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Internship Report (PSYI619)

Assignment No. 03
Due Date: 28-12-2021

Pre-Assessment Report

Dear students

As you were supposed to take two cases, you are required to submit a pre-assessment report of
both of the cases you are working on. The report must be prepared keeping in view the given

Instructions For Clinical Internship:

You are required to provide a clear picture of the cases you are handling. Summary of following
five aspects, of both of the cases you are working on should be part of this assignment:

1. Client’s whereabouts/demographics
2. Presenting complaints (in client’s verbatim with time duration)
3. History of present illness (including all predisposing, precipitating and maintaining factors)
4. Proposed Assessment (both diagnostic and personality, please provide names of
psychological tests only which you will administer on the client)

Instructions For School Internship:

It is important to know for students working in school students, that you do not have to diagnose
the client/student. Summary of following aspects, of both of the cases you are working on,
should be part of this assignment:

1. Presenting complaints (in client or informer’s verbatim)

2. History of the client
3. Behavioral observations and informal assessment due to which a specific child was selected
4. Problem identification (Please do not give diagnosis, instead mention the problem client is
experiencing related to behavior or academics, students will provide problem identification
of the clients in 1-2 lines.)
Instructions For Organizational Internship:
Summary of following aspects of the organization should be part of this assignment:
1. The nature of organization you are working in
2. The tasks you are performing there and your experience as a new learner
3. Organizational policies/efforts to ensure employees satisfaction and motivation
4. Your observations related to mental health of the employees
Note: Students are supposed to relate psychological theories and models, which they have learnt
during the course of their studies (specifically in organizational psychology), with the tasks
performed in their respective organizations. It should be done in every part you discuss in your
• Prepare report according to the given format in the download section.
• Report must be submitted in MS Word following Times New Roman style and 12 font
size. Use black and blue font colors only.
• Only in the case of Assignment, 24 hours extra / grace period after the due date is usually
available to overcome uploading difficulties which may be faced by the students on last date.
This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above-mentioned due dates
should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.
• Make sure that you upload the assignment against assignment#3 before the due date. No
assignment will be accepted through e-mail.
• Submission of pre-assessment report is mandatory for all students otherwise they will not be
able to work on final report.
• The information which you provide will help us to determine whether you are going in right
direction or not. If your instructor finds some ambiguity or any other issue related to the
case, you may be guided to take a new client at the initial levels.
• Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Any evidence of plagiarism (if found at any instance) shall
be strictly dealt as per “ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY” of the University.

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