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(Pangkalahatang Pagsusulit sa Science 10- QUARTER 1)

I. Direction: Read each statement carefully and write the letter of your answer on the space provided before
each number.
_____1. Which of the following sequences correctly lists the different arrivals of seismic waves from first to last?
a. S waves ... P waves .... Surface waves c. P waves ... Surface waves .... S waves
b. P waves ... S waves .... Surface waves d. Surface waves …. P waves ...
S waves
_____2. How many seismograph stations are needed to locate the epicenter of an earthquake?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
For question no. 3-5, refer to the diagram on the arrival of P and S waves below.

_____3. Which set of waves are the P waves?

a. A b. B c. C d. Both A and B
_____4. Which set of waves are the S waves?
a. A b. B c. C d. Both A and B
_____5. The difference in arrival times between which pair of waves can be used to determine the distance to
the epicenter?
a. A and B b. B and C c. A and C d. None of the above
_____6. What is a volcano?
a. A vent where hot water shoots toward the surface c. It is a hole where liquefaction once
b. It is a fissure or vent, from which lava flows d. A hollow part of the earth
_____7. Which statement shows the difference between a volcano and a mountain?
a. A volcano erupts while mountains do not. c. Volcanoes don’t erupt while mountains do.
b. Mountains grow high while volcanoes do not. d. Volcanoes and mountains are the same.
_____8. Volcanoes were often found in what specific part of the world?
a. Pacific b. Atlantic c. Arctic Region d. Antarctic Region
_____9. What is a plate?
a. Are sections of lithosphere that move as a group. c. Lithospheric sections that causes eruption.
b. Are rigid sections of the lithosphere that move as a unit. d. Are a lithospheric group that creates magma.
_____10. The method used to locate the earthquake epicenter using distance information from three seismic
a. Scientific method b. Triangulation method c. Long term method d. Short-termed method
_____11.What is a mountain range?
a. a group nearby mountains connected by high ground, and usually formed by the same process
b. a group of nearby mountains by high ground and always formed by the same process.
c. group of nearby mountains
d. any expanse of high ground
_____12. Which of the following mountain ranges is the longest?
a. Andes b. Himalayas c. Sierra Madre d. Blue ridge mountains
______13. Which of these most likely results from plate movement?
a. Global winds b. Mountain ranges c. Ocean currents d. Hurricane
______14. Which of the following is not the basis of the scientist in dividing the Earth’s lithosphere?
a. The distribution of earthquake epicenters c. The location of volcanoes
b. The formation of mountain ranges d. The formation of rocks
______15. Which of the following statement best describes the formation of mountain ranges?
a. Mountain ranges are formed when there is a collision between oceanic and continental plates.
b. Mountain ranges are formed when there is collision between two continental plates.
c. Mountain ranges are formed when there is a collision between two oceanic plates
d. Mountain ranges are formed when there is a volcanic eruption.
_____16. Which of the following sequences correctly lists the different arrivals of seismic waves from first to
a. S waves ... P waves .... Surface waves c. P waves ... Surface waves .... S waves
b. P waves ... S waves .... Surface waves d. Surface waves …. P waves ... S waves
_____17. How many seismograph stations are needed to locate the epicenter of an earthquake?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
_____18. What is a volcano?
a. A vent where hot water shoots toward the surface c. It is a hole where liquefaction once occur
b. It is a fissure or vent, from which lava flows d. A hollow part of the earth
_____19. Which statement shows the difference between a volcano and a mountain?
a. A volcano erupts while mountains do not. c. Volcanoes don’t erupt while mountains do.

b. Mountains grow high while volcanoes do not. d. Volcanoes and mountains are the same.
_____20. Volcanoes were often found in what specific part of the world?
a. Pacific b. Atlantic c. Arctic Region d. Antarctic Region
_____21. What is a plate?
a. Are sections of lithosphere that move as a group.
b. Are rigid sections of the lithosphere that move as a unit
c. Lithospheric sections that causes eruption.
d. Are a lithospheric group that creates magma.
_____22. The method used to locate the earthquake epicenter using distance information from three seismic
a. Scientific method b. Triangulation method c. Long term method d. Short-termed method
_____23.What is a mountain range?
a. a group nearby mountains connected by high ground, and usually formed by the same process
b. a group of nearby mountains by high ground and always formed by the same process.
c. group of nearby mountains
d. any expanse of high ground

_____24. Which of the following mountain ranges is the longest?

a. Andes b. Himalayas c. Sierra Madre d. Blue ridge mountains

_____25. Which of these most likely results from plate movement?

a. Global winds b. Mountain ranges c. Ocean currents d. Hurricane
_____26. What geologic features resulted from the collision of the two continental plates?
a. volcanic island arc b. fault c. mountain d. earthquake epicentre
_____27. The following are the secondary effect of movement of the plates, which of the following is NOT?
a. tsunami b. fire c. landslide d. earthquake
_____28. Which of the following is the result of the collision of two oceanic plates?
a. trench b. volcano c. rift valley d. fault line
_____29. What geologic feature produced in the convergence of two continental plates?
a. folded mountains b. island arc c. rift valleys d. trenches
_____30. Which of the following can we expect to find at a mid-ocean ridge?
a. relative young rocks c. very ancient rocks
b. reverse fault d. thick accumulation sediments
_____31. Why does the oceanic crust sink beneath the continental crust at then subduction zone?
a. the oceanic crust has a greater density
b. the oceanic crust is pulled downward by Earth’s magnetic field
c. the oceanic crust is pushed from the ridge
d. the continental crust has a denser composition
_____32. What happens when two oceanic plates collide?
a. the hot spot will form
b. the volcano island arc will form
c. the volcanoes on the edge of a continent will form
d. the volcano along the mid-ocean ridge will form
_____33. What is produced in the convergence of two continental plates?
a. folded mountains c. rift valleys
b. island arcs d. trenches

_____34. Which of the following is NOT a geologic process that occurs along convergent plate boundaries?
a. earthquakes b. mountain-building c. tornado d. volcanism
_____35. What topographic feature is formed in divergent boundary?
a. fault b. mountain c. rift valley d. volcano
_____36. If you will visit a place in the Pacific known to be along converging plates, which of these should you
not expect to see?
a. active volcanoes c. rift valley
b. mountain ranges d. volcanic
_____37. Which of the following geologic features formed in the divergent plate boundary?
a. San Andreas Fault c. Mt. Himalayas
b. Sierra Madre d. Great Rift Valley of East Africa
_____39. What geologic features forms when a divergent boundary occurs beneath the oceanic lithosphere
and there is rising convection current below lifts the lithosphere?
a. mountain belts c. volcanic arcs
b. mid-ocean ridge d. fault line
_____40. When a convergent boundary occurs between two oceanic plates, what will happen to one of those
a. the plate will subduct beneath the other plate
b. the plate will subduct toward the other plate
c. the plate will move away the other plate
d. the plate will move toward the other plate

II. Direction: Check (√) whether the following statements describe a convergent plate boundary, divergent plate
boundary or transform-fault boundary.
Convergent Divergent Transform-
Characteristics Plate Plate Fault
Boundary Boundary Boundary
1. A plate boundary in which two plates move
toward each other.
2. A region where the crustal plates are moving
3. A plate boundary produced when two plates
slide past each other.
4. The plate boundary that can produce shallow
5. The type of plate boundary where trench and
volcanic island arc can be formed.
6. A type of plate boundary also known as the
“destructive boundary”.
7. A type of plate boundary also known as the
“constructive boundary”.
8. A type of plate boundary where subduction
process can only occur.
9. A type of plate boundary that can only form
mountains and mountain ranges.
10. The plate boundary where plates slide past
each other causing strong earthquake.

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M’ Glenda

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