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IB PYP Report card comments –

General /Form Tutor Comments
A risk taker, XXXXXXXXXXXX approached unfamiliar situations with courage. It has been
a true pleasure and a rewarding experience watching XXXXXXXXXXXX grow this term. He
matured academically and socially throughout the term and consistently made an effort
to self-regulate his own behaviour. He often volunteered to help others in class, sharing
his knowledge and expertise. XXXXXXXXXXXX enjoys discussing his work and readily
accepts suggestions from his teacher and peers, often reflecting on how his actions
affect others. Each day XXXXXXXXXXXX came in with a smile and made a conscious effort
to do his best. He worked well independently and in small groups.

It is encouraging to see XXXXXXXXXXXX developing into a more active member of the

class. He continues to be energetic and enjoys outdoor activity. He has made a place for
himself among his peers with his helpful nature, but he does need to respect the ideas
and views of others to fit in better. He should work on his time management skills during
the holidays so as to be able to complete the given tasks on time. This will hold him in
good stead in higher classes. He participated in the Yoga display during the Annual
Sports Day and also won a bronze medal for long jump at the event. He has also been
selected for the Junior Cricket team to represent the school at different competitions. I
wish him all the best for Grade .....................

XXXXXXXXXXXX has improved in terms of working independently and tries to complete

his work on time. He is an open-minded learner who is always willing to take in
suggestions. He enjoyed himself at the adventure camp and was seen taking care of his
belongings and handling his affairs on his own. XXXXXXXXXXXX would benefit a lot by
being more attentive to class discussions which he finds hard to follow. He needs to be
encouraged to ask questions and clarify his doubts whenever necessary. It has been a
pleasure being with him his year and I wish him good luck in Grade ....................!

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It has been a true pleasure and a rewarding experience watching XXXXXXXXXXXX grow
this term. His tenacity, strong focus, and commitment to doing his best supported his
academic growth this term. Initially slow to warm up, in time XXXXXXXXXXXX became
more outgoing and made new friendships. He often volunteered to help others in class,
sharing his knowledge and expertise. He is emotionally mature, which is evident in his
peer interactions and in his ability to compromise and cooperate to advance a group
goal. He served as a model citizen for other students as he has a strong sense of fairness.
Each day XXXXXXXXXXXX came in with a smile and made a conscious effort to do his
best. He is an open-minded student who showed integrity and demonstrated this by
meticulously doing his job as the Stationary Marshal in the most responsible and fair
way. He showed excellent confidence while executing his job responsibility as the PYP
Student Parliament member. I look forward to seeing his continued growth and learning.

XXXXXXXXXXXX is a loving and affectionate child with a cheerful demeanour. This soft-
spoken boy continues to charm his way into the hearts of his teachers with his pleasing
personality and a warm, welcoming smile. His politeness while interacting with peers as
well with teachers is highly appreciated. He has proved that he is principled by always
following the essential agreements of the class. An obedient child, he respects others
and listens well to instructions. XXXXXXXXXXXX has improved in terms of working
independently and tries to complete his work on time. He is an open-minded learner
who is always willing to take in suggestions, but it would be good to see him be more
enthusiastic in group work. XXXXXXXXXXXX would benefit a lot by being more attentive
to class discussions and pitch in with his ideas too. He needs to be encouraged to ask
questions and clarify his doubts whenever necessary. He has been reminded to submit
his home tasks on time and be up to date with mails sent to his account. It is a pleasure
having XXXXXXXXXXXX in class this semester and I am looking forward to an equally
exciting second semester with him.

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XXXXXXXXXXXX is a polite and well-mannered girl with a sweet smile. She is a gentle and
disciplined child who is a keen listener. Soft spoken as she is, she prefers to remain quiet
during class discussions and it would be good to see her share her ideas and mingle more
with the other children in class. XXXXXXXXXXXX needs to try and finish her work on time
and focus on submitting completed work. Her regularity to school is much appreciated.
XXXXXXXXXXXX enjoyed performing in a dance for our Annual Production on
…………………... She loves colouring and has been asked to reduce on her screen time at
home so that she can spend more time reading books and researching on the unit in
progress or the PYP exhibition topic on ‘Animal welfare’. It is a pleasure having
XXXXXXXXXXXX in class and I am looking forward to an exciting second semester with

XXXXXXXXXXXX is a well-mannered and soft-spoken child with a balanced personality. A

principled child, her behaviour is impeccable, and she rarely needs reminders about
class rules. Her self-management skills and work habits are excellent, and she keeps her
place of work neat and tidy. Always willing to take up various classroom responsibilities,
XXXXXXXXXXXX is polite when conversing with others and confident when she presents
information, exhibiting good communication skills. She follows multi-step directions
with ease, puts forth a positive effort to complete assigned work in class and is
consistent with timely submission of her tasks. Always open to suggestions, she has
demonstrated good social skills and works amicably within a group. An independent
worker who is open to learning new things, she does not hesitate to approach the
teacher to clear her doubts. Blessed with good creative and artistic skills, she was chosen
to represent the school at an Inter-school Art competition where she fared quite well. It
is a pleasure having XXXXXXXXXXXX in class and I am looking forward to an exciting
second semester with her

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A well organized and responsible child is what makes XXXXXXXXXXXX a very invaluable
member of the class. Her caring and helpful ways have endeared her to everyone in the
class. She has been consistent with all her submissions and endeavours to complete her
tasks well in time. Her honest feedback has helped many of her peers in refining their
presentation skills. She is good at shouldering responsibilities and carried out her duties
well when she was elected as a member of the Student Parliament. The risk taker in her
took over when she agreed to doing the zip lining at the camp after the initial reluctance.
She was a part of the Yoga display during the Annual Sports Day. She has been awarded
the ‘Tec whiz’ award for three consecutive months. I wish her good luck for Grade

XXXXXXXXXXXX continues to be a very independent and soft-spoken child. Her helpful

and caring nature have endeared her to friends and peers. She enjoys working in a group
and sharing her ideas with others. Her time management skills ensure that she finishes
her tasks well in time. She does need to be more regular with her attendance at school.
Her flexibility was well exhibited in the Yoga display during the Annual Sports Day and
the Interschool Yoga competition where she bagged the Gold medal. Her agility in the
relay race during the Sports day also won her the Silver medal. She is a responsible
individual and uses resources with care. I wish her all the best for Grade .....................

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