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Seeing: What Is It?

Retinal image of the scene

focused upside-down and
left-right reversed on to the
light-sensitive retina of the eye
, ,

Observed scene: a photograph of John Lennon

1.1 An "inner screen" theory of seeing

One theory of this kind proposes that there is a set of brain cells whose level of activity represents the brightness of points
in the scene. This theory therefore suggests that seeing is akin to photography. Note that the image of Lennon is inverted in
the eye, due to the optics of the eye, but it is shown upright in the brain to match our perceptions of the world-see page 8.
Lennon photograph courtesy Associated Newspapers Archive .
Chapter 1

W hat goes on inside our heads when we see?

Most people take seeing so much fo r granted
that few will ever have considered this question
seriously. But if pressed to speculate, the ordinary
perso n who is not an expert on the subj ect might
sugges t:
Could perhaps there be an "inner screen" of
some sort in our heads, rather like a cinema
screen except that it is made out of brain tis-
sue? The eyes transmit an image of the out-
side world onto this screen , and this is the im-
age of which we are conscious? Cell body

The idea that seeing is akin to photography, illus-

trated in 1.1 , is commonplace, but it has funda-
mental shortcomings. We discuss th em in this
opening chapter and we introduce a very different
co ncept about seeing.
0.5 mm
The photographic metaphor for seeing has its
foundatio n in the observation that our eyes are in
many respects li ke cameras. Both camera and eye 1.3 Pyramidal brain cell
Microscopic enlargement of a slice of rat brain stained to
have a lens; and where the camera has a light-sen-
show a large neuron called a pyramidal cell. The long thick
sitive film or an array of light-se nsitive electro nic fiber is a dendrite that collects messages from other cells.
components, the eye has a light-sensitive retina, The axon is the output fiber. Brain neurons are highly inter-
1.2, a network of tiny light-sensitive recepto rs connected : it has been estimated that there are more con-
nections in the human brain than there are stars in the Milky
arranged in a layer toward the back of the eyeball
Way. Courtesy P. Redgrave .
(Latin rete-net). The job of the lens is to focus an
image of the outside world-th e retinal image-
on to these receptors. This image stimulates them small point of light in the image that lands on
so that each receptor encodes the intensity of the it. M essages about these point by point intensi-
ties are co nveyed from the eye along fi bers in the
optic nerve to the brai n. The brai n is composed
of million s of tiny components, brain cells called
neurons, 1.3.
The co re idea of the "inner screen" theo ry illus-
trated in 1.1 is that certain brain cells specialize in
vision and are arranged in the form of a sheet- the
"inner screen." Each cell in the screen can at any
moment be either active, inactive, or somewhere
in between, 1.4. If a cell is very active, it is signal-
ing th e presence of a bright spot at that particular
point on the "inner screen"- and hence at the
associated point in the outside wo rld . Equally, if
a cel l is o nly moderately active, it is signaling an
intermediate shade of gray. Co mpletely inactive
cells signal black spots. Cells in the "inner screen"
1.2 The receptor mozaic
as a whole take on a pattern of activity whose
Microphotograph of cells in the center of the human
retina (the fovea) that deals with straight ahead vision. overall shape mirrors the shape of th e retinal image
Magnification roughly x 1200. Courtesy Webvision (http:// received by th e eye. For example, if a photograph is
webvision .med .utah .edu/sretina .html#central). being observed , as in 1.1 , then th e pattern of activ-

Seeing: What Is It?

representation as the basis of seeing. In this respect

Threshold stimulus intensity (defined as the intensity just strong it is like almost all other theories of seei ng, but to
enough to be seen on 50% of presentations) describe it in this way requires some exp lanation.
In this book we use the term representation
I I I I I II I II I I I II I II I II I II I I for anything that stands for something other than
Stimulus intensity at 150% above threshold as defined above itself. Words are representations in this sense. For
example, the word "chair" stands for a particular
kind of sitting support-the word is not the sup-
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 port itself. Many orher kinds of representations ex-
Stimulus intensity at 300% above threshold as defined above ist, of course, apart from words. A red traffic light
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... Time stands for rhe command "Stop!", the Stars and
1.4 Stimulus intensity and firing frequency
Stripes stands for rhe United States of America,
Most neurons send messages along their axons to other and so on. A moment's reflection shows rhat there
neurons. The messages are encoded in action poten- must be representations inside our heads which are
tials (each one is a brief pulse of voltage change across unlike the things they represent. The world is "out
the neuron's outer "skin" or membrane). In the schematic
recordings above, the time scale left-to-right is set so that
there," whereas rhe perceptual world is the result of
the action potentials show up as single vertical lines or processes going on inside the pink blancmange-like
spikes. The height of the spikes remains constant: this is mass of brain cells that is our brain. It is an in-
the al/-or-none law-the spike is either present or absent. escapable conclusion that there must be a repre-
On the other hand , the frequency of firing can vary, which
allows the neuron to use an activity code, here for repre- sentation of the outside world in the brain. This
senting stimulus intensity. Firing rates for brain cells can representation can be said to serve as a description
vary from 0 to several hundred spikes per second. rhat encodes the various aspects of the world of
which sight makes us aware.
ity on the "inner screen" resembles the photograph. In fact, when we began by asking "What goes
The "inner screen" rheory proposes that as soon on inside our heads when we see?" we co uld as well
as this pattern is set up on the screen of cells, the have stated this question as: "When we see, what
observer has rhe experience of seeing. is the nature of the representation inside our heads
This "inner screen" rheory of seeing is easy to that stands for things in the o utside world?" The
understand and is intuitively appealing. After all , answer given by rhe "inner screen" rheory is that
our visual experiences do seem to "match" rhe out- each brain cell in rhe hyporhetical screen is describ-
side world: so it is natutal to suppose rhat there are ing (representing) the brightness of one particular
mechanisms for vision in the brain which provide spot in the world in terms of an activity code, 1.4.
the simp lest possible type of match-a physically The code is a simple one: the m ore active the cell,
sim ilar or "photographic" one. Indeed, the "inner the lighter or more brightly illuminated the point
screen" theory of see ing can also be likened to tel- in the world.
evis ion , an image-transmission system which is also It can co me as something of a shock to realize
photographic in this sense. The eyes are equivalent that somehow the whole of our perceived visual
to TV cameras, and the image finally appearing on world is tucked away in our skulls as an inner rep-
a TV screen co nnected to the cameras is roughly resentation which stands for the outside world. It is
equivalent to rhe proposed image on the "in- difficult and unnatural to disentangle the "percep-
ner screen" of which we are conscious. The only tion of a scene" from rhe "scene itself." Neverthe-
important difference is rhat whereas the TV-screen less, they must be clearly distinguished if seeing is
image is composed of more or less brightly glowing to be understood. When the difference between a
dots, our visual image is composed of more or less perception and the thing perceived is fully grasped,
active brain cel ls. the conclusion that seeing must involve a represen-
tation of the viewed scene sitting somewhere inside
Seeing and Scene Representations
our heads becomes easier to accept. Moreover, the
The first thing to be said about the "inner screen" problem of seeing can be clearly stated: what is the
theory of seeing is that it proposes a certain kind of nature of the brain's representation of the visual

Chapter 1

get on with the job of studying seeing without

Lateral geniculate nucleus
concerning themselves much with the issue of

Pictures in the Brain

You might reasonably ask at this point: has neu-

roscience has anything to say directly about the
"inner screen" theory? Is there any evidence from
studies of the brain as to whether such a screen or
anything like it exists?
Striate The major visual pathway carrying the messages
from the eyes to the brain is shown in broad out-
line in 1.5. Fuller details are shown in 1.6 in which
the eyes are shown inspecting a person, and the
locations of the various parts of this scene "in" the
visual system are shown with the help of numbers.
The first thing to notice is that the eyes do not
receive identical images. The left eye sees rather
more of the scene to the left of the central line of
sight (regions 1 and 2), and vice versa for the right
eye (regions 8 and 9). There are other differences
berween the left and right eyes' images in the case
1.5 Diagrammatic section through the head
of30 scenes: these are described fully in Ch 18.
This shows principal features of the major visual pathway
that links the eyes to the cortex. Next, notice the optic nerves leaving the eyes.
The fibers within each optic nerve are the axons
of certain retinal cells, and they carry messages
from the retina to the brain. The left and right
world, and how is it obtained? It is this problem optic nerves meet at the optic chiasm, 1.6 and 9.9,
which provides the subject of this book. where the optic nerve bundle from each eye sp lits
in rwo. Half of the fibers from each eye cross to the
Perception, Consciousness, and Brain Cells opposite side of the brain, whereas the other half
One reason why it might feel strange to regard stay on the same side of the brain throughout.
visual experience as being encoded in brain cells is The net result of this partial crossing-over of
that they may seem quite insufficient for the task. fibers (technically called partial decussation) is
that messages dealing with any given region of the
The "inner screen" theory posits a direct relation-
field of view arrive at a co mmon destination in the
ship berween conscious visual experiences and
cortex, regardless of which eye they come from. In
activity in certain brain cells. That is, activity in
other words, left- and right-eye views of any given
certain cells is somehow accompan ied by conscious
featute of a scene are analyzed in the same physi-
experience. Proposing this kind of parallelism
cal location in the striate cortex. This is the major
berween brain-cell activity and visual experience is receiving area in the cortex for messages sent along
characteristic of many theories of perceptual brain nerve fibers in the optic nerves.
mechanisms. But is there more to it than this? Can Fibers from the optic chiasm enter the left and
the richness of visual experience really be identi- right lateral geniculate nuclei. These are the first
fied with activity in a few million, or even a few "relay stations" of the fibers from the eyes on their
trillion, brain cells? Are brain cells the right kind of way to the striate cortex. That is, axons from the
entities to provide conscious perceptual experience? retina terminate here on the dendrites of new neu-
We return to these questions in Ch 22. For the rons, and it is the axons of the latter cells that then
moment, we simply note that most vision scientists proceed to the cortex. A good deal of mystery still

Seeing: What Is It?

5 --- ..

Right eye

Optic tract

Superior colliculus
(left lobe)

Lateral geniculate - - - -.......- ........ ....

nucleus (left)

Optic radiations

1.6 Schematic illustration of two important visual pathways

One pathway goes from the eyes to the striate cortex and one from the eyes to each superior colliculus. The distortion in
the brain mapping in the striate cortex reflects the emphasis given to analysing the central region of the retinal image, so
much so that the tiny representation of the child's hand can hardly be seen in this figure. See 1.7 for details.

surrounds the question of what cells in the lateral two-way up-down traffic going on in this visual
geniculate nuclei do. They receive inputs not only pathway and we discuss its possible functions in
from the eyes but also from other sense organs, so later chapters.
some think that they might be involved in filter- Before we go on to discuss the way fiber ter-
ing messages from the eyes according to what is minations are laid out in the striate cortex, note
happening in other senses. The lateral geniculate that the optic nerves provide visual information to
nuclei also receive a lot of fibers sending messages two other structures shown in 1.6-the left and
from the cortex. Hence there is an intriguing right halves of the superior colliculus. This is a

Chapter 1

Scene Retinal image in right eye

Striate cortex of left
cerebral hemisphere

1.7 Mapping of the retinal image in the striate cortex (schematic)

Turn the book upside-down for a better appreciation of the distortion of the scene in cortex. The hyperlie/ds are regions of
the retinal image that project to hypothetical structures called hyperco/umns (denoted as graph-paper squares in the part
of the striate cortex map shown here, which derives from the left hand sides of the left and right retinal images; more details
in Chs 9 and10). Hyperfields are much smaller in central than in peripheral vision, so relatively more cells are devoted to
central vision . Hyperfields have receptive fields in both images but here two are shown for the right image only.

brain structure which lies underneath the cortex, First, note that a face is shown mapped out on
1.5, so it is said to be sub-cortical. Its function is the cortical surface (cortical means "of the cortex").
different from that performed by regions of the This is the face that the eyes are inspecting.
cortex devoted to vision. The weight of evidence Second, the representation is upside-down .
at present suggests that the superior colliculus The retinal images (not shown in 1.6) are also
is concerned with gu iding visual attention. For upside-down due to the way the optics of the eyes
example, if an object suddenly appears in the field work, 1.1. Notice that the sketch of the "inner
of view, mechanisms within the superior colliculus screen" in 1.1 showed a right-way-up image, so it
detect its presence, work out its location, and then is different in that respect from the mapping found
guide eye movements so that the novel object can in the striate cortex.
be observed directly. Third, the mapping is such that the representa-
It is important to realize that other visual path- tion of the scene is cut right down the middle, and
ways exist apart from the two main ones shown in each half of the cortex (technically, each cerebral
1.6. In fact, in monkeys and most probably also hemisphere) deals initially with just one half of the
in man , optic nerve fibers directly feed at least scene.
six different brain sites. This is testimony to the Fourth, and perhaps most oddly, the cut in the
enormously important role of vision for ourselves representation places adjacent regions of the central
and similar species. Indeed, it has been estimated part of the scene farthest apart in the brain!
that rough ly 60% of the brain is involved in vision Fifth, the mapping is spatially distorted in that
in one way or another. a greater area of cortex is devoted to central vision
Returning now to the issue of pictures-in-the- than to peripheral: hence the relatively swollen
brain, the striking thing in 1.6 is the orderly, albeit face and the diminutive arm and hand, 1.7. This
curious, layout of fiber terminations in the striate doesn't mean of course that we actually see people
cortex. in this distorted way-obviously we don't. But it

Seeing: What Is It?

reveals that a much larger area in our brain is as- an "inner screen" and to examine in detail serious
signed to foveal vision (i.e., analyzing what we are logical problems with the "inner screen" idea as a
directly looking at) than is devoted to peripheral theory of seeing. We begin this task by considering
vision. This dedication of most cortical tissue to man-made systems for seeing.
foveal vision is why we are much better at seeing
details in the region of the scene we are looking at Machines for Seeing
than we are at seeing details which fall out toward A great deal of research has been done on building
the edges of our field of view. computer vision systems that can do visual tasks.
All in all, the cortical mapping of incoming These take in images of a scene as input, analyze
visual fibers is curious but orderly. That is, adjacent the visual information in these images, and then
regions of cortex deal with adjacent regions of the use that information for some purpose or other,
scene (with the exception of the mid-line cut). The such as guiding a robot hand or stating what ob-
technical term for this so rt of mapping is topo- jects the scene contains and where they are. In our
graphic. In this instance it is called retinotopic as terminology, a machine of this type is deriving a
the mapping preserves the neighborhood relation- scene description from input images.
ships that exist between cells in the retina (except Whether one should call such a device a
for the split down the middle). The general orderli- "perceiver," a "seeing machine," or more humbly
ness of the mapping is reminiscent of the "inner an "image processor" or "pattern recognizer," is a
screen" proposed in 1.1. But the oddities of the moot point which may hinge on whether con-
mapping should give any "inner screen" theorist sciousness can ever be associated with non-biologi-
pause for thought. The first "screen," if such it is, cal brains. In any event, scientists who work on the
we meet in the brain is a very strange one indeed. problem of devising automatic image-processing
The striate cortex is not the only region of machines would call the activity appearing on the
cortex to be concerned with vision-far from it. "inner screen" of 1.1 a kind of gray level descrip-
Fibers travel from the striate cortex to adjacent tion of the painting. This is because the "i nner
regions, called the pre-striate cortex because they screen" is a representation signaling the various
lie just in front of the striate region. These fibers shades of gray all over the picture, 1.8. (We ignore
preserve the orderliness of the mapping found in color in the present discussion, and also many
the striate region. There are in fact topographically intricacies in the perception of gray: see Ch 16).
organized visual regions in the pre-striate zone and Each individual brain cell in the screen is describ-
we describe these maps in Ch 10. For the present, ing the gray level at one particular point of the
we just note that each one seems to be special- picture in terms of an activity code. The code is
ized for a particular kind of visual analysis, such simple: the lighter or more brightly illuminated the
as color, motion, etc. One big mystery is how the point in the painting, the more active the cell.
visual world can appear to us as such a well-inte- The familiar desktop image scanner is an ex-
grated whole if its analysis is actually conducted at ample of a human-made device that delivers gray
very many different sites, each one serving a differ- level descriptions. Its optical sensor sweeps over the
ent analytic function . image laid face down on its glass surface, thereby
To summarize this section, brain maps exist measuring gray levels directly rather than from a
which bear some resemblance to the kind of "inner lens-focused image. Their scanning is technically
screen" idea hesitantly advanced by our fictional described as a serial operation as it deals with dif-
"ordinary person" who was pressed to hazard a ferent regions of the image in sequence.
guess at what goes on the brain when we see. Digital cameras measure the point by point
However, the map shown in 1.6-1.7 is not much intensities of images focused on their light sens i-
like th e one envisaged in 1.1, being both distorted, tive surfaces, so in this regard they are similar to
upside-down and cut into two. biological eyes. They are said to operate in parallel
These oddities seriously undermine the pho- because they take their intensity measurements
tographic metaphor for seeing. But it is timely to everywhere over the image at the same instant.
change tack now from looking inside the brain for Hence they can deliver their gray levels quickly.

Chapter 1

Spectacle lens region enlarged to

reveal individual pixels as squares
with different gray levels

Input image

A sample of pixels from the upper left section of the spectacle

region picked out above. This shows the pixel intensities both as
different shades of gray and as the numbers stored in the gray level
description in the computer's memory.

1.8 Gray level description for a small region of an image of Lennon

The intensity measurements taken by both scan- The answer is simple: as long as there is a
ners and digital cameras are recorded as numbers systematic correspondence between the outside
stored in a digital memory. To call this collection scene and the retinal image, the processes of image
of numbers a "gray level description" is apt because interpretation can rely on this correspondence, and
this is exactly what the numbers are providing, as build up the required scene description according-
in 1.8. ly. Upside-down in the image is simply interpreted
The term "gray level" arises from the black- as right-way-up in the world, and that's all there is
and-white nature of the system, with black being to it.
regarded as a very dark gray (and recorded with a
If an observer is equipped with special spectacles
small number) and white as a very light gray (and
which optically invert the retinal images so that
recorded with a large number) .
they become the "right-way-up," then the world
The numbers are a description in the sense
appears upside-down until the observer learns to
defined earlier: they make explicit the gray levels
cope with the new correspondence between image
in the input image. That is, they make these gray
levels immediately usable (which means there is and scene. This adjustment process can take weeks,
no need for further processing to recover them) by but it is possible. The exact nature of the adjust-
subsequent stages of image processing. ment process is not yet clear: does the upside-down
Retinal images are upside-down, due to the world really begin to "look" right-way-up again, or
optics of the eyes (Ch 2) and many people are is it simply that the observer learns new patterns of
worried by this. "Why doesn't the world therefore adjusted movement to cope with the strange new
appear upside down?", they ask. perceptual world he finds himself in?

Seeing: What is it?

Try squinting to blur An ordinary domestic black-and-white TV set

your vision while looking
also produces an image that is an array of dots.
at the "block portrait"
versions . You will find The individual dots are so tiny that they cannot
that Lennon magically be readily distinguished (unless a TV screen is
appears more observed from quite close).
visible. See pages
Representations and Descriptions

It is easy to see why the computer's gray level

description illustrated in 1.8 is a similar sort
of representation to the hypothetical "inner
screen" shown in 1.1. In the latter, brain cells
adopt different levels of activiry to repre-
sent (or code) different pixel intensities. In
the former, the computer holds different
numbers in its memory registers to do
exactly the same job. So both systems
provide a representation of
the gray level description
of their input image,
even though the
1.9 Gray level images physical stuff
The images differ in pixel carrying this
size from small to large. description

Gray Level Resolution

The number of pixels (shorthand for picture ele-

ments) in a computer's gray level description varies
according to the capabilities of the computer (e.g.,
the size of its memory) and the needs of the user.
For example, a dense array of pixels requires a large
memory and produces a gray level description that
picks up very fine details. This is now familiar to hardware vs. brain-
many people due to the availabiliry of digital cam- ware) is different in
eras that capture high resolution images using mil- the two cases. This
lions of pixels. When these are output as full-tone distinction between
printouts, the images are difficult to discriminate the functional or design
from film-based photographs. status of a representation (the
If fewer pixels are used, so that each pixel rep- job it performs) and the physical embodiment of
resents the average intensiry over quite a large area the representation (different in man or machine
of the input image, then a full-tone printout of the of course) is an extremely important one which
same size takes on a block-like appearance. That is, deserves further elaboration.
these images are said to show quantization effects. Consider, for example, the physical layout of the
These possibilities are illustrated in 1.9, where the hypothetical "inner screen" of brain cells. This is an
same input image is represented by four different anatomically neat one, with the various pixel cells
gray level images, with pixel arrays ranging from arranged in a format which physically matches the
high to low resolution. arrangement of the corresponding image points.

Chapter 1

In sharp contrast to this, the computer registers a number within a spreadsheet, a few moments
that perform the same job as the hypothetical brain later it might be holding the code for a letter in
cells would not be arranged in the computer in a document being edited using a word processor,
way which physically matches the input image. or whatever. Indeed, the capacity for the arbitrary
That is, the "anatomical" locations of the registers assignment of computer registers, to hold differ-
in the computer memory would not necessarily ent contents that mean different things at different
be arranged as the hypothetical brain cells are, in times according to the particular computatio n
a grid- like topographical form that preserves the being run , is held by some to be the true hallmark
neighbor-to-neighbor spatial relationships of the of symbolic computation.
image points. But this capacity for arbitary and changing as-
Instead, the computer registers might be ar- signment is quite unlike the brain cel ls supporting
ranged in a variety of different ways, depending on vision , which, as far as we presently understand
many different factors, some of them to do with things, are more or less permanently committed to
how the memory was manufactured, others stem- serve a particuLar visual function (but see the caveat
ming from the way the computer was programmed below on learning). That is, if a brain cell is used
to store information. The computer keeps track of to represent a scene property, such as the orienta-
each pixel measurement in a very precise manner tion of an edge, then that is the job that cell always
by using a system of labels (technically, pointers) does. It isn't quickly reassigned to represent, say, a
for each of its registers, to show which part of the dog, or a sound, etc., under the control of other
image each one encodes. The details of how this brain processes.
is done do not concern us: it is sufficient to note It may be that other brain regions do contain
that the labels ensure that each pixel value can be cells whose functional role changes from moment
retrieved for later processing as and when required. to moment (perhaps cells supporting language?). If
Consequently, it is true to say that the hypotheti- so, they would satisfY the arbitrary ass ignment defi-
cal brain cells of 1.1 and the receptors of 1.2 are nition of a symbolic computational device given
servi ng the same representationaL function as the above. However, some have doubted whether the
computer memory registers of 1.8-recordi ng the brain's wiring really can support the highly accurate
gray level of each pixel-even though the physicaL cell-to-cell connections that this would require. In
nature of the representation in each case differs any event, visual neurons do not appear to have
radically. It differs in both the nature of the pixel this property and we will not use this definition of
code (cell activity versus size of stored number) symbolic computation in this book.
and the anatomical arrangement of the entities that A caveat that needs to be posted here is to do
represent the pixels. with various phenomena in perceptual learning:
The idea that different physical entities can we get better at various visual tasks as we practice
mediate the same information processing tasks is them, and this must reflect changes in vision brain
the fundamental assumption underlying the field cells. Also, plasticity exists in brain cell circuits in
of artificial intelligence, which can be defined ea rly development, Ch 4, and parts of the brain to
as the enterprise of making computers do things do with vision may even be taken over for other
which would be described as intelligent if done by functions following blindness caused by losing the
human s. eyes (or vice versa: the visual brain may encroach
Before leaving this topic we note another major on other brain areas).
difference between the putative brain cells coding But this caveat is abo ut slowly acting forms of
the gray level description and computer memory learning and plasticity. It does not alter the basic
registers. Computers are built with an extremely point being made here. When we say the visual
precise organization of their components. As stated brain is a symboli c processor we are not saying that
above, each memory register has a label and its its brain cells serve as symbols in the way that pro-
contents can be set to represent different things grammable computer components serve symbolic
according to the program being run on the com- functions using different symbolic assignments
puter. One moment the register might be holding from moment to moment.

Seeing: What is it?

Levels of Understanding Complex Information

have given a number of sufficiently well-wo rked
Processing Systems out exampl es to illustrate its impo rtance when it
comes to understanding vision. Fo r the mo ment,
Why have we dwelt o n the point that certain we leave this issue with a fam ous quo tatio n fro m
brain cells and co mputer memory registers could an influential co mputatio nal theo rist, D avid M arr,
serve the sam e tas k (i n this case representin g whose approach to studying vision prov ides the
point-by-point image intensiti es) despite huge dif-
linking theme for this book:
ferences in their physical characteri stics?
Trying to understand vision by studying
The answer is that it is a good way of introduc-
only neurons is like trying to understand
ing the linking theme running th ro ugh this book. bird flight by studying only feathers: it just
This is th at we need to keep clearl y distin ct differ- cannot be done. (Marr, 1982)
ent Levels ofdiscourse when trying to understand
visio n. Representing Objects
This general point has had many advocates. For
Th e "inner screen" of 1.1 can, then, be described
exampl e, Ri chard G regory, a di stinguished scien-
as a particular kind of symbolic scene representa-
tist well kn own fo r his wo rk o n visio n, pointed
tio n. The acti viti es of the cells whi ch compose the
out lo ng ago that understanding a device such as
"screen" describe in a symbolic fo rm the intensiti es
a radi o needs an understanding of its individual
of corres po nding points in the retin al image of the
components (transistors, resisto rs, etc.) and also an
scene being viewed. H ence, th e theo ry pro poses,
understanding of the des ign used to co nn ect these
these cell activiti es represent the lightnesses of th e
co mpo nents so that they work as a radio.
co rrespo nding points in the scene. We are now in a
Th is point may seem self-ev ident to many read- pos itio n to see o ne reason why this is such an inad-
ers but when it comes to studying the brain some equate th eory of seeing: it gives us such a woefull y
scientists in practi ce neglect it, believ ing that the impoverished scene descriptio n!
explanatio n must lie in the "brainware." O bvio usly,
The scene description which exists inside our
we need to study brain structures to understand
heads is not co nfin ed simply to the lightn esses of
th e brain . But equally, we canno t be sa id to under-
individual points in the scene before us. It tells us
stand the brain unless we understand, amo ng other
an enormous amo unt mo re than this. Leav ing as ide
things, the principLes underlying its design .
the already noted limitatio n of not having an ything
Theo ri es of the design prin ciples underlying see- to say about co lo r, the "inner screen" descriptio n
ing system are often called computational theo- does no t help us understand how we know what
ries. 111is term fits analyzing seein g as an informa- objects we are looking at, or how we are able to
ti on process ing task, fo r which the in puts are the describe their vario us features-shape, texture,
images captured by the eyes and the outputs are movement, size-o r their spatial relatio nships one
various representations of the scene. to anoth er. Such abilities are basic to seeing-they
O ften it is useful to have a level of analys is of are what we have a visual system fo r, so th at sight
seeing intermediate between th e computational can guide our actio ns and thoughts. Yet the "inner
th eo ry level and the hardware level. This level screen" theory leaves them ou t altogeth er.
is co ncerned with devising good procedures o r You might feel tempted to reply at this point:
algorithms fo r implementing the design specified "1 do n't really und erstand the need to pro pose
by the computational theo ry. We will delay specify- anythin g more than an "inner screen" in o rder to
in g what this level tries to do until we give specific explain seeing. Surely, once this kind of symbolic
exam ples in later chapters. descriptio n has been built up, isn't that enough ?
W hat each level of analysis tries to achieve will Are not all th e o ther things yo u mention-recog-
beco me clea r from the numerous exampl es in this nizing obj ects and so fo rth-an immediatel y given
book. We hope th at by the time yo u have fin- co nsequence of having th e photographic type of
ished readin g it we will have convinced yo u of th e representatio n provided by the "inner screen"?"
impo rtance of the co mputational th eo ry level for One reply to thi s questio n is that th e visual
understanding vision . Moreover, we hope we will system is so good at telling us what is in the wo rld

Chapter 1

around us that we are understandably misled into images but it is precisely because it cannot decide
taking its effortless scene descriptions for granted. what is in the scene from whence the images came
Perhaps it is because vision is so effortless for us that we would not call it a "visual perceiver." De-
that is tempting to suppose that the scene we are vising a seeing machine that can receive a light im-
looking at is "immediately given" by a photograph- age of a scene and use it to describe what is in the
ic type of representation. But the truth is the exact scene is much more complicated, a problem which
opposite. Arriving at a scene description as good is as yet unsolved for complex natural scenes.
as that provided by the visual system is an im- The conclusion is inescapable: whatever the
mensely complicated process requiring a great deal correct theory of seeing turns out to be, it must
of interpretation of the often limited information include processes quite different from the sim-
contained in gray level images. This will become ple mirroring of the input image by simple
clear as we proceed through the book. Achieving a point-by-point brain pictures. Mere physical
gray level description of images formed in our eyes resemblance to an input image is not an adequate
is only the first and easiest task. It is served by the basis for the brain's powers of symbolic visual scene
very first stage of the visual pathway, the light-sen- description. This point is sometimes emphasized by
sitive receptors in the eyes, 1.2. saying that whereas the task of the eyes is forming
This point is so important it is worth reiterating. images of a scene, the task of vision is the opposite:
The intuitive appeal of the "inner screen" theory image inversion. This means getting a description
lies in its proposal that the visual system builds of the scene from images.
up a photographic-type of brain picture of the
observed scene, and its suggestion that this brain Images Are Not Static
picture is the basis of our conscious visual experi- For simplicity, our discussion so far has assumed
ence. The main trouble with the theory is that al- that the eye is stationary and that it is viewing
though it proposes a symbolic basis for vision, the a stationary scene. This has been a convenient
symbols it offers correspond to points in the scene. simplification but in fact nothing could be further
Everything else in the scene is left unanalyzed and from the truth for normal viewing. Our eyes are
not represented explicitly. constantly shifted around as we move them within
It is not much good having the visual system their sockets, and as we move our heads and bod-
build a photographic-type copy of the scene if, ies. And very often things in the scene are mov-
when that task is done, the system is no nearer to ing. Hence vision really begins with a stream of
using information in the retinal image to decide time-varying images.
what is present in the scene and to act appropri- Indeed, it is interesting to ask what happens if
ately, e.g., avoiding obstacles or picking up objects. the eyes are presented with an unchanging image.
After all , we started the business of seeing in the This has been studied by projecting an image from
retina with a kind of picture, the activity in the re- a small mirror mounted on a tightly fitting contact
ceptor mosaic. It doesn't take us any further toward lens so that whatever eye movement is made, the
using vision to guide action to propose a brain image remains stationary on the retina. When this
picture more or less mirroring the retinal one. is done, normal vision fades away: the scene disap-
The inner screen theory is thus vulnerable to what pears into something rather like a fog. Most visual
philosophers call an infinite regress: the problems processes just seem to stop working if they are not
with the theory cannot be solved by positing an- fed with moving images.
other picture, and so on ad infinitum. In fact, some visual scientists have claimed that
So the main point being argued here is that the vision is really the study of motion perception; all
inner screen theory shown in 1.1 totally fails to else is secondary. This is a useful slogan (even if an
explain how we can recognize the various objects exaggeration) to bear in mind, particularly as we
and properties of objects in the visual scene. And will generally consider, as a simplifYing strategy for
the ability to achieve such recognition is anything our debate, only single-shot stationary images.
but an immediate consequence of having a pho- Why do we perceive a stable visual world
tographic representation. A television set has pixel despite our eyes being constantly shifted around?

Seeing: What Is It?

As anyone who has used a hand-held video camera

will know, the visual scenes thus recorded ap-
pear anything but stable if the camera is jittered
around. W hy does not the same sort of thing
happen to our perceptions of the visual world as
we move our eyes, heads and bodies? This is an
intriguing and much studied question. One short
answer is that the movement signals impli cit in the
streams of retinal images are indeed encoded but
then interpreted in the light of information abo ut
self-movements, so that retinal image changes due
to the latter are cancelled out.

Visual Illusions and Seeing

The idea that visual experience is somehow akin to

1.10 Fraser's spiral (above)
photography is so widespread and so deeply rooted This illusion was first described
that many readers will probably not be convinced by the British psychologist James
by the above arguments against the "inner screen" Fraser in 1908. Try tracing the
theory. They know that the eye does indeed oper- spiral with your finger and you
will find that there is no spiral!
ate as a kind of camera, in that it focuses an image
Rather, there are concentric cir-
of the world upon its light-sensitive retina. cles composed of segments an-
An empirical way of breaking down confidence gled toward the center (left).
in continuing with this analogy past the eye and
into the visual processes of the brain is to consider made up of concentric ci rcles. The spiral exists on ly
visual illusions. These phenomena of seeing draw in your head. Somehow the picture fools the visual
attention to the fact that what we see often differs system, which mistakenly provides a scene descrip-
dramatically from what is actually before Out eyes. tion incorporating a spiral even though no spiral is
In short, the non-photographic quality of visual present. A process which takes concentric
experience is borne Out by the large number and circles as input and produces a spiral as output can
variety of visual illusions. hardly be thought of as "photographic."
Many illusions are illustrated in this book Another dramatic illusion is shown in 1.11 ,
because they can offer valuable clues about the which shows a pair of rectangles and a pair of
existence of perceptual mechanisms devoted to ellipses. The two members of each pair have seem-
building up an explicit scene description. These ingly different shapes and sizes. But if you measure
mechanisms operate well enough in most circum- them with a ruler or trace them out, you wi ll find
stances, but occasionally they are misled by an they are the same. Incredible but true.
unusual stimulus, or one which fal ls outside their You might be wondering at this point: are such
"design specification," and a visual illusion results. dramatic illusions representative of our everyday
Richard Gregory is a major current day champion perceptions, or are they just unusual trick figures
of this view (Gregory, 2009). dreamt up by psychologists or artists? These il-
Look, for example, at 1.10, which shows an lusions may surprise and delight us but are they
illusion cal led Fraser's spiral. The amazing truth really helpful in telling us what normally goes on
is that there is no spiral there at all! Convince inside our heads when we see the world? Some
yo utself of this by tracing the path of the appar- distinguished researchers of vision, for example,
ent spiral with your finger. You will find that you James Gibson, whose ecological optics approach to
return to your starting point. At least, you will if vision is described Ch 2, have argued that illusions
you are careful: the illusion is so powerful that it are very misleading indeed.
can even induce incorrect finger-tracing. But with But probably a majority of visual scientists
due care, tracing shows that the picture is really would nowadays answer this question with a defi-

Chapter 1

nite "yes." Visual illusions can provide important

clues in trying to understand perceptual processes,
both when these processes produce reasonably ac-
curate perceptions, and when they are fooled into
generating illusions. We will see how this strategy
works out as we proceed through this book.
At this point we need to be a bit clearer about
what we mean by a "visual illusion." We are us-
ing illusions here to undermine any remaining
confidence you might have in the "inner screen"
photographic-style theory of seeing. That is, illu-
sions show that our perceptions often depart radi-
cally from predictions gained from applying rulers
or other measuring devices to photographs.
But often visual illusions make eminently good
sense if we regard the visual system as using retinal
images to create representations of what really is
"out there." In this sense, the perceptions are not
illusions at all-they are faithful to "scene real-
ity." A case in point is shown in 1.12, in which a
checkerboard of light and dark squares is cast in
1.11 Size illusion shadow. Unbelievably, the two squares picked out
The rectangular table tops appear to have different dimen- have the same intensity on-the-page in this com-
sions, as do the elliptical ones. If you do not believe this
puter graphic but they ap pear hugely different in
then try measuring them with a ruler. Based on figure A2 in
Shepard (1990). lightness. This is best regarded not as an "illusion,"

1.12 Adelson's figure

The squares labeled A and B
have roughly the same gray
printed on the page but they are
perceived very differently. You
can check their ink-on-the-page
similarity by viewing them
through small holes cut in a piece
of paper. Is this a brightness il-
lusion or is it the visual system
delivering a faithful account
of the scene as it is in reality?
The different perceived bright-
nesses of the A and B squares
could be due to the visual sys-
tem allowing for the fact that
one of them is seen in shadow.
If so , the perceived outcomes
are best thought of as being
"truthful ," not "illusory." See text.
Courtesy E. H. Adelson .

Seeing : What is it?

1.13 A real-life version of the kind of situation depicted in the computer graphic in 1.12
Remarkably, the square in shadow labeled A has a lower intensity than the square labeled B, as shown by the copies at
the side of the board. The visual system makes allowance for the shadow and to see what is "really there." [Black has
due cause to appear distressed . After: 36 Bf5 Rxf5 37 Rxc8+ Kh7 38 Rh1 , Black resigned. Following the forced exchange
of queens that comes next, White wins easily with his passed pawn. Topalov vs. Adams, San Luis 2005.] Photograph by
Len Hetherington .

strange though it might seem at first sight. Rather, The outcome in 1.12 is not some quirk of com-
it is an example of the visual system making due al- puter graphics, as illustrated in 1.13 in which the
lowance for the shading to report on the true state same thing happens from a photograph of a shaded
of affairs (veridical). scene.

Chapter 1

a b

1.14 Brightness contrast illusions

a The two gray stripes have the same intensity along their lengths. However, the right hand stripe appears brighter at the
end which is bordered by a dark ground , darker when adjacent to a light ground.
b The small inset gray triangles all have the same physical intensity, but their apparent brightnesses vary according to the
darkness/lightness of their backgrounds. We discuss brightness illusions in Ch 16.

Other brightness "illusions" are shown in 1.14. on the nature of the retinal image. Irs task is to use
These also illustrate the slippery nature of what retinal images to deliver a representation of what is
is to be understood by a "visual illusion." Figure out there in the world. The idea that vision is about
1.14a could well be a case of making allowance for seeing what is in retinal images of the world rather
shading but 1.14b doesn't fit that kind of interpre- than in the world itself is at the root of the delu-
tation because we do not see these figures as lying sion that seeing is somehow aki n to photography.
in shade. However, 1.14b might be a case of the That said, if illusions are defined as the visual
visual system applying, unconsciously, a strategy system getting it seriously wrong when judged
that copes with shading in natural scenes but when against physically measured scene realities, then
applied to certain sorts of pictures produces an human vision is certainly prone to some illu-
outcome that surprises us because we don't see a sions in this sense. These can arise for ordinary
shaded scene. This is not a case of special pleading scenes, but go unnoticed by the casual observer.
because most visual processes are unconscious, so The teacup illusion shown in LISa is an example.
why not this one? On this argument, the varied The photograph is of a perfectly normal teacup,
perceptions of the identical-in-the-image gray together with a normal saucer and spoon. Try
triangles is "illusory" only if we are expecting the judging which mark on the spoon would be level
visual system to report the intensities in the image. with the rim of the teacup if the spoon was stood
But, when you think about it, that doesn't make upright in the cup.
sense. The visual system isn't interested in reporting Now turn the page and look at 1.1Sb (p . 18).
The illusory difference in the apparent lengths
of the two spoons, one lying horizontally in the
saucer and one standi ng vertically in the cup, is
remarkable. Convince yourself that this percep-

a b c

1.16 The vertical-horizontal illusion

1.15a Teacup illusion The vertical and horizontal extents are the same (check
Imagine the spoon stood upright in the cup. Which mark on with a ruler). This effect occurs in drawings of objects, as
the spoon handle would then be level with the cup's rim? in c , where the vertical and horizontal curves are the same
Check your decision by inspecting 1.15b on p.18. length.

Seeing: What Is It?

Alarm bell set ringing when

switched to the power supply
Corridor lighting permanently on Burglar about to be detected

Power supply

Switch closed if
photocell falls below a
set level
Photocell measures
light intensity in the

Switch open symbol for corridor normally lit

Switch closed symbol for corridor darkened
1.17 A simple burglar alarm system operated by a photocell

tual effect is not a trick dependent on some subtle the vertical element bisects the horizontal one.
photography by investigating it in a real-life setting The simplest version of this effect, illustrated in
with a real teacup and spoon. It works just as well 1.16a, is known as the vertical-horizontal illu-
there as in the photograph. Real-world illusions sion. The effect is weaker if the vertical line does
like these are more commonplace than is often not bisect the horizontal as in 1.16b but it is still
realized. Artists and craftsmen know this fact well, present. It is easy to draw many realistic pictures
and learn in their apprenticeships, often the hard containing the basic effect. The brim in 1.16c is as
way by trial and error, that the eye is by no means wide as the hat is tall , but it does not appear that
always to be trusted. Seeing is not always believ- way. The perceptual mechanisms responsible for
ing-or shouldn't be. the vertical-horizontal illusion are not understood,
This teacup illusion nicely illustrates the usual though various theories have been proposed since
general definition of visual illusions-as percep- its first published report in 1851 by A. Fick.
tions which depart from measurements obtained The illusions just considered are instances
with such devices as rulers, protractors, and light of spatial distortions: vertical extents can be
meters (the latter are called veridical measure- stretched, horizontal ones shortened, and so
ments). Specifically, this illusion demonstrates on. They are eloquent testimony to the fact that
that we tend to over-estimate vertical extents in perceptions cannot be thought of as "photographic
comparison with horizontal ones, particularly if copies" of the world, even when it comes to a

Chapter 1

visual experience as apparently simple as that of

seeing the length of a line.

Scene Descriptions Must Be Explicit

Explanations of various illusions will be offered in

due course as this book proceeds. For the present,
we will return to the theme of seeing is representa-
tion, and articulate in a little more detail what this
The essential property of a scene representation
is that it makes some property of the scene expLicit
in a code of symbols. In the "inner screen" theory
of 1.1 , the various brain cells make explicit the
1.1Sb Teacup illusion (cant.)
various shades of gray at all points in the image. The vertical spoon seems much longer than the horizontal
That is, they signal the intensity of these grays one. Both are the same size with the same markings.
in a way that is sufficiently clear for subsequent
processes to be able to use them for some purpose Step 3 requires some threshold level of photocell
or other, without first having to engage in more activity to be set as an operational definition of
analysis. (When we say in this book a representa- "corridor darkened." Technically, setting a thresh-
tion makes something explicit we mean: immedi- old of this sort is called a non-linear process, as it
ately available for use by subsequent processes, no transforms the linear Output of the photocell (more
further processing is necessary.) light, bigger output) into a YES/NO category
A scene representation then, is the result of decision.
processing an image of the scene in order to Step 4 depends on the assumption that a dark-
make attributes of the scene explicit. The simplest ened corridor implies "intruder." It would suffer
example we can think of that illustrates this kind from an "intruder illusion" if this ass umption was
of system in action is shown in 1.17, perhaps the misplaced, as might happen if a power cut stopped
most primitive artificial "seeing system" conceiva- the light working.
ble-a burglar alarm operated by a photocell. The The switch in the burglar alarm system serves as
corridor is permanently illuminated, and when the a symbol for "burglar present/absent" on ly in the
intruder's shadow falls over the photocell detector context of the entire system in which it is embed-
hidden in the Roor, an alarm bell is set ringing. ded. This simple switch could be used in a differ-
Viewed in our terms, what the photoceLl-triggered ent circuit for a quite different function. The same
alarm system is doing is: thing seems to be true of nerve cells. Most seem to
share fundamentally simi lar properties in the way
1. Co llecti ng light from a part of the cor- they become active, 1.3, but they convey very dif-
ridor using a lens. ferent messages (code for different things, represent
different things) accordi ng to the circuits of which
2. Measuring the intensity of the light col-
lected-the job of the photocell; they are a part. 111is type of coding is thus cal led
place coding, or sometimes value coding, and we
3. Using the intensity measurement to will see in later chapters how the visual brain uses
build an explicit representation of the illumi- it.
nation in the corridor-switch open symbol- A primitive seeing system with similar attributes
izes corridor normaLly Lit and switch closed sym- to this burglar detector is present in mosquito
bolizes corridor darkened.
larvae: try creating a shadow by passing your hand
4. Using the symboli c scene description over them whi le they are at the surface of a pond
coded by the state of the switch as a basis for and you will find they submerge rapidly, presum-
action-either ringing the alarm bell or leav- ably for safety using the shadow as warning of a
ing it quiet. predator.

Seeing: What Is It?

More Visual Tricks

The effortless flu ency with which o ur visual system

delivers its expl icit scene representation is so be-
guiling that the skeptical reader might still doubt
that building visual representations is what seeing
is all abo ut. It can be helpful to overcome this
skepticism by showing various trick figures that
catch the visual system out in some way, and reveal
something of the scene representation process at
Cons ider, for example, the picture shown in
1.18. It seems like a perfectly normal case of an
inverted photograph of a head. Now turn it up-
side-down. Irs visual appearance changes dramati-
cally-it is still a head but what a different one.
These so rts of upside-down pictures demon-
strate the visual system at work building up scene
descriptions which best fit the available evidence.
Inversion subtly changes the nature of the evidence
in the retinal image about what is present in the
scene, and the visual system reports accordingly.
1.18 Peter Thompson's inverted face phenomenon
Notice too that the two alternative "seeings" of Turn the book upside-down but be ready for a shock.
the photograph actually Look different. It is not
that we attach different verbal labels to the picture ing the contents of visual experience. Fundamen-
upon inversion. Rather, we actually see different tally different experiences emerge upon inversio n;
attributes of the eyes and mouth in the two cases. therefore, fundamentally different contents must
The pattern of ink on the page stays the same, be recorded on the screen in each case. But it is
apart from the inversion, but the experience it in- not at all clear how this could be done. The "inner
duces is made radically different simply by turning screen" way of thinking would predict that inver-
the picture upside-down. sion should simply have produced a perception
The "inner screen" theory has a hard time trying of the same picture, but upside-down. This is not
to account for the different perceptions produced what happens in 1.18 although it is what hap-
by inverting 1.18. The "inner screen" theorist pens for pictures that lack some form of carefully
wishes to reserve for his screen the job of represent- constructed changes.

1.19 Interpreting shadows

The picture on the right is is an inverted copy of the one on the left. Try inverting the book and you will see that the crater
becomes a hill and the hill becomes a crater. The brain assumes that light comes from above, then it interprets the shad-
ows to build up radically different scene descriptions (perceptions) of the two images. Courtesy NASA.

Chapter 1
a preted accordingly-bumps become hollows and
. ..
vICe versa on inversIOn.
This is a fine example of how a visual effect can
reveal a design feature of the visual system, that
is, a principle it uses, an assumption it makes,
in interpreting images to recover explicit scene
descriptions. Such principles or assumptions are
technically often called constraints. IdentifYing
the constraints used by human vision is a critically
important goal of visual science and we will have
much to say about them in later chapters.

Figure/Ground Effects

Another trick for displaying the scene-description

b abilities of the visual system is to provide it with an
ambiguous input that enables it to arrive at differ-
ent descriptions alternately. 1.20 shows two classic
ambiguous figures, The significance of ambigu-
ous figures is that they demonstrate how different
scene representations come into force at different
times. The image remains constant, but the way
we experience it changes radically. In 1.20a picture
parts on the left swap between being seen as ears or
beak. In 1.20b sometimes we see a vase as figure
against its ground, and then at other times what
was ground becomes articulated as a pair of faces-
new figures .
Some aspects of the scene description do remain
constant throughout-certain small features for
instance-but the overall look of the picture
changes as each possibility comes into being. The
scene representation adopted thus determines the
1.20 Ambiguous figures
figure/ground relationships that we see. Just as
a Duck or rabbit? This figure has a long history but it
seems it was first introduced into the psychological litera- with the upside-down face, it is not simply a case
ture by Jastrow in 1899. of different verbal labels being attached at different
b Vase or faces? From times. Indeed, the total scene description, includ-
ing both features and the overall figure/ground
interpretation, quite simply is the visual experience
Another example of the way inversion of a each time.
picture can show the visual system producing One last trick technique for demonstrating the
radically different scene descriptions of the same talent of our visual apparatus for scene description
image is given in 1.19. This shows a scene with a is to slow down the process by making it more
crater alongside one with a gently rounded hill. It difficult. Consider 1.21 for example. What do you
is difficult to believe that they are one and the same see there? At first, you will probably see little more
picture, but turning the book upside-down proves than a mass of black blobs on a white ground. The
the point. Why does this happen? It illustrates that perfectly familiar object it contains may come to
the visual system uses an assumption that light light with persistent scrutiny but if you need help,
normally comes from above, and given this starting turn to the end of this chapter to find out what the
point, the ambiguous data in the image are inter- blobs portray.

Seeing : What Is It?

1.21 What do the blobs portray?

Courtesy Len Hetherington .

Once the hidden figure has been found (or, in

our new terminology, we could say represented,
described, or made explicit), the whole appearance
of the pattern changes. In 1.21 the visual system's
normally fluent performance has been slowed
down , and this gives us an opportun ity to observe
the difference between the "photographic" repre-
sentation postulated by the "inner screen" theory,
and the scene description that occurs when we see
things. The latter requires active interpretation of
the available data. It is not "immediately given"
and it is not a passive process.
One interesting property of 1.21 is that once
the correct scene description has been achieved, it
is difficult to lose it, perhaps even impossible. One
cannot easily return to the naive state, and experi-
ence the pictures as first seen.
Another example of a hidden-object figure is
shown in 1.22. This is not an artificially degraded
image li ke 1.21 but an example of animal camou-
flage. Again, many readers will need the benefit of
being told what is in the scene before they can find
the hidden figure (see last page of this chapter for
correct answers) .
The use of prior knowledge about a specific ob-
ject is called concept driven or top down process- 1.22 Animal camouflage
ing. If such help is not available, or not used, then There are two creatures here. Can you find them?
the style of visual processing is said to be data Photograph by Len Hetherington .

Chapter 1

Three-Dimensional Scene Descriptions

So far we have confined our discussion of explicit

scene descriptions to the problems of extracting
information about objects from two-dimensional
(20) pictures. The visual system, however, is usu-
Did YOy know that
that an elephant ally confronted with a scene in three dimensions
slnefl water lip (3D). It deals with this challenge magnificently
o Jlniles aWay?
and provides an explicit description of where the
various objects in the scene, and their different
pans, lie in space.
The "inner screen" theory cannot cope with the
3D character of visual perception: its representa-
tion is inherently flat. An attempt might be made
1.23 Can you spot the error? to extend the theory in a logically consistent man-
Thanks to S. Stone for pointing this out. ner by proposing that the "inner screen" is really
a 3D structure, a solid mass of brai n cells, which
driven or bottom up. An example of the way represent the brightness of individual points in the
expectations embedded in concept driven process- scene at all distances. A kind of a brainware stage
ing can so metimes render us oblivious ro what is set, if you will.
"really out there" is shown by how hard it is to spot It is doubtful whether complex 3D scenes could
the unexpected error in 1.23. For the answer, see be re-created in brain tissue in a direct physical
p.28. way. But even if this was physically feasib le for 3D
scenes, what happens when we see the "impossible
pallisade" in 1.24? (You may be fami li ar with the
drawings of M. C. Escher, who is famous for hav-
ing used impossible objects of this type as a basis
for many technically intricate drawings.)
If this pallisade staircase is physically impos-
sible, how then could we ever build in our brains
a 3D physical replica of it? The conclusion is
inescapable: we must look elsewhere for a possible
basis for the brain's representation of depth (depth
is the term usually used by psychologists to refer to
the distance from the observer to items in the scene
being viewed, or to the different distances between
objects or parts of objects).
What do impossible figures tell us about the
brain's representation of depth? Essentially, they tell
us that small details are used to build up an explicit
depth description for local parts of the scene, and
that finding a consistent representation of the
entire scene is not treated as mandatOry.
Just how the local parts of an impossible triangle
make sense individually is shown in 1.25, which
1.24 Impossible pallisade gives an exploded view of the figure. The brain
Imagine stepping around the columns, as though on a
staircase. You would never get to the top (or the bottom).
interprets the information about depth in each lo-
By J.P. Frisby, based on a drawing by L. Penrose and R. cal pan, but loses track of the overall description it
Penrose . is building up. Of course, it does not entirely lose

Seeing: What Is It?

1.25 Impossible triangle

The triangle you see in the foreground in the photograph on
the right is physically impossible. It appears to be a triangle
only from the precise position from which the photograph
was taken . The true structure of the photographed object
is seen in the reflection in the mirror. The figure is included
to help reveal the role of the mirror. This is a case in which
the visual system prefers to make sense of local parts (the
corners highlighted in the figure shown above) , rather than
making sense of the figure as a whole. Gregory (1971) in-
vented an object of this sort. To enjoy diverse explorations
of impossible objects, see Ernst (1996).

track of this global aspect; otherwise, we would another object, such as one's arm, through the gap
never notice that impossible figures are indeed while an observer is viewi ng the model co rrectly
impossible. But the overall impossibili ty is a rather aligned, and so seeing the impossible arrangement.
"cogn itive" effect-a realization in thought rather As the arm passes through the gap, it seems to the
than in experience that the figures do not "make observer that it slices through a solid object!
sense." An important point illustrated by 1.25 is the
If the visual system insisted on the global aspect inherent ambiguity of flat illustrations of 3D
as "making sense" then it could in principle have scenes. The real object drawn in 1.25, left, has rwo
dealt with the figures differently. For example, it limbs at very different depths: but viewing with
could have "broken up" one corner of the impos- one eye from the correct position can make this
sib le triangle and led us to see part of it as com ing real object cast just the same image on the retina
out toward us and part of it as receding. This is as one in which the rwo limbs meet in space at the
illustrated by the object at the left of 1.25. same point.
But the visual system emphatically does not do This inherent am biguity, difficult to com-
this, not from a lin e drawing nor from a physical prehend fully because we are so accustomed to
embodiment of the impossible triangle devised by interpreting the 20 retinal image in just one way,
Gregory. He made a 3D model of 1.25, left. When is revealed clearly in a set famous demonstrations
viewed from just the right position, so that it by Ames, shown in 1.26. The observer peers with
presents the same retinal image as the line-drawing, one eye through a peephole into a dark room and
then our visual apparatus still gets it wrong, and sees a chair, 1.26a. However, when the observer
delivers a scene description which is impossible is shown the room from above it becomes appar-
globally, albeit sensible locally. V iewi ng this "real" ent that the real object in the room is not the chair
impossible triangle has to be one-eyed; otherwise, seen through the peephole. In the example shown
other clues to depth come into play and produce in 1.26b, the object is a distorted chair suspended
the physically correct global perception. (Two-eyed in space by invisible wires, and in 1.26c the room
depth processing is discussed in detail in eh 18.) contains an odd assemblage of luminous lines,
One interesting game that can be played with also suspended in space by wires. The co llection of
the trick model of the impossible triangle is to pass parts is cunningly arranged in each case to produce

Chapter 1

1.26 Ames's chair


a What the observer sees when
he looks into the rooms in b •
and c through their respective ••
b Distorted chair whose parts
are held in space by thin invis- for looking •• ••
ible wires. The chair is posi- into each •• ••
tioned in space such that it is
darkened •• ••
seen as a normal, undistorted , room
chair through the peephole,
without distortion.
c Scattered parts of a chair
that still look like a normal chair
through the peephole, due to the
clever way that Ames arranged
the distorted parts in space so
that they cast the same retinal
image as a.

a retinal image which mimics that produced by system (along with a typical computer vision sys-
the chair when viewed from the intended vantage tem) utilizes what is called the general viewpoint
point. In the most dramatic example, the lines are constraint. A normal chair appears as a chair from
not formed inro a single distorted object, but lie in all viewpoints, whereas the special cases used by
space in quite different locations-and the "chair Ames can be seen as chairs from just one special
seat" is white patch painted on the wall. vantage point. The general viewpoint constraint
The point is that the two rooms have things justifies visual processes that would yield stable
within them which result in a chair-like retinal structural interpretations as vantage point changes.
image being cast in the eye. The fact that we see The general viewpoint constraint can be embed-
them as the same-as chairs-is because the visual ded in bottom up processing. It is not necessary
system's design exploits the assumption that is "rea- to invoke top down processing in explaining the
sonable" to interpret retinal information in the way Ames chair demonstrations-that is, knowing the
which normally yields perceptions that would be shape of normal chairs, and using this knowledge
valid from diverse viewpoints. It is "blind" to other to guide the interpretation of the retinal image.
possibilities, but that should not deceive us-those Normal scenes are usually interpreted in one
possibilities do in fact exist. way and one way only, despite the retinal image
Another way of putting this is to say that the information ambiguity just referred to. But it
Ames's chair demonstrations reveal that the visual is possible to catch the visual system arriving at

Seeing: What Is It?

Initial perception

Later perception that alternates

with above

1.27 Mach's illusion

With one eye closed, try staring at a piece of folded paper resting on a table (upper). After a while it suddenly appears not
as a tent but as a raised corner (lower).

different descriptions of an ambiguous 3D scene

in the following way. Fold a piece of paper along
its mid-line and lay it on a table, as in 1.27. Stare Perhaps enough has been said by now to convince
at a point about mid-way along its length, using even the most committed "inner screen" theorist
just one eye. Keep looking and you will suddenly that his photographic conception of seeing is
find that the paper ceases to look like a tent as it wholly inadequate. Granted then that seeing is the
"should" do, and instead looks like a corner viewed business of arriving at explicit scene representa-
from the inside. The effect is remarkable and well tions, the problem becomes: how can this be done?
worth trying to obtain. It turns out that understanding how to extract
The point is that both "tent" and "co rner" cast explicit descriptions of scenes from retinal im-
identical images on the retina, and the visual sys- ages is an extraordinarily baffiing problem, which
tem so metimes chooses one interpretation, some- is one reason why we find it so interesting. The
times another. It could have chosen many more of problem is at the forefront of much scientific and
course, and the fact that it confines itself to these technological research at the present time, but it
two alternatives is itself interesting. still remains largely intractable. Seeing has puz-
Another famous example of the same sort of al- zled philosophers and scientists for centuries, and
ternation, but from a 20 drawing rather than from it continues to do so. To be sure, notable advances
a 3D scene, is the Necker cube, 1.28. have been made in recent years on several fronts

Chapter 1

1.28 Necker cube

Prolonged inspection results in alternating perceptions in
which the shaded side is sometimes seen nearer, some-
times farther.

within psychology, neuroscience, and machine im- Even so, most people would ptobably be more
age-processing, and many samples of this progress impressed with a world-class chess-playing compu-
will be reviewed in this book. But we are still a ter than they would be with a good image-proces-
long way from being able to build a machine that sor, despite the fact that the former has been real-
can match the human ability to read handwriting, ized whereas the latter remains elusive. It is one of
let alone one capable of analyzing and describing our prime objectives to bring home to you why the
co mplex natural scenes. problem of seeing remains so baffiing. Perhaps by
This is so despite multi-million dollar invest- the end of the book you will have a greater respect
ments in the problem because of the immense for your magnificent visual apparatus.
industrial potential for good processing systems. Meanwhile, we have said enough in this open-
Think of al l the handwritten forms, letters, etc. ing chapter to make abundantly clear that any at-
that still have to be read by humans even though tempt to explain seeing by building representations
their contents are routine and mundane, and all which simp ly mirror the outside world by some
the equally mundane object handling operations in sort of physical equi valence akin to photography is
industry and retailing. bound to be insufficient. We do not see our retinal
Whether we will witness a successful outcome images. We use them, together with prior knowl-
to the quest to build a highly competent visual edge, to build the visual world that is our represen-
robot in the current century is debatable, as is the tation of what is "out there." We can now finally
question of whether a solution would impress the dispatch the "inner screen" theory to its grave and
ordinary person. concentrate henceforth on theories which make
A curious fact that highlights both the difficul- explicit scene representations their objective.
ties inherent in understanding seeing and the way In tackling this task, the underlying theme of
we take it so much for granted is that computers this book will be the need to keep clearly distinct
ca n already be made which are sufficiently "clever" three different levels of analysis of seeing. eh 2
to beat the human world champion at chess. But explains what they are and subsequent chapters
computers cannot yet be programmed to match will illustrate their nature using numerous exam-
the visual capacities even of quite primitive ani- ples. We hope that by the time you have finished
mals. Moves are fed into chess playing computers the book that we will have convi nced you of the
in non-visual ways. A computer vision system has importance of distinguishing between these levels
not yet been made that can "see" the chessboard, when studying seeing, and that you will have a
from differing angles in variable lighting condi- good grasp of many fundamental attributes of hu-
tions for differing kinds of chess pieces-even man and, to a lesser extent animal, vision .
though the computer can be made to play chess

Seeing: What Is It?

In Ch 8, we then present various ways in which

Navigating Your Way through This Book
the separated "figures" can be recognized as arising
This book is organized to suit two kinds of readers: from particular objects.
students or general scientific readers with little or Chs 9 and 10 are best read as a pair. Together,
no prior knowledge of vision research, and more they describe the main properties of brain cells
advanced students who want an introduction to involved in seeing, and the way many are arranged
technical details presented in an accessible style. in the brain to form maps.
Accordingly, we now flag up certain chapters Ch 11 is a technical chapter on complexity the-
and parts of chapters that delve more deeply into ory. It introduces this by exploring the idea of rec-
technical issues, and these can be missed out by ognizing objects using receptive fields as templates.
begi nners. This idea is found to make unrealistic demands on
The underlying theme of this book is the claim, how the brain might work, and a range of possible
first articulated clearly by David Marl', that it is solutions are explored.
important to keep separate three different levels of Ch 12 exp lains the intricacies of psychophysical
discussion when analyzing seeing: methods for measuring the phenom ena of percep-
computational theory specifying how a vision tion. This is a field of great practical importance
task can be solved; but it can be skipped by beginners. However, this
algorithm giving precise details of how the chapter explains certain technical concepts, such as
theory can be implemented, and probability density functions, that are needed for
hardware (which means neurons in the case some parts of subsequent chapters.
of brains) for realizing the algorithm in a Ch 13 presents an account of seeing as infer-
vision system. ence. This explains the basics of the Bayesian
Ch 2 explains what these levels are and it illus- approach to seeing, which is currently attracting a
trates the first two by examining the task of using great deal of interest. It provides technical de-
texture cues to build a representation of 3D shape. tails that may be difficult for beginners who may
Ch 3 then begins our account of how neurons therefore wish just to skim through of the open ing
work by introducing a key concept, the receptive sections to get the basic ideas.
field. This involves a description of the kinds of Ch 14 introduces the basics of motion percep-
visual stimuli that excite or inhibit neurons in the tion, and Ch 15 continues on that topic giving
visual system. It also describes how the outputs of more technical details.
populations of neurons can be integrated to detect C hs 16 and 17 are best read as a pair. Ch 16
the orientation of an line in the retinal image. considers the problem of how our perceptions of
Ch 4 describes how psychologists have studied black, gray, and white surfaces remain fa irly con-
neural mechanisms indirectly using visual phe- stant despite variations in the prevailing illumina-
nomena called aftereffects. tion. Ch 17 tackles the same kind of problem for
Chs 5-8 are designed to be read as a block cul- colored surfaces.
minating in a discussion of object recognition. Chs 18 and 19 deal with stereoscopic vision,
Ch 5 describes how the task of edge detection with th e second giving technical details omitted
can be tackled. from the first. C h 18 contains many stereograms
Ch 6 expands this account by presenting ideas called anaglyphs that are designed to be viewed
on how certain neurons in the retina have prop- with the red/green filters mounted in a cardboard
erties suggesting that they implement a specific frame that is sto red in a sleeve on the inside of the
theory of edge detection. This account provides a back cover of the book.
particularly clear example of how it is important ro Ch 20 considers a topic that has been much
keep separate the three levels of analysis: computa- stud ied in recent years using the Bayesian ap-
tional theory, algorithm, and hardware. proach: how do we combine information from
In Ch 7, we discuss how detected edges can be many different cues to 3D scene structure?
grouped into visual structures, and how this may Ch 21 describes in detail a particular figure/
be used to solve the figure/ground problem. ground task that was much studied in the early

Chapter 1

days of the field artificial intelligence: deciding Cambridge University Press 335-344.
which edges in images of a jumble of toy blocks Gregory RL (1980) Perceptions as hypotheses.
belong to which block. This culminates in a list of Philosophical Transactions ofthe Royal Society of
hard-won general lessons from the blocks world London: Series B: 290 181-197.
on how to study seeing. We hope the beginner will
Gregory RL (1971) The Intelligent Eye. Wiedenfeld
find here valuable pointers about how research on
and Nicolson.
seeing should and should not be studied.
Ch 22 discusses the vexed topic of seeing and Gregory RL (2007) Eye and Brain: The Psychology
consciousness. This is currently much-debated, ofSeeing. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
but our conclusion is that little can be said with Gregory RL (2009) Seeing Through Illusions: Mak-
any certainty. Visual awareness is as mysterious ing Sense ofthe Senses. Oxford University Press.
today as it always has been. We hope this chapter Marr 0 (1982) Vision: A computational investiga-
reveals just why making progress in understanding tion into the human representation and processing of
consciousness is so hard. visual information. San Francisco, CA: Freeman.
Ch 23 ends the book with a review of our
Shepard RN (1990) Mindsights. WH.Freeman
linking theme, the compurational approach to
and Co.: New York. Comment A lovely book with
seeing. Amongst other topics, it sets this review
many amazing illusions.
within a discussion of the strengths and hazards of
different empirical approaches to studying seeing: Thompson P (1980) Margaret Thatcher: a new il-
computer modelling, neuroscience methods, and lusion. Perception 9 483-484. Comment See Percep-
psychophysics. tion (2009) 38 921-932 for commentaries on this
classic paper.
We hope that by the time you have finished
the book you will have a firm conceptual basis
Collections of Illusions, Well Worth Visiting
for tackling the vast literature on seeing. We have
necessarily presented only a small part of that
literature. usions
We also hope that this book will have convinced
you of the importance of distinguishing between!news/
the computational theory, algorithm, and hardware newstopics/howaboutthat/3520448/
levels when studying seeing. Most of all, we hope Optical-Illusions---the-top-20.html
that this book leaves you with a sense of the pro-
found achievement of the brain in making seeing
possible. 1O/applets/lite/lite/
Further Reading lite.html

We include these references as sources but they are

not recommended for reading at this stage of the uk/browse-illusions.
book. If you want to follow up any topic in more asp
depth then try using a Web search engine. Google
Scholar is suitable for academic sources. Hidden Figures
Ernst B (1996) Adventures with Impossible Objects.
1.21 contains the dalmatian , left.
Taschen America Inc. English translation edition.
Gibson JJ (1979) The EcologicalApproach to Visual 1.22 has a frog (easy to see) and a
Perception. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. Com - snake (harder).
ment See commentary in Ch 2. 1.23 The word that is printed
Gregory RL (1961) The brain as an engineering • twice. It is remarkable that this
problem. In WH Thorpe and OL Zangwill (Eds) error was not picked up in the
Current Problems in Animal Behaviour. Cambridge: production process.


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