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Dear Head of Academic Unit,

The PMRF team at Delhi is requesting nominations from early Ph.D students from your
department. There is a theoretical limit on the number of nominations, but in practice we
are hoping we do not hit this limit, so please send all applicants you think are qualified.
Please return via email to a link to a Google spreadsheet with
two tabs as shown in this example.
(Please copy this sheet and work with it.. Please do not send the spreadsheet as an
attachment if you can avoid it – just send the link.)

The instructions for the various columns, when necessary, appear below (Columns A
through J are common for both direct (students starting this upcoming semester), and
lateral applicants (usually students who joined in Jan 2021 or July 2021). The reasons for
these columns is to establish (at least) the minimum conditions required to forward the
application to New Delhi.

A. Timestamp: Use the canonical format mentioned in the header. The time stamp
(as opposed to the date) is only for your convenience, so this timestamp is
optional. Note that if you use a Google form, the time stamp is available
automatically and is useful to keep track of applicants updating the form.
B. Full Name
C. IIT Bombay Roll Number: If the roll number has a letter in it, use UPPER case for
that letter.
D. Academic Unit: The two letter acronym for your department used in courses
(except for Climate which does not seem to have one to the best of my knowledge).
This is the academic unit of IITB that has admitted the candidate. This unit may not
necessarily be the area in which the candidate plans to work.
E. Recommender or Supervisor Name: List only one name. For lateral entry, this could
be one of the supervisors. The candidate will be able to add more recommenders
later on. For direct entry, this should be one of the faculty members who had
interviewed/considered the candidate during the admission process.
Use the format "First Last". Avoid salutations like Prof./Dr/Ms. etc.
F. Recommender Email: Use ldap-based email id ending in "" (and not, for
example, Do not use departmental email or any other alternative
G. Final Selection Panel: This (as per Delhi) should be a numeric value according to
the following code.
a. 1 : Civil Engineering, Earth Science, Architecture, Ocean and Naval
b. 2 : Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Design
c. 3: Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering
d. 4: Computer Science & Engineering, Data Science, Mathematics
e. 5: Biomedical Engineering, Biological Sciences, Agricultural Sciences.
f. 6: Chemical Engineering, Textile Engineering
g. 7: Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering, Mining Engineering
h. 8: Physics
i. 9: Chemistry
j. 10: Interdisciplinary areas in Science and Engineering
H. Valid GATE score: Check with the GATE office for validity of a GATE score (usually
a couple of years).
I. Admission Category: TA (the most common case) -- teaching assistantship. FA
(funding from CSIR/DST and so on but not IITB). TAP-1 (IITB Project as seed
grant) TAP-2 (IITB Project funding by a govt agency), RAP (Funding from IIT
Bombay), TAP-3 (IITB Project that is funded by a non-govt agency) Self-sponsored,
Sponsored (funding from an organization external to IITB), External, Institute Staff.
(Use TAP for all three cases, but the above is simply to help you in your
J. Entry semester: This is aligned to Jan and July for simplicity. Note that some
students have been permitted to take graded classes before they were admitted to
IITB formally.

Important information for Direct Entry Column N is crucial.

K. Qualifying aggregate CPI/CGPA (out of 10.0). Example: Dual-Degree applicants
from the IITs, if separate CGPA is awarded for UG & PG parts, please enter CGPA
of UG part only, i.e., 1st four years. Enter CGPA of a PMRF institution, if
qualification is based on a completed postgraduate from a PMRF institution.
L. Highest Degree earned: The most appropriate one should be chosen (e.g. a
5-integrated masters student also has an undergraduate degree but that’s not to be
M. Website of the actual institution the candidate attended. If this is not possible,
website of the university
N. Eligibility: Note the following
a. They must have been admitted at the beginning of the current semester
(current refers to the ongoing semester at the time the nomination is sent)
b. Check conditions on ->Guidelines ->Eligibility. The condition
(1) in direct entry section needs to be checked carefully, and it should be
ascertained which of the three clauses 1(a), 1(b) or 1(c) is being satisfied by
each candidate. For example, if clause 1(b) or 1(c) is used, then GATE is
c. Check other conditions in the PMRF website
d. Integrated degree applicants are eligible only for Lateral entry (since such
incoming students are not in the PhD programme, they are in the (say)
Masters+PhD programme).
O. Link to folder containing documents from which you can ascertain the authenticity of
the information entered. The link should be public and anyone with the link should
be able to read.

Important information for Lateral Entry (Column K and Column N are crucial).

● Column K: Please check carefully for eligibility guidelines at

->Guidelines ->Eligibility.
● Column L: For those obtaining both a masters degree and a PhD degree
(eventually!) candidates are deemed to have entered the PhD program after
completion of 2 years. Example: Students in the Integrated program who entered
in July 2017 are deemed to have entered the PhD program in July 2019. For those
who converted from a masters program, the data should match the confirmation
letter from Academic Office -- be sure to tell the candidate to get the date in the
letter submitted in the document check list (Column Q). For all others, the date
cannot be later than the date of first course in IITB.
● Column M: Qualifying aggregate CPI/CGPA (out of 10.0) in the postgraduate
program (including all courses, labs, thesis, seminars, etc.) completed during PhD
program, or integrated masters-phd program. This is simply a quick check for
eligibility. Anyone with value less than 8.5 is unlikely to meet the bar (see Column
N). In any case application is not to be entertained if (a) candidates have
completed no more than four full non- (one-one) courses OR (b) candidates have
completed more than four full non-(one-one) courses and CPI calculated using all
courses is less than 8.5 (including courses that have been tagged as additional
learning since these courses have grades).
● Column N: This is the more precise check for CPI. See next bullet
● Column O: Here you will document either (a) four full courses with CPI >= 8.5, OR
(b) both four full courses AND more than four courses with CPI >= 8.5, if done
more than four. Please ask candidates to make a copy of this Google sheet
NFtJpvvBIyNQ/edit?usp=sharing, complete the details of 4 "full-semester courses",

and provide the link to THEIR copy of the Google sheet
Any course such as seminar and R&D project where the grades are primarily
based on 1-1 and not earned in full competition are NOT counted as

"full-semester courses".
Make sure that the link provided can be "viewed by anyone with the link").
Candidates can choose any 4 courses, but if candidates have completed
more than 4 courses (full or half or anything), list all (again non 1-1) courses
in the second tab (including the 4). Candidates can add as many columns as
they want in the "Additional" tab although the example show only 4 but
candidates must update the CPI formula. And CPI should be >= 8.5 based
on this tab. (1-1 courses are not to be counted).
● Column P: At most 2 attempts are permitted.
● Column Q: Link to folder containing documents from which you can ascertain the
authenticity of the information entered. The link should be public and anyone with
link should be able to read.

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