Little EKit of Household Rituals

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Chapter 1: How does this work?

Wouldn’t it be nice to see some of your
deepest desires manifest themselves in real,
tangible forms that you could enjoy and
appreciate? Wouldn’t it be great if you could
make fantastic things happen for you just by
being able to imagine them? Well, you can!
You can chalk it all up to a little thing called the
Law of Attraction.
You might have been accused of being a daydreamer in the
past or been told to get your head out of the clouds. The
fact is, daydreaming is not a bad thing. One of the first things
that you learn when it comes to the Law of Attraction is that
visualization is a key element to achieving any successful outcome.
There’s a reason for this: If you can see it, it can happen! Many
people use props such as candles, stones, scrying knives, herbs,
incense, and other tangible objects can definitely help you in your
visualization and harnessing your energy and such, but one of the
greatest sources of power that you can use actually comes from
your own mind and your personal source of energy.
You’ve probably noticed at some point in your life that everything just seems to be
going wrong. Nearly everyone has felt like they’re in a rut and no matter how hard they
try, things just aren’t working out the way that they had hoped. You might have even felt
hopeless in a situation and wondered if things were ever going to change.
Conversely, you may have also noticed that when you’re feeling positive and surrounding
yourself with positive energy good things seem to happen. This is not a coincidence.
There is actually a common belief that “like attracts like” and that when you send out
positive energy you are essentially encouraging positive things to happen to you. On the
other hand, when you surround yourself with negative thoughts and negative energy,
the opposite can occur.
The idea behind this logic plays a huge part in the Law of Attraction and understanding
what it is and how it works can set you on the path to creating good opportunities for
yourself, as well as encouraging the things that you want and desire to manifest.

Chapter 2: Visualization and positive thinking
So who believes in this idea?
While the idea behind the Law of Attraction might sound as though it’s based
in magick, or magic, there are actually cultures and religions all over the world
that use it in one form or another and have been for thousands of years. You
don’t have to be a practicing Wiccan or Pagan to believe in it. Almost everyone
believes in at least a little bit of magic just like everyone practices some form of
ritual, though they might not know it. Brushing your teeth is a ritual, but so is
making a wish and blowing out the candles on your birthday cake. In fact, that’s
a simple ritual using a candle right there!
A good way of looking at this is by thinking of it as a connection between events.
Let’s take the birthday candle ritual, for instance. If you believe that you can make
a wish and then blow out the candle and your wish will come true then that’s
connecting an action with a reality or an event. Avoidance might be another
example, although that’s usually chalked up to superstition. For instance, if you
walk under a ladder you’ll have bad luck or more specifically, if you break a mirror
you’ll have seven years of bad luck.

Chapter 3: What is the law of attraction?

So, how can knowing all of this help you and what is the Law of Attraction? Basically,
the Law of Attraction is the belief that by focusing on the positive aspects of what
you want and desire and visualizing these, you can make them come true and
happen for you. In short, it’s based on the idea that if you can see it happening
to you then it can.
That sounds great, right? Well, it can be. It also takes a lot of work on your part,
however, and you’re going to need to have more than just simple desire. We all
want good things to happen to us, after all. If desire was enough to make things
happen then we’d all be content and have everything that we want and need. It’s
not enough to just imagine these things coming true, though. We still need to put
a little work into them.

Chapter 4: How to use the law of attraction

Chances are, you have already started practicing the Law of Attraction and you
didn’t even realize it. If you’ve wanted something really badly and tried to visualize
it occurring or done rituals in the past then you’ve probably already gotten a
handle on visualizing the things that you want to accomplish. That’s a big step in

the right direction. Even if you’re new to the area, then you’ve more than likely
at least daydreamed about the things that you would like to see happen to you.
While that might sound like a condensed version of the Law, it’s really one of the
most important aspects of it.
You must be able to visualize what it is that you desire in the first place. So why is
this important?

Let’s look at it this way:

Have you ever felt an uncertainty about a situation?
Have you ever looked into the future and not been able to see past the next
month or even the next week? The feeling can be overwhelming and stressful.
Perhaps you’re not sure where your next paycheck is going to come from or
you’re going through a long illness and don’t know when it’s going to end. On
the flip side, if you could look into the future and see yourself paying your bills,
treating yourself to something that you’ve wanted with money from a new job, or
with better health you probably didn’t feel as stressed.
The fact is, visualization can have positive repercussions on our psyche. Sometimes,
it’s the fear of the unknown that causes us stress and anxiety and actually makes
the situation worse. If we can see ourselves achieving the things that we’re not
currently achieving then not only do we feel that those things are possible, but we
also open ourselves up to the positive energy that can in turn make those things
happen in the first place.

The Law of Attraction helps turn inner

thoughts and desires into physical realities.
If you were ever told not to daydream then now is the time to toss that idea to
the wind. When you’re daydreaming, you’re creating an inner reality of what you
would like to see happen. If you can harness that reality, however, then you can
make it appear in the physical reality of your world.
Even if you haven’t used the Law in the past as we’re speaking of it now, or you
have trouble believing in the idea of your thoughts being manifested into physical
realities, you might take comfort in the fact that there are actually many people
out there that believe that this works-and they’re not all followers of New Age

The Magick of the “Placebo Effect”
For example, there are a good number of scholars and scientists that think that
magic itself can be psychologically beneficial to the people that use it and believe
in it. There are even doctors who agree that the power of thought is persuasive.
After all, placebos are used in the medical field all the time and sometimes have
the same results as the actual medications! Why? Because sometimes the power
of thought can be enough to change a person’s situation-like their health!
When you look at it from a medical viewpoint, you can also see how positive
thinking (and if you believe that your medicine is going to work then you’re
probably thinking pretty positively) can affect your mental health. Positive thoughts
can help ease anxiety and stress and those two things alone can have detrimental
outcomes to your overall health. When you take those away, you naturally start
to feel better. That’s just one example of how the power of thought can have a
physical impact on you.

Chapter 5: Why these simple household rituals really work

Using rituals, or daily affirmations, is one of the best ways to utilize the Law of
Attraction. Think of it like brushing your teeth: the more you do it, the more it
becomes a habit. After awhile, you have healthy teeth. Daily rituals can have a lot
of positive impacts on you and your surroundings. That’s one of the reasons why
we perform them.
Essentially, you want to remember three things: repetition, your emotions, and
1. Repetition is especially important because the more you do something, the
more effective it becomes. Brushing your teeth once is good. It gets them
clean. Brushing your teeth every day, however, keeps cavities and gum
disease from occurring. If you want something bad enough, you have to
work on it. Asking for it once isn’t enough if it’s something that you really
desire. You have to keep working at it until you get it.
2. Your emotions are important to keep in mind as well. When it comes to
daily affirmations, it’s important to think positively and to think presently. If
your dream is to become a great writer, it’s not enough to say to yourself “I
want to be a great writer.” Instead, you need to believe that you are already
on that road. Say to yourself “I am a great writer.” Repetition is important.
The more you say it, the more you will believe it and the more it will become
a part of your reality. Just like brushing your teeth!

3. Of course, without belief you won’t get far at all. It’s also important to
be positive. Don’t focus on the “someday” aspect of what you want. Be
assertive and be powerful in your declarations. Use positive words and
affirmations like, “I’m a great writer” instead of “I’m a better writer than I
used to be.” Likewise, try to eliminate negative words from your vocabulary.
If you sought a new car, for instance, don’t say, “I had a bad car and now I
have a good one.” Instead, say, “I have a great car!” Try to get rid of words
such as “bad,” “broke,” “poor,” etc. Use positive affirmations. You have to
believe that things will change if you truly want them to.
As well as being direct and precise, you want to be as short as possible, too. The
Universe has a short attention span. Your subconscious mind is pretty similar. You
don’t want to overpower it with a lot of lengthy speeches. Be specific in what you
want, but be short. You can save all the details for your visualization. This is no
time to be passive-aggressive in your approach, either. While it might be more
polite to say something like, “Well, it’s been a really hard time lately and I could
sure use the money to pay off my credit card debt.” It’s just too long. Instead, say
something like, “I need $500 to pay off my credit card debt.”
Above all, you want to show gratitude for what you have received. The Universe
respects those who respect and cherish what they have. Don’t forget to say “thank
you.” With the Law of Attraction, you’re likely to get more of what you desire if
you’re grateful when you do receive what it is that you have been wanting.
Plus, when you’re thankful for what you have received you’ll feel positive and with
a positive attitude you’ll attract even more positive situations. It should act a little
bit like a domino effect.
There are many ways to show gratitude. Passing out compliments, taking time
out of your busy day to lend a helping hand to someone, or even just taking a
few seconds and enjoying the view from your front porch are all good ways of
showing the Universe that you appreciate what you have received.

Chapter 6: So... what can all this do for you?

The great thing about the Law of Attraction is that there is practically no limit as
to what it can bring you, when you use it properly. It’s all dependent on you and
what you truly desire and what you are ready to put some work into getting. Let’s
take a look at some of the common ritual subjects and how you they might apply
to you:

Everyone has trouble with relationships from time to time. Whether the issue is in
your friendship or partnership, most relationships go through a tough period at
some point. That doesn’t mean that they have to end, however. Sometimes, they
just need a little extra work.
Perhaps one of you or both of you are hanging on to an old argument or issue.
Or, maybe you or your partner has some leftover anger or jealousy that needs
to be resolved. The Law of Attraction can help you visualize these problems and
then chip away at them.
This can also be used to help bring back a lost love or rekindle an old relationship.
Oftentimes, it’s the doubt and fear in our own hearts that shut people out and
keep them away. If you want to bring someone back into your life then the Law
can be used in this manner to let the Universe know that you are ready for this
person to return.
On the other hand, if you are seeking a new relationship then the Law of Attraction
can really be helpful at sending that partner to you. Knowing what qualities you
are seeking in a person, what kind of relationship you want, and being ready for
that relationship to come to you are all in key in helping you reach your goal.
Job and Career
If you’re stuck in a job or career that you aren’t finding emotionally or financially
fulfilling then it might be time to find something else. Chances are, though, that
you have tried and have found that it’s easier said than done. By using the Law
of Attraction, you can encourage new career opportunities to come your way so
that you are able to find a career that is fulfilling and exciting for you. Of course,
you still have to send out those applications and resumes!
Family Life
If you’ve been trying to conceive for awhile and haven’t had much luck, or you
have just started trying and want a little bit of extra luck on your side, then a ritual
designed to open your mind and body up to conceiving a child can be a good
way to work with the Universe to get what you want. It’s easy to forget, sometimes,
that we are all tied to the earth and occasionally by simply acknowledging this and
visualizing our deepest desires we can get what we want in terms of our family.
Whether you’re concerned about your family, your friends, or even yourself you
are already aware of the fact that everyone could use a little extra protection. The
Law of Attraction can help you send protective vibes to your loved ones, as well

as help protect the home that you live in.
Negative energy can gather in our houses just like dust can and once it gets
in there, it likes to stay. A good clean sweep every once in awhile is good for
everyone and can open up new opportunities for you and your family. Bad vibes
and negative energy can have detrimental effects on every part of your life, from
your health to your relationships, and cleaning out the bad stuff can open you up
to great things.
Good Luck
It could be that you just need some good luck, too! Maybe you need general
good luck to get you through the day. Or perhaps you need some good luck in
the financial area of your life. If you ever feel like a little dark cloud is following you
then a ritual focused on helping you improve your luck would be a great way to
get out from under it and to get on with your life.
There are rituals designed to both help you get rid of bad luck as well as encourage
good luck to come your way, too. There are even financial rituals that can help
you clear out debts that you have hanging over your head. Wouldn’t it be nice to
have a windfall that could help you pay off everything at once?
There is no limit on what the Law of Attraction can help you achieve when you set
your mind to it. If you can see it happen, then it can happen!

- A Ritual for Health -
Losing Weight & Feeling Great
Do you feel like you could use a couple of pounds, but you’re having trouble getting
motivated or finding the energy to devote to a healthy diet? Well, unfortunately
diet and exercise might still be the best way to get back in shape, but sometimes
it’s actually our minds that keep us from achieving our physical goals.
You’ve probably heard that you should drink several liters of water every day. This
is true, but do you know why? Because water will not only keep all of your organs
working at their peak performance, but it will keep you hydrated and make you
feel fuller when you drink at least a glass with your meals, leading you to eat less.
The following is a simple ritual that you should do twice a day that will not only
help you set out on a healthy path, but will help you realize your weight-loss goals
at the same time.

What You Need:

2 large cups
Drinking water
1 pencil
1 piece o ftape
1 large piece of paper
(Hint: You should do this before you leave the house in the morning and before
you go to bed at night, although you might want to wait a bit before you actually
go to sleep in case you need to make a trip to the bathroom!)

Step 1 Using the pencil and paper, draw a portrait of yourself. You don’t
want to make it too detailed, at least from the chest to the knees,
but do focus on making it pretty accurate in terms of your current

Step 2 Using the tape, tape the portrait right in the middle of your

Step 3 Fill up your large glass with either tap water, if it’s safe to drink, or
bottled water.

Step 4 Stand in front of your portrait and look at it, focusing on the picture
as well as thinking about your current size. Repeat the following
words: “Water fills me to the core / Extra weight I’ll have no more
/ Thin and healthy I will be / Losing weight naturally.”

Step 5 You then want to slowly drink your water, being careful not to
drink too much too quickly. As you’re drinking the glass of water,
concentrate on your self portrait and envision yourself both in real
life as well as in the portrait getting smaller and smaller. Visualize
a smaller waistline, smaller hips, smaller thighs, and even smaller
arms if you wish. Imagine that the water that you are drinking
is leaking into every part of your body, filling it with energy and

Step 6 Once you have finished the glass, use your pencil to erase the
midsection of your portrait. Then, redraw that section making
sure that you make it just a little bit smaller.

Why it Works
Not only is drinking water good for you, but if you can visualize yourself eating
healthier, getting more exercise, and actually getting thin and fit then you can
make it happen. Some people have the desire to lose weight and want to wear
smaller clothing, but they just can’t stop thinking of themselves as being healthy.
Instead of focusing on your current weight, however, it’s important to imagine
a thinner you. Therefore, drawing the portrait and making it get a little smaller
everyday and then actually seeing the image in your mind will motivate your
body to make the changes that it needs to.

If you can, try to drink 2 glasses of water at a time. The trick is to take your time,
however, and not rush things.

- A Ritual for Love -
Bring Back a Love with a
Fresh Breeze
Is there someone that you’re missing? Have you lost a love that you would like to
have back? Are you nursing a broken heart? Have you tried everything you can
think of to get that person back again?
You might have heard that if you let something go and it comes back to you, then
it was meant to be. However, sometimes that object (or person in this case) tries
to come back but can’t. Perhaps, they hit a wall. Maybe it’s an emotional wall or
it could very well be a serendipity of chances. In this ritual, we are going to treat
that wall as a physical one and make sure that every door (and window!) is open
to them!

What You Need:

Old newspapers

What You Need to Do:

It’s best to do this ritual on the night of a full moon. However, if the object of your
desire is particularly stubborn then you might want to do it more often. In that
instance, then for at least a month you’ll want to do it every other day. Twilight,
before it gets too dark, is the best time of the day for this ritual.

Step 1: Take your Windex (or cleaning solution of choice) and your
newspapers and start in your bedroom. Go up to your first window
and spray some of your cleaning solution on the window. Repeat
the following: “Washing the soul brings clarity / Bring my lost love
back to me.”

Step 2: Gently wipe the residue away with the newspaper.

Step 3: Open the window, all the while visualizing that you are in fact
opening your heart to new opportunities with your lost love.
Imagine that you are clearing out the clutter of your soul and
creating an open heart that your lost love can fill again.

Step 4: As you are opening the window, repeat: “Baring my soul and
opening my heart / Come back to me (insert name) for a brand
new start.” Continue visualizing the person that you are thinking
of, making sure to focus on their face and unique physical
characteristics. As you are opening the window, imagine them
coming back into your life.

Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 for all the windows in your bedroom. Next, move
on to the kitchen and do the same. You will want to end with the
windows in your living room. Since these rooms are the heart
of the house (living, cooking, and sleeping) they are the most
important to focus on. However, if your lost love had their own
private room in your home (maybe they had an office or workout
room, for instance) then you’ll want to do it in this room as well.

Step 6: Leave the windows open for at least an hour.

Why it Works:
Not only are you creating a good space for them to occupy in your heart when
they do return, but you are also symbolically opening the windows to your heart
so that they can hopefully find the pathway back.

You don’t have to use newspaper to wash your windows. You can use whatever
cloth you desire. However, newspapers tend to streak less.

- A Ritual for Love -
Fold in the Romance
If you’ve had your eye on someone for awhile and have put out the signals that
you are interested but they’re just not biting back then this simple ritual might
help get you noticed. This is one that is particularly effective if you already have
someone in mind that you are interested in, rather than simply trying to draw in
an ideal partner.

What You Need

Clean towels

What You Need to Do

This is a very simple ritual that only calls for clean towels. You can do it every
day or a few times a week-basically whenever you do your regular laundry. The
important thing is to concentrate and use your visualization sills.

Step 1: Sit down in a comfortable position with your clean towels, fresh
from the dryer. (Or the clothesline.)

Step 2: Start with one towel and lay it out flat in front of you. Imagine
that your heart is in the center of the towel, free and ready for

Step 3: As you fold the towel in half, visualize that the towel itself is the
person that you are interested in. In essence, they are wrapping
themselves around your heart.

Step 4: As you fold the towel in its first half, repeat: “Wrap yourself around
my heart / I’m ready for love and a brand new start.” It’s important
that you really think about this person’s face as you are doing this.

Step 5: Now, as you fold the towel in its second half, repeat: “Come to me
and love you’ll find / I’m ready for you with my heart and mind.”

Step 6: Place that towel aside and pick up a new one. With this one, you’ll
want to imagine that THEIR heart is in the center of the towel and
that you are wrapping yourself around it.

Step 7: When you fold it in half the first time, repeat: “I wrap myself around
your heart / Ready to find our brand new start.”

Step 8: Now, fold it in half again and repeat: “I come to you with a heart
open wide / Accept my love with an open mind.”

Step 9: Alternate with the rest of your towels until you are finished folding.

Why it Works:
It’s not just important that the object of your affection seeks you out and has an
open heart, but it’s important that your heart is open and ready for them, too.
That’s why it’s important to alternate.

For a little extra power, sprinkle a little bit of rose water into your wash. All you
need is a couple of drops and this will inspire romance.

- A Ritual for Luck -
Wash Away the Bad Luck
It’s important to wash your face every day in order to eliminate the dirt and grime
that can accumulate. Washing your face can help your skin remain fresh and
clean and even get rid of free radicals that can lead to premature aging. But did
you know that it can also help wash away the bad luck?
Like dirt, bad luck can cling to you. If you’re having financial troubles, problems in
your relationships, or even just keep locking your keys in your car then you might
feel as though you have a little black cloud following you around. The following
ritual can help you get rid of that and encourage good luck to come your way

What You Need:

Wash cloth
Green candle

What You Need to Do

You should perform this ritual every night before you go to bed. That way, you’re
washing away all the bad luck that might have had a chance to accumulate and
gather during the course of your day so that you can get a good night’s sleep and
start the next day fresh.

Step 1: Light your green candle and repeat the following: “Creating better
opportunities / Good luck will find its way to me.”

Step 2: Take a couple of minutes and focus on the flame. Imagine that
the fire is burning inside of you, burning away all of the negative
energy and bad luck that has gathered within you.

Step 3: Wet your face and lather it up with soap. As you are lathering,
imagine that the soap is actually attacking the bad luck and stirring
it up.

Step 4: Using the washcloth, wipe the soap suds away. Envision that as
you are wiping the soap away that you are actually wiping away
the bad luck that is clinging to you. Repeat: “I wash away the bad
luck of the day / And encourage good luck to come my way.”

Step 5: Once your face has been washed, blow out the candle. As you are
blowing it out, visualize extinguishing the last of the bad luck that
might be clinging to you.

Why it Works
The green candle is used for good luck. Washing away the bad luck not only gets
rid of it, but also encourages new, better luck to take its place.

You can do this first thing in the morning, too, if you wish.

- A Ritual for Prosperity -
Let Wealth Bloom
This simple spell is an easy way to attract wealth and prosperity opportunities into
your life. If you already have a job, it could set the stage for a promotion, better
pay, and even better hours. If you don’t have a job, it can help you find one. It
can also attract ways to get some extra spending money, or help find ways to take
care of your bills.
This simple spell will help you find the opportunity that you deserve!

What You Need:

A small flower pot
Potting soil (or just some good dirt from outside will do)
Flower seeds
Small cup of water
1 whole egg shell
1 small piece of paper
1 pencil or pen

What You Need to Do

Although the first few steps you’ll only do once and can do at any time of the day,
the other steps you should repeat on a daily basis, right after waking up to start
your day.

Step 1: Boil an egg (or crack it) and grind the eggshells up in a bowl. Make
sure they are as fine as you can get them. As you are grinding
them, repeat: “Ready for new opportunities / A good promotion’s
in store for me.” Try to meditate on the promotion that you are
seeking and imagine your boss calling you and informing you of
the news.

Step 2: Fill your flower pot with potting soil, or dirt.

Step 3: Place your seeds in a small holes. Repeat: “Planting the seed for
my new start / Let it flower and bloom to make my mark.”

Step 4: Using the piece of paper, write out the new job title that you are
seeking and place it under the flower pot.

Step 5: Using the cup of water, sprinkle some water over the soil. Then,
take a small sprinkle of your eggshells and sprinkle some around
the soil. As you are doing both, imagine the flower growing and
producing a beautiful bloom. As you are doing this, repeat: “The
prosperity I seek will soon be mine. Hard work and luck is on my

Step 6: Every morning when you get up, repeat Step 4. Sprinkle a little bit
of water and just a little bit of eggshells on the soil. You will also
want to take a few minutes to meditate while you are doing so,
imagining different was you could receive more prosperity and
success in your life!

Why it Works
Eggshells are natural fertilizers and represent new growth, new birth, and new
opportunities. As the flower grows and blooms, it also symbolizes your new
personal growth and new responsibilities in your new job promotion.

You don’t want to over water your flower or add too much eggshells at once.

- A Ritual for Prosperity -
Wipe Away Your Dust
AND Your Debts!
Who doesn’t want to be debt-free these days? We are tied to our debts more than
ever nowadays, whether we’re paying on student loans, credit cards, mortgages,
or other types of financial obligations. Even when we are able to pay on time,
it’s still hard to swallow the fact that the money we’re spending to pay down our
debts could be used for something more fun. The following ritual will help bring
you luck and more financial help when it comes to paying off a large debt that’s
been hanging over your head for awhile.

What You Need

Dust cloth
Furniture polish
A black ink pen
A piece of paper
One purple candle
Dusty furniture

What You Need to Do

You might want to start this ritual on a Saturday since that’s the best day to
conduct a banishing ritual. Continue it on a daily basis, however, until your debt
is cleared.

Step 1: Write down your debt, as well as the amount of the debt, on a
piece of paper.

Step 2: Place the paper under a purple candle and repeat the following
as you are lighting the candle: “On the road to a debt free life /
Like this candle, my future will burn bright.”

Step 3: Take your dusting rag and furniture polish and start with the
dustiest piece of furniture in your house. Spray the furniture while
saying: “”Debt be gone and stay away / Release my financial
obligations today.”

Step 4: Using your dusting cloth, wipe the dust away and repeat: “I fully
accept the terms of this debt / But like this dust away it will be
swept.” While you are repeating the words, imagine that the dust
that you are sweeping away is actually your debt. Visualize the
debt as dust particles that are clogging up your financial future.
Imagine that as the dust goes flying, little parts of your debt are
flying away as well.

Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 with at least 5 pieces of furniture.

Step 6: Return to the candle and as you are blowing it out, repeat: “On
the road to recovery / My future is soon to be debt-free.”

Step 7: Repeat Steps 1-6 until your debt is gone.

Why it Works
We would all like to have a financial windfall to help us pay off an old (or a new)
debt. This ritual will help encourage financial luck to come your way so that you
are able to do this in one lump sum. At the same time, however, it will give you the
aptitude and the luck to chip away at your debt, too. Like dusting your furniture,
you will be wiping away the stronghold that the debt has over your life.

The visualization part of the ritual is especially important because you need to be
able to see the debt disappear. One of the bad things about having a big debt
is not being able to see the end in sight. Being able to envision it and seeing it
gone will make it more likely to happen. If you can see it happening, then it can
really happen!


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