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Q. 1 Which of the following options is the warfare; and regretfully, there exist
closest in meaning to the word people in militrary establishments
below? who think that chemical agents are
Circuitous usefull fools for their cause. Which
a) Cyclic b) Indirect of the following statements best
c) Confusing d) Crooked sums up the meaning of the above
[EC, CS, IN, EE,ME,CE-GATE-2010] passage?
a) Modern warfare has resulted in
Q.2 The question below consists of a civil strife.
pair of related words followed by b) Chemical agents are useful in
four pairs of words. Select the pair modern warfare.
that best expresses the relation in c) Use of chemical agents in
the original pair. warfare would be undesirable.
Unemployed: Worker d) People in militrary establishments
a) Fallow : Land like to use chemical agents in war.
b) Unaware : Sleeper [EC, CS, IN, EE, ME,CE-GATE-2010]
c) Wit : Jester
d) Renovated : House Q.6 Which of the following options is the
[EC, CS, IN,EE,ME,CE-GATE-2010] closest in the meaning to the word
Q.3 Choose the most appropriate word Inexplicable
from the options given below to a) Incomprehensible b) Indelible
complete the following sentence: c) Inextricable d) Infallible
If we manage to _____ our natural [CS, ME,CE-GATE-2011]
resources, we would leave a
better planet for our children. Q.7 Choose the word from the options
a) uphold b) restrain given below that is most nearly
c) cherish d) conserve opposite in meaning to the given
[EC, CS, IN,, EE,ME,CE-GATE-2010] word:
Q.4 Choose the most appropriate word a) merge b) split
from the options given below to c) collect d) separate
complete the following sentence: [CS, ME,CE-GATE-2011]
His rather casual remarks on
politics_____his lack of seriousness Q.8 Choose the most appropriate word
about the subject. from the options given below to
a) masked b) belied complete the following sentence.
c) betrayed d) suppressed If you are trying to make a strong
[EC, CS, IN, EE, ME,CE-GATE-2010] impression on your audience, you
cannot do so by being
Q.5 Modern warfare has changed from understated, tentative or _________.
large scale clashes of armies to a) hyperbolic b) restrained
suppression of civilian populations. c) argumentative d) indifferent
Chemical agents that do their work [CS, ME,CE-GATE-2011]
silently appear to be suited to such

Q.9 Choose the most appropriate diseases for which ____________
word(s) from the options given treatments are unsatisfactory.
below to complete the following a) similar b) most
sentence. c) uncommon d) available
I contemplated _______Singapore [EC, IN, EE-GATE-2011]
for my vacation but decided
against it. Q.14 The horse has played a little known
a) to visit b) having to visit but very important role in the field
c) visiting d) for a visit of medicine. Horses were injected
[CS, ME,CE-GATE-2011] with toxins of diseases until their
blood built up immunities. Then a
Q.10 The question below consists of a
serum was made from their
pair of related words followed by
blood. Serums to fight with
four pairs of words. Select the pair
diphtheria and tetanus were
that best expresses the relation in
developed this way. It can be
the original pair:
inferred from the passage, that
Gladiator : Arena
horses were
a) dancer : stage
a) given immunity to diseases
b) commuter : train
b) generally quite immune to
c) teacher : classroom
d) lawyer : courtroom
c) given medicines to fight toxins
[EC, IN, EE-GATE-2011]
d) given diphtheria and tetanus
Q.11 Choose the most appropriate word
[EC, IN, EE-GATE-2011]
from the options given below to
complete the following sentence: It Q.15 Choose the most appropriate
was her view that the country's alternative from the options given
problems had been_______ by foreign below to complete the following
technocrats, so that to invite them to sentence:
come back would be counter- Despite several the mission
productive. succeeded in its attempt to
a) identified b) ascertained resolve the conflict.
c) exacerbated d) analysed a) attempts b) setbacks
[EC, IN, EE-GATE-2011] c) meetings d) delegations
[CS, ME,CE-GATE-2012]
Q.12 Choose the word from the options
Q.16 Choose the most appropriate
given below that is most nearly
alternative from the options given
opposite in meaning to the given
below to complete the following
word: Frequency
a) periodicity b) rarity
Suresh's dog is the one was
c) gradualness d) persistency
hurt in the stampede.
[EC, IN, EE-GATE-2011]
a) that b) which
c) who d) whom
Q.13 Choose the most appropriate word
[CS, ME,CE-GATE-2012]
from the options given below to
complete the following sentence: Q.17 Choose the grammatically
Under ethical guidelines recently INCORRECT sentence:
adopted by the Indian Medical a) They gave us the money back
Association, human genes are to be less the service charges to Three
manipulated only to correct Hundred rupees.

b) This country's expenditure is not [CS, CE-GATE-2012]
less than that of Bangladesh.
c) The committee initially asked for Q.21 Which one of the following options
a funding of Fifty Lakh rupees, is the closest in meaning to the word
but later settled for a lesser sum. given below?
d) This country's expenditure on Latitude
educational reforms is very less. a) Eligibility b) Freedom
[CS, ME,CE-GATE-2012] c) Coercion d) Meticulousness
[EC, IN, EE-GATE-2012]
Q.18 Which one of the following options
is the closest in meaning to the word Q.22 One of the parts (A, B, C, D) in the
given below? sentence given below contains an
Mitigate . ERROR. Which one of the following
a) Diminish b) Divulge is INCORRECT?
c) Dedicate d) Denote I requested that he should be
[CS, ME,CE-GATE-2012] given the driving test today
instead of tomorrow.
Q.19 Wanted Temporary, Part-time a) requested that
persons for the post of Field b) should be given
Interviewer to conduct personal c) the driving test
interviews to collect and collate d) instead of tomorrow
economic data. Requirements: High [EC, IN, EE-GATE-2012]
School-pass, must be available for
Day, Evening and Saturday work. Q.33 Choose the most appropriate
Transportation paid, expenses alternative from the options given
reimbursed. Which one of the below to complete the following
following is the best inference from sentence:
the above advertisement? If the tired soldier wanted to lie
a) Gender-discriminatory down, he________ the mattress out
b) Xenophobic on the balcony.
c) Not designed to make the post a) should take
attractive b) shall take
d) Not gender-discriminatory c) should have taken
[CS, ME,CE-GATE-2012] d) will have taken
[EC, IN, EE-GATE-2012]
Q.20 Which of the following assertions Q.24 Choose the most appropriate word
are CORRECT? from the options given below to
P: Adding 7 to each entry in a list complete the following sentence:
adds 7 to the mean of the list Given the seriousness of the
Q: Adding 7 to each entry in a list situation that he had to face, his
adds 7 to the standard deviation _________was impressive.
of the list a) beggary b) nomenclature
R: Doubling each entry n a list c) jealousy d) nonchalance
doubles the mean of the list [EC, IN, EE-GATE-2012]
S: Doubling each entry in a list
leaves the standard deviation of Q.25 One of the legacies of the Roman
the list unchanged legions was discipline. IN the
a) P, Q b) 0, R legions, military law prevailed and
c) P, R d) R, S discipline was brutal. Discipline on

the battlefield kept units obedient, The incorrect one is
intact and fighting, even when the a) (I) b) II
odds and conditions were against c) (Ill) d) (IV)
them. [CE-GATE-2013]
Which one of the following
statements best sums up the Q.30 Complete the sentence:
meaning of the above passage? Universalism is to particularism as
a) Thorough regimentation was the diffuseness is to ________
main reason for the efficiency of a) specificity b) neutrality
the Roman legions even in c) generality d) adaptation
adverse circumstances. [CS, ME-GATE-2013]
b) The legions were treated
inhumanly as if the men were Q.31 Were you a bird, you _______ in the
animals. sky.
c) Discipline was the armies a) would fly b) shall fly
inheritance from their seniors. c) should fly d) shall have flown
d) The harsh discipline to which the [CS, ME-GATE-2013]
legions were subjected to led to
the odds and conditions being Q.32 Which one of the following options
against them. is the closest in meaning to the word
[EC, IN, EE-GATE-2012] given below?
Q.26 Friendship, No matter how _______ it Nadir
is, has its limitation a) Highest b) Lowest
a) cordial b) intimate c) Medium d) Integration
c) secret d) pleasant [CS, ME-GATE-2013]
Q.33 Choose the grammatically
Q.27 The pair that best express a INCORRECT sentence:
relationship similar to that a) He is of Asian origin
expression in the pair: b) They belonged to Africa
Medicine : Health c) She is an European
a) Science : Experiment d) They migrated from India to
b) Wealth : Peace Australia
c) Education : Knowledge [CS, ME-GATE-2013]
d) Money : Happiness
[CE-GATE-2013] Q.34 Choose the grammatically
CORRECT sentence:
Q.28 Which of the following options is a) Two and two add four.
closest in meaning to the word given b) Two and two become four.
below: "Primeval" c) Two and two are four.
a) Modern b) Historic d) Two and two make four.
c) Primitive d) Antique [EC, IN, EE-GATE-2013]
Q.35 Statement: You can always give me
The professor ordered to a ring whenever you need.
Q.29 Which one of the following is the
I II best inference from the above
the student to go out of the class statement?
III IV a) Because I have a nice caller tune.

b) Because I have a better [CE-GATE-2014-1]
telephone facility. Q.40 Choose the most appropriate word
c) Because a friend in need is a from the option given below to
friend indeed. complete the following sentence.
d) Because you need not pay One of the biggest _______was his
towards the telephone bills ability to forgive.
when you give me a ring. a) vice b) virtues
[EC, IN, EE-GATE-2013] c) choice d) strength
Q.36 Complete the sentence:
Dare __________ mistakes. Q.41 Choose the most appropriate word
a) commit b) to commit from the options given below to
c) committed d) committing complete the following sentence.
[EC, IN, EE-GATE-2013] A person suffering from
Alzheimer' s disease____ short-
Q.37 They were requested not to quarrel term memory loss.
with others. Which one of the a) experienced b)
following options is the closest in unexperienced
meaning to the word quarrel? c) is experiencing d) experiences
a) make out b) call out [CE,IN-GATE-2014-2]
c) dig out d) fall out Q.42 Choose the most appropriate word
[EC, IN, EE-GATE-2013] from the options given below to
complete the following sentence.
Q.38 Statement: There were different _______is the key to their
streams of freedom movements in happiness; they are satisfied with
colonial India carried out by the what they have.
moderates, liberals, radicals, a) Contentment b) Ambition
socialists, and so on. c) Perseverance d) Hunger
Which one of the following is the [CE,IN-GATE-2014-2]
bestinference from the above
statement? Q.43 Which of the following options is the
a) The emergence of nationalism in closest in meaning to the sentence
colonial India led to our below?
Independence. "As a woman, I have no country."
b) Nationalism in India emerged in a) Women have no country
the context of colonialism. b) Women are not citizens of any
c) Nationalism in India is country.MWM
homogeneous. c) Women's solidarity knows no
d) Nationalism in India is national boundaries
heterogeneous. d) Women of all countries have
[EC, IN, EE-GATE-2013] equal legal rights.
Q.39 A student is required to
demonstrate a high level of Q.44 Moving into a world of big data will
comprehension of the subject, require us to change our thinking
especially in the social sciences. about the merits of exactitude. To
The word closest in meaning to apply the conventional mindset of
comprehension is measurement to the digital,
a) understanding b) meaning connected world of the twenty-first
c) concentration d) stability century is to miss a crucial point. As

mentioned earlier, the obsession Q.48 Choose the most appropriate phrase
with exactness is an art effect of the from the options given below to
information-deprived analog era. complete the following sentence.
When data was sparse, every data India is a post-colonial country
point was critical, and thus great because
care was taken to avoid letting any a) It was a former British colony
point bias the analysis. From "BIG b) Indian Information Technology
DATA" Viktor Mayer-Schonberger professionals have colonized the
and Kenneth Cukier. The main point world
of the paragraph is: c) India does not follow any
a) The twenty-first century is a colonial practices
digital world d) India has helped other countries
b) Big data is obsessed with exactness gain freedom
c) Exactitude is not critical in [CS-GATE-2014-2]
dealing with big data Q.49 Who ______ was coming to see us this
d) Sparse data leads to a bias in the evening
Analysis a) you said b) did you say
[CE-GATE-2014-2] c) did you say that d) had you said
Q.45 Which of the following options is the [CS, EE-GATE-2014-2]
closest in meaning to the phrase Q.50 Match the columns.
underlined in the sentence below? Column 1 Column 2
It is fascinating to see life forms (1) eradicate (P) misrepresent
cope with varied environmental (2) distort (Q) soak completely
conditions. (3) saturate (R) use
a) Adopt to b) Adapt to (4) utilize (S) destroy utterly
c) Adept in d) Accept with a) 1:S, 2:P, 3:Q, 4:R
[CS-GATE-2014-1] b) 1:P, 2:Q, 3:R, 4:S
Q.46 Choose the most appropriate word c) 1:Q, 2:R, 3:S, 4:P
from the options given below to d) 1:S, 2:P, 3:R, 4:Q
complete the following sentence. [CS-GATE-2014 -2]
He could not understand the
judges awarding her the first While trying to collect
prize, because he thought that her Q.51 an envelope
performance was quite _____.
from under the table
a) Superb b) Medium
c) Mediocre d) Exhilarating II
Mr. X fell down  and was losing consciousness.
Q.47 In a press meet on the recent scam, III
the minister said, “The buck stops Which one of the above underlined
here”. What did the minister convey parts of the sentence is NOT
by the statement? appropriate?
a) He wants all the money a) I b) II
b) He will return the money c) III d) IV
c) He will assume final responsibility [CS,EE-GATE-2014 -3]
d) He will resist all enquiries Q.52 If she ____ how to calibrate the
[CS-GATE-2014-1] instrument, she __________done the

a) knows, will have d) is getting some rest
b) knew, had [EC-GATE-2014 -2]
c) had known, could have Q.58 Choose the most appropriate pair of
d) should have known, would have words from the options given below
[CS,EE-GATE-2014 -3] to complete the following sentence.
Q.53 Choose the word that is opposite in She could not____ the thought of ____
meaning to the word “coherent”. the election to her bitter rival.
a) sticky b) well-connected a)bear, loosing b) bare, loosing
c) rambling d) friendly c) bear, losing d) bare, losing
[CS,EE-GATE-2014 -3] [EC-GATE-2014 -2]
Q.59 "India is a country of rich heritage
Q.54 Choose the most appropriate phrase and cultural diversity." Which one of
from the options given below to the following facts best supports the
complete the following sentence. claim made in the above sentence?
The aircraft ______ take off as soon a) India is a union of 28 states and 7
as its flight plan was filed. union territories.
a) is allowed to b) India has a population of over 1.1
b) will be allowed to billion.
c) was allowed to c) India is home to 22 official
d) has been allowed to languages and thousands of
[EC-GATE-2014 -1] dialects.
Q.55 Choose the most appropriate word d) The Indian cricket team draws
from the options given below to players from over ten states.
complete the following sentence. [EC,ME-GATE-2014 -3]
Many ancient cultures attributed Q.60 The value of one U.S. dollar is 65
disease to supernatural causes. Indian Rupees today, compared to
However, modern science has 60 last year. The Indian Rupee has
largely helped _________ such notions. _______.
a) impel b) dispel a)Depressed b) Depreciated
c) propel d) repel c) Appreciated d) Stabilized
[EC-GATE-2014 -1] [EC,ME-GATE-2014 -3]
Q.56 Choose the most appropriate word Q.61 'Advice' is________.
from the options given below to a) a verb
complete the following sentence. b) a noun
Communication and interpersonal c) an adjective
skills are_____ important in their d) both a verb an d a noun .
own ways. [EC,ME-GATE-2014 -3]
a) each b) both
c) all d) either Q.62 Which of the following options is the
[EC-GATE-2014 -2] closest in meaning to the word
underlined in the sentence below?
Q.57 Which of the options given below In a democracy, everybody has the
best completes the following freedom to disagree with the
sentence? government.
She will feel much better if she____. a) Dissent b) Descent
a) will get some rest c) Decent d) Decadent
b) gets some rest [EC,ME-GATE-2014 -4]
c) will be getting some rest

Q.63 After the discussion, Tom said to me, India is a post-colonial country
'Please revert!' He expects me to because
______. a) It was a former British colony
a) Retract b) Indian Information Technology
b) Get back to him professionals have colonized the
c) Move in reverse world
d) Retreat c) India does not follow any
[EC,ME-GATE-2014 -4] colonial practices
d) India has helped other countries
Q.64 While receiving the award, the gain freedom
scientist said, "I feel vindicated". [EE-GATE-2014 -2]
Which of the following is closest in Q.69 The old city of Koenigsberg, which
meaning to the word 'vindicated'? had a German majority population
a) Punished b) Substantiated before World War 2, is now called
c) Appreciated d) Chastened Kaliningrad. After the events of the
[EC,ME-GATE-2014 -4] war, Kaliningrad is now a Russian
Q.65 Which of the following options is the territory and has a predominantly
closest in meaning to the phrase Russian population. It is bordered
underlined in the sentence below? by the Baltic Sea on the north and
It is fascinating to see life forms the countries of Poland to the south
cope with varied environmental and west and Lithuania to the east
conditions. respectively. Which of the statements
a) Adopt to b) Adapt to below can be inferred from this
c) Adept in d) Accept with passage?
[EE,GATE-2014 -1] a) Kaliningrad was historically
Russian in its ethnic make up
Q.66 Choose the most appropriate word
b) Kaliningrad is a part of Russia
from the options given below to
despite it not being contiguous
complete the following sentence.
with the rest of Russia
He could not understand the judges
c) Koenigsberg was renamed
awarding her the first prize, because
Kaliningrad, as that was its
he thought that her performance
original Russian name
was quite _____.
d) Poland and Lithuania are on the
a) Superb b) Medium
route from Kaliningrad to the
c) Mediocre d) Exhilarating
rest of Russia
[EE-GATE-2014 -1]
[EE-GATE-2014 -2]
Q.67 In a press meet on the recent scam, Q.70 Choose the most appropriate phrase
the minister said, "The buck stops from the options given below to
here". What did the minister convey complete the following sentence.
by the statement? The aircraft_______ take off as soon as
a) He wants all the money its flight plan was filed.
b) He will return the money a) is allowed to
c)He will assume final responsibility b) will be allowed to
d) He will resist all enquiries c) was allowed to
[EE-GATE-2014 -1] d) has been allowed to
Q.68 Choose the most appropriate phrase [ME-GATE-2014 -1]
from the options given below to Q.71 Read the statements:
complete the following sentence. All women are entrepreneurs.

Some women are doctors Q.76 Select the pair that best expresses a
Which of the following conclusions relationship similar to that
can be logically inferred from the expressed in the pair:
above statements? Children: Pediatrician
a) All women are doctors a) Adult: Orthopaedist
b) All doctors are entrepreneurs b) Females: Gynaecologist
c) All entrepreneurs are women c) Kidney: Nephrologist
d) Some entrepreneurs are doctors d) Skin: Dermatologist
[ME-GATE-2014 -1] [CE-GATE-2015 -1]
Q.72 Choose the most appropriate word Q.77 Extreme focus on syllabus and
from the options given below to studying for test has become such a
complete the following sentence. dominant concern of Indian
Many ancient cultures attributed students that this has closed their
disease to supernatural causes. minds to anything ________ to the
However, modern science has requirements of the exam
largely helped _____such notions a) related b) extraneous
a) impel b) dispel c) outside d) useful
c) propel d) repel [CE,CS-GATE-2015 -1]
[ME,GATE-2014 -1] Q.78 The Tamil version of _____ John
Q.73 Choose the most appropriate word Abraham-starrer Madras Cafe ______
from the options given below to cleared by the censor board with no
complete the following sentence. cuts last week, but the film's
Communication and interpersonal distributors ______ no takers among
skills are _____ important in their the exhibitors for a release in Tamil
own ways. Nadu _____this Friday.
a) each b) both a) Mr., was, found, on
c) all d) either b) a, was found, at
[ME-GATE-2014 -2] c) the, was, found, on
Q.74 Which of the options given below d) a, being, find, at
best completes the following [CE,CS-GATE-2015-1]
sentence? Q.79 Most experts feel that in spite of
She will feel much better if she possessing all the technical skills
______. required to be a batsman of the
a) will get some rest highest order., he is unlikely to be so
b) gets some rest due to lack of requisite
c) will be getting some rest temperament. He was guilty of
d) is getting some rest throwing away his wicket several
[ME-GATE-2014 -2] times after working hard to lay a
strong foundation. His critics
Q.75 Choose the most appropriate pair of pointed out that until he addressed
words from the options given below to this problem, success at the
to complete the following sentence. highest level will continue to elude
She could not _____ the thought of him.
_____ the election to her bitter rival. Which of the statement (s) below
a) bear, loosing b) bare, loosing is/are logically valid and can be
c) bear, losing d) bare, losing inferred from the above passage?
[ME-GATE-2014 -2] i) He was already a successful
batsman at the highest level

ii) He has to improve his c) The actor got himself ensured
temperament in order to against any accident.
become a great batsman d) The teacher insured students of
iii) He failed to make many of his good results
good starts count [CE-GATE-2015 -2]
iv) Improving his technical skills
will guarantee success Q.83 Which word is not a synonym for
a) iii and iv b) ii and iii the word vernacular?
c) i, ii and iii d) ii only a) regional b) indigeneous
[CE, CS-GATE-2015-1] c) indigent d) colloquial
Q.80 Alexander turned his attention [CE-GATE-2015 -2]
towards India, since he had
conquered Persia. Which one of the Q.84 The word similar in meaning to
statements below is logically valid 'dreary' is
and can be inferred from the above a) cheerful b) dreamy
sentence? c) hard Engineer d) dismal
a) Alexander would not have turned [CE-GATE-2015 -2]
his attention towards India had
he not conquered Persia. Q.85 Didn’t you buy _________ when you
b) Alexander was not ready to rest went shopping?
on his laurels, and wanted to a)any paper b) much paper
march to India c) no paper d) a few paper
c) Alexander was completely in [CS, EE-GATE-2015 -01]
control of his army and could
command it to move towards Q.86 Which of the following
India. combinations is incorrect?
d) Since Alexander's kingdom a) Acquiescence – Submission
extended to Indian borders after b) Wheedle – Roundabout
the conquest of Persia, he was c) Flippancy – Lightness
keen to move further. d) Profligate – Extravagant
[CE, CS-GATE-2015 -1] [CS, EE-GATE-2015 -01]
Q.81 Choose the most appropriate word
from the options given below to Q.87 Which of the following options is the
complete the following sentence The closest in meaning to the sentence
official answered________that the below?
complaints of the citizen would be She enjoyed herself immensely at
looked into. the party.
a) respectably b) respectfully a) She had a terrible time at the
c) reputably d) respectively party.
[CE-GATE-2015 -2] b) She had a horrible time at the
Q.82 Choose the statement where c) She had a terrific time at the
underlined word is used correctly party
a) The minister insured the victims d) She had a terrifying time at the
that everything would be all party
right. [CS, EE-GATE-2015 -01]
b) He ensured that the company will
not have to bear any loss. Q.88 Select the alternative meaning of the
underlined part of the sentence.

The chain snatchers took to their c) Completely forgot --- just don’t
heels when the police party know
arrived. d) Forgot completely --- just don’t
a) took shelter in a thick jungle know
b) open indiscriminate fire [CS, EE-GATE-2015 -02]
c) took to flight Q.92 Out of the following four sentences,
d) unconditionally surrendered select the most suitable sentence
[CS, EE-GATE-2015 -01] with respect to grammar and usage.
a) Since the report lacked needed
Q.89 The given statement is followed by information, it was of no use to
some courses of action. Assuming them.
the statement to be true, decide the b) The report was useless to them
correct option. Statement: There has because there were no needed
been a significant drop in the water information in it.
level in the lakes supplying water to c) Since the report did not contain
the city. Course of action: the needed information, it was
I) The water supply authority not real useful to them
should impose a partial cut in d) Since the report lacked needed
supply to tackle the situation. information, it would not had
II) The government should appeal been useful to them.
to all the residents through mass [CS, EE-GATE-2015 -02]
media for minimal use of water.
III) The government should ban the Q.93 Choose the word most similar in
water supply in lower areas. meaning to the given word: Educe
a) Statements I and II follow. a) Exert b) Educate
b) Statements I and III follow c) Extract d) Extend
c) Statements II and III follow. [EC-GATE-2015 -01]
d) All statements follow.
[CS, EE-GATE-2015 -01] Q.94 Choose the most appropriate word
from the options given below to
Q.90 Choose the statement where complete the following sentence.
underlined word is used correctly. The principal presented the chief
a) The industrialist load a personnel guest with a, as token of
jet. appreciation.
b) I write my experience in my a) momento b) memento
personnel diary. c) momentum d) moment
c) All personnel are being given the [EC-GATE-2015 -01]
day off.
d) Being religious is a personnel Q.95 Choose the appropriate word/
aspect. phrase, out of the four options given
[CS, EE-GATE-2015 -02] below, to complete the following
sentence: Frogs
Q.91 We ____our friend’s birthday and we a)Croak b) Roar
_____ how to make it up to him. c) Hiss d) Patter
a) Completely forgot --- don’t just [EC-GATE-2015 -01]
b) Forgot completely --- don’t just Q.96 The following question presents a
know sentence, part of which is
underlined. Beneath the sentence

you find four ways of phrasing the a) Misogynousness b) Misogynity
underline part. Following the c) Misogynously d) Misogynous
requirements of the standard [EC, ME-GATE-2015 -02]
written English, select the answer
that produces the most effective Q.99 Choose the appropriate word+
sentence. Tuberculosis, together phrase out of the four options given
with its effects, ranks one of the below, to complete the following
leading causes of death in India. sentence
a) ranks as one of the leading Dhoni, as well as the other team
causes of death members of Indian team present
b) rank as one of the leading causes on the occasion
of death a) Were b) Was
c) has the rank of one of the leading c) Has d) Have
causes of death [EC, ME-GATE-2015 -02]
d) are one of the leading causes of Q.100 Choose he word most similar in
meaning to the given word:
[EC-GATE-2015 -01]
Q.97 Read the following paragraph and a) Inept b) Graceful
choose the correct statement. c) Suitable d) Dreadful
Climate change has reduced human [EC, ME-GATE-2015 -02]
security and threatened human well Q.101 Choose the correct verb to fill in the
being. An ignored reality of human blank below:
progress is that human security Let us _________.
largely depends upon a)Introvert b) alternatea
environmental security. But on the c) atheist. d) altruist
contrary, human progress seems [EC, ME-GATE-2015-03]
contradictory to environmental Q.102 Choose the most appropriate word
security. To keep up both at the from the options given below to
required level is a challenge to be complete the following sentence?
addressed by one and all. One of the If the athlete had wanted to come
ways to curb the climate change first in the race, he ____ several
may be suitable scientific hours every day.
innovations, while the other may a) Should practice
be the Gandhian perspective on b) Should have practised
small scale progress with focus on c) Practised
sustainability. d) Should be practicing
a) Human progress and security are [EC, ME-GATE-2015-03]
positively associated with
environmental security. Q.103 Choose the most suitable one word
b) Human progress is contradictory substitute for the following
to environmental security. expression Connotation of a road or
c) Human security is contradictory way
to environmental security. a) Pertinacious b) Viaticum
d) Human progress depends upon c) Clandestine d) Ravenous
environmental security. [EC, ME-GATE-2015-03]
[EC-GATE-2015 -01] Q.104 Ram and Shyam shared a secret and
promised to each other that it would
Q.98 What is the adverb for the given remain between them. Ram
word below? Misogynous

expressed himself in one of the Q.109 Choose the appropriate wordphrase,
following ways as given in the out of the four options given below,
choices below. Identify the correct to complete the following sentence:
way as per standard English. Apparent lifelessness _____dormant
a) It would remain between you & me. life.
b) It would remain between I & you a) harbours b) leads to
c) It would remain between you & I c) supports d) affects
d) It would remain with me. [ IN-GATE-2015]
[EC, ME-GATE-2015-03]
Q.110 Select the appropriate option in
place of underlined part of the
Q.105 A generic term that includes various
sentence. Increased productivity
items of clothing such as a skirt, a
necessary reflects greater efforts
pair of trousers and a shirt as
made by the employees.
a) fabric b) textile
a)Increase in productivity necessary
c) fibre d) apparel
b)Increase productivity is necessary
[EE-GATE-2015 -02] c) Increase in productivity necessarily
d) No improvement required
Q.106 Fill in the blank with the correct [IN-GATE-2015]
That boy from the town was a _____ Q.111 In the following sentence certain
in the sleepy village. parts are underlined and marked
a) dog out of herd P, Q and R. One of the parts may
b) sheep from the heap contain certain error or may not be
c) fish out of water acceptable in standard written
d) bird from the flock communication. Select the part
[ IN-GATE-2015] containing an error. Choose D as
Q.107 Choose the statement where The student corrected
all theerrors
underlined word is used correctly. P
a) When the teacher eludes to the instructor marked
different authors, he is being the on the
answer book
b) When the thief keeps eluding the
police, he is being elusive. R
c) Matters that are difficult to a) P b) Q
understand, indentify or c) R c) No Error
remember are allusive. [ME-GATE-2015 -01]
d) Mirages can be allusive, but a Q.112 Lamenting the gradual sidelining of
better way to express them is the arts in school curricula, a group of
illusory. prominent artists wrote to the Chief
[ IN-GATE-2015] Minister last year, asking him to
allocate more funds to support arts
Q.108 Tanya is older than Eric. Cliff is education in schools. However, no
older than Tanya. Eric is older than such increase has been announced in
Cliff. If the first two statements are this year’s Budget. The artists
true, then the third statement is: expressed their deep anguish at their
a)True b) False request not being approved, but many
c) Uncertain d) Data insufficient of them remain optimistic about
[IN-GATE-2015] funding in the future. Which of the
statement(s) below is/are logically

valid and can be inferred from the d) one of the highest peak in the world
above statements? [EC-GATE-2016-1]
i. The artists expected funding for
the arts to increase this year. Q.117 The policeman asked the victim of a
ii. The Chief Minister was receptive theft, "What did you
to the idea of increasing funding a) loose b) lose
for the arts. c) loss d) louse
iii. The Chief Minister is a prominent [EC-GATE-2016-01]
iv. Schools are giving less importance Q.118 Despite the new medicines______ in
to arts education nowadays. treating diabetes, it is not_____
a) iii and iv b) i and iv widely.
c) i, ii and iv d) i and iii a)effectiveness--- prescribed
[ME-GATE-2015 -01] b) availability --- used
c) prescription--- available
Q.113 Out of the following four sentences, d) acceptance --- prescribed
select the most suitable sentence [EC-GATE-2016-01]
with respect to grammar and usage.
a) I will not leave the place until the Q.119 In a world filled with uncertainty, he
minister does not meet me. was glad to have many good friends.
b) I will not leave the place until the He had always assisted them in times
minister doesn't meet me. of need and was confident that they
c) I will not leave the place until the would reciprocate. However, the
minister meet me. events of the last week proved him
d) I will not leave the place until the
Which of the following inference(s)
minister meets me.
is/are logically valid and can be
[CE, CS-GATE-2016 -01]
inferred from the above passage?
(i) His friends were always asking
Q.114 A rewording of something written him to help them.
or spoken is a _____ (ii) He felt that when in need of help,
a) paraphrase b) paradox his friendswould let him down.
c) paradigm d) paraffin (iii)He was sure that his friends
[ CE, CS-GATE-2016 -01] would help him when in need.
(iv)His friends did not help him last
Q.115 Archimedes s said, "Give me a lever week.
long enough and a fulcrum on which a) (i) and (ii) b) (iii) and (iv)
to place it, and I will move the c) (iii) only d) (iv) only
world" [EC-GATE-2016-01]
The sentence above is an example of
a ________statement. Q.120 Based on the given statements,
a) figurative b) collateral select the appropriate option with
c) literal d) figurine respect to grammar usage.
[ CE, CS-GATE-2016-01] Statements
(i) The height of M r. X is6feet.
Q.116 Which of the following is CORRECT (ii) The height of M r. Y is5feet.
with respect to grammar and usage? a) M r. X is longer than Mr. Y.
Mount Everest is b) M r. X is more elongated than Mr. Y.
a) The highest peak in the world c) Mr. X is taller than Mr. Y.
b) highest peak in the world d) Mr. X is lengthier than Mr. Y.
c) one of highest peak in the world [EC, ME-GATE-2016-02]

Q.121 The students _____ the teacher on Q.124 The Buddha said, “Holding on to
teachers' day for twenty years of anger is like grasping a hot coal
dedicated teaching. with the intent of throwing it at
a) facilitated b) felicitated someone else; you are the one who
c) fantasized d) facilitated gets burnt.” Select the word below
[EC, ME-GATE-2016-02] which is closest in meaning to the
word underlined above.
Q.122 Social science disciplines were in a) burning b) igniting
existence in an amorphous form c) clutching d) flinging
until the colonial period when they [EC, IN -GATE-2016-03]
were institutionalized. In varying Q.125 The overwhelming number of people
degrees, they were intended to infected with rabies in India has been
further the colonial interest. In the flagged by the World Health
time of globalization and the Organization as a source of concern. It
economic rise of postcolonial is estimated that inoculating 70% of
countries like India, conventional pets and stray dogs against rabies
ways of knowledge production have can lead to a significant reduction in
become obsolete. the number of people infected with
Which of the following can be rabies.
logically inferred from the above Which of the following can be logically
statements? I of erred from the above sentences?
(i) Social science disciplines have a) The number of people in India
become obsolete. infected with rabies i s high.
(ii) Social science disciplines had a b) The number of people in other
pre-colonial origin. parts of the world who are
(iii)Social science disciplines always infected with rabies is low.
promote colonialism. c) Rabies can be eradicated in India
(iv)Social science must maintain by vaccinating 70% of stray dogs
disciplinary boundaries. d) Stray dogs are the main sources
a) (ii) only of rabies worldwide.
b)(i) and (iii) only [EC, IN -GATE-2016-03]
c) (ii) and (iv) only
d)(iii)and(iv) only Q.126 If I were you, I ______ that laptop. It's
[EC, ME-GATE-2016-02] much too expensive.
a) won’t buy b) shan't buy
Q.123 An apple costs Rs. 10. An onion c) wouldn’t buy d) would buy
costs Rs. 8. Select the most suitable [CE-GATE-2016-2]
sentence with respect to
grammar and usage. Q.127 He turned a deaf ear to my request.
a) The price of an apple is greater What does the underlined phrasal
than an onion. verb mean?
b) The price of an apple is more than a) ignored b) appreciated
onion. c) twisted d) returned
c) The price of an apple is greater [CE-GATE-2016-2]
than that of an onion.
d) Apples are more costlier than Q.128 Choose the most appropriate set of
onions. words from the options given below
[EC, IN- GATE-2016-03] to complete the following sentence
______ , ______ is a will,______ is a way.

a) Wear, there, their a) mock b) deride
b) Were, their, there c) praise d) jeer
c) Where, there, there [CS, EE--GATE-2016--02]
d) Where, their, their
Q.133 Computers were invented for
performing only high-end useful
Q.129 Today, we consider Ashoka as a computations However, it is no
great ruler because of the copious understatement that they have taken
evidence he left behind in the form over our world today. The internet,
of stone carved edicts. Historians for example, is ubiquitous. Many
tend to correlate greatness of a king believe that the internet itself is an
at his time with the availability of unintended consequence of the
evidence today. original invention with the advent of
Which of the following can be mobile computing on our phones, a
logically inferred from the above whole new dimension is now enabled.
sentences? One is left wondering if all these
a) Emperors who do not leave developments are good or more
importantly, required.
significant sculpted evidence are
Which of the statement(s) below are
completely forgotten.
logically valid and can be inferred
b) Ashoka produced stone carved from the above paragraph?
edicts to ensure that later
(i) The author believes that
historians will respect him.
computers are not good for us
c) Statues of kings are a reminder
(ii) M obi le computers and the
of their greatness. internet are both intended
d) A king's greatness, as we know inventions
him today, is interpreted by a) (i)
historians b) (ii) only
[CE-GATE-2016-2] c) both (i) and (ii)
Q.130 The man who is now Municipal d) neither (i) nor (ii)
Commissioner worked as [CS, EE-GATE-2016-02]
a) the security guard at a university
b) a security guard at the university Q.134 The chairman requested the
c) a security guard at university aggrieved shareholders to ________
d) the security guard at the him.
university a) Bare with b) Bore with
[CS, EE-GATE-2016--02] c) Bear with d) Bare
Q.131 Nobody knows how the Indian [EE-GATE-2016-02]
cricket team is going to cope with
the difficult and seamer-friendly Q.135 Identify the correct spelling out of
wickets in Australia. Choose the the given options:
option which is closest in meaning a) Managable b) Manageable
to the underlined phase in the above c) Manageble d) Managible
sentence. [EE-GATE-2016-02]
a) put up with b) put in with
c) put down to d) put Q.136 R2D2 is a robot. R2D2 can repair
[CS, EE-GATE-2016--02] aeroplanes. No other robot can
Q.132 Find the odd one in the following repair aeroplanes. Which of the
group of words. following can be logically inferred
Mock, deride, praise, jeer a from the above statements?

a) R2D2 is a robot which can only get degrees from IIT.
repair aeroplanes. (ii) SITs will have a distinct national
b) R2D2is the only robot which can objective
repair aeroplanes. (iii) SIT like institutions can only be
c) R2D2 is a robot which can repair established in consultation with
only aeroplanes. IIT.
d) Only R2D2 is a robot. (iv)SITs will serve technological
[EE-GATE-2016—01] needs of a developing country.
Q.137 A poll of students appearing for a) (iii) and (iv) only b) (i) and (iv)
masters in engineering indicated only
that 60% of the students believed c) (ii) and (iv) only d)(ii) and (iii)
that mechanical engineering is a only
profession unsuitable for women. A [EE-GATE-2016-01]
research study on women with Q.139 Which of the following is CORRECT
master or higher degrees in with respect to grammar and usage?
mechanical engineering found that Mount Everest is______ .
99% of such women were successful a) the highest peak in the world
in their professions. b) highest peak in the world
Which of the following can be c) one of highest peak in the world
logically inferred from the above d) one of the highest peak in the
paragraph? world
a) M any students have is conceptions [ME- GATE-2016 –
regarding various engineering 01]
Q.140 The policeman asked the victim of a
b) Men with advanced degrees in
mechanical engineering believe women theft, “What did you_____ ?”
are well suited to be mechanical a) loose b) lose
engineers. c) loss d) louse
c) Mechanical engineering is a profession [ME -GATE-2016-01]
well suited for women with masters or Q.141 Despite the new medicine’s _______in
higher degrees in mechanical treating diabetes, it is not _____
engineering. widely.
d) The number of women pursuing high a) effectiveness --- prescribed
degrees in mechanical engineering is b) availability --- used
small c) prescription -- available
[EE-GATE-2016-01] d) acceptance --- proscribed
Q.138 Sourya committee had proposed the [ME- GATE-2016 –
establishment of Sourya Institutes of 01]
Technology (SITs) in line with Q.142 In a world filled with uncertainty, he
Indian Institutes of Technology (I was glad to have many good friends.
ITs) to cater to the technological and He had always assisted them in
industrial needs of a developing times of need & was confident that
country. they would reciprocate. However,
Which of the following can be the events of the last week proved
logically inferred from the above him wrong.
sentence? Which of the following inference(s)
Based on the proposal, is/are logically valid and can be
(i) In the initial years, SIT students inferred from the above passage?

(i) His friends were always asking ensure safety and security of the
him to help them. city, something which critics argue,
(ii) He felt that when in need of help, will lead to a surveillance state.
his friends would let him down. Which of the following can be
(iii)He was sure that his friends logically inferred from the above
would help him when in need. paragraph?
(iv)His friends did not help him last (i) All smart cities encourage the
week. formation of surveillance states.
a) (i) and (ii) b) (iii) and (iv) (ii) Surveillance is an integral part of
c) (iii) only d) (iv) only a smart city.
[ME GATE-2016 –01] (iii)Sustainability and surveillance
Q.143 Leela is older than her cousin go hand in hand in a smart city.
Pavithra. Pavithra‟s brother Shiva is (iv)There is a perception that smart
older than Leela. When Pavithra and cities promote surveillance.
Shiva are visiting Leela, all three like a) (i) and (iv) only
to play chess. Pavithra wins more b) (ii) and (iii) only
often than Leela does. c) (iv) only
Which one of the following d) (i) only
statements must be TRUE based [ME-GATE-2016 –02]
on the above?
a) When Shiva plays chess with Q.147 After India’s cricket world cup
Leela & Pavithra, he often loses. victory in 1985, Shrotria who was
b) Leela is the oldest of the three. playing both tennis and cricket till
c) Shiva is a better chess player then, decided to concentrate only on
than Pavithra. cricket. And the rest is history. What
d) Pavithra is the youngest of the does the underlined phrase mean in
three. this context?
[ME GATE-2016 –01] a) history will rest in peace
b) rest is recorded in history books
Q.144 The unruly crowd demanded that
c) rest is well known
the accused be without trial.
d) rest is archaic
a) hanged b) hanging
[ME, EC-GATE-2016-03]
c) hankering d) hung
[ME-GATE-2016 –02]
Q.148 After Rajendra Chola returned from
Q.145 Choose the statement(s) where the his voyage to Indonesia, he_____ to
underlined word is used correctly: visit the temple in Thanjavur.
(i) A prone is a dried plum. a) was wishing b) is wishing
(ii) He was lying prone on the floor. c) wished d) had wished
(iii)People who eat a lot of fat are [CS-EE-GATE-2017(1)]
prone to heart disease.
a) (i) and (iii) only Q.149 Research in the workplace reveal
b) (iii) only that people work for many reasons
c) (i) and (ii) only a) money beside b) beside money
d)(ii) and (iii) only c) money besides d) besides money
[ME GATE-2016 –02] [CS-EE-GATE-2017(1)]

Q.146 A smart city integrates all modes of Q.150 "The hold of the nationalist
transport, uses clean energy and imagination on our colonial past is
promotes sustainable use of such that anything inadequately or
resources. It also uses technology to improperly nationalist is just not

history." Which of the following a) Involving b) Assisting
statements best reflects the author's c) Tampering d) Incubating
opinion? [CE-GATE-2017(1)]
a) Nationalists are highly imaginative
b) History is viewed through the filter Q.156 The old concert hall was demolished
of nationalism because of fears that the foundation
c) Our colonial past never happened would be affected by the
d) Nationalism has to be both construction of the new metro line
adequately and properly imagined. in the area. Modern technology for
[CS-EE-GATE-2017(1)] underground metro construction
Q.151 Saturn is to be seen on a clear night tried to mitigate the impact of
with the naked eye. pressurized air pockets created by
a) enough bright the excavation of large amounts of
b) bright enough soil. But even with these
c) as enough bright safeguards, it was feared that the
d) bright as enough soil below the concert hall would
[CS-EE-GATE-2017(2)] not be stable. From this, one can
infer that
Q.152 Choose the option with words that a) the foundations of old buildings
are not synonyms. create pressurized air pockets
a) aversion, dislike underground, which are
b) luminous, radiant different to handle during metro
c) plunder, loot construction.
d) yielding, resistant b) metro construction has to be
[CS-EE-GATE-2017(2)] done carefully considering its
impact on the foundations of
Q.153 "We lived in a culture that denied
existing buildings.
any merit to literary works,
c) old buildings in an area form an
considering them important only
impossible hurdle to metro
when they were handmaidens to
construction in that area.
something seemingly more urgent-
d) pressurized air can be used to
namely ideology. This was a country
excavate large amount of soil
where all gestures, even the most
from underground areas.
private, were interpreted in
political terms,".
The author's belief that ideology is
Q.157 The event would have been
not as important as literature is
successful if you able to come.
revealed by the word:
a) are b) had been
a) 'culture' b) 'seemingly'
c) have been d) would have been
c) 'urgent' d) 'political'
Q.154 The bacteria in milk are destroyed Q.158 There was no doubt that their work
when it heated to 80 degree Celsius. was thorough. Which of the words
a) would be b) will be below is closest in meaning to the
c) is d) was underlined word above?
[CE-GATE-2017(1)] a) pretty c) sloppy
Q.155 _________with someone else's email b) complete d) haphazard
account is now a very serious [CE-IN-GATE-2017(2)]

Q.159 Bhaichung was observing the (iv)Siliguri is at a lower elevation
pattern of people entering and than Gangtok.
leaving a car service centre. There a) Only (ii)
was a single window where b) Only (ii) and (iii)
customers were being served. He c) Only (ii) and (iv)
saw that people inevitably came d) Only (iii) and (iv)
out of the centre in the order [CE-IN-GATE-2017(2)]
that they went in. However, the time
they spent inside seemed to Q.161 I made arrangements had I
vary a lot: Some people came out in informed earlier.
a matter of minutes while for others a) could have, been
it took much longer. From this, what b) would have, being
can one conclude? c) had, have
a) The centre operates on a first- d) had been, been
come-first-served basis, but with [EC-GATE-2017(1)]
variable service times, depending
on specific customer needs. Q.162 She has a sharp tongue and it can
b) Customers were served in an occasionally turn
arbitrary order, since they took a) hurtful b) left
varying amounts of time for c) methodical d) vital
service completion in the centre. [EC-GATE-2017(1)]
c) Since some people came out
within a few minutes of entering Q.163 "If you are looking for a history of
the centre, the system is likely India, or for an account of the rise
to operate on a last-come-first- and fall of the British Raj, or for the
served basis. reason of the cleaving of the
d) Entering the centre early subcontinent into two mutually
ensured that one would have antagonistic parts and the effects
shorter service times and most this mutilation will have in the
people attempted to do this. respective sections, and ultimately
[CE-IN-GATE-2017(2)] on Asia, you will not find it in these
pages; for though I have spent a
Q.160 A map shows the elevations of lifetime in the country, I lived too
Darjeeling. Gangtok, Kalimpong, near the seat of events, and was too
Pelling and Siliguri. Kalimpong is intimately associated with the
at a lower elevation than Gangtok. actors, to get the perspective needed
Pelling is at a lower elevation than for the impartial recording of these
Gangtok. Pelling is at a higher matters". Here, the word
elevation than Siliguri. Darjeeling is `antagonistic' is closest in meaning
at a higher elevation than to
Gangtok. Which of the following a) impartial b) argumentative
statements can be inferred from the c) separated d) hostile
paragraph above? [EC-GATE-2017(1)]
(i) Pelling is at a higher elevation
that Kalimpong. Q.164 It is to read this year's textbook
(ii) Kalimpong is at a lower the last year's.
elevation than Darjeeling. a) easier, than b) most easy, than
(iii)Kalimpong is at a higher c) easier, from d) easiest, from
elevation than Siliguri. [EC-GATE-2017(2)]

Q.165 The ninth and the tenth of this Q.169 Two very famous sportsmen Mark
month are Monday and Tuesday and Steve happened to be brothers,
a) figuratively b) retrospectively and played for country K. Mark
c) respectively d) rightfully teased James, and opponent from
[EC-GATE-2017(2)] country E. There is no way you are
good enough to play for your
Q.166 "If you are looking for a history of country. James replied, 'May be not,
India, or for an account of the rise but at least I am the best player in
and fall of the British Raj or for the my own family'. Which one of
reason of the cleaving of the the following can be inferred from
subcontinent into two mutually this conversation.
antagonistic parts and the effects a) Mark was known to play better
this mutilation will have in the than James
respective sections, and ultimately b) Steve was known to play better
on Asia, you will not find it in these than Mark
pages: for though I have spent a c) James and Steve were good
lifetime in the country. I lived too friends
near the seat of events, and was too d) James played better than Steve
intimately associated with the [ME-GATE-2017(1)]
actors, to get the perspective needed
for the impartial recording of these Q.170 Here, throughout the early 1820s,
matters." Which of the following Stuart continued to fight his losing
statements best reflects the author's battle to allow his sepoys to year
opinion? their caste-marks and their own
a) An intimate association does not choice of facial hair on parade, being
allow for the necessary again reprimanded by the
perspective. commander-in-chief. His retort that
b) Matters are recorded with an A stronger instance than this of
impartial perspective. European prejudice with relation to
c) An intimate association offers an this country has never come under
impartial perspective. my observations had no effect on his
d) Actors are typically associated superiors. According to this
with the impartial recording of paragraph, which of the statements
matters. below is most accurate?
[EC-GATE-2017(2)] a) Stuart's commander-in-chief was
moved by this demonstration of
Q.167 He was one of my best ________ and I his prejudice.
felt his loss____. b) The Europeans were
a) friend, keenly b) friends, keen accommondating of the sepoys
c) friend, keener d) friends, keenly desire to were their caste-marks
[ME-GATE-2017(1)] c) Stuart's losing battle refers to his
inability to succeed in enabling
Q.168 As the two speakers became sepoys to wear caste-marks.
increasingly agitated, the debate d) The commander-in-chief was
became exempt from the European
a) lukewarm b) poetic prejudice that dictated how the
c) forgiving d) heated sepoys were to dress
[ME-GATE-2017(1)] [ME-GATE-2017(1)]

Q.171 The ways in which this game can be a)rational b) reasonable
played_______ potentially infinite. c)errant d)good
a) is b) is being [IN-GATE-2018]
c) are d) are being
[ME-GATE-2017(2)] 176. "A investigation can
sometimes yield new facts, but
Q.172 If you choose plan P, you will have
to plan Q, as these two are mutually typically organized ones are more
a) forgo, exclusive successful"
b) forget, inclusive The word that best fill the blanks in
c) accept, exhaustive the above sentence is
d) adopt, intrusive a)meandering b)timely
[ME-GATE-2017(2)] c) consistent d) systematic
Q.173 If you are looking for a history of
India, or for an account of the rise
and fall of the British Raj, or for the Q.177 "From where are they bringing their
reason of the cleaving of the books? ______bringing __________books
subcontinent into two mutually from ____________".
antagonistic parts and the effects The words that best fill the blanks in
this mutilation will have in the the above sentence are
respective sections, and ultimately a)Their, they‟re, there
on Asia, you will not find it in these b) They‟re, their, there
pages; for though I have spent a
c) There, their, they‟re
lifetime in the country, I lived too
d)) They‟re, there, there
near the seat of events, and was too
intimately associated with the
actors, to get the perspective needed
for the impartial recording of these Q.178 By giving him the last of the
matters." Which of the following is cake, you will ensure lasting ____in
closest in meaning to'cleaving'? our house today.”
a) deteriorating b) arguing The words that best fill the blanks in
c) departing d) splitting the above sentence are
[ME-GATE-2017(2)] a)peas, piece b)piece, peace
c)peace, piece d) peace, peas
Q.174 “When she fell down the____ she
received many _____but little help.”
The words that best fill the blanks
Q.179 “Even though there is a vast scope
in the above sentence are
for its___ , tourism has remained
a)stairs, stares b)stairs, stairs
a/an ________area.”
c)stares, stairs d)stares, stares
The words that best fill the blanks in
[IN-GATE-2018] the above sentence are
a)improvement, neglected
Q.175 "In spite of being warned
b)rejection, approved
repeatedly, he failed to correct his behaviour."
The word that best fills the blank c) fame, glum
in the above sentence is d) interest, disinterested

Q.180 A coastal region with unparalleled Q.182 “A common misconception among
beauty is home to many species of writers is that sentence structure
animals. It is dotted with coral reefs mirrors thought; the more ______
and unspoilt white sandy beaches. It the structure, the more complicated
has remained inaccessible to the ideas.”
tourists due to poor connectivity The word that best fills the blank
and lack of accommodation. A in the above sentence is
a)detailed b) simple
company has spotted the
c)clear d)convoluted
opportunity and is planning to
develop a luxury resort with
helicopter service to the nearest
Q.183 “The judge‟s standing in the legal
major city airport.
community, though shaken by false
Environmentalists are upset that
allegations of wrongdoing, remained
this would lead to the region
_______.” The world that best fills the
becoming crowded and polluted like
blank in the above sentence is
any other major beach resorts.
a) Undiminished b) damaged
Which one of the following
c) illegal d) uncertain
statements can be logically
inferred from the information
given in the above paragraph?
a)The culture and tradition of the
Q.184 “The dress ______ her so well that
local people will be influenced by
they all immediately ______ her on
the tourists.
her appearance.” The words that
b)The region will become crowded
best fill the blanks in the above
and polluted due to tourism.
sentence are
c)The coral reefs are on the decline
a)complemented, complemented
and could soon vanish.
b)complimented, complemented
d)Helicopter connectivity would
c)complimented, complimented
lead to an increase in tourists
d) complemented, complimented
coming to the region.
Q.185 "Her ______ should not be confused
Q.181 “Since you have gone off the ______,
with miserliness; she is ever willing
the ___sand is likely to damage the
to assist those in need." The word
that best fills the blank in the above
The words that best fill the blanks in
sentence is:
the above sentence are
a)course, coarse a) cleanliness b) punctuality
b) course, course c) frugality d) greatness
c) coarse, course [ME-GATE-2018(2)]
d) coarse, coarse

Q.186 Going by the ______ that many hands Q.190 “Although it does contain some
make light work, the school _______ pioneering ideas, one would hardly
involved all the students in the task." characterize the work as _______.”
a)principle, principal
The words that best fill the blanks in
b)principal, principle
the above sentence is
c)principle, principle
a) innovative b) simple
d)principal, principal
c) dull d) boring
Q.187 “The driver applied the ______ as soon as
she approached the hotel where she
wanted to take a ____.” The words that
best fill the blanks in the above sentence
a) brake, break
b)break, break
c) brake, brake
d) break, brake

Q.188 “It is no surprise that every society has

had codes of behaviour; however, the
nature of these codes is often _________.”
The word that best fills the blank in the
above sentence is

a) unpredictable b) simple
c)expected d) strict


Q.189 “His face ________ with joy when the

solution of the puzzle was ______ to him.”
The words that best fill the blanks in the
above sentence are
a) Shone, shown b) shone, shone
c) shown, shone d) shown, shown


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