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Ganesh Chaturthi contest

Shuklam bharatharam vishnum

Feeling blessed to start with the sloka of Ganesha .and I happy to meet you all once again in Ganesh
Chaturthi contest

I did a small research on Ganesha worship and I am pleased to present this information to you through
out this video

First is Ganesha worship

We have historical evidence of ganesha worship dates back to 2 nd century BC and from the early gupta

He is worshipped as a first god among all gods and god of obstacle remover, as per hindu tradition Lord
Ganesha has the first place in all religious ceremonies and we need to offer our prayer before we start
any new ventures to remove all obstacles.

Now I am going to introduce you to the dancing ganesha

( show the demo of dancing ganesha)

The posture of dancing ganesha is very famous in all Asian countries mainly in india, Nepal, Myanmar,
srilanka, japan and Thailand

This signifies that despite all miseries in his life, lord ganesha is always happy and gives us the message
that we should stay happy always like him and celebrate the life by dancing

Blessing Ganesh

( show the demo of blessing ganesha)

Let us all take the blessing of this ganesha and he will remove all obstacles in our life

( show the serial light ganesha)

Now I am going to high light you some significance of celebrating the ganesh Chaturthi

Every year we celebrate ganesh Chaturthi during September month and the whole day is celebrated
with full of joy and fun

I think our ancestors are smart and they have done everything with a larger context, even ganesha
worship is the smartest part in life ?

Do you know why ?

Today we all are worried and talking about the fire in amazon forests, because any change and
deforestation in amazon will absolutely affect the world climate and makes the globe more warm

But the elephant in forest eat a lot of vegetation, create a lot of gaps and allows lots of plants to grow,
leave lot of dung and many different seeds depend on elephant dung for their spread across eco system.

Thus they are the perfect creaters of larger rain forests and maintain the balance between eco system
and create the eco chain.

They live as families support each other and fight together with enemies.

I hope now you understand the significance of Elephants in this planet and that is why we worship Lord

Now I have come to the last part of the presentation, that is Ganesh Visarjan

( show the demo)

Now you can see the different ganeshas across different countries , Ganesha in indonesia,

Ganesh in japan, ganesha in Thailand and this procession is called Ganesh Visarjan
In fact this has a significance, after ganesh Chaturthi , we immerse the clay idols of ganesha into nearby
water bodies

The reason for this is before the North east monsoon starts we clean up the water bodies and again fill
with clay which has a capacity to absorb more water and send back to land , so our bore water levels are
properly maintained

If we care for eco system, we should use only Clay ganesha and avoid all plastic, plaster of paris ganesh
for immersion.

Finally one more information “ our leader Lok manya bal gangadhar tilak used Visarjan to create
awakening among Indians during British raj and established the practice of great visarjan across
Maharashtra, still this is followed and because of such great people we got our freedom.

Let me explain the technical part of this project

1. Dancing ganesha
2. Blessing ganesha
3. Visarjan ganesh ( rotating wheel)

Once again thanks for watching this video , Om ganapathaye namaha

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