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A Fast-Paced Fantasy Game
Powered By The Apocalypse

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Table of Contents
1 About 20 Immolator
1 Get Started 22 Paladin
2 How to Play 24 Ranger
4 Adventure Moves 26 Thief
4 Favor Moves 28 Wizard
5 Peripheral Moves 31 Game Master
5 Chase Moves 32 Play Order
6 Items 33 NPC Creation
7 Tags 34 The Full Game
7 Followers 34 Credits
8 Assets
9 Barbarian
11 Bard
13 Cleric
16 Druid
18 Fighter
About Get Started
Chasing Adventure is a fast-paced action- If you’re used to games like Dungeons and You Need:
focused tabletop roleplaying game about Dragons or Pathfinder, here is what’s different
• Copies of the Playbooks and GM Sheet
daring adventurers in a fantasy setting. about this kind of system:
• Two Six-Sided Dice (called ‘d6’)
This game started as a refinement of Dungeon Start and end with the fiction. Focus on the
World but has since evolved into its own narrative, describe what your character does • Writing Utensils (Pencils Recommended)
game, inspired by Apocalypse World, Worlds of cinematically as if they were in an adventure
• Some Paper (Optional)
Adventure, One Shot World, Blades in the Dark, movie. Sometimes it will be very clear as to
and many more. ‘what happens next’ without needing to roll Talk About The Game
dice or do anything else. That’s great! Keep What ideas do you have for the game? What
Action and drama, tension and payoff, victory
pushing the fiction forward. Sometimes, it do you want to see in the game? What don’t
and tragedy are what this game is about. It is
won’t be clear, or maybe you’ll have a gut you want to see? What Safety Tools do you
designed to hit the ground running and only
feeling to roll. That probably means there is a want to use?
stop when you need to catch your breath. This
Move being triggered. Follow the procedure
game is not about resource management,
of the move, rolling if necessary, and let that Make Characters Together
survivalism, or mundane tasks.
move inform the narrative going forward. Everyone chooses a playbook and starts
If this is your first time playing a tabletop Whenever a roll is made, it will always have an filling it in. Meanwhile, the GM reviews and
roleplaying game, here is how this one works: effect on the fiction. familiarizes themselves with the GM Playbook
The GM doesn’t roll dice, they simply describe and Tools, and comes up with any ideas they’d
One person plays as the Game Master (GM). like to include.
Their role is to describe and portray the world what happens in the world, what the NPCs do,
and characters (NPCs) in it, how they act and what changes in the environment, and so on.
Ask and Answer
react to the other players. They have access to There is no specified turn order, and distance During character creation, players talk about
the GM Section to help them. isn’t measured or numbered. Abstract their characters and the world. Each player
The others take the role as a Player, each maps and pictures are perfectly fine to use asks the group some or all of the questions on
playing a single adventurer, or Player Character supplementally, but the game is primarily their Ask section, as well as telling them some
(PC). Their role is to face down dangers and meant to be played through shared of the Answer questions. These don’t have be
drive the story forward with their pursuits. They imagination, even during a fight. done in any specific order, perhaps one player’s
have access to the Basic, Chase and Peripheral Ask is related to another’s Answer.
If you’ve played Dungeon World before, here
moves, and they each choose a Playbook for
is a summary of what has changed: Create the Adventure
their character (eg. Barbarian) that gives them
• Advantage/Disadvantage has replaced The GM will choose an Adventure Starter
access to new moves.
most instances of +1/-1 modifiers from the table, or roll, or make one up. They
The GM and Players work together to tell an fill in the blanks using answers provided by
• No Load, Rations, or (mostly) Ammo
exciting story. Like a conversation the GM the Players, and can ask for more answers or
and Players go back and forth, with the GM • CON has been removed details as needed. Then the create any NPCs
describing a situation and asking what one • Background replaces Race and Alignment needed following the NPC Creator.
or more PCs do. The Player then describes
• Moves and Playbooks have been remade GM Describes the Opening Scene
their PCs action. Sometimes a PC might do
something that triggers a Move. Do what the • HP and Damage have been replaced with Start the first scene in the middle of the action.
move says, rolling if called for, and continue the Conditions Describe something exciting and/or dangerous
conversation based on what that move directs. • Wealth is an abstract replacement for coins happening, focus part of that danger on one
of the PCs specifically, ask them what they do,
• You can gain or lose Favor with each other and start playing!
and NPCs.
How to Play
Most of the time, the Players and GM go back When you receive a condition, choose one of Consequences described by the GM can be
and forth in a conversation, describing actions, your stats and write in what the condition is any number of things, taking harm, destroyed
reactions, consequences and emotions of their (you choose). While you have that condition, equipment, a difficult choice, a tough situation.
characters and (for the GM) the world. The the stat it is associated with is treated as 1 Make sure to describe the consequences
GM presents the fictional situation the player lower than normal when rolling. Each stat may dynamically; the ogre doesn’t just deal
character(s) find themselves in, they respond, only have one condition at a time. damage, he slams you into the ground with an
sometimes moves are triggered, and repeat. earthshaking roar and starts grasping for the
Some especially dangerous enemies inflict
nearest boulder to throw.
When a PC does something that triggers multiple conditions at once.
a move (act despite an imminent threat or Coming up with vivid descriptions, especially
When you roll using a stat that has a
obstacle, engage an enemy in open combat, on the fly, can be difficult. Feel free to ask each
condition, gain 1 XP.
etc.) follow the procedure of the move. Once other for ideas and input. The Players have final
the move has resolved, then resume building If you have armor, you can choose to mark it say over describing their PCs actions, and the
the narrative as informed by the move. instead of a condition, it will refresh when you GM has final say over the world and NPCs.
Settle In. Piercing attacks ignore most armor.
When you roll, you do so with two six-sided
dice (2d6), add them together with a stat. Armor from worn equipment (eg Chainmail)
Example of Play and Spotlight Change:
Roll+STR means you add your STR to the result. only works against physical harm, while other
armor might only work for other sources Player: I charge immediately, drawing my
When your total result is a 6 or lower, if the
of conditions. This armor might even get sword and hoping to get in close before the
move says what happens then do that. If it
damaged or broken during your adventures, ogre can act.
says ‘in addition to whatever the GM says’ or
but can be repaired.
doesn’t say anything, then the GM will say GM: The ogre starts turning towards you,
what happens. This often includes negative Conditions can be healed when you Settle In, roaring in territorial rage. Let’s see if you reach
consequences, see the GM Section for more when you use items like Supplies, or through it first, roll to Defy with DEX.
details. some abilities that certain playbooks can use.
Player: (rolls) a four, uh oh.
When you have Advantage or Disadvantage Example Conditions:
GM: The ogre grabs you with one hand,
on a roll, you roll an extra d6 and take the two
STR - Weakened, Nauseous picking you up and throwing you into a tree
highest (Advantage) or lowest (Disadvantage)
to the side. You suffer two conditions and are
as the result. Advantage and Disadvantage DEX - Dizzy, Shaky, Stunned
momentarily dazed.
cancel each other out, and multiple sources of
WIS - Confused, Exhausted
Advantage and Disadvantage can stack (roll an Player: I’m going to absorb 1 condition with my
extra d6 per source, always keep two). INT - Dazed, Forgetful, Concussed chainmail armor and take Stunned as a DEX
condition. I may roll worse, but at least I’ll get
Some effects let you gain Advantage/ CHA - Scarred, Grumpy
some XP doing so..
Disadvantage Forward, this means that it only
affects your next roll. Similarly, Advantage/ The Spotlight is a term referring to who the GM: Sounds good. Meanwhile, the Ogre turns,
Disadvantage Ongoing means it affects all of fiction is focusing on at the moment. Whoever fixing its bloodshot eyes on the Wizard in the
your future rolls until the situation causing ‘has the spotlight’ is the person/are the people distance, and lumbers forwards, roaring and
it changes. Advantage/Disadvantage is not whose actions we are following and seeing the picking up speed. Wizard, what do you do?
situational, it is only granted by moves. consequences of. In a typical scene, the GM
guides the spotlight and switches it between
When you inflict a condition, the GM will PCs frequently. It’s everyone’s job at the table
mark a condition on the NPC(s) who was hurt. to share the spotlight generously with each
If they have no more conditions to mark, then other.
they are defeated.
Responsibility and Safety
X, N, and O Cards are check-in tools. They can
Safety Means Fun Lines and Veils are used to set boundaries be used by tapping physical cards, typing the
Chasing Adventure can be a very fast-paced on content in a game. Lines are hard limits letter into chat, or using hand signals. Before
game, and it can be difficult or awkward to on content, things that the GM or the players the game beings, remind everyone that they
stop in the middle of an action scene. That’s don’t want to engage in. Setting up a line are available and how to use them.
why it’s very important to talk abut what means that content won’t show up in the
The X Card can be used at any point if a
content is and isn’t fun beforehand, and to game at all. Veils are soft limits, things that are
participant is uncomfortable with the content
use tools that make it easier to deal with okay ‘behind a curtain’ or when they ‘cut to
happening in-game. When the X Card is used,
issues that may arise during play. Safety is black’. Setting up a veil means that the content
the group can change, rewind or skip the
always more important than any move or dice might be in the game, but not spotlighted or
roll. Visit this link for more tools: described in great detail. Lines and Veils can be
adjusted as needed throughout the game. The N Card can be used at any point if a
participant feels like they are headed towards
The GM is Responsible For: Script Change Ratings are used to set tone an X. When the N card is used, the group can
• Managing Game Flow and Spotlight and boundaries for your game. Using film change the content or have the scene ‘fade to
ratings (or your own), you can outline what black’.
• Describing the World to the Players
audience you’re playing for (e.g. PG-13 vs R). The The O Card can be used at any point if a
• Unleashing Consequences rating also addresses what content players do participant wants to continue with the
• Following the Principles and Moves and don’t want to see. Make sure to balance content. They can also regularly be prompted
• Knowing the GM Section and respect everyone’s wishes. Ratings can be by asking ‘O?’ out loud or in chat to check-in if
adjusted as needed throughout the game. everyone is still okay.
The PCs are Responsible For:
• Knowing the Basic, Chase, Peripheral and The Open Door is the assurance that someone
can leave or take a break from the game Script Change Toolbox is a set of cinema-
Playbook moves
for their own safety and well-being without themed tool words that can be used to adjust
• Taking Exciting Risks play and content. They can be used by tapping
being judged. State this at the beginning and
• Engaging With the World and Each Other cards, typing the letter in chat, or by using
periodically throughout the game.
• Being Generous With the Spotlight hand signals.
Emotions and stress from the game can Bleed Rewind can be used when something
Everyone Is Equally Responsible For: over into post-game life. This can affect the happened in play that makes a participant
• Having Fun enjoyment of the game, as well as out-of- uncomfortable. When Rewind is used, be clear
• Speaking Up When There is an Issue game relationships between players if not about what content is being adjusted, rewind
• Respecting and Understanding Each Other worked through. Being open and honest to a point before it happened, and play starts
• Ensuring a Safe Space about where the game beings and ends, and again.
being conscious of which feelings belong to Fast Forward can be used when a participant
• Organizing and Scheduling
the player and which are just bleed, helps to would like to skip past uncomfortable content
• Asking Each Other Interesting Questions mitigate the effects. or to the next part of the fiction. When it is
No One Is Solely Responsible For the Story used, skip forward to a new spot in the fiction
Debriefing as a group is a great way to reflect
The story is created when the PCs actions, the that everyone agrees upon.
on the game, identify possible issues, highlight
GM’s descriptions and consequences, and dice the fun things to continue, and work through Pause can be used when things are too
all collide together in a radiant explosion. potential bleed. Debriefing can happen right intense, but you still want to continue playing
You are all players, and you are all finding out after the game or in the days following it. the scene. When used, you can take a break
the story together. and/or discuss the content as needed. After
that, you can Resume, Rewind or Fast Forward.
Adventure Moves Favor Moves
Defy Compel Favor represents feelings of gratitude, honor, responsibility,
When you act despite an imminent threat or obstacle, When you use favor, payment, promises or threats to get or debt between a PC and either an NPC or another PC.
tell us how you do it. Then roll.... someone to do something, say what you want them to do
(or not to do) and roll+CHA. If they Favor you, you may use When you Favor someone, or someone Favors you, write
• +STR if you endure or power through it
up their Favor to gain +2 to the roll. down their name and the details on the Favor section of
• +DEX if you act with speed or finesse
For NPCs, on a 10+ they’ll do what you want. On a 7-9 they’ll your character sheet. Two people can have Favor each
• +INT if you employ quick or out-of-the-box thinking
only do it if you also Favor them afterwards. other mutually, and you can Favor as many different
• +WIS if you rely on mental fortitude or sharp senses For PCs, on a 10+ they get two choices from Reciprocate
• +CHA if you use charm, subterfuge or social grace people as you’d like.
(see Favor Moves) if they do it. On a 7-9 they get one
On a 10+ the threat doesn’t come to bear. On a 7-9 it only choice from Reciprocate if they do it. On a 6-, they can While someone Favors you, they might treat you
abates if you make costly sacrifice or ugly choice, the GM immediately ask you two questions as if they Scrutinized
will tell you what. you. especially kindly, go out of their way to make you feel
appreciated, or similar.
Engage Cooperate or Sabotage
When you openly fight an enemy up close, roll+STR. On When you act alongside one of your companions, they Reciprocate
a 7+ you and your enemy both inflict a condition on each either roll with Advantage or Disadvantage. Either way, you When you accomplish a significant request made by
other. On a 10+ you either avoid their condition, inflict an are both exposed to any costs or consequences associated someone you Favor, choose one:
extra condition, or take something from them, your choice. with their move. One can be assisted or hindered by • You no longer Favor them, and mark XP.
multiple people, gaining a new source of Advantage/ • They Favor you.
Let Fly Disadvantage per person.
• You get to ask them two questions as if you had
When you attack from afar, roll+DEX. On a 10+ you have Scrutinized them.
a clear shot and inflict a condition. On a 7-9 you inflict a Push Yourself
condition but are either put in a dangerous position or When you put all of your effort into one act, you may take Intervene
gain Disadvantage Forward, your choice. a condition of your choice (bypassing armor) to roll with
When you go out of your way to help someone, if they
Advantage. The condition does not affect this roll.
agree it was helpful and significant then they now Favor
Ponder you. If they already Favored you, then you mark XP instead.
When you consider what you know about a subject, Settle In
ask the GM one question about it and roll+INT. On a 10+ When you settle in to rest as a group, the GM advances Antagonize
the GM will tell you detailed useful information. On a 7-9 the Ominous Forces. Then, if anyone has 5 or more XP, they
When you insult, injure or disappoint someone who
the GM will tell you a information that is vague, twisted, Level Up. When you’ve finished resting and resume your
Favors you, they no longer do.
or incomplete. Either way, you and your allies roll with adventuring, remove all your conditions and refresh your
Advantage when first acting on this information. undamaged armor.

Examine Crumble
When you closely investigate a charged situation, ask When you mark your fifth condition , your life is
the GM one question about it and roll+WIS. On a 7-9, the untenable.
GM answers your question truthfully. On a 10+ the GM also When your life is untenable, be it from conditions or
answers related followup questions. You and your allies roll otherwise, you’re out of the action for a while. Say how
with Advantage when first acting on this information. and choose one from the list below:
• Lock in a condition of your choice. It can’t be removed
Scrutinize except through a Level Up. You still gain XP from it.
When you have an intimate or prying conversation with • Change to a new playbook
someone, roll+WIS. On a 10+ hold 2, on a 7-9 hold 1. During • Die
this conversation you can spend hold 1-for-1 to ask their
If you’re not dead, remove all conditions that aren’t Locked.
player any question about this person’s thoughts, feelings
The GM will say when you’re back in the action.
or motivations. If you have their Favor, gain +1 Hold, even on
a 6-. Some example questions are below:
• How might I get you to ____________?
• How do you feel about ____________?
• How can I gain your Favor?
• Who do you serve?
Peripheral Moves Chase Moves
End of Session Navigate Start the Chase
At the end of each session, as a group answer the When you venture out in lengthy pursuit of a quarry, When you enter a chase, either in pursuit or escape, you
following: roll+Nothing. If you already know the location of your and the GM each start with 0 Hold. If multiple PCs are
• Did we discover something new and important about quarry, roll with Advantage. On a 10+ the GM chooses one, participating in the chase, they all share Hold.
the world or characters? on a 7-9 the GM chooses two. On a 6-, all three.
• Did we newly visit or significantly alter a memorable • You are exhausted or distracted, each of you takes a Gain the Edge
location? condition. When you try to gain the momentum in a chase, say
• Did we overcome a notable obstacle, enemy, or • You are noticed, by your quarry or by someone else, how much Hold you want and roll...
challenge? and they act accordingly. • +STR if you create or destroy physical obstacles
For any “yes” answer, everyone marks 1 XP. • You are impeded. A significant obstacle stands • +DEX if you run, hide or maneuver
between you and your quarry.
Additionally, mark 1 XP if you accomplished your Drive. • +INT if you distract or lure them
• +WIS if you keep your eyes and ears peeled
Level Up Connect
• +CHA if you disguise yourself or try to talk them down
When you declare you know an NPC who could help and
When you have 5 or more XP after Settling In, reduce On a 7+ you gain that number of Hold. On a 7-9, so does
go looking for them, roll+CHA. On a 10+, they could do
your XP by 5 and choose one of the following: the GM. On a 6- the GM gains that Hold, in addition
what you need and they aren’t hard to find. On a 7-9, they
You can always take these options: could do what you need, but the GM will choose one. whatever else they say. Until someone has 3 or more hold,
• Increase a stat of your choice from +0 to +1. the GM will describe the chase continuing onwards.
• They have a grudge against you or aren’t entirely
• Take an Advanced Move from your class. willing to trust you.
• Acquire an Asset of your choice. (see page 8) It’s Over
• They’re already caught up in some sort of trouble.
• Remove a locked condition. (see Crumble on page 5) When either party in a chase has 3+ Hold , the chase
• They’re far away, in hiding, trapped, or otherwise
comes to an end. Whoever has the most Hold succeeds in
• Change playbooks. difficult to find.
escaping or catching the other party. If both parties have
You can take these options only once each: the same amount, the PCs win the chase (just barely). The
• Increase a stat of your choice from +1 to +2. I’m Back! losing party can spend Hold 1-for-1 to:
• Increase a stat of your choice from +1 to +2. When you explain your absence from the last session, • Learn something about the other party (where they
• Take a Starting or Advanced move from another class. say what happened and roll … will go, who leads them, how to escape them now)
• Take a Starting or Advanced move from another class. • +STR if you fought an enemy or escaped • Have the chase end somewhere advantageous for
imprisonment. them (reinforcements, a trap or lair, etc.)
Once you reach level 10, you can also take these options:
• +DEX if you did something secret, stole something, or • Gain Advantage Forward (PCs only)
• Take an Advanced Move (Level 10+) from your class evaded something.
• Increase a stat of your choice from +2 to +3. • Inflict Disadvantage Forward on the PCs (GM only)
• +INT if you learned ancient knowledge or invented
• Retire to safety. something. Player Note: Bid an amount of Hold that feels
• +WIS if you discovered a scandalous secret or had a appropriate to the chase. If you want to end it quickly,
Epiphany divine encounter. then bid 2 or 3. If the bid feels like it should be extended,
When you have a change of heart, say what is behind it • +CHA if you made an ally, learned about a culture, or bid just 1.
and write a new Drive. purchased something of interest or value.
On a 10+, you had a prosperous leave; take Advantage GM Note: Chases don’t just have to be against NPCs. It
Pursue a Goal Forward and mark XP. On a 7-9, you attracted trouble or could also be used for running away from obstacles, such
caused unintended consequences, the GM will say. On a as a rolling boulder or flowing lava.
When you want to accomplish a complex task or long-
term project, tell the GM what you hope to achieve. They’ll 6-, in addition to whatever the GM says, take Disadvantage
tell you the steps you’ll need to take to achieve your goal. Forward.

Player Note: You can represent goals through clocks Penny For Your Thoughts
- circles divided into segments, with each segment When you Examine by asking around for rumors
corresponding to a step. and information, you may spend 1 Wealth to roll with
GM Note: Each step is a requirement, cost, or risk between
the player and their goal. For simple goals, give them up The Briefcase
to 4 steps; for complex goals, give them up to 8 steps. If When you Compel someone accepting of bribes, Offering
it’s simpler than 4 steps it might not need this move at all. 1 Wealth gives you Advantage, and offering 2 Wealth lets
you automatically succeed as if you had rolled a 10+. 5
Items Common Equipment Example Poisons
Here are a few common pieces of weaponry, gear, and Adventuring Gear: 5 Uses, 2 Wealth Oil of Taggit: Dangerous, 2 Wealth
services. These lists aren’t exhaustive or compulsory, and A collection of useful mundane items such as chalk, poles, Must be consumed. The target falls into a light sleep.
variants upon these items are likely to exist. Their prices spikes, ropes, etc. When you rummage through your
may also vary depending on location, haggling, and similar adventuring gear for some useful mundane item and mark
factors. For example, you might have a Rusty Sword which Bloodweed: Dangerous, 2 Wealth
off a use, you find what you need.
might easily break on a 6- in combat. Or you might have Requires contact. Until they are cured, the first time
a Masterwork Bow which has Piercing in addition to its the target hurts someone each scene, they inflict no
other tags. Supplies: 3 Uses, Slow, 1 Wealth conditions.
Food, water, bandages, anything that can offer relief. When
you have a few minutes, you can mark off a use of Supplies Goldenroot: Dangerous, 2 Wealth
to remove 1 condition on yourself or another.
Must be consumed. The target treats the next person they
Common Weapons Medicine: 2 Uses, Slow, 2 Wealth
see as a trusted ally, until proved otherwise.

Sling: Near, Awkward, Reload, 0 Wealth These might be poultices to heal wounds, herbal Serpent’s Tears: Dangerous, 2 Wealth
supplements to calm nerves, or otherwise. When you
Ragged Bow: Near, Reload, 1 Wealth Requires contact. The target takes 1 extra condition when
take a few minutes to prepare and use these, remove 2
Fine Bow: Near/Far, Reload, 2 Wealth conditions or 1 other affliction from yourself or another. hurt until they are cured.
Crossbow: Near, Distinctive, Reload, 1 Wealth
Healing Potion: 3 Wealth Services And Expenses
Unarmed: Close When you drink an entire potion, heal all conditions.
Dagger/Shiv/Knife: Close/Near, 1 Wealth 1 Wealth: Most services and expenditures. Repair of most
Baselard/Kris/Kikri/Dirk: Close, 1-Piercing, 1 Wealth damaged equipment. Healing from a chirurgeon. A
Bag of Books: 5 Uses, 1 Wealth week’s stay at a peasant’s inn. A night of song, dance, and
Many/Hidden Knives: Close/Near, Infinite, 2 Wealth When your bag of books contains just the right book for companionship. A custom item from a blacksmith or other
the subject you’re Pondering, consult the book and mark professional (in addition to its base price). A hired killer. A
Club/Shillelagh: Close, 0 Wealth off a use to roll with Advantage. guide through perilous terrain. Most hirelings.
Staff/Pike: Close, Hefty, 0 Wealth
Sword/Axe/Mace: Intimate/Close, 1 Wealth Pipeleaf: 6 Uses, 1 Wealth 2 Wealth: Exceptional and exotic services and
Warhammer/Flail: Close, Forceful, 1 Wealth When you share pipeleaf with someone, mark off two uses expenditures. Magical healing from a priest or alchemist. A
to have them Favor you. week’s stay at a noble’s inn. A small festival. A professional
Greatsword/Glaive/Halberd: Close, Hefty, 2 Wealth
assassin. A guide through dangerous, life-threatening
Bastard Sword / Chain Whip: Close, Messy, Awkward, 1 lands.
Wealth Flask of Whiskey: 2 Uses, 1 Wealth
Rapier: Close, 2-Piercing, 2 Wealth When you down a draught, mark off a use to roll with
Advantage to act boldly or face down terror. Anything of greater cost or value is typically a long-term
Spear: Close/Near, 1 Wealth investment, such as ownership of a house, caravan,
business, or ship.
Trap Kit: Dangerous, Slow, 1 Wealth
A bear trap, tripwire rig, bag of caltrops or marbles, or
Common Armor similar. When you take the time to set it up in advance, it
becomes a hazard you’ll want to steer clear of.
Worn armor like these only mitigate conditions from
physical harm. Other sources of conditions (social strain,
Enchanted Arrows (3 Uses, 2 Wealth)
pushing yourself, etc) might be mitigated through the
Advanced Moves of certain playbooks. While heroes are assumed to have as many ordinary
arrows as they need, these arrows are expensive and
exceptionally accurate.
Leather/Chainmail/Gambeson: 1-Armor, 2 Wealth When you Let Fly using Enchanted Arrows, on a 7-9 you
Scale/Plate: 2-Armor, Clumsy, 3 Wealth may spend 1 Use instead of either of the other choices.
Shield: +1 Armor, 1 Wealth

Tags Followers
Tags are short descriptors of an item that help define You have a trusted companion - humanoid, beast, or The GM will give them a few Descriptors, too, befitting of
what it can and can’t do. Like with items, this list is not monster - that travels with you. Give it a name , describe it, who or what they are. Here are some examples
exhaustive or cumpulsory, and can be easily modified. and work with the GM to create it. • Athletic: Good at running, climbing, jumping, etc.
• Cautious: Careful and methodical; avoids acting rashly.
Area: It hits or effects everything in an area. Each Follower has Conditions, Armor, Moves, and Instincts, • Devious: Deceitful, treacherous, thieving.
Armor: Provides n armor that can be used up instead of just like any other NPC. Leave this part to the GM; they’ll tell • Stealthy: Avoids detection; often gets the drop on foes.
taking conditions from physical harm. n-Armor doesn’t you what you should know when the need arises.
stack, while +n Armor does. • Beautiful: Draws admiration and attention; makes an
Awkward: It’s unwieldy and tough to use. The GM might Choose one or two Qualities they have, or make new ones.
invoke the consequences on a 6- roll or when appropriate. • Terrifying: Its presence and appearance invoke fear.
• Meek: Accepts their lowly lot; will agree to do
Clumsy: It’s incredibly unwieldy to use. The GM might • Group: A team, gang, or mob, with all the strengths
degrading and unreasonable tasks without the need
invoke the consequences on a 6- roll or when appropriate. and drawbacks of greater numbers.
to Command.
Additonally, you have Disadvantage on DEX rolls while • Ferocious: Merciless, violent, and aggressive.
• Warrior: They count as +1 Armor when they help you
using it. • (In)Famous: They’re well-known, for good or for ill.
fight, and you don’t have to Command them to fight
Dangerous: Unsafe; take the proper precautions when unless the opposition is terrifying or overwhelming. • Stubborn: Tough, hard-working, and willing to put up
using it or the GM may freely invoke the consequences. with discomfort.
• Organised: Follows plans well, works well in a
Fiery: It painfully burns, sears, and causes things to catch group. Once they agree to a plan, you don’t need to • Self-Sufficient: Can easily navigate and live off the
fire. Hot to the touch. Command them as long as the plan doesn’t go awry. land.
Forceful: It inflicts powerful, crushing blows that knock • Healer: When they tend to wounds with Supplies or • Faithful: Dedicated to a religion, belief, or cause.
targets back and down. Medicine, they can treat two patients with 1 use.
Hefty: It inflicts powerful, crushing blows, knocks targets • Educated (___________): They’re learned about a
back and down, and requires two hands to wield properly. particular subject. When they help you Ponder it,
Infinite: Too many to keep count. Throw one away, and you they’ll also give you an interesting (but not necessarily
have another one.
Distinctive: It has an obvious and unique sound,
useful) piece of information.
• Cunning: Clever and observant. When they help you
Follower Moves
appearance or impression when used. Examine, treat a 7-9 as a 10+.
Messy: It harms foes in a particularly destructive way,
• Charming: They are desirable or have a way with
ripping people and things apart. words. When they help you Compel someone who When your Companion does a dangerous task alone,
Favors you, you can gain the bonus from their Favor they do it to the best of their ability, but are taken out of
Piercing: It ignores armor.
without using it up. the action (trapped, injured, distracted, etc.). The GM will
Reload: You have to take time to reload it between uses. say how.
Slow: It takes a while to use - at least a minute, if not more.
The GM will also assign them a number of Costs equal to
Unbreakable: It can’t be broken or destroyed by normal Assist
means. their Qualities, choosing from these or making new ones:
When your Companion (or another NPC) works
Valuable: It always counts as leverage to Parley. • Brutality: They have an instinct or outright desire for
alongside you, it counts as them Cooperating with you;
savage unnecessary violence.
Vicious: It harms foes in an especially cruel way, inflicting you roll with Advantage, but they are also exposed to the
agonising, bloody wounds. • Independence: They may follow you for convenience costs or consequences of your move.
or mutual gain, but they are not truly loyal to you.
• Riches: They demand regular coins, gems or other Command
When you order or expect your Follower to do something
Range Tags • Ego: They want frequent and regular credit for heroics,
regardless of whether or not they truly contributed.
contrary to their instincts or costs, roll+CHA. On a 10+,
they do it now, as well as one could expect. On a 7-9, the
• Principles: They have a code, belief or boundary that GM chooses one.
Someone using a weapon outside of its normal range may
they expect you to adhere to. • The experience endangers; they do it but are out of
need to first use another move such as Defy Danger to do
so, or may not be able to at all. • Safety: They expect you to protect them from any the action for some time.
danger, or ideally there to be no danger at all. • They complain loudly, now or later, and demand
Intimate: It’s useful when you’re closer than arm’s reach. • Errands: They frequently need you to assist them with compensation or your Favor.
Close: It’s useful at arm’s reach, or up to a few feet away. tasks, some menial, some dangerous, some both • It takes them longer than expected, is done shoddily,
Near: You need to be able to see the whites of their eyes. • Unstable: They can sometimes be a danger to you, and or will cost you later.
you have to be prepared to put up with that.
Far: You need to be within shouting distance.

Assets are special things your character has - a trusted Assistant Follower
companion, a gang, a hideout, a unique weapon. Here are A faithful butler, snide secretary, or reluctant-yet-helpful You have a trusted companion - humanoid, beast, or
the ways you could go about acquiring an Asset: family member assists you. Unlike an Apprentice or monster - that travels with you. See Followers on page 7.
Follower, they don’t normally go where you go. Instead,
Through Play Assistants work off-screen to accomplish goals in multiple
Assets are prescriptive; you can get them because the places at once. Assistants don’t have stats and don’t make Signature Weapon
fiction demands it. A mere hireling might become a moves, but they can carry out orders on the behalf of the
You have a weapon or other piece of equipment that has
trusted Follower, for example, or you might work to restore character using the character’s stats.
been custom-tailored for you. Work with the GM to create
an old Keep. it.
Aptitude First choose the most appropriate base for your weapon.
Through Advancement You’re especially practiced or talented at something that is • Small and personal: Intimate.
Assets are also descriptive; when you Level Up and choose not reflected in your stats. Pick a skill, profession, academic
subject, or area of expertise; when rolling for this skill, you • Medium and handy: Close.
to get an Asset, it happens - maybe not now, but soon, at
the next opportunity. are always treated as having the appropriate stat at +3. • Large or two-handed: Close, Hefty.
• Ranged: Near, Reload or Near, Reload, Distinctive.
Asking the GM Wealthy Then choose two enhancements it has.
Talk with the GM at the start of the game; they might be You’re incredibly rich. You reduce the cost of everything by • It ignores armor
interested in giving you an Asset or two to start with, or 1 Wealth (things that cost 0 Wealth are free). • It provides you with +1 armor
they might tell you to Pursue a Goal first. • It is Unbreakable.
Organization • It has an extra range.
You have a membership with a guild, clan, religion, or
Example Assets similar organisation. This membership will often allow you
access to items, people, services, and locations that would
• It’s Messy.
• It’s Vicious.
normally be off-limits. • It’s Forceful (replaces Hefty).
Storied Past • It loses Reload or Distinctive.
You have a complex history; take an additional
Background of your choice from your Playbook. You gain
Occupied • It glows in the presence of ___________ (a specific
You have a business or some other reliable source of type of creature; goblins, mages, etc.).
its equipment, abilities and drive. You may change which
drive is ‘active’ (and therefore counts for XP) at the start or income. At the start of each session, gain 1 Wealth
end of each session. Hideout
Location You have a headquarters, secret lair, or safe haven that
Reputation You have an arcane sanctum, secret hideout, or similar you call your own - a decrepit library, perhaps, or an
You have a reputation - positive or negative - that precedes base of operations that is all your own. abandoned keep. Detail it, and choose 2 features:
you, for good or for ill. Tell us what you’ve done to deserve • It is carefully hidden, concealed from prying eyes.
it. Fame and infamy are a double-edged sword; you Apprentice • It is laden with traps and secret passageways.
can never predict if it will bring you positive or negative Your Apprentice is a secondary character - a plucky sibling,
attention, but it counts as having the Favor of those who • It has secured walls, windows, and doors.
perhaps, or an orphan kid you caught picking your pocket.
deeply respect it. • A week’s worth of food and water.
Like a regular character they have a Playbook and can
use all the Basic and Peripheral moves, but they don’t • A workshop and tools.
When you meet someone for the first time who’s heard start with a Background, only get one move from their • A library of old books and tomes.
of you, tell the GM something they’ve heard of you. Then playbook, and their stats are +1, +0, +0, +0, -1. • 5 uses each of Adventuring Gear and Supplies.
the GM will tell you something else they’ve heard of you. • A handful of skilled assistants or associates.
When you Level Up, you can choose to have your
Connections Apprentice Level Up instead. When they level up, they may ​When you utilise your Hideout’s features,​roll with
Be it amongst street urchins, traveling merchants, or take a Starting Move from their Playbook instead of an Advantage.
wealthy nobles, you know people, and people know you. Advanced Move.
When you put out word to your old friends and When you Level Up, you may instead choose to add two
associates about something you want or need, roll+CHA. When you die, you can choose to have your Apprentice more features to your Hideout.
On a 10+, someone has it, just for you. On a 7-9, you’ll have take your place; if so, their stats and moves automatically
to settle for something close or it comes with strings improve to that of a fully fledged adventurer.
attached, your call.

Barbarian Background
Outsider (+2 STR, +1 INT)
Choose one Ask Who here...

...has been harmed or endangered by my pursuits?

You hail from the far reaches of the world in search of—what? Glory? I distrustful or wary of?
Treasure? Spilt blood? They call you barbarian. Uncivilized. You know better. You and your people are from a far off land and have
...wants to hear stories of my homeland?
Their world of nobles and laws is fleeting. You will tread their jeweled thrones a fundamentally different way of life and of looking
under your boot, and you will show them what might and fear truly mean.
For you know what is best in life, and you will take it. at things.

When you Ponder knowledge rare in these regions, Answer Now or while adventuring

Name Examples: Gorm, Fafnir, Haepha, Qua, Thra-raxes, Sillius,

roll with Advantage if you can say how it might be
known in your homeland.
What is the token of your homeland, and why did you
bring it with you?
The Glorious, The Foesmasher, The Gluttonous
Equipment: Trap Kit (Dangerous, Slow). In what ways do you eschew the laws of these lands?
What is your most vivid memory from your homeland?
Drive: Teach someone about your culture or traditions.

As much detail as you’d like, be it species, features, etc

Savage (+2 STR, +1 CHA) Initially, you Favor the PC who is teaching you their ways

Drive You hail from stranger, more terrifying lands than I Favor...
Based on Background, see the Epiphany peripheral move most folk can imagine, and your time there made
Name Details
you strong.

Armor When you Defy fear or a magical compulsion, roll

with Advantage.
Based on your equipment and abilities, fill in the circles when you use armor

Equipment: 3 Throwing Axes (Close/Near) I Am Favored By...

Choose your Background, then in write the rest as +1, 0, -1 in any order Drive: Provoke danger to prove your prowess. Name Details

Survivor (+2 STR, +1 WIS)
You weathered a great calamity, something that
Weakened, Nautious Dizzy, Shaky, Stunned
resulted in the downfall of your family, your empire,
or your livelihood. Yet you have carried on. Equipment
When your life is untenable, in addition to the You start with:
INT WIS normal Crumble options you can choose to Look
• Flask of Whiskey (2 Uses)
• A token of your homeland
death in the eyes and spit in its face. If all five
• The equipment from your Background
conditions are marked you immediately remove up
to three not-locked ones. If your life was untenable
Dazed, Forgetful Confused, Exhausted Choose one:
otherwise, you avoid or survive anyways through
• Axe (Intimate/Close) and Shield (+1 Armor)
superhuman feat or sheer force of will. Once you
• Greatsword (Close, Hefty)
choose this option, you cannot choose it again until

you reach a level that is a multiple of 5 (5, 10, 15 etc).
Choose two:
Starts at 1 Equipment: Adventuring Gear (5 Uses) • Chainmail Armor (1 Armor)
• 2 Wealth

Drive: Take back something you lost. • Medicine (2 Uses, Slow)
Scarred, Grumpy
• Pipeleaf (6 uses)
Starts at 0
• A Healing Potion

Starting Moves You get all of these
Ugly Truth
When you smash through social etiquette to call
Not to Be Trifled With
Any intelligent, mortal creatures who sees you knows
something what it really is, roll+CHA. On a 7+, name instinctively that you are a force to be reckoned
someone here who now agrees with and Favors you. with and treats you appropriately. When you fight a
When you Engage, on a 10+ if you choose to inflict an extra On a 10+ you also have Advantage Forward when group or horde of foes at once, they don’t inflict extra
condition, you instead inflict two extra. doing something about it. conditions to you.

Herculean Appetites Berserker A Good Day to Die

Others may content themselves with just a taste of wine, or When you Rampage, you also Pierce your enemy’s While you have four conditions marked, you have
dominion over a servant or two, but you want more. armor. Advantage Ongoing on all rolls.
Choose two:
• Pure Destruction Is That All You’ve Got? Unyielding
• Power Over Others When you deliberately take the full brunt of an You ignore the penalty from STR conditions.
• Mortal Pleasures attack, suffer conditions as normal and ignore your
• Conquest
own armor, then pick two: Acquired Taste
• Your enemy leaves themselves open and exposed. Gain another Herculean Appetite.
• Riches and Property • You learn one of your enemy’s weaknesses
• Fame and Glory • Your infuriate or terrify your enemy.
When you sate an appetite, heal yourself of 1 condition.
When you Push Yourself in pursuit of an appetite, gain Samson
Advanced Moves (lvl 10+)
two sources of Advantage instead of one. When you Push Yourself to break free of a restraint,
physical or mental, you automatically succeed and are
More! Always More!
Formidable free. When you satiate an appetite to the extreme
(destroying something unique and significant, gaining
You are best known for two terrible proficiencies. Choose:
enormous fame, riches, power, etc), choose two.
• Unencumbered, Unharmed: Your body and clothes Basking In Victory
• Mark 1 XP.
count as 1-armor as long as you aren’t restrained, When you Settle In, if you have sated at least one of
wearing armor, or wielding a shield. your appetites since last rest, gain +1 Armor until you • Heal yourself of an additional condition.
• Musclebound: When you wield a weapon, it becomes next Settle In. • Learn of an opportunity to pursue another
Forceful and Messy. appetite
• Immovable Object: The Forceful and Messy tags have Seasoned Wanderer • Exchange one appetite for another.
no effect on you. When you arrive someplace new, tell everyone about
• Unstoppable Force: You have advantage when one important local tradition, ritual, or similar. as well The Great Destroyer
Defying a moving danger (traps, swinging weapons, as how you came to learn this. When you Engage, on a 12+, choose something
etc) physical your target has (a weapon, their position, a
• Eye for Weakness: At any time you can ask the GM Khan of Khans limb); they lose it.
‘Who or what here is weak or vulnerable?” and they When you pay a follower’s cost with gratuitous
will tell you honestly without the need to Examine. fulfillment of one of your appetites, they Favor you. Sticks and Stones
• Walking Weapon: Your limbs and body are as You can use any Armor against any source of
formidable as the sharpest sword or heaviest hammer. Usurper conditions. For example, Armor from worn items can
You can fight and harm any opponent unarmed. While you are proven superior to someone in a now be used against conditions from social situations.
position of power, you have Advantage Ongoing Pushing Yourself still bypasses armor.
When you level up, you may gain another proficiency
towards their followers, underlings, and hangers-on.
instead of another benefit, up to a maximum of four
Ancestral Visions
When you perform a sacrificial ritual to consult

Advanced Moves When you level up you may

choose to learn one of these
your ancestral spirits (or gods, or your totem, etc),
name what you sacrifice and roll+WIS. On a 7+, the
spirits tell you of a great opportunity to fulfill an
What Are You Waiting For? appetite, On a 10+ they are especially pleased, and
When you cry out a challenge to your enemies, also grant you a boon, gift or insight proportional to
name one among them. For now, they will ignore your the sacrifice and relevant to your goals.
companions and treat you as the most obvious threat
to be dealt with.

Bard Background Choose one

Historian (+2 INT, +1 WIS)

Ask Who here...

...has entrusted me with a secret?

The songs to inspire peasantry and royals alike—to soothe the savage beast enamored with me?
or drive men to a frenzy—have to come from somewhere. Enter the bard. A You rarely leave your home; instead spending your
...thinks my songs and tales are of little value?
mere minstrel can retell a thing, but it takes a true bard to live it. Someone’s time collecting obscure folk wisdom and songs from
got to be there, fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with the soon-to-be-heroes.
Who better than you to write the tale of your own heroism? books.

When you use Bardic Knowledge, after the GM tells Answer Now or while adventuring

Name Examples: Baldric, Astrafel, Meredda, Kosil, Amaryllis, Lily,

you something interesting you can ask one follow-
up question which the GM will answer honestly.
What kind of art do you specialize in?

Additionally, when you heal with arcane art, you Who trained you in the arts you know?
a laughing name, a musical name, a catchy name
heal two conditions instead of one. What event recently shook the status quo?

Look Equipment: Bag of Books (5 Uses)

As much detail as you’d like, be it species, features, etc
Drive: Write something down at the most Favor Initially, you Favor the PC you are writing a story about

inopportune moment
I Favor...
Drive Name Details
Based on Background, see the Epiphany peripheral move
Wandering Minstrel (+2 CHA, +1 DEX)

You roam the land in search of stories of heroism to
share, and earn your keep telling your stories and
Based on your equipment and abilities, fill in the circles when you use armor singing your songs in taverns and inns.
I Am Favored By...
Your Arcane Art has 4 uses instead of 3.
Name Details
Choose your Background, then in write the rest as +1, 0, -1 in any order Additionally, when you curse a foe with Arcane Art
their armor is removed entirely for the scene.
Equipment: Adventuring Gear (5 Uses)

Drive: Share a short poem, song or tale about an

Weakened, Nautious Dizzy, Shaky, Stunned adventure that you personally witnessed.
You start with:
• 1 Wealth
INT WIS Folk Hero (+2 DEX, +1 STR) • An artistic tool or instrument of significant value
• The equipment from your Background
You’re a dashing rogue, adept at swordplay as well
as magic. With a quick smile and an even quicker
Choose one:
Dazed, Forgetful Confused, Exhausted blade, you’re one of the finest duelists in the land! • Leather Armor (1-Armor)
When you Engage with your rapier or a similar • Ostentatious Clothes (Valuable)
weapon one-on-one, you roll with +DEX instead of
Choose two:
• A Sword (Intimate/Close)
Starts at 1 Equipment: Rapier (Close, Piercing) • A Pistol (Near, Distinctive, Reload)
• An Extra 1 Wealth to your Name
Drive: Share a passionate moment with another, and/
• Supplies (3 Uses, Slow)
Scarred, Grumpy or provoke conflict with between two parties.
Starts at 0 • Pipeleaf (6 uses)

Starting Moves You get all of these
Scholarly Insight
Name a subject (Spells and Magicks, Unusual Beasts,
Steeped in Lore
When you spend downtime (hours or days) sifting
Gods and Their Servants, Grand Histories, etc.). When through rumours and information in a library,
Speak Softly
you Ponder this subject, you treat any result of a 6- as watering-hole, or other scholarly or social nexus,
When you Scrutinize someone by speaking openly and a 7-9. roll+INT. On a 10+ choose three. On a 7-9 choose two.
honestly with them, you can roll+CHA instead of +WIS, and
• You learn of a valuable treasure.
may ask an additional question, even on a 6-. If you ask this
extra question, they will ask you one in return. You may lie, Elder Arts • You learn of a dangerous enemy or group.
but if you do you can’t use this move on them again and When you weave magic into the shape of your • You learn something useful about an area’s
you lose their Favor forever. chosen art, choose one of the effects below. history, layout, or politics.
• Instill a powerful emotion
• Your research went unnoticed by your enemies.
• Lull into a deep and infectious slumber.
Arcane Art • Stun or entrance. For each one you choose, the GM might ask you “how
You start with 3 Art. When you invoke your potent magical Then, roll+CHA. On a 7+, the effect manifests in full, did you learn this?” Tell them the truth.
effects through your artistry, spend 1 Art and choose from affecting any number of Intelligent creatures you wish
below: for as long as you continue to perform your chosen Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better
• Wield your art like a weapon (Near, Distinctive, art. On a 10+, it will linger even after your performance When you spend some quality time with another PC,
Piercing) until the end of the scene. ends, if only for a while. erase any shared moves and choose to share a move
• Curse a foe, reducing their Armor by 2 until the end of with them or they share a move with you. Whoever
the scene. gains the move can use it a number of times equal to
• Heal an ally of a condition (including yourself). Well-Traveled your CHA.
When you return somewhere you’ve visited before
When you Let Fly using your art, you roll +CHA instead of
(your call), tell the GM when you were last here; they’ll Air of Honesty
tell you how it’s changed since then. When you next
When you Settle In, reset your Art to 3. When you Scrutinize someone who Favors you, you
Connect there, you treat any result of a 6- as a 7-9.
may use up their Favor for a +2 to the roll, similar to
Bardic Knowledge Unflinching When you use up someone’s Favor when Compelling
When you first encounter someone or something You have +1 Armor against conditions caused by social or Scrutinizing them, on a 6- you retain their Favor in
that you’ve heard tales, songs, or legends about (your situations or mental strain. addition to whatever the GM says.
call), tell the GM something interesting you’ve heard
about it. The GM will tell you what else you’ve heard that Encouraging Words
complicates things. When you Settle In, one ally of your choice (except
yourself) gains +1 Armor until you next Settle In. Advanced Moves (lvl 10+)
Gracious Performance
When you perform your chosen art - any act of expression Wide Audience Eldritch Tones
or culture - or put its product before an Intelligent When you use Gracious Performance or Elder Arts, When you use Gracious Performance, you gain +1
audience, roll+CHA. On a 10+, Hold 3. On a 7-9, Hold 1. you can also affect non-Intelligent creatures such as Hold, even on a 6-.
Spend Hold 1-for-1 to name an NPC in the audience and undead, animals, plants, and constructs. When you use Elder Arts, on a 12+, the effects will
choose one. persist until your next performance.
• This person must see me. Slippery
• This person must give me a gift. When you Gain The Edge by being a dashing rogue Buckle Thy Swash
• This person Favors me. (swing on a chandelier, charm someone for help, When you Defy in a 1-on-1 fight, on a 7+ you also
On a 6-, you suffer no harm or lost opportunity; you simply jump out of a window, etc), roll with Advantage. disarm, trip, or otherwise outmaneauver your enemy.
perform very well.
Throw Down the Gauntlet Bachelor of Arts
Advanced Moves When you level up you may
choose to learn one of these
When you demand a formal duel in response to an
insult, your opponent may use a substitute or propose
When you Settle In, gain 2 additional Art.
conditions, but they cannot decline.
Showstopper While you are in a formal duel, you have +1 Armor
When you make a showy, dramatic entrance into against your opponent and your attacks ignore their
a tense situation, describe your grand entrance and armor.
roll+CHA. On a 7+, everyone stops to watch and listen
until you finish your opening speech. On a 10+, your Close-Up
speech culminates into one bold, decisive action; When you Engage while wielding your art like a
you roll with Advantage on that move and ignore the weapon, roll+CHA instead of +STR.
penalty from conditions.

Cleric Background Choose one

Missionary (+2 WIS, +1 CHA)

Ask Who here... i think needs my guidance?

These lands are a godless mess. They’re lousy with the walking dead, beasts ...has consorted with an enemy of my deity?
of all sorts, and the vast unnatural spaces between safe and temple-blessed You were sent out into the world to teach about your
civilizations. That’s why it falls to you to proselytize with sword and mace and ...knows a secret about me or my faith?
deity and guide people in following them.
spell, to cleave deep into the witless heart of the wilds and plant the seed of
divinity there. God lives at the edge of a blade. Show the world who is lord.
When you Compel someone about your deity, you
may ask the GM ‘What is their largest doubt or fear?’ Answer Now or while adventuring

Name Examples: Durga, Lenore, Penrose, Drummond, Freya, Sara,

and they will answer truthfully. If you address this as
part of your Compel, roll with Advantage.
What part of your faith do you struggle with?
What is the greatest sacrifice you’ve made for your faith?
an old name, a sorrowful name, a common name
Equipment: Adventuring Gear (5 Uses) What has your deity promised you?

Look Drive: Bring relief to a suffering creature, plant or

As much detail as you’d like, be it species, features, etc

Favor Initially, you Favor the PC you received a vision about

I Favor...
Drive Warpriest (+2 WIS, +1 STR)
Name Details
Based on Background, see the Epiphany peripheral move Your faith has been tempered on the battlefield and
you are seasoned in fighting the enemies of your

Armor domain.

Based on your equipment and abilities, fill in the circles when you use armor When you Defy in order to use an Invocation, roll
with Advantage. I Am Favored By... Initially, your Deity Favors you.

Choose your Background, then in write the rest as +1, 0, -1 in any order Equipment: Healing Potion Name Details

STR DEX Drive: Harm another to prove the superiority of your


Weakened, Nautious Dizzy, Shaky, Stunned Acolyte (+2 WIS, +1 INT)

You spent years studying the ancient histories of your
You start with:
deity, as well as other religions and deities.
• Chainmail (1-Armor)
INT WIS When you Ponder religions or deities, roll with • A symbol of your faith
Advantage. • The equipment from your Background

Equipment: Bag of Books (5 Uses) Choose one:

Dazed, Forgetful Confused, Exhausted
Drive: Uncover a secret long forgotten, or endanger • Staff (Close, Hefty)
yourself by prying for more information. • Warhammer (Close, Forceful)

Choose two:
CHA LEVEL • A Shield (+1 Armor)
Starts at 1 • Adventuring Gear (5 Uses)
• 1 Wealth
Scarred, Grumpy XP Starts at 0
• Supplies (3 Uses, Slow)
• Pipeleaf (6 uses)

Starting Moves You get all of these Advanced Moves When you level up you may
choose to learn one of these
When you Examine or Scrutinize in order to find
Divine Agent Cloistered Wisdom your deity’s enemies, roll with Advantage.
You serve and worship a deity who grants you power. Give When you Ponder or Examine something pertaining
your god a name (maybe Helferth, Sucellus or Zorica): to your deity’s domains, you may roll +WIS instead of Beseech
Then, define your deity’s domains by filling in each answer: +INT. When you Compel your deity to grant you a boon or
guidance related to their domains, you may use up
• What they Control (the sun, the seas, the skies, etc)
their favor to automatically succeed as if you had rolled
• What they Represent (love, death, war, wind, etc) Thy Will Be Done
a 10+.
• Who Worships them (dwarves, nobles, wizards, etc) While your deity Favors you, so do all of their
• Their Enemies (demons, undead, heretics, etc) Miracle Worker
• Their Demands (sacrifices, secrets, victory, etc) When you use Thaumaturgy, you may ignore or veto
Lead the Flock
When you preach to a mob, roll+CHA. On a 10+, hold 3. one requirement of your choice.
Favored Servant On a 7-9, hold 1. At any time you may spend your hold,
While your deity Favors you, their domains react obviously 1-for-1, to have the mob:
to your presence (sunrays silhouette you, nobles bow
before you, demons hiss and flee, etc.).
• Bring people forward and deliver them to you.
• Bring forward all their precious things.
Advanced Moves (lvl 10+)
When you ask your deity how to gain their Favor, they • Unite and fight for you.
• Work together in a collaborative act Greatest Invocation (requires Greater Invocation)
will impose a task upon you related to their Demands.
When you complete it, mark 1 XP and gain their Favor. • Go quietly back to their lives. Gain the Greater benefit of two invocations you know.

Invocation Do Unto Others Apotheosis

When you call upon your deity’s power, choose an When you aid your deity’s worshippers or harm their When you take this move and spend some time
Invocation you know and roll+WIS, with Advantage if your enemies, you gain your deity’s Favor. establishing a unique and potent connection to
deity Favors you. On a 10+, your deity’s power flows through your deity, choose a feature associated with them
you and the effect comes to pass,. On a 7-9 the effect Greater Invocation (rending claws, wings of sapphire feathers, an all-
comes to pass but you must choose one. Gain the Greater benefit of an invocation you know. seeing third eye, etc). In recognition of your devotion
and faith, your deity bestows this gift upon you.
• The invocation’s Risk comes to pass.
• The effort is physically taxing. Take a condition of your My Faith is My Shield
choice. You have +1 Armor against your deity’s enemies. Anathema requires My Faith is My Shield
You inflict an extra condition (with both weapons and
• You lose your deity’s Favor.
You start with 2 Invocations known.
Rebuke invocations) when you harm your deity’s enemies.
When you slay those enemies, their bodies are
When you command an entity pertaining to
When you Level Up, you can choose to Learn a New disintegrated by holy wrath.
your deity’s domains, roll+WIS. On a 10+, they act
Invocation instead of another benefit. If you do, you also
according to both the letter and the spirit of your
regain your deity’s Favor if you don’t have it.
command. On a 7-9, only one; the GM will say which.
When one Invocation is ongoing, you can’t use another.
You can end an ongoing Invocation whenever you wish.
Divine Intervention
When you would Crumble while your deity Favors
you, your deity intervenes, saves you (a sudden gust of
When you petition your deity to perform a miracle that wind, a lucky slip, a burst of light, etc.), and no longer
pertains to their domains, tell the GM what you desire. Favors you. If you have all five conditions marked, clear
Miracles are always possible, but the GM will give you 1 to one.
4 of the following requirements (separated by “ANDs” and
Interfaith Studies
• It’s going to take days/weeks/months. When you encounter a faith or deity that you
• First you must ________. learned about (your choice), ask the GM about three
• You’ll need help from ________. of their domains and they will tell you truthfully.
• It will require ________.
• The effect will be unreliable or limited. Peaceful
• You and your allies will risk danger from ________. No one who recognizes your position will attack you
directly and unprovoked, unless they are an enemy of
• You’ll have to disenchant ________ to do it. your deity.

Miracle examples: Raise someone from the dead; call down an unnatural storm of acid rain and soul-clouds; restore someone’s missing limb; unravel the assorted dangers, threats, and grim portents of a front; summon a divine envoy. 14
Cleric Invocations
Cure Wounds Cause Fear (Ongoing) Freedom of Movement (Ongoing)
An ally you touch is either healed of 1 condition or Name an individual or a type of mortal creature. They A physical obstacle, hazard, or dangerous environment
cured of a mortal poison or disease. are filled with dread, causing them to recoil and back of your choosing no longer poses any threat to you.
Risk: The cure is temporary, ignore any penalties from away; the weak and cowardly among them must You don’t need to Defy this threat.
the condition/poison/disease for the scene. outright flee. Risk: It is still a threat, but you have Advantage
Greater: They either heal an extra condition or gain Risk: Many more or fewer creatures than you expected Ongoing to Defy it or similar.
Advantage Forward. are affected. Greater: The effect extends to nearby allies as well.
Greater: On a 12+, even the mighty and strong-willed
Divine Wrath must flee. Empower (Ongoing)
The awesome power of your deity harms an enemy Your deity has given you the ability to go beyond your
(Forceful, Distinctive, Piercing) Illuminate (Ongoing) limitations. Choose one of your stats. While the spell is
Risk: It isn’t Piercing A magical light is projected from a point you choose, ongoing, it is treated as +3 and ignores penalties from
piercing darkness, illusions, and other falsehoods or conditions.
Greater: On a 12+, they are also left momentarily
trickery. Risk: Once the effect ends, you suffer a condition of
stunned and helpless.
Risk: The enemies of your deity can sense the your choice from exhaustion.
disturbance caused by your divine magic for miles Greater: You can use this invocation on others. The
Divine Ward (Ongoing)
around. person who is empowered is the one who would suffer
An ally gains Advantage Ongoing to Defy, or is
Greater: The light is blinding to all who look upon it, the Risk.
protected from something pertaining to your deity’s
and enemies of your deity can’t bear to get near it.
Risk: They only gain Advantage Forward., or the Messenger
protection is temporary. Sanctuary (Ongoing) A message you speak is delivered to a person of your
As you cast this spell, you walk the perimeter of an choosing, no matter where they are.
Greater: On a 12+, all your allies are affected.
area, consecrating it to your deity. As long as you stay Risk: The message is delivered in a vague or difficult to
within this area, you are alerted whenever someone interpret way.
Contact Spirits acts with malice within it (including entering with Greater: When they receive the message, they can also
You can speak with the recently departed, or with a harmful intent). respond in kind.
soul of your choosing; its spirit is pulled back through Risk: The barrier is flawed; enemies of your deity
the planes, just close enough to speak to you and can still enter, undetected and unhindered by your
answer any one question you ask to the best of its Provision
ability. You miraculously have just the mundane item you
Greater: On a 12+, none can enter the sanctuary
Risk: The spirit is not bound to tell the truth or aid you. need, as if you had spent 1 use of Adventuring Gear.
without your express knowledge and consent.
Greater: On a 12+, you can ask it any number of Risk: You don’t have exactly what you need, but
questions you desire; it will answer them as best it can. something similar.
Greater: The item is of superb quality, gain Advantage
For the remainder of this scene, an ally gains +1 armor
Dismissal or inflicts an extra condition the next time they hurt
Forward the first time you use it.
Choose an otherworldly entity or spirit you can see; it is someone.
banished from this world or back to whatever tethers Risk: An enemy gains the same effect.
it here.
Greater: The ally gets both the armor and condition, or
Risk: It can choose to remain if it takes two conditions all nearby allies are affected (in the same way).
Greater: On a 12+, weaker entities are utterly destroyed. Speak in Tongues (Ongoing)
Stronger spirits are permanently banished from this
You can clearly speak with and understand any
place, with whatever tethers them here destroyed.
sentient creature.
Risk: Only one sentient creature can understand and
Bestow Curse
speak with you (that couldn’t normally).
A foe you touch has their armor reduced to 0 or is
Greater: Nearby allies can also affected.
struck by some supernatural disease, by blindness, or
by some other affliction for a few minutes.
Risk: You also suffer the effects of the curse.
Greater: On a 12+, the effect is permanent.

Druid Background Choose one

Earthbound (+2 WIS, +1 STR)

Ask Who here...

...have the spirits told me is in grave danger?

You are of the sacred spaces; you are born of soil and wear the marks of her ...has shown me a benefit of civilization?
spirits on your skin. You may have had a life before, maybe you were a city Your soul feels a close kinship with the deep places
...has tempted nature’s wrath?
dweller, but not now. You’ve given up that static shape. Listen to your allies
of the world. Worms and mushrooms are your family,
pray to their carved stone gods and polish their silver shells. Their gods are
children, their steel is false protection. You wear the pelts of the earth itself. and lightless tunnels your hallways.

You can clearly sense your surroundings, even when Answer Now or while adventuring

Name Examples: Hycarax, Elana, Weylan, Rose, Rehgar, Sigrial,

blinded or in pitch dark. What sickness spreads across the land?
Equipment: Medicine (2 Uses, Slow) Who are the most dangerous enemies of the wild?
an animal name, a elemental name, a nickname
What wondrous natural feature is nearby?
Drive: Hide or bury something

Look As much detail as you’d like, be it species, features, etc

Fangborn (+2 WIS, +1 DEX) Favor Initially, you Favor the PC you shared a secret rite with

You are bound to a specific animal above all others. I Favor...

Drive Your Tell reflects this animal, and you always possess
Name Details
Based on Background, see the Epiphany peripheral move its Instinct even when not shapeshifted.

In addition to the two you start with, you can

Armor shapeshift into your bound animal and you roll with
Based on your equipment and abilities, fill in the circles when you use armor Advantage to do so.
I Am Favored By...
Equipment: Supplies (3 Uses, Slow)
Name Details
Choose your Background, then in write the rest as +1, 0, -1 in any order
Drive: Alienate or push someone away
Spirit-touched (+2 WIS, +1 CHA)

Once you were of the ‘civilized’ world, but that all
Weakened, Nautious Dizzy, Shaky, Stunned
changed when you were marked by the spirits as
nature’s servant and given her gifts. You start with:
Natural creatures Favor you by default. • Leather Armor (1-Armor)
INT WIS • Adventuring Gear (5 Uses)
Equipment: Pipeleaf (6 Uses) • The Equipment from your background
Drive: Restore something to a healthy state
Choose one:
Dazed, Forgetful Confused, Exhausted • Sling (Near, Awkward, Reload) & Knife (Intimate/Near)
• Shillelagh (Close) and Shield (+1 Armor)

Attuned Creatures See the Shapeshifter

Starting Move
• Staff (Close, Hefty)

CHA LEVEL Starts at 1

Animal Instinct
Choose one:
• Healing Potion
• Bag of Books (5 Uses)

Scarred, Grumpy XP Starts at 0

• Trap Kit (Dangerous, Slow)

Starting Moves You get all of these Predator and Prey
Whenever you Examine, in addition to your normal
Eye of the Tiger
When you mark an animal with blood, mud, or dirt,
question you may ask ‘What are my animal instincts
At One With The World you can see through its eyes as if they were your own,
telling me?’ even on a 6-. no matter what distance separates you, and you can
You can speak with and understand animals, as well as
can shapeshift into its species. Only one animal may
closely study them and Compel them as if they were
people. You also have no need to eat or drink.
Rules of Nature be marked in this way at a time.
When you take the shape of a creature both

dangerous and fearsome, your attacks Pierce armor.
Advanced Moves (lvl 10+)
When you spend some time in a place, connecting with Barkskin
nearby creatures and spirits, roll+WIS. You will be granted Elemental Mastery (requires Environmentalist)
While your feet touch the ground, you have +2 Armor When you call upon primal elemental spirits (fire,
a vision of significance to you, your allies, or the spirits
against physical injuries. water, air, etc) to aid you, roll+WIS. On a 7+, they arrive
around you. On a 10+, the vision will be clear and helpful to
you. On a 7-9, the vision is unclear and murky. On a 6-, in act on your behalf. On a 10+ choose one, on a 7-9 both.
addition to whatever the GM says, the vision is upsetting, To Speak With the World Itself • The effort drains you, mark a condition
frightening, or traumatic; take disadvantage forward. When you partake in Communion, whatever the • They cause significant collateral damage.
result, you may ask any one question about the vision
you received. The spirits will answer you to the best of Weather Weaver
their knowledge and ability.
When you call upon the wilds to change your shape, When you call upon the spirits to create a strong
choose one of your attuned creatures and roll+WIS. On a weather phenomenon, roll+WIS. On a 10+ choose two,
10+, you transform quickly and without issue. On a 7-9, you The Bridge Between Worlds on a 7-9 choose one.
still transform, but you are put in a spot or draw unwanted You see the patterns that make up the fabric of the
• The phenomenon appears immediately and lasts
attention. world. You can now apply your Shapeshifter and
as long as you desire
At One With the World moves to inanimate natural
objects (plants and rocks) as well as pure elements • Nearby land is not permanently altered
While in an animal shape, you gain any innate abilities (fire, water, air, and earth). Work with the GM to define • None of your allies, wildlife or innocents are
and weaknesses of the form; claws, wings, gills, and so on. the qualities, limitations, and Instinct of such forms. directly harmed
You also gain the Instinct of your new form; this primal You learn one such Attuned transformation now.
urge is something innate to each creature and becomes a
More Beast Than Man
part of you while you are shifted.
Shed When you Shapeshift, gain Advantage Forward to
When you shapeshift after fulfilling your current pursue your shape’s Instinct.
When you try to change shape without having fulfilled shape’s Instinct, heal yourself of one condition.
your Instinct (including shifting back to normal), roll+WIS. Red of Tooth and Claw (requires Rules of Nature)
On a 10+ you succeed and all is well. On a 7-9 you succeed, Call of the Wild When you take the form of a creature both
but won’t be able to transform back into that creature dangerous and fearsome, your attacks are Brutal
When you openly cry to the natural beasts for aid,
until you reattune with it by fulfilling its Instinct. On a 6- and gain one of the following tags: Messy, Forceful or
choose a type of animal and roll+WIS. On a 7+ they
the GM says what will happen, perhaps you lose yourself in Vicious.
arrive to help you, on a 10+, choose two, and on a 7-9,
your animal form and run away or turn on your allies.
choose one:
• They terrify, intimidate or distract an enemy
You begin play with two Attuned Creatures.
• They arrive immediately, without delay
• They cause no collateral damage
When you Level Up, you may choose to add two more
Attuned Creatures to your list instead of another benefit.
When you inflict a condition, gain 1 Balance.
When you touch someone and channel the spirits of

Advanced Moves When you level up you may

choose to learn one of these
life, you may spend Balance. For each 2 Balance spent,
heal 1 condition.
When you Settle In or otherwise rest, lose all Balance.
When you call upon nature to aid you against a foe, Earthly Disciple
name a suitable part of your surroundings (deep roots, When you Compel an animal or spirit, you may roll
rocky cliffs, flowing wind, etc.) and roll+WIS. On a 7+ +WIS instead of +CHA.
your foe is temporarily hampered or trapped. On a 10+
When you Ponder animals, nature, or the balance of
you also inflict a condition.
life, you may roll +WIS instead of +INT.

Instinct examples: smash and tear, fly free and without care, prey upon the weak and isolated, consume and devour, skulk and ambush, weave webs and victimise the foolish, assault and challenge the brave or strong. 17
Fighter Background Choose one

Champion (+2 STR, +1 CHA)

Ask Who here...

...thinks I’ll cause more trouble than I’m worth?

It’s a thankless job—living day to day by your armor and the skill of your arm. ...have I saved from certain doom?
While your traveling companions might moan about their wounds around a Gladiator, hero, warlord - you’ve been at least one of
campfire in the wilderness, you bear your scars with pride. Your friends may I suspicious of?
these things, if not more, and it’s taught you where
carry blades of forged steel but, fighter, you are steel. Let every danger smash
itself to dust on you. In the end, you’ll be the last one standing. the battle truly lies; in the hearts and eyes of the
Answer Now or while adventuring

Name Examples: Hawk, Finnegan, Cadeus, Lenna, Brianne, Tas,

When you enter a fight or deliver a killing blow, you
become the center of attention.
What is your biggest regret?
What do you do when not fighting?
a humble name, an ancient name, a royal name
Equipment: 2 Wealth What important battle recently occured?

Look Drive: Ensure someone will never forget your power

As much detail as you’d like, be it species, features, etc Favor Initially, you Favor the PC you’ve fought back-to-back with

Veteran (+2 STR, +1 WIS)

I Favor...
Drive Whether on the front lines or ‘peaceful’ patrols, you’ve
Name Details
Based on Background, see the Epiphany peripheral move learned to always trust your gut.

Whenever you’d like, you may ask the GM “What

Armor gives me a bad feeling about this?” They will answer
Based on your equipment and abilities, fill in the circles when you use armor truthfully, though not necessarily in full detail.
I Am Favored By...
Equipment: Supplies (3 uses)
Choose your Background, then in write the rest as +1, 0, -1 in any order Name Details
Drive: Teach someone a lesson
Knight (+2 STR, +1 DEX)
Whether for a monarch, a cause or a principle, you
Weakened, Nautious Dizzy, Shaky, Stunned
fought to uphold and protect others. Equipment
When you taunt or aggravate someone in a fight, You start with:
spend 1 Momentum to redirect harm from an ally to • A Signature Weapon (see Assets on page 8)
INT WIS yourself. • Scale Armor (2-Armor, Clumsy)
• The equipment from your Background
Equipment: Adventuring Gear (5 Uses)

Drive: Refuse help, an advantage, or a boon because Choose two:

Dazed, Forgetful Confused, Exhausted
of honor • Crossbow (Near, Distinctive, Reload)
• Hidden Knives (Intimate/Near, Infinite)
• Spear (Close/Near)

• Shield (+1 Armor)
• A Healing Potion
Starts at 1
• Medicine (2 Uses)
• Flask of Whiskey (2 Uses)
Scarred, Grumpy XP Starts at 0
• Pipeleaf (6 Uses)

Starting Moves You get all of these Quarterback Narsil
When you forcefully grab or tackle a foe, roll + STR. Your signature weapon gains 1 additional
Battle Momentum On a 7+ you do it, unless they large or strong they’re enhancement, 3 in total.
disabled while you hold them. On a 7-9 they struggle
You understand the back and forth rhythm of a fight
better than most. When suffer or inflict a physical
for a bit at first, inflicting a condition in the process. Steel Gaze
condition during a fight, gain 1 Momentum. During a When you enter combat, roll+CHA. On a 10+, Hold 2.
fight, you may spend Momentum for the following: Riddle of Steel On a 7-9, Hold 1. During the fight you can spend your
Crossing blades with someone counts as intimate and Hold, 1-for-1 to make eye contact with an NPC present,
• (3) Restore 1 of your Armor
prying conversation for the purposes of Scrutinizing who freezes or flinches and can’t act until you break it
• (3) Inflict an extra condition on an attack them. When you Scrutinize someone you’re fighting, off. On a 6-, your enemies immediately identify you as
• (2) Gain Advantage Forward to Engage or Let Fly roll with Advantage. their biggest threat
You can have a maximum of 5 Momentum, and at the end
of a fight it resets to 0. Percussive Counterspell
Knot Expert When you interrupt a spell or magical effect using
Armed and Ready When you tie up someone whom you have grappled, force, roll+STR. On a 10+ you successfully interrupt it.
You’re used to wearing heavy armor, and it doesn’t slow or disabled, using rope, chains, manacles or similar, it On a 7-9 the spell is reduced or rebounded in some
you down or make you clumsy. You ignore the Clumsy tag is always quick and never dangerous. way, the GM will say how.
on armor you’re wearing. When you’re up close and personal with a wizard or
Amateur Smith spellcaster, you automatically inflict a condition on
When you Settle In, you can repair a single item of them whenever they cast a spell.
Particular Set of Skills
damaged or destroyed equipment.
When you Compel with threats of violence, roll with
When you Defy in battle, you may spend 1 Momentum
Advanced Moves (lvl 10+)
to roll with Advantage.
When you want to destroy an object, be it a building, Expert Smith (replaces Apprentice Smith)
magical artifact, or obstacle, tell the GM what it is. It
is always possible, but the GM will give you 1 to 4 of the
Basic Training When you rest, you can repair all damaged or
You’ve gotten used to the tireless marches, late destroyed equipment, and change the assets of your
following requirements (separated by “ANDs” and “ORs”);
nights, early mornings and backbreaking labor. You signature weapon from one to another.
• It’s going to take hours/days/weeks. are unaffected by all but the most extreme forms of
• First you must ________. exhaustion. When you Settle In, you can stay up all Master Stroke
• You’ll need help from ________. night on watch without feeling tired. When you roll a 12+ on Engage, you can inflict an
• You’ll need to use ________. extra condition and avoid their attack.
• It will be easy/difficult to repair Eye For Danger
• You and your allies will risk danger from ________. When you Scrutinize a dangerous NPC, the GM will I’ll Take That (requires Like Water Upon Rocks)
also reveal to you an ability or tactic they can use. When you completely avoid a blow from a melee
• You’ll have to use up/wear out ________ to do it.
weapon, you may spend 2 Momentum to steal that
On No You Don’t weapon for yourself.
When you stop someone from leaving your reach,
Advanced Moves When you level up you may
choose to learn one of these roll with Advantage. Andúril (requires Narsil)
Your signature weapon gains 1 additional
Like Water Upon Rocks Battle-Scarred enhancement, 4 in total.
When you harm someone, you may spend 2 You have +1 Armor against conditions from physical
Momentum to destroy a weapon or disable a form of harm. Battle Master
attack. When you enter a fight, gain 2 Momentum. Your
I Aim to Misbehave maximum Momentum is now 7.
Field Medic When you use Demolitionist, you may ignore or veto
When you heal someone with Supplies or Medicine, one requirement of your choice.
you or your patient (your choice) refreshes 1 armor.

Grudge Match
When you attack someone in public, such as in a
street or ballroom, no one will intervene as long as it’s
just you two until someone is killed.

Demolitionist examples: starting a cave-in, breaking a wall down, blowing up a building, shattering a renowned sword, dropping a magical ring into a volcano 19
Immolator Background Choose one

Chosen of the Sun (+2 CHA, +1 WIS)

Ask Who here...

...has been burned by my flames?

You found power through a path wrought in fire and pain. You made a enamored with me?
sacrifice, then and there, freely given, for powers beyond the ken of mere You received your fire when the great Sun chose you
mortals. And it feels so, so good. You’re the wildcard now. The uncaged flame, trying to control me?
to accomplish its shining will, and gave you a portion
burning with passion and leaving ruin in your wake. Live fast, die young, and
make sure you’re not the one who’s gotta pick up all the pieces. of its power.

You have the Invocation move from the Cleric Answer Now or while adventuring

Name Examples: Omen, Leoric, Agar, Ignis, Prynne, Solomon, Isil,

playbook, know one Invocation, and cannot gain
or lose the Sun’s Favor. You cannot learn more
What happened the last time your flames truly got out of
an unhinged name, a bold name, a weird name invocations when you advance. What did you sacrifice to gain your fire?
While in direct sunlight, you have Advantage to use What forboding vision did the flames show you?
Look your Invocation, as if you had the Sun’s Favor.

As much detail as you’d like, be it species, features, etc
Equipment: Shield (+1 Armor) Initially, you Favor the PC who is least impressed by you

Drive: Bring to light a secret or scheme
I Favor...
Based on Background, see the Epiphany peripheral move
Name Details
Heart of the Phoenix (+2 CHA, +1 STR)

Armor You acquired your fire when you died and were
Based on your equipment and abilities, fill in the circles when you use armor reborn. You may have ‘died’ several times since then,
but it doesn’t seem to stick with you.
I Am Favored By...
Choose your Background, then in write the rest as +1, 0, -1 in any order When you Crumble, replace ‘Die’ with ‘Die for now,
Name Details
but return to life when we next Settle In.’
Equipment: Adventuring Gear (5 Uses)

Drive: Reveal your deathless nature to someone new.

Weakened, Nautious Dizzy, Shaky, Stunned

Practiced Enlightenment (+2 CHA, +1 DEX) Equipment

You start with:
You connected with your fire through a long season
INT WIS of dangerous training and sweltering meditation,
• 1 Wealth
• A Bundle of Torches (5 Uses)
and you have the scars to prove it.
• The equipment from your Background
You have +1 Armor against fire, even if it’s magical.
Dazed, Forgetful Confused, Exhausted This armor cannot be ignored or Pierced. Choose one:
• Leather Armor (1-Armor)
Equipment: Pipeleaf (6 Uses)
• Flame Resistant Clothes
Drive: Correct someone’s recklessness
CHA LEVEL Starts at 1
Choose two:
• Sword (Intimate/Close)
• Dirk (Intimate)

Scarred, Grumpy XP Starts at 0

• 1 Wealth
• Supplies (3 Uses, Slow)
• Flask of Whiskey (2 Uses)

Starting Moves You get all of these
You have an animal companion (see Followers on
Twice as Bright, Half as Long
While channeling your fire, you may treat one of your
Firebrand page 7). This companion has an additional descriptor: missed rolls as a 7-9, or a 7-9 as a 10+. Tell the GM what
Affinity for Fire: This follower cannot be harmed by you’ve lost to make this come to pass; (an emotion, a
You can manipulate fire in a variety of cosmetic ways fire or heat, even of a magical nature. memory, etc). It’s gone forever, right now.
such as: dimming, flaring, sparking, changing color, and
creating shapes and images in the flames. You can also use
existing sources of fire as a weapon (near, vicious). Choose Smokestep Eye for Destruction
one trait of your fire now: When you obscure yourself with a cloud of smoke, At any time, ask the GM “What here is flammable?”
ash or cinders, you can instantly transport yourself They will answer truthfully.
• Conjured: You can create your own fire rather than
anywhere within the cloud, or to another nearby cloud.
relying on something burning.
• Controlled: You deal reduced collateral damage, allies Impressive Scars
(including NPCs) have +1 Armor against your fire.
Everburning You ignore the penalty from CHA conditions.
When you imbue an object with a portion of your
• Malleable: Your fire gains the Intimate and Close tags. fire, it will burn with a dim, heatless flame without
• Expansive: Your fire gains the Area tag.
• Long-Reaching: Your fire gains the Far tag.
being consumed. For each one you choose below, take
an ongoing -1 to Firebrand. Advanced Moves (lvl 10+)
When you fight using fire as a weapon, roll+CHA. On a 7+ • The flame is not heatless, the object burns foes
hurt your foe, on a 7-9 choose two, on a 10+ choose one. when used as a weapon. Blades of Chaos (requires Infernal Weapon)
• The flame is bright, and will illuminate shadows, Your fire gains an additional trait, and has the Messy
• You cause unintended collateral damage.
uncover illusions and reveal invisibility. and Forceful tags when wielded as a weapon.
• You draw unwanted attention. • The flame remains connected to you, you can see
• Take -1 Ongoing to Firebrand until you next Settle In. and hear everything near the object. By Fire Be Purged
Objects do not need to be flammable to be imbued When you burn away a magical enchantment,
From The Ashes this way. You may take your portion back at any time compulsion or curse, roll+CHA. On a 10+ it is destroyed.
by touching the object. On a 7-9 choose one:
When you burn a sacrifice and stare deeply into the
flames, ask the GM one question about it or that which • The effect is only cleaned partially or temporarily.
is associated with it (owners, loved ones, history, etc.) Signal Flare • The cleansing has left its mark on its subject (they
and roll+CHA. On a 7+ you see a vision in the flames that When you shoot a burst of fire high into the air, you suffer a condition)
answers your question, the GM will describe it. On a 10+ do it. It hovers above you for minutes for everyone • The cleansing draws unwanted attention from the
the vision is clear and obvious. On a 7-9 the vision is vague, within miles to see. Anyone who has seen you use your true source of the magic.
shadowy, or metaphorical. fire knows that it is yours.
Watch the World Burn
Mesmeric Infernal Weapon When you channel the flames and call down a
When you have time and privacy with someone and you Your fire gains an additional trait. firestorm, tell the GM what you’re sacrificing and
impose your fiery will upon them, roll+CHA. On a 10+, hold roll+CHA. The sky open ups and fire pours like rain
within an area proportionate to your sacrifice;
2. On a 7-9, hold 1. They can spend your hold, 1-for-1, by: Burning Hearts
everyone and everything in the area is severely hurt
• Giving you something they think you want. When you gaze intensely into someone’s eyes, you
(2 conditions). On a 10+, you can extinguish the storm
• Doing something you tell them to do. may ask their player “what is your deepest desire?”
with a little effort. On a 7-9, the fires rage out of control,
They’ll answer with the truth, even if the character
• Fighting to protect you. spreading and dusting where they are carried by wind
does not know or would otherwise keep this hidden.
• Favoring you. and weather. On a 6-, something cruel, intelligent, and
If they’re an NPC, they can’t act out against you until your hungry comes with the storm.
Don’t Blink
Hold is spent. If they’re a PC, you can spend your Hold, When you stand your ground before a creature of
1-for-1, to: fire, such as an elemental or a dragon, roll+CHA. On a
Dragon of the West (requires Agni Kai)
• Distract them with the thought of you, forcing them 10+ you have earned its begrudging respect and it will When you Defy fire or heat, on a 12+ choose one:
to Defy it if they want to act. not attack you (for now). On a 7-9 it won’t attack you • You turn the attack back on itself (if applicable)
• Inspire them with the thought of you, giving them +1 for now but it grows impatient. The GM will tell you • You restore your own flame from theirs (any -1s to
Forward. what to do to be spared its wrath. Firebrand are removed)

From Hell’s Heart

Advanced Moves When you level up you may
choose to learn one of these
Whenever you manipulate fire, you may bring forth
the black fires of hell itself. This hellfire gives off no
heat and Pierces armor, scorching the soul itself. Those
Agni Kai creatures without souls are left unharmed.
When you Defy to protect yourself or another from
fire or heat, roll with Advantage.
Paladin Background
Pilgrim (+2 CHA, +1 WIS)
Choose one Ask Who here... keeping something from me?

Hell awaits. An eternity of torment in fire or ice or whatever best suits the sins ...did I once defy my vows to help?
of the damned throngs of this world. All that stands between the pits of that You overcame incredible odds to find your strength,
grim torture and salvation is you. Only you. Yours is the gift of righteousness ...helped me when I was desperate?
but you still trust and treasure those you care for.
and virtue—of justice, of Vision, too. So guide these fools, paladin. Take up
your holy cause and bring salvation to the wastrel world. Vae victis.
When you restore someone with Healing Hands, you
can choose two additional effects. Answer Now or while adventuring

Name Examples: Thaddeus, Augustine, Regulus, Octavia, Brom,

Equipment: Healing Potion What corruptable authority rules over these lands?
By what significant act earned you your authority?
Kyra, an common name, a unusual name, a peasant name Drive: Endanger yourself to protect or help someone
Who suffered when you erred in judgement?

Look Hero (+2 STR, +1 CHA)

As much detail as you’d like, be it species, features, etc
You are dauntless in your noble pursuits, and you will
Favor Initially, you Favor the PC you once considered an enemy

stop at nothing to see them done. I Favor...

Drive When you accomplish a notable deed in pursuit of Name Details
Based on Background, see the Epiphany peripheral move
a Virtue or Quest, gain Advantage Forward.

Armor Equipment: Adventuring Gear (5 Uses)

Based on your equipment and abilities, fill in the circles when you use armor Drive: Lead another to act despite fear or doubt.
I Am Favored By...

Choose your Background, then in write the rest as +1, 0, -1 in any order Judge (+2 WIS, +1 DEX) Name Details

STR DEX Whether through lawful appointment or public

respect, you are the open hand of redemption, and
the clenched fist of punishment.

Weakened, Nautious Dizzy, Shaky, Stunned When a Paladin move asks you to roll +CHA, or
when you Compel with honest terms, you may roll
+WIS instead. You start with:
• A symbol of your authority
Equipment: Crossbow (Near, Distinctive, Reload)
INT WIS • Supplies (3 Uses, Slow)
Drive: Judge a helpless enemy, either denying them • Scale Armor (2-Armor, Clumsy)
mercy or setting them free. • The equipment from your Background

Dazed, Forgetful Confused, Exhausted

Choose one:
• Halberd (Close, Hefty)
• Sword (Intimate/Close)

CHA LEVEL Choose two:

Starts at 1 • Shield (+1 Armor)
• 1 Wealth
Scarred, Grumpy XP Starts at 0
• A Healing Potion
• Some Pipeleaf (6 Uses)
• Flask of Whiskey (2 Uses)

Starting Moves You get all of these Advanced Moves When you level up you may
choose to learn one of these
Judge, Jury
When you use I Am the Law, on a 12+, all three choices
Devout Virtue occur.
Inspiring Bravery
You adhere to a strict moral code that grants you power When you charge headfirst into danger, you and
beyond that wielded by normal folk. Choose two of the those who join you each gain Advantage forward. Healthy Distrust
following vows: Whenever you Defy dark, corrupt, or chaotic magic
wielded by your foes, treat any result of a 6- as a 7-9.
• Justice: Suffer not a crime unpunished. When you Rotten Stench
question a defeated, captured, or willing individual, Whenever you Examine regarding outlaws or evil
you can stare into their eyes to know if they are lying creatures, roll with Advantage. Virtuous
or not. Take another vow from Devout Virtue.
• Mercy: Let no innocent creature suffer in your Quest
presence. Whenever you heal someone else, you are When you dedicate yourself to a mission through Last Stand
also healed of one condition. prayer, meditation, ritual cleansing, etc., state what When you mark your fourth condition, refresh all of
• Courage: Refuse to let those who have power abuse you set out to do (such as discover the truth about your Armor.
it. As long as you physically stand in defense of someone or something, or slay a blight on the land).
another, they will not be targeted or harmed. The GM will give you a blessing (a voice that transcends
• Purity: Abstain from mortal pleasures and finery. You language, an invulnerability to bladed weapons, etc);
stay true to your goal, and this blessing remains yours.
Advanced Moves (lvl 10+)
are immune to all mortal poisons and diseases.
When you complete your Quest, mark XP and lose the
• Loyalty: Remain true to your word and to your allies.
Absolute Authority
When you speak the truth, none can doubt you. They When you roll a 12+ to Command, your follower
might deny what you say, but in their hearts they transcends their moment of fear and doubt and carry
recognise the truth and conviction of your words. Booming Timbre out your order with particular effectiveness.
• Penitence: Do not needlessly kill intelligent When you raise your voice, it carries far and cuts
creatures. When trying to prevent a conflict, roll with through even the cacaphony of battle. You also have Hunting the Grail (requires Quest)
Advantage. Advantage when Commanding a Follower. When you Quest, receive two Blessings instead of one.

I Am The Law Back To The Abyss Smite Evil

When you give an NPC an order based on your authority, You inflict an extra condition when you harm undead, When you condemn an outlaw or evil creature for
roll+CHA. On a 7+ they either flee, attack, or follow your demons or similar foul horrors, and your attacks can their misdeeds, your weapon is engulfed in a searing,
order. On a 7-9 choose one, on a 10+ choose two: fully affect incorporeal creatures. magical light. Your attacks against them inflict an
• If they do anything other than follow your order, gain extra condition.
Advantage Forward with them. Divine Favor
• They reveal a piece of relevant information to you Your virtuous acts have earned you favor by a deity. Executioner (requires Judge, Jury)
(unwittingly or otherwise) . Gain access to the Cleric’s Divine Agent and Invocation When you use I Am The Law and your target chooses
moves. Learn 1 Invocation now and gain your deity’s to attack, you may immediately and automatically
• They cannot flee.
Favor. You cannot learn Invocations when you inflict a condition on them
regularly Level Up. When you go above and beyond in
Armed and Ready following a vow, gain your Deity’s favor. There Are No Chains On Me
You ignore the Clumsy tag on armor you’re wearing.
When you go out of your way to act against one of
Ride For Ruin! your Devout Virtues, instead of losing access to its
Healing Hands When you give an inspiring speech to your allies ability you alter and change the virtue and ability to
When you treat someone with Supplies or Medicine, before facing a dire threat, roll+CHA. On a 7+, each a new one that fits how you acted. It is up to you how
mark off a use of as normal and choose one additional ally takes 2 Inspiration, and on a 7-9, the GM gains 2 ‘virtuous’ this new ability is at all.
effect: Fear. On a 6-, the GM gains 3 Fear. During the battle,
When you change playbooks, you can keep these
each ally can spend their Inspiration 1-for-1, to:
• Ignore the Slow tag altered Virtues if you wish.
• Act fearlessly against terrifying foes or odds.
• The patient gains Advantage Forward • Gain +1 armor Once you have altered a virtue you may no longer
• Heal one disease (Medicine only) • Make their attack ignore armor take any more paladin moves as Advancements.
During the battle, the GM can spend Fear to:
Chains of Faith • Have an ally roll with disadvantage
Whenever you fail to act in accordance to one of your • Have an enemy inflict an additional condition on
Devout Virtues, depending on the severity of your actions, an attack
you may lose access to that vow and its associated benefits
until you atone for your misdeeds. The GM will tell you Divine Spirit (requires Divine Favor)
what you must do. Learn another Cleric Invocation.
Ranger Background Choose one

Raised By Wolves (+2 DEX, +1 CHA)

Ask Choose one

...did I guide out of a perilous situation?

Guide. Hunter. Creature of the wilds. You are these things and more. Your being hunted?
time in the wilderness may have been solitary until now, but the call of some You’ve lived with the critters and creatures of nature
greater thing—call it fate if you like—has cast your lot with these folk. Brave, trying to ‘civilize’ me?
just as much, if not more, than your own kind.
they may be. But only you know the secrets of the spaces between. Without
you, they’d be lost. Blaze a trail through the blood and dark, strider.

You can speak with and understand animals and
other wild things, and you begin play with a trusted Now or while adventuring

Name Examples: Throndir, Jonah, Ysolt, Dianna, Celion, Eloise,

animal companion (see Followers on page 7).
What perilous landscape have you yet to traverse?

Gendrig, an animal name, a posh name, a nickname

Equipment: Medicine (2 Uses, Slow) What treacherous foe once escaped you?

Drive: Learn something new of nearby wildlife What was destroyed the last time you made a mistake?

Look As much detail as you’d like, be it species, features, etc Favor Initially, you Favor the PC you want to teach your ways to

Warden (+2 DEX, +1 WIS)

I Favor...
Drive You are a protector of the great wilderness, and have
Name Details
Based on Background, see the Epiphany peripheral move learned to always take precautions.

When you Flashback, spend 1 less Prep.

Armor Equipment: Trap Kit (Slow, Dangerous)
Based on your equipment and abilities, fill in the circles when you use armor
Drive: Alienate or endanger yourself for nature’s sake I Am Favored By...

Choose your Background, then in write the rest as +1, 0, -1 in any order Name Details

Hunter (+2 WIS, +1 STR)

You have devoted yourself to hunting the unnatural
things that skulk around in the darkness of the wilds.
Your intuition helps you instantly react to any danger,
Weakened, Nautious Dizzy, Shaky, Stunned
at any time. Equipment
You are never caught off-guard or surprised. You You start with:
always act first, even if someone gets the drop on you. • Leather Armor (1-Armor)
INT WIS Equipment: Flask of Whiskey (2 Uses)
• Adventuring Gear (5 Uses)
• The equipment from your Background
Drive: Stop or pursue a dangerous threat
Choose one:
Dazed, Forgetful Confused, Exhausted
• A Pair of keen-edged Axes (Intimate/Close, Vicious
when used together).
• A Spear (Close/Near) and Shield (+1 Armor)
• A Fine Bow (Near/Far, Reload)
CHA LEVEL Starts at 1 Choose two:
• Healing Potion

Scarred, Grumpy XP Starts at 0

• Bag of Books (5 Uses)
• Enchanted Arrows (3 Uses)
• Some Pipeleaf (6 Uses)
• Supplies (3 Uses, Slow)
Starting Moves You get all of these
Scout Ahead
When you go off on your own to explore a dangerous
Trackless Strider
You know the lay of the land. When you move with
area, roll+DEX. On a 7+, you make it back safely; the care and calm, you make no noise and leave no trace
Bestiary Knowledge of your passage. You have Advantage on Gain the Edge
GM will describe what you encountered. On a 10+,
You are learned about the natural world. When you choose three. On a 7-9, choose two: in the wilderness.
Ponder the wilds and its creatures or monsters, you roll
• Ask the GM one question as if you rolled a 7-9 on
with Advantage. Athelas
Examine (you can choose this multiple times)
When you first encounter a beast or monster with which When you search for makeshift or foraged medicine
• You bring something interesting or useful back
you are familiar (your call), you may ask the GM any one and treat someone with it, roll+WIS. On a 7+, you are
question about it, and they’ll tell you the truth. • Gain 1 Prep due to preparations made there.
able to heal them of one condition (Slow). On a 10+ you
• You got away clean, rousing no suspicion. also gain 1 use of Medicine from the surplus.
Citizen of the Wild On a 6-, you can choose one above and one below, or
When you Navigate as a guide, roll+WIS instead of come back empty-handed: Know Your Enemy
+nothing, and after the GM makes their choices you can • You make it back, but trouble is hot on your heels. When you Ponder creatures, monsters or the wild,
• You’re missing in action; details to be revealed roll with WIS.
veto one of them.
Favored Quarry
When you declare a specific type of enemy (goblins, One Shot, One Kill
Ready For Anything When you attack from ambush, roll with Advantage
mages, ghosts, etc) to be your Favored Quarry, say
You are always prepared for the unexpected. Start with 4 how their kind wronged you and what revenge you or outright harm them, the GM will say which.
Prep. You can spend Prep 1-for-1 to: plan to unleash in return. Until you get your revenge in
• Ignore armor on an attack full you cannot declare another Favored Quarry. Your Backup Plans
• Roll with Advantage when Defying a threat Favored Quarry: Your Prep resets to 6 instead of 4.
When you Settle In, reset Prep to 4. • can never take you by surprise
• and is always treated as a creature and monster
for the purposes of moves
Prepared For Battle
Flashback • takes an extra condition from all of your attacks
When you enter a battle, gain 1 Prep.
When you declare how you prepared for something in
advance, spend Prep as determined by the GM using the
Big Game Hunter
guideline below:
• 1 Prep - Ordinary action, easy opportunity, no rolls
There is always some creature or monster nearby that Advanced Moves (lvl 10+)
needs to be dealt with. Whenever you like, tell the
required, a short time ago
GM there is a monster nearby. Then answer one of the Knowledge Is Power
• 2 Prep - Complex action, unlikely opportunity, one roll two questions on each point below. The GM will use When you Ponder or Examine a creature or monster,
required, some time ago the other questions in secret. on a 12+ gain 1 Prep.
• 3 Prep - Elaborate action, special opportunity, several • How big is it? / How many are there?
rolls required, a long time ago Ready For Everything
• Where is its lair? / What are its defenses?
When you roll as part of a flashback, the GM may choose You may spend 1 Prep to gain Advantage on any roll,
• What can it do? / What valuables might it have?
to cost extra Prep as an alternative consequence. If you’re not just Defy.
already at 0 Prep, take an appropriate condition. When you show authorities proof that the monster is
dealt with, gain Wealth equal to your WIS.
Grisly Trophy
When you slay a dangerous creature, you may
Advanced Moves When you level up you may
choose to learn one of these
Animal Whisperer
When you approach a dangerous animal carefully,
impart some of its power into a trophy (horn, claw,
skull, etc). The GM will give you one nonmagical move
presenting yourself as no threat, roll+WIS. On a 10+
the creature had; while you wear this trophy, you may
Keep Them Busy it watches you carefully, but will not attack unless
perform that move by Defying the trophy’s influence.
When you assault and harass a foe to provoke, lure provoked. On a 7-9 you must offer it something it
You may only wear and benefit from one trophy at a
or confuse them, roll+DEX. On a 10+, choose 2. On a wants (food, prey, territory).
time, but you can give them to your allies to use if you
7-9, choose 1. so wish.
• An ally gains Advantage Forward against them Tools of the Trade
• You avoid their counterattack When you know of a specific weapon, tool, or
• You force them to move where you want them substance that will aid in the slaying of a creature,
you can carefully unpack your arsenal and start
searching. If it’s relatively cheap (1 Wealth) and
You Activated My... common, you have it; if it’s expensive, rare, or unique,
When you set up a Trap Kit into a trap, you and your
you must spend 2 Prep to have it on you.
allies can maneuver within and around it without
any danger. Additionally, gain Advantage against any
target while it is caught in a trap that you set.
Thief Background Choose one

Criminal (+2 DEX, +1 STR)

Ask Who here...

...knows where I stashed some loot?

You count your coins and smile to yourself—this is the thrill above all. Without planning something alongside me?
you, every one of your companions would have been dissected by a flying You’ve lead what is easily described as a “colorful”
guillotine or poisoned straight to death by some ancient needle trap. So let ...thinks I’m the scum of the earth?
life. And just when you think your past is truly behind
them complain about your misdeeds. When you’re done with all this you’ll
toast their heroes’ graves. From your castle. Full of gold. You rogue. you, it regularly rears its ugly head.

When you Ponder or Examine the underworld or Answer Now or while adventuring

Name Examples: Dominic, Kieran, Lila, Scars, Riley, Raven, Marlow,

criminal activities, roll with Advantage.
What valuable treasure are you after?

Felix, a sly name, a grimy name, a bitter name

Equipment: Two doses of your Poison (see Poisoner) What group wants to see you behind bars?

Drive: Take an especially unlikely and dangerous risk Who is your greatest rival?

Look As much detail as you’d like, be it species, features, etc

Treasure Hunter (+2 DEX, +1 WIS) Favor Initially, you Favor the PC who got you out of a tough spot.

You fancy yourself a delver of lost treasure. Usually, I Favor...

Drive you come up empty-handed. But those other times
Name Details
Based on Background, see the Epiphany peripheral move (rare as they might be) make it all worthwhile.

When you Defy Traps, roll with Advantage.

Armor Additionally, when you Examine, no matter the
Based on your equipment and abilities, fill in the circles when you use armor outcome you may also ask, “Is there treasure here that
I don’t know about?” I Am Favored By...

Choose your Background, then in write the rest as +1, 0, -1 in any order Equipment: Adventuring Gear (5 Uses) Name Details

STR DEX Drive: Increase your wealth at someone else’s expense

Trickster (+2 CHA, +1 DEX)

Weakened, Nautious Dizzy, Shaky, Stunned
Deceptions, half-truths and scams are your speciality. Equipment
You might be more comfortable in another’s skin
You start with:
than your own.
• 2 Wealth
INT WIS When Defying to pass yourself off as someone else, • A Treasure (Valuable)
roll with Advantage. • Leather Armor (1-armor)
• The equipment from your Background
Equipment: A Disguise Kit (5 Uses, costs 2 Wealth).
Dazed, Forgetful Confused, Exhausted Spend 1 use to make yourself look like a totally Choose one:
different person. • Wicked Knife (Intimate, Vicious)
• Rapier (Close, Piercing)
Drive: Get someone to act on false information
• Fine Bow (Near/Far, Reload)
CHA LEVEL Starts at 1 Choose two:
• Flask of Whiskey (2 Uses)
Scarred, Grumpy XP Starts at 0
• Pipeleaf (6 Uses)
• A Poison of Your Choice
• Hidden Knives (Intimate/Near, Infinite)
• Trap Kit (Dangerous, Slow)
Starting Moves You get all of these Deep Pockets Lair
You gain a Hideout with two additional features (see
Once per session, you can pull out something from
Assets on page 8).
Poisoner your pockets that you forgot about until just now, as if
you had used Adventuring Gear. When you conceal a
You’ve mastered the care and use of a poison. Choose a
poison from the list below; that poison is not dangerous for
small object on your person, no one can find it unless Tall Tales
you are bound, stripped, and thoroughly searched. You When you tell an outrageous or grandiose lie or
you to use, and when you have time, material, and safety to
can conceal up to DEX items this way. falsehood that nobody in their right mind would
brew, you can make more of it.
believe, roll+CHA. On a 7+, everyone believes you
• Oil of Taggit: Must be consumed. The target falls into a
light sleep.
Poison Master anyway, at least until they see or hear something that
When you have time to gather materials and a safe convinces them otherwise. On a 7-9, they’ll be fooled,
• Bloodweed: Requires contact. Until they are cured, the place to brew, you can create up to three doses of but not for long.
first time the target hurts someone each scene they any poison. Describe the effects you’d like your poison You can’t tell Tall Tales to people who are actively
inflict no conditions. to have, and the GM will give you one or more of the hostile or suspicious towards you. Other PCs are always
• Goldenroot: Must be consumed. The target treats the following caveats: suspicious of you, because you’re the Thief.
next person they see as a trusted ally, until proved • You’ll need ________ to make it.
otherwise. • It will only work under specific circumstances.
• Serpent’s Tears: Requires contact. The target takes 1
extra condition when hurt until they are cured.
• The best you can manage is a weaker version.
• It’ll take a while for the effects to manifest.
Advanced Moves (lvl 10+)
• It’ll have obvious or undesirable side effects.
• It’s Dangerous for anyone to handle - even you Underdog
Danger Sense
When you Push Yourself, you instead gain two
When you’re certain something’s wrong and you scan sources of Advantage instead of one (for each source
your surroundings, ask the GM “Is there a trap or ambush Rooftop Routes
of Advantage roll an extra d6, always take the highest
here? If so, where would it come from?” They will answer When you Gain the Edge in a Chase using quick
honestly, and you roll with Advantage to thwart the trap or maneuvers or shortcuts, roll with Advantage.
ambush before it can be brought to bear.
Ace Up Your Sleeve When you Defy, on a 12+, you transcend the threat. You
Tricks of the Trade When you take a game of chance into your own not only do what you set out to do, but the GM will
When you set about to steal something or break into hands, roll+DEX. On a 7+, you decide the outcome of offer you a better outcome, a moment of true beauty,
something locked and secure, roll+DEX. On a 7+, you do it. the game. On a 7-9 the GM chooses one: or a show of unearthly grace.
On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1. • Your opponent later realises that you cheated
• You work quickly, without much time or effort. • Someone outside the game gets suspicious or Lurker
• You work quietly, discreetly, drawing little notice. takes offense. You’re not welcome here anymore. You have Advantage when Defying to move or act
• You work cleanly, without cost or leaving a trail. quietly, and you’ll generally go unnoticed by NPCs
Case The Joint unless you are in a hostile area or draw attention to
Dirty Fighting When you scout out a location with the intention of yourself. Whenever you look around for a hiding
breaking in and stealing something, ask the GM as place, the GM will tell you where the best place is.
When you have Advantage on Engage, you may roll+DEX
many of the following questions as you like:
instead of STR.
• What is my best way in and out?
• What’s the greatest danger here?
• What’s out of place here?
• Where do they keep the valuables?
Advanced Moves When you level up you may
choose to learn one of these
You and your allies roll with Advantage when acting
on the answers.
Impeccable Grace
Poison Expert
When you Defy using DEX, you can treat a 6- as a
Gain mastery over two more poisons from Poisoner.
7-9. On a 7-9, you can choose to have something or
someone else, maybe your equipment but certainly
not you personally, suffer the consequences instead. The Smoulder
You always look good. Even if you’re wet, dirty, beat-up,
or otherwise disheveled, you still look damn good.
Trust Me When you use your impeccable good-looks and
As long as you show a friendly face, anyone not
considerable charms to Compel someone, you may
already actively hostile towards you will treat you as
treat them as if they Favor you, but then they’ll ask you
a friend, until proven otherwise. Anything you say will
to do something for them afterwards.
be accepted as open honesty unless hard evidence is
given to the contrary.
Wizard Background
Sage (+2 WIS, +1 STR)
Choose one Ask Who here...

...wants to learn the secret of my powers?

You’ve spent so very long poring over those tomes of yours. For what? For ...follows my advice without question?
power. What else is there? The power to boil a man’s blood in his veins. To call Whether it be due to birth, circumstance, or utter
the thundering sky and the churning earth. To shrug off the rules the world ...believes my powers are evil?
enigma, magic is as natural as breath to you.
holds so dear. Let them cast their fearful whispers and sidelong glances. Who
among them can hurl fireballs from their eyes? Yeah. Didn’t think so.
Your SPELL stat is WIS.

Whenever you’d like, ask the GM “what here is

Answer Now or while adventuring

Name Examples: Starlight, Galadir, Mortimer, Xeno, Draft, Steburis,

magical?” They will tell you truth. What does your magic prevent you from experiencing?
What magical enigma do you search for answers about?
an alliterative name, an alien name, a punny name Equipment: A Weapon Worth 1 Wealth (You Choose)
What dark omen do you foresee in ghastly dreams?
Drive: Alienate or enamor someone due to your
Look unusual nature
As much detail as you’d like, be it species, features, etc
Scholar (+2 INT, +1 WIS)
Favor Initially, you Favor the PC who joined you in a Ritual.

I Favor...
Drive You’ve earned your power through sleepless years of
study, effort, and exploitation. Name Details
Based on Background, see the Epiphany peripheral move

Your SPELL stat is INT.

Armor You get twice as many uses out of Bags of Books.

Based on your equipment and abilities, fill in the circles when you use armor When you Ponder using a Book or Bag of Books,
the GM will always give you a second interesting (but I Am Favored By...
not necessarily useful) piece of information about the
Choose your Background, then in write the rest as +1, 0, -1 in any order Name Details
subject of your interests.
STR DEX Equipment: Adventuring Gear (5 Uses)

Drive: Uncover mysterious, ancient or magical secrets.

Weakened, Nautious Dizzy, Shaky, Stunned

Sorcerer (+2 CHA, +1 DEX)

You start with:
You learned your magic from something - or
• 1 Wealth
INT WIS someone - else. Who are they? What do you owe
• Bag of Books (5 Uses)
them? The GM will tell you their agenda. • Spellcasting Tools or Oddments
Your SPELL stat is CHA. • The equipment from your Background

Dazed, Forgetful Confused, Exhausted When you break the token of your patron’s blessing, Choose one:
your patron appears immediately before you to • Leather Amor (1-Armor)
bargain. Tell it what you want and it’ll tell you what • Peculiar Robes and a Healing Potion
it wants in return. If you give it what it wants in both
CHA LEVEL word and spirit, then the token of your patron’s Choose two:
Starts at 1 blessing will be renewed. • Staff (Close, Hefty)
• Medicine (2 Uses)
Equipment: Flask of Whiskey (2 Uses) and a token of
Scarred, Grumpy • Firecrackers (Distinctive, 3 Uses)
your patron’s blessing (what does it look like?)
Starts at 0 • Crossbow (Near, Distinctive, Reload)
Drive: Advance your patron’s agenda, or deflect or • 1 Wealth
evade an inquiry into your doings • Pipeleaf (6 Uses)
Starting Moves You get all of these Counterspell
When you attempt to counter a spell as it is being
When you have time, arcane materials, and a safe
cast, roll+SPELL. On a 10+, the spell is successfully space, you can create your own place of power for the
Cast a Spell
countered. On a 7-9 choose one. Ritual move. Describe to the GM what kind of power it
When you harness your magical talents, ​choose a spell • The spell is countered, but you are left vulnerable. is and how you’re binding it to this place. In return, the
you know and roll+SPELL. On a 10+, you successfully evoke • The spell is countered, but the unraveled magic GM will tell you one kind of creature that will have an
the spell and its effects come to pass. On a 7-9, the spell is causes some collateral damage or side effects. interest in your workings.
still successful, but choose one consequence from the list • The spell is only partially countered, a weaker
below. version manifests instead. Mastermind
• The spell’s Risk comes to pass. Whenever you Examine or Scrutinize, on a 7+ you can
• The spell’s magic drains you. You take -1 Ongoing to Wisdom of the Ages ask an additional question.
Cast a Spell for the rest of the session. When another PC comes to you for advice and you
• Using it puts you in danger or draws unwanted honestly tell them what you think is best, they gain Floo Network
attention, the GM will say how. Advantage forward to do as you suggest. When you Connect with someone of a magical
While one spell is ongoing, you can’t use another. You can When you give sound advice to a receptive NPC, nature, roll with Advantage. Furthermore, on a 7-9 you
end an ongoing spell whenever you wish. roll+CHA. On a 7+, they follow your advice to the best choose instead of the GM.
of their ability, and on a 10+ they also appreciate your
You start with 2 spells known. When you Level Up, you can
advice enough to Favor you.
choose to Learn a New Spell instead of another benefit.

Prestidigitation Showoff Advanced Moves (lvl 10+)

When you attempt to wow an audience with a
You have the power to easily invoke minor magical display of your powers, roll+SPELL. On a 10+, choose 2. Even Further Beyond
cantrips without penalty. Slowly moving small objects, On a 7-9, choose 1. Choose a single spell. It always has its Greater effect
creating minor obvious illusions, generating mild heat and • You have their full and undivided attention. by default. Furthermore, if the Greater effect would
sources of light, and other similar feats are all easily within • You draw a large and interested crowd. be invoked on this spell then its effects increase even
your power without having to roll. • You instill fear, admiration, or both in those that more so, the GM will say how.
Ritual Classical Mastery (cannot learn Wild Mastery)
When you want to achieve a powerful magical effect, ​ Logical Deduction Whenever you Cast a Spell, on a 12+ the spell’s Greater
tell the GM what you’re trying to achieve. Ritual effects You may Examine and Scrutinze with INT instead of effect is invoked.
are always possible, but the GM will give you 1 to 4 of the WIS, and you may Ponder with WIS instead of INT.
Following conditions (separated by “ANDs” and “ORs”): Wild Mastery (cannot learn Classical Mastery)
• It’s going to take days/weeks/months. Arcane Ward When you Cast a Spell, on a 10+ you may treat it as a
• First you must ________. You have +1 Armor against spells and magical effects 7-9 to invoke the spell’s Greater effect.
• You’ll need help from ________.
• It will require ________. Ritual Master Assimilation (requires Dispel Magic or Counterspell)
When you Dispel Magic or Counterspell, on a 12+
• The effect will be unreliable or limited. When trying to perform a ritual, after the GM tells you
you absorb and store the magical effect for later. The
• You and your allies will risk danger from ________. the requirements you can choose one of them and
magic can be released like Casting a Spell, after which
• You’ll have to disenchant ________ to do it. veto it.
the stored magic dissipates.
When you perform a Ritual while accessing a source of When you release stored magic immediately after
great magical power​, you may ignore one requirement of Equivalent Exchange absorbing it, such as at the one who tried to cast it
your choice. When you Push Yourself by using your own blood as at you, roll with Advantage. You can only have one
part of casting a spell, you automatically succeed as if magical effect stored at a time.
you had rolled a 10 (including modifiers).

Advanced Moves When you level up you may

choose to learn one of these Familiar
You have a magical companion (see Followers on
Dispel Magic page 7). This companion has an additional descriptor:
When you spend time unravelling an ongoing magical Magical: You may use your familiar in place of yourself
effect, roll+SPELL. On a 10+ choose 2. On a 7-9 choose 1. for the purposes of spell effects and requirements
• The dispel is permanent. (touch, sight, range, etc.)
• A weaker version of the magic doesn’t linger.
• The unravelled magic doesn’t lash out harmfully

Ritual examples: Teleporting to a distant location; communicating between the planes; locating or viewing items, creatures, or places from afar, imbuing an object with magical power. 29
Wizard Spells
Sleep Mirror Image Magic Missile (Ongoing)
Up to 3 foes you can see fall asleep. Only creatures You conjure an illusory duplicate of yourself that You shoot forth bolts of pure magical energy. (Near,
capable of sleeping are affected, and they will awake if mimics your actions. This illusion counts as +1 Armor Distinctive, Piercing). While this is Ongoing, you can Let
disturbed (loud noises, jostling, pain, etc). against physical harm and cannot be Pierced, but can Fly by rolling+SPELL instead of +DEX.
Risk: The effect is fleeting and they will awaken soon. be bypassed through Area attacks. You can only have Risk: The missiles aren’t Piercing.
one mirror image at a time.
Greater: The spell effects another 2 targets Greater: Your missiles gain the Far and Forceful tags.
Risk: The illusion is flawed and can also be bypassed
with Piercing attacks.
Fireball Spellblade (Ongoing)
Greater: The Mirror Image is only destroyed on a 1-2.
You evoke a mighty ball of flame that envelops your You conjure a weapon of pure magic, describe it and
target and everyone near it, hurting them (Fiery, Area). give it one or two range tags and Piercing.
Risk: The blast effects either much more or much less Invisibility Risk: The weapon’s magic is unstable, and doesn’t
than anticipated, the GM will say. You or an ally you touch becomes undetectable by have Piercing.
sight for the scene or until they attack.
Greater: The fireball inflicts an extra condition. Greater: The weapon also has 2 traits from the
Risk: Either one creature can still see them clear as Signature Weapon enhancements.
day, or anyone scrutinous enough can still pierce the
illusion; the GM will say.
Darkness (Ongoing) Visions Through Time
Greater: The effect gains the Ongoing tag, lasting for as
An area you designate is blanketed by supernatural As you cast this spell, you gaze into a reflective surface
long as you maintain it, even while attacking.
darkness and shadow while the spell is ongoing. to see into the depths of time. The GM will reveal the
Torches, lanterns, and other mundane lights within the details of an Ominous Force to you - a bleak event that
area are also snuffed out. Immunity (Ongoing) will come to pass without your intervention - as well as
Risk: Something is summoned with the darkness; the Name one specific source of harm, such as burning, something useful about how you could interfere with
GM will say. cutting, lightning, poisonous gas, or mundane the danger’s outcome.
projectiles; for as long as this spell is ongoing, you Risk: You receive two pieces of information; one true,
Greater: Even magical lights cannot pierce the
are immune to harm from that source (as well as any the other false. The GM will not tell you which is which.
secondary effects; choking smoke, hypothermia, etc). Greater: You and your allies gain advantage the first
Risk: You gain +1 Armor against it but are not immune.
Entangle (Ongoing) time you try to influence the danger’s outcome.
Greater: This effect also spreads to nearby allies.
You cause a close group of creatures to become
ensnared by roots, webs, or magical bindings. Until you Mind Meld
release them, they cannot move across distances. Polymorph (Ongoing) You form a telepathic bond with a creature you
Risk: The spell stops them, but only for a few moments. Your touch transforms a willing creature into another touch, allowing you to share thoughts, emotions, and
mundane creature; work with the GM to determine memories. You can only maintain one such connection
Greater: The snare also deals hurts them via thorns,
the strengths, adaptations, and major weaknesses of at a time, and may dismiss it whenever you like.
choking, poison, etc.
the creature’s new form. Risk: When one of you suffers conditions so does the
Risk: The creature’s mind will be altered too, or the other.
Conjure Guardian (Ongoing)
form has an unintended and unforeseen quality - the Greater: You can also share vision and other senses
You conjure a being of magical force (see Followers GM will say. through the link.
on page 7). By default it is a Warrior with the Brutality
Greater: The change can be made permanent,
cost, looks like a ghostly humanoid, and will attack
your enemies relentlessly. Choose two:
although only one such permanent polymorph can Forcecage (Ongoing)
exist at a time.
• Adaptable: Takes the form and adaptations of a A single foe is held in an unbreakable cage of
previously-encountered creature (wings, many transparent magical force. While the spell is ongoing,
arms, etc) Charm the caged creature cannot be harmed and can hear
A creature you touch is bewitched into treating you as your thoughts, and you cannot leave sight of the cage.
• Skilled: It gains another Quality (can choose
a trusted friend for about an hour, and they Favor you Risk: You cannot take action (besides dismissing the
multiple times)
for as long as the spell lasts. Once the spell ends, they forcecage) while the spell is ongoing.
• Disciplined: It will follow your commands know full well the effects of your magic.
intelligently. Greater: The cage is large enough to encompass those
Risk: The entranced creature, though your friend, still within a few paces of the target.
The construct persists until it is destroyed or dismissed, doesn’t Favor you deep down.
or until you conjure another.
Greater: You may gain Advantage Ongoing towards
Risk: The construct gains another cost. them while the spell is active, or have them not
Greater: You can make an additional choice. remember the effects of your magic when the spell
Game Master
The Game Master is an important role, and can Encourage Exciting Risks means gently GM Moves
be a whole lot of fun! Most of your time will be pushing your players to do things that aren’t • Hit the Ground Running
spent describing a situation to one or more quite safe, but are awesome or important • Inflict Damage
PCs, usually followed by “What do you do?”. enough to try anyways. Often the best time
• Throw Them Around
to do this is when players ask you questions
‘Fire!’ the Inquisitor shrieks, and a volley of arrows fly about the world or what they can do. • Change the Environment
towards you. What do you do? • Foreshadow an Ominous Force
“The Jade Goliath is only weak to its own beam attack. • Set Up an Immediate Danger
The volcano explodes in fire as Mallum Bloodscale flies You’ll have to provoke one and redirect it back.”
out of it, trailing smoke from his scale wings. He’s heading • Make Them Choose
straight towards the village. What do you do? Portray a Lively World means describing your • Take Something Away
characters, environments, and actions in vivid, • Have It Backfire
Your head sears in pain as the Gilded Empress starts dynamic language. A yeti doesn’t just swing its
sifting through your memories, searching for one in • Sometimes, Give Them What They Want
claws, it roars, grabs its victim, and drags them
particular. What do you do? • Introduce Something New
towards its frozen lair. The Acid Fens don’t just
bubble corrosively, the air burns your nostrils as • Slow Down for a Bit
After the PC’s answer, and moves are resolved, a cloud of colorful insects dart away. • Ask Them
you describe how the situation has changed.
Sometimes that includes what bad things Think Dangerously means don’t be afraid of As the GM, you ‘make a move’ to change the
happened as a result of a previous roll or hurting or breaking things. This could be your situation when...
action. This culminates in you presenting characters, or an important treasure, or the
...the players look to you to see what happens
the new situation to your players and again Adventurers themselves. If the PCs manage to
asking ‘What do you do?’ Sometimes it’s to the kill Darthoridan the Eternal in the first session, ...the players ignore a clear threat
same player, and sometimes you switch the then great! What happens next? How does ...the players roll a 6- on most moves
perspective (spotlight) to a different player. that ripple across future events? Similarly, if the ...a move results in being exposed, vulnerable,
Ranger fails to dodge a troll’s club, then they or similar.
The GM is encouraged to follow the Principles tget harmed and might be knocked down.
and Moves as much as possible when playing Often when in a scene you first make Soft
Leave Things Open means that if the PC’s ask
the game. The Principles describe the mindset Moves. Describe the coming danger(s) to the
questions, offer ideas, or hope that something
to aim for when GMing this game, while the player and ask ‘What Do You Do?’ If the players
is a certain way, always consider the idea
Moves are specific types of consequences and fail (or roll poorly when trying) to thrwart the
before deciding. When you prepare your ideas,
situations that might happen to the PC’s. soft move, then you make a Hard Move.
make sure they are mutable and easy to adapt
to future ideas. This could be for the PCs ideas,
GM Principles or your own future ones. Hard moves are the irrevocable consequences
When describing situations and consequences, from a situation - damage dealt, broken gear,
the GM is encouraged to follow these: Ask, Then Gloss Over the Boring Stuff means dead allies, etc. Bad stuff happens on a hard
• Encourage Exciting Risks don’t go minute-by-minute. If the players are move, sometimes more than one!
taking a weeklong journey, maybe say ‘a week
• Bring NPCs To Life
passes and you get there’. If they are spending After making a Hard Move, you might use that
• Think Dangerously some time buying stuff in town, just have them to pivot into another Soft Move for the next
• Leave Things Open spend their Wealth and move on. Always check ‘What Do You Do?’ ‘Hardness’ and ‘Softness’ of
• Ask, Then Gloss Over the Boring Stuff with your players before skipping forwards, as a move are hugely situational, make sure to do
it might not be boring for them or they may what feels appropriate within the fiction and
have something exciting planned. soft moves you already made.
Play Order
Hit The Ground Running means jump straight Take Something Away means it’s gone. Maybe GM Makes a Move
into the action. It’s typically used when that something can be taken back, maybe it Hard or Soft, Following Principles
everyone looks to you to describe a new scene, can’t be. Either way, they’re going to miss it. End with ‘What Do You Do?’
after some time has passed, or if they are
about to start a chase. Often this is used in Have It Backfire means they did it in word and
deed, but not in spirit. The adventurers aren’t Player(s) describe their response
tandem with another move.
What does it look like?
incompetent, so this backfiring is likely due to
Inflict Damage means just that, damaging freak accident, unforeseeable consequence, or
the Adventurers. This should never just be the frightening power of an enemy. Is a move triggered? If so, is a roll involved?
numbers, always describe the damage in the If there is no move, go back to the top.
fiction as well. A poisoned blade might cause Introduce Something New could be a new If there is no roll, follow the move then go back to the top.
nausea, or a dragon might rip someone’s arm challenger appearing, but it could also be If there is a roll, then roll what the move says
off. The damage should be appropriate to an ally, treasure, or new factor that changes They can Cooperate, Sabotage, and/or Push Themselves.
the situation, and be sure to telegraph severe everything already going on. If the stat rolled has a condition, then they take -1 to the
roll but mark XP.
damage in advance.
Sometimes, Give Them What They Want
Throw Them Around means things like means that when you can’t think of any Was a 10+ Rolled?
knocking them down, tying them up, tossing interesting or appropriate consequences, or
Follow the success results of the move, then return to top.
them through a window, or, when appropriate, when you feel they’ve earned it, just say yes.
pitching them off a cliff.
Slow Down For a Bit means that sometimes Was a 7-9 Rolled?
Change The Environment could mean it’s nice to stop and smell the roses. Just Follow the effect
collapsing the tunnel around them, setting describe the area without threats, peaceful Suffer choices or consequences given by the move
the building on fire, magically teleporting towns, laughter-filled campfires, and friendly Return to top.
them. Maybe this is moving them to a faces. Maybe even give the PC’s the reigns for a
new environment, maybe it is alterting or bit. These treasured times make the challenges Was a 6- Rolled?
destroying the existing one. ahead more bearable. If the move says what happens, follow that.
If it doesn’t say anything, or says ‘In addition to what the
Foreshadow an Ominous Force means Ask Them means asking a player a question GM says’, then the GM makes a Hard Move
describing the effect that an Ominous Force is about the world and letting them answer Players Mark XP
working towards, or has already accomplished. it. Surely the Druid can tell you about how
Maybe it’s already happened, maybe the PCs treants are born? Maybe the Thief knows about
Was a condition inflicted?
still have a chance to thwart it. the local thieves guild? This does not replace
PCs and NPCs can absorb conditions from physical harm
Ponder or Examine, but can let a player answer using Armor from their worn items, as long as it doesn’t
Set Up an Immediate Danger is often the most the result of such a roll. Try not to use this for Pierce.
common soft move. You describe something immediate situations (‘What do you see?’) Some PCs might have an ability that provides Armor
about to happen right here and now, but but instead for general world (“What does against other sources of conditions.
hasn’t happened yet. Can the PCs stop it? Leonoth’s wizard familiar look like?”) Check if they Crumble
Return to top
Make Them Choose means putting your PC’s
desires in conflict. Do they want to save their
prized sword or protect their companion? Do
they attack the dragon’s lair or protect the king
from political assassination?

NPC Creation When fighting a group of creatures, instead of
tracking each one individually, treat the whole
group as a single stronger monster. When
Death Knight
Once a champion of justice, this fallen warrior
now serves darker masters for selfish goals.
1. What’s Their Name? multiple NPCs fight together, treat them as Wants to bring death and destruction
If you’re not sure then come back to this one NPC using Group or Horde toughness.
later, or ask the PCs. 5 Conditions, 3 Armor
Cursed greatsword (Inflicts 2, Forceful)
2. Who Are They? What Do They Look Like?
When a group of different NPCs fight • unleash dark magic
Write this freeform summary down under
their name. together, count the highest stat among them • raise an undead slave
(Conditions, Armor, Tags, etc) as the group’s
3. What do they want? stat. Goblin Horde
Write this down by starting with ‘Wants...’
Nasty creatures that hide in caves, attack
4. What notable things can they do? passersby, and pull vicious tricks.
Write each thing down separately. In When a group or horde of creatures all hurt
the same person together, they inflict +1 Wants to cause pain and laugh at it
play, refer to this if you’re not sure how to
(group) or +2 (horde) conditions. 6 Conditions, 1 Armor
describe a certain GM move.
Rusty knives and ragged bows
5. Can they fight? • Steal or destroy things
If not, they’re usually defeated when they Example NPCs • Rapidly retreat through tiny crevaces
take 1 condition, and you’re done.
If so, then start with 3 conditions and Wealthy Merchant
continue onward. Used to letting her wealth do the talking for Ghost Thief
her, she is nevertheless a skilled haggler and The spirit of a legendary outlaw, killed long
6. How tough are they?
can spot a good deal from a mile way. ago in a betrayal even they have forgotten.
- Fight as a Group (3-6): -1 conditions alone,
+2 conditions in a group Wants to grow her fortune. Wants to steal treasure from the living
- Fight as a Horde (7-20): -2 conditions alone, • understand something’s value at a glance 4 Conditions, 1 Armor
+1 conditions in a group, +3 conditions in a • offer beneficial bribes or deals Ethereal knives (Piercing)
horde • hire someone to handle something • Pass through solid matter
- Particularly tough in a fight: +1 condition • Vanish into mist
- Is a Notable character in an Ominous Force:
Giant Bear • Steal loot and secure it away
+1 condition
Filled with territorial rage, this enormous
7. How harmful are they? beast will devour anyone it encounters. Primordial Dragon
- Can tear or outright bypass armor: Piercing Wants to kill and devour When her wrath is inflamed, she has burned
- Particularly tough in a fight: +1 Condition
6 Conditions, 0 Armor entire empires to ashes.
inflicted. Write it down as ‘Inflicts 2’.
- Can hurt multiple targets at once: Area Teeth and claws (Inflicts 2, Forceful, Piercing, Wants to destroy all who enrage her.
- Have unrelenting strength: Forceful Messy) 5 Conditions, 3 Armor
- Fight in a unique or loud way: Distinctive • unleash a terrifying roar Enormous teeth and claws (Inflicts 2, Piercing,
- Can easily tear things apart: Messy • climb a large tree Forceful, Messy)
8. How well protected are they? • chase any who run Incinerating fire (Inflicts 2, Piercing, Fiery, Area)
- Cloth or flesh: 0 Armor • Summon natural disasters
- Leathers or a chainmail: 1 Armor • Devour someone whole
- Plate or Bone: 2 Armor • Demand extreme tribute
- Defensive skills, magic, or special traits: +1
The Full Game Credits
The full version of the game can be found on Written by Spencer Moore
DriveThruRPG and includes everything here
plus the following: Thanks To
My amazing wife, Marisssa, without her
• Treasure and Magic Items support and feedback this game would be half
of what it is.
• Adventure Generator, complete with
tables for Friends, Outlines, Locations and The original testers, Rick and Dominic. We
Enemies started with a hack and ended up here.

• Powerful Artifact magic items

Playtesters Jordan and Gabriel, thanks for the
• Ominous Forces and preparing them as a
The Dungeon World Discord and Subreddit
communities, whose feedback and insight has
• Advanced Play, which is still being written,
been invaluable.
will include subsections on hacking the
game, optional rules, creating custom
playbooks, and more. Reddit users lichkicker1, the_imagesmith and
DaftPrince for creating a few of the example
magic items.

Most importantly, thank you to Jesus Christ,

my God and savior. Thank you for dying for my
sake, for forgiving my sins and saving my life.
Thank you for making me a better person.

Game Influences
Stars Without Number by Kevin Crawford
Blades in the Dark by John Harper
Dungeon World by Adam Koebel and Sage
Apocalype World by D. Vincent Baker and
Meguey Baker
Worlds of Adventure by Yoghai Gal and
Cameron Burns
Oneshot World by Yochai Gal
Stonetop by Jeremy Strandberg
Masks by Magpie Games
Urban Shadows by Magpie Games

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