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(O&M Manuat for Cypanc SMW PY System 3. Check Contents (8M check is mainly carried out by visual check, and the recommended checklist tems are as folows 3.4 General inspection tommy tesult anc jon "marl lol Produc Contents Frequency Result and Action Plan Remarks “tines fry cotaninatonon ite ay season) Clvaning he sutacatsng aterosot —_Hreconmand i aos jftmensi orc) ar) at eto 1 | Solar Move) heck moduie glass domage| > ‘Replace he module when lass damago and mmocule stro" fre module ranstormation transformation i found 5 When whether conection cable's |, —-Checkmodule-module and moduleJ8. —_lecicity famenes Ropace he doraged pet Benertn f = pecreased fiswall T peck coro nd non Exe" jresctre + Gertne us penpreven coreson secure aco Prost rion Taba Fatadc costa wing av went Faw) 2 [Structure Measure by structure [1 (eeter to Note)! for re-botng standard) as ‘When settlement occurred due to unstabie [refer to Lock mismashiowt |g nee Hoasre Check ismatcne Sauna hele contig poten sn Sustain fron YS Check corasion andcaage| When coosn rd damage oud, place eF0" on JB enter box the exteror box wth same spec. eck tration of bain rave wench Woo "ure connection terminal e {refer to Note)\ for re-bolting standard). | ‘Compare series circuits checking each series [ The range 3 8 | [reve (When severe voltage range errs P°P2" | 7° Measure Creckopenvotaze | 1 fone Goarinaecionoracnganteacn fata | | modulas is requires) pein | Messe Check oc of ae + When defective found, replace the fuse | t | Iraasre Ghee operation Siu oT | 5 nen cece oud aiace ne SPO ~ Visual i | ‘heck consi and damage peer etna coven se ee ca 2 Feeney 4) Mus |Measure Check relaxation of battin 1 jadi re-boting using lorque wench Note)2 Fev ea sort Not} freon rca) too ek operon sitesi «(asec abnormal persion xcut feasure Fircuit breaker preaker, replace it eck oral apron sas of veer through front LED screen. In case of reer Sees Petal peaton se ne prem fS tise operalion siti 2 Faerrng user manu Ifthe problem is entering 5 | Inverter used continuously, contact manufacturer or BYSt™ tote af Cyack pat erin 2 Retr inven user mania tert check fan gril 2 Refer to inverter user manual MAT oreo corso and anage 2 (fo meer conta reson, we [inpane ene toe Faves preerton spay. 6 ‘Check relaxation of bolt in 4 Period e-boting using torque wrench Note #Sure Connection terminal (refer to Note)! for re-bolting standard). sheck operation status of In case of abnormal operation oF circuit Necsus [root weston Z Prone toc Ccopyeqnenor2 Lc lactones fe lights esened (08M Manual for Cypark SMW PY System Note 1) Torque according to bolt size { Sizeofthe bon [ wa | wa | MS | Me ne mio. me, mis Toreuetkain) | s-10 | 15-20 | soma0 | somes | 120-150 | 240-300 [ 420-500 | 1050-1300 Note 2) Terque according to bolt in connection terminal A Waring! hen re-boling connection terminal, the work must be performed in no-load status Gao ofthe bat [me | we | wo | M2 | we Torqvetksin) | 50 | 120 | 240 | 400 | 950 Coprign@2012 LG Eletencs ne. Al rahe resoved (08M Menus! for Cypark SMW PY System 3.2. Action Plan When Problem Occurs in Electric Panel i — Pram Eipacted Reason Talon Pak Remarks Saas Tantei poner TSEC HICCE pone arte THA | astern ine | igorstiete, | [LStk sont porer heck nut votage Relertot bean Protection olay operating Reset protecton relay operation we Gperaing such matureson | Check ie stehiLocalRen ts Foreign substances inseres Maituncton the inlet |” Gtige ral ansformation Remove foreign substances oroutletormcce | Gude ral anstonnali AIS request 3 | ameneee Loosen ofbot Tighten bot ater power-off coments Usage of ove eae iKeeo prope load : Tost of cant poner ‘hack WGGE Tor pone Gna SOF satus 4 | Qpertion badness. | ck of contol rower Check input vllage ot protection relay | "impossible io operate the ralay_| » Rese he rel ‘Operation Baanass Replace he indication Insument 5 | efindesing ta nian {Cheek he use input ide ‘Operation Saunas [Carp Deve Replace Bub «6 | efindcaton and | “Lost cont power heck NCCE tr power contol" status fmafurctorcanp | -Contnuovsmakneton stats | = Check tect Sgr ihe ‘Switch defect Replace chosen switch handle Ciossipen ‘Operation badness | ~Producl detect Replace chosen sich | ofprotecionrelay | “Foreign subsiances inserted > | Abromat note |= Bachess af dot ighlening Tighten bat ser panera | secures ‘Badnass of Vachansm (coer to standard torque tightening) Foreign substances nseved | ~Clearing after power-off 10 | Fanmattunaton | “Lost of contol power Check MCE for poner contro on” status Seanng abrasion Replace Fan 3.3 Troubleshooting If the inverter displays other blink codes or error messages as detailed below, contact the SMA Service line. In the user manual provided, you will also find a description of the display messages during operation, the status messages and measuring channets. Do not try to carry out repairs other than those described here. Instead, use the SMA Solar Technology AG 24-hour replacement service (the inverter will be ready for dispatch within 24 hours and sent to a forwarding agency) and repair service. 3.3.1 Status Messages ‘Your inverter can be in various operating states, These are displayed as status messages, which can vary according to the method of communication. 4 Copyigh2012 LG Electronics re AN ras reserved (08M Manual for Cypark BMW PY System No | Message. Description Romane “The inverter has dsconnedied trom the power disifbution gid or s imiting its power over a 10 minute average to 5KVA. The inverter a part of a 3 phase system with 2 further invertors and equipped with the SMA Power Balancer for the avoidance of unbalanced loads. 1 | Balanced ‘ver temperature in the inverter. The inverter reduces fs outpui to prevent 2 | Derating ‘overheating, To avoid unnecessary yield penatties, the design of the PY | plant should be chacked. Inform your installer. Faut. 3 | Disturbance | This message appears for safety reasons and ensures thatthe inverter does nat connect to the power distribution grid. Inform your installer. | EarhfauiRSo | Measurement ofthe insulation resistance of the PV plant. 3 Error ‘An error has been detected. Inform your installer. Grid monitoring Paley ‘This display appears during the start phase, before the inverter is a connected to the power distribution grid, predominantly in the mocning and evening when radiation is too low and after an error. Slee The inveriar is operating in MPP mode. MPP is the standard display message when operating under normal radiation conditions. | Mipp-Search | The inverter is calculating the MPP. “The inverters in Island made, This mode ls specially designed for | OF Se ‘operation in an off.rid system. 70 | Ofiset Offset agjusiment of the measurement electronics 11 | Stop ‘Operation interrupted. ol 12 [-V-Const V-Const 13 [waiting “The condiions for connecting are not (yet) fulfilled 3.3.2 Measuring Channels If your inverter is equipped with a communication component, then numerous measuring channels and messages can be transmitted for diagnostics, No | Message Deseription Remarks cl eek Displays the current aparating mode of the invertor thats set to he operating parameter "Power Balancer” 2 | Exo Total amount of energy fed in 3 [Error Identifcation of the current faul/error '@_| Evenk:Gat | Number of events that have occurred 5 Fac Power line frequen) 6 [h-On | Total operating hours = 7_[hettal Total number of operaiing hours in feed-in operation @ [lac Power line current ‘ST lpy Direct current i Tist ‘Apparent current = i [Made Display ofthe current operating state 42 | Pac ‘Generated AC powar 13. PF Displacement factor cos @ 14 | Phase The phase to which the inverter Is connected, 15 | Power Oa | Total number of grid connections. 16 | Gac* Reactive power Insulation resistance of ihe PV plant betore entering nto the power 17 | ee distribution grid 7a | Sect ‘Apparent power 79_| Serial Number | Serial number of invertor 20| Vac Line vortage 21 | Vv PV input voltage — 22 | VpvSetpoint | PV seipoint voltage * Only for Sunny Mini Central with Reactive Power Control Copyign2012 LG Electonics Ie A ahs reson (02M Manual for Cypark SMW PY Systom 4. System Operation & Maintenance 4.1. System operation ‘The operation of PV system will be driven automatically. It means free operation. If PV system has any faulty, it needs to recover of PV system. Below table show what item need to check on daily and monthly. 4.1.4 Check lst No. Item Visual Inspection | Functional Inspection | Frequency | If faulty [1 pv Wea o o MontniyiYearly | Tempora 2 [inverter 0. o Dai Temporary 3_[ MiPiPanal O. oO. DaiiyiMonthiy | Temporar 48 0 o. ‘Moninly | Temporar 5_| Monitoring system io} o Da Temporary 6 [MSE 0. o DailyiMonthiy_| Temporary 7 [Transformer o oO. Daily/Montniy | Temporai [HT panel O o Monthly | Temporai 6 Copy 2012 LG Electonics Ie Al gs esered (O&M Manual for Cypark 3ABW PV System 4.1.2 Dally check To do daily check (Write down check status) No] Tem | Veuelinspacton Functional Romar 7 OK OK = [NV Faulty Faulty (of) TED red color Message a) ws Ox OK = Visual and functional Inspection of Inverter The way to daily inspection of inverter, operator to go plant to check status of inverter LGE recommend 2 times visual & functional check per dally. The time 9:00 AM and 14:00 PM. a. Check the inverter status whether on or off ~The inverter has 3 led lamps, If inverter is operation mode, the led lamp is Green color. It inverter has any faut, the led lamp is Red color or Off If inverter is not functional mode, the led lamp is Yellow color. Operator has to check the inverter status to increase the power out from PV inverter. If inverter has no faulty, Operator has to check next item, b. Monitoring system check -. Monitoring system is displayed the status of each item. If any item is faulty, monitoring system can’t display their figure at that moment. It means “0 If operator see the any faulty on monitoring system, have to check the item according to the equipment manual. -. Yesterday output check (Operator has to check yesterday output to see the power output and any system faulty, If operator saw the unusual data, have to check the item and monitoring data. c. Web Box check Although Fuse disconnect at JB, MJP and Inverter, local monitoring system can't show. LGE recommend use web box monitoring system. If 1 fuse is faulty on JB, the power out of Inverter less than other. -. Login the web box ~ Click the status of inverter Web box shows status of all inverter on web box. If any faulty of fuse, E-today energy is much difference than other inverter, If operator found gap among inverters, Please go to plant and check fuse status using mult tester. The continuity test will be found the fuse faulty But, the check of Web box has to check after 14:00. 7 Coprigh02012 LG Elarones ne. All regis recoved (8M Manual for Cypark 3MW PV System 4d. Visual check of MJP, Panel and MSB ‘The operator have to check the MIP and panel o see the any faulty. The check point are below. ~ Check the cable status whether disconnect or not -. Clean the dust (especially the spider web) = Check relaxation of bolt in connection terminal ~ Check operation status of circuit breaker copyig20'2 Le Electonics ne Aghsresoned | (08M Manual for Cypark SMW PY System 4.1.3. Monthly check To do Monthly check -. Write down check status. I any system fauty occur dally basis. operator founded from the daily check ut, if operator cant found system faulty, then the power output wil be decrease. To avoid this thing operator hrave to do monthly check No tem Visual inspection | Funaonal nepecion | Froquancy | _itauty 7 rnd 3 3 ToniYeary| Temporary 2H water 3 ° Bay | Tempore 3 [MUP reana ° ° Dalyan | Temporary aH o © Ry | Tensor 5-_| Mentoring stem ° =o Daly —[Temporay 5 [Mss ° 3 Daiynoniy_| Tempore 7—[ranstomar ° o Dain | Temporary {Ht panel ° o how Temerany a. PV Module -. Any contamination on the module surface LGE recommend cleaning the panel ttimes/2wk(dry season) ‘times/4wk(wet season) -. Check module glass damage and module transformation =. Whether connection cable is damaged b. JB -. PV module Voltage check Fuse Continuity test ‘Check operation status of circuit breaker Clean the dust (especially the spider web) -. Check relaxation of bolt in connection terminal ce. MUP. PV Vmpp check Check operation status of circuit breaker Clean the dust (especially the spider web) =. Check relaxation of bolt in connection terminal 4. MSB ‘Check operation status of circuit breaker Clean the dust (especially the spider web) ‘Check relaxation of bolt in connection terminal e. Transformer Clean the dust (especially the spider web) 9 Conyt62012 LG Electrons ne Alright essed (08M Manual for Cypark SMW PY System ~. Check relaxation of bolt in connection terminal f. HT panel =. Check operation status of circuit breaker = Clean the dust (especially the spider web) = Check relaxation of bolt in connection terminal Conrite2012 LG Eleven In. i ighisraswod (O&M Manual for Cypark 3MW PY Systom 4.2. System Maintenance {f operator finds the system faulty of PV system on daily and monthly check, operator has to recover the PV system, Below shows how can treat the faulty of system. a. Inverter status check Based on daily check, if operator found the faulty of inverter please check the below equipment according follow process. a-1) operator found the inverter faulty «. I the status of inverter is OFF. 4) Check status of MCCB on the MJP If operator found the trip of MCCB, Please switch on the MCCB, Operator tried to switch on MCCB, but stil off the inverter 2) Check status of Fuse on the MJP Operator has to check the status of fuse disconnect or not ‘The continuity test will be done using multi tester (buzzer tester). Above status is good, but stil off the inverter. 3) Check status of MCCB on the JB If operator found the trip of MCCB, Please switch on the MCCB Operator tried to switch on MCCB, but still off the inverter. 4) Check status of Fuse on the JB Operator has to check the status of fuse disconnect or not. ‘The continuity test will be done using multi tester (buzzer tester). Above status is good, but stil off the inverter. '5) Check cable connection status of disconnect or not on PV module If above status is good, but stil off the inverter, Please check the cable connection status of PV module. If operator found the cable disconnect, operator has fo connect the cable. The ccheck point is end connector of cable, the end of cable connected by Yukita connector (MC4), 6)Still off the inverter Please contact the LGE HQ or LGE ML. the contact no and contact person marked on this (O&M manual. If inverter shows the error message, please follow the inverter installation manual page 67, Typical error messages ere below. Conyne2012 LG lactones In. Al ight eeanod

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