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Year 35 No.

41 Feast of the Santo Niño (C) — White January 16, 2022

Holy Childhood Day/Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Hold Us
Tightly in
Your Hands,
Lord Jesus
by Fr. Christmar I. Daguno

T he Landas ng Pagpapakabanal
(Path to Holiness), CBCP’s
Pastoral Letter on Filipino
Spirituality, describes the Sto.
Niño as one of the most popular image declares that the Child struggles, and the loss of loved
devotions in our country (cf Jesus will always hold us in ones due to COVID, we are
n 53). Before the disruptions his hands. comforted all the more that
due to Covid-19, the streets of The First Reading from the God, in choosing us, is holding
Cebu and Kalibo were filled prophet Isaiah spreads this hope. us tightly in his hand.
with resounding cheers of “Pit Isaiah proclaims a message of The Gospel is Luke’s narrative
Senyor!” or “Viva, Señor Sto. joy because “a child is born to of the Boy Jesus in the temple.
Niño!” as also in other parts us, a child is given us,” so that It is a story filled “with great
of the country celebrating the we “who walked in darkness anxiety” as Joseph and Mary
devotion. Today’s feast, in spite have seen a great light” (Is 9:5, look for Jesus (Lk 2:48). When
of the pandemic, continues to 1). The feast of the Sto. Niño they find him, Jesus explains
be a celebration of merriment becomes our inspiration to rise, that he “must be” in his Father’s
and joy, a time of reunion and walk in the light, and rejoice house (Lk 2:49). The emotional
family bonding, a gathering to in the coming victory God has reunion, filled with relief, shows
pray and dance for the Lord (cf prepared for us. The Child Jesus us that God held the Holy Family
Ps 149:3). holds us in his hands. in his hand, accompanied them
Gazing at the image of the The Second Reading reminds in difficult times, and showed
Sto. Niño, we are touched to us how much God is involved them the right path.
see his hand holding the globe. in our lives. In the words of St. The celebration of the Sto.
While we may look at it as a Paul to the Ephesians, God in Niño assures us that everything
work of art, the image of the Jesus bestowed on us every in this world is in God’s hands.
Child Jesus holding the world spiritual blessing and “chose us To him we plead, “Jesus, Son of
is loaded with meanings related in him, before the foundation David, have mercy on us.” To
to our readings today and to our of the world… destined us for him we acclaim, “Viva!” and
experiences in this disruption. adoption to himself” (Eph 1:3- “Pit Senyor!” To him we pray,
In fact, seen with the COVID 5). As we wrestle with hunger, “Jesus, please hold us tightly in
pandemic as backdrop, the unemployment, emotional your hands.” Amen.
P—Lord, have mercy. has shone. You have brought
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES All—Lord, have mercy. them abundant joy and great
Entrance Antiphon (Is 9:6) Gloria rejoicing, as they rejoice before
(Recited when there is no opening song.) you as at the harvest, as people
Glory to God in the highest, make merry when dividing
A child is born for us, a son
given to us; dominion is laid and on earth peace to people spoils.
on his shoulder, and he shall of good will. We praise you, For the yoke that burdened
be called Wonderful-Counselor. we bless you, we adore you, them, the pole on their shoulder,
we glorify you, we give you and the rod of their taskmaster
Greeting thanks for your great glory, you have smashed, as on the
(The sign of the cross is made here.) Lord God, heavenly King, O day of Midian. For every boot
God, almighty Father. Lord that tramped in battle, every
P—The Lord be with you. Jesus Christ, Only Begotten
All—And with your spirit. cloak rolled in blood, will be
Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, burned as fuel for flames.
Introduction Son of the Father, you take
For a child is born to us, a son
(These [or similar words] may be used away the sins of the world, have
is given us; upon his shoulder
to address the assembly.) mercy on us; you take away the
sins of the world, receive our dominion rests. They name
P—The devotion to the Holy prayer; you are seated at the him Wonder-Counselor, God-
Child is the oldest and one of the right hand of the Father, have Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of
most popular in the Philippines, mercy on us. For you alone are Peace. His dominion is vast and
and the Holy See has granted us the Holy One, you alone are forever peaceful, from David’s
special permission to celebrate the Lord, you alone are the throne, and over his kingdom,
the Feast of the Sto. Niño every Most High, Jesus Christ, with which he confirms and sustains
third Sunday of January. The the Holy Spirit, in the glory of by judgment and justice, both
feast brings to our attention God the Father. Amen. now and forever. The zeal of
the mystery of childhood. This the LORD of hosts will do this!
means having an open and —The word of the Lord.
trusting disposition to accept the P—Let us pray. (Pause) All—Thanks be to God.
Lord’s gifts with gratitude, while Almighty God, your only
seeing ourselves as humble Son, begotten from all ages, Responsorial Psalm (Ps 98)
stewards who serve the Lord humbled himself as a child in
in the least of our brothers and Nazareth and became subject to R—The Lord is king; let the
sisters. many isles be glad.
Mary and Joseph. Grant that we
may learn from his example to Fr. Dindo Purto, SSP
Penitential Act embrace your will in all things
 
E♭ Cm

 
and, holding fast to the dignity
P—Brethren (brothers and
   
sisters), let us acknowledge our of all, serve our lowly brothers
The Lord is king;
sins, and so prepare ourselves to and sisters with open hands and
celebrate the sacred mysteries. gentle heart.

A♭ B♭ E♭

    
(Pause) We ask this through our Lord

  
All—I confess to almighty God Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives 
and to you, my brothers and and reigns with you in the unity let the ma ny isles be glad.
sisters, that I have greatly sinned of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever
in my thoughts and in my words, and ever. 1. Sing to the Lord a new song,/
in what I have done and in All—Amen. for he has done wondrous
what I have failed to do, (Strike
deeds;/ his right hand has
your breast) through my fault,
through my fault, through my Liturgy of the word won victory for him,/ his holy
most grievous fault; therefore I arm. (R)
ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all First Reading (Is 9:1–6) (Sit)
2. The L ord has made his
the Angels and Saints, and you,
Isaiah prophesies that through the salvation known:/ in the sight
my brothers and sisters, to pray
child who shall be called Prince of of the nations he has revealed
for me to the Lord our God. Peace, God will grant peace and his justice./ He has remembered
P—May almighty God have rejoicing to his people. his kindness and his faithfulness/
mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
A reading from the Book of toward the house of Israel. (R)
and bring us to everlasting life. the Prophet Isaiah
All—Amen. 3. All the ends of the earth
P—Lord, have mercy. THE PEOPLE who walked in have seen/ the salvation by
All—Lord, have mercy. darkness have seen a great our God./ Sing joyfully to the
P—Christ, have mercy. light; upon those who dwelt Lord, all you lands;/ break into
All—Christ, have mercy. in the land of gloom a light song; sing praise. (R)
4. Sing praise to the Lord with All—Glory to you, O Lord. consubstantial with the Father;
the harp,/ with the harp and through him all things were
EACH YEAR Jesus’ parents went made. For us men and for our
melodious song./ With trumpets to Jerusalem for the feast of
and the sound of the horn/ sing salvation he came down from
Passover, and when he was heaven, (at the words that follow, up
joyfully before the King, the twelve years old, they went up to and including and became man,
Lord. (R) according to festival custom. all bow) and by the Holy Spirit
Second Reading After they had completed its was incarnate of the Virgin
(Eph 1:3–6, 15–18) days, as they were returning, Mary and became man.
the boy Jesus remained behind For our sake he was crucified
God loves us and has made us his under Pontius Pilate, he suffered
in Jerusalem, but his parents
adopted children in Christ. Paul death and was buried, and
did not know it. Thinking that rose again on the third day in
reminds us to live up to our dignity he was in the caravan, they accordance with the Scriptures.
by leading a holy and blameless life. journeyed for a day and looked He ascended into heaven and
A reading from the Letter of for him among their relatives and is seated at the right hand of
Saint Paul to the Ephesians acquaintances, but not finding the Father. He will come again
him, they returned to Jerusalem in glory to judge the living and
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: to look for him. the dead and his kingdom will
Blessed be the God and Father After three days they found have no end.
of our Lord Jesus Christ, who him in the temple, sitting in the I believe in the Holy Spirit,
has blessed us in Christ with the Lord, the giver of life, who
midst of the teachers, listening to proceeds from the Father and
every spiritual blessing in the them and asking them questions,
heavens, as he chose us in him, the Son, who with the Father
and all who heard him were and the Son is adored and
before the foundation of the astounded at his understanding glorified, who has spoken
world, to be holy and without and his answers. through the prophets.
blemish before him. In love When his parents saw him, I believe in one, holy, catholic,
he destined us for adoption to they were astonished, and his and apostolic Church. I confess
himself through Jesus Christ, mother said to him, “Son, why one Baptism for the forgiveness
in accord with the favor of his have you done this to us? Your of sins and I look forward to
will, for the praise of the glory the resurrection of the dead
father and I have been looking and the life of the world to
of his grace that he granted us for you with great anxiety.”
in the beloved. come. Amen.
And he said to them, “Why
Therefore, I, too, hearing were you looking for me? Did Prayer of the Faithful
of your faith in the Lord Jesus you not know that I must be in
and of your love for all the P—On this Feast of the Sto. Niño,
my Father’s house?” But they let us pray to the Father to make
holy ones, do not cease giving did not understand what he
thanks for you, remembering us worthy of being his beloved
said to them. children. Let us remember in a
you in my prayers, that the God He went down with them
of our Lord Jesus Christ, the special way the children of this
and came to Nazareth, and nation and around the world.
Father of glory, may give you a was obedient to them; and his
Spirit of wisdom and revelation We shall pray:
mother kept all these things in
resulting in knowledge of him. her heart. And Jesus advanced R—Hear the prayers of your
May the eyes of your hearts be children, Lord.
in wisdom and age and favor
enlightened, that you may know before God and man. C—For the Church: may she
what is the hope that belongs to never lose the spirit of a child
his call, what are the riches of —The Gospel of the Lord. and so live with the spirit of
glory in his inheritance among All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus
friendship, freedom, and
the holy ones. Christ.
openness. We pray: (R)
—The word of the Lord. Homily (Sit) C—For those who hold public
All —Thanks be to God. office: may they care for all
Profession of Faith (Stand)
children, show them the beauty
Alleluia (Jn 1:14, 12) (Stand) of life, and guide them to the
All—I believe in one God,
All—Alleluia, alleluia. The Word the Father almighty, maker of respect of laws. We pray: (R)
became flesh and made his heaven and earth, of all things C—For all children of God: may
dwelling among us. Alleluia, visible and invisible. they grow in faith, charity and
alleluia. I believe in one Lord Jesus fear of the Lord so that their
Christ, the Only Begotten Son of whole life may be an endless
Gospel (Lk 2:41–52) God, born of the Father before
praise to the Father. We pray: (R)
all ages. God from God, Light
P—A reading from the holy from Light, true God from C—For all of us: may our
Gospel according to Luke true God, begotten, not made, celebration of the Feast of the
Sto. Niño be marked not only by
cultural and religious festivities
but also by a deepening of faith
in Christ who is always attuned to
the will of the Father. We pray: (R)
C—For all the faithful de­parted:
may Lord grant them perpetual
light and peace. We pray: (R)
C—Let us pray for the urgent
concerns of our community
and our personal intentions
(pause). We pray: (R)
P—Father, hear the prayers
of your children who trust in
you. May your Word and the
Eucharist be our support and
our guide. Give us a childlike
disposition, for your kingdom
belongs to the little children.
We ask this through Christ
our Lord.
Liturgy of
the eucharist For on the feast of this awe- All—Lord, I am not worthy
Presentation of the Gifts filled mystery, though invisible that you should enter under
in his own divine nature, he my roof, but only say the word
has appeared visibly in ours; and my soul shall be healed.
P—Pray, brethren… and begotten before all ages,
All—May the Lord accept the he has begun to exist in time;
Communion Antiphon
sacrifice at your hands for the (Cf. Lk 2:51)
so that, raising up in himself all
praise and glory of his name, that was cast down, he might He went down with them and
for our good and the good of restore unity to all creation and came to Nazareth, and was
all his holy Church. call straying humanity back to obedient to Mary and Joseph.
Prayer over the Offerings the heavenly Kingdom. Prayer after Communion
And so, with all the Angels, (Stand)
P—God our Creator, we offer we praise you, as in joyful
the gifts of bread and wine to celebration, we acclaim: P—Let us pray. (Pause)
recall the childhood of your All—Holy, Holy, Holy...(Kneel) Loving Father, you have
only Son. Let our offering nourished us at the banquet
Acclamation (Stand) in honor of the Child born of
become the sacrifice of him
who brought forgiveness and the Virgin. We pray that we
All—We proclaim your Death,
may advance in wisdom and
peace to the world. O Lord, and profess your Resur-
grow daily in faith and works
Grant this through Jesus rection until you come again.
of love, so that we may find
Christ our Lord. favor in your sight.
Grant this through Jesus
Preface II of the Nativity of The Lord’s Prayer Christ our Lord.
the Lord All—Amen.
All—Our Father…
P—The Lord be with you. All—For the kingdom, the
All—And with your spirit. power and the glory are yours P—The Lord be with you.
P—Lift up your hearts. now and forever. All—And with your spirit.
All—We lift them up to the Lord. Solemn Blessing
P—Let us give thanks to the Invitation to Peace
Lord our God. P—May almighty God bless
All—It is right and just. Invitation to Communion you, the Father, and the Son,
(Kneel) (†) and the Holy Spirit.
P—It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation, P—Behold the Lamb of God, All—Amen.
always and everywhere to give behold him who takes away Dismissal
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, the sins of the world. Blessed
almighty and eternal God, are those called to the supper P— Go in peace.
through Christ our Lord. of the Lamb. All—Thanks be to God.

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