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Knitted Christmas Gnomes

Scandanavian Style Knitted Christmas Gnome

Materials and Notes: Abbreviations:
Double Knitting Yarn K = Knit
Red, Grey, White P = Purl
3.5mm needles KF/B = knit into
Toy stuffing, front and back
Cotton wool or loose of stitch
pompom for beard tog = together

Legs (make 2)
Cast on 6 stitches in grey
Knit 1 row
KF/B (make 1 in first stitch) knit 4, KF/B. (8
KF/B, knit 6, KF/B. (10sts)
Knit 1 Row
KF/B, knit 8, KF/B. (12sts)
Knit 3 rows.
K5, K2tog, K5. (11sts)
Join 1st colour stripe(white) and purl to end
of row.
4 rows of st st (Knit row, purl row, knit
row, purl row)
Join 2nd stripe colour(red) and knit 1 row.
Purl 1 row.
Continue working in st st in 2 row stripes
carrying yarn up sides
For 15 sets of 2 so 30 more rows.
Cast off leaving long tail to stitch leg, stitch
together and stuff lightly, you made need
to stuff as you stitch up the leg I used a
pencil to push down but do not overfill so
they can be bent into shape better.

Designed and Written by Neats, copyright 2018

Knitted Christmas Gnomes

Body – worked in red

From hereon M1 = Knit into front and back
of same stitch.
Cast on 17 stitches
Purl 1st row Inc 1 st at each end(Purl into
front K into back) (19sts)
K1 M1 K5 M1 K4 M1 K4 M1 K1 – then purl
1 row (23sts)
K2 M1 K8 M1 K8 M1 K2 – Purl row (26sts)
K2 M1 K8 M1 K1 M1 K1 M1 K8 M1 K1 –
purl row (31sts)
K2 M1 Knit to last st M1 – purl row (33sts)
K2 M1 K27 M1 K2 – purl row (35sts)
K2 M1 K29 M1 K2 – purl row (37sts)
Knit row, Purl row, Knit row, Purl row
K10 K2tog K13 K2tog K10 (35sts)
P10 P2tog P11 P2tog P10 (33sts)
K10 K2tog K9 K2tog K10 (31sts)
P9 P2tog P9 P2tog P9 (29sts)
Cast off 2 sts beg next row, with one st on
needle continue across to K5 K2tog K3
K2tog K3 K2tog K6 K2tog (23sts)
Cast off 2 sts purlwise, P5 P2tog P3 P2tog
P6 P2tog (18sts)
(K2tog) 3 times (K2 K2tog) twice (K2tog)
twice (11sts)
P2tog P7 P2tog (9sts)
Cast off 9 stitches.
Sew body and stuff lightly with more at
bottom so it sits flattish.

Arms – work 2
Cast on 6 sts in grey, Knit 1 row
M1 K4 M1 (8sts) knit 1 row
K3 M1 K4 (9sts) knit 2 rows
Change to red and Knit 1 row
P3 P2tog P4 (8sts)
Work in stocking stitch for 14 rows in main
colour red.
Pull yarn through stitches to cast off.
Lightly stuff and stitch up same way as the

Designed and Written by Neats, copyright 2018

Knitted Christmas Gnomes

Nose – worked in white

Cast on 3 sts in white
M1 K1 M1 (5sts)
M1 K3 M1 (7sts)
Knit row
K2 M1 K4 (8)
K3 M1 K4 (9)
Knit row
K2 tog K5 K2tog (7st)
K5 K2tog (6st)
K2tog K2 K2tog (4st)
K2 K2tog (3sts) K1 K2tog and pull thread
through remaining 2 sts.
Work your needle round edge of the piece
and pull tightly to form a bobble/ball.

Hat – worked to grey

Cast on 38 stitches
K1 P1 to end of row,
P1 K1 to end of row,
K1 P1 to end of row (3 rows in moss stitch)
Knit 1 row, Purl 1 row, Knit 1 row dec 1 st
at each end of row(36sts)
From here on every other row is a Plain
Purl row so starting with a purl row cont as
Row 2: K10 K2tog K5 K2tog K5 K2tog K10
Row 4: K9 K2tog K11 K2tog K9 (31sts)
Row 6: K2tog K7 K2tog K9 K2tog K7
Row 8: K2tog K11 K2tog K10 K2tog (24sts)
Row 10: K2tog K5 K2tog K6 K2tog K5 K2tog
Row 12: K2tog K4 K2 tog K4 K2tog K4
K2tog (16sts)
Row 14: K5 K2tog K2 K2tog K5 (14sts)
Row 16: K2tog K4 K2tog K4 K2tog (11sts)
Row 18: K2tog K1 K2tog K1 K2tog K1 K2tog
Row 20: K2 K2tog K3 (6 sts)
Row 22: K2tog 3 times (3sts)
P2tog P1, thread yarn though rem stitches
and fasten off.
Stitch seam to form hat.
Complete sewing up and bend legs to sit
on ledge. For the beard use cotton wool,
wadding or a loose pompom whichever
you prefer the look of.

Designed and Written by Neats, copyright 2018

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