Shared Memory System: Address Space

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Shared Memory System

Memory shared between two address space.

Address Space:

Address Space is a space in computer memory. And process Address Space means a space allocated
in memory for a process.

 Interprocess communication using shared memory

requires communicating process to establish region of
shared memory
 Typically, shared memory region resides in the address
space of the process creating the shared memory y
 Other process that wishes to communicate using the
shared memory segment must attach it to their address

 Normally ,the operating system tries to prevent one

process from access another process memory

 Shared memory required two or more process to remove

this restriction

Producer Consumer Problem

A process produces information that is consumed by a consumer process.

A consumer can not consume information until producer produce information.
A compiler may produce assembly code, which is consumed by an assembler.
Client Server Example.
A Server produce information client uses server information.
What is Producer Consumer Problem ?.

Producer can not add data into Buffer if it is full.
Consumer Wait to Consumer data if it is empty.

Unbonded Buffer:
Unlimited size the producer can produce unlimited information.
Consumer can consumer unlimited information.

Bonded Buffer:
Producer can producer limited information.
Consumer can comsumer limited information.

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