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Đại từ quan hệ (Relative Pronouns)

1. WHO:
- Làm chủ từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ
- Thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người
 ….. N (person) + WHO + V + O
Ví dụ: The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
2. WHOM:
- làm túc từ cho động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ
- thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người
 …..N (person) + WHOM + S + V
Ví dụ:  George is a person whom I admire very much
- làm chủ từ hoặc túc từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ
- thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật
 ….N (thing) + WHICH + V + O
 ….N (thing) + WHICH + S + V
The machine which broke down is working again now
4. THAT:
 Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định:
Là mệnh đề cần phải có trong câu, nếu bỏ đi mệnh đề chính sẽ không có nghĩa rõ ràng. Đối
với loại câu này, đại từ quan hệ làm tân ngữ có thể được bỏ đi. Ta có thể dùng từ that thay
thế cho who, whom, which...
 Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định:
Trước và sau mệnh đề này phải có dấu (,). Trường hợp này ta KHÔNG ĐƯỢC dùng từ
“that” thay thế cho who, whom, which và không được bỏ đại từ quan hệ trong mệnh đề này.
Ví dụ 1: My father is a doctor. He is fifty years old ➨ My father, who is fifty years old, is a
Ví dụ 2: Mr Brown is a very nice teacher. We studied English with him. ➨ Mr Brown,
who(m) we studied English with, is a very nice teacher.
 Trường hợp bắt buộc dùng that và không được dùng that:
Trường hợp phải dùng that: sau một danh từ hỗn hợp (vừa chỉ người, vừa chỉ vật hoặc đồ
vật). Ví dụ: We can see a lot of people and cattle that are going to the field
 - Sau đại từ bất định:
Ex: I’ll tell you something that is very interesting.
 - Sau các tính từ so sánh nhất, ALL, EVERY, VERY, ONLY:
 Ex: This is the most beautiful dress that I have.
 All that is mine is yours.
You are the only person that can help us.
 - Trong cấu trúc It + be + … + that … (chính là …)
Ex: It is my friend that wrote this sentence.  (Chính là bạn tôi đã viết câu này.)
  Trường hợp không dùng that: mệnh đề có dấu (,), ĐTQH có giới từ đứng trước.
Lưu ý: giới từ chỉ đứng trước whom và which, không đứng trước who và that
Ví dụ: Peter, who/whom I played tennis with on Sunday, was fitter than me.
Or:  Peter, with whom I played tennis on Sunday, was fitter than me.
 Not: Peter, with who I played tennis on Sunday, was fitter than me.
5. WHOSE: 
Đại từ dùng để chỉ sở hữu cho danh từ chỉ người hoặc vật, thường thay cho các từ: her, his,
their, hoặc hình thức ‘s
…..N (person, thing) + WHOSE + N + V ….
Ví dụ: I met someone whose brother I went to school with

II. Trạng từ quan hệ (Relative Adverb)

1. WHY:
Trạng từ quan hệ why mở đầu cho mệnh đề quan hệ chỉ lý do, thường thay cho cụm for the
reason, for that reason.
…..N (reason) + WHY + S + V …
Ví dụ 1: I don’t know the reason. You didn’t go to school for that reason. → I don’t know the
reason why you didn’t go to school.
Ví dụ 2: I don't know the reason. You didn't go to school for that reason. =>I don't know the
reason why you didn't go to school.
Trạng từ quan hệ để thay thế cho các từ/cụm từ chỉ địa điểm, nơi chốn.
….N (place) + WHERE + S + V …. (WHERE = ON / IN / AT + WHICH)
Ví dụ 1: a/ The hotel wasn’t very clean. We stayed t that hotel. → The hotel where we stayed
wasn’t very clean.
Ví dụ 2: This is my hometown. I was born and grew up here. => This is my hometown where I
was born and grew up.
Ví dụ 3: The restaurant where we had Lunch was near the airport.
3. WHEN: 
Là trạng từ quan hệ để thay thế cho cụm từ/từ chỉ thời gian.
….N (time) + WHEN + S + V … (WHEN = ON / IN / AT + WHICH)
Ví dụ 1: Do you still remember the day? We first met on that day.
➨ Do you still remember the day when we first met?
➨  Do you still remember the day on which we first met?
Ví dụ 2: I don’t know the time. She will come back then. ➨ I don’t know the time when she will
come back.
That was the day. I met my wife on this day. ➨That was the day when I met my wife.
Bài tập 1: Hãy điền đại từ quan hê who, which, whose vào chỗ trống:
1. This is the bank........................was robbed yesterday.
2. A boy........................sister is in my class was in the bank at that time.
3. The man........................robbed the bank had two pistols.
4. He wore a mask........................made him look like Mickey Mouse.
5. He came with a friend........................waited outside in the car.
6. The woman........................gave him the money was young.
7. The bag........................contained the money was yellow.
8. The people........................were in the bank were very frightened.
9. A was ringing did not know what to do.
10. A woman........................daughter was crying tried to calm her.
11. The car........................the bank robbers escaped in was orange.
12. The robber........................mask was obviously too big didn't drive.
13. The man........................drove the car was nervous.
14. He didn't wait at the traffic lights........................were red.
15. A police was parked at the next corner stopped and arrested
Bài tập 2: Điền who, whom, which vào chỗ trống:
1. Do you know the girl ........................ I danced with?
2. Do you know the girl ........................ danced with me?
3. The apples ........................ are lying on the table are bad.
4. The apples ........................ we bought in the shop are bad.
5. We will stay at a hotel ........................ is not far from the beach.
6. We will stay at a hotel ........................ my friend has recommended to us.
7. That is a museum ........................ I like very much.
8. That is a museum ........................ lies in the heart of the town.
9. This is the man ........................ Barbara visited in Scotland.
10. This is the man ........................ lives in Scotland.
Bài tập 3: Điền where, when hay why vào chỗ trống:
1. This is the station........................Emily met James.
2. July and August are the months........................most people go on holiday.
3. Do you know the many people in the world learn English?
4. This is the church........................Sue and Peter got married.
5. Edinburgh is the town........................Alexander Graham Bell was born.
6. 25 December is the day........................children in Great Britain get their Christmas
7. A famine was the many Irish people emigrated to the USA in the
19th century.
8. A greengrocer's is a can buy vegetables.
9. The day........................I arrived was very nice.
10. A horror film was the reason........................I couldn't sleep last night.
Bài tập 4: Viết câu dùng mệnh đề quan hệ dựa trên các từ cho sẵn:
1. A Scot is a person (live in Scotland) _________________________
2. Nessie is a monster (live in Loch Ness) _________________________
3. A fridge is a thing (keep food cool) _________________________
4. A DJ is someone (play music in a disco) _________________________
5. A bee is an insect (make honey) _________________________
6. A lemon is a fruit (be yellow and sour) _________________________
7. A watch is a thing (tell the time) _________________________
8. A ferry is a ship (carry people across the water) _________________________
9. A shop assistant is someone (work in a shop) _________________________
10. A key is a thing (can open and lock doors) _________________________
Bài tập 5: Nối các câu sau dùng mệnh đề quan hệ:
1. I gave you a book. It had many pictures.
The book _________________________
2. I am reading a book at the moment. It is very interesting.
The book _________________________
3. You live in a town. The town is very old.
The town _________________________
4. The sweets are delicious. I bought them yesterday.
The sweets _________________________
5. The football match was very exciting. My friend played in it.
The football match _________________________
6. The letter hasn't arrived yet. I posted it three days ago.
The letter _________________________
7. He lives in a house. The house is not very big.
The house _________________________
8. They are playing a song on the radio. Do you like it?
Do you like _________________________
9. Jane wore a beautiful shirt yesterday. Did you see it?
Did you see _________________________
10. Sue is going out with a boy. I don't like him.
I don't like _________________________
Bài tập 6: Nối hai câu sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ:
1. Samuel Johnson was the son of a bookseller. Samuel Johnson was born in 1709.
Samuel Johnson _________________________
2. In 1728, he went to Oxford. He studied at Pembroke College in Oxford.
In 1728, he went _________________________
3. Johnson had to leave Oxford without a degree. He was too poor to pay the fees.
Johnson _________________________
4. In 1737, Johnson moved to London. There he wrote poetry, essays and biographies.
In 1737, Johnson _________________________
5. In 1746, Johnson started to write his dictionary. It took him nine years to complete.
In 1746, Johnson started _________________________
6. His home at that time was in 17 Gough Square in London. It is a museum now.
17 Gough Square in London _________________________
7. In this house, his wife died in 1752. Her name was Elizabeth Porter.
In this house his wife _________________________
8. In 1755, the work was published. It was called A Dictionary of the English Language.
In 1755, the work _________________________
9. Samuel Johnson died in 1784. He is buried in Westminster Abbey.
Samuel Johnson _________________________

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