Part B. Reflection - A Philosophy of Food, Part I - My Food Philosophy

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My Philosophy of Food

Upon reflection of all 64 of Michael Pollan’s food rules, I have come to the conclusion

that my personal food philosophy revolves around an objective to consume less processed,

refined foods that contain excess amounts of added sugar but to eat more natural foods that are

better for my gut health.

I completed the responses for Weeks 2 to 6 of the first part independent of each other and

chose a food rule that I most identified with in each section, but found that they can all correlate.

Processed foods often contain excess amounts of added sugar. Most junk foods have various

types of added sugar and preservatives with scientific names that are difficult to pronounce, some

of which I may not automatically identify as sugar. If I do want to indulge my sweet tooth, I

should reach for foods with natural sugar in the supermarket and avoid the junk food aisles. All

of this connects to the last point about eating what makes my gut feel good. Processed, sugary

foods are fun to eat and give me a sugar high, but if it makes my digestive system feel awful, was

it worth eating at all?

Grocery shopping during the pandemic gave me an opportunity to focus on what my food

philosophy truly is. Especially during the height of the pandemic, grocery shopping was an

anxiety-inducing process. My goal was to shop as efficiently and quickly as possible. This

allowed me to focus on what food I prioritized, usually fresh produce, canned goods, and

non-perishable items. I didn’t make a stop at the junk food aisle. I had less opportunities for

physical activity outdoors, so it was better for my health to eat less junk food, but it would also

benefit my gut health and digestion to eat less sugar and greasy foods.

To put my food philosophy into action, I intend on cooking my own food more often

using natural ingredients and less refined sugar and unhealthy fats. If I cook my own food, I will

know what ingredients I put into it, unlike processed foods with extensive ingredient lists. My

focus should be on cooking with healthy, natural foods that are better for my gut health.

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