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Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Policy

Information and communication technology (ICT) student should know how to behave when
working in the computer laboratory, as well as implement a safe way of accomplishing every
task. Safety practices should be learned early and always adheres in working with any electrical
and electronic device, including personal computers and its peripherals. This is for your
protection as well as to the people working with you, and for the devices that you are using.
The basis for this process begins with Occupational Health and Safety Policies.
Occupational safety and health (OSH) is a planned system of working to prevent illness and
injury where you work by recognizing and identifying hazards and risks. Health and safety
procedure is the responsibility of all persons in the computer and technology industries. You
must identify the hazards where you are working and decide how dangerous they are. Eliminate
the hazard or modify the risk that it presents.

1. Do not work alone so that there’s someone who can take care of you in case of
2. Always power off the computer and unplug the computer before working on it.
3. Take away any liquid near your working area to avoid getting electrocuted or
accidentally damaging computer parts.
4. Be careful with tools that may cause short circuit.
5. Always ground or discharge yourself before touching any part of the computer.
6. Do not use excessive force if things don’t quite slip into place.
7. Clean the area before and after using it to maintain sanitation and prevent accidents.
8. Hold the components on the edges and do not touch the Integrated Circuit (IC) parts.
9. Always wear personal protective equipment’s (PPE) in accordance with the
organization’s OHS procedures and practices.
10. Make sure that the pins are properly aligned when connecting a cable connector.
11. Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are
12. Use brush, compressed air or blower in cleaning the computer system.
COC 1 Computer Set-up and Configuration
 Assemble and Disassembly
 Bootable Devices
 Reformatting
 Dual Boot using Ubunto

1. Turn off the computer and remove all the external devices and cable in the system unit.

2. Lay down the System unit and remove the case cover.

3. Remove the Internal cables that connected to the motherboard.

4. Unscrew and remove the power supply.

5. Unscrew and remove the HDD (Hard Disk Drive) and remove the optical disk drive/ CD-

6. Unscrew and remove the motherboard.

7. Remove all the devices that connected to the motherboard.

1. Put back to place the devices that you remove to the motherboard.
2. Put back the motherboard into the system case.
3. Put back the HDD hard drive and the CD-ROM optical disk drive.
4. Put back the Power supply.
5. Connect the internal cable in their natural socket.
6. Put back the system case cover.
7. Put back the external cables and external devices.
Bootable Devices
1. Go to CMD and type diskpart
2. List disk
3. Select disk (0,1,2…3)
4. Clean
5. Create partition primary
6. Select partition 1
7. Active
8. Format fs=fat32 quick
9. Assign
10. Exit
1. Take out your windows 7 and insert it to DVD-ROM if it has a DVD-ROM if not use
USB Bootable Device. it is necessary to restart your computer and, in some cases, set
up a booting priority in the BIOS (press the Delete, F2 or F12 button immediately
after restarting the computer) so that your DVD drive is at the top of the list (Pic. 1).
The BIOS version is based on your motherboard and the booting priority is usually
found under the Boot option. Change the booting priority and confirm the changes
by clicking the Exit & Save changes.
2. Language setting option. The first step is choosing a language, time format, currency,
and keyboard layout. Choose your language setting in the first step This setting will
carry on onto the next steps (Pic. 4), so all you need to do is click Next.
3. Select Custom.

4. Partitioning for Windows 7 and Ubuntu Container.

5. After the partitioning wait and if you see warning restart unplug the flash drive if
your using flash drive if your using CD don’t unplug

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