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Dairy Herd Health

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Dairy Herd Health

Edited by

Martin Green
University of Nottingham, UK

Co-edited by

Andrew Bradley, James Breen, Helen Higgins,

Chris Hudson, Jon Huxley
University of Nottingham, UK

Jonathan Statham
Bishopton Veterinary Group, North Yorkshire, UK

Laura Green
University of Warwick, UK


Alastair Hayton
Synergy Farm Health, Dorset, UK

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dairy herd health / edited by Martin Green, University of Nottingham,
UK; co-edited by Andrew Bradley, James Breen, Helen Higgins, Chris
Hudson, Jon Huxley, University of Nottingham, UK, Jonathan Statham,
Bishopton Veterinary Group, North Yorkshire, UK, Laura Green, University
of Warwick, UK, Alistair Hayton, Synergy Farm Health, Dorset, UK.
pages ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-84593-997-7 (hb : alk. paper) 1. Dairy cattle--Health. I.
Green, Martin (Martin J.)
SF208.D37 2012
ISBN-13: 978 1 84593 997 7

Commissioning editor: Sarah Hulbert

Editorial assistant: Chris Shire
Production editor: Simon Hill

Typeset by SPi, Pondicherry, India

Printed and bound in the UK by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY.


Preface xiii

1 Concepts in Dairy Herd Health 1

Martin Green, Laura Green, Jon Huxley, Jonathan Statham and Sian Statham
Context of Dairy Herd Health: Why Improve the Health of Farmed Livestock? 1
What is Herd Health? 2
Practical Implementation of Herd Health: Getting Started
and Structuring the Health Visits 3
Appreciating client aspirations 3
Establishing farm-specific goals 4
Measuring performance and setting targets:
the importance of data recording and analysis 5
Structure of the herd health visit 5
Charging for herd health 6
Other Factors to Consider for Successful Implementation
of a Herd Health Programme 6
Training of farm staff 6
The cow’s environment 7
Relevance of genetics in herd health 8
Conclusion 9
References and Further Reading 9
2 Facilitating Change in Herd Health 11
Helen Higgins, Martin Green and Aurélien Madouasse
Introduction 11
Encouraging farmers to take action: context and challenges 11
To Change Human Behaviour, We Need First to Understand It 12
Selfish human behaviour research applied to herd health 13
How to Assist Farmers in Implementing Changes on the Farm 15
First identify which stage the farmer has reached 16
Stage I: moving from no intentions … to wanting to change 17
Stage II: the giant leap from wanting … to doing 25
Stage III: keeping up the good work 28

vi Contents

A final reflection 29
Facilitating Change: Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine 29
What is evidence-based medicine? 30
Conclusion: Facilitating Changes in Dairy Herd Health 32
References and Further Reading 32

3 Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 35

James Breen, Peter Down, Mike Kerby and Andrew Bradley
Introduction 35
Dynamics of the dairy herd structure: culling and replacements 35
Mortality and disease in youngstock 36
Culling of adult cows 38
Financial costs associated with culling of cows 40
Welfare considerations of youngstock rearing 40
Monitoring Youngstock Health 42
Monitoring the neonatal period (including calving) 42
Monitoring the pre-weaning period 42
Monitoring the post-weaning period 44
Monitoring first calving and lactation 46
Monitoring culling in the adult herd 47
Targets for Youngstock Rearing and Dairy Cow Culling 48
Targets for the neonatal period (including calving) 48
Targets for the pre-weaning period 49
Targets for the post-weaning period 49
Targets for first calving 49
Targets for monitoring culled cows 49
Disease Control in the Rearing Period 50
Disease control in the neonatal period (including calving) 52
Disease control in the pre-weaning period 56
Disease control and fertility management in the post-weaning period 60
Summary 66
References and Further Reading 67

4 Managing Herd Reproduction 73

Chris Hudson, Mike Kerby, Jonathan Statham and Wendela Wapenaar
Introduction 73
The economics of fertility 73
Current levels of reproductive performance 74
Welfare and ethics of reproductive herd health 76
Public health and reproduction 77
Underlying Principles of Dairy Cow Reproduction 78
Reproductive physiology and hormonal control of the oestrous cycle 78
Monitoring Reproduction in Herd Health 78
The practicalities of data recording 78
Monitoring reproductive data on the farm 80
Routine performance monitoring 82
Summary of key targets 90
Control of Herd Fertility: Enhancing Reproductive Performance 92
Improving accuracy and rate of oestrus detection 93
Improving pregnancy rates 100
Controlling reproductive disease 106
Conclusion 110
Contents vii

References and Further Reading 111

5 Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 117

Andrew Bradley, Herman Barkema, Andrew Biggs, Martin Green and Theo Lam
Introduction 117
An international perspective on mastitis and milk production 117
The economics of bovine mastitis 121
Welfare implications of bovine mastitis 123
The public health implications and perception of bovine milk 123
Underlying Principles of Disease 125
Anatomy and physiology 125
Host immune defence 125
Genetic susceptibility of the host 129
Pathogens and their behaviour 129
Major versus minor pathogens 131
Mastitis Diagnostics 133
Detection or diagnosis 133
Mastitis detection 133
Somatic cell counting 134
Mastitis diagnosis 135
Selecting a diagnostic technique 136
Monitoring and Analysis of Mastitis Data 139
Monitoring and interpreting somatic cell count data 140
Monitoring and interpreting clinical mastitis data 145
Summary of monitoring 147
Control of Mastitis 147
Principles of control 147
Action and reaction 150
National control schemes 151
Contagious mastitis control 151
Environmental mastitis control 156
Managing the milk-harvesting process 160
Biosecurity 162
The role of the heifer in mastitis control 163
Conclusions 164
References and Further Reading 164

6 Control of Lameness 169

Jon Huxley, Simon Archer, Nick Bell, Mark Burnell, Laura Green,
Sarah Potterton and Jon Reader
Introduction 169
Healthy feet and normal locomotion 169
Definition of lameness 170
Incidence and prevalence of lameness 170
The impact of lameness 170
Heritability of lameness 171
Causes of foot lameness 172
Farmer attitudes to lameness 172
Evaluating and Monitoring Lameness 174
The importance of good farm records 174
Setting up a locomotion scoring system on the farm 175
Recognizing foot lesions 177
viii Contents

Methods of recording locomotion and lesions 177

Practical use of lameness data 178
Lameness targets 181
The future of monitoring lameness in dairy herds 182
Summary 183
Control of Lameness 183
Treatment of clinical cases 185
Routine foot trimming 187
Foot bathing and disinfection 188
Management of cow groups and movements 190
Lying time and cubicle comfort 192
Standing times and concrete surfaces 193
Cleanliness and slurry management 196
Tracks and walkways 197
Nutrition 198
Biosecurity 199
Conclusions 199
References and Further Reading 200

7 Control of Infectious Disease 205

Laura Green, Simon Archer, Andrew Biggs, Andrew Bradley, James Breen,
Peter Down, Martin Green, Mike Kerby, Gerdien van Schaik and Wendela Wapenaar
Introduction 205
Principles of infectious disease control 205
Introduction of a new pathogen 205
Spread of a new pathogen within a herd 206
Persistence of a pathogen within a herd 206
The spread of infectious diseases between herds 207
Principles of Infectious Disease Control 207
Elimination of a disease from a herd 207
Control of a disease in a herd 208
Diagnostic Tests 209
Test sensitivity and specificity 209
Predictive value of a test 211
Estimating the presence and prevalence of disease 211
Monitoring Infectious Disease 212
Control of Infectious Disease: General Concepts 214
Biosecurity in dairy herds 214
Practical Implementation of Infectious Disease Control: Disease Examples 215
Control or eradication? 215
Evaluating herd infection status 220
Avoiding introduction or reintroduction of a pathogen 222
Preventing spread and persistence of a pathogen within a herd 222
Conclusions 223
References and Further Reading 224

8 Nutritional Management of Herd Health 227

Alastair Hayton, James Husband and Richard Vecqueray
Introduction: The Role of Nutrition in Dairy Herd Health and Production 227
Background: Key Concepts 228
The role of glucose in cow metabolism 228
The pivotal role of the liver in adaptation to NEB 229
Contents ix

Inappropriate metabolic responses of cows in NEB 229

Protein metabolism 230
Trace elements and vitamins 231
Monitoring of Nutritional Management, Including Herd Targets 231
Assessment of the records 231
Monitoring nutrition: assessment of the cow 240
Monitoring metabolic markers 246
Monitoring of nutrition: assessments of feeding 249
Monitoring feeding: forages 257
Key Concepts in Formulation 265
Control of Major Nutrition-related Disease 265
Nutritional control of hypocalcaemia 268
Nutritional control of fatty liver and ketosis 270
Nutritional control of displaced abomasum 271
Nutritional control of subacute ruminal acidosis 272
Summary 274
Acknowledgements 274
References and Further Reading 274
9 Dairy Farming, Food Security and Environmental Issues 279
Jonathan Statham, Martin Green, Jon Huxley and Sian Statham
Introduction 279
Background: Food Security, Energy Security and Climate Change 279
Food security 280
Energy security 282
Environmental Issues: Significance for the Dairy Industry 283
Impacts of dairy farming on the atmosphere and climate change 284
Impacts of dairy farming on water 286
Impacts of dairy farming on biodiversity and local ecology 287
Promoting and enforcing environment protection 289
Reducing the Impact of Dairy Farming on the Environment 289
The influence of increased efficiency and improved health and reproduction 289
Conclusion: Dairy Farming and the Environment 293
References and Further Reading 293
Appendix 1 Sample Sizes and Disease Prevalence Estimates 297
Martin Green and Laura Green
Sample Size Estimates 297
Estimating Disease Prevalence from Test Results 298
Appendix 2 Genetics and Herd Health 301
Jonathan Statham and Martin Green
Introduction 301
Genetic Indices 301
UK indices 302
Production traits 302
Genetic indices outside the UK 303
Reliability of genetic indices 303
Heritability 303
Genetic defects 303
Reference 304

Index 305

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Simon Archer –

Herman Barkema –
Nick Bell –
Andrew Biggs –
Andrew Bradley –
James Breen –
Mark Burnell –
Peter Down –
Laura Green –
Martin Green –
Alastair Hayton –
Helen Higgins –
Chris Hudson –
James Husband –
Jon Huxley –
Mike Kerby –
Theo Lam –
Aurélien Madouasse –
Sarah Potterton –
Jon Reader –
Jonathan Statham –
Sian Statham –
Gerdien van Schaik –
Richard Vecqueray –
Wendela Wapenaar –


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Currently we are in the second decade of the 21st century and there is considerable interest
and concern over how we will feed the world’s population in the next 40 years. Difficult
choices will be made about which food products we consume and how we produce them.
It appears that the demand for meat and dairy products will increase, especially as rela-
tively underdeveloped countries become more affluent.
It is in this context that we consider how we should manage the health of farmed
animals, in this case dairy cows. Philosophically we believe that if we want to consume
animal products, it is ethically and morally right to care for them properly and also to
respect and care for the environment in which they are kept. This means maintaining farm
animals in good health; healthy dairy cows will thrive, be cost effective, are good for the
environment and potentially will have ‘a life worth living’ – it should be a win – win
Thus maintaining a healthy dairy herd is important. While care for the individual ani-
mal should never be overlooked, in this book we focus on disease prevention at the herd
level. In doing this we do not wish to play down the importance of the individual animal,
but we believe that in modern farming systems, preventing disease at the population level
will ultimately be more rewarding. If we get this right, we can improve the lives of many
animals and reduce the need for individual interventions.
Dairy cow herd health is a vast subject, and each chapter in this book could extend to
a large volume in itself. The aim of the book is to cover the most important areas in suffi-
cient detail to allow the inexperienced reader to initiate herd health programmes and to
help the more experienced herd health practitioner to re-evaluate and hopefully improve
their approach. We apologize if some areas receive less attention than others – inevitably
we had to make difficult choices, and we based these choices on our own experiences as
well as on the literature relating to herd health. On that note, we have tried, as far as the
literature allows, to adopt an ‘evidence-based’ approach – we advocate approaches that are
supported by the research literature. This inevitably means that in some areas and for some
approaches uncertainty remains, and we have highlighted many of these areas. While frus-
trating, we would rather the reader is aware of this uncertainty rather than believe that
received clinical wisdom is correct. This is particularly important in herd medicine,
because interventions can be complex and expensive and implementing unproven changes
can be disastrous.

xiv Preface

Following an introductory chapter that describes the concepts of herd health (including
what we mean by ‘herd health’), the second chapter details how to facilitate changes on
dairy farms. It is increasingly recognized that technical knowledge of dairy cow health is
only one element of a successful herd health programme. The interactions between advisor
and farm staff, the ability to communicate and modify day-to-day habits and the art of
working as a team are all crucial when conducting herd health, and this area is discussed
in detail in Chapter 2. The subsequent chapters on youngstock, reproduction, mastitis,
lameness, infectious disease and nutrition provide details of how to run a herd health pro-
gramme in these areas. We finish by discussing the important area of how dairy farming
influences the environment in which we live.
We would like to emphasize that the book is not aimed at addressing the diagnosis and
treatment of individual cows or describing the pathology of individual diseases. This has
been undertaken in many texts and is simply not what we intend to cover. Instead our focus
is on methods and indices for monitoring cow health, evaluating and interpreting herd pat-
terns of disease and implementing herd-level control strategies. We feel these skills will be
essential for the dairy cow specialist during the 21st century.

We hope you enjoy the book.

The Authors

1 Concepts in Dairy Herd Health

Martin Green,1 Laura Green,2 Jon Huxley1 Jonathan Statham3 and Sian Statham3
School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham,
Sutton Bonington, LE12 5RD, UK; 2School of Life Sciences, The University
of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK; 3Bishopton Veterinary Group,
Mill Farm, Studley Road, Ripon, HG4 2QR, UK

Context of Dairy Herd Health: Why increase in world population suggest that,
Improve the Health of Farmed Livestock? globally, livestock farming will have to
increase (Thornton, 2010). The ability of
We believe that the veterinary surgeon and ruminants to utilize forages that are of little
farm advisor should play a central role in nutritional value to humans and to incorporate
preventing disease and maintaining the these into high-quality protein is a further
health of dairy cows within a framework reason for farming these species.
of economic, environmentally sustainable The next few decades hold many chal-
farming. Maintaining excellent cow health lenges for those working in the food animal
and welfare are the primary and overarch- sector and it is in this context that we describe
ing aims of a herd health programme. Our the management of dairy cow herd health.
aim in this book is to provide a route for a The world population is forecast to grow by
committed health professional to monitor over two billion by the middle of the century
and improve the health and welfare of dairy (The Foresight Report, 2011), and increasing
cows in their care, and we concentrate on affluence in the huge population centres of
the areas that we believe are most important China, India and Brazil is leading to increased
in terms of enhancing health. In this chapter global consumption of dairy and other ani-
we consider the current context of livestock mal products. Governments around the
farming and then general concepts that world are starting to prepare for the competi-
underpin herd health programmes. tion for food and water that may result.
As long as humans continue to consume Agriculture will have to adapt rapidly to
animal products, livestock will be farmed. meet these demands and at the same time
While animal products are not essential to reduce its contribution to greenhouse gas
man’s diet and survival, the taste, availabil- emissions and climate change.
ity and nutritional value mean that livestock As the world continues to consume
farming is likely to continue. Although livestock products, as a global society we
many make a credible case for reducing believe we are duty bound to look after
the amount of meat and milk that we con- the animals that we farm. Dairy cows are
sume as a society (e.g. Tudge, 2004), there is sentient beings and it is ethically right that
little evidence, at a global level, that we we should care for them throughout their
intend to do so. The projections for animal lives, to look after their health and welfare.
produce required to meet the predicted It is clear that good health plays a pivotal

© CAB International 2012. Dairy Herd Health (ed. M. Green) 1

2 M. Green et al.

role in good welfare, and indeed poor health dairy farming is an excellent example of
is possibly the most common reason for how farming has changed to meet the
compromise in the welfare of dairy cattle. demand for a reasonably priced product.
Most of the diseases and conditions Over the last century we have witnessed a
described throughout this book have an prolonged period of consolidation, intensifi-
important impact on cow welfare, but we cation, mechanization and specialization in
draw particular attention to lameness, mas- much of the global dairy industry. In highly
titis, periparturient disease, dystocia and developed dairy economies, the dairy cow
delayed treatment as being potentially large lives in a herd with over 100 herd mates and
welfare issues. Whilst poor health cannot be often gives over 7000 l of milk per year. An
completely avoided, it is the responsibility average cow, giving 28 l of milk per day is
of the owner, herdsperson and herd health working at over three times her maintenance
professional to work together to ensure that requirement for energy; in a high-yielding
management policies are in place to prevent cow giving 50 l, this figure is closer to five
disease and maintain health at the highest times maintenance. The consequences of
possible levels: excellent management of breeding and managing for high yield are
herd health is strongly linked to (but not the numerous and diverse, but as animal health
only reason for) good cow welfare. professionals it is up to us to identify and
There are many other reasons to ensure mitigate the consequences for cow health.
the good health of our dairy cows. Healthy We believe that the veterinary surgeon
animals are more productive and cost effec- (veterinarian) and farm advisor should play
tive for the keeper than unhealthy; this will a central role in preventing disease and
be considered further in later chapters. maintaining the health of dairy cows within
Healthy animals are better for the environ- a context of economic, environmentally sus-
ment and we discuss this in Chapter 9. tainable farming. Maintaining excellent cow
Healthy animals are probably less likely to health and welfare are the primary and over-
harbour zoonotic organisms and will require arching aims of a herd health programme.
fewer treatments with antimicrobial agents; Our aim in this book is to provide a route for
this has potential benefits for public health. a committed health professional to monitor
Consequently, as well as a moral argument and improve the health and welfare of dairy
which dictates that farmed animals deserve cows in their care, and we concentrate on
good health, there are other clear benefits the areas that we believe are most important
for us collectively, as a global society, to in terms of enhancing health. In the rest of
ensure that dairy cows are healthy. this chapter we consider general concepts
Perhaps a more pertinent question is that underpin herd health programmes.
not whether but how much do we care about
livestock health as a global community.
How much, for example, is society willing What is Herd Health?
or able to pay in order to consume livestock
products from animals with guaranteed It is important to distinguish clearly the
‘excellent’ health and welfare? It is one approach that we define here as ‘herd
thing to declare that we want our farmed health management’ from that of solving a
animals to enjoy good health, another to pay specific herd problem (a one-off herd inves-
for it. And this is not trivial – the infrastruc- tigation) or the production of a ‘health plan’
ture used in livestock farming needs regular (essentially an annual review). Whilst both
renewal and significant investment to pre- of these approaches have merit, and both
vent difficulties arising with animal disease. can contribute to a full herd health pro-
Are consumers prepared to pay a sufficient gramme, we would like to differentiate
sum for the products we consume to finance them from our definition.
such investments? We define ‘herd health management’ as
In a market economy, farmers respond a method to optimize health, welfare and
to circumstances that prevail; they have to production in a population of dairy cows
be profitable to remain in business, and through the systematic analysis of relevant
Concepts in Dairy Herd Health 3

data and through regular objective observa- practices to occur, which facilitates a grad-
tions of the cows and their environment, ual improvement in cow health and welfare
such that informed, timely decisions are over time. Therefore, the implementation of
made to adjust and improve herd manage- a dairy herd health programme involves a
ment over time. A critical aspect is the regu- continuous cycle of events aimed at the
larity of contact between the herd health gradual improvement of cow health on a
advisor and the dairy farm personnel, with dairy unit, and this is illustrated in Fig. 1.1.
consistent, methodical evaluation of data to
ensure that health and welfare are under
continual scrutiny. Herd health management Practical Implementation of
is therefore a continuous process, not just a Herd Health: Getting Started and
short-term response to a herd problem. Structuring the Health Visits
Regular interactions require a good working
relationship between the herd health advisor An outline of the approach to herd health
and the farm staff, and this critical compo- management is shown in Fig. 1.1, and we
nent is discussed further in Chapter 2. describe below the most important aspects
Successful herd health management of implementing a herd health programme.
requires that the attending veterinary prac-
titioner and farm advisor have sufficient
knowledge of technical issues that relate Appreciating client aspirations
to cow health and production and have a
detailed knowledge of the participating dairy Starting a herd health programme on a dairy
unit. Some of the skills required are beyond unit can be difficult. An understanding of
graduate level and continuing professional what the client wants and needs is crucial,
development, and specialization are essen- and several studies have illustrated that,
tial. It should be recognized, however, that unsurprisingly, farmers vary in values and
an attending veterinary surgeon may not be motivations. When embarking on a herd
sufficiently expert in all necessary areas but health programme, an understanding of what
instead may coordinate a team of experts to drives the farmer and the context within
produce the best results. Examples of areas which he/she sees their own farm is essen-
where additional expert advice may be tial. Such an understanding often develops
sought include housing, nutrition, agronomy from a close working relationship between
and genetics. Thus, understanding and coor- veterinary surgeon and client and will form
dinating the views of experts for the benefit the basis of how goals are set and what deci-
of an individual unit is an important element sions are taken. The role of ‘understanding,
of herd health management and success cajoling and convincing’ in the provision of
relies on a mutual trust between all parties dairy herd health is probably as important as
involved in the decision-making process. having the technical expertise in the specif-
It is also important to recognize that ics of bovine health, and this is discussed
herd health is not an exact science: there further in Chapter 2. Gaining an apprecia-
will always be some uncertainty in outcome tion of the primary motivator – for example,
when decisions are taken. Whilst this uncer- money, family or professional pride – will
tainty can be hard to accept in practice, it is help when it comes to making management
real and has to be dealt with. In fact, it is choices relating to herd health. Whilst it is
only by implementing the continuous essential to establish farmer motivations in
approach of herd health, accepting that terms of their business, the importance of
there may be need for iteration, and mak- the relationship between farmer and herd
ing further changes if initial ideas do not health professional cannot be overstated and
work as expected that uncertainty can be this is pivotal to what can be achieved in
overcome. This is why the monitoring herd health. The trust and closeness of this
and re-evaluation phases associated with relationship will develop over time, and it is
herd health are so crucial, because these this relationship that forms the foundation
allow a repeated evaluation of management of a herd health programme.
4 M. Green et al.

Understand client


–Measure current performance

–Establish and agree overall, farm-specific goals;
achievable and acceptable levels of health, welfare and
all als
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an m
ly far
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–Agree on the short-, medium-and long-term

changes needed for farm management how they
will be carried out, who will be responsible for them,
when they will occur


–Periodically update farm targets, in agreement with farm –On going monitoring of performance: evaluate targets on a
management weekly, 2-weekly or monthly basis
–Maintain agreed meeting times to formally discuss herd
performance and include other farm experts as agreed and
–Communicate new targets clearly to the whole farm team required. Include economic and welfare issues as a part of the
discussion of health and production

Fig. 1.1. Outline of the iterative herd health management cycle.

Establishing farm-specific goals • meet targets for production and profita-

bility as well as quality and safety; and
Once a farmer’s motivations and aspirations • meet the expectations of the local and glo-
are established, a clear discussion about the bal marketplace and dairy consumers.
type of herd health programme that is Therefore, a veterinary surgeon’s app-
suitable and how this will meet the farm’s roach to dairy herd health should not only
needs should follow. General objectives meet the specific requirements of an indi-
when undertaking dairy herd health are to: vidual but should also be placed in the con-
text of the farmer’s life beyond the farm gate.
• meet the farmer’s specific aims and
Before starting a herd health programme, it
ambitions. These should be discussed
is necessary to make some initial calcula-
and transparent from the start;
tions and decisions:
• maximize the health and welfare of the
cows within an ethical and environ- • Evaluate initial herd performance: in
mentally sustainable framework; particular, measures of fertility, lameness,
Concepts in Dairy Herd Health 5

mastitis, culling rate (and reasons) and are meaningful in the short term. Monthly or
production. three-monthly rolling average incidence rates
• Estimate the costs and benefits (to farm and prevalence estimates are often useful.
finances, cow welfare and staff working A balance has to be struck between examining
conditions) that are possible if improve- too many parameters and involving unneces-
ments can be made. sary complication or choosing too few and
• Agree on an initial course of action for omitting those that are important. With com-
herd health by identifying and con- puter systems in place, however, regular
centrating on specific areas that will examination of a variety of indicators becomes
produce the greatest improvements. trivial, and suggestions for health and produc-
• Agree a structure for the health visits tion parameters to be used as regular indica-
(which will depend on herd size, see tors are provided throughout the book.
below). Thus routine data evaluations are cen-
• Agree on the farm staff and any external tral to herd health management, and the herd
experts that are to be involved in the health professional has the opportunity to
health programme. take responsibility for this and to direct the
• Agree a time to review the initial phase herd health process. The herd health advisor
of herd health, often after the first six or is in an excellent position to offer perspec-
twelve months. tive on a unit’s performance and to suggest
interference levels for health and production
indicators. One reason that there has been a
Measuring performance and setting general lack of monitoring of dairy cow
targets: the importance of data health is because we have often not analysed
recording and analysis and fed back information in a way that is suf-
ficiently useful, and thus the motivation to
The importance of high-quality data record- maintain excellent records can deteriorate.
ing and analysis in successful herd health In recent years improvements have been
management cannot be overstated: it forms made to the on-farm monitoring of disease
the cornerstone of a modern, accurate herd and there are a variety of computer software
health programme. Using data to measure packages available to help this process. We
and monitor performance allows assessment do not intend to recommend the use of any
of management strategies and highlights one software package over another, but when
whether improvements can be made. Indeed, considering computerized recording for herd
the monitoring of a parameter or perform- health, the following features are important:
ance index has to go further than just meas-
• easy data entry, including some inbuilt
ure an overall level of performance; it should
data quality checks;
be recorded, analysed and fed back in such
• clear definitions of the events being
a way as to inform where improvements can
recorded (with staff training to ensure
be made. For example, it is not sufficiently
useful to know simply that a herd’s clinical
• easy access to individual cow records
mastitis incidence rate has increased if the
and also herd health and production
increase is in one specific area (e.g. detail
required is a high rate of clinical mastitis in
• transparency and accuracy of methods
first-parity cows, immediately after calving,
used to calculate herd indices; and
in the summer months). This extra detail in
• outputs that facilitate good reporting.
analysis guides us to the specific area of
management that requires attention; this is a
principle of monitoring we emphasize in
subsequent chapters. Structure of the herd health visit
For data monitoring to be effective as an
early warning system in terms of cow health, The frequency and duration of the visits
it is important that the indicators measured required, and also the time allotted for data
6 M. Green et al.

evaluation, depend to some extent on herd and structure of the programme. This inc-
size. Smaller herds accumulate information ludes agreement on the exact nature of serv-
more slowly and therefore patterns become ices to be provided, time to be allocated and
apparent more gradually. However, in prac- the fee structure for the services provided.
tice, all herds need a minimum monthly eval- Charging for herd health services can be
uation. Large herds (>500 cows) will generally approached in a number of ways, but for the
require weekly attention and have the huge service to be sustainable, a regular (gener-
advantage that data patterns become clear ally monthly) fee for a pre-agreed amount of
relatively quickly, which enables more rapid time is recommended. For the veterinary
decision making. The duration of a herd practice, linking herd health provision to a
health visit will be dependent not only on reduced price for medicines is a popular
herd size, but also on what is being included option with clients, and one that can be
in the specific health programme. However, built into a practice business model to
in general, a weekly or fortnightly visit will ensure minimal dependence on profit from
require 2–4 h to allow time for cow and envi- medicine sales. Options for different herd
ronmental observations and discussion health fee structures are shown in Box 1.1.
around the data. Periodically, extra time may
be needed to attend milking or observe cow
time budgets, for example. Therefore it is use-
Other Factors to Consider for
ful to budget for more time at longer intervals
(~3-monthly) to carry out such assessments.
Successful Implementation of
Whilst the exact nature of the herd visit a Herd Health Programme
will be based on the aims of the overall
programme and will depend on the major Training of farm staff
areas to be tackled, the framework should
include: For herd health programmes to be success-
ful, the quality of stockmanship and animal
• time on farm for the regular assessment
husbandry is critical, and without adequate
of cows and the environment, to include
training this can be a limiting factor. The
reproductive examinations if required;
herd health professional can play a useful
• time for data analysis;
role in improving the working skills of farm
• time for less frequent but more time-
staff through the provision of relevant train-
consuming assessments (e.g. milking
ing. Training courses should be designed to
routine, mobility scoring);
deliver more than improved technical profi-
• time for discussion sessions; and
ciency; training should also foster team
• time for collaboration with other exter-
bonding within the staff, encourage owner-
nal advisors.
ship of particular areas of management/
As an example, a 200-cow dairy herd husbandry and provide clarity over the
with a fortnightly routine visit might require importance of each person’s role and why it
approximately: is important in the context of the overall
farm business. Examples of areas in which
• a two-weekly farm visit of 2–4 h; training can have a beneficial impact on
• 1–2 h per month for data analysis; and herd health are milking procedures, foot
• an extra visit every 3 months, of approx- trimming, mobility scoring, oestrus detection
imately 4 h, to focus on a specific area. and body condition scoring. Communication
and motivation are key issues when training
farm staff, and we discuss this further in
Charging for herd health Chapter 2. It is also worth noting that the
stockperson has an important influence
Before initiating a dairy herd health pro- on the interaction between cows and their
gramme, it is essential that both provider environment, and this relationship certainly
and recipient have a clear view of the aims affects cow health. In general the calm,
Concepts in Dairy Herd Health 7

Box 1.1. Charging options for providing a herd health programme.

Method of charging Comments

Fixed monthly fee A fee is charged based on the pre-arranged time required for the herd
per month and charged as a fixed monthly fee. The advantage of this
method is that the time and fees are agreed and transparent. It is
essential that the agreed time is adhered to, otherwise one of the
parties involved can become disgruntled. A monthly fee could also
include non-herd health activities – for example, a specified amount
of time for emergency visits or surgical procedures. Once again, the
main issue is transparency and agreement, such that all parties know
and are happy with what is included in the health agreement. To this
end, it is usually worth specifying the agreement in a written
A fee per litre of A monthly fee is charged according to the annual number of litres produced
milk production by the herd and split into 12 equal monthly payments. An advantage of
this method is that payment is linked to production and thus both parties
benefit from increased output. Also, for higher-yielding cows, herd health
can become more time consuming and this is accounted for by linking
payment to production.
A per-cow fee A monthly fee is charged according to the number of cows in the herd. If herd
size increases, the time needed for herd health will generally increase and
therefore this is accounted for. However, the fee per cow may have to vary
according to cow yield since herds with higher-yielding cows may need
more time per cow than those with lower-yielding cows.
Charge for the time A fee is charged according to the time spent during each health visit. The
required for each visit advantage of this method is that all time is charged appropriately, but
a major disadvantage is that there can be an inclination on the part of
the farmer to minimize time at each visit in an attempt to reduce costs.
This can lead to insufficient time being available to conduct an ade-
quate programme. Additionally, the fee per month will vary depending
on the level of input required over the month, making farm budgeting
more difficult.
Other options Other fee structure options are possible, including linking the fee to
farm profit or specific health/production performance. This type of
approach is often problematic because the actual implementation of
health management is not under the direct control of the herd health
advisor. As herd sizes increase and veterinary surgeons become an
ever more integral part of the farm management team, such methods
of remuneration may become more popular and may extend to a
veterinary advisor being completely employed by a single large farm

quiet, authoritative handling of cows is The environment is a potential source and

important to minimize health problems and reservoir for a variety of pathogens, and
enhance cow well-being. monitoring the environment within which a
dairy herd is kept is an important element of
herd health. Rather than deal with this in
The cow’s environment separate sections on housing and pasture, we
have chosen to describe important features
Whether at pasture or when housed, the of the cow’s environment throughout the
environment of the dairy cow has a fun- book, when discussing relevant health issues.
damental impact on health and welfare. However, many aspects of environmental
8 M. Green et al.

management for dairy herds are not clear-cut more rewarding. Heritability estimates for
and the herd health advisor will require major health and production characteristics
thought and imagination to find solutions for are provided in Appendix 2.
individual herds. This again demonstrates It is also clear that animals of different
the importance of the cyclical nature of herd genotypes are more or less suited to differ-
health (Fig. 1.1) because it is vital to evaluate ent management or production systems. For
the impact of changes made to the environ- example, cows bred to produce large milk
ment and to iterate management decisions if yields (such as the Holstein) are not well
necessary. As a general rule, it is often true suited to systems based mainly on pasture
that housed cows benefit from more space grazing. The full implications of selecting
than has conventionally been considered specific genotypes for specific systems are
appropriate: wide passageways, large loafing not yet fully understood, but this is an area
areas and substantial feed areas seem to that should progress in the next few years.
allow cows to express normal behaviours In the last decade genetic research has
(including oestrus) and in general improve accelerated and, with studies of the bovine
well-being. genome, has provided greater insights into
We recommend that cows are assessed specific genetic regions, or combinations of
and monitored within their environment regions, that are associated with different
rather than solely when separated for clini- susceptibilities to disease. Whilst these have
cal examination. Environmental conditions not yet come fully to fruition, it is likely that
will change over time as climatic conditions, groups of genetic markers will be identified
management practices and cow numbers for specific dairy cow diseases, such as mas-
change. Regular assessment of environmen- titis, lameness and displaced abomasum.
tal conditions during the health visit allows However, genomic investigations are com-
the practitioner to understand areas that plex and progress may be slow if a vast
could pose a risk to cow health and we number of genes (or gene combinations)
describe details of important elements of have to be identified to determine an ani-
environmental management in the follow- mal’s susceptibility to a specific disease.
ing chapters. There may be some genetic elements (e.g.
those associated with general immune func-
tion (Heriazon et al., 2011) ) that are ass-
Relevance of genetics in herd health ociated with overall disease resistance, and
this is an area of current research. To further
The manifestation of ill health or poor per- add to the complexity, it is also clear that
formance depends on a balance between a the presence of genes may be insufficient
cow’s genetic makeup and the environment for complete prediction of their effects,
(including for infectious disease, the viru- since gene function can be altered after
lence of a pathogen), and therefore genetics birth environmental influences. Further
has an important influence on herd health. research in this area (epigenetics) will be
Heritability is the term used to describe the needed to clarify the hugely complex inter-
variation between animals caused by genetic actions between gene function and the
as opposed to environmental effects. In general, environment.
traits related to fertility, disease and survival Therefore, although genetics will not
have a relatively low heritability in dairy provide all or even most of the answers to
cows (generally <0.15) whereas production poor health in dairy cows, it has a role to play
traits are higher (often 0.30–0.40). The herit- in the medium- to long-term strategies in a
ability of specific dairy cow diseases is gen- herd health programme. A detailed descrip-
erally low, indicating that the environmental tion of bovine genetics is outside the scope of
component is relatively important for these this book, and it is an area for which the herd
conditions and, whilst genetic selection has a health practitioner may wish to enrol external
role to play, altering environmental management advice. Indeed, this is an excellent example
to control these conditions is likely to be of the need for a co-coordinating role in herd
Concepts in Dairy Herd Health 9

health for the herd health advisor – the need In the following chapters we describe
to balance the influences of genetics and specific routes for delivering optimal herd
management system/environment is critical. health and, for convenience, we have sepa-
An outline of the terms and methods used in rated herd health management into discrete
genetic evaluations of dairy cows are pro- topics. However, we emphasize that, in
vided in Appendix 2. practice, these different areas are addressed
simultaneously and a herd health pro-
gramme represents a holistic approach that
Conclusion incorporates all elements. We have struc-
tured our descriptions of herd health man-
An efficacious herd health programme on a agement as follows.
dairy unit delivers improved cow health and Chapter 2: facilitating change; encour-
welfare, and also improved environmental aging farmers to take action; barriers to herd
sustainability. The herd health advisor has improvement; Chapter 3: rearing young-
the opportunity to take a pivotal role in the stock and replacing cows; Chapter 4: Control
application of dairy herd health management, of herd reproduction; Chapter 5: control of
and it is essential to have a full understanding mastitis; Chapter 6: control of lameness;
of both the farmer and dairy unit for the best Chapter 7: control of infectious disease;
herd health service to be provided. Chapter 8: nutritional management in herd
Transparency, agreement and a close working health; Chapter 9: dairy farming, food secu-
relationship between herd health advisor and rity and environmental issues; Appendices:
farmer forms the foundation of herd health sample sizes and disease prevalence esti-
provision. mates; genetic indices.

References and Further Reading

Heriazon, A., Hamilton, K., Huffman, J., Wilkie, B.N., Sears, W. et al. (2011) Immunoglobulin isotypes of
lactating Holstein cows classified as high, average, and low type-1 or -2 immune responders. Veterinary
Immunology and Immunopathology 144, 259–269.
The Foresight Report (2011) Foresight. The Future of Food and Farming. Government Office for Science,
Thornton, P.K. (2010) Livestock production: recent trends, future prospects. Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society: B 365, 2853–2867.
Tudge, C. (2004) So Shall We Reap: What’s Gone Wrong with the World’s Food - and How to Fix it. Penguin
Books Ltd, London.
Zwald, N.R., Weigel, K.A., Chang, Y.M., Welper, R.D. and Clay, J.S. (2004) Genetic selection for health traits
using producer-recorded data. II. Genetic correlations, disease probabilities, and relationships with
existing traits. Journal of Dairy Science 87, 4295–4302.

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2 Facilitating Change in Herd Health

Helen Higgins, Martin Green and Aurélien Madouasse

School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham,
Sutton Bonington Campus, Leicestershire LE12 5RD, UK

Introduction Encouraging farmers to take action:

context and challenges
Real improvements in dairy herd health
will occur only if farmers successfully Over time, humans have genetically selected
implement management changes on their for an extraordinary dairy cow – a creature
farms that prevent and control disease. that is capable of phenomenal production
This chapter focuses on ways in which vet- performances. However, when compared
erinary surgeons can facilitate the neces- with her predecessors, today’s dairy cow
sary changes on the farm by encouraging requires the application of substantial exper-
and assisting farmers to take action, when tise and significantly higher levels of man-
required. We discuss many of the chal- agement, not only to ensure the attainment
lenges involved and apply concepts of full production potential but also in order
sourced from human behavioural science that cow health and welfare are maintained.
and related disciplines, in order to promote It is evident in the subsequent chapters of
understanding and provide solutions. this book that the veterinary profession has
We close the chapter by noting that an tried to keep pace with this genetic change
essential (but by no means sufficient) by expanding its understanding and knowl-
requirement for facilitating improvements edge of the modern cow, and is continuing
in dairy herd health is technical knowl- to do so. Privileged to many years of univer-
edge. Since up-to-date veterinary advice is sity teaching, veterinary surgeons qualify
provided in the following chapters of this today as highly knowledgeable profession-
book, we finish by providing a short over- als and as a result have bestowed upon them
view of the principles of evidence-based a considerable responsibility for the health
veterinary medicine; developing these and welfare of livestock.
skills will enable practitioners to rapidly However, it is farmers who must take
incorporate new research findings into care of the dairy cow; they must provide for
their clinical decision-making processes in a cow’s daily needs and this gives farmers
the future. final control over every aspect of the dairy

© CAB International 2012. Dairy Herd Health (ed. M. Green) 11

12 H. Higgins et al.

cow’s life. As a result, it is farmers who are Given this context, a better understanding
the keepers of dairy cow health and welfare of what drives human behaviour will enable
and this confers a considerable responsibil- practitioners to help farmers initiate and sus-
ity to the farmer. Ultimately, the successful tain the necessary changes in management on
delivery of herd health hinges entirely on the farm. We divide this subject into two areas.
whether herd health advisors can encourage The next section provides an overview of what
farmers to take action and execute deci- determines human behaviour and the subse-
sions. Thus while veterinary surgeons need quent section builds on this by describing, for
to acquire technical knowledge and then each step along the path to implementing
transfer that knowledge to farmers, this change, the most important points to consider
alone is far from sufficient. Crucial to all and approaches to take in order to facilitate
herd health programmes is the practitioner’s further action on the farm. Several theories
ability to facilitate changes to human behav- from health behaviour science are relevant
iour relating to stockmanship, management and are discussed.
and investment. Unquestionably some of
the most frustrating aspects of herd health
can involve attempts to initiate and then To Change Human Behaviour,
sustain the necessary changes on the farm. We Need First to Understand It
Moreover, for practitioners to shoulder
responsibility for the dairy cow in the The aim of behaviour research is to (i) under-
absence of any real control can be an impor- stand why people perform a variety of
tant source of stress, yet is seldom articu- behaviours and (ii) design interventions to
lated as such; we know that if we fail to alter behaviour. Over the last two decades
implement change then all is lost and we there has been an explosion of research in
are accountable for the professional role the specific area of human health behaviour –
that we have played. and with good justification. In wealthy soci-
Nevertheless, modifying the behaviour eties, human morbidity and mortality from
of our human colleagues is perhaps the most the most common diseases are strongly asso-
challenging task of all facing a herd health ciated with particular behaviour patterns
advisor. Generally speaking, we want farm- (e.g. obesity and smoking) that are modifia-
ers (who work long hours) to do more work ble; people living in these societies can sig-
every day, which may compromise their nificantly improve their own health by
own physical health, with any positive consciously choosing to alter their own
health benefit going to a third party, the behaviour (e.g. by exercising or not smok-
cow. Given this, perhaps it is not surprising ing). There has also been a recent rapid surge
that simple economic arguments regarding in research aimed at designing intervention
financial cost–benefit are rarely enough to studies to modify people’s behaviour in
alter human behaviour in the way that is favour of a sustainable environment (e.g.
required for effective herd health. Any esti- recycling and reducing carbon emissions).
mated financial or other benefits to the Altering human behaviour for the benefit of
farmer, however large, may swiftly dwindle our own health or for the long-term survival
to nothing when weighed against the two of the planet (and hence the survival of our
greatest factors of all, the farmer’s own own species) will subsequently be referred
health and time. Moreover, the simple fact to as ‘selfish’ health behaviour.
that Homo sapiens are highly evolved crea- In the context of herd health, practition-
tures should lead us to expect that altering ers require humans to alter their behaviour
behaviour is inevitably going to be signifi- in circumstances where the health benefit is
cantly more complicated than that. Thus for another non-human species (the cow),
while further research to demonstrate the with the possibility in many instances of a
cost-effectiveness of different disease con- negative effect on their own health, referred
trol strategies is certainly necessary and to hereafter as ‘self-less’ health behaviour.
important, this alone will never be enough. Given this, some readers may already feel
Facilitating Change in Herd Health 13

discouraged; the rocketing levels of obesity unpleasantness of the task, finance (e.g.
in some wealthy societies is just one exam- market price, milk contracts, penalties, incen-
ple that illustrates the difficulties involved tives, taxes) and legislation. Intrinsic factors
in changing selfish human behaviour, and include demographic variables (e.g. age, gen-
some may feel that self-less health behav- der, ethnicity), personality, social background
iour is likely to be even more difficult to (e.g. parental influences, culture) and cognitive
influence. However, there is no evidence for factors (e.g. beliefs, attitudes, knowledge).
this and it is likely to be a simplistic assump- Whilst numerous theories and frame-
tion. It should be kept in mind that farmers works aimed at explaining human behaviour
spend the entirety of their very long working exist, with respect to the intrinsic factors,
days in the company of their animals, pos- research into understanding how cognitive
sibly spending substantially more time with factors influence health behaviour has
the cows than with their own family and received by far the most attention, possibly
friends. As a result they often form excep- because these factors are regarded as the
tionally close bonds with their cows and most amenable to change. Several so-called
may be prepared to make sacrifices for the ‘social cognition models’ have been devised
good of their own animals that they wouldn’t that attempt to identify important cognitions
make in any other context. Indeed, the very and how they combine to influence behav-
fact that many farmers have work-induced iour. These theoretical models form the
health problems is testimony to this; the framework upon which formal interventions
truth is they are already putting their own to alter behaviour are often based. For an
health second. That said, it is of course very in-depth review of the six main social cogni-
important to appreciate that implementing tion models we recommend Conner and
management changes on the farm may have Norman (2005), who describe their theoreti-
negative health implications for the farmer, cal background and many behavioural inter-
a point we will return to later. vention studies that have been designed
As has been alluded to, when trying to based upon them, along with a critical
modify people’s behaviour the exact type appraisal and comparison of the models.
and context of the behaviour is important. It However, since there is considerable
is unfortunate that, in stark contrast to self- overlap in these models and none are per-
ish health behaviour, there has been virtu- fect, we present and critique a conceptual
ally no research into self-less health framework, placed within a herd health
behaviour per se. Yet nevertheless much of context, that involves the integration of two
the research into selfish behaviour (which commonly applied social cognition models
includes the fields of social science and psy- along with extrinsic factors. For our pur-
chology) is useful and is starting to be poses this provides a useful overview of the
applied in a herd health context (Edwards- main determinants of human behaviour by
Jones, 2006; Rehman et al., 2007; Heffernan illustrating in one diagram the main con-
et al., 2008; Jansen et al., 2009; Ellis-Iversen cepts involved (Fig. 2.1). A similar frame-
et al., 2010). We describe below research that work has also recently been applied in the
has originated from the field of selfish health context of implementing zoonotic control
behaviour which is relevant to herd health. measures on cattle farms (Ellis-Iversen
et al., 2010). The coloured circles in Fig. 2.1
together comprise what is termed a ‘stage
Selfish human behaviour research model’, which simply means that certain
applied to herd health ‘stages’ of behavioural change are identified
through which a farmer must progress in
Many factors can affect whether an individual order to implement changes on the farm;
will carry out a given behaviour. These can be success involves moving from left to right,
broadly categorized into those which are failure from right to left. Different numbers
‘extrinsic’ or ‘intrinsic’ to the person themself. and types of stages are discussed in a vari-
Extrinsic factors include inconvenience or ety of models described in the literature, but
14 H. Higgins et al.

in Fig. 2.1 just four simple stages are is influenced by three factors: (i) attitude
recognized (circles, from left to right): (do I believe this is a good or bad thing to
(i) no intention to perform the behaviour; do?); (ii) social norms (do people important
(ii) intention to perform the behaviour (i.e. to me in this context, think it is a good or
willingness to begin); (iii) implementation bad thing for me to do, and how much do
of control measures (i.e. taking action); and I want to please these people?); and (iii) per-
(iv) sustaining the control measures over ceived behavioural control (do I believe
time. Different factors (boxes) are shown as I can do it?). The latter, also referred to as
being capable of influencing whether an ‘belief in self-efficacy’, is closely related to
individual progresses through different self-confidence. For a given behaviour,
stages. Which factors are most important establishing which of these factors is the
at any point is largely unknown, but are most important can help to target interven-
likely to depend on both the specific tions to change behaviour. For example,
behaviour change itself and the individual Ellis-Iversen et al. (2010) found that with
farmer. respect to the farmers who currently had no
In Fig. 2.1 the theory of planned behav- intention to implement zoonosis control
iour (Ajzen, 1985) is summarized within the measures on their farms (half of the 43 farm-
box at top left. This is one of the most popu- ers surveyed), attitudes were generally posi-
lar and widely applied of the social cogni- tive but a lack of belief in self-efficacy and/
tion models, stating that a person’s intention or unsupportive social norms was hinder-
(willingness) to perform a given behaviour ing their willingness to start; in other words,

Cognitive Factors: Intrinsic factors (other than cognitive factors) such as: gender,
Attitude age, personality, parental influence

Social norms Extrinsic factors such as: financial (e.g. milk price, penalties,
subsidies, wealth), legislation, industry, supermarkets,
Perceived behavioural government, society, personal circumstances
control (e.g. marriage/children/illness)

No intention to Intention to Sustaining the

implement implement necessary
changes on the farm
changes changes changes

Stage II: The giant leap from wanting_

Stage I: Moving from no intentions_ Stage III: Keeping up the good work
_to doing
_to wanting to change
Monitoring effects
Motivation of the entire team
Farmer perception Rapid feedback
Competition and incentives
Veterinary perception Ongoing competition
Reducing the ‘hassle factor’
Conflicts of interest Managing expectations
Addressing human health problems
Communication Creating good habits
Managing time
Different motivators Rewards for effort alone
Pre-empting potential difficulties
Attitudes and knowledge Emphasizing multiple benefits
Remembering to do it
Changing social norms Reaping the full rewards
Obtaining the required skills
Self-efficacy and fear of change
Financing the changes
Objective identification of the issues

Fig. 2.1. Diagrammatic representation of the conceptual steps to implementing changes on the farm.
Facilitating Change in Herd Health 15

in general they believed it was a good thing simply do not have the time to deliberate
to do, but they had no intention of doing consciously about it all – rather, it just
anything about it, either because they happens. This distinction is very impor-
believed that they themselves couldn’t do tant. We may have the very highest of
anything about it or because they believed intentions (have made a conscious deci-
that they personally shouldn’t have to do sion at some point in the past) to change
anything about it. our behaviour but it is a giant leap from
As illustrated in Fig. 2.1, the theory intention to action Fig, 2.1). We need to
of planned behaviour is of primary find a way to force our new intentions into
importance in influencing a farmer’s our daily routines (which, by necessity,
intention to implement changes. However, will always be dominated by spontaneous
it is possible that in some instances the actions) in order to reach the stage of
initial intention to change may pervade, implemented control; and then to continue
to some degree at least throughout the our efforts through time in order to achieve
stages, such that the greater the intention the stage of sustained control, even when
to implement change is, the more likely adverse events might hinder us and our
it is that action will, in fact, be taken and initial enthusiasm and good intentions
subsequently sustained. It is also worth have waned. A major criticism of all social
noting that the theory of planned behav- cognition models has been that they do
iour is particularly important because it not explicitly consider hot cognition or
is the first step on the pathway to imple- describe the optimal ways to implement
menting change and it contains intrinsic change in a practical way (Rutter and
cognitive factors (beliefs, attitudes, social Quine, 2002). The three lower boxes
norms) that are amenable to change. The (Fig. 2.1) summarize the most important
other intrinsic factors (e.g. gender, per- issues to consider and ways to help a
sonality) and the extrinsic factors (e.g. farmer to progress along the conceptual
finance, legislation, government) are steps and to implement changes success-
shown in the box at top right (Fig. 2.1). fully on the farm. These are discussed in
While these other factors are known to full in the following section.
affect behaviour, with the exception of
finance, their influence is discussed here
only with respect to their effects on the How to Assist Farmers in
cognitive factors, since otherwise they Implementing Changes on the Farm
are largely beyond the direct influence of
practitioners. While many of the ideas in this section have
While Fig. 2.1 gives a useful overview, arisen from reflections upon experiences in
it merely describes planned behaviour – in practice in combination with general research,
other words, actions that we consciously some have also been sourced from techniques
deliberate over, also called ‘cold cogni- used in social marketing that aim to promote
tion’. To deliberate consciously over an sustainable behaviour amongst communities.
issue is to take the time to weigh in our For further reading on this approach, we rec-
minds the advantages and disadvantages ommend McKenzie-Mohr and Smith (2000),
in order to reach a decision over how we which includes examples of its highly suc-
want to behave in the future. However, the cessful application in a variety of selfish
vast majority of our behaviour comprises health behaviour contexts. These methods
spontaneous actions that simply happen in are also now starting to be applied to good
response to the daily events around us effect by animal welfare scientists in self-less
without any real time for deliberation, so- health behaviour contexts – for example,
called ‘hot cognition’. We do not con- Whay and Main (2009) describe practical
sciously deliberate getting up, having ways to promote changes on the farm, includ-
breakfast, getting to work, working, having ing the use of extrinsic factors and a specific
lunch and so forth, not least because we project that involved the application of social
16 H. Higgins et al.

marketing techniques to improve lameness in makes perfect sense. If we have reached the
dairy cattle. point where we want to make changes
We have structured this section by first (Fig. 2.1), then how much they will cost to
describing the importance of correctly iden- implement may be important in our con-
tifying where a farmer has reached on the scious deliberations over whether we will
pathway to change, and then for the transi- actually go ahead and do it. However, if we
tion between each stage, what we consider are in fact still at the ‘no intention to imple-
are the most important issues to be aware of ment control measures’ stage, such that we
and ways to facilitate action. The latter are don’t want to (or see a need to) change, then
summarized in the lower boxes in Fig. 2.1. money could well be largely irrelevant as a
However, Fig. 2.1 is presented for concep- means of motivation for us. The true impor-
tual purposes only and overlap clearly tance of this is illustrated by a very common
exists – for example, ‘communication’ is mistake that practitioners make when trying
obviously applicable at all stages of this to implement changes on farm, which we
process. describe in the following paragraph.
It is important to emphasize at this A common approach to alerting a
point that greatest success will ensue when farmer that he has a disease problem is to
(i) we can gain a true perspective and under- tell him about it. For example, we might
stand all the issues involved and (ii) we use mobility score the milking cows and report
several different methods in combination to the percentage that are lame. We often then
facilitate change sensibly. It is also useful to contextualize this for the farmer, by telling
distinguish between two different types of him how this compares to other farms and
change, because the issues faced in trying to may point out some of the disadvantages of
implement their action can be different: lameness, especially in terms of reduced
‘one-time’ behaviours (such as laying a new milk yield, cost of treatment, culling and so
cow track) and ‘repetitive’ behaviours (such forth. Thereafter we often make two (rather
as the regular sweeping of stones off the large) assumptions. First, because we have
cow track). Typically in a herd health con- told the farmer that there is a problem and
text, one-time behaviours can involve mod- have discussed it on numerous occasions,
erate to large capital investment. we assume that he must now know that
there is a problem; and in particular we
assume that he must now perceive the
First identify which stage the entire problem in exactly the same way that
farmer has reached we do. Secondly, we assume that the farmer
must want to do something about it, proba-
To avoid considerable frustration from the bly because we ourselves really want to do
outset, it is very important to appreciate that something about it. In other words, we
different motivators may be more or less rel- automatically assume that he has now
evant depending on which stage the farmer reached the second from left circle in
has currently reached (in Fig. 2.1). The work Fig. 2.1. As a result of our two previous
of Ellis-Iversen et al. (2010) suggests that assumptions, we now make a third assump-
with respect to implementing zoonotic con- tion. That is, we assume that because the
trol measures on cattle farms, financial farmer knows there is a problem and wants
incentives are not important motivators for to do something about it, we assume that
farmers who currently have no intention to money will play a part in his decision over
implement control measures (far left circle, whether he decides to do anything about it.
Fig. 2.1). Instead they identified their pri- This third assumption would be sensible,
vate veterinary surgeon as their preferred but only if the other two assumptions are cor-
motivator; extrinsic factors such as money rect. As a result of all these assumptions, we
did not appear relevant as long as intrinsic proceed carefully to calculate the economic
cognitive factors such as belief in self-efficacy cost–benefits of making the necessary changes
and social responsibility were lacking. This and report these to the farmer. When this
Facilitating Change in Herd Health 17

fails to motivate them to take any action we ways to facilitate intention to change. We
feel dismayed and conclude that he is act- will tackle each in turn.
ing irrationally. Indeed, why this doesn’t
motivate the farmer can seem incompre- Perceiving a problem
hensible to us. And then it is tempting to
make a fourth (final and fatal) assumption. FARMER PERCEPTION: SEEING A PROBLEM THROUGH
Since the economic arguments are so over- DIFFERENT EYES. Given (just for now) that the
whelming in favour of change we assume herd health advisor has an accurate percep-
that if this will not motivate him, then noth- tion of the disease situation, as mentioned,
ing will. we often assume that by merely telling a
Probably the single biggest mistake we farmer about the disease, and what can be
could make when trying to implement done about it, that he must perceive the
changes on the farm is to believe at the out- entire problem exactly as we do. This may
set that the farmer has reached the stage of not be true. Farmers may never have had
wanting to change (second from left circle, the time, or been encouraged, to really think
Fig. 2.1). Quite often, and for a variety of through, step by step in their own minds,
reasons that will become clear, the farmer what having this scale of disease really
may have no genuine desire of his own to means for them. We should also be con-
change at all and is still waiting, oblivious scious of the fact that it is not good news
to our angst, at the far left circle in Fig. 2.1. that we are bringing to their attention and
Identifying what stage a farmer is currently unsurprisingly, therefore, some farmers may
at is the first thing to establish because, as not want to hear it. If this is the case and all
we will see, the most important issues to we ever do is ‘tell’ farmers about a problem,
consider, obstacles to overcome and moti- this approach may have no impact at all,
vating factors differ depending on where irrespective of how often we repeat the
you are on the pathway to change. Economic message.
motivation is a good example of this, In many cases we may need to help the
because financing the change can be utterly farmer to explore the disease situation fully
irrelevant if you have no intentions to in his own mind and think about all the
change to start with, and this is not irra- implications. To achieve this requires us to
tional behaviour at all. If in any doubt, the ask the farmer a series of open questions
safest thing to assume is that the farmer cur- and listen to his answers, in order to stimu-
rently has no intention to change (Fig, 2.1) late thought around the subject, rather than
and work from there. just ‘telling’ him what the answers are. For
example in the case of lameness, it might
involve asking him to describe what effect
Stage I: moving from no he thinks lameness has on the cows them-
intentions … to wanting to change selves, to estimate what the time costs of
treating the lame cows are for the herdsman,
An important point raised in the previous in what ways does he think that lame cows
section was that we often make two assump- cost money, what costs are involved, and so
tions: (i) just because we have discussed a forth. This is a different approach. In essence
disease problem with a farmer, he must it is forcing the farmer to think in depth
know that there is a problem and (ii) if he about what having a disease really means to
knows that he has a problem he must want him personally, and for his animals and the
to do something about it. Understanding business. Clearly it is much quicker just to
why the first assumption may not be true tell the farmer all the negative outcomes,
and what can be done about it requires us to and for some farmers this may enable them
truly appreciate the importance of percep- to perceive the problem in its entirety. But
tion and communication. With respect to the for others, doing this will never give them
second assumption, the theory of planned the opportunity to appreciate the disease
behaviour can help our understanding and problem properly at all, let alone consider
18 H. Higgins et al.

what they might want to do about it. This Ultimately, it is vitally important that, as
approach is also useful for farmers who a starting point to implementing change, the
don’t want to hear they have a problem, farmer does perceive and understand the
because if we ask them questions such that true extent of a problem for himself. For some
they have to describe the disease situation diseases, part of the difficulty with obtaining
and its consequences to us, it is much more an accurate perception of the disease prob-
difficult for them to withhold the issue from lem relates to difficulties with measurement
their mind. per se. For example with respect to lameness,
There is inevitable overlap here with the subjectivity involved in scoring cows for
the next section, because creating intentions lameness and ensuing disagreements over
to change (far left circle, Fig. 2.1) and con- what constitutes a lame cow can hamper
sidering some of the issues involved in actu- efforts to establish an accurate perception of
ally making a start (second from left circle) the disease situation. Clearly a giant leap for-
in reality may often be thought about simul- ward in tackling a disease is a cheap, quick,
taneously and hence discussed in one con- objective and indisputable way to measure
versation. An important barrier to change at it; disease measuring and monitoring is dis-
this point concerns the fact that, in the con- cussed in depth in subsequent chapters.
text of the life of a farmer (with its long and There is certainly evidence that percep-
antisocial hours), the apparent impossibil- tion of a problem by farmers is an important
ity of doing anything different can be very issue and dairy cow lameness provides a
real. It can be a fundamental step forward to good example of this. A recent UK research
help farmers to start to think through for study by Leach et al. (2010b) found that out
themselves some possible ways to imple- of 222 dairy farms, 90% of farmers did not
ment changes and, in particular, to help perceive lameness to be a major problem on
them realize that there may be scope to their farm, although the mean lameness
make existing tasks more efficient and/or to prevalence scored by the researchers was
make some jobs more convenient than they 36% (range 0–79%).
might immediately perceive them to be.
This can involve walking round the farm VETERINARY PRACTITIONERS’ PERCEPTIONS CAN FADE. It
with the farmer and asking him open ques- is also important for the implementation of
tions about parts of the infrastructure/man- change that veterinary practitioners per-
agement that are likely to be a risk factor for ceive the true extent of a problem. However,
the disease, then to encourage him to think the high prevalence of some diseases on of
through what action might be taken, and commercial dairy farms can make it much
especially to help him to consider fully all more difficult to maintain an objective per-
the advantages as well as the disadvantages spective over the course of a professional
of making changes. Overall therefore, it can career; if unacceptable levels of disease exist
be a much more supportive approach to on many farms, disease can become toler-
invite farmers to describe a disease using ated as time progresses just because it is
open questions, listen to their answers and encountered everywhere and consequently
then constructively start to help them to our perception of the problem fades. This
consider possible solutions and the pros happens, not through any fault of our own
and cons of making changes. Whay and per se, but just because we are human.
Main (2009) describe this concept as ‘owner- Eventually only farms with extreme levels
ship of change’, which is ‘about creating of disease may be noticed at all. We should
opportunities for farmers to explore and real- be aware of this and consciously strive to
ise their problem and allowing them to be a maintain our perspective over time. More-
partner in generating ideas for possible solu- over, if the same practitioner is the sole pro-
tions’. They also note that for some farmers, vider of veterinary services to a dairy farm
true perception and acceptance of the prob- for prolonged periods of time, perception
lem may only occur when they have been able can be lost altogether; some diseases can
to discuss the problem with other farmers. insidiously increase and reach very high levels
Facilitating Change in Herd Health 19

without recognition by either the practi- disease in question – to talk absolutely

tioner or farmer, both of whom can become frankly and objectively with farmers about
habituated to the problem. Needless to say, the problem. Instead, in reality, conflicts of
if diseases are properly recorded and regu- interest inevitably exist for practitioners and
larly reviewed (the cornerstone of imple- this can cloud our objectivity, place us in
menting herd health programmes effectively) difficult situations and hamper our abilities
this should not happen. One way to address to implement changes on farm. Often we
this is for different practitioners to visit the may have to tread a very fine line: to balance
same farm on a regular basis. Besides reduc- our need to improve herd health and make
ing the chance of diseases creeping up on us changes on farm, with a real risk of causing
unnoticed, it allows the injection of new grievance, potentially to the point where a
ideas and variety and challenge for practi- long-standing relationship is broken. Clearly
tioners themselves. the latter could be counterproductive since
any subsequent veterinary involvement may
PERCEPTION, FRIENDSHIP AND CONFLICTS OF not be trusted. It is worth noting that this
INTEREST. From a practitioner’s point of can be an important source of stress for vet-
view, for some diseases, helping farmers’ to erinary surgeons that is infrequently
truly perceive their own problem can be acknowledged.
particularly challenging for those farmers
who are unwilling or unable to perceive it at Communication
all. The reason resides within one of the
most enjoyable aspects of being a bovine Effective communication between farmers
practitioner, namely the relationship that and practitioners is essential in order to ini-
we frequently forge with dairy farmers; reg- tiate and sustain behavioural change.
ular farm visits over many years often result ‘Communication’ as a subject can be divided
in strong, sometimes lifelong, friendships into two quite distinct but equally impor-
being formed. It is for this reason that practi- tant areas: ‘verbal’ and ‘non-verbal’. We spe-
tioners are repeatedly identified as ‘farmers’ cifically discuss ‘non-verbal’ communication
most trusted advisors’, and the implicit later, under the section heading ‘perceived
assumption that usually follows is that our behaviour control’.
friendship with farmers can only be of ben- As previously discussed, removing
efit to the cow (DEFRA, 2004). Yet this is not important obstacles to change requires prac-
necessarily true: it depends on both the dis- titioners to employ verbal communication
ease and the situation. It is useful here to skills that encompass facilitation, active lis-
draw a distinction (albeit simplistic) between tening, asking open questions and so forth.
two types of endemic disease: ‘emotive dis- It is accepted that the communication style
eases’ (e.g. lameness) and ‘non-emotive’ dis- has to be appropriate for the personality of
eases (e.g. bovine viral diarrhoea, BVD); the farmer involved. However, communicat-
while the latter can undoubtedly cause dev- ing effectively to a very diverse range of
astation, it is often considered of lesser wel- people such as farmers is difficult and it is
fare importance for the adult cow. Emotive perhaps not surprising that recent research
diseases carry with them the capacity to has suggested that practitioners would ben-
quickly upset, offend and even anger peo- efit from improving their communication
ple. Discussing emotive diseases with farm- skills (Jansen, 2010). In particular, this
ers can put us in a difficult position; no one research reported that of the 17 tape-
wishes to upset or anger their friends, espe- recorded veterinarian–farmer conversations
cially not when their own business depends held during regular herd health visits in the
on that friendship. In an idealistic, purely Netherlands, none of them included active
disease-tackling world, we would be com- listening; furthermore, ‘less than 1% of all
pletely free of any potential concern of caus- spoken sentences were devoted to eliciting
ing angst to a close friend (or losing a client) farmers’ opinions and values’. Another
and be able instead to concentrate on the study involved interviews with 24 Dutch
20 H. Higgins et al.

dairy farmers who were nominated by their context of achieving an end result about
own veterinary surgeons as difficult to which he is simply not primarily con-
approach with regard to advice on udder cerned. However, whilst it is crucial to
health management (Jansen et al., 2010). respect and understand the wishes of the
The researchers concluded that ‘there are farmer, practitioners may feel that diseases
ample opportunities to reach hard-to-reach that carry the greatest welfare implications
farmers provided the communication strate- should be given the highest priority. If there
gies are tailored to their specific needs’. appears to be a disparity between the cur-
They divided these farmers into four catego- rent goals of the farmer and our own ambi-
ries based on ‘their trust in external infor- tions, then we should link our goals to that
mation sources and their orientation towards of the farmers, and often this is not diffi-
the outside world’, namely: proactivists, do- cult. For example, if the farmer’s primary
it-yourselfers, wait-and-see-ers and reclu- objective is to improve his fertility but our
sive traditionalists. They commented that greatest aim is to improve nutrition or lame-
‘there is especially much to be gained in ness, then since these diseases are inexora-
communication with do-it-yourselfers and bly linked, if we place the changes that will
wait-and-see-ers, but this demands a more improve nutrition and lameness very firmly
proactive role on the part of veterinarians’. in the context of the poor fertility, then
In addition, since a key element of herd more action is likely to be taken. Establishing
health management is the regular monitor- the farmer’s agenda is closely related to
ing and analysis of farm data, decisions over understanding farmer motivations, and
how best to communicate the results of our these are considered further in the section
analyses are crucial ones; the content, for- below.
mat and presentation of this information
will vary enormously between farmers Different things motivate different people
depending on their individual requirements
and preferences. Such decisions need care- Many different ‘types’ of dairy farmer exist;
ful thought and should be reviewed over examples include family-owned farms
time, including asking for feedback from passed down through generations, tenant
farmers as to the usefulness of the methods farmers, business entrepreneurs and hobby
employed. It is also sensible to identify and farmers. It goes almost without saying that
report on the disease and performance out- because farmers can have very different rea-
come measures to which the farmer attaches sons for farming they can also have very dif-
greatest importance, regardless of whether ferent goals and ambitions. As a result, how
they happen to be routinely encountered in factors that can motivate behavioural change
veterinary textbooks. are perceived and valued by farmers can be
There are many different ways that markedly different, and this will influence
practitioners can improve their communi- their agenda setting and also their decisions
cation and presentation skills: numerous over whether to implement changes on the
books, training courses and on-line farm (Edwards-Jones, 2006; Kristensen and
resources exist. In addition, two recent arti- Jakobsen, 2011). This adds a layer of com-
cles reviewing the role and importance of plexity because not only do different moti-
communication skills in a herd health con- vating factors (e.g. money, time, reputation,
text have been published (Atkinson, 2010a; lifestyle choice, environmental concerns,
Lam et al., 2011), the former highlighting social pressure, empathy) become more or
the importance of agenda setting. It is vital less relevant depending on where on the
at the outset to ascertain fully (in detail) the pathway to change you are (Fig. 2.1), they
goals and ambitions of the farmer, which can also vary enormously depending on the
may often be very different to our own; it individual person, their reasons for farming
will avoid the considerable frustration that and the benefits they are seeking from it.
arises from attempting to motivate a farmer This latter issue is so important that several
to make changes that are targeted in the research studies have sought formally to
Facilitating Change in Herd Health 21

develop behavioural typologies for farmers In view of the differences between

that broadly reflect differences in motivat- farmers, it is important for herd health advi-
ing factors, and two such examples are pro- sors to clarify the short-, medium- and long-
vided in Table 2.1. There are two points to term goals of an individual farmer, along
note with regard to these classifications. with what will currently motivate them to
First, the labels and key features merely take action. It is dangerous to make simplis-
reflect the most dominant themes for this tic assumptions based on first impressions,
broad type of farmer and there is overlap particularly as these can easily become
between categories: for example, it is clearly fixated in our minds. If we don’t take the
not only the ‘custodians’ who care about the trouble to identify what factors motivate a
environment (Pike, 2008). Second, they are farmer, we have a tendency to assume that
predominantly derived from questions con- they will be motivated by the same factors
cerning long-term values and aspirations that would motivate ourselves, and this can
(Garforth and Rehman, 2006). easily be wrong.

Table 2.1. Summary of two research projects into farmer behavioural typologies.

Farmer behavioural types ascribed by the

University of Reading, following a postal Farmer behavioural types ascribed
survey of 3000 farmers in Englanda by DEFRA, following a review of current literatureb

Family orientation Custodians

• stewardship; • protecting the countryside;
• sensitive to environmental issues; • guardians of farming heritage;
• working alongside family members; • feeling proud to look after and enhance
• handing over viable business to next the farm; and
generation; and • less of a business focus.
• content with prevailing institutional Lifestyle choice
and communal outlook on farming. • farming unlikely to be main source of income;
Business/entrepreneur • preference for traditional farming methods;
• farming is a business; • less focused on making money; and
• expansion/investment; • aspiring to farm well.
• debt avoidance; Pragmatists
• staff management; and • love of farming;
• dissatisfaction with public view of farming. • making enough money to break even;
Enthusiast/hobbyist • enjoying life; and
• alternative / additional source of income; • prepared to diversify to keep farm running.
• diversification; Modern family business
• quality of life away from farm; • future focused: farming is passed down
• leisure; and through generations;
• job satisfaction. • growth;
Lifestyler • profit/business orientated; and
• quality of life; • efficiency.
• quality of leisure; Challenged enterprises
• investment for the future; • struggling: perhaps inherited through obligation;
• concern about uncertainty in farming; and • falling out of love with farming;
• feeling let down by government and society. • feeling isolated & unsupported; and
Independent small farmer • anxious about survival of the farm.
• family standard of life;
• job satisfaction;
• independence; and
• indifference to profit.
Garforth and Rehman (2006); b Pike (2008).
22 H. Higgins et al.

It is also worth appreciating that, in evidence to suggest that providing knowl-

general, pride can be a very strong motiva- edge alone is usually not sufficient to initi-
tor for farmers; in the context of lameness, a ate changes in behaviour (McKenzie-Mohr
recent study reported that ‘pride in a healthy and Smith, 2000). To maximize the likeli-
herd’ was the motivator most commonly hood that knowledge will be influential in
given high importance in a survey of 222 facilitating change we must take great care to
UK dairy farmers (Leach et al., 2010a). ensure we provide information to farmers in
Hence fostering a sense of pride is likely to a format that best matches their current
be useful. As an example, in the right situa- information needs (and this should be dis-
tions, it may be appropriate to highlight just cussed and clarified with each client), and
how important the role of the farmer is – that it is presented in a manner that appeals
that it is farmers who are the guardians of to them in order to initiate change (see ear-
the dairy cow’s health and welfare. Our lier sections ‘Communication’ and ‘Different
encouragement and praise also count for a things motivate different people’).
great deal – everyone likes to hear when
they are doing well. Changing social norms: follow the leader?

Perceiving a problem does not necessarily Our behaviour is heavily influenced by the
equate to wanting to change behaviour of others; in particular, people
are considerably more likely to want to
Assuming that both the farmer and the prac- change their behaviour if they know that
titioner accurately perceive the true scale everyone else already has, or that they are
and extent of the disease problem, it is still different to what is ‘socially acceptable’.
entirely possible that the farmer may have Some farmers may simply not be aware that
no intention of doing anything about it. As implementing certain types of disease con-
described in the previous section, the the- trol measures is ‘normal expected’ activity,
ory of planned behaviour is a social cogni- especially since farmers may work exclu-
tion model that defines three main constructs sively on their own farms. ‘Social norms’ is
(attitudes, social norms and perceived a term that embraces this concept but also
behavioural control) that combine to refers more generally to the social pressure
determine a person’s intentions to take a farmer feels under to perform the behav-
action. Identifying which of these factors iour in question. Practitioners can change
are the biggest obstacles to initiating change, social norms by, for example, organizing
and taking measures to address them, can facilitated farmers’ meetings or through pre-
help to generate a genuine desire to change existing farmers’ groups. However, not all
and facilitate transition to the next stage – farmers will attend such meetings (or join
intention to implement changes. We con- such groups), and these are the very farmers
sider each in turn. for whom social norms may be lacking.
Actively identifying these farmers and rais-
Changing attitudes: knowledge is vital, ing their awareness of the actions of other
but is never enough farmers is important.
Moreover, within a farming community
Attitudes are formed from a person’s beliefs there may be a ‘ringleader’ farmer, often an
about the chance of a behaviour resulting in entrepreneurial character, someone who is
a possible outcome and how much value usually the first to try out new ideas on their
they attach to that outcome. Practitioners farm – and hence the other farmers keenly
can influence a farmer’s attitude by provid- observe the behaviour of this individual, in
ing information (based on scientific evidence a ‘wait and see what he does’ philosophy.
when available) about the outcomes of dis- Clearly the ‘ringleader’, if he exists, is a key
ease control measures and the probability of farmer to persuade to implement changes
success. However, while it is essential to since others may well follow. Obtaining per-
provide such information, there is substantial mission from such a key player to write up
Facilitating Change in Herd Health 23

the changes they have made and the benefits be prepared to invest, and then tailor our
generated (for example in a practice news- advice to them accordingly; from our point
letter) is a good way to disseminate informa- of view, not only does this save wasting
tion about their behaviour to others. time but we also feel that it will save any
Formal ‘benchmarking’ can also have a embarrassment by making suggestions that
role to play in influencing social norms; we believe are outwith the capabilities,
gathering data from similar farms and ambitions or finances of this farmer. This is
reporting this information to farmers allows often done semi-consciously, but is obvi-
them to identify how their farm compares to ously unhelpful. To do so is to presume not
others. However, care should be exercised only that we know precisely a farmer’s val-
because this has the potential to hinder ues, along with their financial situation and
change in some instances. For example, it personal circumstances, but also how they
may demotivate the ‘best’ farmers out of the will then balance everything to reach a final
group, who may become complacent, even decision. It also assumes that, in the past,
though the ‘best’ farms may still have unac- the reason they didn’t initiate change was
ceptable levels of disease. Furthermore, for entirely due to their own failings, not ours
the ‘worst’ farms in the group, it may evoke to help them, and therefore they are immune
a sense of futility, with farmers demoralized to making certain changes in the future. It is
by the gulf between themselves and others, essential to make farmers fully aware of all
and this may exacerbate their perceptions of the options, no matter how unlikely we beli-
the difficulties of making changes. Of course eve they may be to follow some of the poten-
benchmarking a farm against itself over tial routes we offer. Whilst some of the time
time, with realistically achievable (but mov- our initial presumptions about the options
able) goalposts avoids these potential issues, chosen may prove correct (and this may
and indeed is essential to implementing very quickly become apparent in our dis-
herd health programmes effectively. cussions), if we take this approach we will
also be surprised on other occasions by their
Perceived behaviour control: trying and decisions. Most importantly, to explain all
failing can perpetuate the inertia to change the options to a farmer is to convey a very
positive attitude regarding their abilities
Failed attempts to implement change on because to do so is to send a clear message
farms in the past can make it much more that we believe that they are capable of
difficult for farmers and advisors to even achieving any of the options – a major boost
begin to want to change anything in the to self-confidence. Moreover, it may also
future. Mostly this occurs through the cog- inspire farmers to work towards new goals
nitive variable, perceived behaviour control that hitherto had simply not existed for
(‘Do I believe I can do it?’). As mentioned in them. If we label a farm as recalcitrant to
an earlier section, perceived behaviour con- change then it certainly will be, even though
trol is related to self-confidence and is of (i) a farmer’s circumstances, financial situa-
fundamental importance; if we don’t believe tion, values and goals can change consider-
we can actually change something then we ably over time and (ii) despite considerable
won’t have any intention to try. effort, it may still be us who have failed to
The more practitioners have failed in recognize how best to help them change.
the past to initiate changes on the farm, the In a similar vein, we should make con-
more we believe the farmer will never scious efforts not to bias overtly the opin-
change, especially if we have put a consid- ions of newly employed practitioners when
erable amount of effort into the process of they first join the veterinary practice, but
trying to help him, albeit perhaps not always allow them, at the very least, to take their
in the most optimal way. As a result of this first step onto every farm with an open
we have a natural tendency to start prejudg- mind; this is particularly true for new gradu-
ing what we think farmers will and won’t ates who may be more impressionable, but
want to do, or the money we think they will who also, by virtue of their lack of experience,
24 H. Higgins et al.

often possess an abundance of enthusiasm capable of predicting whether a call would

and new ideas and hence can often be in a result in a sale from just the first few sec-
good position to initiate change. It is also onds of data; successful operators it tran-
worth noting that it is often our most junior spired, spoke little and listened more. When
colleagues who deal predominantly with they did speak, their voices varied mark-
farms that have, so far, progressed least along edly in amplitude and pitch, implying inter-
the pathway to change and hence are at est and responsiveness to the caller. This
greatest risk of going out of business. In con- understanding is now used commercially
trast, there is a natural tendency for our most by call centres to recruit and train operators,
experienced practitioners to gravitate and such measures alone have been esti-
towards the farmers who are quickest to mated to improve sales success by 20%.
implement change, and who are also in With respect to herd health, how often do
many respects, and for a variety of reasons, we (subconsciously) convey our own lack
more appealing to work with. However such of faith in the farmer’s ability to success-
an allocation of veterinary expertise is not fully implement change via our non-verbal
optimal for two reasons. First, if our most communications? To do so is to reinforce
experienced and highly qualified practition- the farmer’s own negative belief of self-effi-
ers concentrate their efforts on the most cacy and make the situation worse. In order
proactive farms, this could serve to increase to convince the farmer it is crucial that we
the variation in the health of dairy herds. truly believe ourselves that he can and will
Secondly, a report into veterinary career do it. Thus, to implement change on farms,
choices describes the ‘spiral of disillusion- practitioners must be in the correct frame of
ment’ encountered by veterinary surgeons mind themselves before they attempt to
within their first five years of working with communicate anything at all.
farm animals (Robinson et al., 2004). If, early We can of course take active steps to
in their careers, veterinary surgeons have increase a farmer’s belief in self-efficacy,
active and tangible involvement in the herd and many practitioners do. Examples of this
health management being conducted on the include arranging open visits to demonstra-
most progressive farms, it may help to curb tion farms; by observing other farmers car-
the migration of some promising young rying out the behaviour successfully, farmers
practitioners towards other disciplines are more likely to believe they can actually
within just a few years of qualification. do it themselves. In this respect, probably
Another way that a farmer’s perceived most useful is for a farmer to visit another
behavioural control may be inadvertently farm with infrastructure similar to his own,
negatively affected is via our non-verbal so that it is easier to believe that carrying
messages which are as, if not more, impor- out the changes would be feasible at home.
tant than merely the words we say. The spo- Building up a practice catalogue that can be
ken word evolved long after Homo sapiens taken on to farms is useful; this could con-
had cohabited in social groups and spoken tain photographs of farmers at various stages
language developed over and above non- of implementing changes (such as laying a
linguistic communication. Research in this new cow track) along with contact details
field began in earnest in the 1960s, but (obtained with permission) of farmers who
improved technology has recently brought are willing to discuss the changes they have
new advances, with wearable electronic made with others (Whay and Main, 2009).
devices capable of recording subtle body This catalogue could also contain details of
movements and other non-verbal messages local suppliers of materials and equipment
(Pentland, 2010). A research experiment in that would need to be ordered to complete
2005 fitted telesales operators with elec- the task, or other advisors whose advice
tronic devices that measured variations in may need to be sought (such as building
the tone and pitch of their spoken words but experts or nutritionists).
not the specific words uttered (Buchanan, It is also essential to recognize that
2009). The researchers devised an algorithm many people are simply afraid of change
Facilitating Change in Herd Health 25

itself. An important element of herd health like us, they must see the world through our
can be, when possible, to ‘trial’ the new task eyes – to think, value, understand, decide,
for a period of time, which may be a less perceive and be driven as we are; yet it is
daunting initial step. This allows time for a more likely that another person will per-
farmer to hone and get used to a new man- ceive the situation in a completely different
agement procedure. For some disease con- way to us. An important point is that simply
trol measures it also provides an opportunity telling farmers about their disease situation
to measure its immediate efficacy in terms and what they can do about it will often
of cow health; however, for some diseases a have no impact at all. Asking farmers to
rapidly observable benefit will not be seen describe their disease problem to us, listen-
and this is discussed further in Stage III. It ing to their answers and helping them to
is obviously vital that this pilot step is overcome their natural fear of change by
successful if the management change is to assisting them to consider the pros and cons
become permanent. As described by Atkinson of making changes is a considerably more
(2010b), it is the veterinary practitioner’s supportive approach to take and should
role to support the farmer through this prove to be more helpful in many cases.
‘experimentation phase’ and to actively help If having tried various activities, good
him to overcome any teething problems, but intentions are still lacking, it is worth con-
it is also, as he comments, ‘very often a weak sidering whether any of the extrinsic factors
area in the farmer–vet relationship’. In short, (upper right box, Fig. 2.1) are currently
we must follow changes through. playing a major role in a farmer’s ability to
In summary, the more frustrated we get move forward; for example, changes in per-
when farmers don’t make changes, the more sonal circumstances or fortunes can have a
we believe they never will. Not only may major impact on whether a farmer intends
we loudly voice this message non-verbally to make changes.
but we may also prejudge what farmers
will or won’t do and hence fail to give them
all the options. Beyond that we may bias
other colleagues with our negativity, thereby Stage II: the giant leap from
quashing any chance of change in the wanting … to doing
future. It is important to understand objec-
tively the issues involved because if we For farmers who have good intentions to
don’t, over time, we ourselves may become change (i.e. they have now reached the second
a major part of the inertia to change. An from left circle, Fig. 2.1), as mentioned pre-
admittedly difficult, but nevertheless key viously it is still a giant leap from wanting
clinical skill for all practitioners to acquire to change to taking action. However, there
is the ability to maintain an open mind are several ways to facilitate this, as sum-
over the course of their career. It is unfor- marized in the lower boxes, Fig. 2.1. These
tunate, but unlike most other clinical skills, are discussed below.
our abilities to facilitate changes on the
farm do not necessarily improve with It’s a team effort
clinical experience.
Almost invariably, implementing a proac-
Summary: intention to change tive approach to herd health involves a con-
certed effort and often requires new actions
We have described what we consider to be to be taken by all members of the farm
the main issues involved (and approaches ‘team’, which includes: relief milkers, trac-
to take) in order to help a farmer move from tor drivers, part-time staff, tanker drivers
having ‘no intention to change’ to having a and other regular visitors to the farm. Vital
genuine desire to initiate changes on the to a successful outcome is that everyone
farm. Our natural tendency is often to involved understands what needs to change
assume that because farmers are humans and why; the entire team must feel included
26 H. Higgins et al.

and ‘buy into’ the new ethos. Not only can well, simply because it is perceived as being
one person’s negative actions undo the hard mundane. This perception is reinforced
work of many, but a genuine team effort over time if nobody ever says ‘well done’.
brings multiple benefits such as encourag- For example, the person milking the cows
ing and reminding one another to make should be regularly acknowledged for pro-
changes. Practitioners need to work hard to tecting cow health and welfare and for the
foster a working relationship with all team work they do being extremely important
members. This involves regularly seeking and far from ordinary.
out those people who are not routinely
encountered to ensure that they are being The all-important ‘hassle factor’
kept informed and that their contributions
are acknowledged and appreciated. Such an For repetitive behaviours, making the task
approach also demonstrates a close interest as easy to perform as possible is absolutely
in (and hence great care for) the farm’s suc- vital to success. It may sound obvious, but
cess. Always relying on messages to be jobs that are easy to do, get done. Anything
passed on will often prove ineffective. It is that can make the task more convenient to
also wise to apply our previous comments complete is worthwhile and the effects can
about uncovering what motivates individ- be very dramatic. The provision of recycling
ual farmers to the entire farm team. It is bins by councils to individual households
highly likely that different team members is a good example where making a task more
will be motivated by very different things. convenient has had a substantial impact on
The shrewd practitioner will take the trou- human behaviour (Perrin and Barton, 2001).
ble to identify what motivates each person The importance of identifying specific
and use this knowledge to good effect. measures that need to be put in place to
facilitate the specific behaviour required
Putting our competitive nature to good use: cannot be overemphasized. It is useful to
everyone likes to win put yourself in the farmer’s shoes and imag-
ine that it is you who has to perform the task
Many people have a competitive streak and you want doing on the farm every day: What
can be motivated by the desire to outper- would make it easier for you to do? For
form a rival. Turning routine farm tasks into example, lame cows are not going to get
an ongoing competition amongst farm work- treated promptly if the crush does not have
ers, with a weekly or monthly prize to be a proper winch or blocks for the front feet, if
won, has several advantages. Drawing on hoof knives cannot be kept sharp, if there is
this natural human trait can go some way to no light to see by in winter or if the crush is
making the job more fun. It also means that positioned with the exit against a brick wall
people are more likely to remember to do it so that cows do not readily want to enter
and to carry it out to the best of their abili- into it. Indeed, any of these factors, by them-
ties. The ‘prize’ does not need to be expen- selves, are easily enough to stop the task
sive; the fact is that people just like winning getting done at all. The hassle factor must be
a prize, whatever it is. One of the reasons for addressed (McKenzie-Mohr and Smith,
this is that the prize is (and must be) 2000). A useful tool to help here is the prac-
awarded in front of as many other people as tice catalogue (discussed in Stage I, under
possible; hence it is a reward from our peers ‘Perceived behaviour control’), which con-
for what may be perceived to be a mundane tains useful information the farmer will
job, done well. For many people this type of need in order to get started.
public recognition of their work can be just
as, if not more, important to them than their Human health problems: a weighty
salary. It makes people feel valued and helps yet silent obstacle to change
them to truly appreciate the importance of
the work they do; a task may be considered Many farmers suffer from bad backs or other
unimportant and therefore not worth doing chronic injuries that they have sustained
Facilitating Change in Herd Health 27

whilst working on the farm, and some of the Make ‘tried but not feasible’ work
changes required may aggravate these con-
ditions. This may be a major factor that is A seemingly powerful argument presented
given a great deal of weight in the farmer’s by a farmer when faced with the proposi-
decision over whether a management change tion of implementing a change is to say he
will be implemented. However, farmers may has already tried it, but it wasn’t feasible. It
find it difficult to admit that they are not can be, and often is, the end of any action
physically capable of performing a task or because many practitioners simply accept
they may be unwilling to concede that it this as an insurmountable obstacle to change
will cause themselves pain and suffering. and at this point abandon all their efforts to
This may be an important obstacle to change help the farmer. In this respect there are two
that is unlikely ever to be voiced by farmers points worth considering. First, we should
themselves, and there is also a need to han- be very encouraged because the farmer has
dle the issue with sensitivity. Persuading reached the point of having high enough
farmers to seek medical attention to allevi- intentions that he has been prepared to try
ate their own health problems or diplomati- something. Secondly, we can now ask the
cally helping to delegate more physically farmer to describe in full how he found car-
demanding tasks to others may be an impor- rying out the task and what exactly the
tant step towards implementing change. problems are, and as a result we have more
precise information about the inconven-
ience of the task. The latter point means
Make time, because there isn’t any that, far from forsaking the cause, we can
work creatively to find ways to make the
Many of the changes we would like to see
task more feasible.
implemented will take more of the farmer’s
In general however, wherever possible,
time, their most precious resource. Whilst it
foreseeing, honestly discussing and pre-
is obviously important to make the new
empting potential obstacles that may be
changes as quick as possible to implement,
encountered by the farmer when he actually
it will often also be necessary to seriously
begins to take action are advisable. For
consider ways to create more time if we
example, if we know that an important man-
really want the new changes to get done.
agement change to control mastitis is obvi-
Making time may often involve being inven-
ously going to prolong milking time, it is
tive and helping the farmer to find ways to
shrewd to acknowledge and discuss ways to
save time on other tasks by making these
overcome this right at the very start.
quicker and more efficient. Hence imple-
menting changes can involve an in-depth
appraisal of each person’s working day and Remembering
how people work together, in order to iden-
tify where and how time savings can be Perhaps an obvious yet easily overlooked
made, along with identifying any measures fact is that, being only human, spontaneous
that could be taken to speed up existing unplanned behaviour dominates our days
tasks. Clearly it is important that the new and we often simply forget to do what we
changes do not result in existing tasks being said we would do. This is more likely to
carried out suboptimally (such as rushing happen if the task is to be carried out by one
cows in for milking), but honing time man- person, or at unsociable hours when there is
agement skills can be rewarding and greatly nobody around to remind us. In this case
increase the chances of action being taken. triggers to help us remember are important;
There is also no escaping the fact that they need to portray a very clear and simple
buying time may be necessary in some message and be placed as close in space
instances, but of course this doesn’t have to and time to the point where the behaviour
involve a full-time member of staff: creatively occurs (McKenzie-Mohr and Smith, 2000):
sourcing a few hours of extra help per week for example, a waterproof/laminated card
can be enough to greatly facilitate change. attached with baler twine to the crush to
28 H. Higgins et al.

remind farmers to record every case of excellent management practice is never

lameness they treat. Such a trigger could again going to be used on this farm. If there
also be informative, with pictures of the is even the slightest doubt and/or the conse-
most common causes of lameness to aid rec- quences of getting it wrong are severe, it is
ognition of lesions. Other examples include: vital that we ensure that farmers have the
a notice by the switch to the milking machine skills they need. However, we should also
to remind the herdsman to start filling up be conscious of the fact that some farmers
the footbath, or a notice hanging down in may be reluctant to admit that they do not
the middle of the parlour reminding milkers have the necessary skills; they may be
to post-dip the cows. It may sound too sim- embarrassed to ask how it should be done,
ple to work, but triggers have been proved or simply feel uncomfortable being taught
in many intervention studies to increase the by someone younger than themselves. In
behaviour of interest and they are of trivial this respect, veterinary students can be use-
cost (Austin et al., 1993). In short, it would ful; to explain and demonstrate a skill to a
be foolish not to use them. However, we student in the presence of a farmer over-
should issue a word of warning. Triggers comes these possible issues.
should not be used as just another way of
telling people what to do; this will not work Financing the changes
very effectively because people will simply
ignore them. Triggers are for reminding peo- In the medium to long term, practitioners
ple who want to do something to do it. can and must influence how much a farm is
Hence they must only be used when all the able to reinvest, but at any given moment in
people who must carry out the task actually time, being unable to make a capital invest-
want (or at the very least have agreed) to do ment can obviously be a fundamental obsta-
it. If a notice suddenly appears in the par- cle to change on farm. However, as mentioned,
lour and the relief milker knows nothing it is important that we do not prejudge what
about it, it will often be counterproductive! a farmer can or cannot afford to do and we
should not make recommendations simply
based on what we perceive is affordable to
Obtaining the required skills: do no harm
the farmer. If a capital investment is required
However much farmers may want to imple- and agreed to but currently cannot be made,
ment changes on the farm, they cannot it should be worked towards as a medium- to
achieve anything unless they have the nec- long-term goal, and alternative interim meas-
essary skills to perform the task properly. ures of disease control implemented.
Fortunately many practitioners already
provide training for farmers in a vari-
ety of formats, including on-farm practical Stage III: keeping up the good work
workshops. However, some farmers may
believe they have the necessary skills to Clearly, one of the most important factors to
implement a change, when in fact they influence a farmer’s decision to continue
don’t. We need to make absolutely sure implementing a control measure is whether
when we make recommendations that the any benefits are (i) rapidly observable and
people who will be carrying out the tasks (ii) directly attributable to the action taken.
have the skills to do them; and in particular Wherever possible, measuring outcomes
that they do not suddenly start doing more and providing as rapid feedback as possible
harm than good. An example of this is the is vital to sustaining action, and the subse-
farmer who begins using an internal teat quent chapters of this book provide detailed
sealant at drying off following the good advice on monitoring the outcomes of herd
advice of his veterinary surgeon, but health programmes. As an example, monthly
iatrogenic infections then occur due to zinc sulphate turbidity (ZST) tests are a
unhygienic administration. Several dead cheap easy way to feed back changes in
cows later it is fair to assume that this colostrum management, helping farmers to
Facilitating Change in Herd Health 29

quantify the results of their efforts. Indeed thinking in terms of either ‘mastitis’ or
some farmers incorporate such monthly ‘lameness’ or ‘fertility’ or ‘Johne’s’, when
outcome measures into their ongoing com- instead we need to be thinking holistically, an
petitions to motivate staff. Similarly, if farm- essential element of herd health. Eventually,
ers can be persuaded to start recording over time, farmers will reap the full rewards
disease incidences, they are much more of preventing and controlling disease in
likely to continue to do so if they see imme- numerous ways and hence ultimately, suc-
diately that the information they record is cessfully implemented herd health pro-
being used to good effect. grammes will perpetuate themselves.
Diseases for which benefits are not
quickly demonstrable are usually more chal-
lenging to control. In this respect it is impor- A final reflection
tant to manage farmer expectations, such
that a realistic appreciation about the observ-
To gain an overall perspective it is useful to
able effects of their endeavours is known
take a final look back at Fig. 2.1. There are
from the outset; avoiding disappointment is
many steps that need to be taken, and many
crucial. For these diseases, creating good
potential hurdles to overcome, in order to
habits becomes more important. Eventually,
sustain the necessary changes on the farm.
if a particular action is repeated often
Needless to say, veterinary surgeons will
enough, it slips out of our conscious thoughts
not always be successful at encouraging
and becomes embedded into our subcon-
farmers to take action. If our own previous
scious, automatic actions. Clearly, the major
attempts to implement change have failed,
advantage of forming a good habit is that not
it is natural to become disheartened, con-
only does the chance of forgetting to do the
clude that change is impossible and simply
task virtually vanish, but since all conscious
resort to delivering reactive/emergency
perception of it disappears, so too does the
healthcare. Hopefully, however, the preced-
inconvenience that was once associated
ing pages have provided some alternative
with it; no longer do we have to ‘internally
insight that may spark ideas and inspiration
battle’ with ourselves over whether to carry
for facilitating change in the future. Perhaps
out the task. It is difficult to know how long
it is not that farms will not change, but
a particular behaviour has to be performed
rather that we have not yet managed to iden-
in order for it to become a habit, but for dis-
tify correctly where on the pathway to
eases such as Johne’s, striving to create good
change they currently are, what will moti-
habits on farms is clearly a must. It is worth
vate them and what barriers prevent actions
remembering that it is just as easy to reward
from being taken. It may be that the first per-
people for their efforts as it is for an actual
son who needs to change is ourselves; to set
disease reduction.
aside our previously formed opinions and
Wherever possible it also makes good
start completely afresh, equipped with a
sense to stress the multiple benefits that may
better understanding of human behaviour
originate from a single management change
and how to initiate and sustain changes on
and, in particular, to link controlling diseases
the farm.
that may have less obvious or immediate
benefits to other areas where benefits are
clear. Farmers are often more likely to take
action if the rewards are greater. For example, Facilitating Change: Evidence-based
raising the standard of hygiene in the dry Veterinary Medicine
cow accommodation not only reduces the
risk of spread of Johne’s disease, but also the While understanding ways to facilitate
risk of intra-mammary infections and digital change on the farm is essential to making
dermatitis; the latter may also mean that cows improvements in dairy herd health, a
are more likely to have a reference heat prerequisite to success is the quality of the
observed post-calving. We are often guilty of technical advice provided and this is
30 H. Higgins et al.

discussed in detail in subsequent chapters. Ask answerable questions

However, not only is it impossible for a single
textbook to answer all clinical questions, but The aim is to lay out clearly the question we
research is continually being published. The need to answer in order to find the evidence
ongoing identification and incorporation of that is relevant to the problem at hand. A well-
best available evidence in the context of formed question should contain four dis-
the individual requirements of a particular tinct parts summarized by the acronym
farmer can be achieved under a framework PICO, which stands for:
generally termed ‘evidence-based medicine’. P = patient/population and problem:
We briefly outline below the key principles What are the characteristics of the herd and
of evidence-based veterinary medicine. problem we wish to address?
I = intervention: What is the main
intervention(s) available to address the
What is evidence-based medicine? problem?
C = comparison: What are the alterna-
It is widely accepted that it is important to tive (comparator) interventions?
base clinical decisions, including those on O = outcome: What outcome are we
herd health, on valid evidence and this is interested in? Mortality, morbidity, produc-
the endeavour of evidence-based veterinary tion, finances, welfare …?
medicine. Its most cited definition was given An example of such a question could
by Sackett et al. (1996), which was made in be:
the context of human health: ‘Evidence- In a high-yielding Holstein dairy herd,
based medicine is the conscientious, explicit, housed all year around, with an elevated
and judicious use of current best evidence in incidence of clinical mastitis (P), does the
making decisions about the care of individ- use of an iodine-based pre-dip solution dur-
ual patients’. The practice of evidence-based ing milking preparation (I) result in a cost-
medicine means integrating individual clin- effective reduction in clinical mastitis (O)
ical expertise with the best available exter- compared with the milking routine without
nal clinical evidence from systematic the pre-dip being used (C)?
research. Evidence-based medicine now
forms an integral part of human medicine Find the evidence
and it has even entered popular culture
through the excellent book Bad Science Having formulated a question, what are the
(Goldacre, 2009). Although its importance is sources of evidence available to answer it
growing in veterinary medicine (Cockcroft and how do we use them? Some general
and Holmes, 2003), further progress in large- principles have been laid out regarding the
scale implementation is still needed. validity of different types of evidence and
The application of evidence-based have led to the concept of ‘hierarchy of evi-
medicine can be divided into five steps dence’, often represented as a pyramid (see
(Sackett, 1997): Fig. 2.2 below). At the base of this pyramid
is relatively weak evidence that should
1. Ask an answerable question.
carry little weight and at the top are meta-
2. Find the best evidence to answer it.
analyses and systematic reviews that pool
3. Critically appraise the evidence.
the evidence from similar and well-designed
4. Integrate the appraised evidence with
studies and are thus considered strong evi-
our clinical expertise and apply it to the
dence. Large studies are deemed superior to
situation at hand.
small studies. Systematic reviews are start-
5. Evaluate performance.
ing to appear in cattle veterinary medicine,
A clear and concise description of these and it is likely that their number will
five steps can be found in Heneghan and increase in future.
Badenoch (2006). We now consider each of Identifying relevant scientific articles is
these areas in terms of herd health. important, and this can be done by querying
Facilitating Change in Herd Health 31



Randomized controlled trials

Observational studies
(longitudinal, cohort ...)

Case series

or ts Textb ns
e rep ooks inio
Cas Op

Fig. 2.2. The hierarchy of evidence available: evidence is considered strongest at the peak and weakest at
the base.

one of the databases available on the Internet • What has it found?

such as: • What are the implications?
• What else is of interest?
• Pubmed (
pubmed/); Evaluating a study under these head-
• Scopus (; ings helps to determine whether the study
• Scirus (; or is relevant to our own question, whether the
• Google Scholar ( research design was suitable, whether the conclusions drawn were appropriate and
what the implications are to the clinical
Although there is a large overlap
question of interest.
between these, the databases do not always
A useful way to learn how to appraise
contain the same information.
the evidence is by doing it! A regular jour-
nal club, where a paper is chosen and dis-
Appraise the evidence cussed around a table, provides an excellent
Much has been written about how to means of developing these skills while
appraise evidence. Since we cannot begin to obtaining detailed knowledge in specific
cover this vast subject within the space areas of research.
available, we direct the reader to two easy-
to-read references, Crombie (2008) and Facilitating change: integrating evidence
Greenhalgh (2010). Crombie provides six into practice
areas that form a structure to assess the
A component of evidence-based medicine
quality of a study:
is that best evidence does get translated into
• Is it of interest? clinical practice. However, as discussed in
• Why was it done? detail throughout the earlier sections of this
• How was it done? chapter, identifying evidence for the best
32 H. Higgins et al.

way to prevent or treat a condition does not on both the individual farmer and where
necessarily lead to its use in practice. Thus, they are on the pathway to implementing
understanding the elements of human change. Veterinary surgeons must address
behaviour and barriers to change described these issues if they are to make a real dif-
previously is vital to the successful perform- ference in practice. However, this requires
ance of evidence-based medicine. consideration of subjects and challenges
that go beyond the conventional technical
Evaluate performance advice associated with dairy herd health.
We believe that much can be gained by
The final component of evidence-based understanding and applying concepts deve-
medicine lies in the evaluation of our deci- loped in the human behavioural sciences
sions, once they are made. This should and related disciplines, but this may require
occur automatically as a part of true herd practitioners to equip themselves with new
health management (Fig. 1.1, and further skills. It is unquestionably a major chal-
described in subsequent chapters). Indeed lenge when undertaking dairy herd health
dairy herd health, carried out in this way, is to identify both the best clinical evidence
essentially based on, and is an extension of, and the best methods to facilitate changes
the principles of evidence-based medicine; for a particular farm situation. However,
we try to incorporate the best evidence when this is a challenge we must meet if we are
making a decision and then continually successfully to play our part in making sus-
evaluate the outcome to judge its success. tained improvements to the health and wel-
fare of dairy cows, and lay claim to the
countless rewards that follow. If farmers are
Conclusion: Facilitating Changes in not making the necessary changes then it is
Dairy Herd Health important to identify objectively why this
is, for if we fail to do so then we ourselves
In this chapter we have emphasized that can become part of the inertia to change.
facilitating the necessary changes on dairy Farmers who are slowest to embrace change
farms is essential for successful herd health are the most likely to go out of business,
management in practice. Making changes and it is these farmers who are in greatest
is challenging and the speed with which need of herd health advisors who have a
farmers adopt change is very variable. Not good understanding of human behavioural
unsurprisingly, farmers may not take action science and the skills to apply it success-
for a host of complex reasons that depend fully in practice.

References and Further Reading

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Action-control: From Cognition to Behaviour. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 11–39.
Atkinson, O. (2010a) Communication in farm animal practice 1. Farmer–vet relationships. In Practice 32,
Atkinson, O. (2010b) Communication in farm animal practice 2. Effecting change. In Practice 32, 163–165.
Austin, J., Hatfield, D.B., Grindle, A.C. and Bailey, J.S. (1993) Increasing recycling in office environments – the
effects of specific, informative cues. Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis 26, 247–253.
Buchanan, M. (2009) Behavioural Science: Secret signals. Nature 457, 528–530.
Cockcroft, P.D. and Holmes, M.A. (2003) Handbook of Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine. Wiley-Blackwell
Publishing, Ltd, Oxford, UK.
Conner, M. and Norman, P. (eds) (2005) Predicting Health Behaviour: Research and Practice with Social
Cognition Models. Open University Press, Milton Keynes, UK.
Crombie, I.K. (2008) Pocket Guide to Critical Appraisal. BMJ Publishing Group, London.
DEFRA (2004) Animal Health and Welfare Strategy for Great Britain. DEFRA,
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Facilitating Change in Herd Health 33

Edwards-Jones, G. (2006) Modelling farmers decision-making: concepts, progress and challenges. Animal
Science 82, 783–790.
Ellis-Iversen, J., Cook, A.J.C., Watson, E., Nielen, M., Larkin, L., Wooldridge, M. et al. (2010) Perceptions,
circumstances and motivators that influence implementation of zoonotic control programs on cattle
farms. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 93, 276–285.
Garforth, C. and Rehman, T. (2006) Final Report, DEFRA Project EPES 0405/17: Research to understand and
model the behaviour and motivations of farmers in responding to policy changes (England). University
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Goldacre, B. (2009) Bad Science. Harper Perennial, London.
Greenhalgh, T. (2010) How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-based Medicine. John Wiley Publications,
Ltd, Oxford, UK.
Heffernan, C., Nielsen, L. and Thomson, K.G. (2008) An exploration of the drivers to bio-security collective
action among a sample of UK cattle and sheep farmers. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 87, 358–372.
Heneghan, C. and Badenoch, D. (2006) Evidence-based Medicine Toolkit. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ltd,
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udder health management on Dutch dairy farms. PhD thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
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mastitis incidence in Dutch dairy farming: The influence of farmers’ attitudes and behaviour. Preventive
Veterinary Medicine 92, 210–223.
Jansen, J., Steuten, C.D.M., Renes, R.J., Aarts, N. and Lam, T.J.G.M. (2010) Debunking the myth of the hard-
to-reach farmer: Effective communication on udder health. Journal of Dairy Science 93, 1296–1306.
Kristensen, E. and Jakobsen, E.B. (2011) Challenging the myth of the irrational dairy farmer; understanding
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Zealand Veterinary Journal 59, 8–15.
Leach, K.A., Whay, H.R., Maggs, C.M., Barker, Z.E., Paul, E.S., Bell, A.K. et al. (2010a) Working towards a
reduction in cattle lameness: 2. Understanding dairy farmers’ motivations. Research in Veterinary Science
89, 318–323.
Leach, K.A., Whay, H.R., Maggs, C.M., Barker, Z.E., Paul, E.S., Bell, A.K. et al. (2010b) Working towards a
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Veterinary Science 89, 311–317.
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3 Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing

Youngstock and Replacing Cows

James Breen,1,2,3 Peter Down,1, Mike Kerby4 and Andrew Bradley1,2

School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham,
Sutton Bonington Campus, Leicestershire LE12 5RD, UK; 2QMMS Ltd,
Cedar Barn, Easton Hill, Easton, Wells, BA5 IDU, UK; 3Orchard Veterinary
Group, Glastonbury, Somerset, UK; 4Delaware Veterinary Group, Fulford
House, Torbay Road, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7DT, UK

Introduction Dynamics of the dairy herd structure:

culling and replacements
Maintaining a healthy, productive group of
cows is an overarching aim of a herd health The importance of monitoring health and
programme, and thus replacing unhealthy or losses during the rearing period becomes
unproductive cows and rearing replacements clear when we consider the balance between
are important elements of herd health man- availability of replacement heifers and the
agement. In this chapter we describe how rate of culling of adult cows. Restrictions on
rearing youngstock and replacing cows can be the availability of replacement heifers will
incorporated into a herd health programme. have an impact on management strategies to
In many dairy herds today, the health of control disease in the adult herd, as well as
adult milking and dry cows is often priori- affecting calving pattern and production.
tized over the health and management of Examples include poor contagious mastitis
youngstock. Youngstock are often observed control because of an inability to cull chroni-
less frequently than adult cows by both vet- cally infected cows and ineffective infectious
erinary advisors and farm staff, resulting in disease control because latently infected ani-
delayed disease detection and treatment; mals are not removed in a timely fashion.
veterinary attention becomes focused on Furthermore, an excess of healthy, well-grown
diseased individuals as they arise rather replacement heifers can result in a source of
than working towards producing groups of income for the farmer through their sale.
healthy calves. The herd health advisor needs to be
The rearing period should be produc- aware of the number of replacement heifers
tive but the measurable outputs are differ- required given the herd’s culling and death
ent to the adult herd; productivity in this rate. For example, for a herd with a culling
period means weight gain and appropriate rate of ~25% and loss in youngstock before
body size as well as optimizing overall first calving of ~20%, this will typically be
health. This chapter aims to provide the around 30 heifers per year for a 100-cow
herd health advisor with a logical approach herd. This means around two-thirds of the
to managing and monitoring youngstock adult herd need to be inseminated with
health and performance. dairy semen each year.

© CAB International 2012. Dairy Herd Health (ed. M. Green) 35

36 J. Breen et al.

Many dairy herds use natural service in The source of the replacement heifers is
nulliparous heifers, but this requires careful an important consideration. They may be
management of the stock bull and restricts ‘home-bred’ (i.e. the herd is completely
genetic progress. Artificial insemination (AI) closed), ‘bought-in’ (i.e. the herd is open) or
of nulliparous heifers is recommended because a mixture of the two. Advantages and disad-
this generally provides greater control over vantages of these approaches are presented
genetic improvements, calving pattern and in Table 3.1. Breeding heifer replacements
potential disease risks. However, the use of AI from current heifers does have advantages:
requires planning, the ability to detect oestrus (i) heifer calves are born at the right time of
and/or use synchronization programmes and year (this will depend on the age at first calv-
good handling facilities. Breeding decisions ing, but ideally ~2 years) and (ii) an increased
for nulliparous heifers therefore require care- rate of genetic progress. However, the disad-
ful thought and the herd health advisor is well vantages include an inability to know which
positioned to offer advice on heat detection, heifers are phenotypically best (because they
synchronization programmes and expected haven’t yet begun milk production) and the
pregnancy rates; this area is discussed later in fact that passive transfer of antibodies will
this chapter and in Chapter 4. be from heifer to heifer (the most immuno-
It is also important to organize when logically naive animals in the herd) means
heifers will enter the herd, and this is there is increased risk of calfhood disease.
dependent on the management system. If the
dairy herd has a seasonal calving pattern,
then typically heifers will calve into the herd Mortality and disease in youngstock
before the cows, to allow for extra attention
and additional growth in the 1st lactation, as Mortality rates and disease incidence in you-
well as a longer interval between first calv- ngstock are extremely variable between farms,
ing and first service. If the herd has cows and this is an area in which the herd health
that calve all year round, then entry of new advisor can have a major influence on cow
heifers is more flexible, and multiple ‘batch’ welfare and herd profitability. Although data
systems are often easier to manage than entry are relatively sparse, we illustrate this below
of individuals over prolonged periods. by summarizing relevant research findings.

Table 3.1. Advantages and disadvantages of home-bred versus bought-in replacement heifers.

Home-bred replacements Bought-in replacements

Advantages Control of genetic selection Potential for step change in genetic progress
Direct responsibility for nutritional Outsourcing replacements allows for
management of replacements increased focus and input of labour
means good control of body into the milking herd
condition at calving
Allows for control of infectious
disease through increased
Disadvantages Capital costs required including Potential for poor disease status of heifers
buildings, bedding, feed, labour depending on previous management and
The space required to rear animals Biosecurity: a continual potential source of
may be incompatible with infectious disease
adult herd requirements
Restricted genetic progress if not Lack of control of the future of the herd;
using AI and over-reliance on wholly reliant on consistent quality of
own bull replacements
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 37

A US study 30 years ago reported calf broadly in line with a 5% calf mortality rate
mortality rates of between 3.5 and 30.6% between 1996 and 2004 from more than
over a 2-year period in 16 dairy herds in 4000 herds in Minnesota (Silva del Río
California (Martin et al., 1975) and a study et al., 2007), although a recent Danish study
in the UK more than 10 years ago suggested that conducted a genetic analysis of calf and
that a significant proportion of calves are heifer losses on more than 840,000 calves
born dead or die during the rearing period and heifers born between 1998 and 2007
(8 and 13%, respectively (Esslemont and found lower mortality rates of 3.2% (first
Kossaibati, 1996) ). The latter authors identi- month of life) and 2.7% (months 1–6)
fied that calf mortality within 24 h of birth, (Fuerst-Waltl and Sørensen, 2010).
in 43 herds over 10 seasons, was between 7 The two main disease processes impli-
and 8% (Esslemont and Kossaibati, 2002) cated with morbidity and mortality in
and therefore understanding and monitor- youngstock are diarrhoea and pneumonia.
ing wastage of replacement heifers must The USDA survey (USDA, 2010) reported
begin with an assessment of current perina- that around 12.4% of pre-weaned heifers
tal calf mortality (PCM): those that are still- were affected with pneumonia and 23.9%
born or die within the first 24 h of life. with digestive problems, and the mortality
A more recent UK study reported an average rates were 56.5% for diarrhoea and 22.5%
perinatal calf mortality rate of 8% from 19 for pneumonia. A recent 3-year study of 135
herds (Brickell et al., 2008); other research dairy herds in Norway reported lower inci-
has reported a 9.3% perinatal calf mortality dence rates for diarrhoea and respiratory
rate over one year from 46 herds in Thuringia disease in the first 180 days of life (3.8 and
(Hoedemaker et al., 2010). In a post-mortem 2.9%, respectively; Gulliksen et al., 2009),
survey, 46% of perinatal calf mortalities had although when calf health records were
non-inflated lungs and a further 23% had examined and underestimation taken into
severe trauma to the thoracic region (for account the ‘true’ incidence of these dis-
example, spinal fractures; McCoy et al., eases was estimated at 5.5 and 4.1%, respec-
1997). The main risk factors for perinatal tively. A Swedish study on calf morbidity in
calf mortality are summarized in Box 3.1. 3081 calves in the first 90 days of life in 122
Dystocia has a role in perinatal calf mortal- dairy herds found the incidence rate of dis-
ity and incidence rates of dystocia vary ease recorded by farmers and veterinarians
enormously between herds. to be 0.08 cases per calf-month at risk
The pre-weaning period also represents (Svensson et al., 2003). Disease (in cases per
a time of significant losses in the dairy calf-months at risk) included arthritis
industry. Data from a recent USDA survey (0.002), diarrhoea (0.035), omphalophlebitis
(USDA, 2010) indicate an overall pre- (navel ill; 0.005), respiratory disease (0.025)
weaned calf mortality rate of 7.8%. This is and ringworm (0.009). A separate study by

Box 3.1. Risk factors for perinatal calf mortality (after Mee, 2007).

• Gender: PCM is greater in male compared with female calves.

• Calving assistance: PCM increases with greater assistance.
• PCM increases with twin compared with single calves.
• Season: PCM is lower in summer.
• A previous PCM event means that PCM is four times more likely in that cow.
• The sire predicted transmitting ability (PTA) for PCM (see Appendix 2).
• Parity interactions: PCM is higher in primiparous than multiparous cows; PCM is greater in twins born
to heifers than twins born to older cows; PCM is increased with low age at calving in primiparous
• Duration of second-stage labour: PCM is significantly greater if the duration of second stage labour
exceeds 120 min (Gundelach et al., 2009).
38 J. Breen et al.

the same authors that followed 2947 heifer average, in approximately 15% of a cohort of
calves in the same herds and monitored 506 heifers, calves born alive did not reach
morbidity from three to seven months of age their first calving (Table 3.2; Brickell et al.,
reported that the percentage of calves to 2008), resulting in the authors suggesting
succumb to diarrhoea, ringworm and clini- that the situation remained unchanged com-
cal respiratory tract disease was 2.7, 5.6 and pared with previous UK data. This situation
5.7%, respectively (Svensson et al., 2006). is mirrored in Europe: a study in Sweden
The costs of youngstock disease are dif- reported that 22% of heifers did not reach
ficult to quantify but are linked to a reduced the first calving, of which 5% died, 10%
growth rate and increased mortality rate were culled and 7% were sold live (Hultgren
(Andrews et al., 2000). There is evidence et al., 2008). A recent Spanish study on a
that a diagnosis of pneumonia in the first large cohort of more than 7000 heifers born
6 months of life results in reduced growth between 2004 and 2006 found that more than
rates, decreased future milk production, 8% did not complete their first lactation and,
decreased fertility and increased probability of these, >30% had left the herd in the first
of mortality (Waltner-Toews et al., 1986; 50 days after calving (Bach 2011).
Virtala et al., 1996; Warnick et al., 1997;
Donovan et al., 1998). For this reason, pre-
vention and control of diarrhoea and pneu- Culling of adult cows
monia needs to be a primary focus during
the pre-weaned period, as well as the provi- Monitoring culling and deaths from the dairy
sion of adequate nutrition. herd is crucial to understanding the pressures
Losses associated with youngstock con- on maintaining herd structure, production
tinue through the growth period and into the and fertility as well as understanding any
first lactation. A recent UK study investigating restrictions that may impact on advice to
mortality, growth and fertility of Holstein- reduce and control endemic disease. Culling
Friesian calves in 19 herds reported that on cows refers to a decision taken to remove an

Table 3.2. Summary of reasons for dairy heifers in 19 herds failing to reach
first calving (after Brickell et al., 2008).

Heifers born alive but failing to

calve for the first time (%)

Stage Description Mean Range among herds

Perinatal Stillbirth and mortality 7.9 2.7–14.3

<24 h (all calves; n = 1097)
Neonatal Died 24 h to 28 days 3.4 0–12.1
(heifers only; n = 494)
Calves Died or culled between 3.4 0–28.6
1 and 6 months (heifers
only; n = 506)
Heifers Died or culled between 3.5 0–18.5
6 months and start of
breeding (heifers only;
n = 489)
Heifers Died or culled between 4.2 0–21.1
breeding and calving
(heifers only; n = 450)
Overall Total heifers born live 14.5 0–28.6
that failed to calve
for first time
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 39

otherwise healthy cow from the herd and (for example, age and low milk yield)
replace her with another cow (referred to as accounted for only 11.3% of all disposals
‘voluntary culling’), or to remove an unhealthy/ from the adult herd (Esslemont and
diseased cow and replace her with another Kossaibati, 1997). A study of 45,220 cows in
cow (referred to as ‘involuntary culling’). We 340 dairy herds in the UK reported an aver-
include on-farm deaths as involuntary culls. age total culling rate of 22%, comprising
A high culling rate will result in increased infertility (5.6% of all cows), mastitis (3.6%
replacement costs and will have an impact on of all cows) and poor milk yield (2.0% of all
other areas (for example, herds with high cull- cows) (Whitaker et al., 2000) – not a dis-
ing due to Mycobacterium avium paratuber- similar pattern to that from a UK study of 80
culosis may be forced to keep cows that have herds in East Anglia nearly 30 years ago
problems with chronic mastitis or lameness (Young et al., 1983). Mortality and culling
that would normally be eligible to be culled). patterns were investigated in Pennsylvanian
In contrast, herds that cull too few cows may dairy herds, for ‘high’ and ‘low’ culling rate
struggle to increase milk production and over- herds, and it was reported that high culling
all genetic merit. In reality, culling rates usu- rate herds (>8% mortality in one year and
ally exceed an optimum level of around >12% culling in the first 60 days in milk)
15–20% (depending on the economic situa- produced more milk in lactations 1 and 2
tion) and thus can often be improved. A cru- but less in later lactations, resulting in a loss
cial area for monitoring herd health is the of production and increased replacement
herd culling rate and pattern (which should costs (Dechow and Goodling, 2008). Another
include reasons for voluntary and involuntary recent, large US study that evaluated >3.5
culling). A range of culling rates including on- million lactation records between 2001 and
farm deaths has been reported, and examples 2006, in more than 2000 dairy herds,
are summarized in Table 3.3. reported reasons for culling (Pinedo et al.,
The ratio of voluntary to involuntary 2010). The most common reason was ‘died’
culls will vary between herds and farms; for (20.6% of all culls), followed by ‘reproduc-
example. a recent study in a single herd in tion’ (17.7%), ‘injury/other’ (14.3%) and
Scotland using 3498 lactations over 18 years ‘low production’ and ‘mastitis’ (both 12.1%).
showed that 68% of all culls were involun- A large French study between 2005 and
tary and that the main risk factors identified 2006, on >3.5 million cow-years, identified
for these involuntary culls were abortion, an annual average cow mortality rate of
assisted calving and mastitis (Bell et al., 3.8% (Raboisson et al., 2011).
2010). The ratio of voluntary to involuntary Stage of lactation influences the risk of
culls was more extreme in a UK study of 50 culling. A large-scale US study (2.3 million
herds 20 years ago, where voluntary culling lactation records from 727 herds between

Table 3.3. Published mean annual culling rates in dairy herds.

Mean annual culling rate

Reference (% including death) Number of herds

Caraviello et al., 2006 34.0 103

De Vries et al., 2010 32.0 727
Dechow and Goodling, 2008 27.7 2574
Esslemont, 1992 23.1 91
Esslemont and Kossaibati, 1997 23.8 50
Hadley et al., 2006 31.6a 6264b
Pinedo et al., 2010 25.1 2054
Whitaker et al., 2000 22.1 340
Average culling rate for 10 states, 1993–1999. b Number of herds available for analysis in
1995 – a greater number of herds were used in subsequent years of the analysis.
40 J. Breen et al.

2001 and 2006) reported that the risk of between herds. In this section, we outline
culling peaked approximately 30 days after the losses associated with culling.
calving (but was much earlier for 1st-
lactation heifers at around 10 days after Value of a cull cow
calving) and increased with more difficult
calvings, the birth of male or twin calves, The value of a cull cow is dependent on car-
being in a herd with shorter days to first cass quality and current market value. The
insemination or being in a herd with longer value may be quoted per kilogramme of live
days to conception (De Vries et al., 2010). weight or deadweight. For example, a 700 kg
A survival analysis conducted on >3500 Holstein-Friesian cow, at a market price of 108
cows in 47 French herds concluded that pence/kg live weight will be worth approxi-
mastitis before peak lactation, teat injuries, mately £750. The value of culled cows can be
non-traumatic udder disorders, metritis or obtained directly from farm financial records.
early abortion were all associated with a
premature exit (Beaudeau et al., 1995). Cost of a replacement heifer
Culling of cows in early lactation is gen- The cost of a replacement heifer is more dif-
erally avoided because of the potential for ficult to calculate and will vary depending
yield and profit during the remainder of lac- on whether replacements are home-reared,
tation. As a consequence of this, increased contract-reared or bought-in. Replacement
culling rates in early lactation (for example, costs should be evaluated for the individual
in the first 60 days) can be used as a possible herd rather than assigning an average value.
indicator of poor cow health. In a large-scale The costs associated with rearing replace-
review of 1.5 million whole lactation records ment heifers are affected by the cost of keep-
from herds in the US, 42% of all cattle that ing and feeding to first calving, the cost of
died did so in the first 60 days of lactation disease and differences in the age at first
(Hadley et al.. 2006); in a separate study, calving. A US study reported that the aver-
26.2% of all culls occurred between 21 days age rearing costs for a 100-cow dairy herd
prior to and 60 days post-calving, with 52% were more than US$30,000 and that a reduc-
of all cow mortality occurring in this time tion in the herd culling rate from 25 to 20%
period (Dechow and Goodling, 2008). caused these rearing costs to fall by nearly
Monitoring of mortality and culling rates in 25% (Tozer and Heinrichs, 2001). A sample
the first 60 days should be viewed with cau- breakdown of costs for a heifer calving at
tion, because under-reporting is not uncom- 25 months of age on a medium input system
mon and we consider the monitoring of in the UK is shown in Table 3.4.
culling rates in later sections of this chapter.
Cost of a cull cow

Using the example values in the sections

Financial costs associated with culling
above, the cost of a cull would be estimated
of cows
as £750 (cull cow price) – £1165.60 (replace-
ment heifer cost) = £415.60.
The cost associated with the culling of a
cow can be calculated from the income for
the culled animal minus the cost of the Welfare considerations of youngstock rearing
replacement. The losses associated with a
cull will generally be increased if culling is The health and well-being of young animals
the result of a disease that reduces live is of the utmost importance, and for dairy
weight (e.g. Johne’s disease) or is a result of calves the most common health issues arise
disease/injury such that the animal does not from enteric and respiratory disease. These
enter the food chain. The overall cost of can lead to a severe compromise of welfare
culling is therefore highly dependent on the and their prevention is discussed in detail
reasons for culling and varies greatly later in the chapter. We also emphasize the
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 41

Table 3.4. Example of a heifer rearing cost calculation (with additional detail provided for the first
12 weeks: source, DairyCo heifer rearing cost calculator, Such a calculation
would be conducted for individual farms to estimate the costs associated with culling and replacing an
adult cow.

Notes Unit cost (£)

Initial value of the calf 250.00

Birth to 12 weeks old
Milk powder (@ £1500/t) Calf requires ~5 l/day fed at ~10% concentration 34.50
(colostrum for first
3 days); total fed 23 kg (weaned @ 7 weeks)
Calf starter mix (@ £230/t) Fed from 3 days of age; average 0.75 kg/day until weaning; 27.60
2.5 kg/day until 12 weeks; total amount fed 120 kg
Barley straw (£80/t) Feeding and bedding; assume 100 kg/calf until 12 weeks 8.00
Vet. and medical spend May be increased with other treatments 8.00
(e.g. vaccination)
Other (e.g. water heating — 10.00
for milk)
Mortality rate Most calf deaths neonatal/first week of life: 4% mortality 10.00
rate and £250 calf value
Labour (@ £10/h) Includes feeding, bedding and cleaning out: 3.5 h/calf until 50.00
weaning for twice-daily bucket feeding; 1.5 h/calf until 12
Total cost (birth to 398.10
12 weeks of age)
12 weeks to 7 months Includes grass silage, concentrate, bedding straw, vet./
medical (e.g. lungworm vaccine) and labour
Total cost (to 7 months) 531.60
7–14 months Includes grazing (land opportunity cost), fertilizer
applications, vet./medical (e.g. anthelmintics) and labour
Total cost (to 14 months) 676.22
14–19 months Includes grass silage ad lib., wheat straw bedding, vet./medical
(e.g. anthelmintics at housing), artificial insemination
(@ £18 per straw; assume 55% pregnancy rate) and labour
Total cost (to 19 months) 977.44
19–25 months Includes grazing (land opportunity cost), fertilizer
applications, vet./medical
(e.g. anthelmintics) and labour
Total cost (to 25 months) 1165.60

following areas that are common causes of • lack of fresh and clean water; and
concern in relation to calf welfare. • infestation with parasites, for example
lice (Linognathus vituli; Bovicola bovis)
• inadequate provision of colostrum; and mites (Chorioptes spp. and
• inadequate housing or management to Sarcoptes spp.).
allow expression of normal behaviours,
such as suckling, grooming and exercise; It is now common for national organi-
• inadequate provision of shelter, for zations to produce laws, codes or recom-
example exposure to draughts; mendations for cattle welfare that include
• inadequate routines that prevent suffi- youngstock. Examples in the UK include
cient rest and sleep; The Welfare of Farmed Animals (England)
• lack of dietary iron or fibre; Regulations 2000 (SI 2000 No. 1870), the
42 J. Breen et al.

DEFRA code of recommendations for all cows by using a hydrometer (colostrometer).

the welfare of livestock (cattle) 2003, and A hydrometer can be used to assess the level of
the Assured Dairy Scheme. It is essential IgG in colostrum through measurement of spe-
that codes relevant to an individual farm cific gravity. There is a curvilinear relationship
situation are adhered to. between specific gravity and IgG that is tem-
perature dependent, and levels of fat and non-
immunoglobulin proteins may also affect the
specific gravity. Approximately 750 ml of colos-
Monitoring Youngstock Health trum should be used to obtain a reading using a
standard measuring cylinder; the colostrum
The variability in herd performance should be at room temperature (20°C) and only
described in the earlier sections of this colostrum in which the density meter floats to
chapter demonstrates why the monitoring the marked ‘green’ area (i.e. a specific gravity
of youngstock health and performance is an reading of 1.035–1.075) should be used to feed
important component of a herd health pro- calves.
gramme. In this section, we present meth-
ods for measuring and monitoring the
performance of heifer calves from birth until
passive transfer (PT) can be defined as a calf
first lactation. We have split monitoring into
that has attained a serum level of greater
four sections: the neonatal period, pre-
than 10 mg IgG/ml serum by 48 h of age.
weaning, post-weaning and first lactation.
Serum IgG levels provide a reasonable pre-
Targets for the monitored indices are pre-
diction of the probability of survival when
sented in the next section.
used on a group basis. Optimal measure-
ment accuracy is obtained if a test for serum
IgG is performed within the first week of life
Monitoring the neonatal period (and ideally between 24 and 48 h of age),
(including calving) because after 8 days of age, calves can syn-
thesize significant amounts of IgG. Several
The indices recommended to monitor neo- different methods of measuring the success
natal calf health are focused primarily on of PT are summarized in Box 3.2, the most
colostrum management and survival rates common being the zinc sulfate turbidity
in the first 24 h of life. (ZST) test. The test is carried out by taking a
jugular venous blood sample from recently
born calves and following the steps outlined
Perinatal calf mortality and disease in Box 3.3. This can be used for all heifer
Accurate health records are required for all calves born, but a randomly selected group
heifer calves, including those that do not of 6–10 calves sampled each month is rec-
survive beyond the first 24 h. For the assess- ommended as an achievable, practical
ment of PCM, the denominator population compromise.
is all calves that are born to cows calved
>260 days gestation. Perinatal calf mortality
is usefully expressed as a monthly inci- Monitoring the pre-weaning period
dence rate (number of cases per cow calving
per month). Monthly incidence rates for The indices recommended for pre-weaning
dystocia and calf disease within the first health monitoring are focused primarily on
24 h of life should also be evaluated. disease incidence, mortality and growth
rates. Additional information regarding sea-
Colostrum sonality, type of housing, stocking densities,
post-mortem results and calf management
COLOSTRUM QUALITY. Colostrum quality should should also be collated (McGuirk, 2008; see
be measured at the first or second milking from later section on disease control).
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 43

Box 3.2. Methods of assessing passive transfer of immunity in the calf.

• Zinc sulfate turbidity (ZST) test: there is good correlation between total serum immunoglobulin and
ZST, although both specificity and sensitivity alter with the concentration of the test solution; see Box
3.3 (the sodium sulfite precipitation method is similar to ZST).
• Refractometer: this measures total plasma protein. The test may give false-positive values if a calf is
· g-glutamyl transferase (GGT): this can be used indirectly to assess PT because the level in colostrum is
~300 times that of the dam’s serum and it is absorbed across the neonatal calf’s small intestine in the
first 24–30 h of life.
• Radial immuno-diffusion assay (RID): this is considered to be the gold standard for measurement of
serum levels of immunoglobulin.

Box 3.3. Outline of the zinc sulfate turbidity test.

The solutions required for the test are:

1. Zinc sulfate solution (ZnSO4.7H2O) at a concentration of 208 mg/1000 ml distilled water.
2. A barium chloride standard solution (BaCl2.2H2O) at a concentration of 1.15 g/100 ml distilled water
(standard BaCl2 is included to check that all the reagents are working).
3. A solution of 0.2N H2SO4 (used in the standard solution).
The test requires a colorimeter with a blue-green filter or spectrophotometer, which is read at 550 nm.
Conducting the test:
1. For each calf, mix 2 ml of distilled water with 50 ml of serum in one tube and 2 ml of the ZnSO4 solu-
tion with another 50 ml of serum in another tube. These quantities may need to be adjusted on a pro rata
basis depending on the size of the cuvettes in a particular spectrophotometer.
2. Leave the samples at room temperature for 30 min.
3. Meanwhile, make up the reference BaCl2 standard by adding 200 ml of the BaCl2 to 1.8 ml of the
4. To read the first calf sample:
a. Blank the colorimeter/spectrophotometer with the distilled water and serum mixture.
b. Read the BaCl2 standard sample. This value (an opacity reading) will equate to approximately 25
ZST units; calculate the conversion factor required for the serum samples by dividing 25 by the
opacity reading. For example, if the spectrophotometer reading was 2, the conversion factor
required would be 25/2 = 12.5.
c. Read the value of the ZnSO4 sample and multiply by the calculated factor above to convert to ZST
d. Read the next calf ZnSO4 sample; multiply all readings of serum samples by the same conversion
5. A positive and negative control can be used for each farm by using a sample of adult cow serum and
neonatal (pre-colostrum) calf serum, respectively.

Pre-weaning mortality Disease incidence rates including

omphalophlebitis, diarrhoea and pneumonia
This should include deaths from 24 h of age
until weaning, and is expressed as a proportion Calculating disease incidence is of great
or percentage of all calves born. We recommend importance, but is difficult if disease record-
reviewing these data 1–3 monthly depending ing is poor. A first step is often to ensure
on herd size. accurate and consistent reporting of all
44 J. Breen et al.

treatments and especially those for navel ill, as a percentage of all calves weaned. We
calf diarrhoea and bovine respiratory dis- recommend reviewing these data 1–3
ease. The incidence rate of each disease (the monthly depending on herd size.
number of events per week or per month,
depending on herd size, divided by the Incidence rate of pneumonia
calves at risk) should be calculated, and we
recommend reviewing these data 1–3 Bovine respiratory disease treatments
monthly depending on herd size. should be carefully recorded to allow moni-
toring. The incidence rate of disease is cal-
Growth rate culated as the total number of treatment
events per animal at risk, in a specified time
This is perhaps the most important param-
period. We recommend reviewing these
eter to monitor during the pre-weaning
data 1–3 monthly depending on herd size.
period as it reflects the overall outcome of
management and husbandry. We recom-
mend using heart girth measurements Growth rate
(measuring tapes to convert girth to kg live
Measuring and monitoring growth rate post-
weight) and suggest that all calves are meas-
weaning is vital to ensure heifers are per-
ured after birth, at least monthly through
forming well throughout the growth phase.
the pre-weaning period and at weaning. An
Body weight change can be measured by
average daily gain is calculated from serial
either weighing scale or heart girth tape.
girth measurements.
Measurements should be made at least
Calf environment monthly on several animals in a group to
provide an estimate of the overall group
Monitoring calf husbandry should include performance. Ideally all animals should be
assessment of housing (space, hygiene and measured at least twice yearly and a daily
ventilation), slurry management, isolation live weight gain calculated. Body condition
facilities and the hygiene associated with scoring should also be performed in older
feeding. We recommend these are evaluated heifers (see Chapter 8).
and discussed on a monthly basis. The
number of calves, the amount of space avail-
Monitoring anthelmintic efficacy
able (e.g. number of individual pens/
hutches, bedded area available), a subjec- This should be undertaken following treat-
tive assessment of bedding quality and ment in the first season by performing a fae-
availability and cleanliness of the feeding cal egg count reduction test (FECRT). This
and loafing area are all useful. Temperature allows for early detection of reduced effi-
and humidity can be assessed using digital cacy and potential increased selection pres-
meters and air flow checked if required sure; the FECRT is outlined in Box 3.4.
using a smoke bomb.
Exposure to parasitic disease

Monitoring the post-weaning period This is an important item to monitor because

clinical signs of parasitic infestation may go
The indices recommended to monitor health unnoticed and infestation can have a sub-
in the post-weaning period and prior to stantial impact on health. Monitoring can
calving are described below. consist of worm egg counts (WECs), serum
pepsinogen estimation and bulk milk
Post-weaning mortality antibody testing (this occurs in the adult
milking herd but can provide information
This is calculated as the proportion or per- on the likely challenge to replacement
centage of calves that die between weaning stock). Key features of these options are out-
and first calving, and is usually expressed lined in Box 3.5.
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 45

Box 3.4. The faecal egg count reduction test (after Coles, 2003).

• A group of 10 heifers is weighed and ear tag numbers recorded. Faecal samples are obtained prior to
an accurate dose of anthelmintic being administered to each heifer using a calibrated dosing gun.
• Faecal samples are collected again following treatment (7 days after levamisole/morantel; 8–10 days
following benzimidazole; 14–18 days after a macrocyclic lactone product).
• A modified McMaster method can be used for the faecal egg count; however, the development of a
new multivalent, more precise method (FLOTAC) allows for improved monitoring and is accurate to
1 egg/g (Cringoli et al., 2010).

Box 3.5. Outline of laboratory methods used to assess exposure to endoparasites during the
post-weaning period.

• Monitoring faecal WEC is a simple and inexpensive method to quantify exposure of growing dairy
heifers to nematode parasites. The McMaster technique allows estimation of the number of eggs/g of
faeces and has a sensitivity of <50 eggs/g in cattle (MAFF, 1986). We recommend composite sampling
from each group of heifers midway through the first (and second) season at pasture to decide whether
treatment is required for the group. If a composite sample returns a WEC of <100 eggs/g and weight
gains are as expected, then treatment should be delayed (Coles et al.. 2010).
• Serum pepsinogen levels, measured at housing, may be used to identify nulliparous cows from the
current season that have experienced minimal exposure (potential immunity issues) or too high an
infection level (insufficient control), and also to inform parasite control measures in the following
year. A Belgian study of 41 groups of first-season grazing animals across 15 herds exposed to
gastrointestinal nematodes (Dorny et al., 1999) found serum pepsinogen levels gave a clearer divi-
sion between treated nulliparous cows (<2.6 units of tyrosine) and untreated nulliparous cows
(2.0–4.1 units of tyrosine for subclinical infections and 3.7–6.3 for clinical infections), when com-
pared with WEC, pasture larval count and weight gain. Another recent study found more variation
in serum pepsinogen levels between herds than between animals, highlighting the usefulness of
the test at the herd level, and reported a sample size of seven nulliparous cows as sufficient to
estimate the mean serum pepsinogen level of a group of up to 40 animals with an error of 0.5 units
of tyrosine (Charlier et al., 2011). The same study used herd mean serum pepsinogen results along-
side length of pasture season and worming strategy to advise on chemoprophylaxis for the follow-
ing season. Using this approach, in 39% of the 82 herds followed, reducing the intensity of
chemoprophylaxis resulting in more targeted use of anthelmintics was advised. In summary, we
would recommend sampling seven nulliparous cows at the end of the first grazing season to esti-
mate a mean serum pepsinogen level for the nulliparous cow group and follow the strategy out-
lined in Fig. 3.1.
• The bulk milk Ostertagia ostertagi (MOO) test is used to monitor levels of parasitic infection in a dairy
herd by determination of antibodies to O. ostertagi. Significant negative relationships have been
reported between milk production and bulk milk antibody levels to O. ostertagi in Canada (Sanchez
and Dohoo, 2002) and Belgium (Charlier et al., 2005). While this has resulted in many studies that
have investigated the effects of whole-herd anthelmintic treatment on milk production (see Gross et al.,
1999), a MOO test at the end of the grazing season in the adult herd may aid with planning worming
strategies for replacement cows in the next season. For example, a test with a low antibody value at
the end of the grazing season in the adult herd may indicate that exposure for first-season grazing
animals in that year was not sufficiently large to ensure adequate immunity going into the second
season (e.g. a dry summer). It may therefore be prudent to consider a MOO ELISA test result as a lead-
in to serum pepsinogen testing as outlined above.
46 J. Breen et al.

Fertility performance • pregnancy rate: proportion of services

resulting in a pregnancy (see Fig. 3.3); and
Fertility performance in heifer replacements • age at first calving.
should be monitored in a similar way to
adult cows (see Chapter 4), but with a focus
on the following indices. Monitoring first calving and lactation
• age at first service (including the distri-
bution of ages within heifer cohorts First-lactation heifers are an important
born at different times, see Fig. 3.2); cohort to monitor. The indices used should
• service rate: proportion of eligible heifers include (i) age at first calving (AFC); (ii)
served in each available 21-day period; dystocia and mortality rate at first calving;

Mean pepsinogen
<1.2 units of Extend pasture season and/or reduce
tyrosine chemoprophylaxis as appropriate

Mean pepsinogen
1.2–3.5 units of No changes are recommended

Mean pepsinogen
Reduce pasture season and/or install or increase
>3.5 units of
chemoprophylaxis as appropriate

Fig. 3.1. Outline of a strategy to incorporate serum pepsinogen testing in a group of seven nulliparous cows
(see Box 3.5) to inform a farm policy on prevention of gastrointestinal nematodes (from Charlier et al. 2011).

Heifers (n)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Age (months)

Fig. 3.2. Distribution of services by age in months for a group of nulliparous and a group of first-lactation
cows. The number of heifer services (y-axis) is plotted by month since birth (x-axis); some heifers are still
being served at 18 months in this herd example.
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 47

16 60
15 55

Average frequency rate (%)

13 50
12 45
11 40
Services (n)

9 35
8 30
7 25
5 20
4 15
3 10
1 5
0 0
Pregnancy –ve Pregnancy +ve Rolling 3-month Av. pregnancy rate

Fig. 3.3. A pregnancy rate plot for nulliparous heifers in a sample herd. The x-axis shows an 18-month
period of service data for nulliparous animals; in each month the number of services resulting in a
pregnancy and the number not resulting in a pregnancy are shown. For example, in April
2011 a total of 27 nulliparous heifers were served, 16 resulting in a pregnancy and 11 not, giving a
pregnancy rate for the month of 16/27 = 59%, and the rolling 3-month average pregnancy rate
reached 55%.

(iii) first milk recording test-day parameters can be further categorized by degree of
(for example, proportion with a somatic cell assistance, after agreeing definitions with
count >200,000 cells/ml, see Chapter 5); (iv) farm staff (simple scales are recommended
mean daily yield in the first lactation; (v) such as calved alone, slight assistance,
the proportion that are culled involuntarily great assistance). Mortality at first calving
(and reason for the involuntary cull); (vi) should include all deaths and involuntary
the proportion detected with clinical masti- culls at or within seven days of calving.
tis within the first 30 days of lactation; and
(vii) the proportion of heifers with a mobil-
ity score of 2 or 3 during the first lactation. Incidence rates of metabolic
Monitoring heifers at this stage incorporates and infectious disease
the concepts described in later chapters on
These should be monitored at least every
health and nutrition.
three months during the first lactation and
should include the monthly incidence rate
Age at first calving of retained fetal membranes, endometritis,
lameness, mastitis and abomasal disease.
The median, mean and range for AFC should Monitoring of these conditions is described
be monitored for each group of heifers that in detail in subsequent chapters covering
calve into the herd. An example is shown in mastitis, fertility and nutrition.
Fig. 3.4.

Dystocia and mortality at first calving

Monitoring culling in the adult herd
Dystocia and deaths at first calving should
be monitored and can be expressed as either It is essential that cows culled from a herd
monthly or yearly incidence rates. Dystocia are recorded, and this should include reasons
48 J. Breen et al.


Heifers (n)


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
Age (months)

Fig. 3.4. Distribution of first calvings by age in months. The number of first calvings (y-axis) is plotted
against months since birth (x-axis); despite a high number of calvings at 24 months, the distribution is highly
right-skewed with some first calvings at >30 months in this herd example.

for culling and the stage of lactation at which health problems. Analysis of culling rates in
culling occurs. Recommended analyses that cows of different parity is useful to identify
provide useful information for a herd health specific problems, particularly in parity-
programme are described below. one cows. A cumulative survival plot of
time until culling for all cows, starting
Incidence rate of all culls either from birth or from first calving, pro-
vides an excellent picture of herd longevity
The incidence rate of all culls (voluntary and highlights periods of increased risk of
and involuntary, including deaths) should culling for further investigation (Fig. 3.5).
be reviewed every 1–3 months, depending
on herd size. The reasons for culling (e.g.
mastitis, lameness, poor milk yield,
increased somatic cell count) should be
Targets for Youngstock Rearing
reviewed and particular note made of the and Dairy Cow Culling
rate at which cows die or are destroyed on
the farm (as an indicator of severe disease Setting achievable targets for the indices
and injury). Fertility culls are also of par- discussed in the previous section is not
ticular importance and are discussed in straightforward; targets should be ‘SMART’
Chapter 4. (farm-specific, measurable, attainable, real-
istic and time-based) and therefore these
Incidence of culling by will need adjusting for individual herds
stage of lactation and parity over time. We outline below recommenda-
tions for targets for monitoring of replace-
In addition to the overall rate of culling, the ment heifers and culled cows.
stage of lactation at which culling occurs
should be monitored. For example, an
increased rate of culling shortly after calv-
ing suggests an increased incidence of peri- Targets for the neonatal period
parturient disease. Monitoring of culling (including calving)
and mortality rates in the first 30 and 60
days of lactation is helpful to identify Recommended targets for the neonatal
involuntary exits, again suggestive of herd period are summarized in Table 3.5.
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 49

Targets for the pre-weaning period Targets for first calving

Recommended targets for the pre-weaning Recommended targets for monitoring health
period are summarized in Table 3.6. and performance at first calving are summa-
rized in Table 3.8.

Targets for the post-weaning period Targets for monitoring culled cows

Recommended targets for the post-weaning Recommended targets for monitoring the cull-
period are summarized in Table 3.7. ing of adult cows are summarized in Table 3.9.

Table 3.5. Outline of targets for monitoring the neonatal period.

Herd monitor Target Comment

Stillbirth (%) <2 Born dead (lungs not inflated)

Perinatal calf mortality (%) <5 Losses in first 24 h (of calves
born live)
Assessment of passive transfer
Colostrum quality (hydrometer; >1.05 Do not use for calves if <1.035
specific gravity)
ZST (ZST units) >15 Calves within the first week of life
Refractometer (g/l) >65
Serum GGT (iu/l) >75
Radial immunodiffusion assay >1000 IgG
(RID; mg/dl) >80 IgM
>22 IgA
Values are for calves at >48 h old
Proportion of calves with serum <15
IgG <10g/l (%)

Table 3.6. Outline of targets for monitoring the pre-weaning period.

Herd monitor Target Comments

Mortality rate (%) <2–5 From 24 h old to weaning

Incidence rate of navel ill <0.05 cases per calf during
the rearing period
Incidence rate of neonatal <0.08 cases per calf during
diarrhoea the rearing period
Incidence rate of respiratory <0.05 cases per calf during
disease the rearing period
Growth rate (g/day) >750 Holstein-Friesian
Age at weaning (weeks) 6–8 Dependent on feed and
Weight at weaning (kg) >70 Holstein-Friesian
Chest circumference at 90 Holstein-Friesian calving
weaning (cm) at 24 months
Approximate airspace (m3/calf) >6 Depends on ventilation
Approximate floor area (m2) >3 Depends on ventilation
Relative humidity (%) 50–80 Meter to assess
Ventilation >4 changes per hour See later sections
50 J. Breen et al.

Table 3.7. Outline of targets for monitoring the post-weaning period.

Herd monitor Target Comment

Mortality (%) <2 From weaning to calving

Incidence rate of <0.05 cases/calf during
respiratory disease the rearing period
Growth rate (g/day)a >800 Holstein-Friesian
Age at 1st heat (months) <12
Weight at 1st heat (kg)a >275 Holstein-Friesian
Age at service (months)a 15–16
Weight at service (kg)a >360 Should be 60% of mature body size
Chest circumference >160 Holstein-Friesian
at service (cm)a
Height at withers at >125 Holstein-Friesian
service (cm)a
Pregnancy rate to >50 Possible 10% reduction if sex-
first service (%) sorted semen is used
Faecal WECb (eggs/g) <100 Dependent on stage of the season;
pooled sample
Serum pepsinogen 1.2– 3.5 See text
(units of tyrosinec)
Target body measurements for heifers calving at 24 months based on 60% adult weight at service, 80% adult weight at
calving (Kertz et al., 1998; Brickell et al., 2009). b Worm egg counts – see text.

Table 3.8. Outline of targets for monitoring the first calving and first lactation.

Herd monitor Target Comment

Age at 1st calving (months) 24–26

Weight at 1st calving (kg) >500 Holstein-Friesian (or 80% of mature weight)
Chest circumference at calving (cm)1 >200 Holstein-Friesian
Height at withers at calving (cm)a >130 Holstein-Friesian
Mean BCSb at 1st calving 2.5–3.0
Assistance at 1st calving (%) <20
Cow mortality at 1st calving (%) <2
Affected by RFM (%)c <5
Affected by endometritis (%) <10 See Chapter 4
Affected by abomasal disease (%) <5 See Chapter 8
Affected by clinical mastitis in <1 in 12 First case in first 30 days of lactation – see
early lactation Chapter 5
Heifers with SCCd >200,000 cells/ml <10 See Chapter 5
on 1st test day recording (%)
Target body measurements for heifers calving at 24 months based on 60% adult weight at service, 80% adult weight at
calving (Kertz et al., 1998; Brickell et al., 2009) b Body condition score. c Retained fetal membranes. d Somatic cell count.

A graphical illustration of cow longevity results of detailed health monitoring.

in two dairy herds is shown in Fig. 3.5. A holistic approach is essential to address
the multifactorial nature of the common
diseases. We therefore present in this
Disease Control in the Rearing Period section a route for the herd health practi-
tioner to evaluate problems and implement
The general aim of disease control during preventive strategies. We divide the
the rearing period is to implement evidence- description of different age groups into
based, practical strategies, informed by the feeding, management of the environment,
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 51

Table 3.9. Outline of targets for monitoring culling in the adult dairy herd.

Herd monitor Target Comment

Percentage of cows culled (after the 15–22 Includes voluntary and involuntary culling
first calving) per annum. This should (including deaths). The target could be
be evaluated on a 1–3 monthly basis higher than this if the cost of replacing
(depending on herd size) and include adult cows is low. The target could be
an assessment of reasons for culling. lower than this if a herd is undergoing
If any single reason exceeds 30% of expansion.
all involuntary culls, further investiga-
tion is warranted.
Deaths (after the first calving) per ≤2 Includes cows destroyed on the farm as
annum (%) casualties
Culling by parity
Culled in 1st lactation (%) ≤ 10
Culled in 2nd lactation (%) ≤ 5–10
Culled in 3rd lactation (%) ≤ 5–10
Culling by stage of lactation
Culled <60 days in milk (%) ≤3
Mortality <60 days in milk (%) ≤ 1–2



Number of cows










































Fig. 3.5. Graphical illustration of longevity in two dairy herds, for 150 cows that reached first calving. In one
herd (dashed line) the culling rate in parities one, two and three was 10%, in parity four was 20% and in later
parities was 40%. In contrast, in the second herd (solid line), the culling rate in parities one and two was 30%,
in parities three and four was 20% and in later parities was 40%. The shape of the curves allows visualization
of culling rates at different life stages and could be compared with a curve that defines a herd target.

general husbandry and relevant preventive areas that are related to health and to
medicine. However, we stress that we do describe the major principles important
not intend to describe all possible systems for all systems in terms of youngstock
of youngstock rearing, but instead to consider health.
52 J. Breen et al.

Disease control in the neonatal period resuscitation of the newborn calf following
(including calving) dystocia are summarized in Boxes 3.6
and 3.7. Management of the cow and calf at
Management at calving calving time can be usefully demonstrated
during staff training and summarized in a
A structured approach to calving cows is standard operating procedure if required.
vital. If the rate of perinatal calf mortality is
above target, calving management should Feeding
be reviewed and discussed with farm staff.
Training staff on good calving management Ingestion of colostrum by calves in the first
(see paragraphs below on the environment) 24 h after birth is fundamental to neonatal
and the correct approach to a case of dysto- health, as it allows the passive transfer of
cia are important roles for the herd health immunity from dam to calf. Immunoglobulin
advisor. Suggested approaches to providing provides passive immunity both via absorp-
assistance at calving, umbilical care and tion into the bloodstream and also locally

Box 3.6. Management of calving assistance.

• Separate the cow and move to a calving pen (calving cows should be separated from herd-mates but
other animals should remain visible and audible).
• Disinfection of the perineum is recommended.
• Assistance during stage 1 of labour should be given if progress to stage 2 (cow becoming recumbent
and straining) does not occur within 4–8 h. A vaginal examination should be carried out to check for
torsion of the uterus.
• Assistance during stage 2 of labour should be given if regular and forceful straining is unproductive
(i.e. there is no emergence of the calf’s legs and muzzle through the vulva). Straining can last for
between 30 min and 4 h (heifers take longer), but unproductive straining for 1 h (cow) or 2 h (heifers)
should indicate that assistance is required.
• Assistance must be given if signs of reduced vigour become apparent in the calf.
• Calving ropes with manual traction are preferred to mechanical traction. If used, mechanical aids
should not forcibly remove the calf, rather they act to prevent retrograde movement of the calf when
the dam relaxes.
• Immediate veterinary attention should be sought if malpresentations cannot be corrected, progressive
movement of the calf cannot be achieved or the operator is faced with a situation they are unfamiliar
with or cannot resolve.
• The umbilical cord should be left to rupture spontaneously and a topical disinfectant applied; it is
recommended that tincture of iodine is used.

Box 3.7. Resuscitation of the newborn calf by farm staff (after Grove-White, 2000).

• Establish a clear airway by positioning the calf with the neck extended. Hanging the calf upside down
(for example, over a gate) may assist the removal of excess fluid from the airway but must be for a short
duration of time only, as the weight of the gut contents on the diaphragm will restrict breathing.
• A mask-type ventilator can be used by appropriately trained staff.
• Stimulant drugs such as doxapram and etamiphylline act to increase tidal volume via stimulation of
peripheral chemoreceptors (doxapram) or relax airway smooth muscle and increase heart rate (etami-
phylline). They can be dispensed for use on farm by appropriately trained staff.
• Other stimulants should be used with caution, such as using straw placed into the nares, cold water
shock, acupuncture (nasal philtrum) and thoracic massage.
• Request immediate veterinary attention if the calf fails to raise its head after 20 min or fails to stand
after 60 min.
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 53

within the intestinal lumen; IgG1 returns to Important constituents of bovine colostrum
the small intestinal lumen in high concen- are summarized in Box 3.8.
trations from the circulation and retains its Where a failure of passive transfer is
antigen-binding capacity. Adequate passive identified (see earlier section on monitoring),
transfer (PT) of immunity requires ingestion it is essential to assess and address the pos-
of 200 g of immunoglobulin, mainly IgG1, sible reasons for poor quality and inadequate
within 12–24 h of birth. The apparent effi- intake of colostrum (Tables 3.10 and 3.11).
ciency of absorption of IgG is 20–35%, and Identification of the possible cause(s) will
this declines with age with no further require a detailed assessment of the proto-
absorption taking place after 27–30 h. cols and procedures in place on the unit and

Box 3.8. Important constituents of bovine colostrum.

• a rich source of energy (carbohydrate and fat);

• protein, mainly casein;
• trypsin inhibitor;
• fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E;
• calcium;
• immunoglobulin present in colostrum is typically ~80% IgG1, with the remainder being made up of
approximately 7% IgM, 5% IgG2 and 5% IgA. These provide passive immunity both via absorption into
the bloodstream and also locally within the intestinal lumen;
• immune cells: >106 maternal immune cells including T and B lymphocytes, polymorphonucleocytes
(PMNs) and macrophages; these may be absorbed and be functional and probably have a role in the
development of the calf’s immune system;
• growth factors (e.g. IGF1 and IGF2, epidermal growth factor, nerve growth factor, etc.), although the
role these may play in stimulation and development of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs in
neonatal calves is unclear;
• hormones (e.g. insulin, cortisol, thyroxine); and
• other non-specific protective systems (e.g. lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, thiocyanate, cytokines).
Insulin-like growth factor.

Table 3.10. Factors affecting colostrum quality.

Factor Comments

Breed of dam Holsteins reported to have inferior IgG content compared with other
breeds (e.g. Muller and Ellinger, 1981)
Yield of dam Inversely correlated with immunoglobulin content (Guy et al., 1994;
Morin et al., 2010)
Parity of dam First-lactation cows have both lower volume and lower concentration
of immunoglobulin (Besser and Gay, 1994)
Length of dry period Negative correlation with colostrum quality if dry period ≤14 days and
slightly negatively correlated if dry period is excessively long
(Pritchett et al., 1991)
Pre-partum milking/leakage Reduces volume of colostrum and density of immunoglobulin
Poor body condition score Reduces volume of colostrum and also serum IgG content
at calving (Petrie, 1984)
Intercurrent disease in dam Reduces IgG content (e.g. liver fluke infestation)
Interval between calving Colostral IgG content declines by ~4% during each hour following
and first milking calving due to post-parturient secretion by mammary tissue (Morin
et al., 2010)
54 J. Breen et al.

Table 3.11. Factors affecting passive transfer of immunity to the neonatal calf.

Factor Comments

Timing and quantity A calf requires 100 g of immunoglobulin at both of the first two feeds; ideally
of the first two feeds the first feed should occur within 4 h of birth and the second within 12 h.
Depending on colostrum quality (see section on monitoring), this means
that ~2 l of colostrum are required at each of these feeds
Colostrum quality (see Box 3.8)
Size of udder and teat Low udders in older cows can reduce colostrum intake
Presence of dam This can improve efficiency of immunoglobulin absorption by up to 80%
compared with that when dam not present
Environment Field-born calves have been reported to have higher serum IgG levels
than calves born in confined calving boxes
Ambient temperature In extremes of hot and cold, IgG content in colostrum decreases,
neonates have lower volume intakes and IgG absorption is reduced
Dystocia or Caesarean These pose a higher risk of post-natal respiratory acidosis in the calf;
section such acidotic calves both consume significantly less colostrum and
also absorb significantly less IgG than normal calves (Besser et al.,
Maternal recumbency e.g. hypocalcaemia or musculoskeletal/nerve damage restrict and may
prevent colostrum intake altogether

an assessment of herd records to identify bacterial contamination. Fresh colostrum

trends (e.g. is the problem predominantly can be stored at 4°C for up to a week or fro-
one of calves born to heifers or at certain zen for prolonged storage with minimal deg-
times of year?). While this investigation takes radation of IgG over time. If the colostrum is
place, a suggested immediate action is to to be stored then it should be refrigerated/
supplement all calves with 150–200 g IgG by frozen in suitably sized aliquots (e.g. 2 or 4 l)
feeding 4 l of good-quality colostrum (mini- and not pooled. Mixing of colostrum is only
mum 50 g IgG/l) within 6–12 h of birth (along- of value if it is of known high IgG concentra-
side strict hygiene in the calf environment). tion, but since it carries a much higher risk
Providing colostrum by oesophageal tube of spread of disease, this not recommended.
can prove useful; in one study, only 10.8% of Identification of cows with good-quality
calves that were tube-fed colostrum were colostrum can be problematic in some high-
diagnosed with failure of passive transfer, yielding herds because poor-quality colos-
compared with 19.3% fed via a teat on a bot- trum may be produced by the majority of
tle and 61.4% that suckled their dams (Besser animals. In this situation options are to use
et al., 1991). beef cross cows to provide additional high-
Where the problem is one of poor colos- quality colostrum for storage (taking appro-
trum quality (a common issue in high- priate biosecurity measures when animals
yielding Holstein herds), colostrum can be are introduced) or to use artificial replacers.
replaced with stored/frozen colostrum from Commercial colostrum replacers and substi-
donor cows of known good immunoglobu- tutes are available, and their usefulness is
lin status. Best practice is to take the first determined by the quantity, specificity and
milking colostrum (milked out as soon after apparent efficiency of absorption of the IgG.
calving as possible) from second-parity cows The apparent absorption of colostrum replac-
of known disease status (e.g. negative for ers based on serum is equivalent to maternally
Johne’s Disease, BVD, Salmonella spp. and derived colostrum (20–35%), while that
enzootic bovine leukosis). Hygienic collec- based on colostrum/whey is lower (5–25%).
tion and storage is essential to minimize Colostrum supplements (defined as products
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 55

unable to raise blood IgG concentration housing them in well-bedded environments

above 10 mg/ml and typically containing less at a low stocking density; cleanliness can be
than 100 g IgG per dose) cannot replace monitored over time by routine hygiene
high-quality colostrum. Colostrum replacers scoring (see Chapter 5). While obviously
(defined as products able to raise blood IgG dirty cows (especially the udder and peri-
concentration to greater than 10 mg/ml, typi- neum) can be cleaned by hand as a short-
cally containing a minimum of 100 g IgG per term measure, ensuring transition cows are
dose along with fat, protein, vitamins and kept in clean environments is the key. The
minerals) can provide an effective and con- use of clean individual calving pens, com-
venient method of supplying adequate pas- pared with other calving accommodation,
sive immunity to calves, in the short term. has been shown to reduce the risk of both
Finally, the specificity of IgG can be an calf diarrhoea and pneumonia (Frank and
issue in some situations (i.e. immunoglobu- Kaneene, 1993; Svensson et al., 2003); ide-
lins do not provide protection against dis- ally the cow should not be moved into the
eases to which the calf is exposed). This can pen until just before she calves, to minimize
be a problem with colostrum replacers and contamination. If possible, cows should be
when nulliparous heifers are added late to a moved to the calving environment once
herd, having been reared in another loca- stage 2 of labour (commencement of calving,
tion, or when calves are reared in a separate regular and forceful straining) is under way.
unit to that where they were born. Calving pens should be cleaned out, disin-
fected (see Box 3.9) and provided with clean
Environment bedding after each calving.

After birth, the first time a calf is exposed to Preventive treatment

pathogens is in the calving environment;
the management of cows and the calving Vaccination of cows in the last trimester of
pen will impact upon this. Cows in transi- pregnancy can be useful in providing immu-
tion should be kept as clean as possible by noglobulins in colostrum specifically

Box 3.9. Spectrum of activity of various disinfectants.

Disinfection (the elimination of microorganisms that may cause disease) may be natural or artificial.
Natural disinfection includes sunlight, heat, cold and desiccation from fresh air and wind. Steam-
cleaning can provide an excellent means of disinfection if performed well, including removal of
coccidial oocysts. The major farm chemical disinfectants are listed below. All disinfection should be
preceded by cleaning of the area to remove organic matter, which may interfere with the disinfection
Quaternary ammonium compounds are cationic neutral detergents that are broad-spectrum (active
against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria), but are not active against bacterial spores, fungi
or viruses. They have a high residual activity but are inactivated in the presence of organic material.
Formalin (40% formaldehyde gas in water) is widely used as a disinfectant at 4–5% solution and is
bacteriocidal, virucidal and fungicidal as well as active against anthrax spores. It requires prolonged
contact time and warm temperatures to be optimally effective.
Oxidizing disinfectants such as peracetic acid and propionic acid are active against a wide range of
bacteria, spores, viruses and fungi at low concentrations.
Halogens such as chlorine are often used for cleaning milking equipment as they have a rapid action,
particularly when warm, and are effective against viruses. They are inactivated in the presence of organic
Iodine and iodophors have a broad bacteriocidal and fungicidal action and are also active against bacte-
rial spores, viruses and vegetative forms of bacteria.
Ammonia used as a 10% solution is effective against coccidial oocysts but has no other applications as
a disinfectant on the farm.
56 J. Breen et al.

against certain diseases (e.g. Escherichia coronavirus and E. coli F5 (K99) in colos-
coli K99, rotavirus, coronavirus clostridial trum and milk have been demonstrated for
diseases and Salmonella spp.). Enhancing at least 28 days in one UK study (Crouch
specific immunoglobulins in colostrum by et al., 2001). However, as described earlier,
this method is particularly useful for con- the feeding of mixed (pooled) colostrum is a
trol of calf diarrhoea. While vaccination significant risk for spread of infectious dis-
strategies of this type can be helpful, they ease (see Chapter 7) and thus should be
are not infallible because of (i) variations in used with caution and only when the dis-
the titre and duration of the specific anti- ease status of contributing cows is known.
body response that are achieved; (ii) the Saleable milk from the dairy herd is not
amount and timing of the antibody ingested often used to feed calves because of its mar-
by the calf; and (iii) the size and pathogenic- ket value. Feeding waste milk from adult
ity of the challenge faced by the neonate cows (i.e. milk discarded from cows cur-
(Crouch et al., 2001). Ultimately, vaccina- rently under antibiotic treatment, for exam-
tion cannot replace excellent hygiene and ple for mastitis) is not recommended
husbandry in the neonatal period. because of potential bacterial and antibiotic
Oral solutions of concentrated bovine contamination. Feeding low levels of antibi-
lactoserum containing specific immu- otics to calves is a particular concern
noglobulins against E. coli F5 adhesin (e.g. because of the potential to enhance selec-
Locatim Oral Solution; Vetoquinol UK, Ltd) tion of resistant bacterial strains, and we
can be considered in specific situations. strongly recommend this is avoided.
These may reduce mortality in calves when There are many systems for feeding
used in conjunction with colostrum, but not calves including bucket feeding (once or
as a substitute. We suggest that any require- twice daily), use of artificial teats and auto-
ment for supplementary treatments to aid matic machines. No method is always supe-
the reduction of neonatal calf diarrhoea is a rior, the success of each depending on the
cause for reviewing and monitoring ade- management routines involved. Important
quate passive transfer of immunity and principles to minimizing disease during the
hygienic management of the environment. pre-weaning period associated with feeding
management are set out in Box 3.10.

Disease control in the pre-weaning period Environment

Feeding Pathogens responsible for neonatal calf diar-

rhoea and calf pneumonia are generally
Calves can be fed colostrum, milk from the ubiquitous and may be present in healthy as
dairy herd or artificial milk replacer during well as diseased animals. The aim of envi-
the pre-weaning period, using a variety of ronmental management in this age group is
different feeding systems. The success or therefore not to eliminate all pathogens but
failure of any feeding method in terms of to maintain infection pressure at a suffi-
calf health depends on important underly- ciently low level, while providing shelter, a
ing principles, which we highlight below. suitable temperature and a comfortable lying
Continued feeding of colostrum during surface. There are a variety of management
the pre-weaning period allows prolonged systems and types of housing, including
enhancement of the immune system, with individual pens, grouped pens and hutches,
the presence of specific antibodies within all of which can be managed successfully, or
the gut lumen exerting a local protective otherwise. We highlight the key principles of
effect. Feeding colostrum from cows in the environmental management during the pre-
herd has the advantage of increased levels weaning period in Box 3.11. While a detailed
of protective antibodies to pathogens on the account of all ventilation systems is outside
farm, and may be boosted by the use of the scope of this book, we outline methods to
vaccination; antibodies against rotavirus, evaluate adequacy of air quality in Box 3.12.
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 57

Box 3.10. Principles of feeding management to minimize disease during the pre-weaning period.

• Continue to feed colostrum for first 3–4 days of life: in addition to the benefits of local immunity (see
main text), the immaturity of the pepsin digestive enzyme system in the abomasum (due to lack of
hydrochloric acid-secreting parietal cells) means that calves should continue to be fed on colostrum
(or moved on to whole milk) until 4 days old.
• Concentration of milk powder: this should be checked against the manufacturer’s recommendations
and the accuracy of mixing monitored. Most artificial replacers are mixed at a concentration of 125–
150 g/l, but can vary between products.
• Temperature: milk or milk replacer is best mixed at 45–50°C to be fed at ~42°C (although some
acidified milk replacers can be fed cold; follow the manufacturer’s instructions).
• pH: cold milk is acidified so it remains fresh for several days in ad lib feeding systems.
• Mixing: milk powder and water must be well mixed to avoid aggregation.
• Hygiene of equipment and utensils: equipment should be washed at least once daily and buckets after
every feed; use of the same buckets for each pen limits disease transmission between calves.
• Quantity fed: this is usually 10–12% bodyweight (l/day). For twice-daily feeding this equates to around
2.0 l per feed at birth up to 3.5 l per feed by 6 weeks of age. However, on ad lib (or regular feed) sys-
tems, calves are able to consume greater quantities (up to 20% bodyweight) and achieve greater growth
rates; limiting intakes prior to weaning may be required to encourage intake of concentrate feed.
• Height of feeders: teats/buckets must be positioned at a natural height (~0.6m from the floor) to mimic
udder position and ensure optimal closure of the oesophageal groove.
• Calm handling and a consistent feeding routine are essential – feeding should occur at the same time
every day.
• Care should be taken with feeding immediately after a stressful event (noise, travel, disbudding) – con-
sider a feed of electrolytes at this time.
• Avoid sudden changes of feed or ingredients. Increases in the amount fed (e.g. increasing the volume
of milk) should be done gradually over several days to allow the calf to adapt.
• Fresh, clean water should be available to calves at all times. This will stimulate calf starter ration intake,
weight gain and ruminal development.
• Transition to post-weaning ration: the calf should be consuming ~1 kg of starter daily (typically 12.5
MJ ME/kg DM, 18% crude protein). Offer good-quality forage; ensure no other stresses within two
weeks before or after weaning.

General husbandry
with separate staff (large units), separate
The consistency of husbandry routines over-clothes and boots (including for visi-
when feeding and managing the environ- tors) or good-quality washing and disinfec-
ment of pre-weaned replacement heifers is a tion facilities. At a very minimum, calf
vital aspect of husbandry. The herd health feeding and husbandry should be performed
advisor should work with farm staff to before any contact is made with older cattle
develop operating procedures for all routine or with sick calves. Equipment should be
tasks (e.g. feeding and disbudding) and washed at least once daily and ideally after
those for identification of sick animals. every feed. The use of numbered buckets
Animals should be individually inspected and pens, to limit the sharing of equipment
at least twice daily for signs of disease; a between animals, is recommended.
thermometer should always be available to The isolation of any high-risk or clini-
check the rectal temperature if a calf is cally infected calves, as soon as they are iden-
thought to be unwell. tified, is an essential component of the
Young calves are most at risk of acquir- management of infectious disease such as
ing disease from older cattle, either directly neonatal diarrhoea and respiratory disease.
or indirectly. Ideally, calf-rearing units The main reservoirs of infection are infected
should be separate biosecure units either animals: calves with diarrhoea shed pathogens
58 J. Breen et al.

Box 3.11. Aspects of environmental management during the pre-weaning period affecting calf health.

• Type of housing: from a disease management perspective, it is preferable to rear calves in individual pens
until 7–10 days of age. After this, calf hutches are the preferred form of calf housing because these are
easily cleaned and disinfected between groups and generally provide good air quality (see Box 3.12). If
calves are grouped in pens, we recommend group sizes of no greater than 4–6 calves.
• Space allowances: for calves housed individually, reducing the level of airborne bacteria means
increasing the area of the pen and a minimum of 3 m2 per calf is recommended. For calves in groups,
a volume of airspace of 6 m3 per calf is recommended. Stocking density has a large impact on air qual-
ity: a tenfold increase in ventilation has been found to be needed for a twofold increase in stocking
density (Wathes et al., 1983).
• Grouping of calves: calves should be grouped according to size and age group and an ‘all-in, all-out’
policy adopted to create a logical flow of animals from youngest to oldest through the housing system.
Mixing of calves from different sources and of different ages must be avoided. A maximum of 30 calves
in a single air space is recommended.
• Ventilation: See Box 3.12.
• Bedding and cleaning: the accommodation must provide a clean, dry, free-draining, comfortable bed (the
frequency of re-bedding required will depend on the type of housing and the bedding used); the amount of
bedding is sufficient when the calf’s legs are not visible when recumbent. The accommodation must be eas-
ily and regularly cleaned and disinfected (at least between each calf or group).
• Disinfection must be incorporated into a routine; it is suggested that a combination of surface cleaner,
disinfectant and steam-cleaning is most effective (see Box 3.9). A recommended procedure for routine
cleaning and disinfection of accommodation between batches of animals is:
° Remove all fittings and equipment and disinfect or sterilize in steam.
° Remove all bedding.
° Clean roof and structural supports.
° Clean walls and floors with pressure washer and detergent/disinfectant.
° Apply broad-spectrum disinfectant to all surfaces.
• Partitions: the presence of a solid panel between single-housed calves has been shown to reduce the
risk of respiratory disease, although this may interfere with the overall ventilation of the barn by block-
ing external wind forces and disturbance of the stack effect.
• Temperature: the lower critical temperature for neonatal calves is ~12°C. Older calves are able to remain
comfortable at low temperatures (down to zero; Wathes et al., 1983), provided they have deep straw beds
and are able to ‘nest’ in deep bedding. Increasing the amount of bedding is recommended over reducing
shed ventilation during the colder months, as long as direct draughts are excluded.

in huge numbers compared with clinically the environment alone, particularly in more
normal animals. intensive continuous rearing systems. The
Stressful events such as mixing of calves, use of chemotherapeutic agents therefore
dietary changes, removal of horn buds/super- becomes an option as part of disease control.
numary teats and vaccination should be kept Unfortunately, the research literature on the
to a minimum and, where they are necessary, benefits of using halfuginone lactate to con-
should not be carried out together. Disbudding trol Cryptosporidium is equivocal. A system-
should take place as early as practically pos- atic review on its prophylactic use concluded
sible while buds are still small. that treatment delays shedding and resulted
in a lower prevalence of oocysts in the first
Preventive treatments week of life, but a higher prevalence at three
weeks of age compared with untreated con-
Oocysts of Cryptosporidium and Eimeria trols (Silverlås et al., 2009). A second study
spp. are resistant to many commonly used demonstrated that it was effective at reduc-
farm disinfectants and their removal can be ing the clinical signs of cryptosporidiosis
difficult to achieve through management of and environmental contamination, although
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 59

Box 3.12. Practical assessment of ventilation and air quality in calf housing.

Indicators of poor ventilation, moisture management and/or air quality

• incidence rate of calf pneumonia above target (see monitoring and targets);
• smell – the air smells stale on entering the calf accommodation;
• poor cleanliness of the calves;
• presence of cobwebs in the roof area indicating lack of air movement;
• condensation and discoloration of roof panels caused by excessive water vapour production. This may
be higher in summer due to a reduced ability of calves to lose heat by radiation and an increased loss
of heat through respiration;
• excessive requirement for bedding in the calf accommodation to combat moisture; and
• temperature of the accommodation is too hot in summer months.

Assessment of ventilation, adequacy of air quality

• Check the size of the air ‘inlet’ and air ‘outlet’ areas and inlet sizes. The following figures are useful as
a general guide.
° The area of outlet required per animal housed is a function of bodyweight and floor area per animal,
and for pre-weaned calves is usually in the region of 0.03 m2. For 100 kg calves with 2 m2 of floor
space an outlet area of ~0.04 m2 is required. Later in the rearing period, 200 kg animals with 3 m2 of
floor space would require an outlet area per animal of ~0.06 m2.
° Inlet: the total inlet area should be at least twice the outlet area.
• Avoid wall areas with no inlet at all.
• Avoid draughts (inlets that allow high air speed at animal height).
• Consider mechanical ventilation if inlets or outlets cannot be made adequate or signs of poor air qual-
ity remain (see above).
• Use a smoke emitter to assess air flow within the building.
• Monitor house temperature and relative humidity.
• Consider monitoring CO2 and NH3 levels using a meter.

treatment did not affect the timing of the management, not a replacement for it. The
onset of diarrhoea or reduce the risk of infec- aim of a vaccination programme is to enhance
tion in groups of calves housed together in a acquired immunity, either in advance of the
contaminated environment (De Waele et al., expected occurrence of disease or in the face
2010). Finally, a third study reported that of an outbreak. The former generally requires
heifers treated orally daily for the first 7 days a primary course of vaccinations adminis-
of life were significantly less likely to shed tered two to four weeks apart, while the latter
oocysts during the 3-week study period, is usually achieved by using modified live or
although no association was reported attenuated vaccines presented to mucosal
between treatment and incidence rate of surfaces in order to stimulate a rapid IgA and
diarrhoea (Trotz-Williams et al.. 2011). The IgM response at the epithelial level (24–48 h)
data suggest that if halfuginone lactate is ahead of the slower IgG response (10–14
used as a preventive treatment for crypt- days). Multivalent intranasal vaccines are
osporidiosis, it should be combined with available against a wide variety of respiratory
hygiene measures and improved environ- disease pathogens (Xue et al., 2010), and offer
mental management. an opportunity to boost immunity before the
Vaccinations are available to enhance expected risk period for disease. However,
immunity against many of the major organ- again we stress that these should be considered
isms responsible for calf pneumonia. It as a supplement to excellent management; in
should be recognized, however, that vaccines many cases, when management is improved,
should be viewed as an addition to excellent vaccines should not be required.
60 J. Breen et al.

The use of metaphylactic antibiotics to ideally with no more than 10–20 animals per
control calf pneumonia through the pre- group. This will help to minimize the spread
weaning period should not be necessary if of infectious agents between animals. We
other husbandry measure are adequate. highlight key principles of environmental
While a range of antibiotics are licensed for management during the post-weaning period
the prevention of calf pneumonia, disease in Box 3.14.
control programmes that are reliant on blan- Suggested space allocations for young-
ket prophylactic antibiotic administration stock are given in Table 3.13.
are not sustainable and are likely to come
under increasing societal and government PASTURE. Good pasture management is
pressure in the future. The prevention of based on sustaining the required growth
calf pneumonia is an excellent example of rates (see section on monitoring and targets)
the importance of environmental and nutri- and managing the sward (see Chapter 8). In
tional management to minimize challenge terms of health, a critical feature of the graz-
and maximize host immunity. ing period is the prevention of parasitic gas-
troenteritis and other parasitic diseases.
Providing clean grazing at the start of the
Disease control and fertility management season can avoid anthelmintic treatments
in the post-weaning period altogether, and it may also be possible to
avoid treatments by moving youngstock to
Feeding clean grazing from higher-risk pastures from
mid-July onwards. Further details on the
Feeding of growing heifers from weaning
prevention of parasitic disease are provided
to first calving encompasses many possible
in subsequent sections.
feeds and management systems. The over-
all aim during this period is to sustain
growth rates at required levels (see section Specific disease prevention
on monitoring) and maintain good health.
Gastrointestinal nema-
It is important that growth rates are main-
tode infections have been linked to loss of
tained at a high level before service, par-
appetite, decreased nutrient intake, dis-
ticularly to allow for breeding between 400
rupted digestive function, loss of tissue flu-
and 462 days (13–15 months). Previous
ids and a decrease in immune function
research has suggested that rapid rates of
(Stromberg and Gasbarre, 2006). Animals
growth may compromise future milk yield
treated with anthelmintic drugs tend to
(Foldager and Sejrsen, 1982) but more
have increased growth rates (Elsener et al.,
recent evidence suggests that bodyweight
2001), an advancement in the onset of
and age of the heifer are the most impor-
ovarian function (Mejía et al., 1999) and a
tant factors affecting mammary develop-
reduction in the faecal shedding of nema-
ment, rather than the rate of growth (Daniels
tode eggs and pasture contamination. Cattle
et al., 2009). Therefore rapid rates of growth
can be infected by many different species of
(800–900 g/day) are recommended prior to
gastrointestinal nematode, but the most
breeding but this must not result in heifers
important species is Ostertagia ostertagi.
becoming over conditioned. Key principles
The other species are of lesser importance
of feeding management to minimize dis-
but Cooperia oncophora, which is com-
ease during the post-weaning period are
monly found in younger cattle in their first
set out in Box 3.13.
grazing season, may contribute the majority
of eggs found in faecal worm egg counts
Environment (WEC) and may be associated with mild
clinical signs. An outline of key features of
HOUSING. It is preferable where possible to the epidemiology of O. ostertagi is given
rear heifers in small groups when housed, in Box 3.15.
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 61

Box 3.13. Principles of feeding management for dairy heifers in the post-weaning period.

Reasons for concern (see sections on monitoring and targets)

• not achieving target growth rates through the post-weaning period;

• insufficient bodyweight at service;
• insufficient height at the withers at service; and
• body condition score at 1st calving: fewer than 10% of heifers should be either <2.5 or >3.5.

Principles of feeding growing heifers

• In the immediate period post-weaning, concentrate (typically 12.5 MJ ME/kg DM, 18% crude protein)
should be fed ad lib to compensate for the lack of milk nutrients and ensure that growth checking does
not occur.
• From 12 to 16 weeks, concentrate should be restricted depending on quality of the forage; for example,
a suitable ration could consist of 3–4 kg of 16% crude protein concentrate with ad lib straw or 2 kg of
16% crude protein concentrate with ad lib grass silage.
• Forages should be of good quality and palatable (e.g. a well-made grass silage of 30% DM and
10.8–11.0 MJ ME/kg DM).
• For heifers at grass, the sward height during the 1st season should be 5–6 cm in spring, 7–8 cm in sum-
mer and 9–10 cm in the autumn to avoid under-nutrition. Older heifers (2nd season) should be main-
tained on a sward height of 6–8 cm at a stocking rate of 6–7 animals/ha.
• Supplementary feeding with concentrates and forage may be required in the immediate period after
turnout depending on weather and stocking density, and should be offered towards the end of the graz-
ing season.
• Energy density should be increased around the time of service (e.g. an additional 20 MJ ME/day for 12
weeks, commencing 6 weeks prior to expected service). Crude protein requirement is reduced to
13–14% for post-pubertal heifers.
• Pregnant heifers fed high-quality silage and barley straw should only require a mineral and vitamin
• Mineral and vitamin requirements: see Table 3.12.
• Feed space required by growing heifers is typically 0.35 m per heifer from 4 months of age to 0.60 m
per heifer at 22 months of age; all heifers should be able to eat at the same time.

Table 3.12. Mineral and vitamin requirements for growing Holstein heifers (mature bodyweight 680 kg,
calving at 24 months; from the National Research Council).

6 months old 12 months old 18 months old (450 kg) 90

(200 kg) BCSa 3.0 (300 kg) BCS 3.0 days pregnant BCS 3.0

Vitamin A (IU/day) 16,000 24,000 36,000

Vitamin D (IU/day) 6,000 9,000 13,500
Vitamin E (IU/day) 160 240 360
Dietary calcium (%)b 0.41 0.41 0.37
Copper (mg/kg)c 10 10 9
Cobalt (mg/kg)c 0.11 0.11 0.11
Selenium (mg/kg)c 0.3 0.3 0.3
Iodine (mg/kg)c 0.27 0.3 0.3
Manganese (mg/kg)c 22 20 14
Zinc (mg/kg)c 32 27 18
BCS, body condition score. b % dry matter intake. c mg/kg dry matter intake.
62 J. Breen et al.

Box 3.14. Aspects of environmental management influencing health during the post-weaning period.

Type of housing: semi-covered straw yards are common and allow regular removal of manure and appli-
cation of fresh bedding. Slatted flooring may be used for animals >250 kg. The feed areas and water
sources should be kept clean and situated so that contamination with faeces is minimal.
Space allowances: see Table 3.10.
Grouping of heifers: after 4 months of age, heifers should be housed with other heifers of the same age
and in groups of similar size (for example, <100 kg of weight variation within the group and between 2
and 4 months of age variation). An ‘all-in, all-out’ system should be used, with a unidirectional flow of
cattle (i.e. always moving heifers to housing containing older animals rather than younger animals). Fewer
than 30 animals in a single airspace is recommended and no contact with adult stock allowed.
Ventilation: see Box 3.12.
Hygiene: the accommodation must provide a clean, dry, free-draining, comfortable bed; deep straw yards
must not become wet. Fresh bedding should be applied at least every other day and straw yards cleaned
out monthly.
Disinfection should be incorporated into the cleaning routine (see Boxes 3.9 and 3.11).
Isolation: facilities should be made available for the treatment and nursing of sick or poorly performing
animals away from the main group.
Temperature: the lower critical temperature for older heifers may range from 0 to 10°C, depending on
feed consumption and exposure to moisture in the form of rain or snow. The upper critical temperature
is ~25°C. Provision must be given to additional bedding in winter or increased ventilation/measures to
cool heifers in summer.

Table 3.13. Suggested dimensions for housing heifer calves during the post-weaning period
(after Menzi, 1995).

Age (months)

3–4 5–8 9–12 13–15 16–25

Bedded lying area (m2/animal) 1.8 2.3 2.6 2.9 3.7

Outside lot (m2/animal) 2.7 3.2 3.7 4.1 4.6–6.9
Solid floor (total confinement, 1.8 2.3 2.7 3.7 5.5
Slatted floor (total confinement, 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.6 2.3
Cubicle dimensions (m) 0.6 × 1.4 0.75 × 1.50 0.9 × 1.65 1.1 × 2.0 1.1 × 2.0
Minimum width of manure alley (m) 1.5 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7

It is becoming increasingly well to the current Control of Worms Sustainably

recognized that excessive treatment with (COWS) guidelines (Taylor, 2010) for further
anthelmintics leads to a reduction in the details. In Box 3.16 we provide a strategy for
proportion of the worm population ‘in refu- the use of anthelmintics in replacement heif-
gia’ (i.e. the population of worms not exposed ers. Heifers should only be treated during
to anthelmintics, either in untreated animals their first grazing season and the majority of
or from eggs that are deposited on to pasture nematodes (i.e. those in older animals) should
prior to treatment). This exacerbates selection be left untreated to ensure that resistant worms
pressure in the population, increasing the risk are ‘diluted’ by eggs passed by untreated ani-
of anthelmintic resistance developing, and mals. The herd health advisor should make
wastes money (Coles et al., 2010). This topic sure they are aware of any anthelmintic resist-
is described below and the reader is directed ance issues in their locality.
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 63

Box 3.15. Important features of the epidemiology of Ostertagia ostertagi.

• The life cycle of Ostertagia ostertagi takes about three weeks to complete under favourable conditions,
but can last as long as 6 months if L4 larval stages become dormant (see below).
• Adult worms produce eggs that are passed in faeces; these eggs develop into infective larvae (L3)
within two weeks and migrate out of the faecal pat on to pasture and are ingested by cattle. The L3
larvae then exsheath in the rumen and invade the abomasal glands where they moult to the L5 stage.
Emergence of L5 on to the abomasum mucosal surface takes around 18 days.
• The number of infective larvae is low in spring but increases rapidly to a peak in summer months
as calves in the 1st season at grass are infected by larvae remaining on pasture from the previous
• Wet summers will cause an earlier peak in numbers of infective larvae; dry summers result in a delayed
build-up of infection as infective larvae are locked into the faecal pat.
• Ostertagia ostertagi infections tend to affect first-season/yearling grazing animals and are classified
according to when the larvae that cause clinical disease were ingested. For example, in the UK clinical
signs seen from mid-July onwards due to larvae ingested 3–4 weeks previously are classified as type I,
and those seen in late winter or early spring due to the emergence of larvae ingested in the autumn
that then become dormant (hypobiotic state) are classified as type II.
• The main clinical sign in both types of infection is a profuse, watery diarrhoea which is generally
persistent in type I infections and often intermittent in type II. There is often marked weight loss associ-
ated with both types of disease, which may be up to 20% after 7–10 days. Morbidity is high with type
I disease but mortality is usually low, provided effective treatment is instituted swiftly, whereas with
type II disease morbidity is generally low but the mortality rate can be high.
• Young cattle will slowly acquire immunity to O. ostertagi over the first grazing season. This will wane
slightly by turnout the following year but is rapidly re-established following exposure. By the second
and third years, a high degree of immunity is usually achieved and hence such animals play little
role in the epidemiology of the disease. Clinical disease is sometimes seen, however, in
peri-parturient animals – particularly heifers – due to the natural wane in immune function around
that time.

LIVER FLUKE. The liver fluke (Fasciola hepat- 2001). Most studies agree that treatment/
ica) causes disease (fasciolosis) due to the control is likely to be economically benefi-
migration of large numbers of immature fluke cial given the improvements seen in growth
through the liver and from the presence of rates, feed conversion efficiency and concep-
adult fluke in the bile ducts. The life cycle is tion rates (Oakley et al., 1979).
complex, involving an intermediate host, the A liver fluke control plan should there-
mud snail Galba truncatula, several free-liv- fore be developed based on farm history,
ing stages (miracidium larvae, cercariae and geography and the prevailing weather, com-
metacercariae) and is summarized in Box bined with post-mortem, serology and WEC
3.17. The hatching of fluke eggs and subse- results. Control is often on the targeted use
quent development within the snail is depend- of flukicides and so ideally a herd should be
ent on environmental conditions being warm monitored to confirm the presence of fluke
and wet (e.g. the months May–October usu- before such measures are instigated (adult
ally offer the best conditions in the UK). cows can be monitored using bulk milk anti-
Clinical signs of liver fluke include body tests). If the farm is deemed to be at
anaemia and hypoalbuminaemia (which risk of fasciolosis, then treatment with a flu-
may manifest as submandibular oedema). kicide for larval or adult forms, at the correct
Diarrhoea is not normally a symptom in time of year, is required (see Box 3.17).
cattle. Cattle do develop partial immunity In high-risk scenarios, cattle can be treated
over time, which is affected by the age of the again in the spring to remove burdens and
host, previous exposure of the host and the reduce the contamination of pastures by
current level of parasite exposure (Kaplan, fluke eggs. There have been no reported
64 J. Breen et al.

Box 3.16. Anthelmintic treatments to avoid resistance: suggested strategies (from Taylor, 2010).

Work out a control strategy: using the principles below, results of faecal egg counts (FEC – see section
on monitoring) and post-mortem examinations.
Administer anthelmintics effectively: avoid under-dosing by dosing at the rate recommended for the
heaviest animal in a group. Ensure dosing equipment is working correctly and maintain it carefully.
Ensure operators are trained in correct dosing technique.
Administer anthelmintics only when necessary: the treatment of calves at turnout should not be neces-
sary when calves have been born and reared indoors over the winter. A long-acting preparation such as
a sustained-release bolus or a persistent macrocyclic lactone (ML) may be considered if the calves are
being turned out on to high-risk pastures, to prevent both disease and further pasture contamination.
When calves are at grass, a ‘dose and move’ strategy is considered to be highly selective for resistant
worms and is not recommended. If monitoring of FEC at the beginning of the grazing season indicates an
increased worm burden, strategic dosing (3-week, 8-week and 13-week strategy using ivermectin or the
0- and 8-week strategy using doramectin) may be used. Boluses would also provide an effective means
of control in this situation. Calves dosed in this strategic manner should remain set-stocked on the same
fields for maximum effect. Adult cattle have usually acquired a strong immunity to internal parasites by
the end of their second grazing season. Despite some evidence in the literature of increased milk yields
and improved conception rates as a response to anthelmintic treatments, it is unlikely to be cost-effective
in many herds and the added selection pressure caused by this sort of treatment makes it hard to justify.
We do not recommend routine treatment of adult cows.
Select the appropriate anthelmintic: there are many different anthelmintics available for the treatment of
cattle. A narrow-spectrum product should be used where possible (e.g. using levamisole for the treatment
of Ostertagia and Cooperia spp. rather than a broader-spectrum ML); avoid unnecessary use of combina-
tion products (particularly applies to combination flukicide and broad-spectrum anthelmintic products
when treatment for fluke only is required); and reduce the use of long-acting preparations and boluses as
these may delay the onset of immunity, leaving animals exposed when drugs concentrations wane.
Rotation of anthelmintic class: this is a contentious issue as there is a lack of evidence in the current lit-
erature that rotating the class of anthelmintic will delay the development of resistance. The practice of
using a different class of wormer at each treatment has been shown to be highly selective for resistance
(Barnes et al., 1995); one class should be used until it fails, at which point a different class should be
selected (Craig, 2006). The report by Taylor (2010) suggests that the rotation of wormers could delay the
appearance of ML resistance on farms where the gene for resistance is either absent or present at very low
levels. We therefore suggest that rotation of treatment class is not as important as the other issues above.
Preserve susceptible worms on the farm: the two main strategies to help maintain a population of sus-
ceptible parasites on the farm are targeted selective treatments (TSTs) and delay of movement. The prac-
tice of TST aims to target treatments based on FEC and leave a proportion of the group (the
healthiest-looking animals) untreated, allowing a pool of unselected parasites to compete with the
selected ones. Delay of movement after the dose allows time for the calves to become lightly reinfected,
so when they are moved on to ‘clean’ pasture they will pass eggs from susceptible worms as well as
resistant ones, thus helping to dilute the resistant population.

incidences of resistance to flukicides in cat- ‘husk’). Clinical disease due to infestation with
tle to date, but resistance to triclabendazole D. viviparus tends to occur in first-year grazing
has been reported in sheep. The widespread animals on permanent or semi-permanent
use of triclabendazole (due to its efficacy pasture in late summer or early autumn; how-
against immature fluke) makes it a prime ever, in recent years clinical disease has been
target for resistance; any opportunity to seen in adults that have either failed to develop
avoid its use is advisable. sufficient immunity from exposure or have
simply been overwhelmed by large numbers
LUNGWORM. Dictyocaulus viviparus is an of infective larvae. An outline of key features
important nematode in growing cattle and of the epidemiology of Dictyocaulus viviparus
causes parasitic bronchitis (lungworm or is given in Box 3.18.
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 65

Box 3.17. Outline of the life cycle of Fasciola hepatica.

• Eggs passed in the faeces of cattle and sheep develop into motile miracidium larvae after 9 days at the
optimal temperature range of 22–26°C. The ideal conditions are therefore warm and wet (e.g. the
majority of fluke infections occur between May and October in the UK).
• The snail population increases rapidly with summer rainfall and the miracidium larvae penetrate
and infect intermediate snail hosts, developing via sporocyst and redial stages to a final cercarial
• These cercariae are passed from the snail and on to pasture where they encyst, forming metacercariae
which are infective to ruminant hosts.
• The development from miracidia to metacercariae normally takes around 7 weeks, and a single mira-
cidium is able to produce 600 metacercariae; therefore if conditions remain warm and wet, snails will
shed massive numbers of metacercariae on to pasture. In the UK, this means cows can be challenged
from August onwards or earlier if overnight temperatures are above 10°C allowing miracidium devel-
opment earlier in the season.
• Metacercariae that are ingested excyst in the small intestine and penetrate the liver capsule, after
migrating through the gut wall and across the peritoneal cavity.
• Immature fluke migrate through the liver parenchyma before invading small bile ducts and undergoing
maturation to adult liver fluke.
• The period between ingestion of metacercariae to the passage of eggs in the faeces (i.e. patent infec-
tion) is between 10 and 12 weeks, and therefore the entire life cycle takes around 17–19 weeks in total.
This means that subclinical disease is normally seen in young cattle from October onwards in
the UK.

Clinically, animals with lungworm often development of a naïve population of ani-

present with a cough and may show signs of mals. Background levels of exposure to the
tachypnoea, which may progress to dyspnoea parasite will vary enormously depending
in the more severe cases. A small proportion on weather conditions and rainfall – dry
of animals will die following sudden-onset summers will mean decreased exposure
dyspnoea during the pre- or post-patent and therefore field infection cannot be
period. Cattle rapidly develop immunity to D. relied upon to maintain immunity within
viviparus, which is why parasitic bronchitis the herd. ‘Reinfection husk’ syndrome is
is mostly seen in young, naïve animals. This seen when a large larval challenge occurs
immunity will, however, wane in the absence in an immune or partially immune animal;
of re-exposure, making it possible for adults development to the L4 stage takes place but
to suffer from clinical disease once more. patent infection does not occur.
Lungworm is a sporadic but devastat-
ing disease when it occurs. Vaccination is
extremely effective against D. viviparus Fertility management
and is recommended for all dairy replace-
ment heifers in regions at risk. Animals Fertility management in nulliparous heifers
that become immune following vaccination is an important part of a herd health
or natural exposure are highly resistant to programme, and monitoring of the fertility
subsequent challenge, although if not rein- indices outlined in the earlier sections of
forced immunity declines over ~12 months. this chapter is essential. The general aims of
Reinforcement of immunity through exposure reproductive management in nulliparous
to worms from carrier animals is an essential heifers are that they calve at the right time
component of ongoing protection, and the (particularly in terms of age at first calving
practice of aggressive anthelmintic treat- (AFC) ) and that the first calving occurs
ment strategies in the second grazing sea- without dystocia or health problems.
son and into adult life will result in minimal Full details of herd reproductive man-
challenge of lungworm larvae and the agement are described in Chapter 4, but
66 J. Breen et al.

Box 3.18. Important features of the epidemiology of Dictyocaulus viviparus.

• The life cycle of Dictyocaulus viviparus is similar to that of other netamodes but has characteristic
features, as outlined below.
• Female D. viviparus worms are ovo-viviparous: they produce eggs containing fully developed larvae.
The larval output is enormous, reaching levels of 106 larvae shed per day in natural infections. The L1
larvae hatch almost immediately and migrate up the trachea, are subsequently swallowed and passed
out in the faeces.
• Development to the L3 stage is reached at around 5 days. L3 larvae migrate out of the faecal pat and
climb on to surrounding herbage (periods of heavy rainfall will assist this process) or utilize the
Pilobolus fungus found growing on faecal pats for windborne dispersal.
• The infective dose required for disease is small compared with other nematode infections.
• After ingestion, the L3 larvae pass through the intestinal mucosa into the lymphatic system and travel
via lymph and blood to the lungs as L4 larvae. This process takes about one week.
• A final moult to L5 occurs in the small bronchioles a few days after the L4 emerge from capillaries into
the alveoli.
• The young adult worms then emerge from the bronchioles and move up to the bronchi to mature. The
entire life cycle takes around 21–28 days in total.
• Small numbers of adult worms can persist in the bronchi of young cattle and may act as a reservoir of
infection for the next grazing season; these ‘carrier’ animals may explain outbreaks of disease in the
absence of overwintering infection on pasture.
• A mild climate with high rainfall means outbreaks of disease may occur for many months of the year,
making parasitic bronchitis increasingly difficult to predict, and vaccination is therefore an essential
element of control.

additional key areas, pertinent for heifers, has been reported to provide an optimal
are highlighted in Box 3.19. economic return compared with oestrus
Where heat detection in nulliparous detection alone, oestrus detection with
heifers is problematic or when the herd timed AI using intra-vaginal progester-
calving pattern has to be carefully control- one or timed AI using gonadotropin-
led, the use of fertility synchronization pro- releasing hormone (GnRH) (Stevenson
tocols can be useful. While these are et al.. 2008).
described in Chapter 4, a few details related
to nulliparous heifers are worth emphasis
here. Summary
• Heifers can be successfully synchro-
nized using a single injection of pros- The culling and replacement of dairy cows
taglandin (with visual oestrus is an important element of a herd health
detection), two injections of prostaglan- programme. Replacement heifers are the
din 11 days apart or intra-vaginal pro- future of the dairy herd, and a successful
gesterone applications. rearing period improves the chances of a
• Heifers tend to respond poorly to an long and productive life. It is essential to
‘Ovsynch’ protocol (see Chapter 4); have in place methods to monitor the health
heifers are more likely to show prema- and well-being of replacement heifers, and
ture oestrus before a timed AI (Rivera to take corrective action when needed.
et al., 2004). Establishing a herd health programme for
• Treatment of dairy heifers with prostag- youngstock will prove beneficial for farm
landin every 14 days until insemination finances and cow welfare.
Restoring the Dairy Herd: Rearing Youngstock and Replacing Cows 67

Box 3.19. Areas of reproductive management relevant for nulliparous heifers.

Essential components of reproductive management apply equally to nulliparous and multiparous cows:
these are described in detail in Chapter 4.
Artificial insemination or natural service
Natural service is often considered for nulliparous heifers because it avoids the need for oestrus detection
and removes the cost of semen. However, artificial insemination (AI) is recommended because it offers
more in terms of genetic progress and thus long-term economic gain. Other advantages of AI include
removal of feeding and housing costs for a stock bull; reduced risk of introducing infectious disease
associated with bull movements; reduced risk of dystocia in heifers (if semen is selected from bulls with
low calving difficulties); removal of risk of injury to farm staff from handling the bull; and removal of the
risk of severe pregnancy rate reductions due to an injured, lame or sick bull.
Age at first calving
Weight and age at first calving are closely related to lifetime milk production, reproductive performance,
health and longevity (Ettema and Santos, 2004; Haworth et al., 2008). The optimal age is generally 24–26
months: nulliparous heifers that calve into the herd on time return more profit compared with heifers that
calve later. AFC can have an important influence on the occurrence of dystocia – if the heifer is too young
(immature body size) or too old (with excessive body condition score, >3.5) the probability of dystocia
is increased.
Care during the service period
It is particularly important that management changes (e.g. cow groupings, feed types, daily routines) and
other stressors (e.g. overcrowding, erratic handling) are avoided during the service period. Reaching
target body weight at first service is critical (see earlier section on targets) and heifers should maintain a
weight gain of around 0.80 kg/day throughout the service period. It is often beneficial to feed 1–2 kg of a
high-energy concentrate feed during the service period, depending on forage quality, and heifer rations
should be fully mineralized throughout the rearing period (see Chapter 8).

References and Further Reading

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4 Managing Herd Reproduction

Chris Hudson,1 Mike Kerby,2 Jonathan Statham3 and Wendela Wapenaar1

School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham, Sutton
Bonington Campus, Leicestershire LE12 5RD, UK; 2Delaware Veterinary Group, Fulford
House, Torbay Road, Castle Cary, Somerset BA7 7DT, UK; 3Bishopton Veterinary
Group, Mill Farm, Studley Road, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 2QR, UK

Introduction veterinary surgeon has evolved further, with

more emphasis on using farm data to moni-
Reproductive inefficiency influences herd tor the performance of the herd and the
milk production, culling rate, calving pat- design of appropriate strategies to improve
tern, genetic progress and profitability, and is performance. Reproductive herd health in
estimated to cost the major dairy economies this sense appears to be a medium- to long-
hundreds of millions of euros per year. Milk term activity for veterinary practitioners.
production in the average dairy herd has Since fertility can be affected by a wide range
risen enormously over the past 20 years, as of factors, it is important to ensure that herd
the result of increased genetic merit through management is tailored specifically to each
widespread adoption of AI and significant individual herd. The herd’s veterinary sur-
advances in nutrition and management. For geon is ideally placed at the hub of the farm
example, the US dairy cattle population team to help monitor reproductive perform-
peaked in 1944 at an estimated 25.6 million ance and develop appropriate solutions.
animals with a total annual milk production In this chapter we describe the key activities
of approximately 53.1 billion kg (USDA, involved in managing reproductive herd
1961). By 1997, dairy cattle numbers had health. We start by providing background
declined to 9.2 million animals and total information, including that on economics
annual production was estimated at 70.8 bil- and current levels of fertility performance.
lion kg (USDA, 1998): a 369% increase in We then provide details on how to measure
milk yield for the average dairy cow in a little and monitor herd fertility and finally how
under 50 years. One apparent consequence of to manage and enhance reproductive per-
this huge change has been a negative impact formance in a dairy herd.
on reproductive efficiency (Washburn et al.,
2002). Reversing this decline in reproductive The economics of fertility
performance is a priority for the industry.
The role of the veterinary surgeon in
Reproductive performance has an influence
dairy herd fertility has changed radically in
on the profitability of dairy herds through
recent years. There has been a gradual shift
two main routes:
away from treatment of individual animals
towards management of fertility performance • it affect the number of days between
at herd level. More recently the role of the successive calvings; and

© CAB International 2012. Dairy Herd Health (ed. M. Green) 73

74 C. Hudson et al.

• it affect the proportion of the herd should ideally be tailored to a specific herd:
culled annually because of failure to use of ‘average’ figures can lead to disen-
re-conceive. gagement with farm owners and managers. It
is important to have an understanding of the
In addition to these two principal routes, factors that will alter the cost of a day added
specific reproductive diseases (such as to the calving interval (see Box 4.1 and Table
endometritis, abortion and retained fetal 4.1) or an unplanned cull.
membranes) add further financial cost. It is There are a number of methods for calcu-
accepted that in the majority of cases, lation of cost of a cull, but at the simplest level
extending the interval between successive this can be estimated by the cost of purchasing
calvings (the calving interval) above a cer- a similar replacement animal at the point of
tain level will result in a decrease in profit- calving minus the sale value of the culled cow.
ability (Gonzalez-Recio et al., 2004; Evans Even where homebred replacements are used
et al., 2006; LeBlanc, 2007). Cows in late lac- this is a valid concept, as each cow culled
tation (or with extended dry periods) are less requires a homebred replacement which could
profitable, both because they are producing otherwise be sold. It is useful to combine losses
less milk per day (and are earning less mar- from extended calving intervals and culling
gin over feed cost per day than a cow in early into a single figure, with a recognized method
lactation) and because feed conversion effi- for this being the FERTEX score (Esslemont
ciency decreases over the course of the lacta- and Kossaibati, 2002), or modifications thereof.
tion (Britt et al., 2003; Cook, 2010). This provides an estimate of the total lost profit
The length of calving interval at which a per year due to suboptimal reproductive per-
further reduction does not improve profita- formance by adding together losses from calv-
bility has historically been considered to be ing interval, culling and service costs.
365 days (Esslemont, 2003), but this has been
subject to recent debate. Extended lactations
have attracted a large amount of interest, pos- Current levels of reproductive performance
sibly due in part to the gulf between an ‘ideal’
365-day calving interval and level of per- Although a detailed comparison of fertility
formance in the vast majority of herds (see performance worldwide is difficult, there is
‘Current levels of reproductive performance’). substantial evidence that reproductive per-
While there has been research published sug- formance has been in decline over the past
gesting that intentionally extended lactations 20–30 years. Reproductive performance also
(and therefore calving intervals) can be more varies markedly between nations, due in part
profitable, this has often been conducted on to variation in farming systems throughout
cows in very high-producing herds which the world. Performance generally tends to be
conceived within a specific time window poorer in high-input, high-output systems
(Arbel et al., 2001). In the majority of cases, whereas more extensive systems tend to
the absolute optimum value for calving inter- achieve better fertility. There is also increased
val is not critical, as it is likely to be well necessity for good reproductive performance
below the current level of achievement. in herds that depend on seasonal ‘block’
It is important to remember when evalu- calving. A summary of reproductive per-
ating the economic impact of reproductive formance from a variety of major dairying
performance on a herd that both calving nations is shown in Table 4.2. The different
interval and excess culling represent sources indices used to monitor fertility in different
of loss, so it is critical to evaluate both together areas make direct comparisons difficult, and
to provide an estimate of the overall lost this is compounded by the different balances
profit due to fertility. The unit costs for both of between calving interval and culling driven
these can vary substantially between farms, by the economics of different farming systems
and it is difficult to calculate standard figures (e.g. calving interval in intensively managed
that will be applicable across a range of cir- herds in the USA will often be extended in
cumstances. For this reason, cost calculations order to minimize culling, while extensive
Managing Herd Reproduction 75

herds in New Zealand are more likely to performance, because measurement of this
maintain their calving index, and so cal- relies on farmer data recording (thus the
ving pattern, at the expense of culling). results of such studies may reflect fertility
Added to these factors, there is an element performance in herds with relatively good
of selection bias in studies reporting fertility data recording).

Box 4.1. Factors affecting the cost of an increase in calving interval.

• Milk yield and lactation curve shape: the main component of economic loss by extending a cow’s
calving interval comes from lost milk production, as extending the interval is effectively ‘postponing’
her next lactation, and replacing it with an extra day on the end of her current lactation. Lost milk
production can therefore be represented as the predicted mean daily yield for the next lactation minus
the predicted mean yield at the end of the current lactation. This will partly depend on the degree of
persistency of yield during lactation.
• Degree of extension of calving interval: as calving interval increases, the yield at the end of the current
lactation diminishes. The cost per day of extension will therefore increase with increasing calving interval.
• Margin over purchased feed (cost per litre): margin over purchased feed is a term used to represent
the cost of lost milk sales offset by the reduction in feed costs. A decrease in milk production, as out-
lined above, will result in a decrease in feed requirement to support the lower yield. It is therefore not
the absolute value of milk sales lost that is important but the margin associated with that loss.
• Calf value: a cow calving less frequently will produce fewer calves during her lifetime, i.e. another
source of lost profit. Calf value can be extremely variable from herd to herd, depending on sire
selection (especially proportion of dairy and beef sires used) and market calf prices.
• Cost of extra serves and veterinary interventions: again, this can be very variable between herds and
should be estimated for each situation.
• Gains through decreased chance of calving-associated disease and increased early lactation yield in
non-pregnant cows: it is important to note that because fewer calvings occur when calving interval is
extended, there is often a cost saving from the associated reduction in peri-parturient disease. An addi-
tional decrease in yield for pregnant cows early in lactation is also reported. Again, these should be
estimated for each farm; typical gains of 43 pence and 13 pence per day, respectively have been
reported (Esslemont and Kossaibati, 2002).

Table 4.1. Example calculation of the cost of a one-day increase in calving interval. This is a sample
calculation for a herd with a 9000 l average 305-day yield and a relatively flat lactation curve shape
(reflected in the relatively high estimated yields at drying off). For example, additional days added to
a cow’s calving interval in the region of 396–425 days effectively entails postponing the cow’s next
lactation (estimated average yield 29.5 l/day) and adding extra days at the end of this lactation
(estimated yield 21.1 l/day). This loss of 8.4 l/day of production will lead to a loss of £1.31/day in margin
over purchased feed. If an average calf is worth around £200 and the herd’s target calving interval is
380 days, the value of lost calf sales is around £0.53/day (£200/380 days). Inclusion of the additional
costs and gains at the bottom of the table result in an estimated lost profit of around £1.98/day.

Calving interval range (days) 365–395 396–425 426–455

Likely days in milk at drying off 330 360 390

Estimated daily yield at drying off (l) 22.5 21.1 20.4
Estimated daily yield in next lactation (l) 29.5 29.5 29.5
Lost production (l/day) 7.1 8.4 9.1
Margin over purchased feed (£ cent/l) 15.6 15.6 15.6
Cost of lost margin over feed (£/day) 1.1 1.31 1.41
Cost of lost calf production (£/day) 0.53 0.53 0.53
Cost of extra serves/vet. spend (£/day) 0.7 0.7 0.7
Gain by reducing disease risk (£/day) 0.43 0.43 0.43
Gain in yield for empty cows (£/day) 0.13 0.13 0.13
Total cost (£/day) 1.77 1.98 2.08
76 C. Hudson et al.

Table 4.2. Levels of reproductive performance reported in studies from a variety of major dairying

Parameter Country Year(s) Value Reference

Calving index (days) USA 2000 429 deVries and Risco (2005)
Ireland 2000 395 Mee (2004)
Norway 2005 383 Refsdal (2007)
USA 2006 422 Norman et al. (2009)
UK 2007 418 Hudson et al. (2010)
UK 2009 426 National Milk Records plc
Failure to conceive (%) Ireland 2000 14 Mee (2004)
New Zealand 2002–2004 9.0–10.2 Compton and McDougall
Norway 2005 6 Refsdal (2007)
UK 2007 10 Hudson et al. (2010)
8-week in-calf rate (%)a New Zealand 2002–2004 78–83 Compton and McDougall
6-week in-calf rate (%)b Australia, 1996–1998 63 Morton (2003)
100-day in-calf rate (%)c Australia, 1996–1998 53 Morton (2003)
UK 2007 34 Hudson et al. (2010)
Calving to first service USA 2001 104 deVries and Risco (2005)
interval (days) Norway 2005 86 Refsdal (2007)
USA 2006 86 Norman et al. (2009)
Pregnancy rate (%)d USA 2006 30 Norman et al. (2009)
UK 2007 37 Hudson et al. (2010)
First service Australia 1996–1998 49 Morton (2003)
pregnancy rate (%) USA 2006 31 Norman et al. (2009)
Defined as percentage of cows eligible for service at the start of the breeding season that had conceived by 8 weeks
into the breeding season. b Defined as percentage of cows eligible for service at the start of the breeding season that
had conceived by 6 weeks into the breeding season. c Defined as percentage of cows eligible for service that had
conceived by 100 days into lactation. d Defined as percentage of serves leading to a pregnancy.

Welfare and ethics this can also have health and safety implica-
of reproductive herd health tions for staff supervising calving (especially
where mechanical calving aids are to be
There are a number of ways in which repro- used). A minimum of 15 m2 per cow should
duction can have an impact on cow welfare, be provided where cows calve in a commu-
and management of reproductive performance nal pen, and ideally more than 25 m2 per cow
raises ethical dilemmas. We shall now high- in individual pens. Cleanliness and depth of
light the areas we consider most important. bedding are also very important, and in a
The time around calving is a period of straw yard environment these elements can
risk in terms of dairy cow welfare. The key be particularly challenging to manage simul-
elements to address are a suitable calving taneously. Freshly cleaned out and re-bedded
environment, appropriate supervision at calving accommodation often provides lower
calving and minimizing the risks of calving levels of comfort and underfoot grip (as this
problems. It is a legal requirement in the UK is usually supplemented by manure under
that cows that calve when housed are kept in the clean surface of the bed). Fresh straw
an area of sufficient size to permit access to should be added to calving pens at least once
provide aid with calving and that they are daily, and yards should be cleaned out at
separate from other livestock. Size of calving least once every four weeks. In addition,
accommodation is particularly important, as individual calving pens should be cleaned
Managing Herd Reproduction 77

out and/or disinfected between cows. Use of peri-parturient energy balance (see Chapter 8).
a sand base under the straw pack can be help- Additionally, whilst culling itself should
ful in providing grip, and also aids drainage. not impair welfare, there are ethical and
Supervision should be provided at calv- environmental reasons to minimize failure-
ing, whilst ensuring that calving cows are to-conceive culling rates.
not disturbed unless there are indications Another ethical dilemma in reproduc-
that the birth process is not proceeding nor- tive management comes from the use of
mally. Enough space should be available to synthetic reproductive hormones. This has
allow cows to exhibit their normal behav- become increasingly popular in recent years,
iour at calving. If space is limited, heifers as fertility performance has declined. Use of
should not be housed with older cows, as hormone treatments to treat pathological
the cows may dominate feeding and lying ovarian and uterine conditions (such as
areas. Stock-keepers in charge of calving cystic ovarian disease or endometritis) may
should be familiar with the signs that a cow raise few ethical concerns, but hormones are
is about to calve and well trained in caring more commonly used for other reasons. For
for calving cows and their calves (including example, it is common in normal, cycling
the use of mechanical calving aids). cows that are treated with hormonal prod-
There are several steps that can be taken ucts to see a reduction in the time to the
to minimize the risk of dystocia, including animal’s next oestrus. More recently, there
ensuring that cows are at the correct condi- has been increasing use of synchronization
tion at calving (see Chapter 8). It is also criti- with a variety of hormone-based protocols to
cal to ensure that heifers calve for the first allow insemination at a fixed time without
time in appropriate body condition and with detection of oestrus. Whilst use of such treat-
sufficient body size (see Chapter 3). Sire ments is considered to pose no threat to food
selection is very important in the prevention safety or animal health, consumers may find
of dystocia. This involves ensuring that an the use of hormones for routine manipulation
appropriate breed of sire is selected (for exam- of breeding undesirable. An assessment of
ple, avoidance of continental beef breeds the ethics of this situation requires, amongst
associated with high birth-weight offspring in other things, consideration of whether it is
dairy heifers), but there is also substantial acceptable to use hormonal products to help
variation within breeds. In many countries overcome management problems, and the
(including the UK), calving ease indices are balance to be struck between using hormonal
available as part of bull proofs, and should be products in normal cows and an increase
considered in all sire selection decisions. in the number of fertility culls that would be
Induction of calving has also been associa- expected if such treatments were withdrawn.
ted with dystocia, and should therefore be Whilst the need for such treatments will vary
avoided where possible and should only be widely between units, reduction in use of
carried out under veterinary supervision. hormonal manipulation of reproduction
It is also important to consider the wel- would seem a prudent long-term aim of a
fare and ethical considerations of fertility herd health programme.
management in herd health. Whilst other
areas of herd health management (such as
lameness, mastitis and infectious disease) Public health and reproduction
have direct welfare implications, the welfare
implications of inadequate reproductive Zoonotic diseases of reproductive importance
management are often less clear. However,
there are welfare consequences for extend- Various zoonotic diseases of cattle are consid-
ing a cow’s calving interval, not least that ered to be primarily of reproductive impor-
she is likely to gain body condition in late tance, and these are briefly outlined below.
lactation and calve over-fat at the next calv-
ing. This will increase the risk of dystocia, BRUCELLOSIS. Whilst the UK has been offi-
as well as having severe implications for cially free of this infectious cause of abortion
78 C. Hudson et al.

since 1985, it remains of great importance in oestrous cycle. We emphasize our belief
other countries. In cattle it causes abortion that improved herd management is the pre-
(normally in the last third of gestation), and ferred route to improved reproductive per-
is often seen as explosive herd outbreaks. formance, rather than through hormonal
Infection of humans can occur either by direct treatments, but it should be acknowledged
contact with aborted material (fetus and pla- that often both approaches are used.
centa) or via consumption of unpasteurized Important features of the hormonal
dairy products. Symptoms in humans include basis for follicular development and oestrus
intermittent fever, joint pain and headache; control are summarized in Fig. 4.1. The main
onset can be acute or insidious. principles of therapeutic manipulation of
the oestrous cycle and synchronization of
LEPTOSPIROSIS. Leptospirosis is a group of oestrus are provided in Box 4.2.
conditions caused by a variety of serovars of
the bacterium Leptospira interrogans, which
is discussed in more detail in Chapter 7. Monitoring Reproduction in Herd Health
Whilst the serovars commonly causing
reproductive disease in cattle are different
The practicalities of data recording
to those considered most pathogenic in
humans, occupational exposure to cattle is
a recognized route of infection and risk fac- The first step in monitoring of reproductive
tor for human disease. Urine is the main performance is the acquisition of data.
source of infection, and in dairy herds expo- Accurate recording of calving and service
sure of milking personnel in the parlour is a events, in conjunction with a source of basic
major risk. Clinical signs in humans include cow data (including identity and parity
flu-like symptoms, muscle pain and fever. number) and regular pregnancy diagnosis
Severe complications follow in a small pro- (see next section) are the bare minima
portion of cases. required to conduct a successful reproduc-
tive programme. However, if more data are
collected, this will allow a greater depth
Q FEVER. This is a potential cause of abor- and accuracy of analysis and ultimately bet-
tion in cattle caused by the bacterium ter decision making. In Box 4.3 we present
Coxiella burnetii. It can be spread to humans data that we recommend are collected in
by either direct or indirect contact (the regard to reproductive herd health.
spore-like form of the organism is very resil- There are a number of ways in which
ient in the environment, and the organism data can be captured, and below we high-
can also be present in milk from infected light three main methods.
individuals). Infection in humans is charac-
terized by fever, headaches and muscle pain. 1. On-farm software: a wide variety of
Some cases are complicated by pneumonia, software packages exist that can be used to
and chronic disease is also a feature. capture information on the farm. These may
be linked to the milking plant, or may be
stand-alone. Responsibility for keeping data
Underlying Principles of Dairy up to date lies with the farmer, who is usually
Cow Reproduction also able to access an assortment of extra
management aids through the software.
Reproductive physiology and hormonal 2. Bureau recording systems: these rely on
control of the oestrous cycle an outside organization holding data from
the farm on a dedicated computer system.
Although the focus of this book is not on the Typically, farmers are provided with data
individual animal, we provide a brief out- capture forms, which they fill in as events
line of some reproductive physiology to occur and which are then returned to the
give context to hormonal control of the bureau for input to the computer system.
Managing Herd Reproduction 79


Luteal phase

Development of CL Endometrial PGF2α

Ovulation 21 days Luteolysis

High LH pulse frequency/amplitude

Increased oestrogen Selection of Cohort of 2–6

production by follicle dominant follicle activated follicles
13–18mm diameter 4–6mm diameter
Low LH pulse frequency/amplitude
(e.g. during luteal phase) 7–10 days

Follicular wave development

Fig. 4.1. Schematic diagram representing the functional events of the oestrous cycle. CL, corpus luteum;
LH, luteinizing hormone; PG, prostaglandin.

Box 4.2. Outline of hormonal control and manipulation of the oestrous cycle.

The functional corpus luteum (CL) plays a pivotal role in the physiological control of the oestrous cycle,
because the lifespan of the CL effectively determines the length of the cycle. The CL is therefore key to
therapeutic approaches to manipulating the cycle. The two commonest approaches are:

• Use of exogenous synthetic prostaglandin analogues, leading to luteolysis of a CL from around day
5–day 17 post-oestrus. This effectively shortens the lifespan of the CL, cutting the cycle short and reduc-
ing number of days to the subsequent oestrus.
• Use of exogenous progestagen (usually via a sustained-release intravaginal device) to mimic the luteal
phase of the cycle. Ovulation normally follows withdrawal of the progestagen source (provided that a
functional CL is not present at the same time – this is often ensured using prostaglandin).

These approaches are often combined in programmes for synchronization of oestrus, and these are
discussed in more detail later in the chapter.

Veterinary businesses are the most common The main differences from method 2 are that
agencies to offer this type of recording. data are usually only collected at each milk
It was popular in the UK in the early and recording test day (normally monthly), and
mid-1990s, but has declined in prevalence that the range of events and details that can
with the falling cost of computing power be recorded is limited. Some milk-recording
and the general rise in computer literacy organizations offer a facility whereby farm-
amongst the farming population. ers can enter event data directly into the
3. Milk recording organizations: this is central database via a web portal.
effectively an alternative type of bureau
recording, where the data are collected In many respects the first option is prefer-
and held by a milk-recording organization. able, because it usually offers more flexibility
80 C. Hudson et al.

Box 4.3. Data recording required for fertility monitoring.

Each of the following events should be recorded (for each event, cow ID, date and any further specified
details should be captured).
• calving (including occurrence of dystocia, Caesarean, stillbirth);
• oestrus (where no serve occurs, e.g. during the voluntary waiting period (VWP) );
• service (including sire, AI/natural service, inseminator, observed oestrus/fixed-time AI);
• pregnancy diagnosis (including result);
• other veterinary fertility examinations (including diagnosis and treatment);
• retained fetal membranes (including treatment);
• metritis (including treatment);
• endometritis (including treatment); and
• abortion (including treatment).
(NB: we exclude here other important health-related data such as body condition score and mobility
score, which are described in other chapters).

in data entry and allows the greatest level of reproductive monitoring is provided by the
detail to be captured. It is also the least veterinary practitioner, and this is often
likely to suffer from ‘data drift’, where the done in one of two ways:
database slowly becomes less representa-
tive of the situation on the farm (e.g. as cows 1. Intermittent data analysis and produc-
are culled or join the herd without these tion of a written report, often performed
events being recorded). However, this away from the farm.
option does not suit all farmers. 2. Regular data analysis using a computer
Whatever the source of the data, it is with the client (e.g. during routine visits to the
important to be aware of the potential impact farm).
of poor data quality, which often arises sim-
The second of these approaches is
ply from missing events (especially serv-
recommended, as it allows the most rapid
ices). It should be remembered that since
detection of trends, as well as being easy to
the final (i.e. successful) service in a lacta-
integrate into a routine. The two methods
tion is often the most reliably recorded,
can of course be combined, with occasional
analysis of data sets with missing service
written reports supplementing more regular
information tends to reveal poorer submis-
‘live’ monitoring sessions. We again emphasize
sion and better pregnancy rates than is actu-
the importance of establishing a transparent
ally the case. Some software systems provide
fee structure for the delivery of agreed herd
an estimation of data quality, but it is always
health services, as described in Chapter 1.
important to treat data critically. In particu-
Larger herds will merit more frequent moni-
lar, very high pregnancy rates should be
toring because a larger number of cows
viewed with suspicion. It is easy to check
means that trends can be reliably evaluated
the efficiency of service (artificial insemina-
over shorter time periods. As a rule, it is use-
tion, AI) recording by counting the services
ful to evaluate the key indicators of fertility
carried out in a time period using the farm’s
performance on at least a monthly basis.
paper records (e.g. artificial insemination
chart or calendar) and comparing this with
the same period in the data file. Monitoring reproductive data on the farm
A multiplicity of software systems pro-
vide analysis of fertility performance, each Routine fertility visits
with strengths and weaknesses, and it is not
our intention to review software systems Routine veterinary visits are common on
here. More important is the way in which dairy farms and vary in frequency, depending
Managing Herd Reproduction 81

on seasonality of breeding period and herd benefit to the profitability of the farm busi-
size. Visits often work best at weekly (large ness and is an important element of a repro-
herds) or fortnightly intervals. Visits at ductive visit, the clinician’s involvement
three-weekly intervals are difficult to man- should extend far beyond this. Regular eval-
age successfully because the interval does uation of performance data and inspection
not fit easily with strategies for hormonal of the cows and their environment during
intervention. Reproductive visits should be the visit are critical, and the visit should
a regular event because this will provide include feedback on the data collected and
regular pregnancy diagnosis for monitoring a review of previous recommendations.
purposes, and is also often a good route into This discussion should cover how specific
other areas of herd health. changes and recommendations are to be
An action list summarizing cows that implemented, and include all members of
need attention at a routine fertility visit is the farm team. Facilitating change in dairy
advisable, and a suggested list of cows to be herd health is considered in detail in
included is given below. Chapter 2.
When conducting routine fertility vis-
• post-natal checks of all (or high-risk) its for a herd, setting goals is important.
cows at around 21 days post-partum; These goals will differ from farm to farm
• vulval discharge: any cows where and it is worthwhile setting aside some time
abnormal vaginal discharge has been to make a list of medium- and long-term
observed; goals with regard to reproductive perform-
• oestrus not observed (ONO, also known ance. Further details of this are provided in
as not seen bulling); cows not observed later sections, but it is important to appreci-
in oestrus by a specified stage of lacta- ate that trends over time are often more
tion. In herds recording reference heats important than reaching a preset target.
(during the voluntary waiting period), it Long-term goals should be reviewed on a
is useful to examine all cows that have yearly basis and are essential to guide the
not demonstrated an oestrus during the vet and farmer and to prioritize actions. It is
voluntary waiting period. In herds where important to look at previous and current
this information is not reliably recorded, performance when setting achievable goals
cows reaching 24 days after the end of for the future.
the voluntary waiting period without
being served are often examined; Herds with limited data
• pregnancy diagnosis from 25–35 days
in gestation onwards dependent on use If no records are available it is impossible
of ultrasound and experience of the to monitor the herd’s reproductive perform-
practitioner; ance. Routine visits will still have value
• repeat breeder cows, served more than but it is important to realize that interven-
5 times with regular service intervals; tions made will be more problem-based,
and and focused on the findings during every
• cows overdue to calve or with no visit. In this instance, an important step is
recorded event in the previous 250 days. to raise awareness that monitoring perform-
ance is one of the main benefits of routine
It is important to record veterinary find- veterinary involvement in fertility manage-
ings and the use of medicines in a way that ment, and that this should be put in place.
facilitates easy data entry and analysis. It is When data are very limited, a guide to
also wise to ensure that all farm staff and reproductive performance can be obtained
veterinary colleagues record data using the from the number of pregnancies expected at
same coding structure, to maximize data each visit. In year-round calving herds this
reliability. is calculated by simply dividing the number
While examination and treatment of of cows in the herd by the number of veteri-
cows on an action list is likely to be of great nary visits per year (under the assumption
82 C. Hudson et al.

that each cow would ideally become preg- performance. While calving index provides
nant once a year). In block-calving herds, a useful indicator of long-term performance
the number of cows eligible is divided by in a herd, there are a number of reasons why
the number of visits planned through the it is a poor monitor when used alone:
season (although in these herds more preg-
• It is extremely retrospective: the end
nancies are expected towards the start of the
point of each calving interval is the
breeding season). Suggested measures of
cow’s next calving, so a cow that con-
performance for herds where few data exist
ceives today will not alter the calving
are shown in Table 4.3.
interval of the herd until she calves in
around 280 days’ time.
• It is dramatically influenced by culling
Routine performance monitoring strategy: herds where it is important
that a short calving interval is main-
Pros and cons of calving interval and related tained (e.g. those with a tight seasonal
indices calving pattern, where long calving
intervals will rapidly result in cows
A number of methods have been proposed
calving outside the season) will tend to
for monitoring reproductive performance in
cull cows not conceiving sufficiently
dairy herds. When considering the relative
quickly after calving, and thereby main-
merits of these methods, it is important to
tain a tight calving interval even in the
remember why fertility is important in a
face of poor reproductive performance.
dairy herd: as discussed in ‘The Economics
of fertility’ section, it will affect profitability Therefore, it is essential that calving
primarily by determining the time between interval is viewed in the context of the
a cow’s successive calvings (and so the degree of fertility-related culling in a herd.
length of lactation) and by contributing to Unfortunately, the proportion of the herd
the herd’s cull rate. There is some logic in culled each year due to failure to conceive
using these outcomes as a way to evaluate can be very difficult to calculate. Recording
fertility performance in a herd. This is easily of reasons for culling in dairy herds is gen-
done: the average of the calving intervals in erally poor, and cows are often culled for
the herd is known as the herd calving index, more than one reason (a first-lactation heifer
and is a commonly used measure of overall with a low somatic cell count (SCC) is likely

Table 4.3. Parameters for measuring fertility performance for use in herds in which few data are available.

Parameter Gives an indication of Suggested target(s)

Number of positive Overall fertility Cows in herd/number of visits per year

pregnancy diagnoses performance (year-round calving herds)
at each visit Cows to breed/number of visits planned
during breeding season (seasonal
calving herds)
Proportion of Predominantly detection > 80% (in herds where pregnancy
pregnancy diagnoses of returns to service, rate is at least 40%)
that are positive but also affected by
pregnancy rate
Number of normally Heat detection, < (0.5 × herd size)/number of visits
cycling cows presented especially in cows per year (i.e. around 50% of cows
as ONO at each visit due for first service examined over a year)
Number of cases of Incidence rates of < (target lactational incidence of
reproductive disease endometritis, disease concerned as a fraction
diagnosed at each visit anoestrus, etc. × herd size)/number of visits per year
Managing Herd Reproduction 83

to be allowed a longer time to conceive than However, these interval-based meas-

an older, high-SCC cow in the same herd). ures have a number of inherent limitations
Proxy measures (such as the proportion of (Box 4.4). One of these is the difficulty in
cows receiving a first serve during a lacta- selecting a denominator (or ‘at-risk’) popu-
tion but ultimately not conceiving and end- lation for acquiring the interval data. This is
ing the lactation as a cull) have some use, often done by selecting a cohort of cows that
but there are many situations in which they calved over a specified period. This is
provide an inaccurate picture of fertility problematic in that not all cows in the
culling. Thus it is ultimately very difficult cohort may yet have reached the end point
to assess wastage due to poor fertility in a for the interval (e.g. may not have received
herd where reasons for culling are not accu- a first serve); indeed, it is important to select
rately and reliably recorded. This in turn a cohort such that the outcome (or end
reduces the usefulness of calving interval in point) is known for every cow included.
many herds. The problem of interval-based fertility
In an attempt to improve the usefulness indices is demonstrated using the examples
of the calving index, a variety of related in Box 4.4 and Table 4.4.
measures have been developed. These Summarizing interval data for a herd
generally comprise breaking down a calving by calculating a single number can also be
index into its component parts (such as the problematic. Traditionally, the mean has
calving to first service and calving to con- been used for this, but analysis of the dis-
ception intervals: see Fig. 4.2), and summa- tribution of intervals within the majority
rizing these across the herd. Calving to of herds reveals positively skewed distri-
conception interval provides similar infor- butions (i.e. there is a heavy ‘tail’ of longer
mation to the calving index, but in a less intervals, see Fig. 4.3). Since outliers have
retrospective manner as the end point of the a relatively strong influence on the value
interval is a successful service (usually of the mean, alternative measures of a
confirmed by pregnancy diagnosis), which herd average are often considered. The
clearly occurs some time before the sub- median value is the most useful alterna-
sequent calving. Calving to first service tive, being less influenced by outliers and
interval and first service to conception producing a more representative measure of
interval provide information about specific general herd performance. However, this
parts of the reproductive process, in con- value provide no indication of the dis-
trast to the measures of overall performance persion of the data (i.e. how widely the
described thus far. intervals are spread on either side of the






Voluntary wait
Calving–1st service 1st serve-
interval conception

Calving–conception interval Pregnancy (280 days)

Calving interval/index

Lactation Dry period

Fig. 4.2. Illustration of the construction of intervals during a lactation cycle.

84 C. Hudson et al.

Box 4.4. A herd example to illustrate the problems with the interpretation of interval-based fertility data.

This example relates to the fertility data presented in Table 4.4. Cows calving over the most recent months
(to the right of the table) have had limited opportunities to be served: the mean calving to first service inter-
val for cows calving in August 2009 was 59 days but this is based on just 9% of the cows calving in that
month (i.e. only one of the 11 cows calving had been served at the date when the report was produced).
Similarly, the interval for July is based on two of the four cows that calved in that month. This is clearly using
incomplete data, but more problematically the intervals contributed for those months will not reflect those
of the other cows calved in the same month still to contribute an interval – the majority of the other ten
cows calved in August 2009 are likely to receive a first serve at some point, so we are likely to be including
the shortest of the intervals for this month (introducing systematic bias into the analysis). Clearly this is
relatively easily resolved by ensuring that a large majority of the cows in the cohort have had a first serve
(in this example, perhaps by ending the analysis with cows calving in April 2009), but this often results in
very historical results. This problem becomes even more marked when evaluating calving to conception
interval (as this tends to be more variable between cows): in this example it would be very difficult to choose
a sensible end point for the analysis, but it would seem unwise to rely on results for cows calving in any of
the months in 2009 (as for each month a sizeable percentage of cows in the cohort has yet to conceive or
be culled). If the time frame is pushed back to finish in December 2008, this problem will be much less
important, but cows calving over the previous 9 months will contribute no information to the analysis.
Another related problem is that improvements in performance can be reflected in paradoxical increases
in intervals to first service or conception: an increase in heat detection rates after a period of poor detec-
tion will lead to service of more cows in the herd, many of which may have calved a long time ago but
failed to be detected in oestrus during the period of poor detection. When heat detection improves and
these cows are finally served, their (highly extended) intervals to first service become available for analy-
sis and can increase the herd average.

Table 4.4. Difficulty in choosing cohorts for interval analysis. This fertility summary report was run in
October 2009 using cows calving from September 2008 to August 2009.

Month of calving

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Parameter Total 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09

Number of 113 16 18 11 8 13 8 7 6 4 7 4 11
cows calved
% served 84 100 100 100 88 85 100 100 83 50 100 50 9
% conceived 57 94 78 64 88 62 88 43 0 50 14 0 0
% re-calved 11 44 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% culled or died 10 6 16 18 0 15 0 0 17 0 0 0 18
% not re-calved/ 80 50 56 82 100 85 100 100 83 100 100 100 82
Calving to first serve 83 77 84 93 84 74 79 80 115 68 85 76 59
interval (days)
Calving to conception 115 119 120 119 121 114 105 121 68 54
interval (days)
First serve to conception 34 43 35 22 37 39 31 32 0 0
interval (days)
Calving interval (days) 355 360 349

Monitoring herd fertility using rates

median value). For these reasons, it is
essential to examine the distribution of An alternative way to assess fertility data is
the intervals (Fig. 4.3) as well as the mean by calculating rates. Rates provide a propor-
and median. tion of cases in which a specified criterion is
Managing Herd Reproduction 85

Fig. 4.3. Interval data taking a relatively symmetrical distribution (left) and a heavily positively skewed
distribution (right) (Total Vet™; QMMS/SUM-IT software). Days in milk at first service are shown on the
x-axis, with frequency on the y-axis.


Pregnancy rate (%)





1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 4.4. Estimating the likely importance of difference between inseminators on pregnancy rate. Although
operator 2 has a pregnancy rate that may be considered to be ‘clinically’ different to those of the other
operators, the use of a statistical test helps us to make a meaningful comparison between groups because
differences between groups can occur simply due to random variation. The most appropriate statistical test to
use will depend on the data. As an example, a chi-squared test would be appropriate for the data presented in
this figure, where we want to test the null hypothesis, ‘The pregnancy rate achieved is the same between the
operators’ versus the alternative hypothesis, ‘The pregnancy rate is not the same between the operators’. (NB: to
apply this test to the data provided in this figure requires the expected number of pregnancies in each group to
be > 5). The chi-squared test here produced a p-value of 0.65, which means that there is a low weight of
evidence to reject the null hypothesis that the pregnancy rate is the same between operators (i.e. the probability
of finding these data is quite high even if there is no real difference between inseminators). Thus, while it may
be tempting at first glance to conclude that operator 2 is achieving a pregnancy rate that is different from the
other operators, the current data do not support this. Furthermore, potential confounding factors are often
forgotten here: for example, is operator 2 inseminating predominantly heifers?

met (e.g. the proportion of cows receiving a straightforward to define a denominator

first serve within 24 days of becoming eligi- population for rate-based indices, and these
ble, proportion of serves leading to a preg- usually do not need to be calculated in a ret-
nancy) in a given time period. It is usually rospective fashion. However, there are also
86 C. Hudson et al.

potential problems with summarizing data cows receiving a first service within 24 days
as rates: they provide only limited informa- of becoming eligible. Eligibility is usually
tion about the population as a whole (e.g. a determined by stage of lactation (i.e. the
low first service submission rate is less dam- cow is considered to be eligible for first
aging if most cows not served within 24 days service after the voluntary wait period is
of becoming eligible receive a first serve over). As the vast majority of normally
within the next few days after this), and great cycling cows will have an oestrus within
care has to be taken that the denominator 24 days of the voluntary wait period (VWP)
population doesn’t become too small. The ending, irrespective of the stage of their
latter issue is often countered by using three- cycle at the end of the VWP, the first service
month rolling average rates, but it is always submission effectively reflects the propor-
wise to consider the size of the denominator tion of cows receiving a first serve at the
population along with the rate. first opportunity.
When deciding which parameters are First service heat detection can also be
most useful in terms of measuring fertility measured using the calving to first service
performance, a useful framework is pro- interval, although it is more helpful to view
vided by evaluating the components of suc- the distribution of intervals within the herd
cess in fertility management. Broadly than to summarize this as a single number
speaking, there are only three things required (e.g. median or mean). First service submis-
in order to manage fertility successfully: sion rate is generally more useful than calv-
ing to first service interval for ongoing
• submission for service: this encom-
monitoring because it will respond more
passes oestrus expression and detec-
quickly to changes and more effectively
tion, as well as post-partum return to
show trends over time. However, periodic
ovarian cyclicity;
examination of calving to first service inter-
• establishment of pregnancy: i.e. the
val data is also useful as this provides infor-
likelihood of a pregnancy resulting
mation about cows not receiving a first
from a given serve; and
serve ‘on time’ (are they generally served in
• minimizing reproductive disease: effec-
the next 24 days, or is there a very positively
tive management of diseases such as
skewed distribution where a number of
endometritis, abortion and retained fetal
cows have very long intervals?), as well as
membranes is important in its own right.
allowing evaluation of the actual VWP being
observed. It is important to remember that
Measuring submission rates measures of first service efficiency can also
and oestrus detection be affected by post-partum disease: if a sub-
Monitoring oestrus detection is a complex stantial number of cows are anoestrous or
and very important area, as this will often be have uterine bacterial infection when they
the main determinant of overall fertility reach the end of the VWP, then this will
performance in a herd. There are two main depress first-service submission rate and
aspects of heat detection to evaluate: the extend calving to first service intervals.
proportion of heats being detected and the
proportion of inaccurately detected heats. In
some ways, these are analogous to the sensi- possible to use submission rates to meas-
tivity and specificity of heat detection in the ure heat detection in cows returning to
herd. It is useful to evaluate heat detection service. Return to service submission rate
separately in cows being submitted for first is normally calculated as the proportion of
service, and those returning to service. failed serves (i.e. serves not leading to a
pregnancy) in which a subsequent serve
MONITORING FIRST SERVICES. We can evaluate occurs 18–24 days later. It is usual for
how effectively cows are being submitted return to service submission rates to be
for first service using the first service submis- slightly lower than first service submis-
sion rate. This is defined as the proportion of sion rate, as late embryonic death accounts
Managing Herd Reproduction 87

for a proportion of failed serves. Cows 18–24 and 36–48 day categories; this is
experiencing late embryonic death will often particularly noticeable as a large pro-
often be pregnant at 24 days post-service portion of intervals at less than 18 days.
but return at an irregular interval after this Target ranges for the distribution of inter-
time – although these cows do not repre- service intervals are given later in the
sent a true failure to detect an oestrus, section ‘Summary of key targets’.
they will reduce the apparent return to
service submission rate. Partly for this Measuring service success
reason, it is also instructive to look at
interval-derived data to assess heat detec- The other critical component of fertility
tion in returns to service. In this case, the management is ensuring that as many serv-
intervals between successive serves (inter- ices as possible lead to a pregnancy. This is
service intervals) are used. Again, it is relatively straightforward to measure, using
more useful to look at the distribution of the proportion of serves that leads to a preg-
these intervals than to attempt to summa- nancy, a term we define here as pregnancy
rize them with a single statistic (e.g. the rate. This measurement is also known as the
mean or median). Since there is an conception rate, a term which is potentially
expected biological norm for the length of confusing in suggesting that the outcome
the oestrous cycle, it is logical to examine being measured is conception rather than
the distribution of intervals relative to pregnancy. Pregnancy rate, like submission
this: typically intervals are grouped into rate, is usefully measured on a month-
categories of <18 days, 18–24 days, 25–35 to-month basis, and three-month rolling
days, 36–48 days and >48 days. Likely averages can be used where denominator
explanations of intervals falling into these populations (in this case the number of
categories are given in Table 4.5. serves) are small. The outcome of a serve is
Examining the distribution of these usually determined by pregnancy diagno-
categories across the cows in the herd over sis, so regular and early pregnancy diagno-
a specified period of time provides infor- sis means that the pregnancy rate can be
mation not only about the sensitivity of measured without an excessive time lag.
heat detection for returns to serve, but Where pregnancy diagnosis data are not
gives an indication of the frequency of late available, the analyst is left with the choice
embryonic death and the specificity of of non-return to service after a specified
heat detection. Herds where detection is period of time (commonly 50–60 days) or
inaccurate (i.e. cows are being served when subsequent calving as an outcome measure.
not in oestrus) will tend to have higher The former is clearly heavily affected by
proportions of intervals outside of the return to service submission rate (as herds

Table 4.5. Interpretation of inter-service intervals.

Interval Description

< 18 days Often indicates cows served when not truly in oestrus, as it is very unusual for true
heats to occur less than 18 days apart; can also be produced by cows with
follicular cysts
18–24 days Normal cycle length – likely to represent correctly detected heats with no missed
oestrus in between
25–35 days Return at an extended interval – may represent late embryonic death, incorrectly
identified/missed heats or the use of prostaglandin after an early negative
pregnancy diagnosis
36–48 days Double the normal cycle length – likely to represent correctly identified heats with
a missed oestrus in between
> 48 days Could represent more than one missed heat, or fetal death/abortion
88 C. Hudson et al.

where ability to detect returns to service is the existence of a non-breeding period).

poor will have a higher non-return rate), Examples of this concept are shown in
while the latter makes analysis extremely Fig. 4.5.
It is common to compare pregnancy Monitoring reproductive disease
rates between different groups: for example,
Certain reproductive diseases merit moni-
different inseminators, observed oestrus
toring in their own right. These include
versus fixed-time AI, etc. This is often a use-
uterine bacterial disease (metritis and
ful exercise, but it is important to be aware
endometritis), retained fetal membranes,
of shortcomings. Pregnancy rate tends to
dystocia and abortion. Monitoring the
vary over a relatively limited range (the
incidence of these diseases is relatively
majority of UK herds are between 32 and
straightforward, and follows the principles
41% (Hudson et al., 2010) ), and we are apt
of disease monitoring described in other
to see relatively small differences between
chapters. Target values for incidence rates
groups as ‘clinically meaningful’. When
of these conditions is provided in a later
using this technique, it is important to be
section of this chapter; however, there are
aware of random variation (and thus that
some points that are important to keep in
different pregnancy rates in different groups
may be due to random variation rather than
to a true difference between groups). This is • Many of these events are only likely
illustrated in Fig. 4.4. to occur around the time of calving.
Therefore, although incidence rate tar-
Monitoring reproductive performance gets are commonly given in cases per
using three-week time periods 100 cows per year, strictly the denomi-
nator for this calculation should be
One of the most useful and least retrospec- calvings (i.e. cases per 100 calvings).
tive methods of monitoring herd fertility This allows for the effect of calving
is to measure the proportion of eligible interval on the incidence rate, and
cows that become pregnant every 21 days. makes evaluation of disease incidences
This is known as ‘fertility efficiency’ in in seasonal calving herds much easier
UK software (Breen et al., 2009) and ‘preg- to interpret.
nancy rate’ in software from the USA • The same phenomenon is important in
(Cook, 2010). An excellent summary is distinguishing new and repeat cases.
obtained by plotting two overlying param- For the majority of reproductive dis-
eters: (i) the proportion of eligible cows eases, a new case will occur only around
that are served in the three-week period calving – any repeat cases recorded
(an indicator of submission rate) and (ii) later in the lactation are best considered
the proportion of cows served that become as recurrences of the initial case.
pregnant (an indicator of pregnancy rate). • As with many other diseases, there
In this way, the key elements of reproduc- may be problems with definition of a
tive performance are monitored over time clinical case. Retained fetal membranes
with a minimum time lag. The eligible are a good example here, because treat-
population (determined separately for ment may not be advocated earlier
each 21-day block) is defined as cows than five days post-partum, whereas
intended for breeding that have passed membranes are considered retained if
through the VWP and that are not yet preg- still present at 24 h. Therefore, record-
nant. This three-weekly summary provides ing a disease event does not necessar-
an early indication of whether submission ily correspond with a treatment. The
or establishment of pregnancy is currently definition of vulval discharge can also
the main limiting factor, and works well in be variable, and a recommended sys-
both seasonal and block-calving herds tem to record vulval discharge is pro-
(where other measures can be biased by vided in Box 4.5.
Managing Herd Reproduction 89

(a) Heat Detection Rate PR 95% CI Pregnancy Rate




















































(b) % Rolling Served % Rolling PD+ No. Eligible No. Served No. PD+
140 55


100 40

90 35
Cows (n)


50 20

40 15

0 0






















































3-week period ending

Fig. 4.5. Examples of the fertility efficiency concept. (a) The x-axis represents time split into 21-day blocks,
the light grey bars representing the proportion of eligible cows served in each block while dark grey bars
represent the proportion of eligible cows becoming pregnant in each block (DairyComp305, Valley Ag
Software). (b) The x-axis represents time split into 21-day blocks, the light grey bars representing the
number of cows eligible to serve in each block, the dark grey bars the number served and the medium grey
bars the number becoming pregnant. The upper and lower lines represent the proportion of eligible cows
being served and becoming pregnant, respectively, in each block. In this herd, an improvement in
submission for service over the previous 5–6 blocks had led to an improvement in overall performance
(Total Vet™; QMMS/SUM-IT software).
90 C. Hudson et al.

Box 4.5. Suggested definitions of clinical syndromes presenting as vulval discharge (from Sheldon et al.,

• puerperal metritis: acute systemic illness characterized by fetid, red–brown uterine discharge and
pyrexia, within 21 days of calving (although these cases usually occur within the first 10 days in
• clinical metritis: purulent uterine discharge with an abnormally enlarged uterus within 21 days of calv-
ing, but no other clinical signs; and
• clinical endometritis: purulent or mucopurulent uterine exudate in the vagina at 21 or more days after
calving, in the absence of systemic signs.

Measuring overall fertility performance can also be measured using the same con-
cept. Use of 200 and 300 day in-calf rates
Monitoring of overall reproductive perform- (sometimes alternatively presented as not-
ance in a herd can be carried out in a variety in-calf rates) is common here, and provides
of ways, and there are advantages and dis- useful extra detail.
advantages of each. Traditionally, herd calv- We recommend the fertility ‘survival
ing index alongside failure to conceive curve’ (Wapenaar et al., 2008; Breen et al.,
culling rate have been used (problems with 2009), which allows more complete visu-
these have been described earlier), and alization of performance, effectively ‘fill-
these can be combined into a single meas- ing in the gaps’ between the point measures
ure using the fertility economic score at 100, 200 and 300 days in milk (DIM).
(FERTEX; Esslemont and Kossaibati, 2002). Using this approach, all cows calving
This is a very useful long-range, historical within a specified period of time are con-
measure of the impact of fertility on the sidered as the eligible population, and sur-
profitability of a dairy enterprise, but is of vival curves are used to describe the
limited use in regular routine monitoring. cumulative proportion of cows that receive
Alternatives include measuring herd a first service or become pregnant at differ-
calving to conception interval (although ent times after calving. This is illustrated
this is affected by the problems with using in Fig. 4.6.
interval-derived data described earlier), or While fertility efficiency (described
100-day in-calf rate. The latter parameter above) is a good way to monitor changes
represents the proportion of eligible cows over time on a regular basis, the survival
becoming pregnant by 100 days after calv- curve can be used periodically for a detailed
ing. However, the 100-day in-calf rate is a performance evaluation of a cohort of cows.
measure of the success of the ‘front’ end of These two methods together provide an
the fertility process (i.e. success early in excellent framework to gain a regular over-
lactation), and can be heavily affected by view of herd reproductive performance.
herd VWP policy. For example, in a herd
with a VWP of 35 days, the 100-day in-calf
rate measures the proportion of cows becom- Summary of key targets
ing pregnant over the course of about three
oestrous cycles (100–35 = 65 days). In a It is wise to be cautious when comparing
herd where the VWP is 60 days, the 100-day the performance of one farm with that of
in-calf rate measures the proportion of cows another. Whilst benchmarking can often be
becoming pregnant over the course of two a highly useful way to motivate farmers
cycles (100–60 = 40 days). Clearly we would and encourage sharing of best practice,
expect very different results for these two goals of different farm businesses may be
herds, but this difference derives from farm very different. The same principle applies
policy rather than fertility performance per when setting targets and intervention lev-
se. Performance at the later stages of lactation els: it is more useful to evaluate trends over
Managing Herd Reproduction 91

(a) Cows conceived by days in milk

Percentage of herd in calf

40 61 82 103 124 145 166 187 208 229 250 271 292
Days in milk

(b) 90
88.3 88.5
80 85.8
70 75.1


% 48.6




0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Cumulative in calf Cumulative 1st service

Fig. 4.6. Example of the use of a survival curve to monitor fertility. (a) Predicted illustration for a herd with
a first service submission rate of 75%, returns submission rate of 60% and pregnancy rate of 42%
(i.e. excellent performance). The broken lines show approximate 100-day (around 60%), 200-day (around
90%) and 300-day (almost 100%) in-calf rates. (b) Example of the application of this approach to actual
data – the upper line shows the proportion of cows receiving a first serve and the lower line the proportion
in calf (y-axis) by days in milk (DIM; x-axis) (Total Vet™; QMMS/SUM-IT software).

time rather than become too focused on a the UK but the proportion of eligible cows
certain target value. As with assessment of becoming pregnant over a 21-day period in
levels of achievement across different the USA).
nations, parameters used and reported vary It is important to set specific time-
considerably between different countries, related targets for each herd that are achi-
and in some instances different names are evable and realistic. It can be helpful to
used for the same parameter, or the same think in terms of long-term goals (for exam-
name may have different meanings (e.g. ple, a herd with a 100-day in-calf rate of
pregnancy rate, which is used for the pro- 25% may aspire to increase this to 50%),
portion of serves leading to a pregnancy in with interim targets used as time-related
92 C. Hudson et al.

milestones (such as initial target of increas- (areas where seasonal or year-round pre-
ing a 100-day in-calf rate to 35% within the dominate), different breed characteristics
next year). It is vital to keep in mind the ret- (long calving intervals in tropical breeds)
rospective nature of the parameters being and management differences (grazing
monitored when setting goals: calving inter- compared with more intensive systems).
val in particular is an inappropriate choice Differences between countries (and also in
for short-term target-setting. Aiming for a many cases within countries) make com-
measurable reduction in calving interval mon targets very difficult to set. However,
within 12 months in response to altered proposed achievable target ranges for key
management is unwise – even if the new parameters are provided in Table 4.6.
strategy resulted in an immediate increase
in performance, this would not begin to be
reflected in calving interval for at least Control of Herd Fertility: Enhancing
another 280 days. Reproductive Performance
In the literature a variety of different
targets are reported (Fetrow et al., 1990; When herd targets or aspirations are not
Morton, 2003; Wapenaar et al., 2008). These met, areas in which performance can be
references provide a thorough description improved need to be identified. The prin-
of the different parameters used, as well as ciples of this process are outlined in the
their strengths and weaknesses. There is a previous sections, and this should ideally
wide geographical variation in the target be carried out through regular monitoring
values considered to be appropriate; this is rather than as a one-off ‘investigation’ when
often related to different breeding patterns performance is unsatisfactory. Commonly,

Table 4.6. Guide to reproductive performance targets for year-round calving and seasonal calving herds.

Parameter Year-round calving herds Seasonal calving herds

Age at first calving (months) 22–26 22–24

Calving to first service interval (days) 50–70 N/Aa
Calving to conception interval (days) 85–115 N/Aa
Submission rate (first service, %) >75 >75–90
Submission rate (returns to service, %) >60 >65
100-day in-calf rate (%)b >50 >75
200-day in-calf rate (%) >85 >90
300-day in-calf rate (%) >95 >95
Fertility efficiency (%)c >20–25 >30–35
Calving index (days) 375–385 365
Failure to conceive culling rate (%/year) <5–10 <5–10
Pregnancy rate (%)d >40–45 >40–45
Inter-service interval (%) >60 at 18–24 days;
<10 at <18 days
Incidence rate of abortion (%/year) <3–5 <3–5
Incidence rate of retained fetal <3–5 <3–5
membranes (% of calvings)
Incidence rate of endometritis (% of calvings) <10–15 <10–15
Calving to first service and calving to conception intervals are less meaningful in seasonal-calving herds, because cows
(and often first-lactation heifers) calving early in the calving season will often be well into lactation before the breeding
season begins: this can create a misleading impression of performance (especially in herds where a good breeding season
the previous year led to the majority of cows calving at the beginning of the season!). b The target for a 100-day in-calf rate
in seasonal herds will also be dependent on the proportion of cows calving early in the season – where this is high there
may be large numbers of cows having limited opportunity to become pregnant before 100 days in milk. In-calf rate targets
are defined as the proportion of the cows intended for breeding (i.e. excluding any marked for cull from the start of the
lactation). c Defined as the proportion of eligible cows becoming pregnant every 21 days (often referred to as ‘pregnancy
rate’ in North America). d Defined as the proportion of serves leading to a pregnancy (often referred to as ‘conception rate’).
Managing Herd Reproduction 93

one of the following three areas will be factor (e.g. where both are moderately
suboptimal. below target). A variety of commercially
available tools offer this function, and such
• submission rate (encompassing expres-
analyses are likely to become more sophisti-
sion and detection of oestrus);
cated in future.
• pregnancy rate;
Having selected an area to address, the
• reproductive disease.
development of an action plan is dependent
Use of the monitoring techniques on understanding the factors influencing
described in the preceding sections makes performance in that area. These are dis-
choice between these areas relatively cussed in detail in the following sections,
straightforward, and often entails simply and Fig. 4.7 outlines an approach to impro-
evaluating which aspect of performance ving herd fertility performance.
is furthest below an achievable target
level. At a more sophisticated level, use of
sensitivity analysis can be extremely use- Improving accuracy and rate of oestrus
ful; this process includes a variety of differ- detection
ent approaches to predict the effect on
overall reproductive performance (or its In the majority of situations, creating more
economic impact) of specified changes in chances for cows to become pregnant through
management. This is especially relevant improved submission rates is more impor-
in herds where neither submission nor tant to overall fertility performance than the
pregnancy rate is obvious as the limiting success rate of a single service (Mawhinney

Evaluate data

Poor first serve/returns submission rate, High incidence rate of reproductive

low % eligible cows served every 3 weeks disease
Low pregnancy rate,
poor fertility efficiency
in face of good
submission rate
Further data Selection of
focus area

Submission rate Reproductive disease

Pregnancy rate

First serve versus returns? Seasonality?

First serve versus returns? Seasonality? Association with yield, DIM etc.?

Seasonality? Parity? Trend over time?

Trend over time? Parity? Associations Association with AI technician? Parity? Association with rate of calvings?
with disease (e.g. lameness)?

Oestrus Oestrus Nutrition AI-related Dependent on disease

Further investigation

expression detection Bull-related (e.g. endometritis)

Energy balance Technique
Micronutrients Storage/thawing
Environment Observation
SARA Heat detection
Group size Use of aids
Protein nutrition accuracy Energy balance
Lameness Communication Bull fertility
etc. etc. Micronutrient nutrition
Time budget Use of data Endemic Lameness
Milk yield Synchronization Hypocalcaemia
Infections Bull ‘power’
etc. etc. Aid at calving
Reproductive etc.

Fig. 4.7. Outline of an approach to improving herd fertility performance. More details on factors affecting
each area and strategies for improvement are provided in subsequent sections. DIM, days in milk. SARA,
subacute ruminal acidosis.
94 C. Hudson et al.

and Biggadike, 1998). Oestrus detection has COW FACTORS. It has been proposed that
been described as the central event in the neuroendocrine factors link pain and stress
success of dairy cow reproduction, particu- with reduced oestrus expression (Sheldon
larly when AI is used. Traditionally, oestrus and Dobson, 2003). Pain and stress can be
detection has been conducted using visual associated with management factors such as
observation of behaviours linked to oestrus. stocking density and handling methods, as
For visual oestrus detection to be effective, it well as with diseases such as lameness,
requires a skilled observer, sufficient obser- mastitis and metritis.
vation time and for cows to show overt signs Severe lameness has been associated
of oestrus (Van Vliet and Van Eerdenburg, with a reduction in the intensity of behav-
2006). The trend towards larger herds has ioural oestrus (Collick et al., 1989; Walker
increased the number of cows per herdsper- et al., 2008a, b), although the association
son, and tended to decrease the amount of between a lower level of lameness (as
time available for observations (Peter and detected by mobility scoring) and oestrous
Bosu, 1986). behaviour is less clear (Gomez et al., 2003;
Achieving a high accuracy and rate of Walker et al., 2008a, b). It seems logical
oestrus detection requires that cows suffi- that improved foot health will maximize
ciently express signs of oestrus and that the expression of behavioural oestrus and cer-
oestrus is detected. Factors that influence tainly lameness should be addressed (see
oestrus expression and detection are Chapter 6). It can be useful to evaluate the
described below. effect of lameness at herd level, by compar-
ing submission rates in lame versus sound
Factors affecting oestrus expression cows, with care taken over the potential
confounding effects of milk yield and nutri-
Poor behavioural expression of oestrus tional status (both of which could influence
(‘suboestrus’) may contribute to infertility, expression of oestrus).
and will clearly compound the effects of It is likely that milk yield has an effect
decreased observation time on submission on expression of oestrus, with higher-
rates. There is substantial evidence that the yielding animals usually considered to
duration and intensity of oestrus expres- express heat less intensely or for a shorter
sion has been declining over the past period (Lopez et al., 2004). It is contentious
20 years, which has been summarized by that this relationship is largely mediated
Yoshida et al. (2009). In a study combining by energy balance (i.e. cows with higher
serial ultrasound scanning with intensive milk yields are more likely to be in or have
observation in a single Holstein-Friesian experienced more severe negative energy
herd, Roelofs et al. (2005) demonstrated balance, and that this could be responsible
that 44% of cows either failed to express for the decrease in intensity of oestrus
standing oestrus or showed behavioural expression). Despite negative energy bal-
signs for only a brief period or overnight. ance commonly being implicated as a cause
There is controversy over the extent to of poor oestrus expression (Ferguson, 2005;
which a decline in oestrus expression is Roelofs et al., 2010), many studies have
caused by genetic rather than environ- failed to find convincing evidence that
mental (management/disease) factors, but body condition score or energy balance has
it is likely that in most instances both play a significant effect on oestrous expression
a role. (Knutson and Allrich, 1988; Wilson et al.,
A large number of factors relating both 2008), and this relationship remains
to the cow and to the environment will unclear.
affect the degree to which oestrus is
expressed. It is vital to ensure that the influ- ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS. Housing design
ence of factors suppressing expression of has a particularly important effect on the
heat is minimized, and these are discussed expression of oestrus behaviour. Floor sur-
below. face is important, and there is evidence that
Managing Herd Reproduction 95

non-slip, comfortable flooring will encour- three times daily where milking times are
age mounting behaviour (Britt et al., 1986; long, because the cows will spend a large
Platz et al., 2008). Ensuring a non-slip sur- proportion of the time in the collecting yard
face can be achieved by a variety of meth- (where they are less likely to be able to
ods, including grooving of concrete and use express oestrus). Another opportunity fac-
of rubber matting. Housing layout is also tor is the number of other sexually active
important, especially the provision of suffi- cows in the group (i.e. those in or close to
cient loafing area. This is defined as an area oestrus). Hurnik et al. (1975) found that the
to which cows have access during housing, number and duration of mounts increased
which is outside of the cubicle passageways significantly when more than one cow was
and feed area. Pennington et al. (1985) in oestrus at one time. One advantage of
found that 80% of mounting behaviour block-calving herds can be that a large pro-
occurred in an outdoor loafing and feeding portion of the cows are non-pregnant at the
area when cows were housed in cubicle same time, and thus there are relatively
accommodation. Lack of appropriate loaf- more sexually active cows in the group
ing area is a common reason for poor expres- compared with a year-round calving herd of
sion of oestrus when cows are housed. It is the same size. Low numbers in the sexually
important to ensure that the layout of the active group can be a particular problem in
housing minimizes stress and the opportu- small herds that calve all year round. The
nity for bullying. Ambient temperature may presence of a bull can be useful to encour-
also have an effect on the intensity of oestrus age oestrus expression where the sexually
expression, with high temperatures usually active group size is small.
considered to have a negative impact on
expression; this appears to be a more con- Factors affecting oestrus detection
sistent finding where maximal temperatures
are in excess of 30°C. This may be more In order to optimize the submission rate, it
important in coming years, with increasing is clearly critical to maximize the efficacy of
numbers of herds being housed through the oestrus detection for a particular farm
summer months. A summary of factors that system.
can contribute to poor oestrus expression is
given in Box 4.6. DETECTION BY OBSERVATION. The efficacy of heat
detection by observation is mainly influenced
THE OPPORTUNITY FOR OESTRUS EXPRESSION.It is by the duration and timing of periods of
also important to ensure that cows have observation and the ability of the observer to
maximum opportunity to express oestrus. detect signs. Appropriate training in the signs
This will be influenced by the time budget: of a cow in oestrus is vital, and a written pro-
for example, there will be less opportunity tocol detailing signs of oestrus can be useful
for oestrous behaviour in herds milking in herds where several members of staff are

Box 4.6. Areas of housing and related management that contribute to poor oestrus expression.

• lack of sufficient loafing area (>2–3m2/cow required);

• poor flooring surface;
• factors affecting expression of natural behaviour (especially in subdominant animals):
° poor housing layout – this would include dead-ends in cubicle passageways and poor access to
resources (see Chapter 6);
° cubicle passageways of insufficient width (>3 m required); and
° inadequate feedspace (see Chapter 8).
• poor ventilation leading to excessive ambient temperatures;
• poor stockmanship (e.g. excessive force or hurrying when moving cows); and
• lack of space and time when being moved to and from milking.
96 C. Hudson et al.

involved in heat detection. A scoring system based on the principle of detecting pressure
for oestrus detection is described by Van Vliet or friction over the tail head area in a cow
and Van Eerdenburg (1996), which attributes standing to be mounted. This concept is
scores to different primary and secondary implemented by a variety of different com-
signs of oestrus and suggests that oestrus mercially available products. One of the
should be diagnosed when the total score least expensive (although often highly effec-
reaches a threshold level. This provides a tive) is the use of tail paint or chalk. This is
standardized way to diagnose oestrus in cows cheap and simple, although frequent inspec-
showing only secondary signs of oestrus (i.e. tion and reapplication is often required for
not standing to be mounted). This is presented accurate detection. Extending this principle,
in Table 4.7. proprietary adhesive devices are slightly
Van Vliet and Van Eerdenburg (1996) more expensive, although more durable and
found that only 37% of cows studied were in some situations more reliable. These are
observed standing to be mounted during usually based either on a capsule of coloured
oestrus, despite observation of small herds dye within a white paste (where rupture of
for 30 min every 2 h. The same study the capsule when the cow is mounted causes
reported a heat detection rate of over 70% an observable colour change) or a ‘scratch-
with 100% accuracy where the scoring sys- card’ system, where a brightly coloured
tem was used for two observation periods of sticker is covered with a layer of grey latex
30 min daily, and that after milking and which is cumulatively rubbed off with suc-
feeding were the optimum times for obser- cessive mounts. By trial and error, it is often
vation. However, scoring systems can be found that one will be more effective than
very difficult to implement effectively when another on a particular unit. At the more
detecting oestrus in large groups of cows. sophisticated end of the market, radiotele-
In addition, the effect of the cows’ envi- metric heat mount detectors are available in
ronment on the observer’s ability to detect some countries (Dransfield et al., 1998).
cows in heat should always be considered; The proportion of heats detected with
simple practical problems such as poor the use of heat mount detectors varies widely
animal identification or poor lighting in between different studies, ranging from 35%
housing during the winter can have a major (Holman et al., 2011) to 95% (Xu et al.,
impact on submission rate. 1998). Evidence comparing specific devices
is less compelling. Holman et al. (2011)
HEAT MOUNT DETECTORS. Perhaps the most compared a capsule-based heat mount detec-
common type of oestrus detection aid is tor with a scratch-card system and found

Table 4.7. Scoring system for oestrus detection (after Van Vliet
and Van Eerdenburg, 1996). Where observation is carried out
two or three times per day, a total threshold score of 50 points
is recommended for diagnosis of oestrus.

Signs of oestrus Score

Mounting signs
Mounted by another cow but not standing 10
Mounting (or attempting to mount) other cows 35
Mounting head end of another cow 45
Standing to be mounted 100
Other signs
Mucous vaginal discharge 3
Cajoling 3
Restlessness 5
Sniffing the vulvas of other cows 10
Chin-resting on other cows 15
Managing Herd Reproduction 97

that the latter method detected significantly algorithm. A threshold value is then set, and
fewer heats, although this was in a single increases in activity exceeding this threshold
herd. It should be remembered that housing are recorded as ‘alerts’. Figure 4.8 shows an
and management conditions have a substan- example of an output trace from an activity
tial effect on the relative usefulness of differ- monitor system (Heatime™; SCR Techno-
ent heat mount detectors, and it is usually logies), showing raw activity data (upper),
worthwhile trialling a variety of different and ‘standardized’ activity (lower), corrected
methods on a particular farm. for the individual cow’s baseline activity and
day-to-day variability.
ACTIVITY METERS. Automated technologies Firk et al. (2003) evaluated the use of
are targeted on detecting the occurrence of thresholds of between 40 and 120% increase
physiological or behavioural changes that in daily activity for the detection of oestrus.
correlate with ovulation (Senger, 1994). One This study found that sensitivity ranged
such change is an increase in motor activity from 94.2% (at a 40% threshold) to 71.0%
as measured by a pedometer or other activity (at a 120% threshold) and error rates were
meter. Such devices measure cow activity, 53.2 and 21.5%, respectively. Statham
and are usually attached either to the distal (2011) showed that at activity threshold >5
limb (pedometers) or worn as a neck collar. It ‘Heatime units’ (HTU), sensitivity of identi-
has been demonstrated that motor activity fication of low milk progesterone was 75%,
increases during oestrus in the dairy cow with a specificity of 29% and a positive pre-
(Moore and Spahr, 1991; Redden et al., 1993), dictive value of 95%. When activity thresh-
and activity monitors work by comparing old was set at >10 HTU, sensitivity fell to
activity on the day in question against a base- 62% but specificity rose to 68% and posi-
line consisting of one or more previous days tive predictive value to 97%. Roelofs et al.
using either a simple ratio, or a complex (2005) compared the number of steps taken

RAW ACTIVITY Cow:615 Tag: 164668

–60 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 0
Activity: 0.0 Hours-ago:-3.03e+004 Last-read: 9/6/2008 6:1:42 (–30291.0 Hours) Separation: AUTO ACT Activity: ON







–60 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 0
23/4/8:00 5/5/8:00 17/5/8:00 29/5/8:00 10/6/8:00

Fig. 4.8. Heatime™ activity traces: raw (upper) and standardized (lower) data over 60 days.
98 C. Hudson et al.

in a 2 h time period with the number of steps OTHER AIDS TO HEAT DETECTION. A number of
taken in the same time period during the 10 other oestrus detection aids can be adopted.
preceding days using a median or a mean to A vasectomized bull, fitted with a chin har-
calculate the baseline activity. Thresholds ness (marking cows that are in oestrus) can
of the mean plus 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 standard be an effective aid to heat detection. This
deviations (SD) resulted in high percentages can improve submission rates substantially
of correct pedometer oestrus alerts (87, 83 in some circumstances (Foote, 1975), but
and 79%, respectively) and relatively low there are practical and safety implications
percentages of false pedometer oestrus alerts of running a bull with a dairy herd, so care
(17, 8 and 5%, respectively). Holman et al. is required.
(2011) found that neck-mounted activity Another useful tool in heat detection
monitors and leg-mounted pedometers per- is the use of milk progesterone assays.
formed similarly in a single dairy herd, with Regression of the corpus luteum at the end
both systems detecting in the region of 60% of the preceding cycle is normally accom-
of heats when used alone. However, this panied by a decrease in circulating proges-
was not significantly different from the pro- terone concentration, which results in a
portion of heats detected by observation for decrease in the level of progesterone in
10 minutes six times per day. milk. This can be tested using a variety of
These studies suggest that activity simple assays (including cow-side tests),
meters can play a useful role in oestrus usually giving a ‘high’ or ‘low’ progester-
detection (particularly in herds in which one result (often shown as a colour change).
observation is poor), but that the methods This is especially useful in assessing the
are not perfect. It is likely that with rapid accuracy of heat detection (i.e. the fre-
progress in technology and computer mod- quency with which cows are being served
elling, these systems will continue to outside of oestrus). Where inaccurate
become more effective. detection is suspected, milk progesterone
testing on a series of cows to be served can
EFFECTIVE USE OF INFORMATION. As in many provide evidence to support or refute this.
areas of herd health management, making While a high milk progesterone result is
the best use of the information available is strong evidence that a cow is not in oestrus,
extremely useful in maximizing submission a low milk progesterone result does not
rates. Perhaps most importantly, it is useful definitively confirm oestrus, or allow for
to make the most of predicted oestrus dates. accurate timing of service. Despite this,
For a cow that has had an oestrus in the cur- milk progesterone testing has been used as
rent lactation, it is simple to predict the time a method of oestrus detection (Foulkes
frame within which her next oestrus is likely et al., 1982), although the frequency of test-
to fall. This allows increased focus on any ing required for this is high and thus the
cows due into oestrus at any specific point, practice is not currently widespread in the
and can be a very useful adjunct to other UK. A major potential future development
methods (Firk et al., 2003). Where reference in this area is the automation of milk pro-
heats (heats during the VWP) are consist- gesterone testing, which would provide a
ently recorded, this method can be applied variety of opportunities to extend use of
to animals eligible for first serve, as well as this information and improve submission
to those already served, and this is strongly rates.
recommended. Recording of reference heats It is possible to use an external specialist
also allows identification of cows that have provider to supply a service to detect oestrus
not shown oestrus by the time they become in the herd (often in association with artifi-
eligible for first service, allowing these cows cial insemination). Such schemes commonly
to be examined and managed as appropriate. rely on the use of heat mount detectors (often
In order for this to work effectively, there tail paint), in conjunction with detailed herd
needs to be good communication of infor- records. The technician employed is gener-
mation between members of the farm team. ally present on the farm for only a short
Managing Herd Reproduction 99

period of time each day, and thus the oppor- Oestrus synchronization can improve
tunities for observation of oestrus behaviour submission rates. Targeted breeding pro-
are limited. Such services can be useful, espe- grammes have become established in larger
cially where farm labour is a limiting factor, dairy herds, where systematic treatments
but are highly dependent on the skill and offer huge efficiencies of labour and consist-
commitment of the individual technician. ency of delivery (Nebel and Jobst, 1998).
Various programmes have been proposed,
RETURN TO CYCLICITY AND OESTRUS SYNCHRONIZA- most notably the Ovsynch regime and its
TION. First service submission rates will variations Cosynch, Heatsynch, Selectsynch
be affected by the stage at which cows are and PreSynch (Cavalieri et al., 2006). Inclu-
returning to cyclicity after calving: if post- sion of progesterone-releasing devices has
partum anoestrus is a problem then there offered an alternative approach (Stevenson,
may be a high proportion of cows not cycling 2008). De Rensis et al. (2008) showed that
at the end of the VWP. It is important to rule inclusion of human chorionic gonadotropin
this out as a contributory factor where sub- (hCG) in place of the second gonadotropin-
mission rates are poor. There are a number of releasing hormone (GnRH) treatment of the
approaches that can be taken, including the standard Ovsynch programme could produce
use of milk progesterone assays during the significant improvements in plasma proges-
VWP, but in herds where routine veterinary terone levels and improve fertility in dairy
visits are in place, the incidence rate of treat- cows during the warmer months of the year.
ment for anoestrus can be a useful indicator. A summary of synchronization protocols is
Similarly, in herds where endometritis is a given in Fig. 4.9.
problem, there may be cows that remain Pregnancy rates to synchronized services
affected at the end of the VWP, and which tend to be lower than those to observed
are therefore not served even where signs of oestrus. In many situations this is outweighed
oestrus are observed. Causes and control of by the benefit of increased submission rates,
post-partum anoestrus and endometritis are but it is important to be aware of the possibil-
discussed later in this chapter. ity of reduced pregnancy rate, and to monitor

Double PG
0 11–14 days 72 h 96 h
0 7 days 9 days 16 h

0 7 days 9 days/0 h


0 7 days 8 days 48 h

Fig. 4.9. Commonly used synchronization protocols featuring fixed-time AI. Treatments are denoted by light
gray circles (with days post-enrolment beneath in light gray), and fixed-time AI by dark gray circles (with
timing after last treatment in dark gray). PG, prostaglandin F2a analogue; GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing
hormone analogue; Oe, oestrogen analogue (not for use in the EU); HD, heat detection with AI to any
observed heats (after Cavalieri et al., 2006).
100 C. Hudson et al.

the outcomes of synchronized serves when This is supported by Sheldon (1997), who
implementing a programme on the farm. reported that events around the time of
Consumer attitudes to the routine use of hor- insemination and fertilization account for
mones in synchronization programmes can only 10% of observed reproductive wast-
be negative. Some of the systems described age. The main constraint on pregnancy rate
above cannot be used in the European Union in the dairy herd is the rate of early and
(EU) as they involve hormones that are not late embryonic death that occurs post-
licensed for use in food animals (e.g. the insemination (Humblot, 2001). It is predom-
Heatsynch protocol, which involves the use inantly for this reason that the term
of oestradiol benzoate). ‘pregnancy rate’ is preferred to represent the
proportion of serves leading to a pregnancy:
A multifaceted, dedicated approach the alternative term ‘conception rate’ sug-
to oestrus detection gests that the outcome being measured is
conception, and it would appear that this
Several studies have demonstrated improved step of the process is often successful even
heat detection by using a combination of where a pregnancy does not result.
methods (Firk et al., 2003; Peralta et al., Key factors influencing pregnancy rate
2005; Holman et al., 2011) and, in a herd include nutrition, infectious disease, con-
health programme, a multifaceted approach current disease, timing of insemination,
is often required. Using a combination of semen quality and AI technique. These are
methods will also allow detection of differ- discussed in the following sections and,
ent oestrous behaviours and this should be while many dairy herds rely mostly on AI,
beneficial; for example, a combination of we also briefly discuss the use of natural
activity monitors and tail paint can be used service.
to detect an increase in activity and also in
mounting behaviour.
The difficulty, as well as the impor-
tance, of oestrus detection in modern, high- In many situations, nutrition has a major
producing dairy cows should not be effect on pregnancy rate, and nutritional
underestimated. Oestrus detection requires causes should always be considered as a
skill, dedication and hard work on a con- differential diagnosis when investigating
tinuous basis. Whilst new technology will poor pregnancy rates. Probably the most
undoubtedly have an increasingly impor- important nutritional influence on preg-
tant role to play, currently traditional meth- nancy rate is energy balance. A variety of
ods that require good stockmanship remain mechanisms exist whereby negative energy
a vital component of oestrus detection. balance (NEB) over a prolonged period of
A checklist for the investigation of poor early lactation can exert an influence on the
submission rates is provided in Box 4.7. success of subsequent serves.
Energy balance during transition and
early lactation is extremely important in
Improving pregnancy rates determining pregnancy rate to serves
through lactation. Mechanisms for this long-
Royal et al. (2000) reported that over the lasting effect include the effects of exposure
previous 25 years, pregnancy rates (the pro- of developing follicles to NEB (Leroy et al.,
portion of serves leading to a pregnancy) in 2005) and the increase in pregnancy rate
UK dairy herds had fallen from about 50% seen with increasing numbers of oestrous
to around 35%, and this appears to reflect a cycles prior to service. Villa-Godoy et al.
global trend. It has been suggested that up to (1988) found that levels of progesterone dur-
90% of cows accurately identified in heat ing the luteal phase increased over the course
and correctly inseminated will be in calf of the first three ovulatory cycles after calv-
and carrying live embryos seven days after ing, but that this increase was less marked
insemination (Diskin and Morris, 2008). in cows experiencing greater levels of NEB.
Managing Herd Reproduction 101

Box 4.7. Quick checklist for investigation of poor submission rate.

• Oestrus detection
° Correct signs used for detection?
° Duration/timing of observation periods?
° Observation during other activities?
° Is cow identification easy? Lighting?
° Training required to identify oestrus?
° Communication between staff?
• Aids
° Activity monitors

How are they being used?

Display/alerts easily accessible?

Proactive evaluation of activity traces?

Sufficient number of collars/pedometers?

Correct application of collars/pedometers?
° Heat mount detectors

Which cows? What stage?

Who applies them? Correct application? How often?

Who checks them/when?

What type (appropriate to environment)?
° Any use of milk progesterone, vasectomized bull, other aids?
• Using management data
° Method of recording?
° Recording of all heats including those in voluntary waiting period?
° System for determining cows due in oestrus?
• Oestrus expression
° Environment?

Loafing area


Housing design (stress/bullying)
° Cow factors?


Yield and energy balance
° Opportunity?

Sexually active group size

Time budget
• Others
° Routine vet. visits


Which cows are being seen?
° Use of synchronization? Protocol? Which cows?

Levels of progesterone post-service have a earlier cycle number post-calving). NEB can
major influence on embryonic survival also delay post-partum endometrial repair
(Butler, 2001). The length of the post-partum (Wathes et al., 2007), again potentially influ-
anovulatory period is strongly associated encing subsequent pregnancy rate.
with NEB in early lactation (Garnsworthy Energy balance around the time of serv-
et al., 2008), and this provides a further mech- ice is also important. Many of the effects
anism for poor fertility (because cows expe- here appear to be mediated by insulin-like
riencing a greater degree of early-lactation growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which is present at
NEB will tend to have delayed return to lower levels under conditions of NEB. The
cyclicity and so are likely to be served to an effects of low IGF-1 include a decrease in
102 C. Hudson et al.

the responsiveness of the ovary to gonado- Infectious disease and embryonic mortality
tropins (Butler, 2003) and changes in the
micro-environment of the oviduct and Several infectious diseases of cattle are
uterus that are potentially detrimental to associated with a decrease in pregnancy
embryo survival (Fenwick et al., 2008). rate. The most commonly implicated dis-
Maximizing dry matter intake is one of eases include bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD),
the key strategies for avoiding NEB in early infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and
lactation, and is vital in minimizing body leptospirosis. McGowan et al. (1993) found
condition loss in high-yielding cows at peak that seroconversion to BVD around the time
lactation. However, high dry matter intakes of insemination was associated with a sig-
tend to increase blood flow to the liver, nificantly lower pregnancy rate; this is most
which in turn tends to increase the rate at likely to be due to the effect of BVD on
which endogenous steroid hormones are embryo survival. There is also strong in
broken down (Sangsritavong et al., 2002). vitro evidence that in utero exposure to IBR
These include both oestrogen and proges- or BVD virus has a negative effect on surviv-
terone, so cows in this state of high meta- ability of embryos (Vanroose et al., 1997,
bolic turnover are at greater risk of 1998). The effects of leptospirosis are less
perturbation of ovarian cyclicity and embryo clear: although serological evidence of
loss (Roche, 2006). exposure to the causal agent has been asso-
A final potential mechanism by which ciated with lower pregnancy rates (Dhaliwal
NEB can influence pregnancy rate is through et al., 1996), evidence for a causal link is not
its influence on the levels of peri-parturient comprehensive.
disease. NEB is recognized as a risk factor Diagnosis of an infectious disease as
for retained fetal membranes, metritis, the primary cause for a poor pregnancy rate
endometritis, ketosis, displaced abomasum at herd level can be challenging, because
and a variety of other diseases, many of the dynamics of infection within herds
which are in turn recognized as having a tends to be complex. In a situation where a
detrimental effect on pregnancy rate. Moni- novel infectious agent has entered a naïve
toring and management of energy balance is herd, dramatic decreases in pregnancy rate
described in detail in Chapter 8. are often seen, generally followed by steady
High blood urea levels have also been recovery as the majority of the animals
associated with poor pregnancy rates, with develop immunity. A much more common
the predominant mechanisms proposed being scenario is a poor or steadily declining
through alteration in uterine environment pregnancy rate in a herd with evidence of
and compromised embryo survival (Butler, long-standing circulating disease. In this
1998). This may be due to an excess of dietary situation it can be extremely difficult to
crude protein (Butler, 1998), but can also be evaluate the effect of the disease on the
associated with a relative deficit in fermenta- problem. A decision is often made to vacci-
ble metabolizable energy (Whitaker, 1998). nate for the disease under suspicion, but
Subacute ruminal acidosis has also results, in terms of pregnancy rates, are
commonly been linked with poor pregnancy often disappointing (see Chapter 7 for more
rates (Grove-White, 2004), and while this is details on the control of infectious disease).
plausible, solid research evidence is cur- Other less common pathogens have
rently lacking. Micronutrient nutrition can also been associated with reduced preg-
also be important in determining pregnancy nancy rates. These include Ureaplasma spp.
rate. Copper-responsive disorders in partic- (Doig et al., 1979; Kreplin et al., 1987),
ular have classically been associated with Histophilus somni (van der Burgt et al., 2007),
poor pregnancy rates (Phillippo et al., 1987), Trichomonas fetus and Campylobacter fetus
although the prevalence, diagnosis and subsp. venerealis. Subclinical Johne’s dis-
pathogenesis of such disorders remain con- ease is associated with poor fertility per-
troversial (further details of mineral nutri- formance (Merkal et al., 1975), although this
tion are provided in Chapter 8). may simply be due to a negative effect on
Managing Herd Reproduction 103

energy balance. Neosporosis is sometimes mediated by a decrease in dry matter intake

considered as a potential contributor to poor and consequently in energy balance in lame
pregnancy rate, but studies have failed to cows. Clinical mastitis (Hertl et al., 2010) and
find an effect of Neospora caninum infec- subclinical mastitis (Pinedo et al., 2009) have
tion status on either pregnancy rate or also been associated with decreased pregnancy
embryo/early fetal loss (López-Gatius et al., rates. Again, when evaluating the effects of
2004, 2005). these diseases on pregnancy rate in a particu-
lar herd, it can be instructive to compare preg-
Concurrent disease nancy rates in affected and unaffected cows.

Endemic, non-infectious disease can also Timing of insemination

play a major role in herds with poor preg-
nancy rates. Disease of the reproductive Timing of insemination during oestrus is
tract itself is important, and there is com- important in determining success of a serv-
prehensive evidence that cows experienc- ice. Premature insemination may result in
ing retained fetal membranes (Holt et al., aged sperm that cannot achieve fertilization
1989; McDougall, 2001), metritis and by the time of ovulation (Hawk, 1987).
endometritis (LeBlanc et al., 2002; Gilbert Delayed insemination may result in failed
et al., 2005) tend to have lower pregnancy fertilization, or formation of a less viable
rates in the same lactation. When evaluating embryo due to ageing of the oocyte (Hunter
the impact of these diseases at a herd level, and Greve, 1997). Trimberger (1948) found
it can be useful to compare pregnancy rate the highest pregnancy rates when cows
(especially to first serve) in affected and were inseminated 13–18 h before ovulation.
unaffected cows. Control of these diseases Insemination time should ideally be based
is discussed in the ‘Controlling reproduc- on ovulation time, and accurate prediction
tive disease’ section. As well as having a of timing of ovulation is a key aim of oestrus
possible direct effect on pregnancy rate via detection. However, prediction of time to
the uterine environment, these diseases are ovulation from signs of oestrus is problem-
all associated with delayed return to ovar- atic (Roelofs et al., 2005) and in practice
ian cyclicity and abnormal oestrous cycles ovulation cannot always be predicted with
(Sheldon, 2004), which may represent a fur- sufficient accuracy to minimize the nega-
ther mechanism whereby pregnancy rates tive effects of aged gametes on embryo qual-
are decreased. More recently, it has been ity and embryonic death.
recognized that cows with subclinical Various studies have used activity
endometritis also tend to have poorer preg- monitors to estimate the timing of onset of
nancy rates, both to first serve and to all oestrus to allow determination of optimal
serves (Kasimanickam et al., 2004). The timing of subsequent insemination. Roelofs
impact of this can be very difficult to appre- et al. (2005) found that ovulation occurred
ciate at herd level, but it is likely that the approximately 29 h (range, 22–39) after
effect of subclinical endometritis is more onset of pedometer-detected oestrus. Maatje
significant in herds where the incidence et al. (1997) found that pregnancy rates were
rate of clinical endometritis is high. highest when insemination occurred at an
Other concurrent endemic disease can estimated interval of 11.8 h after onset of
have an impact on pregnancy rate. Lameness pedometer-detected oestrus. Humblot et al.
during early lactation has been associated with (2009) found lower pregnancy rates in cows
a negative impact on pregnancy rate to first inseminated early (<6 h) or late (>24 h) rela-
service (Melendez et al., 2003), and the pres- tive to the first observed signs of oestrus.
ence of lameness lesions in the foot pre-calving Traditionally, advice has been to serve
has been associated with decreased overall cows 12 h after they are first observed in
fertility performance (Machado et al., 2010). oestrus, with the intention that this will
It is possible that the majority of the appar- coincide with the end of standing oestrus.
ent effect of lameness on pregnancy rate is However, as the typical duration of standing
104 C. Hudson et al.

oestrus has decreased over the years, this has been a substantial reduction in focus
advice has been questioned. One large study on the male elements of reproduction.
found that optimal pregnancy rates occurred However, even where AI is extensively or
where insemination took place 4–12 h after exclusively used, there is still potential for
the first standing mount, which is in agree- insemination-related factors to depress
ment with traditional advice (Dransfield pregnancy rates. Although reputable genet-
et al., 1998). However, the same study found ics companies have stringent quality con-
that the average cow had been in oestrus for trol measures in place, this still leaves
6 h when first visually observed by herd scope for variation in fertility between bulls
staff, suggesting that insemination 12 h after meeting the ‘acceptable’ criteria; for exam-
first observed oestrus might be too late for ple, substantial variation in fertility
optimum pregnancy rates. Further research between ‘high-demand’ AI sires has been
demonstrated comparable pregnancy rates reported in Australia (Phillips et al., 2004).
in once- versus twice-daily insemination Large differences in pregnancy rate between
programmes (Nebel et al., 1994). different bulls can be a clue that this is
In the light of current research, a sensi- important, and examination of thawed
ble recommendation is that cows detected straws can be useful. Methods for evalua-
in oestrus should be inseminated at the next tion of thawed semen are described else-
opportunity, but no later than 10–12 h after where (Phillips et al., 2004).
detected oestrus. Where appropriate insemi- It is important to store and thaw semen
nation timing is in question, early insemina- correctly before insemination. One of the
tion is less likely to compromise conception most important factors here is to retain
(DeJarnette et al., 2004). straws below the frost line in the liquid
It is also important to minimize the nitrogen storage tank. The viability of fro-
number of cows inseminated while not truly zen sperm that is re-cooled after partial
in oestrus. The percentage of non-oestrous thawing has been shown to be extremely
cows presented for AI has been estimated to low (this may occur when straws not imme-
be as high as 18–25%, and was determined diately required are lifted above the frost
to be a significant cause for low pregnancy line and replaced; DeJarnette, 1999). This is
rates (Nebel et al., 1987; Sturman et al., implicated as an important semen handling
2000). This issue is particularly relevant error. Control of this is achieved through
with respect to previously inseminated good flask organization; straws should be
cows, where studies have indicated that easily identifiable within the flask (then
inseminations may cause embryonic or fetal only the straw required for use needs to be
loss in as many as 17% of cases, dependent removed) and liquid nitrogen should always
on AI technique (Weaver et al., 1989; be maintained at the correct level.
Sturman et al., 2000). This is potentially Thawing must also be carried out cor-
important as a cause for poor pregnancy rectly. Since optimum thaw rate is affected
rates, and a useful initial evaluation can be by the exact pre-freezing processing meth-
achieved using inter-service intervals (see ods used, it is important to follow any spe-
‘Routine performance monitoring’ section). cific recommendations from the semen
Follow-up investigation can include the use suppliers. However, thawing in water at
of milk progesterone testing to measure the 35°C for at least 45 s is generally recom-
proportion of cows served that are outside mended. Hygiene and temperature control
of oestrus (as demonstrated by a high milk of the thaw bath is important, and is
progesterone concentration). worth checking as part of an investigation.
Although there is conflicting evidence
Semen quality, storage, thawing regarding the maximum number of straws
and insemination technique that can be thawed together without depress-
ing pregnancy rate (DeJarnette et al., 2004),
With the rise and predominance of artifi- it is logical to suggest that no more straws
cial insemination (AI) in dairy herds, there should be thawed in one batch than can be
Managing Herd Reproduction 105

used within 10–15 min. Maintenance of more widely used. Whilst genetics may be
straw temperature until the time of insemi- playing some role in the long-term decline
nation is vital, as is maintaining strict in pregnancy rate, it is likely that other fac-
hygiene. tors related to nutrition, disease and man-
There is controversy surrounding the agement are also important. At herd level, it
optimum technique for semen deposition. is clearly unwise to attempt to control repro-
Traditionally, advice has been to deposit ductive performance solely or mainly
semen in the uterine body, just cranial to through genetic manipulation.
the cervix, and this remains the method Extreme ambient temperatures have
taught as standard in most AI courses. More also been associated with poor pregnancy
recently, however, there has been increased rates. This has been implicated as one of the
interest in techniques where deposition is reasons why pregnancy rates tend to be
more cranial, such as uni- or bilateral cor- lower in the summer months in herds that
nual. The evidence supporting different are housed year-round. Heat stress is much
techniques is summarized by DeJarnette more likely to become a problem than cold
et al. (2004), but there is currently a lack of stress in most situations, with modern dairy
convincing data to demonstrate that cornual cows showing physiological evidence of
deposition is associated with higher preg- this at ambient temperatures above 20°C.
nancy rates, even where low sperm doses There is a wide variety of potential mecha-
are used (as in sexed semen). Insemination nisms for this link, but it is worth investi-
technique may vary between inseminators, gating temperature and relative humidity
and this can provide a useful clue that tech- during summer housing when a seasonal
nique is an important factor in herds where pregnancy rate problem is observed in a
more than one person is responsible for car- herd where early-lactation cows are housed
rying out AI. Where this is not the case but through the year. The level at which heat
there is suspicion that poor AI technique is stress is likely to affect pregnancy rate is not
contributing to a poor pregnancy rate, it can simple to predict, partly because of the
be useful to institute a trial period where interaction of ambient temperature and rel-
cows are randomly assigned to be insemi- ative humidity. The temperature–humidity
nated either by the normal member of farm index (THI) is often used to represent the
staff or by a professional technician. Care combination of these two effects: this is
must be taken here to ensure that randomi- described in more detail by Ravagnolo and
zation is carried out properly. Misztal (2002), who found that a THI of >70
was negatively associated with pregnancy
Other factors affecting pregnancy rate rate.
Decreased pregnancy rates have also
Negative genetic correlations exist between been associated with the presence of
milk production traits and fertility variables mycotoxins in cattle rations (Whitlow and
(Veerkamp et al., 2001), and it appears that Hagler, 1999). The most likely causal agent
cows with high milk index are less fertile is generally considered to be zearalenone,
than females with lower genetic merit after an oestrogenic fungal toxin that can be
adjustment for milk production. Information found in maize silage or grain products.
obtained from different countries supports Mycotoxin-related disorders are notoriously
the role of genetics in declining cow fertil- challenging to diagnose, as signs are often
ity. Selection for milk production has been intermittent (toxins are not uniformly dis-
particularly implicated in inadvertently tributed through feedstuffs) and vague
breeding less fertile cows (Royal et al., 2000; (Wilde, 2005). In terms of poor pregnancy
Lucy, 2001). Wall and Coffey (2005) describe rate, this is often a diagnosis of exclusion,
how a fertility index can help to reverse the and it is possible to advise inclusion of an
long-term decline in the fertility of dairy adsorbent in the ration where pregnancy
cattle and how genetic indices, based on rates are poor and other causes have been
reproductive performance, are becoming excluded. In this instance, it is extremely
106 C. Hudson et al.

important to monitor the outcome of the Semen collection from bulls by artificial
intervention, since this will provide evi- vagina (AV) can be tedious and potentially
dence for or against mycotoxins being the dangerous. Electro-ejaculation (EEJ) is the
original cause of the problem. standard method of semen collection used in
the field in North America and Australasia,
and has allowed the development of the PBE
Pregnancy rate in herds using natural service as a routine procedure. However, approxi-
mately two-thirds of sub-fertile bulls can be
Although many dairy herds rely predomi-
detected by physical examination alone.
nantly on AI, there are still a number
Careful examination, including palpation of
where bulls play an important part. A nor-
the testes and measurement of the scrotal cir-
mal fertile bull is expected to get 90% of a
cumference, may determine the presence of
group of 50 normal, cycling, disease-free
any abnormalities, and allow an indication
females pregnant within 9 weeks, and 60%
of fertility of an individual bull. An estimate
of these in the first 3 weeks (McGowan,
of the likely effect of bull fertility on overall
2004). However, of 319 bulls examined in
pregnancy rate can be obtained by measuring
a UK survey, around one third were sub-
pregnancy rate to natural service compared
fertile (Eppink, 2005). Reasons included
with that to AI, or by comparing pregnancy
lameness, poor scrotal circumference,
rates between different bulls. The need to
scrotal enlargement, poor semen quality
account for potential confounding factors is
(motility or morphology) and impaired
important here: in many cases AI is used for
ability to serve cows.
the first few serves of lactation, and natural
A bull pre-breeding evaluation (PBE)
service reserved for animals not conceiving
performed prior to the service period in sea-
to these serves, with the latter possibly repre-
sonally breeding herds allows a proactive
senting a biased selection of problem cows.
approach to screening out sub-fertile bulls
There are a number of specific repro-
(McGowan, 2004; Penny, 2005, 2009).
ductive diseases that are spread by natural
Furthermore, a judgement as to how many
service. After notifiable or zoonotic diseases
cows may be served by a bull can be
(such as brucellosis), perhaps the most
attempted, rather than proceeding with no
important of these is venereal campylobac-
assessment of likely performance. Evaluation
teriosis, caused by Campylobacter fetus
of bull fertility is also encouraged in year-
subsp. venerealis. The aetiology, clinical
round calving herds, especially where there
signs and diagnosis of infectious causes of
is heavy reliance on natural service.
reproductive diseases spread by natural
The structure of the PBE should be
service are provided in Box 4.8.
modular, as follows:

• history and disease status; Controlling reproductive disease

• physical examination (including palpa-
tion of testes and measurement of scro-
Most diseases of dairy cows can have a del-
tal circumference);
eterious impact on reproductive perform-
• semen collection (using an artificial
ance, either directly or indirectly. Following
vagina or electro-ejaculator) and exami-
disease, damage to the reproductive system
nation of motility and morphology;
can occur through altering nutrition/metabo-
• serving assessment (using synchronized
lism, affecting ovarian or uterine function
heifers or cows from farmer observation
and modifying inflammatory mechanisms.
of oestrus prior to visit); and
Therefore, to optimize herd reproduction it
• special diagnostics (e.g. testicular
is essential to maximize general herd health.
Monitoring, diagnosis and control of
A detailed description of the procedure major infectious diseases (including infec-
and a specimen record form is provided by tious bovine rhinotracheitis, BVD and
Penny (2009). leptosporosis) are discussed in detail in
Managing Herd Reproduction 107

Box 4.8. Outline of the infectious causes of reproductive diseases spread by natural service.

• Venereal campylobacteriosis and Trichomonas fetus infection: although these diseases are caused by
quite different agents, they share many clinical features. Both are generally carried by asymptomatic
bulls, introduced at natural service and cause an inflammatory process in the uterus, often resulting in
loss of the embryo or fetus at a variable period post-service. The infection will normally subsequently
be eliminated, although the timescale for this is variable, and the cow is likely to remain sub-fertile
during this period (and may or may not cycle). Vulval discharge is sometimes observed. Diagnosis is
by microbiological/immunological examinations of the bull, but generally test sensitivity is limited and
serial tests are often recommended. Sampling and transport requirements should be discussed with the
chosen laboratory before sampling. In the UK, diagnosis of campylobacteriosis is usually by fluorescent
antibody testing or bacterial culture of a preputial wash.
• Mycoplasmae and ureaplasmae: these organisms have been isolated from both the male and lower
female genital tract, and have also been associated with endometritis, poor pregnancy rates and
fetal loss/abortion. However, it is likely that clinical disease is rare and diagnostic testing is not
commonly performed (again, sampling requirements should be discussed with a laboratory first).
• IBR and BVD: although spread by other means (e.g. aerosol) is more common, both of these viruses
can be spread by natural service. This can occur in a variety of situations, but bulls that are persist-
ently infected with BVD or are latent carriers of IBR (in which periods of stress can lead to recrudes-
cence and shedding) can be major sources of reproductive losses. Venereal spread can also be a
feature of genital lesions caused by bovine herpesvirus (for further details on IBR and BVDV see
Chapter 7).

Chapter 7. Nutrition-related diseases that condition may spontaneously resolve

can affect reproduction, such as hypocalcae- before the stage at which treatment would
mia and ketosis, are discussed in Chapter 8. be considered). For this reason, incidence of
Here we concentrate on the major diseases retained fetal membranes (RFM) is com-
of the reproductive tract that affect repro- monly under-recorded.
ductive performance, and briefly discuss Control of RFM centres around preven-
abortion. Parturition is probably the single tion of predisposing factors, and these are
most important event in determining outlined in Box 4.9.
whether subsequent reproductive disorders Recently, there has been a change in
occur. Avoidance of dystocia and excellent the perceived relative importance of the
management of the cow during calving are factors listed in Box 4.9. Traditionally, uter-
paramount. ine contractility has been considered to be
key, but more recent research has sugges-
ted greater importance of prompt immune-
Retained fetal membranes
mediated breakdown of the cotelydon–
Expulsion of fetal membranes in a timely caruncle attachment (Frazer, 2005; LeBlanc,
manner after parturition is important in 2008). RFM is a substantial predisposing
allowing clearance of the uterine bacterial factor for endometritis, and is associated
contamination that occurs at calving, thus with an increase in the severity of
ensuring normal uterine involution. Mem- uterine bacterial disease (metritis and
branes are generally considered to be endometritis).
‘retained’ for an abnormally prolonged time
if they are still present at more than 24 h Metritis and endometritis
after parturition (Paisley et al., 1986). This
can present problems in terms of recording, Unusually among the domestic species,
as treatment is not normally instituted until bacterial contamination of the uterus at the
a later stage, so the farmer is being asked to time of calving is normal in cattle (Williams
record a disease incidence that will not nec- et al., 2008). A variety of defence mech-
essarily be associated with treatment (the anisms are responsible for clearing this
108 C. Hudson et al.

Box 4.9. Risk factors for retained fetal membranes.

• Abnormalities relating to myometrial contractions (either in terms of frequency or amplitude): uterine

atony is important, and common causes for this include
° clinical or subclinical hypocalcaemia; and
° prolonged dystocia
• Interference with the normal maturation of the placentome (involving changes in collagen and
alteration in binucleate cell numbers in the villi on the fetal side), resulting in failure of adequate
separation of maternal and fetal tissues. Potential causes of this include
° negative energy balance;
° micronutrient deficiencies (e.g. vitamins E and A, selenium);
° premature calving: spontaneous (e.g. twins) or induced;
° prolonged gestation;
° inflammatory conditions (e.g. some specific causes of abortion);
° trauma/oedema; and
° hyperaemia/necrosis of fetal villi/placentome.

contamination in the post-partum period in lower pregnancy rates (Borsberry and

order to allow normal uterine involution. Dobson, 1989; LeBlanc et al., 2002), and as
However, some level of uterine bacterial a result it is implicated as one of the major
infection is still present in as many as 40% causes of financial loss due to reproduction
of animals at one week post-calving in dairy herds.
(Sheldon et al., 2009). Failure of these clear- Development of clinical and/or subclini-
ance mechanisms leads to uterine bacterial cal endometritis depends on the balance
disease, specifically metritis and endometri- between host immunity and microbial path-
tis. There has been significant confusion ogenicity. It is generally held that the bacte-
between these terms, and Sheldon et al. ria responsible for this group of syndromes
(2006) suggest that for clarity the terms are ubiquitous in the environment, and tradi-
puerperal metritis, clinical metritis and tionally much importance has been attached
clinical endometritis are used (see Box 4.5 to calving pen hygiene for prevention of
for definitions). Cows may experience one disease. However, several studies have failed
or more of these syndromes during the early to associate environmental hygiene with
post-partum period, with puerperal or clini- endometritis (Noakes et al., 1991; Potter
cal metritis commonly followed by clinical et al., 2010), and this may play a negligible
endometritis. However, many cases of clini- role. Instead, factors such as trauma to the
cal endometritis are not preceded by evi- reproductive tract during parturition, speed
dent signs of uterine bacterial disease earlier and extent of uterine involution and immune
in lactation. More recently it has also been function may be more significant.
recognized that a subclinical inflammatory Several studies have evaluated risk fac-
state also exists, and that the lactational tors for endometritis: Potter et al. (2010)
incidence rate of this may be as high as 30% reported significant associations between
(Sheldon et al., 2009). This state may be the likelihood of endometritis and the
associated with partial recovery of the occurrence of a case of RFM in the same
endometrium after clinical metritis or lactation, assisted calving, stillbirth, vulval
endometritis, trauma or other non-microbial angle, primiparity and a male calf. Similarly,
disease, or can be the direct result of failure Gautam (2010) found associations between
of uterine bacterial clearance mechanisms probability of a case of endometritis and
where no clinical disease has been evident. assisted calving, RFM and concurrent peri-
Cows experiencing uterine bacterial parturient disease. Further workers have
disease tend to have longer intervals from found additional associations between
calving to first service or conception and endometritis and delivery of twin calves
Managing Herd Reproduction 109

(LeBlanc et al., 2002). An earlier study eval- in affected cows there is failure of the domi-
uating risk factors for clinical metritis nant follicle (DF) to ovulate. In anovulatory
(Bruun et al., 2002) found similar associa- anoestrus, it is thought that there is insuffi-
tions (although in this study the effect of cient luteinizing hormone (LH) release from
parity was different, with second-lactation the anterior pituitary (AP) to trigger ovu-
cows at lower risk), supporting the view lation, and that this results from perturba-
that these syndromes have a common aeti- tion of the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian
ology (Sheldon, 2004). The role of energy axis (HPOA). This leads to regression and
balance in the development of uterine bac- atresia of the DF, and development of a
terial disease is controversial, and research subsequent follicular wave. This process
evidence in this field is not comprehensive. continues in a cyclical fashion until such
Negative energy balance and clinical ketosis time as the HPOA is sufficiently functional
have been associated with increased inci- to stimulate ovulation of a DF. In cystic
dence of disease (Butler and Smith, 1989; ovarian disease (COD), LH is sufficient to
Hammon et al., 2006), but other workers support the DF, but insufficient to cause
have failed to find such associations. There ovulation. The DF therefore persists, and
is a clear and plausible role for energy bal- may continue to secrete high levels of oes-
ance: a large body of research evidence sug- trogen, become luteinized (forming a luteal
gests that cows in peri-parturient negative cyst) or become functionally inactive.
energy balance have impaired immune Disruption of the HPOA leading to sub-
function (Hammon et al., 2006), and this normal LH release is therefore the key ele-
has also been demonstrated within the uter- ment in the pathogenesis of both diseases.
ine environment (Zerbe et al., 2000). Since A number of potential causes for this disrup-
the immune system plays a key role in clear- tion have been suggested, and many of these
ance of bacterial contamination from the have also been associated with one or both
uterus post-calving (Sheldon et al., 2009), it diseases in epidemiological studies.
is likely that management of peri-parturient Established risk factors for delayed ovarian
energy balance is important in prevention cyclicity include dystocia, abnormal vaginal
of this syndrome. Energy balance is also discharge, concurrent disease and severe
likely to be important in terms of timely negative energy balance (Opsomer et al.,
return to cyclicity: oestrus represents a key 2000). Control of anoestrus therefore centres
opportunity for cure of bacterial disease around managing peri-parturient energy bal-
(Sheldon and Dobson, 2004), and negative ance and minimizing early-lactation dis-
energy balance can delay first ovulation and eases (see Chapter 8). Risk factors for COD
return to normal cyclicity post-partum. It is are less clear, although several studies have
also plausible that micronutrient nutrition found associations between disease and
(especially selenium and vitamins A and E) later-parity animals (Laporte et al., 1994;
is important for the same reason, and Nelson et al., 2010) and animals with higher
parenteral administration of vitamin E has milk production (Laporte et al., 1994; Hooijer
been associated with a lower risk of clinical et al., 2001). Therefore, nutrition and man-
metritis (Erskine et al., 1997), although agement in the peri-parturient period are
dietary supplementation is preferable (see again likely to be important (see Chapter 8).
Chapter 8).
Anovulatory anoestrus and cystic ovarian
disease Abortion is defined as the expulsion of a
recognizable dead or non-viable fetus prior
These conditions are related to disruption to the end of normal gestation (Cabell,
of normal post-partum return to ovarian 2007). A certain level of fetal loss is gener-
cyclicity. In both conditions, follicular ally considered to be ‘natural’ or unavoid-
waves develop in response to follicle- able, but investigation should be considered
stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulation, but where the rate of abortion is above 3–5% of
110 C. Hudson et al.

pregnancies. Abortion may be due to a Conclusion

wide range of infectious and non-infectious
causes, many of which are sporadic in Reproductive performance is a major deter-
nature. Common causes of abortion are minant of the efficient working and profita-
listed in Box 4.10. bility of a dairy enterprise, and as such is a
A detailed description of monitoring key focus for the practitioner of herd health.
and management of the infectious diseases Monitoring of reproductive performance is
is provided in Chapter 7. The key role of the a central, fundamental aspect of dairy herd
herd health advisor is to monitor the rate of health and is heavily reliant on good-quality
abortion, and ensure that appropriate diag- data. Analysis of reproductive data provides
nostic measures are implemented where an excellent insight into the areas where
rate exceeds the suggested level. Diagnosis herd performance can be improved, and is
involves submission of maternal blood, useful in highlighting the impact of inter-
complete aborted fetus and placenta (as soon ventions carried out. There is significant
as possible) to an appropriate laboratory. scope for improved fertility in the vast
Control measures will relate to the specific majority of dairy herds, and this represents
cause of an outbreak and are outlined briefly a large reservoir of untapped potential for
in Box 4.10. the herd health advisor to unlock.

Box 4.10. Common causes of abortion in dairy cows.

Non-infectious causes
Nutritional (including gross Nutritional problems may be revealed by examination of aborted
malnutrition and deficiencies fetus (e.g. iodine deficiency), or may require sampling of the
in iodine, vitamin E and selenium) herd for diagnosis. A careful history will often be useful where
Toxic (a variety of toxic compounds, toxic, physical or stress-related causes are involved. Genetic
including mycotoxins) abnormalities may be implicated where a specific sire is
Physical (e.g. pyrexia, trauma, involved. Control of such cases involves correcting or removing
twin pregnancies) the underlying cause.
Genetic abnormalities of the fetus

Infectious causes
Neospora caninum Mostly sporadic abortions at various stages of gestation (and
stillbirths), although infected herds can suffer high
incidence rates. Vertical transmission is effective, and other
modes of infection possible (see Chapter 7 for details of
Bacillus licheniformis Often sporadic late abortions. Infection and pathogenesis not
well understood, but spoilt feedstuffs and silage run-off are
thought to be important sources of infection.
Arcanobacter pyogenes Again usually a sporadic cause of late abortions. Pathogenesis
and epidemiology very poorly understood, and no specific
measures are generally recommended for control.

Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) Often associated with a low incidence rate of abortions in
infected herds, although introduction of disease to a
previously naïve herd can result in a large proportion of
abortions (dependent on reproductive status). Diagnosis and
control are covered in Chapter 7.

Managing Herd Reproduction 111

Box 4.10. Continued.

Salmonella spp. Affected cows are often (but not always) pyrexic and diarrhoeic.
Control is very dependent on the clinical scenario:
Salmonella dublin is endemic in many dairy herds and may
cause sporadic abortions, but introduction of a species to
which a herd is naïve can be associated with clusters of
abortions. Control may involve vaccination.
Leptospira hardjo Abortions (usually at >6 months) can be a feature of an infected
herd, and clusters of abortions can result from introduction of
disease to a naïve herd. See Chapter 7 for details of control.
Mycotic agents Usually sporadic abortions from mid-term onwards. Commoner
(e.g. Aspergillus fumigatus) in winter in UK herds. Spoiled feedstuffs (especially forages)
are thought to be an important source of infection.
Infectious bovine Abortions (usually from mid-term onwards) can be a feature of
rhinotracheitis (IBR) an infected herd, and outbreaks can result from introduction
of disease to a naïve herd. See Chapter 7.
Campylobacter fetus venerealis See Box 4.8.

References and Further Reading

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5 Control of Mastitis and Enhancement

of Milk Quality

Andrew Bradley,1,2 Herman Barkema,3 Andrew Biggs,4

Martin Green2 and Theo Lam5
Quality Milk Management Services Ltd, Cedar Barn, Easton Hill, Easton, Wells BA5
IDU, UK; 2School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham,
Sutton Bonington Campus, Leicestershire LE12 5RD, UK; 3Department of Production
Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB,
Canada; 4Vale Veterinary Group, The Laurels, Tiverton, Devon EX16 4LF, UK; 5Dutch
Udder Health Centre UGCN at GD Animal Health Service and Department of
Farm Animal Health, and Department of Farm Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Introduction An international perspective on mastitis

and milk production
Mastitis is one of the most common and
costly diseases of dairy cattle and therefore Reducing numbers of producers, increasing
one of the most important in dairy herd herd size and yield – industrialization of
health. The aims of this chapter are to give milk production. In 2005, the average herd
the herd health professional an insight into size globally was only 2.4 cows and 12–14%
udder health management in the modern of the world’s population were to some extent
dairy herd and to equip him or her with the directly dependent on dairy farming (http://
necessary background to pursue the latest
approaches to control. pdf). In contrast, in the UK the 20,000 pro-
From a mammary gland perspective a ducers represent less than 0.001% of the
healthy herd will have a low bulk milk population with an average herd size of 98
somatic cell count (BMSCC), a low inci- cows (,
dence of clinical mastitis, a low proportion
of teats with teat end lesions and low num- usdahome). In the developed world, milk
bers of cows culled for udder health rea- production in the early 21st century has been
sons. Cows will have four functional defined by a relentless decline in producer
quarters and produce milk that is whole- numbers, an increasing herd size (see Fig.
some and of required constituent value. 5.1) and increasing individual animal output
Whilst this is a worthy aim, it is not always (see Fig. 5.2). The lack of inflationary
attained in modern productions systems increases in farm income from milk produc-
where compromise too often rules the day. tion relative to other commodities such as

© CAB International 2012. Dairy Herd Health (ed. M. Green) 117

118 A. Bradley et al.

Relative change in herd size

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

UK USA New Zealand

The Netherlands Australia Germany France

Fig. 5.1. Change in average herd size (relative to 1990) in exemplar of developed dairy-producing countries.

Milk yield (l)

1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
UK USA New Zealand
The Netherlands Germany France Australia

Fig. 5.2. Approximate annual milk yield in exemplar of developed dairy-producing countries.

feed, energy (diesel and electricity) and ferti- tion), nutrition (realization of that potential)
lizer has driven a requirement for greater effi- and technology in terms of mechanization of
ciency. The changes in social acceptance of feed production, milking process and disease
long working hours and the introduction of monitoring have all contributed to both
technical input in terms of improved cow increased productivity and efficiency. In the
genetics (greater potential for milk produc- developed world, the latter half of the 20th
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 119

century and early 21st century saw average of today has many more high-tech systems
herd sizes increase from tens of cows to hun- to monitor and modify its function as well
dreds, with some of the largest herds now as in-line, high-tech, solutions to aid the
being counted in the thousands or tens of detection of abnormal milk and mastitis.
thousands. Much of this sensor technology is still
Increasing herd size, to capitalize on undergoing development and evaluation in
‘economies of scale’, seems inevitable to terms of sensitivity and specificity of masti-
maintain farm income and at the farm tis detection, as well as cost–benefit ratios,
level there has been, and continues to be, but it is likely to become more common as
an erosion of skill as experienced labour is accuracy improves and costs come down.
lost. These are significant challenges in Adoption of this technology will also be
the pursuit of ‘quality milk’ production influenced by the philosophy of the unit
which make the herd health approach, as with high input – high-output systems more
described in Chapter 1, essential in the likely to be the early adopters.
modern dairy herd. Even the high-tech approach to milk
harvesting has two directions of develop-
Polarization in the industry: differing ment, namely high-capacity parlours with a
approaches to milk production high throughput of cows per person per
hour and automatic milking systems (AMS)
In understanding the approach to mastitis where manual labour is replaced by a robot.
control and production of quality milk, To achieve high throughput in a parlour,
there are two areas in particular, nutrition labour needs to be used efficiently along-
and milk harvesting, where technology has side automation (most commonly, auto-
had an impact and has resulted in polariza- matic cluster removal (ACR) and possibly
tion of the approach to milk production. automatic application of post-milking teat
These polarizations are seen worldwide and disinfection (PMTD) ). Despite this automa-
are discussed below. tion, which helps facilitate high throughput
Nutrition of the dairy cow can be very in these parlours, there is often only a few
complex, particularly when trying to opti- seconds available for teat preparation,
mize output in high-yielding Holstein- which presents challenges for milk quality
Friesian cows. In this situation, significant control. In single- or multiple-stall AMS the
labour and financial inputs are required to robot performs the manual tasks and the
support the high level of production per cows present themselves to be milked,
cow. Often cows in such systems are housed hence the alternative name of voluntary
year round to ensure control and consist- milking system (VMS). Single-stall AMS as
ency of their diet (high input – high output opposed to multiple-stall AMS systems
production). In areas of the world where have the potential disadvantage of a break-
forage can be grown and preserved in abun- down, leaving the farm without a function-
dance, cows with lower yield potential ing robot. A recent development in AMS is
(often Channel Island or cross-bred cows) a multi-robot rotary parlour that can give
are fed on a simpler, less expensive and less flexibility of milking but may require
labour-intensive, pasture-based diet (low batches of cows to be delivered to the par-
input – low output production). Cows in lour. Future developments will almost cer-
these systems may not be housed at all, or tainly see improvements in the ability of
for only a few months of the year compared robots and further automation in conven-
with the 6 months or more seen in intensive tional parlours, and these innovations will
production systems. bring challenges in their own right.
Milk harvesting has seen a technologi-
cal revolution in terms of mechanical effi- Clinical and subclinical mastitis
ciency and technical ability. A car produced
in the 1950s is very different from a car pro- Mastitis can be classified as ‘clinical’ when
duced today, and similarly the milking parlour inflammatory changes to the mammary
120 A. Bradley et al.

gland or milk are visually apparent, or ‘sub- Whilst directives such as that imple-
clinical’ when disease is present but the mented by the EU have not been universally
inflammatory changes cannot be detected adopted worldwide, the declining inci-
visually. In most developed countries, the dence, prevalence and shifting patterns
incidence of clinical and subclinical masti- described in the UK are common to the
tis has decreased over the last few decades. dairy industries of other developed coun-
For example, in the UK it is estimated that tries around the world. Examples of the
between the late 1960s and the early 1980s changing incidence and prevalence of
average clinical mastitis rates fell from in bovine mastitis in parts of the developed
excess of 150 cases to around 40 cases per world are outlined in Table 5.1.
100 cows per year (Bradley and Green,
2000). By the early 2000s the rate was 50–60 Milk hygiene
cases per 100 cows (Bradley et al 2007a).
These changes in rate were accompanied by EU directive 92/46 EEC (EU, 1992a) set a
a significant change in the aetiology of mas- hygiene standard of 100,000 cells/ml total
titis, with a shift away from the classic con- bacterial count (TBC), measured by agar
tagious mastitis pathogens to those defined plate count, for milk leaving a farm for
as environmental. human consumption. Payment penalties
In a similar time frame, the UK BMSCC were again applied to encourage compli-
fell from around 600,000 to around 200,000 ance. TBC – or, more accurately – total via-
cells/ml. The most dramatic fall was in the ble count (TVC) is costly and time consuming
mid-1990s, when EU directive 92/46 EEC to perform and has been largely replaced by
(EU 1992a) made it unlawful for milk to Bactoscan, a much more rapid and simple
leave a farm for human consumption when measurement with which it correlates well
the geometric mean of 3 months’ BMSCC (
was >400,000 cells/ml. This was coupled mb_009_feb2001.pdf).
with the advent of milk buyers applying sig- Within the EU the limits of 400,000
nificant price penalties (often 25% of milk somatic cells/ml and 100,000 bacterial cells/
price) to encourage farmers to either improve ml are used as standards for intra- and extra-
their milk quality or leave the industry. community trade. While similar levels have

Table 5.1. Examples of the change in incidence and prevalence of bovine mastitis in an exemplar of
countries with a developed dairy industry.

1980s Early 2000s

Incidence of Incidence of
clinical mastitis Bulk milk clinical mastitis Bulk milk
(cases/100 cows/year) SCC (× 103/ml) (cases/100 cows/year) SCC (× 103/ml)

Canada − − 23c 230c

New Zealand − 350a 19d 232e
Norway 19a 248a 19f 114f
The Netherlands 20–25a 350a 34g 220h
USA 48a 500a − 224i
UK 40b 376a 50–60j 192k

SCC, somatic cell count. a Booth (1996); b Wilesmith et al. (1986); c Sargeant et al. (1998; reports incidence of first cases
of CM: Olde Riekerink et al. (2008),;
Petrovski et al. (2009); e NZ Dairy Statistics,;
Østerås and Sølverød (2009); g Sol (2002); h van den Borne et al. (2011); i USDA,
health/nahms/dairy/downloads/dairy_monitoring/BTSCC_2010infosheet.pdf; j Bradley et al. (2007a); k DairyCo Datum,
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 121

been adopted and implemented in other money than attempting to treat cases where
parts of the world, these limits act as barriers success is very unlikely, and factors that influ-
to trade for countries not able to demonstrate ence this success rate are described later.
that their industry is producing to these Mastitis costs can broadly be split into
standards. The figures used around the direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are
world for upper BMSCC limits for milk sold those that are closely related to the mastitis or
for human consumption vary, although both its treatment, whereas indirect costs are those
New Zealand and Australia use the 400,000 incurred as a result of, or subsequent to, the
cells/ml upper limit, while all Canadian mastitis. The costs associated with clinical
provinces will move to the same cut-off in mastitis are generally easier to calculate than
the summer of 2012. The USA uses an upper those with subclinical mastitis, with the
limit of 750,000 cells/ml. However, it is direct costs being the most simple to quantify.
important to add that while some countries In addition, there are also significant costs to
have higher regulatory limits this does not the industry of ongoing preventive measures.
necessarily reflect the milk quality situation The costs of preventive management
within that country, with the majority of measures are usually attributed equally to
herds in the USA having similar BMSCCs to all cows in a herd, since the benefits are
herds in the EU (see Table 5.1). assumed to be equally shared. In terms of
treatment costs, the effects of a successful
treatment of a single infected quarter are not
restricted to the cow under treatment; the
The economics of bovine mastitis removal of an infected quarter from a herd,
by successful treatment (or culling), reduces
Mastitis and suboptimal milk quality are the chance of spread within the herd and
considered to be the most costly production thus benefits the herd as a whole. Such ben-
disease in dairying, and have been esti- efits will vary between herds, depending on
mated to account for 38% of all the direct the likelihood of transmission of infection
costs associated with such diseases from infected to uninfected cows.
(Kossaibati and Esslemont, 1997). The cost The costs of clinical and subclinical
to the UK dairy industry alone is estimated mastitis vary widely between herds. For
to be in excess of £200 million annually, example, the average cost of a case of clini-
while worldwide costs are estimated in the cal mastitis has been estimated to be
region of US$35 billion. between £100 and £2000 per case depend-
The economic impact of mastitis can be ing on the severity, the stage of lactation
viewed at world, national, herd or individual when disease occurs and farm circum-
cow level and encompasses both treatment stances (such as milk price). Therefore,
and preventive measures aimed at clinical when evaluating the cost of mastitis on a
and subclinical disease. Effectively, expendi- dairy unit, it is essential to estimate costs
ture can be split into (i) investment in preven- using herd-specific values, rather than aver-
tive measures and monitoring and (ii) costs age figures. The costs associated with masti-
due to suboptimal production, early culling tis can be estimated as shown below.
and clinical disease. It is often considered
that some preventive measures have a rela- Clinical mastitis costs
tively high return on investment whilst others
do not (Huijps et al., 2010) and could perhaps The direct and indirect costs associated
be best viewed as a form of ‘insurance’. with clinical mastitis are shown in Box 5.1.
However, the cost–benefit of different control
methods in different farm circumstances has Subclinical mastitis costs
been the subject of little research and remains
relatively poorly understood. Clearly, treat- Subclinical mastitis costs are difficult to
ment of cases of mastitis that have a good estimate, but again can be divided into
chance of success will be better value for direct and indirect costs in a similar way to
122 A. Bradley et al.

Box 5.1. Direct and indirect costs of mastitis.

Direct costs Indirect costs

Treatment costs Reduction in cow yield following case
Labour costs Recurrent clinical case in later lactation
Veterinary surgeon’s (veterinarian’s) time Culling
(if required) Transmission to uninfected cow(s)
Reduced milk sales from discarded milk
during treatment and withholding period

those outlined above for clinical mastitis. • loss of genetic potential from the herd
Direct costs attributable to increased BMSCC due to forced culling; and
are perhaps the most obvious cost to farm- • further financial penalties from:
ers, and these take the form of payment pen- ° potential effect on BMSCC once
alties or lost bonuses. Different payment milk returned to the bulk tank;
penalties in pence per litre (ppl) are levied ° potential effect on bacterial count
on individual farms, but are often triggered in milk/Bactoscan; and
by a BMSCC >200,000 or >250,000 cells/ml. ° potential to cause an antibiotic
These penalties are generally banded, milk failure having significant
becoming more severe with increasing economic impact.
BMSCC, and typically represent between
<1% and 5% of milk value depending on Preventive management costs
the milk contract and BMSCC level. The
indirect costs of subclinical mastitis are dif- As well as the costs associated with the
ficult for producers to appreciate, but a rea- occurrence of disease, it is also necessary to
sonable estimate is that herd yield decreases consider the cost of routine preventive
approximately 2.5% for every 100,000 cells/ measures. Examples, though not an exhaus-
ml that the BMSCC increases over a thresh- tive list, of typical preventive management
old of 200,000 cells/ml. While losses associ- costs are:
ated with subclinical mastitis will vary • labour: time involved in:
hugely, for a UK herd, for example, on a maintaining general hygiene of
typical milk supply contract and with a cow accommodation;
BMSCC of 250,000 cells/ml and an average good milking routine;
yield of 8500 l, subclinical mastitis costs monthly routine milk recording;
could be expected to be in the range of maintaining accurate clinical and
£30–50 per cow per year. drying-off records;
° evaluating action lists from analy-
Additional indirect costs sis and interpretation of SCC and
clinical records; and
In addition to the costs outlined above,
° segregation of cows.
there are further indirect herd costs associ-
• consumables:
ated with mastitis that are difficult to
° teat preparation material (paper/
medicated towels/milking gloves,
• spread to other cows, resulting in etc.);
increased clinical and subclinical ° teat dip/spray (pre- and post-milking);
mastitis; ° dairy chemicals for cleaning par-
• increase in preventive management and lour (and cluster disinfection);
monitoring costs enforced due to ° antibiotic dry cow tubes or teat
increased disease prevalence (see later); sealants; and
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 123

° somatic cell counting and bacterio- approaches are appropriate for each herd?
logical monitoring. While we may not completely understand
the impact that mastitis has on cow welfare,
Clearly, many of the preventive man-
it is clear that reducing the incidence and
agement costs outlined above have benefits
prevalence of mastitis in dairy herds will
with respect to other aspects of disease con-
result in an important welfare improve-
trol, cow comfort and cow welfare, and thus
ment. However, we should be mindful that
such costs should not solely be attributed to
the change in aetiology of mastitis that may
mastitis control.
occur following implementation of mastitis
control measures could have an adverse
effect on a small proportion of cows – for
Welfare implications of bovine mastitis instance, an increase in severe coliform
mastitis following control of contagious
The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC), pathogens. This balance is discussed more
an independent advisory body established fully in later sections.
by the UK Government in 1979, stated that
‘The welfare of an animal includes its phys-
ical and mental state and we consider that The public health implications
good animal welfare implies both fitness and perception of bovine milk
and a sense of well-being’. They have pro-
vided a framework to define ideal states that
Bacterial risks: pasteurization
are applicable to all animal production sys-
tems, termed the ‘Five Freedoms’. The third Milk has the potential to harbour a range of
freedom states ‘Freedom from pain, injury pathogens harmful to human health. These
or disease’. can be the result of (i) an intra-mammary
There is no question that clinical masti- infection with a mastitis pathogen resulting
tis can be a painful condition and, in very in clinical or subclinical mastitis; (ii) asymp-
severe cases, cows will appear sick and dis- tomatic, non-significant intra-mammary
tressed. Research has shown that even in infection with a potential human pathogen
relatively mild cases cows show a reduced such as Campylobacter spp.; or (iii) contam-
threshold for pain, indicating that pain can ination of the milk after or during harvest-
be a significant consequence for a cow suf- ing from the cow. Pasteurization reduces
fering from even a mild case of clinical mas- the overall viable bacterial load in milk,
titis (Kemp et al., 2008). For this reason, the diminishing the chance of harmful bacteria
use of anti-inflammatory drugs such as non- being present and increasing the shelf life of
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) milk and milk products. Consumption of
is an important part of the veterinary dairy products from unpasteurized sources
armoury in mastitis treatment. carries significant risks from a number of
The influence of husbandry and man- pathogens, including but not limited to
agement on mastitis incidence, and the pre- Salmonella spp. and Listeria spp.
dominant types of pathogens present in a
herd, have a part to play in the welfare of Adverse effects of mastitis on milk quality
the cows in that herd. It is worth consider-
ing the relative welfare implications in two Mastitis has a variety of effects on the con-
contrasting herds with different patterns of stituents of milk, many of which have impli-
disease: a herd with a high BMSCC (~350,000 cations for the food industry. Cows identified
cells/ml) but an acceptable clinical mastitis with clinical mastitis have their milk dis-
rate (20 cases/100 cows/year) compared carded during the clinical episode and for a
with a herd with a low BMSCC (<100,000 period afterwards, i.e. within the antibiotic
cells/ml) but a high clinical mastitis rate withhold time. However, changes in milk
(80 cases/100 cows/year). Which herd has quality associated with subclinical mastitis
the most significant welfare concerns? What can have significant effects on both the
124 A. Bradley et al.

keeping quality (i.e. the shelf life) and yield across all members of the groups quinolo-
of milk products such as cheese. More spe- nes and fluoroquinolones. Third- and
cifically, somatic cells that are present in fourth-generation cephalosporin concerns
increased numbers in milk during an infec- surround the emergence of extended spec-
tion are involved in the conversion of plas- trum beta lactamase (ESBL) resistance.
minogen to plasmin. Plasmin, a proteolytic Some countries and farms use these drugs
enzyme produced by the cow, can break routinely as part of their protocols for vari-
down casein and decrease cheese yield. ous infectious diseases, including mastitis;
however, without responsible and prudent
Medicines residues use the risk will remain that these drugs
may be withdrawn from use in food-
Developed dairy nations have in place strict producing animals.
rules and regulations to prevent contamina- One area of particular concern that will
tion of the food chain by veterinary medici- receive increased attention is the disposal
nal products. All medicines licensed for use of waste milk. Waste milk often contains
in dairy cattle have a milk withhold period antibiotic residues and is commonly fed to
to ensure that residues are below the maxi- calves. This practice raises considerable
mum residue limit (MRL) when the milk worry over transmission of disease and
from treated cows is offered for human encouraging of antibiotic resistance. A prin-
consumption. ciple that should perhaps be followed is
Antibiotics are of special concern because that ‘if it isn’t good enough for humans it
of their potential effect on human bacterial isn’t good enough for calves’.
populations in terms of antibiotic resistance,
as well as their potential to elicit allergic reac- On-farm avoidance of antibiotic residues
tions in humans. Many of the antibiotics used
in the treatment of mastitis are similar to ther- Test kits such as DelvotestSP-NT (DSM
apeutic antibiotics used in human medicine, Food Specialties, Heerlen, The Netherlands),
giving rise to concerns regarding the develop- BetaStar (Neogen Corporation, Lansing,
ment and amplification of antibiotic resist- MN) or Snap (IDEXX, Westbrook, ME) are
ance. While there is much debate about commercially available and are used by
antibiotic resistance in human pathogens milk buyers to detect antimicrobials in milk,
being influenced by use in animals, there is a and by producers to test milk when they
need for constant appraisal, vigilance and feel there may be a risk of an antibiotic vio-
responsible use of antibiotics in animals. lation. This could be in the case of a suspi-
Certain antibiotics reserved for use in cion of cow identity recording error or if a
critical life-threatening conditions in human dry cow calves unexpectedly early.
patients shine a spotlight on their use in DelvotestSP-NT is an ‘inhibitory sub-
veterinary medicine, and the veterinary cli- stance’ test as opposed to the BetaStar and
nician needs to be aware of these concerns Snap, which are immunological tests spe-
and question whether it can be justified to cific for beta lactam antibiotics. Furthermore
use these types of drugs in a routine and the various kits have different thresholds of
widespread manner. There exists the prece- detection and these thresholds are, in some
dent of the removal of chloramphenicol for instances, well below the MRL. These differ-
veterinary use in food-producing animals, ences in sensitivity and specificity can often
to safeguard its use in diarrhoeic patients, lead to apparent discrepancies in results
particularly children in Africa with cholera. between on-farm tests (often conducted
There are two other antibiotic classes where using the rapid immunological kits) and the
there are major areas of concern: the fluoro- tests conducted by the milk buyer to fulfil
quinolones and 3rd- and 4th-generation their regulatory commitments. Also worthy
cephalosporins. Concerns regarding fluoro- of mention is the fact that it is possible for
quinolone use are enhanced because the false-positive reactions to inhibitor tests to
resistance mechanism can confer resistance occur as a result of high levels of natural
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 125

inhibitors such as lactoferrin, and high fat when the gland ‘gears up’ for the next
levels can also interfere with the tests. lactation. This cycle is critically important
in terms of mastitis epidemiology since it
results in dramatic fluctuations in gland
susceptibility to infection, as will be out-
Underlying Principles of Disease lined later.

Anatomy and physiology

Host immune defence
Although the complete anatomy and physi-
ology of the mammary gland is beyond the The host defence against pathogens invad-
scope of this chapter, it is worth reviewing ing the mammary gland can be divided into
pertinent facts as they relate to host suscep- the innate and acquired immune systems,
tibility. The mammary gland is a mucosal and may be further subdivided into anatom-
surface and is essentially a highly special- ical, soluble and cellular components
ized apocrine sweat gland. The gland in cat- (Sordillo et al., 1997). These are outlined
tle is split into four anatomically separate below.
quarters which function as discrete units. The primary anatomical defence of the
The teat comprises the teat cistern, which mammary gland is the teat sphincter that is
opens via the streak canal and the teat ori- supplemented by keratin within the streak
fice. The streak canal is lined with stratified canal, which, as well as providing a physi-
squamous epithelium and is held closed by cal barrier to the ingress of microorganisms,
a smooth muscle sphincter. The teat cistern also forms a chemical barrier in the form of
joins the gland cistern, which is connected esterified and non-esterified fatty acids.
via a ‘branching tree’ of intralobular and Compromise in the integrity of this barrier,
secretory ducts to the secretory alveoli, either through teat end damage, extreme
which are the functional units of milk pro- hyperkeratosis or depletion/inadequate
duction. While the teat and gland cistern production of keratin, will result in an
serve as milk reservoirs, in cattle the major- increase in susceptibility to infection
ity of milk is stored within the secretory tis- (Neijenhuis et al., 2001).
sue of the gland prior to initiation of the The soluble components of the immune
‘milk let-down reflex’. The secretory alveo- defence in the bovine mammary gland are
lus is an epithelial-lined sac surrounded by diverse and not fully understood. Perhaps
smooth muscle. In the lactating animal, the most studied and best understood com-
milk is continually synthesized within the ponent is lactoferrin. This iron-binding pro-
epithelial cells and secreted into the alveo- tein helps protect the gland by depleting
lar lumen. free iron and therefore inhibiting bacterial
Physiologically, the function of the growth, as well as being immunomodula-
reproductively active adult mammary gland tory to some leukocytes. It is particularly
can be split into the lactating and non- important in the non-lactating gland, as its
lactating phases, commonly known as the effectiveness is relatively reduced by the
lactation cycle. The non-lactating phase (the higher levels of citrate present in the lactat-
dry period) can be further subdivided into ing gland. The soluble arm of the acquired
three distinct phases. First is involution, immune system comprises the immu-
which follows the cessation of milking and noglobulins, but the role of this secondary
is the period during which the gland returns arm of the immune defence in the bovine
to a ‘quiescent’ (though still metabolically mammary gland is not fully understood.
active) state after a lactation. Second is the Despite significant research efforts into
steady state, which is characterized by the developing mastitis vaccines, this is likely
involuted gland, the length of which is to remain a problematic area given the
determined by the time until the next calv- diversity of aetiological agents and the fact
ing. Third is colostrogenesis or transition, that mastitis is primarily a reflection of the
126 A. Bradley et al.

host’s natural response to invading patho- disease within a herd, as will be outlined
gens rather than a direct effect of the patho- later in this chapter.
gens themselves.
The cellular arm of the mammary gland The interaction between phases of the
defence comprises both innate and acquired lactation cycle and the immune defence
components. The ‘sentinel’ cells within the
uninfected gland are primarily macro- It is crucial to understand the interaction
phages, though neutrophils and lym- between the immune system and the lacta-
phocytes will also be present. The immune tion cycle because of the impact this has on
response following ingress of pathogens cow susceptibility to infection and there-
will result in non-specific recruitment of fore, inevitably, on the epidemiology of
large numbers of neutrophils following mastitis. The fluctuation in mammary gland
release of chemotactic factors by resident susceptibility to intra-mammary infection
macrophages. This recruitment phase takes (IMI) is illustrated in Fig. 5.3.
4–6 h, a time period that can be crucial in The variation in susceptibility can be
the early stages of some mastitis cases, par- explained by changes in the physiological
ticularly those caused by Gram-negative and immunological function of the lactat-
organisms. ing cow. There are two peaks in the risk of
Leukocytes and small numbers of epi- new infection in the lactating cycle, one
thelial cells also present in milk are collec- during involution and another centred
tively known as ‘somatic cells’, literally around the time of calving. The peak during
‘cells of the body’. The number of these cells involution is, at least in part, explained by
in milk, the somatic cell count (SCC), is rou- (i) the cessation of milking and therefore of
tinely measured both in bulk milk and indi- the regular ‘flushing’ of the streak canal,
vidual cows, and is used as a proxy for coupled with an increase in intra-mammary
intra-mammary infection. Due to their easy pressure that compromises the streak canal;
availability and the low cost of the test, SCC (ii) the cessation of post-dipping; (iii) the
measurements provide a useful tool for fact that it takes some time (up to 28 days)
monitoring and diagnosing patterns of for lactoferrin concentrations to rise in the

Drying Drying
off off
Rate of new infection

Dry Lactation

Fig. 5.3. A schematic illustration of the risk of new intra-mammary infection during the lactation cycle.
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 127

dry gland; and (iv) the inhibitory effect of that as SCCs rise there is an increased risk of
fat and casein levels from milk remnants on disease being present. However, as a part of
leukocyte function. It is also worthy of note the normal immune defence there must be
that the peak in new infection risk, after an optimum number of cells in milk and
drying off, is considerably higher in cows below that threshold one would expect an
not receiving any form of dry cow therapy. increase in the risk of new intra-mammary
The peak of new infection at the end of the infection.
dry period is also driven by a variety of fac- The relationship between clinical mas-
tors, many of these being similar to those titis and SCC is both controversial and com-
seen in involution as the gland reverts to plex, which is reflected in the peer-reviewed
the lactating state. However, in addition literature. However, research in recent years
there are direct inhibitory effects of colos- has improved our understanding of the rela-
trum on the function of white blood cells, tionship between the number (concentra-
as well as the impending era of negative tion) of somatic cells in milk and the
energy balance associated with the freshly subsequent susceptibility of that gland to
calved cow and the negative impact this clinical mastitis. As long ago as the 1960s,
also has on neutrophil function. In contrast, experimental evidence demonstrated that
the fully involuted mammary gland is rela- elevated SCCs in a quarter could protect
tively resistant to colonization by patho- against coliform infection (Schalm et al.,
gens by virtue of high levels of lactoferrin, a 1964). More recent experimental studies
relatively higher SCC and, importantly, an have demonstrated a negative association
environment more conducive to leukocyte between SCC and severity of experimentally
function. induced infections (Shuster et al., 1996; van
One area not yet discussed, though Werven, 1999), clearly demonstrating the
much studied and of great importance, is risk associated with an ‘inadequate’ number
the keratin plug. This physical and chemi- of somatic cells in milk.
cal barrier is a key component of the natural A number of field studies have also
defence in the non-lactating mammary examined the association between SCC and
gland and is slow to develop even in those clinical mastitis, though this is a difficult
cows most competent at forming the seal. In area of research as the diagnosis of clinical
reality, the modern, high-yielding dairy cow mastitis is subjective and double-blinded
is poor at forming this natural defence (for studies are difficult to conduct. In a field
reasons not yet fully understood) and a sig- study in the UK on cows with toxic mastitis,
nificant number of cows fail to form a func- it was found that cases were more likely to
tional keratin plug throughout the dry occur in herds with a lower BMSCC in that
period (Dingwell et al., 2004), while in heif- month than control herds (Green et al.,
ers a large percentage of the teats are open 1996). Since this early work there have been
weeks before first calving (Krömker and a number of additional field studies, both in
Friedrich, 2009). It is this lack of ability that the UK and overseas, that have examined
has led to the relatively recent interest in the relationship between SCC and clinical
both internal and external sealants and the mastitis. Barkema et al. (1998) found no dif-
additional protection they can confer in the ference in the incidence of clinical mastitis
non-lactating period. in low (<150,000), medium (150,000–
250,000) and high (250,000–400,000cells/
Somatic cells and their role in the ml) cell count herds, though systemic signs
host defence of illness associated with mastitis were
more common in the low-cell count
There has been much debate in recent years (<150,000 cells/ml) herds. Tadich et al.
as to whether there is a critical lower number (1998) also reported low BMSCC as being a
of somatic cells in milk that afford an effec- risk factor for severe clinical mastitis.
tive immune defence. As a proxy for intra- Suriyasathaporn et al. (2000) also found
mammary infection, there is little doubt that low SCC was associated with an
128 A. Bradley et al.

increased risk of clinical mastitis. More of differing BMSCC, are outlined in Table 5.2,
recently, studies at both the quarter and based on data from 427,244 individual cow
herd level have indicated that low numbers recordings on 3865 test days in 52 herds,
of somatic cells in milk are associated with spread throughout England and Wales. This
an increase in clinical disease. Peeler et al. table illustrates the potential impact of dif-
(2003) and Green et al. (2004) both demon- ferent cell count bands on the distribution
strated that quarters with a low and high of cows in the different ‘risk’ groups. While
number of somatic cells were at increased clearly reducing BMSCC has the positive
risk of clinical mastitis. These findings have benefit of significantly reducing the number
led to the description of a ‘j-shaped’ distri- of cows in the high cell count at-risk cate-
bution of risk of clinical mastitis associated gory, it is likely to have the effect of increas-
with SCC. This distribution of risk is illus- ing the number of cows susceptible to severe
trated in Fig. 5.4, and could be equally disease.
applied to SCCs at the quarter, cow and herd While this increase in risk is not a prob-
level; Beaudeau et al. (2002) investigated lem per se, it does mean that as mastitis
the risk of clinical mastitis in herds with a overall is controlled and BMSCC falls it
high proportion of cows with low SCC, and becomes even more important to ensure
concluded that such herds were at increased optimal environmental management to
risk of clinical disease. ameliorate the increased risk experienced
While the arguments laid out above are by low-SCC cows. This is perhaps best
of interest, they are not yet useful in pre- illustrated by considering the absolute
dicting the outcome for an individual cow. number of cases of clinical mastitis occur-
However, if these findings are applied at the ring on these farms in each of the categories
herd level in terms of the proportion of cows of cows, as illustrated in Fig. 5.5. While all
falling within different risk categories, they other things being equal, a low-BMSCC
give the practitioner a useful insight into herd may not necessarily experience an
the relative risks facing cows in different overall increase in clinical cases, a signifi-
types of herd. The proportions of cows fall- cant proportion of cases is likely occur in
ing within each of the risk categories, as low-SCC cows resulting in a more severe
defined by Beaudeau et al. (2002) in herds disease.
clinical mastitis
Relative risk of

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Individual quarter somatic cell count (,000/ml)

Fig. 5.4. A schematic illustration of the relative risk of clinical mastitis in quarters with varying levels
of somatic cell count.
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 129

Table 5.2. Proportion of milking cows falling within different cell count (and risk) categories according to
bulk milk somatic cell count, based on 427,244 cow recordings and using the risk categories proposed by
Beaudeau et al. (2002).

Proportion of cows (%) falling within each cell count band and ‘risk’ categories
proposed by Beaudeau et al. (2002)

>250 >49 and <251 <50

Bulk milk somatic
cell count At increased risk At least risk At increased risk of
(,000 cells/ml) of clinical mastitis of clinical mastitis severe clinical mastitis

>200 26.07 48.87 25.06

151–200 17.69 46.76 35.55
101–150 12.56 42.30 45.14
51–100 7.37 35.96 56.67
<50 3.59 21.34 75.06
Number of cases of clinical mastitis

<50 51– 101– 151– 201– 251– 301– 351– >400

100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Bulk milk somatic cell count bands (,000 cells/ml)

<50,000 cells/ml >250,000 cells/ml

>49,000 & <251,000 cells/ml Total clinical mastitis

Fig. 5.5. Schematic illustration of the predicted number of cases of clinical mastitis in cows in different cell
count groups as herd bulk milk somatic cell count increases (lines represent the number of cases occurring
in cows in different somatic cell count categories).

Genetic susceptibility of the host Pathogens and their behaviour

Resistance to clinical mastitis and SCCs are While in excess of 150 different organisms
heritable and offer opportunities, albeit have been implicated in bovine mastitis,
small, to improve udder health. How these the majority of cases are caused by a rela-
relate to udder health management is cov- tively small number of species. Historically
ered later in this chapter, along with sire bovine mastitis pathogens have been classi-
selection in Appendix 2. fied as either contagious or environmental,
130 A. Bradley et al.

as illustrated for the key pathogens in and Green, 2001a). The main environmental
Table 5.3. mastitis pathogens are the Enterobacteria-
Contagious mastitis pathogens are char- cae (in particular Escherichia coli) and
acterized by their adaptation to the mam- Streptococcus uberis, and the non-lactating
mary gland and their proclivity to cause period has been demonstrated to be of par-
persistent intra-mammary infection, and ticular importance in their epidemiology
therefore to be spread from cow to cow dur- (Smith et al., 1985; Bradley and Green, 2000).
ing the milking process. Streptococcus aga- Coliform organisms have classically been
lactiae is probably the best example of a associated with severe mastitis resulting in
contagious pathogen; it is unable to survive systemic signs as a result of endotoxin release.
for protracted lengths of time outside the However, though more likely to cause sys-
mammary gland, causes only mild clinical temic disease than Gram-positive pathogens,
signs and is easily transmitted from cow to the vast majority of coliform mastitis (>90%)
cow. Other examples of contagious patho- does not result in peracute clinical disease
gens include Staphylococcus aureus, and (Bradley and Green, 2001a).
arguably Streptococcus dysgalactiae It is important to note that while the
(although this organism also has a significant characteristics of contagious and environ-
environmental reservoir). Staphylococcus mental behaviour are useful indicators of the
aureus is probably the commonest classic best way to approach mastitis control on an
contagious pathogen in dairy herds today individual unit, we cannot adequately eval-
and is also probably the most troublesome to uate this simply from identification of a par-
cure, often resulting in chronic subclinical ticular species of bacteria. Recent research
infection and the need to cull the affected has demonstrated clear variation in the abil-
cow. Although the exact epidemiology of ity of different strains of the same species to
Mycoplasma spp. has not been fully eluci- behave quite differently; for instance, some
dated, it can also be considered as primarily strains of S. uberis are thought to be far more
contagious since the main mode of spread capable of causing persistent infection and
is from cow to cow during the milking chronic intra-mammary infection than oth-
process. ers that behave in a more classically envi-
In contrast, environmental mastitis path- ronmental manner (Zadoks et al., 2003).
ogens are considered opportunistic invaders Similarly, some strains of E. coli have been
from an environmental reservoir. Cow- demonstrated to persist intracellularly in
to-cow spread is not the major mode of spread mammary epithelial cells (Passey et al.,
and, although reported, persistent infection 2008), causing recurrent episodes of clinical
is probably relatively rare when compared disease (Bradley and Green, 2001a), while
with the contagious mastitis pathogens. some strains of S. aureus have been shown
However, in herds where the classical conta- to behave in a more environmental manner
gious mastitis pathogens are under control, (Sommerhäusera et al., 2003).
environmental pathogens can be a significant When one considers pathogens in this
cause of recurrent clinical disease (Bradley light, the approach to control will inevitably

Table 5.3. Summary of the key bovine mastitis pathogens and their
historical classification simply as contagious or environmental.

Contagious pathogens Environmental pathogens

Streptococcus agalactiae Escherichia coli

Streptococcus dysgalactiae Streptococcus uberis
Staphylococcus aureus Klebsiella spp.
Mycoplasma spp. Other Enterobacteriaceae
Corynebacterium spp.
Coagulase-negative Staphylococci
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 131

have to be tailored to the individual herd pathogen: bovine strains would appear to
and the apparent behaviour of the predomi- be confined to that niche since these are
nant species and strains of pathogen present unable to survive for long in the environ-
at that time. The ability to spread will be a ment, are shed in large numbers and intra-
feature of both opportunity and ability, with mammary infections are of long duration,
ability being influenced by the infectious thereby maximizing the opportunity to
dose and the duration/persistence of intra- spread to a new host. In contrast, environ-
mammary infection. Opportunity for conta- mental strains of S. uberis will cause infec-
gious spread will improve with increased tions of only short duration and therefore,
duration of infection, increased shedding despite being shed in large numbers, will
and a minimal infectious dose. In contrast, have a limited ability to be transmitted to a
environmental behaviour as a minimum new host via a route such as the milking
demands a robust ability to survive in the machine; however, should a strain acquire
environment and possibly an ability to the ability to persist it will be able to trans-
cause infection at a relatively low dose – mit with relative ease. Finally, if one con-
being shed in large numbers is not a pre- siders E. coli, while flourishing in the
requisite as the main reservoir of infection environment most infections are of short
is the environment. This is currently an area duration and, despite a low infectious dose
of intensive research and it is likely that, in spread between cows is uncommon. If per-
the near future, research into bacterial gene- sistence occurs (and with some strains it
tics and host–pathogen interactions will evidently can) the potential for spread is
allow us to use genetic methods to differ- limited by the fact that the organism is
entiate bacterial strains of a mastitis patho- generally shed in relatively low numbers.
gen, in terms of the mode of transmission
and infection.
Key characteristics of different strains Major versus minor pathogens
of the same mastitis pathogen are illustrated
in Fig. 5.6. Using this classification, S. aga- Historically, as well as classifying pathogens
lactiae is perhaps the ultimate contagious by epidemiological behaviour, organisms

Shed in increasingly
large numbers

ability to
survive in the

Increasing ability
to persist in
mammary gland

Able to cause infection

with increasingly small

Fig. 5.6. Schematic illustration of the relationship between the ability of mastitis pathogens to survive in the
host or environment, to be shed in large numbers and to carry a relatively large or small infectious dose.
132 A. Bradley et al.

have also been classified as ‘major’ or ‘minor’ reality there are many other species isolated
pathogens. The minor pathogens have been from the bovine gland and these may have
characterized due to their proclivity to engen- varying significance. Perhaps the most nota-
der only a mild immune response and rarely ble feature of Corynebacterium spp. is that
clinical signs of disease. Corynebacterium they are keratolytic meaning they can break
spp. and the group of organisms classified as down keratin; their persistence in the streak
the coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp. canal has been associated with delay in for-
(CNS) have most commonly been considered mation of the keratin plug after drying off,
the minor pathogens. Whilst this is a useful which may (or may not) have implications
categorization, the groupings may be a little for the subsequent acquisition of intra-
simplistic as some strains of S. aureus are mammary infection.
coagulase negative and, by simple interpreta- The importance of the minor pathogens
tion, could be classed as minor pathogens in susceptibility to infection with a major
which they are clearly not. Moreover, these mastitis pathogen is a poorly understood
groups of pathogens are very diverse, encom- area, with a number of papers presenting
passing a wide range of different species and conflicting findings (Huxley et al., 2003).
it seems very likely that there will be impor- The rationale behind a role for minor patho-
tant within- and between-species differences gens is that they may reduce the likelihood
in pathogenicity. The minor pathogens are of super-infection with a major pathogen,
commonly associated with streak canal colo- either directly through competitive exclu-
nization and are common commensals of teat sion or indirectly through elevation of SCC.
skin, so it is not unsurprising that they are This concept, along with the observation
also often isolated in milk samples. The role that herds in which contagious pathogens
of the minor pathogens as significant causes are well controlled may experience an
of intra-mammary infection and clinical increase in environmental mastitis, sup-
mastitis is hotly debated. While in some ports the theory that the mammary gland
countries the CNS spp. are associated with provides an ecological niche and that when
clinical disease (most notably Scandinavia a species adapted to filling that niche (e.g.
and Israel) in other countries their role is S. agalactiae or C. bovis) is removed, then a
equivocal – their prevalence is similar in low true opportunist has the opportunity to
and high SCC quarters and, when found, are move in and temporarily (or perhaps more
typically attributed to raising the SCC by permanently) occupy that niche.
only a few tens of thousands of cells/ml. In As a summary to this section, we con-
contrast, Piepers et al. (2011) found that heif- clude that is it too simplistic to consider the
ers infected with CNS spp. in early lactation bovine mammary gland as an aseptic envi-
outproduced their non-infected herd mates. ronment. The udder, as a mucosal surface
The reason for this is unclear, but there is with direct communication to the external
emerging evidence suggesting that a persist- environment, will have been challenged by
ent CNS infection may have a protective microorganisms for millions of years and
effect against IMI caused by some of the while some organisms have become patho-
major pathogens (De Vliegher et al., 2004; gens and uniquely adapted to fill this eco-
Piepers et al., 2011), although the effect may logical niche, others may have adopted a
very well be species-specific. more benign commensal-type role. While
Corynebacterium spp. are probably one would reasonably expect the depths of
even more benign, being associated with an the mammary gland to be ‘sterile’, it is rea-
even smaller rise in SCC than the CNS spp., sonable to expect a ‘normal flora’ to be
and while they may be the most prevalent present at the periphery of the gland (i.e. the
organism on most farms, even in low-SCC teat and streak canal). An important chal-
herds, they are not thought to play any sig- lenge lies in understanding the role of these
nificant role in BMSCC. Whilst most coryne- organisms, their impact on measures of
forms of bovine mammary origin are udder health and therefore the definition
considered to be Corynebacterium bovis, in of a healthy mammary gland. The future of
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 133

control (see later) probably lies in maintain- cow (composite, co-mingled sample from all
ing a healthy balance rather than trying to four quarters) or quarter level.
‘blitz’ the udder with antibiotics. It would
seem unusual if the mammary gland were
the only mucosal surface meant to be ster-
ile; this is an area that has received signifi- Mastitis detection
cant attention in recent years, and the
concept of a mammary microbiome is likely Inspection of milk for abnormality (most
to be an area of productive research in the commonly achieved by fore-stripping prior
future. to milking) is a legal requirement in many
countries around the world. At its simplest
mastitis detection starts with visual obser-
Mastitis Diagnostics vation. Consequently, the role of the milker
is central to both identification and control
of bovine mastitis. Detection rates, and
It is important that milk, as a food product,
therefore sensitivity and specificity, will
undergoes diagnostic and quality testing at
vary depending on the milker’s method of
all stages of production from the cow to the
observation (e.g. whether fore-stripping is
cup. Veterinarians have an interest in milk
performed), the criteria for a positive masti-
quality throughout this process and in par-
tis diagnosis (degree of milk changes) and
ticular the production of high-quality, clean,
the conditions during observation (such as
nutritionally wholesome milk up to the
light levels and demeanour and workload of
point where it leaves the farm. On the farm,
the operator). These differences will inevi-
milk quality can be adversely affected by the
tably impact the absolute rates of disease
management of mastitic cows, hygiene and
recorded both within and between farms
nutrition. Milk can also be adversely affected
over time and need to be considered when
by conditions after it has left the farm.
analysing any recorded data.
Although these factors are outside the scope
In addition to visual observation a
of this book, they include storage tempera-
widely used, cheap and simple supplement
ture and hygiene. Milk is susceptible to con-
that also allows detection of subclinically
tamination, an issue that can affect large
affected quarters is the California milk test
volumes of stored milk such as bulk tanks on
(CMT). The CMT can be used to identify
farms or silos at a milk-processing factory.
affected quarters in cows identified in rou-
Examination of milk is commonly performed
tine recording, to confirm mastitis in cows
as an element of a diagnostic or monitoring
showing only subtle visual changes, or to
process. This can be as part of day-to-day
assess therapy success by estimating SCC of
quality management, a diagnostic investiga-
clinically recovered cows.
tion or routine quality control incorporated
While technological advances bring
into a herd health programme.
new tools and techniques to the market
place, visual observation and the measure-
ment of SCC remain the mainstays of masti-
Detection or diagnosis tis detection in the majority of dairy herds.
However, additional testing modalities are
Current cow-side mastitis tests commonly gaining momentum in the market despite
used on the farm are effectively detection some significant shortfalls. Examples of
rather than diagnosis. In contrast, tests such these technologies and estimates of their
as bacteriological culture or polymerase chain performance are outlined in Table 5.4.
reaction (PCR), where milk is often trans- The benefits of timely on-farm, cow-side,
ported to a laboratory, are diagnostic to the real-time detection, such as that facilitated
point of implicating a causal pathogen. Both by fore-stripping or in-line conductivity,
diagnosis and detection can be performed at will be a balance of the inputs (time, cost
the herd (most commonly bulk tank milk), and compliance) and benefit (potential or
134 A. Bradley et al.

Table 5.4. Outline of examples of mastitis detection modalities and approximate sensitivities and
specificities (where known).

Estimated Estimated Time to

Test sensitivity (%) specificity (%) result Location

Milk or cow inspection 80 100 Seconds Cow side

SCC (DHI testing) 75 75 Minutes Lab
SCC (on-farm testing)a ≤75 ≤75 Minutes On farm
CMTb 75 75 Seconds Cow side
Conductivity (hand held) 80 − Seconds Cow side
Conductivity (AMS) − − Seconds Cow side
Milk temperature 50 70 Seconds Cow side
Yield: manual assessment 20–40 Low Seconds Cow side
NAGase 70–100 95 Minutes Lab
Milk colour using real-time − − Seconds Cow side
digital camera technology
Acute phase proteins (e.g. MAA) − − Minutes Lab
LDH − − Minutes Lab
ATP − − Minutes Lab
‘Electronic tongue’: using an array − − Seconds Cow side
of chemical sensors and computer
data algorithm processing

SCC, somatic cell count; DHI, dairy herd improvement; CMT, California milk test; AMS, automatic milking systems;
NAGase, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucoaminidase; MAA, milk amyloid A; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; ATP, adenosine
Will vary according to methodology used. b When undertaken by trained operator and referring to detection of a high
somatic cell count (after J.E. Hillerton, National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2000).

perceived) of outputs (mastitis detection). It is important when interpreting SCCs

While early detection of mastitis has potential to remember that they are a measure of the
benefits in cow welfare, treatment success inflammatory response and a proxy for infec-
and milk quality, the accuracy (sensitivity tion status. Although intra-mammary infec-
and specificity on that farm) of early detec- tion is primarily responsible for elevating
tion must be balanced against the risks of SCC it also impacted, to a lesser extent, by
false-positives, available time, cost, effort other factors; it varies during the day, over
and the likely compliance of performing the lactation cycle and with yield as well as
the test. with other factors. In addition, as BMSCCs
rise, mainly affected by the prevalence of
high-cell count cows, SCCs of individual
Somatic cell counting animals within the herd also tend to rise,
regardless of their infection status (i.e. very
Automated SCC determination using com- low-SCC cows also tend to experience a rise
posite (co-mingled) milk from all four quar- in their SCC); this may be a result of increased
ters to give an individual cow SCC (ICSCC) challenge, as the prevalence within the herd
has become a cornerstone of mastitis man- increases. In late lactation, SCCs tend to rise
agement in many systems. These data are as yield decreases. Within a few days after
regularly collected (most commonly monthly) calving, SCCs also tend to be higher; this
as part of a dairy herd improvement (DHI) increase is the result of an increased SCC in
scheme and, as well as offering individual all four quarters and may be increased by
cow information to facilitate treatment and transient infections (particularly with coag-
culling decisions, the information is increas- ulase-negative staphylococci). In quarter
ingly used to monitor herd performance and samples collected between milkings, SCC is
diagnose patterns of disease on the farm. not a reliable indicator of intra-mammary
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 135

infection status. To be enable optimal pathogen identification is essential. However,

interpretation of SCC tests, whether by labo- mastitis diagnostics will become more useful
ratory, portable SCC devices or CMT, milk when pathogen behaviour can be differenti-
samples should be taken immediately before ated as well as bacterial species. As with
milking (Olde Riekerink et al., 2007a). many diagnostic procedures there is often a
Despite their limitations, ICSCCs are compromise between cost, speed and accu-
very useful for indicating infected and unin- racy, which has led to a diversity of approaches
fected cows. Importantly, the threshold used to diagnosis varying from the quick, but
to define infection will be influenced by the rather crude, on-farm culture systems (e.g.
purpose of the test. For instance, if the aim Petri-film, Tri-plate) through to laboratory-
is to identify ‘infected cows’ for the pur- based culture. While laboratory-based culture
poses of sampling for bacteriology, then a remains the ‘gold standard’, it has significant
relatively high (e.g. 400,000 cells/ml) thresh- disadvantages including the need for experi-
old is appropriate as this will increase the ence and technical expertise, the time and
specificity of the test. In contrast, if the aim resources required and the shortcomings of
is to identify uninfected cows for purchase, some biochemical typing methods.
a lower threshold should be used (e.g. The advent of new molecular technolo-
100,000 cells/ml) to increase sensitivity. gies, some of which have already been
Thus, as with any test, varying the thresh- commercialized, offers alternatives to
old will result in changes in both sensitivity conventional bacteriology. Some aspects of
and specificity: increased thresholds result- these new technologies confer clear advan-
ing in increased specificity and reduced tages, whilst others fall short of current
sensitivity and decreased thresholds result- methods. The most notable of these new
ing in increased sensitivity and reduced technologies commercially available are
specificity. Furthermore, as outlined earlier, real-time PCR, which is a diagnostic tool in
the sensitivity and specificity of a given its own right, and MALDI-TOF-MS (matrix-
threshold will also vary depending on the assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-
herd BMSCC. Because of the factors influ- flight mass spectrometry), which offers a
encing sensitivity and specificity, individ- rapid and alternative method to conventional
ual cow management decisions should biochemical typing when combined with
always be made on the basis of at least three standard culture. The relative advantages
SCC recordings as repeated measurements and disadvantages of these methodologies
of SCC will add to the confidence of cor- are outlined in Table 5.5. Other new tech-
rectly defining a cow’s infection status. niques on the cusp of commercialization
While varying the threshold is legiti- that are worthy of mention are the detection
mate when making management decisions, of volatile bacterial metabolites and the use
when used for monitoring purposes a of array technology, both of which are likely
policy of selecting a fixed SCC threshold to become available in the near future.
is essential. For this purpose, using a While the techniques outlined above
200,000 cells/ml threshold effectively are primarily focused on identification of
provides a good balance between sensitiv- pathogens at the species level, there is
ity and specificity (both being around increasing interest in subspecies level or
75–80%), and is thus commonly used strain typing. The interest in this field stems
(Dohoo and Leslie, 1991). from a need to better understand the epide-
miology of mastitis outbreaks on individual
farms, as the line between contagious and
Mastitis diagnosis environmental behaviour of pathogens has
become blurred. Different techniques are
Since individual farm treatment and control applicable to different species and for dif-
programmes vary depending on the predomi- ferent purposes; this typing can be under-
nant mastitis pathogens, as well as the pat- taken using either phenotypic or genotypic
terns of disease, accurate and timely microbial variation and, with respect to phenotypic
136 A. Bradley et al.

Table 5.5. A comparison of commercially available mastitis diagnostic techniques.

Bacteriology with
Conventional MALDI-TOF-MS-assisted
bacteriology pathogen ID RT-PCR
a a
Number of pathogens >150 >150 11
Sensitivity testing Unlimited Unlimited Penicillin resistance
Detection of non-viable − − +
Detection in preserved − − +
Interpretation Well understood Well understood Problematic
Easy identification of + + −
contaminated samples
Speed (h) 24–72 24 4–6
Subspecies typing − + −
Sensitivity (CFU/ml) 10b 10b 100c
Cost Low Low Moderate

MALDI-TOF-MS, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. a Mycoplasma spp.
detected only with the use of specialist agar and prolonged incubation. b Viable bacteria only and assuming use of
selective media and increased volume of secretion plated. c Viable and non-viable, assuming 2 ml of secretion used and
copy number of 5 for gene of interest in bacterium detected.

variation, can vary from the crudest such as a herd for contagious pathogens such as
differences in colony morphology and anti- S. agalactiae or S. aureus. However, the
biograms through to the much more sophis- practitioner must be aware of the shortfalls
ticated MALDI-TOF-MS. Options for of this approach, particularly its poor sensi-
genotyping also vary with regard to discrim- tivity (~75 and 60%, respectively, for the
inatory ability; examples include random pathogens above) and the need for repeated
amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), pulse culture. Furthermore, isolation in the case
field gel electrophoresis (PGFE), amplified of S. aureus is not necessarily diagnostic of
fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and intra-mammary infection, indicating that
multi-locus sequence typing (MLST). specificity is not 100% and that repeated
measures are needed (Jayarao et al., 2004).
The use of bulk tank analysis to draw con-
Selecting a diagnostic technique clusions about environmental pathogens is
difficult if not impossible, as any such
With an increased number of choices for organisms isolated may have been derived
mastitis diagnostics, the practitioner will from non-specific contamination from cow
need to be able to select the most appropri- skin, bedding, manure or water, although
ate approach for the task in hand. For the they may provide an indicator of farm
foreseeable future there is likely to be a hygiene.
compromise between speed and accuracy. Cow (composite) samples have been
recommended as a way of screening for con-
Bacteriological culture tagious pathogens, and could form part of a
biosecurity programme, but the findings
This can be performed at the herd (bulk need to be interpreted with caution as inter-
milk), cow or quarter level. Bulk tank bacte- mittent shedding can be an issue and this
riology has a role to play in investigation of will also be compounded by the decreased
issues surrounding elevation in TVC, and sensitivity resulting from dilution of any
can also be a useful technique when screening pathogens from infected quarter(s). This
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 137

technique will probably work well for insignificant or contaminant microbes can
S. agalactiae (Dinsmore et al., 1991) and be distinguished from causal ones is essen-
Mycoplasma spp. (Biddle et al., 2003); how- tial. The quality of the sample delivered to
ever, approximately 40% of quarters infected the laboratory determines the diagnostic use-
with S. aureus will not be cultured from fulness and is influenced by the conditions
composite milk samples (Lam et al., 1996a). at collection, during storage and transport.
Additionally, for Mycoplasma spp., samples The first step to acquiring meaningful
should not be frozen because freezing and diagnostic samples is an adequate aseptic
thawing is harmful to this pathogen (Biddle collection technique, which requires dili-
et al., 2004). gence and training and is often overlooked.
Individual quarter bacteriology is Standard operating procedures (SOPs) and
undoubtedly the most useful and represent- materials necessary for collection need to be
ative way to collect data on intra-mammary readily available on the farm if consistent
infection dynamics within a herd, and need samples are to be collected. If collecting and
not be prohibitively expensive. It is arguably freezing samples, the use of a cryopreservant
best applied proactively through the pre- such as glycerol can prove useful in protecting
treatment sampling and frozen storage of all the species (Gram-negative organisms) most
clinical cases. This allows culture of a pro- susceptible to freezing. A SOP for the col-
portion of samples on a rolling basis and tar- lection of an aseptic milk sample is given in
geting of sampling towards problem cows. Box 5.2.
Additionally, samples can be collected from As well as poor sampling technique,
problem quarters of cows identified by using there are a number of other factors that
ICSCCs supplemented with CMT. It is pos- affect diagnostic accuracy. The timing of
sible using this technique to build up a pic- sampling can be important: pre-milking
ture of, and monitor, mastitis aetiology on a samples generally give higher detection
unit and use this for the basis of prescription rates than post-milking sampling (Sears
of intra-mammary antibiotic treatments. et al., 1991) and the use of repeated sampling
will increase diagnostic accuracy. Repeated
PCR diagnostics sampling, for instance, will improve sensitiv-
ity for intermittently shed pathogens as long
While bacterial culture has been used for as a single isolation remains the criterion for
decades for mastitis diagnosis, PCR and real- defining an IMI. However, if criteria such as
time PCR are more recent developments. isolation on more than one occasion are
Commercially available kits based on the applied this will increase specificity, but at
detection of 16s DNA gene sequences allow the expense of sensitivity. If the time between
both the detection of live and dead bacteria repeated samples is increased, agreement
as well as detecting the blaZ gene that con- between those samples will decrease and
fers resistance to beta lactam antibiotics. results will become biased towards organ-
PCR-based techniques have the advantage of isms causing persistent infection (possibly
speed, but interpretation remains difficult, resulting in the loss of useful diagnostic
particularly if sampling technique is information).
suboptimal. PCR is particularly useful where Another factor that is often overlooked is
the pathogen of interest is rarely found in the limitations of many of the approaches to
the environment (e.g. S. agalactiae) or if the organism identification in the practice or
screen is for a human pathogen when the professional laboratory. It is not safe to
source of contamination is immaterial. extrapolate findings from a pathogen in one
host species to another. Colony morphology
Factors influencing diagnostic accuracy and growth on selective agar are not adequate
criteria for identification, and many bio-
Accurate diagnosis goes beyond purely iden- chemical tests developed for identification of
tifying potential mastitis pathogens in a milk organisms isolated in human medicine have
sample. Interpretation of results such that poor diagnostic accuracy in bovine mastitis.
138 A. Bradley et al.

Box 5.2. A standard operating procedure for aseptic milk sample collection.

Milk Sample Collection


Wash and dry excessively dirty teats. Pre-dip
with a rapid-acting disinfectant and wipe dry
with fresh paper towel

refrigerate or freeze
if aiming for longer-
term storage.

Disinfect the teat end by scrubbing with a

surgical spirit swab, allow to dry
Label tube with:
• cow i/d
• quarter
• date

Discard 4–6 squirts of milk

Collect sample holding collection

tube as horizontally as possible

Thoroughly clean and disinfect the teat

AGAIN by scrubbing with a surgical spirit
swab, allow to dry

Discard another 4–6 squirts of milk

While this is a potential minefield for the In short, the herd health practitioner
practitioner, the simple questions ‘Does this cannot afford to divest all responsibility for
result make sense?’ and ‘Does it fit with what testing modalities and interpretation to the
I’m seeing on farm?’ are often sufficient filters laboratory, and they need to be aware of the
to pick up diagnostic inaccuracies in the approaches used, the pros and cons of these
laboratory. different approaches and should tailor the
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 139

requests they require to best suit the aim of and, while each have their relative advantages
the diagnostic procedure they are undertak- and disadvantages, a combination of all
ing. Equally, the findings need to be inter- three is important in putting in place
preted in a herd context: the identification an effective monitoring system for a herd
of a single quarter infected with S. aureus health programme.
does not necessarily make this the most sig- The aim of any analytical and monitor-
nificant pathogen on the farm. The value of ing approach should be to inform farm
any diagnostic or detection system should treatment and control plans. Historically
not be judged just by its technical ability or these have often been based on the pre-
characteristics but by whether it can facili- dominant bacteria identified on that farm
tate faster and more effective intervention in the knowledge that different mastitis
on the farm. pathogens have different modes of transmis-
sion. As described earlier, it is recognized
that most pathogens have the potential to
Monitoring and Analysis of behave in both a contagious and environ-
Mastitis Data mental manner, but there are no direct
genetic or phenotypic markers for contagious
An essential aspect of herd health is to mon- or environmental behaviour. Molecular
itor mastitis in a way that allows identifica- diagnostic and typing techniques such as
tion of the main herd problems and improves PGFE, RAPD and MALDI-TOF-MS will
use of control strategies. While the presence become more generally available and will
of mastitis pathogens can be monitored increasingly be used to distinguish between
through bacteriology or similar tests, analy- clonal (single-strain) and non-clonal (multi-
sis of clinical mastitis or cell count records ple-strain) disease outbreaks. When multiple
provides the best picture of the overall farm strains are identified in a mastitis outbreak,
situation. The aim of this section is to focus opportunistic infections originating from
on the analysis of SCC and clinical mastitis the environment are most likely, whereas if
data collated through a DHI process or on a single predominant strain is identified it
the farm. While clinical mastitis data are can be inferred that contagious spread is
free and relatively easy to collate (given a likely to be occurring (or possibly multiple
computer), these are a subjective measure, cows are becoming infected from an envi-
place an additional onus on the producer ronmental point source).
and do not provide a useful way of monitor- The availability of detailed individual
ing subclinical infection. In contrast, SCC cow clinical mastitis and SCC data on many
data can be easily collated via a DHI record- farms has increased the use of computer
ing service with little input from the pro- analysis and interpretation of these data
ducer, but have the disadvantages of such that inferred behaviour and the origin
additional cost and a bias towards monitor- of intra-mammary infections are increas-
ing Gram-positive pathogens (and within ingly becoming an important part of data
that grouping pathogens most able to cause analysis. Such an analysis underpins an
prolonged infection). Another disadvantage individual farm mastitis control plan. Using
is that with the increased use of in-line pattern recognition and integrating both
measurements (in AMS systems and other- clinical mastitis and SCC data, it is possible
wise) in some countries the number of herds to infer whether new intra-mammary infec-
participating in SCC measurement in DHI tions are likely to be derived from the dry
systems is decreasing. A monitoring system period or from lactation. This differentia-
should encompass both SCC and clinical tion, coupled with an analysis of herd prev-
mastitis data, because relying exclusively alence, disease persistence and recurrence,
on one method is likely to lead to both erro- also allows an insight into whether pathogen
neous conclusions and a bias in any control behaviour appears primarily environmental
approach. Monitoring and analysis can be or contagious. The approach to ‘categorization’
carried out at the herd, cow or quarter level of herds has been adopted as a cornerstone of
140 A. Bradley et al.

the DairyCo Mastitis Control Plan in the tant and crucial aspect of any approach to
UK (, where analysing SCC data is to deal with ‘missing
herds are defined as experiencing either data’ – this can only be sensibly achieved
contagious or environmental patterns of with access to reliable clinical mastitis data,
disease that are either predominantly of dry thereby allowing an ‘intelligent’ interpreta-
period or lactating period origin. This tion of the implication of ‘absent’ cows (cows
approach has been tested and validated absent from a milk recording). Cows absent
under field conditions (Green et al., 2007a) with clinical mastitis should be attributed a
and offers one method of targeting and high SCC reading. Integrating clinical data
implementing mastitis control measures. and allowing for absent cows when analys-
ing DHI data increases the confidence and
adds credibility to the calculated SCC indi-
ces, because the analysis is more likely to
Monitoring and interpreting somatic reflect the true temporal distribution of mas-
cell count data titis in the herd. Currently this approach to
SCC monitoring is available in the TotalVet
Analysis of regular milk recording (DHI) Software (QMMS and SUM-IT computer
data is the cornerstone of SCC monitoring. systems) in the UK and in the Dairy Data
This is best achieved using regular monthly WareHouse (UniformAgri) in other parts of
recording, though less regular recording the world, and is used in this chapter to illus-
regimes can still reveal useful data and have trate the principles of monitoring using SCC
been described in the literature (Bradley and clinical mastitis data. Other software
et al., 2002, 2007b; Bradley and Green, packages and approaches are available in
2004). Individual cow SCCs are used to local markets and will vary in their approach
identify cows as either infected or unin- to analysis, use of thresholds and interpreta-
fected, with new infections being defined as tion, although the basic principles of analy-
cows moving from below to above a given sis remain the same. The results obtained
cell count threshold. Chronically infected when using different software will differ
cows are defined by their persistence above slightly, and the herd health practitioner
a given threshold. The widely adopted needs to be aware of these differences and
threshold for detection of infection is vary their interpretation accordingly.
200,000 cells/ml, although the use of a higher
threshold in early lactation and a lower BMSCC
threshold in primaparous animals may be
appropriate (a threshold of 150,000 or The bulk milk SCC, as calculated from indi-
250,000 cells/ml will work, but different tar- vidual cow recordings, provides a useful
get figures to evaluate SCC changes may be first oversight of the infection prevalence in
required). a herd. It circumvents on-farm manipulation
Computers allow a herd-based approach of the bulk tank, though it may still be an
to analysis of these SCC data (based on the underestimate if significant numbers of cows
accumulation of probabilities from many are not sampled at a given recording. As a
individual cows) that better reflects the true rule of thumb, for every 100,000 cells/ml
biological situation, including allowing increase in bulk milk SCC there will be
cows to move through different infection an 8–10% increase in the proportion of
statuses from uninfected to infected, to cows infected in the herd (Lievaart et al.,
chronically infected or back to uninfected 2009). At the extremes, herds with a high
through intervening periods of uncertainty. BMSCC are generally more likely to be
Even though every cow will not be correctly experiencing contagious patterns of dis-
categorized using SCC, when these analyses ease, and low-BMSCC herds environmental
are conducted on a herd basis a sufficient patterns of disease. However, in herds with
number of cows are correctly classified to an intermediate level of BMSCC it is impos-
provide an accurate herd picture. An impor- sible to predict the underlying patterns of
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 141

disease. As the BMSCC becomes lower, such as the potential effect of yield and stage
individual cow SCCs become relatively of lactation, and therefore to always exam-
less useful as a tool for understanding mas- ine the animals that are included in the
titis patterns and the practitioner becomes analysis before drawing firm conclusions.
increasingly reliant on clinical mastitis data
INFECTED. These are defined, respectively,
ICSCC as the proportion of cows currently infected
(above the threshold) and the proportion of
Individual cow SCCs provide an invaluable those persistently infected (e.g. above the
tool for tracking and tracing infection within threshold for two of the previous three con-
a herd. The use of a threshold of 200,000 secutive tests) at a particular time point.
cells/ml is commonly used to define and The relationship between these two param-
monitor key infection parameters within eters can provide a useful insight into dis-
the herd. Some key indices with suggested ease dynamics, as illustrated in Fig. 5.8.
targets are outlined in the sections below When the rolling proportions of the herd
and summarized in Table 5.6. chronically infected and above 200,000
cells/ml are both rising but converging, this
LACTATION NEW INFECTION RATE. This provides is suggestive of a situation involving patho-
a measure of the proportion of cows acquir- gens that are more likely to cause persistent
ing a new intra-mammary infection between infection and less likely to cure (i.e. conta-
consecutive milk recording (DHI) tests, gious pathogens); when both are rising but
based on movement in SCC from below to diverging it suggests that cell counts may be
above 200,000 cells/ml. This proportion can being driven by pathogens less likely to
be plotted over time to allow the user to cause persistent infection and more likely
visualize patterns and trends, as illustrated to cure (i.e. environmental pathogens).
in Fig. 5.7. When interpreting SCCs it is
important to bear in mind aspects of the DRY PERIOD INFECTION RATES. Using the data
normal physiology of the bovine mammary from the first monthly milk recording in a
gland that may be influencing the analysis, lactation (≤ 30 days in milk), it is possible to

Table 5.6. Mastitis monitoring indices with sample UK target ranges.

Index Target level Meana Best 25th percentilea

SCC indices
Lactation new infection rate (%) <5.0–7.0 10.0 7.6
% herd > 200,000 cells/ml <15.0 24.1 18.5
% herd chronically infected <5.0 15.9 11.5
Fresh calver infection rate (%) <10.0 22.3 17.0
Dry period new infection rate (%) <10.0 18.9 13.6
Dry period cure rate (%) >85.0 72.5 79.5
Clinical mastitis indices
Incidence rate of clinical mastitis (per 100 cow years) <25 76.4 42
Incidence rate of cows affected (per 100 cow years) <20 38.4 27
Apparent clinical mastitis cure rate (%) (All cases) >40 31.4 39
Apparent clinical mastitis cure rate (%) (Index cases) >50 40.9 50
Apparent subclinical mastitis cure rate (%) >35 − −
Putative dry period origin cases (cows in 12) <1 1.3 0.7
Putative lactating period origin cases (cows in 12) <2 3.12 2.16

SCC, somatic cell count. a Based on data collated from 653 UK dairy herds participating in a mastitis control programme.
142 A. Bradley et al.

Fig. 5.7. An illustration of lactation new infection rate over time, showing seasonal variation in infection rate
typical of a herd experiencing environmental patterns of disease (TotalVet©). The light grey bars represent the
percentage of animals at each recording (of those eligible) that experience a lactation new infection (i.e. they
were previously defined as ‘uninfected’ and their somatic cell count rose from below to above 200,000 cells/
ml). The dark grey bars indicate the number of animals experiencing a lactation new infection. The upper line
provides a 3-recording rolling average rate. The lower line represents an acceptable rate.

gain an insight into the likely origin of intra- vation in SCC in very early lactation; this
mammary infection and the importance of scenario is the justification for utilizing a
the dry period in mastitis epidemiology on higher threshold at this time (Sargeant et al.,
an individual unit. The proportion of cows 2001).
with an SCC > 200,000 at the 1st DHI test When interpreting dry period outcomes,
(fresh calver infection rate) is a useful meas- it is important to understand the relationship
ure of cows calving with an infection, as between apparent dry period cure and new
illustrated in Fig. 5.9. It is important to infection rates. As new infection rates
divide those cows infected into either new increase, apparent cure rates will tend to
intra-mammary infections acquired during decrease. The underlying basis of this rela-
the dry period (proportion of cows with last tionship is illustrated in Fig. 5.10 and is as a
DHI test in the previous lactation < 200,000 result of reinfection of previously high-SCC
that have a 1st DHI test in this lactation quarters that had cured earlier during the dry
> 200,000) and failure of existing infections period. It is important to factor this effect
to cure (proportion of cows with last DHI into the interpretation of dry period data,
test in the previous lactation > 200,000 that particularly in herds with poor apparent cure
have a 1st DHI test in this lactation > 200,000). rates, because otherwise an erroneous con-
Failure to cure is often expressed more intu- clusion may be drawn about the efficacy of
itively as the proportion that do cure (dry the current dry cow therapy. Therefore, herds
period cure rate). Another important facet of that have a high dry period new infection
interpretation of SCC data in early lactation rate are also likely to have a low dry period
is to consider the normal physiological ele- cure rate, but, to improve the herd mastitis
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 143

Fig. 5.8. An illustration of the interaction between the percentage of cows infected and chronically infected,
typically seen in a herd with an environmental pattern of disease (TotalVet©). The light grey bars represent
the percentage of the milking herd with an elevated somatic cell count (SCC); the medium grey bars
indicate the number of animals with an elevated SCC; the dark grey bars show the percentage of the milking
herd defined as chronically infected. The upper horizontal line provides a 3-recording rolling average
proportion of the herd ‘infected’ and the lower horizontal line the 3-recording rolling average proportion of
the herd chronically ‘infected’.

situation, it is the new infections that should for the veterinarian and farmer but should be
be addressed initially rather than cure rates viewed as an initial indicator of infection
(see section ‘Control of Mastitis’). issues. It is a simple ratio, as shown below
The importance of interpretation and (see equation at bottom of page);
integration of clinical mastitis data to
The ratio gives an approximation of the
account for ‘missing’ data is probably best
ratio of ‘new infections’ to ‘cures’, and can
highlighted when considering dry period
be used to assess both lactation and dry
infection rates. This is because of the higher
period performance. A ratio of < 1 suggests
incidence of clinical mastitis in early
new infections < cures and that there is a
reducing prevalence of infection; a ratio of
> 1 suggests new infections > cures and that
THE NET TRANSMISSION INDEX (NTI). This offers a there is an increasing prevalence of infec-
simple way to assess monthly SCC records tion. This indicates a potential problem and
and to give an assessment of the transmission that action is needed, starting with further
dynamics within a herd (Bradley and Green, analysis of SCCs and mastitis records.
2004). It provides a single figure that is easy A ratio of 1 suggests that new infections and
to understand and monitor, is an overview cures are equal and that there is no net

number of cows with SCC increasing from below to above threshold

o below threshold
number of cows with SCC decreasing from above to
144 A. Bradley et al.

Fig. 5.9. An illustration of the ‘fresh calver infection rate’ over time (TotalVet©). The dark grey bars represent
the percentage of cows, within 30 days of calving with a somatic cell count > 200,000 cells/ml; the light
grey and medium grey bars illustrate the number of cows at the first recording (and < 30 days in milk) and
the number defined as ‘infected’, respectively; the upper line illustrates the rolling 3-recording rate and the
lower horizontal line represents the acceptable rate.


Involution (SELF-) NEW


Steady state


Transition FAILURE

Fig. 5.10. An illustration of the possible outcomes for individual quarters during the dry period.
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 145

increase in the prevalence of infection tinctive behaviour of classical contagious

occurring in the herd. and environmental pathogens has become
The SCC indices outlined above inform less clear. As a result of these inadequacies,
the practitioner of the epidemiology of masti- an alternative approach to analysing clinical
tis on a unit. For example, a poor dry period mastitis that assists the practitioner in trac-
cure rate, coupled with a rising prevalence of ing the apparent origins (as lactation or the
infection and a rapidly rising prevalence of dry period) and defining patterns of mastitis
chronic cows with a lack of seasonality in on the farm has been developed (Bradley
rates of new infection, is suggestive of a con- et al., 2008). This approach has been utilized
tagious pattern of disease. In contrast, season- in a recently published mastitis intervention
ality, a low ratio of chronic to infected cows study and has been shown to be a useful tool
and a high dry period new IMI rate tend to in targeting mastitis interventions (Green
indicate an environmental pattern of disease. et al., 2007a).
While all of the analysis up to this point The central precept of this approach to
undoubtedly provides a useful insight into clinical mastitis analysis is to categorize
mastitis control, it provides only a one- clinical mastitis by putative origin based on
dimensional approach to the issue of masti- the temporal occurrence during the lacta-
tis control. The other and equally important tion cycle, with cases in early lactation
aspect of monitoring mastitis for the herd attributed to the dry period (Bradley et al.,
health advisor is to evaluate patterns of 2008). Once an index case (i.e. the first case
clinical mastitis. in lactation) has been identified, subsequent
cases are then ‘linked’ to the index case and
recurrences attributed accordingly. Using
this approach it is possible to define target
Monitoring and interpreting clinical rates and recurrences and to plot herd per-
mastitis data formance in terms of overall, putative lacta-
tion and putative dry period rates.
Clinical mastitis data are of particular use in
herds with bulk milk SCCs <200,000 cells/ Incidence rates of clinical mastitis
ml when analysis of and reliance on cell
count data alone can lead to a false ‘sense of For the purposes of calculating a base level
security’. As a minimum the date, cow and of clinical mastitis on a unit and for bench-
quarter affected should be recorded for all marking, the overall rate of clinical mastitis
clinical cases of mastitis on a farm and ide- needs to be calculated. This is often expres-
ally this should be supplemented with sed as a number of cases/100 cows/year.
severity and treatment data. However, it has While it is difficult to define targets for
to be noted that the quality of clinical mas- these parameters applicable to all herds, the
titis data needs continuous attention – only following ranges are achievable in the UK:
a limited number of farmers have the capac- 25–35 cases/100 cows/year, 20–25 cows
ity and motivation to collect these data in a affected (one or more cases)/100 cows/year.
reliable way. If, however, complete data are Local conditions and management systems
available, they are very valuable. in other countries may make different tar-
Conventional approaches to clinical gets applicable.
mastitis analysis have focused on basic quar-
ter and cow rates and incidences, as well as Apparent clinical and subclinical
a number of ratios such as the case–cow case mastitis cure rates
ratio. While the absolute rates are important
and the ratios/recurrence rates can give some Once basic clinical mastitis data have been
indication of the likely aetiology of mastitis captured in herds undertaking DHI testing,
on a unit, they do not assist the practitioner it is possible to calculate apparent cure
in the ‘targeting’ of interventions and have rates for cases of clinical mastitis (and, if
become increasingly less useful as the dis- recorded, subclinical mastitis). This is done
146 A. Bradley et al.

by tracking individual cow performance within a herd, as illustrated in Fig. 5.11.

after a recorded incidence of disease and A putative dry-period origin can be attrib-
monitoring both SCCs and clinical mastitis uted to cases occurring within a defined
for predefined periods of time within the period of calving; generally cases occurring
same lactation. A number of definitions can in the first 30 days of lactation are accepted
be used, but one proposal has been to define as likely to be of dry-period origin. In this
a cure as being no recurrence of clinical instance, a recommended target level is that
mastitis and either two or three consecutive fewer than 1 in 12 cows should develop
cow SCCs < 100,000 or < 200,000 cells/ml, clinical mastitis in the first 30 days of
respectively (Bradley et al., 2008). lactation (Bradley et al., 2008). In contrast, a
putative lactating-period origin can be att-
Analysing mastitis cases by their ributed to index cases of mastitis occurring
putative origin after the first 30 days of lactation. In this
instance a target is that fewer than 2 in
As outlined earlier, a first case of clinical 12 cows should develop clinical mastitis in
mastitis in lactation can be attributed as the remainder of lactation, giving an overall
being of either dry- or lactating-period ori- rate of fewer than 3 in 12 cows affected in a
gin, recurrences within a lactation cycle lactation cycle (Bradley et al., 2008).
thereafter being linked to this index case. Using this approach it is possible to
A simple plot of these cases over time can calculate apparent rates on a monthly,
be enlightening to both the practitioner and quarterly and annual basis and this allows
farmer alike in understanding the relative for identification of seasonal patterns, giv-
importance of the dry and lactating periods ing an insight into the relative importance

Fig. 5.11. An illustration of a bar chart of clinical mastitis; clinical cases are grouped by month and by apparent
origin (TotalVet©). The bars represent the actual number of clinical mastitis cases per month; dark shading indicates
index cases of apparent dry period origin (occurring in the 1st 30 days of lactation); medium shading
indicates recurrent cases in quarters first affected in the 1st 30 days (within a lactation cycle); light shading
indicates index cases of apparent lactating period origin (occurring after the 1st 30 days of lactation); very dark
shading indicates recurrent cases in quarters first affected after the 1st 30 days (within a lactation cycle).
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 147

of the dry and lactating periods and clini- number and duration of existing infections)
cal mastitis recurrence. and to minimize the incidence of new infec-
tions. Both aspects are crucial, and while
reducing current prevalence will result in
Summary of monitoring short-term gains and could in itself impart a
downward influence on new infection rates,
A comprehensive mastitis monitoring pro- reducing the incidence of new infections is
gramme should take into account both herd essential for success in the medium to long
and individual cow level parameters, term. If the control of new infections is not
encompass both clinical and SCC data and achieved, there will be a continual battle to
should generate analyses that are useful and reduce prevalence and this is usually very
meaningful to the farmer while allowing an costly. Therefore, preventing new infections
insight into the epidemiological patterns of must be the major focus of a mastitis herd
disease on the farm. The indices used should health programme.
also facilitate tracking and measurement of It is often useful to consider reducing
outcomes. It is crucial that monitoring tools the incidence and prevalence of intra-
enable the farmer and herd health advisor to mammary infections as two separate com-
develop a better understanding of clinical ponents of mastitis control. It should be
and subclinical mastitis on a dairy unit and acknowledged that cure of existing infec-
therefore give specific direction towards tions is usually very difficult (except in
areas where control can be improved. In the relatively uncommon circumstance of
Box 5.3 we provide examples of areas where S. agalactiae infection) and that culling or
further subdivisions of data will give even management of chronically infected cows
more detailed analyses, and add to the to prevent transmission is an important
understanding of herd mastitis patterns. element of control. Indeed, evidence indi-
While monitoring of mastitis provides cates that the best chance to cure chronic
the practitioner with an opportunity to track infections is during the dry period and
and trace intra-mammary infection in a herd, thus careful management of these cows
it is necessary to define the point (‘alarm’ until drying off is essential (see section on
level) at which intervention is necessary. ‘Contagious mastitis control’).
These ‘alarm’ levels are often measured at When addressing the control of new
the highest level (e.g. BMSCC or overall rate intra-mammary infections, a critical consid-
of clinical mastitis), and practitioners should eration is to determine when the new infec-
be aware that these highest-level measures tions occur and this should be apparent
are blunt tools and are often slow to respond from the monitoring being conducted (see
to changes in individual animal infection earlier section). In particular, we need to
rates. As a rule, new infection rates are more establish whether the main infection pres-
informative and an earlier indicator of emerg- sure is during the dry period or during lac-
ing issues than measures of prevalence. It is tation and whether transmission is occurring
crucial that ‘targets’ are influenced by farm- mainly from cow to cow or from environ-
specific goals that will vary according to ment to cow. This is an area in which masti-
farmer aspirations, the size of the herd, calv- tis control has progressed in the last decade,
ing patterns and milk supply contracts. with generic farm plans (such as the five-
point plan (Dodd et al., 1969) and ten-point
plan (NMC, 2011)) being enhanced by indi-
Control of Mastitis vidually tailored, detailed control plans
that depend upon herd-specific patterns of
Principles of control infection. Improvements in the understand-
ing of the epidemiology and monitoring of
The overriding aims when attempting to dairy cow mastitis have enabled this
control mastitis in dairy herds are to reduce improvement. An overview of an approach
the prevalence of infection (i.e. reduce the to monitoring and improving udder health
148 A. Bradley et al.

Box 5.3. Examples of interpretation of data to improve the understanding of mastitis within a herd.

Interpreting Mastitis Data – Useful Indicators

• The incidence of repeat cases: investigate the potential effect of a small number of cows on the overall
clinical incidence rate. The example below shows a positively skewed distribution of incidence, with
21 of the 195 cows affected in a 2-year period (11%) recorded with 4 or more incidences of clinical
disease contributing 119 of the total of 392 incidences (30%).

Total of 195 animals with 392 incidences (438 occurrences) out of 805 animals –24%




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
No. incidences (19/05/08–19/05/10)

• The current cure rate of the 1st clinical mastitis case in lactation: cure rates <30% (as judged by no
recurrence of clinical disease and either two consecutive cow somatic cell counts <100,000 or three
< 200,000 cells/ml) may indicate issues surrounding rapid identification and treatment of cases, inad-
equate treatment duration, a high re-infection pressure or persistence of major pathogens.
• The effect of seasonality in clinical and/or sub-clinical mastitis patterns highlights likely variation in
environmental infection pressure. In the example below, the rate of new infection in lactation (as
measured by cows moving above the 200,000 cells/ml threshold between test-days) is increased in
summer months and around turnout, indicating likely pasture-acquired infection.

• Any effect of parity in the data patterns: for example restricting the dry period cure rate in routine somatic
cell count analysis to cows in the 4th lactation and above to investigate if older cows are responsible for
a fall in herd apparent dry period cure rate. Similarly, the incidence rate of clinical mastitis in the 1st 30
days of lactation may be heavily influenced by parity 1 animals already infected at calving.

Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 149

Box 5.3. Continued.

• The effect of ‘legacy’ cows on the herd infection prevalence: apparently high prevalence (i.e. increased
sub-clinical disease) herds may be heavily influenced by carry-over of infection from previous lacta-
tions. In the example below, >50% of the infected, high SCC cows during winter 2010 were carrying
that infection from earlier lactations. This generally reflects poor mastitis control in an historical context
rather than the current time period.

• The effect of individual cows on the calculated herd average test-day somatic cell count. In the exam-
ple below, cow 114 contributes nearly 20% of the herd average SCC.
150 A. Bradley et al.

is outlined in Fig. 5.12, further details of mastitis control and has to be addressed in
which are covered later in this section. order to successfully implement any masti-
Another recent change has been rec- tis scheme. This is discussed in detail in
ognition that mastitis control extends Chapter 2.
beyond the technical aspects of reducing
the incidence and prevalence of infection.
Understanding farmer motivations and
improving communications between advi- Action and reaction
sors and herdspersons are now understood
to be crucial to enhance uptake of control When attempting to control mastitis, it
measures (Jansen et al., 2010; Lam et al., should be recognized that the disease is
2011; Valeeva et al., 2007). In fact this complex, involving both major and minor
can be a major barrier when it comes to intra-mammary pathogens and an interaction

Establish herd targets and goals

Determine farmer objectives, desired (required) milk quality; this should encompass
regulatory and milk buyer requirements as well as an estimate of costs

Assess current practice and identify deficiencies

Prior to assessing data it can be valuable to audit farm activities relating to udder
health, ideally following a defined protocol. Conducting a farm audit at this stage
avoids assumptions being drawn from subsequent data analysis.

Evaluate available data

Somatic cell count and clinical mastitis data should be collated from at least the
past 18 months. Analysis will then allow identification of key patterns of disease
(i.e. contagious or environmental) and assessment of the relative importance of the
dry period and lactating periods

Contagious Patterns of Disease Environmental Patterns of Disease

Dry Period Lactating Period Dry Period Lactating Period

Target Interventions
Analysis of data and determining the predominant source of new infections facilitates
the targeting of control measures at the area(s) most likely to be cost-beneficial

Contagious patterns of disease typically encompass Focus on dry period Focus on lactating period
both dry and lactating period management. Areas issues such as: issues such as:
in need of attention are generally covered by • Dry cow environments • Milking cow
implementation of the five-point plan. Focus on: • Calving accommodation environments
• Dry cow therapy • Dry cow and transition • Maintenance of the
• Milking machine maintenance diets milking machine
• Prompt identification and treatment • Dry cow therapy • Pre-milking preparation
• Appropriate culling selection and sealants • Lactating cow diets
• Teat management
• Parlour routine

Implement changes and Moniter outcomes

Fig. 5.12. Outline of the general approach to monitoring and improving udder health.
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 151

between host defence mechanisms and thus the management of mastitis has
pathogen virulence. This means that any become much more challenging. In general,
control programme requires close moni- environmental pathogens have become
toring and should be viewed as a continu- increasingly important and the prevention
ous, dynamic process because the of environmental infections is often more
alteration of one component may have an complicated than reducing the transmission
impact on another. Some of the complexi- of contagious pathogens: environmental
ties of mastitis are not fully understood, management often requires more detailed,
such as the potential protective effects close-to-farm evaluations and farm-specific
of minor pathogens such as C. bovis advice.
and CNS spp. against major pathogen Implementing mastitis control on a
infection, or the interaction between host national basis requires knowledge, motiva-
immunity and increased risk of severe tion, widespread participation, excellent
clinical mastitis. However, these com- communication, financial backing, industry
plexities demonstrate the importance of and political cooperation and probably most
the principles of herd health established of all a dogged determination. Some exam-
in Chapter 1, because monitoring out- ples of successful schemes that have been
comes and readjusting control measures is set up include Countdown Downunder
essential when certain elements of disease (Australia), the SAMM Plan (now Smart
pathogenesis are uncertain. Moreover, a SAMM, New Zealand), the Dutch Udder
consequence of control of contagious mas- Health Program and the Norwegian Mastitis
titis pathogens in a herd may be an Control Program. More recently a scheme
increase in environmental mastitis, in has been launched in the UK led by a col-
both relative and absolute terms. Examples laboration of the National Dairy Levy Board
of this phenomenon have been reported in (DairyCo) and a team of researchers and
the literature, demonstrating an increase veterinary surgeons. These various schemes,
in coliform mastitis in herds utilizing while sharing the same objective of improv-
post-milking teat disinfection and in cows ing mastitis and milk quality, have taken
receiving antibiotic dry cow therapy quite different approaches to implementa-
(Bradley et al., 2010). tion: from generic education at one end of
the scale to focused delivery of farm-specific
management plans at the other. Ultimately,
all large-scale approaches try to reach a
National control schemes variety of farmers with different outlooks
and lifestyles (as discussed in Chapter 2), in
National schemes, programmes and cam- an attempt to have a wide-ranging impact
paigns have been used for mastitis control on mastitis control.
in dairy cows for many years. An early
example in the 1960s was the five-point
plan in which a basic set of measures was Contagious mastitis control
proposed that were considered to have a
beneficial effect on clinical and subclinical Contagious mastitis pathogens are charac-
mastitis. At this time, control plans were terized by their ability and proclivity to
relatively straightforward because, with persist within the host and by their trans-
mastitis incidence and prevalence at very mission from host to host rather than from
high levels and contagious pathogens being the environment to host. Prior to domesti-
responsible for the majority of mastitis that cation of dairy cows, transmission by this
occurred, the scope for improvement, using route would have been slow, relying for
relatively simple measures, was huge. Since instance on cross-suckling or flies, and
then, levels of production have escalated, therefore would have necessitated essen-
cow genetics have altered radically and tially lifelong colonization of the host
systems have changed dramatically, and mammary gland. However, domestication
152 A. Bradley et al.

and subsequently the advent of modern other approaches such as extending treat-
dairying and the use of the milking ment duration and combining systemic and
machine would have suddenly made trans- intra-mammary antibiotics can be considered.
mission much easier and ultimately, one However, this should always be undertaken
could argue, have opened this mode of incorporating the principles of responsible
transmission to pathogens capable of only antibiotic use and consideration of the likely
shorter durations of persistence. While cost–benefit. When non-licensed treatment
the classic contagious pathogens such as regimes are considered and implemented,
S. agalactiae and S. aureus were the target the monitoring of treatment outcomes is
of initial mastitis control programmes (e.g. essential. It is imperative that if treatment
the five-point plan), the principles of con- regimes are used outside data-sheet recom-
trol of this type of mastitis remain similar mendations, that diligence is shown with
and include prevention of contagious milk withdrawal periods; exact recommen-
spread of organisms previously considered dations will vary from country to country,
‘environmental’. but best practice must dictate always to test
There are two main components to the milk from each treated cow for antibiotic
control of contagious mastitis. The first is to residues prior to consignment of milk to the
reduce the prevalence of infected quarters bulk tank.
within the herd to a minimum; this effec- When embarking on treatment regimes,
tively reduces the challenge to other cows. one should also consider the factors likely
The second is to put in place measures that to affect treatment outcome. As well as fac-
minimize the risk of new intra-mammary tors associated with the organism, research
infections, and this means primarily pre- has identified various other factors impor-
venting spread from cow to cow (both tant in determining the likelihood of treat-
within the herd and from outside). ment success. More than one quarter of a
cow affected, increasing parity, a beta lacta-
Reducing the prevalence of infection mase-producing strain of S. aureus, delay in
the initiation of treatment, increasingly high
The prevalence of infected quarters within a and increasingly chronic SCC, clinical signs
herd can be reduced in several ways, each of abscessation/fibrosis within the mam-
with their advantages and disadvantages. mary gland, severe teat lesions, other health
Important economic decisions have to be problems, as well as an increasing preva-
made when deciding between strategies, lence of infection in the herd, have all been
although in some areas the lack of solid evi- associated with a poorer chance of cure
dence from independent research means (Barkema et al., 2006).
that empirical decisions sometimes have to While there is a great deal of interest
be made. Reducing the herd prevalence of and debate around treatment in lactation
infection can be achieved through a combi- and huge amounts of time and resources are
nation of treatment, culling and drying off focused in this direction, the reality is that
infected cows (or quarters). These are cure rates in the dry period are consistently
described below. and substantially better than those achieved
in lactation; as such, the dry period should
Treatment be the time of choice for treatment of sub-
clinical mastitis (with the exception of
A prolonged description of different treat- S. agalactiae). There has also been consid-
ment protocols and their pros and cons is erable debate around supplementing intra-
not within the remit of this book, and there mammary dry cow therapy with systemic
are many publications on which the practi- antibiotics; however, there is both a dearth
tioner can draw to inform his or her deci- of peer-reviewed research evidence to sup-
sions. Importantly, as an overriding principle port this approach and it is rarely likely to
the first approach should always be to use be cost effective given the high cure rates
licensed regimes; should these fail then already achieved in the dry period with
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 153

conventional approaches (Newton et al., persist, and that adverse effects such as
2008; Bradley et al., 2010, 2011). abcessation may occur in some cases.

Culling Controlling the spread of infection

Culling a chronically infected cow offers a Control of the spread of infection between
quick and easy way to reduce both herd cows is based mostly on aspects of the milk-
prevalence and the risk of subsequent ing routine and a correctly functioning
spread of infection. However, it comes at a milking machine. The aim is to prevent
significant cost. The decision to cull is com- infected milk from one quarter reaching the
plex and depends on the herd prevalence of teat of another cow either via the milking
infection, the ability within the herd to pre- equipment or the milker. In most instances,
vent the spread of infection, other pressures attention to set-up and practices in the par-
on culling and economic factors such as the lour is effective in minimizing contagious
influence that culling might have on SCC spread. Minimizing the risk of introducing
penalty/bonus payments. It is important to fresh infection into the herd either from
remember that culling alone will not pro- maiden heifers or bought-in stock is also
vide a permanent answer to a high-SCC essential (Barkema et al., 2009).
problem – too often a policy of culling is all
that is implemented in a herd; in the absence Segregation
of the institution of appropriate measures to
control the spread of infection, the end Often overlooked, possibly because it is
result is likely to be just more culls at a sub- unpopular with owners and herdspersons,
stantial financial cost. is the practice of segregation of infected
cows. As with many infectious diseases,
Drying off or culling a quarter this is an effective way to prevent spread.
Segregation can vary in its application –
In some herds drying off a quarter can prove from attempts to effectively segregate cows
to be a useful procedure, particularly when using chemical and physical barriers in the
there is limited scope for culling cows and milking apparatus (liner shields, cluster
lactation-based treatment is deemed inef- back-flushing and disinfection), to milking
fective. At its simplest, chronically infected infected cows separately (after uninfected
quarters are identified and milking of the cows), to physically separating cows during
quarter is suspended for the remainder of both milking and in their accommodation.
that lactation; antibiotic dry cow therapy is Infected quarters can also be segregated
then administered in this quarter when within cows by techniques such as quarter
other quarters are treated at drying off. More milking, or the use of clusters that segregate
complex approaches involving ‘simulation quarters during the milking process (e.g. IQ
of a dry period’ in individual quarters have cluster, Gea Farm Technologies). While
been described (Newton et al., 2006), but ‘back-flushing’ systems offer an attractive
only small-scale studies have been con- alternative to segregation, primarily as less
ducted. Use of an escharotic agent (e.g. pov- effort is involved, there is, as yet, a lack of
idineiodine or chlorhexidine) to destroy field study evidence of the efficacy of this
secretory tissue in the offending quarter has technique in preventing the spread of intra-
been suggested, but this is a welfare concern mammary infection; there is little doubt
and should be avoided. Simple cessation of that these systems result in a reduction in
milking in a quarter for part of the lactation bacterial numbers in the liner, but it remains
essentially gives that quarter a prolonged unclear whether there is an associated
‘dry period’ and often gives cure rates of reduction in intra-mammary infection.
over 50%, although if advocating this tech- Once one accepts that segregation is use-
nique the practitioner should be aware that ful in controlling the spread of contagious
it should be avoided when clinical signs pathogens, then implementation is key.
154 A. Bradley et al.

The exact approach will inevitably vary from facilitates fore-milking, but this runs the
farm to farm and according to the number of risk of exacerbating the spread of contagious
infected cows. In herds with a very high pathogens if these are transferred between
prevalence of infection it may be appropriate teats in the fore-milking process).
to consider segregation of the ‘clean’ cows 3. Dry with a single-use (paper) towel to
rather than the ‘infected’ animals. The exact ensure clusters are applied to dry teats,
approach needs to be pragmatic and should thereby minimizing the risk of liner slip.
take into account the capabilities of the 4. Attach the cluster (ideally within 60–90 s
farmer and available facilities; for instance, of initial tactile stimulation, although delay
if segregating and milking problem cows last is perhaps less detrimental than previously
it may be appropriate to create a group that is thought).
equivalent in size to the number of available (NB: application of pre-milking disinfect-
units in the parlour and then institute a pol- ants is not allowed in some jurisdictions).
icy of full washing and disinfection of the
milking plant after every milking. If attempt- In addition there should be no common
ing to establish a ‘clean’ group, the priority is towels or rags used between teats, and clean,
to correctly identify the uninfected cows, disposable, regularly disinfected gloves
and a low threshold is therefore justified should be used for milking. As outlined ear-
(e.g. <100,000 cells/ml), thereby minimizing lier, segregation of infected cows should be
the risk of including infected cows. If estab- employed, ideally by milking the high-SCC
lishing a ‘dirty’ group, then the priority is to and clinically affected cows last.
identify infected cows and thereby reduce After a cow is milked, post-milking teat
the challenge to the pool of animals cur- disinfection (PMTD) should be applied and
rently uninfected. It is obviously not practi- is widely regarded as one of the most impor-
cal in this case to have such a low threshold, tant elements for controlling contagious
and a policy of segregating cows with a SCC mastitis. PMTD reduces new infections by
>400,000 cells/ml is likely to be adequate to killing bacteria that are deposited on the
make a significant impact on the challenge teat during the milking process. Another
to other cows in the herd if other aspects of important role is to preserve healthy teat
infection control are implemented. condition and thereby maintain natural teat
defences. Formulation of dips is beyond
Minimizing spread in the parlour the scope of this book (see http://www. for fur-
MILKING ROUTINE. A clean, methodical
ther information), but as well as using an
approach to milking is essential to mini-
efficacious product, teat coverage is also
mize the risk of spread in the parlour and
important in ensuring effectiveness. Correct
should ideally encompass a regime summa-
storage and handling of dips is vital.
rized by ‘Strip, Dip, Dry and Apply’. The
Dipping with a teat cup gives more reliable
milking routine should maximize mammary
coverage than spraying, although if care-
stimulation and optimize timing in order to
fully and thoroughly used both methods
promote adequate milk let-down (grossly
can work. Around 10–12 ml of disinfectant/
contaminated teats and udders should be
cow/milking is recommended when dip-
washed first). This approach and order is
ping, whereas at least 15 ml is recom-
advocated for the reasons outlined below.
mended when spraying. Automated
1. Strip by removing foremilk to detect spraying and application methods can be
clinically affected quarters, to flush patho- less effective than conventional dipping,
gens from the streak canal and to discard and they are prone to mechanical failure; if
the milk likely to have the highest SCC. used, their operation should be regularly
2. Dip using a product with a rapid kill time evaluated. Although PMTD is essential in
to kill pathogens present on the teat or the prevention of contagious mastitis, it can
deposited there during fore-milking (some result in an increase in clinical coliform
authors advocate dip before strip, as this mastitis cases (Lam et al., 1997).
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 155

The milking plant

monthly, by an independent machine
The milking plant can facilitate transmis- expert. Common faults associated with
sion of pathogens by acting as a vector to milking machine function are given in
transfer bacteria between quarters and cows, Box 5.4. While the herd health advisor will
and by causing teat damage that predisposes not necessarily be an expert on milking
cows to subsequent infection. A clean, well- machine function, it is important to under-
maintained machine with appropriate milk stand the importance of the milking machine
flow characteristics is a prerequisite for min- in mastitis and milk quality. A key role for
imizing pathogen spread. Daily and weekly the herd health practitioner is to be able to
cleaning and maintenance should be car- work with an appropriate milking plant
ried out by the herdsperson according to the specialist, put machine issues within the
manufacturer’s recommendations. A full context of a herd mastitis problem and
machine test should be performed six- arrive at the best decisions for mastitis

Box 5.4. Common factors associated with poor milking machine function that may impact on mammary
gland health.

• Excessive operating vacuum: the level of vacuum at which the machine operates will depend on the
design of the parlour (a ‘high-milk line’ installation will require a higher level of system vacuum
(45.0–48.0 kPa) to draw milk up the long milk tubes than a ‘low-milk line’ installation (40.0–44.0 kPa).
Excessive system vacuum (or insufficient stability, see below) may cause increased vacuum at the teat
end and tissue damage, commonly manifesting as cyanosis and oedema (acute) and/or hyperkeratosis
of the teat orifice (chronic).
• Overmilking: automatic cluster removal (ACR) systems should be set at milk flow rates that allow
some milk to remain in the udder and the cow not to be ‘over-milked’ (it is commonly recom-
mended that a milk flow rate falling below 400 ml/min should trigger the ACR to remove the clus-
ter (Billon et al., 2007) ). Removal of the cluster at very low milk flow rates (<200 ml/min), manual
removal of the cluster without prior vacuum shut-off or machine stripping (excessive manual appli-
cation of the milking machine, usually when applying extra downward pressure on the clawpiece)
may all cause tissue damage and an increased risk of mastitis.
• Poor vacuum stability: any blockage or improper function of the regulator may cause
inappropriate volumes of air to ‘bleed’ into the system to counteract the extraction of air via the
vacuum pumps, potentially causing fluctuations in vacuum at the teat end. This may be detected
audibly as ‘liner slip’. Liner slip may also be caused by suboptimal cluster position beneath the
cow (e.g. caused by very long milk tubes). Liner slipping can result in air being forced up the
teat canal and contamination of the quarter with milk from other (potentially infected) quarters.
The installation of liner shields can reduce this, in addition to correcting vacuum instability
• Insufficient vacuum reserve: the vacuum pump(s) are not able to generate sufficient extra air to com-
pensate for the air admitted when clusters are attached. There should be sufficient air extraction
capacity to cope with one or more units allowing air into the system (e.g. when one unit is being
placed on to a cow and another is kicked off during milking by another cow) and maintain system
vacuum within 2.0 kPa of the norm. A vacuum distribution vessel (a large hollow vessel, typically
200 l or more in volume) is sometimes added to the system to improve vacuum stability during
• Inadequate pulsation: the massage phase may be insufficient to allow blood circulation in the teat if
the milking ‘b’ phase (i.e. when air is drawn out of the shell causing the liner to open) is more than
60% of the total pulsation cycle.
• Inadequate shell liner replacement: liners are the interface between the teat and the milking
machine and, if not replaced as frequently as recommended by the manufacturer (usually every
2500 milkings or six-monthly for many rubber liners), will rapidly degrade and harbour bacterial
pathogens. For example, a 200-cow herd, milked twice daily through a 20-unit, 20-stall herringbone
parlour will need to replace all liners every 125 days. The use of silicone liners provides a longer
liner life.
156 A. Bradley et al.

management. While automated milking Vaccination

systems present different challenges with
respect to mastitis management, in general To increase host resistance, vaccination has
the principles of mastitis control remain the generally proved a valuable tool for prevent-
same. For example, correct pre-milking teat ing infectious disease. For mastitis, however,
preparation is a vital component of mastitis the added value of vaccination so far has been
control whether that is undertaken by a limited. One reason for this is that mastitis
human or a robot – the methods of ensuring can be caused by many different bacterial
an adequate routine are different, but the species and subspecies. In spite of promising
principle of clean teats remains. data on antibody titres and enhancement of
phagocytosis following injection of S. aureus
antigen conjugates in microspheres (O’Brien
Environmental sources of traditionally et al., 2000), no convincing data are yet avail-
contagious pathogens able on vaccines being effective in prevent-
ing intra-mammary infection with S. aureus
While environmental sources of infection
or other Gram-positive bacteria.
with apparent contagious pathogens are rare,
they need to be considered. The relative
importance of the environment will vary
with pathogens. Environmental sources of Environmental mastitis control
S. agalactiae, by virtue of its inability to sur-
vive outside the host for more than a couple Intra-mammary infections originating from
of weeks, do not need considering beyond pathogens in the environment are described
the acute stages of an outbreak and manage- as ‘environmental mastitis’. For many years
ment. In contrast, research suggests that environmental mastitis was considered to
some strains of S. aureus tend to have more be of an acute nature: a cow was infected,
of an ‘environmental’ behaviour than others became acutely ill, died or survived and the
(Sommerhäusera et al., 2003), thereby neces- infection was removed. In the 1990s it was
sitating more general control measures; envi- shown that typical environmental bacteria
ronmental sources of this pathogen should such as E. coli can also lead to chronic infec-
be considered when more traditional tions (Lam et al., 1996b; Döpfer et al., 1999).
approaches based on the five-point plan It has also been identified that environmen-
yield disappointing results. Finally, and per- tal infections can originate in the dry period
haps obviously, when dealing with apparent and result in clinical mastitis in early lacta-
‘contagious’ behaviour of a more environ- tion (Bradley and Green, 2000).
mental pathogen (e.g. S. uberis), environ- The occurrence of environmental mas-
mental control measures will need to be titis can be thought of as a balance between
implemented at the same time. infection pressure (being exposed to the
pathogen) and the capability of the cow to
Biosecurity prevent pathogen invasion or infection.
To control mastitis, management measures
Biosecurity plays a crucial role in the control need to be taken to reduce infection pres-
of any infectious disease and is discussed in sure and increase cow resistance. Some
more detail later. However, in relation to management factors (such as breeding and
contagious mastitis, maintaining a low vaccination) specifically influence host
prevalence of infection means minimizing resistance, while others (such as cubicle
the risk of introducing infected heifers or hygiene) are focused on infection pressure.
cows (whether bought-in or home-bred) to Many factors, however, influence both:
the milking herd (Barkema et al., 2009). An feeding regimen, for instance, will influence
individual plan should be drawn up for host resistance, and, through manure con-
each farm based on current infection status sistency, will also have an impact on infec-
and acceptability of risk; this area will be tion pressure. In terms of environmental
expanded later in the chapter. mastitis control it is important to identify
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 157

areas in which cow resistance and infection index for udder health based on this work
pressure can be improved, and these are commenced in 2009. This new index
discussed below. improved the accuracy of the previous
index (based on average SCC, udder height,
fore udder attachment, teat length and
Breeding speed of milking) from 0.7 to 0.9 (de Haas
et al., 2008).
Selection for resistance to mastitis can have
an important impact on clinical mastitis Vaccination
incidence. It does not solve immediate
problems, but should be a component of In North America vaccination against E. coli
mastitis control in the long term. Selection mastitis has been used for approximately
can be carried out to a limited extent by 20 years. Vaccines using the J5 core antigen
culling problem cows and raising offspring are applied twice – at drying off and 3–4
of healthier cows. More reliable improve- weeks before calving (Wilson et al., 2007).
ments can be made through bull selection In the 1990s large decreases in the incidence
(see Appendix 2). The effect of breeding of clinical mastitis were described (Hogan
is slow and it also takes many years to cor- et al., 1992), whereas more recent reports
rect mistakes made. Selection of the best describe a reduction in severity of clinical
bulls can lead to a decrease in the percent- signs of clinical E. coli mastitis, with less
age of cows affected by clinical mastitis culling and death, but not with a decrease
of up to 10–20% per generation (de Haas in incidence (Wilson et al., 2007). In several
et al., 2008). countries worldwide researchers are work-
To be able to select for resistance to ing on the development of mastitis vaccines,
clinical mastitis, large volumes of reliable and new products are scheduled to appear.
data have to be available. Scandinavian Although this research may lead to new
countries have made use of data on clinical products that do have a value in preventing
mastitis for genetic evaluations – in Norway, new intra-mammary infections or the con-
for instance, analyses have been performed sequences of these infections, vaccines are
using records of several millions of cows not likely to be a panacea for mastitis
and thousands of bulls since 1978 prevention.
(Heringstad et al., 2003). In Sweden, all vet-
erinary treatments have been recorded since Heat stress
1985, being available for estimation of
breeding values (Andersson-Eklund and While in tropical countries the effect of heat
Danell, 1993). The Norwegians have shown stress is very well known and accounted for,
that it is possible to select against clinical its effect may be underestimated in coun-
mastitis and substantially decrease clinical tries with a more moderate climate. Both
mastitis incidence. If mastitis data are intra-mammary infection and clinical mas-
ignored in a breeding programme, and selec- titis have a clear species-specific seasonal
tion is based only on milk production, this pattern (Olde Riekerink et al., 2007b); as a
will lead to an increase in clinical mastitis result, BMSCC is often highest in the sum-
incidence (Heringstad et al., 2003). mer months. Heat stress leads to production
Most countries, however, do not have losses following reduced feed intake and to
these data available. Recent work in the effects on glucose and lipid homeostasis
Netherlands showed that test-day records of (Wheelock et al., 2010), with a consequent
SCCs, including analysis of peak patterns, negative energy balance and impaired host
can be used as an indicator for susceptibil- resistance. A recent study (do Amaral et al.,
ity to clinical mastitis, with an accuracy 2011) indicated that heat stress during the
only slightly inferior to using direct infor- dry period may also lead to altered immune
mation on clinical mastitis alone (Windig function in the peri-parturient period and
et al., 2010). In the Netherlands a breeding subsequent lactation, and thus it is not
158 A. Bradley et al.

surprising that heat stress is a risk factor for water sprays at environmental temperatures
mastitis. above around 21°C.
Reduced dry matter intake during
lactation can be a direct effect of high ambi-
ent temperature alone, but can also be a Cow comfort
consequence of impaired claw health. In a
While comfort itself may be important in terms
study by Cook et al. (2007), a temperature–
of affecting the cow’s well-being, the specific
humidity index of 68 resulted in the behav-
positioning of a cow, particularly in a cubicle,
iour of dairy cows changing that led to
can be important in terms of reducing infec-
decreased lying times and increased time
tion pressure on the teat. The dimensions and
standing in alleys and cubicles (see Table 5.7).
design of cubicle housing are discussed in
This altered behaviour was associated with
detail in Chapter 6. Here, we concentrate on
a significantly worse locomotion score.
cow comfort and housing design with a focus
Based on these findings, it is wise to con-
on mastitis. A checklist for aspects of cubicle
sider cooling strategies such as the use of
design related to prevention of environmental
shade, increased ventilation (fans) and
mastitis is provided in Box 5.5.

Table 5.7. The effect of heat stress on behaviour Other diseases

of dairy cows (after Cook et al., 2007).
Any disease that reduces food intake has
Temperature–humidity indexa 56.2 73.8 the potential to increase the risk of mastitis
through negative energy balance (see
Time lying (hr) 10.9 7.9
Chapter 8). Lameness is a major cause for
Time standing in stall (hr) 3.4 4.3
reduced feeding time and thus feed intake,
Time standing up in alley (hr) 2.6 4.5
Time drinking (hr) 0.3 0.5 as are peri-parturient diseases such as (sub-
Time feeding (hr) 4.6 5.2 clinical) hypocalcaemia. Other diseases can
Time milking (hr) 2.2 2.3 also have an effect on mastitis by impairing
immune function, as has been described for
The temperature humidity index (THI) is a method for Blue Tongue (Santman-Berends et al., 2011)
taking into account the combined effects of temperature
and humidity and is calculated using the following
and bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) infection
equation: THI = (dry bulb temperature, °C) + (0.36 × dew (Berends et al., 2008). Furthermore, mastitis
point temperature, °C) + 41.2. is not independent of other diseases –

Box 5.5. Aspects of cubicle design important in the prevention of environmental mastitis
(see Chapter 6 for more details on cubicle design).

• There should be >5–10% more cubicles than cows, for each group of milking animals.
• The design of the cubicles should be such that >90% of cows lying in cubicles are positioned correctly
and that cows do not defaecate on the cubicle surface.
• The design of the cubicles should minimize the risk of injury to the udder and teats.
• The majority of cows should defaecate into the passageway when lying down; in order to achieve this
there should be (i) a brisket board (positioned approximately 75% of the cubicle length from the rear
but adjustable so that position can be changed to suit the individual herd); (ii) a neck rail (positioned
just above withers height) that prevents cows from walking too far forward into the cubicle prior to
lying down; and (iii) partitions to prevent cows from lying at an angle.
• There should be a slope in the cubicles (1 in 20 fall from front to back) to aid drainage of liquid from
the bed and prevent build-up of pathogens around the udder.
• The kerb height should be sufficiently high to prevent slurry from splashing on to the back of the
cubicles when scraping out.
• Adequate loafing area (>2–3m2/cow) and feed space (see chapter 8) should be provided to reduce com-
petition and to reduce stocking density and subsequent soiling of the udder. Ideally there should be
sufficient space for all cows to feed simultaneously.
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 159

mastitic cows, for instance, have poorer Scoring teat end condition gives a good
fertility (Heringstad and Larsgard, 2010). impression of the functionality of the milking
Optimizing general health in a dairy herd machine and milking routines (Neijenhuis
undoubtedly has a favourable effect on et al., 2001). Teats should be scored just
mastitis and milk quality. after removal of the milking cluster. If more
than 10% of cows have pronounced teat
Nutrition rings or oedema, milking machine or milk-
ing routines require further attention. Teat
Feeding is crucial in host resistance, partic- ends should be scored approximately three-
ularly in the dry and transition periods. monthly (Hulsen and Lam, 2008). While
This is discussed in detail in Chapter 8, and much attention is placed on teat end hyper-
although we wish to highlight the impor- keratosis, a large longitudinal study in the
tance of the role of nutrition in mastitis con- UK found an association only between
trol, we shall not repeat the details here. severe teat end hyperkeratosis and clinical
It is worth noting that some vitamins mastitis or new intra-mammary infection;
and minerals play a role in mastitis control. in fact, mild teat end hyperkeratosis was
The importance of adequate supplementa- found to be protective (Neijenhuis et al.,
tion with vitamin E and selenium (Se) is 2001; Breen et al., 2009a, b). Thus the rela-
acknowledged (see Chapter 8 for further tionship between teat lesions and risk of
details); cows fed adequate vitamin E and mastitis is not clear-cut and further research
Se have been shown to have reduced inci- is needed.
dence rates of clinical mastitis (Weiss et al.,
1990) and a lower prevalence of intra- The non-lactating period
mammary infection at calving (Ceballos-
Marquez et al., 2010). Recently, however, it The non-lactating period warrants mention
has been found that overdosing with vita- in its own right when considering environ-
min E during the dry period can lead to mental mastitis control. Research has clearly
adverse effects on the incidence of clinical demonstrated the importance of the dry
mastitis (Bouwstra et al., 2010) and it is period in mastitis epidemiology and, more
advisable to check the vitamin E status of a recently, the central role it can play in envi-
herd before supplementing with vitamin E. ronmental mastitis. UK studies around the
Although some older studies claim an turn of the century demonstrated that in
effect of vitamin A on the severity of mastitis excess of 50% of mastitis caused by the clas-
(Chew et al., 1982), the literature is not sic environmental mastitis pathogens occur-
conclusive. In experimental infections a pro- ring in the first 100 days of lactation could
tective effect has been described for copper be as a result of infections acquired during
and vitamin C levels in milk on the severity the dry period (Bradley and Green, 2000).
of clinical mastitis (Scarletti et al., 2003; Subsequent studies demonstrated that use of
Weiss et al., 2004), but conclusive evidence antibiotic dry cow therapy with an extended
for use in the field is lacking. spectrum of activity against Gram-negative
pathogens could reduce the incidence of
Milking machine and teat scoring clinical coliform mastitis in the subsequent
lactation (Bradley and Green, 2001b). More
As described earlier, milking machines and recently, non-antibiotic approaches such as
milking routines are very important for internal teat sealants have been shown to
mammary gland health and this applies result in a dramatic reduction in environ-
to some extent to environmental mastitis. mental mastitis in the subsequent lactation
Teat preparation and pre-milking hygiene (Huxley et al., 2002; Sanford et al., 2006;
are of particular importance to reduce the Newton et al., 2008; Bradley et al., 2010).
risk of environmental infections, elements The most recent research in this area has
described in the earlier section on milking also suggested that overzealous use of anti-
routines. biotics may result in an increase in the
160 A. Bradley et al.

incidence of coliform mastitis (Bradley et al., Managing the milk-harvesting process

2010) – an interesting concept when tackling
clinical environmental mastitis issues in The aim of a milk-harvesting process is to
very low-BMSCC herds where there is scope extract milk from the cow, in a timely and
to reduce antibiotic dry cow therapy use. As efficient manner, while minimizing risk to
in many areas of mastitis control and herd udder health or contamination of the end
health, this is another example of where the product. The aim of this section is to look at
practitioner may need to ‘balance the risks’ the production of quality milk and how this
and modify/adjust interventions according can be monitored, assessed and managed.
to the herd priorities; reducing antibiotic dry As outlined earlier, producers have to
cow therapy use may lower the risk of colif- maintain milk quality within strict criteria
orm mastitis in early lactation, but will be to maximize returns and retain their right
coupled with an increased risk of persist- to supply milk for human consumption.
ence of Gram-positive and contagious masti- From an SCC perspective this involves
tis pathogens and a subsequent rise in control of mastitis within the herd, and
BMSCC (Bradley et al., 2010). this has been described in earlier sections.
However, from a bacteriological perspec-
Managing the environment to reduce tive, managing milk quality can equally be
infection pressure a challenge.
When one considers the bacteriological
Specifically for environmental mastitis, quality of milk there are only a limited
housing hygiene is very important through- number of potential sources/breakdowns in
out the lactation cycle – the environment is the process that can result in a problem, and
potentially an enormous source of infec- these can be conveniently split into four cat-
tions. As a measure of general hygiene, a egories: (i) the udder; (ii) the environment;
hygiene scoring system based on leg and (iii) the result of poor plant cleaning; and
udder scores has been described by (iv) the result of failure of refrigeration,
Schreiner and Ruegg (2003), using a four- which are reviewed below. It should be
point scale ranging from 1 (very clean) to 4 stressed that, on occasion, a thorough inves-
(very dirty). It was reported that dirtier cows tigation will be required to identify the
have a higher SCC and that more major source of bacterial contamination.
pathogens are cultured from milk samples
of dirtier cows. Hygiene scoring is a useful Intra-mammary sources of contamination
way to visualize the infection pressure from
the environment – dirty cows indicate that In certain circumstances the mammary
environmental management needs to be gland can contribute significant numbers of
improved in order to prevent problems. bacteria to the bulk supply. Most notably
A recent study in the UK reported that cows and almost exclusively this relates to the
with very dirty udders (udder hygiene score Streptococcus spp., as these are generally
of 4) were significantly more likely to the only species that are shed in sufficient
acquire a clinical case of mastitis in the next numbers from infected glands to influence
month (Breen et al., 2009a). This is also the the bulk supply. Classically this phenome-
case at the herd level: Barkema et al. (1999) non has been attributed to S. agalactiae,
found that less hygienic herds (described as though in recent years it has also been
‘quick and dirty’ had a higher BMSCC com- increasingly associated with S. uberis,
pared with ‘clean and accurate’ herds). which is commonly associated with wide
Assessing and making improvements to fluctuations in bacterial count. This area is
the environment is a critical aspect of envi- easily monitored and investigated using the
ronmental mastitis control. A checklist of direct plating of bulk milk on to both selec-
important elements of environmental man- tive and non-selective media and specific
agement, to minimize infection pressure, is counts if necessary (though often gross plate
provided in Box 5.6. assessment can be a sufficient indicator
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 161

Box 5.6. Important elements of environmental management for the prevention of environmental mastitis.

Bedding management
• Any material (particularly organic materials) used for bedding cows should be stored under cover to
keep it dry and clean.
• Cubicle systems
° Dung and soiled/wet bedding should be removed from cubicle beds at least twice daily and clean
bedding material applied to the cubicles at least daily.
° Sufficient bedding should be used to ensure that cows remain clean.
° Drying agents (e.g. hydrated lime) and disinfectants may be used but their efficacy is uncertain. The
aim should be to achieve a dry, clean bed.
° The use of inorganic bedding materials, such as sand and ash, is excellent in reducing bacterial num-
bers in the environment, and thus decreasing infection pressure. If sand is used, it needs to be free of
organic matter and significant quantities of clay (unwashed river sand is often unsuitable). While an
excellent bedding material, sand has significant disadvantages, most notably that it can make pre-
milking teat preparation more arduous, causes significant wear to mechanical equipment and can
have a significant impact on soil pH over time when spread on pasture.
• Yard systems
° Stocking density should be controlled when cows are kept on straw or sand yards; a bedded area of
1.25 m2/1000 l milk/cow (annual milk yield) is recommended (Green et al., 2007b).
° Straw usage should be sufficient to keep cows clean (generally >300 kg/cow/month). It should be
un-chopped, and spread evenly over the bedded area.
° New, clean and dry straw or sand should be laid in milking and dry cow yards at least once daily,
and more frequently if mastitis problems persist.
° Straw yard systems should ideally be completely cleaned out and re-bedded at least every month;
sand yard systems should be completely cleaned out and re-bedded at least every 6 months.
Slurry management and scraping routine
• All passageways, loafing areas and feed areas used for cows should be scraped out at least twice daily.
• If automatic scraping systems are used these should be run sufficiently often that passageways are kept
clean and slurry does not overflow the sides of the scrapers.
• Sufficient drainage must be present so that pooling of liquid in passageways and feed areas is minimized.

• Check that cows do not show a preference for particular areas of the building and that there is good
ventilation in all areas.
• Evaluate the central ridge air outlet requirements for the house to maximize the ‘stack’ effect; an open
ridge >200 mm wide is usually required along the length of the building (allowing an outlet area
~0.10–0.15 m2 per adult cow).
• The air inlet area should be 2–4 times the outlet area (i.e. increases with milk yield); avoid walls with
no inlet at all. NB: excessive air inlet at cow level can lead to draughts and wind chill.
• Keep all inlets and outlets clean and free from obstruction.
• Where building design or ventilation are poor, consider forced (mechanical) ventilation to ensure
adequate control of temperature and humidity.
• Check moisture management (e.g. leakage from drinking systems, gutters and downpipes and roof
leaks) and ensure that water is directed away from the building.
Pasture management
• Cows should not remain on the same pasture/lying area for more than 2 weeks and cattle should
not be returned to the same area for grazing for at least 4 weeks after use; in general, a policy of
‘graze for 2 weeks and rest for 4 weeks’ is recommended to reduce intra-mammary infections
(Green et al., 2007b).
• If grazing management, grass growth rates and access to grazing are not conducive to a system optimal
for udder health, then ensure that cows are fenced away from grossly contaminated areas.
• A stocking rate of not greater than 100 cows per acre per day in a 2-week period is recommended
(e.g. 50 cows on 1 acre for 2 days).

162 A. Bradley et al.

Box 5.6. Continued.

• Sufficient drainage must be present to avoid flooding and significant poaching (trampling) of areas
used to graze cattle: if this occurs, cattle should be moved to a different paddock.
• Tracks, gateways and areas around feed and water troughs should be actively managed to avoid exces-
sive poaching, for example by using bark or wood chippings and/or routes and access points rotated
to allow recovery of the ground.
Good fly control is essential for cows through the summer period, and sheltered areas associated with
increased fly densities should be avoided.

given the sheer numbers of organisms that Psychrotrophic bacteria are ubiquitous in
may be involved). the environment (and hence their use also
as a measure of teat preparation and general
Environmental sources of contamination milking cleanliness) and can grow success-
fully at low temperatures. Any compromise
The environment can be a significant source in milk refrigeration (even by a few degrees)
of contamination of the bulk supply, most will tend to manifest first as a rise in psy-
commonly as a result of poor pre-milking chrotrophic count. Review of the efficiency
teat preparation. This is often initially iden- of bulk tank cleaning and milk cooling is
tified by direct plating revealing a diverse indicated.
and heavy growth of a wide range of organ- As well as the examples outlined above,
isms. In addition, an elevated number of other more unusual causes of poor bulk milk
coliforms and psychrotrophic organisms bacterial quality do arise. These can encom-
has been associated with poor test prepara- pass issues such as leaking pate coolers and
tion. Resolution of such issues is straight- contaminated water supplies. However, it is
forward and requires improvements in the important to rule out the common causes of
milk routine. However, this is often an area bacterial contamination initially before
that needs to be managed with some sensi- extending the search to other areas.
tivity and often receives resistance because
of the impact it can have on milking times.

Plant cleanliness Biosecurity is a key aspect of mastitis con-

Inadequate plant cleaning most commonly, trol on dairy farms and deserves particular
though not exclusively, manifests as a rise attention. Biosecurity is important both
in bacterial numbers caused by thermoduric from the perspective of preventing intro-
organisms. This may reflect a general issue duction of previously eradicated pathogens
(wash temperatures too low or insufficient (e.g. S. agalactiae) or preventing introduc-
volumes used) or a more focused issue tion of new strains of existing pathogens,
driven by a nidus of contamination some- and from the perspective of preventing
where within the plant. In these instances introduction of other pathogens that may
review of plant cleaning is the first step, and have an indirectly deleterious impact on
the engagement of an experienced plant udder health (e.g. BVD) (see Barkema et al.,
engineer may be necessary. 2009 for an overview). For this reason it is
crucial that all units should have a biose-
Failure of refrigeration curity plan that takes into account udder
health risks and general disease risks (this
This usually manifests as a rise in the num- is discussed further in Chapter 7).
bers of psychrotrophic bacteria and is likely Maintaining a closed herd is the ideal
to be a more significant issue in farms with scenario and dramatically reduces the
less frequent milk collection (i.e. not daily). risk of introduction of pathogens affecting
Control of Mastitis and Enhancement of Milk Quality 163

mammary gland health directly or indi- purchasing heifers – in this instance a his-
rectly. However, if animals are purchased, tory of mastitis in the herd and previous
their mastitis history should be evaluated. heifer performance should be sought.
Simple bulk tank screening and implemen- Transmission of infections by and to
tation of SCC thresholds for purchased ani- humans and non-bovine animals can occur,
mals can dramatically reduce the risk. When and these risks should also be considered;
implementing an SCC threshold for biose- for example, relief-milkers should ideally
curity reasons it is important to remember have farm-specific clothing and equipment
the reason for the threshold – in this case to and while restricting them to just one farm
exclude infection – and for this reason a is perhaps unrealistic, it might be wise at
threshold to maximize sensitivity is key and least to be aware of the disease status in
therefore a lower SCC cut-off should be other herds in which they operate. In addi-
selected. While all herds should have an tion, an area often overlooked is the level
udder health biosecurity policy (even if of personal hygiene prior to commencing
contagious mastitis is already an issue), the milking process; the mentality of being
inevitably the stringency of any policy will involved in a food-harvesting process
reflect the current herd udder health status. should be engendered and encouraged in all
Important details are outlined in Box 5.7. milking personnel.
An optimal policy would encompass pur-
chasing animals only from low-SCC herds
(ideally, BMSCC <150,000 cells/ml) with The role of the heifer in mastitis control
the last three individual cow SCCs <100,000
cells/ml and a negative CMT, but this is dif- There is little doubt that heifers entering
ficult to achieve. Great caution should be the milking herd can be a significant source
exercised when purchasing animals with- of intra-mammary infection, harbouring
out records, though this is inevitable when both contagious and environmental mastitis

Box 5.7. Key elements of a mastitis biosecurity protocol.

Maintain a closed herd if possible, otherwise:

Criteria for herds from which animals are purchased
• The herd should have had a rolling geometric mean BMSCC < 200,000 cells/ml for at least one year.
• The herd should have individual at least bi-monthly cow SCC records for the previous six months.
• Information on pathogens present on the farm must be available for the herd, which must not have had
any history of S. agalactiae or Mycoplasma spp. infection in the previous two years, and absence of
these pathogens should be confirmed by serial bulk tank culture or PCR.
• The herd should be free of, or vaccinated against, BVD.
• The herd should not contain cows with severe teat lesions.
Criteria for animals purchased
• Although heifers can become infected before they calve for the first time, they are generally at less risk
than older cows of carrying mastitis pathogens and thus represent a lower biosecurity risk in terms of
mammary health.
• If older cows are purchased, they should be purchased with only complete lactation SCC records.
• Ideally, a cow should never have had a SCC of >200,000 cells/ml over her lifetime, and should prefer-
ably never have exceeded a SCC of 100,000 cells/ml during her lifetime.
• Failing this, a cow should have at least the three most recent SCCs in the current lactation <100,000
• If purchased in the immediate post-calving period, the cow should meet the criteria defined above and
have been treated with a dry cow therapy product at the previous drying off.
• Udder, teats and milk should be examined for signs of abnormalities and the cow should have been
CMT negative for three consecutive days if purchased in early lactation.
164 A. Bradley et al.

pathogens. A number of studies have investi- need significant input from herd health
gated intra-mammary infection in heifers and professionals. Due to its complex aetiology,
identified risk factors for contagious mastitis it is likely that the disease will alter as we
such as ineffective fly control, contact with learn new approaches to control and imple-
lactating cows and a high BMSCC, whereas ment new measures.
inadequate mineral supplementation and Arguably we have already seen the
poor hygiene have been linked to environ- influence that our control measures have,
mental mastitis (Pieper et al., 2011). not only on incidence and aetiology but also
Interestingly, teat apex colonization with unintentionally on the behaviour of patho-
CNS was associated with a reduced risk of gens as ecological niches are freed of their
infection by a major pathogen (Pieper et al., historical occupants. The continued polari-
2011). However, this study concluded that zation of production techniques in the
heifer and quarter characteristics were more industry will present its own challenges.
important than management in determining Increasing yields and the pressures on inten-
infection status at first calving (Pieper et al., sive systems will create one set of challenges
2011). A number of intervention studies while decreasing labour input, and the more
have investigated both antibiotic and non- ‘hands-off’ approach of extensive, low-out-
antibiotic approaches to minimizing intra- put systems another.
mammary infection in nulliparous heifers; In this chapter we have stressed the
amongst others, these studies have suggested importance of monitoring mastitis in the
that post-milking teat dipping prior to calv- dairy herd and the use of mastitis data to
ing (Lopez-Benavides et al., 2009), the use of direct control strategies. We emphasize
an internal teat sealant (Parker et al., 2008) again that, since mastitis is a set of com-
and intra-mammary antibiotic treatment plex and dynamic infection processes, the
(Sampimon et al., 2009) may aid in reducing herd health cycle (described in Chapter 1)
the prevalence of intra-mammary infection of ‘monitor – re-evaluate – make manage-
post-calving. ment changes – monitor’ is crucial if mas-
titis control at herd level is to be achieved.
Hopefully we have provided information
in this chapter that will go some way to
Conclusions providing the herd health advisor with an
insight into the flexible approach to mas-
Mastitis has, and will, remain a significant titis management that will become essen-
cause of loss to the modern dairy industry tial when conducting herd health in the
and will continue to be an area that will modern dairy herd.

References and Further Reading

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Dairy Science 89, 1877–1895.
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6 Control of Lameness

Jon Huxley,1 Simon Archer,1 Nick Bell,2 Mark Burnell,3 Laura Green,4
Sarah Potterton5 and Jon Reader3
School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham, Sutton
Bonington, Leicestershire LE12 5RD, UK; 2Royal Veterinary College, Hawkshead
Lane, North Mymms, Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL9 7TA, UK; 3Synergy Farm
Health, West Hill Barns, Evershot, Dorset DT2 0LD, UK; 4School of Life Sciences,
The University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK; 5School of Biosciences, University
of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington, Leicestershire LE12 5RD, UK

Introduction this area cushions the initial impact and the

internal elastic, digital cushion acts as a
Lameness is a serious problem in many dairy shock absorber. As the claw rolls forward
herds worldwide. The condition has an the rigid wall bears the weight of the animal
impact on welfare, milk production and herd while the sole horn reduces the jarring of
profitability. Many farm assurance schemes the impact to higher joints by flexing (rather
and milk-buying contracts require that farm- like a trampoline). From this description it
ers monitor lameness and have control pro- is clear that the anatomy of a normally
grammes in place. Thus the control of shaped claw is such that the wall is proud
lameness is an important area for the herd of the sole and the wall horn is of a quite
health advisor. Before we describe the key different consistency (harder and less flexi-
features of lameness and its control, it is worth ble) from the sole horn.
considering what is ‘normal’: what is a healthy During movement, the cow’s head car-
foot and normal locomotion in the dairy cow. riage is low and relaxed and she scrutinizes
the walking surface ahead, placing her front
feet carefully to avoid obstacles. Strides are
Healthy feet and normal locomotion long and fluid and the hind feet are placed
where the front feet were located (cattle
In a well-managed herd with low levels of cannot see their hind claw placement so
lameness, most cattle have healthy feet and this ensures that the risk of damage to hind
limbs and walk with normal locomotion. claws is minimized). Weight bearing
Healthy feet are dry and clean and the hoof between left and right feet is even and the
horn is hard with tightly packed horn back is flat. When moving at their own pace,
tubules and good-quality inter-tubular horn. herds of cows walk in columns and follow
Ideally, hoof horn wears at the same rate one another closely. Over time, cattle form
that it grows and replaces weight-bearing tracks when they walk the same route
horn as it is worn away. repeatedly, reducing the risk of stumbling
When a cow takes a step the heel strikes and injury by clearing vegetation and debris
the ground first; the soft, spongy horn in and compacting the walking surface.

© CAB International 2012. Dairy Herd Health (ed. M. Green) 169

170 J. Huxley et al.

Definition of lameness based on data from 227 herds (Barker et al.,

2010). In contrast, the prevalence of lameness
Lameness is the clinical presentation of was estimated at 5.1% (0–33) for Swedish
impaired locomotion (O’Callaghan, 2002). dairy herds (Manske et al., 2002). In US stud-
It is usually detected by observation of cows ies, prevalence of lameness up to 21.1% in
when walking, although mechanical sen- summer and 23.9% in winter were recorded
sors to detect lameness are under develop- (Cook, 2003), although a period prevalence of
ment and are used on a small number of 65.3% over 13 months was reported in one
farms. Locomotion is scored using a linear study (Sprecher et al., 1997).
scale that is open to intra- and inter-observer
variation (Channon et al., 2009; see later
section on monitoring). The impact of lameness
The vast majority of lameness occurs in
the hind feet (Murray et al., 1996; Whay et al., Farm economics
1997, 1998) and is caused by claw lesions
(~90%), with the remainder caused by limb The largest financial losses associated with
lesions. There are many causes of foot lame- lameness arise from infertility, culling and
ness: sole ulcer, white line disease, digital reduction in milk yield, although costs vary
dermatitis and interdigital necrobacillosis between country and in different economic
(foul-in-the-foot, interdigital phlegmon) are climates. In addition to reduced milk yield,
the most common causes globally, although direct costs of lameness include treatment
the relative importance of each condition costs (medicines, depreciation on foot-
varies by management system and country. trimming equipment and discarded milk from
cows under treatment), herdsman’s time and
professional fees. Indirect costs, including the
Incidence and prevalence of lameness effect of lameness on infertility and culling,
are harder to estimate. Depreciation costs
Lameness is an important disease in all devel- associated with culling an average and a high-
oped dairy nations where animals are bred yielding cow were reported as £575 and £681,
for high milk yields whether they are man- respectively, in UK dairy herds (Esslemont,
aged indoors, at pasture or a combination of 2003). Time also has an indirect opportunity
both systems. For example, the incidence of cost because alternative uses are foregone – for
lameness in UK dairy cows was reported at example, time spent dealing with a lame cow
70 cases per 100 cows per year during a study may make less time available for preventive
with the incentive of free veterinary treatment foot trimming of non-lame cows.
(Hedges et al., 2001). During winter, the mean The costs of lameness in the UK have
herd prevalence of lameness in UK dairy recently been reviewed (Willshire and Bell,
cows was estimated at 36.8% (range, 0–79.2) 2009) and are illustrated in Fig. 6.1. Claw

Vet. Medicine
costs, costs,
1% 10%
Labour line
costs, disease,
2% 25%
24% Sole Digital
ulcer, dermatitis,
Fertility 56% Other 2%
Culling costs, digital
costs, 39% lameness,
24% 17%

Fig. 6.1. Breakdown of lameness costs by category and lesion type in a typical UK herd (Willshire and Bell, 2009).
Control of Lameness 171

horn lesions lead to greater losses than 1996; Hernandez et al., 2001; Hultgren
other lesions, with sole ulcer resulting in et al., 2004), have a lower conception
the largest losses. In this example, the aver- rate (Suriyasathaporn et al., 1998; Melendez
age cost of a case of lameness was £323, et al., 2003), an increased risk of concep-
leading to a total cost for an average UK tion failure (Hernandez et al., 2005a) and
herd of approximately £7500 per year, £70 require more services per pregnancy
per cow or 1.0 pence per litre of milk. In (Sprecher et al., 1997). Unsurprisingly, as
contrast, partial budgeting models applied a result, lame cows have long calving to
to Dutch data gave losses due to digital dis- first service intervals (Barkema et al., 1994;
ease equivalent to £88 per year per lame Sprecher et al., 1997), calving to concep-
cow or £19 per cow in the herd (Enting tion intervals (Hernandez et al., 2001,
et al., 1997). Such numbers can be useful 2005), numbers of days open (Argaez
to highlight herd level losses to farmers, Rodriguez et al., 1997; Sprecher et al.,
although are less useful for making deci- 1997) and long calving intervals (Enting
sions about individual cows. Costs associ- et al., 1997; Hultgren et al., 2004).
ated with different foot lesions in cows of
different parities and months of lactation
have been estimated (Cha et al., 2010), and Welfare
may be useful to inform decisions on treat-
ment, breeding or replacement of lame The very fact that cattle alter their gait
cows. indicates that lameness is painful. Cows
with chronic claw horn disruption have
raised levels of cortisol (Belge et al., 2004)
Milk yield
and lame cows given local anaesthetic
Lame cows produce less milk than if they increase weight bearing on the affected leg
had not become lame (Green et al., 2002; (Rushen et al., 2007; Flower et al., 2008).
Amory et al., 2008; Archer et al., 2010a), Lesions of the claw horn and interdigital
and higher-yielding cows in a herd are more skin can lead to hyperalgesia (Whay et al.,
likely to become lame than their lower- 1997, 1998), i.e. an increased sensitivity to
yielding herd-mates. A consequence of this pain. Lameness leads to a range of behav-
is that farmers might not realize that a lame ioural changes; lame cows are less active
cow is less productive because she might be (O’Callaghan et al., 2003), have reduced
yielding a similar volume of milk to non- total eating time, reduced numbers of
lame cows in the herd. Milk yield falls meals per day and reduced dry matter
before a cow is visibly lame (Reader et al., intake (Bach et al., 2007), they lie down
2011) and remains low for some time after for longer and get up and down less fre-
treatment. Total milk lost varies by lesion quently (Cook et al., 2004). Therefore,
but, for example, approximately 600 kg per lameness is a major welfare issue for dairy
lactation is lost from a case of sole ulcer. cows.

Heritability of lameness
The link between lameness and infertility Milk yield and lameness have a heritable
is unequivocal. Lame cows have reduced component; however, it is possible to select
cyclicity (Garbarino et al., 2004) because of for cows that both produce more milk and are
anoestrus (Hultgren et al., 2004) or cystic less likely to become lame. The rate of increase
ovarian disease (Melendez et al., 2003) in milk production per generation would
and, once cyclicity occurs, lame cows stand reduce slightly if lameness was included in
less frequently to be mounted compared genetic selection. There are often insufficient
with their sound herd-mates (Sood and records of lameness in data used for genetic
Nanda, 2006). Lame cows that are served evaluations and thus selection against lame-
are less likely to conceive (Harman et al., ness is often incomplete. Until this changes,
172 J. Huxley et al.

herds are likely to become even more suscep- lesions, therefore, revolves around controlling
tible to lameness. Unless herd level control is the factors that increase the risk of contusions
developed to compensate for this increased under the distal phalanx; these are described
susceptibility, the deteriorating trend in lame- in detail in the later section on control. While
ness prevalence is likely to continue. the aetiology of the various claw lesions is not
clear, some studies have identified manage-
ment practices associated with an increased
Causes of foot lameness prevalence of different types of claw horn
lesions (see section on control). However,
The four most common lesions associated many of these have not been tested in rigorous
with lameness are outlined in Fig. 6.2. The clinical trials to provide good evidence of
reader is referred to other texts and papers cause and effect.
for further information in this area (e.g.
Blowey, 2008; Archer et al., 2010b). Infectious claw diseases
Claw diseases can be categorized into
claw horn lesions comprising principally Digital dermatitis is caused by bacteria,
sole ulcers (ranging from sole haemorrhage a combination of Treponema spp. is impli-
through to complete ulcer formation) and cated. The bacteria are in lesions on dis-
white line disease (encompassing white line eased feet (Carter et al., 2009), and cow-
haemorrhage and white line separation), to-cow transmission via the environment is
and infectious diseases, namely digital der- likely to be the most important route of
matitis and interdigital necrobacillosis infection. Disease is likely to enter a herd
(interdigital phlegmon or foul-in-the-foot). following the purchase of infected cattle,
although transmission on fomites (e.g. claw-
trimming equipment) may also occur. Once
Claw horn diseases
infection enters a herd it spreads rapidly.
The aetiologies of sole and wall horn dis- The authors are not aware of any diseased
eases (sole haemorrhage and ulcers, and herds where digital dermatitis has been
white line haemorrhage and separation) are completely eliminated once it has become
still not completely understood. The long- established.
standing proposed aetiology of subacute Interdigital necrobacillosis is caused
ruminal acidosis leading to ‘laminitis’ has by Fusobacterium necrophorum, which is
proved difficult to substantiate in experi- present in cattle faeces and shed into the
mental research. Possible predisposing fac- environment. Other species of bacteria may
tors are dietary imbalance of vitamins such facilitate disease, although this is uncer-
as biotin (Hedges et al., 2001), weakening of tain, and there is little doubt that disease
collagen in the foot allowing increased occurs more frequently when cattle stand
movement of the pedal bone (Tarlton et al., in faeces.
2002) and thinning of the digital cushion, a Digital dermatitis is the more common
fat pad that runs beneath the distal phalanx and important of these two infectious claw
(Räber et al., 2004, 2006; Bicalho et al., diseases. Despite the differences between
2009). Once at risk, if the farm environment them, broadly speaking a control programme
causes increased trauma on the hoof cap- designed to control the risks associated with
sule and the internal structures of the foot, digital dermatitis will be adequate to con-
claw horn disease can result. trol interdigital necrobacillosis.
Sole haemorrhage and ulcers are consid-
ered the result of contusions and damage to the
tissues lying under the distal phalanx. White Farmer attitudes to lameness
line haemorrhage and separation may have a
similar cause, although movement of the wall Farmers that manage lameness well generally
during weight bearing may predispose to white have empathy with the welfare of their cattle
line separation. Herd-level control of these and maintain high standards of physical
Control of Lameness 173

Foot lesion Description of lesion Typical appearance

White line disease, Diseased horn affecting
also known as white the junction between the
line separation or white sole and wall, including
line haemorrhage bruising (haemorrhage),
separation (fissuring)
and the formation of

Sole ulcer, also Exposed corium at the

known as site below the flexor
pododermatitis process of the pedal
circumscripta or bone
Rusterholz disease

Digital dermatitis, A well-circumscribed

also known as hairy infection of the skin,
heel warts or often between the heel
Mortellaro disease bulbs or palmar/plantar
pastern area. Lesions
usually start as
exudative epithelial
progressing to
granulation, followed by
hyperkeratosis and scab

Interdigital An acute bacterial

necrobacillosis, also infection of the
known as foul-in-the- subcutaneous tissues of
foot, foot rot, foul or the interdigital space
interdigital phlegmon characterized by
symmetrical swelling,
separation of the claws
and interdigital skin
necrosis, with a pungent

Fig. 6.2. Common causes of lameness in cattle.

174 J. Huxley et al.

comfort for their cows with low stocking parison with mastitis and fertility. This may
densities, clean, soft bedding (straw or in part explain why lameness control has
sand), generous nutrition that keeps cows in lagged behind that of other endemic dis-
good body condition, good routine foot care eases. Access to good-quality data is a vital
and rapid treatment of lame cows. Cows in first step in monitoring and controlling
such herds are often contented and have lameness. At a minimum, the herd health
short flight distances. advisor will require access to treatment
There are, however, many farms where records and routine herd locomotion (mobil-
the prevalence and incidence of lameness is ity) score data. Treatment records can be
high and it is worth considering why this used to estimate the incidence and causes of
occurs. We know that many farmers are not lameness (and therefore assist with risk fac-
able to recognize lameness, or become toler- tor control, see section ‘Control of lameness’)
ant to the levels of lameness in their herd. In and the success of treatment. Locomotion
addition, farmers might assume that the level score data can be used to estimate the preva-
of lameness in their herd is normal because it lence of lameness, to identify animals for
is consistent (untreated cows often remain treatment and to measure the success of con-
lame for a considerable time) and similar to trol programmes over time.
that of other herds they know (this is termed Currently, much recording is per-
a ‘social norm’ – see Chapter 2). On most formed as a consequence of the require-
farms several people including foot trimmers, ments of industry assurance schemes. Many
herdsmen, farmers and veterinarians are farmers in the UK only record a case of
involved in the management of foot health lameness when antibiotic is used (although
and lame cows, and this might result in no this may not include cases of digital derma-
single person feeling responsible or suffi- titis treated topically). Lame cows treated
ciently powerful to implement a control pro- solely by trimming may go unrecorded,
gramme. Finally, unlike mastitis and although this has improved in recent years
infertility, from the farmer’s viewpoint, lame- as a consequence of the increased use of
ness does not overtly impact on farm econom- professional foot trimmers, who record
ics – lame cows continue to produce milk. In such data.
these herds farmers are often very busy and Consequently, on many farms existing
attending to lame cows is low down in a long lameness records should be interpreted with
list of things to do. Motivation to improve caution and one of the first roles of the advi-
lameness may not always be financial, how- sor is to initiate a reliable, structured, stand-
ever, and cannot necessarily be valued in ardized system of data recording. A suitable
financial terms (e.g. farmers’ pride in a healthy recording system on farm includes:
herd (Leach et al., 2010b) ). Overall, many
dairy farmers find it difficult to accurately • Regular herd locomotion scoring using
estimate the prevalence of lameness in their a recognized and repeatable system
herds; when compared with an independent carried out by a trained operator.
observer using a scoring system, farmers do • Data from treatment of lame cows, to
not appear to assess accurately which of their include at least cow identity, date of
own cows are lame (Mill and Ward, 1994; examination, affected claw, diagnosis
Whay et al., 2003; Leach et al., 2010a). (correct identification of primary
lesion(s) ideally with all secondary
lesions included) and treatment given.
More precise data on lesion location
Evaluating and Monitoring Lameness and/or an assessment of lesion severity
are secondary requirements.
The importance of good farm records • Data on lesions observed during rou-
tine trimming of non-lame cows. These
Historically, lameness has been monitored should be kept separately to the data
and recorded poorly on many farms in com- from treatment of lame cows.
Control of Lameness 175

Setting up a locomotion scoring system many cases it is good to use someone who
on the farm does not have daily contact with the cows
because they are more detached and will
The first step in setting up a recording sys- not be biased by knowing particular cows,
tem is to ensure that all those involved in although they might have more difficulty
the detection of lame cows use the same identifying individuals. The observer
definition. Farmers and farm staff should should position themselves to avoid affect-
be trained in a system to score the locomo- ing cow flow. Cows should be observed
tion of each cow in the herd. Many locomo- from the side and the rear.
tion scoring systems have been described; When carrying out mobility scoring, cat-
the two most commonly used are those of tle should be observed on a flat, hard, non-
(i) Sprecher et al. (1997; Table 6.1), who slip surface with no impediments to cow
proposed a five-point scale from not lame flow for a minimum of four uninterrupted
through to barely able to stand; and strides. On most farms cows can be scored
(ii) Whay et al. (1997, 2003), who proposed after they exit the milking parlour. If this is
a four-point scale that has been accepted as not practical (e.g. in automated milking
the industry standard in the UK (and is systems) the whole herd can be walked past
often referred to as the DairyCo Mobility the observer in a steady and controlled
Score, see Fig. 6.3). For routine on-farm manner. It is recommended that cows are
monitoring we recommend the four-point scored in a wide passage where flow is
scale for its simplicity and versatility; uninhibited, to limit bunching and shadow-
consequently, the DairyCo Mobility Scoring ing which can make identification and
system will be used throughout this scoring difficult. Animals should be scored
chapter. In this system, cows with a score on a day when no other management proce-
of 2 or 3 are defined as lame and cows with dures are taking place that might interfere
a score of 0 or 1 are not lame. It is essential with either cow flow or the score (e.g. foot
that scorers are trained initially and then bathing).
undergo refresher sessions with other oper- Data collected from each cow should
ators to ensure consistency. While initially include its unique identification, a mobility
locomotion scoring can be perceived nega- score, the identity of the lame leg(s) and any
tively by farmers, particularly for those other pertinent information (e.g. any indi-
who have not spent time observing cows cation that the lameness is not caused by a
walk, the majority of clients find the proc- foot lesion; a suspicion of bilateral lame-
ess useful once they have learned the ness). It is also possible to collect other use-
technique. ful information (e.g. body condition score)
A single trained observer should per- at the same time, providing this does not
form all assessments on a unit because inter- interfere with the primary objective. Scores
observer differences in scoring can occur. can be entered on to a paper recording sheet,
Any member of farm staff can be trained; in a PDA, a ruggedized laptop or spoken into a

Table 6.1. The mobility scoring system described by Sprecher et al. (1997).

Score Description

1 Stands and walks with a level back posture; gait is normal

2 Stands with level back but arched back when walking; gait is normal
3 Arches back when walking and standing; gait is affected
4 Arched back posture always evident; gait shows deliberate steps
5 Inability or extreme reluctance to bear weight on one or more limbs

Many other scoring systems have been described; see also Manson and Leaver (1988a, a
nine-point scale); Tranter and Morris (1991, a five-point scale); Wells et al. (1993, a five-point
scale); Winckler and Willen (2001, a five-point scale); and Cook (2003, a four-point scale).
176 J. Huxley et al.

DairyCo Mobility Score

Category of score Score Description of cow behaviour Suggested action

Good mobility 0 Walks with even weight bearing • no action needed;

and rhythm on all four feet, with • routine (preventive) foot
a flat back trimming when/if required; and
• record mobility at next
Long, fluid strides possible scoring session

Imperfect mobility 1 Steps uneven (rhythm or weight • could benefit from routine
bearing) or strides shortened; (preventive) foot trimming
affected limb or limbs not when/if required; and
immediately identifiable • further observation

Impaired mobility 2 Uneven weight bearing on • lame and likely to benefit

a limb that is immediately from treatment;
identifiable and/or obviously • foot should be lifted to
shortened strides (usually with establish the cause of lameness
an arch to the centre of before treatment; and
the back)
• should be attended to as soon
as practically possible

Severely impaired mobility 3 Unable to walk as fast as a • very lame;

brisk human pace (cannot keep • cow will benefit from treatment;
up with the healthy herd) and • cow requires urgent attention,
signs of score 2 nursing and further professional
• cow should not be made to
walk far and kept on a straw
yard or at grass; and
• in the most severe cases,
culling may be the only
possible solution

Fig. 6.3. The DairyCo Mobility Score (

Control of Lameness 177

dictaphone. The herd should be scored at the examination should be recorded so that
least monthly and ideally every two weeks, lesion data from lame and non-lame cows
especially if scoring is the primary method can be analysed separately.
used to identify lame animals in need of While accurate lesion identification
treatment. Importantly, once lame cows have alone is adequate for most purposes, the
been identified, they should be examined, addition of an indication of the severity of
diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. lesions can help to assess response to treat-
ment and give an indication of the relative
importance of different lesions to both the
Recognizing foot lesions individual animal and the herd lameness
profile. To date, most lesion scoring systems
have been used for research purposes but
One of the key roles of the herd health advi-
they are increasingly being used on the farm,
sor is to provide training on the correct
particularly by professional hoof trimmers.
identification of lesions and ongoing moti-
Digital dermatitis is perhaps the easiest and
vation for data recording (Table 6.2 and
most important lesion to grade; the use of
Fig. 6.4). Digital cameras or mobile phones
the system described by Dopfer et al. (1997,
can be used to photograph lesions that farm-
Table 6.2) should be encouraged as recent
ers are unsure of and sent to the veterinarian
work has suggested that, within endemi-
for discussion. Sole ulcer, sole haemorrhage,
cally infected herds, M4.1 lesions (chronic
white line haemorrhage, white line separa-
with a subacute component; Fig. 6.4) may
tion, digital dermatitis, interdigital necro-
be important in driving infection.
bacillosis, interdigital hyperplasia and heel
horn erosion are the lesions that are a mini-
mum for farmers to recognise and record.
Extension of training to less common Methods of recording locomotion
lesions can be used to maintain the interest and lesions
of experienced operators. Identifying the
cause of lameness is sometimes compli- Historically, lameness recording has gener-
cated. Not all lesions cause lameness and ally been in paper format (Fig. 6.5) and this
lame cows often have more than one type of remains the preferred method for many
lesion. Researchers have reported that sole farmers and foot trimmers. The lesion(s) are
ulcer and interdigital phlegmon, when recorded alongside the appropriate foot
present (Manske et al., 2002; Tadich et al., (Fig. 6.5). More recently, there has been a
2010) are likely to be the cause of lameness trend towards computerized recording with
while white line separation and digital der- hardware and software available that allow
matitis can be highly prevalent in non-lame cow-side recording on to a PDA or rugge-
cows. It is best to encourage farmers to dized laptop. To optimize speed and deci-
record all lesions with a probable cause of sion making, paper records should be
lameness (i.e. what they consider to be the entered into standard herd data software for
primary lesion), and the mobility score of further analysis. Data from electronic
the cow. As stated previously, the reason for recording systems can be analysed in situ

Table 6.2. A lesion recording system for digital dermatitis (Dopfer et al., 1997).

M1 Small (2 cm), circumscribed red or grey erosion (focal bacterial keratolysis)

M2 Acute ulcerative or granulomatous lesion
M3 Healing scab
M4 Chronic dyskeratotic or proliferative lesion
M4.1 Chronic with subacute component
178 J. Huxley et al.

against other farms (e.g. farms within a vet-

erinary practice or buying group; Fig. 6.6).
Benchmarking in this way can help motivate
change and demonstrate what is achieved on
other units. When benchmarking mobility
data between farms, it is important to con-
sider the groups of cows that have been
assessed to ensure that comparisons are fair.
Most farms score the entire milking herd, but
this should also include dry cows and the
‘sick pen’ cows, which often includes conva-
lescent lame cows.
After collection of a herd locomotion
Fig. 6.4. Digital dermatitis score M4.1 (chronic with score, one of the following indices should
subacute component; Dopfer et al., 1997). be calculated:
• Mobility index = number cows not
giving virtually instantaneous results, or
lame/number in herd.
exported and incorporated directly into
• Lameness score = number of cows
other software programs. Whatever system
lame/number in herd (Bell and Huxley,
is used to record lesions, the most impor-
tant issue is that the data are analysed and
used. Too often foot trimming and mobility Clearly these two indices are related,
recording sheets are left ‘floating’ in the but some farmers prefer mobility index as it
farm office and are never used again. This is has more positive connotations (i.e. the pro-
a waste of a valuable resource. portion not lame rather than the proportion
lame). Either can be used providing the ter-
minology is correct, especially if compari-
Practical use of lameness data sons are made between farms.

Overview of herd lameness Calculation of further lameness indices

When the herd health advisor starts work- More information about the underlying rea-
ing with a dairy farmer to facilitate the con- sons for lameness on a dairy unit can be
trol of lameness on farm there are three key obtained from a more detailed analysis of
pieces of information required to begin the lameness data, particularly the estimation
process: of incidence rates of lameness at different
times and in different groups of cows.
1. The current prevalence and incidence of Incidence rate is the number of new cases of
lameness in the herd. lameness in a group of individuals at risk
2. The lesions that are the major causes of over a specified time period, and is usually
lameness in the herd. expressed as cases per 100 cows per year.
3. The animals that need immediate treatment. Lameness incidence rates can be calculated
Regular, consistent locomotion scoring either using data from cows individually
of all the cows in the herd allows the farmer identified and treated, or from sequential
to create an action list of lame cows for treat- herd mobility scoring. These two methods
ment and to conduct important analyses. are described below.
Basic herd analysis should include monitor-
ing the prevalence of clinical lameness over ANALYSIS OF DATA FROM COWS TREATED FOR LAMENESS.
time, with further analysis of mobility scores The incidence rate of lameness cases can be
to examine patterns in management groups, calculated on a monthly, rolling three-monthly
by days in milk and parity (see below). or rolling annual basis. The incidence rate of
Between-herd analyses allows benchmarking lameness should be evaluated for different


ABSC Abscess FO Foul FS False Sole
SULC Sole Ulcer IDG Interdigital BRU Bruising DD Digital
DATE : TRIMMER: Growth Dermatitis





Control of Lameness







Fig. 6.5. An example of a paper-based lameness recording sheet.
180 J. Huxley et al.


45 May–June 2009
Aug–Sept 2009
40 Winter 2010
Summer 2010
Lame cows in herd (%)







A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z @ % &

Fig. 6.6. A benchmarking graph for 29 farms in a mobility-scoring initiative. Farms have been ranked to
allow anonymous comparisons to be made among them (bars indicate the herd lameness score (proportion
of lame animals)).

stages of lactation, for cows of different parity, • ‘Recovered case’ (moving from lame to
in different groups of cows within the herd, at non-lame); and
different times of the year (or at times associ- • ‘Chronic case’ (lame at both scores).
ated with specific management changes such
Using these categories, mobility score
as turnout) and for different lesion types and
changes can be used to estimate an inci-
severities. The incidence rates of first cases of
dence rate of lameness (i.e. cows that move
lameness during a lactation should be analysed
into the lame category as a proportion of
separately from all cases (i.e. those including
those in the non-lame category at the previ-
recurrent cases). Rates of recurrence following
ous mobility score recording). This esti-
treatment of different types of lesion should
mated incidence rate of lameness can be
also be evaluated.
assessed over a two-weekly, monthly, or
three-monthly period (depending on the
frequency of scoring) and evaluated for dif-
regular collection of mobility score data
ferent groups of cows and for different times
allows a range of month-to-month analyses
of the year, as described for data from treated
(in a similar way that SCC data are used –
cases of lameness (see above).
see Chapter 5) to provide trends in lameness
A net lameness index (NLI) can also be
over time. Locomotion scores are used to
calculated for mobility scores (Archer et al.,
classify cows as ‘Not lame’ and ‘Lame’ (‘Not
2009), similar to the net transmission index in
lame’ = scores 0 and 1 and ‘Lame’ = scores 2
mastitis analysis, by dividing the number of
and 3 using the DairyCo system), and then
new cases by the number of recovered cases.
cows are categorized into one of four groups,
NLI values < 1 indicate an improvement in
based on scores in consecutive assessments:
lameness while an NLI > 1 indicates deterio-
• ‘Not lame’ (not lame at both scores); ration. Interpretation of mobility score data
• ‘New case’ (moving from non-lame to requires a degree of caution, however, because
lame); of its relatively dynamic nature (compared
Control of Lameness 181

with SCC data, for example). On some farms, illustrate this, three points on this spectrum
cows on the borderline frequently move are outlined below.
between non-lame and lame categories and
• High incidence with rapid resolution of
thus indices such as NLI can fluctuate.
lameness: new cases occur all the time
but animals recover quickly. The high
Practical limitations of prevalence is driven by new cases (e.g.
evaluating lameness data a herd in which digital dermatitis is the
If the goal is to monitor and reduce the predominant cause of lameness).
number of new cases of lameness, then the • Low incidence with prolonged recov-
incidence rate is generally a more useful ery: new cases are infrequent but when
measure than prevalence. Importantly how- they do occur animals remain lame for
ever, poor lameness detection can affect long periods. The high prevalence is
estimates of the incidence rate in the fol- driven by chronic cases (e.g. a herd in
lowing ways: which sole ulcers are the predominant
cause of lameness).
• reduction in the number of new cases • Medium incidence with variable resolution
identified (numerator) due to the poor of lameness: the high prevalence is driven by
sensitivity of diagnosis; and a combination of some new cases and other
• increase in the denominator because cases becoming chronic (e.g. a herd where
some lame cows are incorrectly lameness is caused by a range of diseases).
included in the population at risk.
Similarly and importantly, a herd with
Therefore, poor-quality clinical records a low prevalence of lameness can have a
will result in a significant underestimation relatively high incidence rate of new lame-
of the true lameness situation in the herd. ness cases, but of short duration. In this case
The denominator is often approximated to monitoring prevalence will not identify the
the number of cows in the herd, but this sim- herd problem and thus can be misleading in
plification is only appropriate if lameness terms of the overall lameness picture.
prevalence is low and cases do not become In conclusion, to quantify and monitor
chronic. Practically speaking, this means lameness in a herd, complete records of clini-
that one of the ways for a farm to have a low cal cases (including treatments), regular mob-
recorded incidence of lameness is to be poor ility scores and lesions identified at routine
at identifying lame cows and to treat what foot trimming are all important. Data need
cases they do identify ineffectively! careful interpretation based on a thorough
Therefore, incidence rates should be calcu- understanding of how they have been col-
lated and used with great care and should lected, but analysis of the data provides a use-
never be used to benchmark or draw conclu- ful insight into the main causes of lameness
sions about lameness in a herd unless strict on a unit and areas to target control measures
supervision of recording is undertaken. (see later section on control of lameness).
The relative difficulty of generating
good-quality incidence data and the relative
ease of measuring the prevalence of lame- Lameness targets
ness in herds using mobility scoring have led
to the latter being the method commonly National and transnational organizations have
used to monitor lameness. While this is a been quick to put targets on levels of lameness
pragmatic solution to a less than ideal situa- that are ‘acceptable’; however, these can often
tion, it is vital that the herd health advisor be ambiguous. For example, the European
appreciates the difficulties of using lameness Food Safety Authority (EFSA, 2009) high-
prevalence data alone so that incorrect con- lighted among its recommendations that ‘there
clusions are not drawn. For example, a herd should be systems for monitoring the preva-
with a relatively high prevalence of lameness lence of lameness by scoring locomotion and
may be in any one of a range of situations; to foot lesions every 3 to 6 months in all dairy
182 J. Huxley et al.

herds’. It goes on to say that the intervention and even then has large inter-observer vari-
level should be 10%. However, there is no ability (which makes comparisons between
explanation of what this means and to which farms difficult). A number of automated
scoring system it relates. methods for detection of lameness are
Key indices and targets recommended under development. Lame animals alter
for lameness control are outlined in their weight distribution and force plates
Table 6.3; all targets set by the advisor and sensor platforms that measure the
should be ‘SMART’ (farm-specific, measur- rate of limb placement are available
able, attainable, realistic and time-based) (Rajkondawar et al., 2006). Kinematic gait
and therefore these will need adjusting for analysis (the study of motion) also shows
individual herds over time. To put these tar- potential as a tool to monitor lameness.
get levels in context, recent results from a Whilst differences in stride length, foot
large sample of UK farms reported a median height and the speed of various stride
herd prevalence of DairyCo mobility score 2 phases can be identified between lame and
and 3 cows as 32.7% (range 0–48%) and sound cows, automated systems for on-
3.3% (range 0–31.2%) respectively. Thus, farm use are still under development.
on the average farm, 36% of cows were lame Finally, both walking speed and behaviour
(score 2 or 3) on the day they were assessed. (e.g. increased lying times) have been sug-
The top 25% of farms had a prevalence of gested as indirect indicators of lameness.
lameness (scores 2 and 3) of ≤ 22%. While it is unlikely that these methods will
ever be sufficiently sensitive or specific in
their own right, it may become possible to
The future of monitoring lameness remotely monitor levels of activity and/
in dairy herds or types of behaviour and to use these as
an indicator of cows likely to be or to
Locomotion scoring is time consuming, become lame and therefore in need of
can only be performed by trained operators examination.

Table 6.3. Outline of targets to evaluate herd lameness.

Index Description Target

Incidence rate of lameness Cases/100 cows at risk/year < 10–20a

for treated cases (i.e. calculated (equivalent rate is applicable
from cows treated for lameness) when used on a monthly or
three-monthly basis)
Recurrence rate of lameness for Percentage of cows treated for < 25
treated cases (i.e. calculated from lameness in which the lameness
cows treated for lameness) recurs in a six-month period
Lameness index (calculated from Percentage lame (scores 2 and 3) < 10–15
mobility score data at a herd recording) Percentage severely lame (score 3) < 1–2
Monthly incidence rate of lameness Cows moving into a lame category < 1–5
defined by mobility score (calculated as a percentage of those in the
from mobility score data at consecutive non-lame category at the
two-weekly or monthly herd recordings) previous recording
Monthly recovery rate of lameness Cows moving into a non-lame > 75
defined by mobility score (calculated category as a percentage of
from mobility score data at consecutive those in the lame category
two-weekly or monthly herd recordings) at the previous recording
Frequency of mobility scoring 2–4-weekly
Time between identification and Lame (score 2) Maximum 48
treatment of lame cows (h) Severely lame (score 3) Maximum 24
Relevant only if complete recording takes place; see text for further details.
Control of Lameness 183

Summary necrobacillosis), other causes exist. Importantly,

our understanding of these four common condi-
One of the key roles for the herd health tions is far from complete; for example, the aeti-
advisor is to institute a reliable, structured ology of claw horn lesions, sole ulcers and white
and standardized system of recording lame- line disease is still not established. Furthermore,
ness data on the farm. This may include the impact of herd-level lameness control has
working with clients to develop suitable proved difficult to demonstrate.
processes, training and ongoing motivation There are several reasons why lame-
for farm staff and demonstrating value by ness control measures are not yet clearly
using data to illustrate trends and generate established. First, many of the suggested
key performance indicators that can be used herd-level interventions are complicated or
to monitor lameness in the herd. expensive to implement and this makes a
Ideally, once all data have been collected ‘trial and error’ approach difficult in prac-
and recorded accurately, a period of time tice. Secondly, since claw horn lesions take
(e.g. 6–12 months) would elapse before a many months to develop (it is increasingly
herd-level lameness control programme was recognized that the feet can become irre-
instituted using the accurate and complete trievably damaged in the first lactation)
data as a starting point. In reality, control evaluation of the cause and effect of inter-
programmes almost invariably begin along- ventions is difficult. Therefore, even if
side, not after, improved data recording appropriate management changes are made,
because of the necessity to begin reducing it may take many months or years before
the levels of lameness in the herd. In this levels of lameness are reduced by identifia-
situation the authors recommend the follow- ble amounts. There is, however, increasing
ing approach to investigation of the current evidence from both research and clinical
situation on the farm. observation that herd-level lameness con-
trol programmes can deliver real and sus-
• Locomotion score the entire herd and tained reductions in lameness on commercial
institute routine locomotion scoring by farms. A herd example is shown in Fig. 6.7,
a trained member of staff. in which lameness prevalence was reduced
• Analyse foot trimming data to identify from nearly 60% to under 20% in the first
commonly reported lesions. 18 months of an ongoing control programme,
• Analyse farm clinical lameness (treatment) based on the principles outlined later in
records to identify commonly reported this section.
lesions. Despite the fact that there are few con-
• Ask farmers and farm staff to point out trolled trials showing cause and effect of
lesions they commonly see on a photo- interventions to reduce lameness, there is
graphic foot lesions atlas (this can help broad agreement on likely factors to decrease
avoid incorrect diagnosis or inappro- the incidence of lameness. Generally speak-
priate nomenclature). ing, control measures for sole haemorrhage/
• Institute a reliable, structured and ulcers and white line disease are related and,
standardized system of recording lame- similarly, measures designed to control dig-
ness data (as described above). ital dermatitis will also control interdigital
necrobacillosis. Therefore, we divide farm
control strategies into two broad categories,
Control of Lameness those designed to control claw horn disease
(comprising sole haemorrhage/ulcers and
Lameness is not a single disease, rather it is a white line haemorrhage and separation; Table
presenting sign for a wide range of conditions. 6.4) and those designed to control infectious
While the majority of lameness is caused by disease (digital dermatitis and interdigital
four different conditions of the foot (sole necrobacillosis; Table 6.5). If claw horn dis-
haemorrhage/ulcers, white line disease, digital ease predominates, control measures should
dermatitis and, to a lesser extent, interdigital be concentrated in this area and vice versa.
184 J. Huxley et al.

Percentage lame (scores 2 and 3) 70











































Fig. 6.7. Mobility score data from one farm engaged in a lameness control programme.

Table 6.4. Categories and examples of specific risks associated with claw horn disease.

Examples of specific risks that can be addressed in

General category of risk control programmes

Prolonged standing on hard Poor cubicle comfort or inadequate numbers of

surfaces (e.g. concrete/slats) cubicles (leading to decreased lying time)
Prolonged standing in the collecting yard before
Inadequate feed space
Heifers not trained to use cubicles before they calve
Poor-quality standing and walking Areas of broken or rough/abrasive concrete in yards and
surfaces walkways
Presence of loose stones and debris in the environment
Poor-quality/inappropriate tracks to pasture
Concussive and shearing forces Poor building design leading to poor cow flow
(e.g. turning sharply on concrete) (e.g. bottlenecks and dead-ends causing pushing
and bullying)
Forcing animals (e.g. with a quad bike, goad or dog)
Sharp turns on concrete (e.g. at the parlour exit)
Unnecessary mixing or changing of groups causing
aggressive interactions and bullying
Foot conformation and claw function Claw horn overgrowth
Excessive wear from abrasive walking surfaces causing
thin soles
Inappropriate or excessive trimming causing poor
conformation or thin soles
Poor-quality, less resilient claw horn Dirty, wet environment softening horn as water is
Walking on abrasive surfaces causing excessive wear
Inadequate nutrition, particularly vitamin and mineral supply
Inadequate digital cushion function Excessive body condition score loss in early lactationa
Peri-parturient loss of strength in claw Recently calved cows in a high-risk environmenta
support structures
Recent research has suggested this may be a key area of risk; however, more information is required before these
risks can be considered definitive.
Control of Lameness 185

Table 6.5. Categories and examples of specific risks associated with infectious foot disease.

General category of risk Examples of specific risks that can be addressed in control programmes

Environmental hygiene Inadequate slurry management – cows standing in slurry for prolonged
Wet, unhygienic conditions due to inadequate cleaning, ventilation and poor
building design
Rough underfoot conditions increasing the risk of damage to the interdigital
space and increasing the risk of interdigital necrobacillosis
Overstocked housing
Poorly maintained yards, tracks and walkways leading to pooling of water
and slurry
Poor foot conformation Inadequate trimming leading to claw overgrowth
and claw function
Reservoir of infection Clinical cases of dermatitis left untreated (presence of M4.1 lesions; see
Table 6.2 and Fig. 6.4).
Inadequate, inappropriate or ineffective foot bathing protocols leaving
subclinical cases of dermatitis untreated
Inadequate preventive measures in dry cows and heifers
Biosecurity Inadequate biosecurity protocols increasing the chance of digital dermatitis
entering a disease-free herd
Inadequate biosecurity increasing the chance of more pathogenic biotypes
entering already infected herds
Unnecessary mixing or changing of groups promoting transmission of
disease between animals

A lameness control programme is made further by examining a random selection of

up of four broad steps: 10–15 lame cows). If this assumption is
made it is vital that lesion-specific control
1. Evaluate and monitor the disease situation on measures requiring substantial effort or
the farm (described in the previous section) to investment are delayed until accurate lesion
identify the predominant cause(s) of lameness. data become available, at which point the
2. Categorize the cause(s) as either claw horn control programme can be reassessed.
disease, infectious causes or both. The following section concentrates on
3. Identify key risks present on the farm for some of the key risk areas and suggests prac-
the identified cause(s). tical methods of addressing them. Lameness
4. Facilitate the implementation of appropriate control requires an understanding of many
management changes to reduce or eliminate different aspects of dairy farm construction,
the hazards identified. engineering and management including
building and cubicle design. Some of these
Where good-quality lesion data are
areas are large subjects in their own right
already available, risk assessment and con-
and consequently we highlight and discuss
trol measures can focus on those areas most
the key principles. Where necessary, we
likely to lead to a reduction for that
refer the reader to comprehensive sources
disease(s). On the majority of farms engag-
for further information.
ing in control programmes for the first time,
these data can take time to generate. In this
situation we recommend initially concen-
trating on generic measures such as early Treatment of clinical cases
and effective treatment of clinical cases or
assuming that all predominant lesions types Early and effective treatment of lame cows is an
are present (a reasonably safe assumption important component of any proactive lame-
on most units, and which can be validated ness control programme; in two UK studies,
186 J. Huxley et al.

delayed treatment was a management factor to treat lame cows efficiently and effectively,
associated with higher levels of lameness (Bell and providing positive feedback and encour-
et al., 2009; Barker et al., 2010) and another agement to maintain enthusiasm.
study demonstrated that animals that are lame Where treatment of lame cows is con-
in the first lactation are more likely to become ducted by a paraprofessional hoof trimmer,
lame in subsequent lactations (Hirst et al., the veterinarian should ensure the use of
2002). Early and accurate identification and fully trained and accredited personnel (for
effective treatment reduce the prevalence of example, in the UK, fully licensed 1 trim-
lameness directly by shortening the length of mers as accredited by the National
time an animal is lame. This is also likely to Association of Cattle Foot Trimmers) and
lead to a reduction in the incidence of future work with the paraprofessional to integrate
lameness by reducing the number of repeat their data into the farm’s lameness control
cases (if permanent damage to hoof structures programme and again establish a referral
is avoided). route back to the veterinarian for difficult
In developed dairy nations, the veteri- and unresponsive cases.
narian is now less involved in the day-to- While description of the treatment of
day treatment of lame cows. This role is individual lesions and individual lame
increasingly undertaken by paraprofes- cows is outwith the remit of this book, it is
sional cattle foot trimmers or designated worth noting that various reference texts
farm staff. The role of the veterinarian is describe a variety of different treatment
becoming, and should be seen as, one of options, particularly for sole ulcers and
working with farm management to oversee white line disease. Despite their duration of
the appropriate treatment as well as preven- use and the number of animals these proto-
tion of lame cows. This role has a number of cols have been used to treat, the research
facets, including (i) training and guidance literature underpinning effective treatment
on treatment; (ii) treatment of unresponsive options for these diseases is sparse. That is
and difficult individual cases; (iii) collation not to say that current treatment protocols
and analysis of lesion-specific incidence to are ineffective, rather that they have not
direct and support other herd-level inter- been rigorously evaluated and compared to
ventions; and (iv) motivating/mentoring identify the most efficacious regimes.
staff with responsibility in this area. In summary, lameness is a complex and
Training staff to treat lame cows appro- challenging issue and one where the evi-
priately is a key role. Often farm staff have dence for treatment and prevention is far
received no formal training or have been from complete. Despite this, much can be
taught ‘on the job’ by other staff members. done to reduce the prevalence of lameness
Consequently, in some situations, treatment and this includes attending to lame cows as
can be inappropriate or, in the worst cases, soon as possible. We recommend that
damaging. Running training courses for farm severely lame cows (DairyCo mobility score
staff builds the working relationship between 3) are treated as soon as they are identified
farm staff and the veterinarian and is an and lame cows (DairyCo mobility score 2)
excellent first step in developing on-farm within 2 days. The most successful farms
lameness control programmes. Following maintain regular mobility scoring (every 14
appropriate training on the diagnosis and days) and treat all lame cows as they are
treatment of lameness, the veterinary practi- identified (Fig. 6.8). A combination of early
tioner can work with farm staff to develop detection and effective treatment may have a
standard recording and treatment protocols number of benefits to the cow, herd and farm.
and develop a route for referral back to the The early stages of foot disease are usually
veterinarian for more complicated cases and easier to treat, respond more quickly and
those that fail to respond to treatment. fully to treatment (better cure rates) and are
Mentoring and overseeing of treatment less likely to recur. Consequently, treatment
should also include ensuring that farm staff interventions are likely to reduce lameness
have the appropriate facilities and equipment severity, duration and prevalence. However,
Control of Lameness 187

(% cows with mobility score 2 or 3)

Herd lameness prevalence




Date mobility score carried out

Fig. 6.8. Reduction in prevalence of lameness in a herd where regular scoring and immediate action were
instituted. Cows are scored on a 2-weekly basis, with all lame cows being presented to the foot trimmer on
the following day.

if foot trimming and treatment are carried trained paraprofessional. Regular training
out inadequately, then early intervention can sessions are recommended to ensure that foot
potentially have the opposite effect. trimming methods remain optimal.
Given that most animals have naturally
larger lateral hind claws, it has been pro-
Routine foot trimming posed that 2–3 mm extra thickness of sole
should be left on the lateral claw to prevent
In situations where claw overgrowth, foot over-trimming, especially in older cows
imbalance (mediolateral claw imbalance) or (Nuss and Paulus, 2006). These authors pro-
lameness are not a problem, foot trimming is posed that dishing of the typical sole ulcer
unnecessary. Foot trimming may be described site (removing sole thickness in this area to
as preventive, corrective or a combination of decrease weight bearing) should be extended
the two (although routine foot trimming more widely across the sole to increase
should not be an alternative to the prompt weight bearing on the wall. Burgi and Cook
treatment of lame cows). The most widely (2008) also suggested that dishing in the lat-
accepted method of cattle foot trimming is the eral hind claw should be twice that of the
Dutch five-step method (Toussaint Raven, medial hind claw, that the target foot angle
1985), with some minor refinements. This should be 52° and that the flat, weight-
five-step procedure requires that functional bearing surface of the sole of the medial
shape is restored before corrective measures claw should be 80 mm to provide stability
are started. Lesions to be treated are carefully and prevent pivoting on to the back of the
prioritized and individualized to the cow, heel when walking. When implemented
which requires some degree of experience and and interpreted correctly, the Dutch method
mentoring to allow effective interpretation of of foot trimming can improve the locomo-
the simple rules. Certain parts of the claws are tion and mobility of cows and can reduce
not trimmed to ensure that cows without prob- the incidence and duration of lameness
lems are not compromised by over-trimming. (Manson and Leaver, 1986, 1987, 1988b).
Hence, foot trimming is a skilled job and Foot-trimming intervals should vary
should be performed by a trained member of according to need. All cows that are lame or
farm staff, trained veterinary surgeon or a have overgrown claws (>9 cm of the dorsal
188 J. Huxley et al.

wall for Holsteins) should be examined and foot trimming should not coincide with
trimmed as soon as practically possible. these events, but there may be benefits to
Preventive trimming regimes should occur examining feet a few weeks before or after
before overgrowth contributes to lameness. these risk periods. A summary of the recom-
Given that most claw lesions develop in the mended times for routine foot trimming is
weeks following calving, preventive trim- provided in Table 6.6.
ming immediately before or soon after drying
off is an appropriate time for many herds.
When maiden heifers have overgrown claws, Foot bathing and disinfection
trimming 60 days before calving may be ben-
eficial. In housed animals, a further examina- Assisting clients with key aspects of foot
tion may be warranted in mid-lactation bath design, treatment regimes and practi-
(Hernandez et al., 2007). Many producers cal implementation is an important compo-
intervene earlier than this (60–100 days), to nent of lameness control. Foot bathing is
correct the sole and toe overgrowth associ- one of the principle measures for control-
ated with sole bruising that, in some cases, ling lameness associated with digital der-
progresses to a sole ulcer. Since primiparous matitis, both as a primary disease and when
heifers develop lesions earlier in lactation it is secondary to other lesions (Evans et al.,
than multiparous cows, it is sensible to exam- 2011). Effective control of digital dermatitis
ine heifers closer to 60 days into lactation. also appears to reduce lameness associated
Horn wear is known to exceed horn with interdigital hyperplasia, and regular
growth in early lactation. Therefore, apart foot bathing can help control this. It should
from the treatment of lameness, foot trim- be noted that if performed badly (i.e. with
ming is not recommended in the first 60 poor standards of hygiene or infrequent
days of lactation. Additionally, in dairy sys- changes of solution), foot bathing can
tems based on a combination of housing increase outbreaks of both digital dermatitis
and pasture, the periods around turnout and interdigital necrobacillosis. Ensuring
and housing are high-risk periods for stone that foot bathing is routinely and effectively
penetration and sole bruising. Therefore, implemented is a key role for the herd

Table 6.6. Recommended times for routine foot trimming.

Time of trim Group of animals Comments

Drying off All cows Core recommendation for most units; care with
handling, do not trim heavily pregnant animals if
foot-trimming facilities are unsuitable or of poor
quality; do not trim and administer dry cow
therapy at the same time
60–100 days in milk All cows Helps to prevent progression of claw horn lesions:
consider on units with a high incidence of these
diseases; trim heifers closer to 60 days in milk; do
not trim at < 60 days in milk
Heifers ~60 days All heifers Consider on units where the feet are visibly
before calving overgrown before calving; care with handling
When overgrowth As identified Only animals with visible overgrowth are trimmed;
recognized however, some animals that are not overgrown but
would benefit from trimming are missed
Regular scheduled Whole herd Preferred by some contract trimmers, and may
trimming reduce overall costs; depending on their stage
(e.g. every 6 months) of lactation, some animals may not be trimmed at
the most appropriate time; avoid scheduling
trimming close to housing or turnout
Control of Lameness 189

health advisor, and often involves assisting prescribing veterinarian must ensure their
clients to overcome practical problems with use complies with national prescribing reg-
its implementation. ulations (e.g. in the UK, as their use consti-
Numerous chemicals with disinfectant tutes ‘off licence use of a prescription
qualities have been experimentally evalu- product’, minimum milk and meat with-
ated as foot bath solutions for dairy cattle hold periods are required) and they are con-
(Laven and Logue, 2006), including forma- siderably more expensive than disinfectants.
lin (~5%, range 2–10%), copper sulfate (5%, We recommend their use in the initial phase
range 2–6%), peracetic acid (1–2%) and of a control programme, to reduce the prev-
hypochlorite (2%). Research has demon- alence of digital dermatitis (particularly
strated that all are effective in controlling if levels of the ulcerative form are high),
digital dermatitis (Laven and Hunt, 2002), before instituting routine bathing with a
although the results of one recent study sug- disinfectant.
gest that formalin is superior to hypochlo- There is little research work on the
rite (Speijers et al., 2010). Formalin and most effective frequency of foot bathing. In
copper sulfate are probably the most widely endemically infected herds, experience sug-
used agents, but the use of formalin requires gests that foot bathing must be considered
appropriate health and safety precautions routine throughout the year. Initially, we
(e.g. gloves, eye/face shield and handling in recommend foot bathing after 4–6 milkings
well-ventilated areas only) and is not rec- each week (either consecutive milkings or
ommended for animals with painful, ulcer- consecutive days), which can then be
ated lesions. Its long-term availability has adjusted up or down depending on the
been questioned, and its use may become prevalence of dermatitis lesions. Few data
illegal in some countries. Long-term use of exist on when to change spent solutions; we
copper sulfate can lead to high levels accu- suggest changing the solution after one cow
mulating on the land (once slurry is spread), passage per litre (i.e. a 250 l bath should be
and some countries prohibit its use because changed after 250 cow passages). Routine
of possible environmental toxicity. If per- bathing should include dry cows (to prevent
mitted, copper solutions can be acidified them calving with active lesions following a
(various commercial products are available) period without treatment) and heifers prior
to reduce the concentration of copper to first calving, if they are infected. In situa-
required to 2% or less. Soil and forage cop- tions where this is difficult to implement
per levels should be monitored on farms they can be treated individually (see later).
using copper products regularly. A wide In order to make routine foot bathing
range of other chemicals and proprietary practical, foot baths should be easy to fill
products are used, with variable amounts of and simple to clean out. Practical recom-
trial work to support their efficacy. Parlour mendations on foot bath construction are
washings (the cleaning solutions remaining available (see Box 6.1, and more detail is
following circulation-cleaning of the plant available at, under the
at the end of milking) are increasingly com- ‘Healthy Feet Programme’), but are not
monly used but have limited efficacy based on robust science. Foot bath construc-
beyond cleaning feet, and so, if used, should tion is often a compromise to accommodate
form only part of a rotation involving agents many factors such as cost of filling, conven-
with known efficacy. It is worth noting that ient location and ensuring good cow flow so
the herd health advisor can usefully provide that milking is not slowed down as cows
assistance by calculating correct dosage exit the parlour. A rinse bath followed by a
rates (i.e. measuring footbath volume and treatment bath reduces contamination in the
recording the exact quantity of product to treatment bath (alternatively, feet can be
be added). washed in the parlour). Adding a biocide to
A range of antibiotic solutions are also both the rinse bath and treatment bath is pru-
used to treat digital dermatitis (Watson, dent but increases costs. Hypochlorite should
1997; Laven and Logue, 2006), although the be avoided in the rinse bath if formalin is
190 J. Huxley et al.

Box 6.1. Key aspects of foot bath design.

• at least 3 m long – cows take several steps;
• solution 10 cm deep – completely covers feet above the coronary band;
• single-cow (~1.1 m) or double-cow width (~1.8 m) – trade-off between volume (and therefore expense)
and cow flow;
• easy to fill – volume washer close to hand or mount a header tank with wide bore (~10 cm) outflow
above the bath;
• easy to drain – fit with a ~10 cm bung plug;
• single- (treatment only) or double- (prewash and treatment) bath system – trade-off between being
cleaner before entering treatment bath and cost and space problems with a double bath;
• position is paramount – ensure the location allows good cow flow (can be problematic on some units).
Use plastic bath and movable gates to ‘test’ location before building permanent set-up;
• ensure design does not allow animals to walk along one or both edges of the bath; and
• calculate volume and amount of agent required – attach to or paint instructions on the wall above the

being used as a treatment, to avoid chemical in which social rank is largely predicted by
interactions. The bath should be deep age and stature. When individuals first meet
enough to fully immerse the foot to the cor- they compete to establish rank. Once the
onary band and should be long enough to hierarchy is established within a group, neg-
deter cows from jumping through. Cow ative interactions become less common
comfort is paramount, so cows should walk except when animals compete for a limited
slowly with minimal splashing. resource, e.g. access to feed (see Chapter 8)
The practice of mass-spraying of feet or lying areas, or when closely ranked ani-
with licensed or unlicensed antibiotics or mals seek to re-establish the dominance
disinfectants as cows stand (either at the order. Aggression between animals of very
feed face or in the parlour) has emerged as different rank is uncommon, because subor-
an alternative to foot bathing. It has not been dinate animals acknowledge the more domi-
the subject of research and may not ade- nant individual by surrendering control of
quately treat lesions extending between the the resource. In order to maximize produc-
heel bulbs. However, practical experience tivity and control disease in a group, the
suggests it can work well in some situations, environment should be designed and herds
particularly as an alternative to foot bath- managed to limit the impacts on subordinate
ing for dry cows and heifers that are kept in animals. If animals have to compete for
buildings or yards away from the foot- limited resources, subordinate animals are
bathing facilities. Animals can be sprayed forced to wait to use the resource. This is
using a ‘knapsack’-style sprayer, once or particularly pertinent for control of lame-
twice per week whilst feeding; the wand ness, where standing time on concrete is
can safely be directed between the claws now thought to be a key risk factor in the
from a standing position. development of claw horn lesions.

Standing time at milking

Management of cow groups Many dairy farms have increased cow num-
and movements bers (in an attempt to improve profitability)
without making proportionate changes to
Cattle are highly social herd animals and parlour capacity. Cows enter the milking
engage in complex social interactions to parlour in a very similar order each milk-
establish dominance and herd bonding. ing. Consequently, subordinate animals are
Herds have a predominantly linear hierarchy forced to wait by standing on concrete in
Control of Lameness 191

the collecting yard, sometimes for many to install. Lastly, the feed face is considered
hours each milking. Where practical, the one of the priority areas for rubber matting
best solution is to increase the number of (see section ‘Standing time and concrete
groups within the herd (see section ‘Fresh surfaces’) to mitigate the effects of extended
cow and heifer groups’), thereby reducing feeding times, particularly for high-yielding
the number of animals in each group and animals (~4–6 h/day).
limiting the maximum waiting time to a tar-
get of one hour or less at each milking. Fresh cow and heifer groups
Unfortunately, producers are often resistant
to this change because it increases the com- Recent changes in our understanding of the
plexity of their management system: first by aetiology of claw horn disease suggest that
increasing the time required to perform rou- the peri-parturient period is a time of par-
tine tasks and secondly because of the limi- ticular risk. Fresh cow groups (grouping all
tation of buildings (e.g. it is often difficult to recently calved cows separately for a period
split groups without interfering with cow of approximately 1–2 months) have grown
flow). In these situations laying rubber mat- in popularity and appear particularly perti-
ting in the collecting yard (see section nent for lameness control. These allow the
‘Standing time and concrete surfaces’) to targeted reallocation of farm resources and
soften the standing surface is a feasible investment to early-lactation animals most
alternative. at risk of disease (late-lactation animals are
more resilient and can be proportionately
disadvantaged if necessary). The advan-
Management at the feed face
tages, for lameness control, of a fresh cow
Trough access is a valued resource and cows group are:
tend to feed as a herd (Grant and Albright,
• Access to the most comfortable cubi-
2001). This is particularly true in total
cles (see section ‘Lying time and cubi-
mixed ration fed herds where the provision
cle comfort’) at a low stocking rate (at
of fresh feed encourages all animals to eat
least 10% more cubicles than cows and
together. Consequently, animals will com-
ideally 20% more) to maximize lying
pete for access; if feed space is inadequate,
times and reduce standing time. The
bullying forces subordinate animals to wait,
group can be operated on a ‘one in, one
increasing their standing time. For example,
out’ basis or through the instigation of a
increasing feeding space per cow from 0.5
weekly group exit routine.
to 1.0 m resulted in a 57% reduction in
• Provision of at least 80 cm of feed face
aggressive interactions; this was particu-
per cow (although we recommend
larly true for subordinate animals (DeVries
100 cm/cow with rubber matting) to
et al., 2004). One row of feed face for every
maximize dry matter intake and reduce
two rows of standard-width cubicles
competition to minimize unnecessary
(~120 cm) provides approximately 60 cm of
space per cow (i.e. the absolute minimum),
• The group should be milked first to
and 75 cm is much preferred. Many modern
reduce standing time (its relatively
sheds are designed with three rows of cubi-
small size helps in this respect) and
cles per row of feed face, reducing space to
reduce exposure to slurry (digital der-
approximately 40 cm/cow. This is likely to
matitis risk) as it builds up during the
limit both dry matter intake and increase
milking process.
standing time in subordinate animals. There
is also evidence that feed face design can Heifer groups work on similar principles.
influence aggressive behaviour; cows were Housing all first-lactation animals together
displaced more frequently from a post and reduces bullying and competition by mature
rail barrier, compared with a barrier com- cows, particularly during critical periods
posed of headlocks (Huzzey et al., 2006), such as early lactation. Although the practical
although these systems are more expensive difficulties of maintaining multiple groups on
192 J. Huxley et al.

the farm can be challenging, the health and The key aspects of cubicle comfort are
production benefits reported by farms that design, dimensions, stocking rate and lying
have changed systems can be substantial. surface. All of these factors can act cumula-
tively to restrict the willingness of animals
to use the cubicle, and therefore will reduce
Lying time and cubicle comfort lying time.
A stocking rate of at least one cubicle
Both research and field findings have dem- per cow should be provided, but we recom-
onstrated over many decades that animals mend providing 10% more cubicles than
housed in cubicle-based systems suffer cows; this is especially important in fresh
more lameness compared with animals kept cow groups where a 20% surplus is recom-
in straw yards (e.g. Barker et al., 2010), and mended (see section ‘Fresh cow and heifer
this is particularly true for the claw horn groups’). As the stocking rate increases
lesions. Increased standing time has been above 100%, lying times decrease and ani-
linked directly to an increase in the number mals are more likely to be displaced from
of sole lesions (Galindo and Broom, 2000). their cubicle (Fregonesi et al., 2007).
Optimizing cubicle comfort and maximiz- Design and appropriate dimensions (e.g.
ing lying times is now considered one of the see Fig, 6.9) must allow animals to enter and
key interventions to reduce the risk of lame- stand in the stall, lie down, rise and exit the
ness, particularly claw horn lesions. Lying stall with minimum hindrance. Above all,
times at pasture are replicated by most straw adult cows need approximately 1 m of unre-
yards. In these herds the space requirements stricted lunge space in front of them (the chin
in straw yards for controlling diseases such almost reaches the floor as they bob forward)
as mastitis will be adequate for lameness in order to stand unhindered. Without ade-
control (see Chapter 5). In well-designed quate lunge space, cows collide with the
cubicle housing, lying times can be very stanchions as they attempt to rise or are
similar to those achieved at pasture and in forced to shuffle around on the cubicle sur-
straw yards, but all too often they are not. face causing abrasions (e.g. hock lesions) and

Width 112–120 cm

210–220 cm
Lunge zone

120–130 cm
>90 cm
~60 cm

Bob zone <10 cm

15–20 cm

170–180 cm

Total length to wall, 270–300 cm

Length to centre of head to head cubicles, 240–270 cm

Fig. 6.9. Cubicle dimensions appropriate for a 700 kg Holstein-Friesian cow. Fine-tuning from these approximate
values is often necessary depending on how animals interact with the environment once the cubicles are installed.
Control of Lameness 193

injuries as they strive to create enough room be specified for the larger animals in the
to stand. While animals can alter their behav- herd, rather than the average. This approach
iour to some extent to compensate for cubicle maximizes comfort for all animals but is
inadequacies (e.g. if space at the front is lim- disliked by some farmers because it increases
ited, cows can lunge sideways into the adj- the amount of cleaning required (and possi-
acent stall), inappropriate design can increase bly the risk of mastitis), because small ani-
lameness. For example, lameness scores mals may defaecate on the back of the stall.
were reported to be higher and the number of However, this is preferable to large cows
lame cows increased in cubicles with a having reduced lying times because of
restrictive neck rail (Bernardi et al., 2009). uncomfortable cubicles. Ultimately, it is
Many lying surfaces can be used, rang- impossible to optimally design housing for
ing from deep straw on a concrete base a herd of animals of disparate sizes. Breeding
through to mats, mattresses and water beds. policy should be altered to reduce variation
Unfortunately none are perfect and all have in the medium term or, in some cases, the
both advantages and disadvantages (see only solution is to divide cows into groups
Table 6.7). From an animal health perspec- of different stature (e.g. heifer groups; see
tive, including lameness control, deep sand ‘Fresh cow and heifer groups’) and provide
beds are best but can be difficult to manage cubicles of appropriate dimensions (this
(e.g. slurry management can be difficult on works particularly well on farms that have
units not originally designed to house cows old cubicles that are too small for the mod-
on sand). For further detail on cow bedding, ern mature Holstein cow and new accom-
the reader is referred to the practical mate- modation with larger cubicles).
rial held by DairyCo (, To aid the clinician or advisor, a number
under the ‘Healthy Feet Programme’). of indices have been described that provide an
In older buildings, optimizing cow com- estimate of cubicle comfort (e.g. cow comfort
fort need not mean that dated sheds require and stall use indices) by counting the propor-
demolition (an unrealistic suggestion on tion of animals engaged in a variety of behav-
many units) – many cubicles and buildings iours (e.g. lying in cubicles). However, recent
can be modified and substantially improved, research has demonstrated that neither index
at relatively low cost, if the basic require- is associated with the actual daily lying time of
ments of the cow are taken into account (see the animals (Ito et al., 2009). Instead, subjec-
Fig. 6.10). When new buildings or renova- tive assessments of how cows interact with the
tions are planned, it is vital that the herd cubicle may be preferable – for example, the
health advisor provides input to prevent all ease with which cows get up and lie down in
building design being driven by agricultural the stalls or whether the neck rail impairs entry
engineers who may have limited experience to the stall (in which case it should be raised).
and expertise in animal health and welfare. Finally, whilst direct research is lack-
Even in new cubicles, finding the correct set- ing, experience suggests that ‘training’ heif-
up for the cows is an iterative process (e.g. ers to use cubicles before first calving (so
partitions are set initially at standard values they do not experience cubicles for the first
and then altered depending on how the ani- time during the high-risk period immedi-
mals respond to the set-up). Therefore, it is ately after calving) is a sensible procedure.
important that the expectations of the client On many units this is best achieved by hous-
are managed so that they anticipate having to ing in-calf heifers in the cubicle accommo-
make changes but, more importantly, cubicle dation for a few weeks during the summer
infrastructure must be joined with adjustable when the adult cows are at pasture.
fittings to allow alterations to be made both
in the initial set-up phase and in the future if
cow stature in the herd changes. Standing times and concrete surfaces
One of the difficulties with optimizing
cubicle design and set-up is the ‘one size fits Standing times on concrete and the quality of
all’ approach. Cubicle dimensions should the concrete surface can influence the incidence

Table 6.7. Advantages and disadvantages of different cubicle bedding systems.

Cubicle bedding system Advantages Disadvantages Notes

Deep sand Gold standard for Management can be problematic, Washed sand best, some unwashed sands
comfort, lying times does not suit many slurry handling can set hard in the bed
and animal health (good for systems and very wearing on any Various sources available including beach
both mastitis and lameness) pumps used to move slurry sand, water treatment works and
Improves grip in alleyways Teats may require more cleaning commercial suppliers
at milking ~2.0–2.5 t/cow/year
Requires a sand spreader to ~£10–15/t including delivery
dispense sand
Mattress (rubber crumb- or Second only to Combination of abrasive surface ~£40–60 per mattress

J. Huxley et al.
foam-filled) usually with deep-bed sand for (to prevent slips) and abrasive Additional cost of bedding, which varies
light bedding (e.g. sawdust, cubicle comfort in substrate can cause painful depending on choice and location
chopped straw, paper most trials hock lesions
waste, power station ash)
Mat (varying from thin to May be more durable than Less comfortable than mattress ~£30–50 per mat
thick and cushioned), mattress Combination of abrasive surface Additional cost of bedding, which varies
usually with light Slightly cheaper than mattress (to prevent slips) and abrasive depending on choice and location
bedding (e.g. sawdust, substrate can cause painful
chopped straw, paper hock lesions
waste, power station ash)
Solid base (e.g. concrete, Good cow comfort if deep Poor cow comfort unless a deep Initially cheap to install but ongoing cost of
tarmac, hardcore, clay, straw bed provided bed provided bedding
limestone), usually Major mastitis risk if deep straw The cost of straw can fluctuate widely by
deep-bedded with bed provided year and farm location
straw or paper Straw and paper do not suit all
slurry handling systems
Control of Lameness 195

the herd after milking to allow teat end clo-

sure may be unnecessary if fresh food is pro-
vided after milking, bed hygiene is optimal
and mastitis control is good.
Prolonged standing times are more haz-
ardous if the standing surface is rough, une-
ven, wet or contaminated with slurry. Areas
of broken concrete contain stale slurry (as
they are never scraped clean) and can dam-
age claws. These should be filled and
repaired as soon as practically possible, par-
ticularly if they occur in areas of high cow
flow (e.g. the collecting yard). Wet, slurry-
Fig. 6.10. An example of cubicle renovation. All contaminated surfaces are major risk factors
woodwork has been removed from the front of the for digital dermatitis and foul, but also pre-
cubicle and the lower dividing rail has been dispose cows to heel erosion, soft claw horn,
replaced by a tensioned strap allowing cows to sole bruising, sole ulcers and possibly white
share space and lunge both sideways and forwards. line lesions. Wet concrete is also less abra-
Cows are positioned by a brisket board and a new sive, and if concrete surfaces are too smooth,
neck rail (of tensioned rope) set far forward in the then claw overgrowth may become a prob-
stall. The old bed has been replaced by deep sand. lem. Therefore, concrete should be dry and
While the cubicles remain short, cow comfort has
provide good grip without being sharp or
been dramatically improved and the functional life
of the building extended at relatively low cost.
allowing pooling of slurry. Stocking rates,
foot-bathing regimes and foot-trimming fre-
quency can be adjusted to decrease the risk
of sole ulcers, sole bruising and white line from poor flooring to some extent.
lesions and can indirectly increase exposure While it represents a low risk for foot
to wet and unhygienic conditions leading to lameness, smooth concrete will need correct-
digital dermatitis and foul-in-the-foot. ing to reduce the risk of cows slipping and to
Forcing cows to stand for more than 2 h/ increase natural activities such as feeding
day while waiting for milking, artificial insem- and oestrous behaviour. Several options exist,
ination, pregnancy diagnosis or other routine including grooving, scabbling (mechanically
management activities can predispose to foot roughening the surface by pounding it with a
lesions. Similarly, poor lying comfort or over- series of steel tips) or fitting rubber yard mat-
stocked buildings can also lead to prolonged ting. There is little published evidence to
standing (see ‘Lying time and cubicle comfort’). indicate which approach is superior, although
On units where standing time is considered a there is a body of evidence showing the ben-
significant risk, there is great value in calcu- efits of rubber matting (Bell and Huxley,
lating approximate time budgets for cows. 2009b). Unpublished recommendations from
Calculations should concentrate on the ‘worst’ work conducted by a UK advisory body spec-
25% of cows (i.e. those likely to have the long- ified that grooving should be diamond-cut
est standing times), particularly around milk- (not flailed) and should be 6–10 mm deep,
ing, on various days in the week and at 10 mm wide with 40 mm between lines.
different times of the year. Time budget calcu- Grooves are usually cut to form squares or
lations should include walking as well as diamonds to provide grip in all directions.
standing times and should factor in time for Scabbling is an alternative approach that pro-
feeding, drinking, lying down and moving duces a roughened surface without grooves
between these activities (Cook et al., 2007; or ridges, and we recommend it as potentially
Cook and Nordlund, 2009). Calculating time superior for grip without gross unevenness,
budgets can highlight instances when cows while still providing some claw horn wear.
are needlessly penned away from lying areas. Excessively abrasive surfaces are a major
For example, the common practice of penning hazard for claw horn lesions, particularly
196 J. Huxley et al.

thin soles and sole bruising, and can be a with rubber matting; for example, proprietary
problem with eroded or excessively scabbled products cost in the region of £30/m2 (includ-
concrete. There are a number of practical ing fitting), in the UK.
solutions, few of which have been investi- For new buildings, tamping concrete
gated scientifically. Options include con- produces a surface with better traction than
crete planing (mechanically removing the floated concrete with grooves (Albutt et al.,
abrasive top surface which, whilst possible, 1990). The direction of tamping is largely a
is practically difficult), rubbing cement practical consideration, as tamping provides
mixes into the surface and resurfacing with grip in all directions. Tamping becomes
resins, bitumen or rubber matting. Old, bro- impractical in large buildings, and alterna-
ken concrete may require replacement. For tives include a brush finish or imprints with
small areas where cows turn, small sections lines or patterns. Very little information is
of targeted rubber matting are the easiest and available on the benefits of achieving these
most cost-effective solution. effects. While again scientific evidence is
Rubber matting in the parlour exit lanes lacking, the use of 40 mm-diameter hexago-
(Fig. 6.11) and collecting yard has benefits nal imprints with grooving 6–10 mm deep
for foot health and speed of cow flow (cows and 10 mm wide engraved into floated con-
walk more confidently on rubber matting crete appears to provide a safe finish.
(Telezhenko and Bergsten, 2005) ). Rubber
matting in housing, particularly where cows
stand, such as the feed face, can be used when Cleanliness and slurry management
the lying comfort is good (otherwise cows
choose to lie on the rubber floors rather than Exposure to slurry has been associated with a
uncomfortable cubicles). While the benefits high prevalence of digital dermatitis (Rodriguez-
of rubber matting in terms of lameness reduc- Lainz et al., 1996; Wells et al., 1999). Trigger
tion are still equivocal, cows prefer to stand factors for interdigital necrobacillosis are less
on rubber (Telzhenko et al., 2007), and hence clear and may relate more to stage of lactation,
at a very minimum it improves welfare and breed and risk of skin trauma than previously
cow movement. Rubber matting can be par- thought (Alban et al., 1996). Research on
ticularly beneficial when slats are present in slurry management has been somewhat lim-
the housing, the latter helping by preventing ited by the methods used to evaluate it – for
pooling of water, urine and slurry, although example, the extent to which cleanliness can
the same benefit can be achieved with wide be measured over time. The prevalence and
alleys (ideally, 4–5 m), slopes of 2% and good severity of heel horn erosion are strongly cor-
ventilation. Cost remains the biggest problem related with wet, unhygienic conditions, but
the importance of hygiene in the develop-
ment of other claw horn lesions remains
uncertain (although probably poor hygine
softens horn). Increased claw horn moisture
has been associated with thin soles in housed
dairy cattle (van Amstel et al., 2004) and con-
sequential lesions such as bruising, white line
disease and sole ulcer. Similarly, there is sea-
sonality in the occurrence of white line lesions
related to rainfall. Heel horn erosion is often
used as a marker for poor environmental
hygiene, and has been correlated to sole
ulcers, digital dermatitis and abnormal claw
shape (Manske et al., 2002). Further work is
required to establish the causal relationships
Fig. 6.11. Rubber matting fitted in the parlour and and details of pathogenesis of lesions in wet,
on right-angled turns at the parlour exit. unhygienic environments.
Control of Lameness 197

Generally the greatest exposure to wet, advice if new buildings or substantial

unhygienic conditions occurs during housing, management changes are required. Ideally, to
although well-managed housing systems can gain a true picture of slurry contamination,
perform well compared with extended grazing the environment should be assessed at its
systems in wet climatic conditions. Numerous worst (i.e. just before it is next cleaned). Most
housing management factors can increase veterinary visits are conducted in the morning
the amount of slurry in the environment, just after the morning clean, which can give a
reduce the cleanliness of the foot and increase false impression of the true situation.
the amount of foot lameness. These include (i)
the use of automatic scrapers (animals must
step through a ‘bow wave’ of slurry as the Tracks and walkways
scraper passes); (ii) scraping too infrequently;
(iii) incomplete scraping (particularly hand- Good-quality cow tracks, walkways and cow
scraping in areas where cows congregate and flow are important for the prevention of white
that cannot be reached using a tractor, such as line disease, thin soles and sole penetrations.
around water troughs and out-of-parlour feed- It may be possible that stony tracks help iden-
ers); (iv) overstocked housing; (v) inadequate tify cows with pre-existing lesions because of
drainage or inadequate falls on surfaces; (vi) the increased risk of stones penetrating dis-
areas of broken or pot-holed concrete that accu- eased sole horn. Wet muddy tracks are a risk
mulate stale slurry, dirty foot baths or raceways; factor for digital infections such as digital
(vii) insufficient bedding; (viii) inadequate dermatitis (Rodriguez-Lainz et al., 1996).
scraping of, or prolonged time for cows in the Good cow track construction is particu-
collecting yard prior to milking; and (ix) the use larly important for large herds on extended
of bedding materials that adheres to wet feet. grazing systems, and technical guidance on this
In this context the role of the veterinary subject has been published (Chesterton, 1989).
advisor is to identify and highlight risks so A range of materials can be used (Table 6.8); the
that they can be addressed and to provide reader is referred to the practical material held

Table 6.8. Relative merits of materials that can be used for cow tracks.

Cow Cost of Suitable for

Material comfort Dryness Grit-free laying vehicular use Maintenance

Cow carpet +++ ++ ++ H ++ L − replace after 5

Pine peelings +++ −− +++ L−M −− H − top up twice per
Crushed hard stone ++ ++ −−− M ++ L − patch every 2
Chalk ++ − ++ M − L − patch every 2
Fine stone (e.g. basalt, ++ − −−− M − M − top up every
quarry dust) year
Oolitic limestone ++ ++ ++ M ++ L − patch every 2
Sand ++ − ++ M−H − M − top up regularly
Shellet (or similar) ++ − ++ L − M − top up every
Concrete + + −−− H + M − sweep monthly
Tarmac + ++ −−− L ++ M − sweep monthly
Concrete railway − to + + − M + M − sweep monthly

− − −, very poor; − −, poor; −, mediocre; +, good; ++, very good; +++, excellent; L, low; M, medium; H, high.
198 J. Huxley et al.

by DairyCo (, under the the effects of SARA remains important from a
‘Healthy Feet Programme’) for more extensive health and production point of view (see
information. The most appropriate material to Chapter 8), we now consider this a low prior-
use depends on what is available locally and ity as part of a lameness control programme.
the cost of these materials, including transpor- Rather, if recent research evidence proves
tation. All tracks require maintenance: mainte- correct, more attention should be paid to lim-
nance can be minimized by ensuring (i) good iting condition score loss in early lactation.
drainage (track raised above surrounding Cows with a low body condition score at calv-
ground, 5% camber, drainage ditches and cross- ing and in early lactation are more likely to
channels across steeply sloped areas); (ii) opti- suffer from lameness (Hoedemaker et al.,
mal natural drying (avoid shading from wind 2009); condition score is positively correlated
or sun – e.g. keep hedges well trimmed if they with the thickness of the digital cushion, and
are next to tracks); and (iii) that tracks run in the prevalence of sole ulcers and white line
straight lines and that heavy vehicles do not disease were significantly associated with the
use them. Frequency of resurfacing varies enor- thickness of the digital cushion (Bicalho et al.,
mously with the nature of surface material, 2009). It is likely that managing nutrition to
rainfall and degree of use. Generally speaking, reduce the number of thin cows at calving
organic surfaces (woodchip, pine peelings or and limit condition score loss in early lacta-
straw) require topping up twice yearly, soft tion should be part of controlling claw horn
stone tracks in high-rainfall areas generally lesions. More details on management of body
require some resurfacing every 2–4 years and condition score are provided in Chapter 8.
hard stone stabilized with cement often lasts The results from a number of studies
longer. Concrete and concrete sleepers will last have suggested that heifers reared on diets
many years but require regular sweeping with containing fermented forage (e.g. grass silage)
tractor-mounted brushes. with low dry matter are more likely to suffer
Speed of cow flow will in part be deter- claw horn lesions after calving than animals
mined by the comfort of walking for the fed diets based on drier, non-fermented for-
cow, but other factors can cause bottlenecks age, e.g. hay or straw (Offer et al., 2001;
such as sharp turns, narrowing of tracks or Leach et al., 2005). The outcome of these
steep slopes. In general there should be suf- and other studies suggests that heifer-rearing
ficient width to allow subordinate cows to diets should be formulated using forages
pass around dominant animals. A width of with a dry matter content greater than 25%
3–4 m will generally be sufficient, albeit (e.g. dry grass silage, hay or straw). However,
with some possible slowing. Rushing cows it remains possible that wet faeces (produced
at the back of the herd with a dog or vehicle by animals on wet diets) are an important
has been shown to increase the risk of lame- factor mediating the effects observed and so
ness (Chesterton et al., 1989), does little to environmental hygiene is also likely to be
alleviate the causes of slow cow flow and important in the heifer environment. Either
can even reduce flow in the long term if way, where possible feeding a high dry mat-
cows become lame. ter diet to in-calf heifers is likely to reduce
clinical lameness after calving.
There is good evidence that the supple-
Nutrition mentation of diets with biotin (20 mg/cow/
day) leads to a significant reduction in the
The perceived role of nutritional management incidence of white line disease (approxi-
in the control of lameness has changed sub- mately halving the risk; Hedges et al., 2001;
stantially over the last few years. Historically, Pötzsch et al., 2003). Data on sole haemor-
much attention was paid to controlling sub- rhage and sole ulcer are equivocal. Higher
acute ruminal acidosis (SARA) because of its levels of biotin can be added directly to
proposed link with ‘laminitis’ and hence claw mixed rations or concentrates can be spe-
horn lesions. However, this aetiology has not cifically fortified with the vitamin on
been substantiated by research. While limiting request. On farms where white line disease
Control of Lameness 199

is a significant problem, we recommend Consequently, preventing the entry of

supplementation with biotin to these levels. digital dermatitis through effective biosecu-
It is worth noting that periods of supple- rity is essential for farms that are disease
mentation of six months or more may be free, and is also likely to be of value in herds
required before a significant benefit is seen; with infected cows. When formulating biose-
ongoing supplementation is required to curity protocols, it is important to consider
maintain the effect (biotin is water soluble), (i) policies for personnel, including vets,
and results from the research suggest that foot trimmers, relief staff and visitors; (ii)
animals on some farms may not benefit from policies for the movement of live animals in
supplementation (Hedges et al., 2001). and out of groups at all ages; (iii) the use of
A number of studies have investigated shared equipment or facilities; and (iv) pos-
the impacts of supplementing diets with sible contact with other species. Where prac-
methionine, zinc, manganese, copper and tical, providing external workers (e.g. foot
cobalt at different levels of inclusion and in trimmers and vets) with appropriate farm-
different forms (inorganic versus com- based equipment (e.g. protective clothing,
plexed, sulfate or non-sulfate based; Nocek crushes, foot-trimming equipment) rather
et al., 2006; Siciliano-Jones et al., 2008). than allowing kit to be brought on to the unit
There is some evidence that diets supple- is prudent. At the very least, any external
mented with these trace elements may equipment brought on to the farm should be
improve claw health and reduce the inci- thoroughly disinfected before use. For dig-
dence of claw horn lesions. The effects seem ital dermatitis, there is little evidence on
more likely if minerals are supplied in the which to base isolation protocols for newly
forms more available, but it should be purchased animals, but knowing the health
stressed that mineral supplementation status of the herd of origin, examining the
forms a small part of a holistic lameness feet of purchased animals and the treatment
control strategy (see Chapter 8 for more of incoming animals with topical and sys-
information on mineral supplementation). temic antibiotics followed by isolation for at
least 3 weeks is prudent. Identifying possi-
ble risks from contiguous holdings and
Biosecurity ensuring good boundary security may also
reduce the risk of local spread. In herds free
The presence and prevalence of digital der- from infection or with low-virulence digital
matitis in a herd has been associated with dermatitis, regular foot bathing with a disin-
breaches in biosecurity (Rodriguez-Lainz fectant may help prevent minor breaches in
et al., 1996; ArgaezRodriguez et al., 1997; biosecurity translating into disease outbreak.
Wells et al., 1999). The bacteria associated
with digital dermatitis are fastidious anaer-
obic organisms, and therefore the most Conclusions
likely route of entry to a herd is through
infected cattle. Contact of uninfected cows Achieving control of lameness on dairy farms
with contaminated equipment or contami- is undoubtedly difficult. The herd health
nated mud or slurry are potential routes for advisor must overcome a number of barriers,
transmission, although this is uncertain. including (i) the relative difficulties of estab-
Virulence of the various phylotypes of the lishing and maintaining good-quality moni-
causal treponeme may vary, so that herds toring and recording systems; (ii) the practical
endemically infected with digital dermatitis and financial complications of implementing
may still benefit from strict biosecurity key aspects of control (particularly for claw
standards. Furthermore, as an infectious horn lesions); and (iii) the lag between imple-
disease, any means of reducing spread mentation of control measures and apprecia-
within the herd through bio-containment ble improvements in the levels of lameness.
within facilities will also improve overall These difficulties mean that sustained con-
herd control in endemically infected herds. trol will be achieved on units where the herd
200 J. Huxley et al.

health advisor works with key farm staff to whole. Lameness control now attracts a high
generate shared ownership of the problem profile in many countries. Consequently, the
and can maintain enthusiasm and motiva- amount of money being invested in research
tion so that staff actively engage with control and control programmes to assist the herd
programmes over the medium term (see health advisor has increased over the last
Chapter 2). That said, practical experience decade. Results from this investment are
from around the world has demonstrated already being seen and are likely further to
that achieving low levels of lameness is pos- improve both the knowledge base and avail-
sible and that this leads to significant health, ability of resources for on-farm use in the
welfare and financial returns for the unit as a next decade.

References and Further Reading

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7 Control of Infectious Disease

Laura Green,1 Simon Archer,2 Andrew Biggs,5 Andrew Bradley,2,3

James Breen,2,3 Peter Down,2 Martin Green,2 Mike Kerby,4
Gerdien van Schaik6 and Wendela Wapenaar2
School of Life Sciences, Gibbet Hill Campus, The University of Warwick, Coventry
CV4 7AL, UK; 2School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham,
Sutton Bonington Campus, Leicestershire LE12 5RD, UK; 3QMMS Limited, Cedar Barn,
Easton Hill, Caston, Wells BA5 IDU, UK; 4Delaware Veterinary Group, Fulford House,
Torbay Road, Castle Cary, Somerset BA7 7DT, UK; 5The Vale Veterinary Centre, The
Laurels, Tiverton, Devon EX16 4LF, UK; 6GD Animal Health Service, PO Box 9, 7400
AA, Deventer, The Netherlands

Introduction treatment to optimize health and welfare. In

addition, rapid treatment of an individual
This chapter focuses on the control of infec- sick animal with an infectious disease can
tious diseases in dairy herds. It is beyond reduce the period of infectiousness and so
the scope of the book to describe in detail reduce transmission from the diseased indi-
the entire collection of infectious agents vidual to herd-mates. Isolation of infectious
and their aetiology, pathogenesis, treatment animals while they are treated can further
and control. Instead, our aim is to highlight reduce transmission of the pathogen if the
the key principles of infectious disease con- individual is infectious. Therefore, individ-
trol that apply to all endemic infectious ual cow treatment and isolation contribute
diseases when conducting herd health. to herd control of infectious diseases.
As examples of the application of these An appreciation of how infectious dis-
principles, throughout this chapter we con- eases are transmitted between cows is
sider the control of the following important essential in deciding the best methods for
infectious diseases: mycobacterium paratu- control of each disease. Important aspects of
berculosis (MAP or Johne’s disease), bovine disease dynamics are described below.
viral diarrhoea (BVD), infectious bovine
rhinotracheitis (IBR), bovine leptospirosis,
bovine tuberculosis (bTB) and neosporosis. Introduction of a new pathogen

A new pathogen can be introduced into a

Principles of infectious disease control naïve herd via infectious cows, other host
species or host products, such as hide or
No herd can ever be free from all disease milk. It can also enter through vectors such
and it is crucial that whole-herd manage- as insects, or via fomites such as vehicles or
ment is not an alternative to the care of indi- boots. However, conspecifics (cows) are
vidual sick animals in the herd requiring often the most likely source of infection for

© CAB International 2012. Dairy Herd Health (ed. M. Green) 205

206 L. Green et al.

other cows and therefore a closed herd is need the average infectious period (e.g. for
the best way to prevent introduction of an BVD this is relatively short in adult cattle
infection. When cattle are purchased, they while for MAP it is relatively long).
should preferably originate from a herd free Hosts move through a variety of states
from specific pathogens or the animal itself in relation to a pathogen. They may be sus-
should be diagnosed as being free from the ceptible, then infectious and then, depend-
infection. Additionally, cattle should be ing on the nature of the pathogen and host,
kept in quarantine until proved free from the host might die, become resistant, par-
the infection. Note that quarantine facilities tially resistant (i.e. can be infected again), a
need to be sufficiently far from the herd, carrier or become susceptible again. The
with separate care for quarantined cows, to susceptible, infective, recovered (SIR) model
prevent infection transmitting to the main is a framework used to describe this process
herd. To ensure that quarantine is success- for infectious diseases with lifelong immu-
ful it needs to be of a sufficiently long dura- nity. There are very few endemic diseases
tion to prevent introduction of the pathogen. with such simple transmission process and
In quarantine, the pathogen will either die host immunity, and modifications of the SIR
out or the disease will manifest when model have therefore been developed.
affected cows should be managed accord- Mathematical models are specific for a par-
ingly (treatment, culling, delayed entry to ticular pathogen and can be used to further
the herd). There are certain pathogens for our understanding of the transmission proc-
which a single-animal test result or quaran- ess (Green and Medley, 2002). In many coun-
tine is unlikely to prevent introduction of tries mathematical and statistical models of
disease, because of either long incubation disease are increasingly being used to inform
period or poor test sensitivity (e.g. MAP). policy decisions when managing an incur-
All of the above also holds true for the sion of an exotic disease and to understand
reintroduction of an existing pathogen. endemic diseases (Carslake et al., 2011).
Although we might not notice reintroduc-
tion if a pathogen is already present on a
farm, it is worth noting that intermittent Persistence of a pathogen within a herd
reintroduction is an important route for per-
sistence of pathogens within a population As a new pathogen spreads through a herd,
(e.g. bTB). In this case, pathogens are mov- cows become infected and the number of
ing in a metapopulation, that is, herds of susceptible cows declines. Persistence of a
cows linked by some degree of contact. pathogen arises when the pathogen remains
sufficiently long in a population to encounter
new susceptible hosts (arising through pur-
Spread of a new pathogen within a herd chase, birth or waning immunity). Pathogens
have several strategies that facilitate persist-
Once in a herd, the pathogen spreads ence: they can persist in the host (e.g. her-
through susceptible cows by one or more pes viruses such as IBR), in another host
routes (e.g. respiratory, oral-faecal, vector). species (e.g. bTB in wildlife) or in the envi-
The average number of secondary cases ronment (e.g. Salmonella spp.). Over time a
from one infectious individual in a naïve disease may become endemic in a herd or
population is termed the reproduction metapopulation (see below), with each
number, Ro, (Anderson and May, 1991). infectious individual infecting on average
While Ro is specific to pathogen, time and one susceptible individual and the preva-
place (i.e. the value of Ro might vary between lence of the disease becoming stable. In
herds infected with the same pathogen), it addition, the disease often becomes less
can also be used as a guide to tell us whether severe, and this also aids persistence: it is in
on average one infectious host infects many the pathogen’s interest for the host to sur-
or few cows. However, it does not tell us the vive for sufficiently long to transmit the
time over which this occurs, and for this we pathogen to other susceptible hosts.
Control of Infectious Disease 207

Routes for persistence of a pathogen are by preventing introduction, elimination

an important consideration when deciding (removal from the herd, region, country/
whether to eliminate or control a disease, state or larger area, e.g. EU), eradication
because pathogens that persist in several (removal worldwide, e.g. rinderpest) or con-
host species (e.g. bTB, MAP) or in the envi- trol (minimizing impact on host health).
ronment (e.g. MAP) are much more difficult Freedom from disease is an ideal that is
to eliminate from a herd than pathogens achieved for some diseases and is an aspira-
that are host specific (e.g. BVD, IBR). tion for others; the European Union (EU)
has a list of diseases that have been elimi-
nated or are targeted for elimination in the
The spread of infectious diseases EU (e.g. foot-and-mouth disease (FMD),
between herds bTB). However, such a policy comes at a
cost – incursions of exotic diseases are
expensive because populations are entirely
Cows are typically kept in fairly small
susceptible and therefore the impact of dis-
herds or populations (50–1000). Generally,
ease on the health of the animals is severe,
infectious diseases cluster within herds,
and also because of the costs incurred in
i.e. they occur at a higher or lower inci-
stamping out the incursion (e.g. FMD in the
dence than by chance when compared with
UK in 2000–2001). Management of endemic
the population average. The risk of intro-
diseases to achieve elimination is also
duction of a new pathogen or reintroduc-
expensive – the UK currently spends over
tion of an existing pathogen into a herd is
half its animal health budget on control
dependent on how the pathogen spreads
of bTB, with the aim of elimination.
(as described above) and on how the popu-
Elimination of BVD and IBR has been
lations are connected. This connection of
achieved by some countries through nation-
herds is a metapopulation and the contact
wide programmes of testing, segregation of
between herds determines the pattern of
diseased and healthy herds and ultimately
transmission of a pathogen between herds.
compulsory removal of persistently infected
Determining herd contacts is a critical
herds. Scotland has recently started a BVD
element of disease control, and for dairy
elimination programme. Such programmes
herds common contacts are purchased
receive investment from the state and/or
cows, cows or cow products from neigh-
farmers and have a body to oversee the proc-
bouring farms, buying and sharing bulls,
ess. It is unlikely that a voluntary pro-
movements of cows to and from markets
gramme, where individual farmers opt into
and shows and movement of people
a scheme to eliminate a disease, would be
between herds (friends, relatives, neigh-
successful because free-riders (farmers bene-
bours and professionals such as vets or
fitting from other farmers investing in elimi-
hoof trimmers).
nation) arise. An external organization,
The total proportion of herds in a meta-
monitoring and standard setting are required.
population infected with a specific pathogen
is an important consideration when decid-
ing whether to eliminate or control a disease, Elimination of a disease from a herd
because herds where a disease has been
eliminated are at high risk of reintroduction
It is possible for farmers to eliminate certain
of the pathogen if that herd is in a metapop-
pathogens from their herd although the
ulation where most herds are infected.
metapopulation prevalence needs to be con-
sidered, as explained above. We need to
understand how a pathogen spreads and per-
Principles of Infectious Disease Control sists in order to be able to deliver control
strategies. The nature of the pathogen, host
Management of infectious diseases can range, transmission routes, environment,
include maintaining freedom from disease accuracy of diagnostic tests, vaccines available
208 L. Green et al.

and herd attributes need to be considered disease at all times, in order to protect the
before deciding to eliminate a disease. herd at a level that provides herd immunity.
We can eliminate disease by culling the
whole herd if the pathogen persists only in
the cows, rather than in the environment or Control of a disease in a herd
other hosts, and if the replacement herd can
be sourced from known disease-free stock. Control of disease starts with excellent hus-
We can also eliminate disease, more cost bandry to ensure that hosts are healthy and
effectively, by removing infected individu- well fed and kept in hygienic conditions
als through a test-and-cull strategy. These (fields or buildings), and that their exposure
are effective when the inter-test interval is to the pathogen is minimized or timed to lead
shorter than the latent period (time from to good immunity without disease. In addi-
infection to infectiousness) such that all tion, vaccination, strategic culling and other
infected individuals are removed before they management methods can be used for further
become infectious. At a minimum, a test- control of disease. This is discussed further
and-cull interval has to result on average in using examples of common endemic diseases
one infectious individual infecting fewer (see final section on disease control).
than one other individual. One issue with There are certain measurements that
the test-and-cull strategy for bTB in the UK contribute information when deciding how
is that the latent period is highly variable to control an infectious disease, and these
and therefore some individuals are likely to are discussed below.
become infectious in the inter-test interval,
especially as this increases to 4 years in per- MEASURING DISEASE. The two most impor-
ceived low-risk areas. It is important to note tant measures of disease in the context of
that, when successful, restocking or test- herd health are prevalence and incidence
and-cull strategies lead to a totally suscepti- rate (see equations at bottom of page).
ble population and so the herd is very
vulnerable to reintroduction of disease. These two measures are linked by the
Elimination of a disease can also be duration of disease such that
achieved by ensuring that there are no sus-
Prevalence = incidence × duration.
ceptible hosts until the pathogen has died
out. This is usually done by vaccination. For example, in practice, a herd might
A vaccine that prevents transmission of the have fewer than two cases of mastitis per
pathogen removes susceptible individuals 100 cows on one day (prevalence) but the
and raises herd immunity, which might be incidence rate might be 50 cases/100 cows/
sufficient to eliminate the pathogen and year. This means that the average duration
ultimately lead to cessation of vaccine use. of mastitis would be estimated as 0.04 years
Some vaccines control disease, but cattle (~14 days) per case. Similarly, the preva-
still shed the pathogen and so elimination is lence of MAP might be two cases per 100
not possible using these vaccines. Even quite cows on one day but the incidence rate
poor vaccines can be effective if used strate- might be one case/100 cows/year, and this
gically; the aim is to ensure that a sufficient means that the average duration of disease
proportion of a herd is protected against would be 2 years.

number of diseased individuals at a point or period of time

Prevalence =
number of animals in the population

number of new cases of disease

Incidence rate = per unit time
number of animals at risk (i.e. susceptible)
Control of Infectious Disease 209

Incidence rate can be a challenging Using the example above, if the risk of
measurement in dairy herds because developing mastitis in the first week after
denominators are often small (50–200) calving could be reduced to a risk similar to
and the number of cattle in a particular that two weeks after calving, then ~3 cases
risk group even smaller (e.g. in a herd of mastitis would be prevented (NB: not all
with BVD there might be 80% of cattle 5 cases).
immune, and so the denominator is the
remaining 20% of susceptible cattle). This
means that incidence rates can become Diagnostic Tests
very large (e.g. 5 new cases out of 20 sus-
ceptible cattle = an incidence rate of
To measure a disease, we need an accurate
25/100 cattle/time unit).
case definition for that disease and this is
It is important to consider both inci-
often supported by diagnostic tests. It is
dence and prevalence when thinking
common to make decisions on the results of
about disease control, because these meas-
diagnostic tests (whether clinical signs,
ure different properties of the disease
laboratory tests or a combination of both)
process: prevalence relates to the pool of
without reflecting on their accuracy. A per-
diseased animals (the potential reservoir
fect test that correctly identifies all diseased
of infection) whereas incidence rate pro-
cattle as diseased and all non-diseased cat-
vides information on the rate of new
tle as non-diseased is termed the gold stand-
ard. For many diseases there is no gold
The relative risk can be calculated from
standard and we use tests that do not always
the incidence rate (see equation at bottom of
produce the correct results. This arises for a
page) (e.g. Exposure might be to an infec-
variety of reasons: (i) some diseases do not
tious individual, a field, a diet or at a stage
lead to development of antibodies in all
of production, etc.).
hosts or until late in the disease process,
For example, if 5 cows/100 develop
which lowers their sensitivity (e.g. bTB,
mastitis in the first week after calving and
MAP); and (ii) some tests cross-react with
2/95 develop mastitis in the second week
other antibodies, which lowers their specif-
after calving then the relative risk =
icity (e.g. MAP vaccine and bTB). There are
(5/100) ÷ (2/95) ~ 2.5. We can conclude
several measures that we need to be aware
that cattle have a 2.5-fold risk of deve-
of, in order to assess the usefulness and
loping mastitis in the first week after
appropriateness of a diagnostic test, two of
calving compared with the second. We
which are its sensitivity and specificity.
cannot conclude that this is causal
(indeed it is highly unlikely to be directly
causal) but that there is an association,
and we can then evaluate why this risk Test sensitivity and specificity
is occurring.
We can also calculate an attributable The sensitivity is the proportion of truly
risk – this is a useful measure when estimat- positive (either infected or diseased) cows
ing the possible impact of a change in that are defined as positive by the test.
management: The specificity is the proportion of
truly negative (not infected) cows that are
Attributable risk = incidence rate of defined as negative by the test.
disease in cattle exposed For most practical purposes, the sensitiv-
– incidence rate in cattle unexposed ity and specificity of a test are independent

incidence rate of disease in cattle exposed

Relative risk =
incidence rate in cattle unexposed
210 L. Green et al.

from the prevalence of disease and are con- we might choose a sensitive test initially to
sistent across populations. Manufacturers of ensure that all truly positive cows are iden-
a diagnostic test should provide its sensitivity tified, accepting that some cows that are
(tested on known infected individuals) and false-positives will be included, then use a
specificity (tested on known uninfected indi- more specific test to identify the truly nega-
viduals) and a reference as to how these were tive cows.
When the test results arrive we do not Test sensitivity and specificity are linked
know which animals are correctly classified
and which are incorrectly classified. For For most tests with a cut-off value that
example, if we have a (fictitious) test for determines a positive or negative result, as
MAP with a sensitivity of 40% and a spe- sensitivity increases specificity decreases.
cificity of 90%, and if some cows in a herd If we have this information, we can use it to
truly have MAP, then we can expect the test our advantage. We can alter a diagnostic
to identify 40% of the truly infected cows test’s sensitivity and specificity by altering
and 90% of the truly uninfected cows: 60% the cut-off value used to define positive and
of infected cows would be defined as unin- negative test results. For example, if we
fected (i.e. false-negatives) and 10% of want to select only disease-free individu-
uninfected cows would be defined as als, we can choose a cut-off that makes a
infected (i.e. false-positives). If we forget to test highly sensitive, so that all truly affected
consider test sensitivity and specificity, we individuals are indeed test-positive (i.e.
might make an incorrect decision about the 100% sensitivity). Inevitably, test specifi-
management of an individual or a herd. For city will be low and there will be individu-
example, if we suspect that there is MAP in als that are false-positives. However, we
a herd and we test one cow that truly has can select our disease-negative cows from
MAP with our fictitious test above, then the group that are test-negative with a high
there is a 60% chance that the test result degree of confidence that they are truly
would be negative. By testing two cows, this negative. Conversely, there are occasions
error reduces to 36% (0.60 × 0.60); by test- when we would want a highly specific test.
ing ten cows, there is >0.1% risk of incor- If we decide to cull pedigree cows with a
rectly identifying all ten cows as negative disease, we might not wish to cull cows
(0.610). For an individual cow, by retesting that are true negatives for this disease
with the same test (assuming that the test because of the economic losses, so we might
error is due to chance rather than a host- choose a specific test. This does of course
specific characteristic), we can increase our raise the concern that we might fail to elim-
chance of identifying a true positive from 40 inate the disease because a high specificity
to 64% (i.e. 100–36%). (associated with a relatively low sensitiv-
Similarly, a cow that is truly negative ity) will mean that some truly positive ani-
will, at the first test, have a 10% chance of mals are not identified. A useful example
testing positive. The chance that a cow tests here is the use of somatic cell count (SCC)
negative twice when she is positive is 1% as a measure of intra-mammary infection
(0.1 × 0.1); thus we have a 1% chance that (see Chapter 5). When purchasing a cow
we can claim that a truly negative cow is where we need to be sure that no intra-
positive for MAP. mammary infection is present, it is usually
What do we do when a cow tests posi- wise to increase test sensitivity by using
tive to one test and negative to another? We a relatively low threshold for SCC (e.g.
have to decide whether we want to raise the <50,000 or 100,000 cells/ml). This reduces
sensitivity (define a cow as infected if any the chance that the cow will have an intra-
test is positive) or specificity (define a cow mammary infection (i.e. is a false-negative)
as uninfected if any test is negative). We can but at the cost of discarding cows with
also use a different second test with a differ- a higher SCC (e.g. 100,000–200,000 cells/
ent sensitivity and specificity. For example, ml) that may be uninfected. Conversely,
Control of Infectious Disease 211

when considering culling a cow with an proportion of false-positive cows culled if

intra-mammary infection, a higher SCC we use several tests, but it is unwise to use
threshold would be used to increase test an imprecise test in such a situation because
specificity (e.g. several tests might be used it is not possible to know which of the test
with a threshold of 200,000–400,000 cells/ positives are truly negative.
ml), and this minimizes the removal of truly In the UK, by the 1960s bTB had become
uninfected (false-positive) cows. controlled to a level where <1% herds were
considered infected. As well as great cele-
brations at the success of the control pro-
gramme, a decision was made to test herds
Predictive value of a test less often and to remove restrictions that
prevented the selling of cattle from infected
Repeating a test or using a second test on a herds to uninfected herds. This change was
subset of cows to improve decision making is made because the control measures were
effective, because by taking a group of cows expensive, and most cows positive to the
already positive to a test we are increasing skin test were false-positives; however, bTB
the proportion of the sample that are test- had not been eliminated and one explana-
positive, i.e. we ‘increase’ the prevalence of the tion for the increase in herd break down
disease. The result of this is that we increase seen from the 1960s onwards is likely to be
the positive predictive value of the test. the increase in inter-test interval and the
ability to move cattle from infected to unin-
• The positive predictive value of a test is
fected herds.
the probability that a cow has a disease
It is worth noting here that care should
given that it has a positive test result.
be taken in relation to the interpretation of a
The positive predictive value of a diag-
test-positive result because this will vary by
nostic test increases as prevalence
disease. For example, an adult cow that has
increases for a given test sensitivity.
antibodies to BVD is immune to the disease,
• The negative predictive value of a test
while one with antibodies to MAP or neospo-
is the probability that a cow without a
rosis is infected and possibly infectious.
disease has a negative test result, and
this increases as the prevalence of the
disease decreases.
If disease prevalence is very low, then Estimating the presence and
the positive predictive value of a test is low prevalence of disease
and vice versa. After some consideration,
this becomes intuitive. Considering a test One question of interest for herd health pro-
that is 97% specific (i.e. 3% false-positives), grammes is whether a disease is present or
we will get 3% positive test results even in absent from a herd and, if present, at what
a population free from disease. This is prevalence. If we wish to be confident that
important in decisions on disease control. a disease is absent from a herd, we could
Let us consider our test for MAP above with test every individual in the herd. This is
a sensitivity of 40% and specificity of 90%. usually prohibitively expensive and unnec-
If the prevalence of disease is 2%, then essary if we are prepared to compromise
<10% of test-positive individuals will be slightly. We can use statistical theory to
true positives. If the prevalence is 30%, the estimate how many cows we need to sample
positive predictive value of the test will be to decide, with a given certainty, whether a
>60%; fewer test-positive cows will be false- disease is present, or present at a specified
positives. This has implications for control: prevalence. This is an important concept in
if our decision is to remove test-positive herd health and defines the number of ani-
individuals from the herd, most test-positive mals to test to establish the presence or
cattle will be truly negative if the prevalence prevalence of disease. We refer the reader
of disease is very low. We can reduce the to Appendix 1, where we provide further
212 L. Green et al.

details and a method for estimating the or antibody in individual or pooled blood or
number of cows to be tested in different faeces samples or individual or bulk milk
herd scenarios. samples and, most recently, antigen in tissue
samples. The development of new diagnos-
tics is rapid and advisors need to keep abreast
Monitoring Infectious Disease of new developments. This is often best
achieved through consultation with a special-
The veterinary herd health advisor needs to ist laboratory that will be able to supply
work with clients to develop a farm-specific details of the best current testing methods (as
protocol to monitor infectious diseases, well as test characteristics such as sensitivity
alongside routine monitoring of fertility and specificity).
performance, udder health, foot health and
metabolic disease. Which common infectious diseases
The first indication of a new disease is should be considered?
likely to be individual cows presenting with
unusual or unexpected clinical signs, and Deciding which infectious diseases to mon-
farmers need to be aware that they should itor in a herd health programme is not
alert their advisor immediately rather than straightforward and should be regularly re-
waiting for several animals to become ill. evaluated. It will depend on factors includ-
Prompt recognition of an unusual presenta- ing (i) the infectious diseases present in a
tion might indicate an epidemic of an endemic country or region; (ii) the risk of a new infec-
or exotic disease. Thorough evaluation of tious disease entering a location; (iii) the
individual sick cows represents a form of importance of specific diseases to the mar-
monitoring for infectious disease that should ket place (e.g. a requirement to be free from
not be overlooked. This can be extended to certain diseases); (iv) farm-specific manage-
dead cows at post-mortem and cull cows at ment/policies (e.g. an open or closed herd);
meat inspection (where a farmer receives and (v) the farm history of specific infec-
feedback from the abattoir); for example, sub- tious diseases. We consider six example dis-
clinical or clinical disease such as a thick- eases in detail at the end of this chapter:
ened intestine in MAP might be identified MAP, BVD, IBR, bovine leptospirosis,
and this might lead to further herd testing. neosporosis and bTB, and in Table 7.1 we
Veterinary practitioners often recognize list the common infectious diseases of cattle
clinical presentations indicative of endemic that may require monitoring in a herd health
infectious diseases in individual cows, such programme.
as chronic diarrhoea and weight loss in MAP
or abortion suggestive of BVD. In a herd Detecting infectious diseases
health context, however, it is important to
establish the prevalence of infectious dis- Infectious diseases can be monitored by
eases within a herd where there are no obvi- detecting antigen (micro parasites such
ous signs of disease and to decide whether a as viruses, bacteria, protozoa or macro-
disease is present and how the disease parasites such as fluke, worm eggs or adults,
should be managed (prevention, control or and external parasites such as ticks or lice)
elimination). Farmer compliance with such or an immune response to the antigen, typi-
management will vary, and a monitoring cally antibody, but for some diseases spe-
and control programme will be farm specific cific interferon gamma. Detection of antigen
unless there are compulsory control pro- clearly indicates current infection and usu-
grammes set by region or country. ally infectiousness. Detection of antibody
can indicate vaccination (unless a marker
Principles of detecting infectious diseases vaccine and test is available), exposure (past
or present) and might also indicate immu-
There are many ways to detect infection in nity or infection, depending on the patho-
dairy herds. These include measuring antigen gen. For example, an adult cow with
Control of Infectious Disease 213

Table 7.1. Infectious diseases of cattle that may require monitoring in a herd health programme.a

Agent Disease

Viral Bovine viral diarrhoea (see later section on control)

Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (see later section on control)
Infectious teat lesions (e.g. bovine papilloma virus, pseudocowpox virus, bovine
herpesvirus 2; visual assessment or virus isolation)
Bacterial Leptospirosis (see later section on control)
Johne’s disease (see later section on control)
Bovine tuberculosis (see later section on control)
Digital dermatitis (see Chapter 6)
Contagious intra-mammary pathogens (see Chapter 5)
Campylobacter venerealis (see Chapter 5)
Clostridial diseases
Protozoal Neosporosis (see later section on control)
Parasitic Fasciola hepatica (see Chapter 3)
Parasitic gastroenteritis (see Chapter 3)
Dictyocaulus (see Chapter 3)
Fungal Dermatophytosis (ringworm)
Mixed Calf pneumonia complex (see Chapter 3)
Calf diarrhoea (see Chapter 3)
Depending on local disease status, monitoring might also include anaplasmosis, Aujeszky’s disease, babesiosis,
besnoitiosis, bovine leucosis, blue tongue virus, brucellosis, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, enzootic disease,
foot-and-mouth disease, infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis, Lyme disease, parafilaria, rabies, Schmallenberg
virus, tick-borne fever and warble fly.

antibodies to BVD has been exposed to BVD and testing is simple and cheap to perform.
virus (BVDV) and has developed immunity, Individual cow samples can be tested when
while one with detectable antigen is cur- milk is collected for other routine pro-
rently infected with BVDV (either tran- cedures, e.g. SCC. By pooling milk the
siently or as a persistently infected animal). antibody status of a particular group can be
Cattle with antibodies to Mycobacterium tested cheaply (e.g. a group of purchased
avium subsp. paratuberculosis or Neospora cattle or cattle in a particular age group).
caninum are infected with these pathogens Milk antibody can be used to test whether
and are not immune. a cow/herd has been exposed to a particular
Several methods are available for the disease (i.e. positive or negative) and to
detection of infectious diseases in individu- assess disease prevalence/transmission
als or the herd, and each has advantages and over time.
disadvantages. Testing individual cows is Bulk milk testing (BMT) is often used
necessary to detect seroconversion or recent in regional control programmes for specific
infection, with paired samples demonstrat- diseases, e.g. BVD. It can be used to detect
ing a rise in antibody titre. This can be done antibody or antigen and to categorize herds
using blood samples, but is relatively expen- as having a negative, low, medium or high
sive compared with using milk samples prevalence of infection. For regional pro-
and, where the test allows, milk is an grammes and individual herds, samples
efficient alternative to blood. over time ensure that the current herd status
Individual and bulk milk samples provide is known and that changes in status are
an easily accessible route for monitoring detected (e.g. BVD antibodies might increase
lactating cows. There is generally good cor- after newly calved heifers start lactating).
relation between serum and milk antibodies, Bulk milk testing is not reliable as a one-off
214 L. Green et al.

test, and patterns over time are needed to biosecurity and continuous monitoring and
identify trends and avoid over-interpretation re-evaluation all play pivotal roles. A sum-
of sudden changes – the population of lac- mary of a general approach to the manage-
tating cows changes over time and a spike ment of infectious disease in dairy herds is
or drop in bulk milk antibody might arise provided in Fig. 7.1. Biosecurity is of partic-
from newly calved individual cows contrib- ular importance for control of infectious dis-
uting large or small amounts of antibody. ease, and this is described in detail in the
Bulk milk testing cannot be used in isola- next section.
tion to monitor diseases: in large herds,
antibodies from small numbers of infected
cows might not be detected because of dilu- Biosecurity in dairy herds
tion in the bulk milk. Finally, only lactating
animals contribute to the pool; non-lactating Biosecurity refers to measures that prevent
cows or lactating cows under treatment the transmission of pathogens to individu-
milked separately are just as important als or groups of animals between and within
when monitoring infectious disease. herds. It is a central component of infec-
Individual or pooled faeces samples for tious disease control.
PCR or bacterial culture are easy and cheap The herd health advisor should investi-
to obtain, but test sensitivities are often gate herd biosecurity measures and evalu-
well below 100%. As with serum or milk, ate their efficacy. Appropriate biosecurity
pooled samples do not identify individu- might change over time, and regular reap-
ally infected animals and culture can be praisal as herd circumstances change is
slow compared with antibody tests. recommended.
Most recently, tests have been developed Important routes of introduction of
to detect antigen in tissue, and currently pathogens into a herd are:
this is used to detect calves persistently
infected with BVDV. When calves are iden- • purchased cattle;
tified with an ear tag a small sample of tis- • cattle returning to the farm (e.g. grow-
sue is collected into a pot from the tag site. ing heifers);
This can then be used to test for the pres- • contact with cattle from neighbouring
ence of BVDV RNA. farms;
• contact with cattle products (e.g. slurry
from neighbouring farms);
Control of Infectious Disease: • contamination of feedstuffs and water;
General Concepts • vectors (e.g. flies); and
• fomites (e.g. vehicles, stockpersons).
The general approach to control of infectious
Important routes for persistence of
disease in dairy herd health is similar to
pathogens within a herd are:
that of non-infectious disease (see Fig. 1.1,
Chapter 1): evaluate herd goals, assess current • contact with infectious cattle (clinically
disease status, set up control measures, mon- and subclinically diseased and treated
itor and re-evaluate. However, with infec- and untreated);
tious diseases, cows not only succumb to a • contact with feedstuffs and water
condition (as, for example, with sole ulcer or contaminated by infectious cattle;
subacute ruminal acidosis), they also con- • contact with infectious cattle products
tribute to disease dynamics. Therefore, for (e.g. faeces, milk);
infectious diseases, management of cows • contact between infectious cattle/prod-
according to infection status forms a key ucts and susceptible animals arising
component of disease control. This means from birth, purchase or cattle returning
that herd screening, culling, treatment, iso- to the farm (e.g. growing heifers);
lation, vaccination, external and internal • vectors (e.g. flies) spreading disease;
Control of Infectious Disease 215

Initial herd evaluation to

establish disease status

Regular monitoring of disease at

Decision to eradicate or control
herd level (e.g. bulk milk) and
the disease
cohorts (e.g. youngstock)

Establish long-term management to

Implement methods to eradicate
minimize introduction and within-
(e.g. test and cull) and to reduce
herd transmission of infection by
prevalence immediately (e.g. isolate,
implementing internal and external
biosecurity measures

Fig. 7.1. Outline of a general approach to the control of infectious disease in dairy herd health.

• fomites (e.g. vehicles, stockpersons) Practical Implementation of Infectious

spreading disease; and Disease Control: Disease Examples
• reintroduction of a pathogen from
brought-in cattle. While it is not possible to describe the con-
trol of every infectious disease, we use the
Because each herd has different dis-
framework described earlier in the chapter
ease status, goals and ambitions and levels
to compare and contrast the control of six
of stockmanship, a herd-specific biose-
common diseases of dairy cows, to illustrate
curity plan is important. Farmers are
how this framework can be applied to dis-
increasingly familiar with phrases such as
eases with a range of routes for transmission
biosecurity and closed herd, but might not
and persistence and varying diagnostic test
use these words to mean the same as a
accuracy. As before, the example diseases
trained advisor. It is worth probing and
are MAP, BVD, IBR, bovine leptospirosis,
asking precise questions to ensure that you
bTB and neosporosis. We assume a basic
and your client understand each other, to
knowledge of the diseases and outline key
avoid errors that lead to the introduction or
features of transmission and control in
reintroduction of disease. For example,
Tables 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4.
many cattle farmers in the UK state that
their herd is closed but, when specifically
asked whether they buy or borrow bulls,
state that they do. In addition, in some Control or eradication?
areas it is customary to purchase some of a
neighbour’s cows or equipment when a It is worth highlighting that national or
farm is sold, and farmers do this despite regional control programmes override a
biosecurity risks. farmer’s individual management of certain
A recommended strategy to develop a diseases (e.g. bTB, BVD, IBR and MAP in
herd biosecurity plan is described in Box 7.1. some countries) and must be followed.
216 L. Green et al.

Box 7.1. A strategy to develop a biosecurity plan for infectious disease control in a dairy herd.

Step 1: Decide which infectious diseases are important for the herd (see Table 7.1)
Step 2: Define current herd status
Use antibody and antigen testing to determine whether the herd is infected or naïve and whether
infection is active or historical.
Step 3: Evaluate major transmission routes between herds for diseases specified in Step 1 and establish
biosecurity measures to address risk. Common measures are:
1. Maintain a closed herd.
• Avoid introduction of any cattle. No introduction of young animals, adult cows or bulls from other
herds of cattle should be allowed and no contact with cattle from other herds should be possible
(e.g. via cattle returning from shows or markets).
2. Where a herd is not closed:
• Source cattle from herds known to be free from the infections of concern.
• Isolate and test purchased animals: this may involve a complex testing protocol that should be fully
discussed with the herd manager or owner before the animal(s) are purchased.
• Vaccinate against common diseases with a dead vaccine (see individual disease sections).
3. Ensure the farm boundaries are secure with regard to other cattle (e.g. double fence, no shared access
or pathways with other livestock).
4. Ensure that visitors moving onto the farm are kept to a minimum. Provide visitors with disposable
overalls and disinfectant boot dips.
5. Ensure that equipment shared between farms is kept to a minimum and disinfected before being
brought on to the farm.
6. Monitor feed and water quality, including manure spread onto pasture (e.g. MAP and Clostridium
botulinum) and clamp silage quality (e.g. aspergillosis, Listeria spp.).
7. Ensure that vehicles unload in designated areas and are washed/disinfected before leaving
the farm.
8. Minimize contact between other domestic species (e.g. dogs, to reduce neosporosis) and wildlife and
the cattle herd.
Step 4: Internal biosecurity (to reduce within-herd transmission – ‘biocontainment’)
1. Vaccinate cattle against diseases present if possible (e.g. BVD, IBR).
2. Keep cattle in small group sizes to reduce spread of disease throughout the herd.
3. Avoid overstocking and potential increased risk of spread of pathogens.
4. Keep youngstock separate from the main herd and with the same external biosecurity measures
5. Isolate diseased and infectious cattle: physically feed, house and manage animals separately; disinfect
equipment such as milking clusters/liners.
6. Practise good parlour hygiene and management of cattle with mastitis (see Chapter 5).
7. Minimize contact between cattle and slurry.
8. Reduce environmental reservoirs of infection (slurry management, bedding management, remove stale
air by improved ventilation).
9. Identify disease-specific measures (e.g. cull cattle with MAP, avoid keeping replacements from cattle
with neosporosis (see later for details on individual diseases).

Otherwise, endemic diseases can be man- Elimination of a disease is possible when

aged by the farmer and veterinary advisor, all locations of a pathogen can be detected
with advice from specialized laboratories as and the pathogen can be removed from
required. every location. It is more feasible when the
Most endemic diseases are difficult to pathogen is cattle-specific (e.g. BVD, IBR)
eliminate – if they were easy to eliminate and there is no alternative host (as there is
then farmers would have already done so. for neosporosis and TB) or environmental
Control of Infectious Disease 217

Table 7.2. Outline of disease testing/monitoring methods relevant for control of bovine viral diarrhoea
(BVD), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), leptospirosis, neosporosis and MAP (paratuberculosis,
Johne’s disease).

Diseases in order of decreasing ease of eradication

BVD IBR Leptospirosis Neosporosis MAP

Samples Blood, Blood, milk, Blood, milk, Blood, Blood, milk,

available tissue, ocular/nasal urine, abortion faeces
milk, swabs, abortion products
abortion bronchoalveolar products
products lavage, abortion
Antigen/ Tissue Ocular/nasal Abortion Abortion Faecal PCR
pathogen samples, secretions products, products
identification milk, blood urine
(care with
immunity in
calves <6–8
months old)
Testing for Blood, milk Blood, milk Blood, milk Blood, milk Blood, milk
Monitoring Youngstock Age cohorts Age cohorts Blood test Regular
cohorts (to determine (to determine adult cows (1–6-monthly)
(test each extent of spread extent of and calves individual
batch for within herd), spread within (ideally cow milk
antibody – pooled or herd), pooled pre- antibody
and antigen bulk milk or bulk milk colostral); testing; bulk
if antibody- (~3-monthly) (~3-monthly) bulk milk milk antibody
positive serology provides a
animals guide to
are present), presence of
pooled or disease but
bulk milk only a poor
(~3-monthly) approximation
Individual Good Good Good Good Poor
animal test
Individual Good Good Good Good Good
animal test

reservoir (as there is for MAP, TB and lept- certainty. The nature of the disease, together
ospirosis). Test accuracy affects the ability with the prevalence of infection and inci-
to correctly identify infected/infectious dence rate of disease, can be used to decide
hosts, and so imprecise tests (TB, MAP) on the best strategy – this might be elimina-
greatly hinder elimination. tion or control. The economic impact of the
After a herd has been screened over a disease versus the economic costs of control
period of time, the prevalence of an endemic or elimination needs to be evaluated. It is
disease will be known with some degree of worth remembering that the costs of control

Table 7.3. Summary of the features of disease transmission relevant in the control of bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR),
leptospirosis, neosporosis and MAP (paratuberculosis, Johne’s disease).

Diseases in order of decreasing ease of eradication

BVD IBR Leptospirosis Neosporosis MAP

Infectious Transient acutely Shedding from Infected cattle, Infected cows Adults + transient
cattle infected adults + carrier cattle – mainly adults (vertical transmission) shedding from
long-term shedding shedding can young calves
from persistently recur after a
infected (PI) cattle latent period
Duration of PIs – lifelong; acute Generally Several months Lifelong Adults, months–years;
infectiousness infections, up to short-term, to >1 year calves, days–weeks
14 days (days)

L. Green et al.
Sources of Shed in many body Shed in many Urine, abortion Infected cows Faeces + milk
pathogen fluids (including body fluids products (vertical transmission) + via
saliva, semen, faeces, canid faeces +
urine and milk), placental tissues at
abortion products calving
Sources of Direct from cattle, Direct from Direct from cattle + Vertical transmission Infected milk and
infection environment cattle + via infected water from infected cows colostrum + survives
for ~2 weeks semen to calf + via canid 18 months in slurry
faeces + possibly horizontal;
via placental tissues
Long-term No No Yes No Yes
persistence in
Persists in host Yes, PIs Yes, carriers Yes, long-term Yes Yes, long-term shedders
Other host No No Possibly, sheep Dogs and wild canids Possibly other host
species significant species
Zoonotic No No Yes No Uncertain

Table 7.4. Summary of control options for bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), leptospirosis, neosporosis and MAP
(paratuberculosis, Johne’s disease).

Diseases in order of decreasing ease of eradication

BVD IBR Leptospirosis Neosporosis MAP

Elimination from Yes Yes Controversial Unlikely Unlikely/no

herd feasible
Treatment of sick Palliative (not PIs) Palliative Dihydrostreptomycin Not applicable No, cull
Vaccination Yes Yes Yes No Not commonly

Control of Infectious Disease

Breaking Remove PIs, Vaccinate, avoid Avoid urine See Box 7.3 See Box 7.2
transmission vaccinate, infected bulls, contamination, avoid
cycles clean up after reduce stressors, infected bulls, clean up
abortions clean up after after abortions
Within-herd control Cull PIs, vaccinate, Avoid mixing Vaccinate; isolate and See Box 7.3 See Box 7.2
measures after rear youngstock different age treat affected individuals;
establishing away from adult herd groups in shared use AI rather than natural
prevalence air space; rear service; improve drainage
youngstock away (housing and pasture); reduce
from adult herd, humidity; ensure excellent
vaccinate ventilation; keep youngstock
separate from adults
If purchasing cows Select antigen- and Select antibody- Select antibody-negative Select antibody- Source replace-
antibody-negative negative replacements negative ments from
replacements replacements replacements established
(beware of low-prevalence
antibody-positive herds
pregnant cows–
possibility of PI calf)
Test and cull PIs High-shedders

220 L. Green et al.

are continuous; control is a continuous affects the likelihood of eradication, using

feature and if control measures are relaxed disease examples, is shown in Fig.7.2.
the disease incidence rate will increase.
Similarly, the costs of elimination might
be finite over a period of time but the Evaluating herd infection status
costs to maintain freedom from disease
are continuous and there is an extra cost The control of infectious disease starts with
if reintroduction occurs, because all establishing the herd infection status. The
animals are susceptible and an epidemic frequency of herd testing required for evalu-
will occur. ating and monitoring an infectious disease
Therefore, when deciding whether to will depend on the current herd disease sta-
eliminate or control a disease the preva- tus, whether the aim is eradication or con-
lence of disease in the herd and its impact trol, the accuracy of the tests being used for
on health, welfare and economics, and monitoring, and the extent to which moni-
whether this is changing over time, will toring directly informs control (e.g. identifi-
need to be considered. This might be diffi- cation of infectious cows). The frequency of
cult to evaluate and will depend on the nat- herd testing is determined directly from
ural history of the pathogen – some principles of infectious disease control
pathogens have long incubation and being applied to a specific pathogen (see
latency periods and covert spread within Table 7.2), but in practice, herd infection
the herd (e.g. MAP), while others have a status is often usefully monitored at 1–6-
short latency period and lead to overt dis- month intervals. A zero (BVD, IBR) or low
ease. An illustration of how complexity in (MAP, neosporosis) prevalence of infection
the host–pathogen–environment interaction with no signs of transmission means that


Complexity in Complexity in parasites
population SIR pathogenesis/
BVDV bTB Salmonella

S. uberis
Host Pathogen

Complexity in host–environment relationship

Fig. 7.2. A qualitative illustration of the complex host–pathogen–environment relationships that influence
the feasibility of elimination of a pathogen. The further a pathogen is from the green corner on account of
the roles of environment, diagnostics and persistent host immune response, the greater the difficulty in
achieving elimination. For example, BVDV versus MAP is indicated by the pale blue lines. bTB, bovine
tuberculosis; BVDV, bovine viral diarrhoea virus; IBR, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis; MAP,
paratuberculosis; SIR, population dynamics of susceptible, infectious and resistant cows).
Control of Infectious Disease 221

the focus can be on external biosecurity testing positive. Less than 100% specificity
measures (Box 7.1). A high prevalence of also means that some cows will be false
infection, or evidence of disease transmis- positives; the more often cattle are tested
sion, indicates that internal biosecurity the greater the chance of false positives.
measures and active disease control are Research adjusting for the errors in the
required. MAP test has suggested that many herds
In the earlier sections of this chapter with a very low prevalence of MAP serum
we highlighted that it is possible to test a antibody and no clinical cases of MAP are
proportion of the herd or even all the herd probably free from disease. Cattle that test
(with individual milk sampling) and be negative at several bTB tests will subse-
relatively certain of the presence of dis- quently test positive; this could be recent
ease. This is possible where diagnostic infection but, given that the current esti-
tests are sufficiently sensitive and specific mates for test sensitivity of the intradermal
for diseases such as BVD, IBR, leptospiro- skin test are 50% − 60%, some will be pre-
sis and neosporosis, but more problematic vious false negatives. Consequently, for
where diagnostic tests are less accurate diseases such as MAP and bTB it is very
(MAP, bTB). The sensitivity of tests for difficult to define a negative cow or herd
MAP is low and changes with disease pro- from testing alone. The metapopulation
gression; several farmers who have been then becomes important. If no herds in the
members of MAP elimination schemes metapopulation have bTB then a farmer
have found that as cattle are tested repeat- can be more confident that their herd is
edly over time in an apparently negative free from bTB. This is possible for bTB in
herd, a positive animal arises. This might some countries and regions, but seems
be an adult becoming positive over time increasingly less possible with MAP.
but with a low test sensitivity cattle could A summary of testing and monitoring
test negative several times by chance before methods, relevant for control of BVD, IBR,

Box 7.2. Outline of control measures to prevent within-herd transmission of Johne’s disease (MAP).

Milk/colostrum management
• Do not allow pooling and/or storage of colostrum from cows of positive or uncertain status.
• Consider ‘snatching weaning’ of calves immediately after birth (i.e. do not allow colostrum to be fed
from cows of positive or uncertain status) – use colostrum replacer or that from cows of known negative
• Use individual calving pens to prevent cross-suckling.
• Do not feed waste milk to replacement heifers.
• Consider feeding replacement heifer calves with artificial milk.
Calving and youngstock environment

• Clean out and disinfect calving pens between cows.

• Do not allow contamination of calf-rearing areas with slurry from adult cow housing.
• Avoid the spreading of slurry on paddocks used by first-season grazing animals.
• Segregate heifer calves and rear in individual hutches to prevent potential horizontal transmission.
Cow management
• Keep cows of positive, provisionally positive and currently uncertain status away from the dry cow
and calving cow environment (calve these cows separately and clean out accommodation between
• Consider breeding known MAP antibody-positive cows to beef (or culling from the herd).
• Consider confirming likely infected cows identified from antibody tests by using faecal PCR to inform
a culling policy.
222 L. Green et al.

leptospirosis, neosporosis and MAP, is and may transmit the pathogens. They
shown in Table 7.2. should not be introduced to a naïve herd
and, in addition, are a risk to positive herds.
For IBR, there are different subtypes of the
Avoiding introduction or reintroduction virus and farmers run a risk of introducing
of a pathogen a new strain when introducing a positive
cow. The stress associated with movement
Preventing the introduction of pathogens and settling into a new herd might lead to
is essential in the control of infectious shedding of virus and an epidemic of IBR
disease. Good external biosecurity is in the herd.
important even if a pathogen is already on Adult cattle with antibodies to lept-
a farm – reintroduction can cause disease ospirosis may or may not be shedding the
from a new strain or facilitate persistence pathogen. Positive cattle preferably should
in the metapopulation. For all six exam- not be purchased, although treatment with
ple diseases, pathogens can be introduced dihydrostreptomycin prior to a 3-week iso-
into a naïve herd or reintroduced into an lation period before entering the herd may
infected herd by infected cattle. BVD and be effective.
IBR are host specific, and since cows are Testing for MAP or bTB might detect a
the only animal source of disease and tests positive animal, but a negative animal
are reasonably accurate, testing individual might well be a false-negative. The current
cows to avoid introduction of antigen is tests do not give sufficient confidence that
possible. bTB and MAP have poor test an animal is definitely free from infection.
accuracy and so testing individual cattle In addition, given the long latent period
is inaccurate and of little worth in pre- from initial infection to disease, quaran-
venting introduction. tine is not feasible. A better approach to
An important element in the preven- avoid inadvertent introduction would be
tion of the introduction of disease from to source cattle from a herd known to be
purchased cows is to correctly interpret free from bTB and with no clinical evi-
their infection status from diagnostic dence of MAP (often in a metapopulation
(often serological) tests. For example, that is free from these pathogens). For both
paired serological tests for BVD give an MAP and bTB, purchasing cattle from
indication of an animal’s status; adult cat- herds where there has been no history of
tle with antibodies to BVD are immune disease for several years and where these
and not carriers, while those with no anti- herds also source their animals carefully
bodies are susceptible or possibly persist- might be the best solution to prevent the
ently infected. The latter should be inadvertent introduction of disease. This is
confirmed with an antigen test. A farmer true for reintroduction as well as introduc-
needs to consider whether to buy cattle tion into naïve herds.
susceptible or immune to BVD: if the herd A summary of the features of disease
is negative this is not important (assuming transmission, relevant for control of BVD,
that the antibody-positive cow carries no IBR, leptospirosis, neosporosis and MAP, is
virus on to the farm), but if the herd is pos- shown in Table 7.3.
itive and there is BVD virus circulating a
susceptible cow might become infected
with BVD, aid the persistence of the virus Preventing spread and persistence
and potentially produce a persistently of a pathogen within a herd
infected (PI) calf. Caution is required when
purchasing pregnant cows – an antibody- Once in a herd, direct cattle-to-cattle trans-
positive pregnant cow may give birth to a mission of pathogens is the most important
PI calf in the new unit. route of spread for BVD, IBR and leptospiro-
In contrast to BVD, adult cattle with sis, and vaccination is an effective and
antibodies to IBR or neosporosis are infected important control measure for these diseases,
Control of Infectious Disease 223

to reduce the susceptible population. For in separate groups, which prevents trans-
BVD, PI cattle shed virus for months or mission between groups. For BVD the risk is
years and so their early detection and a PI calf to a pregnant adult, while for MAP
removal, alongside vaccination, minimizes it is the older cattle shedding MAP that are
the spread of BVDV. For IBR, infected cattle a risk to cattle under 6 months of age.
are carriers and shed virus if stressed and so A summary of control options for BVD,
minimizing stress is important. Cattle-to- IBR, leptospirosis, neosporosis and MAP is
cattle transmission can occur via vertical shown in Table 7.4 and, using the exam-
transmission in utero with BVD, neosporo- ples of MAP and neosporosis, in Boxes 7.2
sis and occasionally MAP and, because and 7.3 we highlight specific areas of herd
BVD, IBR, leptospirosis and neosporosis management important in reducing within-
cause abortion, infected calves, placenta herd transmission of these infectious
and fetal fluids are a risk for spread of infec- diseases.
tion and so should be removed as soon as
possible (Table 7.4).
Indirect transmission of pathogens is
common with endemic diseases, and this Conclusions
influences control measures. MAP survives
in faeces for many months and so avoiding A variety of infectious diseases affect the
contact between young cattle and adult health and production of dairy cows, and
faeces is essential. Preventing cattle from their control is an important component of a
drinking from rivers, keeping calving boxes herd health programme. While the princi-
clean and youngstock in clean areas to pre- ples of infectious disease management are
vent exposure to infected faeces are key known, the behaviour of endemic patho-
elements in reducing the dose of MAP on gens, a lack of detailed knowledge of some
farms (Table 7.4). Neosporosis can be pathogens and the poor accuracy of some
spread horizontally if dogs or wild canids diagnostic tests means that disease
eat infectious placentae. MAP and bTB are eradication is often difficult or impossible –
also not cattle specific and so other reser- and not necessarily financially viable. Where
voir hosts can transmit these diseases to elimination is not feasible, control is essen-
cattle; biosecurity to prevent dogs and tial and a herd health programme provides
wildlife spreading existing diseases on the an excellent framework to achieve this,
farm is important. through the continual monitoring and
One key management issue for many re-evaluation of herd and group infection
diseases is keeping youngstock and adults status and farm management policies.

Box 7.3. Outline of control measures to prevent within-herd transmission of neosporosis.

• Limit access of canids to infected tissues by disposing of aborted foetuses, fetal membrances and other
tissues immediately after calving/abortion.
• Limit access of canids to feed areas; ‘dog-proof’ fencing of appropriate areas.
• Prevent possible factors for disease recrudescence in congenitally infected cattle, such as mouldy feed,
exposure to other infectious agents that suppress immunity and other factors such as stress and dietary
imbalances (Anthony and Williams, 2001).
• Embryo transfer can be used for valuable Neosprum caninum-positive dams; a positive donor will not
transmit infection to the early embryo. It is important to ensure that recipients are not infected.
• Limit access of other cows to contaminated material by using individual calving pens (cows may infect
themselves by ingesting infected placentae from other cattle).
• The use of beef bull semen for N. caninum-positive cattle has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of
abortion, possibly due to a favourable effect of crossbreeding on placental function (López-Gatius,
224 L. Green et al.

References and Further Reading

Ackermann, M. and Engels, M. (2006) Pro and contra IBR-eradication. Veterinary Microbiology 113,
Anderson, R.M. and May, R.M. (1991) Infectious Diseases of Humans: Dynamics and Control. Oxford
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Anthony, A. and Williams, N.B. (2001) Recent advances in understanding the epidemiology of N. caninum in
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Barrett, D.J., Mee, J.F., Mullowney, P., Good, M., McGrath, G., Clegg, T. et al. (2011) Risk factors associated
with Johne’s disease test status in dairy herds in Ireland. Veterinary Record 168, 410.
Bech-Sàbat, G., López-Gatius, F., Santolaria, P., García-Ispierto, I., Pabón, M., Nogareda, C. et al. (2007)
Progesterone supplementation during mid-gestation increases the risk of abortion in Neospora-infected
dairy cows with high antibody titres. Veterinary Parasitology 145, 164–167.
Boelaert, F., Speybroeckb, N., de Kruifc, A., Aertsd, M., Burzykowskid, T., Molenberghsd, G. et al.
(2005) Risk factors for bovine herpesvirus-1 seropositivity. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 69,
Bolin, C.A. (2001) Clinical signs, diagnosis and prevention of leptospirosis in cattle. Cattle Practice 9,
Brock, K.V., Redman, D.R., Vickers, M.L. and Irvine, N.E. (1991) Quantitation of bovine viral diarrhea virus in
embryo transfer flush fluids collected from a persistently infected heifer. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic
Investigation 3, 99–100.
Carslake, D., Grant, W., Green, L.E., Cave, J.A., Greaves, J., Keeling, M.J. et al. (2011) Endemic cattle diseases:
comparative epidemiology and governance. Royal Society of London. Philosophical Transactions,
Biological Sciences 366, 1975–1986.
Daniels, M.J., Hutchings, M.R., Allcroft, D.J., McKendrick, I.J. and Greig, A. (2002) Risk factors for Johne’s
disease in Scotland – the results of a survey of farmers. Veterinary Record 150, 135–139.
Dhaliwal, G.S., Murray, R.D., Dobson, H. and Ellis, W.A. (1997) Effect of Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo
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Veterinary Record 154, 522–526.
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Greig, A., Stevenson, K., Henderson, D., Perez, V., Hughes, V., Pavlik, I. et al. (1999) Epidemiological study of
paratuberculosis in wild rabbits in Scotland. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 37, 1746–1751.
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tion of Johne’s disease control. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 54, 225–245.
Hage, J.J., Vellema, P., Schukken, Y.H., Barkema, H.W., Rijsewijk, F.A., van Oirschot, J.T. et al. (1997) Sheep
do not have a major role in bovine herpesvirus 1 transmission. Veterinary Microbiology 57, 41–54.
Control of Infectious Disease 225

Hathaway, S.C., Pritchard, D.G. and Little, T.W.A. (1984) Seroepidemiological studies of bovine Leptospira
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Medical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases, Virology, Parasitology 257(4), 526.
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Houe, H. (1992) Serological analysis of a small herd sample to predict presence or absence of animals persist-
ently infected with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in dairy herds. Research in Veterinary Science
53, 320–323.
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infections. Veterinary Microbiology 64(2/3), 89–107.
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mission in bovine neosporosis. International Journal of Parasitology 31, 1523–1534.
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1 and virus reactivation two to three years after infection. Veterinary Microbiology 53, 103–110.
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Enhancement of the immune response and virological protection of calves against bovine herpesvirus
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antibodies against bovine herpesvirus 1 performed in national reference laboratories in Europe. Veterinary
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Persistent bovine viral diarrhoea virus infection in US beef herds. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 49,

8 Nutritional Management of Herd Health

Alastair Hayton,1 James Husband2 and Richard Vecqueray2

Synergy Farm Health, West Hill Barns, Evershot, Dorset DT2 0LD, UK;
EBVC Ltd., Rural Enterprise Centre, Redhills, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 0DT, UK

Introduction: The Role of Nutrition in The daily maintenance requirements

Dairy Herd Health and Production depend on the size and breed of the animals,
but a 700 kg Holstein has an energy require-
The economics of milk production in recent ment of approximately 80 MJ per day. Every
decades has led to major changes in global litre of milk produced requires a further
milk industries: herds are increasing in 5.5 MJ, so a cow producing 45 l of milk
size and yields are increasing per cow. The requires 325 MJ and is working at four times
rate of genetic improvement has been rapid. maintenance. Cows capable of producing
Assuming milk of standard composition, 10,000 l in a lactation will often yield in
improvements in genetic merit for milk excess of 45 l/day in the first month of lacta-
yield have resulted in an increase of tion. If the likely DMI in the first month
approximately 62 litres per lactation per after calving and the energy density of typi-
year. In this context, the ration that cows cal feeds are considered, it is apparent that
are fed and the way in which the ration is energy requirements cannot be met without
fed are crucial to the efficient production the cow mobilizing some tissue stores. This
of target milk yields and, depending on the results in negative energy balance (NEB).
requirements of the milk buyer, to target For example, if the cow cannot be persuaded
milk composition too. A diet should be for- to eat more than 21 kg DM of a ration with
mulated to meet the cow’s dry matter intake an energy density of 12.5 MJ/kg DM, then
(DMI), energy, protein, fibre, mineral and approximately 2 kg of body reserves (mainly
vitamin requirements according to recog- fat, but muscle too) will be mobilized per
nized standards. Inappropriate nutritional day. If this degree of NEB carries on for
management can strongly predispose cows 40–60 days then the total tissue loss will be
to disease and poor reproductive perform- approximately 80–100 kg, which represents
ance, and thus nutritional requirements the loss of approximately one body condi-
should be met without adversely affecting tion score (BCS). This, as will be discussed
rumen function, reproductive performance, later in the chapter, is a level of loss that
metabolic health, immune function or pre- will jeopardize fertility, health and produc-
disposition to disease. Therefore, nutrition tion, although in reality this degree of NEB
plays a pivotal role in dairy herd health. is not uncommon in high-yielding cows.
The nutritional challenges faced by Negative energy balance is a central
dairy cows in early lactation are considerable. and fundamental influence on cow health.

© CAB International 2012. Dairy Herd Health (ed. M. Green) 227

228 A. Hayton et al.

Attempts to minimize NEB in early lactation

by increasing the proportion of high-energy Background: Key Concepts
feeds, such as cereals and exogenous fats,
are often difficult. The main biological The role of glucose in cow metabolism
driver of body condition score (BCS) loss
and NEB in dairy cows is BCS at calving High-yielding dairy cows have a huge and
rather than the composition of the fresh cow absolute requirement for glucose in early
diet. A diet excessively high in starch and/ lactation for the production of milk lactose.
or sugars can cause problems with ruminal The milk lactose concentration is relatively
acidosis in early-lactation cows, especially fixed compared with milk butter fat and
those that have had a poor transition from protein, and since lactose is the determinant
the dry to milking cow diets. Exogenous fats of the water content of milk (through osmo-
in early lactation can worsen NEB as these lar effects) it is the driver for milk volume.
can drive milk production in excess of the Unlike other tissues (except the fetoplacen-
extra energy provided, and certain fats such tal unit and the brain), the movement of glu-
as the calcium soaps can depress DMI. cose into the mammary gland is not under
Thus, the main challenge faced by the mod- the influence of insulin. Hence, even at
ern dairy cow producer is achieving high times of NEB, which is almost ubiquitous in
yields whilst minimizing NEB in early lac- early lactation, glucose is taken up by the
tation, and this is a key focus in this mammary gland. Other tissues such as mus-
chapter. cle, which require insulin for glucose
Production systems vary throughout uptake, will therefore use glucose as its pri-
the world, and low-input–low-output grass- mary energy source only at times of positive
based systems – and hybrids between low- energy balance. Almost all ingested carbo-
input and high-input systems, which often hydrates are fermented in the rumen to the
show greater profitability in the face of low three main volatile fatty acids (VFAs): ace-
milk prices – are very common. The funda- tic, butyric and propionic. Very little starch
mentals of managing and monitoring grass- escapes ruminal degradation and so it fol-
based systems are very different from lows that if glucose cannot be fed in the
high-input farms; in the former the focus ration for direct use in the mammary gland
tends to be on maintaining the quantity and for lactose production, then the vast major-
quality of grass, while in the latter the focus ity has to be produced in the liver through
is very much on monitoring cow perform- gluconeogenesis.
ance and production. This diversity in feed- An appropriate ration in early lactation
ing systems creates a challenge when has a relatively low quantity of cellulosic
reviewing and advising on nutritional feed. This decreases the time required by the
health management, because the type of microbial population for degradation,
monitoring needed will be dependent to increases rumen transit time and hence DMI.
some extent on the system. A delicate balancing act is required between
The purpose of this chapter is to pro- rumen function and the availability of pre-
vide a framework to approach dairy herd cursors for glucose synthesis. Too much fer-
nutritional evaluation as a component of mentable energy can lead to ruminal
herd health, whatever the production sys- acidosis, while too much structural carbo-
tem employed. We describe the key ele- hydrate limits glucose production and exac-
ments of monitoring and common areas erbates NEB, thereby leading to excess fat
where herd problems arise. We also discuss mobilization and fatty infiltration in the
control strategies for important nutrition- liver (‘fatty liver’) and ketosis. This balance
related herd disease. While we address between energy and rumen function becomes
general principles of nutrition in relation to more critical as yields increase, and makes
dairy herd health, most emphasis in this the monitoring of responses to a ration,
chapter will be placed on high-input through cow signs and milk and blood
systems. parameters, of great importance.
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 229

The pivotal role of the liver Circulating concentrations of NEFAs

in adaptation to NEB and BHB can be used to measure the suc-
cess of adaptation of the cow to NEB. NEFAs
The liver has a pivotal role in adaptation to reflect the magnitude of mobilization of fat
NEB. It is the main gluconeogenic organ and from storage, and BHB reflects the lack of
it also takes up a large proportion of the cir- ability of the liver to completely oxidize cir-
culating non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs) culating fatty acids for use in the Krebs
from the blood to process them into other cycle. Monitoring of NEFA and BHB is
forms of usable energy. The metabolic fates described later in the chapter.
of NEFAs within the liver are regulated by
several factors, including propionate metab-
olites, and are listed below. Inappropriate metabolic
responses of cows in NEB
1. Complete oxidation in the liver mito-
chondria to acetyl CoA (AcCoA) to be used
Although cows have mechanisms for cop-
in the Krebs cycle.
ing with NEB, recent research has shown
2. Partial oxidation to ketones (including
that these adaptive mechanisms can func-
beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) ). When the
tion inappropriately and lead to exces-
cow is in NEB, liver glucose concentrations
sive fat mobilization and an inability of
will be low and so will the supply of oxaloa-
the liver to cope with NEFAs. Adipose tis-
cetate (OAA) that is produced from rumen
sue should be considered a complex
propionate (and hence is more plentiful
endocrinological organ as it excretes sub-
when diets are rich in starch and sugars).
stances such as cytokines and leptin and
OAA is required for the Krebs cycle and a
behaves differently to a given stimulus
deficit leads to the cycle slowing such that
depending on its metabolic history. ‘Adipose
AcCoA, from complete oxidization of
sensitivity’ is usually defined as an increase
NEFAs, cannot be fed into the cycle to pro-
in the lipolytic response to a given stimu-
vide energy. Rather than full oxidation of
lus. Certain factors affecting adipose sensi-
NEFAs, the liver partially oxidizes these to
tivity cannot be altered in a cow: examples
ketone bodies which can be then used as
include genetic influences and advancing
energy sources in peripheral tissues. Ketone
gestation. Overfeeding during the dry
production does not result in as much net
period, however, especially when carried
energy release as complete oxidation of FAs
out over a long period (8 weeks is sufficient)
to AcCoA. Increasing concentrations of
results in excessive mobilization of adipose
ketones may suppress DMI.
tissue after calving.
3. Re-esterification to triglycerides (TG),
In recent years, two forms of ketosis,
which remain in the liver parenchyma
type I and type II have been distinguished.
awaiting export as very low-density lipo-
Type I is the ‘traditional’ ketosis which nor-
proteins (VLDLs). VLDLs enter the circula-
mally occurs as the cow approaches peak
tion and are used by various tissues for
lactation (at 6–8 weeks) and is caused by
energy, or by the mammary gland for the
glucose production being insufficient to
formation of milk fat.
meet demand. Type II occurs earlier, in the
Failure of the VLDL transport system first week of lactation, and is believed to be
will result in an increase in the TG content related to insulin resistance resulting in
of the liver, which leads to a reduction in excessive and poorly regulated lipolysis.
the functional capacity of the liver. Peri- This leads to raised blood NEFA concentra-
parturient cows have a poor inherent capac- tion, which overwhelms the capacity of the
ity to produce VLDLs and, if the cow liver mitochondria to take up NEFAs and
experiences intense fat mobilization and convert them to ketones. The excess NEFAs,
consequent high blood NEFA concentrations which cannot enter the mitochondria, are
as a result of NEB, this can result in severe converted to TGs in the parenchyma. The
metabolic disruption. failure of TG export out of the liver by VLDLs
230 A. Hayton et al.

results in a pathological accumulation of (>18% crude protein) tend to drive milk

TGs, usually termed ‘fatty liver’ disease. production but may be associated with a
Type II ketosis is not always accompanied decrease in reproductive performance.
by high blood ketone concentrations; it can Excess rumen degradable protein leads to
also result from the down-regulation of car- the production of ammonia in the rumen,
nitine palmityl transferase 1 (CPT-1), which as the rumen microflora are unable to use
is the enzyme required for NEFA entry into all the supplied protein, and this ammonia
the mitochondria. passes to the liver where it is converted to
Up to 50% of dairy cows have some urea. Excess urea can alter the uterine
degree of TG accumulation in the liver in environment, making it less conducive to
the first 4 weeks of lactation. Severe fatty embryo survival. Some workers have obser-
liver has been defined as when >10% of the ved reductions in conception rates with
fresh liver weight is TG, and moderate fatty elevated blood urea concentrations but
liver when 5–10% is TG. Severe NEB and other studies, especially those looking at
fatty infiltration are negatively correlated milk urea at the herd level, have failed to
with health status and reproductive per- show any association. This is possibly
formance. It has been estimated from vari- because bulk milk urea comes from cows at
ous studies worldwide over the last 30 years different stages of lactation, only some of
that 5–10% of cows acquire severe fatty which will be at a stage where high-protein
liver after calving and 30–40% have moder- diets may have an adverse effect. It is worth
ate fatty liver. noting that sudden elevations in bulk milk
The degree of NEB and the cow’s ability urea concentrations may represent a relative
to cope with it appears to be a major influ- under-supply of fermentable energy so that
ence on cow health. There is growing evi- the rumen microflora cannot use all the
dence that failure to cope with NEB may rumen degradable protein. The production
be central to the aetiologies of several of urea by the liver requires energy too, so
metabolic diseases in the immediate post- high-protein diets can have important cata-
calving period. The interrelationships bet- bolic influences and worsen NEB, driving
ween diseases are not fully understood, but milk yields and the energetic cost of process-
there may be a common causal pathway, ing the ammonia.
possibly a profound disturbance of energy There has been a move in the last
metabolism. 10 years, through the Feed into Milk (FiM)
nutritional model, to limit the amount of
rumen degradable protein fed and feed
Protein metabolism higher-energy density rations to drive
yields, rather than rely on protein to drive
Rumen microflora provide the cow with production. Rather than feeding diets with
high-quality protein for digestion in the a crude protein content of >18%, diets can
small intestine, provided they are supplied be formulated at 16–17% with an energy
with rumen degradable protein (or non- density for high-yielding cows at >12 MJ/kg
protein nitrogen sources) and energy. Cows DM. The crude protein content can be
producing high yields (>30 l) will require decreased by maximizing microbial protein
additional rumen bypass protein to meet production by ensuring an adequate fer-
their nutritional requirements. Cows produc- mentable energy supply and feeding more
ing low milk yields need virtually no bypass bypass protein. This approach can be
protein, and thus feeding expensive sources refined further, by not simply considering
of bypass protein, such as soya and prairie protein on the basis of its rumen degrada-
meal, does not make economic sense. tion properties, but also by looking at its
Apart from the economic penalty of amino acid composition. Rations can be tai-
feeding high-protein diets, there is a poten- lored so that they supply only sufficient
tial fertility effect too. High-protein diets protein sources or specific amino acids
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 231

to meet the cow’s specific amino acid Monitoring of Nutritional Management,

requirements. Lysine and methionine are Including Herd Targets
the two most common limiting amino acids,
and these can be strategically supple- While there are quantitative dietary guide-
mented. In this way, overall dietary crude lines to formulate a dairy cow ration by
protein even in high-yielding animals can meeting nutritional requirements from esti-
be kept at 15–16%. mated DMI, these guidelines are by no means
foolproof. Uncertainty arises for a variety of
reasons including innate variability in feed-
stuffs and their analyses, difficulties in
Trace elements and vitamins
quantifying the effect that different feed
components have on rumen function, and
Six of the twenty-six trace minerals neces- variation in the mixing and feeding of the
sary for life have effects on health and pro- ration itself. Therefore the nutritional ele-
ductivity (Zn, Cu, Mn, I, Se, Co) and will be ment of a dairy herd health programme is
included in mineral supplements that are not based around the formulation of a ration,
routinely fed to dairy cows in either total but rather on the evaluation of a wide set of
mixed rations (TMRs) or concentrate feeds. cow and farm indicators to determine
Trace elements and vitamins have diverse whether the current feeding practices are
functions including involvement in many optimal. In this way, the veterinary surgeon
metabolic pathways, immune cell function, (veterinarian) can work alongside and add
antioxidant effects, gene regulation and value to the input of the ration formulator, to
synthesis of enzymes and hormones. The ensure that health and production are maxi-
effects of their deficiency are often neither mized and the farm’s goals are achieved. For
pathognomonic nor clinically obvious and the purposes of this chapter, this process of
hence can be confused with other causes of evaluation will be subdivided into four key
disease that may be more likely to cause areas of monitoring: the records, the cow,
problems. The likelihood of suffering a herd metabolic markers, and feeds and feeding.
deficiency will vary depending on the geo-
graphical area and soil type, but it is not
known what proportion of dairy herds are Assessment of the records
underperforming due to trace element defi-
ciencies. It is worth noting that supplemen- Monitoring nutrition using milk recording
tation is almost ubiquitous either through information
mineral supplements, dairy concentrate
feeds or both, and thus deficiencies are The use of milk recording data for gauging
probably not very common except perhaps the success or otherwise of any nutritional
in un-supplemented animals, such as pre- programme is not a precise science. There
calving heifers at grass. are numerous confounding factors and dis-
Inappropriate supplementation, how- parate research findings on the significance
ever, is common and it is important to of individual parameters in relation to health
remember that an over-supply of most min- and production. This means that drawing
erals can induce toxicity. This is especially conclusions without further ancillary inves-
the case with copper, where farmers supple- tigations may well be misleading. This is not
menting by several routes (in feed, boluses to say that possible associations should not
and injectables), in the belief that it will be examined, because the utilization of
improve fertility, have caused serious toxic- cheap, regular data is sensible practice. It
ity issues. Consequently it is important that should also be borne in mind that the per-
trace element supplementation should be centages of fat and protein are frequently
based on the best evidence available and very significant contributors to the milk price
not on anecdotal evidence. a farmer receives, and therefore monitoring
232 A. Hayton et al.

their trends is sensible practice, regardless of maximum possible level profile of daily
any further inferences that may be drawn production. Monitoring should be
with respect to nutrition. based on detecting differences between
daily production and predicted per-
MILK YIELD. It is useful to monitor the level formance, especially after changes to
and variation in milk yield at the herd, group nutrition have been made. In a seasonal-
and cow level. Milk yield is influenced by calving herd, daily production should
frequency of milking, parity, days in milk, follow a lactation curve with a rise to a
season of calving and feeding system, as well peak and then gradual decline as the
as by the quality of the nutrition. This can herd moves away from the calving
make fluctuations observed between time period. In this situation approximate
points or groups difficult to interpret. targets for average daily production are
Consequently, when monitoring yield data it easier to define, with the average peak
can be useful to use prediction data. target level reflecting the target lacta-
Predictions of yield, based on previous lac- tion yield per cow for the herd. At peak
tation curves for that farm and month of production the target average daily pro-
calving – as well as, where applicable, previ- duction should be approximately the
ous lactations from the individual animal – 305-day yield divided by 200 (e.g. a 30 l
allow these confounding factors to be peak for 6000 l, 40 l for 8000 l, 50 l for
controlled for, and to provide a benchmark 10,000 l and so on).
from which to gauge performance. Prediction • Peak yield data (cows calved around
data can be unreliable on occasion, and care 40–80 days). Given the level of produc-
needs to be taken with such data, especially tion at which cows peak is highly cor-
where (i) there has been a fundamental related to overall lactation yield, and
change to the management system; (ii) there can also reflect on poor dry cow man-
is a high proportion of heifers within the agement, it is an important area to moni-
group analysed (heifers provide the least tor. The relationship between peak
accurate prediction as the effect of their own yield and days post-calving, season of
genetic base cannot be known); (iii) there are calving and parity are all useful param-
known issues with recording – some farms’ eters to monitor on a monthly basis.
data recording is consistently inaccurate; or Very rapid rises to peak yield at 30–40
(iv) ‘factoring’ – some farms opt not to record days, as opposed to slower rises at
at consecutive morning and afternoon milk- 50–60 days, are undesirable as they
ings but rather to record alternatively will result in larger negative energy
between morning and afternoons each month deficits in the cows due to the slow rise
(thereby reducing costs). The ‘missing’ data to peak dry matter intakes at the start of
are effectively estimated via the process of lactation. The frequent consequence of
factoring. Unfortunately the predictions it this is poorer overall fertility and less
creates can be unreliable, particularly in overall milk produced (these cows
relation to butterfat. Consequently, knowl- often show very poor persistency after
edge of when and how recording is under- peak yield). Conversely, a failure to
taken should be taken into account when reach predicted yields at 30–40 days
commenting on the data. post-calving, in groups or individuals,
Useful areas for monitoring milk yield is considered an indicator of potential
on a monthly basis are now described. transition period problems. Season may
well have profound effects on peak
• The average daily milk production per yield, especially in systems where high-
cow in the herd. As stated above, this yielding cows are turned out to graze in
will be influenced by a number of the summer. In terms of parity, heifer
parameters, in particular the calving performance should be evaluated with
pattern; for a year-round calving pat- the expectation that they should peak
tern, the target will be to achieve the within 25% of their herd-mates.
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 233

• Persistency of production. The decline lower milk protein and higher milk butter-
from peak should be a maximum of 9% fat. Consequently, the monitoring of these
every month for multiparous cows and processes via the individual yield and per-
6% every month for heifers. This centages of fat and protein and the ratio
decline will be heavily influenced by between them, at an individual and group
management – for example, frequency level, should provide useful information on
of milking and feeding system. Beyond the adequacy of the diet in preventing
ensuring that the cows are persisting as excess NEB. Unfortunately, in many dairy
expected, the effects of month or season systems, particularly those feeding high
of calving and variation in parity, in percentages of grass, butterfat percentages
particular the variation in performance will be influenced by a large number of
between first lactation and multiparous parameters independent of NEB, making
animals, should be assessed. Poor per- the expected correlation with NEB unrelia-
formance in the heifers relative to the ble. Consequently, such analyses should not
cows could suggest problems of excess be over-interpreted, or heavily relied upon
competition for resources. to inform major decisions.
Some studies have established an asso-
ciation between milk constituent data and
MILK CONSTITUENTS: ENERGY DEFICIT. At the bio- subsequent health/fertility and production,
chemical level, the quantities and proportions while others have failed to repeat such
of the fats, proteins and lactose synthesized in findings and/or concluded that the sensi-
the mammary gland at any point will depend tivities and specificities of such techniques
on the relative amounts of available substrates are not good enough to justify their use as a
and enzymes and the prevailing endocrine monitoring tool. As a consequence, if anal-
environment, which will partly be a function ysis of milk constituent data is suggestive
of the genotype of the animal. of excessive NEB, this should not be seen as
Cows in early lactation in excessive diagnostic in itself for assessing cow meta-
NEB will be mobilizing high levels of body bolic status, but as a potential warning
fat (as NEFAs), and these are sequestered indicator that there could be a problem and
and processed by the mammary epithelium, that further investigation is warranted.
which results in elevated milk butterfat. Similarly, simply because milk constituent
At the same time, cows generally show a data appear to be within target parameters,
decrease in milk protein percentage, reflect- this should not preclude the possibility
ing a shortage of glucose for milk protein of the existence of nutrition-related
synthesis in the udder. problems.
As energy status is improved milk pro- A range of milk constituent analyses
tein production increases. Along with have been suggested to indicate energy bal-
increased glucose supply, this is thought to ance. The analysis of monthly protein yield
be for two main reasons: (i) the production of (kg) and protein percentage in relation to
microbial protein increases in the rumen, predicted yield and predicted percentage
and this can be incorporated into milk pro- would be likely to produce the most reliable
tein; and (ii) as more starch passes through indicator, though as previously stated,
the rumen (so-called ‘bypass’ starch) this care needs to be taken by ensuring that the
helps to fulfil the energy requirements of the predictive data are likely to be accurate.
small intestine itself, which spares amino The principal target group to evaluate are
acids that can then be used for milk protein the early-lactation animals. Performance of
production. Protein synthesis is known to be cows up to 50 days and 100 days post-calving
modulated by endocrine signals as well as by should be considered. The number of days
substrate availability. post-calving chosen for evaluation will
The basic premise of compositional partly be dependent on the time spent in
monitoring strategies is that early-lactation fresh or high-yielding groups, and also on
animals in poor energy status will have the number of animals that can contribute to
234 A. Hayton et al.

the data set (very small numbers will reduce may fall for other dietary reasons too, such
the chance of any trend being accurately as the introduction or increase in the supply
highlighted). of fats, particularly unsaturated fatty acids.
There are no published levels of milk Consequently, as with energy deficit, there
protein that clearly indicate when interfer- is poor correlation between the presence or
ence is needed, and judgement on this will absence of SARA and milk fat percentage at
partly be dependent on the quality of the the individual level. This is particularly the
data and the importance of protein to the case in early-lactation cows when the fat
income received by the farmer. The greater percentage will be influenced by a variety of
the likely accuracy of the prediction, the factors, including the degree of fat mobiliza-
lower the required threshold for where poor tion post-partum.
performance should highlight the need for At the group or herd level, monitoring
further investigation. In cases where data milk fat can be more appropriate particu-
quality is good, more than 60% of cows larly in mid-lactation (>100 days calved)
below prediction for protein yield would be cows. At this stage, a drop in fat production,
a reasonable point of concern, whereas with particularly in association with feed changes,
poor-quality data this cut-off may be can be a useful indicator of a potential prob-
extended to 75%. An alternative approach lem. Monitoring in mid-lactation should be
is to examine the mean weight of protein based on average group fat percentages
production for cows under 50 days in milk. and yield of fat against prediction. As with
This can be assessed on a rolling monthly protein, the threshold for interference will
basis to develop an understanding of what be dependent on the reliability of the pre-
is normal for the herd. The expectation for dictive data and the importance of milk fat
cows yielding over 7000 l in one lactation is to income, but a minimum threshold of
that the mean weight should be over 1 kg, 60% below prediction for fat yield or fat
and figures less than this raise concerns percentage is a recommended cut-off for
about inadequate energy supply. further investigation.
Though not recommended by itself due
to poor predictive capacity (often due to a
large variability in fat production), the mean Monitoring financial records
and median herd protein:fat ratio, in combi-
nation with the predicted protein yield, may Feeding has a key effect on profitability
provide limited additional evidence for the and the analysis of financial indices related
need for further investigation of energy sta- to nutrition, alongside nutritional evalua-
tus. Mean protein:fat ratios at a group level tions related to cow health, is an essential
<0.75 for Holsteins and ~0.70 for the component of a herd health programme.
Channel Island breeds, in conjunction with The example below is used to describe the
poor protein yields, are considered an indi- use of feed-related indices. Since indices
cator of potential subclinical ketosis. are calculated based on milk and commod-
In systems where dietary consistency ity prices and the farm system involved, it
(uniform forages, fully housed, single TMR) is inappropriate to set target values for the
mean that fluctuations in milk fat are less indices described. In practice these should
common, then the use of protein:fat ratios be monitored over time on a particular unit
should be more reliable in terms of monitor- and, if available, useful comparisons can
ing, and therefore greater significance can be made between farms with similar eco-
be given to the observation of low ratios as nomic and management environments. As
discussed above. will be explored below, different parame-
ters are particularly relevant to particular
MILK CONSTITUENTS AND SUBACUTE RUMINAL production systems and the following
ACIDOSIS. Lowered milk fat is frequently points are useful for the comparison and
cited as an indicator of subacute ruminal assessment of performance of different
acidosis (SARA); however, fat percentages systems.
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 235

1. High-input systems have higher feed composition: 3.6% butterfat, 3.2% milk
costs per litre but greater milk income per protein and 0.024% milk urea.
cow, because more ‘marginal’ litres are being The 160 milking cows are fed the follow-
chased that require relatively more feed per ing ration on average through the month on a
extra litre. For herds yielding >8000 l/cow/ per-cow, per-day basis. The cost of feeding
year, concentrate feed rates of 0.3–0.4 kg the dry cows can be included in these calcu-
(corrected to 87% DM)/l are normal. When lations, but for brevity they are excluded
milk prices are high and concentrate feed from the example shown in Table 8.1.
prices relatively low, it becomes more worth- Thus the herd is fed 48 kg/day of a 43%
while trying to pursue higher yields. DM ration, with 20.7 kg DMI, costing £3.54/
2. Low-input extensive systems, such as cow/day or £2.72 if we consider only the
the New Zealand grazing systems, are not purchased feeds element.
chasing more marginal, expensive litres. Dealing in DM terms allows a compari-
The aim is to minimize costs per litre pro- son between farms, since fresh weight
duced, and this centres on maximizing grass intakes are very variable due to the DM vari-
usage. Hence margins over feed per litre ation of by-products and forages. For
will be high but, due to the lower produc- instance, in this example, the farm feeds
tion, margins over feed costs per cow will molasses of 65% DM yet another farm may
be relatively low. feed a distillery by-product of 48% DM. For
this reason a ‘dry matter correction’ is made
EXAMPLE OF DERIVING FEED COSTS. Consider a on the concentrate element of the diets to
UK herd of 200 cows with 160 cows in milk, 87%. This allows comparison between farms
averaging 200 days in milk and giving 30 l/ using weights of concentrate that have some
cow/day (milk sold). The herd receives 25 meaning to the farmer and can therefore be
pence per litre (ppl) for milk of the following easily communicated. This farm feeds 9.9 kg

Table 8.1. Costs of feeding milking cows.

Dry Fresh
Dry Fresh matter weight
Equation matter weight intake unit cost Cost/cow/
Feed row (%) (kg) (kg) (£/t) day (£)

Column a b c d e
Equation a×b (b × d)/
Grass silage i 30 36 10.8 22.8 0.82
Concentrate ii 86 10 8.6 240 2.40
pellets 20%
Molasses iii 65 2 1.3 160 0.32
Equation 100 × Sum Sum Sum
civ/biv (bi:biii) (ci:ciii) (ei:eiii)
Ration total iv 43 48 20.7 3.54
Equation Sum Sum Sum
(bii:biii) (cii:ciii) (eii:eiii)
Conc. only v 12.0 9.9 2.72
Equation cv/0.87 1000 ×
Conc. 87% vi 11.4 239
236 A. Hayton et al.

DM of concentrate per day, which is equiva- rather than the whole ration costs, can lead
lent to 11.4 kg of DM corrected concentrate. to spurious conclusions.
Since the cost per day of this concentrate is If any decisions are going to made on
known, this allows a cost per tonne to be the basis of costs then it is important that
calculated to allow a comparison of unit they are placed in the context of the income
value (£239/t in this instance). against which they are set, the difference
These indices are then further translated between the two being termed ‘the margin
into other unit costs, as shown in Table 8.2. over’ the unit cost in question. The income,
It can be seen therefore that the ration costs and margins for the example herd are
costs 11.8 pence to produce 1 litre of milk, of shown in Tables 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5.
which 9.1 pence/l is purchased or concen- The unit of land area can also be con-
trate feed. This figure is much more accurate sidered by dividing the herd margin by the
and easy to calculate than the ‘all feeds’ fig- area of available land allocated to the dairy
ure, which includes the forage component of enterprise. This parameter is very relevant
the costs, and is the one predominantly where costs are linked to high-value land
quoted. However, where forage is purchased prices or rental agreements.
or expensive to produce, conclusions drawn Dry period policy, lactation persistency
by studying solely the concentrate costs, and herd fertility affect the percentage of

Table 8.2. Unit costs for milking cows.

Milk sold Cost Cost per Milk price Margin per

(l/cow/day) (£/cow/day) litre (price/l) (price/l) litre (price/l)

Column a b c d e
Equation 100 × b/a d–c
Milking cows 30.0 3.54 11.8 25.0 13.2
(all feeds)
Milking cows 2.72 9.1 15.9
(purchased feeds)

Table 8.3. Income data for example herd.

Monthly Monthly milk

Milk yield Milk price Milk income Days in milk income Number of cheque
(l/cow/day) (price/l) (£/cow/day) month (£/cow) cows in milk (£/herd)

Column a b c d e f g
Equation (a × b)/100 c×d e×f
30 25 7.50 31 232.5 160 37,200

Table 8.4. Income costs for example herd.

Feed costs Monthly Number Monthly

(all feeds; Days in feed costs of cows feed costs
£/cow/day) month (£/cow) in milk (£/herd)

Column a b c d e
Equation a×b c×d
Milking cows (all feeds) 3.54 31 109.76 160 17,562
Milking cows (purchased feeds) 2.72 31 84.32 160 13,491
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 237

the herd that is dry in any given time period. In comparison a high-yielding, intensive,
The influence of these factors is dramatic. If 365-day housed system fed a TMR would
we consider the example herd, 20% of cows have extra costs associated with:
are dry (not milking). If this were improved
with time so that only 10% of the herd were • concentrate storage;
dry and other per-cow inputs and outputs • diesel for the feeding operation (tractor,
remained the same, then the following mar- mixer wagon, loader, for example);
gins would be achieved and the herd would • depreciation on feeding operation
generate another £3472.5 per month after machinery;
all feed costs, as shown in Table 8.6. • labour associated with feeding operation;
However, none of the figures above can • slurry storage;
be interpreted in isolation; for example: • slurry disposal;
• capital expenditure on housing facili-
1. A high purchased feed cost per litre of
ties and investing in cow comfort; and
milk may result in high-component milk,
• additional labour units required per
generating a high milk price and subse-
litre in attaining management standard
quently excellent margins.
to maintain a healthy, high-yielding
2. An improving monthly margin over pur-
herd and prevent losses.
chased feed per cow in the herd may run
concurrently with a falling overall herd Having considered financial efficiency, it
margin, as fewer cows are kept and is also important to consider physiological effi-
milked. ciency. Between-farm differences arise in the
3. There are significant costs associated energy content of milk as a result of differing
with specific feeding systems, meaning that genetic, nutritional and management interac-
a high margin doesn’t necessarily correlate tions. The biggest variation comes from vary-
with a large profit. For example, additional ing butterfat percentages, and therefore milk is
costs (beyond those accounted for in the for- ‘fat corrected’ to allow meaningful physiologi-
age cost of grazed grass) in a low-yielding, cal comparisons between farms. Four per cent
spring grazing system are relatively small. is often used in the European context, whereas

Table 8.5. Income margins for example herd.

Monthly Total monthly Herd Number Margins per

income feed costs margins of cows cow in herd
(£/herd) (£/herd) (£/herd) in herd (£/cow)

Column a b c d e
Equation a–b c/d
Milking cows (all feeds) 37,200 18,580 18,619.84 200 93.10
Milking cows (purchased feeds) 13,491 23,708.80 118.54

Table 8.6. Improved margins for example herd.

Monthly Total monthly Number Margins per

income feed costs Herd margins of cows cow in herd
(£/herd) (£/herd) (£/herd) in herd (£/cow)

Column a b c d e
Equation a–b c/d
Milking cows (all feeds) 41,850 19,758 22,092.34 200 110.46
Milking cows (purchased feeds) 15,178 26,672.40 133.36
238 A. Hayton et al.

a 3.5% correction is more common in North all concentrate is 13 MJ/kg DM and there-
America, as shown in Table 8.7. fore 0.45 kg of concentrate will produce 1
In the example above the herd produces litre of milk. The calculation is fundamen-
milk of 3.6% butterfat, 0.4% points below 4%. tally inaccurate but may be useful in com-
This represents an ‘energy saving’ of nearly 2 l municating change to farmers, as shown in
of milk relative to producing milk of higher fat Table 8.8.
content. Once the standard 4% fat-corrected Finally, feed conversion efficiency
yield has been calculated, we can look at the should be considered. This is the amount of
efficiency with which it is produced to com- milk produced per 1 kg of dry matter con-
pare and assess differing farms. First, the sumed by the cow. Efficiency rises as yields
DM-corrected concentrate weight per cow per rise, due to the dilution of maintenance
day can be divided by this yield to calculate requirements for the cow. It is calculated as
the ‘feed rate’ in kg/l. The feed rate for the herd shown in Table 8.9.
in question is 0.4 kg/l of 4% FCM. Increasing this efficiency figure is gen-
Feed rates rise when less milk is pro- erally desirable, but the marginal cost per
duced from forage. A figure is commonly MJ of energy increases as yield rises, so
quoted for this ‘yield from forage’ and is margins must be monitored with the caveats
calculated on the blanket assumption that given above.

Table 8.7. Fat correction data and milk yield.

Concentrate rate
Daily yield Butterfat fed (87% DM; (kg/l; 4%
(l/cow/day) (%) 4% FCM yield (l) kg/cow/day) FCM)

Column a b c d e
Equation (0.4 × a) + d/c
(15 × a × b/100)
Milking cows (all feeds) 30.0 3.6 28.2 11.4 0.4

FCM, fat-corrected milk.

Table 8.8. Milk yield from concentrate and forage.

Milk yield from

4% FCM Concentrate fed concentrate Milk yield from
(l/cow/day) (87% DM; kg/cow/day) (l/cow/day) forage (l/cow/day)

Column a b c d
Equation b/0.45 a–c
Milking cows (all feeds) 28.2 11.4 25.3 2.9

FCM, fat-corrected milk.

Table 8.9. Feed conversion efficiency.

Dry matter intake Feed conversion efficiency

4% FCM (l/cow/day) (kg/cow/day) (litres 4% FCM/kg DM)

Column a b c
Equation a/b
Milking cows (all feeds) 28.20 20.7 1.36

FCM, fat-corrected milk.

Nutritional Management of Herd Health 239

Monitoring disease and fertility parameters

the size of the susceptible population. For
Nutrition has the potential to influence the instance, retained placenta tends to be a more
occurrence of many diseases (and general common condition than abomasal displace-
disease monitoring is dealt with in other ment, so trends may be more apparent over
chapters). Some diseases have stronger, shorter time intervals. This will be the case
more direct aetiological links with nutrition particularly in larger herds that are seasonally
than others, and monitoring of these will calving with large ‘at-risk’ populations at cer-
provide more convincing direct evidence of tain times of the year. Thus, if 400 cows calve
nutritional mismanagement. Milk fever, dis- evenly over 3 months, more than 30 animals
placed abomasum and retained placenta will be at risk of retained placenta every week
(see Chapter 4) are linked to nutrition, have of the calving season and hence monitoring of
clear clinical signs and should be recorded the weekly prevalence would be important.
as they are useful nutritional monitors. As with the diseases discussed above,
While metritis and endometritis are also although many indicators of fertility status are
considered to have a strong nutritional aetiol- strongly affected by nutrition, fertility parame-
ogy, they require veterinary expertise for accu- ters are also influenced by other management
rate diagnosis and correct definition (see decisions and practices (see Chapter 4). For
Chapter 4). Monitoring based on farmer-based example, the time to first service and the appar-
diagnosis of these will need to be treated with ent expression of oestrous activity are affected
caution, as this may be inaccurate. Furthermore, by nutrition, but they are probably more strongly
the incidences of these diseases are not solely influenced by the voluntary waiting period and
influenced by nutritional status and other aeti- the time allocated each day to the identification
ologies, such as the level of dystocia, are rele- of cows in oestrus. There are further problems
vant. Good records of other causal aetiologies with fertility parameters: many suffer from
and care in interpretation of the prevalence of being very historical and are only of use in retro-
these diseases is therefore required. spective analysis. Nutrition has a strong associa-
The frequency of examination of the tion with pregnancy rate, although it will be
records, and the decision as to when to take only one of many possible influences on this
action in the face of an abnormal trend, will (see Chapter 4 for a detailed discussion).
require careful thought. This is because it will Table 8.10 provides suggested guidance
depend on the incidence of the disease and on the monitoring and proposed targets for

Table 8.10. Diseases to be monitored to evaluate nutritional influences on herd health.

Disease or reproductive
parameter Achievable targets Comments

Milk fever <5% Directly related to macro-mineral

management in immediate pre-calving
period and BCS (see later sections)
Retained placenta <5% Also need to record whether dystocia or
Endometritisa <8,000 l (<5–10%) twins to establish whether there are
8,000–10,000 l (<7.5–10%) non-nutritional influences
>10,000 l (<10–15%)
Displaced abomasum Depends on yield Stage of lactation can provide important
<8,000 l (0%) aetiological information (see later
8,000–10,000 l (<2%) sections)
>10,000 l (<3%)
Pregnancy (conception rate) NA Pregnancy diagnosis must be performed
Fertility efficiency >20% early and data examined regularly to
(see Chapter 4) avoid time lag

BCS, body condition score. a Defined as purulent vulval discharge later than 21 days post-calving.
240 A. Hayton et al.

metabolic diseases. It should be noted that SYSTEMS AND TARGETS FOR SCORING. Monitoring
all targets are farm dependent and need systems either involve the monitoring of
to be determined by consultation with all individual animals as they progress through
parties involved on the farm to make them the lactation or simply assessing the condi-
realistic and achievable. tion score of the cows at a given point in
time and extrapolating BCS changes from
this. This latter method is potentially unre-
Monitoring nutrition: assessment of the cow liable, as it assumes that the current condi-
tion of any particular group is an accurate
When monitoring nutritional status as part representation of the past condition of a
of a dairy herd health programme, individ- group further on in the lactation cycle.
ual cows provide useful information to Ideally, all cows in any group should be
inform decision making. Recording and scored but where individual group sizes
evaluation of cow data is vital to under- become large (>100) then this will become
standing changes in a herd’s nutritional sta- onerous. Calculating a sample size that will
tus over time, and it is strongly recommended provide sufficient confidence of obtaining a
that the following assessments are made. representative picture of that particular
group is difficult – it will be affected by the
Body condition scoring variation of scores within the group. In
practice, for a large group, a randomly cho-
It is generally accepted that BCS is corre- sen sample of 100 cows generally provides
lated to energy reserves, and therefore the a good estimate of group BCS. An alterna-
management and monitoring of BCS (and tive approach is to set an acceptable level
changes in BCS) during the production (prevalence) of low (or high) BCS cows and
cycle are central to the process of producing to estimate a sample size based on the prin-
milk without predisposing the cow to excess ciples described in Appendix 1.
mobilization of fat. While animals of high The key groups to monitor are cows at
genetic merit produce more milk than those drying off, calving, early lactation (during
of lower merit – partly by increasing the service and pregnancy diagnosis) and at mid-
mobilization of body reserves – it appears lactation (see Table 8.11). The latter group is
that cows have a genetically determined often overlooked but is of great importance
BCS target that they tend to achieve by the because this is the time when cow condition
third month of lactation. Thus cows that are can be most easily influenced by dietary
fatter than their BCS target show reduced manipulation. This manipulation should be
feed intake and lose more condition after aimed at ensuring that cows reach the dry
calving. period at their target score (see below).
There are several different scoring meth- The key parameters to understand are
ods described and utilized worldwide for (i) the mean score for the different stages of
BCS. However, for the purposes of this chap- lactation and (ii) the percentage of cows
ter the standard five-point scoring method outside (above and below) the target range.
(Edmonson et al., 1989) has been used. The target should be for 85% of cows to be

Table 8.11. Target body condition scores for dairy cows.

Stage Ideal score Range (Holstein) Range (Friesian)

Drying off 3.00 2.5–3.0 3.00– 3.50

Calving 3.00 2.5–3.0 (heifers, 2.25–2.75) 3.00– 3.50 (heifers, 2.75–3.25)
Early lactation 2.50 2.0–2.5 2.50–3.00
Mid-lactation 2.75 2.0–2.5 2.50–3.00
Late lactation 3.00 2.5–3.0 2.75–3.25
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 241

within the target score range for that period in Table 8.13. Recent research suggests that
of lactation. this technique is valid for monitoring DMI,
A recent meta-analysis confirmed that but that care needs to be taken with the
modern dairy cows probably have lower method, and in particular the timing when
BCS values than cows of 20 years ago and scoring takes place. This is because cows
hence it can be argued that target BCS at will normally eat more during the day than
drying off and calving is slightly less now at night and consequently rumen fill will be
than it was 20 years ago; for a modern, high- higher in the evening than in the morning.
yielding Holstein cow the target condition Therefore, when monitoring rumen fill and
score should be 2.5–3.0. In relation to the extrapolating these recordings to likely DMI,
importance of understanding the percent- erroneous conclusions of changes of intake
age of outliers, researchers have examined could be drawn from scoring at different
the percentage of cows at less than target times of day. For instance, monitoring in the
condition scores at given stages of lactation, morning would potentially lead to a con-
and have concluded that herds with a higher clusion that intakes appear low or dropping
percentage of ‘faults’ have a reduced repro- if compared with an evening result. The
ductive performance, as defined by the per- research suggests therefore that the tech-
centage pregnant by 150 days in milk. nique should be used on a daily basis at the
Table 8.12 demonstrates how to plot BCS same time of day to determine changes of
in an example herd to derive these statistics, DMI in cows in early lactation. Suggested
and provides an immediate picture of herd protocols for implementation of rumen fill
BCS. Dry cows should be scored in the early scoring are outlined in Table 8.13.
period and transition (<3 weeks to calving),
and lactating cows must be divided into at MONITORING COW APPEARANCE AND RUMEN FILL IN THE
least early, mid- and late groups (monitoring DRY PERIOD. The aim for cows managed
fresh cows is useful but not essential), so that within late lactation and the early dry period
the changes of score through lactation can be is to have obvious cover over the transverse
estimated. The example here demonstrates processes and overt ruminal distension. As a
the need to understand the percentage of result, when viewed from behind, the cows
condition score faults as well as the mean should appear ‘pear’ shaped rather than an
score, because the mean scores in this herd ‘apple’ shaped. Given the nature of their
are at target but there are too many cows scor- diet, faeces during this period should be
ing higher than the target score at any stage of stiffer than the early lactating cows and there
lactation. should be a high degree of consistency
Monthly scoring will provide the most between cows’ faeces.
up-to-date information and thereby allow
problems to be identified quickly, and
should be considered the gold standard for Monitoring faeces
frequency of monitoring. Not all farmers
will wish to pursue such intensive monitor- While monitoring the character of the faeces
ing, and so planning a targeted system of of individuals or groups of cows is a com-
monitoring that coincides with higher-risk monplace procedure on the farm, there is
periods can be useful (e.g. at turnout to grass little scientific work on the relationship
or three months prior to drying off, to allow between the physical characteristics of faeces
dietary adjustment if cows appear to be des- and inadequacies in the diet. Monitoring of
tined to become over-fat at drying off). faeces is based on observation of the appear-
ance of the faeces and the observable level of
Rumen fill variation within a group, and detection via
washing and sieving of the faeces of (i) undi-
Monitoring and scoring of rumen fill as a gested and partially digested grain, (ii) long
proxy indicator of DM intake is a useful pro- fibre particles (>1.25 cm) and (iii) the pres-
cedure, and the protocol of scoring is shown ence of mucin casts. When monitoring faeces,

Table 8.12. Example of condition scoring in a Holstein herd (targets set out in Table 8.11).

Condition score Percentage Percentage

Days Number Mean of cows with of cows with
Group calved ≤1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 ≥4.5 scored score BCS < target BCS > target

Early dry −60 to −21 1 11 1111 11111 11111 1111 30 3.1 10 47

1111 11111
Transition −21 to 0 11 1111 11111 11 1 14 2.8 14 21

A. Hayton et al.
Fresh <30 11111 1111111111 11111 1 21 2.6 0 23
Early 30–100 1 1111 1111111 1111111111 111111
111 1 63 2.4 6 22a
1111111 1111111 1111
111111 1111111
Mid- 100–200 11 11111111 1111111111 11111111 1111 11 63 2.6 3 40
1111 1111111 111111
1111111 11111
Late >200 111111111 111111111111 11111111 1111111 111111 1 75 3.1 12 41
1111111 1111111 111
11111111 1111111
Cows scoring over target score in early lactation would not be considered a significant concern.
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 243

it should be borne in mind that faecal consist- cows fed maize silage also tend to contain
ency will normally vary between cows and more undigested material than those fed grass
that some undigested material can be normal, or grass silage. Table 8.14 lists the observable
especially in high-yielding cows where rumi- abnormalities that can be detected and puta-
nal outflow levels are very high. The faeces of tive causes thought to generate such changes.

Table 8.13. Protocol for rumen fill scoring: cows should be monitored on level ground in the absence of
obvious ruminal contractions, and performed while in their groups with access to feed (von Keyserlingk
et al., 2010, summarized from Zaaijer and Noordhuizen, 2003).

Appearance of paralumbar fossa

Rumen Relationship
fill to transverse Relationship
score lumbar processes to last rib Shape Comment

1 Paralumbar fossa Paralumbar fossa Empty rectangle Cow highly likely to be ill
sinks in more sinks in more
than a hand’s than a hand’s
width below width
2 Paralumbar fossa Paralumbar fossa Triangle Not abnormal in the first
sinks in less sinks in more few days post-partum,
than a hand’s than a hand’s but otherwise
width below width abnormal and
indicative of poor
feed intake
3 Falls about a Paralumbar fossa Target early to
hand’s width sinks in less mid-lactation cows
vertically than a hand’s
down and then width behind
bulges out the last rib
4 The skin arches Paralumbar fossa Fossa bulges Target late lactation
out immediately skin covers the out directly
below area behind it
5 Transverse Last rib not visible Rumen Target dry cows
processes distended and
not visible almost
obliterates fossa

Table 8.14. Presentation and potential causes of abnormal faeces (Kononoff et al., 2012).

Presentation of faeces Possible reasons for abnormality

Large variation in consistency Sorting of ration; poorly mixed ration; SARA

between cows on the same diet
Excess undigested material SARA; poor ruminal fermentation; large intestine fermentation
Undigested cereal grain particles Failure to crack grain during harvesting; inadequate
degradable protein; hard grains
Excessive looseness Excess total and degradable protein; inadequate fermentable
energy; low ADF/NDF; disease
Excessive firmness Restricted water or protein intake
Presence of mucin casts Extensive hind gut fermentation
Excessive faecal soiling SARA
Foamy or bubbly Lactic acidosis or excessive hindgut fermentation

ADF, acid detergent fibre; NDF, neutral detergent fibre.

244 A. Hayton et al.

Suggested protocols for frequency of the overall percentage of cows ruminating, mul-
monitoring are listed in Table 8.15. The time tiple observations within any day are required
required for rumen adaptation to dietary if accurate conclusions are to be drawn. Thus if
change means that any changes in faecal char- an observation suggests that cows are not rumi-
acteristics following dietary alteration will take nating as frequently as desired, a minimum of a
in the region of 1 week. Any monitoring proto- second observation that day is required to
cols will need to take this into account. increase confidence that this is actually the
case. Furthermore, while reductions in rumina-
Rumination (cudding) tion can be indicative of an episode of SARA,
this would not necessarily detect a herd with a
Monitoring the frequency and proportion of chronic SARA situation with a prolonged but
animals that are ruminating while at rest is fre- consistent low rumination rate.
quently cited as a good indicator of ruminal The observation that cows are ‘drop-
health. Despite this, there is little apparent sci- ping their cud’ while ruminating should be
entific quantification of its true value. considered abnormal and noted. This is
Rumination is correlated with saliva produc- most commonly ascribed to be as a result of
tion, which is the primary buffering agent for ruminal acidosis, though its presence should
the rumen, and thus an absence, or reduced not be seen as pathognomonic for SARA.
quality, of rumination is inevitably undesirable.
Standard maxims for herd assessment are that Subacute ruminal acidosis
over 60% of cows resting should be ruminating
at any point, that on average there should be 60 Subacute ruminal acidosis can be defined
chews per cud and that cows should ruminate as ‘an intermittent fall of ruminal pH to
around once every minute. Recent work sug- non-physiological levels due to maladapta-
gests that when monitoring rumination on a tion of the ruminal environment in terms of
regular basis, utilizing a single time point is not ruminal microflora and ruminal mucosa’, and
accurate and that to develop an assessment of is thought to occur when ruminal pH falls

Table 8.15. Suggested protocols for nutrition-related monitoring cows.

interval between
Critical groups Critical Times monitoring of dairy
Parameter to monitora to monitor assessments (days) Intervention(s)

Body condition See section NAb 30 See section on BCS

scoring (BCS) on BCS
Rumen fill Transition, early After any 1–7 > 25% outside target
lactation and diet/forage score for stage of
high-yieldersa change lactation or where
there is evidence
of reduction in
overall score
Faeces Transition and After any 7 > 25% of faeces
early lactation diet/forage abnormal (see
change Table 8.14 for
Rumination Early lactation After any 7 > 50% cows resting
diet/forage not ruminating;
change presence of cud
These groups are either at higher risk of problems occurring or should be monitored because faults at these
stages will have greater impacts. b In seasonal calving herds, the start of the calving period and 3 months before
drying off.
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 245

below 5.5 (clinical acidosis is considered to are around 2 weeks after calving and at peak
be seen below pH 5.2). Its significance in yield, when maximum levels of food intake
regard to cow health and productivity is prob- occur. The time of sampling during the day
ably dependent on the frequency and dura- is important. For maximum sensitivity,
tion of the period during which ruminal pH where cows are receiving a concentrate feed
remains below 5.5. High-producing dairy sampling should occur approximately 3 h
cows are considered to be at greater risk of after this feed. In TMR herds it should occur
SARA than their lower-yielding counterparts, 5–8 h after feed is delivered. If SARA is
as they will be fed rations with a higher diagnosed at these time points then repeat
concentrate:forage ratio and, most impor- sampling 2–3 h later could be considered, to
tantly, will have higher overall intakes (kilo- ensure that the duration of the drop is a sig-
grams ingested) of readily fermentable nificant and not transient effect. Cows to be
carbohydrates. The mechanism of action is sampled should not be kept away from the
via either an excessive fermentation of sugars feed for longer than 30 min.
and starch or an inadequate buffering of the The number of cows selected for rumen-
rumen, or a combination of both. This leads to ocentesis depends on the number in the
a reduction in ruminal acidity below a pH of group at risk, the prevalence at which a herd
6.0 at which optimal digestion can take place is deemed to have a problem and the cer-
(due to depression of the ruminal microflora tainty required to detect that prevalence
that aid cellulose digestion at these pH levels). (see Appendix 1 for details). It should be
Recent research suggests that cows appear to noted that given the defined time periods to
become more prone to SARA if they have investigate for SARA, there may be difficul-
been exposed previously and that the severity ties in selecting sufficient numbers of cows
of further subsequent bouts becomes greater. in the respective groups at risk. Furthermore,
There are a number of indirect methods primiparous cows are more prone to low
utilized to monitor SARA based on identify- ruminal pH than multiparous cows and this
ing the rather vague clinical signs associated should be considered when selecting which
with the disease, although none of these pro- cows to sample. The number of heifers that
vide absolute evidence for the presence of the should be represented within in any sam-
condition. Examples of such clinical signs pling group should be proportional to the
include reduced or erratic feed intake, number of heifers in the herd as a whole.
increased respiratory rate, diarrhoea possibly
with greasy or foamy faeces and poor body TECHNIQUE FOR RUMENOCENTESIS. The sampling
and coat condition. The only reliable diagnos- point for collection of the liquor is the ven-
tic test for SARA is based on a direct measure- tral sac of the rumen and this is located at the
ment of ruminal pH. This is normally level of the stifle joint, a hand’s width caudal
performed through rumenocentesis, although to the last rib (approximately 10–12 cm).
even this test is limited because it provides Once the cow is adequately restrained, the
only a snapshot of ruminal pH at any specific insertion site should be aseptically prepared
time. Consequently, the duration that the pH and a small amount of local anaesthetic
remains below 5.5 cannot be quantified unless introduced into the skin and muscle layers.
repeated measurements are taken from an A 10.0–12.5 cm, 16- or 18-gauge needle
individual over a period of hours. A novel should be used for collection and this
solution to this problem is via the use of in- should be introduced quickly and decisively
dwelling ruminal boluses that monitor and through the prepared site and into the rumen.
relay the information on pH on a continuous A syringe can then be attached and the con-
basis, and the use of such monitors may tents aspirated. Obstruction of the needle by
become widespread in the next few years. particulate matter is not uncommon and this
should be cleared by pushing air via the
SELECTION OF COWS FOR RUMENOCENTESIS. Given syringe through the needle (excessive suction
the epidemiological presentation, the main should not be used as this is considered to
times during lactation to investigate cows produce inaccurate results). Samples should
246 A. Hayton et al.

be tested via a calibrated pH meter as soon as The critical time to measure NEFA and/
possible after sampling. or BHB is during the transition from mid–late
dry period to early lactation. The objectives
DIAGNOSIS. The diagnosis of SARA in a cow of measuring these metabolic markers are:
can be made if the pH measures <5.5. We rec- 1. To monitor, at herd level, the success of
ommend that an estimated herd prevalence current management with the goal of early
of 10–15% of cows affected warrants further detection of problems or deviation from the
investigation of the diet (see Appendix 1). management programme.
There are other ancillary observations 2. To identify individual cows at high risk
that can be performed on the ruminal liquor of disease with the goal of intervening to
that can add useful information about rumi- prevent or mitigate clinical disease.
nal heath status and have been reported to
be correlated to SARA. These are (i) the Unfortunately, no single test is perfect in
gross appearance; normal ruminal liquor terms of sensitivity and specificity and it is
should look greenish and have an aromatic important to understand the performance of
smell, whereas SARA samples tend to look the tests to be able to understand when they
yellow or whitish and often have a fetid, are appropriate for one or both of these objec-
sour smell; and (ii) direct microscopy to vis- tives. For example, if monitoring is aimed at
ualize protozoa. Protozoa can be described finding individual cows with subclinical
as either large, medium or small. It has been ketosis and the result of finding a ‘positive’ is
reported that large protozoa are the first to that a cow receives treatment that requires
disappear in digestive disorders, followed withdrawal of milk from the bulk tank, then
by medium then small; however, this is sub- a test with poor specificity will result in
ject to variation and this observation cannot more wasted milk than necessary.
be considered a reliable indicator. Serum BHB is considered nearest to a
It should be noted that widespread ‘gold standard’ test for ketones, but urine
rumenocentesis represents an invasive pro- and milk can also be used. There are test
cedure and the welfare implications of this sticks which, when used at appropriate cut-
type of monitoring, on a herd basis, should off points, can be very cost effective in moni-
be considered. Furthermore, it is increas- toring subclinical ketosis (SCK). In general,
ingly recognized that ruminal pH tends to urine ketone tests are very cheap and are
fluctuate over time in high-yielding cows, generally very sensitive (approaching 100%),
and the distinction between normal and and are hence good for ruling out SCK with a
abnormal is not absolutely clear. Decisions negative result. Milk ketone tests have a
therefore as to the significance of any diag- poorer sensitivity but are highly specific,
nosis should take into account the clinical and thus a positive result is likely to be a true
picture and whether there is evidence that positive. Due to the availability of relatively
cow health and/or productivity appears to cheap human blood ketone tests, which can
be adversely affected. be used ‘cow-side’ and which have a sensi-
tivity and specificity in excess of 90%, these
are increasingly becoming the test of choice.
Monitoring metabolic markers
Non-esterified fatty acids and ketones associations have been found between
NEB pre-partum, as reflected by elevated
Concentrations of NEFAs and BHB can be NEFA concentrations and the occurrence
used as markers of NEB both at the individ- of displaced abomasum (DA). Most of the
ual cow and herd level. NEFAs are indica- published work suggests that NEFA concen-
tive of the degree of fat mobilization, and trations in excess of 0.6 mmol/l in the week
BHB the completeness of oxidization (‘burn- prior to calving represent a significantly
ing’) of the mobilized fat in the liver (see increased risk. However, NEFA concentra-
section ‘Background: key concepts’). tions rise as calving approaches and, if cows
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 247

are sampled in a broader 2-week window LIVER DAMAGE AND FUNCTION. Increased con-
prior to calving, target levels of <0.3 mmol/l centrations of bile components are seen in
are appropriate. cows with fatty liver. These and high con-
centrations of NEFAs, BHBs and cytokines
POST-CALVING INDICATORS OF NEB. The point at are all cytotoxic and contribute to further
which a blood BHB concentration becomes liver damage. All liver enzymes increase,
abnormally high and puts an animal at especially glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH),
increased risk of deleterious effects on γ-glutamyl transferase (γ GT) and aspartate
health and fertility varies between research aminotransferase (AST).
studies. The standard definition of SCK is
that serum BHB exceeds 1.4 mmol/l, but
recent work has suggested that values THE PRACTICALITIES OF TESTING

>1.03 mmol/l can have significant negative Choice of cows. Consistency is the key
effects on health. A herd prevalence of SCK to being able to compare results on farms
exceeding 20% in the first 2 weeks after over time. Samples should be collected
calving has also been identified as repre- at approximately the same time of day to
senting an increased risk of fertility and avoid confounding the results by diurnal or
metabolic disease, especially DA. postprandial variations, and cows should
be in the same ‘window’ relative to calv-
TESTING FOR TYPE I AND TYPE II KETOSIS. Testing ing – ideally 2–10 days pre-calving and the
strategies that concentrate on the first 2–3 first 2 weeks post-calving (avoiding the first
weeks of lactation seem to be appropriate in 2 days). NEFA concentrations peak just be-
most herds, bearing in mind the strong links fore feeding. It is important not to choose
between SCK, health and fertility. This is cows that are ‘oddities’ but rather ones
especially true in herds that are character- that seem to be ‘normal’ within the system.
ized by cows being too fat pre-calving and Cows for sampling should not be separated
suffering from above-target left-sided DA from their feed for several hours prior to
(LDA) incidence. This early sampling win- testing.
dow covers the peak incidence of fatty liver/ Sample handling. Serum or plasma is
type II ketosis, which stems from nutritional acceptable for BHB and NEFA testing,
mismanagement during the dry period. but BHB levels will be falsely elevated by
However, in herds where dry cow manage- haemolysis. Samples should be collected
ment is adequate but where the nutritional from the tail vein or jugular vein and ideally
demands of lactation are not met, type I chilled, separated within a few hours and
ketosis may occur and this normally occurs then frozen or shipped chilled for receipt at
3–6 weeks after calving. Type I ketosis is the laboratory within 1–2 days. However,
more likely to be seen as disappointing delays of up to 24 h for separation, and
yields and fertility, and occasionally LDA maintenance at room temperature for
occurring later in late lactation (outside the 24 h or refrigeration for <3 days do not
first month). In such herds the lactating substantially affect results. Cow-side tests
ration or low DMI is likely to be the main are now available (such as the Optium
problem, rather than issues that started pre- Xceed meters (UK) and Precision Xtra
calving as with type II ketosis. meters (US)), which will eliminate errors
Type II ketosis is associated with fatty associated with sample handling.
infiltration of the liver and normally causes The number of samples required for group-
elevated NEFAs immediately post-calving, or herd-level interpretation depends on the
and elevated BHBs starting at day 5 post- prevalence of affected animals that is judged
calving. It is possible to have elevated important to detect, the certainty of detection
NEFAs in very early lactation but normal that is desired, and the size of the group of
BHBs, which means that testing for ketones interest (see Appendix 1). Fortunately, the lat-
alone may miss this population of animals ter criterion has a relatively small influence.
and that NEFA testing is required. We recommend that an estimated population
248 A. Hayton et al.

prevalence of 10–15% warrants further investi- in transition cows may be linked to those in
gations and, in practice, the minimum number NEB, perhaps reflecting a reduction in DMI or
of samples required is usually 9–12 to allow inability of the liver to convert ammonia effi-
interpretation in most situations. ciently to urea.

Urea INDIVIDUAL TESTS. Individual blood urea

concentrations are routinely used in meta-
An excess of rumen degradable protein bolic profiles, but can be difficult to inter-
results in an increased concentration of rumi- pret when considered in isolation. When
nal ammonia, which is absorbed through the blood BHBs are done at the same time, inter-
ruminal wall and carried to the liver where it pretation is more straightforward. As
is converted to urea. Likewise, the catabolism described above, a high urea with a high
of muscle protein for gluconeogenesis can BHB should first suggest an under-supply of
also result in the production of ammonia, energy. The most appropriate action would
which is again converted to urea in the liver. normally be to increase DMI and energy
Plasma urea is commonly used test to assess supply and, secondly, to reconsider the
the efficiency of protein utilization. Urea level of protein supplementation if urea lev-
moves passively from the blood into the els remain elevated. Unlike blood BHB,
milk, and hence there is a close and reliable where high levels are known to have delete-
relationship between the concentrations in rious effects on production, disease and fer-
milk and blood. Milk urea can therefore be tility, the upper threshold for blood urea
used as a good, non-invasive substitute for where adverse effects occur is more difficult
plasma in testing for urea. Farmers com- to elucidate (a normal value is generally
monly receive bulk milk urea concentrations considered to be 5–6 mmol/l). Individual
on their milk quality reports. milk tests are not often done but can be just
as useful as blood tests. A ‘normal’ concen-
INTERPRETATION OF UREA TESTS. The concentra- tration is approximately 200–300 mg/l.
tion of urea in blood and milk reflects the
balance of rumen available energy, and BULK MILK TESTS. Bulk milk tests are a use-
rumen available protein supplied to the ful tool for overall monitoring of protein
ruminal flora. An increased urea concentra- supply, but there has been a tendency for
tion should probably be viewed as being over-interpretation in the absence of clear
more important for production and possibly scientific evidence to link high bulk milk
fertility than a reduced urea concentration. urea levels to reduced fertility. It seems sen-
An elevated urea concentration can suggest sible not to be dogmatic about what are ‘cor-
both an over-supply of rumen available pro- rect’ bulk milk urea levels, but rather to use
tein and/or a lack of rumen available energy. the readily available information provided
Both of these situations have an effect on by milk buyers to get an approximate idea
the energy status of the animal. A lack of rumen of the protein and energy balance of the
available energy means that the rumen is not herd. Suggestions from the studies that have
performing efficiently and an excess of rumen observed effects on fertility are to keep the
available protein, causing the conversion of milk urea values below 400–425 mg/l.
excess ammonia into urea, requires ATP and
hence incurs an energetic cost to the cow. Blood and urine macro-mineral
A decreased urea concentration is more likely monitoring for hypocalcaemia
to reflect a lack of rumen available protein
rather than an excess of rumen available energy Assaying blood calcium (Ca) concentrations
(which can be difficult to achieve in high- can be useful in the first 36 h after calving to
yielding cows). Low urea can also occur in demonstrate or monitor subclinical hypocalcae-
cows with reduced DMI in the previous mia. Unfortunately, blood Ca concentrations will
12–24 h. This can occur concomitantly with not yield any useful information as a predictor
elevated serum BHB. A low urea concentration for hypocalcaemia, as it is under extremely tight
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 249

homeostatic control, except in the immediate to colostrum. Sampling of 9–12 animals in

peri-parturient period. Surveys suggest that up the early dry period is useful to estimate
to 25% of heifers can be subclinically hypocal- herd status for the period of the production
caemic (Ca <2 mmol/l) in this period, and this cycle that will be most affected by an inad-
rises to over 50% in older animals. Herds with equate status. Further sampling at 2 months
good hypocalcaemia control should experience into lactation can be useful too, as this coin-
a prevalence of subclinical hypocalcaemia in cides with the beginning of the peak service
this time window of less than 20%. period and time of maximum production.
Urine analysis (Table 8.16) can demon- Monitoring should not be restricted to
strate the acid–base status of the cow and the the cow, and mineral analysis of the forage
reasons for that status. For instance, strong components of the diet – particularly those
alkalosis is often associated with excess die- derived from grass – can provide very use-
tary K, which is shown as high urinary excre- ful information. This relates not only to the
tion of K. It is especially useful in predicting background supply of minerals (and their
whether cows are sufficiently metabolically antagonists) to the cow but also to where
acidified to prevent hypocalcaemia or, on the they are to be fed, to the transition cow and
other hand, too acidified (which causes exces- the dietary cation–anion balance (DCAB) of
sive loss of Ca in the urine). (see later section the forage. It should be appreciated that any
“Nutritional control of hypocalcaemia”). such analysis will provide only a snapshot
of the mineral profile of the forage at that
Monitoring trace elements point, and as with dry matter content, the
mineral profile is highly likely to alter
The trace element and vitamin status of between batches of forage.
dairy cows is often implicated in produc- It is recommended that dairy cow min-
tion problems but is rarely monitored con- eral and vitamin requirements are met by
sistently. Blood samples are sometimes used adhering to the independent Nutrition
to investigate problems, but unless the Research Center guidelines (freely available
choice of animals is consistent, sufficient online at
numbers of animals are tested and the tests php?record_id=9825&page=1), but guide-
used are fully understood, it can be difficult lines on the trace elements and vitamins
to draw any conclusions. most frequently encountered in dairy prac-
tice are provided in Table 8.17.
MENTS. Reference ranges differ at different
points in the production cycle. In general,
cows should not be sampled in the immedi- Monitoring of nutrition:
ate peri-parturient period as the serum con- assessments of feeding
centrates of many trace elements and
vitamin precursors will fall during this time, Whatever the complexity and precision of
this being partly due to normal sequestration computer rationing software, successful

Table 8.16. Parameters used in pre-partum urine analysis.

Urine parameter Use

Potassium (K) Demonstrates whether dietary K is excessive, the biggest driver for milk fever
Calcium (Ca) Demonstrates Ca mobilization and evidence of acidification (rather than Ca
Prevention of excessive demineralization by adding more dietary Ca if the cow is
excessively acidified
Magnesium (Mg) Demonstrates adequacy of intake and uptake from the gut
Dissolved CO2 Related to blood bicarbonate concentration, hence acid–base status
pH Demonstrates pre-calving acid–base status

Table 8.17. Guidelines on trace elements and vitamins most frequently encountered in dairy practice.

Trace Uses/effects of
element/vitamin suboptimal status Requirements Comments

Cu Primary deficiency is Controversial – dietary levels Diagnosis of secondary deficiency is difficult –

rare; secondary >40 mg/kg DM can be toxic; caeruloplasmin:plasma Cu ratio may be a better
deficiency – scour, depends on the presence of indicator than plasma alone; liver biopsies (or abattoir
coat colour changes, antagonists (Mo, S, Fe); certain sampling) and feed analysis can help; liver biopsies
reduced reproductive pastures (‘teart’) in some and liver enzymes may be worth monitoring to
function geographical areas contain prevent over-supplementation
excess Mo; maize silage is
low in antagonists
Se Immune function; can 0.3 mg/kg DM Blood tests normally assay glutathione peroxidase

A. Hayton et al.
cause retained fetal activity in erythrocytes and will be historical due to
membranes (there are their long lifespan (~120 days); serum Se levels can
many other causes too); be assayed too
involved in iodine metabolism
(conversion of T4 to T3)
I Reduced fertility in both 0.5 mg/kg DM should cover Thyroxine (T4) and plasma inorganic iodine (PII) often
sexes; fetal death requirements even in the assayed; T4 is an indicator of longer-term status but
presence of goitrogens; is affected by the metabolic status of the animal too;
supplementation levels PII reflects recent intake; Se status affects I metabo-
often higher than requirements lism and should also be assayed; fetal thyroid
required when investigating fetal death
Co Required for vitamin B12 0.11–0.35 mg/kg DM Deficiency unlikely in supplemented dairy cattle; liver
production and vitamin B12 content <0.1 mg/g wet weight is consid-
gluconeogenesis; ered indicative of cobalt deficiency; abattoir sampling
failure to grow, unthriftiness commonly used in NZ to monitor herd status; urinary
methylmalonic acid (MMA) can be used
Zn Involved in several Affected by several antagonists
reproductive and including Cu and Ca;
metabolic pathways; ~35 mg/kg DM, legal limit
reduced horn quality is 300 mg/kg DM
and parakeratosis of skin
Mn Necessary for mucopoly- Requirements poorly defined;

saccharide synthesis; >22 mg/kg DM with toxicity at

growth abnormalities concentrations >1000 mg/kg
in neonates and ataxia DM; a cow producing 40 l/day
reproductive failure requires 333 mg
Vitamin A B-carotene is the precursor Depends on background level, Abundant precursor (β-carotene) present in fresh grass;
of vitamin A and is ~110 iu/kg DM most likely time for deficiency is during the latter
required for rhodopsin stages of the winter housing, especially when maize
(needed for night vision) silage is the predominant forage source
and corpus luteum
Vitamin E Antioxidant, often used as Depends on background level, Abundant precursor (α-tocopherol) present in fresh
part of mastitis control ~20 iu/kg DM (500 iu/cow); grass; most likely time for deficiency is after winter

Nutritional Management of Herd Health

strategy in dry period transition diets often housing
management supplemented with
1000–1500 iu/cow

252 A. Hayton et al.

feeding of cows will not be achieved if the (while the new hierarchy is established) and,
cows and feed are not managed appropri- in a situation where competition for resources
ately. The potential for error in formulation, exists, it will be the less dominant animals,
preparation and delivery of feed and the typically heifers, that will suffer the greatest
subsequent intake of the ration by the cows disruption to their behavioural needs.
is vast, and consequently cows often do not Cows have peak feed intakes just after
perform on a ration as predicted. Monitoring milking and after the delivery of fresh feed.
these related activities is an essential com- Meal times are divided into approximately
ponent of herd health management, as inad- 30 min episodes and there are on average
equacies in this area will limit milk yield around 10 of these meals per day, though
and negatively impact on production and this number varies with parity, yield and
health. This is of particular concern during days post-calving. Dry matter intake increases
the transition and early postpartum period, by approximately 1.5–2.5 kg/week during
where even relatively small effects on nutri- the first 3 weeks of lactation. Generally, older
tion have been demonstrated to have impor- cows have a more rapid rate of increase in
tant deleterious effects on health. DMI during the first 5 weeks post-partum
than primiparous cows. As lactation
The importance of normal cow behaviour progresses, total daily eating time, meal fre-
quency and meal duration are increased. If a
The most effective and welfare-friendly sys- cow is restricted from feeding for a prolonged
tem of managing a cow is one that allows the period, then the lost time will be made up by
cow to accomplish all her behavioural increasing feed intake at the remaining
requirements without any form of hindrance. meals, particularly at the initial meal, once
This constraint on behaviour can result from that restriction is lifted. This is termed slug
the physical environment, the time a cow feeding and is considered undesirable
has to perform certain behaviours or as a because it results in reduced ruminal buffer-
result of competition from other cows in the ing and thus ruminal disruption, particularly
herd. In order to understand what to moni- if the ration is poorly mixed, prone to sorting
tor to detect deviation from this require- or has a high proportion of concentrate.
ment, it is important to understand what
these behavioural requirements are. DRINKING. A cow’s requirement for water is
affected by the DM content of the diet, exer-
FEEDING. Cows are habitual creatures and cise level, food intake, milk yield, the envi-
divide their day up into distinct patterns of ronment and the quality of water. Cows will
eating, drinking, resting and ruminating, drink approximately 14 times per day, con-
each of which has individual time require- suming approximately 13 ± 5 l/h, with a total
ments. The total time taken to perform these time spent drinking of 30 min per day. As with
behaviours, along with other minor behav- feeding, cows prefer to drink together, and to
iours, is considered to be around 21 h. If the alternate drinking with feeding and also to
management policy disrupts these require- drink after being milked. More than a quarter
ments (e.g. excessive milking time), research of the daily fresh water intake is met during
suggests these will be an adverse effect on the 2 h after each milking, and almost 75% of
cow health and performance. the fresh water intake occurs during working
Cows, as herd animals, prefer to perform hours (06.00–19.00 h). Even a small limitation
behaviours as a group, and thus the sight of in water intake, such as 0.5–1.0 kg/day, has
one cow feeding will stimulate other cows to been described as having negative impacts on
feed. If cows are prevented from acting in DM intake. Water quality will affect palatabil-
synchronicity, this trait will be diminished ity, and the presence of undesirable compo-
and the behaviour reduced. Cows are also nents, such as toxins, can be deleterious to the
hierarchical and this has two important con- health of the cow. Cows tend to prefer to drink
sequences. Changes to a group structure will warm water (25°C versus 7°C), whatever the
result in disruption to normal behaviours environmental temperature.
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 253

RESTING. A cow’s desire to rest is very observed will depend on the level of competi-
strong and is illustrated by the fact that, tion for resources they would otherwise expe-
when cows are restricted from both the feed rience. An observation of suboptimal heifer
and resting space, they will make up for the performance in relation to that of cows, partic-
lost time resting at the expense of feeding ularly in terms of yield and fertility, could well
time rather than the other way round. indicate that there is excessive competition for
Resting has been shown to take priority over resources in the herd generally. The poorer the
feeding in a cow’s time budget, with an heifer performance, the greater is the case for
additional 1.5 h/day standing time associ- their being managed separately.
ated with a 45 min reduction in feeding time. When evaluating competition for feed
Furthermore, since cows prefer to ruminate access, it is most germane to focus on the
when resting, any impact on resting behav- key areas of transition and early lactation, as
iour has the potential to impact on the restrictions in these areas will have the most
quality and quantity of rumination and con- profound impact (likewise, it is important
sequently on ruminal function. In particular, to note that separate grouping does not need
poor resting and ruminating is considered a to occur for the whole lactation and could
risk factor for SARA. As a consequence, there be restricted to one or both of these critical
appears to be a strong correlation between periods). Problems related to excessive com-
resting times and yield; this is based on the petition for heifers will be compounded if
observation that the highest-yielding cows they have not adapted to their post-partum
are those that rest the most, with each addi- environment. Therefore, cubicle training
tional hour of rest promoting an extra 1.45 kg and introduction to the parlour and milking
of milk per day. It is important to note that cow environment is an important desirable
resting requirements are not only the pre- objective of maiden heifer management.
serve of the lactating cow but also the dry
cow, with research indicating that transition
cows that ruminate and rest for longer are NUMBER OF GROUP CHANGES: TRANSITION AND CALV-
more productive post-partum. ING. Management changes around calv-
ing time are critical to fresh cow health, with
factors that compound the natural reduction
Monitoring feeding: changes to cow groups in DM intake in this period being particu-
The three principal areas that need to be mon- larly relevant. It has been proposed that only
itored, particularly within the peri-parturient around 30% of the variation in DMI may be
period, in relation to grouping are (i) the explained by dietary and animal factors,
impact of grouping on sub-dominant animals; suggesting that management factors account
(ii) the number of group changes an animal for 70% of the variation. Changes to group
experiences; and (iii) the impact that group structure will result in a period of altered
size will have on the cow’s time budget. behaviour while cows redefine the new hier-
The argument for separate grouping of archy of the group, and this disruption will
heifers stems from two factors: last for 48 h. Group changes are therefore
considered to have a significantly negative
1. They are generally the smallest and most impact on DMI, with an increased number
subordinate animals in a herd and therefore of group changes resulting in more social
the most obvious group to be susceptible to perturbation and a greater effect on DMI.
the stress of group changes and bullying. Consequently, the method and frequency
2. The differences in feed behaviour and with which group changes are performed
intake between older and younger cows. needs to be managed and monitored care-
fully. Ideally, group changes within a herd
HEIFERS. There is a general perception and should occur no more frequently than once
some evidence that heifers, if managed sepa- per week, are better performed as a batch
rately, perform better than if managed with than as an individual, and performed in the
other cows. The extent of the improvement evening rather than in the morning.
254 A. Hayton et al.

It should be borne in mind that the FEED FACE DESIGN. Cows are reported to eat
freshly calved cow will often be weak and for longer and produce more saliva when
tired and therefore susceptible to competi- they eat in a natural grazing position with
tion. Management of such cows should their head 10–15 cm above their foot
ensure that they are not placed in an envi- height. Raised feed troughs above 45 cm
ronment that will expose them to the risk of will result in dominant cows controlling
excess competition and bullying. A further more of the feed face, thereby reducing the
significant observation in this area is that effective feed area. Cows will spend less
cows that spend a prolonged period in a time at a head-to-head feeder than at a
maternity pen (3–5 days as opposed to 1–2 fenceline design, and this can be reflected
days) are at a higher risk of lowered produc- in reduced intake. Post and rail designs
tivity, culling, increased body fat mobiliza- appear to be more accommodating for cows
tion, displaced abomasum and ketosis. to feed at, as compared with headlocks,
Therefore it is recommended that, provided resulting in increases in feeding time and
the cow is in a physiologically suitable less inactive standing at the feed area,
state, that she should be moved from the although lower hierarchical cows may be
calving pen within the first 24 h. displaced less often in headlock designs.
Therefore, if feed space is limited, head-
TIME BUDGETS AND MILKING. Given the require- locks may be useful in reducing competi-
ment for cows to have 21 h to perform their tion and consequently displacement of a
daily behaviour requirements, it is impor- cow’s lower status in the hierarchy. The
tant that groups are managed in such a way physical condition of the trough surface
that total milking time (including time in also needs to be assessed – cows are likely
the pre- and post-milking yards) does not to eat more when presented with a smooth
exceed 3 h per day. floor (e.g. plastic or tile-lined) than with a
rough surface.

WATER PROVISION. There should be at least

Monitoring feeding: competition for resources
two water troughs per housed group and
FEED SPACE REQUIREMENTS. Stocking density at these should be located away from direct
the feed face, particularly in the transition sunlight and dead ends of passageways
period, has been linked to compromised cow and close to the feed and lying area of the
health and reduced productivity and fertil- cows. There should be adequate space for
ity. Increasing feed space reduces aggressive cows to move freely around the troughs –
interactions between cows and results in failure to provide this will result in domi-
increased feed activity, particularly for sub- nant cows inhibiting access to the trough.
ordinate cows. A further problem with a Troughs should be located in the loafing
reduced feed space is that dominant cows area post-milking because cows drink
may attempt to ‘sort’ (preferentially eat dif- 50–60% of their total intake post-milking,
ferent components of the ration), resulting in with a linear trough space per cow exiting
less dominant animals not only eating less the parlour of 0.3–0.6m. Total linear space
but also eating a poorer ration. for water provision should be 10 cm per
Suitable feed space allocation is con- cow in the herd. Water pressure should be
sidered to be 0.75 m per cow (for a Holstein- sufficient to avoid cows waiting for a drink.
Friesian). However, in the transition period, Deep troughs should be avoided (no deeper
feed space allocation should be 20% higher than 30 cm) to reduce water stagnation and
for both fenceline feeding systems and aid cleaning.
headlocks. Therefore it is recommended Water quality will also impact on intake.
that cows are stocked at 80% of normal The prime anti-quality factors known to affect
capacity (i.e. to provide ten headlocks to dairy cattle and the interference levels associ-
eight cows or, in feedline systems, a feed- ated with these are (i) total dissolved solids
space of 0.9 m per cow). >7000 ppm; (ii) sulfur/sulfates >200 ppm;
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 255

(iii) nitrates >130 ppm; and (iv) iron >0.3 ppm. prompt further management methods to
Further information on this subject can be reduce the effect of heat stress on the cows.
found at Further information on this subject can be
extension/dairy/nutrition/pdf/water.pdf. found at
A subjective initial assessment however is extension/dairy/pdf/heatstress.pdf.
more practical – simply ask whether you
would be willing to drink from the trough. PHOTOPERIOD. Photoperiod is defined as
When assessing the adequacy of water sup- the duration of light to which an animal is
ply, look for confrontations at the trough, par- exposed within a 24 h period. It is defined
ticularly after milking – if they are observed, in day length: a long day length is consid-
increased availability is required. ered to be 16–18 h of continuous exposure
to light, while a short day length is <12 h.
Monitoring feeding: the cow’s environment There are a variety of published papers
suggesting that milk production increases
A variety of aspects of the cow’s environment with increased day length relative to cows
are important to optimize nutrition and under natural photoperiod day lengths,
production. Excellent cow comfort and venti- with a typical response to artificially
lation are important areas and are discussed increasing the day length being ~2 l/cow/
in other chapters. Some additional aspects of day (further information on the require-
the cow’s environment are highlighted ments to create this environment can cur-
below. rently be found at http://www.livestocktrail.
HEAT STRESS. A primary consequence of
heat stress is a drop in feed intake, and heat
stress has the capacity to severely reduce a Monitoring feeding: food management
cow’s health and productivity. Monitoring
for heat stress is based on measuring both FOOD PREPARATION. The ration fed can be
temperature and humidity and then com- completely different from that formulated if
paring these with the temperature and mistakes are made in its preparation and
humidity index (THI). When humidity lev- presentation. The two main sources of vari-
els are <30%, cows can generally handle ation, when estimating DM intakes, are
temperatures up to 32°C without a drop in human error and variation in forage dry
production; however, when humidity levels matter. The following are common exam-
increase to 80% or higher, a drop in produc- ples of why divergence from a formulated
tion may be observed at temperatures as low diet occurs and should be assessed.
as 21–23°C. The problem is exaggerated if
1. Farmer ‘interpretation’ of the supplied
temperatures remain high at night so that
ration formulation to account for issues of
cows cannot cool down.
supply and rounding (e.g. a nutritionist may
Housing can significantly affect the
work to three decimal places of a single kil-
environmental temperature that cows expe-
ogram, while farmers often work to 25 kg
rience. Increases in the region of 10°C
units for bagged products and 50 kg units
between housed cattle and the outside envi-
for forages and straights).
ronmental temperature are not uncommon,
2. Communication errors between the oper-
particularly in poorly designed, under-
ator responsible for feeding and the farmer:
ventilated buildings. Consequently even
relatively mild external temperatures at high • The operator responsible is not aware of
humidity could be significant where cattle the protocols and procedures for mixing
are housed. Monitoring of both the internal such as the order of addition, time for mix-
and external humidity and temperature can ing and maximum and minimum loads.
allow an understanding of this dynamic, • Diet sheets/protocols do not provide for
and consequently an understanding of what changes in DM of forage and changes in
external environmental conditions should group size.
256 A. Hayton et al.

3. Practical considerations in using the feeding The frequency with which the latter
equipment: two methods are employed will depend on
the size of the unit (cost of error higher), the
• Difficulties are encountered in cutting performance of the cows and whether con-
silage blocks to required weights or cerns have been raised by other aspects of
dropping straights from a loader bucket monitoring.
into the mixer wagon (i.e. driver-
dependent errors). DISCRIMINATION (SORTING) OF THE DIET. If cows
• Weigh scales are inaccurate or not are able to discriminate and select different
clearly visible. ration components (‘sorting’), this can result
• There are worn or broken parts in the in the consumption of a very inconsistent
mixer wagon. ration. Sorting is thought to contribute to
• Straights were not mixed prior to load- ruminal dysfunction such as SARA and var-
ing (this can reduce time and increase iation in performance due to cows eating
accuracy). ‘unbalanced’ diets. However, a recent study
4. Dry matter variation for by-products and of sorting found that, despite large differ-
forages can be marked, and these are there- ences in particle size and some chewing
fore frequently very different from what was and ruminating differences, no changes in
estimated for rationing (the monitoring of ruminal fermentation, milk production or
DM is discussed later). milk components were found. Typically,
long particles are selected against, resulting
To account for the human component in some meals having much greater grain
there is no substitute for good verbal com- content than intended. Cow sorting can lead
munication between all parties involved in to multiple ‘rations’ being consumed by ani-
the feeding operation, and the first stage in mals apparently fed the same ration. To
monitoring should involve speaking to the minimize sorting, the aim should be for the
person who actually feeds the cows to find forage particle size to be mostly between 0.9
out what is truly being fed. A more quantita- and 2.7 cm.
tive analysis of feeding accuracy can be
gained by: SIGNS OF SORTING.

1. Comparing the expected level of feed • presence of fibre being left over in a
used, be this straights or forage, with the mix (usually >10 cm);
actual amount fed. This is frequently the • ‘holes’ eaten into the TMR in the trough;
issue that indicates a possible problem. • variation in faecal consistency and
2. Assessing that a uniform mix is distrib- composition; and
uted among all the cows. This should be • a large variation in the proportions of
undertaken regularly, at least weekly, and particle size on the Penn State separa-
can be assessed at its simplest by identify- tor trays between freshly delivered feed
ing whether the proportion of an easily and feed in the trough left 12 h later.
identifiable straight is the same at various
sites in the feed trough. FEED DELIVERY. Cows are habitual and there-
3. A more accurate method of assessment fore benefit from being fed at a consistent
can be performed by identifying whether time each day. Feeding twice daily does pro-
the relative proportions of particle sizes on vide the advantage of a reduction in wasted
the Penn State separator trays are the same feed, as cows can be fed more accurately.
at various sites along the feed trough. There is evidence that providing the delivery
4. Intermittent sampling of the TMR for DM of fresh feed a few hours after the time cows
and analysis using near-infrared spectroscopy return from the parlour may be beneficial in
(NIRS) or wet chemistry (DM, crude protein, terms of intake, since this avoids the overlap
NDF, macro-minerals) and comparison of the of the two greatest stimuli to feed, namely
results with the formulated ration. milking and the provision of fresh feed.
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 257

Prior to a fresh allocation of feed, the Monitoring grazed grass

feed trough should be cleaned out to remove
spoiled feed. Cows should have access to While it is unlikely that a herd health advi-
the trough for at least 21 h each day. To max- sor will always be directly involved in the
imize intake and provide for true ad lib monitoring of grazing, understanding the
feeding there should be a target of 5%, and principles and practices governing this area
certainly no less than 2%, feed remaining in is very useful when working with farms
the trough prior to the delivery of fresh feed. where grazed grass is a significant propor-
If this is not the case, it is likely that cows tion of the diet. Failure to manage grazing
are not consuming the formulated diet and correctly will increase the risk of a shortfall
this should prompt investigation into the in supply and potentially jeopardize the
reasons – for example, the DM content of future quality and productivity of the sward,
the forages should be checked. with consequent deleterious impacts on the
Despite the fact that presentation of nutrition of the herd.
feed is recognized as a strong stimulus to
feed, there is little evidence to show that MONITORING THE QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF GRAZ-
providing fresh feed more than once per day ING. Monitoring the quantity and quality
increases DMI, provided the feed remains of grazing on a weekly basis throughout the
stable (a function of the environmental con- year is vital in determining both short- and
ditions and inherent stability of the feed). long-term decisions on the manipulation of
Pushing up feed can encourage cows to eat grazing management, to ensure that there is
more, but principally will be of benefit only sufficient feed available to maximize DMI
where they cannot reach the feed or where and that the sward’s quality and productiv-
there is relatively little feed left, as cows do ity is maintained. The best method of assess-
not like licking feed directly off the floor ment of quantity is from the estimation of
surface, particularly if that surface is rough. the kilograms of DM within a sward, termed
the ‘field cover’, with a score range from
UNDERTAKING REGULAR FEEDING EVALUATIONS. The 1 to 5 reflecting a change from 1500 kg/DM
frequency with which the parameters per- grass/ha (the post-grazing target) to 3500 kg/
taining to the monitoring of feeding are DM grass/ha, respectively (a rise of 500 kg/
assessed will be highly dependent on the DM grass/ha per point). Although it is pos-
size of the farm and the system of manage- sible with experience to develop reasonable
ment. Common sense should dictate the visual estimations of likely cover, the use of
necessity for monitoring a particular area, a rising plate meter or new scanning tech-
and thus if cow numbers are constant within nology provides more accurate data, which
a group there is no point in measuring the are very useful when calculating growth
adequacy of the physical facilities, as this rates accurately.
will remain constant. Table 8.18 summa- An understanding of quality can be
rizes the areas discussed above that should made by basic assessment of the species of
be measured, and provides recommended plant and appearance of the swards. Open
measures of how often this should occur swards (no plant material), high levels
and in which groups. of weed species, large areas of rejected
grazing, low levels of clover and an overt
amount of dead or dying leaf matter are all
indicators of reduced quality and are all
Monitoring feeding: forages easily observed when walking the pastures.
The focus should be on developing a sward
The forage component of the diet is not only where the energy content is consistently at
the most significant but also the most varia- or above 11.5 ME/kg DM by ensuring it
ble part of a dairy cow’s diet and regular contains a high level of live leaf and rye-
evaluations of forage, whether grazed or con- grass species. Monitoring the ratio of live to
served, are consequently very important. dead leaf in the sward provides a good
Table 8.18. Recommended measures and frequencies for monitoring aspects of feed management.

Frequency of monitoring Comments

Grouping policy
Maximum group size Every 6 months – dependent on calving
pattern and herd size
Average duration in group
Moved as individuals or in batches Annual
Heifers trained to cubicles Annual
Feeding trough management
Liner trough space or no. headlocks per cow Essential for transition cows
Floor height of trough
Neck rail height
Fenceline/head-to-head? Assuming no changes to farm faciltities,
only needs measuring once

A. Hayton et al.
Troughs clean? (Y/N) Daily Staff should be trained to recognize this
Feed distributed along length of face? (Y/N) Daily
Water trough management
Water trough space
No. troughs per group
Depth of troughs
Maximum distance from cubicles Assuming no changes to farm faciltities,
only needs measuring once
Restricted space around troughs? (Y/N)
Trough in loafing area and linear space offered?
Troughs clean? (Y/N) Weekly
Water temperature Every 3 months
No. rows cubicles in house Assuming no changes to farm faciltities,
only needs measuring once
Width of feeding alley
Cow comfort assessment Monthly
Feed preparation
Parlour feeders calibrated Monthly
Staff trained in feed preparation? (Y/N) Annual or after staff change
Straights mixed prior to loading? (Y/N) As required
Diet sheets available with forage DM -

increments and animal numbers?

Scales visible and calibrated? (Y/N) Monthly
Mix delivered with uniform consistency? Daily Staff should be trained to recognize this
Evidence of sorting? Daily
Time spent away from feed for milking, Every 6 months – dependent on calving
feeding, scraping, etc. pattern and herd size
Feeding frequency
Feed pushed up/frequency Annual Staff should be trained to recognize this
Feed left before new feed delivered (%) Daily
Physical nature of feed

Nutritional Management of Herd Health

Abnormal odour?(Y/N) Daily Staff should be trained to recognize this
Evidence of mould? (Y/N) Daily
Evidence of heating? (Y/N) Daily
Chopped length of forages Monthly
How often is DM of forages checked? Monthly
How often are feed analyses done? Monthly

260 A. Hayton et al.

understanding of the D-value (organic have four leaves, the fourth leaf at the
matter digestibility) of the grazing with a bottom of the tiller will be dead. This is
target for this value to be always greater obviously undesirable as it will reduce the
than 65%. plant’s nutritional quality and will also
lead to reduced productivity, as leaf death
MONITORING GRASS GROWTH. Monitoring sward and decay have already commenced.
cover every week will allow the plotting and Conversely, if a tiller is re-grazed before the
calculation of the level of growth that occurs emergence of the second leaf, this severely
on individual pastures. This is usful when reduces the vigour of the plant and subse-
calculating rotation length and in the moni- quent regrowth. Consequently, monitoring
toring of the grazing wedge (see below). It the emergence of these leaves allows the
will also allow the assessment of average best pre- and post-graze points to be estab-
farm cover, which is the farm cover divided lished, and can help determine whether
by the hectares available for grazing. The the correct rotation lengths have been
average cover provides a very effective way of established.
planning forage supply throughout the year,
and budgeting sward availability. As an SETTING THE DM INTAKE FROM GRAZING. The deci-
example, the following targets are recom- sion about the targeted level of DMI for cows
mended in the UK for average farm cover is fundamental to successful productivity
(courtesy of the DairyCo grass + programme; and to the health of the cow. Unfortunately,
Table 8.19). monitoring DMI from grazing is very diffi-
A further refinement to monitoring cult but some level of estimation can be
growth is to monitor the number of leaves made from the reduction in the sward’s
on a number of rye grass tillers, because rye cover following a period of grazing and,
grass tillers support only three green leaves; where an extra feed (buffer) is fed, subtract-
if the plant becomes sufficiently mature to ing this quantity from the overall value for

Table 8.19. Proposed UK average farm cover targets.

Montha Target cover (average) Comments

Turnout At least 1900–2000 kg Fields of 2500 kg DM/ha or more (grade 3) should be

DM/ha grazed first
Late April 1800 kg DM/ha Average farm cover is likely to fall after turnout until
‘magic day’, when grass growth matches grazing
demand, usually around 1 May
May–August 2500–3000 kg DM/ha Fields should be grazed when they reach 2800 kg
DM/ha; the highest covers are eaten first and the
remainder should be cut for silage or topped if
grass growth is ahead
Early September 2500–3000kg DM/ha Fields to be grazed should carry a cover of 3500 kg
DM/ha (grade 5); as this will be the penultimate
grazing, fields that may become waterlogged should
be grazed first; fields should be grazed well down to
1500 kg DM/ha (grade 1)
Late September 2500–3000 kg DM/ha Fields should be grazed at no more than 3500 kg DM/
ha; pre-grazing covers of >3500 kg DM/ha should be
avoided to encourage autumn/winter tillering and
the production of thick swards the following season
October–late 1900–2000 kg DM/ha Grazing should be terminated when average farm
November cover drops to 2000 kg DM/ha; any paddocks grazed
from mid-October should not be re-grazed
Throughout the season, swards should be grazed to a field cover of 1500 kg DM/ha (grade 1) and a height of 4–5 cm.
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 261

expected DMI. Understanding the processes YIELD. Supplementation is necessary where

that govern the setting of the target DMI for a there is likely to be a shortfall in DMI as a
group or herd is vital, as this will allow an result of inadequate quantity or quality (low
understanding of whether such targets are D-value or DM content), and also where
realistic in relation to both animal factors grazing will not meet the dietary require-
(such as the target yield) or the genetic base ments of high-yielding cows (usually
of the herd and the pasture conditions. defined as those producing >25 l). This is
The maximum DMI from grazing is due either to a direct shortfall in supply
considered to be 17–18 kg of grass under and/or dietary imbalance. These imbalances
optimal grazing and sward conditions. The result from inadequate levels of undegrada-
following factors need to be considered ble protein, starch and fibre and excess
when determining the actual DMI selected. degradable protein. The consequence of
supplementation of the cow’s grass DMI will
SWARD QUANTITY. If the average farm cover is to a large extent depend on (i) the quantity
falling below target and additional grazing area of grass available: if grazing is in short sup-
is not available, the introduction of increased ply, supplementation will have little effect
levels of nutritional supplementation will be and vice versa for high levels of grass avail-
required to avoid future shortfalls in grazing. ability; (ii) the nature of the supplement: in
general forages have high substitution rates
SWARD CHARACTERISTICS. As DM falls in a (the reduction in grazing intake from grass
sward, a greater fresh weight of grass will silage supplementation when adequate graz-
need to be eaten to maintain the same level ing is available has been shown to be almost
of DMI. For instance, a fall in sward DM from 0.9 kg DM for every 1.0 kg DM fed), whereas
20 to 15% means that cows need to consume concentrates will substitute to a lesser extent
an additional 25 kg of fresh sward to main- (0.4 kg DM for every 1.0 kg DM fed).
tain the same daily DMI. In practice, the As the nutrient quality of well-managed
lower the sward DM, the more likely it is that swards is usually higher (higher energy and
cows will be unable to achieve target DMI crude protein and lower fibre content) than
because they run out of grazing time. The the same plant material harvested as silage
daily amount of fresh weight of grass that a or hay, unnecessary substitution is undesir-
cow can eat is subject to debate and, though able and will result in reduced productivity
there are instances of cows reportedly eating of the animal and reduced quality of the
considerably more than this, a figure of 80 kg sward, as well as increased feed costs.
fresh weight is a reasonable maximum target.
Similarly, as the D-value of the herbage GENETIC BASE OF THE HERD. While the advan-
decreases below 68%, this will result in tages of optimizing the potential DMI from
decreased intake. A frequently quoted figure grazing are obvious, if over-optimistic
for D-value in regard to DMI is that a 1% fall intakes are predicted this will result in
in dry matter digestibility (DMD) is estimated reduced nutrient intakes. When assessing
to result in a fall in daily DM intake of 0.6 kg the level of risk can be taken, the genetic
DM. Thus, as D-values decrease through the base of the herd needs to be considered pri-
summer, so will intake of grass. marily and, to a lesser extent, the average
Sward mass, height and uniformity are yield, number of days in milk and the pro-
also important variables that can signifi- portion of heifers in the herd. Cows with a
cantly affect pasture intake, with the higher high genetic merit for milk production are
and thicker the sward the greater the intake. far more prone to metabolic disturbance if
Herbage intake can be maximized by offer- their DMI is compromised, particularly in
ing a good-quality, tall, dense sward. High- early lactation. Heifers are less able to
yielding cows need leafy swards with an achieve high DMI from grazing than their
average field cover of 2800– 3000 kg DM/ha. multiparous counterparts.
These should be removed from the allocated Thus more conservative estimates for
field when grass reaches a height of 6–8 cm. DMI need to be made when dealing with
262 A. Hayton et al.

these cows than with Friesian or Channel can be derived from the following parame-
Island breeds, which will tend to respond to ters: rotation (round) length, DM intake/
inadequacies of intake by simply reducing cow, number of cows and current grazing
yield rather than developing metabolic area, and is calculated by the following
complications. It should also be borne in equation.
mind, when grazing high-yielding cows,
that on average Holsteins will achieve 20% Pre-grazing cover = (DMI × no. of cows)/
greater DMI when presented with a TMR (grazing area/rotation length)
than by grazing alone, and it is reasonable +1450 kg DM/ha (post-grazing target).
on this basis to question whether high-
yielding, early-lactation cows should be Thus, for example, in a 270-cow herd graz-
expected to graze at all. ing 55 ha where the rotation length is 21 days
and the expected DMI is 14 kg, the pre-grazing
target is
WEDGE. The best way to calculate, plot (14 × 270)/(55/21) + 1450
and monitor the status of the grazing supply
is via the use of a grazing wedge. This tech- = 2893 kg DM/ha.
nique employs the use of a target line to
allow a very easy means of predicting short- The target line is derived by under-
falls or surpluses in grass supply (see standing the required growth figure, which
Fig. 8.1). The key to the creation of a wedge in turn is calculated by
is to understand the target for the pre-grazing
cover. This can be set by using targets for Daily growth required (kg DM/ha)
the time of the year, as discussed above, or = (no. of cows × DMI)/grazing area.

Paddocks with grazing cover above target
Target line derived from growth
3000 requirement figure
Grass cover (kg DM/ ha)

Paddocks below target indicating potential
2000 forthcoming grazing shortfall






Coombe Top
Coombe Bottom
Seaborough Hill 3

Seaborough Hill 1
Seaborough Hill 2
Clapton Wood 1
Clapton Wood 2
Clapton Left
Heifer Field 1

Eleven Two
Channels Left
Bunglow 1
Channels Right
Bunglow 2
Bunglow Paddock

Clapton Right
Seaborough Corner (T)
Seaborough Corner (B)

Heifer Field 2


Paddock name or number

Fig. 8.1. Example of a grazing wedge. The columns indicate the grass cover of individual paddocks. Where
a column exceeds the target line there is a potential surplus to be removed as silage; conversely, paddocks
below the line show a potential forthcoming deficit in grazing supply. Observation of these patterns allows
management decisions to be taken before the issues materialize and cause problems.
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 263

Thus in our same example the target well compacted silage being higher (700 kg/m3)
would be (e.g. 900 m3 × 600 kg/m3 = 540,000 kg).
3. Estimate how long the clamp will last at
Daily growth required the current feed rate using the amount of
= (270 × 14)/55 = 68 kg DM/ha silage fed per head via the ration. It is advis-
able to allow 10–15% for wastage in collect-
The measurements taken from the ing and feeding (e.g. 200 cows being fed
examination of the covers to determine the 15 kg/head/day = [540,000 × 0.85]/[200 ×
growth rate (see above) can then be used to 15] = 153 days).
create the columns on the wedge and
A slightly less accurate method can be
thereby allow decisions on potential forth-
employed in herds with ad lib access to feed
coming shortfalls or surpluses of grazing to
or poor diet records by estimating the
be taken (Fig. 8.1).
number of metres removed from the face of
the clamp over a set time period, and pro-
Monitoring conserved forages jecting forwards (e.g. a herd with a 30 m
clamp losing 2 m off the face per week will
FORAGE INTAKES. When assessing on-farm last 15 weeks).
forages it is important to establish how
much the cows are currently eating, because
FORAGE QUALITY. Variability in feed quality
intakes are frequently overestimated. When
grass is involved this has to be estimated changes the balance of nutrients and may
too, but in housed cows forage intake can change feed stability and palatability. Early
usually be established fairly accurately. If lactation cows naturally have limitations on
care is taken in obtaining correct DM and DMI, and high quality forages provide a
allowing for wastage, the results can be very high level of nutrients from the feed. While
enlightening and frequently explain prob- silage analysis is an invaluable tool in pre-
lems of poor milk yield, cow health and dicting the nutrient and fermentative qual-
milk quality. Common average forage intakes ity of what usually forms the main
for herds are between 10.0 and 12.5 kg DM, component of the diet, it cannot be overem-
depending on forage types and palatability. phasized that it remains only a guide to the
likely feeding value. Farmers will often
obtain just one analysis for a particular
clamp for its entire feeding period.
the amount of conserved forage and the rate
Dependency on a single report to ensure the
of consumption is critical to ensure that
ongoing health and productivity of animals
there are sufficient reserves to last until new
will result in erroneous conclusions, as
forages become available. Having to pur-
there will be large variation within and
chase silage or by-product forage ‘extend-
between clamps of forages in relation to
ers’ is financially undesirable and,
their physical and chemical characteristics.
occasionally, logistically difficult. Basic cal-
Samples should be taken from the silage
culations can therefore be made to provide
face in a ‘W’ pattern and then mixed thor-
estimates of rates of progression through the
oughly on a clean surface before sending
~300 g to a laboratory for analysis. The analy-
1. Take approximate measurements of the sis from NIRS is based on a prediction rather
length, width and height of the silage clamp than a direct measurement and, consequently,
to give an approximate volume (e.g. 30 × results should be interpreted with caution.
10 × 3 m = 900 m3). At present, since laboratories use a wide
2. Work out the fresh-weight density of the variety of techniques, there are no agreed
whole clamp. The fresh-weight density of NIRS calculations for nutritive values, for
silage is approximately 600 kg/m3, with wet, whole-crop or leguminous silage or for
long-chopped and poorly compacted silage organic bi-crop energy. Therefore, if whole-
being lower (~500 kg/m3) and fine-chopped, crop cereal or lucerne silage is intended to
264 A. Hayton et al.

form a significant part of the diet, it would increase chewing activity and to increase
seem prudent to use primary (wet chemistry) saliva flow, ruminal pH, acetate:propionate
analytic methods to assess quality. Aspects of ratios and milk fat levels. Conversely, exces-
feed quality to monitor are DM content, sive amounts of long, coarse forage may also
chemical analysis results, physical charac- limit intake and digestibility, ultimately af-
teristics, palatability, stability, mould and fecting the energy balance of the animal.
appearance. The Penn State separator helps determine
whether the right balance of particle size has
DM CONTENT. The monitoring of forage been achieved (Table 8.20). Detailed instruc-
DM on a regular basis is extremely impor- tions on the practical use of the Penn State
tant as this will vary considerably within a separator can be found at http://www.das.
clamp, and failure to correct for this will
lead to errors in feeding. The exact fre- tion/pdf/evaluating-particle-size-of-forages.
quency that is adopted will be dependent pdf/. In temperate conditions, with wet-
on the farmer, observations of unexpected ter rations (typically 40–45% DM) the fine
variation in performance and intake of the particles tend to stick to the wetter forage
cows and on changes in the appearance and and confound the results. Another problem
characteristics of the clamp. However, as a is that grass silage tends to weave together
minimum, this monitoring should occur and does not necessarily fall through the
monthly, assuming there are no changes top sieve despite smaller particle sizes – it
between clamps during this time. Samples therefore needs to be carefully teased apart.
need not be sent to a laboratory – analysis To overcome these factors it is best to dry
can be performed using an oven DM calcu- the TMR or the forages to a standard DM
lation. This can be undertaken using either before using the separator, and this does
microwave ovens, low-temperature heated detract from its on-farm usefulness.
ovens, Koster™ forage DM testers (similar to TMR physical characteristics: ‘open-
a large, inverted hair dryer) or adapted food ness’. This is very subjective, but useful;
dehydrators. healthy rations are generally ‘open’, i.e.
they spring open when squeezed. This
reflects their effective fibre content and
Assessment of forages using the Penn must be a function of rigidity or ‘scratch’,
State separator. The Penn State separator and also reflects the ration’s DM percentage.
comprises a series of three sieves of declin- Rations <40% DM and with inadequate
ing aperture size and thickness that allow long fibre tend to squash slightly rather than
the ration to be fractionated into varying spring open.
particle sizes. It works on the principle Secondary fermentation. This is the proc-
that increasing fibre level and forage par- ess in which feed begins to ferment again after
ticle size have been shown effectively to it is removed from storage, and is usually the

Table 8.20. US targets for the Penn State separator.

Screen Corn silage Haylage (lucerne) TMRa

Upper sieve (% of total) 3–8 10–20 2–8

Middle sieve (% of total) 45–65 45–75 30–50
Lower sieve (% of total) 30–40 20–30 30–50
Bottom pan (% of total) <5 <5 <20
When assessing rations where concentrate is fed outside the total mixed ration (TMR), it should
be remembered that parlour cake will sit in the bottom tray (<1.18 mm) since it is very finely
ground. These are US targets, and the proportion allocated to the upper sieves (specifically the
‘middle sieve’) will need to be greater where consistently higher butterfat is required.
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 265

result of incomplete fermentation when the Therefore, we recommend the follow-

feed was initially put into storage. Ferment- ing approach when reviewing nutrition as
ed or wet feeds are more likely to be unsta- part of a herd health programme.
ble and undergo secondary fermentation. In
1. Investigate cow responses to the offered
the heat of summer it will occur much more
ration as described in the earlier sections in
quickly than in the cold of winter. Since cows
terms of output (milk yield and constitu-
prefer not to eat feed that is hot and ferment-
ents), body condition, faecal consistency
ing again, harvesting and storage protocols
and metabolic response.
should be reviewed to prevent this from hap-
2. Place these observations in the context of
the metabolic disease history.
Aerobic spoilage occurs where
3. Build a picture of financial and physio-
• There is oxygen. logical performance and evaluate this over
• There is a plentiful carbohydrate source. time.
• There is a higher pH (this tends to occur 4. Evaluate environmental and manage-
in drier crops). ment factors that may be impacting on the
• There is a heavy inoculation of yeasts above responses to the formulated diet.
and moulds. 5. Audit, by DM testing, NIRS and wet
chemistry, the ration and its component
Simple assessments of secondary fer- feedstuffs in terms of its nutrient content.
mentation can involve examining the clamp 6. Note the previously described caveats;
or TMR to detect heating and mould forma- enter the ration actually eaten by the cows
tion. More involved assessments can be in a computer model as precisely as
made via laboratory analysis of mould and possible.
mycotoxin load and physical measurements
of the temperature of the feed. Having built a picture of the whole farm
feeding system, alterations can be made to
the formulated ration guided by these find-
ings. A summary of guidelines for manipu-
Key Concepts in Formulation lating the major macro-nutrients applicable
to the numerous formulation models is
To review ration formulation and make rec- given in Table 8.21.
ommendations as part of a herd health pro-
gramme, it is recommended that the herd
health advisor either undertakes specialized
training in diet formulation or works closely Control of Major Nutrition-
with a credible nutritionist. There are numer- related Disease
ous computer software systems and models
available, and the differences between these It has been reported in epidemiological stud-
lie in their energy and protein calculations ies that dystocia, milk fever, retained pla-
and in the feed databases upon which they centa, metritis, ketosis, displaced abomasum,
draw to make these calculations. Comparison fatty liver and lameness are interrelated.
of energy values and metabolizable protein Indeed, some authors position all these dis-
values between systems and models is there- eases together as the ‘peri-parturient disease
fore possible, but difficult in practice, since complex’. The relationship between these
they are subject to hundreds of variables diseases is not fully understood, but there
including default cow weights, yields, milk may be a common causality, possibly a pro-
components, environmental factors (temper- found disturbance of energy metabolism.
ature, humidity), activity measures and var- While the prevention of conditions associ-
ying fractional feed degradability. Even ated with reproduction and lameness is con-
differing software programs running the sidered in other chapters, we set out below
same formulation/rationing model may well the important aspects of preventing specific
give significantly differing outputs. nutrition-related diseases: hypocalcaemia,
Table 8.21. Summary guidelines for checking macro-nutrients in a ration formulation.

Minimum value and circumstances where this Maximum value and circumstances Typical (UK) values and
Nutrient parameter may be seen where this may be seen caveats

DMI (kg) 18.0 26.0 21.5

1. Poor forage quality. This is characterized by 1. Excellent forage quality, characterized For a 7000–8000-l herd, the
poor fermentation, showing high non-lactic, by low VFA and ammonia levels, high average figure would
VFA levels, ammonia levels or ash content. digestibility, zero weed contamination represent a feed conver-
Heavy faecal contamination prior to and no spoilage. No faecal sion efficiency of ~1.3 l 4%
cropping is typical, as is the presence of contamination prior to cropping. FCM/kg DM.
yeasts and moulds. Field weed contamination 2. Excellent bunk management practice,
favours such fermentation. Low digestibility including access and presentation.
affecting intake occurs when weeds are 3. Large cows of high genetic merit eat more.
present or old varieties or poor species are 4. Relatively low ‘days in milk’ for
used. Later harvest dates raise NDF content, the group.
which reduces intake.

A. Hayton et al.
2. Poor bunk management practice
(e.g. restricted access).
3. Small cows of low genetic merit eat less.
4. High incidence of herd disease (e.g. lameness)

fNDF (% ration DM) 18.0 26.0 23.0

1. Slowly digestible, longer-chop length forages 1. Rapidly digestible, short-chop fNDF negatively correlates
(e.g. straw). length forages such as spring grass, low-NDF to DMI (the lower the
2. TMR feeding. grass silage (44%), fNDF the higher the intake
3. Good bunk management practices. short-chop/low-NDF until acidosis effects take
4. Good concentrate characteristics, such as having maize silage or the use of brown, over). When modelling
particle size >1.18 mm (e.g. coarse brewer’s mid-rib maize varieties. fNDF values, always
grains or dried sugarbeet pulp pellets, or using 2. Component feeding allows account for the substitu-
slowly digested ingredients such as cracked concentrate slugs and requires tion effect where compo-
maize grain or caustic treated wheat). Use of a greater fibre ‘safety net’. nent feeding is taking
whole cottonseed allows this lower limit to be 3. Poor bunk management practices. place.
broken if all other factors above apply. 4. Poor concentrate characteristics,
such as fine grinding and using
rapidly digested products
(e.g. milled wheat or confectionery).
CP (% ration DM) 15.0 18.5 17.5

1. High DMI 1. Lower DMI Despite recent research

2. Excellent amino acid profile of supplemented 2. High levels of dietary soluble protein and demonstrating the
protein, a balance of lysine and methionine. nitrogen: effectiveness of low-pro-
3. High-quality, slowly degraded protein sources. • common in grass-based or grass tein diets, it is not
4. Low levels of background soluble nitrogen silage-based diets; and uncommon to find
from forages. • poor supplemental protein quality. 18.5–19.5% CP diets
5. High levels of slowly degraded carbohydrate supplied formulated routinely – we
to generate high microbial protein recommend these are
yields. avoided.

Starch (% ration DM) 12% 26% 14%

Nutritional Management of Herd Health

1. Wet diets with a high background forage acid 1. Dry diets. Starch levels vary hugely by
loading, such as 20% DM grass silage that has 2. Low background forage acid loading. geography. Where maize
undergone extensive lactic fermentation. 3. High dietary and physically effective NDF feeding is more common,
2. Low dietary and physically effective NDF from all components. starch levels will frequently
typically found where the concentrate 4. Well-presented TMR will little sorting. reach 18%.
presented is compounded or finely milled. 5. Slowly digested starch sources; typically,
3. Presence of rapidly digested starch or sugar most starch derived from forage maize grain
sources (e.g. ground wheat, biscuit meal or molasses). that is very mature and coarsely processed.
4. Component feeding.

Oil (% ration DM) 3.0 6.0 5.0

1. Poor energy density for high levels of milk production 1. May restrict DMI at or above this level, since This is a typical inclusion in
where intake is limiting. high levels of calcium soap-protected fat in diets for higher-yielding
2. Potentially limiting precursors for reproductive steroid certain dietary contexts are unpalatable or animals; however, the
hormone production. where free oil affects rumen fibre digestion. inclusion of 5% oil (if all
3. Maintains low cost/kg of DM. 2. Unsaturated oil increases CLA production unprotected and free in
due to either high dietary supply or low the rumen) would produce
ruminal pH (or both). serious fibre digestion
3. High butterfat % may be seen where fat is effects in many instances.
saturated C:16 (palm oil).

DMI, dry matter intake; fNDF, forage neutral detergent fibre; CP, crude protein; VFA, volatile fatty acid; FCM, fat-corrected milk; TMR, total mixed ration; CLA, conjugated linoleic acid.

268 A. Hayton et al.

fatty liver, ketosis, displaced abomasum and the DCAB method of hypocalcaemia control
subacute ruminal acidosis. is to reduce metabolic alkalosis. It is also
important to ensure adequate magnesium
(Mg) status, as this is involved in the pro-
duction, release and binding of PTH to its
Nutritional control of hypocalcaemia receptors.

Although the aetiology of hypocalcaemia

(milk fever) relates more to the macro- The partial and full DCAB approaches
mineral composition of the transition ration
The partial DCAB approach is the most
than to aberrations in energy metabolism,
commonly used method of hypocalcaemia
hypocalcaemia can affect peri-parturient
control, and is based on selecting forages
energy status through depression of DMI.
with low DCAB values (K concentration is
Calcium (Ca) is also involved in the release
the most important determinant of this)
of insulin. The aetiology of hypocalcaemia
and ensuring an adequate Mg status. The
is reasonably well understood and it can be
full DCAB approach involves the addition
thought of as a ‘gateway disease’ for other
of anionic salts such as ammonium chlo-
diseases, so prevention is a high priority in
ride, magnesium sulfate, calcium sulfate
herd health management.
(gypsum) and calcium chloride, which
The main method of control previously
have strongly negative DCAB values (an
was dietary Ca restriction in the 2 weeks
excess of Cl and S over Na and K to induce
prior to calving, to improve the activation of
a mild metabolic acidosis as shown by uri-
homeostatic Ca mechanisms. If Ca can be
nary pH values of 6.0–7.0). The full DCAB
restricted sufficiently (<30 g/day in a typi-
approach has considerable practical disad-
cal Holstein-Friesian cow) this method is
vantages and can worsen metabolic disease
effective, but the practical problem is that
if not managed correctly, as the anionic
background dietary Ca levels are too high to
salts required are unpalatable. The partial
be able to achieve this.
DCAB approach is usually the recom-
Since the start of the new millennium,
mended default for overall metabolic
the control of hypocalcaemia has moved
health, but occasionally a well-managed
towards managing the dietary cation–anion
full DCAB approach can be very effective
balance (DCAB) in the transition ration. The
for hypocalcaemia control and may not
DCAB value of a ration or an individual
depress intakes sufficiently to precipitate
feedstuff is calculated from the relative con-
excess fat mobilization. Table 8.22 high-
centrations of sodium (Na) and potassium
lights the differences between these two
(K), the strong cations, relative to sulfur
approaches. A practical approach to reduc-
(present as SO4) and chloride (Cl), the strong
ing the risk of peri-parturient hypocal-
anions, and is measured in milliequiva-
caemia using the DCAB control method is
lents/kg DM (meq/kg DM). High-DCAB
summarized below.
rations induce a metabolic alkalosis which
decreases the efficiency of binding of par- • Reduce K intake so that overall K in the
athyroid hormone (PTH) to its receptor, and diet is <2% DM (target, 1.3–1.5%). This
this reduces the activation of vitamin D3. usually centres on choosing grass-based
The role of vitamin D3 is to increase Ca forages with the lowest DCAB values
release from bone stores and increase Ca (K concentrations >2% should be avoi-
uptake from the gut. ded) for use in transition diets or par-
Cows are usually metabolically alkalo- tially/totally replacing these with reliably
tic (urinary pH in lactating cows is >8.0), low DCAB forages such as straw, maize
due to the high K content of grass-based for- silage or whole crop cereals. (There may
ages; the only situation where strong meta- be marked variation in the DCAB of dif-
bolic alkalosis is a clinical problem is in the ferent silage cuts and across different
period prior to calving. The primary aim of clamps, but multiple silage analyses
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 269

Table 8.22. Comparison of partial and full DCAB rations for the control of hypocalcaemia.

Partial DCAB Full DCAB

Basis of approach Reduce forage DCAB base and Reduce forage DCAB base and
add 50–100 g MgCl2 to attain a add sufficient anionic salts to
Mg concentration of 0.4% DM attain urine pH of 6.0–7.0
Calcium requirement Not normally manipulated, and Increased to 1.2% DM to
typically 0.5–0.6 % DM compensate for urinary losses
associated with acidification
DCAB range −50 to +100 meq/kg DM −100 to −150 meq/kg DM
Urine pH 7.8–8.1 6.0–7.0
Monitoring Urine pH is not helpful at high Regular urine pH sampling
pH values; periodic forage essential
DCAB sampling
Comments Can be very effective and simple Anionic salts are unpalatable
if theory is understood and can depress DMI severely;
this should not be used on
farms where urine monitoring
will not be done regularly

DCAB, dietary cation–anion balance.

will help to identify the lower DCAB only on later-season grass. However,
forages to be selected). care is required with mastitis preven-
• Balance the diet using relatively low- tion (see Chapter 2).
DCAB feedstuffs such as cereals, rape- • To formulate low-DCAB forages for
seed meal and straw. transition cows:
• Magnesium supplementation via feed ° Use a small acreage and plant a
or water troughs should be considered long-lived grass; avoid clover leys.
(aim for 0.4% DM). Magnesium chlo- ° Use moderate to heavy nitrogen fer-
ride has the dual benefit of lowering tilization (14–18 kg/ha at harvest).
DCAB and providing magnesium. ° Avoid fertilization with manure or
However, it is unpalatable and care potash.
should be taken in hot weather when ° Harvest grass twice a year (June
cows are thirsty, as strong solutions can and September), but avoid harvest-
prevent cows drinking. ing autumn ‘flushes’.
• Managing dry cows out at grass is diffi- • Over-supply of phosphorus to counter
cult due to the relatively high potas- hypophosphataemia problems is coun-
sium content and lack of control of terproductive, as it reduces the activation
their diet; cows should be removed of Vitamin D by inhibiting renal 1-α-
from pasture prior to calving. Changing hydroxylase. The principles that apply to
the DCAB has rapid effects on Ca the control of hypocalcaemia also apply
metabolism, and high-risk cows can be to the control of hypophosphataemia.
removed from grass for the last few
days prior to calving. Practically, it is Targeted calcium supplementation
often better to manage cows away from
grass for the last 3 weeks of the dry It is possible to target high-risk cows and sup-
period, to avoid any ration and group plement them with Ca around calving. The
changes too close to calving. most appropriate preparations for rapid Ca
• If transition cows have to be kept at uptake, which are appropriate for the treat-
grass, they should be tightly stocked ment of stage 1 (cow still standing but hyper-
with sward height <7 cm and, ideally, aesthetic and staggering) hypocalcaemia,
270 A. Hayton et al.

contain rapidly absorbable Ca. The most genetics and calving interval. However,
commonly employed salt is calcium chlo- there will be other less obvious variations
ride. This targeted approach can work well, that need to be considered too, and these
but it is still important to try to control the arise from the quality of labour and the con-
DCAB of the pre-calving ration as this will sistency of feeding practices. Forage quality,
reduce the likelihood of relapse and there cow comfort, seasonal variations in feeding
will also be fewer high-risk cows requiring (e.g. proportion of maize silage in the ration)
supplementation. Blood Ca concentrations and numbers of cows calving all have to be
are normally depressed only in the immedi- considered.
ate calving period, with maximum risk
approximately 6–12 h pre-calving to 36 h BCS management
post-calving. This is because PTH secretion
increases very rapidly in response to Fundamental control of fatty liver and type
depressed blood Ca, but production of acti- II ketosis depends on maintaining appropri-
vated vitamin D3 takes approximately 36 h. ate herd BCS. The target BCS at various
The most appropriate period for supplemen- stages of the production cycle has been
tation is therefore from 12 h pre- to 24 h post- described earlier in this chapter. If monitor-
calving. Most commercial preparations will ing reveals that these targets are being
contain approximately 40–50g of Ca, and a missed, the nutritional management needs
review of different methodologies suggests to be altered. The most common cause of
that the most successful prevention strategy excess BCS in late lactation is feeding a sin-
is four doses over this time period. In prac- gle group on TMR that is too energy dense
tice, one dose 12 h pre-calving followed by for lower-yielding, late-lactation cows. Cows
another post-calving should suffice. It is with a greatly extended calving interval are
worth noting that if a cow does not calve particularly susceptible, and improving fer-
within 12 h of her pre-calving dose, then a tility is an important medium-term aim.
further dose will probably be required. Reduction of the energy density of the ration
of the diet (for all cows or just those with high
BCS) in late lactation can be considered – for
example, by decreasing the amount of maize
Nutritional control of fatty liver and ketosis silage or concentrate feeds – but this strategy
is not as straightforward as it sounds. Lower-
Fatty liver and type II ketosis are caused by yielding animals that are placed on lower-
excessive fat mobilization in the immediate energy density diets often readjust their
peri-parturient period. Adipose tissue is yield downwards and can still be over-sup-
often regarded simply as a means to store plied with energy relative to production.
energy, but it is effectively the largest endo- The best strategy is probably to focus on the
crine organ with a ‘metabolic memory’ of reproductive performance of the herd and, if
nutritional status. Excess body condition a single TMR system is required, then cull-
score (BCS) and overfeeding in the far-off ing cows with inappropriate genetics may
dry period both increase the risk of fatty be necessary.
liver occurring, by increasing the level of fat
mobilization precipitated by the metabolic Appropriate dry cow feeding: early dry period
demands of lactation. (drying off to three weeks prior to calving)
When appraising management prac-
tices and cows in the face of a problem it is It is possible to increase the risk of fatty
important to appreciate that assessing the liver by overfeeding cows in the far-off dry
average cow is useful, but perhaps more period. This can occur even in the absence
important are the deviations from this aver- of grossly excessive BCS (>3.5). Farms
age. Variation in BCS across a group is espe- where very high-quality forages are pro-
cially important and will result principally duced may be particularly susceptible to
from variations in individual cow mobility, overfeeding. The energy requirements at
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 271

this stage are low and can be satisfied by the ration should be ‘diluted’ with straw.
5–7 kg of straw, with the remainder of intake The inclusion of 5 kg of short, pre-chopped
provided by grass silage of low digestibility. straw throughout the dry period can work
When feeding a high straw inclusion in the extremely well to increase rumen size and
transition ration it is important to acclima- prevent overfeeding.
tize cows to this type of ration in the early
dry period. The starch content of maize Management of the post-parturient cow
silage is too high, and neither maize silage
nor concentrate feeds should normally be Recommended management practices for
fed in the early dry period. Exercise can be maximizing DMI in the post-parturient cow
useful especially in over-fat cows required can be summarized as.
to lose some condition; very bare pasture
• Provide warm drinking water immedi-
with straw provided in racks is ideal.
ately after calving and place it next to
the calf so that the cow doesn’t have to
Appropriate dry cow feeding: transition` move.
period (3 weeks prior to calving) • In the calving pen, provide a highly
There is a natural drop in DMI as parturition palatable lactating ration that the cow
approaches, and one of the main aims of tran- can eat (urea and some fats can depress
sition cow feeding is to minimize this drop intake). Monitor how much of the ration
by providing a palatable, well-balanced ration is eaten.
that is constantly available and fed from ade- • Leave the cow with the calf for no
quate, clean trough space. Exercise again may longer than 24–48 h.
be beneficial and feeding cows outside, pro- • Consider a high-comfort fresh cow
vided there is very little grass growth to cause group, especially if the cow accommo-
complications with excess K intake, is possi- dation is lacking in loafing and feed
ble. However, in practice this is difficult to space or floor surfaces are slippery.
achieve and cows are often more easily man- Keep cows in this group for 3–4 weeks
aged when housed. As discussed in the ear- if possible.
lier section on cow behaviour, group changes • Keep ad lib fresh feed available at all
should be kept to a minimum for the last times.
3 weeks prior to calving. • Assign one individual to monitor the
demeanour and feed intake of the fresh
cows. Consider other forms of monitor-
Single-group dry cow management ing such as rectal temperature.
Single-group dry cow management can have
advantages – it minimizes stressful group
changes, eliminates the risk of a cow mov- Nutritional control of displaced abomasum
ing to the transition group too late and
reduces the number of rations that need to Displaced abomasum (DA) is often regarded
be fed and monitored. However, managing as a wholly nutritional disease, but the com-
cows throughout the dry period as one plicated multifactorial aetiology of the con-
group can be a high-risk strategy for fatty dition means that nutritional management
liver if cows receive a ration with an inap- will probably only provide part of the
propriately high energy density. Even with answer. Social stresses and other factors
an average dry period length of 45–60 days, that cause reduced DMI need to be consid-
there is the potential for cows with an exces- ered, as do management factors that render
sive calving interval to have a considerably endotoxaemia more likely.
longer dry period than this. Overfeeding is The recorded statistical associations
much more common and likely to cause between fatty liver/ketosis and DA do not
problems than underfeeding, and to reduce indicate causation but do suggest that some of
the chances of overfeeding on this system the aetiological pathways and predisposing
272 A. Hayton et al.

factors for these peri-parturient diseases may fibre in the diet, the overall DMI and physi-
be shared. Hence, the same factors that apply cal and degradability characteristics of the
to the control of fatty liver/ketosis mentioned non-fibrous carbohydrate (NFC) component
above probably also apply to the prevention are equally important in the occurrence of
of DA. SARA. The factors that govern decisions on
Displaced abomasum occurring in the the type and quantities of fibre and NFC
first week post-calving are very likely to be components of the diet when formulating
related to fatty liver/type II ketosis, and may are briefly discussed in the section on
also be due to a lack of an adequate rumen monitoring.
fibre mat. It is impossible accurately to
quantify what an adequacy of dietary fibre
intake is, although the provision of adequate Failure of buffering
chopped straw, as highlighted in earlier sec-
Failure of rumen buffering will primarily
tions, will provide sufficient fibre. Round
result from factors that reduce the level of
bales and haylage can also be useful to
chewing that a cow undertakes (thus reduc-
increase long, palatable fibre inclusion, but
ing the level of bicarbonate-rich saliva
the DCAB should be considered and also
secreted per bolus of food). This can occur
the means of incorporation in the ration, to
either at the initial intake of the food or
ensure even intake across the group.
later if there is a reduced level of rumina-
Displaced abomasum occurring later in
tion. A further factor to consider is that cer-
lactation can be related to type I ketosis.
tain feeds have their own natural compounds
Higher-yielding cows at grass may be par-
(buffers) that help reduce the fall in ruminal
ticularly susceptible if weather conditions
pH. The main reasons for failure of
are poor, grass quality or quantity are inad-
buffering are:
equate or if buffer feeding is lacking. In the
face of an outbreak of DA at grass, it is worth • Inadequate long fibre (also see section
considering housing the early-lactation on monitoring of the formulation): ade-
cows either completely or just at night until quate long fibre must be present to form
weather conditions or grass supply and the fibre mat that floats on top of the
quality improve. Buffer feeds should be liquid ruminal contents. The mat per-
more energy based (maize silage, molasses, forms a vital role in rumen function by
mollassed sugarbeet) than protein based to physically trapping food particles and
balance the high protein content of grass, allowing their controlled breakdown
but the buffer ration should not predispose by the microbial flora associated with
to acidosis. Finally, care should be taken in the mat. Lack of an adequate fibre mat
ensuring these cows are well within the safe allows undigested food particles to pass
limits of their likely DMI from grass (see out of the rumen. Central to this issue is
section on monitoring of grazing). the chop length of silage. Short chop
lengths of grass silage will allow for
greater compaction and fermentation in
the clamp and consequently a more sta-
Nutritional control of subacute ble feed, but long chop lengths provide
ruminal acidosis a better buffering capacity.
• Sorting of long fibre (discussed in ear-
The two fundamental causes of SARA are a lier sections): this is reported to be min-
failure of ruminal buffering and an exces- imized when the highest proportion
sive level of starch and sugars. These factors possible of particles is between 9 and
are frequently linked because increasing the 27 mm.
proportion of fibre is highly likely to reduce • Slug feeding (discussed in earlier sec-
the proportion of non-fibrous carbohydrate. tions): the feeding of relatively large quan-
While control has frequently centred on the tities of highly fermentable foodstuffs
levels of physically effective fibre and total does not facilitate good rumen buffering.
Nutritional Management of Herd Health 273

• Low-DM forages: wet forages require Cows in early lactation should receive a
less chewing and will tend to have a minimal proportion of in-parlour feed
higher acidic load. until their yield reaches the level pro-
• Excessive mixing of a TMR diet: if a diet vided by the TMR. The objective during
is over-mixed in the TMR mixer wagon, the post-calving period is to maximize
long fibre will become less effective. DMI rather than keep up with the daily
• Poor cow comfort (discussed in earlier energy requirements of the cow. Ensuring
sections): comfortable conditions that that protein levels of rations are kept low
promote long lying time will also (~16%) in early lactation may help pre-
enhance rumination time. vent cow yields rising too rapidly, and
• Silages with very low pH contents; this consequently reduce the potential for a
occurs more commonly than expected, negative energy gap.
and underlines the importance of con- • Poor transition cow management: spe-
sistently re-analysing feed values in cifically, this involves either a failure of
silage clamps. rumen adaptation to the lactation ration
• Presence of mycotoxins: recent work (due to a poor transition cow diet) or the
has demonstrated that the presence of feeding of inappropriately high levels of
mycotoxins can alter the metabolism of concentrate too quickly and too soon
lactic acid, allowing it to build up and post-calving, or a combination of the
cause acidosis. two. The general theory that the intro-
duction of concentrates in the late dry
period is important in stimulating rumi-
Excess fermentable energy nal papillary development is question-
able. Recent research suggests that the
Feeding excess proportions of NFC relative
type of diet fed during this period has
to the fibre component, particularly where
little effect on papillary development,
these are highly fermentable and/or where
the rapid increase in size post-calving
cows have a high DMI, will increase the risk
being a normal physiological response.
of SARA. The common causes and risk fac-
• Feeds containing high levels of soluble
tors for this are:
starches and sugars and/or an excess of
• The requirement to achieve high energy finely ground feed particles (see previ-
densities in the feed for high-yielding ous sections on monitoring with the
cows. Penn State separator and monitoring
• Parlour feeding: despite the investment the formulation).
and cost of using mixer wagons, farms • Grazing: SARA is not limited to con-
do not necessarily practise a complete centrate feeding. Grazing, particularly
TMR diet. Commonly, a level of produc- in the spring, will provide all the key
tion is expected from the TMR and then conditions to induce SARA in terms of
individual cows are fed additional con- low DM, high rapidly fermentable car-
centrates using in- or out of-parlour feed- bohydrates and low fibre content, and
ing. This tends to provide greater control consequently SARA is thought to be
over feed rate and thus diet cost. The common in grazed cattle.
consequences of this are that cows, par- • Reduced voluntary food intake (VFI): if
ticularly those fed in the parlour, receive VFI is poor – for example, due to poor
large slugs of concentrate, often around palatability of the forages or heat stress –
4 kg at one time. This can be a significant then diets will need to have an increase
factor for the induction of SARA. Cows in their energy density (relative to a
in early lactation are at the greatest risk higher feed intake) to match a particular
because these animals have not yet yield. This may also occur if the DM
reached their maximum voluntary feed content of the forage is overestimated
intake and consequently there is less for- such that the proportion of the forage in
age to buffer the slugs of concentrate. the ration is lower than expected.
274 A. Hayton et al.

Additives to control SARA of a herd health programme. This chapter

has detailed how to incorporate nutrition
A further method of correction or control, into herd health management through the
useful where it is difficult in practice to careful monitoring of records, cows, feeds
correct the issues discussed above, is the and feeding management. Although it is
use of a variety of additives to control useful for the herd health advisor to work
SARA. These are principally yeasts (e.g. closely with the nutritionist responsible for
Saccharomyces cerevisiae), bacteria (e.g. ration formulation, it should be recognized
strains of Enterococcus spp.), alkaline that problems related to feeding are more
agents (e.g. magnesium oxide) and buffers commonly associated with management of
(e.g. sodium bicarbonate), all of which have feeds and feeding rather than diet formula-
been shown in trials to have some benefit in tion. Therefore the role of the herd health
modifying ruminal pH. Further products advisor is critical in ensuring that nutri-
such as acarbose, a commercially available tional management is dealt with in a holis-
α-amylase and glucosidase inhibitor, are tic manner and included alongside other
also being trialled and may also become areas related to cow health.
commercially available.

We would like to thank Tom Overton and
Nutrient intake is closely linked to the Tom Chamberlain for their invaluable
health of dairy cows and it is therefore thoughts and comments on the content of
important that nutrition is a key component this chapter.

References and Further Reading

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9 Dairy Farming, Food Security

and Environmental Issues

Jonathan Statham,1 Martin Green,2 Jon Huxley2 and Sian Statham1

Bishopton Veterinary Group, Mill Farm, Studley Road, Ripon,
North Yorkshire HG4 2QR, UK; 2School of Veterinary Medicine and Science,
University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington Campus, Leicestershire LE12 5RD, UK

Introduction generation and land-use changes (which

destroy organic carbon in soil), the live-
Looking after the world in which we live stock sector is considered one of the top
and caring for our natural environment are three most important influences on the
becoming increasingly important to society. environment, both at local and global
It is now widely accepted that dairy farming levels. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,
influences this environment and, in some notably carbon dioxide, methane and
areas, this raises cause for concern. It is nitrous oxide specifically from the dairy
clear that we can minimize the negative cattle sector, have been assessed using a
environmental effects of dairy farming by ‘life cycle’ approach that focuses on the
increasing the efficiency of production and entire dairy food chain (FAO, 2010). The
modifying farming practices and manage- environmental impacts of dairy farming
ment. In this respect, there is a role for the may be direct – for example, through graz-
herd health advisor: to consider the envi- ing and production of methane via the
ronmental aspects of dairy farming when ruminal fermentation of grass, or indirect,
conducting herd health, and to work with such as the expansion of soybean produc-
farm staff to limit negative impacts. In this tion for intensive dairy feeds, replacing
chapter we outline areas in which dairy forests in South America.
farming can interact with the environment By the end of the 20th century, govern-
and discuss ways in which adverse effects ments and policy makers around the world
can be limited. faced three key issues: (i) renewed worries
about energy security; (ii) commitment to
economic development, including the crea-
Background: Food Security, Energy tion and sustainability of jobs, particularly
Security and Climate Change in agriculture in the developing world; and
(iii) the need to mitigate global climate
Livestock activities have a significant change and achieve lower GHG emissions
impact on virtually all aspects of the envi- (Nuffield Council Report, 2011). The issue
ronment, including air and climate change, of world ‘food security’ (Beddington, 2011)
land and soil, water and biodiversity has to be balanced with these global needs
(Steinfeld et al., 2006). Together with of energy security, improving the livelihoods
the combustion of fossil fuels for energy of human populations (especially those

© CAB International 2012. Dairy Herd Health (ed. M. Green) 279

280 J. Statham et al.

dependent on agriculture) and ecological food and farming is discussed in detail by

intensification and sustainability of natural Beddington and others (2011) in The Future
resources (Bonnet et al., 2011). of Food and Farming.
We summarize below the important Dairy farming specifically offers a con-
issues surrounding food security, energy tribution to global food security through the
security and climate change in the context provision of high-quality protein sources,
of dairy farming, and the provision of a herd calcium and essential fatty acids from dairy
health programme. products, together with beef as a by-product
from cull cows and beef crossed calves for
the beef industry.
The veterinary sector is essential as one
Food security of the guarantors of the stability and devel-
opment of global food security through the
Food security as a concept is more than activities it deploys at each stage in the sys-
food self-sufficiency. Since the World Food tem: production at farm level and process-
Summit of 1996, food security has been ing, distribution and marketing at national
defined at individual, household, national, and international levels.
regional and global levels as ‘being
achieved when all people, at all times, Food security: key concepts
have physical and economic access to suf-
ficient, safe and nutritious food to meet The literature on food security identifies
their dietary needs and food preferences three areas that are applicable to products of
for an active and healthy life’. Importantly, animal origin: availability of food, access to
there is a wide contrast in food security food and effective and safe utilization of
between countries throughout the world food (Bonnet et al., 2011). A fourth dimen-
(Maplecroft, 2011). sion of sustainability is now applicable in
The world’s population is forecast to the environmental context (see Table 9.1).
reach 9 billion by 2050, and the challenge
for agriculture is to feed this population Veterinary activities and their
while at the same time preserving the impact on food security
earth’s resources and ecological structures.
The global growth in demand for food prod- In a food security context, ‘veterinary serv-
ucts requires a significant shift away from ices’ have a role in organizing a technical
purely ‘production at all costs’ agricultural and regulatory environment in which
practices to balanced, ecological methods health risks can be identified and control-
of intensification. Food security is not, led, in order to limit their impact on live-
however, limited solely to the quantitative stock production sectors and humans.
aspects of food supply. If food security Veterinary services consequently con-
exists only when there is reliable access to tribute to food security, economic devel-
safe and nutritious food that meets dietary opment and human health protection.
needs and food preferences for an active Veterinary activities are deployed at each
and healthy life, then livestock farming stage in the food system: production at
offers an excellent contribution by farm level, processing, distribution and
providing energy and protein with a high marketing at the local and national level or
nutritional value and micronutrients. It for export. This demands a wide range
may also support the income of those of organizational, legislative and techni-
engaged in the production, processing and cal competencies across both the public
marketing chains at national and interna- and private sectors. The focus of this
tional levels, and ultimately to a country’s book is on veterinary activities at farm
gross domestic product (GDP) (Bonnet level and the role of herd health manage-
et al., 2011). The global sustainability of ment in optimizing productivity through
Dairy Farming, Food Security and Environmental Issues 281

minimizing poor health and reproductive and food systems that are sustainable from
inefficiency. However, it is important to an environmental, societal and territorial
remember veterinary services that occur perspective. The International Office of
beyond this and that play an important Epizootics (OIE) offers the ‘OIE Pathway’, a
role in food security; these are summarized procedure designed to sustainably improve
in Box 9.1 below. a country’s veterinary services, using the
New food security challenges are OIE tool for the evaluation of performance
emerging. Globally, veterinary services must of veterinary services (OIE PVS Tool). These
continue to acknowledge the desire for diets evaluation methods aim to reflect the major

Table 9.1. Components of food security (after Bonnet et al., 2011).

Availability Domestic production together with international trade to acquire, through imports or
food aid, a sufficient volume to supplement domestic products. Availability also
involves the acquisition of foreign currency, through export of high-value products
with which to purchase other food commodities
Access The physical and financial capacity of households to provide themselves with food:
• Physical access: concerns the distance from the producer to the consumer
and the stability of supply cycles. Generally, consumers are dependent on
local producers or on distribution and marketing channels for unprocessed and
processed food products. There may be direct supply (farm-gate sales or
markets) or supply systems involving a complex arrangement of operators. There
may be an indirect contribution of livestock to physical access to food, for
example in transport of products to the local market
• Financial access: concerns access to a range of products at prices compatible
with income and purchasing power
Utilization The quantity and quality of products, socio-cultural preferences and consumption
patterns. This encompasses undernourishment of persons whose energy and
caloric intake is insufficient for them to lead an active life (~925 million people
worldwide) and malnutrition, characterized by inadequate intake of energy, protein
(and specific amino acids) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals), giving rise to
delayed growth and intellectual development and ill health. In developed countries,
it also relates to diseases associated with excessive food intake and obesity
Sustainability The capacity for sustainably maintaining agricultural production (including animal
production), national and international trade, storage and supply that will meet
demand over the long term. It involves the development and sustainable manage-
ment of natural resources used in animal production, and productivity margins that
are feasible under various scenarios and capable of contending with new societal
and consumer requirements

Box 9.1. An outline of veterinary activities in food security.

1. Epidemiological surveillance at the national level and at borders.

2. Emergency or routine disease diagnosis.
3. Sanitary interventions to control or eradicate endemic, exotic or emerging diseases.
Two mechanisms are essential if a system is to be effective:
• animal identification to ensure the traceability of animals and animal products throughout the
production chain and to control animal movements at the national level, including animals for export
(quarantine); and
• veterinary diagnostic laboratories operating under a reliable quality control system for the tests they
282 J. Statham et al.

worldwide impact of veterinary services on energy products on the market, at a price

food security. which is affordable for all consumers (private
and industrial)’ (European Commission,
Food security: political influences 2000). Many threats to energy security exist;
some disrupt the provision of energy to con-
Maplecroft’s global map of food security sumers and businesses (e.g. through limited
(Maplecroft, 2011) shows that the devel- availability of fuel), while others affect the
oped world is at low risk of food insecurity price of energy (e.g. price spikes as a result
when compared with the risks experienced of political tensions).
by, for example, much of the African conti- With rising demand, biofuels have been
nent. However, the stability of the global considered as one solution to energy secu-
food market and the ability to purchase food rity, by increasing the diversity of supply
with generated wealth are critical to pre- choices. These can provide a new source of
serving food security in many developed income for farmers as well as being a renew-
countries. Political instability represents a able source of fuel, and may lead to reduced
threat to this status quo and may result from greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions when com-
global pressures on food and other scarce pared with fossil fuels. The USA is the
resources. world’s largest producer of biofuels. A major
Global food security will remain motivation for biofuels production was eco-
dynamic. The effects of climate change may nomic – to use surplus agricultural produc-
mean that countries that are currently pri- tion. However, concerns over energy
mary food producers and exporters may, security following the oil crisis in the early
through necessity, become importers. This 1970s also played an important role.
will require the generation of wealth by Production of biofuels might also be an
alternative means to support the purchase attractive prospect in developing countries,
of food. where a large proportion of the population
In terms of milk production, the FAO is engaged in agriculture and where biofuels
predicted that milk production is set to dou- might provide a local energy source in
ble from 580 to 1043 million tonnes in the energy-deprived areas.
period 1999–2050 (Steinfeld et al., 2006). The two principal biofuels are (i)
Where will this additional production come bioethanol (to blend with petrol) made
from? While scope exists for an increase in from, for example, corn, wheat or sugar
milk production worldwide, the key chal- cane; and (ii) biodiesel (to blend with die-
lenge is to meet this increasing demand for sel) made from palm oil or rapeseed oil.
dairy products using farming methods that Biofuel production has increased very
are environmentally sustainable. rapidly. Between 1998 and 2009, the pro-
duction of biodiesel in the European Union
(EU) increased more than tenfold (European
Energy security Biodiesel Board, 2009). Worldwide, it is
expected that by 2030 biofuels will account
Total world energy consumption has been for 7% of road transport fuel (International
predicted to increase by 49% between 2007 Energy Agency, 2007).
and 2035, mainly attributed to increased
demand in developing countries. Almost Controversies over energy security
one third of total world energy consump- versus food security
tion comprises fuel for transport, i.e. cars,
aviation and shipping. The need for energy Problems with large-scale production of
security has been expressed as one of the biofuels have begun to emerge. Concerns
principal priorities for governments in the have been raised over threats to food
21st century. security and food prices because of the
Energy security has been defined as competition of biofuels with food produc-
‘The uninterrupted physical availability of tion, and this has led to political unrest.
Dairy Farming, Food Security and Environmental Issues 283

For example, in the UK, the onset of bioeth- made from algae. These are termed ‘second
anol production from wheat was one of the generation’ biofuels.
factors that caused the commodity price to
more than double (from £80/t to around Anaerobic digestion: an alternative
£180/t in 2011), with a consequent rise in energy source
dairy feed input costs. Biofuel production
also results in both direct land use change Anaerobic bacterial digestion (AD) proc-
(dLUC) and indirect land use change esses plant biomass into methane gas for
(iLUC). Some reports suggest that the pro- heating and power. Suitable plant bio-
duction of corn-based bioethanol overall mass includes solid waste, manure, crop
produces more GHG emissions than fossil residues, compost, food waste and paper.
fuels; other studies cite far more favourable Crops can be grown specifically for use in
results (Renewable Fuels Association, AD. The UK produces over 100 million
2010). Fierce debate continues over the tonnes of organic material ‘feedstock’ that
consequences of biofuel production for is suitable for treatment by AD, including
food security and the environment. Biofuels 90–100 million t of agricultural by-prod-
do appear to be one contributing factor to ucts like manure and slurry. Digesting 1 t
changing food prices, but the scale of of food waste can generate about 300 kWh
effects is both complex and uncertain to of energy. Cereals and rape meal can be
model (Renewable Fuels Agency, 2008). used as AD feedstocks, giving high meth-
Other factors, such as high energy prices ane yields, but since these are expensive
and the weak dollar, are also significant – commodities they are generally not grown
blaming food price spikes on biofuel pro- solely for digestion. The yield of methane
duction alone is too simplistic. None the from a particular product will vary
less, there is clearly the potential for seri- according to
ous effects on food security as biofuel pro-
duction increases. • dry matter content;
• storage time (prolonged storage may
result in poorer yields because break-
Energy security solutions sparing food down may have commenced);
supply: second generation biofuels • length of time in the digester;
• the type of AD plant and the conditions
Concerns over the use of potential food
in the digester; and
sources for biofuels has prompted diverse
• the purity of the feedstock.
research into more efficient sources of
biomass and more efficient production Methane can be combusted to produce
and conversion techniques. The goals are heat alone (when burned, 1 m3 of methane
to provide biomass sources/feedstocks produces around 2.5 kWh of heat) or can be
that used in electricity generation, or a combina-
tion of both. While coal- and gas-fired power
• do not compete with food production;
stations have an efficiency of around 34 and
• have a high energy yield with low
55%, respectively, combined heat and
inputs of water, land and fertilizer;
power (CHP) plants can achieve overall
• do not negatively affect the environ-
efficiencies in excess of 70% at the point
ment or local populations; and
of use.
• can be produced in sufficient quantities
to allow economically viable biofuel
Environmental Issues: Significance
Among the most promising candidates so for the Dairy Industry
far are those biofuels made from waste products
and energy crops using full lignocellulosic New food security challenges are taking
conversion and, more speculatively, biofuels shape, in particular relating to sustainability
284 J. Statham et al.

of the environment and natural resources. Act, a long-term and legally binding frame-
The livestock industry accounts for ~40% work to tackle climate change. The Act
of global GDP, employs 1.3 billion people commits the UK to reduce GHG emissions
(including 1 billion of the worlds’ poor), by at least 34% by 2020 and 80% by 2050
supplies approximately one third of global compared with 1990 levels.
protein intake and is a potential solution for Dairy farming and other ruminant agri-
malnutrition as well as a potential cause of culture makes a significant contribution to
obesity (Steinfeld et al., 2006). Global milk GHG emissions, and therefore will have an
production is projected to double from obligation to reduce emissions in line with
580 to 1043 million t and global production national and international agreements. A
of meat to more than double from 229 to failure to reduce emissions would require
465 million t between 1999 and 2050. The larger cuts to be made in other areas, a situ-
environmental impact per unit of livestock ation that is unlikely to be acceptable to
production must halve in this time period governments and those industries involved.
just to remain standing still (Steinfeld Dairy farming results in the production of
et al., 2006). three of the four principal gases with global
warming potential (GWP) – carbon dioxide,
methane and nitrous oxide. While overall,
Impacts of dairy farming on the carbon dioxide is the most important GHG,
atmosphere and climate change methane and nitrous oxide make significant
contributions. Carbon dioxide ‘equivalents’
‘Warming of the climate system is unequiv- are used to standardize the GWP of different
ocal, as is now evident from observations of gases: methane and nitrous oxide have 23
increases in global average air and ocean and 296 times the GWP of carbon dioxide,
temperatures, widespread melting of snow respectively.
and ice and rising global average sea levels’ The most significant sources of GHG
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate from dairy farming are methane produced
Change, 2007). Global warming is one of the during enteric fermentation – which is
greatest challenges to have faced mankind. released into the atmosphere when animals
The best estimates from six possible GHG eructate – and the methane and nitrous oxide
emission scenarios predict an increase in released from mineral fertilizers and manure
temperature of between 1.8 and 4.0°C by (both when stored and spread). Emissions
2090–2099 compared with the period 1980– are also generated from fuel and electricity
1999. Similarly, sea levels are predicted to produced from fossil fuel sources used for
rise between 0.18 and 0.59 m over the same equipment on the farm, during the produc-
period (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate tion and transport of resources required for
Change, 2007). The United Nations dairy farming, and in the milk and dairy
Framework Convention on Climate Change supply chain. The Food and Agriculture
was developed at the Rio de Janeiro Earth Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
Summit in 1992 in an attempt to limit the has recently published a full life cycle assess-
impact of global warming. Initially its con- ment of GHG emissions from the worldwide
tents were non-binding, although the treaty dairy sector (Steinfeld et al., 2006). The
allowed for the development of mandatory report encompasses the entire life cycle of
requirements in the future. The Kyoto dairy products, including the production
Protocol came into force in 2005, and nearly and transportation of resources, transporta-
200 countries have now signed up to the tion of milk, processing and distribution and
agreement. Just over 40 of these signatories includes all animals linked to milk produc-
(including the EU, Australia, Canada, Japan, tion (e.g. milking cows, replacements and
New Zealand, the Russian Federation and surplus calves reared for beef). The report’s
the USA) have committed to reducing their overall conclusions are striking and provide
emissions of GHG. At the end of 2008, the an excellent summary of the dairy sector’s
UK government passed the Climate Change contribution to GHG emissions:
Dairy Farming, Food Security and Environmental Issues 285

• Methane contributes most to the global has left the farm), while in developing
warming impact of milk (~52% of the regions this figure ranges between 90
GHG emissions from both developing and 99% of total emissions.
and developed countries). Nitrous
oxide emissions account for 27 and Dairy farmers have already started to
38% of GHG emissions in developed act to reduce their GHG emissions, and they
and developing countries, respectively, will undoubtedly have to play their part in
while CO2 emissions account for a reducing emissions over the coming dec-
higher share of emissions in developed ades. Recent data from the UK suggest that
countries (21%) compared with devel- dairy businesses in the top 25% of perform-
oping countries (10%). ance (measured by cost of production) pro-
• In 2007, the dairy sector emitted 1969 duce milk with a carbon footprint of well
million t of CO2 equivalent emissions over 300 g of CO2 less per litre than farms in
(± 26%), of which 1328 million t were the bottom 25% (DairyCo Roadmap, 2010).
attributed to milk, 151 million t to meat A failure to act will lead to increasing pres-
from culled animals and 490 million t sure from government and consumers and,
to meat from fattened calves. ultimately, the imposition of mandatory tar-
• The global dairy sector contributes gets and sanctions to ensure that reduction
4.0% to the total global man-made GHG targets are met. There is scope to reduce
emissions. emissions in a range of areas; many are pos-
• The average global emissions from milk sible now and others are likely to become
production, processing and transport viable options in the future. It is important
are estimated at 2.4 kg of CO2 equivalent to remember that while sudden and large
emissions per 1 kg of FPCM (fat- and changes requiring significant financial
protein-corrected milk) at the farm gate. investments are possible, for most individ-
• Average regional emissions (per 1 kg of ual units these are unnecessary as long as
FPCM at the farm gate) range from 1.3 farms continue to make small changes
to 7.5 kg of CO2 equivalent emissions leading to year-on-year reductions in
(± 26%). The highest emissions were emissions.
found in the developing regions, with A discussion of methods to reduce GHG
the average for sub-Saharan Africa, emissions and the role of herd health is pro-
South Asia, and North Africa and the vided later in the chapter. However, the
Near East recording 7.5, 4.6 and 3.7 kg impacts of various management strategies
of CO2 equivalent emissions, respec- on methane emissions has recently been
tively. Industrialized regions such as evaluated (Chadwick et al., 2007). The fol-
Europe and North America had the lowing changes were reported to have the
lowest emissions per 1 kg of FPCM. most significant impact on emissions.
• The level of GHG emissions, per 1 kg of
• an increase in milk yield per cow (by
FPCM, is higher in grazing systems
30% in the modelled scenario), cou-
than in mixed systems. Grassland sys-
pled with a reduction in dairy cow
tems contribute about 2.72 kg of CO2
numbers – to maintain a constant level
equivalent emissions per 1 kg of FPCM
of production (24% reduction in
compared with mixed systems, which
on average contribute 1.78 kg.
• a high fat diet (14% reduction);
• Along the entire dairy food chain,
• increased heat detection rate (7%
‘cradle-to-farm gate’ emissions (i.e. from
young calf to adult milking cow on the
• a high starch diet (5% reduction); and
farm) contribute the highest proportion
• the provision of high-quality forage
of emissions (93% on average). In indus-
(3% reduction).
trialized countries, the relative contri-
bution ranges between 78 and 83% (i.e. It is likely that a variety of other methods
~20% of emissions occur after the milk are also useful in reducing GHG emissions,
286 J. Statham et al.

in particular the improvement of cow health There are two principal dangers of ele-
and reproduction. These areas are consid- vated levels of nitrates in water: (i) nitrates in
ered in detail later in the chapter. drinking water pose a risk to human health;
and (ii) they can lead to the eutrophication of
surface water (see below). High levels of
Impacts of dairy farming on water nitrates in drinking water represent one of
the possible causes of methaemoglobinaemia.
Water is vital for life and dairy farming has Methaemoglobin is the oxidized form of hae-
the potential to pollute this vital resource, moglobin, has a strong affinity for oxygen
which is becoming increasingly scarce in and therefore high levels reduce the blood’s
many parts of the world. Groundwater is ability to oxygenate body tissues. Children
water held beneath the surface in soil and in under 6 months of age are particularly
porous rock formations; larger deposits of vulnerable and can develop the potentially
porous rock containing water are termed fatal ‘blue baby syndrome’ as a result. Three-
aquifers. Surface water is any water col- quarters of Europeans obtain their water
lected above ground in water courses, supply from groundwater, and water compa-
ponds, lakes, wetlands and oceans. Both nies invest large amounts of money ensuring
surface and groundwater have the potential that the levels of nitrate in drinking water are
to become contaminated. Pollution can be below safe and legal limits.
caused by either a single catastrophic acci- Eutrophication is the enrichment of
dent or event (‘point source’, e.g. slurry dis- water with nitrogen and phosphorus. It causes
charging into a river) or it can be the the rapid and excessive growth of plants and
cumulative result of agricultural activity algae, altering the fragile equilibrium present
over a prolonged period of time (‘diffuse in the ecosystem. This can lead to a range of
pollution’). A range of different pollutants consequences including the death of other
can contaminate water from dairy farms: species (e.g. fish and other plants) resulting
nitrogen and phosphorus are probably the in a loss of biodiversity, overgrowth of some
most high profile, but a range of others can types of plant that can obstruct watercourses
be important in certain circumstances. used for navigation and recreation, and the
growth of toxic algal blooms that can be poi-
Nitrogen sonous to fish, animals and man.

About 60% of the nitrates in English rivers Phosphorus

come from agriculture (DEFRA, 2009). Both
chemical fertilizers and organic animal Phosphorus is a component of both chemi-
waste (slurry and manure) can cause nitrate cal fertilizers and organic animal waste;
pollution. Nitrates are soluble – if they are however, unlike nitrogen, phosphorus is
not taken up rapidly by grass and other largely insoluble and not prone to leaching.
crops they are leached out of the soil. Phosphorus generally causes contamina-
Leaching primarily occurs when the con- tion when particles of soil enter water
centrations of nitrate are high and when the courses as a result of soil erosion. Soil
water containing it moves below the root erosion occurs through a combination of
zone. It is particularly a problem during erosion by weathering – particularly rain
periods and in areas of heavy rainfall and and wind – and the impact of agriculture
on lighter soil types. Sandy soils are more itself, e.g. tillage, poaching and erosion by
prone to leaching as they cannot hold as agricultural machinery. Excessive levels of
much water, and rain passes through them. phosphorus in water can lead to eutro-
In some heavy clay soils leaching is not a phication. In European freshwater systems,
significant issue because water is retained. phosphorus is usually the rate-limiting
Once leached, nitrates are either carried nutrient and the main cause of eutro-
into water courses or continue down into phication. In sea water, nitrogen is usually
groundwater through porous rocks. rate limiting.
Dairy Farming, Food Security and Environmental Issues 287

Control of nitrate and phosphorus pollution sewage is 200–300 mg/l; slurry from cattle
farms has a BOD of 10,000–20,000 mg/l
Within Europe, the Nitrate Directive (1991) and even dirty farm water (yard run-off
aims to protect water quality by promoting and washing water) has a BOD of 1000–
and legislating for good farming practices 5000 mg/l. Worse still, silage effluent has a
to prevent the pollution of surface and BOD of 30,000 mg/l and milk 140,000 mg/l
groundwater with nitrates of agricultural (DEFRA, 2009). Thus even small quantities
origin. The directive is interpreted and of such contaminants can have devastating
implemented at the national level and has consequences for the environment local to
five steps: (i) identification of polluted or the spill. Control of such forms of pollution
threatened waters; (ii) designation of is now much more highly regulated by many
nitrate-vulnerable zones (NVZs); (iii) estab- local authorities.
lishment of codes of good agricultural prac-
tice; (iv) establishment of compulsory
action programmes to be implemented by Farm chemicals
farmers within NVZs; and (v) national Agrichemicals such as veterinary medi-
monitoring and reporting every four years. cines, dairy chemicals, disinfectants, pesti-
Farms outside NVZs are encouraged to cides, herbicides and fuels are all commonly
comply with the codes of good agricultural used on dairy farms and all have the poten-
practice. For farms within NVZs the codes tial to cause huge damage to the environment
become mandatory, and there are addi- if they escape into water courses. The use
tional requirements around the application and disposal of all these chemicals is highly
of both chemical and organic fertilizers. regulated in most countries to minimize
These regulations can be particularly the risks of either accidental or negligent
challenging for dairy farmers, as they spec- pollution.
ify the capacity of slurry storage vessels,
designated periods when slurry cannot be
Poaching and soil erosion
spread on land and limit the amount that
can be applied, and restrict the application The banks of water courses, ponds, lakes
of fertilizer in high-risk areas (e.g. sloping and canals inevitably become poached and
ground, land close to water courses). Within eroded over time if animals have direct
Europe, phosphorus pollution is less str- access to them. In addition to being
ingently controlled than nitrogen pollu- unsightly, the damage reduces water quality
tion, although other parts of the world are by adding silt and faecal contamination,
subject to stringent control measures (e.g. and has the potential to increase phos-
Florida, USA). phorus levels.

Slurry, manure and other organic materials

Impacts of dairy farming on biodiversity
In addition to the risk posed by nitrates and and local ecology
phosphorus, slurry, manure, silage effluent
and other organic materials such as milk ‘Biological diversity means the variability
and animal carcasses can cause substantial among living organisms from all sources
damage if they escape into water courses including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and
from dairy farms. Environmental microor- other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological
ganisms that break down organic matter can complexes of which they are part; this
deplete water oxygen levels, with cata- includes diversity within species, between
strophic consequences for other life and in species and of ecosystems’ (United Nations,
some circumstances killing everything else 1992). Biodiversity describes the quantity
present. The polluting strength of organic of variation in life forms (plants, animals
materials is measured in terms of biochemi- and microorganisms) in an environment or
cal oxygen demand (BOD). The BOD of raw ecosystem. There is growing concern that
288 J. Statham et al.

man’s activities are causing a decline in fertilizers created near-perfect monocul-

biodiversity (termed the ‘Holocene extinc- tures of forage crops and cereals for feed.
tion’), particularly through habitat des- The problems continue in many parts of
truction. Human activities have caused the world where ancient and complex eco-
extinction rates to increase to 1000 times systems (e.g. the rainforests of South
their natural level (UK Biodiversity America) are being removed to make way
Partnership, 2007). In addition to our moral for intensive agriculture, including dairy
responsibilities and the income and enjoy- farming.
ment we gain from diverse and vibrant hab- While modern agricultural systems are
itats, there is a fear that the ecosystems that responsible, it certainly does not mean to
sustain human life may collapse if the rate say that farmers are to blame. Initially the
of extinction continues. impacts on biodiversity were not clear
To address this concern, the interna- and its importance not fully understood,
tional Convention on Biological Diversity and in many parts of the world farmers
was signed by leaders from over 150 coun- were simply responding to the demands of
tries at the 1992 Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit the populace to produce more and cheaper
and is dedicated to promoting sustainable produce for a rapidly expanding and
development worldwide. The convention increasingly affluent population. The
has three main aims: (i) the conservation of Convention on Biological Diversity (2011)
biological diversity; (ii) the sustainable use is dedicated to ‘promoting sustainable
of its components; and (iii) the fair and development around the world’. Continuing
equitable sharing of the benefits from the improvements in agricultural outputs and
use of genetic resources (Convention on efficiency are vital if we are to meet the
Biological Diversity, 2011). In 2010 a requirement predicted by the FAO over the
revised and updated Strategic Plan for coming decades: ‘By 2050 the world’s pop-
Biodiversity for the 2010–2011 period was ulation will reach 9.2 billion, 34 percent
adopted. The convention requires all par- higher than today … In order to feed this
ties to create a National Biodiversity larger, more urban and richer population,
Strategy and Action Plan to implement the food production must increase by 70 per-
convention at the national level and to cent’ (FAO, 2008).
ensure that the strategy is adopted by all The impacts of agriculture, including
those sectors whose activities impact on dairy farming, on biodiversity and local
biodiversity (Convention on Biological ecology are now well recognized, and
Diversity, 2011). many countries are addressing the chal-
Agriculture is one of these sectors; by lenges created by modern farming tech-
their very nature, all agricultural monoc- niques. This does not mean turning back
ultures inevitably have a huge impact on the clock or reverting to outdated, ineffi-
biodiversity as almost by definition the cient practices, but it does mean that dairy
farmer is trying selectively to exclude the farming must be undertaken with an under-
growth of other plants and pests. This is standing of the countryside and the com-
particularly true of ‘industrial’ agricul- plex ecosystems and environments it
ture, which has undergone a rapid expan- contains. Replanting hedgerows and trees;
sion in many parts of the world since the creating small areas of specific habitats for
end of World War II. Over that period the previously common or endangered species;
increasing size and mechanization of dairy delaying or changing the timing of agricul-
farms has had a significant impact on the tural practices to allow the completion of
local ecology and biodiversity. Hedgerows lifecycles; leaving margins around water-
were removed to create larger fields and courses, woodlands, hedgerows and other
heath-, moor- and marshlands were habitats to limit the impacts of agriculture
drained and improved to create uniform and protect delicate ecosystems; providing
pastures for grazing. Developments in roosting and breeding sites and boxes for
plant science, herbicides, pesticides and birds in agricultural buildings; avoiding
Dairy Farming, Food Security and Environmental Issues 289

the use of fertilizers, herbicides and pes- example, the Environmental Stewardship
ticides on small areas of land; and the iden- Scheme run by Natural England on behalf
tification and protection of particularly of DEFRA in England is divided into a range
important habitats and sites, are just some of different schemes and levels. Its primary
examples of practices that improve bio- objectives are to conserve wildlife and bio-
diversity and which are now undertaken diversity, maintain and enhance landscape
alongside dairy farming and other agri- quality and character, protect the historic
cultural systems. environment, protect natural resources and
promote public access and understanding
of the countryside. Approximately 70% of
Promoting and enforcing England’s farmland is currently covered by
environment protection this or previous schemes.

The environmental challenges facing dairy

farming and agriculture more generally are Reducing the Impact of Dairy
demanding. Schemes to promote and Farming on the Environment
enforce environmental protection are vital
if national and international goals are to be As described above, there are a wide variety
met over the coming decades. Two exam- of ways in which dairy farming can have a
ples of such schemes are the EU Single damaging effect on the environment and
Payment Scheme and the UK Environmental these need to be considered and addressed
Management Scheme, and these are briefly where possible. A fundamental aspect of
outlined below. managing dairy herd health is that decisions
are made within the context of other inter-
EU Single Payment Scheme related aspects of dairy farming, one of
which should be environmental citizenship.
In 2003 the European Commission reformed The environmental impact of dairy farming
the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and represents an opportunity for involvement
removed the link between subsidy for the herd health advisor; the advisor is an
payments and the level of production ideal coordinator of this process, with an
(‘decoupling’). A system of single payments overview of animal health/welfare, food
was introduced to guarantee farmers a production and environmental management.
more stable income providing they Therefore, a useful role of the herd health
meet certain obligations under ‘Cross advisor is to form a cohesive farm policy that
Compliance’ standards. These standards balances animal health/welfare, economic
relate to public, animal and plant health, and environmental considerations.
the environment and animal welfare and An individual farm can take steps
the maintenance of land in good agricul- to reduce its impact on the environment,
tural and environmental condition. The and these should be tailored to local
standards are laid out in two strands: circumstances. Examples of practical mea-
‘Standards of Good Agricultural and sures to reduce the environmental impact of
Environmental Conditions (GAECs)’ and dairy farming are outlined in Table 9.2.
‘Statutory Management Requirements
(SMRs)’. Farmers who fail to meet these
requirements can have some or all of their The influence of increased efficiency
single payment withheld. and improved health and reproduction

UK Environmental Management Scheme Health and reproduction

In many parts of the world, farmers are For all dairy systems, improved efficiency
encouraged to participate in schemes of milk production helps to reduce the
designed to protect the environment. For negative environmental effects of dairy
290 J. Statham et al.

farming. For example, for any particular per litre of milk sold or per animal on the
system, if fewer cows (and replacements) unit will be reduced. ‘Lost’ milk here
are required and there are fewer ‘lost’ litres includes milk that does not enter the food
of milk, then the environmental impacts chain following animal treatment or a

Table 9.2. Examples of methods to reduce the environmental impact of dairy farming (after Green et al., 2011).

Area Suggested methods for improvement

Soil Aerate if compacted. Use soil analysis for precise evaluation of the additives
required. Improve swards with minimal soil disturbance (reduces
N2O losses) – e.g. use oversowing and direct drilling
Water Reduce dietary protein as much as possible to reduce nitrogen excretion
(the use of essential oils and specific amino acids may decrease overall
crude protein requirement). High-yielding dairy cows can be sustained
on rations <17.5% crude protein (dry matter basis). Adhere to Nitrogen
Vulnerable Zone regulations if applicable. Excess dietary phosphorus will
be excreted in urine and faeces and is a potential cause of eutrophication.
Therefore check dietary content so that mineral specifications are not
excessive for phosphorus
Manure/slurry Compact manure and cover slurry stores or manure heaps to reduce
ammonia and N2O levels. Slurry application: N2O emissions are lower if
spread in spring compared with autumn/winter. Match nutrient content of
slurry/manure to crop requirements while allowing for ground type and
local fertilizer rules. Direct injection of slurry reduces ammonia and N2O
compared with surface spreading. Consider anaerobic digestion to
capture and utilize methane, which can be used as an energy source on
the farm
Nitrogen (N) Effective N utilization requires an understanding of soil and crop requirements
and matching this with fertilizer rates. Maximizing use of organic manures
can reduce N2O, ammonia and nitrate losses. Feed cows so as not to
provide excess N in diet
Cow health Optimizing efficiency of production; fewer cows and less waste milk reduce
and fertility the environmental impact per litre sold. This provides a major role for the
herd health advisor (see later sections for details)
Cow diets Effective use of feed improves performance and reduces inputs and
waste per litre of milk produced: high dry matter intakes, high-quality
forage, high sugar forage, use of clover, addition of specific oils or
other feed additives to reduce methane emissions are current areas of
Housing More frequent slurry removal reduces ammonia emissions. Bolder and
longer-term strategies could include scavenging greenhouse gases from
negatively ventilated, sealed buildings. Collected gases could be used as
an energy source on the farm
Genetics In future, it may be possible to select for ‘low-emission’ animals by making
use of the relatively large between-animal variations that exists in emission
Energy Make energy-saving changes to lighting, machinery, dairy equipment
consumption/CO2 (e.g. plate coolers, heat recovery units), reduce delivery numbers (increase
emissions storage capacity), use local feeds or by-products where possible. Consider
‘carbon storage’ – e.g. conversion of cultivated land to permanent pasture
or woodland. Consider production of energy from renewable or home-
produced sources
Dairy Farming, Food Security and Environmental Issues 291

reduction in yield that occurs following detailed in this book is likely to have a
clinical or subclinical disease or poor significant effect on reducing the environ-
reproductive performance. This highlights mental impact of milk production.
the central importance of herd health in Improving health and fertility to reduce
terms of the environment, and is a funda- the environmental impact of dairying has
mental reason why the management of the substantial advantage that it is also
herd health, described throughout this beneficial for cow welfare and farm finan-
book, is so important. Clinical mastitis cial returns; in this respect it is a potential
illustrates this point: ‘win–win’ situation. This is an area in
which the herd health advisor can and
1. Milk is discarded because of antimicro- should take a leading role.
bial usage and the associated withdrawal
2. Milk yield is reduced for the remainder Dietary formulation to optimize
of lactation as a consequence of compro- carbohydrate utilization
mised mammary gland function.
3. There is an increased risk of culling Dietary manipulation is an interesting
and requirement for extra replacement area and one that demonstrates some of
heifers. the difficulties and anomalies that exist
when considering the environment.
Thus a reduction in GHG and use of Feeding more starch and less fibre to a
non-renewable resources and chemicals, dairy cow will mean that relatively more
per litre of saleable milk, is an inevitable propionate and relatively less acetate and
consequence of improved health and fertil- butyrate are produced in the rumen, and
ity, because fewer cows at a given level of this leads to reduced methane production.
production are required to produce the As reviewed by Moss et al. (2000), the car-
same quantity of milk. bohydrate source within a diet will influ-
The effects of fertility on GHG emis- ence the methane-producing capabilities
sions have been evaluated using a model of the food consumed. A herd producing
linking changes in fertility to herd struc- 8000 litres per annum, that has a relatively
ture, number of replacements, milk yield, high starch content in the diet, will have a
nutrient requirements and gas emissions lower methane production per litre
(Garnsworthy, 2004). Fertility has a major (assuming an equivalent feed rate) than a
effect on the number of heifer replacements herd producing the same milk with a
required to maintain herd size for a given lower dietary starch content and higher
milk quota or number of cows. Restoring digestible fibre. The work of Lana et al.
fertility to 1995 levels was predicted (1998) supports this theory by confirming
to reduce methane emissions by 10–11% that low ruminal pH regulates methane
and ammonia emissions by about 9%. production.
Improving submission rate from 50 to 70% However, high starch-based diets have
produced improvements in fertility that the potential to cause ruminal acidosis and
could reduce emissions of methane by up subsequent deleterious effects on cow
to 24% and of ammonia by about 14% health and welfare. This is an example of a
(Garnsworthy, 2004). Thus improved sub- potential conflict between environmental
mission rate alone represents a realistic, and cow considerations; feeding a high-
achievable route to improve herd profit- starch diet may be useful to reduce methane
ability, while at the same time reducing production and reduce the environmental
the environmental impact of dairy farming impact of dairying, but it could result in
(see Chapter 5). poorer cow health (and welfare) or increased
A holistic herd health programme production costs – which is the more
that incorporates many of the areas important?
292 J. Statham et al.

Strategic use of dietary oil supplements Use of naturally occurring supplements

Lipid inclusion in the diet causes a Feed additives for dairy cattle may repre-
marked decrease in methane production, sent a future possibility to influence the
with the effect being at least partly gov- impact of dairy cows on the environment.
erned by the fat source used (Dong et al., There are potential methane-reducing
1997; Machmuller et al., 1998). This effect effects from feeding ionophores such as
is partially but not fully mediated by the monensin, although this practice is cur-
depression of protozoal numbers in the rently banned in the EU. Some unsaturated
rumen (Machmuller et al., 2001, 2003). oils such as linseed, and some essential oils
Ruminal protozoa have been shown to such as extracts from horseradish and gar-
harbour approximately 25% of the metha- lic, may reduce methane production; more
nogens present in the rumen (Newbold research in this area is needed. Given the
et al., 1995), and lipid inclusion appear forthcoming EU-wide ban on the use of sub-
to represent one of the few practical meth- therapeutic levels of antibiotics and iono-
ods of controlling protozoa in vivo phores as growth promoters in livestock,
(Newbold and Chamberlain, 1998). there has been an explosion of interest in
However, the effects of fat on methane other compounds that might modify micro-
production are not limited to those medi- bial activity in the gut. With regard to
ated via ruminal protozoa, and lipids methane production, attention has focused
have been shown to inhibit methano- on plant secondary metabolites, probiotics
genesis even in the absence of these pro- and propionate precursors. While major
tozoa (Broudiscou et al., 1990; Dohme EU-funded projects on plant materials to
et al., 1999). This may be due to the toxic- decrease methane production are under
ity of long-chain fatty acids to methano- way (Wallace, 2004), no details on potential
genic bacteria (Prins et al., 1972; candidate compounds are in the public
Hendersen, 1973). However, the effect of domain at present. Similarly, the use of pro-
fat supplementation cannot be viewed in biotics to decrease ruminal methane pro-
isolation. Fat inclusion in the diet (par- duction has been investigated and, while
ticularly at levels >5 g/kg DM) can the development of this approach
adversely affect ruminal health by sig- continues, potential problems with regula-
nificantly inhibiting fibre breakdown in tion and registration of such substances
the rumen (Kowalcyk et al., 1977; make it unlikely that commercial products
Machmuller and Kreuzer, 1997). Again, will be released in the near future. Possibly
the severity of the effect varies with the the most promising approach in the short
type of fat fed (Machmuller et al., 1998). term is the use of propionate precursors –
Another example of a conflict of inter- both fumarate and malate have been ass-
ests, in this instance a human–economic– ociated with decreases in methanogenesis
environmental dilemma, is the use of palm in vitro and in vivo (Martin, 1998; Asanuma
oils in dairy cow diets. Milk price in some et al., 1999; López et al., 1999; Bayaru et al.,
purchasing contracts depends on the per- 2001; Newbold et al., 2005; Wallace
centage of butterfat in milk, and it can be et al., 2006).
cost effective to boost butterfat in milk by
using palm oils (C16 fatty acids). Genetics
The production of palm oil is generally con-
sidered to be severely detrimental to the In the future, it is likely that genetics and
environment, although it can also provide breeding will play some role in mitigating
an income for some of the world’s poorest the environmental impact of dairy farming.
societies. There are clear ethical difficulties A study by Bell et al. (2010) investigated
in making decisions in which conflicts exist (i) the effect of long-term breeding for kilo-
between environmental, animal, economic grams of milk fat plus protein production;
and human requirements. and (ii) the influence of parity, genetic line
Dairy Farming, Food Security and Environmental Issues 293

and diet on predicted enteric methane emis- Conclusion: Dairy Farming and the
sions of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows, using Environment
17 years’ experimental data from the Langhill
herd in Scotland. The Langhill herd com- Traditional perspectives of dairy farming
prises genetic lines selected for kilograms of have partitioned the issues of food produc-
milk fat plus protein (Select) or selected to tion and environmental impacts as separate
remain close to the average genetic merit for components. However, it has become clear
milk fat plus protein production for all ani- that such a narrow view is unhelpful. Food
mals evaluated in the UK (Control); it was security and the impacts of dairy farming
housed at Langhill, University of Edinburgh on the environment are also inextricably
(farm 1) between 1990 and 2002 and at the linked to global energy security and the
Dairy Research Centre, Scottish Agricultural socio-economic aspects of agriculture for
College (SAC; farm 2) between 2002 and communities worldwide. The dairy indus-
2007. The study reported that ‘Select’ cows try is expected to reduce the contribution
had a higher weekly DMI and milk yield but that it makes to global warming, yet the sig-
a lower predicted enteric methane output nificance of improved cow health and
per kilogram milk by approximately 12% reproductive performance in mitigation of
when compared with ‘Control’ animals. In environmental impacts is often underesti-
terms of diet, the low-forage cows had a mated. Above all, herd health advisors have
higher daily DMI and milk yield, but a a central role in balancing the interrelated
lower predicted enteric methane output per factors involved while ensuring the
kilogram milk, than the high-forage cows at health and welfare of the animals under
the respective farms. their care.

References and Further Reading

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Appendix 1 Sample Sizes and Disease

Prevalence Estimates

Martin Green1 and Laura Green2

School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham, Sutton
Bonington Campus, Leicestershire LE12 5RD, UK; 2School of Life Sciences,
The University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK

Sample Size Estimates a herd is positive or has a problem.

For example, in the case of bovine viral
In many situations it is important to make an diarrhoea (BVD) virus it may be important
accurate estimate of the level of a disease, to detect whether infection is present at all
condition or metabolic state within a popula- (prevalence >0) or, in the case of raised
tion of dairy cows. The population of interest non-esterified fatty acids just prior to calv-
may be the whole herd but may also be a ing, it may be that a threshold of 15% is set
smaller subset, such as the cows within the before further investigations are consid-
first 30 days after calving. Whilst it is possible ered worthwhile.
to test all cows within a population of inter- 3. The certainty you require of detecting a
est, financial constraints often mean that a given prevalence. When testing a sample of
smaller sample is preferred to make an esti- cows you cannot be 100% positive that you
mate of the population status. have made an absolutely accurate estimate
This raises the question, ‘How many do of the prevalence in the target population,
I need to test to get an accurate estimate of and statistical sampling theory allows us to
the population prevalence?’ This is an calculate how certain we are in our preva-
important question and has to be answered lence estimate. This raises the necessary
in a variety of situations. However, the question of how certain we need to be in
answer to the question depends on specific order to make a decision based on the results
circumstances, because the size of the sam- of our sample? For some conditions, where
ple needed varies according to the follow- the consequences are severe, it may be nec-
ing factors: essary to be very certain before making deci-
sions and thus a certainty of over 95% might
1. The number of cows in the population of
be chosen. For other situations – for exam-
interest (target population). For example,
ple, when the results will lead to further
this may be the whole herd (in the case of an
investigations rather than large financial
infectious disease such as Johne’s disease) or
decisions – a lower certainty is often suffi-
a smaller group (in the case of the metabolic
cient, for example 70–80%.
status of cows within 30 days of calving).
2. The prevalence of the condition of inter- Here, we use a statistical method based
est in the target population. This is the on the hypergeometric distribution to
level of the condition in the target popula- estimate the appropriate probabilities. This
tion that you want to detect to indicate that is a discrete probability distribution because

© CAB International 2012. Dairy Herd Health (ed. M. Green) 297

298 Appendix 1

the number of cows has to be a whole Example 2: Testing a group of maiden

number – we cannot have 9.5 affected cows heifers for BVD antibody status
in a population. The distribution is used to
estimate the probability of selecting a cer- Target population = 40 (= number of heifers
tain number of disease-positive cows in a in the whole group). Prevalence of interest:
specific sample size, given that the disease 4 or more affected animals in 40 (i.e. we
level in the overall population of interest is want to detect a prevalence of ≥ 10%; sensi-
at a specified level. A key feature of this dis- tivity and specificity of the test are assumed
tribution is that it describes the number of to be 100%).
positive animals in a sample from a larger
population, given that once cows have been Certainty of identifying ≥ 1 positive
selected they are no longer available to be animal in your sample given
chosen again. Sample a prevalence in the target
A simple sample size calculator is size taken population ≥ 10%
provided online to accompany this book
6 0.49
and can be found at
12 0.78
dhhmg. A calculator that extends sample size
15 0.86
estimates to include imperfect sensitivity and
specificity can be found at 20 0.95
The following examples can be fol- Example 3: Testing a group of cows after
lowed by using the calculator, and are calving for betahydroxybutyrate levels
provided to give an illustration of how to
estimate the number of animals to sample in Target population = 20 (= number of cows
different disease situations. within 30 days of calving in a 240 cow dairy
herd). Prevalence of interest: 3 or more ani-
Example 1: Testing a group of maiden mals positive (i.e. we want to detect a preva-
heifers for BVD antigen (virus) status lence of ≥ 15%; sensitivity and specificity of
the test are assumed to be 100%).
Target population = 40 (= number of heifers
in the whole group). Prevalence of interest: Certainty of identifying ≥ 1 positive
1 or more affected animals in 40 (i.e. we animal in your sample given a
want to detect a prevalence of ³ 2.5%; sensi- Sample prevalence in the target
tivity and specificity of the test are assumed size taken population ≥ 15%
to be 100%).
6 0.68
7 0.75
Certainty of Certainty of 8 0.81
identifying one identifying ≥ 1 9 0.86
diseased animal in positive animal in 12 0.95
your sample given your sample given
a prevalence in the a prevalence in
target population the target Estimating Disease Prevalence
of 2.5% (only 1 population of 5.0%
Sample diseased animal is (2 positive animals
from Test Results
size taken actually present) present)
Having chosen the relevant sample size
6 0.15 0.28 using the method above and having obtained
12 0.30 0.52 test results, we can now estimate the prob-
15 0.38 0.62
ability that the true disease prevalence in
20 0.50 0.76
the population is above a given level. This
30 0.75 0.94
35 0.88 0.99 will depend upon the actual number of
test-positive animals that we identify in our
Appendix 1 299

sample and the degree of certainty that Example 2: Testing a group of cows
we require. Again, the online calculator after calving for betahydroxybutyrate
provided ( levels
can be used to make these estimates and we
provide examples below to illustrate how Target population = 20 (= number of cows
this can be done. within 30 days of calving in a 240 cow
dairy herd). Prevalence of interest: 3 or
more animals positive (i.e. we want to
Example 1: Testing a group of maiden heifers
detect a prevalence of ≥ 15%). Sample size
for BVD antibody status
used = 6 (i.e. number of heifers tested; sen-
sitivity and specificity of the test are
Target population = 40 (= number of heifers in assumed to be ~100%).
the whole group). Prevalence of interest: 4 or
more affected animals in 40 (i.e. we want to
Number positive Probability that population
detect a prevalence of ³ 10%). Sample size
in sample prevalence is ≥ 15%
used = 12 (i.e. number of heifers tested; sensi-
tivity and specificity of the test are assumed to 0 0.32
be 100%). 1 0.80
2 0.98
Number positive Probability that population 3 0.99
in sample prevalence is ≥ 10%

0 0.22
1 0.65
2 0.93
3 1.00
4 1.00

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Appendix 2 Genetics and Herd Health

Jonathan Statham1 and Martin Green2

Bishopton Veterinary Group, Mill Farm, Studley Road, Ripon, North
Yorkshire HG4 2QR, UK; 2School of Veterinary Medicine and Science,
University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington Campus, Leicestershire LE12 5RD, UK

Introduction We outline below the terms and con-

cepts commonly used in genetic evaluations
Genetics plays an important role in dairy and note the increasing importance of
cow health and production, and while traits relating to health and longevity (Dairy
this book focuses on herd health in rel- Co, 2011).
ation to farm management, we provide
here an outline of the principles of genetic
evaluations to enable the reader to gain a
basic understanding. To fully incorporate Genetic Indices
genetic selection into a herd health pro-
gramme, we recommend working collabo- A genetic index ‘GI’ (often known as a
ratively with independent specialists in ‘proof’) provides a measure of an animal’s
this field. ability to pass its genes on to the next gen-
Average milk production in the Holstein eration. Genetic indices are calculated
breed has increased from around 5000 kg/ from data from a variety of sources to pro-
year in the 1980s to over 8000 kg/year today, duce estimate of an animal’s genetic worth.
and it has been estimated that genetics is For a bull, the most important component
responsible for more than half of this of his proof is his daughters’ performance,
increase. The breeding priorities of com- while for a cow the most important com-
mercial dairy farmers are ultimately driven ponent is her own performance. When
by profitability, whatever the farming sys- either a bull or cow is too young to have
tem (intensive, extensive, etc.) and funda- any performance information of its own,
mental to this is milk volume, fat and its proof will be calculated from family
protein production. Consequently, total information.
milk solids often drive long-term breeding Statistical models are used to calculate
policy in many herds. However, lifespan genetic indices using milk recording and
and fertility are increasingly recognized as animal data, and the models account to some
driving profitability on a lifetime basis and extent for offspring being present in a variety
so are becoming significant in breeding of farm environments. In the UK and in a
decisions. variety of dairy nations, genetic indices are

© CAB International 2012. Dairy Herd Health (ed. M. Green) 301

302 Appendix 2

expressed as predicted transmitting abilities predicted to deliver just under half a day’s
(PTA). These predict the extent a given trait reduction in his daughters’ calving interval
will be passed on to an animal’s offspring. and 0.5% improvement in non-return rate
That is, the amount of a trait the offspring at 56 days.
will receive from its parents. Genetic progress 3. Lifespan. PTAs are expressed in terms of
over long periods of time necessitates recali- lactations (i.e. the extra number of lactations
bration of the indices. Thus, every five years predicted for survival), and are calculated
(UK), the national average for every trait is from actual daughter survival information if
recalculated and reset to zero. For example, available; otherwise, information on type
in 2010 the genetic base was re-calculated for (feet, legs and udder), cell count and family
all breeds and the PTA should precisely be is used. Range is typically −0.5 to + 0.5.
referred to as PTA 2010. 4. Locomotion. The PTA is expressed on a
scale of around −3 to +3. The best locomo-
tion scores of +3 or higher predict the trans-
mission of an excellent gait.
UK indices

Production traits
Management traits
Production traits were the first to be intro- Management traits refer to those traits
duced into genetic indices. All male and facilitating a streamlined and undisrupted
female dairy cattle are assigned a PTA for milking routine and include:
milk (kg), fat (kg), fat (%), protein (kg) and
protein (%). In a baseline year, the dau- 1. Temperament (−3 to +3, as increasingly
ghters of a bull with a PTA of 650 kg milk placid).
are on average predicted to produce 650 kg 2. Ease of milking (−3 to +3, from hard-
more milk in a lactation than the daughters milkers to very fast with risk of running
of an ‘average’ bull, whose PTA is zero. milk).
Persistency of milk production is derived 3. Calving ease (−3 to +3, from more diffi-
from yield at 280 days as a percentage of cult to easier calvings) in regard to two
yield at 60 days. aspects:

Health, welfare and fitness traits • Direct calving ease (dCE %) gives a pre-
diction of the ease with which a calf by
Increased significance is being attached that sire will be born.
to health, welfare and fitness traits to • Maternal calving ease (mCE %) predicts
address lifetime profitability and consumer the ease with which a daughter of that
concerns. sire will give birth.
1. Somatic cell count (SCC). PTAs are
expressed as a percentage and generally fall Type traits
within the range +30 to −30. For every 1%
increase in a bull’s SCC PTA, an increase of Seventeen ‘type’ traits (e.g. stature, angu-
1% in his daughters’ SCC is predicted. larity, teat length) are used to assess cow
Negative PTA for SCC are desirable. conformation. Data are usually collected
2. Fertility. Fertility Index (FI) provides a from first-lactation cows, often by breed
prediction of female fertility expressed as a societies, each of which determines its
financial figure (£) (generally −15 to +15) own breed standards. A score of zero rep-
and is based largely on a combination of resents the breed average, and such traits
calving interval and non-return rates. On are commonly expressed on a bar chart
average, every £1 increase in a bull’s FI is (linear score).
Appendix 2 303

Genetic indices for selection called multiple-trait across-country evalu-

(£PIN and PLI) ation (MACE), undertaken by an organiza-
tion called Interbull. The UK and Interbull
Selection indices such as profit index (£PIN) coordinate their work so that all the genetic
and profitable lifetime index (PLI) bring indices are published simultaneously three
together a variety of traits into one figure: times per year.
• £PIN: profit index predicts the add-
itional margin over food and quota
costs per lactation that a bull or cow is Reliability of genetic indices
expected to pass on to its progeny
compared with an average baseline
The reliability of GI varies widely depend-
£PIN of zero, and is based purely on
ing on the amount and source of inform-
production traits (milk, fat and
ation available. For example, a GI for
production traits based on a parent average
• PLI: this has been designed as a primary
typically has a reliability of around 30–40%
selection tool to identify animals pre-
but a proof for a bull based on the per-
dicted to transmit the greatest financial
formance of his daughters in several hun-
improvement in their lifetime. PLI
dred herds could have a reliability of up to
improves on PIN by adding health, wel-
99%. The lower the reliability of the proof,
fare, fitness and lifespan components to
the more likely it is to change as more
the same production formula. Each trait
daughters are added, so it is important to
is weighted by its relative economic
use young bulls with caution. However,
value and the resulting single figure
using a variety of young sire semen has a
represents the financial improvement
place in most herd breeding programmes
an animal is, on average, predicted to
and may offer large rewards if proved
pass on to its offspring expressed on a
successful. Care should be taken not to
lifetime basis. The PLI’s revised for-
overuse a particular young unproven sire of
mula for 2007 increased its emphasis
low reliability.
on health, welfare and fitness traits and
reduced the emphasis on production
traits to 45%.

Genetic indices outside the UK Some traits are more heritable than others and
the more heritable a trait, the easier it is to
improve through breeding. Highly heritable
Most dairying countries publish selection
traits include fat (0.68) or protein (0.68) per-
indices similar to UK £PIN and PLI,
centage of milk. Heritability estimates for
although a detailed description of these is
major health and production characteristics
beyond the scope of this book. Since
of dairy cows are shown below in Table A2.1.
genetic indices in different countries are
based on different economic and manage-
ment conditions and breeding priorities,
they should not be used to select bulls out- Genetic defects
side the national farming conditions.
However, methods have been developed A number of recessive genetic defects cause
to provide foreign-proven bulls with problems in dairy breeding: (i) bovine
UK-equivalent figures. Originally, a simple leukocyte adhesion deficiency (BLAD),
conversion formula was applied to each causing a fatal deficiency of the immune
component of the proof, but today the proc- system; (ii) complex vertebral malforma-
ess is more complex and uses a technique tion (CVM), causing stillbirths or, more
304 Appendix 2

commonly, abortion or fetal death before defective gene will be identified by the suf-
260 days of gestation; and (iii) mule foot fixes *BL, *CV and *MF, respectively.
(MF), causing the two claws of the hoof to Matings should be avoided between carrier
become fused. All artificial insemination parents, to prevent any risk of expressing a
(AI) sires are tested and any carrying the genetic defect.

Table A2.1. Heritability estimates for major health and production characteristics of dairy cows
(based on

Trait Heritability

Milk yield 0.55
Protein yield 0.51
Protein percentage 0.68
Fat yield 0.47
Fat percentage 0.68
Linear type
Stature (ST) 0.41
Body depth (BD) 0.33
Rump angle (RA) 0.30
Rear leg side (RLS) 0.20
Fore udder attachment 0.22
Udder support (US) 0.19
Teat placement rear (TPR) 0.29
Teat length (TL) 0.29
Chest width (CW) 0.25
Angularity (ANG) 0.34
Rump width (RW) 0.26
Foot angle (FA) 0.10
Rear udder height (RUH) 0.23
Udder depth (UD) 0.35
Teat placement rear (TPS) 0.29
Composite type
Mammary 0.27
Legs and feet 0.16
Type merit/type score 0.32
Lifespan 0.06
Somatic cell count 0.11
Temperament 0.11
Body condition score 0.27
Maternal calving ease 0.04
Locomotion 0.10
Fertility 0.03
Ease of milking 0.21
Direct calving ease 0.07


DairyCo (2011) Breeding Briefs: A Quick Guide to Genetic Indexes in Dairy Cattle. DairyCo Breeding +
AHDB, Kenilworth, UK.


Abortion Holstein herd 241, 242

common causes 110–111 management 270
defined 109 Bovine colostrum 53
rate 109–110 Bovine leukocyte adhesion
AD see Anaerobic digestion (AD) deficiency (BLAD) 303
AI see Artificial insemination (AI) Bovine mastitis
Anaerobic digestion (AD) 283 categorization, expenditure 121
Anovulatory anoestrus and cystic clinical costs 121, 122
ovarian disease 109 FAWC 123
Anthelmintic treatments 62, 64 indirect costs 122
Artificial insemination (AI) preventive management costs 122–13
‘high-demand’ 104 subclinical costs 121–122
oestrus detection 94 Bovine milk
synchronization protocols, fixed-time 99 mastitis effects, milk quality 123–124
medicines residues 124
on-farm avoidance, antibiotic
BCS see Body condition score (BCS) residues 124–125
Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) pasteurization 123
and NEFAs concentrations 229, 246 Bovine tuberculosis (bTB)
serum 246 control 207
BHB see Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and MAP 222, 223
Biodiversity and local ecology, dairy test-and-cull strategy 208
farming 287–289 Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD)
Biofuels adult cow 211
bioethanol and biodiesel 282 BMT 213
production 282–283 cattle-to-cattle transmission 222–223
‘second generation’ 283 control 221–222
BLAD see Bovine leukocyte adhesion defined 102
deficiency (BLAD) elimination 207
‘Blue baby syndrome’ 286 and IBR 222
BMSCC see Bulk milk somatic Bovine viral diarrhoea virus
cell count (BMSCC) (BVDV) 212–214, 223
BMT see Bulk milk testing (BMT) Breeding programme, mastitis
Body condition score (BCS) comfort, cow 158
defined 240 environmental sources, contamination 162

306 Index

Breeding programme, mastitis (continued) Cystic ovarian disease see Anovulatory

failure, refrigeration 162 anoestrus and cystic ovarian disease
heat stress 157–158
lameness 158–159
management, environment 160–162 DA see Displaced abomasum (DA)
milking machine and teat scoring 159 DairyCo Mobility Score 175, 176
non-lactating period 159–160 Dairy farming environment
nutrition 159 atmosphere and climate change 284–286
plant cleanliness 162 biodiversity and local ecology 287–289
selection, resistance 157 dietary formulation, carbohydrate
vaccination 157 utilization 291
bTB see Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) dietary oil supplements 292
Bulk milk somatic cell count (BMSCC) environment protection 289
defined 140–141 genetics 292–293
direct costs 122 health and reproduction 289
reduction 128 methane production 292
Bulk milk testing (BMT) 213–214 reduction 290
Bulk milk tests 248 water 286–287
Bureau recording systems 78–79 Dairy herd health
BVD see Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) changes, farm
BVDV see Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) attitudes 22
‘Bypass’ starch 233 behaviour control 23–25
communication 19–20
competition 26
Calf housing 59 factors, farmer’s decision 28–29
California milk test (CMT) family-owned farms 20
defined 133 financing 28
ICSCCs 137 ‘hassle factor’ 26
negative 163 human health problem 26–27
Calving index identification, farmer’s stage 16–17
cohorts, interval analysis 83, 84 infeasible work 27
interpretation, interval-based fertility lameness 22
data 83, 84 making, time 27
intervals construction, lactation cycle 83 perception, farmer 17–18
reasons, poor monitor 82 perception, friendship and
SCC 82–83 conflicts 19
symmetrical and positively skewed remembering 27–28
distribution 83, 85 required skills 28
Cattle foot trimming research projects, farmer behavioural
Dutch five-step method 187 typologies 20–21
horn wear 188 social norms 22–23
preventive 188 team effort 25–26
recommended times 188 theory of planned behaviour 22, 29
Claw horn diseases 172 veterinary practitioners’
Clinical mastitis analysis perceptions 18–19
incidence rates 145 defined 11
putative origin 146–147 encouragement, famers 11–12
and subclinical cure rates 145–146 evidence-based veterinary medicine 29–32
CMT see California milk test (CMT) farmed livestock 1–2
‘Cold cognition’ 15 management 2–3
Colostrum objectives, behaviour research 12
passive transfer, immunity 42, 43, 54 programme see Herd health programme
quality 42, 53 selfish human behaviour research 13–15
Complex vertebral malformation Diagnostic techniques, mastitis
(CVM) 303–304 advantages and disadvantages 135, 136
CVM see Complex vertebral bacteriological culture 136–137
malformation (CVM) factors, accuracy 137–139
Index 307

PCR 137 Evidence-based veterinary medicine

real-time PCR 135 application 30
Diagnostic tests, infectious disease assessment 31
estimation, prevalence 211–212 databases, internet 31
MAP 210 evaluation, performance 32
predictive value 211 integration 31–32
sensitivity and specificity 210–211 PICO 30
Dictyocaulus viviparus 64, 66 principles 30, 31
Dietary cation-anion balance (DCAB) 268, 269
Digital dermatitis 172, 173
Disease control, rearing period Faecal egg count reduction test 44, 45
holistic approach 50 FAO see Food and Agriculture
neonatal period Organisation (FAO)
environment 55 Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) 123
feeding 52–55 Fasciola hepatica 63, 65
management, calving 52 Fat and protein-corrected milk (FPCM) 285
preventive treatment 55–56 Fatty liver and ketosis, nutrition control
post-weaning period adipose tissue 270
anthelmintic treatments 62, 64 BCS management 270
environment 60, 62 dry cow feeding 270–271
feeding 60, 61 management, post-parturient cow 271
fertility management 65–67 single-group dry cow management 271
liver fluke 63–65 FAWC see Farm Animal Welfare
lungworm 64–66 Council (FAWC)
parasitic gastroenteritis 60, 63 Feeding management
preventive strategies 50–51 behaviour, cow 252–253
pre-weaning period environment, cow 255
environment 56, 58, 59 face design 254
feeding 56, 57 financial indices 234
husbandry 57–58 food management 255–257
preventive treatments 58–60 forages see Forages
Disease prevalence estimation 298–299 heifers 253
Displaced abomasum (DA) space requirements 254
defined 271 time budgets and milking 254
lactation 272 transition and calving 253–254
post-calving 272 water provision 254–255
DMI see Dry matter intake (DMI) Fertility control, reproductive performance
Dry matter intake (DMI) accuracy and oestrus detection
depression 268 rates 93–100
diet 227 areas 92–93
D-value 261 performance 93
heifers 261 pregnancy rates 100–106
maximization 257, 271 reproductive disease 106–110
monitoring 241, 260 ‘Fertility efficiency’ 88
reduction 248 Fertility Index (FI) 302
supplementation 261 FI see Fertility Index (FI)
Dutch five-step method 187 Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) 279,
282, 288
Food management
EEJ see Electro-ejaculation (EEJ) discrimination/sorting, diet 256
Electro-ejaculation (EEJ) 106 feed delivery 256–257
Endemic and non-infectious disease 103 preparation 255–256
Energy security regular feeding evaluations 257–259
AD 283 signs, sorting 256
defined 282 Food security
vs. food security 282–283 components 280, 281
‘second generation’ biofuels 283 defined 280
308 Index

Food security (continued) Heifers, mastitis control 163–164

political influences 282 Herd health programme
veterinary activities 280–282 appreciation, client aspirations 3
Foot bathing and disinfection calculations and decisions 4–5
construction 189, 190 data recording and analysis 5
digital dermatitis 188–189 environment, cow 7–8
formalin and copper sulfate 189 fee structures 6, 7
mass-spraying 190 iterative management cycle 3, 4
Forages objectives 4
calculation, reserves 263 relevance, genetics 8–9
defined 257 structure, visits 5–6
DM 260–261, 264 training, farm staff 6–7
genetic base, herd 261–262 Herd reproduction management
grazing supply 262–263 description 73
intakes 263 economics, fertility 73–75
monitoring fertility control see Fertility control,
grass growth 260 reproductive performance
grazing quantity and monitoring techniques see Monitoring
quality 257, 260 techniques, herd reproduction
Penn State separator 264 performance 74–76
quality 263–264 and public health 77–78
secondary fermentation 264–265 welfare and ethics 76–77
sward quantity and characteristics 261 Heritability 303
TMR physical characteristics 264 Home-bred vs. bought-in replacement heifers 36
yield 261 Host immune defence
FPCM see Fat and protein-corrected innate and acquired systems 125
milk (FPCM) and lactation cycle 126–127
lactoferrin 125
and somatic cells 127–129
Genetic defects 303–304 ‘Hot cognition’ 15
Genetic indices (GI) Hypocalcaemia
AI 304 blood and urine macro-mineral
BLAD 303 monitoring 248–249
CVM 303–304 calcium supplementation 269–270
heritability 303 DCAB 268–269
information drawn 301
MACE 303
MF 304 IBR see Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR)
national farming conditions 303 Individual cow SCCs (ICSCCs)
production traits, ‘fresh calver infection rate’ 142, 144
UK indices 302–303 lactation, infection rate 141, 142
PTA 302 mastitis monitoring indices,
reliability 303 UK target ranges 141
statistical models 301 NTI 143, 144
GHG emissions see Greenhouse outcomes, individual quarters 142, 144
gas emissions proportion, herd and chronical
Global warming potential (GWP) 284 infection 141, 143
Glucose, cow metabolism 228 Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR)
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions adult cattle, antibodies 222
changes 286 control 219, 221–222, 223
dairy sector 285 diagnostic tests 221
effects, fertility 291 elimination 207
estimation 284 infected cattle 223
FAO 284 Infectious disease
methane 285 biosecurity 214–215
reduction 285, 290 BVDV 222
GWP see Global warming potential (GWP) control 214, 215
Index 309

defined 205 healthy feet and locomotion 169

detection 212–214 herd health advisor, dairy farmer 178
diagnostic tests see Diagnostic tests, heritability 171–172
infectious disease infectious foot disease 183, 185
elimination 207–208 lesion recording system, digital
and embryonic mortality dermatitis 177
BVD 102 locomotion scoring system, farm 175–177
diagnosis 102 lying time and cubicle comfort
pathogens 102–103 advantages and
endemic diseases 216 disadvantages 193, 194
evaluation, status 220–222 dimensions, Holstein-Friesian
factors 212, 213 cow 192
features, transmission and control 215–219 renovation 193, 195
host-pathogen-environment stocking rate 192
interactions 220 management, feed face 191
measurements 208–209 milking 190–191
pathogens mobility-score 178, 180, 183, 184
defined 205–206 monitoring 182
persistence 206–207 nutrition 198–199
prevention, spread and paper-based lameness recording
persistence 222–223 sheet 177, 179
spread 206 prevalence 170
Insemination technique recording system, farm 174
and semen quality, storage and risk, claw horn disease 183, 184
thawing 104–105 standing times and concrete surfaces 193,
timing 103–104 195–196
International Office of Epizootics (OIE) 281 tracks and walkways 197–198
treatment 185–187
welfare 171
Johne’s disease see Mycobacterium yield, milk 171
paratuberculosis (MAP) ‘Life cycle’ approach 279, 288
Livestock farming
animal products 1
Ketones see NEFAs and ketones disease prevention and health
maintenance 2
infrastructure 2
Lactation cycle and immune defence market economy 2
involution and time of calving 126 society willing 2
keratin plug 127 Locomotion scoring system, farm
mammary gland susceptibility, IMI 126 DairyCo Mobility Score 175, 176
Lameness data collection 175
attitudes, farmer 172, 174 mobility 175
biosecurity 199
cleanliness and slurry
management 196–197 MAP see Mycobacterium
data analysis 178, 180–181 paratuberculosis (MAP)
defined 169, 170 Mastitis and milk quality
detection 181 ability, pathogens 131
digital dermatitis score 177, 178 anatomy and physiology 125
evaluation 182 annual milk yield 117, 118
farm economics 170–171 biosecurity 162–163
fertility 171 bovine see Bovine mastitis
foot bovine milk see Bovine milk
bathing and disinfection 188–190 breeding programme 157–162
causes 172 changes, average herd size 117, 118
trimming 187–188 classification and bovine
fresh cow and heifer groups 191–192 pathogens 129–130
310 Index

Mastitis and milk quality (continued) constituents and subacute ruminal

clinical and subclinical mastitis 119–120 acidosis 234
clinical mastitis analysis 145–147 energy deficit 233–234
coliform 151 yield 232–233
contagious control Milk recording organizations 79
biosecurity 156 Monitoring techniques, herd reproduction
culling 153 bureau recording systems 78–79
drying off/culling 153 calving index 82–84
environmental sources 156 data quality 80
milking plant 155–156 data recording, fertility 78, 80
reduction, infection prevalence 152 disease 88, 90
segregation 153–154 fertility performance 90, 91
spread, infection 153 fertility, rates 84–86
spread, parlour 154 intermittent data analysis and written
treatment 152–153 report production 80
vaccination 156 milk recording organizations 79
defined 117 on-farm software 78
detection 133–134 parameters, fertility performance
diagnostic techniques see Diagnostic measurements 82
techniques, mastitis performance 88, 89, 92
environmental control 156–157 pregnancy rates 85, 87, 88
environmental pathogens 130 regular data analysis 80
genetic susceptibility, host 129 routine fertility visits 80–81
heifers 163–164 submission rates and oestrus detection 86–87
host immune defence 125–129 whilst benchmarking 90
hygiene 120–121 Monitoring youngstock health
industry polarization, production 119 calving and lactation 46–48
interpretation, data 147–149 culling, adult herd 47–48
intra-mammary infections 139 neonatal period 42, 43
major vs. minor pathogens 131–133 post-weaning period 44–47
milk-harvesting process 160, 162 pre-weaning period 42–44
molecular diagnostic and typing Mule foot (MF) 304
techniques 139 Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (MAP)
national control schemes 151 adult cow 211
principles, control 147, 150 and bTB 221, 222
SCCs see somatic cell counts (SCCs) fictitious test 210
Metabolic markers monitoring prevalence 208
blood and urine macro-mineral monitoring, thickened intestine 212
hypocalcaemia 248–249
NEFAs and ketones 246–248
trace elements 249–251 National control schemes, mastitis 151
urea 248 Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) 256, 263, 265
Metritis and endometritis NEB see Negative energy balance (NEB)
development, clinical and subclinical 108 NEFAs and ketones
energy balance 109 consistency 247
risk factors 108–109 liver damage and function 247
uterine bacterial infection 107–108 measurements, metabolic markers 246
MF see Mule foot (MF) pre-calving indicators, NEB 247
Milk-harvesting process pre-calving monitoring, NEB 246–247
intra-mammary sources, sample handling 247–248
contamination 160, 162 serum BHB 246
objectives 160 testing, type I and II ketosis 247
Milking plant 155–156 Negative energy balance (NEB)
Milking routine 154 liver, adaptation 229
Milk progesterone assays 98, 99 metabolic responses 229–230
Milk recording information, post-calving indicators 247
nutrition monitoring pre-calving monitoring 246–247
Index 311

Net transmission index (NTI) 143, 145 defined 93–94

NIRS see Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) effective use, information 98
Nitrate and phosphorus pollution 287 environmental factors 94–95
Nitrogen 286 expression 95
Non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs) see NEFAs factors 94
and ketones heat mount detectors 96–97
NTI see Net transmission index (NTI) milk progesterone assays 98
Nulliparous heifers 36, 66, 67 observation 95–96
Nutrition submission rates 100, 101
lameness vasectomized bull 98
biotin 198–199 OIE see International Office of Epizootics (OIE)
SARA 198 On-farm software 78
pregnancy rates Ostertagia ostertagi 60, 63
blood urea levels 102
dry matter intake 102
energy balance 100, 101 Parathyroid hormone (PTH) 268, 270
subacute ruminal acidosis 102 PBE see Pre-breeding evaluation (PBE)
Nutrition management PCM see Perinatal calf mortality (PCM)
BCS see Body condition score (BCS) PCR see Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
costs, feeding 235 Perinatal calf mortality (PCM) 37
diseases 265, 268–274 Phosphorus 287
‘dry matter correction’ 235 Poaching and soil erosion 287
faeces monitoring 241, 243–244 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
fat correction data and milk yield 237–238 diagnostics 137
feed conversion efficiency 238 RT-PCR 135
feeding see Feeding management Pre-breeding evaluation (PBE)
glucose, cow metabolism 228 development 106
high and low input systems 235 structure 106
income, costs and margins 236–237 Predicted transmitting abilities (PTA) 302
macro-nutrients, ration Pregnancy rates
formulation 265–267 decreased 105–106
metabolic markers 246–249 embryonic mortality and infectious
metritis and endometritis 239 disease 102–103
milk yield 238 endemic and non-infectious disease 103
monitoring, diseases 239–240 extreme ambient temperatures 105
monitoring, milk recording infectious causes, reproductive
information 231–234 diseases 106, 107
NEB see Negative energy balance (NEB) insemination technique 103–105
production 227–228 negative genetic correlations 105
protein metabolism 230–231 nutrition 100–102
rumen fill 241, 243 semen collection 106
rumination/cudding 244 structure, PBE 106
SARA see Subacute ruminal whilst genetics 105
acidosis (SARA) Protein metabolism 230–231
TMR 237 PTA see Predicted transmitting abilities (PTA)
trace elements and vitamins 231 PTH see Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
unit costs, milking cows 236
Nutrition-related diseases
DA 271–272 Q fever 78
fatty liver and ketosis 270–271 ‘Quality milk’ production see Mastitis and
hypocalcaemia 268–270 milk quality
SARA 272–274

Real time PCR (RT-PCR) 135, 137

Oestrus detection, dairy cow reproduction Rearing youngstock and replacing cows
activity meters 97–98 adult, culling 38–40
cyclicity and synchronization 99–100 calving and lactation 49, 50
312 Index

Rearing youngstock and replacing cows (continued) ICSCCs 135, 141–145

disease control see Disease control, late lactation 134
rearing period Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA)
financial costs 40, 41 control 274
graphical illustration, longevity 50, 51 defined 244–245
monitoring see Monitoring diagnosis 246
youngstock health excess fermentable energy 273
mortality and disease failure, buffering 272–273
calving 38 technique, rumenocentesis 245–246
diarrhoea and pneumonia 37 Subclinical ketosis (SCK) 246, 247
PCM 37 Susceptible, infective, recovered
pre-weaned period 37, 38 (SIR) model 206
welfare and herd profitability 36
neonatal period 48, 49
post-weaning period 49, 50 TMRs see Total mixed rations (TMRs)
pre-weaning period 49 Total mixed rations (TMRs)
replacements and culling 35–36 costs 237
targets, adult dairy herd 49, 51 excessive mixing 273
welfare considerations 40–42 intermittent sampling 256
Reproduction see Herd physical characteristics 264
reproduction management ‘Trial and error’ approach 183
Retained fetal membranes (RFMs) 107, 108
RFMs see Retained fetal membranes (RFMs)
RT-PCR see Real time PCR (RT-PCR) Urea
bulk milk tests 248
concentration 248
Sample size estimation individual tests 248
betahydroxybutyrate levels 298
BVD antigen status 298
hypergeometric distribution 297 Vaccination 156
population prevalence 297 Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) 229–230
SARA see Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) VFAs see Volatile fatty acids (VFAs)
SCCs see Somatic cell counts (SCCs) VFI see Voluntary food intake (VFI)
SCK see Subclinical ketosis (SCK) VLDLs see Very low-density lipoproteins
Selfish human behaviour research (VLDLs)
changes, farm 13–15 Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) 228
‘extrinsic’/‘intrinsic’ 13 Voluntary food intake (VFI) 273
‘social cognition models’ 13, 14 Voluntary waiting period (VWP)
‘Self-less’ health behaviour 12–13, 15 cycling cows 86
Serum pepsinogen testing 46 evaluation 86
SIR model see Susceptible, infective, post-partum anoestrus 99
recovered model VWP see Voluntary waiting period (VWP)
‘Social cognition models’ 13–15, 22
Soil erosion see Poaching and soil erosion
Somatic cell counts (SCCs) Zoonotic diseases, cattle
automated 134 brucellosis 77–78
BMSCC 140–141 leptospirosis 78
and clinical mastitis 139 Q fever 78

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