Writing A Story Tips+Planning Final

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Writing a story

 The purpose of a story is to entertain the reader - therefore it has to be gripping, amusing often
 Stories can be written either in the first or the third person and present a series of events, real or
 We normally use past tenses in stories. Past Continuous is often used to set the scene/the
background, Past Simple is used for the main events and Past Perfect is used to describe an event
before the main event(s).
 When writing a story, we need to keep a time sequence in mind. Stories describe a sequence of
events which need to be linked with appropriate sequence words such as: First,
Then/Next, After/Before (that), During/Meanwhile, Finally, As soon as, The moment that, As, No
sooner... than, Hardly... when, Immediately, Since, While, Until, By the time, As long as. 
 Using a variety of adjectives (disgusted, amusing, astonished, etc) and adverbs (fearlessly,
cautiously, amazingly, etc) will make our stories more interesting to the reader.
 We can use descriptions of people, places or objects to create atmosphere and emphasise specific
parts of the narration.
 We can use direct speech to make our stories more dramatic, e.g. "What's this?" she asked.

Plan of the story

Para 1:  Set the scene: who/what/when/where/why - describe the weather, time, atmosphere, people involved, possible
feelings, etc.

Main Body *
Para 2: Before the main events (incidents leading to the main event)
Para 3: The main event(s) (describe the main event(s), people involved, more details and the climax event).
* The main body may include 1-3 paragraphs.

End the story (refer to moods, consequences, people's reactions, feelings, etc)

Write a crime or detective story.

Follow the tips and plan given in the file.
Use the words and phrases studied in Module 5 about crime, law and punishment.
Write about 180 - 200 words.

Before starting writing revise vocabulary in the following files in Files-section, Module 5.
 Unit 5A-Vocabulary+Vocabulary bank
 Crime-punishment-pictionary
 Unit 5 – Vocabulary bank – Law and order
 Writing a story-tips+planning-final
 Narrative Tenses - English Grammar – Speechyard-Video

If you find it difficult to make up your own story, you can use one of the following ideas.

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