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Industrial Design

Arunabh Mathur
CV 2021 Education Digital Skills
Arunabh Mathur Amity International School
Mayur Vihar, Delhi Batch of 2018 Autodesk Fusion
Industrial Designer
Unitedworld Institute of Design, Photoshop
Karnavati University
Gandhinagar, Ahmedadbad Ongoing, Batch of 2022 Illustrator



Work Experience Autodesk Sketchbook

Jupiter Laminators Oct 18/21 to Dec 18/21, Figma

2 mos
Industrial Design Intern
Delhi, India Ongoing

Hello, I’m a Delhi based Industrial Designer! My passion

lies in advocating beautiful, purposeful and sustainable
designs that become an inalienable part of the society. I
desire to work on user centric designs, that adds value to
Toycathon: Grand Finale Nomination
Hands On Skills
the lives of people and society as a whole. For me, being a
designer majorly involves the ability to conduct oneself in
a balance of learning and giving - to the people and to the
Earth. That is the role I am budding/committed to fulfil. Ideation & Sketching


About Me Interests
November 19, 1999 Reading Life Improving Designs
Material Work
Delhi, India Basketball Machine Learning
(Wood, Metal, Wax,
Thermacol, Paper)

Bass Guitar Augmented Reality Research

Get in touch Painting
Data Analysis
About Myself 00

1 2 3 4

Kodama Mama Joey Easeheat Adonis


Arunabh Mathur RESUME

About the Project
The following project is the journey of understanding the basic struggles
faced by people daily and in return, providing a solution for it. The expected
outcome/solution is supposed to be minimalistic in nature and has to contain
the least amount of components. The desired outcome was achieved through
an extensive research work done on the premises of following certain proce-
dures which is otherwise known as the design process. Following these steps,
an output with minimal and simple components was yielded as per the expec-
tations of this project. Thus goal of producing a Simple Product Design was
Understanding Simple
Product Design
Break down and Definitions

Simple Simple Product Design

Simple is a word that signifies something It is an analytical process that relies on a problem-solving ap-
which is easily understood or done and proach to improve the quality of life of the end user and his or her
presents no dificulty. It is straightforward, interaction with the environment. It expects to solve the most ba-
uncomplicated, effortless, and painless. sic struggles faced by the people daily and correct it in an equally
simple way.

The goal of a simple design is that it’s easy to use. Simple and
plain aren’t synonymous when it comes to product design, be-
cause simple is about functionality and plain is about the senses.
Simple can be plain, or it can be engaging.
Simple Product Another untouched advantageous aspect of Simple Product de-
sign is that helps in innovating in areaas that are either non-exis-
tent, or overloaded with complicated products that are expensive
A simple product is something that is not
and taxing to manufacture.
decorated or elaborate and is simple or or-
dinary in character. It is basic, modest, and
Project Objective
Aim of the Project
The aim of the project is to create a product with sim-
ple characteristics, and that which solves a basic, but
persistent and alarmiming problem using the least
amount of components.

Requirements of the Product

It should be easy to operate and manufacture, and the
learning curve of the product should not affect the ex-
isting user bahaviour. The final output should be inex-
pensive as per the materials and manufacturing.

The primary focus is to get a mature output by the end
of the project. A steep learning curve should be reflect-
ed by the output which can be considered as a ‘simple
product.’ Feasibility and incorporation into daily lives is
the desired result.
Area Selection
Why School Life?
The topics had to be selected on the basis where a vast num-
ber of activities could be covered so as to retain the maximum

The topic area selected was ‘student life’ and similar activities.

Student life is a theme which almost everybody can relate to. It

is something that most people have experienced.

Throughout our school or college lives, we faced certain strug-

gles that we could’ve resolved with make do models, or some-
thing that is better known as ‘jugaad.’

Such problems could’ve been solved temporarily while the

other couldnt be solved at all for there were no resources or

Such peeving problems can be corrected through this process

of designing perfect solutions.
Passive problems faced
by school children
Categorisation and explanation
The categories were created on the basis of activites performed
during student life. These activites were selected from different
fields such as labs or sports, etc.

Sports Eating
Lack of Equipment Hygiene and time management
Sports sector is majorly underinvested segment in an average Indian Lunch breaks offers the student time to take a break from their stud-
school. It means that students lack proper equipment which could ies and do whatever they feel like doing. Although lunch breaks are
lead to lifestyle problems later in life. meant for eating, most students use this time to play or roam around
the school. The short period of the lunch break offers very little time
to eat food and play at the same time.
Moreover, maintaining hygiene during lunch break is a major life-
Lack of education on grooming style problem
A lot of students as well as teachers and parents do not realise the
importance of proper grooming of school children. Throughout the
heavy activites of the day, the children can appear dull by the end of
the day, which might lead to a decrease in performance.

Clean writing habits lead to a better work and study life which stay
with you for the rest of your life. Clean work can only arise from a
clean environment and clean habits.
Problem Identification
Based on reasearch and observation
The following problems were found after observing the lives
of students. The problems were categorised based on their
source of origins.

Writing problems because

of Pencil Shavings

Dirty Hands Lack of Instant Lack of time Carelessness Lack of disposal

Cleaning Options options
Hands getting dirty be- Once the pencil shav- The user tends to use the Most children tend to to Most classrooms have two
cause of sharpeners. This ing gets pasted on the sharpener without paying overlook this and straight- dustbins - one for bio-de-
was faced by many people hands of young children attention to by products. away go on to perform the gradable waste, and the
in their school lives and is or adults, it can only be The User Psyche has to be next task with their dirty other for non-biodegrade-
still prevelant even now. completely removed by kept in mind and studied. hands. Once they begin ble waste. But to sharpen
washing the hands with writing, the pencil shav- a pencil everytime, a stu-
soap. ings may create impres- dent cannot get up and
sions on the pages. walk over to the bin. This
disturbs the decorum of
the class. Most classrooms
lack instant disposal op-
Hidden Problems in using Sharpeners
Detailed Points

Form Factor Carelessness Price Factor Longetivity Cleanliness

The sharpeners are small The sharpeners are easily Reservoir sharpeners are Shavings fall everywhere Cap of the reservoir sharp-
and uncomfortable to use. misplaced by children expensive so most parents while using simple sharp- eners can break easily as
The small curvatures at the don’t want to buy it for ener as they don’t have res- the are brittle and the chil-
sides offers very little to The cap of the reservoir their children. ervoirs contain the shav- dren dont care about the
maintain the grip. sharpener is easily mis- Mechanical sharpeners are ings. Children don’t care usage.
Children and sometimes placed as it is detachable in only remaining sharpen- where the shavings fall The pencil dust can cause
grownups use their entire all of the sharpeners. Chil- ers that can tackles these and create a mess. cough and other health re-
palm to sharpen the pen- dren can misplace it easily problems but they are ex- lated issues.
cil. and most of the times the tremely expensive and
loose it. Minusicle pencil shavings
Mechanical sharpeners most of the parents dont are the main source of
consume a lot of space consider it to be worth it. dirtyness.
and are difficult to carry
because of its weight.
The length and width of
each sharpener varies. That
means not all kinds of pen-
cils can be properly sharp-
Existing Sharpener Types
and their shortcomings

Simple Reservoir Mechanical

Shavings fall everywhere while using simple The cap of the reservoir sharpener is easily mis- Mechanical sharpeners are only remaining
sharpener as they don’t have reservoirs con- placed as it is detachable in all of the sharpen- sharpeners that can tackles these problems
tain thne shavings. Children don’t care where ers. Children can misplace it easily and most but they are extremely expensive and most of
the shavings fall and create a mess. The sharp- of the times the loose it. Cap of the reservoir the parents dont consider it to be worth it. Me-
eners are easily misplace by children as they sharpeners can break easily as the are brittle chanical sharpeners consume a lot of space
are careless. and the children dont care about the usage. and are difficult to carry because of its weight.
Concept Inspiration

Every product requires some form of inspiration. Having

indulged in the local folklores of many cultures, I chose
the mystical Kodama tree spirit of the Japanese folklore.
The Kodama are a sign of a healthy, safe and thriving
forest. Taking inspiration from their form, shape, and
their cultural representation, I inculcated their charac-
teristics into the ideation part.
Inspiration Board

Simple Clean Neat Healthy Sleek Precise Modern

A Uni-Body For a
reservoir clean
sharpener experience
Kodama is my attempt at creating a uni-body sharpener
that serves the purpose of a clean sharpening experience.
The idea behind this product is to introduce long lasting/du-
rable sharpeners that one can associate with the brand and
its delivery.

Though this sharpener has a minimal design language, it

aims to appeal to all potential masses with its unsofistcated
process of usage, unlike what many other high-end statio-
nery brands market.
One simple mechanism Pop-up Lid

Sleek and Modern Protective Case

Uni-Body User Friendly

Compact and Ergonomic Balanced Body

Pop-up Lid



Kodama Features

The lid is connected The lid pops open The body has correct The container is
through a joint, and at the flick of a curvatures for a spacious enough for
thus cannot be lost by finger premium experience mainy shaving cycles
irresponsible children
Product Process
Hold the body of the sharpener horizontally
and have a firm grip

Carefully insert the pencil into the sharpener

Sharpen clockwise to your liking

Open the cap near a bin to ensure the proper

disposal of the shavings

Remove the pencil once the sharpening is

Materials Used
Main Body

Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). It is common-

ly used in many manufacturing processes because it
is lightweight, tough and impact resistant. Children’s
building blocks are commonly made from ABS.

Sharpening Blade

The blade of a pencil sharpener is usually made of stain-

less steel. Stainless steel is an alloy of steel and chromi-
um. This composition makes it resistant to rust, stain
and corrosion.
Overview and Product Ideology

Comfortable Experience: The Kodama Sharpener aims to prove that max-

imum performance can be derived from even the most simple designed
products. Its appeal lies in its universal design and acceptablility of the dif-
ferent generations. Its hassle-free useability process helps it in competing
with some of the leading machanical sharpeners.

Unique Design Language: It provides a solid base for launching a brand

ideology that works on the similar lines of simplicity paired with maixi-
mum performance. It unique enough to culminate into a brand that de-
livers a unique line of stationery.

Core Problem Solved: This project began with the most simple problem
that all of us have faced at some point in our lives - especially those who
are the regular users of pencils. My simple take on redesigning a sharpen-
er reiterates the notion that no one thing is perfect, and can be improved
over time - even a simple product as Sharpener!
A Project by -
Arunabh Mathur
Pram 02


Mama Joey
A Biomimicry project

Objective - Combining the product baby stroller with a nature driven

inspiration to improve the lifestyle of an infant.

Reason - Resource management is important because of the process of pre-

planning, scheduling, and allocating your resources to maximize efficiency.

Biomimicry? - Biomimetics or bio mimicry is the imitation of the models,

systems, and elements of nature for the purpose of solving complex human


Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02


The Idea behind it

Living organisms have evolved well-adapted structures and materials over

geological time through natural selection. Humans have looked at nature for

answers to problems throughout our existence, for it had solved engineering

problems such as self-healing abilities, environmental exposure tolerance and

resistance, hydrophobicity, self-assembly, and harnessing solar energy.

Biomimicry offers an empathetic, interconnected understanding of how life

works. The goal is to create products, processes, and policies — new ways of

living — that solve our greatest design challenges sustainably and in solidarity

with all life on earth.

Biomimcry and Design

Circularity, sustainability, regenerative design — it all means that the things

we humans make become a force for restoring air, water, and soil instead of

degrading it. Nature uses structure to change functions and also uses passive

forms of energy, whereas our inventions use brute force like mining ancient

carbon and a multitude of harmful chemicals. We can create conditions

conducive to life, just like nature does.

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Functional Analysis

Pram Vs Stroller

The Ergonomic Factors

D eeper Ergonomics

A pram is better equipped to carry newborns and younger

A baby stroller should have a comfortable user journey for
Is it healthy for a baby’s back to be rounded

babies of 6-months and younger,, usually for when they are

both the parents and the child. All baby carriers will
A baby is born in a rounded position. This is caused by the

“ ”
lying down. A stroller is lightweight and collapsible, ideal
support baby but may not support baby in the correct way
splayed f rog position. The spine straightens in three

for babies 6-months and older.

for optimal hip and spine development.

stages, taking about one year. t starts at the top, at the

For the wearer’s comfort the baby carrier should evenly

cervical vertebrae, and progresses down. L ying on the

stomach, the child can lift its head, hold it up, turn it, etc.
distribute baby’s weight and should not put unnecessary

pressure on the wearer’s back and shoulders. The carrier

L ater the child also does this lying on his or her back. This

means the seven cervical vertebrae are completely

should have padded shoulder straps and a wide waist belt.

straightened ( )
cervical lordosis . Then, the child strengthens

the fl x x
e or and e tensor muscles in its body (fl x
e or muscles
The baby should seat in a M-position whereby the baby’s
in the chest and stomach, x
e tensor muscles in the
Can you put an infant in a stroller?

bottom is lower than the knees and the hips are spread

open.An ergonomic baby carrier should support your

buttocks and pelvic area . )G radually, the whole central part

of the spine with the twelve thoracic vertebrae straightens

Before you use a stroller for your newborn, make sure that baby’s legs up to the backs of his knees, so that the legs

don’t dangle. This wide-leg, spread-squat position benefits

( )
thoracickyphosis . This straightening is completed when
the stroller reclines — since newborns can not sit up or
the child can sit up on its own. Finally, the five lumbar
hold up their heads. Some strollers fully recline or can be baby’s comfort and proper hip development.
vertebrae straighten ( lumbar lordosis . )
used with a bassinet attachment or an infant-only car seat.

The Benefits of baby strollers

Convenient transportation — Baby prams and strollers

allow for easy transportation of babies and infants.

Safety Features — The baby stroller comes with many

advanced safety features for the baby. As a result, you do

not need to worry about the safety of your baby.

Harmful UV Ray Protection — The baby strollers offer a

canopy for providing your baby a shield. For better

protection, you can choose the best umbrella stroller with

bigger canopy for your baby as well.

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Pain Points


Hazardous Joints Stability Learning Curve Lack of Technology Overall safety

Portability is a major and Hazardous joints remains The ability to stand firm The various processes With the advancements Other safety concerns

reoccuring issue for a longstanding concern without toppling over is involved in operating a in technology, baby pram involve speed brakes.

parents when it comes to for the parents. Injuries one of the main purchase baby stroller or pram is one of the few products protection f rom harmful

baby strollers or prams. related to the said issue requirments of the seems like a daunting that has seen the least UV rays f rom the sunlight,

The major problem with are prevalant in many of parents. While most of tasks for many parents. amount of innovation in price to performance

portability is that it the mainstream line of the prams do offer that, The pressure of doing terms of combining ratio, whichi basically

creates a hassle for the baby strollers and prams. the reality is that after a everything right is too smartphone technology involves a large amount of

parents to secure The complicated design year’s worth of usage, the stressful for some. that can help create a safety features, spacious

everything with of the pram as well as its the structure becomes safer product usage, and compartments without

compromising on their varrious that can be worn out and begins to monitoring process. While compromising space,

mobility. The eliminated are the ones lose its stability, which is many are sceptical of minimum bulkiness, and

compromised mobility that require to have a lot highly dangerous. The inserting smart artificial intelligence

often leads to accidents of joints. ones that don’t lose their technology in every related features.

such as triping. More over, stability as easiliy are sphere of life, the baby

it has ergonomic overly expensive, and carrying industry is one of

problems which gives rise most parents end up the few that could

to spine or knees related chosing the mid tier actually benefit f rom it.

issues later on. options.

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Identified Problem Areas

Stability and Spacious Lack of
and Resource Safety
Strurdiness Compartments Modularity

Storing childcare products in Modularity is one of the Baby industry is one of the
Stability and sturdiness is the The overall safety measures
a stroller/pram for parents is growing trends in the heaviest and one of the most
primary concern of the to reduce injuries f rom
tough job because the industry, with more and more stressed industries in the
parents while buying a baby hazardous joints; protection
current line of products dont’ brands catching up. WHen i world. It is estimated that
stroller. The need is to create f rom the UV rays of the sun’
offer many options for comes to strollers, the about four babies are born in
a product that is steady and correct ergonomic posture
storage as well as option for modularity is very limited. the world each second.
sturdy indefinately without which is essential for the
segregating bags based on Lack of modularity also raises Raising a baby is one the
compromising on price. desires growth of the child,
the need of seprating clean the concern for sustainability most resource consuming
technologically induced
f rom unclean. and resource management. human activities in the world.
safety measures.
Modern day parents are

opting for green ways to raise

their babies so that they can

provide a better world for


Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Product Inspiration Moodboard

Stability Strength Sturdiness Spacious Security Modularity

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Biomimicry Inspiration


All kangaroos have short hair, powerful hind legs, small

forelimbs, big feet and a long tail. They have excellent

hearing and keen eyesight. Depending on the species,

their fur coat can be red, grey or light to dark brown.

Kangaroos are famous for their means of locomotion:

hopping! They can reach speeds of 60kph, clearing more

than 8m with a single hop!

Their muscular tail is used for balance when hopping, and

as another limb when moving about. They also use their

tail when swimming; that’s right – kangaroos are good

swimmers! They swim to avoid predators, and can use

their forepaws to drown pursuers.

Kangaroos are famous for their forward-opening pouch,

where the joey (baby kangaroo) develops and suckles. A

female kangaroo is known as a 'flyer' or a 'doe' and a male

kangaroo a 'buck' or a 'boomer' (hence the nickname of

the Australian men's basketball team, the Boomers). They

live in social groups called mobs.

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Reason behind the said



Powerful Legs Sturdy and Agile and Iconic Pouch Recognisable

Muscular Mobile sound pattern

Kangaroos possess Kangaroos possess Kangaroos are famous for It's a pocket of skin that acts Kangaroos hiss and growl
powerful hind legs, a long, powerful hind legs, a their means of locomotion: like a second womb, giving when alarmed, females
strong tail, and small f ront long, strong tail, and hopping! They can reach the joey a safe, cozy make clicking noises to
legs. Kangaroos belong to small f ront legs. When speeds of 60kph, clearing environment to grow. And, communicate with their
the animal family moving around smaller more than 8m with a single like a pregnant belly, the offspring, and males
Macropus, literally "big areas at a slower pace, hop! pouch can stretch to fit the ‘chuckle’ during courtship!
foot." Thanks to their large kangaroos often baby as it gets bigger. It's

feet, kangaroos can leap incorporate their tail as lined with powerful, but

some 30 feet (9 meters) in a fifth leg.

It may look flexible, muscles and

a single bound, and travel awkward, but research ligaments. To keep the joey

more than 30 miles (48 on red kangaroos shows safe, mom can tighten

kilometers) per hour.

their big, muscular tails those muscles to shut the

can provide as much pouch flush against her

propulsive force as their body, just like pulling a

f ront and back legs drawstring bag closed.


Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Concept form Inspiration f rom Kangaroo

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Concept form Inspiration f rom Kangaroo

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Final Concept (Fusion Render)

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Mama Joey

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

About the Product

Mama Joey

Mama Joey is an iteration of the product baby

stroller, the inspiration of which has been taken

f rom the mamal kangaroo. Its, shape, form, and

functionality have all been derived f rom the said


The product is designed for minimalist parents who

would like to purchase a hassle f ree and clean

experience f rom the product for the babies and


Mama Joey is a modular product which can be

used as a pram or a stroller based on the

requirements. Other multifunctional purposes

includes seperate bags which can be attatched to

the main body and be used to store personal and

baby products.

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Exploded View


Main Body

Mini Bags

Seating Cusion

Plastic Handle

Steel Handle

Reinforced Rod


Main Bag

Wheels Foot Breaks

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Product Usage

Sliding Overhead Canopy

The inspiration for the overhead canopy comes f rom The retracted Canopy bodies sit comfortable in a
the pouch of the Kangaroo, which acts as a protective discreet and undetected part of the body, which adds
shield when the little ‘Joey’ needs to hide, as well as a to a premium and safe experience.
convienient method to rememrge as and when they


The Over head Shed/Canopy is made up of six pieces, The mechanism is placed in such a way the even the

each connected to aadjecent one with a sliding biggest of the babies wouldn’t bumb their heads on

mechanism that helps it retread and dissapear. the ceiling of the canopy, which one of the major

concerns of the parents.

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Product Usage

The Body

The inspiration for the foundational skeleton comes

f rom the overall structure of the Kangaroo. The

structre is meant to contain all the importan bodies

that are the essence of the product.

Two additional bags can be placed at the back of the

stroller with a hook. This option provides for more

storage space without compromising the body and

making the main body bulkier.

The bottom compartment of the Skeleton acts as a

holder for the main bag that carries all the neccessary

baby care items as well as personal items. The bag is

shielded by the skeleton itself f rom daily obstacles

and keeps it in place.

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Product Usage

The Pram

The Pram is an important body of the product. The

Pram is a precursor to the stroller, which means that it

is used for infants f rom new borns, upto the age of the

one or more.

The Pram is one of the modular aspects of this

product in a way that it can be fitted over the bottom

skeleton and removed when the child grows up, and

be replaced by the stroller which is for older children.

The body of the Pram is reinforced with a sturdy grid

on the side, which also contains the sliding cover for

the opening. On the top is the sliding/receding

mechanism - the inspiration for which was taken f rom

the same concept of the Kangaroo and the Joey.

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Pram 02

Mama Joey
Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021
To create a packaging for a product, based on a sto-
ry or philosophy for an original brand. The packaging
should include atleast two components which should
be interactive in nature. The packaging itself should be
a reflection of the said story.
Area Selection

A Man Related Hygiene Untapped Potential

Product in teens

Modern men are behind women in Hygeine is so much more than just The biggest untapped market
terms of personal hygeine and ba- soap, shampoo and face wash. In an- would be the teenage boys to young
sic grooming. The female beauty in- cient India, Greece, and Rome, men adults. The reason behind this
dustry has caused women to jump followed more sohpisticated ways to would be that this is the most cru-
ahead of men the said categories. clean themselves on daily basis. cial phase in the lives of most men
when the foundation for confidence
is laid.
Brand Inspirations

Adonis & Kerchak

Who are Adonis and Kerchak? And why
choose them as an Inspiration?

Adonis a Greek mythological character; the

one true love of the goddess Aphrodite. He
came to be know as the God beauty him-

Kerchak on the other hand was quite literal-

ly an ape in the universe of Tarzan. This ape
was the mightiest of the beasts in the entire
series of Tarzan. Born in the dense Jungles
of West Africa, Kerchak was the deinition of
“Force of Nature”.

By bringing these characters together, this

product image becomes and identity of
these two personalities.
Reference Image of Fallen Angel Painting
by Alexandre Cabanel
Inspiration Board
Masculine Wild Savage Raw Unfiltered
Brand Name: ADONIS

Product Name: Kerchak Bath Oil, Rawrub

About the product:

The objective is to inspire men to become aware of their hygiene by bringing them closer to the raw,
and primitive side of their nature, and help them explore, and boost their masculinity. Modern men
are behind women in terms of personal hygiene and basic grooming. The female beauty industry has
caused women jump ahead of men in terms of basic appearance. This ‘JUMP’ has caused a gap be-
tween the two genders in the said categories. Today, although men attempt to improve their physical
appearance, they tend to overlook the most important aspect of their bodies – the facial imbalance.
Bath Oil are intended to hydrate and improve the basic skin, which gets deteriorated easily in this mod-
ern lifestyle.
Brand Logo

About the logo:

The logo represents the face of a young male. It is made up of a simplistic contour lines,
to depict a sort of semi-abstract approach. This was done in order to leave the rest of
the features of the face to be left upon the imagination of the viewers.
Colours Used on the Packaging

Primary Colour: #5fb727

Green color was chosen to represent a raw and natural side of the product and the

Secondary Colour: #3fffec

This bright cyan was used to create soothing and calming affect on the eyes, and to as-
sociate the product with nature as well as cleanliness.

Tertiary Colour: #0000ff

This shade of dark blue was chosen as it creates a sense of mystery in the product gives
the possibility of intriguing a potential consumer.
Kerchak Bath Oil by Adonis

The entire ensemble consists of a main box, and a bottle.

The overall attempt was to capture a sense of masculin-
ism in order to attract the desired demograph.
The Main Box
The Main Bottle
Greeting Cards
Easeheat 03

How does a Kettle work?

When an electric kettle is plugged into an electric Electricity passes through the coil, turning into Electric kettles then shuts off automatically.

outlet and switched on – the electricity flows heat and warming water inside it coverting the when there is enough steam in the kettle due to
through the concealed heating element which electrical energy to heat energy. As an electric presence of thermostat the circuit breaks off
contains metal coil. kettle is a sealed unit, the temperature rises
quickly and pretty soon the water starts to boil.

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Easeheat 03

Understanding the tech

behind the existing product

Basic Fuctionality

When the kettle is turned on, a large electric current flows through the coil,
or the ‘heating element’.
The coil has an electrical resistance (a measure of the difficulty to pass
an electric current through it). This resistance turns electrical energy into
heat as it passes through coil.
The heat brings the water inside it to boiling point.
Some kettles use a thermostat, which prompts them to switch off when
the water reaches the right temperature.

Heating Efficiency

With 1 liter (roughly 1 kilogram, 2.2 lbs) of cold water at about 10°C (50°F)
and you want to raise it 90°C to its boiling point (100°C or 212°F). The
amount of energy you need is 4.2 × 1000 grams × 90 degrees = 378,000
joules or 378 kJ
The mysterious "4.2" is a constant value called the specific heat capacity
of water. Every material has a different specific heat capacity, which is
simply the amount of energy you have to put in to raise the temperature
of one gram of the material by one degree centigrade.

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Market Study
Size and Demographics
The rising importance of resource management including oil and
gasoline is expected to shift to eco-friendly electric kettle. The
growing working population has led to the need to save cooking
time, which is promoting instant cooking sector. Young consumers
prefer to purchase this product for a hassle-free water boil process.

Rising working population, and changing consumer preferences

towards energy-saving technologies. Moreover, growth in the trend
for virtual kitchens along with safety benefits and comfort to the

New product variants of electric kettles such as variable

temperature-controlled kettles, that are equipped with multiple
temperature settings allow the desired temperature for boiling

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Easeheat 03

Existing Kettle Types

Electric kettles contain a wide variety of styles and many smart technologies are being
used on them. The user can control the temperature by using these technologies. Some
kettles contain smartphone integrations where the user can use it by just switching it on
and off from anywhere at your home.

Gooseneck Kettle Jug Kettle Electric Moka Pot

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Easeheat 03

Use for quick


The “Jobs to be Done”

Jobs-to-be-done theory tells us that the more jobs a
Boil Milk
product can help a customer get done, the more valuable
Boil Eggs Momos that product is as a product platform in that space.

The rising working population, and changing consumer

Kettle Make
preferences towards energy-saving technologies are
Boil Water maggi leading users to opt for compact multifunctional products

In lieu of this fact, consumers use electric kettles for multiple

purposes beyond the defined functionality.

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Easeheat 03

The Survey

A survey with an average sample size of 50, was conducted to extrapolate

information, and asses certain bahaviors and actions people participate in, with
refrence to an electric kettle.

The survey was divided and 4 major parts: Conversation starters, Behaviors,
Actions and Needs and Wants .

The questionnaire panned out over a functionality, cost, usablity and design
language listing.

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Easeheat 03

Key Findings
The Survey

Flexibility to adjust Reduce supervision

Simple cooking Easily operational
between simmering, time or make the kettle
capacity for 1 modules catering to
boiling, steam self reliant with time
person( DIY cooking) any age group

Simple/intuitive Easily assembled Weight and bulk

functions and call to and disassembled reduction with
action buttons modules simple grooves to
channel out liquids

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Easeheat 03

Intervention Area

Inferences drawn from the research, case studies, and surveys -

Limescale residue

Cleaning inner
leaves bad odour. It's Lacks the opportunity

surfaces is difficult Requires Constant

particularly common to include a wide
No qualitative
due to lack of supervision with no
in hard water areas, variety of instant
temperature control
accessibility in error prevention
due to the higher cooking options
some iterations of features.
concentration of Mg besides boiling

and Ca..

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Easeheat 03

About the Product


A modular kettle that facilitates multipurpose cooking,

expanding the variety of instant cooking options within the

domain of kettle.

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Easeheat 03

The Mood Board
Modular, Multifunctional, Conventional, Self-Reliant, Timeless design

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Easeheat 03

Ideation Phases

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Easeheat 03

Selection Criteria
Feature List

Modularity for
Focus on students,

Control multiple cooking

Supervision Bachlors and people

scenarios Language who live alone

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Easeheat 03

Raw Materials used in a Kettle

Metals Non-Metals

Stainless steel (Body)

Low density polythylene (LDPE)

Polypropylene (PP)(Handle, Lid, Base)

Polystyrene (PS)

Borosilicate (High Heat Resistance)

Nichrome (Heating Element)

Polyvinyl chloride (wiring insulation)

Copper (Wiring)

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021


Easeheat is an electric kettle with a difference.

Contray to the normal kettle, easeheat allows

users to carry out a multitutde of
functionalities, and cook food within minutes.
Easeheat comes with 3 features- Boil, Steam
and Instant Cooking.

Easeheat 03


Boil: The kettle provides for ease of boiling multiple items

such as water, milk, pasta, noodles, eggs etc

Steam: Items such as rice, momos, dumplings, dhokla and

meat can be steamed in Easeheat.

Instant Cooking: Easeheat provides for instant cooking

options, so you can have your “ready to eats” in minutes

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

Easeheat 03

Product Usage

Drop Heat Eat Repeat

Add your item to Select the desired Eat wholsome, well Cooking made
the kettle &
time and hit start cooked food in simple
select your minutes !

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Exploded View
Easeheat 03

Technical Drawing

Arunabh Mathur PORTFOLIO 2021

LEDs for power

Modules for
different use cases
Steamer Module
Removeable Lid for

Preset Buttons &

Timer Dial
About Myself 00


Arunabh Mathur
Arunabh Mathur RESUME 2021

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