TRX Klopik Main Board V 2.1 ENG

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Host board of the KLOPIK transceiver

By development of the self-made multi-bands SW transceiver there was the task to create the simple, universal transceiving path having the
minimum switching of circuits in the modes of reception and transmission, which provides the excellent recurrence so, with a minimum of components
for assembly. The diagram of the main board is for the beginners in radio who has no have, as a rule, the difficult and expensive instrumentations. It is
possible to assembly practically from the components and instruments that you have at home. The skilled radio fan can add at discretion to the
diagram the necessary sites and make the small easy transceiver for operation on air from giving or in a campaign.
The diagram of the main board is very simple, logical and "is easily read". It is the classical super heterodyne with one frequency conversion.
In receiving mode (RX) the signal from output from the Band Bandpass Filters (BBF) arrives on the "classical" ring diode mixer. On other input of
the adder the signal is coming from the Variable Frequency Oscillator (VFO). From adder output the signal of the intermediate frequency (IF) arrives
on the first stage of the amplifier of the intermediate frequency (AIF) executed on VT1 and VT2 transistors. Loading of this stage is the quartz ZQ1
filter providing the main selectivity of the receiver on adjacent channel. The filtered signal is amplifies by one more stage of AIF on VT3 and VT4
transistors which is also loaded on the 4x-crystals quartz filter (ZQ2) which is «podchistochny» - («variable»). From output of this filter the signal
arrives on the third stage of AIF on VT5 and VT6 transistors, and from its output — on the second diode ring mixer on which the signal of the
reference crystal oscillator (CO) executed on the VT10 transistor is also given. On output of the adder the sound frequency, signal which through
normally closed relay contacts of K2.1 is arrives on the Low frequency Amplifier (LFA) on LM386 chip. This widespread chip has good intensifying
and noise performances. The output of LFA is loaded on the variable R32, which provides the volume control. BA1 — the computer headset has the
"speakers" with a resistance of 2x32 Ohms and switched by parallel. On the C28, VD9, VD10, R26, C24 and VT9 elements the diagram of the
automatic gain control (AGC) are offered by Sergey Belenetsky, US5MSQ from the receiver “Malysh” (“Kid”). Despite the simplicity, to AGC is quite
effective and allows get very comfortably signals with levels from band’s noise up to 9 +40 dB on S-meter. The AGC starts working on measuring
signals since 7 points and more. In my opinion, no sense "to push" the more feeble signals. On selected operation AGC easily reads the feeble
stations on background of the much more powerful stations. In S-meter uses the direct current amplifier on the VT11 transistor, which is loaded on the
microampere meter with current of the maximum deviation 200 mkA.
Before passing to reviewing of operation of a path in a transmission mode, I will mark that all three stages of AIF are reversing. In a transmission
mode (TX) when clicking a pedal - the relays K1-K2 are working. Relay’s contacts K1.1 are reversing the direction of passing of a signal in AIF
stages, and through contacts of K3.1 the supply voltage moves on microphone amplifier, (supply voltage gets from S-meter of Low frequency and DC
amplifiers). The signal from the microphone amplifier on VT7 and VT8 transistors arrives to the ring adder on VD5 — VD8 diodes, in a transmission
mode playing a role of the balance modulator. From a modulator output the double sideband suppressed carrier signal (DSB) passes through all three
stages of AIF in the "reverse" direction (i.e. from the balance modulator to the adder on VD1 — VD4 diodes), and in the course of passing of a signal
quartz ZQ1 and ZQ2 filters select the required side band, i.e. the SSB signal is created. The further transfer of the single sideband wave of IF on the
working frequency, which is in one of amateur SW bands, is happens in the ring of adder on VD1 — VD4 diodes. After that, the signal is coming to the
band bandpass filters. One set of the 50 Ohms of BBF is in use in the TX and RX modes. The tuning R20 resistor regulates suppression bearing in
the balance modulator. Perhaps, for more deep suppression it is necessary to connect by parallel the tuning capacitor with a capacity of 4-25 pF to
any of diodes of the modulator. Sometimes such condensers on diagrams looks as a dotted line. However, in case of well-fitted diodes there is no
need to use the condenser. That is why it is missing on the diagram.
Some words about the reverse stages. The modes of transistors are set automatically, and the stages does not need to customize in case of good
operational elements. In case of supply voltage of +6V the gain amount of such stage makes 17-18 dB, in case of +9V — +20dB, in case of 12V —
+23-24dB. Thus, due to deep back couplings, the stage works very steadily, and the gain amount poorly depends on type of the used transistors. The
first experiments were made on pairs of KT315 and KT361 transistors, but, being guided by desire to receive the most achievable noise performances
of a path in the RX mode, I gave preference to KT368 transistors. Transistors of structure r-p-r, working in a transmission mode, can be any of the
KT363, KT326, KT3107 series. On the diagram, all three stages are identical, except for a stage on VT5 and VT6 in which there is no condenser in an
emitter circuit of the VT5 transistor. It is made for lowering of gain amount in a TX mode that allows to avoid an overload of the subsequent stages
and the adder.
The KP501 transistor could be replaced by the imported one - 2N7000. The head from cassette tape recorder well approaches as the S-meter
indicator. It is desirable to pick up the diodes for adders for direct resistance. Certainly, the best results will turn out if using the diodes which are
specially developed for adders and picked up in "fours" (for example, KD922AG, KDS523). However if these diodes could not be found, it is not
necessary to despair — in the diagram will work on even KD521, KD522, 1N4148 not bad.
Broadband T1, T2 and T8 transformers are wound on K7x4x2 rings by permeability 600-1000HH - three slightly stranded of 0,16 mm PEV-2 wires
(2-3 strands on centimeter) and turn 15 — 18 rounds. The transformer of the balance T7 modulator shall have sufficient inductivity for signals of audio
frequencies therefore it needs to be wound on K10x6x5 ring permeability not lower than 1000HH the same stranded of wires (in one layer) before
filling of a ring. Special attention on symmetry of execution of windings of all transformers — quality of balancing of adders depends on it. T3-T6 are
wound on K7x4x2 rings by permeability 600-1000HH double stranded (2-3 strands on centimeter) 0,16mm PEV-2 wire and turn 15-18 rounds, the
switched on concordant is serial (the beginning of one winding connects to the end another, forming an average output). The L1 coil used for
frequency control has 25 rounds of a 0,1mm PEV-2 wire - wounded on a frame with a diameter of 5-6 mm with the set-up core and placed in the
screen. The illustrations “how to turn the T1-T8” are on the figure below.
The K1-K3 relays are small-size RES49, REK23 or TR5V L-S-Z-12V. About quartz filters: in authoring article the 1st FOS — eight-crystal, 2nd
(«podchistochny» - («variable»)) — four-crystal. However, it not the requirement, and it is rather, a wish. In principle, in the diagram it is possible to
use any filters and on any frequency, that is available at home. This one more advantage of the applied reverse stages in which there are no the
resonant circuits requiring setup. However it must be kept in mind that as in AIF is not optimal, but very simple and available for the beginners, the
single requirement to quartz filters consists in value of their input and output resistance which should be within 220 — 330 Ohms. As a rule, the quartz
filters manufactured on widespread PAL’s quartz resonators on the frequency of 8,867 MHz meets this requirement. On main board v2.1 there is a
place for assembly the quartz filters KF-8m and PKF-4m.
Within the host board it is possible to use any VFO or a frequency synthesizer working at the corresponding frequencies and creating the required
tension of output signal. It is not necessary to give on the adder tension more than 1,2-1,5V since it will lead to growth of intrinsic noises of a path.
Nevertheless, if the used VFO has sufficient power, in the first adder it is possible to set on two sequentially included the diode in a shoulder. In this
case it is possible to expect some increase in dynamic range (on some decibels) in the RX mode, and also it is possible to increase the level of output
signal in a TX mode — to 200-250 mV instead of 100-150 mV with the adder in which it is set on one diode in each shoulder.
The microphone amplifier on VT7 and VT8 transistors has 2 inputs: for dynamic microphone and electret one - MKE-3. If the transceiver works with
the electret microphone, with a having EMF of 100 mV and more, it is enough to set only the emitter follower, having made it on any of known
It is simply to count the real sensitivity: losses in BBF - 6 dB, losses in the adder - 6 dB, gain amount of the 1st AIF - +20 dB, losses in the 1st quartz
filter--6 dB, gain amount of the 2nd AIF - +20 dB, losses in the 2nd quartz filter -4 dB, gain amount of the 3rd AIF - +20 dB. Total, to a detector input
(in front of the C11 condenser) the gain amount of a receiving path makes +38 dB or 80 times on tension. the real measured sensitivity from the
detector input (in case of a ratio signal/noise of 10 dB) are 10μV. Thus, extremely achievable sensitivity from an antenna input can reach 0,125 μV. It
theoretically, and is real — not worse 0,35 μV. Also thanks to low-noise AIF with its rather small gain. On low frequencies much easier to receive big
gain amount (as, for example, in receivers of direct conversion). LFA gain amount on a chip of LM368 can reach over 70 dB! To clean excess of gain
("white noise"), the set-up R29 resistor is set.
The main path can be added by he telegraphic generator. Its diagram practically does not differ from the diagram OG (except for a frequency
control element - instead of inductivity the condenser that allow "to drag away" generator frequency "up").
Wiring diagram of the host board TRX "Klopik" (board 2.0)..
On this board installation of assembled quartz filters "KF-8m" and "PKF-4m" is possible.
The set “Desna” (Kit for assembly of KF and PKF quartz filters)
The set is intended for manufacture of quartz filters of the Klopik transceiver: 8-crystal the main selection and 4-crystal “podchistochny” (variable)
filter with change bandpass range (0,7 – 2,7KHz).
For assembly of ladder quartz filters are used the identical quartz resonators of 8,867238 MHz from television PAL/SECAM of prefixes. As showed
measurements, the specified quartzes have high good quality. The resonant interval makes about 12 - 15 kHz. The manufactured 8-crystal quartz filter
from such resonators has the following parameters:
• squareness coefficient on levels 6 and 60 of dB ~ 1.6;
• attenuation behind bandpass range more than 80 dB;
• non-uniformity in bandpass range – 1.5 - 2 dB;
• bandpass range on the level of 6 dB – 2.4 ± 0,15 KHz;
• input and output resistance - 202±10 of Ohm.

Description of goods Quantity

Quartz of 8.867238 MHz (for KF and PKF) 12 pcs.

Quartz of 8.867238 MHz (for OKG) 1 pcs.
The condenser - 15 pF (150) 2 pcs.
The condenser - 39 pF (390) 2 pcs.
The condenser - 47 pF (470) 2 pcs.
The condenser - 56 pF (560) 2 pcs.
The condenser - 91 pF (910) 2 pcs.
2 pcs.
The condenser - 110 pF (111)
2 pcs.
The condenser - 120 pF (121)
3 pcs.
Varicap KV127B


The kit of the main board V2.1 of the TRX Klopik
description of goods quantity description of goods quantity
Printed circuit board v2.1 1 pcs. Condenser electr. 22,0x25V 1 pcs.
Kit for assembly of KF and PKF Condenser electr. 100,0x16V 3 pcs.
quartz filters 1 pcs. Resistor trimmer 150-470 Ohms 1 pcs.
LM386 chip 1 pcs. Resistor subp. of 33-50 Ohms 1 pcs.
Chip 78L09 1 pcs. Resistor subp. of 150-330 Ohms 1 pcs.
KP501 (2N7000) transistor 1 pcs. Resistor subp. of 10-15K 1 pcs.
KT326 transistor 3 pcs. Resistor 10 Ohms 1 pcs.
KT368 transistor 3 pcs. Resistor 22 - 24 Ohms 1 pcs.
KT315 transistor 4 pcs. Resistor 33 - 39 Ohms 1 pcs.
KD521 diode (1N4148) 2 pcs. Resistor 100 Ohms 9 pcs.
Diode pack of KDS523VR 2 pcs. Resistor 680 Ohms 8 pcs.
Ferrite ring 600-1000НН 7х4х2 7 pcs. Resistor 1K 4 pcs.
Ferrite ring 600-1000НН 10х6х5 1 pcs. Resistor 6,2K 2 pcs.
Circuit frame with the screen 1 pcs. Resistor 8,2K 1 pcs.
RES49 (REK23, TR5V 12V) relay 2 pcs. Resistor 13K 1 pcs.
PEV-2 0,1 wire 1 m. Resistor 150 K 1 pcs.
PEV-2 0,16 wire 5 m. Resistor 300 K 3 pcs.
Condenser 68 pF 1 pcs. Resistor of 1 MOhm 2 pcs.
Condenser 110 pF (111) 2 pcs. The M476/1 (for S-meter) 1 pcs.
Condenser 180 pF (181) 2 pcs. TM-4 phone with the slot 1 pcs.
Condenser 680 pF (681) 1 pcs. MKE-3 microphone 1 pcs.
Condenser 100 nF (104) 24 pcs. Mounting rack 20 pcs.
Condenser electr. 4,7x50V 1 pcs. Stand of PCSS-6 (PCSN-6) 4 pcs.
Condenser electr. 10,0x50V 1 pcs.

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