Needs Improvement! Project Activities Need To Be Discussed With Your Supervisor

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Needs Improvement!

Project activities need to be discussed with your

Assignment 02
Topic of project-
Topic of my project is volunteer in an NGO on drug addicts.
Name of organization and cause-
I wish to wok with Nishan Rehab,on a cause to aware addicts about their disease.I wish to plan a
number of activities with them.
1-planing a disease awareness activities by showing some documentary, or real motivational story
of recovered patients.
2-planing a counseling session with them. How you will do counseling?
3-Plan a healthy awareness activity like storytelling.
4-Educate them,how to live and progress in society after recovery.
General routine-
Conducting group sessions with them,and playing some sort of games.
Benefit for community-
I hope that after properly creating awareness with their disease and after understanding their
addiction and to mange it,they are able to become a good citizen of society and play a progressive
role.young blood is the backbone of society,so its very important to treat young addicts and create
awareness in them.
Benefit for the individual-
1-better understanding of disease
2-Accepting it addiction not habit,become honest with themselves.
3-Become able to mange it on early stage like anger.
Current level-
I am the student of ADP psychology.I know just the grass root level knowledge.I do feel the spirit to
work with such patients.but I lack experience,this project will be helpful,inshallah to improve my
Expected outcome-
To build a empathetic relationship with patient
Creating a hope or spirit of drug free life in patients
This experience to work with patients will be helpful in future.

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