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NEXT MOVE Name: Class:

Unit 2 Writing Activities

1 Read Jill’s blog quickly. Paragraph 2 contains a description of the photo.
What is the objective of paragraphs 1 and 3?
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Jill’s blog
1 I took this photo on my mobile phone yesterday. Obviously, I was at school when
I took it!
2 On the left, in the foreground you can see Ruby. She’s a new girl from New
Zealand. I think she’s really nice and she’s already really popular with
everyone! In the middle of the photo are my friends Ash and Ella, and my brother
Tom is on the right. In the background there are lots of other pupils because
it’s break time. And in the top left-hand corner you can just see a panel with
some photos of our last school trip.
3 I’m not very proud of the photo because it’s quite dark, but at least it’s
not blurred!

2 Read the blog again. Find six 3 there is a skeleton

expressions to describe where of a dinosaur and we can see some
things are. windows.
1 4 In we can see a small
2 sign.
4 Yesterday you met your friends at the
4 sports centre and you took this picture.
3 Look at the picture and complete
the sentences with an appropriate
expression of position.

Describe the picture. Use Jill’s blog and

this paragraph plan to help you. Don’t
forget to use words which describe

Paragraph 1
Introduction: where, when and who?
1 In on Paragraph 2
we can see Ruby and Ash. They are The photo: who and what is in the photo?
talking to a man. What are the people wearing/doing?
2 we can see Tom and
Ella. They are looking at a leaflet. Paragraph 3
Why you like/don’t like the photo.

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