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lmportam ---- -
I A.1. Cement Concrete
■ Cement Concrete IS a Mixture of
1. IS 456 - 2000 • Design of RCC Structur\!S. -Waler', CemMt
- Sand (Fine Aggregates)
2. IS 1893 - Earthquake Resistant design of structure - Stone Aggregate (Coarse Aggregate)
3. IS 1392,0 - Design & Ductile detailing of RCC Structure - Admixtures
4. IS 3370-~ 1 to IV - design of water tanks
■ Different glc!des as per compressive Strength.
5. Is 13"-3 • -.; re-stressed Concrete
- M20, M25, etc
6. IS 190~< D~ign of load bearing walls (Masonry wall) 25- = Compressive Strength of
' . IM=Mix M~25-\- Concrete called Characteristic
~tr~(l_gth ( fcJ.

A/2. Diffe,'ent Grades oJConcrete {As Qer

s Conc~~te Grade Used of
N .. ; . ■ Nominal cover is the minimum clear
1 . ~required for outermost layer of
Ordinaf y M.10 to 1. Lean concrete
Concrete. steel reinforce,:nent (main br stirrups or
M20 2. !'/lin grade for RCC is M2.0, ties). from outer face of Concrete.
2 St?.ndard M25to ■ As per IS 456:- Pr 26.4/ Page..;. 46 :-
1.RCCwork &
-Concrete M60 2.Prestressed Concrete - Design depth of concrete ~e
3 High M65to 1. Prestressed Concrete. provided to alf kind of ~ee
Strength M 100 2. Very high strength RCC reinforcement including links
Concrete (Ties, stirrups etc.)- '

I jAJJ.1 Minimum Value of Nominal Cover

■ Minimum Clear Cover {Nominal Cover}for MIid Exposure :-

I ExamQle 1 :- For a beam in
extreme exQosure co;1dition
havinn size :-
Dia of stirruns
= 10
1. Slab =20 mm . B= 600mm D= 900 mm - -
2. ·aeam = 25mm - n-ension steel
3. Cc/umn = 40mm Ast = 6 nos of 28 mm (1st Calculate the value of
layer) effective cover and
4. Water Tank =45 "!m
= 4 nos of 25 mm (2nd effective depth of
=50 mm
5. Foundation layer) fBeam.
For members with dia of bars ~ 12mm - nominal cover may = 2 nos of 20 mm (3nl l:'...s..i ._,'l 'I,,,.. {~ :,•"'''\
be reduced by 5mm than above values. layer) errcrl-t'K ,,.
'rJ.. '1 '7'.) ,,•,I"\
t'....H-,(.,o-111 ,.c. ol<j>P
Clear distaoce between

. different layers = 25 mm

, I

I '
l . • •o
Expos ur
•Conditio . 'ii

2 Moderat9
20 . 300 0.55
1 Rain Not ~~
expose Rabi l -
30_ 0.50 d to _ nc>t severe,
3 s.v- M30 45,
rain• rain
320, ·
2 Norma immersed ,Alternate
Very Severa 1135 In water wetting and
50.- 340.. I ~
5 Extreme Water • Drying
1. Inside- ea expos•
M40 75 340
~ 0.40 Sea ' Not
ter dto r 1(1
Coast exp<>S'!d'to

Expo s~re co ·· - Sea coast Area

Exposure Example Table - 3 / IS Code
Structur.e ln1idal zone
2 Extreme 1. Mild 1. Protected again st weath er
·2. Sheltered fron(@ ln
2. 1. Expos ed t~ rain but not to sever e rain
Internal Moderate 2. Contin uously under norma l water
wans·no1 3. Protec ted to satura ted salt air in coast al
exposed .to area
saturatecl ~; Severe 1. Al~rnatQ:_wettin g and drying with
SaHair wa~r
2. Expos ed tc,sev ere rain -- - '
(M<>;derate) 3. Expos ed to enviro nmen t in sea coast area
4. Concr ete lmme rsed comp letelyunder sea

Exposure Example 5.2 Minimum Nominal Cove r in Diffe rent
condi tion - exposure condition
4. Very 1. -Exposed to sea water spray SN Member Mll4 -M odera te Sever e
Severe 2. In conta ct with under ground aggressive -
sub soil water. Like Foundation.
3. Exposed to severe freezing 1 Slab 20 ...
2 Beams 25 _
5. Extreme 1. Member in tidal zone in sea
2. In conta ct with harmful chemicals 3 Column 40
4 Foundation so 50
I "
4/4 /20 18

Compressive Strength of Co
omp ress e ng
tliestltlng Concrete of 150ommconcre e s oun y Compressive test usinQ Cylind
es ng Machine . Im Compressive
· ers I
2. Cubes are Casted at site 1• 150 mm dia and 300 mm
for day long conc rete cylindrical
Con trol for kno wing the com to day Quality specimen rmry mo be
concrete. pre~slve strengtli of Compressive Strength of Conuaed tor catculaUng
3. In one sample a·bo ut 6-8
cubes are casted. ■ Cyli11der compressive
- 3 or 4 cubes are tested at 7'1' ; of Cube compressive Stre ngth are found abou t 80%
day ngth.
- J 4 cubes are tested at 2BI"
111 days ■ Cylinder compressive
stre ngth < Cube strength
4. 28 day strength Is con
Strength of concrete calle red as Compressive /I This is due to slendern
ess effect of cylinder and due
Strength of concrete d Characteristic to end friction. Failure patt
(fck)• ern get changed in case
of cylinders


~ ffJ ~ (ii ' FAILURE

., - a~~ ~
C..lfdS ,ftil c-o.,~ sa,.,
,._. ~

- .,_

- --

Compressive strength of con

■ Question :- For M 30 Con_crete
the vaiue of test result of
four cubes obtalne.ciare
- 32.4 l 34:0,- 31.6, 32.8 N/m 2
) \...
' m
- Average strength\ =
= 32.4 +34 .0+3 1.6+ 32.8
32.7 N/mm2
4 I '
- Is the above sample of con
crete acceptable ?
I Pass or Faned
Re sul t:-:
2 I .

... .
. .

4/ 4/ 20 18

6. Ch ar ac te ris
tic St re ng th
of Co nc re te
■ Ba se d on
28 11 da y str en
str en gth be low gth of Cu be .
wh ich no t mo the Va lue of
tes t res ult s re tha n 5% of
ar e ex pe cte d to cu be
Ch ara cteristic; fal l is ca lle d
St re ng th of Co
■ Fo r M3 0 :- nc re te (fc1<>·
Ch ar ac ter ist ic St re ng th Is
- < 5% Cu be 30 N/ mm2 if.
te st re su lts ar
- >9 5% Cu be e < 30 N/ mm 2
te st re su lts ar
- Th is co nc re e> 30 N/ mm 2
te is ca lle d M3
0 an d fcJr=30 N/
mm 2

- ------
Va lue
-_ '
of SQ • Hi gh er Va~u
e :n f SD sh ow
■ St an da rd De po or qu ali ty c tro l at sit e
via tio n .. -n gt h of
.l2l du e to wh• ich s .. -
no t fo un d
co nc re te is
As pe r IS 45 6-2
00 0 un ifo rm -
Fo r M 10 an d
M 15 Lo W va lue o f so sh<>W
=3 .5 N/ mm 2 • 1e ss va ria tio
ns an d g . d
Fo r M 20 an d qu ali ty co ntr Ol
M 2S -
=4 .0N i'm m 2 St an da rd de via .
• tio n sh oW
Fo r M,30 an d
Hi gh er th ev an.a tio n in di ffe re nt
te st re su lts ob di
=5 .0 N/ mm 2 ta lne n
te sti n •

Co nc ret e A sh
- ow ing
-G oo d-q ua lity Co nc ret e B sh
-G on tro l ow ing
1-- =i-- 1 - --
li!-1 = les .. ) Po or Qu ali ty
Co ntr ol
la:,.= Mo re }- :. I

!O bj ec tiv e Q ue
If definition of ch
st io n 1
ar ac te ris tic str
- Characteristic en gt h is ch an ge
St re ng th is th d as :
be low which no e
t m or e th an 50 va lue of st re ng th
expected to fa ll
then th e va lue
% of te st re su lts
of f.,. wi ll be ar e
-J l'6. fm + 1. 65 0
■ b. fm -1 .6 5 o
■ c. fm + 0. 82
■ d. fm


J 8. Acce~tance Criteria for Concrete

2 JO
· A~ ~r 16 ,1 (b} / IS 456/2000 Page
. C lnd1v1dual Test resul ts of any sample
f Ve test re . !TR ~ (fc1c - 3) N/mm2
avera > suft shall Be ,non-overlapping
98 - (f -·
'!f 4 c.t<-~ ) (R c1i+ 0,825o)N/m 2 J·. As ~er 15.4 of IS 456/ 2000 l!age 29.
ed off ; •
ound m The lest result of the sample shall be
OR (f to•o.s N/mm2) of three (3) spec imen and the
(Which of the strength
than ±15%
ever is rnore )k + 3 ) N/mm2 Individual variation shall be not more
result of the
of Average strength. If more the test
sample are Invalid. .

Quality contr0 I at · results

. coni,.. Test- Average Ave site- Cube test Quality control at Site- Cube test
R . . ITR Variations Resul
esu11 strength Sirerage ITR . Variations .. Test Average Av str t
__ • Requil'lld ngth value · esul strength required value

I . M 29.6
30 34.c

I 19. Concrete Mixes
No of Sam12les reguired for testing:
rete Mix
■ As per 15.2.2 115: 456-2000
■ There are two type or Conc
1. Nominal Mix 2. Design Mix

,. 1-Sample = B Cubes i■Ja) Nominal Mix :-

w Mlnlmwn Numbel' of Samples
required during concreting :; 1:1.5:3 of concrete.
-A fixed prop ortio n like 1:2:4 or
Numb er of samples rials.
- Show volum etric ratio s of mate
., Quantity of Cbncrete (m )

' 1- 5 1 sample ( 8 Cubes) rials used not cons idered.

- Qual ity of mate
8-15 ' 2sam ple ( 1IJ Cubes) work in sma ll quan tity.
- Used for roug h conc rete
3sam ple ( 24 Cubes) than M20 grade.
16-30 .-.
4 sample ( 32 Cubes) - Generally used for conc rete less
gth shal l be
- It is assu med that desi red stren
4 + 1 additional sample for
51 and above additional 50m or part there
3 obtained.
oi. "
. "
,_[. , /O /bB[ '2_o\ ~
d0 G._ ;

~ s" 1"'\ ~e
~l ~i $'-' ~ ~I -=7
3.; L~
s--o I ~ ':

3~ ~ t \~ e,..j
Is"-- ' ~X' :3 --;.
'5'0 ~
-~ 5

e2:~ ')~b -t LI • :> 'S"~ l

~ --;::.
_so Scc Mp,e ~9 1' " '
L/ liJ J( 8,(, '::- t 4 U-l ts_½
gz_3 '5°- «-,,~ ..,-

-- ~ ~ ~-

_I ~-2 Design Mix

• Design of ~roporti on of different
materials for
· Site.
CT ·es !o get the·desirec ishrtgth of concrete at 9.2 Design Mix ,nressive
■ Designed such that
th~ ave.rageco mr
btained .
durmg ,
• Before Sta~ of Work at site Mix of Concrete need to strength df cube specimen is O ~ elt.h
t des_,gned Py a l'f:PUted Institutio n or
be.f!e_ design mix is more than 1
Laboratones to connrm the quality \ oY' l
f,verage ~
f. . ~
• Design Mix is done before start of Work or m · ) :::a-
whenever required f. , > (f. k + 1.65 CT
(f.•ck +. 1.65
IIVffllge - c_ . get Mean
. . .CT)=
. fmls
, .ca1/ed 71af
• by using actual sample of materials brought kom site Strength
by using proportion tif'materials by Weight

9.2 Processes in Design Mix

1, Find out Target Mean Strength of Concrete
2 Se'
fm= fck + l.65 o
[10.1 Tangent Modulus 0 f Elasticity
■ Slope of tangent• at.f\lJY, point of
. ect wat7r ceme.!lt r~tio for desired strength using charts.
~3. Select water content based ·on workability charts. Stress strain
tangent Curve is calle,d
modulu~ of.elasticity.
4. Calculate Cement-i:onte11w equired • This is a instantaneous value of
Cemen! Content= (Water content/ W/C ratio) modulus of Elasticity.
5. Decid:._~ ra_!io o(
Fin~ t~_Coa~ ~egate (W1.t W"' ). • Ratio of lns1antaneous
6. Calculate masses of fine agwegate and coarse aggregate
. based on "absolute-V increase of stress and strain at
W ,' WolumeWpnncip!e•.
· : a particular Stress Value
I ~+~4 -~+ Vw + Vv = 1.0 · rna-easelnstress _d
ye yfa ye~ \ . .. u--~~=n~g•n:t:-~,n~cr:::•::.asei'.:n!Str~a~ln:..:d::.,_L___ ___ __
~ Y. ~ -;p ~~ ~~-J . ~
d~ r~ ~ l?'rOfO~i~'<M -- k
t1-1' ?t

~ ~. .
~ - N'ltl . e 6,n
~~"de."':" ~t- c..u.t~,
~ J . J~ ijh.
n . -
.,...- "' " ' "• "-«y" \., ' u> ,ii I •• lO'\ '.L/3 f', ~'T ..,,,J
. ~~ l 7 ~ ~
-J 8:...> LJ-Ll'}'f)., '2lea "cc..oY'<'l'N'l
,,~ 'M.O\.L\
<""Ro.,--u.\ .:(."" - L ~'l.l't\J
'"-r ab \,at"v\ 1>)"" po
10_2 . Secant Modulus of Elasticity
Value of younq's modulus of elasticity of concrete Ei;:
11Slope of line joining ~n~ ~o~ ~ fL_ _ _:___ _ _ ,
stress strairrcurve"to ·orrg1n rs callee
secant modulus of elasticity.
• Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete as per IS 456:
- ·- E, = 5000. ..JT;;, ~ S.<a,=
~\I\- cl "j ~
• Also called static modulus of • called shortterm static modulus of Elasticity.
Elasticity . 11 . term_
' No effect

. I \.# e_p-'"'1
Short of time (creep) cons1·ct ered• '7" '(~
• Due to a continuous stress applied • ~ - Subjected to a stress value for a long p~rlod time. "'----l> ~ , •
on concrete in static manner.
• There may be a variation of+/ _ 2096 in act11a/ V'd /1ie
Total Increase Stress observed than value as calculated from above lonnula.
II Esecant Total Increase 'In Strain
• For ex for M30, Ee = 5000. "3o = 27386 N/rnm2
f,< L14r
'f}>e_-r-u'~ l (
rri,·v,/ 7 I yei-»
V',1-L'J t,. e lcre
seo-.. . '
~ -d,"6{

Jch .

10.4 E0 Value s1:1ggested in IS Cod
10.3 Initial Tangent Modu lus ol.Ela slicity
u Modulus of ELlstld ty of Concrete
nt Origin. 'l • The Value of Young's modulus of
ard code Is
Elasticity used in

dyn~m ic modul us of Elastlc llY Ind/an Stand

• Also called
lus Is also E, = 5000. /J;;
• The value of lnltlal tangent Modu 1
of Elastlclty_at 3.
equal to
• This is the value of static modulus
1,·,r =sooo.ff:. value of characteristic Strength of concr
ete. -
point all the dulus of
• Within the Elastic Limit at ~ry
three value of Modulus of Elasticity Is
same ■ The value Is also equa l to Initial tange nono
"' Er.a,.., = E_ = ElT = sooo.ff:.

-' Tensile Strength of Concrete

I l!I Concrete is very wea~ in tension
n Tensile strength can be measured by

I 111
- 1. Two point load method on o prism {beam
- 2. Split tensile test on a cylindrical concre
Tensile Strength of concrete ·
- Direct tensile strength : in direct tension
te member SUpplomMb~-====i:~/T"- r
steelba r"
concrete member is
- Bending( flexural) tensile strength : when
subjected to bending s:r=es. PlyWDQd. Sb'essblocJc:
fer= 0.7,/f;; strip
strength test
Split tensile Strength : in cose ofsplit tensile

W ~ B Steel Reinforcement
Permissible Stresses in concrete for taking tension in
Direct Bendi ng Direct Bendi ng • Steel reinforcement is used mainly
tensio n tensio n comp ressio n compr ession concr ete.
• Steel reinforcement are of various
- 1. Mild steel reinforcement
- a. Ordinary and b. Hot rolled
- 2. Medium tensile steel reinforcement
- a. Ordinary and b. Hot rolled
{HYSD Bars)
- 3. High yield strength deformed bars
.- 4. Cold Twisted Bars {CTD Bars)
(TMT Bars)
- 5. ThefTTICrmechanically treated bars

. .T

• I . . . Strength of Different type of bars

Type Characto Pcrmlss,bl Propanlcs
. ........ l! !'.:~ ) ;n Tensile Parmiss Ptcpertil)S
Strcnght,. Stress , . ,'. :, ; . :j;.:·
,·... wl,• .. •j r,~~~,\··]~ 1: ·w;·,-,,·-':· ··~>'.i
~~~lW,iifo'i.';.,;ll}T.'uWr-;!'.;~ , lN:··,·,\'.:·',,.
. :·. ·:- t< ,:>~, f/\Y1 .-. .., •

- ~:J .
c . .. . . .
' . .
! _ . _'_._

Properties of Miid Steel reinforcement

■ MosUy Hot rolled Mild steel reinforcement were used in
old buildings.
■ These type of steel show very high value of deformation
at yield plateau without any increase in stress.value due
to which concrete members with such steel will show
high deformation an:J cracking once stress value go
beyond yield streS!, value.
■ This behaviour c,f steel is not good for concrete. A large
cracking may be seen in the structure due to such high
value of elongation.

Properties of Cold Twisted/ HYSD Bars/ TMT bars
iiThe Mild steel reinforcement can be changed into·
cold twisted cold working process. ■ These reinforcement have very high strength.
a Cold Working ■ Stress diagram does not show any yield
- Steer reinforcement is stressed beyond yield ■ Yield stress is read by proof strain value of 0.002 Strain value
limit value either by stretching or by twisting ( 0.2% strain called proof strain).
and unloading it. This process is ca/fed ■ A lin_e is_drawn from 0.2% proof strain value parallel to stress
cold working process. stra1~ diagram and cutting point on stress strain curve is
- After cold working the steer reinforcement wilf considered as yield stress value.
not show high value of deformation beyond
■ At Yield Stress Value total Stain in steel
yield limit.
strain at yield stress ~ 0.002 + i

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