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Homeroom Guidance Quarter 1

Module 1: The Superhero in ME

Let’s Try This Suggested Time Allotment: 15 Minutes try to remember that last time you felt
valued by others and the way you made others felt valued. Identify the incidents, your thoughts or
ideas about the situations, your feelings and your behavior or action. Use the templates below to
encapsulate those moments:
The last time I felt valued
-When a stranger help me from being bullied and said that I was more than enough to be in this world.
-I was confused because why did he helped me.
-Happy, shy, sad.
- My actions were just a shock to realize that there are individuals who are prepared to stand up for you
regardless of whether you are a threat or not; as a result, I was inspired by the stranger's actions and try to
look up and do things I want to enjoy life.

The last time I made others felt valued

-I helped my classmate to finish his activity because he is absent on the day the activity was given.
-I hope he can understand the lesson.
-The feelings when you help others is so priceless.
Processing Questions:
1. Did you find it difficult/easy to answer? Why?
- It was simple because I had firsthand experience with the feelings and behaviors of those I assisted,
no matter how insignificantly.
2. What do you notice with your answers?
- I discovered that every small act of kindness to others has a significant impact on their lives and can
alter them.
3. What is your reaction upon seeing all your answers?
- My reaction was positive; seeing myself respond makes me glad because I was able to share a small
but priceless moment.
Let’s Explore This
Suggested Time Allotment: 15minutes
Think of a person whom you want to talk to (can be friend, teacher, guidance counselor, brother, sister or
cousin, parent or guardian). Write his/her name separately on a 1/4 size paper using a permanent marker or a
pen. Face the mirror, post the name of your chosen person on the mirror. Imagine that that person is facing
you. Talk to yourself in the mirror and to the person you chose guided by the following instructions
Instructions: Imagine that you are looking at the mirror, and from the mirror you see yourself. Please talk to
yourself and say that “I am proud of you because you are a kind hearted person”

Then, your friends pop up in the mirror (post the name of your friends in the mirror), please tell your friends that
“You should be happy with me because I’m always here to support you.”

Then, your teachers pop up in the mirror (post the name of your teachers in the mirror), please tell them that
“You should be happy with me because I’m happy to admire you.”

Then, your brothers/sisters pop up in the mirror (post the name of your brothers/sisters/cousins), please tell
them that “You should be happy with me because I’m your cute little brother.”

Then, your parents pop up in the mirror (post the name of your parents/guardian or whom you consider as your
parent in the mirror), please tell them that “You should be proud of me because I’m _______.”

Answer the processing questions on a separate clean paper. Make sure to write your name, title of the worksheet as
the heading of the activity and compile it in your portfolio.
Processing Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
-I find this activity fun and exciting.
2. How do you feel about talking to yourself? Your friends? Teachers? Family?
-It makes me feel glad that I have them so that I can say things about them.
3. What have you discovered about yourself during your self-talk?
-I discovered that I have my own potential.
4. How is the activity helping you enhance your self-worth?
-It shows why I suppose to be happy with the persons around me
You can do it:
Complete the sentences and write it on a one whole sheet of paper with the Self-affirmation Exercise. Compile it in your
portfolio. Self-affirmation Exercise
1. My proudest moment was I got the perfect score our TVE examination.
2. My strengths are my family, friends and my knowledge.
3. My source of joy is my hobbies which is playing video games and reading some articles about the history.
4. My friends really appreciate me as a good and supportive friend, best friend rather.
5. I can overcome all the challenges in life because I have my supportive family and friends, of course with the guidance
of our lord god.
6. I will reach my dreams because I have more than enough inspiration and knowledge needed to achieve my dream.

What I have Learned Suggested Time Allotment: 5 minutes

Think of our current crisis (Covid-19 Pandemic) situation. Recall a moment where you have done something that
you felt confident and your sense of self-worth is high. What can you say to yourself in that situation? What have you
done? Write your answers on a sheet of paper.
Because of COVID-19 Pandemic many social change has occurred, for us students, education is very important
but it was affected by the pandemic. To continue our learning, we, students, needed to take blended learning which is
combined modular and online learning. My biggest achievement this pandemic is that I’ve finished junior high school
with honors. I’ve had a lot of struggles in adjusting in this new mode or method of education but with the help of my
teachers, friends and family, I passed junior high school with high grades.

Share your thoughts and feelings Suggested Time allotment: 5 minutes

Answer the following questions on a clean sheet of paper.
1. What positive statement would you say to yourself to be reminded of your strengths and values?
- Because I am strong and capable, I can do great things. My mistakes and failures are a part of my learning
and growing process, not a defining factor in my future.
2. How will you deal with life obstacles or negative feelings?
- Don't exaggerate things by going over them in your head over and over again. Accept that terrible
sensations are unavoidable from time to time and come up with solutions to help yourself feel better.
3. What would you do to empower yourself?
- Nurture your mind with wonderful ideas, because you can only go as far as your thoughts will take you.
4. What are your realizations as to your capability in handling and surviving the current health crisis right now?
- Since the outbreak of the epidemic, everyone has been in shock and unprepared. No one has anticipated
the impact on global health response and management. It was dreadful and terrifying to wake up to this
pandemic as a regular citizen. I am never prepared, just as the government is, and I have no idea how this
will ever end or if we will still be able to exist once it does. Even if there is no outbreak of health threats, the
pandemic has taught us to prioritize our health. Our health is most important since it will determine how we
live our lives. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, everyone has been shocked and caught off guard. No one
has anticipated how

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