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KLJ I toql

Cataloging Handbook r r r r r

Part I

Groups and Classes

January lg14

Prepored by



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irale been cler-elopeil ald aclopted br, the Office of the Secretary of Defense for
itse in classifying iterns of snpply identifiecl untler the Fecleral Cataloging
The FSC is a coml:rrodity classilication clesigried to serve the functions of
siil-,1r1r' aucl is sulficiently cornprehensive iu scope to permit tlie classification of
all items of persorral plopcrtv. fn oldel to accornplish this, groups and classes
l,rri'e l-reett established for the univelse of cornmoclities. with emphasis on the itcms
i::-,rrstt to be iIr the suppll. systelts of thc Fetlerlal Government.
The stlttctut'o uf thc IrSC. as pleserrtly est,ablishecl. consists of 7? grorrps.
.,r.,i-'h rrle subcli'l.icled into 60;l clrsscs. I,lar:h clllss
covers n lchtir.ely hornogcnc<.rtis
rtfc& of cornmotlitics, itr lespecL to their physical or performance charactcristics,
or iu tire re-<pect that thc items incinrled thereiu are suclr aS are usually requisitioned
or issued together, or constitute a related grouping for supply managertreut
Tiie FSC utilizes a four-digit coding stmcture. The first trvo digits of the
rocle tmrnber iclcnti{y the gronp, and the last trvo digits of the codo rtumber
iclentify the classes rvithin each group. Code numbers a,re so assigned as to make
it possible to expand the uunrbcr of groups antl classes as that becomes necessary.
Itt most instances gaps iiave been left rvithirr each group, betrveen the numbers
assigttecl to trdjacent classcs, to permit the inseltion of nerv classes in logical
setluellcer 'lt'hett tteccssary, because of technological advances or to accourplish other
clesir"able additions and changes.
The primary application of the FSC code number is in tho Federal stock
number (l'SN). The FSN for an item of supply consists of tire applicable
four-digit FSC code nurnbel plus the seven-digit Federal item identification
Part 1 of the Federal Supply Classification presents the classification
strrtctttre of the FSC, shoiving all groups aid classes listed in the arrangcment
of the four-digit FSC code-numbering system. 114rere appropriate, tho rnain
inclusious and exclusions, rvhich delimit the coverage of a particular class, aro
shorvn irnmediately follorving the title for the class.
The other trvo parts, which make up the rndexes to the Federal supply
Ciassification are:
Part' 2. Numeric rndex of classes (cataloging Handbook H 2-2). This
publication presents the names of iterns included. witliin each class,
listed alpliabeticaliy urtder the clasis number and title. l'he classes
aro shorvn, group by group, in tho numeric order of the tr'SC
code-nurnbering system.
Part 3. Alphabetic Index (Cataloging Handhook H 2r3). This is an
index of all names of items rvhich appear in Part 2, arrangcd in
alphabetical order. Opposite each entry is shown the applicable
X'SC code number.
For convenienee, Part 1 is usually refened to as the (.structure,,t part 2 as
the Index," and Part B as the .(Alphabetic fndex.,,
Parb 1 of the tr'ederal Srrpply Classification is maintained by the issuance
of Letters for Distribution C/l-. Ihese Letters aro distributed in limited number

-'$r, ||l

only to users of the classification.engaged in identifying and classifying items

sup"pty in accortlance with the crite.ria established in the X'ederal Catalog
^ -This
r.evised basic ed,ition of Cataloging H 2-1 incorporates a.ll
additions, d.eletions, and revisions approved through December 31, 19?3, and the January 1973 edition.
X'urther information on the X'ederal Supply Classification appears in
chapter 3, supply classification, of the x'ederal Manual for supply cataloging.
Cr*In*tr uri.l sogg"rtions Part 1 of the X'ederal Supply Classi-
fication should be addressed to the:
Defense Ingistics Services Center
X'edera,I Center
Battle Creek, Michigan 49016

'Weapons- 1
1l Nuclear Ordnance- 1

l2 Fire Control Equipment-- - - - -- - 2

r3 Ammunition and Explosives- 3
l4 Guided Missiles- o
l5 Aircraft;andAirframeStructuraIComponents--------- o
t6 Aircraft Componenl,s and Accessories----- 6
r7 Aircraft Launching, Landing, and Ground l{andling Equipment I

18 SpaceVehicles---- ------:--- I

19 Ships, Small Craft, Pontoons, and n'loating Docks- I

n Ship and Marine Equipment -----------: 8

2l Unnssigned
E2 Railway Equipment 8
B Ground nglcf Vehicles, Motor Vehicles, Trailers, and C'\rcles- - - - - - - - 8
?A Tractors-- - I
25 Vehicular Equipment Components-- - - - - - - -- I
2$ Tires and Tubes----- 10
27 Unassi,gned
28 Components-
Engines, Turbines, and r0
29 Engine Accessories- 10
30 MechanicalPowerTransmissionEquipment---------
31 Bearings--- 12

32 W'oodworking Machinery and trlquipment ---- --:------- 12

33 Dekted,
34 Metalworking Machinery------- 12

35 Service and Trade Equipment

36 Special Industry MachinerY-
37 AgriculturalMachineryandEquipment--- ----------------- 15

38 Construction, Mining, Excavating, and Ilighway Maintenance Equip-

ment__ 15
39 Materials Handling Equipment 16
40 Rope, Cable, Chain, and Fittings- ----- 16
4l Reirigeration, Air Conditioning, and Air Circulating Equipment-- - - - 16
42 X'ire Fighting, Rescue, and Safety Equipment L7

43 Pumps and Compressors--- t7

44 Furnace, Steam Plant, and Drying Equipment; and Nuclear Re-
actors- ----.------ 18
45 Plumbing, Heating, and Sanitation Equipment-----
46 Water Purification and Sewage Treatment Equipment !

47 Pipe, Tubing, Hose, and Fittings--------- 18

48 Valves----- -------:--- 19

49 Maintenance and Repair Shop Equipment 19

50 Unassigned,
51 Hand Tools---- 20



52 Measuring Tools-- 2l
53 Hardware and Abrasives__-__ 2l
54 Prefabricated Structures and Scafiolding_ _
55 Lumber, Millwork, Piywood, and Veneer. 22
56 Construction and Buildins Materials_ 9'
57 Unassi,gned
58 communication, Detection, and coherent Radiation Equipment-____ 22
59 Electrical and Electronic Equipment Components____ _ _ 24
60 Unassi,gned
61 Electric Wire, and Porver and Distribution Equipment_ 2E
62 Lighting Fixtures and Lamps_ 26
63 Alarm and Signal Systems_ 26
64 Unassigned,
65 Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment and Supplies____ 26
66 fnstruments and Laboratory Equipment_-_ 27
67 Photographic Equipment_ _ _ _
68 Chemicals and Chemical Products 29
69 Training Aids and Devices- 29
70 General Purpose Automatic Data processing Equipmert, software,
Supplies and Support Equipment__ _____
7l X'urniture-- 31
72 Household and Commercial X'urnishings and Appliances_ 31
73 X'ood Preparation and Serving Equipment 31
74 office Macbines, visible Record Equipment, and Data processing
75 9tr 9u Supplies and Devices_ _ _ _ __
76 Books, Maps, and Other Publication 32
77 Musical Instruments, Phonographs, and Home_Type Radios_ 32
78 Recreational and Athletic Equipment_ __
79 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies- - _ __
80 Brushes, Paints, Sealers, and Adhesives____ 33
81 Containers, Packaging, and packing Supplies__ 33
82 Unassi,gned
83 Textiles, Leather, tr'urs, Apparel and shoe tr'indings, Tents and x'lags_ 34
84 Clothing, Individual Equipment, and fnsigniu___-- _ _ o.f
85 Toiletries-----_ 35
86 Unassigned
87 Agricultural Supplies_ _
88 Live Animals----- 36
89 Subsistence---_ 36
90 Unassi,gned
91 Fuels, Lubricants, Oils, and Waxes 36
92 Unastigned
93 Nonmetallic X'abricated Materials____ 37
, 94 Nonmetallic Crude Materials___ 37
:;!:, i
95 Metal Bars, Sheets, and Shapes_ o/
.,p. 96 Ores, Minerals, and Their Primary hoducts_ 37
:.1 97 Unassi,gned,
;..+ 98 Unassi,gned,
99 Miscellaneous_ _


ond elssses
GROUp rCI with weapons falling in two or more classes of
Group 10.
1095 Miscellaneous Weapons
;t.-Tir Crcrp hcludes both olfensive and defensive w€apons.
E::-:iri f:cr rhi: Croup are fire ccntrol 8nd night vision devices Incl,tt.iles Line Throwing Guns; Catapult Guns;
r-ui-lr'rle in Croops 12 or 58. Saiuting Guns; Signal Guns; Flare Guns; Barrage
::,: ; G:ns. through 30 mrn Balloons; Accessories, not elservhere classifialile, for
\Yeapons in this group; Expendable Bomb
l.,c':'..Cts ]Iachine Guns; Bayonets; Brushes, Ma- Dispensers.
- i- . G.:ir and Pistoi.

i;:.:,l'e Turrets, Aircraft..

:: I S Gan<. oyer 30 mm up to 75 mm
Nuclear 0rdnance
i -,.:" " i r.< Breerh }lechanisms ; Ifouuts.
Note.-This group includes, in particulor, nuclear ordnance training
l. -: i5 rnm through 125 mm weapons, practice ballistic units, and all components specially designed
jr., , r J..-r Breeeh ilfechanisms; Ilounts therefor, n'hen not specifically classified elsewhere. Also included in
; Rammers.
the group are specially designed simulators and mockups, which are
: :ri tl'.:ns, over 125 mm through 150 mm integral parts of the above. Excluded from this group are generai
purpose nose cones, case sections, flare gctions or center sectiom
,"r" Breech tr{eclrauisms; Power Drives; Gun designed to carty payload,s other than nuclear and/or for use on a
S::elds. missile, rocket, or re4ntry vehicle to att8in the necessary aeroilynamic
:::t G'::',s. orer 150 mm through 200 mm
--r.:;:.des Firing Platforms; I(ounts; Gun Shields.
1105 Nuelear Bombs
NorE.-Tbis class inciudes nuclear weapons (lneluallng
::: : through 300 mm
G-:rrs. oYer 200 mm bombs), which are designed to be dropped from an alrcraft.
iq':l:.des Gun Yokes; Rammers; Reflectors. Incl,uiles Ballistic cases. tail assemblies. retarda-
-:i.: G'.:ns. over 300 mm tion devices, and other peculiar components
l:'.,:'.',4es Breech l\fechanisns; Training Gears; which are not classifiable elsewhere.
F - rer Drives. Eacktiles Parachute canopies and canopy hardware.
::1,: Chernical \Yeapons and Equipment 1110 NuclearProjectiles
I-":'-t,dts Flame l'hrowers ; Smoke Generators. NorE.-Thls class lncludes nuclear weapons $hich are
designed to be propelled from a recoilless rifle, gun,
::1: Launchers, Tcrpedo and Depth Charge howitzer, or tbe like, and which are not deslgned to be
Irici,,;,7ea Depth Charge Tracks; Torpedo Tubes. seU-propelled.
Includ,es Ogive sections, body sections, bases, and
:::.i Larnchers, Rocket and Pyrotechnic
other peeuliar components which are not classifi-
--"::lride.e Airborne Rocket Launchers adantable to able elsewhere.
;::drd mi-ssile use.
t:'-.!::des Specifically designed Airborne Guided 1115 Nuclear Warheads and Warhead Sections
I'I:ssile Launchers ; Jettisonable Rocket Launchers : NorD.-This class includes nuclear warheads (wlthcut
I .'.';riber tr'airings designed for specific airframes. or assembled wlth case sections, aalaption kits, and/or
fuzing and fring components) whlch are to be used ln
l:':J \ets and Booms, Ordnance or with bombs, rockets, projectiles, missiles, demolltion
charges, or the like. Also includes case sections, nose coDes,
\'iE closs includes nets and boorrrs for ha.rbor flare sectiong, center sections, and auxillary structural
ii:r:se onl]'. components of missiles, rockets, and re-entry vehicles
l0;; Degaussing and Mine Sweeping Equipment whlch are designed or constructed for excluslve use wlth
or for housing of nuclear warheads and,/or warbead
:,1!J Camouflage and Deception Equipment sections.
Includes Dummy Artiilery, Aircraft and Vehieles; Includes Components and. parts peculiar to the
Garnished Nets. warhead or warhead section, whieh are not classi-
1090 -{ssemblies Interchangeable Between lV'eapons in
fiable in more specific classes.
Eacludes Such components as fuzing aud firing
Two or More Classes devices, nuclear components, high explosive com-
Includes Coml:onents and Aecessories used on or ponents, classifiable in more specific classes, aud
Federql SuPPIY Clossificqtion
il-t 2

items sueh as projectiles antl bombs whieh inelude GROUP lIL

the entire outer case of a weaPon' Fire Control EquiPment
ll25 Nuclear Demolition Charges Note.-Firecontrolassemblies,subassenblies'andcompon€ntsar€
NorE.-Thls class lnclu'les nuclear weapons whlch are
area' or classified:
aleslgnetl to be emplaced in or neat a structure'
may a. In appropriate clases of this group when:
tle ltte, whlch ls to lre destroyetl' The weapons
(t) Designed for multiple applications to difierent kinds of fire
lnclude accessorles. control equiPment.
Incl,ud'es Outer cases, ease sections, antl other (2) Moitifierl for use with guided missile remote control svstems'
peculiar eomponents, which are not elassifiable (g) Oesigned specificallv for shipborne guided missile remote
control sYstems.
elsewhere. (4) Radar equipment, designed specifically for fire control
112? Nuclear Rockets (5) Both dav and night viewing characteristics are incorporateil
Noro.-Thls class lnclucles nuclear weapons' consistlng into an integral unit.
of roeket boalies assembletl wlth nuclear waxheads' whlch
b In Class 12?0 or 1280, when designed specificallv for
comprise a stngle item of supply antl are tssued
as such' aircraft
Incl,ui!,es Components peculiar to assembled
rockets g[nnery or aircraft bombing fire control' resp€ctiYelv'
guided missile
which are not classifiable elsewhere' c. In Class 1430, wh€n designed specifically for
remote control systems' except shipboard type'
Eocluil,es Roeket l\lotors; Warhead Components ; d. i. classes of Group 58' when designed for multiple
to both fire contml and conmunicstion equipment'
Rocket Components classified in other f,'SC classes' "pptii.tio." for night
e. In appropriate classes of Group 58 when designed
1130 Conversion Kits, Nuclear Ordnance for
NorE,-Thls elass lnclu'les collectloDs of items used one
the purpose of convertlng nuclear weapons from 1210 Fire Control Directors
conflguratlon to another' 1220 Fire Control Computing Sights and Devices
1135 Fuzing anil Firing Devices, Nuclear Ordnance 1230 Fire Control Systems, Complete
Inol,udes Sueh items as fuzes, power supplies' firing Norn.-This class lncludes only complete fire control
sets. X-units, cables, saflng devices, adaption kits' systems. Anything iess than a eomplete system' such

and re-entry vehicle nuclear orclnance arming ancl lntltvitlual end items, assemblies, parts' attachments' or
accessories for use ln ffre control systems are classlfled ln
fuzing systems. classes other tban this class.
1140 Nuclear ComPonents 1240 Optical Sighting and Ranging Equipment
Incluiles All components which contain or simulate Incl'uiles Range ancl Height X'inders; Teleseopie
nuelear active matedals. Sights; Optical fnstruments Integrated with X'ire
Eacl,uitres Elnil items, such as bombs, proiectiles' Control EquiPment.
warheatls, anal the like. 1250 Fire Control Stabilizing Mechanisms
1145 Explosive and Pyrotechnic Components, Nuclear 1260 Fire Control Designating and Indicating Equipment
Ordnance Incluiles Turret, Gun, Torpedo Mount' an'l Search-
NorE.-Thls clnss includes actual antl slmrrlated ex-
ploslve and pyrotechnlc components peculiar to all nuclear light Inclicating Equipment; Target Designating
ortlnance entl ltems such as bombs, demolltlon charges' EquiPment; Synehro Systems'
rockets, projectlles. warhe&tts, ald relatetl systems' Ex'
clutletl from tbis class are all explosive and pyrotechnic 1265 Fire Control Transmitting and Receiving Equip-
components aleslgnetl for other than nuclear ordnance ment, except Airborne
aPPllcatlons. Includes X'ire Control llransmitters, Transmitter-
1190 Speciatizecl Test anil Handling Equipment' Nuclear Receivers, Receivers, Receiver-Reglrlators'
Ordnance Enol'u(Ies Fire Control Transmitting and Receiving
Incl'uil'es Specially clesignett trucks and trailers for Equipment, Specially Designed for use on or with
nuelear ordnance; Specially itesigned slings and X'ire Control Radar EquiPment'
hoists; Operational, test, antl setting devices' ancl 12?0 Aircraft Gunnery Fire Control Components
eradles; Conditioning Kits and Sets' Controlled Incl'uiles Turrets, Aircraft ; Computers'
Elnvironment. clesignetl ; Complete Gyro Mechanisms'
Eacl,u(Ies Hand tools; Instruments for use on both Boxes; Gun
Eocl,uil'es Gun Chargers; Ammunition
nuclear ordnance and other equipment; Basic types Link Chutes; Ammunition
ancl electronic test instruments' in- Heaters; n'ielil antl
of electrical Boosters; Gyro Components ;Complete X'ire Con-
clualing those specially designe'I, such as ammeters'
voltmeters, ohmmeters, multimeters, antl similar
trol Systems.

instruments, as shown in the indexes in the n'SC' 1280 Aircraft Bombing Fire Control Components
cally'lesigne'l ; Complete
I nctru(l,es Computlrs, specifl
1195 Miscellaneous Nuclear Ordnance Gyro Mechanisms; Optical Devices for Bombing
Incl,ud,es Items common to more than one class or n'ire Control.
items not properly fitting into the foregoing classes
Eacluitres GYro Components'
of nuclear ordnance.

Port I-Groups ond Closses r2-r3

{r 19$ Fire Control Radar Equipment, except Airborne

Includcs Railar Sets, Assemblies, Subassemblies,
and Components Specially Designecl for use on or
Incl,udes Rocket llotors (Solial Propellant Units)
for Guided l{issiles, Explosive-Loadecl; AII Erplo
sive Components for Guidecl llissile and Space
wiih Fire Control Equipment. Yehicle Solid n'uel Propulsion Units; Soiid Propel-
lants encased in consumable containers, sucb as
l3!; Fire Control Sonar Equipment
squibs antl cartridges, intended for insertion into
\rrr.-This elass inclndes airbornc, shipborne, and
srt'B iri neborn e solaL set-s, irssemblles, subassemblies, antl mis-qile propulsion sJ'stems as integral parts.
crEp,rreris designed speciffcally for use wlttr underwater Eoclud,cs Rocket lfotors (Solirl Propellant Units)
fi€.ortitl equipment. for Guided }lissiles, Inert-Loaded or Empty; All
13fr:r ]liscellaneous Fire Control Equipment Inert (Nonexplosive) Components for Guided
It;rlude t Fuze Setters; Ordnance Cable S)'stems; Ifissile and Spaee Yehicle Solid n'uel Propulsion
liming Circies; tr'lash and Sound Ranging Sets; Llnits; Guided Missile Warheads and Components;
Fire C.,ntrol Cornponents and Subassemblies liot Rocket I'ropulsion Units; Rochet Motors (Solid
Classifiable in Other Classes of Group 12. Propellant Units) for Rockets; Solid Propellants
predetermined to specific quantity and quality, but
packagerl in reusallle containers.
Ammunilion and Explosives
1338 Guided lllissile and Space Yehicle Inert Propulsion
Units, Solid Fuel; and Components
\ore.-Ercluded from this group are items specially Incluilcs RocLet tr{otors (Solicl Propellant Units)
d$igned for nuclear ordnance application. for Guided tr{issiles, Inert-Loaderl or Empty; All
n:tili -{mmunition, through 30 mm Inert (Nonexplosive) Components for Guided
1,,,:t uil t s Components, l\[issile and Space Yehicle Solid n'uel Propulsion
lL$ll,lt -{mmunition, over 30 mm up to ?5 mm
Ecclttiles Rocket l{otors (Solicl Propellant Units)
Intludes Components, except n'izes and Primers;
Ciremical \1:arfare Cartridges.
for Guicled Missiles, Explosive-Loaded; Guided
Ercludr:s Fuzes and Primers.
Missile \Yarheads and Components; Rocket Pro-
pulsion Units; Rocket lfotors (Solid Propellant
1315 -{mmunition, mm through 125 mm
75 Units) for Rockets. Components, except X'uzes and Primers;
PJrotechnic Cartridges and Projectiles; Chemical 1340 Rockets, Rocket Ammunition and Bocket Com-
TFarfare Cartridges and Projectiles. ponents
Etcludes X'uzes and Primers. Inal,uiles Complete Rounds ; Explosive Components,
Including 'lVarheads; Pyrotechnic Rockets ; Solid
:.$i$i[ -{mmunition, over 125 mm X'uel JATO Units ; Rocket Motors ( Solitt Propellant
Includes Components, exeept X'uzes and Primers; Units) for Rockets; Covers, ProtectiveRocket
Chemicai Warfare Projectiles. \Yarhead; Jettisonable Rocket taunchers; Condi-
Ezcludcs Fuzes and Primers. tioning Kits and Sets, Controlled Environment;
1S:95 Bombs and other peculiar components which are not
Intludes Components ; Photoflash Bombs ; Chemical elassiffed elsewhere.
\\ arfare Bombs; Bomb Clusters. Eacl,uil,es Nuclear rockets, Nuclear warheads; all
other warheads for use on otber than rockets: and
l3S0 Grenades
rockets with built-in guiding devices.
Intludes Components; Ilantl anrl Rifle Grenades;
Smoke Grenades. 1345 Land Mines
Eteludes Firing Devices (Launchers). Incl,uiles Components; Antipersonnel Mines; Anti-
tank Mines: n'uzes.
13SB Guided l'Iissile Warheads and Explosive Com-
ponents 1350 Underwater Mine Inert Components
Includes Warheads Containing Military Chemical Inclu.iles Parachute Packs; Inert Mine Cases ;
-tgents; Exercise Heads, Guitlerl Missile. Booster Cans; Clock Delays; Clock Starters;
Etcludes Atomic Ordnance Warheads; All other Search Coils; Extenders.
\farheads for use on other than guided missiles;
1351 Underwater Mine Explosive Components
liquid Propulsion Llnits; Rocket Engines (Liquid
Incl,udes Loaded Cases; Boosters ; Detonators,
Proprellant Units); JATO Units; Rocket Motors
(Soliil Propellant Units ) for Guided Missiles ; 1355 Torpedo Inert Components
Solid X'uel Propulsion Units; Propellant Chemicals
encased in consumable eontainers, such as squibs 1356 Torpedo Explosive Components
and cartridges for insertion into missile propulsion Inctruatrcs \Yarheads ; Boosters; Detonators.
slstems as integral parts. 1360 Depth Charge Inert Components
l33i Guided Missile and Space Yehiele Explosive Irrcludes Inert X'iring lfechanisms; Pistols without
Propulsion Units, Solid Fuel; and Components Detonators : Extenders.

528-i77 0-74-2
r3 Federql Supply Clqssificqtion

1361 Depth Charge Explosive Components

Incluiles Cases ; Boosters ; Detonators.
a tlme delay, ln theh operatlng sequence. Also includeal
are devices designeal to utlllze en€rgy generateil by the
ltems described aboYe.
1365 Military Chemical Agents Includes Impulse Cartridges; Delay Cartridges;
Incl,udes'War Gases ; Screening Smokes ; Incendiary Engine Starter Cartridges (explosive filled); X'ire
and thickening Agents ; Signaling Smokes. Extinguisher Cartridges (used to activate by remote
Eacludes Ammunition containing Military Chemical control) ; Aircraft Ejection Seat Catapults; Rocket
Agents. Motors (Soliil Propellant Units) for Aircraft Ejec-
1370 Pyrotechnics tion Seats; Aircraft Canopy Removers; Thrusters,
Incl,uitres tr'lares; Signals ; X'ireworks ; Pistol Rocket propellant and cartridge actuated; Initiators; nix-
Sigaals. plosive Bolts and Explosive Bolt Cartridges; Cut-
Eaclu(Ies Pyrotechnic Cartridges and Projectiles ; ters, cartridge or propellant actuated, Reeflng Irine;
Photoflash Bombs ; Pyrotechnie Rockets. Powder actuated Tool Cartridges ; Explosive Loaded
Devices and Components which are not specifi-
13?5 DemolitionMaterials
Inct'uiles Items for construction, quarrying and caIIy classified elsewhere.
demolition work such as Dynamite and other Eocluiles Liquitl Propellant X'uels and Oxidizers;
explosives packed in cylindrical paper cartridges Solid Propellants, encased in consumable containers
or in bags, Demolition Charges, Blasting Caps' for insertion into missile propulsion systems as an
Blasting Time X'uses, Detonating Cord, Demolition integral part; Guided Missile Explosive Devices;
n'iring Devices; Booby Trap Mechanisms; Banga- Bulk and Solid Propellants, predetermined. to
lore Torlredoes; Inert access'ories and components specific quantity and quality, packaged in reusable
sueh as Blasting Machines, Priming Adapters, and
containers ; Blasting and Demolition Materials;
Detonating Cord Clips.
Rocket Motors, Warheads and Propulsion Sections
Eoal,uiles Liquid Propellant X'uels and Oxidizers;
Solitl Propellants encased in consumable containers, for Rockets and Guided Missiles.
for insertion into missile propulsion systems as 1380 Military Biological Agents
integral parts; Guided tr{issile Explosive Devices; NorD.-Thls class lncludes all forms of ammunltlon and
Safety-in-Flight Explosive Items and Devices sueh warheads contalning military blological agents.
as, Impulse Cartridges, Delay Cartridges, Aircraft
1385 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Tools, Surface
Ejection Seat Catapults, Aircraft Canopy Removers,
and similar items, as shown in the indexes to the Includ,es Only specialized tools designed exelusively
['SC, Solid Propellants, predetermined to speciflc for use on influenced weapons.
quantity and quality, packaged in reusable con- Ercl,udes Nonspecialized or common tools not de-
tainers; Nuclear Ordnance Components; Rocket and signed exclusively for use on influeneed weapons.
Guitled Missile Motors, Warheads, and Propulsion
Seetions. 1386 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Tools, Underwater
1376 Bulk Explosives Incluil,es Only specialized tools designed erclusively
Incluil,es Solid Propellants, predetermined to specific for use on influenced weapons,
quantity and quality, packaged in reusable con- Eccludes Nonspeeialized or common tools not
tainers; Explosive Loaded Devices and Components designed exelusively for use on influenced weapons,
as shown in the indexes to the f,'SC,
1390 Fuzes and Primers
Eccl,udes Liquid. Propellant X'uels and Oxidizers; NorE-Thls class lncludes only fuzes and prlmers for
Solid Propellants eneased in consumable containers, use ln ammunitton classlfled ln Classes 1310, 1315, and
for insertion into missile propulsion systems as 1320.
integral parts; Guiderl Missile Explosive Devices; Eoclud,es Ifuzes and Primers for ammunition not
Blasting and Demolition Materials; Safety-in- classified in Classes 1310, 1315, and 1320.
f,'light Explosive Items and Devices such as Impulse
Cartridges, Delay Cartridges, Aircraft Ejection 1395 MiscellaneousAmmunition
Seat Catapults, Aircraft Canopy Removers; Rocket Incl,uil,es Ammunition Shapes, such as Blanks,
and Guided Missile ilIotors, Warheads, and Pro- Disks, Slugs, Cups, and Rotating Bantls (Shell
pulsion Sections; similar items, as shown in the Bands).
indexes to the FSC.
1398 Specialized Ammunition Handling antl Servicing
1377 Cartridge and Propellant Actuated Devices and Equipment
NorD.-Ttris class lncludes safety-ln-fllght exploslve Incluil,es Handling and servicing equipment
Items, conslstlng of a quantlty of propellant (either specially designed for use on or with rockets and
encased ln a cartridge or ln molded form) a.nd a means conventional ammunition,
of activation, deslgned to be lnserted tnto or attached
to one or more deylces to provlale the energy requlred to Eocl,uites Handling and servicing equipment
operate devlces requlring a time delay, or not requirlng specially designed for use on or with rocket and
Port l-GrouPs ond €losses
Inct'tkles Specially Desigrretl Components of
ntrotechnie Iattnchers; Ammunition maintenance 1\Iissile Remote Control S]'stems'
-'ffilized equipment ; Halldling
airfieltl Eacht(les Guided llissile Internal
(Built-in) Control
equiplrent sl,eeiallj' tlesigned for aircraft ol used in both guitletl missiles
Systems; Conponents
and other than g[ided missiles (including fire
control components).
1440 Launchers' Guided Missile
Guided Missiles
Incl,rtdr:s Airborne and Nonairborne Guide'l ltissile
sarhelils or
Soie.-This group irrcludes missiles (with or withorrt of altering Launchers.
.tri*,t. components) ineorporating mechanisns capable and componenls E x s Aircraft f/slrnchers ; Roeket La unchers'
m.="1 Sieht paths' Rrdar and infrared assemblies are classilied in the
clr.t tl e

dr:igaed specificallv lor use with guideil missiles grrup are case 1450 Guided ntissile Handling and Setvicing Equipment
clases of this grorp' Excluded from this
*::ijl.-nos@n€s'flaresectioN,centersections,n'arhead.s.explosive Inelrtdcs -specially Designed Tntcls and Trailers tor
rmkets, and auxiliary components of nissiles and
." **ta.,.,
for-exclusive use use in transporting guiilerl missilcs; Slrecialll De-
;;; ;;;t.i." rhich are rlesignetl or constructed t'arhead sections' signed Slings, I{oists, Jacks, and Blo'n'ers; Self'
iJ o. io, hoosing of nuclear warheads and/orand space caDsules propellecl Veliielcs antl Trailers, Specially Designecl
ercloded are space vehicle nose con€s
s;e:lically designed to carry loadspeculiar to space research and for Guitletl }lissile Ilnndling or -servir:ing; Covers'
r; ale :lavel' guiilt:rl missi)e; Conditioning I(its and Sets' Con-
1{10 Guided }Iissiles trolted Environment'
Enahrdos Guiclecl l{issile Lannchels ; Alrcraft
gul'led mts- Hau-
\rr?r.-This class inclutles only complete colrlioll€nts'
and explosiYe
s'--.s. Fitb or $lthout warheails clling anrl Serricing Eqttipment'
FL:iber ln a'ssembled or unassembleil forn' Ilnd items'
use in or
a::?Da'l:es' parts, attachments, or accessories
,:: gf,lded mlsslles are class!fletl In classes other than tbls
Ineludes Complete I)rones, initially designed as
Aircraft ; and Airframe Structural Cornponenls
ri;siles. but converted to drone use'
:40 Guideil llissile ComPonents 1510 Aircraft, Fixeil Wing
I*ct"'t des Structural Components ; Components antl NorD.- This clnss inclutles orll' cornlletc iircraft ltnd
itolrls, assenlblies, parts. flttachncnts, or accessories
-\tiessories Specially Designecl for use on or with
u-\e in or on fixed u'iIlg aircraft are classificd in classcs
;eided missiles, including Complete Gyro l\[echa- other than thls class.
risrns. Eydruulic Pumps, Automatic Pilot lleclra-
1520 Aircraft, RotarY Wing
risms antl Specially Designed Assemblies' anrl Noro.-Thts class includes only eomplete alrcraft' End
Eletlronic Guiclance Equipment installed in mis-siles' itenrs, assemblles, parts, attachments' or ac-cessorles
in classes
Etcl.udes Electronic Remote Guidanee Equipment use ir or ol'l rotiuy wing aircraft are classified
Iised to guicle missiles; Soiicl anil Liquid Propellant other than thls class.
fnits: Components of Gyro Mechanisms' I n cl,u des HelicoPters.

l43]r Guided ]Iissile Svstems, Complete 1540 Gliders

5orE.-Thls class lnclu'les only complete gutded mls- NorE.---This elass lnc)udes only complete gltilers'
sile ssstems. Anything less than a complete sy-stem' sneh ltems, asseml)lies, parts, attachments' or aceessories
:s ladirldual entl ttems, assemblies' parts' ottochments' use iir or on glitlers clnssified ln cllsses other thftn
cr accessorles for use ln guiiletl missile systems are elossl- this class.
6ed 1n classes other tban thls eloss' Inelu rI cs l{otorizecl Glitlers'
Etclttdcs Guided tr(issile Subsystt'ms'
1550 Drones
1t?'., Guided ltissile SubsYstems NorD.-Thls class includes only conplete drones' En'lfor
}- orc.-Ttlls class lncludes only combinations
or assem- items, assemblies' pnrts' attachments' or ac-cessories this
blies of two or mole en'l ltems, each of wbich
is use ln or on droDes are classifled in class€s other than
as slngle
classiffed ln other ctasses of this group' identiffed cla ss.
ltems of supfrly. Excluded fronr this class are Inctuiles I)rones speeifieally clesigned for
such uses
ltems, assemblies, subassemblies' attactlnents' group'
targcts, training, surTeillance' missile evaluation'
sorles or parts classlfie'l ln otber classes of this
not combineal as slngle ttens of supply' and photographic reconrlaissance'
Encl,tules Piloteil aireraft and guide'l missiles
Etctudes Complete Guiitetl l\fissile Systems'
verteil to alrone use.
l{30 Guided Missile Remote Control Systems
alrtlorne and nonatrborne
NoTE.-Thls class lncludes .systems' 1560 Airframe Structural Cnmponents
components' miscellaneous fabricate'l
€rulded misslle remote coutrol NorD.-Tbis class lnclutles
lccessorles, alesignetl speeiffcally for use thetewith' Dx' system parts when speclal purpose nature' such as
thts class are fire cotrtrol assemblies' sub- parts peeuliar
cludecl from brackets, fairleaals, lines, etc" anrl nll otber
assemblles, and components modiffeil for use rrlth
to an alrfr{Ime when not specifctlly classified elsewhere'
mlsslle remote contril systems, *nd 6re control assemblies Incl'tt(tres Fuel Tanhs, permanently installed; Ex-
desisDed speciffeally for sbipboard use' ,
l-\ 5/
Port l-Gioups ond Clqsses 36-38

) I Encl,uiles Ammunition and Weapons Maintenance

and Repair Shop Specialized Equipment; Non-
specialized or Standard Machinery not designed
exclusively for manufacturing or assembling ammu-
Construction, Mining, Excavating, and Highway Maintenilco

nition and ordnance equiPments. 3805 Earth Moving and Excavating Equipment
3693 Industrial Assembly Machines Inal,uil'es Scrapers; Ditchers; Loaders; Graders;
NorE.-This class lncludes equipment speelffcally de- Special Construction Type Earth and Roek llaulirg
slgnett to assemble pre-fabricated components wlthout Trucks and Trailers.
further tlesign machining of tbe components' Equipment Encluiles Standard Tractors with or rvithout At-
I alesignetl to perform combined machining and assembling tachments; Trailers, except Special Construction
operations which result in materlal removal are classifled Type; Dump Trucks; Crane-Shovels.
ln classes other than this class' Also excluded are items
for which more speclflc classifications are sultable' 3810 Cranes and Crane-Shovels
Incl'uiles Industrial Production Type Power Screw-
ttriving Machines; Circuit Card Assembly X{achines' Incl,uiles lracklaying and Wheeled Construction
Eocl,uiles Specialized Ammunition and Ordnance Type Convertible Cranes or Shovels; Nonconvert-
ible Mobile Cranes.
Assembly Machines; Wrapping and Packaging
Eact'udes Barge Mounted Cranes; Crane antl Crane-
Machinery ; Metalworking Machinery ; Hand lfools'
Shovel Attachments.
3694 Clean Work Stations, Controlled Environment, and
Related EquiPment 3815 Crane and Crane-Shovel Attachments
Incl'uiles Laminar and Non-Laminar X'low Enclo- Inclxtales Shovels; X'airleads; Buckets ; Skull Crack-
sures; Dust Controlled X'acilities ; Air Showers' ers ; Booms ; Lifting Electromaglets.

3695 Miscellaneous Special IndustryMachinery 3820 Mining, Rock Drilling, Earth Boring, and Related
Inct'ttiles Communication'Wire Dislrenser X'abri- Equipment
cating Machinery ; Specialized Logging Equipment; Incluites Quarrying and Crushing Equipment; Min-
Petroleum Refinery Machinery; Shoemaking Ma- erals Classifying and Separating Equipment; Pul'
chinery ; Production I'ype Impregnating nquipment' verizing and Screening Equipment; Cable Tool
Eocluiles Ophthalmic Lens Cutting and Grinding and Rotary Drilling Equipment; Well Drilling
Machinery ; Clothing Impregnating Equipment' Equipment; n'ishing Tools ; Paving Breal<ers.
Eacluil,es Attachments for Mounting on Tractors
or Trucks.
GROUP I7 3825 Road Clearing and Cleaning Equipment
Agricultural Machinery and Equipmenl .Inctuil,es Motorized Sweepers; Motorized Snow-
plows; Motorized Street Sprinklers; Road l\farking
3710 Soil Preparation EquiPment Machines.
Incluiles Planting Equipment; Cultivating Equip- Tractors with Road Clearing or
Ercl,u,il'es Standard
ment. Cleauing Attachments ; Timber Sawing Equipment.
3?20 HarvestingEquipment. 3830 Truck and Tractor Attachments
Inctudes Threshers; Ilullers; X'eed Cutters; Grad- Inctud,es Equipment for Mounting on Trucks and
ing and Cleaning Farm MachinerY' Tractors, such as Bulldozers, Augers, Blades, Snow-
plows, Sweepers, Road Magnets, Water Distribu-
3730 Dairy, Poultry, and Livestock Equipment
tors, Cranes; Winches for Integral Mounting on
3740 Pest, Disease, and Frost Control Equipment Trucks or Tractors.
Eoctuil,es Power Take Off Units; Attaehments for
3750 Garrlening Implements and Tools Tanks, Self-Propelled Weapons, and High Speed
Irwlu(tes Garden Tractors, Walking Type; Lawn Tractors; A-frames anal Winches specifically de-
Mowers, Powered and Nonpowered; Hedge Trim- signed for truck mounting; Cranes and Crane
mers; Lawn Seeders; n'ertilizer Spreaders; Garden- Booms for Wrecker Trucks.
ing Rakes, n'orks, Hoes, and Other Garden Tools. s835 Petroleum Production and Distribution Equipment
3?60 Animal Drawn Vehicles and Farm Trailers Includ'es WelI Heads; Pumping Equipment; Gas
Distribution EquiPment'
Includ,es Buggies ; Carriages ; Wagons ; Sleighs'
Enatuitres Cable TooI and Rotary Drilling Aquip-
3770 Saddlery, Ifarness, TVhips, and Related Animal ment; Petroleum Bulk Storage Tanks.
Furnishings 3895 Miscellaneous Construction Equipment
I nel,uil,es Dog llarnesses ; Leads. Incl,uil,es Asphalt Eilevators; Asphalt Ileaters;

Federol Supply Clqssiftcqtion
Eacl'uitres Crane-Shovels ; Railroad lfreckers ; Barge
; Asphalt Transfer Equipment;
Asphalt Kettles Mounted Cranes; Winches for Integral l\{ounting
Batching Plants; Stabilizing and Compacting on Trucks or Tractors; Locomotive Cranes'
Equipment; Concrete Mixers (AlI Types) ; Concrete
Yibrators; Bituminous and Concrete Pavers; As- 3960 Elevators and Escalators
phalt Distributors; Sheepsfoot Rollers; Rooters; Ecctudes Automotive Lifts; Asphalt and Aggregate
Rippers; Pile Drivers; Bitumen Heaters ; Cable
Laying, Lashing, Spinning, anil Reeling Equipment'
3990 Miscellaneous Materials llandling Equipment
Eoatuiles Earth Moving and Excavating Equip-
ment; Pile Driving Attachments for Cranes and Includ'es Skitls ; Pallets'
Crane-Shovels. Eooluit'es Airfield Engine Transport Skids-

Materials Handling EquiPmenl RoPe, Cable, Chain, and Fittings

Note .-Excludeil from thig Group ere specialized

atomic ordnance 4010 Chain and Wire RoPe
rnd griilett missile handling equipment and sirfield specialized trucks NorE.-Chaln or tivire rope, fltted with termlnatlons or
and trailers. is classifietl in this class only when lt has
3910 Conveyors multiple uses (falling ltrto two or mor€ classes)' has
g"o"rul ta", or has a specific use which {to€s not provltle
Itrcl,uiles Pneumatic Tube Systems; Portable' Sta- an appropriate classification (such as one whlch couples
tionary, Powered, and Nonpowered Conveyors; dissimilar ltems sithout being predomlnantly related to
Conveyor n'eeders' either of the ltems being coupted)' Exclud€d from the
class are ltems for which more speclfc classlfications are
E ocl,ud'es AsPhalt Elevators. sultable. The FSC lndexes and strueture will govern the
3915 Materials Feeders classlfication of ttlose items permitteil classlfication in a
slngle class onlY.
NorE'-Materials Hanalling equipm€nt lnclude'l ln thls
class is restrlcteil to those materials feeders and parts Includes I\'ire Chain; Load Chain; Chain and Wire
feeders tbat serve tls I conveying devlce, antl by which the Rope Assembties with Terminations and/or Attach-
rate of deliverv of butk materials, packages, or objects may
ments. not elsewhere classifiable.
tle controlleal' Items inclualetl in this class are synchronlzed
wltll companlon machinery, feeding predetermlned E r cl u d e s Porver Transmission Chain'
amounts, by volume, of specifc materlals accurately aDd
contlnuously from storage bins or hoppers to process or 4020 Fiber Rope, Cordage, andTwine
mlxing machlnes, anal ale lnterchangeable between ma- \orE.-Fib€r rope, fitted wtth termtDatlons or attach'
chlnes. Exclutled from this class are conveyor feedets nents. is classiflecl in this class only
.Ivhetr it has muttiple
il.e., apron, belt, chain, fltght, pan, etc', adaptetl for uses (falling iDto two or more classes), has g€neral use'
feed€r serYice) that are classifiable in Class 3910 and/or or has a speciflc use shich does not proYlde an appropriate
Class 3895, as aPPropriate. classlfication. Excludetl from the class are ltems for whlch
Dry l\{aterials X'eeclers ; Parts Feeders' more specific classiflcations are suitable'
Eoct'uiles Aggregate and X'ines n'eeders; Conveyor Includes Hallards ; Lashing ; Ratline; Towline ;
X'eeders; Water Purification Dry Chemical X'eeders' I{aq'sers: Lanyards; Textile Rope; Textile Cable;
N5Ion Rope; Rope with Terminations and/or
3920 Materials Handling Equipment, Nonself-Propelled Attachments. not else$ here classifiable'
Innl,udes Dollv l'rucks ; Pushcarts; Handcarts ;
4030 Fittings for Rope, Cable, and Chain
Wheelbarrows ; Hand Trucks ; Materials Handling
Esal'ud'ea Conveyors.
Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, and Air Circulating Equipment
3930 Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled
Incl,uites Tug Jockeys; Fork Lift Trucks; Platform 4110 RefrigerationEquiPment
Trucks; Straddle Trucks; Cab, Bodv, and n'rame NorE.-Thls class lncludes only complete relrigeratlon
equipment, whetller refrigerated from an lntegral
Structural Components and Springs' Also
remote mechanical refrigeration unlt or system'
Eaol'ud'es Cranes. tnctudecl in this class are refrigeratron
plants' and com-
plete "packaged" refrigeratlon unlts aD'l systems eontaln-
3940 Blocks, Tackle, Rigging, and Slings ing u po.t"" drisen compressor' condenser' evaporator' and
ali other necessary components to refrigerate an enclosed
Eiaclaites Load Chain; Chain and Metal Rope space' Nonoperating accessories such as ice trays'
n'ittings; Wire Rope; Hoists; Ship Rigging' a-nd panels are included ln this class' Excluded
from thls
class-are operating components, assemblles'
parts' attach-
'Winches, Hoists, Cranes, and Derricks
3950 ments, or u"""a,oaia*' for use in or on complete refrlg-
eration equipment, plants, systems' or the "packaged"
Incluites -Windlasses; Capstans ; Ore Bridges; refrigeration units, and which are to be elassified in
Cranes; 'Wharf Cranes; Mobile
Class 4130, or as otheruise specifically preseribed by
or n'ixed; Overhead Traveling Cranes' lndexes anal structure of the l'SC'

Port l-Groups ond Clqsses 4849
instruments, including those specially
GROUP {8 designed,
such as ammeters, yoltmeters, ohmmeters, multim-
Valves eters, and similar instruments, as shown in the
Note.-This group excludes valves designed for use on individual
indexes to the F SC ; Test Apparatus used for botb
typ€s of equiprn€nt or systems. Excluded are such items as tire valves' communications and other electrical and electronic
engine intake and exheust valYes, csrburetor valves, water mixing equipment.
valves, and flush valves.
4921 Torpedo Maintenance, Repair, and Checkout Spe-
4810 Yalves, Powered cialized Equipment
Incl,uiles Electric Motor Operated Yalves ; Hydraulic
Incl,uil,es Specially designed maintenance, test,
Operated \ralves; Solenoid Operated Valves.
cheekout, and repair shop specializ€d equipment for
Eocl,uiles Engine Intake and Dxhaust valves ; Yalves
maintenance and repair of torpedoes, torpedo com-
specifically designed for use with fire fighting equip- ponents; adapters, fixtures, inspection and holding
ment, plumbing equipment, and the like.
fixtures, Ieveling jack assemblies, fuel filling and
4820 Yalves,Nonpowered syphon assemblies, control surface adapter anal
Incl,uiles Automatia Nonpowered Valves; Gate, protractor assemblies, afterbody cradle adapter
Globe, Angle, Check, and Relief Valves; Cocks. and tilting mount assemblies, high pressure air
Ecclu(les X'ire Hydrants; Sprinkler Heads ; \-ah'es heater assemblies, motor drier and puller assem-
specifically designed for use with flre fighting equip- blies, test stand levels and stands for overhaul,
ment, plumbing equipment, and the like. maintenance, test, checkout, and repair of torpedo
and torpedo components, test panels, fixtures, and
GROUP 49 test sets for electrical circuits, firing circuits and
torpedo test sets.
Mainlenance and Repair Shop Equipment Eocl,uil,es Specially designed maintenance test,
checkout and repair shop specialized equipment for
Note.-Specialized equipnent which is designed for automotive
maintenance and repair, and which is also used for the maintenance maintenance and repair of ammunition, guided mis-
and repair of nonautomotive vehicles or equipment, will be classified ,siles, rockets, fire control, space vehicles, under-
in Class 4910. water mines, depth charges and nuclear ordnance.
Jigs, fixtures, and templatcs used in conjunction with maintenance
and repair shop specialized equipment are clessified in this group.
AIso excludes "basic" types of electrical and elec-
Ilowever, jigs, fixtures, and templates us€d in conjunction with metal- tronic test instruments, such as ammeters, yolt-
working machinery are classified in Group 34. meters, ohmmeters, multimeters, galvanometers and
Infrared assemblies, subassemblies, and components gpecifically similar instruments.
dcsigned as test and maintenance specialized equipment are classified
in the appropriate clssses of this group, Excluded from this group 4923 Depth Charges and Underwater Mines Mainte-
is infrared equipment designed for testing communications and night nance, Repair, and Checkout Specialized Equip-
vision equipment.
4910 Motor Yehicle Maintenance and Repair Shop Incl,uiles Specially designed maintenance, test,
Specialized Equipment checkout and repair shop specialized equipment for
Incluiles Automotive Lifts; Wheel Aligners; Brake maintenance and repair of depth charges and under-
Service Equipment; Tire tr{aintenance and Repair rvater mines; adapters, inspection, test and holtling
l)quipment; Test stands and test equipment fixtures; stands for overhaul, maintenance, test,
specially designed for use with motor vehicles. checkout, and repair of underrvater mines and
Eocluiles Hand Tools; Lubrication and X'uel Dis- depth charges; test fixtures, panels plus assemblies
pensing Equipment; Basic types of electrical and and test sets for leak test, pressure test, firing cir-
electronic test instruments, including those spe- cuits and timing devices.
cially designed, such as ammeters, voltmeters, Escl,uil,es Specially designed mainteuanee, test,
ohmmeters, multimeters, and similar instruments, checkout, and repair shop equipment designed for
as shown in the indexes to the n'SC. nuclear ordnance, guided missiles, ammunition,
torpedoes, rockets, fire control, space vehicles antl
4920 Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Shop Specialized
Equipment "basic" types of electrical and electronic test
Includns Maintenance stands designed for support
of aircraft assemblies during repair or overhaul; 4925 Ammunition Maintenance, Repair, and Checkout
Test Stands and Test Equiprnent specially designed Specialized Equipment
for maintenance and repair of aircraft components Includ,es Specially designed maintenance, test,
suclr as: engines, generators, hydraulic systems, checkout, and repair shop specialized equipment,
armament, automatic pilot, fire control, flight for rnaintenance and repair of ammunition items;
control, and navigational systems. adapters; ammunition feeders and hoppers; inspec-
Eoclurl,es Hand Tools; Airfield trIaintenance Plat- tion and holding fixtures; linkers, linkers-delinkers,

forms; Basic types of electrical and electronic test and delinkers to assemble and disassemble ammu-


Federql Supply Clqssificqtion

nition belts; surYeillance ovens; explosimeters; 4935 Guided Missile Maintenance, Repair, and Checkout
primer firing device fixtures; mandrels; reposition- Specialized EquiPment
ing rnachines: gas bomb service kits; test fxtures; Incl'u,des Checliout equipment ancl test equipment
panels; plug assemblies; and test sets for ammu- specially designed for use rvith guided missiles and
nition maintenance, checkout and rep*ir' guided missile relnote control systems.
Eoelud,es Maintenalce, repair, checkoilt and test Eaclutl,es Speciaily designed internal (built-in)
equipment specially designed for use rvith guided checliout equipment for guided missile remote con-
rnissiles, guidetl missile renlote control systems, trol sJ steurs : Basic tlpes of electrical and electronic
guided. missile systerns; fire control; nuclear ord- test instruments. including those specially designetl'
nance; rockets, undern'ater nines and depth such as ammeters, roltmeters, ohmmeters, multi-
charges; torpedoes; space vehicies autl test equip- meters, attd similar instruments, as sholn in
nent for aircraft weapon launchers; basic types of the indexes to the FSC; Test Apparatus used for
electrical and electronic test instrumertts, streh as both conmunications and other electrical and elec-
ammeters, voltmeters, olrmrneters, multirneters, and tronic equiPment.
similar instruments. as sho'wn in the intlexes to the 49.10 I'Iiscellaneous Maintenance and Repair Shop
Specialized EquiPment
4927 Rocket Maintenance, Repair and Checkout Spe- I rtclutles Paint SprlSing Equipment.
cialized Equipment
Ercludes Eand Tools.
Ittcluites Specially clesigned maintenance, test'
1960 Space Vehicle llaintenance, Repair, and Checkout
checkout, antl repair shop specialized equipnent
Specialized EquiPment
for maintenance and repair of rockets and rocket
components; rocket rnaintenance stands; te-qt Includ,es Checkout and Test Equipment specially
stands; fixtures; jigs; and shop equipment designed clesigned for use with Space Yehicles, including
for maintenance and repair of rockets' rocket ltlo- Bemote Control Systems.
tors and other rocliet components. Etcludes Checkout and Test Equipment used with
Eocluitres Specially designecl maintenance, test. troth Guided Xlissiles antl Space Yehicles; Specially
checiiout, antl repair shop equipment specificallS designecl Internal (Built-in) Checkout Equipment
designed for nuclear ortlnance, guided missiles, fire for Remote Control Systems; Basic types of Dlec-
control, torpedoes, underrvater mines, depth charges, trical and Electronic l'est Instruments, inclucling
amrnunition, space veiricles; test equipment for air- those specialiy designed. such as ammeters, ohm-
craft rocket launchers and "basic" types of elec- meters. multimeters. and similar instruments' as
trical and electronic test instruments, such as shorrn in the indexes to the I'SC.
ammeters, \'oltneters, ohrnmeters, multimeters, gal-
vanometers and sirnilar instruments.

4930 Lubrication and Fuel Dispensing Equipment


Inchtdes Hand Grease Guns; Centralized Lubrica- Hand Tools

tion Systems; Hydrostatic Lubricators; Oil and 5110 Eand Tools, Edged, NonPowered
Gasoline Dispensing Pumps; X'uet Oii Dispensing f iles ; Pipe Cutters ; Rasps ; Saws
I nclu.rtes Chisels ; ;
Pumps; Hand Oilers; Grease Dispensers; Pressure
Scre$' Plates ; Axes; llatchets ; Machetes'
Gun Attachments; Siglrt Feed Lubricators.
Etchtttes Alemite anil Lubrication F ittings. 5120 Iland Tools, Nonedged, Nonpowered
Includes l{ammers ; Picks ; Pliers, except pliers for
4931 Fire Control Maintenance and Repair Shop Special' cutting only ; Scrervdrivers; Sirovels; Construction
ized Equipment Rakes, Forks antl Hoes; Jacks, ineluding Contrae-
Inal,uil,es Specialty Designed Test Equipment, tors' Jacks ; Wrecking Bars; Glue Pots ; Blow-
Ma.intenance J.i'ixtures and Stands' torches.
Ercl'u,des Instruments for use on both Fire Control Ecclud'es Craftsman's Measuring Tools ; Gartlening
and other Equipment; Airborne tr'ire Control Rakes, Forks, Hoes, and other Garden Tools'
Maintenance and Repair Shop Equipment. 5130 Iland Tools, Power Driven
4933 Weapons Maintenance and Repair Shop Special- Inaltr/es Drills ; Riveters; Portable Electric Saws ;
'Wheels, Cones, and
ized Equipment Pneumatic Tools; Abrasive
other Abrasive Attachments for use only on Hand
Incl,utles l[aintenance Stands, Irixtures, and Jigs.
HeId Porver'Iools.
Eccl,ud,es Atornic Ordnance Maintenance ancl Repair
Shop Specialized Equipment; Airborne
5133 Drill Bits,Counterboresn and Countersinks: Iland
lVlaintenance and Repair Shop Equipment' and Machine


Port l-GrouPs ond €lqsses

Packing and Gasket Materials; Gasket Strip antl

5136 Taps, Dies, and Collets: Hand and Machine
Tape; Prefa.brica.tecl Gaskets and Seals designed for
Eccl'udes Punching, Stamping, and Marking Dies' a single specific aPPlication.
5140 Tool and Ilardware Boxes
5335 Metal Screening
5180 Sets, Kits, and Outfits of Hand Tools
Incl,udes Insect Screening; Industrial l\fetal Clotlr
and Mesh.

GROUP J2 Eualud'es Fencing.

Measuring Tools 5340 Miseellaneous Hardware

5210 Measuring Tools, Craftsmen's Includes Cabinet Hardware ; Casters ; Door Closers ;
Hinges ; Locks; Turnbuckles ; Casket Hardrvare ;
NoTE.-This class does not inclutle speclal lnspectiorl
gages, x'hich are cllssifletl in Class 5220' Trunk and Luggage Hardware; Yibration Absorbers
and l\Iounts, NonhYdraulie.
Includes Calipers i Levels; lIicrometers ; Plumb
Bobs; Precision Tapes; Squares; Angle Gages; E n clu de s Marine I-Iardware.
Center Gages; Depth Gages; Draw Gages; Drill
5345 Disks and Stones, Abrasive
Point Gagcs; I'illet and Radius Gages; Glaziers'
Gages; Height Gages (\rernier) ; Planer Gages; Inctudes Abrasive Belts and Belting; Ilones;
Rivet Selector Gages; Saw Tooth Set Gages; Abrasive Wheels, lfultiapplication.
Screw Pitch Gages; Surface Gages; Telescoping Doclud,es Dental Abrasives; Abrasive Cones, and
Gages: Thickness Gages; Tube Bead Gages; l'ube other Abrasive Attachments for equipment.
X'lare Gages; Trvist Drill Gages; l'wist DriII ancl
Rod Gages; T*'ist Drill and Tap Gages; Taper- 5350 AbrasiveMaterials
Wire-Thickness Gages ; \Yire Gages ; Tool Setting Includ,es Cloth; Papers ; Powders; Abrasive Polish-
Planer and Siraper Gages; Gage Rlocks'
ing Compounds ; Metal X'inishing Abrasives; In-
5220 Inspection Gages and Precision Layout Tools dustrial Diamonds; Diamond Dust; Rouge.
NorE.*Special inspection gages are included in tbls
class. 5355 Knobs and Pointers
Includes Go and Not-Go Gages, including Plug' Incl,nd,es Knobs, including Calibratecl Knobs; Dlals'
Ring, Snap, 'Ihread, and Length Gages; Profile ScaIe.
Gages; fixture Gages; Special Inspection Gages' 5360 Coil, FIat, and Wire Springs
5280 Sets, Kits, and Outfits of Measuring Tools Norc.-Items speciflcaliy designed for speclfic use on
or with specific indivldual types of equipment are classi-
fiable in this class.
5365 Rings, Shims, and SPacers
Hardware and AblasiYes Incluiles Extelnally Threaded Rings; Keyed antl
5305 Screws Serrated Lock Rings; and Dee Rings' Shim Sets
and Assortments. Spacers, Plates, Ring, Sleeve, and
5306 Bolts Stepped; Spacer Assortments and Sets' Bushings'
5307 Studs Machine Thread; Plugs, Machine Thread'
5310 Nuts and Washers Eacl'uiles Piston Rings, Bearing and Bearing Closure
E n cl,u(Ie s Thrust Washers. Shims. Shim Stock. Eleetrical Cable Spacers'

5315 Nails, Keys, and Pins

Inclttcles Dorvel Pins, X{etal ; Leader Pins; Split
Pins; Shafting Keys; Shafting Pins; Spikes, except GROUP 54
Railroad; Tacks ; Staples, Nonoffice Type ; Brads' Prefabricated Structures and Scaffolding
E cctudes Railroad Spikes.
5410 Prefabricated and Portable Buildings
5320 Rivets NorE.-This class lncludes only those builillngs whlch
5325 Fastening Devices are Prefabricated or Portable'
I noluitre s Pref abricated Panels'
Includes Eyelets; Grommets; Aircraft Cowling
tr'asteners; Textile X'asteners'
5420 Bridges, Fixetl and Floating
5330 Packing and Gasket Materials NorD.-This class includes only ltems speciflcally de-
Incluiles General Purpose Oil and Grease Seals antl sigred for specilic use on or wlth flxed or floating brldges'

Incl'ud,es Special Bridge Drection Equipment;
Retainers ; Bibb Washers ; Oakum; Specialized Bulk
Federol SuPPIY Clossiftcqtion
Rubble; Ce
Rough Dimension Stone, including
Sets; Bridge X'loats
Briilge Sets; n'loating Briclge rrent; Ballast.
and Fontoons' Eacludes Block, Shapetl; Brick'
E a al,u ile sPontoons
and X'loating Doeks' and Block-.
5620 Buililing Glass, Tile, Brick' Glass Bullillng
5430 Storage Tanks .-+^d,ar Inolu(l'es C'oncrete Builcting Block;
; Slag Block I Cut- Stone; Cut
;;".:;;;;. whlch ar€ 1":itl*-tl"",,Ti:t:1t
Block; Cinder Block
X'loor anit Wall Tile;
Nlth otner equrpltElL "-'-;;;
tthls class anal should be and Polished Stone ; Ceramic
cotnlnon base are excluded , Architectural Terra Cotta; Cor
flltb whieh
--,., -hi^h rrspd
usetl' StructuraL Glass;
classifieil with the equlprnent Tanks for
essemutei and Unassembled crete Slabs and Grilles'
';;"*" only; and vacuum
Inclosures for Pressure
5630 PiPe and Conduit, Nonmetallic
lfanks' Clay PIpe
farrX.=; Petroleum Bulk Storage Inctud,es Concrete Pipe and Conduit; Tile;
use; Drain
and Conduit for underground use'
Nonmetallic Pipe Fittings for underground
Tanks. and X'ittings
Eoctudes Nonmetallic Pipe' Conduit'
and Concrete Forms use; Hose and Tubing'
5440 Scaffoliling Equipment
Placing X'orms;
for laboratorJ or electrical
Inalud'es Prefabricated Concrete Flexible Nonmetallic'
Buililers' Ladders and Stepladilers' Insulation
Ladders' Wallboard, Builiting Paper' and Thermal
iui,waes Chain Latlclers; Rope 5640
Includes Paper Builcling Board ; Plasterboard;
5445 PrefabricatedTower Structures Y:ildt
Towers; Radar ;;;.;; eorrd: Insulating Board;
Includ'es Power Transrnission Contlor^ Towers; wallpaper; Min-
Towers; Searchlight Towers;
such-as Anchor
i;ii[nt""n"s Boartl ; Tar Paper;Pipe Covering'
Prefabricated roiv"er Cortponents' l."uifroor ; Glass lYool Batts;
Guy Assemblies; l{aterials'
Rails, Tie Rods, Braces' Steps' iriuart Eieclrical Insulation
SPecializetl Tower Hardware'
hartlware; Stmctural 5650 Boofing and Siding lllaterials
frocluiles Items of eommon Ittcludes Rooflng (all materials)'
includine Sheet
fabricatetl as components of Roofine Tile;
shapes not specifically )Ietat; Rooflng neit; Roll Roofing;
tower structures' Shingles.
l\{etal Roofing antl
5450 Miscellaneous Prefabricated
Structures Etcludes Tar Paper; Bulk Sheet
Siding ; \Yootl Sicling'
Includ,es Bleachers ; Granilstands'
E naludes n'Ioating Docks' 5660 Fencing, Fences, and Gates
n'ences ancl Gates'
Includ,es Wood and Metal
Architectural and Related Metal
GROUP 55 5670
Includes Door I'rames; X'ixetl X'ire Escapes ; Grat-
'Winttow Sash; Gutters;
Lumber, Millwotk, Plywood' and i"S.-, Ctifl"t, Staircases;
Wooil Materials' DownsPouts.
5510 Lumber and Related Basic
X'looring; Mine Tim- Eaelttdes Portable X'ire Escapes'
Inoluitres Dimensional Lumber;
Shavings ;
bers; Poles; Railroad Ties ; Sawdust; Turnings 5680 Miscellaneous Construction
Molcting; Special \Yood I,ath; Airplane Landing
Wootl Sicting; Iltclttdes Expan.ted Metal
and Carvings' ilats; Tracbion Mats'
Millwork; Plywood ancl Veueer'

5520 Millwork Wintlow X'rames; GROUP 58

Inctudes Door Frames; Doors;
Window Sashes' and Coherent Radiation
\\rood Turnings ano Communicalion, Detection'
Eaal'ud'es Moltling; Special in anv other,lltll:ll frequentlv
Group 58, more thBn
Carvings' o,"""^",r.u.,r," ""T:,.T:*;T:*"*t*mU:.:""f:1,:i
several classes' 1T "oll""J:"il'r""t refers to I alistinctlv difi€r-
5530 PlYwood and Yeneer in Groups other th-m tt' it:ir;;;;" "otrviin"ru.t the same
Iialutles Plywood and Veneered Panels' Gnt part or assembly'
€ven tnousn rr'( "--i'---.t" irems_have
classeE inaticateg
same name in * *iti
name. The listing of the lYt covsed :::'by -the name ls
that, in one form' ilt"
pa'i ot t:t":::t*::
GROUP 56 "onri",rr"
r:,1"."1"t11"1i,",""'J:t :i-'# ;tf ;*ll"
rorm is appricao* 1i:":#;H5;;;;ftai:nNcy is eppriccbre
the item t:;:;;r;"".1* hasan application
Gonstruction and Building Materials "*rpple, "t^"
dtI"I-i:T;';;Ji" "i*r,"n
to two distinctlv s810" sBd.,rhe other in
Bulk- in crvptoloeic ":"ioT^"l: ;;'b;;'58{0."r"," co'."qou'fiv the nsme
5610 Mineral Construction Materials' rsdar €quipmnt covereq
Inct'ud'es Cinders; Gravel; I-inee; Santl;
Port l-Groups ond Clqsses 58

is an entrv under each of the two assemblies, subtrssemblies, antl components designed spe-
cla sse s.
cifical1y for use in flre control systems, guided misslle sys-
IVhen an item identification bears a nane u'hich is indexed under tems, test and maintenance specializcd equipment, night
yision equipment, antl otlter noncommunication types of
more than one class of Group 58, or in Group 58 and in some other
group, the item will be classified in the same class as its next higher equipment.
ssembly in the manner described in Ch&pter 3 of the FEDERAL Includes Heliographs.
5805 Telephone and Telegraph Equipment 5855 Night Yision Equipment, Emitted and Reflected
58f0 Communications Security Equipment and Com' Radiation
ponents NorE.-This class includes image forming derices aDal

5811 Other Cryptologic Equipment and Components associated alds, their subassemblies and components,
utilizing passlve and/or actiYe techniques for aletection'
58f5 Teletype and Facsimile Equipment obs€rvation, :lnd identiflcation of terraln antl objects at
Inctrudes Ticker Tape anat Sigtot Equipment. night, while maintaining concealment afiorded by dark-
ness. Inclurled are items using (1) radiatlon projected
5820 Radio and Television Communication Equipment' from near infrared sources, (2) heat radlation emitteal
Except Airborne from an object, (3) rmplification of low leYel night sky
Inctrud'es Telemetering Equipment. radiation as reflected from objects. Includes items haYing
multiapplication for purposes of fire control, and,/or night
Eool'ud,es Home Tvpe Radio and Television Equip-
observation, antl/or detection Exctuded are optlcal
ment. sighting devices vhich incorporate both day and night
viewing characteristics rvithln an integral unit for flre
5821 Radio and Television Communication Equipment, control purposes, and nonnight vislon type items deslgned
Airborne for use with guid€al missiles, communications or laboratory
Inal,ud'es Telemetering Dquipment. equipment. Also excluded from this class are ltems for
which more specific classifications are sultable as pre'
5825 Radio Navigation Equipment, Except Airborne scribed by the structure and indexes of the n'SC.
Inctuiles Loran Equipment; Shoran Equipment; Incluiles Sighting, Observation, and Countermeas-
Direction X'inding EquiPment' ures Devices; Target Detectors; Locators and View-
5826 Radio Navigation Equipment, Airborne ers utilizing radiation projected from near infrared
Incl,udes Loran Equipment ; Shoran Equipment; sources and/or utilizing low level natural radiation
Direction X'inding Equipment. as reflected from an object(s). Also iDcluded are as-
sociated Radiation Sources, Image Converter and
5830 Intercommunication and Public Address Systems' Intensifying Tubes; Power Supplies and other com-
Except Airborne ponents specifically designed for Night Vision use;
Incl,uiles Wired Audio Systems; Office Type Svs- Sighting and Observation Devices; Target Detectors
tems; Shipboarcl Systems; Tank Systems. and Loeators; Remote Viewing Systems utilizing
5831 Intercommunication and Public Address Systems, heat radiation emittecl from an object(s); asso-
Airborne ciated Solid State Radiation Intensifiers; Photo-
conductors; Heat Sensitive Tubes, Cells, and Ele-
5835 Sound Recording and Reproducing Equipment ments, and other components specifically designed
Eocl'uiles Phonographs, Home Tvpe; Dictating for Night Yision Equipment. Also includes items
Machines. having the combined capability of utilizing both
5840 Radar Equipment, Except Airborne reflected and emitted radiation.
NorE.-Radar assemblies and subassemblies designetl Ercl,ud,es Optieal sighting devices which incorporate
specifically for use rvith fire control equipment or guided both day and night viewing characteristics within
missiles are excluded from tbis class and are included in an integral unit for fire control pulposes, and non-
the appropriate classes of Group 12 or Group 14. night vision type items designed for use with euideal
5841 Radar Equipment, Airborne missiles, communications, or laboratory equipment'
NorE.-Radar assemblies and subassemblies designed
specifically for use rvith ire control equipment or guided 5860 Stimulated Coherent Radiation Devices, Compo-
mlssiles are excluded from this class and are included ln nents, and Accessories
the appropriate classes of Group 12 or Group 14.
NorD.-This class lncluales, and is restricteal to, devices
5845 Underwater Sound Equipment the operation of which is based on prlnciples involvlng
NorD.-This class excludes items specifically deslgn€d the stimulated emisslon of radlatioD, and to assoclated
for fire control sonar systems. components and accessories tlirectly related to stimulated
coherent radiatlon techniques. The methods for protluclng
Inct'uiles Sonar Equipment; Underwater Listening the ratliation are those obtalned bv LASER (Light Ampt!
Equipment; Sonobuoys ; Sonobuoy Launchers; fication by Stimulateal Dmission of Radlation) and by
X'athometers ; Sofar Equipment. MASER (Microware anal/or Molecular Amplification bv
Stimulat€tl Emlssion of Ratliation) techniques. Only tbose
5850 Visible and Invisible Light C,ommunisafion Equip' items specificaliy designed for stimulated coherent radia-
ment tion applications, and having no other appllcation' are
NorE.-ThIs class includes only communlcation types of to be inclutled in this class' Assemblies or maior systems
lnfrared equipment. Excluded from this class are infrared contatning such devlces are excluded from thls class'

58-59 FedErol Suppty Clqssificqlion

5865 Electronic Countermeasures, Counter-Counter- Eacl,udes Switchgear.

measures and Quick Reaction Capability Equip-
5935 Connectors, Electrical
Incl.niles Plugs; Receptacles; Tube Sockets.
NorD.-Thls class lncludes, and ls restrictetl to, passlve
and actlye electronlc equipment, sJstems, and subststems Eael.uil,es Semiconductor Device Sockets.
deslgned to preyent or reduce an enemy's etrective use of 5940 Lugs, Terminals, and Terminal Strips
radlated el€etromagnetic encrgy or deslgned to insure our
own effective use of radiateal electromagnetlc energy, fD- Inelu.rl,es Binding Posts; Battery Clips; Stud Ter-
cludes Electronlc Countermeasures, Dlectronic Counter- minals; Test Ciips.
Countermea$ures, Electronlc Support }feasures, and eutck Dsclutles Caps, Electrical; Clilrs, Electrical; and
Reaetlon Cspabillty Equipment aDd cornponents speclally
designeal therefor which are not classifiable elsewbere !u Contacts, Electrical.
tho X'SC Structure. Excluded from thls class are non- 59{5 Relays and Solenoids
electroDle lterns \rhich are proporly classifie,J in mote
speclfic classes ln aceordance wiilr tbe n'SC structure antl Inchttle e Electroma gnetic Aetuators.
lndexes. E c cln. d,e s Contactors.
5895 Miscellaneous Communication Equipment 5950 Coils and Transformers
Ncrrp.-This class includes rniscellaneous communlca-
tlon equipment that ls not classlfied. 1n more sDecific NoaE.-Tbis clrss incluales transformers wlth a hlloyolt_
classes. (See the "NOTE" for X.SC Group b8.) ampere ratlng of t hra and belov.
Eocludes Electronic Counterrneasures Equipment. Includes Potential and CuFent Transformers;
Etcludes Constaut Current'Iransformers; Igultion
GROUF 59 Coils.
Eleelrical and Eleetronic Equipment Ccmponents 5955 Piezoelet:tric Crystals hardware, included in classes of this group, in-
cludes such specially designed items as breckets, holders, retainers, Ineludes Processed flnmotinted Crystals.
etc. Excluded from clssses in tlris group are such hardr:are items ss
screws (Class 5305), bolts (Cl8ss 5306), studs (Ctass 5302), \ysshers
;960 Electron Tubes and Associated Ffard*are
(Class 5310), rirets (Class 5320), and other common items indexed to Inciudes Rectif;ing Tubes; pbotoelectric Tubes;
speeific classes, other than in Group b9. The FSC indexes and str!(1ure Electrol YiLrrator Tubes.
t'ill goyern the classjfication of ilems used on or with mountins Etcludcs Transistors; Tube Sockets; X-ray Fubes;
hardrlare cited sbove.
Semicor'ductor Devices and Associated Ifardware.
5$05 Resistors
5961 Semiconductor Devices and Associated Ifardware
Ittctrude s Resistive Attenuators ; Varistors ; R.e.sistive
Ballast Tubes; Rheostats; Resistor Mounting Ifard- Includes Rectif5ing Crystals; photoelectric Ceils;
ware: Thermistors. Transistors : Semiconductor Device Sockets: Recti-
Eaclud,es Resistance Wire. ers, Semiconductor Device.

5910 Capacitors E x cl u {Ie s trIicrocircuits.

Includes fnterference !-ilter Capacitors ; Capaeitor 5962 llicrocircuits, Electronic
I\founting lfardware. \orlr.- ( 1) A rnicrocircuit is defilled as follows : ,\ snlll
Eaclu,iles Senriconductor Deyices and Associated cifcuit harillg a high equivalent circuit elsnient dcnsitl-,
which i-s considercrl as a singlc part contposed of intercon-
nected elemerts placed and,/or formed on or lTithiD a sin,lle
5$15 Filters and Netvorks sub-ctrate to perform an eI€ctronic circuit furction.'Ihe
NoTE.--Tliis class lncludes those filters and net$orks elements ntal be fortned on or rvithiu a seniconductor
$'hlch consist of a conblnation of resistors, capacltors, or nlaterial substrate; nay consist of conductiTe filrir(s)
cotls, but not a ccnrbination of resistors olly (trlassifiet! fornteal on an in-qulating substrftte; or nla"v lre a combina-
ln 5905), capacitors only (classiffed ln 5910), or coils tion of one or both of tlicse t]-pcs with discrete elenlents.
only (classlffeil in b9b0).
(2) The term "microcircnit,', as applied to clrcuit derices
ircln{leil iu this clttss. is rlelirnited to exclude items consist-
59?0 Fuses and Lightning Arresters ing solell of interconnected',microcomponents,, (iliscrete
miniaturized coDtponents). Also excluded are iter)t-s fabri-
Inclu,des X'useholders; X'u-re Boxes; X'use Ilosts; cated in the form of Donolithlc thick-film or thin,fllm
Fuse Links; nuie Blocks; Current Limiters. stmctur€s that in theDtselyes are not function{rl elcctronie
i925 Circuit Breakers circuits (e.g., Capacitors, Resistors, Transistors, or
"arrays" thereof).
NorE.-'Ihis clf,ss lncludes clrcuit brerkers wtilr &
yoltage rating of 600 volts AC or 250 volts DC and beiorr. Integrated Circuit Devices sucb as Adder-
Jncl,a.t, d,e s Cu tout s.
Subtractors, Buffers, Counters, Counter Aclapters,
Lb;cl,r.;.des Re1ays. ['Iip Flops, I{aIf Adders, Shift and Half Shift Regis-
ter-c, Linear Amplifiers, Logie Gates, Logie Gate
59$0 Swit.ches Expanders, Operational Ampliflers ; Irrtegrated Cir-
Incixi!,es R.otary, Knife, Toggle, pri-sh Buf.torr, lfer- cuit }fodules; fntegrated Fjlectronie Deviees:
cury, Tliern:oslatic, and I)ifferential Fressure Eiybriil ; l\Iagrrelic ; I,Iolecular: Opto-Dlectronic; ar:d
Swiicies. ?tii;r F!lm.
Psrt l-Groups ond €lqsses 59-61

Encl,uites Single Circuit Elements such as Capaci- 6115 Generators and Generator Sets, Electrical
tors, Diodes, Resistors, Semiconductor Devices and Includes Engine, Turbine, Wind, and Iland Driven
Assemblies, and Transistors; Printed Circuit Boards Generator Sets and Auxiliary Aircraft Generators.
and. Circuit Card Assemblies ; n'ilters and Netrvorks; Eacludes Motor-Converters ; Motor-Generator Sets ;
and fntegratetl Circuits peculiar to Night Yision Engine Generators; Dngine Accessory Generators.
Equipment classified in GrouP 58. 6116 Fuel Cell Power Units, Components, and Accessories
5965 Ifeadsets, Handsets, Microphones and Speakers NorE.-This class lncludes items that are deslgned to
produce an electromotive force directly from an oxidation-
5970 Electrical Insulators and Insulating Materials reduction type of cbemical reaction. A complete power
Incluiles Tube, Knob, Cleat, Strain, and Standoff unit must include tanks, pumps, and associated control
Insulators; tr'eed Thru Insulators; Bead Insulators; equipment, and requires a continuous, uninterrupted sup-
ply of liquid ot gaseous fuel and oxidizers.
Varnish Cambric Tape; X'riction Tape.
Includes Complete It'unctioning X'uel CeIl Power
5975 Electrical Hardware and Supplies Units ; FueI Cells ; F uel Cell Assemblies or Modules ;
Incl,uil,es Conduit ; Raceways ; F aee Plates ; Con- fi'uel Cell Reactant Chambers : F uel F eed Mecha-
dulets; Outlet and Junction Boxes; Pole Line nisms; Electrolyte Heaters; Heat Exchangers ; and
Hardware, not elsewhere classifiable. other internal components peculiar to, anal used
exclusively on or with, n'uel Cell Power Units
5977 Electrical Contact Brushes and Electrodes
classified in this class.
Incluiles Brushes for electrical rotating equipment; Ecoluitres Primary Batteries (Class 6135)
; Second-
Carbon Stock for Brushes; Brush Arm and Ifolders; ary Batteries (Class 6140); Generators and Gen-
Lighting Ellectrodes. erating Sets ( Class 6115 ) ; and items for which more
Eacl,u(Ies Anodes ; Cathodes ; Welcling Electrodes' suitable classes are specifically preseribed by the
5985 Antennas, Waveguides, and Relatetl Equipment indexes and structure of the n'SC,
NorD,-Items specifically designed for specific use on 6120 Transformers: Distribution and Power Station
or with speciflc individual t]'pes of equipment are generally NorD.-This class lncludes transformers witb a
excluded from this class and are to be classified in the kilovolt-ampere rating above 1 kva.
same classes as their next higher assemblies. (Individual
exceptions to this general rule (for example, Couplers) D ocl,ual,e s Potential and Current Transf ormers.
are indicated bI condition code in the FSC Indexes.) 6125 Converters, Electrical, Rotating
Incl,udes Aerial, Mast, and Tower Equipment. Norn.-This class lncludes devices employlng mechanl-
Ecctrudes Tower Structures. cat rotation for changing electrical energy from one form
to another (1.e., AC to AC, DC to DC, AC to DC, antl DC
5990 Synchros and Resolvers to AC). Dxcluded from this class are electrical genera-
tors and generator sets (Class 6115).
Encluiles Synchro Systems; Servo Mechanisms. Incluiles Complete Battery Charging Equipment'
5995 Cable, Cord, and lVire Assemblies: Communica- Rotating; Dynamotors; Motor-Converters;
tion Equipment Motor-Generator Sets; Phase Converters ; Rotat-
NorD.-This class includes only those types of cable, ing Equipment ; Synchronous Converters.
cord, anal wlre assemblies shich are used on or with Nonrotating Dquipment.
E o cl,uil,es
equlpment and components covered by Groups 58 and 59.
Sets of cables, cords, or wires or wiring harnesses are not 6130 Converters, Electrical, Nonrotating
classifietl ln this class but are classified in the same classes NorD.-This class includes devlces employlng a means
as their next higher tssemblies. other than mechanical rotation for changing electrical
energy from one form to anotber (i.e., AC to AC' DC to
5999 Miscellaneous Electrical and Electronic Compo- DC, AC to DC, and DC to AC). Excluded from tbls class
nents are rectlfying crystals (Class 5961) and transformers
Inel,ud,es Permanent Magnets (Classes 5950 and 6120).
and Magnetostriction
Elements; Caps, Clips, and Contacts, Electrical. Includes Complete Battery Charging Equipment'
Nonrotating ; Power Supplies, Multiapplication.
GROUP 61 Eocl'u(tres Rectifying Tubes ; Rotating Equipment;
Semiconductor Devices and Associated Hardware'
Electric Wire, and Power and Distribution Equipment 6135 Batteries,PrimarY
6105 Motors. Electrical Incl'uitres CelIs and Dry Batteries ; Nuclear Batteries'
Eacl,uiles Starting trfotors for Engines. 6f40 Batteries,SecondarY
6110 Electrical Control Equipment NoaE.-Battery fixtures, such as boxes, covers' racks'
NorD.-This class includes clrcult breakers wlth a retainers, and trays, when specifically designed for speclfic
voltage rating aboye 600 yolts AC or 250 yolts DC. use on or wittr lndivialual types of €quipment, are exclu'led
Incl,uil,es Contactors; l\fotor Controllers; Power from this class and are to be classlfied in the same
cltrsses as their next higher assemblies or ln appllcable
Servomechanisms ; Switchgear ; Voltage Regulators. components classes (such as in Group 25), whtcbever ls
Ercludes Automatic Pilot Mechanisms ; Relays; prescribetl by the structure or indexes of the X'SC'
Resistors. Inal,udes Rechargeable Cells and Batteries'

Port l-Groups ond Closses

Aids; Refraction Equipment; Veterinary

6520 Dental fnstruments, Equipment, and Supplies
Inctruil,es Dental Engines; Dental Laboratory
Elquip- 6615 Automatic Pilot Mechanisms and Airborne Gvro

NorE.-Included in this class are gyro components of

guided missiles. Excluded are complete gyro mechanisms
and nonairborne gyro components, both of which are clas-
Aquipment; Operating Chairs; Orthodontic Appli- sified in the same classes as their next higher assemblles.
ances ; Teeth; Dental Metals; Dental Abrasives; Incluiles Automatic Pilot Regulators; Directional,
Dental Laboratory n'urniture. Vertical, Bank and Turn, and Ilydraulie Surface
6525 X-Ray Equipment and Supplies: Medical, Dental, Gyro Controls; Airborne antl Shipborne Automatie
Yeterinary Pilot Meehanisms; Helicopter Automatic Stabili-
zation Equipment.
Incl,uiles Medical X-Ray X'ilm; Medical X-Ray
X'ilm Viewing Equipment; Medical X-Ray X'ilm Eacl,uiles Automatic Pilot Training Deviees; Auto-
matic Pilot Mechanisms, Guided Missile.
Processing and X'inishing Equipment and Supplies;
X-Ray Tubes. 6620 Engine Instruments
NorE.-Instruments designed for use on both englnes
E acluil,es Industrial X-Ray Equipment. and other than engines are not lncluded ln this class and
should be classified in the appropriate instruments elass
6530 Ilospital Furniture, Equipment, Utensils, anil of Group 66.
Incl,uales All Engine fnstruments, inelutling Air-
Incluiles Orthopedie Equipment; Iron Lungs; craft, Marine, and Vehicular; X'uel Pressure Gages;
Operating Lights ; Physiotherapy Squipment ; Steri- Manifold Pressure Gages; Oil Pressure Gages; X'uel
lizers; Wheel Chairs; Litters ; Hospital Beds; Mixture fndicators; Engine Oil antl n'uel Warning
Restraint Equipment. Devices.
6532 Ifospital and Surgical Clothing and Related Special 6625 Electrical and Electronic Properties Measuring and
Purpose ltems Testing Instruments
Incl,uiles Only those clothing items whieh are re- NoTE.-Ttrls class includes ar, "basic" types of electrical
quired exclusively for use in hospital operations, and electronic test instruments. such as ammeters. volt-
meters, ohmmeters, multimeters, anrl simllar lnstruments,
or in medical or dental facilities, whieh have no eyen if specially designed. Excluded from thls class by the
functional counterpart elsewhere in X'ederal Organi-
modlfer "except specially designed" are test Instruments,
zations participating in the Federal Catalog System. otber tban "basic" lnstruments, whlch are speelally de-
.- slgned for use with atomlc ordnance, fre control, gulded
Eocluiles General purpose items of clothing and mlsslle, motor yehicle, aircraft, or photograpblc equlp-
fabrieated textile material. ment. Sucb speclally tlesigned test lnstruments are to be
classifled ln other classes in the X'ederal Supply Classiflca-
6540 Opticians' Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies tlon,
Thls class lncludes communicatlons test equlpment
Incluil,es Ophthalmic Lens Cutting and Grinding lnfrared test equipment designed for communicatlon, and
Machines; Ophthalmic Lenses and Lens Blanks: night vision maintenaDce and test speciallzed equlpment.
Spectacle n''rames. Incl,uiles Test Leads and Test Lead Attachments;
Eacl,uiles Optical Lens Cutting and Grincling Test instruments designed for communication
Machines. equipment; Test instruments desigued for use wlth
electronic equipment classified in two or more X'SC
6545 Medical Sets, Kits, and Outffts
Eocluiles Radiac Elquipment; Test instruments
GROUP 66 which are integral (built-in) components of opera-
tional equipment.
Inslruments and laboratory Equipment
6630 Chemical Analysis Instruments
Note.-fnfrared assenblies, subassemblies, and components designed (pE) Meters; Gas Analyzers;
specifically for use as or with instruments and taboratory equipment
Inaluiles Acidity
are classiffed in the appropriat€ classes of this group. Alkalinity Measuring fnstruments; Colorimeters.
6605 Navigational Instruments Eaalud,es Gas Detecting Equipment; Manual Gas
Inal,uiles Azimuths ; Sextants ; Oetants ; Compasses;
Plotting Boards ; Underwater Log Equipment; Air 6635 Physical Properties Testing Equipment
Position fndicators ; Drift Meters. Incl,uil,eB flardness Testers; Industrial X-Ray
66f0 Flightfnstruments
Incl,uiles Air Speed fndieators; Rate of Climb fndi- 6636 Environmental Chambers and Relateil Equipment
eators; Bank and Turn fndicators; pitot Tubes; NorD.-This class includes only those envlronmental

Gyro Ilorizon Indicators; Attitude Gyro Indicators. chambers used excluslvely to perform controlled tests,
under simulated conalitions, to determlne physical damage
Navigational Instruments.
E acluil,ee anil/or ehanges ln operatlng characterlstics for equip-


Pqrt l-Groups ond Clcrsses 67-70
6710 Photographic Developing and Finishing Equipment 6850 Miscellaneous Chemical Specialties
Inctrud,es Ealiting Oquipment; Enlargers ; Driers; Inatruitres Antifogging Compounds; lvetting Agents;
Pressers ; Printers; Washers. Etehing and n'ountain Solutions for Lithograph-
6750 Photographic Supplies ing; Blanket Repair Soluiions for Lithographing;
lnal,uiles Sensitized Paper; Special Purpose Photo- Antifreeze.
graphic Chemicals; Unprocessed X'ilm; Photoflash
Lamps. GROUP 69
E a cl,uile I X-Ray X'ilm, Training Aids and Devices
6760 Photographic Equipment and Accessories 6910 Training Aids
Incl,udes Light Meters ; Tripods ; f ilters ; Range- Incluiles Mockups; Cutaway Models; Scale Models ;
finders ; Photographic X'loodlight tr'ixtures ; Lenses ; Training Films; Training Aid Maps; Navigational
Specialized Photographic Test Equipment. Training Aids; Flight Instrument Training Aids;
Eacluil,es Lamps (Bulbs) ; Photoflash Lamps. Aircraft Instrument Training Aids; Vehicle Train-
ing Aids; Dngine fnstrument Training Aids; IIy-
6770 Film, Processed
draulic System Training Aids; Cutaway, Mockup,
Inal,udes tr{otion Picture X'ilm, Silent and Sound;
or Sectionalized Ammunition only; Training Equip-
Still Picture X'iIm. ment normally used in classroom training.
Eacluiles X-Ray n'ilm; Training and Educational
n'ilm; Processed MicrofiIm.
Eocl,udes Drill, Dummy, Exercise, Practice, or
Simulated Ammunition and Weapons.
6780 Photographic Sets, Kits, and Outfts
6920 Armament Training Devices
Incl,uiles Bombing Trainers ; Gunnery Trainers;
GROUP 68 Tow Targets; Gunnery Targets; Guidect Missile
Chemicals and Chemical Products Training Sets.

Note.-In general, individual nonmedicinsl chemical elements and Eacludes Target Drones; Drones for such use as
compounds are clrosified in Clas 6E10. Combinations (or mixtures) training, surveillance, missile evaluation, and
of chemical compounds, or chenicals prepared in a particular vehicle photographic reconnaissance; Atomic Ordnance
(other than r-at€r) are generally classified according to use, in Training Devices; Training Aids; Drill, Dummy,
class€s other thsn 6510. For example, the chemical compound DDT,
is classified in 6810, whereas DDT liquid sprsy, the insecticide, is Exercise, Practice, or Simulated Ammunition and
in 6840-Pcst Control Agents and Disinfectsnts. Similarly,
classified Weapons.
items of supply bearing nonchemicol names such as SPOT 6930 Operation Training Devices
erslly classified according to use, in classes other than 6810, whereas Incluiles Link Trainers; Automatie Pilot Training
corresponding chemical compounds, such as carbon tetrachloride, Devices; Drift Meter Training Devices; Celestial
chlordane, and ethylene glycol are classified in 6810. Medicinal chem- Navigation Trainers; Dead Reckoning Navigation
icals are generally classified in 6505-Drugs, Biologicals, and Official
Trainers; Instrument f,'lying and Landing Trainers;
Reagents. Excluded from this group ar€ liquid chemicals designed
exclusively for use as propellant fuels and oxidizers. Terrain Projection Trainers; All operational train-
ing devices except communication and armament.
6810 Chemicals I tcluiles Training Aids.
Incluiles Naphtha Solvents; 'Water Softening Com-
pounds; Tanning Materials, Natural or Synthetic; 6940 CommunicationTraining Devices
Incl,uiles Supersonic Radar Trainers ; Navigational
Dextrines and Starches ; Inedible Gelatins ; Aeetone;
Propellant Chemicals, Bulk, not Specialized Solely
Radar Trainers; Search and Detecting Radar
Trainers ; Code Practice Equipment.
for Guided Missile Use.
Eccluiles Medicinal Chemicals; Gases; f,'oundry E aclud,esTraining Aids.
6820 Dyes GROUP 70
Includes Household Tints General Purpose Automatic Dala Processing Equipment, Soft-
6830 Gases: Compressed and Liquefied ware, Supplies and Supp0rt Equipment
Includes X'ueI Gases. NoIe.-GENERAL PURPOSE ADPE-Automatic data prmessing
Eccluil,es Military Chemical Gases; Medical Gases; devices and/or a collective set of these devices regardless of use, size,
Empty Gas Cylinders and their eaps, rralyes, and capacity or price that can be applied to the solution or processing of
a variety of problems, or tasks and are not specially designed, as
valve spare parts. opposed to configured, for any restricted class of problems, or tasks.
6840 Pest Control Agents and Disinfectants It includes:
a. Digital, analog or hybrid computers.
Inaluil,es Insect Repellents; n'ungicides; fnsecti- b. Data input/output devices and accessorial €quipment such as
eides ; Rodenticides ; Weed Killers, plotters, source data automstion recording equipment, computer out-
put to microfilm equipment (COM), and computer performsnce evalu-
E a ctruiles Personal Deodorants. &tion equipment (hardware monitors), €ither crble connected, wire

74-78 Federol Supply Clqssiftcotion

7460 Office Type Sound Recording and Reproducing

Machines GROUP 76
Ittol,ud,es Dictating Machines:
Transcribing tr(a- Bsoks, MaSs, and Other publications
chines; Combination Dictating and Transeribing 7610 Books and pamphlets
Inol,uiles Technical and Nontechnical
Eaclutles Communication Type SouDd Recordins Books and
Pamphlets; Regulations; fnstruction tr{anuals;
and neproducing 1\Iachi[es. Tecbnical Orders.
7460 Yisible Record Equipment Eoal,uiles Sheet and Book Musie; periodicals
Incl,udes Manually operated and power operated Bibles.
visible record equipment; Visible index files, roary 7630 Newspapers and periodicals
and stationary; Specially designed componeDts, 7640 Maps, Atlases, Charts, and Globes
sueh as lyire and Bar poelrets, Cover plates, Stop
Wires, and Channel Stops; Control Boards; Binder Eoatrudes Training Aid Maps
Racks. 7650 Drawings and Specifications
7490 lltiscellaneous Office Machines Includes X'ederal, Military, and Departmental
Itualudes Addressing Machines i Check Ilandling
Machines; Coin Counting Machines; Mailing 7660 Sh'eet and Book Music
Machines ; Currency Hanclling Dfaehines. Eocl,udes Hymnbooks.
Eacl,udes pencil Sharpeners; Staplers, Ofrce Type; 7670 lllicrofilm, processed
Duplicating Elquipment.
7690 Miscelleneous printed Matter
Includes Deeals; printed posters; printed
Ecctruatres Sheet and Book Musie,
0ffice Supplies and Deyices
?510 Oftce Supplies
Musical Instruments, phcnographs, and Homc.Type
Ineludes Crayons; Erasers; trile Hoklers; Radios
Writing 7710 ]Iusical Instrumenrs
Ink; printing fnk; paper l.asteners; pencils; pen_
holders and pen points; Rulers, Office Type; \oTE.-This class tncludes only complete
Art struments. Assemblles, parts, attachmania, -o" muslcal ln-
Supplies; Tape, pressure Sensitive Adhesive. accessorles
for use ln or on muslcal lnstruments are ctasstffed
Eocluiles Offlce Devices; trountain pens; Artists, classes other than this class,
Brushes ; paper Stationery Eccl,ud,es phonographs Radios
; Record n orms ; Me- ; ; Television Sets.
chanical pencils. 7720 lWusieal fnstrument parts and Accessories
7520 Offce Devices and Accessories Incl,udes fnstrument Cases ; [fusic Stands;
Includes Copyholders; X'ountain pens and pen Forks.
Desk Sets; pencil Sharpeners; paper punches; 7730 Phonographs, Radios, and Television
Staplers, Oftce Type; Artists, Accessories, Sets: Home
such as Type
Dasels, Airbrushes; Sliile Rules. NorE._This clas-s includes oDly complete home_type
7530 Stationery and Record Forms pbonographs, complete
home_type raalfo., complete
homltlpe telerision sets. End items, assemblies,"oO parts,
Inclu,des Business Iforms Record Books attachments, or accessories for use ln or
; ; Suryeyors, on the aboye
Computation tr'orms; Electrie Accounting lllachine are classified in classes other tbaD this class.
(EAI[) Cards; norms approverl for use within Inaludes Combination Sets.
individual government activities. Eccluiles Coin Operated phonographs; .tV.ire antl
Eooludes Stanclard forms approved for government_ Tape Recorders.
wide use. 7740 Phonograph Records
75{0 Standard Forms Eaaludes Training Aid Records.
fndudes Only those stanrlard forrns approved
government-wide use by the government
empowered to do so (such as flre
U.S. Bureau of
the Budget and the U,S. General Accounting Recreational and Athletic Equipment
and similar organizations in other NATO
countries). 7810 Athletic and Sporting Equipment
Eocl,&d,es norms approved for
use within inclividuai Incl,ud,es Baseball Equipment; Basketballs
government aetivities. ; Boxing
Gloves ; tr encing lllasks ; X,ishing Tackle,
Psrt l-Groups ond Clqsses 78-81

Commercial; Handballs; Shin Guards, Ilockey. GROUP S1

Eacludes Athletic and Sports Clothing'
Containers, Packaging, and Packing Supplies
7820 Games, Toys, and Wheeled Goods
Note,-A chest, casg, box, roll, bag, or other container, when
Doll Carriages ;
Incl,ud,es Baby Carriages ; Checkers ; specifically designed for housing of a set, kit, outfit, or individual
Dolls; Playing Cards ; Yelocipedes; Handicraft Kits, item (with or without attschments or spare), for itsr protection when
not elservhere classifiable. not in use, or for the convenience of the user, is clgssified in the
sare clas6 as the item or items, for which designed, or in such other
7830 Recreational and Gymnastic Equillment class as is appropriate. Ilowever, when the chest, case, box, roll,
bag, or other container is primarily a shipping container, it is classi-
Includes Slides ; Swings; Amusement Park and fled in Group 81.
Shooting Gallery Equipment; Playyard and Play-
grouncl Equipment; Billiard and Pool Tables and 8105 Bags and Sacks
Equipment; Gymnasium Equipment. Incl,uiles Shipping and Protective Envelopes;
Liners for Bags and Sacks; Textile and paper
Laminated. Shipping Bags; Closures for Bags
GROUP 79 and Sacks.
Gleaning Equipment and Supplies 8110 Drums and Cans
?910 Floor Polishers and Vacuum Cleaning Equipment
Incl,uiles Barrels; Kegs; Shipping and Storage
Pails ; Collapsible Tubes ; l\{ailing anal X'iling Tubes ;
Incl,ud,es Domestic and fndustrial Vacuum Cleaning
Closures for Drums and Cans,
Equipment; Carpet Sweepers.
Eoclu(Ies Self-propeUed and Trailer Mounted 8115 Boxes, Cartons, and Crates
Yacuum Cleaners. Incl,uil,es Shoe Boxes ; Beer Cases; Pill Boxes;
Piano Cases; Engine Boxes; Bombsight Boxes.
7920 Brooms, Brushes, Mops, and Sponges
Dscl,uiles Special boxes, packages, and containers
Ineludes Squeegees ; \Vhisk Brooms. designed primarily for shipping, storage, and
Etcludes Hair Brushes: Toothbrushes: Paint and handling of ammunition, nuclear ordnance. ex-
Artists' Brushes. plosives, guitled missiles, military chemical agents;
7930 Cleaning and Polishing Compounds and Prepara- and repairable/reusable containers specially de-
tions sigled for specialized equipment such as the
"Shipping and Storage Containers" for components
Includes Scouring Powalers; Washing Compounds; of aircraft, space vehicles, automotive vehicles,
Detergents; Nontoilet Soaps; Automobile and ships, ground communication equipment.
Household Polishes and Waxes.
E120 Commereial and Industrial Gas Cylinilers
Eaalud,es Shaving Soap; Toilet Soap ; Abrasive
Polishing Compounds; Metal Finishing Abrasives; NorE.-Thls class includes empty commercial and
industrial gas cylinders and their caps, valyes, and
Surgical Detergents. velve spare parts.
Eccluiles X'illed gas cylinders and items related to
gaseous and liquefied gaseous dispensing systems,
GROUP 80 both mobile and installed. All components of
Brushes, Paints, Sealers, and Adhesives installed gas dispensing systems are classified by
8010 Paints, Dopes, Yarnishes, and Related Products
"application" or "function" with the end equip-
ment for which designed.
Water Paints; Oil paints; Driers; Wood
and Wall X'illers; Lacquers; Paint Sealers; pig- 8125 Bottles and Jars
ments for Coloring; Stains ; Turpentine; paint Incl,uil,es Shipping Jugs and Carboys; Ampoules.
Removers. 8130 Reels and Spools
Eacl,uitres Acetone.
8135 Packaging and Packing Bulk Materials
8020 Paint and Artists'Brushes Inal,uil,es Wrapping Paper; Moisture Vapor Barrier
Eacl,udes Airbrushes. Paper; Excelsior; Waalding for Packing; Corrugated
8030 Preservative and Sealing Compounds Paper; Bailing Bands, Bailing Ties; Shipping Tags;
Gummed Paper Tape; Separators I Box Liners;
Incl,uales Fire Resistant Compounds; Water Resist-
Packaging Staples; Baling \Yire; Aluminum Foil.
ant Compounds; Weather Resistant Compounds;
Belt Dressing; Antiseize Eacl,udes Adhesives; Aluminum n'oil other than for
Compounds ; Calking
food handling and processing.
and Glazing Compounds; Putties.
Eacluil,es X'ood Preservative Compounds. 8140 Ammunition and Nuclear Ordnance Boxes, Pack-
ages and Special Containers
8040 Adhesives
NorD.-This class includes only contalners and fittings

d.& Incluil,es Glue; Mueilage; Sizes; Adhesive Cements. which are speclfically designed for the storage, handling,

Federql Supply Classifieqtion
anal shipplng of arnmunition, explosives' and military 8325 Fur lllaterials
che'Ilical agents' NorD.-This irlass includes onlJ fur materlals ln bulk.
Itxcluded fron this class are ltems thB.t are precut or
Inctuiles All shipping aud containers preformed. tbus limitlng their usefulness to specific appll
specially designed for guided niissiles, major missile catlons. Such items are classified ln tbe same class as the
sections, missile warheads, aud other guided missile Iten or iterus for which dcsigned, or ln such otber class
components, as is apDropriittc.

Eaatildes General Purpose Containers, Shipping and Inal,uiles Orosses; Sacs; tr'ur Plates ; X'ur l{ats.
storage reusable/repairable coltainers specially 8S30 Leather
designed for components of aircraft, space vehicles' Inel,uiles Garment Leather; Patent Leather; Glove
automotive velricles, ships, autl ground communica- Leather; Shoe Leather; Upholstery Leatirer; In-
tion equipment. dustrial Leather,
8145 Specialized Shipping and Storage Containers Ecalurles Belting ; Shoe I'intlings.
Norm.-l'hls class lnciudes onl) reu-sable and repalrable 83S5 Shoe !'indings and Soling iVlaterials
contairrers Fpecially designed for shiDpiDg end storage Inel,uiles Counters; l'aps; Shoe f-aces; Irasts and
of speciallzed equipment; 1,c., sbipping and storlge
eont&lners for components of aircraft, -spae€ Yehlcles' Last Sole Patterns; Ornanental Shoe Buckles and
autornotlYe vehlcles, ships, ground (oDrnul}lcation equip' Bows,
mert, etc. 8340 Tcnts and Tarpaulins
Incl'ud,es Specially designed cotrtponents (not else- NorE.-Fitted covers *hich are sDeclflcally deslgned
where classifiable) peculiar to speeial shipping and for use on or siltr specifie indiridual types of equipment
are €xclu{led from this class and rre to be classified in the
storage containers as delimited untler this class. same classes as tlie items for $hich they are deslgued, or
Eocl'ud,es General purpose containers; specially ln sut'h other classes as are approprtate,
designed containers for amlnunition, nuclear ord' Includes Tent Pins; 'Ient Poles; Multiple purpose
nance, explosives, military chemical agents and covers of \r-oyen or uuwovell fabrics, not for per-
guided missile components. Excluded from this class manent iDstallation.
are items for which more specific classifications are
suitable. The ['SC Indexes and Structnre will govern 8345 Flags and Pennants
the classification of those items permitted classifica- Includes Signalling Flags; n'lagstaffs; Signal
tion in a single class only. Shapes; Flagpoles; Flagstaff Trucks; Speed Cones;
Flag-s1s6 Belts ; Semaphore tr'lags.

Texliles, Leather, Furs, ABparel and Shoe Findings, Tents and Clothing, lndividual Equipment, and lnsignia
Note,-\1'here applicable, clothing items which are intended for use
8305 Textile Fabrics by both men anil rvomen are classified in the appropriate "men's"
Norn.-Thls cltrss lncludes only textlles in bulk, Ex-
eluded from thls elass are ltems that are precut or 8405 Outerwear. Men's
preformed, thus limiting their usefulness to specific ap- Ittclud,es Uniforms, l\{ilitary and Nonmilitary;
plicatlons. Such ltems are classified in the same class as
the ltem or items for which deslgned, or ln such ottler Civilian Outerwcar; Ileadwear; \York Clothing
class as ls.appropria.te. (ordinary Nonsafety) ; Shirts; Trousers; Coats,
Inoluitres Canvas Nfaterials; Plastic X'abrics; Felt Ercluiles Items included in other classes suctr as
Materials; Netting, Plastic and l.exl.ile; Oilcloth; Special Purpo,se Clothing; Helmets, Steel and
I'extileScrap. Plastic; Safety Clothing ; Ilandwear; Footwear.
Eool,udes Carpeting. 8410 Outerwear,Women's
8310 Yarn and Thread Inclrrd.$ Uniforms, llilitar5 and Nonmilitary;
E315 Notions and Apparel Findings Civilian Outerwear; Headwear; 'Work Clothing
(Ordinary Nonsafety) ; Shirts ; Skirts; Elouses.
Inatrudes Buttons; Dressmakers' Pins ; Needles ;
Eaeludes Items included in other classes such as
Shoulder Pads; Embroideries; Stanped Art Goods
Speeial Purpose Ciothing; Helinets, Steel and
for Embroidery and Art Needlervork; I'Iair Nets; Plastic ; Safety Clothing; Handwear; Footwear.
Sewing Kits.
8415 Clothing, Speeial Purpose
Eoclud,es Yarn; Thread; General Purpose Buckles.
NoTE.-Thls class lncludes conyeltlonal wlnter, sum-
8320 Padding and Stuffing Materials mer, and intermedlate fligbt clothing ensembles and thelr
Incl,uiles n'eathers and Downs, Processed; Spanish components. Dxcluded from this class are speclalized ant!
exposure, antigrtyitL parfial pressure, and full pressure,
Moss, Processed; Cotton \Yatlding and Batting; flight ensembles and their speclallzeal components.
Kapok. Includes Special Purpose Eleadwear, inclucling
E acl,uiles fj'eathers and Downs, Unprocessed. Helmets, except Ballistic Protective; Safety and

Federql Supply Clqssificotion


Live Animals Fuels, Lubricants, 0ils, and Waxes

9110 Fuels, Solid

8810 Live Animals, Raised for Food
Inal'wd,es Ration Ileating Tablets; Cordwood;
8820 tive Animals, Not Raisetl for Food
Charcoal ; Briquettes ; Coke,
Eocl,uil,es Peat.

GROUP 89 9130 Liquid Propellants and Fuels, Petroleum Base

NorD.-Tbls claes lDcludes llqulal propellants wltb Eore
Subsistence thaD 6070 or blgher p€troleum content.
Note.-Subsistence items which are specifically
prepared for dietetic Incl,ud,es All Aviation Gasoline; JP-l, 3, 4, and 5
use are classifetl in Class 8940. Nondietelic foods' even
though they
Jet Ir'uel; Combat lrehicle and Automotive Gasoline
bear the same approved item names as corrcsponding dietetic (all types and grades) ; Liquid Propellants, Bulk;
are classified in Classes other than 6940'
Liquid Propellants, predetermined to speciflc
8905 Meat, PoultrY, and Fish quantity and qirality, packaged in reusable con-
Includ'es Game Birds ; Shellfish ; Sausage Casings' tainers.
8910 Dairy Foods and Eggs Solict Propellants; Liquitl Propellants'
eneased in consumable containers, for insertion
Inal,*ilas Ice Cream; f,"rozen Custards; Ice Cream
lUixes: Rennet; Milk Sherbets; Ices' into missile propulsion sJsterns as integral patts.
8915 Fruits and Yegetables 9135 Liquid Propellant Fuels and Oxidizers, Chemical
Incl,aales Baked Beans; Juices.
NorE.-Thls class tnclualeB llquld DropellaDts with more
8920 Bakery and Cereal Products tba 50qo or bi8her cheEical coDtent.
Inotrud'es flour; Prepared n'lour; Prepareal Cereals; Incluiles Liquid chemicals designed exclusively for
Maearoni' use as propellant fuels and oxidizers; Liquicl Pro'
8925 Sugar, ConfectionerY, and Nuts pellants, Bulk; Liquitt Propellants, predetermined
Incluiles Candv ; Chewing Gum; Honey; l\{aple to specific quantity and quality, paekaged in re-
SiruP. usable containers,
Eccludes trIultiple-use chemicals, such as Nitrogen,
8930 Jams, Jellies, and Preserves
Technical ; Ammonia, Technical; X'urfuryl Alcohol'
8935 Soups and Bouillons Tecbnical; Aniline, Technical; Solitl Propellants;
8940 Special Dietary Foods and Food Specialty Prepara' Liquid Propellants, encased in eonsumable con-
tions tainers, for insertion into missile propulsion systems
Incl,udes Infant X'oods; Potato Chips; Prepared Pie as integral parts.
and Cake n'illings. 9140 Fuel Oils
8945 Food, Oils and Fats Inatrudes Light Burner X'uels; Diesel tr'uels ; Kero-
8950 Condiments and Related Produets sine; l\Iilitary Specification Type Residuals; Special
Inotuil'es Salad Dressings; Spices; Seasonings; and Eleavy Grade Turbine Vessel Propulsion n'uels;
Flavoring Extracts ; Ieast; Olives. tr'ederal Speeification lleavy Burner X'uels; Bunker
"C" Commercial Grade tr'uel; fleavy Fuel anrl other
8955 Cofree, Tea, and Cocoa Black (Boiler TJpe) Fuels; Illuminating Oils.
Incl,uil'ee Postum; Yerba Mate; Cbicory.
9150 Oils and Greases: Cutting, Lubricating and Hv-
8960 Beverages,Nonalcoholic draulie
Incl,udes Soft Drinks; Ice. Incluiles Petrolatum, excePt USP.
8966 Beveragee,Aleoholic E ocluites Rust Preventive Compounds ; Antlselzing
Inal'uil,es Beer; lilhisky ; Wine; Liqueur. Compounds ; Petrolatum' USP.
Eaal'uil,es Sacramental Wine and Medicinal grade 9160 Miscellaneous Waxes, Oils, anil Fats
Brandy, Whisky, and Wine.
Inctuit'es Animal, Yegetable, and Petroleum Wares;
8970 Composite Food Packages 'Wool Grease (Lanolin) Tallow; Marine Oils; Coeo-
Inalud'es Ration Packs and Emergency Ratlols; nut Oil; Soap Stoek; Essential Oils, except USP or
CARE Packages. NX'grades,
89?5 Tobacco Products Eocl,uitres Edible I'sts and Oils; Elousehold and
Inalil.itres Snufi ; Cigarettes ; Cigars. Automobile Waxes,

Federql Supply Clqssiflcotion

9660 Precious Metals Primary Forms 9gz0 Smokers' Articles and Matches
Inatrudes Bullion ; Ingot.
Inal,utles Cigarette Lighters; Lighter tr'luid; Pipe
Eocludes Precious Metals for dental use. Reamers; Ash Trays; Totrocco gumidors; Paekagetl
96?0 Iron and Steel Scrap Cigerette Paper.
9680 Nonferroue Metal Scrap Eocl,uitres Ash receivers and llghters specifieally
designed for installation in or on equipment.
9925 Ecclesiastical Equipment, Furnishings, and Supplies
anil Identification Incl,uil,es Vestments; Altars; Communion Sets;
9905 Signs, Advertising Displays,
Ecclesiastical Candelabra ; Chalices; Patens; Altar
Cloths; Ecclesiastical Statuary ; Sacramental Wine.
Inel,uil'es Ellectric signs; Sign Boards; Displav
Stands; Mannequins and other display forms; 9930 Memorials; Cemeterial and Mortuary Equipment
Printetl Signs; General Purpose Identification Tags and Supplies
and Blanks, Nonpersonal; Plates and Tags for
specific applications. Incl,udes Grave Markers; Burial Vaults; Burial
Urns; Caskets; Burial Boxes I Morticians' Supplies;
9910 Jewelry
Monuments; Casket Shipping Cases.
Incl,uales Jewelers' tr'inilings; Precious Stones, Cut;
Costume Jewelry; Natural Gems and Ornamental Eacl,udes Hearses ; l{ortuary Refrigerators.
Stones, CUL
Eooluitres Watehes; Clocks; Tableware: Scientiffc 9999 Miscellaneous Items
fnstruments ; Toilet Articles ; Smokers' Articles. Irl,cludes Only ttrose items which cannot conceivably
9915 Collectors'ftems be classified in any existing classes.
'Works of Art; Coins;
Inal,uitres Stamps ; Rare Books ;
Antiques. DSA70-71?r

US GoVEilflErr ?$rtn6 ofnCErlg',. o42aiz7

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