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Decision Support System—DSS

Levels of Managerial Decision Making

Information quality (IQ) is the quality of the content of information systems. It is

.”often pragmatically defined as: "The fitness for use of the information provided

: Information has three dimensions

?Time: How up- to-date is information? Can it be used for real-time reporting

Content: Is the information correct in every detail? Does the information

?contradict other trusted resources

.Form: Information should be provided in a form that is easy to understand

Decision Structure
Structured Decisions  

Often called “programmed decisions” because they are routine and there are
usually specific policies, procedures, or actions that can be identified to help
”make the decision“This is how we usually solve this type of problem

Unstructured Decisions  
Decision scenarios that often involve new or unique problems and the individual
has little or no programmatic or routine procedure for addressing the problem
or making a decision

Semi-structured Decisions  
Decision scenarios that have some structured components and some
.unstructured components
Decision Support trends
Personalized decision support


Information retrieval

Data warehousing

What-if scenarios


Business Intelligence Applications

Components of a Decision Support System

:The three main components of a DSS framework are

Model Management System .1

User Interface .2

Knowledge Base .3

Model Base
A software component that consists of models used in computational and analytical
:routines that mathematically express relations among variables. Spreadsheet Examples

Linear programming

.Multiple regression forecasting

.Capital budgeting present

Applications of Statistics and Modeling
Supply Chain


Product and Service Quality

Research and Development

?What is MIS
A management information system (MIS) is an information system used
for decision-making, and for the coordination, control, analysis, and visualization
of information in an organization. In a business setting, the ultimate goal of the
use of a management information system is to increase the value and profits of
.the business

: MIS vs DSS

Management Reporting Alternatives

:Four major reporting alternatives are provided by such systems

.Periodic Scheduled Reports •

.Exception Reports •

.Demand Reports and Responses •

.Push Reporting •

online analytical processing (OLAP)

OLAP enables managers and analysts to interactively examine and manipulate

large amounts of detailed and consolidated data from many perspectives. OLAP
involves analyzing complex relationships among thousands or even millions of
data items stored in data marts, data warehouses, and other multidimensional
.databases to discover patterns, trends, and exception conditions
Geographic information systems (GIS) and data visualization systems
DSS uses geographic databases to construct and display maps and other graphic
.displays, Often used with Global Positioning Systems (GPS) devices

It uses visualizing to represents complex data using interactive, three-dimensional

graphical forms (charts, graphs, maps)

DVS Tools helps users interactively sort, subdivide, combine, and organize data
.while it is in its graphical form

?What Is a Decision Support System Used For

.A decision support system involves an interactive analytical modeling process

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