Mel Sys 7i DRC Melmops

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Four Danish Refugee Council Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Minimum Operational Procedures (MOPs)

System PEOPLE Evaluation Learning

DRC operations have a clearly defined DRC operations have adequate and DRC projects, which meet the thresholds DRC operations share lessons learned
and documented M&E System dedicated resources for M&E outlined in the DRC Evaluation Policy, are and document the use of evaluation
evaluated, and evaluation findings are used to findings
inform decisions on programme strategy and

What do you need to do 1 Describe the country or regional

M&E System in relation to the DRC
1 A dedicate and trained M&E focal
point is centrally placed in the
1 Each DRC operation is to plan, budget for
and conduct one evaluation per year. In
1 At the Annual Review DRC operations
should revisit monitoring and evaluation
in your Operation? Project Management Cycle using the operation addition, projects (single grants) larger findings and document key lessons
DRC M&E System Checklist 2 Relevant Terms of Reference for the than 2.000.000 USD and with a duration learned.
2 A MEL Compliance Self Check is position as M&E focal point or similar above 12 months are to conduct an 2 At the Annual Review a Lessons Learned
performed annually is developed external evaluation. Note is filled out and send it to MEL@drc.
3 DRC projects and programmes 3 The M&E focal point is involved in 2 Register your evaluations dk to enable dissemination across DRC
have developed a Monitoring and development of proposals in regards with OPSU operations
Evaluation Plan using a DRC MEP to indicators and monitoring and 3 Develop Evaluation ToR using the DRC 3 When developing new proposals lessons
Guideline evaluation plans guideline. learned from previous projects and
4 Budget lines for M&E are ensured in 4 Ensure a management response and programmes should be used and the
project proposals action plan is developed to follow up usage should be documented.
on recommendations 4 For external evaluations get the evaluator to
fill out the DRC Evaluation Lessons Learned
Note and send it to

Who is responsible? It is the responsibility of the Regional

Director (RD) and the Country Director
It is the responsibility of the CD to ensure
that the operation has a dedicated and
To ensure that DRC projects are
evaluated in line with the thresholds
The CD is reponsible for quality of donor
reporting as well as the annual planning
(CD) to ensure that the operation is trained M&E Focal Point. Setting ToR for key set out in the Evaluation Policy is the cycle and the Annual Review process with
compliant with DRC standards, hence the country staff is the also the responsibility of responsibility of the CD and RDs, with the support of the Head Support Unit
RD is responsible for compliance with the the CD in consultation with the RD. the exception of Real Time Reviews for and the Programme and Operations Co-
MELMOPs at for the Regional operation The quality of proposal writing in the Corporate Emergencies, were the SMG ordinator.
and the CD is responsible for the country operations is the responsibility of the RD and is responsible for taking the decision to The RD have similar responsibility for
operation. CD, with support of the Head of Support Unit. evaluate. the Regional level. Again, the tasks
The tasks to enable compliance with Hence, to ensure the invovlement of the M&E A detailed describtion of responsibility in of ensuring the collection of lessons
the MELMOPs may be delegated to the Focal Point in proposal writing and a relevant regards to each of the steps in the DRC learned at the Annual Review and from
operations M&E Focal Point. budget for M&E activities also falls under Evaluation process is presented in the evaluations may be delegated to the M&E
the responsibility of the CD and RD for their Evaluation Policy. Focal Point.
respective operations.

Where can you find For relevant DRC tools and guidance
visit or write to
In addition to there are
multible M&E skill development and
In addition to the DRC Evaluation Policy
and guidance found on melmop.drc.
On you can find
guidelines and ideas on how to share
support? for direct support training options you can access as a dk the ALNAP guide below is highly the findings from your evaluations.
M&E Focal Point. The DRC M&E Adviser recommended. You might also wish to consult the DRC
can give guidance on Programme Handbook in regards to
External Resources: the Annual Review process and take a
Relevant training options: look at the DRC Evaluation and Learning
Evaluating Humanitarian Action Briefs on for inspiration.
DRC Induction. The course in Copenhagen – An ALNAP Guide
have a dedicated session on DRC MEL System
DRC MEL Blended Learning Course
version Have a look at for online
April 2015 courses.

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