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(Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual

School Environment)

(Focus on Gender, Needs, Strengths,

Interests, Experiences Language, Race,
Culture, Religion, Socio-economic Status,
Difficult Circumstances, and Indigenous

Submitted by:

Submitted to:

ACTIVITY Observing differences among learners’ gender, needs,

strengths, interests, and experiences; and differences among learners’
linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, religious backgrounds, and difficult
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Judith Espenilla Teacher’s Signature: ____________
School: Talave Elementary School Grade/Year Level: Grade 6
Subject Area: Filipino & English Date: October 15, 2021


An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

1. Find out the number of students. Gather data as to their ages, gender, racial groups,
religious, and ethnic backgrounds.

During class:

1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how the students interact
with one another and with the teacher. Are there groups that interact more with the
teacher than others.
2. Observe the learners seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do they
behave and interact differently?
3. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with or
compete against each other?
4. Who among the students participate actively? Who among them ask for most help?
5. When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, do the
classmates try to help him? Or do they raise their hands, so that the teacher will call
them instead?

Outside class:

1. How do the students group themselves outside class? Homogeneously, by age? By

gender? By racial or ethnic groups? By their interests? Or are the students in mixed
social gatherings? If so, describe the groupings.
2. Notice the students who are alone and those who are not interacting. Describe their

Interview the teachers and ask about their experience about learners in difficult
circumstances. Request them to describe these circumstances and how it has affected
the learners. Ask about the strategies they use to help these learners cope.

Ask the teachers about strategies they apply to address the needs of diverse students due
to the following factors:
 Gender, including LGBT
 Language and cultural differences
 Differences in religion
 Socio-economic status

Name of the School Observed: Talave Elementary School
School Address: Proper Punao, Brgy. Punao, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
Date of Visit: October 15, 2021

During class:
Based on my observation, the learners who are occupying the classroom were
approximately 37 students wherein there are 20 boys and 17 girls. Their ages are ranging
from 11-12 years old and most of them are Roman Catholics while some of them are Born-
Again Christians in terms of religious settings. Some of them are come from minority level
and there are others who were also reared by an average level family. Lastly, all of them are
purely Bisaya.

As I observed the Grade 6 students during class hours, I noticed the different
approaches of interaction by the students to everyone in the classroom. There are group of
students who are very participative and instantly response to the question which asked by
the teacher in a respectful and polite manner while on the other hand, there are some
group of learners who are just seated on their chairs and quietly listened to the discussion.
As I observed this practice, I found out that there is a boundary to the teacher and student
in a very nice way in which the students must use polite words when interacting to their
teacher for the main reason that their attainment in life are far enough. I also observed that
there are group of students in the classroom who act as a leader and a little teacher
wherein they are the one who volunteer to correct the mistakes of their classmates in a
nice way. Moreover, the learners feel comfortable with ease and with no hesitation to
interact with their classmates who are have the same ages and gender. It is quite good to
know that there is a learning and rapport established in the classroom in order to have a
meaningful and better interaction with one another.

Furthermore, while observing the learners who seated at the front and the back of
the classroom, I noticed they aren't behaving the same. During class discussion, most of the
students who are in front are the ones who show positive behavior wherein they raise their
hands to answer the teacher’s question and when they want to share their ideas and
insights during the subject matter. While learners at the back are just silently listening to
the discussion of their teacher and there are times that they conversing with their
seatmates since they are out of sight and attention of the teacher. So if the student is
misbehaving, the teacher calls the attention of the student and warns the student instead of
scolding it right away.

In addition, as what I perceived, the relationship among the learners is very light
and happy. They accept the ideas and thoughts of others and they also don't quarrel on
their different point of views and beliefs but rather accept and understand one another.
They also help with each other most especially during group works wherein every member
participates and shares their insights. Aside from that, if there are instances that they
compete with one another, it is just in a form of a friendly competition in which it will boost
the eagerness of the learners to be competitive with one another and will help in their
learning and developmental process.

Those students who participate actively are those that stand as class leaders in
which they are the ones who usually excel in the class. On the other hand, those who seek
the most for help are those who are at the back and side or corner of the class maybe
because they are far from the board that’s why they ask for more help and attention.

When a student is called and can’t answer the teacher’s question, some of his or
her classmates try to help him or her by whispering the correct answer. There are also
instances that the one who knows the answer will automatically help his or her classmates
by merely raising his or her hand to call the attention of the teacher just to be able to save
them. This only shows oneness or unity of the class and their concern towards their
classmates which is good because they care for one another.

Outside Class:
During break time, the students group themselves usually by gender and age
because I think they are more comfortable being with their peers with the same level of
thinking and same interests. Based on what I saw, there are group of students who are all
girls wherein they have the same likes like playing girly things. There are also group of
students who are all boys wherein they share same interests like war craft and action
games while there are also mixed social groupings wherein even that they are different
gender, they still have the same ideals like for example a group who loves to play indoor or
outdoor games because they share common likes.

Learners interact with each other freely and with no rules to follow wherein they
just talk about what they want without any restrictions. Most of the groups I observed are
those who talk a lot about today’s trending topics like the latest drama happenings on the
television, computer games, newly upgraded gadgets, hottest celebrities, and other stuffs
they want to play.

Interview with the Teacher:

According to my interview to a grade 6 adviser, Mrs. Judith Espenilla, she said that
being a teacher is a challenging profession because they are the one who holds the key to
the curriculum process. And so, as what she had experience in almost 25 years of teaching,
she also encounter different types of learners and it is a required for a teacher like her to
initiate strategies in order to cope up the needs of her students. She said that putting
different individuals coming from different races, gender, beliefs and cultural settings
together in the same class is a tough job. But as a teacher, the things she would always do is
to understand first the needs and abilities of the students in order to better understand
their attitudes, values and beliefs. She also said that it must also consider about what is best
for meeting and satisfying the needs of her students in a diverse learning environment in
order to give them the same attention, proper and fair treatment because in this way, it is
easier for her to handle them knowing that it is not hard for her to look for different types
of strategies just to fill in their varied needs. So, her advice to all future educators is that,
because of the differences of the learners, a teacher should employ a specific approach and
strategies on how the students participate in the learning process.
1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and interactions in the
classrooms. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the
leaders, a mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a little teacher, a doubter/pessimist?
 As I observed, the main persons who play key roles in the classroom is both the
teacher and the learners. I consider teacher as one of the main persons in the
classroom because she is the one who plays the role of a facilitator wherein she
guides and facilitates the learners when doing their perspective works. While
on the other view, I also consider students as one of the main persons in the
classroom because of their characteristics and behaviours that they showed
inside the class.

Some of them plays to be a class leader wherein they are the one whom
facilitates and control the noise level and regulates their classmates when the
teacher is not around. In other words, they intend to organize according to what
is good. On the other hand, those who are overactive are considered to be a
mascot or joker because they usually balance the class. They make the
atmosphere active and happy when the class gets too boring by cracking some
jokes. There are also attention seekers in the class wherein they will surely get
the attention of the teacher by doing different acts even though some of this acts
are not good anymore. There are also little teachers in the class wherein they
correct their other classmates' mistakes and teach them when they didn’t
understand the lesson. For me, these learners are very caring and have the
heart to help others. While there are also doubters or pessimist in the class who
easily gets disappointed and stop working on a certain activity when they find it
very difficult or hard.
 What makes the learners assume these roles? What factors affect their behavior?
 The learners that makes assume these roles are based on how their classmates
perceived them in class. And of course, the environment also influences their
behavior on how they act, communicate and interact with one another. In other
words, they present themselves based on the environment in which they live in.

2. Is there anyone you observed who appear left out? Are students who appear
“different?” Why do they appear different? Are they accepted or rejected by the
others? How is this shown?
 There are few students who feel isolated and prefer to be with someone who has
the same thinking and interest possibly because they are not the type of
students who are constantly in contact with their friends and other people. It is
also due to their minority level and background wherein they are comfortable
to communicate and hang out with those peers who are also belong to a poor
family like them. However, they are accepted by everyone despite the fact that
they are not those typical students who are willing to interact with others. In
fact, their other classmates make them join to their group to let them feel that
they are united.
 What does the teacher do to address issues like this?
 Of course, a teacher who truly cares for his or her students must not tolerate
such kind of behavior like this. Instead, as teachers, they must regularly
imposing restrictions on their students, lecturing them on the importance of not
bullying others and teach them on how to respect other people regardless of
ethnicity, gender, religion, culture and background they belong or have.

3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual
differences of the students?
 The teacher that influences the class interaction considering the individual
differences of the students by showing a fairly values inside the classroom. The
teacher doesn't discourage their students whenever they are responding a
wrong answer from the question but instead, they just says thank you for the
answer then provides answer after. They do not discriminate the students based
on their physical appearance, beliefs and cultural inclination. The teacher
doesn't show biases according to what the students' performance and routine
when they were inside the classroom but instead, they must be treated equally
so that they will feel that they are all the same. The teacher also knows how to
discipline the learners when they are misbehaving. And most of all, the teacher
must be a good role model with a great sense of humour and a good value so
that the students are not afraid to interact with them.

4. What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the benefits of diversity in the
classroom? How does the teacher leverage diversity?
 I think the factors that influence the grouping of learners outside the classroom
is their common interests because it is normally consider that being an
individual, you will automatically go with the group that you will feel the sense
of belongingness wherein you can share your likes and dislikes. At the same
time, as you join a certain group, this reflects of who you are as a person. It
gives you a different vibes. And this is what I had noticed to the group of
learners when they are outside the classroom.
How did you feel being in the classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or
unity among the learners and between the teacher and learners?

When I'm in the classroom, I feel that I am very welcomed because the teacher is so
accommodating and the class showed respect upon introducing me to them. And by that I
already feel that I’m completely a teacher.

Within my mind I could also feel the sense of oneness and unity among the learners
and the teacher because the learners intermingled positively to their teacher. It is intact to
them the value of unity or the connections that keep them stronger through helping each
other learned together without having one of their classmates left behind. When their
teacher asks a question, they automatically respond to it instantly without any hesitation
and qualm to themselves. This is only shows that the student like them has a self-
confidence and trust to themselves even if they are not as good as others. Indeed, unity
implies uniformity and harmony and the class I visited portray this kind of characteristic.
ACTIVITY Observing the differences among learners with
dissabilities, giftedness, and talents

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Antonnete Palabrica Teacher’s Signature: ____________

School: Talave Elementary School Grade/Year Level: Grade 5
Subject Area: English & MAPEH Date: October 18, 2021

Use the observation guide provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation
report on the space provided.

1. Observe the class to see the differences in abilities of the learners.

2. Try to identify the students who seem to be performing well and those that seem to
be behind.
3. Validate your observations by asking the teacher about the background and needs of
the learners.
4. Observe the behavior of both regular students and those with special needs. Note
their dispositions, pace in accomplishing tasks, interaction with teacher, and
interaction with others.
5. Observe the teacher’s method in addressing the individual learning needs of the
students in his/her class.

Name of the School Observed: Talave Elementary School

School Address: Punao, Brgy. Punao, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
Date of Visit: October 18, 2021

According to my observation, each class has a different approach to focusing and

interacting with the teacher while the lesson is being delivered. Some of them can read,
understand, and write while others are struggling in writing and reading comprehension.

The learners who are performing well are mostly those who are seated in front of
the class, the average is in the middle, while those with a slower rate of learning are found
at the back corner of the class.

I asked Mrs. Palabrica about the learners which might have a learning disability.
According to her, some students have very short attention span, can't follow simple tasks
and directions and have weak reading comprehension.

As what I have observed, the fast learners are the ones who actively participate in
activities and show much interest than the others. The slower learners on the other hand,
are those who spent most of their time through playing, conversing with their seatmates
and have showed signs of short attention span.

The teacher knew this very well that every learner learns at their own rate. She told
me that it is normal for a class to have vast differences in learning rates in terms of
different subject areas because of the common interests of the learners in particular. In this
case, it is very important to used different teaching methods in order achieve a good
learning rate among the students. So, as a teacher, she continuously devised ways to cope
up with this situation in order to give the learners as well as herself to adjust and make
learning effective in the best possible way.
1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher?
 Yes, my observation really did match the information provided by the teacher.

2. Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class? What
practices or strategies are done or should be done to differentiate instruction
to meet the needs of the learners?
 The different ability levels of the learners in this class are their ability to interpret
and follow instructions, attention span, and lack of interest in subjects because they
focus mostly on playing. The strategies for this in order to meet the needs of the
learners is first, the teacher must devise a technique for designing lessons that are
based on the learning styles of the students in order to cater their needs, interest
and intelligence level. Second, the teacher must group the learners through shared
interest, topic or ability for assignments so that they can cooperate with others as
well as to alter their focus. And lastly, the teacher should administer the classroom
with a safe and supportive environment in order for the learners to learn and
engage more in every discussion.

3. Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the students’

differences in abilities. How did the students respond to the teacher? Did the
teacher use differentiated instruction? If yes, describe how.
 The teacher's methods for dealing with her students are self-reliance through asking
suggestions from her colleagues and through research. She used playful approaches
in learning to get the attention of the learners. She made good use of visual aids to
make fun games about letters, colors, shapes, and the like. It was an effective
method because it caught the learner’s attention and most of all, they participated
with interest. She grouped them while considering their differences in abilities and
she made her best efforts to make the groupings be balanced. She also treated her
students fairly and with no biases even though she has different types of learners in
the class. As a result, it promoted a good learning situation and her students
responded well to her.
1. Recall the time when you were in elementary or high school. Recall
the high and low achievers in your class. How did your teacher deal
with differences in abilities? Was your teacher effective?

During my 6th grade in elementary, I remember some of my classmates were still

struggling on how to read English language fluently. What my teacher did was
that, she assigned a study buddy for each student who’s having a hard time to read
English in a fluent manner. It was a strategy of her to balance and help the slow
learner learn from his fast learner classmate. As one of the study buddies, I help
and assist my classmate in reading a book every recess or lunch time about the
proper pronunciation, intonation and the like. My teacher continuously monitors
us as well as the progress that my classmates are making. For me, she is very
effective in implementing this kind of strategy because she helped the low
achiever students improve their weaknesses while letting those high achievers
share their knowledge and skills through assisting their classmates.

2. What dispositions and traits will you need as a future teacher to meet
the needs of the learners?

As a future teacher, I will need the following dispositions and traits to respond to
my learners’ needs:

 Expectation that I will be handling a classroom with students with wider-

ability levels and needs.
 Additional time and effort to meet the needs of the learners.
 Continuous innovation and brainstorming of effective strategies and
approaches in handling students with different levels of abilities.
 Effective communication to establish good relationship with students
while being a good listener for them.
 Focus on collaboration along with the belief that this is more effective than
letting the students learn alone.
 Flexibility and adaptability in changing and evolving environment.
 Empathetic teacher who understands what his or her students'
backgrounds, needs and interest.
 Fair in facilitating accompanied with guidance and discipline in order for
them to become a good and better version of themselves someday despite
of their disabilities.
 Lifelong learners who continuously seeks for what is best for students.
Observing the school experiences of learners who
belong to indigenous groups.
Resource Teacher: Mr. Marino Lastimosa Teacher’s Signature: ____________
School: Flora Primary School Grade/Year Level: Grade 6
Subject Area: Filipino & English Date: October 19, 2021

Use the observation guide provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for Indigenous Peoples Education

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your
observation report on the space provided.

If your are watching videos you searched, instead of actually visiting a school, have
these question in mind as you are watching the videos. You can try get in touch with
the creator of the videos and interview them too.

1. Before you observe, read about the specific IP group in the school you will visit.
Know their norms and customary greetings. This will help you blend in the school
community and interact with respect.
2. Observe and note the different parts or areas of the school environment. How are
learning spaces arranged?
3. What activities do they do in these different areas of the school?
4. Who are the people who manage the school? Who are involved in teaching the
5. Observe how the teaching-learning process happens. Describe the learning activities
they have and the teaching strategies the teacher uses.
6. Describe the interaction that is taking place between the teacher and learners,
among the teachers, and in the school in general.
7. What instructional materials and learning resources are they using?
8. Interview the teacher or principal about the curriculum. Find out the curriculum
goals. You can use the questions found on the Analysis part of the activity.
Write your observation report here.

(You may include photos here.)

Name of the School Observed Flora Primary School
School Address Maruglu, Capas, Tarlac
Date of Visit Virtual Visit on October 19, 2021

The main goal of IP students in Capas, Tarlac on why they want to pursue learning is
that they want to learn so they cannot be deceived by other people.

As I made a virtual visit online particularly through YouTube videos, I was able to
learn about the Aeta-Magantsi's culture, tradition and educational system. According to the
video I'd recently watched, Flora Primary School in Maruglu, Capas, Tarlac is a school
exclusively for Aeta-Magantsi students or commonly known as Negritos. There are more or
less 50 students in the school with only 3 teachers. With the travel conditions, the contact
hours of students with their teachers are exactly 4 days.

The school was well-constructed using concrete materials for the safety and
comfortability of the students. Although every classroom is not spacious enough but the
teachers are helping together to support the needs of the learners such as providing
instructional materials for better learning and engagement of the lesson.

Each classroom has mixed of different grade level students. One classroom is
composed of Grade 4 and Grade 5 students due to the lack of teachers and the facility.
However, the interaction between teachers and students are bound by respect where
students are paying attention attentively and teachers letting them experience what they
are teaching hands on. Learners are very determined to learn amidst the inadequacy of
learning materials such as books. One student said that they are using Grade 4 textbooks
instead of Grade 5 textbooks due to the rainy season that hinders the delivery of the books
to their school.

Teachers are also resourceful and creative with their instructional materials. Even
though they find it hard to teach using chalk and board only, they still find ways on how to
teach the lesson effectively. There is this one teacher who shares his idea that he uses
pebbles from the river to teach addition and multiplication since they are also adhering to
the indigenized curriculum. One teacher also shared his challenge in teaching alphabets
based on the words that we commonly associate with the letter. Instead of teaching letter
"A" using apple, he uses those words that are more familiar to the students.

The challenge in the curriculum is also a factor that affects the progress of the
students' learning. Indigenous Peoples Education Curriculum Framework is not utilized in
this school because it is not yet distributed to them. So, they follow the Old Curriculum
Framework instead. But the time frame in this curriculum is not applicable with the IP
students' ability level because sometimes, one topic covers 3 days.

No matter how eager and effective a teacher is, the problem with the lack of
resources affects the students' performance in the school which makes it hard for teachers
achieve their objectives in order to help the IP students learn better.
Curriculum Design, Competencies, and Answer each question based on your
Content observation and interview data.
1. Does the school foster a sense of One particular example on how the school
belonging to one’s ancestral domain, foster the sense of belonging to Aeta's belief
a deep understanding of the and practices is when, one of the teacher is
community’s beliefs and practices. teaching the Aeta's tradition and the teacher,
Cite examples. as part of the school, demonstrated an
example of deep understanding of what the
Aeta value in their culture.

2. Does the school show respect to the Yes, the school shows respect of the
community’s expression of community's expression of spirituality by
spirituality? How? respecting each other's unique and
traditional beliefs and how the way they live
because they strongly believe it has its own
beauty and spirit.

3. Does the school foster in the Yes. The school shows a deep appreciation of
indigenous learners a deep Aeta's identity through encouraging the
appreciation of their identity? How? students to learn their own traditional
practices and helping them value their
culture through integrating such concepts in
the discussion.

4. Does the curriculum teach skills and According to one of the teachers, they are not
competencies in the indigenous adhering to the IPED curriculum but they use
learners that will help them develop the old curriculum framework instead. This
and protect their ancestral domain means that the skills and competencies that
and culture? the learners need to develop are more
generalized and do not specifically
emphasize their tribe's ancestral domain and

5. Does the curriculum link new Yes because even if they are using the old
concepts and competencies to the life curriculum but it still link new concepts and
experience of the community? competencies to the life experience of the
community. The old curriculum still promotes
and teaches the importance of one's culture,
traditions, beliefs and practices to have a
better understanding to one's identity and

6. Do the teaching strategies help Yes, as the mode of teaching is formal, the
strengthen, enrich, and complement "indigenized" strategies that the teachers
the community’s indigenous employ in teaching the topics also
teaching-process? complement the Aeta's teaching process
which makes the learning more effective and

7. Does the curriculum maximize the Yes. One particular example on this aspect is
use of the ancestral domain and the integration of cultural dances and
activities of the community as practices of Aeta in classroom activities that
relevant settings for learning in highlights the concept of preserving and
combination with classroom-based valuing their own culture, tradition and
sessions? Cite examples. identity.

8. Is cultural sensitivity to uphold Yes, through showcasing their own

culture, beliefs, and practices, traditional dances as part of their
observed and applied in the curriculum. The teaching strategies and
development and use of instructional learning resources are also connected to
materials and learning resources? what is just available within their tribe's
How? (For example, Culture bearers community.
of the Indigenous Peoples are
9. Do assessment practices consider Yes. The assessment practices that the
community values and culture? How? teacher's employ consider community values
and culture through ensuring that the
assessments are culturally-sensitive by
allowing them to use their own language,
their own tools that are available in their
tribe, their own traditional dances and other
concepts that are relevant to the group's

10. Do assessment processess include As I have observed, the activities employed by

application of higher order thinking the teachers contributes to the student's
skills? development of critical thinking skills
through using real-life concepts or problems
that the students need to solve.
What do you think can still be done to promote and uphold the indigenous
peoples knowledge systems and practices and rights in schools?

For me, here are my suggestions regarding the knowledge systems and practices and rights
of indigenous peoples in the Flora Primary School:

 The DepEd Division of Tarlac must ensure that the IPED curriculum is distributed in
remote schools most especially those schools that are exclusively for IP students.

 They must arrange effective methods and techniques for teachers who are struggling
to travel to the mountain schools without sacrificing the contact hours of students
with their teachers.

 They should hire more teachers to teach indigenous people and give them exact

 They must provide textbooks for the learners as well as modern instructional
materials for the teachers to use.

 The curriculum for indigenous framework should emphasize valuing of culture and
tradition of the indigenous peoples through integrating real-life concepts in every
Reflect based on your actual visit or videos that you watched.

1. What new things did you learn about indigenous peoples?

I learned that indigenous peoples’ common objective is to protect and propagate
their own culture, tradition and practices to all of their new generations. They all
want for their identity to continuously be known and preserve amidst of
modernization and globalization that is why, Aeta students are more concerned with
the harsh possibility that they may be fooled if they don't study than focusing on
their dreams and aspirations as learners. I also learned that, there are many factors
that affect the performance of the IP students in class thus, the teachers and parents
of these learners must be aware of these challenges wherein they must find ways to
at least solve the problem.

2. What did you appreciate most from your experience in visiting the school with
indigenous learners? Why?
I really admire the teachers in Flora Primary School in terms of their dedication and
determination to teach the IP learners no matter how hard the situation is. I
appreciate their effort to travel more than 5 hours just to educate the students and
they never give up on helping their learners to achieve their dreams in life. For them,
teachers are the only heroes that will help the students claim their rights to

3. For indigenous learners, as a future teacher, I promise these three things:

3.1. Be open to and respect indigeous people by being mindful and respectful to
my choice of words and actions in the actual classroom setting. Letting each
one of my students especially my IP students to express their assumptions
about a specific lesson even if it is bound with their beliefs and give respect
with regards to it. I must be an effective communicator to them who influence
other people to be appreciative of indigenous people and lead in upholding
their rights.

3.2. Uphold and celebrate their culture, beliefs and practices by integrating
celebration of culture activities in every lesson and maximizing the use
different teaching methods that recognizing diversity and inclusion among

3.3. Advocate for indigenous peoples education by continuously supporting of

developing and enhancing IPED curriculum, willing to study and understand
my IP learners' culture, beliefs and practices in order to address differences
with other students through the creation of learning materials and use a
teaching style that would best meet all of my diverse students' needs. It
should also important to accept indigenous students to blend in class, provide
them with inclusive learning environment, freedom of expression, respect,
enjoyment while studying, encouragement of interaction with one another
and free from discrimination. I will stand with indigenous people's right for
education as it rightly for all regardless of race, social status, religion, gender
and identity.
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
With the principle of individual differences in mind, what methods and strategies
will you remember in the future to ensure that you will be able to meet the needs of both
the high and low achievers in your class? Make a collection of strategies on how to address
the students’ differences ability levels.

With the principle of individual differences in mind, what methods and strategies will
you remember in the future to ensure that you will be able to meet the needs of both the high
and low achievers in your class? Make a collection of strategies on how to address students'
different ability levels.

Here are my methods and strategies in the future to ensure that I will be able to meet
the needs of both the high and low achievers in my class:

1. Invest time to get to know personally each of my students through focusing on their
strengths, weaknesses, interests and objectives so I can easily build rapport and
respond to their needs.
2. Lessen the pressure impose to them but rather make activities that is enjoyable and
motivating to them.
3. Allow the use of Filipino, English and Mother Tongue dialect for oral recitations or
even small inquiries so that all the learners will be given a chance to share their ideas,
learning's and opinions.
4. Modifying the subject related activities and tasks into individual, group and pair work
so that students have a chance to interact, learn, communicate and form relationship
from their classmates.
5. Pay close attention to the low achievers in class and conduct a counselling to discover
their problems, difficulty and even hindrances why they aren't focus in learning to be
able to address it.
6. I will use different learning resources like written and digital materials and actual
experiences such as visiting museums and field trips.
7. Provide an inclusive learning environment for all the students to feel that they are
belong and cared despite of their individual differences.

As a future teacher, it is important to ask, do research and read existing studies about
handling effectively diverse students. If the students are excelling, then continue to improve
and use the strategies, but if they didn't succeed, work again on task to understand well their
varying abilities.
LINK Theory to Practice
Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. Which statement on student diversity is CORRECT?

A. The teacher must do his/her best to reduce student diversity in class.

B. The less the diversity of students in class, the better for the teacher and students.
C. The teacher should accept and value diversity.
D. Student diversity is purely due to students’ varied cultures.

2. Which student thinking/behavior indicates that he/she values diversity?

A. He/She regards his culture as superior to other’s cultures.

B. He/She regards his culture as inferior to other’s cultures.
C. He/She accepts the fact that all people are unique in their own way.
D. He/She emphasizes the differences among people and disregards their

3. What is a teaching-learning implication of student diversity?

A. Compare students.
B. Make use of a variety of teaching and assessment methods and activities.
C. Do homogenous groupings for group activities.
D. Develop different standards for different student groups.

4. All are features of Indigenous Peoples Education Curriculum, EXCEPT __________.

A. Affirms and strengthen indigenous cultural identity

B. Makes education exlusive to the indigenous culture
C. Revitalizes, regenerates and enriches IKSPS and indigenous languages
D. Anchors the learning context on the ancestral domain, the community’s world
view, and its indigenous cultural institutions

5. All are best practices in using learning resources for indigenous learners, EXCEPT

A. Culturally generated learning resources only include indigenous group’s

artifacts, stories, dances, songs, and musical instruments.
B. The language used in instructional materials, especially in primary years, which
highlight mother tongue, is consulted with the indigenous community.
C. Cultural sensitivity and protocols are observed in development and use of
instructional materials.
D. The indigenous community’s property rights are upheld in publishing learning

6. All are best practices for assessment in the Indigenous Peoples Education
Framework, EXCEPT _____________.

A. Including the practice of competencies in actual community and family

B. Applying higher-order thinking skills and integrative understanding across
subject areas.
C. Using international context in the assessment standards and context faithfully
without modification.
D. Including community-generated assessment processes that are part of learning

7. Read the following comments by the teacher. Which of these comments will most
likely make a child try harder, rather than give up?

A. Sinuwerte ka ngayon dito sa test, ha?

B. Hindi ka talaga magaling dito sa paksang ito, ‘no?
C. Nakikita ko na kailangan mong maglaan ng mas mahabang panahon sa paksang
ito para lubos mong maunawaan ito.
D. Nahihirapan ka sa paksang ito. Maari kitang tulungan.

8. Which of the following demonstrates differentiated instruction?

A. The teacher groups the learners by their ability level and makes the groups work
with the same but assigns a different task appropriate for each group to
B. The teacher divides the class into three heterogenous groups and assigned the
same activity for each group to work on.
C. The teacher groups the learners by their ability levels and assigns each group a
different task on the groups to work on.
D. The teacher groups the learners by ability levels and assigns each group a
different task on the same topic, and then requests three different teachers, each
to assess one of the groups.

9. Which teaching practice gives primary consideration to individual differences?

A. Allowing children to show that they learned the stages of mitosis in a way where
they feel most comfortable.
B. Allowing children to show that they learned the stages of mitosis in a way where
they feel most comfortable except by learning.
C. Preparing two different sets of examination, one for the fast learners and
another for the slow learners.
D. Applying two sets of different standards.

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