would see battle against the Inner Sphere. When the invasion resumed, she would lead the way. The Inner Sphere belonged to the Clans, To the Wolves. Toher. "salute those who remain behind, and | hope they might ‘make some difference in the dark times | see ahead. As for us, we shall never see our birthplace again, But we shall prepare, and perhaps our children, or our children's children, will once ‘more know the cradle of human civilization. When we are most needed, we shall return.” —Aleksandr Kerensky, 5 November 2784 “We shail grow stronger with each generation, awaiting the day when we return to the Inner Sphere. We are forever their salvation.” —Nicholas Kerensky, 10 December 2822 ‘As promised to us by the Kerenskys, the Clans have retumed to the Inner Sphere. It is our task to restore the order that humanity once knew under the Star League—not this sham of a League, created by politicians in an attempt to undermine ‘our confidence and the righteousness of our goal, but a gen- uinely ordered society in which everyone will benefit. It is our destiny, our reason for being. Itis the Way of the Clans. Destiny, however, does not win baltles or guarantee our eventual triumph. Victory will depend on our strength of arms and indomitable will; ighting the Inner Sphere has taught us that. We have also learned the folly of underestimating our opponent, first at Tukayyid and more recently with the destruction of the ‘Smoke Jaguar Occupation Zone. This is the value of the enemy; he shows us where we are weak. Now we must learn from our mistakes or else forever repeat them. ‘At the request of ilKhan Lincoln Osis, and with the approval of the appropriate Clan Khans, we have therefore compiled the fol lowing reports on the miltary strength and readiness of each Crusader Clan. (Naturally, iiKhan Osis is completely conversant with the current strength and readiness of his own Clan, the Smoke Jaguars, and so they are not included inthis report) This document will strengthen the Crusaders and help us reach our common ‘goal—the liberation of the Inner Sphere. When the invasion resumes, we will be stronger and more united than ever before. This work is divided into several sections. The first two, Warriors of the Righteous and Cadets in Review, are general ‘examinations of the military infrastructure common to our respec: tive Clans. To this general review, each Clan has appended an appraisal of its own miltary. By studying each other's strengths, we will all grow stronger, until none can stand against us. Terra awaits, Crusaders. No one can deter us from the sacted goal of raising the Star League banner once again on its, soil. Use this document wisely; learn from each other. From our strength and unity, the true Star League will yet be reborn. —Kael Pershaw, 19 November 3059 LTT at aan ed WARRIORS OF THE RIGHTEOUS Whoever first said, "Might does not make right" obviously was on the losing side. —Khan Jerome Winson, Clan Wolf, 2825 ‘Strength, more than anything, defines the Clans: strength through identity, strength of arms, strength of purpose. From warrior to common laborer, every member of each Clan works within his or her caste to benefit his individual Clan and thereby strengthen Clan society as a whole. Thriving as the Clans have in previously unknown regions of space and preparing for the tasks that lie ahead has never been an easy life; not for nothing did Aleksandr Kerensky call it the Great Challenge. But at the tend of this hard path lies a glorious vision, Forgotten by many Clans in their weakness, this vision is remembered by the Crusaders, who strive to seize the future that once belonged to all the Clans. The Crusader Clans recognize the Trials stil tobe faced; we ‘must yet contend with Inner Sphere treachery and the foolish ‘opposition of the Warden Clans to our glorious forefathers’ true designs. But the hotter the forge, the keener the blade that emerges from it. Crusaders do nat shirk from confrontation; they embrace it, and turn adversity to victory, That is the Way of the Clans, and of the Crusaders’ one immutable law: only the strong may lead, KERENSKY'S VISION With stern compassion, he spoke and all was revealed; How their destiny was the Hidden Hope Of all mankind, and how their sons’ sons Would one day retum to the Inner Sphere, Bringing back the enlightenment of the Star League To those unfortunates they had left behind. ‘Such was their right; such is our legacy of blood. —The Remembrance (Clan Wolf), Passage 3, Verse 22, Lines 12-18 In the noble words of The Remembrance, Aleksandr Kerensky instilled into generations as yet unborn the promise ‘and conviction that lie behind the Crusader cause. With his doc trine of Hidden Hope—that one day the Clans would return to redeem the Inner Sphere from its evils—he gave us the vision that sustains us to this day. His son, our Founder Nicholas Kerensky, gave us stil more. When the old hatreds, which had followed us into the void, threatened to tear apart what our fore bears had established, Nicholas led his most faithful followers on ‘a second Exodus, where he created a new society free of humanity's ancient evils The birth of the Clans was the first step on the long road to, the reclamation of the Inner Sphere and the restoration of the Star League. Nicholas held that goal before the Clans as their destiny, to be accomplished, “in the time of our great-grandchil: dren when, united and strong, they return to the Inner Sphere.” Just more than two hundred and fifty years later, the Clans. finally kept that promise. THE CRUSADE Late in the thirtieth century, growing debate over the Return inspired the warriors truest to Kerensky’s visions to step forward and lead the way. Calling themselves Crusaders, they champ foned a swift return to the Inner Sphere. The Clans in which a majority embraced this philosophy began calling themselves Crusader Clans, and were soon opposed by self-styled Warden Clans. These misguided individuals believed that the Clans’ pri- mary duty was not to reclaim the Inner Sphere, but to preserve it from an undefined external or internal threat. Alter several generations of delay engineered by Warden sympathizers, the Crusaders—the true warriors of Kerensky— won out and led the Clans back to the Inner Sphere. Proof of Clan and therefore Crusader superiority can be seen in the Clans’ intial drive, spearheaded largely by Crusader forces. Heading toward Terra, the invading Clans swept aside the ‘Successor States’ pitiable defenses across a front that stretched well over four hundred light-years in width. Unfortunately, chance intervened to halt the Clan juggernaut in its drive toward human- ity's birthplace. Near the world of Rasalhague, an Inner Sphere aerospace pilot rammed her fighter into the Clan flagship Dire Wolf and killed iiKnan Leo Showers, a valiant Crusader from Clan ‘Smoke Jaguar who had been chosen to lead the entire invasion. Uric Kerensky, the notorious Warden elected to succeed him, Ultimately engineered the Clans’ overwhelming defeat just a year and a half later on the planet Tukayyid and imposed a dishonor: able truce over a people bred for war. Later, inthe face of accu- sations that the truce had deprived younger Clan generations of battlefield experience and thus condemned them to death, Ulric ‘once more attempted to thwart the Clans’ destiny through the Wolt-Falcon Refusal War. By battling Clan Jade Falcon to the

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