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Electronic Devices and Circuits

CH:5 AC Biasing BJT

Dr. Waleed Tariq Sethi

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology
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Prepared by: Dr. Waleed Tariq Sethi- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute-Fall 2021

Prepared by: Dr. Waleed Tariq Sethi- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute-Fall 2021
Small Scale vs Large Scale Analysis

Equivalent Model:
A model is an equivalent circuit that represents the AC characteristics of the
A model uses circuit elements that approximate the behavior of the transistor.

There are three methods for small-signal ac analysis of the

transistor network:

The re model
The hybrid PI model
Hybrid equivalent model

Prepared by: Dr. Waleed Tariq Sethi- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute-Fall 2021
Amplification in the ac Domain
Efficiency =P0/Pi
The output sinusoidal signal is greater than the input signal, i.e;
the output power is greater than input ac power.

How the ac power output can be greater than its power input?
An ac power output greater than the input ac power is only due
to dc power.

Conversion efficiency=P0(ac)/Pi(dc)
Where P0(ac) is the ac power to the load
Pi(dc) is the dc power supplied

Peak to peak value of the output current far exceeds that of the
control current.
Amplification in the ac Domain
The superposition theorem is applicable for the analysis and design of
the dc and ac components of a BJT network, permitting the separation of
the analysis of the dc and ac responses of the system.

Steady current established by a dc supply.

Amplification in the ac Domain

Effect of a control element on the steady-state flow of the electrical system

BJT Transistor Modeling
A model is a combination of circuit elements, properly chosen, that best
approximation the actual behavior of a semiconductor device under
specific operating conditions.

Transistor circuit examination in this introductory discussion.

BJT Transistor Modeling

By removal of the dc supply and insertion of the short-circuit equivalent for the capacitors.
BJT Transistor Modeling
The ac equivalent of a network is obtained by:
1. Setting all dc sources to zero and replacing them by a short-circuit equivalent.
2. Replacing all capacitors by a short-circuit.
3. Removing all elements bypass by the short-circuit equivalents.
4. Redrawing the network in a more convenient and logical form.

Small signal ac analysis.

Impedance Analysis

Prepared by: Dr. Waleed Tariq Sethi- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute-Fall 2021
The re Transistor Model
BJTs are basically current-controlled devices, therefore the re
model uses a diode and a current source to duplicate the behavior
of the transistor.

One disadvantage to this model is its sensitivity to the DC level.

This model is designed for specific circuit conditions.

Study 3 Configurations based on re model;

1- Common Emitter Confg
2- Common Base Confg
3- Common Collector = CE Cong
1- Common Emitter Conf
• Using I/P and O/P characteristics graphs to reach to
the equivalent ckt for BJT.

Prepared by: Dr. Waleed Tariq Sethi- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute-Fall 2021
1- Common Emitter Conf
• Output Characteristics

Prepared by: Dr. Waleed Tariq Sethi- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute-Fall 2021
1- Common Emitter Conf
• Impedance analysis

Prepared by: Dr. Waleed Tariq Sethi- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute-Fall 2021
1- Common Emitter Conf
• Final CE Conf Equivalent model for BJT

Prepared by: Dr. Waleed Tariq Sethi- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute-Fall 2021
Early Voltage

Prepared by: Dr. Waleed Tariq Sethi- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute-Fall 2021
2- Common Base Confg

Prepared by: Dr. Waleed Tariq Sethi- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute-Fall 2021
2- Common Base Confg

Prepared by: Dr. Waleed Tariq Sethi- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute-Fall 2021

Prepared by: Dr. Waleed Tariq Sethi- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute-Fall 2021

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